Site Location, Map Reading and Lot Ptotting

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. SURVEYING - is the accurate measurement of land to determine its boundaries, its area and its
contours or elevation.
. ORIGINAL SURVEY - first survey undertaken on a piece of land to determine its technical
is the
descriptions, area and relative location with the other lands'
. RELOCATION SURVEY - it is the survey conducted on a property to relocate the boundaries and
monuments. Through a relocation survey, it could established whether there was an increase or
decrease in area as appearing in the title.
. LOT pLAN - a map showing the configuration of a parcel of land and also the basic information
of a survey plan.
. MAP - a flat representation of the earth's surface.
. TIE POINT - is a reference point wit known geographic position established by the Bureau of
lands as Bureau of Land Location Monument (BLLM)or Bureau of Lands Barrio Monument
(BLBM). point "1" of all lots is tied to a reference point to avoid overlapping of properiies. ln
case the location monuments of a lot are lost, it can be relocateil without problem by referring
to the tie Point.
' TIE LINE - an imaginary line connecting from the known geographic position (tie point) to a
corner of the titled propefi, usually point "1".
. CADASTRAL SURVEY - a survey of wide extend, within a municipality or a province, for the
purpose of locating property lines in connection with existing ownership.
. TOPOGRAPHIC MAP - it is a map indicating the physical features of a locality or region. lt
described the elevations, contours or flatness'
. CONTOUR MAP - a map showing the terrain configuration of a parcel of land represented by
contour lines.
. CONTOUR LINES - the lines in the contour map, all points on which are of the same elevation.
. SUBDIV|S|ON SCHEME - it is a plan showing how a property will be subdivided indicating the
layout and sizes of the subdivision lots, roads, playground, open spaces and other amenities.


. 1. Cardinal direction: a. North b. South c. East d. West

. 2. Bearing or Azimuth - gives the direction of a line or boundary. Expressed in degrees.

means from the North to East. S W means from the South to West.
. 3. Scale - in plotting or in making a map, the actual distance on the ground is represented by a
smaller measurement to be drawn on the paper. Example: The actual distance of 20 meters on
the ground, if drawn with a scale of 1:100, we need to lay down on paper only 20
centimeters. The scale of the map, which is written in a technical manner as 1:l-00 therefore
means l centimeters = L meter.


BLBM - Bureau of Lands Barrio Monument

PBM - Provincial Boundary Monument
MBM - Municipal BoundarY Monument
Ptd - Public Land Delimitation
Nr - National Reservation '
Pr - Provincial Reservation
Tsi - Townsite Reservation Subdivision, lndividual
Tsc - Townsite Reservation Subdivision, Corporation
BLLM - Bureau of Lands Location Monument
CBM - CitY BoundarY Monument
BBM - Barrio BoundarY Monument
Pls - Public Land Subdivision
Mr - MuniciPal Reservation
Csd - Subdivision of undecreed propefi
Ccn - Consolidation of undecreed property
Ccs - Consolidation and subdivision of undecreed property


pcs - private Consolidation - Subdivision Survey of titled properties (Private means the survey

done by a private surveYor)

Bcs - public consolidation - Subdivision survey of tilted properties (Public means the survey was
done by Bureau of Land SurveYors)
psd - Private subdivision survey of (decreed) titled properties
Bsd - Public subdivision survey of (decreed)titled properties
Pcn - Consolidation Survey by a Private Land Surveyor
Bca - Consolidation Survey by Bureau of Land Surveyor
Psu - Private Original Survey by Private Land Surveyor or in short Private Survey
Psu-B - Private Original Survey by Bureau of land Surveyor
Psn - National Private Surveyor or Private Survey, National
Psp - Private SurveYs, Provincial
Psm - Private SurveYs, MuniciPal


Flb - Friar Lands Boundary

Ngs - National Government Property Sale
Fls - Friar lands Subdivision
Ngl - NationalGovernment Property Lease
Pcn - Consolidation Survey by a Private Land Surveyor
Bca - Consolidation Survey by Bureau of Land Surveyor
psu - private Original Survey by Private Land Surveyor or in short Private Survey
Psu-B - Private Original Survey by Bureau of land Surveyor
Psn - National Private Surveyor or Private Survey, National
Psp - Private SurveYs, Provincial
Psm - Private SurveYs, MuniciPal
Ap - Advance Plan
Cad - Cadastral Surveys by Bureau of Lands
H - Homestead Application
Rl - Reclaimed lands
F - Free patent APPlication
Ac - Agricultural Colony
Si - Sales Application: lndividual
Flc - Foreshore Lease Application: Corporation
Sc - Sales Application: Corporation
Fli - Foreshore Lease Application: lndividual
Li - Lease Application by lndividual
Mli - Misc. Lease Application: lndividual
Psc - Cadastral Surveys by Private Enterprise
Top -TopographicSurveY
Mlc - Misc. Lease Application by Corporation
Gss - Group Settlement SurveYs
Ts - Townsite Reservation Subdivision
Tb - Townsite Reservation Boundary
Msi - Misc. Sales Application by lndividual
Sgs - Segregation SurveY
Msc - Misc. Sales Application by charitable lnstitution or corporation
Ng - National Government or Private land to be acquired by the National Government


* Technical Description of the Title
* Plotting and Site Verification
* Cadastral & Subdivision MaPs
.i. Tax Map
* Tie Line and Topographic Map
* Plans - Bureau of Lands, Land Registration Authority
* Relocation Survey

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