Psy 1100 Syllabus

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Course: Human Development Life Span (PSY 1100)- Online Section(s) 11 & 12
Term: Fall 2020
Credits: 3.00

Instructor: Lisa Petot

Office Hours: Fridays 1pm-2pm or by appointment
Office Location: Virtual
Email: [email protected]

Required Textbook and Apps:

1. Starting in Fall 2020 all sections of PSY 1100 will be using the E-textbook version of the 14 th edition of
Experience Human Development by Diane Papalia. GREAT NEWS: You don’t need to go out and buy a
textbook! You will be able to access your digital textbook via the McGraw-Hill Connect system (found
in Canvas). When you registered for PSY 1100, an additional course fee was added to cover the cost of
the textbook. For tech help with E-textbook (Paring, syncing with Canvas, etc.) please call McGraw- Hill

2. MS Teams- We will be holding Discussion Group, where attendance is part of your grade. Make sure
you are signed into your UVU account to access our class discussion group.

1. Develop your understanding of typical human development across the life span.
2. Interpret individual and interactive influences of biology and the environment on human
development and behavior.
3. Improve understanding of the scientific process, and how it is used to study human development
and behavior.
4. Foster an awareness of “best practices” that you can apply to your own life span development.


Your final grade in this course will be based on the number of points you earn through various
assessments of your understanding. These specific assessments are outlined below and described in
more detail on the following pages. Due dates for all assignments are listed in the schedule at the end of
this syllabus. Assignments are due at 11:59pm of the Due Date unless otherwise specified (specifically
attendance in the Discussion Groups and It is YOUR responsibility to be aware of due dates and to
submit assignments on-time. For all assignments, you must complete and submit your own work—
students who submit another person’s work as their own are committing plagiarism, will receive 0
points, and are subject to additional repercussions (see section below on Academic Integrity for more


Reading and Reading 19 chapters/quizzes 10 points each 190 points possible
Discussion Group Attend 2 meetings 75 points each 150 points possible
Paper 1 paper, 4-5 pages long - 200 points possible
Exams 4 exams 75 points each 300 points possible
Extra Credit Choose up to two 10 points each 20 points possible
Total Points Possible: 840 points


 Four Exams offered via Canvas (timed, using Proctorial).
 Each exam is worth 75 pts (Total = 300 pts possible).
 Each exam consists entirely of multiple choice questions
Although questions will be multiple choice, they will not be focused simply on definitions.
Instead, they will require you to apply your understanding to solve problems. Therefore, you
should study to understand the material—simply memorizing definitions will be a waste of
your time, and will likely result in a low test score.
 These exams are not comprehensive (each exam only covers the most recent chapters in the
textbook since the previous exam).
 Each exam will include items from the assigned readings.
 Use the Reading Quizzes to guide your study.

Research or Case Review Paper

 Instructions will be posted on Canvas, submit in Canvas.
 Worth 200 pts
 APA format- 4 to 6 pages, NOT INCLUDING Title page or References (double-spaced, 12-pt.
Times New Roman, 1-inch margins)
 TOPIC: Overcoming a Life Stage Challenge.
Every life stage comes with promises and pitfalls. Choose a life stage that interest you and
hone in on specific issue/challenge/problem that can accompany that stage in life. Then
discuss possible solution(s) to this life stage challenge. You will chose what type of paper
you would like to write:
RESEARCH PAPER: For this type of paper, research and site at least 5 sources that highlight
evidence-based theories that can serve as possible solutions to your chosen life stage
challenge. Write about your findings.

CASE REVIEW PAPER: This type of paper reviews the experience of one case (person). Your
task will be to find a real person and document their experience in overcoming or solving a
life stage challenge. You can capture their experience by interview or observation
(observation can be used when the subject is unable to verbalize their experience). Cite at
least 2 sources that add credibility to your interview or observations.

For information on how to properly format your writing, and how to properly cite sources you reference,
please refer to the APA Publication Manual (7th ed) and/or Purdue University Online Writing Lab OWL.

Reading Questions
Taken via McGraw-Hill Connect E-textbook. Make sure you log into your textbook via Canvas and then
RETURN to Canvas when you are done with your reading and reading questions to sync your work with
Canvas. There are 19 chapters the text book- each chapter reading question set is worth 10 pts (190 pts
possible). You have unlimited opportunities to score 100% on the chapter questions. The questions are
assigned to help aid and focus your reading in this course. For more info, please go to the Reading
Questions Module in Canvas.

Discussion Group Participation

Arrested Development is our class ongoing group discussion where we will have the opportunity to
observe and apply our readings into real life. You will log into our MS Teams class page to join the group.

Your tasks for this assignment include:

1. Find an example of delayed (“Arrested”) development from the life stage in the CURRENT
week’s (meaning the current week of the meeting you plan to attend). For example, if you
choose to attend a discussion group on September 11 th, your example should be from the first 3
years of life. Please don’t worry about doing extensive research. Take an example from your life,
the news, a situation you observe, etc. and connect your example to a theory or practice from
your reading. Your time is limited, so be conscience. Be prepared to share your vignette (a brief
analytic description) in 2 minutes or less. At that time, others can share their thoughts,
questions and add their vignettes.

2. Attend and contribute in the weekly Discussion Group 2x this semester (75 pts each meeting-
150 pts possible). Each time you attend, you will be required to submit an Assignment in Canvas
outlining your contribution to the discussion.

You are NOT required to attend every discussion. To receive the full credit, you must attend 2 different
discussions throughout the semester. Plan accordingly. The end of the semester gets hectic and may
have higher attendance which makes it more difficult to get in speaking time, so keep that in mind. More
information can be found in Canvas in the Discussion Group Module. We will alternate days of the week
and time of day to accommodate different schedules. There should be a time you can join two meeting
this semester. Check Canvas for the complete schedule.

THIS IS AN INFORMAL DISCUSSION. I ask you to bring a vignette so that you are prepared to contribute.
To receive credit you must contribute to the discussion. You can contribute two different ways to
receive credit on this assignment:
1. Share a vignette/example
2. Contribute a comment or ask a follow up question

Our first discussion will be held Friday, September 11 th, 2020 at 2pm MST via Teams. We will discuss
development challenges in the first 3 years of life (Chapters 4 and 5).

Extra Credit
Now, more than ever, it’s important to get involved! While the current COVID landscape makes student
involvement a bit difficult, UVU has upped its game and has A LOT to offer. So go get it! See what UVU
has for YOU!
Extra credit will be given for accessing (up to two) university resources/opportunities. You can utilize any
resource as many time as you would like to (or as the University allows) but for the purposes of extra
credit in this course, you receive a one-time, 10 points of extra credit for every resource you utilize).
There is a total of 20 extra credit points offered this in this course which means you can submit 2
involvement experiences. Please see “Extra Credit” in the Module tab in Canvas for more information
and submission directions. Here are SOME ideas and links, but you can email if there is something you
want to try:
a. Writing Center appointment
b. Student Health Center (Mental and Physical Health appointment)
c. Research Groups (check with your Department Office or talk with your professors)
d. Appointment with UVU Financial Planner
e. Attend a club meeting on campus
f. Career/Internship Office
g. Your choice- UVU offers a lot and my list is not inclusive. Email me to get pre-approval
for extra credit.

Detailed descriptions and submission instructions for all assignments can be found on Canvas. There is
a maximum of 840 points available in this course. Final grades will be assigned according to the
following scale:

A 93+% 781-840 pts

A- 90-92.9% 756-780 pts

B+ 87-89.9% 730-755 pts

B 83-86.9% 697-729 pts

B- 80-82.9% 672-696 pts

C+ 77-79.9% 646-671 pts

C 73-76.9% 613-645 pts

C- 70–72.9% 588-612 pts

D+ 67-69.9% 562-587 pts

D 63-66.9% 529-561 pts

D- 60–62.9% 504-528 pts

F (E) < 59.9% 0-503 pts


Date Chapter(s) Events/Assignments Due Notes

Week 1 Intro to Course Reading Questions Chapter 1 due 8/30
& Ch. 1
8/24- 8/30

Week 2 Ch. 2 & 3 Reading Questions Chapter 2 & 3 due



Week 3 Ch. 4 & 5 Reading Questions Chapter 4 & 5 due

9/7- Labor Day Holiday (Monday
Discussion Group: Arrested Development 9/7)
Friday, 9/11, 2pm MST (discussing Ch. 4
& 5)

Week 4 Ch. 6 Reading Questions Chapter 6 due 9/20

9/14- Exam 1 (Ch. 1-5)- available 9/14- 9/16

9/20 Discussion Group: Arrested Development

TBA (discussing Ch. 6)

Week 5 Ch. 7 Reading Questions Chapter 7 due 9/27

9/21- Discussion Group: Arrested Development

9/27 TBA (discussing Ch. 7)

Week 6 Ch. 8 Reading Questions Chapter 8 due 10/4

9/28- Discussion Group: Arrested Development

TBA (discussing Ch. 8)

Week 7 Ch. 9 & 10 Reading Questions Chapter 9 & 10 due

Discussion Group: Arrested Development
TBA (discussing Ch. 9 & 10)

Week 8 Ch. 11 Reading Questions Chapter 11 due 10/18 Fall Break 10/15-18
10/12- Exam 2 (Ch. 6-10) available 10/12-

Week 9 Ch. 12 Reading Questions Chapter 12 due 10/25

10/19- Discussion Group: Arrested Development

TBA (discussing Ch. 12)

Week 10 Ch. 13 Reading Questions Chapter 13 due 11/1

10/26- Discussion Group: Arrested Development

TBA (discussing Ch. 13)

Week 11 Ch. 14 Reading Questions Chapter 14 due 11/8

11/2- Discussion Group: Arrested Development

TBA (discussing Ch. 14)

Week 12 Ch. 15 Reading Questions Chapter 15 due 11/15

11/9- Exam 3 (Ch. 11-14) available 11/10-


Week 13 Ch. 16 & 17 Reading Questions Chapter 16 & 17 due

Discussion Group: Arrested Development
TBA (discussing Ch. 16 & 17)

Week 14 Chill time Thanksgiving Holiday


Week 15 Ch. 18 & 19 Reading Questions Chapter 18 & 19 due

Discussion Group: Arrested Development
TBA (discussing Ch 18 & 19)

Week 16 Paper Due Thursday 12/10

12/7- 12/10
Last (short) week

Classes end
Thursday Dec. 10

Week 17

Finals Week: Exam 4 (Ch. 15-19) available 12/14-16


ON SUBMITTING ASSIGNEMENTS AND MEETING DEADLINES: As a student, you are preparing to become an
active and responsible contributor to your community and your field. Responsible people are on time for
meetings and have their work done on time. You are expected submit all assigned work as scheduled.

Late work:
This is an online course with a lot built-in flexibility. With that said, I will not accept late work UNLESS
there is an unavoidable/unforeseen situation that arises. I’m understanding by nature, but to be fair
to other students and compliant to University Policy, I will need documentation to support your ask
to hand in late assignments. Please don’t hesitate to email me with questions.

ON COMPUTER PROBLEMS: Computer problems and computer crashes are NOT allowed as excuses for late
or missing work in this class. Always plan for the worst with technology—this means backing up your work
(e.g. with an external hard drive or cloud storage), and submitting online assignments well before the
deadline. Each semester, at least one student loses an assignment because their computer crashes, or they
miss a deadline because they waited until 10 minutes before the deadline to submit on Canvas, and their
computer froze—DO NOT put yourself in this position! It is YOUR responsibility to avoid these problems.
Losing work, or missing a deadline because of computer problems is NOT the responsibility of the instructor.
Free options for backing up your work are available through UVU, Google Drive, and Dropbox (among
others). If your computer crashes, or you lose power, there are numerous options (the library, a Fed-Ex office,
computer labs, a friend’s computer, etc.)—this is also why using cloud storage is a good idea (because even if
your personal computer crashes, you’ll still be able to access and submit your documents using another

course. As such, Canvas is the only way to submit assignments. If there is a tech/server issue with Canvas, you
can submit an assignment to my email, but you will be held to the same deadline as if you were making a
Canvas submission.

ON COMMUNICATION AND CONTACTING THE INSTRUCTOR: If you need to contact me, send me an email
through Canvas or directly to my UVU email. My commitment to you is a response within 24 hour (48 hours
during holidays/weekends). I will correspond with you though Canvas email or Announcements- it is your
responsibility to keep tabs on your messages. I’m a huge fan of the Canvas app for your phone and Canvas
settings can be set to alert you on your cellular device via push notifications on through your email whenever
you have a new message, announcement, etc. Do what you need to keep up with class communications.

ON RECEIVING FEEDBACK: If you want specific feedback, contact me! I have virtual office hours, I can do
phone calls, I can write you an email- just let me know within a week after I post your grades that you want
more feedback- I’m more than happy to work though an assignment with you. This is especially true if you
don’t understand why you received a low grade on an assignment. Waiting until the end of the semester to
ask for feedback is nearly useless, because by the end of the semester, there is no opportunity to improve
your performance in the class

ON ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Academic dishonesty (e.g., cheating, plagiarizing, etc.) will be prosecuted to the
fullest extent allowed by UVU. The sanctions for academic dishonesty can be very serious and could have a
significant and negative impact on your academic and professional trajectory. I urge you to view the UVU
policies on academic integrity, description of student expectations and conflict resolution.

Although this is not a comprehensive list, some examples of academic dishonesty include:

 Stealing or altering tests or other course materials.

 Offering, giving or receiving unauthorized assistance on course assignments.
 Submitting another person’s work as your own.
 Copying/quoting/re-phrasing material without properly citing the material.

For information on how to properly format your writing, and how to properly cite sources you reference,
please refer to the APA Publication Manual (7th ed) and/or Purdue University Online Writing Lab OWL.

ON SOCIAL JUSTICE: I’m committed to a positive learning environment based on open communication,
mutual respect and non-discrimination. UVU and I are on the same page- we do not discriminate on the basis
of race, sex, age, disability, veteran status, religion, sexual orientation, or nationality.

STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES OR SPECIAL CONCERNS: If you have a learning, sensory or physical disability
and need special assistance, please notify me as soon as possible (and no later than two weeks prior to the
anticipated accommodation). Students who need accommodations because of a disability may contact the
UVU Office of Accessibility Services
(801) 863-8747
TTY or VP (801) 221-0908
Accessibility Services Department Mission Statement: The Accessibility Services Department serves Utah Valley
University students and the community by providing access to the campus and curriculum for Individuals with
disabilities to facilitate, support, and encourage academic success and retention and ensure their Educational

EVENTS: Per UVU policy, athletes and others who represent the University may be off-campus during class
times or deadlines to attend UVU-sanctioned events. Because these events are typically scheduled in
advance, you are expected to consult with your instructor at least two weeks in advance of any assignment
due dates and make arrangements to complete assignments.

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