String Manipulation Functions

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String Manipulation Functions

C++ provides a set of function that can be used for string

manipulation. The header file cstring must be included
to use these functions
• Converting string to uppercase or lowercase
strlwr ( ) – converts all the uppercase letters in
string to lowercase.
Syntax : strlwr ( string);
strupr ( ) – converts all the lowercase letters in
string to uppercase.
Syntax : strupr ( string);

IT 105 Computer Programming 2

String Manipulation Functions
char s1[10]= “HELLO”;
cout<< “Output :”<<s1<<endl;

Output : hello
char s1[10]= “hello”;
cout<< “Output :”<<s1<<endl;

Output : HELLO

IT 105 Computer Programming 2

String Manipulation Functions
• Reversing the string
strrev ( ) – reverses all the characters in the string.

Syntax : strrev( string);

char s1[10]= “HELLO”;

cout<< “Output :”<<s1<<endl;

Output : OLLEH

IT 105 Computer Programming 2

String Manipulation Functions
• Finding the length of string
strlen ( ) – returns the length of the string.
Syntax : strlen ( string constant or variable)
char s1[10]= “HELLO”;
int len;
len = strlen(s1);
cout<<”Ouput: “<<len;

Output : 5

IT 105 Computer Programming 2

String Manipulation Functions
• Copying string
Suppose you want to store the content of one string variable
into another, the use of assignment operator (=) is not allowed.
Instead, you may use strcpy function.

strcpy ( ) – copies the content of string.

Syntax : strcpy ( string1, string2);

// copies the content of string2 to string1

IT 105 Computer Programming 2

String Manipulation Functions
char s1[10]; char s1[10]= “HELLO”;
char s2[10]; char s2[10]= “GOOD DAY”;
strcpy( s1,”BSU”); strcpy( s2,s1);
strcpy( s2,”CICT”); cout<< “String 1:”<<s1<<endl;
cout<< “String 1:”<<s1<<endl; cout<< “String 2:”<<s2<<endl;
cout<< “String 2:”<<s2<<endl;

Output: Output:

String 1: BSU String 1: HELLO

String 2: CICT String 2: HELLO

IT 105 Computer Programming 2

String Manipulation Functions
• Copying part of string

strncpy ( ) – copies only a portion ( size) of strings.

Syntax : strncpy (string1, string2,size);
char s1[15]= “HAPPY”;
char s2[15]= “GOOD DAY”;
strncpy(s1,s2, 3);
cout<< “String 1:”<<s1<<endl;
cout<< “String 2:”<<s2<<endl;
String 1: GOOPY
String 2: GOOD DAY
IT 105 Computer Programming 2
String Manipulation Functions
• Concatenating Strings
strcat ( ) – concatenates two strings.
Syntax: strcat ( string1, string2) ;
// It appends string2 to the end of string1. The size of string1 variable must be enough
to hold the concatenated string when declared
char s1[15]= “HELLO”;
char s2[15]= “GOOD DAY”;
cout<< “String 1:”<<s1<<endl;
cout<< “String 2:”<<s2<<endl;
String 2: GOOD DAY
IT 105 Computer Programming 2
String Manipulation Functions
• Comparing Strings

strcmp ( ) – compares two strings.

Syntax : strcmp (string1, string2);

• If string 1 > string2, the function returns a positive value;

• If string 1 <string2, the function returns a negative value;
• if string 1 == string2, the function returns a zero value.

strcmpi ( ) – compares two strings and ignores

whether an uppercase or lowercase letters are being
compared .
Syntax : strcmpi (string1, string2);

IT 105 Computer Programming 2

String Manipulation Functions
char s1[5]="ABC", s2[5] ="BCD”, s3[5]=“bcd”;
int w,x ,y,z;

cout<<" Output 1:" <<w<<endl;

cout<<" Output 2:" <<x<<endl;
cout<<" Output 3:" <<y<<endl;
cout<<" Output 4:" <<z<<endl;

Output 1: - 1
Output 2: 1
Output 3: - 1
Output 4: 0
IT 105 Computer Programming 2

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