Analysis of RC Circuits
Analysis of RC Circuits
Analysis of RC Circuits
Eytan Modiano
Eytan Modiano
Slide 1
Learning Objectives
– Derive the differential equations for the voltage across the capacitors
Eytan Modiano
Slide 2
Second order RC circuits
e1 R1 e3 R2 e2
i1 i2
+ + R1 = R2= R3 = 1Ω
v1 C1 R3 C2 v2 C1 = C2= 1F
- -
dv1 dv2
!!!!!!!i1 = C1 !!!!!!i2 = C2
dt dt
Node equations :
e1 :!!!i1 + (e1 ! e3 ) / R1 = 0
e2 :!!!!(e2 ! e3 ) / R2 +!i2 = 0
Eytan Modiano
e3 :!!!(e3 ! e1 ) / R1 + (e3 ! e2 ) / R2 + e3 / R3 = 0
Slide 3
The differential equations
Plugging!in!values! for!resistors!capacitors :
(1) e!1 + e1 ! e3 = 0
(2) e!2 + e2 ! e3 = 0
(3)!3e3 ! e2 ! e1 = 0
Eytan Modiano
Slide 4
Guessing a solution
E1 (1 + s) !! ! E3 = 0
E2 (1 + s) ! E3 = 0
!E1 !!!!!!!E2 !!!!!!!!!!!+3E3 = 0
Eytan Modiano
Slide 5
Solution to homogeneous equations
A = 3(1 + s)(1 + s) ! (1 + s) ! (1 + s) = 0
!4 ± 16 ! 12 !4 ± 2
3s + 4s + 1 = 0 " s =
6 6
" s1 = !1,!s2 = !1 / 3
Two!solutions :
s = !1 " ei = Ei e!t
Eytan Modiano
Slide 7
s = !1 / 3 " ei = Ei e!t / 3
Non-trivial solution
• Recall E1 (1 + s) !! ! E3 = 0
E2 (1 + s) ! E3 = 0
!E1 !!!!!!!E2 !!!!!!!!!!!+3E3 = 0
• For s = -1 we have,
E1 (0) !! ! E3 = 0 " E3 = 0
E2 (0) ! E3 = 0 " E3 = 0
!E1 !!!!!!!E2 !!!!!!!!!!!+3E3 = 0 " E1 =!!E2 !
E1 (2 / 3) !! ! E3 = 0 " E1 = 3 / 2E3
!!E2 (2 / 3) ! E3 = 0 " E2 = 3 / 2E3
!E1 !!!!!!!E2 !!!!!!!!!!!+3E3 = 0
• Note that in general we can solve for the E’s using row reduction, etc. (see
linear algebra notes)
Eytan Modiano
Slide 9
The complete solution
Eytan Modiano
Slide 10
The complete solution, continued