Algorithms and Ray Tracing For Tori Around Black Holes: Leela Elpida Koutsantoniou
Algorithms and Ray Tracing For Tori Around Black Holes: Leela Elpida Koutsantoniou
Algorithms and Ray Tracing For Tori Around Black Holes: Leela Elpida Koutsantoniou
output c
ESO 2020
August 31, 2020
Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics, Academy of Athens, Athens 11527, Greece
Department of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics, Faculty of Physics, University of Athens
Received ? ?, ?; accepted ? ?, ?
We present our study and results about accretion disks around stellar black holes. We build and solve the relativistic radiative transfer
equations and examine particle trajectories in the environment or moving with the disk. These particles have various velocity profiles
and absorb thermal radiation from the hot disk itself. We consider six different disk models, four opaque and two semi-opaque and
various velocity profiles, depending on the target’s location in each system. We then describe and explain the five families of codes
written for our newer expanded work and present various images and results for forces, black hole images, spin estimation and particle
trajectories that also include radiation contributions.
Key words. accretion, accretion disks – black hole physics – radiative transfer
1. Introduction Miller 1995. All these works consider a central source of pho-
tons, that is in some cases rotating. In more recent years, it is
Black holes have been for the past years, one of the most talked worth mentioning many years of work by Bini et al. (2009, 2011,
about subjects of Astrophysics, along with gravitational waves. 2015), who have given interesting results.
Pictures of these objects, their environments and their progeni-
Our work initially started by studying Contopoulos &
tors have been studied and discussed in length and efforts were
Kazanas 1998 and considering the Cosmic Battery model. This
made to further study these far away phenomena. Something
study states that radiation is not only causing various effects
however, that is often neglected and sidelined, could prove to be
on matter, but is in cases even enough to generate magnetic
of great importance to all these objects and their surroundings:
fields from zero, due to the Poynting–Robertson drag. This work
was later on revisited and extended in Contopoulos, Kazanas,
Radiation, along with its pressure and effects appear negli-
& Christodoulou 2006 and Contopoulos & Papadopoulos 2012.
gible in settings so dense and energetic as black holes, but one
Further on, it was used to examine the effects of radiation onto
should keep in mind that objects like these, are accompanied by
X-ray binaries and the evolution of the hardness-intensity dia-
accretion disks. These accretion disks are usually of a tempera-
gram in Kylafis et al. 2012. Our work continued on to study the
ture high enough to produce X-rays and large numbers of pho-
effects of radiation in the much more complicated environments
tons of this energy cannot be deemed unimportant or negligible
of hot radiating accretion disks orbiting BH in Koutsantoniou
at any case.
(2014) and then Koutsantoniou & Contopoulos 2014. We also
Noticeable effects of the Solar radiation, far inferior than a
examined the possibility and the capability of the radiation cre-
black hole’s X-ray radiation, were first described by J. H. Poynt-
ating magnetic fields from zero.
ing (Poynting 1903). Years later, H. P. Robertson (Robertson
1937) properly explained what is now known as the Poynting– Last but not least, we studied the work of Sadowski
˛ et al.
Robertson effect and cleared misconceptions that had puzzled 2016 and Sadowski
˛ 2016 that examine a variety of accretion
many great scientists, such as J. Larmor for years. This effect is disks and the effects of radiation and magnetic fields, along with
also called a drag because, even though the Solar photons are their feedbacks to these systems.
emitted radially outwards, they cause the dust grains in orbit ab- The current paper is a continuation of our previous works
sorbing them, to slowly brake and infall onto the Sun, the Earth but involves and also describes a great leap forward in both the
or any other close enough massive object. This force is a purely codes quality and effectiveness. The new integrations allow us to
relativistic effect and is proportional to the absorbing object’s az- use several different machines running codes and automatically
imuthal velocity. A simple non relativistic formula can calculate saving and sharing the results. Including a new process, there is
this force to good accuracy as the possibility to increase the codes resolution by 25 − 625 times
or in cases even more, by only doubling the execution time and
φ Vφ LσT Vφ that in only certain cases. This allows us to now run a vastly in-
fPR = − frad
=− , (1)
c 4πr2 c2 creased number of simulations compared to our previous work
and instead of having a sole target at each disk’s innermost sta-
where Vφ is the target’s azimuthal velocity.
ble circular orbit, hereafter ISCO, we spread absorbing targets
Moving towards our initial goal of black hole radiation, we
throughout the various systems, inside the disk, outside and if
must first look at important early work such as Abramowicz,
possible throughout it. We also greatly extend by leaving the
Ellis, & Lanza 1990 and Miller & Lamb 1993, 1996, Lamb &
equatorial plane and spreading the targets to all the sphere’s vol-
email:[email protected] ume from close to the vertical z-axis, all the way down to the
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equator. Finally, it is worth mentioning that in contrast to the rotating one. The second characteristic surface is the static limit
vast majority of BH studies, our fully ray tracing portion of our that constitutes the outer boundary surface of the ergosphere and
codes allows us to look very close to these objects. Even though can be found at the point where the gtt component changes sign:
this possibility makes ray tracing codes rather demanding, it al- √
lows us to get images of the BH and the accretion disk for radii rergo = M + M 2 − a2 cos2 θ. (7)
ranging from to 1.25M for rotating BH, up to 25M or more.
In this work, we start in §2 by providing the mathematical Finally, a noteworthy set of radii are the equatorial circular orbits
formulation necessary in order to set up and use the Kerr metric for massive particles and in particular the ISCO, that is given by
and the locally nonrotating frames and then the methods to study
particle trajectories and radiation effects. In §3 we present the h p i
various models of disks used in our work and the accompanying rIS CO = M 3 + Z2 ∓ (3 − Z1 ) (3 + Z1 + 2Z2 ) , (8)
physics. In 4, we present and describe the five different families
of codes written for our studies and show many new results from where
these studies. Finally, in 5 we summarize our conclusions about !1/3 "
the results and discuss the possibilities of future extensions. a 1/3 a 1/3
Z1 = 1 + 1 − 2 1+ + 1−
2. Mathematical Formulation r
We assume that the immediate environment around a rotating Z2 = + Z12 . (9)
and accreting black hole, hereafter BH, can be adequately well M2
described using the Kerr metric. This suggests that the space- and the upper signs refer to direct and the lower signs to retro-
time and its form are determined by the central compact object grade orbits. The ISCO starts from a value of rIS CO = 6M for
that is axisymmetric, uncharged and possibly rotating. We also a = 0 and for a = M, reaches rIS CO = M for a direct orbit.
assume that the test particle’s presence and motion do not affect
the spacetime form or the stress-energy tensor. We will hereafter
use the geometrized unit system in which c = G = 1 and assume 2.2. Locally nonrotating frames
the Einstein notation for summation over double indices. Space-
time components will be denoted by Greek indices and space The Kerr spacetime is stationary and axisymmetric but the cen-
components by Latin indices. tral object rotation introduces complexity in both the physics of
the problem and the mathematics required. First of all, the non-
diagonality of the metric introduces cumbersome algebraic cal-
2.1. The Kerr Metric culations when rising or lowering indices. In addition, physical
difficulties arise when examining locations within the static limit
The black hole and the spacetime it creates, can be fully de- and throughout the ergosphere. This is due to the fact that, there
scribed using its mass M and its spin parameter a. The Kerr met- cannot be static Boyer – Lindquist (hereafter BL) observers at
ric in Boyer – Lindquist (t, φ, r, θ) coordinates is then given by these points, since the t basis vector becomes spacelike.
ds2 = gαβ dxα dxβ = In order to simplify the calculations and remove the prob-
lems in the physics at points inside the ergosphere, we choose
= −e2ν dt2 + e2ψ (dφ − ωdt)2 + e2µ1 dr2 + e2µ2 dθ2 , (2) to introduce a new set or observers and work in that new frame.
where The best choice of observers is one where said observers rotate
with the spacetime geometry at the point we wish to study. We
Σ∆ 2ψ Asin2 θ 2µ1 Σ thus define the locally nonrotating frame (LNRF) or the zero
e2ν = , e = , e = , e2µ2 = Σ , (3)
A Σ ∆ angular momentum observer (ZAMO) at the point in question
with and describe the requested quantities using their projection on
the Minkowskian orthonormal frame of the local observer. If re-
∆ = r2 − 2Mr + a2 , quired, we can then easily switch the calculated quantities from
the LNRF into the BL frame. Quantities calculated in the LNRF
Σ = r2 + a2 cos2 θ , are denoted by using hats over the component indices, e.g. uα̂ ,
2 and quantities calculated in the BL frame are denoted by unhat-
A = r2 + a2 − a2 ∆sin2 θ , (4)
ted indices, e.g. uα . The transformation tensor Eαµ̂ and Eµ̂α be-
and the spacetime angular velocity given by tween the two frames has nonzero components
gφ t 2Mra
ω=− = , (5) ettˆ = eν , eφ̂t = −ωeψ , eφ̂φ = eψ , er̂r = eµ1 , eθ̂θ = eµ2 ,
gφ φ A
see Bardeen (1970) and Bardeen, Press, & Teukolsky (1972).
From the metric (2), one can determine the various charac- ettˆ = e−ν , eφtˆ = ωe−ν , eφφ̂ = e−ψ , err̂ = e−µ1 , eθθ̂ = e−µ2 . (10)
teristic surfaces present around a rotating black hole. The event
horizon arises from the pole of the grr component and is found Vectors uα and uµ̂ , and tensors T αβ and T µ̂ν̂ are transformed fol-
at the outermost root of the equation ∆ = 0: lowing the equations
revh = M + M 2 − a2 . (6) ua = eαµ̂ uµ̂ , uµ̂ = eµ̂α uα
The event horizon is thus a sphere of radius revh = 2M for a non-
rotating Schwarzschild black hole and revh = M for a maximally T αβ = eαµ̂ eβν̂ T µ̂ν̂ , T µ̂ν̂ = eµ̂α eν̂β T αβ . (11)
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Leela Elpida Koutsantoniou : Algorithms and ray tracing for tori around black holes
number along the world line of the bundle, we obtain that and for the frequency ratio, it is
kβ uβ obs
dN ν
= 0, (35) = , (48)
dλ ν0 kα uα |λ
which is the collisionless Boltzmann kinetic equation and hence (Younsi et al. 2012). Quantities with an accent such as ν0 above,
N is Lorentz invariant. The phase space volume is are henceforth considered measured in the local rest frame.
dV = d3 xd3 p = dAdth3 ν2 dνdΩ (36) Combining these, we have that
ds ν
and hence = −kα uα |λ . (49)
dλ ν0
N= 3 2 . (37) Eq. (45) combined with (42), (43) and (49) gives the differential
h ν dAdtdνdΩ
form of the invariant RTE equation as
Since the specific intensity is defined as
jν 0
hνdN = − kα uα |λ −aν 0 Iν + 0 3 . (50)
Iν = , (38) dλ ν
Integration of the above gives the solution for the Lorentz invari-
we can see that ant specific intensity
1 Iν Rλ
N= (39) Iν (λ) = Iν (λ0 ) e λ0 ν
a 0 (ζ) k uα | dζ
α ζ
h4 ν 3 Z λ 0 Rλ
jν (ξ) ξ aν 0 (ζ) kα uα |ζ dζ
and therefore the Lorentz invariant specific intensity is − e kα uα |ξ dξ (51)
λ0 ν03
Iν = = Lorentz invariant. (40) The optical depth can be calculated as
Z λ
The optical depth, used to count photon fractions, is a scalar τν (λ) = − aν 0 (ζ) kα uα |ζ dζ (52)
quantity and is thus invariant λ0
Fig. 4: Schematic of the frequency changes. A Doppler shift is used to move from the frame comoving with the emitting surface
to the LNRF at the radius of the surface, taking into account the emission source rotation. Then we move to the receiving particle,
accounting for two more changes in frequency, the gravitational time dilation due to the change of radial distance from the source
to the target and the different effects of frame dragging, again because of the change in radial distance.
compact object. They remain in a similar state for an indefinite the Eddington luminosity LEdd = 4πGMm p c/σT , then we have
amount of time and at some point later on, they start rising their an Eddington accretion rate
temperature and swelling up while reducing their density and
density gradient. From that point on, they can no longer be de- 4πGMm p
ṀEdd = , (61)
scribed by these opaque models but require usage of the semi- cσT
opaque tori models.
The latter group of tori, the semi-opaque ones, describes where G is the gravitational constant, M the disk mass, m p the
more common and familiar perhaps cases of accretion disks. mass of the proton, c the speed of light and σT the Thomson
There is a measurable density and temperature gradient. For cross section. Assuming a large enough amount of scatterings,
these cases, one must use a ray tracing process and solve the the disk material can be adequately well described by blackbody
RTE along the photon trajectory, calculating how much radia- radiation and then for the temperature it is
tion is produced by the hot material in every step and how much !1/4
of this is absorbed away by it. Depending on the direction and 3G ṀM
angle of motion of the travelling photon, it can be at times ab- T= r−3/4 , (62)
sorbed by the disk material and at other times, it can traverse part
of the disk without it being absorbed. This means that at some where σ the Stefan – Boltzmann constant (see Longair 2011).
points the disk is optically thick and at other ones, optically thin, Notice here however, the problem that arises if we simplis-
and hence the name semi-opaque. In these cases, effects such as tically hypothesize the above. If we assume that the accretion
limb darkening and transparency can be observed. luminosity of the object is equal to the Eddington luminosity,
the disk then cannot be geometrically thin. This is because, as
the accretion luminosity increases, the radiation pressure exerted
3.1. Optically thick accretion tori onto the material keeps getting larger and finally comparable to
In this paragraph we will describe the models we used for opaque local gravitational forces. As this happens, the disk keeps inflat-
tori. Some of these tori are built by assuming simplistic disk ing by gaining height and width and thus gradually turning into
cross section shapes, such as polygons. Others are more com- a geometrically thick and optically thin torus. The easiest way
plex and are built self-consistently by assuming that the material to bypass such problems, is to simply assume that the accreting
of the disk is supported and kept in place by its rotation. object only has a fraction of the Eddington luminosity
Optically thick accretion disks are in general geometrically
Ṁacc = ṀEdd (63)
thin. This is caused by the “inefficiency” of the radiation. Since
the material of the disk is opaque, the radiation transmitted by and thus, it is
its hot components cannot reach other, further away parts of the
disk. This results in each local material component to have a !1/4
significantly lesser “inflating” radiation pressure element than a T= r−3/4 . (64)
“deflating” gravitational force element. The result is an accretion 8πσ
disk of smaller geometrical thickness and a much larger pressure
gradient, specifically close to its outer surface. Finally, after having picked any of the disk temperature pro-
A matter of particular importance is the surface temperature files, we can have its effect on the emitted photon from
distribution we assume for these tori. For our calculations, we σS
considered two separate cases, an isothermal disk and a disk Iem = T (rem )4 , (65)
whose temperature follows T ∝ r−3/4 . The first case, albeit un-
natural, is the simplest possible, one could imagine and is thus where σS the Stefan – Boltzmann constant.
perhaps easier to understand and conceivably anticipate certain We should also mention here that although in the vast ma-
results. jority of accretion disk simulations and studies we assume so,
The second case is to assume that the disk temperature dis- the disk material in reality is in a far from stationary condi-
tribution is caused by the material accreted onto the central com- tion. There are increased amounts of turbulence, instabilities and
pact object. If we assume that the object’s luminosity is equal to other phenomena taking place, often in miniature scales, that are
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frequently ignored. One such phenomenon is the flow and dif- where Γαβρ are the Christoffel symbols that can be calculated
fusion of angular momentum throughout the various disk sec- from the metric (2), using the formula
tors. The main cause of this diffusion is considered to the ma-
terial viscosity and is treated in various ways, one of the best 1 αµ
Γακλ =
g gµκ,λ + gµλ,κ − gκλ,µ . (67)
known and more frequently used ones being the α-viscosity 2
method (Shakura & Sunyaev 1973; Abramowicz et al. 1988).
The torus we have assumed here, as the majority of tori in
This method however, cannot unfortunately be applied to all disk
works of this type, has negligible radial and poloidal velocity
models, such as in non α-disks, where other solutions must be
components, so (66) can be slightly simplified. We then get
for the acceleration components that
Another important phenomenon that is known and generally
mentioned in such works but ultimately ignored, is the existence at ≡ 0 (68)
of magnetic fields. Magnetic field effects usually give rise to very
important effects that affect the structure of the disk and deter- aφ ≡ 0
mine its evolution. One such important effect is for example the ∆
Σ − 2r2 t 2 #
2 φ 2
existence of magnetorotational instabilities (MRI) that can have ar = − M u − asin θu + rsin2
important effects, particularly on the distribution and flux of an- Σ Σ2
gular momentum throughout the torus and its diffusion towards sin θ cos θ 2Mr h t 2
( i2 2 )
the outer layers and components (see Balbus & Hawley 1991). a =− au − r + a u + ∆ uφ
2 φ
Σ Σ2
In our work, we have considered so far six different models
for optically thick accretion tori. Specified by their given names, The first two of the above equations are in accordance with
we have the models band, disk, slab, wedge, torus and opaque our initial assumption that the disk is stationary and axisym-
rotationally supported torus: metric respectively. The last two equations are what can give
the surface of constant acceleration, the isobaric surfaces us-
(a) Band: a ring that consists of a vertical surface of half-height h ing
(from its highest point to the equatorial plane) at the distance
of the respective ISCO for the selected spin parameter. The aα uα = 0. (69)
half-height h can be freely chosen without restrictions. The
ring radius can easily be modified. Using the above equations, this gives
(b) Disk: an infinitesimally thin disk at the equatorial plane. Its
Σ r r
inner radius is at the distance of the ISCO and its outer radius ar ur + aθ uθ = a u + Σaθ uθ = 0. (70)
at twice this distance. The innermost and outermost radius of ∆
the disk can easily be adjusted. This leads to the pair of differential equations
(c) Slab: a disk of half-height h from the radius of the ISCO to
a distance of three times the ISCO radius. The cross section dr Y
of the disk is a rectangle (fig. 5). The half-height h can be = √ ,
dξ Y 2 + ∆X 2
freely chosen without restrictions. The innermost and outer-
most radius of the accretion disk can easily be adjusted. dθ X
(d) Wedge: a disk whose cross section is an isosceles trapezoid =−√ , (71)
and is centered over and under the equatorial plane. Its inner
dξ Y + ∆X 2
radius is equal to the radius of the ISCO and its outer radius where
to three times that. The disk is constructed in such a way that Σ − 2r2 −1 2
an angle with its vertex at the location of the BH (the origin) X=M Ω − asin2 θ + rsin2 θ
extending outwards, reaches the ISCO cylinder intersecting Σ 2
where σn is the absorption cross section best chosen for the pro-
cesses under study. Moving forward on, we can find the corre-
sponding emission coefficient of the material by making use of
the thermal emission and blackbody radiation properties we have
for our assumed disk. The thermal emission assumption gives
that the emission coefficient is given by
2hν3 /c2
Bν (T ) = , (79)
exp (hν/kT ) − 1
where k the Boltzmann constant. Combining then the above
equations, we have for jν that
2hν3 /c2
jν (r, θ) = σν n (r, θ) . (80)
exp [hν/kT (r, θ)] − 1
Notice here however, that in the above equations, one could also
add shaping functions to modify the emission and absorption
of the material to study other disk models or perhaps different
physical properties. A more general form of the above functions
could thus be
to an outer radius router = 3rIS CO and has a maximum 4. Algorithms and codes
height htorus = rtorus = rIS CO . The center number density is
In this section we will present the codes we created and used in
ncenter = 1018 cm−3 and decreases to zero moving towards the
our work and explain their capabilities. We will also show many
torus surface. For this torus the product aν · 2rtorus is ∼ 1 − 5
results of the various studies we have performed in assorted se-
throughout the cross section. Images of the cross section are
tups of disk models, spin parameters and other. Before moving
shown in fig. 8.
along, the reader should be made aware of the fact that all of
(e) Translucent LFM torus: a translucent LFM torus of circular the codes used in our work and presented here, were designed
cross section. It is the same as the previous model, but with- in order to be executed in extremely limited computational re-
out its material absorbing any of the photons crossing it. sources. This has important consequences on the design, speed
and effectiveness required from the codes.
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Leela Elpida Koutsantoniou : Algorithms and ray tracing for tori around black holes
Fig. 7: Polish doughnut number density cross sections. The center of all tori lies at (12, 0) and has a number density of 1018 cm−3 .
The top row shows the disk for black hole spin parameters a = 0 and a = 0.5, while the bottom row for a = 0.9 and a = 0.998.
Fig. 8: LFM model number density cross section for any spin
parameter. The center of the tori lies at (2rIS CO , 0) and has a
number density of 1018 cm−3 .
The code named Omega was the first created in our work and
its first version was written in 2013. It is so far, one of the most
important parts of all following codes.
The code’s main goal is to find photon trajectories. It
works for a Schwarzschild and a Kerr spacetime, but it can
be easily modified in order to work in other spacetime mod-
els as well, e.g. Kerr – Newman, Reissner – Nordström, Fried-
mann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker etc.
The code studies various tori models which were referred Fig. 9: Accretion disks created from combinations of previously
and explained in §3.1 and §3.2 and some were also depicted in referred models: wedge & slab, torus & wedge, polish doughnut
figs. 5, 7 and 8. It is also possible to add new accretion disk & torus and polish doughnut & spheres.
models to the code. Adding disks resulting from a combination
of the previously mentioned models, is a quick and easy matter.
Examples of such tasks are shown in fig. 9. or energy is carried to the accretion disk material and the target
Omega solves the particle trajectory equations mentioned in particle.
§2.3 for a photon and finds the trajectory and the point of origin Depending on the environment in which it is used, Omega
of said photon. This point of origin could be on the hot accretion code can have different outputs. In its original form, which is vi-
disk, the black hole event horizon or a location outside and far sual, the program has an interface that allows the user to select
away from the system. If all that the photon trajectory intersects primary properties for the environment, such as the disk model,
with is the event horizon or the system exterior, then no radiation the black hole spin parameter and the disk height. Also, one can
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select important options for a trajectory, including its maximum server from each of the angles of the local sky. It then calcu-
length, its point of origin and angle of emission and the two lates the stress – energy tensor for the radiation and creates var-
emission angles ã and b̃. Finally, there are some additional op- ious images and sky maps of the radiation. It continues on to
tical options that include the choice of frame size of the visual run a procedure that increases the code resolution by a signif-
box and the depiction of obscured parts of the outer disk. The icant number of times (see fig.12). In our runs, we choose to
code’s dynamic output picture shows the black hole event hori- increase the resolution by five times but it is easily possible to
zon and its ergosphere, the accretion disk and the requested pho- change that to a higher or smaller number. It is also possible to
ton trajectory. The photon trajectory is drawn in different styles choose to run more than one applications of the process. This
and colors for escaping particles, particles infalling in the black was a rather hard procedure to create but was necessary, because
hole and particle trajectories starting from the accretion disk. In as mentioned in the beginning of this section, the available com-
addition, some trajectory information are displayed on the pic- putational resources are severely restricted and thus running the
ture, including the photon energy and angular momentum, the desired quality and amount of codes is not possible since that
trajectory’s Carter constant and the initial “TARGET” momen- would require many months or some years.
tum magnitude. Finally, at the bottom appear the requested ex- The program continues on to calculate the radiation flux and
periment “SOURCE” information, the received photon source force four-vectors applied on various observers. This includes
coordinates and the momentum magnitude at emission. All the observers at rest in the local frame, rotating with ω = ω (r, θ) (eq.
above can be seen in fig. 10. 5) as seen from infinity, observers in circular orbits moving with
Another version of the Omega code is available, where in- Ω (eqs. 15 and 74) depending on the selected disk model, ob-
stead of a single trajectory, a bundle of photon orbits are dis- servers on accreting material attempting to mimic the SANE and
played. Again, the photon orbit representation depends on its MAD models (Narayan et al. 2012; Penna et al. 2013; Narayan
origin, as described above. Since more than one orbits are dis- et al. 2003), and finally observers in two possible outflow re-
played in a single picture, no additional numerical information gions close to the system rotation axis and above a certain height
for the trajectories are displayed in this case. In addition to the (fig. 13). Let us note here that, even though we have made our
previous version’s options, in this one the user also has the extra choice on certain velocity profiles for the various disk models,
choice of how many photon orbits will be displayed. An example this can easily be adjusted to suit the needs of other disk models
of the code’s output image can be seen in fig.11 with different material velocities. Notice also, that such a change
The last Omega code version is the most plain, yet by far the would only affect the final step of the program, that only takes
most important one of all. It is not a code anymore but a func- a few minutes to run, and does not require for all the code to be
tion which solves the photon equations of motion and outputs re-executed from the beginning, something that would require
only numerical data and no visual information. It runs for a sin- hours or a day.
gle photon trajectory per execution and returns key information The program then concludes by outputting its results and cre-
for this trajectory. Firstly, it gives the existence or absence of in- ating various save files. Firstly, it incorporates its minimum and
coming radiation in the requested direction. It then also gives the maximum radiation values to the relevant files for each model.
precise photon trajectory numerically as well as the coordinates Then, it writes on the selected model’s four and three-force val-
of the emission source. The reason Omega is considered so im- ues files for the various observer velocities. It then goes on to
portant is because it is called and used by all almost all of the create the numerical raw data file for the simulation and a Moll-
subsequent codes we have created so far and is thus one of the weide map picture for the radiation of the specific observer lo-
most important parts of our entire work. cation. Finally, it creates a graphical output file that includes
Before moving on to the next family of codes, we should short but important information on the simulation it is describ-
mention here that even though Omega is built in order to study ing, along with several pictures of the important matrices for the
photon trajectories, it is fairly easy to modify it in order to make simulation. It also includes tables for the assorted profiles’ force
it follow massive particle trajectories. components and the radiation stress – energy tensor matrix.
In Table 1, we can see the amount of Infinity codes ran for
each model and spin parameter. In fig. 14, we can see some Moll-
4.2. Code Infinity
weide projection sky maps of the incoming radiation in the same
The Infinity code is the next step after Omega. Its first version models mentioned in Table 1. Also, videos of flights around and
was written in 2013 and it has had many improving versions if possible through the disk for all the models we studied, can
since. It started off as a code that would run and give the radiation be found on, under the name of this work’s creator
information about a single target at a single and specific point in "Leela Elpida Koutsantoniou".
space and is now an extended and fully automatic program that Continuing on, we can see figs. (19) – (24) and examine them
can run entire simulations for a large stream of different points in detail. These pictures show the 4-force components sign and
and situations that do not even require being of the same kind. magnitude at several points outside, near and inside (if possi-
It automatically creates various files, saving numerical data, im- ble) the various disk models mentioned in Table 1 and fig. 14.
ages and information possibly useful for other runs or aggregated Each line of these pictures refers to target particles belonging to
results. It also has another interesting ability worth mentioning one of the aforementioned velocity groups: “halo” includes par-
here. Infinity code can be stopped at any time during execution ticles moving only with ω due to the spacetime rotation, “disk”
and then restarted later on when the system is again available includes particles in circular orbits with speed Ω, “SANE” and
and the calculations simply continue on from where they were “MAD” refer to particles in inspiral orbits, attempting to mimic
left off. This is very useful in many instances, including cases of these two accretion situations and “outflow” refers to rotating
power outage. target particles that also have a radial velocity component point-
In the Infinity code, the user chooses a point of interest any- ing outwards.
where in the system under study and the program sets an ob- The first four lines of each picture are poloidal plots: the hor-
server there. It then scans the entire sky around said observer, izontal axis measures the cylindrical distance $ from the central
solving the RTE and returning the radiation reaching the ob- axis and the vertical measures the height z from the equatorial
Fig. 10: The control interface of the Omega code, as described in §4.1
Table 1: The number of Infinity code executions for the various disk models and spin parameters. The first four columns are some
of the opaque disks we described earlier. The slab is discussed in §3.1 (c), wedge in (d), torus in (e) and ORST in (f). The remaining
columns are two of the semi-opaque disks we mentioned in §3.2. PD can be found in (b) and LFM in (d).
close to the ergosphere, or for cases with large black hole spins Table 2: Declinations of the Tranquillity code estimation of the
(a ≥ 0.9). This is in agreement with the results presented in our disk inclinations for various black hole spins (columns) and in-
previous work Koutsantoniou & Contopoulos 2014. The third clinations (lines). The spin is shown in the top row and the in-
column shows the radial 4-force recorded for each disk model clination, set by hand for the disk, is measured in degrees and is
and it is also in qualitative agreement with the expected results. displayed on the first column. The values in the matrix are the
When the target is further out the disk, it receives more radiation errors in the Tranquillity code execution and are also measured
coming from its interior local sky hemisphere than its exterior in degrees. Two of the three worst cases of erroneous results,
one, and is thus pushed further outwards. For a target further in- caused by the echo ring, are shown here, but are still rather small.
side the disk, the opposite occurs: the outer hemisphere receives
more radiation than the inner one, and the particle is pushed to- 0.2 0.7 0.9
wards the black hole. The fourth column shows the θ- force in 0◦ 0 0 0
the poloidal plane and its effects on the system particles. No- 10◦ 0.396 0.191 0.071
tice that as expected, this force disappears in the equatorial plane 20◦ 1.247 0.683 0.554
and becomes negligible, the closer we get to the vertical rotation 30◦ 1.276 0.815 0.677
axis. In almost all the cases this force is negative, which means 40◦ 1.471 0.887 0.695
it pushes the material towards the rotation axis. In the very few 50◦ 1.200 0.917 0.667
cases where the force sign is positive, note that these points are 60◦ 1.249 0.776 0.555
in very close proximity to the ergosphere and can only see a 70◦ 0.987 3.874 2.002
small part of the sky around them. Hence, the received radiation 80◦ 0.534 0.348 0.370
is governed by the Einstein ring of the opposite side of the disk, 90◦ 0 0 0
across the black hole.
Some other important notes for these pictures are also the
following. First of all, even though the forces may seem small hole (fig. 15). Depending on what this ray will meet along its
or negligible, we should always keep in mind that these forces path, it returns information about its origin and the radiation re-
∼ 10−13 dyn act upon the electrons and therefore a mass ∼ 10−27 . ceived.
This means that the acceleration due to radiation is ∼ 1014 cm/s2 This code is similar to the aforementioned Infinity code but
and it is primarily acting upon the material electrons since is practically its complement. Elysium therefore has equal qual-
fe / f p ∼ (m p /me )2 . Also, the reader should be aware that the ity and quantity of capabilities, options and result information
large red and blue/green dots in the plots act in the same manner as Infinity (fig. 16). The difference of the two codes is literally,
as the diffuse colors and represent about half of the runs. These as well as figuratively, a point of view. Infinity starts at the sin-
dots are there only to help us distinguish between positive and gle end point of ray trajectories and integrates the equations go-
negative value forces when the colors are perhaps too faint to ing backwards in time in order to find if the intersecting light
see, e.g. close to zero, where the force colors approach white. pathway can possibly traverse a light source at any point inside
Finally, looking closely at these pictures, one can notice that the system in question. Elysium has multiple starting points, the
the t-force zero curves are not located at the same places as the “pixels” of the screen, and integrates in a normal way, going
φ-, r- and θ-force zero curves. This was not an anticipated event forward in time to see if an observer sitting at the pixel’s loca-
and it is worth mentioning explicitly since it gives rise to per- tion can see any part of the disk. There are various advantages
haps unexpected 3-force components close and through the disk. and disadvantages in both methods and depending on the type of
(High resolution images of these plots can be found in the elec- information required each time, we can choose the most appro-
tronic form of this work and can be zoomed in and studied better priate and fast code of the two.
and easier.)
4.4. Code Tranquillity
4.3. Code Elysium
Tranquillity code was written in 2019. Its main purpose was to
The Elysium code was written in 2014 and kept up to date and find the quickest way possible to have an estimation of the ac-
improved since. Its main goal is to design and create a record- cretion disk inclination and to see if an assessment of the central
ing screen a specifically user selected distance away from the black hole spin is possible.
black hole and accretion disk system. Depending on the selected The calculations for the inclination were rather successful,
program resolution, the screen has the corresponding amount of since the average declination was below 0.8 degrees for the 120
“pixels” and from each of those, a light ray is emitted perpen- cases of different inclinations and spin parameters examined (2).
dicularly to the screen and moves towards the disk and the black However, about 3% of the cases examined, gave inclination er-
Article number, page 14 of 40
Leela Elpida Koutsantoniou : Algorithms and ray tracing for tori around black holes
rors above average. The estimation errors were about five de-
grees or less, and were caused by specific conditions of the setup
that had a black hole first echo ring appear in very particular and
peculiar locations. The model selected for the accretion disk of
the object in question, does not appear to play any significant
part in the inclination assessment so far.
In fig. 17, we can see the divergence results given by the ex-
ecution of 120 runs of the Tranquillity code for an accretion disk
of varying inclinations, ranging from 0◦ up to 90◦ , compared to
the line of sight. An angle of 90◦ , means the disk is seen edge
on. The code was ran for inclination angles every 5◦ , plus runs
for an angle of 89◦ . There is a clearly visible trend for the diver-
gence evolution of the same black hole spin across the various
An important note here is that the disk model adopted plays
a very important part in the divergence calculations. Since the
inner edge of the disk examined can be at very different radii,
depending of the model examined, different disk models will
follow different divergence plots, directly affected by the disk’s
inner edge radius (see Abramowicz et al. 2010). This however,
Fig. 12: Three instances of the first version of the resolution en- does not prove to be an insurmountable problem, since it only
hancement process. The program was initially written in order to seems to cause a recalibration to the divergence plot.
improve the appearance of the output images. However, so much Finally, keeping in mind the very good quality of the afore-
attention and detail was put in it, that it proved to be good enough mentioned Tranquillity inclination results, one could use obser-
to improve the simulation results themselves. The program func- vational data for an estimation of the inner edge of the accretion
tions were thus rewritten in order to work in the appropriate way disk, and by moving vertically in the appropriate divergence plot,
to enhance the run results by a number of times. can have an assessment of the central black hole spin parameter.
Article number, page 15 of 40
A&A proofs: manuscript no. output
Fig. 14: Mollweide projection sky maps of the frequency integrated specific intensity. Each image shows the run results for a
different disk model. Below each image, the model’s color scale is displayed from minimum to maximum.
4.5. Code Burning Arrow commas used for partial derivatives. As in Newton’s equation,
the zero term on the right stands for the absence of acceleration.
The Burning Arrow code was first written in late 2019 and has Solving the above, gives the various geodesic solutions that de-
had some improved versions since. Its main purpose is to study scribe among others, special circular orbits such as the ISCO, the
the black hole massive particle orbit degradation due to the hot photon sphere etc. The above equation can also be rewritten as
disk radiation.
In order to study the particle motion, the code must solve the d 2 xµ α β α β µ
µ dx dx t dx dx dx
general relativistic equations of motion, equivalent to the Classi- + Γ αβ − Γαβ = 0, (83)
cal Newton’s Laws of Motion. Starting from the first law, in ab- dt2 dt dt dt dt dt
sence of general relativistic forces, the particle in question will by using the chain rule in order to have derivations by the coordi-
follow a geodesic through spacetime. This geodesic obeys the nate time x0 = t. This however has proved to be more prominent
equation to error accumulation in our work and so we choose to work with
the proper time equations instead.
d 2 xµ
+ Γµαβ uα uβ = 0, (82) The above equation gives later on, rise to the equivalent of
dτ2 Newton’s second law of motion and a way to calculate the ac-
α celerations present in a problem, such as those generated by the
where τ is the proper time, uα = dx dτ is the 4-velocity and radiation forces in our case. As in the Infinity code, we con-
µ 1 µν
Γαβ = 2 g gαν,β + gβν,α − gαβ,ν the Christoffel symbols, with sider different cases of velocity behaviors, such as the SANE
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Leela Elpida Koutsantoniou : Algorithms and ray tracing for tori around black holes
Fig. 15: Images that show the workings of the Elysium code. On the left is a run for a 7 × 7 pixels screen with j = 0.5, at an
inclination 45◦ . On the right is the center pixels column of a 100 × 100 screen with j = 0 at inclination 85◦ . The continuous lines
are light rays that intersect the accretion disk and thus carry radiation, while the dashed ones end up in the event horizon and the
dotted ones at infinity, attributing nothing to the radiation total.
and MAD models as mentioned before, in addition to the typical adding accretion and radial movement to the material. The aris-
Bardeen et al. 1972 angular velocity profile. ing radiation field close to the BH and the disk is studied from
In the beginning of the execution and depending on the study close up and in detail and new information is gathered about
requested, the code looks up into the Infinity code result files and such environments. The radiation forces, acting firstly upon the
reads the appropriate ones, relevant to each case. It then uses material electrons and then upon the protons (or ions), prove to
these results to generate proper functions that give the radiation be larger and stronger than expected and create accelerations far
stress – energy tensor at every point of spacetime used in the from negligible. This means that radiation effects should not and
problem at hand. This gives the 4-acceleration due to radiation cannot be ignored in calculations for such objects or similar se-
aµrad at each point from the extension of the aforementioned equa- tups.
tion as A matter worth perhaps looking further into, could be the
effects of these significant radiation forces in the dynamics and
d 2 xµ the stability of the disk itself. The modifications brought upon
aµrad = + Γµαβ uα uβ . (84)
dτ2 these systems could be noteworthy, since long considered con-
cepts such as the ISCO, must take radiation effects and perhaps
Since the radiation acceleration is known in spacetime from the corrections into account. Notice also that, since the codes writ-
previous results, one can solve these 8 differential equations and ten are adjustable, various other new accretion, temperature or
get the 4-velocity and 4-positions describing the sought particle radiation profiles could be studied.
trajectory. Another matter worth examining, is the radiation effects and
Finally, the last step for the code is to draw the evolution of possible consequences on outflowing material close to the ob-
the various velocity profile orbits. As an example, we show in fig. ject axis. Is the radiation perhaps of notable importance on the
18 the degradation of equatorial orbits, due to radiation from a very early stages of material outward movement? The disk radi-
semi-opaque LFM torus around a non-rotating black hole. These ation is also pushing the material closer to the rotation axis but
emitted massive particles start from various radii from the axes does it offer any significant contribution to the initial, albeit very
origin and thus encounter different environments of material and small, collimation of the outflow material? Finally, something
radiation density each. that could be considered, is the calculated radiation’s effects on
further, more complex subjects, such as the disk evolution in X-
ray binaries and the observed hardness-intensity diagrams.
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Fig. 16: Photograph pictures taken by running Elysium for the Younsi, Z., Wu, K., & Fuerst, S. V. 2012, A&A, 545, A13
ORST. In the left column, there are photographs taken from a
screen with 45◦ and the right with 85◦ inclination. Each line has
a different black hole spin parameter. Moving from top to bottom
these are j = 0, j = 0.5 and j = 0.998. The reader could compare
this picture with the similar Younsi et al. 2012, figure 3.
Fig. 17: The Tranquillity code collective results, where the cir-
cles represent execution results. There is a clear trend for the
divergence evolution for every black hole spin. In this plot, we
also include the three worst code results, depicting them with the
dashed colored lines.
Fig. 18: Degradation of equatorial orbits around a non-rotating BH due to the semi-opaque (LFM) disk’s thermal radiation. With
black is the Bardeen et al. (1972) velocity profile, with cyan and with orange an approximation of a SANE and a MAD model
velocity profile respectively (Narayan et al. 2012; Penna et al. 2013; Narayan et al. 2003).
Fig. 19: (a). Forces for the slab opaque disk model §3.1(c) for BH spin a = 0. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 19: (b). Forces for the slab opaque disk model §3.1(c) for BH spin a = 0.5. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 19: (c). Forces for the slab opaque disk model §3.1(c) for BH spin a = 0.9. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 20: (a). Forces for the wedge opaque disk model §3.1(d) for BH spin a = 0. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 20: (b). Forces for the wedge opaque disk model §3.1(d) for BH spin a = 0.5. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 20: (c). Forces for the wedge opaque disk model §3.1(d) for BH spin a = 0.9. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 21: (a). Forces for the torus opaque disk model §3.1(e) for BH spin a = 0. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 21: (b). Forces for the torus opaque disk model §3.1(e) for BH spin a = 0.5. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 21: (c). Forces for the torus opaque disk model §3.1(e) for BH spin a = 0.9. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 22: (a). Forces for the ORST disk model §3.1(f) for BH spin a = 0. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 22: (b). Forces for the ORST disk model §3.1(f) for BH spin a = 0.5. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 22: (c). Forces for the ORST disk model §3.1(f) for BH spin a = 0.9. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 22: (d). Forces for the ORST disk model §3.1(f) for BH spin a = 0.998. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 23: (a). Forces for the LFM semi-opaque disk model §3.2(d) for BH spin a = 0. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 23: (b). Forces for the LFM semi-opaque disk model §3.2(d) for BH spin a = 0.5. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 23: (c). Forces for the LFM semi-opaque disk model §3.2(d) for BH spin a = 0.9. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 23: (d). Forces for the LFM semi-opaque disk model §3.2(d) for BH spin a = 0.998. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 24: (a). Forces for the PD semi-opaque disk model §3.2(b) for BH spin a = 0. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 24: (b). Forces for the PD semi-opaque disk model §3.2(b) for BH spin a = 0.5. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 24: (c). Forces for the PD semi-opaque disk model §3.2(b) for BH spin a = 0.9. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.
Fig. 24: (d). Forces for the PD semi-opaque disk model §3.2(b) for BH spin a = 0.998. BL is on the top and ZAMO on the bottom.