Feature Extraction For Machine Learning Based Crackle Detection in Lung Sounds From A Health Survey

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Feature Extraction for Machine Learning

Based Crackle Detection in Lung Sounds

from a Health Survey
Morten Grønnesby1, Juan Carlos Aviles Solis2, Einar Holsbø3, Hasse Melbye2,
Lars Ailo Bongo3*
1 Department of Medical Biology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, N-9037 Tromsø,
2 General Practice Research Unit in Tromsø, Department of Community Medicine, UiT The

Arctic University of Norway, N-9037 Tromsø, Norway.

3 Department of Computer Science, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, N-9037 Tromsø,

*Corresponding author: email: [email protected]; telephone: +47 920 155 08
Background and Objective: The stethoscope is a well-known and widely available diagnostic
instrument. In recent years, many innovative solutions for recording and viewing sounds from
a stethoscope have become available. However, to fully utilize such devices, there is a need for
an automated approach for detecting abnormal lung sounds, which is better than the existing
methods that typically have been developed and evaluated using a small and non-diverse
Methods: We propose a machine learning based approach for detecting crackles in lung sounds
recorded using a stethoscope in a large health survey. Our method is trained and evaluated using
209 files with crackles classified by expert listeners. Our analysis pipeline is based on features
extracted from small windows in audio files. We evaluated several feature extraction methods
and classifiers. We evaluated the pipeline using a training set of 175 crackle windows and 208
normal windows. We did 100 cycles of cross validation where we shuffled training sets between
cycles. For all the division between training and evaluation was 70%-30%.
Results: We found and evaluated a 5-dimenstional vector with four features from the time
domain and one from the spectrum domain. We evaluated several classifiers and found SVM
with a Radial Basis Function Kernel to perform best for our 5-dimensional feature vector. Our
approach had a precision of 86% and recall of 84% for classifying a crackle in a window, which
is more accurate than found in studies of health personnel. The low-dimensional feature vector
makes the SVM very fast. The model can be trained on a regular computer in 1.44 seconds, and
319 crackles can be classified in 1.08 seconds.
Conclusions: Our approach detects and visualizes individual crackles in recorded audio files.
It is accurate, fast, and has low resource requirements. The approach is therefore well suited for
deployment on smart devices and phones or as a web application. It can be used to train health
personnel or as part of a smartphone application for Bluetooth stethoscopes.
Keywords: lung sounds; machine learning; crackles classification; stethoscope; feature

1 Introduction
The stethoscope is a well-known and widely available diagnostic instrument. Health care
personnel routinely use it to listen for abnormal sounds in the lungs to establish a diagnosis.
Even though lung auscultation is a very old technique, recent technological advances in the
fields of hardware, acoustics, and digital sound analysis and classification gives new
possibilities that should be further explored. This is reflected by the many new commercial
solutions for recording and viewing sounds from a stethoscope, such as the Bluetooth solution
for smartphones from Eko Devices (https://ekodevices.com/), and the MIT mobile stethoscope
[1]. However, these solutions do not have automated approaches for detecting abnormal sounds
in lung sounds, that can easily be integrated with smart devices and phones.
Crackles are short, explosive nonmusical sounds heard mostly during inspiration [2]. These
sounds are present in lung and heart related diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD), pneumonia, heart failure, and asbestosis. In these diseases, the presence of crackles
helps to stablish a diagnosis [3]–[5]. These diseases represent a major public health problem.
In 2012, over 3 million deaths were caused by COPD which represented a 6% of the total deaths
in that year [6]. Recent reports [7] state that 23 million people worldwide have a diagnosis of
heart failure.
The use of lung auscultation in the diagnosis and treatment of disease has been questioned lately
tool-or-outdated-relic, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/10592653/Stethoscopes-
on-their-way-out.html). This, due to concerns about the subjectivity of the technique and the
introduction of new diagnostic technologies like ultrasound and CT-scans. However, the use of
lung sounds in the investigation of disease has advantages in terms of costs and availability. In
addition, lung sounds have the ability to reflect rapid changes, and are therefore useful in
evaluating treatment responses, home monitoring, and maybe predicting exacerbations of
disease [8]–[10].
Detecting crackles in lung auscultation is challenging for two reasons. First, the (crackle) signal
to noise ratio is low in a sound file since crackles have a short, 5-40ms, duration. Second, other
sounds are very similar, such as the stethoscope touching clothing or chest hair. Current
approaches for automatic detection of crackles in lung sounds have shown promise and they
have achieved high specificity and sensitivity for small test data ([11], [12] provides reviews,
CORSA [13] recommends standard for terms and techniques). Most are rule based [14], [15],
and hence detect crackles using a set of predefined parameters that have been extracted from a
small set of sample audio files using signal processing techniques. Recently several machine
learning based approaches, based on for example SVMs and Neural Networks [16]–[20] have
been introduced. These have the advantage over rule based methods that the classification rules
are automatically learned from the dataset. However, these have also been trained using small
datasets, often with cases selected among patients with known lung diseases.
Machine learning based classification such as automatic speech recognition [21] and automatic
acoustic event detection [22] is a very active research field with widely used solutions.
However, such generic approaches are not well suited to detect abnormal sounds such as
crackles, since these are considered as noise to be ignored by these applications.
Here we describe our machine learning based approach for automatic crackle classification in
lung sounds. We train our model using lung sounds recorded in a large health survey that
represents the general population. This differs from earlier work, where the lung sounds are
often from a small number of patients with lung diseases. These features are fast to analyze and

hence they can be used to detect abnormal lung sounds in real time, for example during an
To train and evaluate our classifier, we selected 209 files classified by expert physicians to
contain crackles from a large reference database with 36054 sounds recorded for 6009 people
as part of a large health survey (Tromsøundersøkelsen 7,
Our analysis pipeline is based on features extracted from small windows in these files. The
approach is cheap, easy, and convenient to use. It only requires a stethoscope with a microphone
for recording sounds, and the sounds can be recorded in a clinical setting with background
noise. The sounds are uploaded to our server for analysis. We present the results in a web
application, using a visualization that shows the detected crackles in a sound recording, and
associated confidence scores for the crackles. The visualization is portable, and the results are
displayed using web technology so they can be viewed on mobile phones, tablets, and PCs.

2 Methods
Our approach provides automatic crackle detection and annotation in a user environment that
is readily accessible to health personnel and other users. A user records sounds using a
stethoscope with a microphone, and then uploads these to our server for classification and
annotation (Figure 1). The results are presented in a web application that provides an interactive
visualization for the end users. In addition, the results can be exported as Excel or comma
separated tabular text files.
We use supervised learning to classify sounds as either crackles or normal (not-crackles). Such
a machine learning method can classify big datasets without intervention from a human expert.
Our supervised approach requires prior knowledge in the form of a pre-classified training set
with crackles and normal sounds. We select crackle specific features using sounds from a large
reference database with expert classified lung sound recordings. The patterns in these are then
summarized as a feature set. The features are used to train a model used to classify sounds as
either normal or crackles. There are several methods for feature extraction, and several
classifiers with associated learning methods. In addition, an important challenge when
developing a classification approach is to find and optimize the methods that works best for a
dataset. In this paper, we present and evaluate several feature extraction methods and classifiers.

Figure 1:Training data processing (top-down) and classification workflow (left-right).

Figure 2: Screenshot from Adobe Audition 5.0 used by the experts to classify the lung sounds in our reference

2.1 Data acquisition

We used a sample of sound files from adults participating in the Tromsø 7 study. The Tromsø
study is an epidemiological prospective study of health conditions and chronic diseases. To
investigate the validity of pulmonary auscultation as a diagnostic method, we recorded lung
sounds using an electret microphone (MKE 2-eW Gold, Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co.
KG) inserted at the tube of a stethoscope, 10 cm away from the chest piece. The microphone
was tuned to a sensitivity of -12 dB to reduce crackle like artifacts. For the first 300 persons,
we used a cardiology stethoscope (Littman Cardiology II, 3M corporation) and for the rest of
the participants we used a different model (Littman Classic II SE, 3M corporation). The reason
to change stethoscope was a better performance in terms of reduced low frequency noise. The
sound files were captured in Wave (.wav) format at 44.100 Hz sampling rate. We have not
processed the WAV files after recording. We asked the patients to breathe in and out with an
open mouth and deeper than normal. We recorded in six different locations in the thorax for a
period of 15 seconds in each case. In total we recorded 36210 sounds from 6035 individuals.
From these 45.2% were male. Because of the high attendance rate of the study (65%) we believe
that the random sample we took is representative for its age group in the area. Therefore, the
prevalence of heart and lung diseases are similar to that reported in the general population [23],
2.2 Expert classified reference database
We have started creating a reference database for lung sounds. The recordings are classified at
two levels. First, two observers independently classified each recording using Adobe Audition
5.0 to listen to the lungs sounds and inspect spectrogram visualizations (Figure 2). The
classification scheme had the following variables:
1. Abnormal sound

2. Inspiratory wheeze
3. Expiratory wheeze
4. Inspiratory crackle
5. Expiratory crackle
6. Other abnormal sound
7. Not classifiable
If there were any disagreements at the first step, the recordings were discussed in a meeting
between the 2 observers and a third expert on lung sounds. After a discussion, the final decision
agreed on, in a few was cases after voting. This dataset is multi label, so a sound file can contain
both crackles and wheezes. At the time of writing we have classified 8784 files, of which 333
have crackles (3.8%).
2.3 Manually created training sets with crackle and normal windows
To train the classifier we used the first 209 crackle files that were classified as either inspiratory
or expiratory crackles. The sounds already classified as containing crackles were plotted as
waveforms using Adobe Audition 5.0, and then one of the authors visually identified crackles
in the waveform and latter verified these by listening to the selected part of the file. Even though
the actual windows were not verified by other experts the whole recording was evaluated and
validated by at least two experts, so we believe most of these represents actual crackles.
For each crackle, we record the approximate start and end time. In total, we used 175 crackles
as our training set. We also randomly selected 208 parts that do not contain crackles from the
same 209 crackles files. These parts represent normal sounds.
2.4 Preprocessing: split file into windows

Figure 3: The signal in audio file is divided into smaller windows. Each window is either manually examined to
produce a training set, or sent to the classifier for automatic classification.

We first split the files into 92ms windows (Figure 3). Each 92ms window contains 4096
samples, with 50% overlap between windows. The overlap ensures that a crackle is not split
between two windows. The window size allows tracing abnormal sounds back to their location
in time, with acceptable accuracy. Dividing the audio into windows also limits the amount of
data that is analyzed at a time, which makes it easier for a machine learning algorithm to find
patterns. Finally, using a fixed window as a data point ensures that a data point is not
misclassified due to a lack of standardized data length and shape.
The 175 windows with crackles, and the 208 normal windows, are stored as one-dimensional
arrays that contains 4096 32-bit floating point numbers. The windowing is done at analysis
time, so the window size and overlap can be changed without (manually) generating a new
training sets. We considered using a Butterworth bandpass filter [25] to remove frequencies
above 2400 Hz and below 50 Hz since these do not contain crackle sounds. However, the
Butterworth filter did not improve our results, and it did not significantly improve execution
time. We therefore do not filter or do any other transformation of the sound in the windows.
2.5 Preprocessing: feature selection
To select the relevant features to build a model of crackles we evaluated several approaches.
Our goal is to find a feature set that provides both high precision and high recall. The latter
requires ignoring background noises and other additive noise such as tubing of the stethoscope
that sound like crackles. We describe and evaluate in detail the best approach; a 5-dimensional
vector of time domain and frequency domain features. Two, more complex, approaches are
discussed in Section 4.1.
2.5.1 5-dimensional feature vector
We achieved the best results for a 5-dimenstional vector with four features from the time
domain {variance, range, sum of simple moving average (coarse), sum of simple moving
average (fine)} and one feature from the frequency domain {spectrum mean}. These are scaled
to standardize each feature category across training observations. The advantage of using
simple summary statistic features is that they are easy to relate to the actual data. The
disadvantage is that a lot of information is lost using simple features.
We believe the time domain features work well with crackles due to their short-lasting
explosive nature. All time domain features are calculated for the 92ms windows.
Variance is a measure of the spread of a distribution. It is the average of the squared deviations
from the mean. Crackle windows have higher variance than normal windows due to their
explosive nature, and squared errors are naturally sensitive to outliers. Normal windows may
vary more in terms of zero crossing rate, but the spread is higher for crackles as they usually
contain more power, or have a higher amplitude, than normal breathing.
The range of an audio window is the maximum value subtracted from the minimum value.
Since crackles have an explosive popping noise, we believe the range of crackle windows will
be wider than normal breathing. This feature is highly dependent on feature scaling, as it is
highly sensitive to noise and other artefacts that may cause sudden high amplitudes in the audio.
The Simple Moving Average (SMA) gives an indication of how much the signal is changing
over the course of time. We have used two different granularity levels of this feature. The coarse
version calculates one sum for all values in an observation:
( )
𝑆𝑀𝐴 (𝑆𝑖𝑔) = ∑ |𝑆𝑖𝑔 − 𝑆𝑖𝑔 |
The fine version first calculates sums for a range of windows along the signal and then selects
the window with the highest amount of change:

𝑆𝑀𝐴 (𝑆𝑖𝑔 ) = 𝑀𝑎𝑥(𝑆𝑀𝐴 (𝑤𝑖𝑛 ), 𝑆𝑀𝐴 (𝑤𝑖𝑛 ) … 𝑆𝑀𝐴 (𝑤𝑖𝑛 ))
The frequency domain feature is calculated using a one-dimensional Discrete Fourier
Transform using the whole window. The complex component of the Fourier Transform is then
discarded, and only the real-valued part is kept (magnitudes) and the 0-frequency component
is shifted towards the center of the spectrum. After calculating the FT of the window and
keeping the magnitudes, we are left with a spectrum of the distribution of different frequencies
in the window.
The spectrum mean gives us an indication of the central tendency in the frequency domain.
Crackles that occur in breathing often carry more power in higher frequencies. The center of
the power distribution would naturally have a higher value for any windows containing
crackles, though we have observed that this is a tendency rather than a rule.
Feature Scaling is necessary since audio data is non-stationary and fluctuating, so each
recording might have a slightly different sound, gain, and noise. This ameliorates the effects of
outliers and divergences between observations, and all features are in a standard scale compared
with other observations. It is especially important with distance-based classifiers where scale is
important. We do feature scaling by standardization, that is calculating and subtracting the
mean, and dividing by the standard deviation of each individual feature. The standard scores
(distribution mean and standard deviation) is calculated on all the features of the training set,
and then applied to the test set.
2.6 Classifiers
We evaluated three classifiers for the 5-dimensional feature vector: SVM [26], KNN [27], and
AdaBoost [28] (Decision Trees).
2.6.1 Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are popular and widely used classifiers, and an SVM also
performed best on our features. The SVM separate our two classes, crackles and normal
windows, using a hyperplane that maximize separation between observations of the two classes.
The shape of the hyperplane is determined by a kernel function. We achieved the highest
classification accuracy using the Radial Basis Function Kernel. We find the positive constant
C, which controls the influence or cost of misclassification, using Grid Search that fit different
values for C to different classifiers and then selects the highest scoring classifier.
2.6.2 K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
The K-nearest Neighbors (KNN) method is a non-parametric, lazy method, that does not make
any assumptions about the structure of the underlying data, and it does not require a training
step. Class membership of an unseen data point is determined by the k closest training
observations in the feature space. We select k using grid search. We found that a small k
(between 2-4) gives distinct boundaries between two classes that have, as in our case, small
margins. We found that Euclidian distance performed best for our data.
We also evaluated dynamic time warping since it can work better for signals that differ in time
and speed, such as crackles. However, for our summary 5-dimensional feature vectors dynamic
time warping does not perform better than Euclidian distance. In addition, it significantly
increases the classification time.
2.6.3 Adaptive Boosting and Decision Trees
Adaptive Boosting, or AdaBoost, is a meta-classifier that uses a collection of classifiers of the
same type. The individual classifiers do not need to perform exceedingly well, if their prediction
is better than random guess (error rate smaller than 0.5). The idea is to iteratively train classifiers
that focus on the observations where previous classifiers went wrong by weighting these

misclassified observations more heavily than the correctly classified observations. The output
of the algorithm is a weighted sum of all the classifiers. Each classifier is weighted based on its
error rate.
2.7 Server implementation
The server is implemented in Python 2.7 using Scikit Learn [29]. We use Python and Sklearn
due to its flexibility and ease of use. The server is portable across different operating systems.
Our pipeline is single-threaded. Due to the low execution time of both training and
classification, we did not use optimized libraries or parallel execution.
2.8 Evaluation methodology
Each of the features was tested by running a train-validate cycle 100 times, and then averaging
the F1-score across all cycles. The train-validate split is done on the training set, consisting of
175 crackle windows and 208 normal windows. Each cycle splits the training set into 70%
training, which is used for training and grid search parameter tuning, and 30% validation. We
report the precision (positive predictive value), recall (true positive rate), and F-1 score
(harmonic mean between the two preceding measurements).
To measure the performance of our server we ran our server using cProfiler for Python 2.7.9 on
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, on a machine with Intel Core-i5-4570s, with four 2.90GHz cores and
6GB of DRAM.

3 Results
Our evaluation results provide answers to the following three questions:
1. How well do each of the five features individually separate between crackles and normal
2. Which classifier works best for our feature vectors?
3. What is the speed-performance of our server during training and classification?
3.1 Feature selection

Figure 4: Average F1-score for individual features. The vertical line marks the random guess F1-Score, and the
horizontal lines shows the standard deviation. The figure shows that a single feature is not good enough for crackle

The univariate feature scores are between 60-70% (Figure 4). A single feature is therefore not
good enough, but it is better than random guess. It should therefore be possible to combine
these features to get a better separation in a higher dimensional space. The scatter matrix in
Figure 5 shows the separation between normal and crackle classes. While there is separation
between classes, there is also overlap. This is also reflected in the classification results (Linear

SVM in Table 1), where we get high precision, but low recall due to the overlap of features,
which are not linearly separable.

Figure 5: Scatter matrix of the 5 feature dimensions of the training data. The yellow dots are normal observations,
and the blue dots are crackles. The diagonal shows a Gaussian Kernel Density estimation. There is separation
between the crackle and normal class but also overlap.

3.2 Classifiers
Table 1: Classifier performance on crackles.

Classifier Precision Recall F1-Score

SVM (RBF) 85.6 ± 6.1 83.6 ± 10.2 83.5 ± 3.6
KNN 84.4 ± 6.9 82.3 ± 11.3 82.5 ± 4.7
AdaBoost (Decision Tree) 82.7 ± 5.2 81.8 ± 8.3 81.9 ± 4.5
Linear SVM 88.7 ± 6.7 67.3 ± 8.6 76.0 ± 5.4
Dummy classifier (Stratified) 49.7 ± 7.7 49.7 ± 7.4 49.5 ± 6.8

SVM performs best in the cross-validation cycle results using all features (Table 1). We did a
grid search for each cycle and found that a radial basis function kernel with a C parameter
between 1000 and 2000 performed best. All classifiers performed better than a dummy
classifier that used a stratified sampling strategy, which means that the dummy classifier
chooses classes proportionally to the size of the two classes.
3.3 Server speed-performance
We trained the classifier in 1.44 seconds, including sequential grid search of 64 SVM parameter
combinations (192 fits). Using the trained model, we classified 319 windows in 1.08 seconds.
The model can therefore be used to classify crackles in real-time for example during lung

4 Discussion
We found that a simple 5-dimensional feature worked best with an SVM classifier. We have
also evaluated other feature extraction methods, including classifiers for these [30], [31].
The accuracy and reliability of our system is better than found in studies of health personnel
[32]–[35] (although health personnel have higher accuracy than reported in [32]–[35] using our
data (unpublished)). However, further research is necessary to determine the feasibility of
applying our method in the clinical setting. We therefore plan to compare the performance of
our system against the classifications of human experts using our full (large) data set. We also
plan to compare the results of our method with other approaches for lung function evaluation
such as spirometry and pulse oximetry, and to determine if our approach can improve care and
health outcomes.
4.1 Comparison to previous results
We have not been able to directly compare our results to previous approaches since the source
code and dataset are typically not available. However, our approach and results differ in several
ways to the eight [36]–[43] automatic crackle detection methods in a recent review [12].
The main difference is that we use data from a health survey that represents a general
population. In the previous work [36]–[43] data was from patients in hospitals. These studies
had lung sound recordings from 2-36 patients with crackles, but much fewer (0-6) recordings
from controls without crackles. The reported specificity and sensitivity ranges from not good
([43], 59% specificity, 24% precision) to extremely good ([38], 100% specificity, 98%
sensitivity). However, these results may be due to overfitting, and the class imbalance in the
training and test dataset. The results may therefore not be robust and therefore not transferable
to other datasets.
Previous automatic crackle detection methods can be split (as done in [12]) into two classes:
classification of single windows (segments) [36], [40]–[43] as we do, and classification of
higher level events that comprise several windows [37]–[39]. It is also possible to classify at
the file level.
We have two orders of magnitude more lung sounds than in [36]–[43], but we did not use more
than 209 recordings in this study. From these we extracted 175 crackles and 208 normal
windows and used these for training and testing. The number of windows is comparable to [36],
[37], [39] that used 50-400 windows. The number of features, and type of features differ both
in all previous work. We tested several of the features, some of which are descried in the
negative results section below, but we did not find that these improved the accuracy of our
method. Similarly, different classifiers are used. For example in [37] two classifiers that we
used, kNN and SVM, are evaluated..
4.2 Negative results: alternative feature extraction methods and classifiers
In earlier work [30] we evaluated two alternative feature extraction methods for our data. But
these did not perform as well as the simpler 5-dimensional feature described and evaluated
4.2.1 Short-Time Fourier Transformation (STFT)
We tried using the STFT spectrogram directly in an SVM classifier, but many dimensions
remain after a STFT. Therefore, we only use STFT as a preprocessing step to calculate the
spectrum mean of a window. One of the drawbacks of the STFT is the fixed window size, which
means that there is a tradeoff between either good time resolution or good frequency resolution.

4.2.2 Discrete Wavelet Transform
Discrete Wavelet decomposition (DWT) is an alternative to STFT. While STFT uses fixed sized
windows, the discrete wavelet transform vary the window sizes based on frequency. Higher
frequencies have smaller windows, while lower frequencies have larger windows. This gives
higher frequencies a better time resolution and lower frequencies a better frequency resolution.
For crackles, location and duration may be important, especially in reporting and visualizing
results of analyses.
4.2.3 Spectral Flux
Spectral flux is a measure for how quickly a signal changes over time. Spectral flux is calculated
by comparing a sliding window to the previous window over a normalized waveform. We use
the Euclidean Distance between the two windows. While spectral flux can be useful in onset
detection, there is very little information retained from a spectral flux measurement. We believe
it can be useful as a feature for detecting possible crackle candidates inside a larger audio file,
but it is less useful as a feature in crackle classification.
4.2.4 Mel Frequency Ceptrsal Coefficients
Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) feature extraction is widely used in speech and
music recognition [44]. The MFCC greatly reduces the dimensionality of the training data, but
it has been designed and used for speech recognition. For crackle detection, the sound of interest
is a short, explosive, non-musical sound. The MFCC represents spectral envelope of the signal,
which is good for recognizing linguistic characteristics, but crackles do not adhere to these
4.2.5 Spectrogram Image Analysis
An alternative approach for crackle detection is to convert the sound signal into a spectrogram
and then use image analysis techniques. In [39], crackles are classified by extracting features
from the elliptical pattern of a crackle in a spectrogram. We tried to replicate the results by
calculating the spectrogram of a signal using the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) and
then a histogram equalization to increase the contrast of the spectrogram. Further we used
thresholding to normalize each value to either 0 or 1.
Even though we could replicate the spectrogram processing techniques, we could not accurately
detect the elliptical structure of the crackle present in our spectrograms. We believe this is due
our normal sounds having similar elliptical patterns that are not distinguishable from crackles.
We did not have the data used in [39], so we could not do a direct comparison, so we could
check if this was since we used STFT instead of the bio22 wavelet decomposition used in [39].
4.2.6 Summary
These alternative approaches to feature engineering provided useful classification results, but
not as good as the simpler 5-dimenstional vector. We believe important challenges for crackle
detection of sounds recorded in a clinical setting (or other settings such as home monitoring)
includes a low signal to noise ratio, crackle-like noise artefacts, and irregular loudness.
Therefore, preprocessing methods that reduce the influence of noise and better techniques for
locating potential abnormal sounds in larger audio files, such as finding potential ~20ms
crackles within an audio file of 15sec, are just as important as feature engineering.
4.3 Improvements for per file and per person crackle detection
In the above approach and evaluation, we have localized individual crackles in audio files. The
methods cannot be applied directly to classify individual files and persons as either normal or
having crackles for three reasons. First, our lung sound recordings are about 15 seconds and
hence have about 300 windows (92ms, 50% overlap). Our methods do not have the specificity
to avoid detecting at least one false positive among these windows. Second, we did not consider

the natural class imbalance. Only about 5% of the recordings in our reference database (and
hence population) have crackles. Training and evaluating on a synthetically balanced data set
will introduce a higher false positive rate as it leads to a natural overestimation of the prior
probability of a crackle. This is basically a tradeoff between false positive rate and sensitivity,
as it can be hard to increase the one without also increasing the other in imbalanced data. Third,
even healthy people may have some crackles. We can reduce the false positive rate by
improving our methods, or by training these on a larger training set. In addition, we can use
higher level information for interpretation of a file. First, the analyst may consider the number
of crackles and their distribution in a recording. One, or a few, crackles in a recording is
typically not of interest. Second, crackles do not occur randomly but in relation to breathing
phases. Most crackles happen at an inspiratory phase and sometimes at an expiratory phase. We
can therefore eliminate false positives that happen between breathing cycles. Using Parzen
Windows (Kernel Density Estimation) [45], [46] to estimate the probability density function of
a part of the signal, and then comparing the different estimates to find breathing phases.
4.4 Applications for our approach
Health workers routinely listen to lung sounds through stethoscopes during general
examinations or when patients indicate respiratory distress. Such lung auscultations are an
important method for physicians in decisions on treatment and referral for ultrasound or MR.
However, auscultation is a subjective method and improper treatment and referrals accumulate
an increased time and monetary cost. Training physicians is a challenging task because of
varying perception of sound and lack of common terminology, though the latter have come
more into focus for pulmonary experts. Because of these challenges, better tools for training
are required and a gold standard of abnormal lung sounds is greatly needed. Training physicians
using such tools, would help them to more accurately diagnose and decide a course of treatment
and referral. Our approach can be used in training tools to automatically detect and highlight
crackles in waveforms and spectrograms (similar to [47]). Similar visualizations are also
possible to use in a smart phone application connected to a Bluetooth stethoscope as an aid for
clinicians (and other people) using a stethoscope. Finally, a better set of tools for detecting
abnormal lung sounds could also be used for self-monitoring of especially at home patients
with chronic lung diseases.
4.5 Conclusion and future work
We have presented a machine learning based approach for detecting crackles in sounds recorded
using a stethoscope as part of a large health survey. We evaluated several feature extraction
methods, and classifiers using 209 files from a dataset with 36054 sound recordings. A simple
5-dimenstional vector and a SVM with a Radial Basis Function Kernel performed best. We
achieved a precision of 86% and recall of 84% for classifying a crackle in a window, which is
more accurate than found in studies of health personnel. The low-dimensional feature vector
makes the SVM very fast and it can classify lung sounds in real-tome. We plan to verify that
our methods work well for lung sound recordings collected using other stethoscopes,
microphones, and recording environments. We believe the approach is therefore well suited for
use in training of medical doctors, and for deployment on smart devices and phones. However,
further research is necessary to determine the feasibility of applying our method in the clinical

5 Acknowledgments
Anne H. Davidsen og Raimonda B. Einarsen for help classifying the recorded files, and Hans
Pasterkamp for help in classifying difficult cases.

6 Conflict of interest statement
The five authors have a commercial license for the approach described and evaluated in this
paper. LAB co-founder of the Medsensio AS company that provides tools for lung sound

7 Human rights statement

The Tromsø study was approved by the Norwegian Data Inspectorate and the Regional Ethical
Committee of North Norway (REK). Only the sound files, and variables classifying the sounds
were used, and identification of the participants was not possible.

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