5.5 Grammar
5.5 Grammar
5.5 Grammar
Name Pronoun-Verb
5. My brother says that he has seen an otter’s home on the river bank.
A. Proofreading
Proofread the paragraph. Circle any incorrectly written contractions.
Im hoping to become a zoologist someday. That is someone who studies
animals. Until then I can learn a lot by just watching the animals that live all
around me. There are plenty of rabbits in our backyard. Theyve built their
warren near our fence. Ive seen a rabbit hop across the yard. Then suddenly
its gone. Its jumped down the hole into the warren. I can guess what its like
inside. Its got several entrances. They lead down long tunnels. Then theyve
got nests at the end of the tunnels.
B. Writing Activity
Rewrite the paragraph. Write each contraction with the apostrophe in the
right place. Make sure possessive pronouns and contractions are used
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