Verstrepen2004 PreGli-Sac (Second)
Verstrepen2004 PreGli-Sac (Second)
Verstrepen2004 PreGli-Sac (Second)
10 October 2004
Yeast cells often encounter a mixture of different biotechnology, including alcoholic fermentation, bread pro-
carbohydrates in industrial processes. However, glucose duction and the fabrication of biopharmaceuticals.
and sucrose are always consumed first. The presence of In this review, we begin by summarizing the role of the
these sugars causes repression of gluconeogenesis, the two best-known glucose-triggered signaling cascades in
glyoxylate cycle, respiration and the uptake of less- S. cerevisiae: the main glucose repression pathway (also
preferred carbohydrates. Glucose and sucrose also known as the catabolite repression pathway), and the
trigger unexpected, hormone-like effects, including the Ras/cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA) pathway. We then
activation of cellular growth, the mobilization of storage consider the role and implications of sugar signaling in
compounds and the diminution of cellular stress resist- industrial yeast-based processes.
ance. In an industrial context, these effects lead to
several yeast-related problems, such as slow or incom-
Glucose regulation of carbohydrate uptake and
plete fermentation, ‘off flavors’ and poor maintenance of
yeast vitality. Recent studies indicate that the use of
In response to glucose and sucrose, the main glucose
mutants with altered responses to carbohydrates can
repression pathway downregulates several genes
significantly increase productivity. Alternatively, avoid-
involved in the uptake and metabolism of alternative
ing unnecessary exposure to glucose and sucrose could
carbohydrates, as well as genes involved in gluconeo-
also improve the performance of industrial yeasts.
genesis and respiration. The repression of respiration by
glucose and sucrose, which is known as the ‘Crabtree
Unlike most mammalian cells, which function in an effect’, might seem counterproductive but, although
environment with virtually constant concentrations of respiration is a more efficient method of energy
only one sugar, namely glucose, yeast cells encounter production, fermentation offers the advantage of ethanol
variable concentrations of many different carbon sources. production, which hampers the growth of competing
To overcome this lack of homeostasis and to survive in a microorganisms. In addition, glucose concentrations,
highly competitive ecosystem, the common brewer’s and and possibly levels of glycolytic intermediates, regulate
baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has evolved the the expression of several glucose transporters and some
capacity to take up and to metabolize different carbo- glycolytic genes (Figure 1 and reviewed in Refs [1–4]).
hydrates. S. cerevisiae cells also have several mechanisms Thus, the main glucose repression pathway ensures that
for sensing the nutritional status of the environment, the preferred sugars are metabolized before the con-
enabling them to adapt their uptake and metabolism of sumption of alternative carbohydrates, such as maltose
nutrients to specific conditions. Although these signaling and galactose.
pathways have been studied mostly as a model for nutrient- Glucose also slows down the uptake of fructose
induced signaling cascades in higher eukaryotes, their because both sugars are imported by the same carriers,
unraveling has relevance for several applications of yeast which have a greater affinity for glucose than for
fructose. Besides this competitive inhibition of fructose
Corresponding author: Kevin J. Verstrepen ([email protected]). uptake, recent research shows that glucose can repress
Available online 28 August 2004 the expression of specific fructose transporters such as 0167-7799/$ - see front matter Q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tibtech.2004.08.001
532 Review TRENDS in Biotechnology Vol.22 No.10 October 2004
Figure 1. The main glucose repression pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Figure 2. The Ras/cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA) nutrient signaling pathway in
Extracellular glucose is taken up through one of the hexose transporters (Hxt) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Full activation of this pathway requires a dual signal.
subsequently phosphorylated to glucose 6-phosphate (glucose-6P) by one of the First, the intracellular phosphorylation of glucose to glucose 6-phopshate (glucose-
hexokinases (Hxk). This phosphorylation process and/or the depletion of AMP 6P) enhances the activity of adenylate cyclase Cyr1. Second, extracellular glucose
owing to the increased production of ATP inactivates the central protein kinase Snf1 or sucrose is sensed by a G-protein-coupled receptor system, consisting of the
[59]. Inactivation of Snf1 occurs via either inhibition of its phosphorylation or receptor Gpr1 and the Ga protein Gpa2 [10]. This second signal strongly enhances
stimulation of the Snf1-dephosphorylation activity of the phosphatase complex PP1 Cyr1 activity, resulting in a transient peak of cAMP immediately after the addition of
[60,61]. When Snf1 is inactive, the DNA-binding protein Mig1 is translocated from glucose or sucrose [9,10,57,64]. The rise in cAMP causes the regulatory subunits
the cytoplasm to the nucleus [62]. In the nucleus, Mig1 recruits the general repres- (Bcy1) of the PKA complex to bind cAMP and to dissociate from the Tpk catalytic
sors Tup1 and Ssn6 and binds to the promoters of several glucose-repressed genes, subunits of PKA [65,66]. The free Tpk kinases then phosphorylate various target
including genes involved in gluconeogenesis, respiration and the uptake and proteins, which eventually leads to acclimatization to high glucose levels (Figure 3).
breakdown of alternative carbon sources, such as maltose (MAL genes) and Although the role of the small G proteins Ras1 and Ras2 in this process is not
galactose (GAL genes). When extracellular glucose is depleted, the Snf1 complex completely understood, these proteins are essential for basal Cyr1 activity [67,68].
is activated, causing the translocation of Mig1 back to the cytoplasm, where it can For details, see reviews by Johnston [2] and Winderickx et al. [4]. For clarity, note
no longer repress its targets [62,63]. Thus, glucose repression is relieved and alter- that Gpa2 and Cyr1 are not depicted as attached to the plasma membrane and the
native carbon sources can be taken up. Fructose and sucrose, which is extracellularly shuttling of the free PKA catalytic subunits out of the nucleus [69] is not shown.
hydrolyzed into glucose and fructose, exert catabolite repression effects similar to
those of glucose, although glucose is taken up preferentially [1]. For details, see
reviews by Gancedo [1], Johnston [2], Carlson [3] and Winderickx et al. [4]. pathway requires extracellular glucose or sucrose [10],
other sugars such as fructose, maltose, maltotriose and
Fsy1 [5–7]. In addition to regulating the uptake of galactose cannot trigger a strong cAMP/PKA response
alternative sugars, the main glucose repression pathway [10,11] (Figure 2).
prevents futile cycling in carbohydrate metabolism by Among the targets regulated by the Ras/cAMP/PKA
shutting down de novo synthesis of glucose by the pathway are genes encoding heat-shock proteins, such as
gluconeogenic pathway. HSP12 and HSP104, which are rapidly repressed on
activation of this pathway [12,13] (Figure 3). These
proteins have important roles in various processes that
Regulation of the hormone-like effects of glucose and help yeast cells to cope with a broad array of stresses,
sucrose including heat and ethanol stress [14–16]. Furthermore,
Another principal carbon signaling pathway, the high PKA activity also causes repression of the TPS1 and
Ras/cAMP/PKA pathway, controls the expression of TPS2 genes encoding trehalose synthase [17]. Trehalose
various genes involved in metabolism, proliferation and has a prominent role in cellular stress resistance because
stress resistance in response to glucose (Figure 2 and it protects membranes from desiccation and prevents
reviewed in Refs [4,8,9]). Because full activation of this protein denaturation [18].
Review TRENDS in Biotechnology Vol.22 No.10 October 2004 533
cell autolysis [32]. The latter process causes severe competed the ancestral parent strain over long periods of
off flavors in alcoholic beverages, including a highly time under stressful industrial conditions [46]. Although
unpleasant goat-like aroma caused by the release of fatty this natural selection can lead to vast improvements in
acids, and a decrease in fruity aromas owing to the yeast performance, especially when yeasts are re-used for
hydrolysis of volatile esters by esterases leaking out of multiple fermentations, as they are in beer production,
damaged cells [33,34]. Furthermore, sustained high further improvements can be achieved by a more direct
concentrations of glucose cause a decrease in the replica- approach; for example, the use of mutagenesis by ultra-
tive lifespan of yeast, whereas the use of maltose-rich violet irradiation or chemical mutagens such as ethyl
media generally leads to an increase in cell longevity methane sulfonate, followed by a screening or selection
[35,36]. Other reported effects of high glucose include an procedure. Alternatively, superior yeast strains can be
increase in the instability of short chromosomes [37] and a developed by genetic engineering. Both methods have
strong increase in the production of aroma-active esters their pros and cons, which have been extensively dis-
through activation of the Ras/cAMP/PKA pathway [38,39]. cussed elsewhere [47,48]. Mutagenesis followed by selec-
Although moderate levels of these volatile esters are tion does not require any knowledge of target genes or
essential for the desired fruity flavors of beer and wine, metabolic pathways and is relatively easy to perform.
high glucose concentrations lead to an undesirable over- Furthermore, strains acquired through this process are
production of these compounds [39]. not considered as ‘genetically modified’, which makes
In addition to the Ras/cAMP/PKA, other closely related them virtually ready to use; however, a good selection
nutrient signaling pathways, such as the ‘target of procedure is required to facilitate rapid isolation of the few
rapamycin’ pathway and the ‘fermentable growth med- useful mutants from billions of ‘uninteresting’ cells. This
ium-induced’ pathway can influence the fermentation selection requirement severely limits the use of this
performance of yeast. In contrast to the short-term method for the isolation of yeasts with specific fermenta-
response of the Ras/cAMP/PKA pathway, which essen- tion characteristics.
tially responds to changes in glucose and sucrose levels, Many of the stress responses are not specific for
these pathways are thought to integrate the overall particular stress conditions [13,16]; thus, a potential
nutritional and/or energy status of cells [4,40,41]. This strategy is the selection of mutants that are more resistant
implies that, even in the presence of glucose and sucrose, to lethal stresses, such as heat or ethanol stress, in the
some cellular stress responses can be activated when other presence of glucose or sucrose. After this first selection,
essential nutrients (e.g. nitrogen sources) are depleted, as the isolated mutants can be screened for improved
can occur in the last phase of wine fermentations [42]. fermentation properties under industrial stress con-
Given the limited data, however, it is premature to esti- ditions. In our experience, approaches in which the actual
mate the importance of these signaling cascades in stressful fermentation conditions are mimicked as closely
industrial processes. as possible greatly increase the chance of success [49].
Ideally, all screens should be therefore done in pilot-scale
Yeast carbon signaling mutants with improved fermenters under growth conditions and medium similar
industrial performance to those used in the industrial-scale process. Even so, the
Considering the various adverse effects of carbohydrate mutant that performs best in pilot-scale trials is often not
signaling on the performance of industrial yeasts, the use the best strain for full-scale production. Thus, it is vital to
of strains with altered responses to glucose and sucrose select several mutants for production-scale trials.
should lead to a significant improvement in productivity. Recent progress in our understanding of the yeast
In addition, mutations in the regulatory systems might carbohydrate signaling pathways makes it possible to
provoke ‘balanced’ changes in the expression of several improve strains by genetic engineering, leading to the
genes involved in fermentation performance [43,44]. introduction of such traits as increased trehalose levels
Indirect phenotypic evidence suggests that many of the and constitutive expression of targeted carbohydrate
currently used industrial strains have already acquired transporters [48,50,51]. Brewers and wine producers are
altered sugar signaling properties. Some brewer’s strains, reluctant to use genetically modified yeasts, however,
for example, do not break down trehalose in the presence mainly because of the complex legislation and the negative
of glucose [45]. Furthermore, many brewer’s strains public perception. Furthermore, drastic changes in the
show constitutive uptake of maltose, independent of the vital carbon signaling pathways frequently affect other
presence of glucose [21]. Interestingly, in most cases commercially important properties.
glucose-mediated repression of the uptake of other less- The mutations found in superior strains selected after
preferred sugars, such as galactose, is still present. This random mutagenesis are often more subtle and can lead to
indicates that if the alternative sugar-usage patterns are more balanced performances [49,52]. Moreover, tech-
caused by alterations in the glucose-sensing pathways, niques similar to genome shuffling in bacteria [53] provide
these alterations are most probably present in a down- an efficient way with which to combine different subtle
stream part of the pathway [21]. Taken together, many improvements. Thus, although genetic engineering and
industrial strains have acquired alternative glucose self-cloning are certainly the most promising methods for
signaling phenotypes, enabling them to complete their the future, random mutagenesis and selection remain the
tasks better in industrial processes. most realistic method with which to obtain improved
Most of these yeasts are not the result of a specific, yeast strains for short-term introduction into industrial
intentional selection procedure, but have presumably out- food production.
Review TRENDS in Biotechnology Vol.22 No.10 October 2004 535
These arguments do not apply to the production of A healthy diet for optimal performance?
heterologous proteins and biopharmaceuticals, in which The selection or creation of superior yeast strains is not
the use of genetically modified organisms is less con- the only way to improve the productivity of industrial
troversial. Moreover, the growth medium often contains yeasts. Relatively simple changes in yeast handling can
only a single carbon source in these processes, and thus also lead to significant improvements. Considering the
the metabolic and regulatory complications associated many adverse effects of glucose and sucrose on yeast
with complex sugar mixtures are avoided. A good example, performance, it is advisable to avoid using high con-
developed and patented by Boles et al. [54], is a strain that centrations of these sugars. In many applications, the
has been genetically modified to express a chimeric hexose composition of the fermentation medium cannot be
transporter. This strain is relieved of the Crabtree effect, changed without affecting product quality and cost, but
and thus there is less need for sophisticated cultivation sometimes it is possible to use alternative carbon sources.
techniques to reach optimal production rates. Another For example, when high-carbon syrups are added to the
interesting strain has been developed by Ostergaard et al. medium, as is often done in high-gravity beer fermenta-
[43], who have used genetic engineering of the GAL tion or the production of bioethanol or biopharmaceuti-
regulatory system to increase galactose metabolism. cals, it might be better to use maltose-rich syrups instead
of sucrose-containing syrups.
Furthermore, when yeasts are propagated for indus-
Selecting interesting carbon signaling mutants: a trial use, it is beneficial to combine glucose or sucrose with
practical example alternative sugars, such as maltose syrups, or with non-
Relatively few carbon signaling mutants of industrial fermentable carbon sources, such as mannitol or sorbitol
yeast strains have been described or investigated, in part, [58]. The preferred sugars will be used first, facilitating
owing to the polyploid or aneuploid nature of these maximal biomass production rates, whereas the maltose
strains, which makes their genetic analysis much more or mannitol will be metabolized just before the production
difficult as compared with haploid laboratory strains. phase or storage of the yeast cells. Avoiding contact with
Perhaps the best examples of carbon signaling mutants glucose and sucrose just before the fermentation process
are the so-called ‘fermentation-induced loss of stress might lead to increased levels of stored carbohydrates,
resistance’ (fil) mutants of industrial baker’s yeast, better stress resistance and a faster fermentation rate. In
which show improved resistance to freezing and thawing the specific case of bioethanol production, it has proved
in the presence of glucose and sucrose. advantageous to remove sugar monomers continuously
Freeze–thaw resistance is required for the increasingly from the saccharification vessel to maximize the break-
popular use of frozen dough, which permits the separation down and use of more complex sugars [46].
of dough production and baking. Before freezing, yeast is
mixed with the dough. Because of the high glucose and/or Conclusion
sucrose concentrations in the dough, however, yeast cells In the constant strive for better and more efficient yeast-
rapidly activate the Ras/cAMP/PKA pathway and lose based industrial processes, much attention has been
their stress resistance, resulting in considerable loss of drawn to various high-tech solutions ranging from
vitality during freezing and thawing [49,55]. By irradiat- optimization of bioreactors to the refinement of genetic
ing baker’s yeast with ultraviolet, preparing dough with technologies. The recently unraveled negative effects of
the mutants and subsequently subjecting the dough to glucose and sucrose on the industrial performance of yeast
numerous freeze–thaw cycles, it has been possible to are often overlooked, and these two sugars remain among
isolate several mutants with improved freeze tolerance, the most commonly used carbon sources in yeast media.
although only a few strains retain all of the other desirable In general, the presence of these sugars at moderate
characteristics of industrial baker’s yeast and perform concentrations is inevitable and will not cause significant
superiorly in full-scale processes of dough freezing and problems. In some applications, however, high concen-
thawing [49,56]. The exact mutations in these industrial trations of glucose or sucrose at a particular stage of the
strains are not known. industrial process cause a significant and long-term
fil mutants have been also isolated from laboratory decrease in fermentation performance. Thus, the use of
yeast strains, and two of these mutations have been sugar signaling mutants or the reduction of glucose and
identified. One strain contains a mutation in the GPR1 sucrose might be advantageous in various bioindustries,
gene, which encodes a G-protein-coupled receptor ranging from the production of alcoholic beverages and
involved in glucose and sucrose sensing [57] (Figure 2). bread to the fabrication of biopharmaceuticals. Indeed,
The other strain contains a partially inactivating although yeast cells seem to prefer glucose and sucrose
mutation in the CYR1 gene encoding adenylate cyclase, over other carbohydrates, offering them too much of this
which is also an essential component of the Ras/cAMP/ ‘fast-food’ negatively affects their general fitness, again
PKA pathway [44,52]. These mutations in Ras/cAMP/PKA demonstrating the striking analogy between yeasts and
signaling prevent the strains from losing their stress higher eukaryotes.
resistance in glucose and sucrose media. Remarkably,
some of the laboratory fil strains were selected for
heat-resistance in glucose medium, but the superior We thank Tom DiCesare for assistance with graphics, and An Jansen,
mutants also show improved resistance to various other Reeta Prusty and Sherwin Chan for discussions. Kevin J. Verstrepen is a
stresses [44,52]. Research Assistant of the Fund for Scientific Research, Flanders
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