Criteria Very Much/ Well Enough! More or Less/ Sometimes A Little Bit/ So So - Not at All/ Poorly

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Name: Isabella Calderón Cruz Group: 501

After school-year survey! Place a checkmark to the ones that apply to your case.

A. Now that this school year is over, I can say that, in the English class, I…

Criteria very much/ more or less/ a little bit/ not at all/

well enough! sometimes so so poorly
  >_< 
1. practiced pronunciation X
2. learned new words X
3. enjoyed the readings X
4. was responsible with X
attendance, participation and
doing my work
5. made my teacher proud X
6. improved my reading skills X
7. improved my writing skills X
8. improved my listening skills X
9. felt proud of my achievements X
10. behaved in class X
11. made new friends
12. learned things I didn’t even X
know existed
13. corrected mistakes I used to X
commit before
14. turned in my work on time X
15. communicated my problems X
and difficulties to the teacher

B. How can I improve or what can I change about myself for nest year`s English class?
(responsibility, studying techniques, communicating with the teacher, focusing, more
organization, etc):

I have to improve focusing more in class physically, like not getting distracted.

C. What I disliked the most about the class was:

*I don´t dislike nothing about English class because is really fun and we learn a lot which is
really important.

D. What I really liked about the class was:

We do fun things, we learn A LOT and the teacher is AWESOME.

E. Choose only one. The English class this year was:

Very easy Easy Confusing A bit hard Hard Super hard! I couldn’t
understand anything!

F. Choose only one. How do you feel about the class overall?

Happy/ Satisfied Disappointed because I don’t like English! Disappointed

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