Measuring Rhythmic Complexity in The Wes
Measuring Rhythmic Complexity in The Wes
Measuring Rhythmic Complexity in The Wes
Paper presented at the fifth international conference on AAWM in Thessaloniki, June 26-29,
Much of the groove-based musics found in West Africa, Central Africa, West-Central Africa,
and their Atlantic diaspora (aka the Black Atlantic) is temporally organized around short
asymmetric ostinati called timelines. The so-called West African standard pattern [2212221] is
one of them. This presentation focuses on one interesting property of this pattern; its rotational
possibilities. That is, the potential of other points in the pattern’s time cycle to be perceived as
This rotational potential is realized in specific traditional contexts (e.g. Nigerian Yoruba
Bondo [1222122] and [2122212]) and in experimental Afro-diasporic musics from Brazil such as
Example 2. 12/8 Timelines in various black Atlantic genres
At the previous meeting of the AAWM conference in NYC in 2016, I argued that Letieres Leite,
manipulating the standard pattern and other traditional timelines. The techniques he utilizes
include expanding, shortening, rotating, and staggering timelines. In examining this rhythmic
That study rested on a number of assumptions. The first was that the less a rhythm
matches metric beats, the more complex it is. In other words, that pattern misalignment increases
rhythmic complexity. If we take Rotation 1 (R1) as the reference, the complexity of rotations can
be measured according to the number of coincidences of that rhythm with rotation R1.
Example 3. Seven rotations of the standard pattern notated in TUBS
The second assumption was based on the concept of metric strength, which pays attention
characterized by the articulation of beats 1 and 4 and the syncopation of beats 2 and 3 in 12/8.
There is a flow from metric consonance to dissonance and back to consonance. Like in other
types of timelines, beat four is a point of resolution of accumulated rhythm tension. I represented
this with the help of Chris Stover’s (2009) waves of metric strength, with a shape that is wide
Example 4. Waves of metric strength for the standard pattern. After Stover (2009: 141).
I then proceeded to build waves for seven rotations of the standard pattern, each
corresponding to an onset of the pattern and did this for 12/8 and 3/2 readings. I proposed that
the seven rotations of the standard pattern, resulting from using each onset as a downbeat, can be
classified in two groups or families: a family of rotations that is close to the standard pattern and
another one that is distant (see Figure 1). I assumed that listeners who have a high degree of
familiarity with the standard pattern in its basic form (R1), will find rotations with similar waves
Example 5. Waves of metric strength for seven rotations of the standard pattern in two meters
The third assumption was related to ambiguity and familiarity: familiarity with the base
pattern can increase complexity when a rotation of it triggers two competing interpretations of
I was able to verify some of these assumptions ethnographically while listening to music
based on these rotated patterns with some audience members in Brazil and Ghana. In “A Grande
Mae” by Rumpilezz for instance, (based on R1, called vassi in Bahia) people are able to identify
and clap the bell pattern throughout easily. But in “Dasarabias,” also by Rumpilezz, based on a
distant rotation (R5), they identified vassi and displaced the RTP to match the familiar gestalt of
The main goal of this paper is to test empirically my assumptions of rhythmic complexity in
relation to my grouping of the standard pattern rotations. A broader goal is to examine the
rhythmic complexity of each of the twelve possible rotations of the standard pattern. The paper is
guided by the following question: How do musicians who are familiar with the standard pattern
in its basic version [2212221] react when the point of reference is shifted in time? More
specifically, how these shifts affect rhythmic complexity? Inspired by works on music cognition
and music perception (Fitch & Rosenfeld. 2007; Povel & Essens 1985; Shmulevich & Povel
2000), I engage this question from an empirical standpoint with three psychological experiments
on rhythm carried in the city of Accra, Ghana, one of the locations where this pattern is widely
The Experiments
The experiments examine three measures of rhythmic complexity: perceptual (how complex a
person thinks a rhythm is); metric (how difficult it is to reproduce the underlying beat of a
rhythm), and performative (how difficult it is to reproduce a rhythm against a given underlying
In order to study issues of syncopation and metric strength more thoroughly I examined
the 12 possible rotations of the standard pattern (including those with non-articulated
beginnings). Because metric context (whether explicit or implied) is central to the perception and
cognition of rhythm, the experiments test each rhythm alone and in two relevant metric contexts,
12/8 (which is the emic perspective among my interlocutors) and 3/2 (often implied by
musicians’ phrasings or built into accompanying ostinatos). In sum, the stimuli for each
experiment consists of three sets of rhythmic sequences:
(1) The 7 rotations with articulated beginnings played by themselves—a subject will not be
(2) The 12 rotations played in conjunction with a beat stream corresponding to a 12/8 meter
(3) The 12 rotations played along with a beat stream corresponding to a 3/2 time signature
Example 6. TUBS representation of 12 rotations of the standard pattern in 12/8 and 3/2
Stimuli presentation
Each of these rhythmic sequences was transcribed in Sibelius 7.5 software and played as MIDI
through headsets to each participant. The stimuli presentation was manually controlled by the
experimenter. Each pattern was repeated four times and after 2 to 3 seconds, each participant
random order, different for each participant. But the experiments always progressed from
perceptual, to metric, and to performative. The tempo was kept stable at 100 BPM (600ms) for
the dotted quarter-note in 12/8, which corresponds to 75 BPM (450ms) for the half note in 3/2
meter. 100 BPM is a common tempo in genres where the standard pattern is used. It is also an
ideal tempo for experiments on rhythm as it is within a range of greatest pulse salience
(Toiviainen and Snyder 2000:2) and falls into the indifference interval—where people’s
The participants are twenty Ghanaian music students and lecturers who are familiar since
childhood with the standard pattern in its basic rotation [2212221]. I recruited them at the Music
Department of the University of Ghana, where I worked in the 2015-16 school year, and
performed the experiments between 2015 and 2017. In order to isolate the variable of familiarity,
thirty-three music students at King’s College London who are unfamiliar with the standard
In this experiment, subjects judge the complexity of 31 rhythmic sequences. They are organized
in the following manner: 1) the seven rotations that have articulated beginnings (1, 3, 5, 6, 8, and
10) without accompaniment; 2) the twelve rotations accompanied by a 12/8 beat; and 3) the
Each subject and the experimenter sat in an empty room. After the presentation of
the stimulus, participants were asked to judge the complexity of the stimulus on a 5-point scale
where 1 represents the simplest and 5 the most complex. Subjects were invited to define and
judge complexity in their own terms. They were allowed to listen to a sequence more than once
and to adjust their response before the next stimulus. Each subject was presented with three
random stimuli (one unaccompanied, another one along with a 12/8 beat, and the last one in
combination with a 3/2 beat) in order to get them acquainted with the procedure and to calibrate
their scale for their judgments. This experiment lasted approximately fifteen minutes. Figure 2
shows the mean values of perceptual complexity for the 31 rhythmic sequences.
Figure 2. Histogram with average results of perceptual complexity experiment
In this experiment, subjects judge the complexity of 14 rhythmic sequences. The sequences were
organized in two subgroups: 1) the seven rotations with articulated beginning in combination
with a 12/8 beat; and 2) the same seven rotations in combination with a 3/2 beat.
After the presentation of the stimulus and a short pause, participants heard the rhythm
repeated four times, but this time unaccompanied, and were asked to clap, tap, or sing the beat
along. If the subject failed to perform the task correctly, the sequence stimuli-attempt was
repeated up to five times. The experimenter assigned a number from 1 to 5 corresponding to the
number of times the subject took to perform the task correctly. If the subject did not succeed at
the fifth presentation of the stimuli, number 6 was assigned for the calculation of average scores
of complexity. Failed attempts were also counted in a separate list. Subjects had the opportunity
to practice three times beforehand to become familiarized with the rhythms and tasks. The entire
experiment lasted approximately ten minutes. Figure 3 show the average scores of metric
complexity for the 14 rhythmic sequences. Figure 4 shows the total number of failed attempts in
Figure 3. Histogram with average scores of metric complexity experiment
This experiment tests complexity of the same 31 rhythmic sequences examined in the perceptual
experiment: 1) the seven rotations that have articulated beginnings without accompaniment; 2)
the twelve rotations accompanied by a 12/8 beat; and 3) the twelve rotations in tandem with a 3/2
Participants first heard the seven rhythms without accompaniment and were asked to
clap, tap, or sing the rhythm afterwards—here the critical point was to begin the rhythm at the
same point as heard. For the rest of the sequences, after the presentation of the stimulus and a
short pause, participants heard the beat alone, and were asked to clap, tap, or sing the rhythm. In
all cases, if the subject failed to perform the task correctly, the sequence stimuli-attempt was
repeated up to five times. The experimenter assigned a number from 1 to 5 corresponding to the
number of times the subject took to perform the task correctly. If the subject did not succeed at
the fifth presentation of the stimuli, number 6 was assigned. Failed attempts were also counted in
a separate list. Subjects had the opportunity to practice three times beforehand to become
familiarized with the experiment. The entire experiment lasted approximately twenty-five
minutes. Figure 5 shows the average scores of performative complexity for the 31 rhythmic
sequences. Figure 6 shows the total number of failed attempts in this experiment for each of the
12 rotations.
Figure 6. Histogram with number of failed attempts of performative complexity experiment
Let me recapitulate the main idea that I put to the test with these experiments. I proposed that the
seven rotations of the standard pattern with articulated beginnings could be subdivided into two
families: close (R1, R6, R8) and distant (R2, R3, R5, R12). I assumed that people with high
familiarity with the base rotation (R1) would perceive and score lower rhythmic complexity in
As shown in Table 1, the empirical evidence shows that: 1) in average the close families
have lower values of complexity than the distant family in all measures of complexity; and 2)
Although the two families rotations do not cluster neatly at either extreme of the spectrum, they
Table 1. Order of complexity for the three experiments (rotations with articulated beginnings)
If we consider the 12 rotations, we notice that rhythms with syncopated beginnings tend to have
higher values of complexity, at least in average (see Table 2). These results align with those of
others who have proposed a direct relationship between syncopation and rhythmic complexity
(Fitch and Rosenfeld 2007). Interestingly, the mean values of complexity of rotations with
syncopated beginnings were markedly higher in the performative experiment than in the
perceptual experiment. There is a difference between what people think is rhythmically complex
and how well or badly they did when that complexity was tested through a specific task.
Generally speaking, participants thought they could do better than they actually did. This can be
more clearly seen in Table 3 where the average values of the three experiments are grouped by
wave family. This table also shows that, in average, rotations with syncopated beginnings have
higher values of complexity than those with articulated beginnings—a fact that is particularly
Table 2. Order of complexity for the three experiments (all rotations)
Table 3. Mean values for all experiments with results grouped by wave family
I have conducted experiments with control subjects and, so far, only have sufficient data for the
perceptual complexity with 33 undergraduate music students at KCL. Their average age was 20
years old. 19 of them had no previous exposure to traditional African or Afro-derived musics.
The rest had played some Afro-diasporic genres such as bossa nova or salsa. These experiences
may have given them some familiarity to other timelines such as son clave, but not to the
standard pattern, according to their responses to a survey. Figure 7 show the mean values of
Figure 7. Histogram with average results of perceptual complexity experiment (control group)
In the same manner as I did with my Ghanaian subjects, I consolidated the results of the
experiment with the control group from KCL to see the distribution of the families of rotations.
In Table 4 we can see that the close family moved from low to medium complexity values. This
isolates the variable of familiarity with the base rotation, and gives a first basis for empirical
verification of the hypothesis of family rotations. Finally, in Table 5 we also see that, in average,
rotations with syncopated beginnings tend to score higher in all measures of complexity.
Table 4. Order of complexity for the three experiments (all rotations). Control group.
Table 5. Mean values for all experiments with results grouped by wave family (control group)
Lastly, I’d like to go back to the waves of metric strength of the 12 rotations to reflect on one
particular inconsistency I found between my metric and empirical analyses. Figure 8 shows the
waves and points of mismatches in both metric contexts as well as onset mismatches in relation
to R1. You may have noticed that in this chart R7 has maximum misalignment with R1 by all
Figure 8. Waves of metric strength for 12 rotations of standard pattern with various kinds of
However, this maximum distance to R1 does not correspond with maximum scores of
actually has one of the lowest scores among the non-syncopated rotations—reflected by its
position towards the left of the chart among the yellow results. R7 even scores lower than many
In the circular notation of the standard pattern and clave shown in Example 7, we can see
that R7 starts half way through the 12-beat cycle in reference to R1. In other words, R7’s
beginning is located diametrically opposite to R1. Godfried Toussaint (2010:5) has written that
rhythms with a pair of antipodal onsets (like R1 and R7) neutralizes the rhythmic oddity property
of the standard pattern. Said differently, it reduces the perceived complexity of both rhythms
A more intuitive way to see the relationship between R1 and R7 is by comparing it to son
clave, which traditionally is used with two diametrically opposite beginnings as shown in the
Example 7. The use of these two rotations of clave are common place in salsa, Afro-Cuban
music and other diasporic genres. Are R7’s relatively low scores of complexity the result of a
deep rooted timeline logic where a pair of rotations with diametrically opposite beginnings are
knowledge, the 3-2 / 2-3 clave orientation principle is less prominent in Ghana than in some
places of the diaspora like Cuba. I hope to have made a strong case that a combination of
analytical, empirical, and ethnographic approaches can provide answers to this and other related
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