Magneto-Optical Tracking of Flexible Laparoscopic Ultrasound: Model-Based Online Detection and Correction of Magnetic Tracking Errors
Magneto-Optical Tracking of Flexible Laparoscopic Ultrasound: Model-Based Online Detection and Correction of Magnetic Tracking Errors
Magneto-Optical Tracking of Flexible Laparoscopic Ultrasound: Model-Based Online Detection and Correction of Magnetic Tracking Errors
Abstract—Electromagnetic tracking is currently one of the most the constantly changing imaging plane, and a lack of
promising means of localizing flexible endoscopic instruments
such as flexible laparoscopic ultrasound transducers. However,
awareness of the transducer tip location (the tip needs to be
electro- magnetic tracking is also susceptible to interference from constantly observed in the laparoscopic camera images in
ferro- magnetic material, which distorts the magnetic field and order to avoid inadvertent injury) [1]–[3].
leads to tracking errors. This paper presents new methods for Several groups have tried to address some of these issues by
real-time on- line detection and reduction of dynamic providing navigated laparoscopic ultrasound: the position and
electromagnetic tracking errors when localizing a flexible
orientation (“pose”) of the ultrasound transducer is estimated
laparoscopic ultrasound trans- ducer. We use a hybrid tracking
setup to combine optical tracking of the transducer shaft and so that its shape and B-scan images can be visualized in rela-
electromagnetic tracking of the flex- ible transducer tip. A novel tion to the patient, other surgical instruments, or preoperative
approach of modeling the poses of the transducer tip in relation and intraoperative imaging data. This can provide great
to the transducer shaft allows us to re- liably detect and support to surgeons using laparoscopic ultrasound in cancer
significantly reduce electromagnetic tracking er- rors. For
staging, radio frequency ablation, and other diagnostic and
detecting errors of more than 5 mm, we achieved a sensi- tivity
and specificity of 91% and 93%, respectively. Initial 3-D rms therapeutic procedures.
error of 6.91 mm were reduced to 3.15 mm. To estimate the pose of a transducer with a rigid tip, a robot
Index Terms—Electromagnetic tracking, hybrid tracking,
or an optical tracker (OT) may be used [4]. In the latter case, a
image-guided surgery, laparoscopic surgery, optical tracking. rigid optical marker can be attached to the transducer handle to
assure its continuous visibility. Several groups have also tried
to lo- calize rigid laparoscopic instruments in laparoscopic
I. INTRODUCTION images by using advanced image processing techniques [5]–
[9]. However, the laparoscopic transducers most commonly
U LTRASONOGRAPHY is an appealing technology to used and preferred by surgeons have a flexible tip that can be
physicians because of its noninvasiveness, wide avail- steered left, right, up or down. The tip can also be bent by
ability, flexible handling, and low cost. Having been used external pressure from organ surfaces. Due to the missing line
primarily for diagnosis in the past, intraoperative and laparo- of sight to the flexible transducer tip, an OT cannot be used
scopic ultrasonography today play a greater role in abdominal exclusively to localize this tip. A robot could only be used if
surgery. The liver, biliary tract, and pancreas are the main the flexible ultrasound probe is fully integrated into the end-
application areas of intraoperative and laparoscopic effector. To the authors’ knowl- edge no such system exists.
ultrasound, for instance to detect liver lesions such as Promising alternatives are the use of an electromagnetic
metastases. Unfortu- nately, the success of laparoscopic tracker (EMT) localizing a sensor attached to the tip [10]–[12]
ultrasonography is operator dependent; for novice surgeons in or fully incorporated into the tip [13], or a magneto-optical
particular it is often difficult or even impossible to detect tracker, i.e., the combination of an OT and an EMT [14]–[16].
target objects such as common bile duct stones When using an EMT clinically, a significant problem is the
intraoperatively [1]. The major reasons given for this are the distortion of the magnetic field, which leads to tracking errors.
missing tactile feedback, the difficulty of in- terpreting This distortion can be caused by metallic or electrically
laparoscopic ultrasound images, a limited degree of powered objects inside or close to the working volume, for
positioning through the trocar access, disorientation caused by instance sur- gical instruments, an operating table, or imaging
devices such as a C-arm or a computed tomography scanner.
Depending on the operating room setup and instrumentation,
Manuscript received June 09, 2008; revised October 13, 2008. First
published February 10, 2009; current version published May 28, 2009. tracking errors of several millimeters or even centimeters can
Asterisk indicates corresponding author. occur [17], [18]. To compensate for erroneous measurements
*M. Feuerstein is with the Department of Media Science, Graduate School caused by stationary objects, various calibration techniques
of Information Science, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan (e-mail:
[email protected]). have been proposed [19]. They usually require the user to
T. Reichl, J. Vogel, J. Traub, and N. Navab are with the Chair for Computer acquire a set of well distributed (distorted) measurements
Aided Medical Procedures and Augmented Reality, Technische Univer- within the tracking volume and cor- responding (undistorted)
sität München, 85748 Garching, Germany (e-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). reference measurements to compute a field distortion function
Color versions of one of more of the figures in this paper are available that is based on lookup tables or poly- nomials. Unfortunately,
online at this function can only compensate for
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMI.2008.2008954
Authorized licensed use limited to: T U MUENCHEN. Downloaded on May 27, 2009 at 19:48 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
In the following section, we describe all required system
cal- ibration steps in order to detect and correct magnetic
tracking errors when the flexible tip of the laparoscopic
ultrasound trans- ducer is in the close vicinity of ferromagnetic
and/or electrically conductive material.
A. Offline System
The main purpose of all system calibration steps is to bring
the local coordinate frame associated with each instrument,
op- tical marker, or magnetic sensor into the same world
coordi- nate system, chosen here to be the OT coordinate
frame (see Fig. 3). Furthermore, all tracking and video data
streams need to be tagged with time stamps and
synchronized; see our pre- vious work incorporating temporal
calibration [23], [24] for fur- ther details. Finally, our new error
estimation methods require an exact modeling of the
transducer axis as well as possible trans- ducer tip movements.
This is described in Sections III-A4 and III-A5.
1) Laparoscope Camera Calibration: During laparoscope
calibration, the camera projection geometry including
distortion coefficients and the transformation from
the camera frame to the coordinate frame of the optical
marker on the la- paroscope (via the coordinate frame of the
optical marker on the telescope) are estimated. This can be
done by using stan- dard camera and hand–eye calibration
techniques based on a planar checkerboard pattern and is
described in more detail in various publications, for instance
in our prior work [26]. For hand–eye calibration, see Section
III-A3. It is important to note that the rotational offset, which
is introduced when rotating the oblique telescope shaft around
its longitudinal axis against the camera head, needs to be
corrected for. An elegant solution to this problem was
proposed by [27]. Instead of attaching a ro- tary encoder to the
camera head to determine the current rota- tion angle of the
telescope, we use the OT to estimate the rela- tive rotation
between the optical markers on the telescope and laparoscope,
similar to [28].
2) Laparoscopic Ultrasound Calibration: For the
determina- tion of the pixel scaling of the ultrasound B-scan
plane and the transformation between the plane and
the coordinate frame of the magnetic sensor on the transducer
tip, a single-wall calibration as proposed by the Cambridge
group is performed [29]–[31]. We acquire ultrasound images
of a nylon membrane stretched over a planar frame and
immersed in a water bath [32], so that the nylon membrane is
imaged as a fairly straight line that can be automatically
where The model has to be computed only once, when the magnetic
sensors are attached to the transducer.
Fig. 9. Validation of the transducer tip model. In relation to the distance of the tip from its neutral position (in millimeters), we compared 171 tip poses not
used for model generation to their corresponding poses computed via the model, in terms of (a) their translation difference in millimeters and (b) their rotation
difference in degrees. For example, for the tip pose represented by the first data point on the axis, the transducer tip is bent 3.7 mm away from its neutral
position, and we measured a deviation of 2.7 mm and 1.0 from the modeled pose.
marker and one magnetic sensor each rigidly attached to the
transducer shaft.
Intraoperatively, every measured pose of the magnetic
sensor on the shaft is transformed by applying (1). The error (7)
corre- sponding to the transformation is computed using (2), 2) Model-Based Approach: Dynamic field distortions,
consid- ering the translation error or the rotation error caused by e.g., moving instruments close to the sensors, are
only, or a combination of both . The respective error particularly difficult to reproduce, because the variation in
can be used as a distrust value, which is compared to a field strength is usually not shift invariant (i.e., disturbances
selectable threshold to reject data of the magnetic sensor on affect the field strength nonuniformly at different locations) as
the tip as probably dis- torted. The surgical staff can be already described by [20] and [21]. Hence the magnetic field
automatically warned of pos- sible errors. at the sensor on the shaft is often distorted in a completely
b) Error Correction: As the magnetic sensor on the shaft different direction and magnitude than at the sensor on the tip,
is in close proximity to the one on the tip, both sensor mea- even though the sensors are placed close to each other. This
surements will most likely be affected by any magnetic field makes the simple, redundancy-based error estimation approach
distortions. As long as the main error component measured at unreliable (for experimental results, refer to Sections IV-E and
both sensors is the same, it may also be partially corrected like IV-F).
static field distortions. A simple approach to approximate a a) Error Detection: Another, more sophisticated approach
cor- rection of erroneous measurements is to transfer for error estimation requires a previous calibration and
deviations de- tected at the magnetic sensor on the shaft to the modeling of the possible transducer tip movements (see
one on the tip: We can compute the distortion of the Section III-A5). In the absence of distortions, the
measurements on the shaft and undo this distortion on the tip measurements of the magnetic sensor on the tip can be
provided assumed to lie on the previously mod- eled cardioid of
that the distortion field is fairly constant for the two sensors. revolution-like shape, reducing their DOF from six to two (
As the sensors can be rotated relative to each other we need to and ). Because the true motion of the tip is con- strained to
com- pute this distortion relative to the fixed OT (world) those two DOF, we can exploit the redundancy of the
coordinate frame. remaining four DOF. If measurements do not lie exactly on the
Therefore, the rotational and translational parts of the devi- cardioid of revolution-like surface, we can deduce poses
ation between the previously calibrated (“calib”) and the cur- similar to the measurements but lying on the surface that are
rently measured (“meas”) transformation on the shaft can be likely to be closer to the true pose of the sensor.
applied to the measured transformation on the tip to obtain The model is built relative to the optical marker, which
cor- rected (“corr”) transformations is attached to the transducer shaft, and is not influenced by
magnetic field distortions. Therefore, only the previously
determined static transformation and the tip
model parameters (compare Section III-A5) are needed when
optimizing and by the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm.
After optimization of the model angles and , we can
com- pute the remaining distance between the modeled and
the un-
corrected pose of the magnetic sensor attached to the tip. With TABLE I
a perfect model in an error-free environment it would always MAGNETO-OPTICAL CO-REGISTRATION RESIDUAL ERRORS BEFORE AND
be possible to find model angles and such that the MEAN, SD, RMS VALUE, AND MAXIMUM ARE GIVEN FOR EACH CASE
modeled pose is identical to the uncorrected pose. Thus, a
deviation be- tween these two poses can be used as a distrust
value in order to warn the surgical staff about detected
b) Error Correction: For error correction, we simply re-
place the measured, uncorrected pose of the sensor attached to
the tip with the pose on the modeled surface that was
previously computed to be closest to the distorted pose.
3) Vision-Based Correction: As the intrinsic and extrinsic
camera parameters of the laparoscope and hence the spatial lo- TABLE II
cation of the image plane are known, another approach to im- 2.5, 5.0, AND 7.5 MM. THE AREA UNDER CURVE (AUC), MAXIMUM
prove the tracking accuracy of the magnetic sensor mounted YOUDEN INDEX , BEST THRESHOLD, TRUE POSITIVE RATE
on the tip is to automatically localize the transducer tip in the (TPR), SPECIFICITY (SPC), MINIMUM FALSE POSITIVE , AND
im- ages of the laparoscope camera and adjust the measured
sensor pose by an in-plane transformation accordingly. This
correc- tion transformation can further improve the results of
the model- based error correction method, especially in
correcting errors in- troduced by calibration inaccuracies. For
our work on this topic see [24].
In the next section, we describe our evaluation of all system
calibration and error estimation methods.
is 1.10 . In practice, this error only partly results in an links of the bending region or a rotation around the instrument
additional position error, but theoretically, over the estimated axis can still occur, which is not modeled by the current
distance of design. Particularly when bending the transducer tip to extreme
366 mm from the magnetic sensor to the optical marker on the poses,
transducer shaft, for every 0.1 , there may be an additional po-
sition error of 0.6 mm. At the sensor attached to the tip the
same effect would only cause an additional position error of
0.07 mm because of the much smaller distance.
C. Transducer Axis
During axis calibration the rms residual error of one calibra-
tion, i.e., the distance of the collected position measurements
from the optimized cylinder surface, ranges from 0.57 to
1.03 mm with a mean value of 0.74 mm using 1.3 mm sen-
sors (performing six calibrations). We also inserted a 1.8 mm
Ascension sensor into the end of the plastic cylinder instead
of a 1.3 mm sensor. This sensor yielded better results of
0.23–0.80 mm with a mean value of 0.42 mm (performing four
D. Transducer Tip
We experimentally evaluated three important errors related
to the transducer tip motions: the residual error during
computa- tion of the model, the residual error using the
computed model, and the repositioning error (independent of
the model).
First, we estimated the remaining residual error of the
poses used for computation of the model parameters (see
Section III-A5). For models determined from five pose sets the
rms error ranges from 0.58 to 1.28 mm with a mean value of
0.94 mm for translation and from 3.48 to 3.89 with a mean
of 3.66 for rotation.
We next verified the accuracy of the model for another 171
poses that were not used for computation of the model (see
Fig. 9). We measured the deviations of the poses from the the-
oretical model curve in relation to the distance of the tip from
its neutral position; a distance of about 75 mm corresponds to
at least one of the two steering levers pulled to its maximum
posi- tion. The rotation error stayed approximately the same
(rms was
3.22 ), but the translation error was higher (rms 3.50 mm).
We assume the higher translation error to be due to the fact
that the bending region of our ultrasound transducer proved to
be not ideally elastic, i.e., a slight translation within one of the
the bending region is exposed to large mechanical pulling
forces that could cause an additional translation or rotation of
the tip. During our experiments, a Bowden cable broke twice
when we pulled the two levers to extreme positions, so it
seems that the bending region is not designed for such
positions. We also re- ceived a report from our clinical partner
that intraoperatively the transducer is maximally bent away
from its neutral position by only about 50 mm.
In a third experiment, we estimated the repositioning accu-
racy of the transducer tip. We repeatedly moved the two
steering levers to the same position and acquired
measurements of the transducer tip using the temporarily
attached optical marker. To find out whether the order of
selection of the control levers influ- ences the positioning
repeatability as well, we also alternated the order of selection
of the control levers, e.g., first pulled the left lever twice and
then pulled the right lever once, or first pulled the right lever
once and then pulled the left lever twice. For each of four
different final lever positions, we computed the mean tip
position and the distances from this mean position. Averaging
over the four series, we obtained a mean distance of 1.32 mm
from the mean tip position with a standard deviation (SD) of
1.02 mm, minimum of 0.36 mm, and maximum of 3.76 mm.
In- dependently comparing the two orders of selection of the
control levers, we obtained a mean distance of 0.56 mm
between the first and the second final tip position. So we
assume that the overall repositioning variance is much more
significant than the vari- ance induced by an alternating order
of selection of the steering levers. The overall repositioning
variance obtained supports our assumption of the nonideal
elasticity of the bending region.
E. Error
For the evaluation of the error detection methods, we
517 distorted measurements, using a knife, a steel rod 10 mm
in diameter, and a power supply unit to create varying
distortions of the magnetic field. We could not identify their
exact grade of steel, but both the knife and the steel rod were
attracted to a magnet (in a similar way). The power supply
unit was heavily attracted despite being turned off. The knife
and steel rod were arbitrarily placed at a distance of about 3–
10 cm from the trans- ducer tip, sometimes interposed
between the magnetic field gen- erator and the magnetic
sensors, but most times not in the direct path between sensors
and generator. The power supply unit was placed next to the
field generator at a distance of about 30 cm, never in the
direct path between sensors and generator.
Fig. 10. Comparison of the detected magnitudes of error—using (a) the tracking redundancy-based approach and (b) the model-based approach—to the actual
error of the magnetic sensor on the tip (translation in millimeters in all cases). The actual error was determined via an additional optical marker temporarily
attached to the transducer tip only during our experiments. The identity function of the actual error is plotted as a dashed line to aid visual comparison. Our
comparison shows that errors detected by the model-based approach correlate better with the actual errors.
For each measurement we computed the translation from When predicting distortions, two sorts of errors are possible
the position of the magnetic sensor attached to the shaft (as (explained here for the redundancy-based method, the model-
measured via electromagnetic tracking, , and based methods follows similarly): A false positive (type 1
optical tracking) to its reference position (as computed via error) occurs when the distance between the calibrated pose
and optical tracking), which reflects the mag- and the measured pose of the magnetic sensor on the shaft is
nitude of error detected by our tracking redundancy-based
approach. We also determined the translation from the posi- above the threshold, but the measurement of the sensor on the
tion of the magnetic sensor on the tip (as measured via the tip is actu- ally not distorted, i.e., we erroneously reject data.
electromagnetic tracking, , and optical tracking) A false neg- ative (type 2 error) occurs when tracking data of
to its modeled position, which reflects the error detected by the sensor on the tip is distorted, but the distance between the
our model-based approach. In an ideal and error-free setting calibrated and measured pose of the sensor on the shaft is
both translations would be zero. Additionally, we computed below the threshold, i.e., we fail to predict the distortion.
the actual error of the magnetic sensor on the tip, i.e., the Similarly, we call correctly predicted errors “true positive” and
translation from the measured position to the reference correctly predicted absence of error “true negative.” Note that
position (as computed via and optical the error of magneto-optical coregistration is quite large (see
tracking), and compared it to both the errors detected by the Section IV-B) at the sensor on the shaft, so setting a low
redundancy-based approach and the model-based approach. threshold value will likely trigger false positives.
Fig. 10 depicts this comparison. For our set of distorted measurements we computed several
1) Correlation Coefficient: Both magnitudes of errors de- receiver operating characteristics (ROC) for predicting errors of
tected by the redundancy-based approach and the model-based
2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 mm.
approach correlate with the actual error of the magnetic sensor
Our error prediction is a classifier that computes a distrust
on the tip. As can be seen from Fig. 10, the magnitude of error
detected by the redundancy-based approach has a much lower value for the current measurement and then decides whether
correlation with the actual error (correlation coefficient 0.69) the measurement should be considered erroneous or not. The
than the one detected by the model-based approach com- putation of the distrust value is fixed [see (2)], but the
(correlation coefficient 0.95). threshold for comparison can be varied. Instead of picking only
2) Receiver Operating Characteristic: For both the redun- several ex- emplary thresholds, for all possible thresholds the
dancy-based approach and the model-based approach we can false positive rate and true positive rate are computed and
choose a certain threshold value and predict a distortion of the combined to form a curve. The ability of the redundancy-based
pose of the sensor on the tip if the detected magnitude of error and the model-based methods to predict erroneous
exceeds this threshold. measurements of the position of the magnetic sensor attached
to the tip is shown in Fig. 11.
Fig. 11. ROC curves for prediction of tracking errors of at least 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 mm. Each point on the curve represents the achievable performance for a
certain threshold, i.e., sensitivity (true positive rate) and specificity (1—false positive rate). The point with the highest sum of sensitivity and specificity (highest
Youden index) has been marked for each curve and may be considered the achievable performance of our error-detection method for each case. (a) 25 mm. (b)
5.0 mm. (c) 7.5 mm.
Fig. 13. Performance of (a) tracking redundancy-based error correction and (b) model-based error correction. The error remaining after correction is plotted
against the uncorrected error (translation in millimeters in all cases). The dashed line represents the original error without correction and has been added to aid
visual comparison.
overlay error is crucial e.g., for medical augmented reality performed the simple tracking redundancy-based approach
appli- cations. The latter additionally includes the camera with an rms error of 6.67 mm. Model-based error correction
calibration error and may be partially corrected using the proves to be functional, as the uncorrected measurements of
vision-based cor- rection approach presented in our previous the magnetic sensor on the tip had an rms error of 6.91 mm.
work [24], either ex- clusively or in combination with the error The orientation error, however, could not be improved (rms
correction approaches described here. 3.21 uncorrected and 3.37 corrected). This suggests that
1) 3-D Accuracy: When evaluating the performance of the either the orientation difference to the uncorrected sensor
magneto-optical co-registration, at the same time we evaluated should be weighted more heavily than it is now, or that the
the effectiveness of our proposed error correction approaches. model should be extended to better approximate rotation of the
For best possible comparison we assessed all errors simulta- transducer tip.
neously. We recorded 30 undistorted and 517 distorted For a comparison of both error correction approaches see
measure- ments, applied both the simple tracking redundancy- Fig. 13. Whereas the simple tracking redundancy-based error
based error correction (see Section III-B1) and the model- correction had a much wider variance as well as a poorer
based error cor- rection (see Section III-B2), and recorded all overall performance, the model-based error correction in most
distances to a ref- erence pose computed using cases could reduce the translation error to below 5 mm, even
and optical tracking. For the model-based error correction
for orig- inal errors in the centimeter range.
approach, the position difference of the modeled to the
However, probably due to the propagation of errors from
measured pose of the magnetic sensor on the tip (in
tracking, calibration, and modeling, for errors lower than ap-
millimeters) and the corresponding orien-
tation difference (in degrees) were weighted 1:3 [see (1)]. proximately 2.1 mm the model seems to give slightly worse
In the undistorted setting (see Table III) the magnetic sensor results than the uncorrected measurements of the sensor on the
on the tip had an rms error of 1.28 mm, the one on the shaft tip. The model-based error correction could thus be restricted
had an rms error of 2.92 mm, and the tracking redundancy- to cases where a relatively high error is predicted (for error
based error correction and the model-based error correction prediction see Section III-B2a).
had rms errors of 2.91 and 2.27 mm, respectively. 2) 2-D Overlay Accuracy: For assessing the overlay accu-
The tracking redundancy-based error correction performed racy in both the undistorted and distorted case, the ultrasound
almost exactly like the sensor on the shaft itself (for rotation it transducer was fixed in various poses and the laparoscope was
performed slightly worse). The model-based error correction used to observe the transducer tip from various angles and
performed better, although it was anchored to the optical distances.
marker on the shaft and part of the corresponding magneto- In the course of the experiments the transducer tip was
optical coregistration error presumably propagated into it. steered to different angles and the laparoscope was also rotated
In the distorted case (see Fig. 12 and Table III) the model- around its own axis. For distorting the magnetic field we again
based error correction with an rms error of 3.15 mm clearly used the steel rod with a diameter of 10 mm.
Fig. 14. Automatic segmentation of one retro-reflective sphere of the optical similar to an operating table. At the time of these
marker attached to the tip and projection of the position of the magnetic sensor
on the tip determined via various methods. Here, “Seg” refers to the position experiments, only the
of the segmented sphere, “OT” to the projection of the pose of the optical
marker attached to the tip centered in the sphere, “EMT” to the projection of
the un- corrected position of the magnetic sensor on the tip, and “CorrEMT”
to the projection of a corrected position of the sensor on the tip (corrected by
one of the above-mentioned methods). The metal rod was placed at a distance
of about
5 cm from the magnetic sensors to disturb the magnetic field. The image was
enhanced for readability.
As corroborated by our clinical partner, accuracy require-
ments in abdominal (laparoscopic) surgery are different than
in e.g., orthopedic surgery or neurosurgery. A discrimination
of about 5 mm is usually sufficient, since canalicular
structures such as vessels and bile ducts play a critical role if
they are 5 mm or thicker in width. A lymph node is considered
to be inflicted by a tumor if the diameter is more than 10 mm.
Accordingly, the measurements obtained for the undistorted
case as well as for the distorted case after model-based error
correction, both of which yielded rms error below 5 mm, are
certainly accept- able under clinical conditions.
Our results show that the model-based approach is clearly
superior to the redundancy-based method for error correction
as well as for error detection. This section presents a
comparison of our methods and results to related work. We
investigate the differences and suggest possible directions for
future research.
A. Error Detection
The authors in [20] and [21] mentioned that the variation
in field strength is usually not shift invariant, i.e., two sensors
mounted a certain distance apart are affected differently by
mag- netic field distortions. While this is essential for their
error de- tection methods, it significantly impacts our
proposed redun- dancy-based error detection and correction
[21]. We are able to achieve a higher sensitivity than [20] and
a higher correlation than [21].
For applications in minimally invasive surgery, the methods generator. One Sensor Setup: It is even possible to abandon
of [20] and [21] require instruments with a rigid tip where both the sensor
sensors can be mounted. It would be possible to place two sen- on the shaft entirely. The optical marker on the tip is then also
sors at the tip of our transducer, but the distance between those needed for construction of the model, but as in the current setup
must not be too small ([20] used 103 mm). Otherwise both
sen- sors might be within an area of similar field deformation
and affected too similarly to reliably detect deviations.
B. Error Correction
C. Future
Future work should include a quantification of the
robustness of the error correction methods proposed in this
The current system has been evaluated thoroughly in a
laboratory setup. In future work the integration of the tracking
systems into a clinical operating room setup should also be
evaluated, e.g., regarding tracker installation and sterilization
of tracking bodies and sensors, along with their precise repo-
sitioning to laparoscopic instruments. The same holds for the
integration of our proposed procedures into the surgical work-
flow, such as practical calibration and verification procedures
and user interfaces for surgical staff. The first goal in
particular could be achieved using integrated devices: for
instance, the optical tracking cameras could be attached to
surgical lights or the operating room ceiling, as done in our
previous work [26], while the magnetic field generator could
be integrated into the surgical table, like the flat transmitter
from Ascension. Magnetic sensors should also be entirely
integrated into the laparoscopic instruments so that no
dedicated sterilization
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Feussner and A. Schneider from Klinikum rechts der Isar for Hashizume, “A real-time navigation system for laparoscopic surgery
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