Philosophical: Research Society
Philosophical: Research Society
Philosophical: Research Society
3910 Lo¡ Feliz Blad. - Lot Angeles, Calif. 90027 ' 663-2167
Unllke tbe Engllsh social structu¡e rhloh ras aLnost corpletely honogeneous, Amerf.can
society cane fron rnan¡r diverse raciaL and natlonal backgrounds. f cannot re¡nenber
that re ever had a cLaes that corresponded to the nd,ornstairsn of the English
film. For those rho came fron other cor¡ntrles, AnerLca tas a land of lnffnlte
opportunl.ty. Àfter a generatlon or tro the trend ras torard careers rbfch pronlsed
flnancial lnprorrement and hfgher social status. An lnevttable consegue¡lce ras the
rapid grorth of tlne end labor saving devices a¡¡d thie trend bas oontinued up to the
present There are virtr¡ally no servants a¡rd the rord rremployee[ covers a
rlde variety of working assoclatf.o¡rs. 15s nr¡glish nlnd hae always placed clistinc-
tfon above fina¡cia1 renureration, and those rortrc'ng for tltled faniLles bathed ln
reflected glorTr. Ilere, such loyalty to tradition ie vlrtuslLy unktorn.
Tlre kinct of life picturett ln the filn nay retum, at Least ln part, because of cir-
cumstances beyond our control. Tea ras the pollte beverage of that dayr and rith
the present price of coffee, lt nay regain lts popularLtyr. For some at least lt ts
a dlstinct relief to turrr off televlsion and spend a qulet evening rlth a good book.
Ta¡es are breaking r¡p the great estates, and tbe Land rl11 soon be used for eondo-
nlnù¡ns and hlgh rlse aparbnents. The costs of rnalntenance are beconlng prohibitlve
and rith slnaller fan{11gr rhioh scatter at the sLlghtest provocatlonr palatlal
homes are at best texrporaqy s¡mbo1s of an insecu¡e opulence. The energy shortage
w111 not be solved Ln our tlne, ar¡ô re must return to a sinpllfled ray of l1fe.
Dinlng out at present prices is a strong inducenent for bone cooldng. The e:rplosion
ln publlshlng seems to suggest that nenJr people are revfving the reading habftr and
a large percentage of paperbacks deaL ríth serlous and usefuL subJecto. Ftfty
years ago a trip of a hr¡rd¡ed niles or more res e neJor rlrdertallng, Ttrey te11 of
a Frenchrnan who plarurecl to vtslt a clty tro hurclred fron Paris, and nade his
wtll before leavlng. If the gasollne sltustlon worsens, oom¡¡nitles muet clepend
more conpletely upon l-oeal actlvitles. It nlght be that Jogglng 1s a praotlcal
preparatlon for a retu¡n of our orlglne1 fo¡n of transportatlon.
Broedly spealrlng, the Edrardian years (fgOf-t910) rere free fron unreasonable fears
concernlng tbe futu¡e. People llved rlth tbe confldent erpectatlon that tbey oouLd
plan thelr llves and careerE in a stabLe soof.ety. llorld lïar f ras the begirming of
the end. Unrest prevail-ed throqghout tJ¡e rorld, tbe Level of noraLlty felL sharply,
and a dl.slllusioned. huna¡rity rapldly naterlallstic and self-cætered.
Anbitions rent out of eontrol and our present generatlon has lnherlted a ohaoo.
Re1iglon lost leadershlp ln the eilucatlonal rorld and scienoe ras heralded, as the
ner savlor of nanlCnd. lle bave pald a trenendous prlce for eoonomlc and lndr¡strial
progtesa. lbe only anarer ls that the lndlvtdual- nr¡st disclpllne hLmseLf and
bear the bu¡den of hfs mn conduot. Traditlonal naluee nr¡st be re-establlshed to
support a program of reb.abllltatl.or¡. If re can accorrplleh this, re oan
restore the rtlgnities of tbe past and regain confidence in a prrr¡loeeful future. lïe
alL h¿ve the right to bope for the best, but ve mrst bulld a solid forurdation to
support our hopes. There is a deflnite trend tn thle dlrectlonr ard UPSTAIRS-DOWN-
STAIJTS presents s¡mboJ-1oally the ctrallenge of a changing soolal order and the in¡¡er
strength rhlcÏ¡ rl11 eaable us to acaorpllsh rhat is neceesar¡r.
ilANtT P. HA[,L
r /¿,r'4
IDRUIITS Limited Editions of
Four Additional Titles of the