Department of Polymer Science and Engineering S.No. Course Code Course Title Area Credit

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Department of Polymer Science and Engineering

S.No. Course code Course Title Area Credit

1. MAN-001 Mathematics-I BSC 4
2. PEN-101 Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering PCC 2
3. CEN-105 Introduction to Environmental Studies GSC 3
4. HSN-001A Communication skills (Basic) HSSC 2
5. HSN-001B Communication skills (Advanced) HSSC 2
6. HSN-002 Ethics and Self-Awareness HSSC 2
7. CYN-009 Polymer Chemistry BSC 4
8. PEN-103 Computer Programming and Numerical Methods ESC 4
9. MAN-002 Mathematical Methods BSC 4
10. CHN-102 Material and Energy Balance PCC 4
11. CHN-106 Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics PCC 4
12. PEN-102 Properties of Polymers PCC 3
13. CYN-011 Polymer Characterization BSC 2
14. EEN-112 Electrical Science ESC 4
15. CYN-013 Polymer Chemistry Lab BSC 2
16. CHN-201 Heat Transfer PCC 4
17. CHN-211 Fluid and Fluid Particle Mechanics PCC 4
18. PEN-201 Polymer Engineering Thermodynamics PCC 4
19. PEN-203 Polymer Blends PCC 3
20. MIN-108 Mechanical Engineering Drawing ESC 4
21. CHN-212 Mass Transfer PCC 4
22. PEN-202 Polymer Reaction Engineering PCC 4
23. PEN-204 Polymer Rheology and Processing PCC 3
24. PEN-206 Polymer Production Engineering PCC 3
25. PEN-208 Elastomers Science and Engineering PCC 3
26. MTN-106 Materials Science ESC 4
27. CHN-303 Process Dynamics and Control PCC 4
28. PEN-301 Polymer Product Processing and Engineering PCC 4
29. PEN-303 Process Equipment Design PCC 4
30. PEN-391 Technical Communication PCC 2
31. PEN-302 Modeling and Simulation of Polymers PCC 4
32. PEN-304 Polymer Composites PCC 3
33. CHN-310 Process Utilities, Economics and Plant Design PCC 3
34. PEN-300 Industry Oriented Problem PCC 3

Programme Elective
39. CHN-322 Optimization of Chemical Engineering Processes PEC 4
40. CHN-323 Computer Application in Chemical Engineering PEC 4
41. CHN-324 Computational Fluid Dynamics PEC 4
42. CHN-325 Process Integration PEC 4
43. PEN-325 Transport Phenomena in Polymeric Solutions PEC 4
44. PEN-401 Bio-Polymer Engineering PEC 4
45. PEN-402 High Performance and Special Polymers PEC 4
46. PEN-403 Electronic and Conducting Polymers PEC 4
47. PEN-404 Polymer Film Technology PEC 4
48. PEN-405 Polymeric Membrane Technology PEC 4
49. PEN-406 Advanced Polymer Composites PEC 4
50. PEN-407 Advanced Extrusion and Compounding PEC 4
51. PEN-408 Paint and Coating Engineering PEC 4
52. PEN-409 Polymer Fiber Technology PEC 4
53. PEN-410 Adhesive and Sealants Technology PEC 4
54. PEN-411 Rubber Product Technology PEC 4
55. PEN-412 Polymer Colloids PEC 4
56. PEN-413 Polymer Nanocomposites PEC 4
57. PEN-414 Advanced Process Control PEC 4
58. PEN-415 Polymer and Tissue Technology PEC 4
59. PEN-417 Polymer Degradation and Stability PEC 4
60. PEN-418 Polymers Recycling and Environment PEC 4
61. PEN-419 Polymer for Packaging Technology PEC 4
62. PEN-420 Polymers for Smart & Memristive Materials PEC 4
63. PEN-421 Applications of Polymer in Drug Delivery PEC 4

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mathematics

1. Subject Code: MAN-001 Course Title: Mathematics I

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory :3 Practical:0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: BSC

8. Pre-requisite: None

9. Objective: To provide essential knowledge of basic tools of Differential Calculus,Integral Calculus ,

Vector Calculus and Matrix Algebra for degree students.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Matrix Algebra: Elementary operations and their use in getting the Rank, 8
Inverse of a matrix and solution of linear simultaneous equations.
Orthogonal, Symmetric, Skew-symmetric, Hermitian, Skew-Hermitian,
Normal & Unitary matrices and their elementary properties. Eigen-values
and Eigenvectors of a matrix, Cayley- Hamilton theorem, Diagonalization of
a matrix.
2. Differential Calculus: Limit, Continuity and differentiability of functions of 12
two variables, Euler’s theorem for homogeneous equations, Tangent plane
and normal. Change of variables, chain rule, Jacobians, Taylor’s Theorem for
two variables, Error approximations. Extrema of functions of two or more
variables,Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers
3. Integral Calculus: Review of curve tracing and quadric surfaces, Double 12
and Triple integrals, Change of order of integration. Change of variables.
Gamma and Beta functions. Dirichlet’s integral. Applications of Multiple
integrals such as surface area, volumes, centre of gravity and moment of
4. Vector Calculus: Differentiation of vectors, gradient, divergence, curl and 10
their physical meaning. Identities involving gradient, divergence and curl.
Line and surface integrals. Green’s, Gauss and Stroke’s theorem and their
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors/ Books/Publishers Year of

1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th edition, John Wiley 2011
and Sons, Inc., U.K.
2. R.K. Jain and S.R.K. Iyenger, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2nd 2005
Edition, Narosa Publishing House.
3. M.D. Weir, J. Hass, F.R. Giordano, Thomas’ Calculus, 11th Edition, 2008
Pearson Education.

NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Polymer & Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-101 Course Title: Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering

2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 0 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:2 Practical:0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS :0 PRS : 0 MTE : 100 ETE : 0 PRE : 0

5. Credits: 2 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9 Objective: To impart introductory knowledge of polymer engineering

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Particulars Contact Hours

1 Introduction: Types of polymers; Blends; Composites; Materials and 1

applications of polymers

2 Engineering Polymers: Types of engineering polymers; 5

Thermoplastics; Thermosets; Elastomers; Polyolefins; Polyethylene;


3 High Performance Polymers: Types of high performance polymers; 5

Polyesters; Polycarbonate; Polyamide; Polyetherimides; Poly-amide-imide;
High temperature Resistant polymers; Lyotropic and thermotropic liquid
crystal polymers

4 Polymer Engineering: Polymerization engineering; Polymer 6

Processing; Additives; Polymer products; Processing; Introduction to

rheology and various polymer processing techniques and


5 Polymeric Systems and Materials Polymer blends; Polymer 6

Composites; Rubbers and elastomers; Films and fibers; Bio; bio-

degradable and bio-medical polymers and functional polymers

6 Applications of Polymers: Applications of polymers in commodity 5

products as: Engineering materials in automobiles; Aerospace;

Electronics; Medical and other applications; Conducting polymers

Total 28

11. Suggested Books

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of


1. H. S. Kaufman, J. J. Falcetta, “Introduction to Polymer Science & Technology”’ 2010

SPE Textbook, John Wiley & Sons

2 D. J. Williams, “Polymer Science & Engineering”, Prentice Hall, Inc. 2010

3. V. R. Gowariker, N. V. Vishwanathan, Jaydev Sreedhar, “Polymer Science”, New 2011

Age (I)
NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering
1. Subject code: CEN-105 Course Title: Introduction to Environmental Studies
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 00
5. Credits: 3 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: GSC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To introduce fundamentals of environmental pollution and its control.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Overview: Environment and Natural Processes; Development (Resource
Utilization & Waste Generation); Environmental issues; Concept of
Sustainable Development; Issues affecting future development 6
(population, urbanization, health, water scarcity, energy, climate change,
toxic chemicals, finite resources etc.); Environmental units
2. Air –Water interaction: ( Liquid phase-gas phase equilibrium) Henry’s
Law Constant with units, Dimensionless Henry’s Law Constant
3. Water –Soil Interaction: Carbonate System ( Alkalinity and bufferi
capacity); Major ions in water; Natural Organic Matter (NOMs); Water
quality parameters; Physical processes (Mass Balance): Spatio-temporal 9
variation in quality of river water, lake water, groundwater; Water
quality standards
4. Wetlands, water treatment and wastewater treatment . 6
5. Air resources: Atmosphere; Air pollutants; Emissions and control of air
pollutants; Atmospheric meteorology and dispersion; Transport of air
(global, regional, local); A/ iratmospheric stability; Plume shape; 9
Gaussian modeling; Air quality standards
6. Land pollution and solid waste management 3
7. Ecosystem: Structure and function; Energy flow in ecosystem; Materia
flow in ecosystem; Biodiversity and ecosystem health; Bio-amplification 3
and bio-magnification
8. Hazardous Waste: Definition; Classification; Storage and management;
Site remediation; Environmental Risk: assessment, and management
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

Year of
S. No. Name of Books / Authors/ Publishers Publication/
1. Davis M .L .and Cornwell D . A .Introduction,“ to Environmental 2008
Engineering”, McGraw Hill, New York 4/e
2. Masters G .M.,Joseph K . and Nagendran R Introduction.“ t o 2007
Environmental Engineering and Science”, Pearson Education, New
Delhi. 2/e
3. Peavy H. S,. R owe D.R. and TchobanoglousG., “Environmental 1986
Engineering”, McGraw Hill, New York
4. Mines R . O. and Lackey L . W. Introduction““ to Environmental 2009
Engineering”, Prentice Hall, New Yark
5. Miheicic J. R .and Zimmerman J . B . “ Environmental Engineering: 2010
Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design” John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

1. Subject Code: HSN-001A Course Title: Communication Skills (Basic)

2. Contact Hours: L: 1 T: 0 P: 2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 2 Practical 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS 25 PRS 00 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 2 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: HSSC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: The course intends to build the required communication skills of the students
having limited communicative abilities, so that they may communicate effectively in real-
life situations

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Understanding the Basics of Communication Skills: Listening, Speaking, 01

Reading & Writing, Scope and Importance

2. Grammar & Composition: Time and Tense, Agreement, Active-Passive, 05

Narration, Use of Determiners, Prepositions & Phrasal Verbs

3. Vocabulary Building & Writing: Word-formation, Synonyms, Antonyms, 02

Homonyms, One-word Substitutes, Idioms and Phrases, Collocations,
Abbreviations of Scientific and Technical Words
4. Introduction to Sounds (Vowels & Consonants) Organs of Speech, Place 02
and Manner of Articulation, Stress & Intonation, Listening
(Practical Sessions in Language Laboratory)
5. Speaking, Countering Stage-fright and Related Barriers to Communication. 02

6. Reading and Comprehension: Two lessons to be identified by the 02


Total 14

List of Practical:

1. Ice-breaking Exercises
2. Assignments on Time and Tense, Agreement, Active-Passive
3. Laboratory Session on Narration, Use of Determiners, Prepositions & Phrasal
Verbs, Revisionary Exercises & Quiz
4. Laboratory Session on Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms
5. Assignments and Practice Sheets on One-word Substitutes, Idioms and Phrases,
Collocations, Abbreviations of Scientific and Technical Words
6. Laboratory Session on Practice of sounds, Intonation and Stress, Listening
7. Individual presentation, debates, Extempore & Turncoats
8. Exercises in Composition and Comprehension

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1. Murphy, Raymond. Intermediate English Grammar, New Delhi, 2009
Cambridge University Press.
2. Quirk, Randolph & Sidney Greenbaum. A University Grammar of 2009
English, New Delhi, Pearson.
3. McCarthy, Michael & Felicity O’ Dell. English Vocabulary in Use, 2010
New Delhi, Cambridge University Press
4. Jones, Daniel. The Pronunciation of English, New Delhi, Universal 2010
Book Stall.
5. Birchfield, Susan M. Fowler’s Modern English Usage, New Delhi, 2004

6. Llyod, Susan M. Roget’s Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. 2010

New Delhi: Penguin.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

1. Subject Code: HSN-001B Course Title: Communication Skills (Advanced)

2. Contact Hours: L: 1 T: 0 P: 2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 2 Practical 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS 25 PRS 00 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 2 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: HSSC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The course intends to train the learners in using both verbal and non-verbal
communication effectively.
10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Advanced Communication Skills: Scope, Relevance, & Importance 01

2. Soft Skills: Interpersonal Communication; Verbal & Non-verbal, 03

Persuasion, Negotiation, Neuro-Linguistic

3. Communication and Media (Social and Popular), The Social and 04

Political Context of Communication, Recent Developments and
Current Debates in Media
4. Cross-cultural and Global Issues in Communication: Race, Ethnicity, 03
Gender & Diaspora

5. Rhetoric and Public Communication, Audience Awareness, Emotionality 03

Total 14
List of Experiments:

1. Discussion on the Process of Communication in Personal and Professional Life

2. Group Discussion, Case Studies and Role-Play
3. Assignments on E-mail Etiquette, Social Networking, Blog Writing, Discussions
on Current Issues
4. Non-Verbal Communication in Cross-Cultural Situations, Case Studies, Group
Discussions and Readings on Topics Related to Race, Ethnicity , Gender and
5. Individual Presentations (Audience Awareness, Delivery and Content of Presentation)

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1. Rentz, Kathryn, Marie E. Flatley& Paula Lentz. 2012
Lesikar’s Business Communication CONNECTING IH A DIGITAL
WORLD, McGraw -Hill, Irwin
2. Bovee, Courtland L & John V. Thill. Business Communication 2010
Today. New Delhi, Pearson Education
3. McMurrey, David A. & Joanne Buckley. Handbook for Technical 2009
Writing, New Delhi, Cengage Learning.
4. Jones, Daniel. The Pronunciation of English, New Delhi, Universal 2010
Book Stall.

5. Allan & Barbara Pease. The Definitive Book of Body Language, 2004
New York, Bantam

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

1. Subject Code: HSN-002 Course Title: Ethics and Self-awareness

2. Contact Hours: L: 01 T: 0 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 2 Practical 0

4.Relative Weight: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits : 2 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: HSSC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the concepts pertaining to ethical and moral reasoning and action and
to develop self - awareness.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Introduction: Definition of thics;E A pproaches t othics:E 1
Psychological, Philosophical, Social.

2 Psycho-social theories of moral development: View of K ohlberg; 3

Morality and Ideology, Culture and orality,M Morality i n everyday

3 Ethical Concerns: Work Ethics and Work Values, BusinessEthics, 3

Human values in organizations.

4 Self-Awareness: Self Concept: Johari Window, Self and Culture, Self 4

Knowledge, Self-Esteem; Perceived elfS-control, S elf-serving bi as,
Self-presentation, Self-growth: Transactional Analysis and Life Scripts.

5. Self Development: Character strengths and virtues, Emoti 3

intelligence, Social intelligence, Positive cognitive states and processes
(Self-efficacy, Empathy, Gratitude, Compassion, and Forgiveness).

Total 14

11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of Publication

1. Hall, Calvin S ., Lindzey, Dardner., & Cambell, 1998
B.,“Theories of Personality”,Hamilton Printing Company.

2. Car Alan, “Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness 2004

and Human Strengths”, Brunner-Routledge.

3. Leary M.R., “The Curse of Self: Self-awareness, Egotism 2004

and the Quality of Human Life”, Oxford University Press.

4. Louis P . P., “The M oral Life: An Introductory Reader i n 2007

Ethics and Literature”, Oxford University Press.

5. Corey, G., Schneider Corey, M ., &Callanan, , P“Issues. 2011

and Ethics in the Helping Professions”, Brooks/Cole.

6. Snyder, C.R., Lopez, Shane, J., &Pedrotti, J.T., “Positive 2011

Psychology” Sage, 2 edition.

NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Chemistry

1. Subject code: CYN-009 Course Title: Polymer Chemistry

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: BSC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To familiarize students with polymeric materials and its importance.
10. Details of the Course:
S. No. Contents Contact
1. Polymeric materials: Historical development of polymers, classification and
nomenclature of polymers. Homopolymers, copolymers, block copolymers,
blends, inorganic polymers, and composites. Bio- and non-bio-degradable
polymers. 4
Soluble and insoluble polymers. Specialty of polymers in comparison to low
molecular weight materials. Macromolecules versus polymers.
2. Polymer structures: Linear, branched and cross-linked polymers. Polymer chain
configuration, conformation and tacticity. Size of polymer chains and estimates of
polymer chain size. Polymer chain interactions and cohesive energy density. 6
Polymer chain polarity and its effect on physical properties of polymers–density,
crystallinity and solubility.
3. Molecular weights and properties of polymers: Molecular weight and degree of
polymerization, weight average and number average molecular weight,
sedimentation and viscosity average molecular weight, polydispersity and size of
polymer molecule. Molecular weight dependence physical properties of polymers. 8
Hydrodynamic radii of polymers and its relation with molecular weight of
Amorphous polymers and crystalline polymers. Glass transition and melting
temperatures. Degree of crystallinity and mesophase polymers.
4. Polymerization methods: Purity and polymerizability of monomers, common
initiators, inhibitors and chain transfer agents used in polymerization, bulk
polymerization and auto acceleration. Solution polymerization and role of the
solvent. Suspension and emulsion polymerization. Interfacial and phase transfer 10
polymerization and its advantages. Effect of methods of polymerization on
properties of the polymers.
Polymer reactions and mechanisms of polymerization: Polymer chain
5. hydrolysis,
acidolysis, aminolysis and alcoholysis. Hydrogenation, addition, substitution,
cyclization and chemical cross-linking reactions. Polymer chain functionality and
gelation, physical and chemical degradation. Classification of polymerization 8
reactions, free radical and ionic chain polymerization, addition and step growth
polymerization, coordination polymerization, Zeigler-Natta catalysis and polymer
6. Commercial polymers and their applications: Polyethylene, high and low density
polyethylene, ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylenes, polycarbonates, nylons, 6
amino and epoxy based resins and their commercial importance, thermosetting and
thermoplastic polymers and their applications.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/Book/ Publisher Year of Publication/

No. Reprint
Flory, P.J., “Principles of Polymer Chemistry”, Cornell University Press,
1 Ithaca, New York. 1953
2 Fried, J.R., “Polymer Science and Technology”, Prentice Hall , U. K. 2002
Odean, G., Principles of Polymerization, 4 Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
3 New Jersey 2004
Young R.J., Lovell, P.A., “Introduction to Polymers” 3 Edition, CRC
4 Press, Taylor and Francis Group 2011
Carraher, Jr C.E. “Introduction to Polymer Chemistry” 3 Edition CRC
5 Press, Taylor & Francis group. 2012

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-103 Course Title: Computer Programming and Numerical

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 15 PRS 25 MTE 20 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: ESC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce object oriented programming using C++ language and numerical

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Basic Computer Fundamentals: Introduction to computer systems 4
- CPU organization, ALU, registers, memory and input-output
devices; Number system: binary and hexadecimal; Fixed and
Floating point numbers; Errors and Approximations
2. Basic Programming in C++: Concepts of algorithm & flow charts; 6
Input/output, constants, variables, expressions and operators;
Naming conventions and styles; Conditions and selection statements;
Looping and control structures; File input/output, header files, string
processing; Preprocessor directives such as #include, #define, #ifdef,
#ifndef; Compiling and linking.
3. Modular Programming: Functions (void and value returning), 6
parameters, scope and lifetime of variables, passing by value,
passing by reference, passing arguments by constant reference;
Design of functions and their interfaces, recursive functions;
Function overloading and default arguments; Library functions;
Matters of style, naming conventions, comments
4. Aggregate Data-types: Arrays and pointers; Structures; Dynamic 4
data and pointers, dynamic arrays.
5. Object Oriented Programming: Classes and Objects; Constructors 8
and Destructors; Operator Overloading and Type Conversions;
Inheritance: extending classes; Pointers; Virtual Functions;
Polymorphism; Manipulating Strings; Use of Pointers in linked
6. Solution of Linear and Non-Linear Equation: Direct methods 6
such as Gaussian elimination and Thomas algorithm for tri-diagonal
systems; Iterative methods such as Jacobi method and Gauss-Seidel
method; Single variable using Bisection method and Newton-
Raphson method; Application of Newton-Raphson to two variables
7. Numerical Interpolation, Differentiation and Integration: 4
Difference tables, forward, central and backward difference
interpolation; Interpolating polynomials; Differentiation formulas;
Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rule
8. Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: Initial value 4
problems (IVPs), Euler Method and Runge-Kutta method
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors/ Publishers Year of

1. Balaguruswamy, E., "Object Oriented Programming with C++", Tata 2011
McGraw Hill Education, 5th Edition.
2. Lafore, R., "Object Oriented Programming with C++", Pearson, 4th 2008
3. Dietel, H. M. and Dietel, P. J., "C++ How to Program", Prentice Hall, 2011
8th Edition.
4. Sastry, S. S., "Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis", PHI 2012
Learning, 5th Edition.
5. Chapra, S. C., "Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for 2012
Engineers and Scientists", Tata McGraw Hill Education, 3rd Edition.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Chemical Engineering

1. Subject Code: CHN-322 Course Title: Optimization of Chemical Engineering
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide basic knowledge of optimization methods used in Chemical


10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Optimization and calculus based classical 5
optimization techniques.
2. One Dimensional Minimization Methods: Elimination methods- 6
equally spaced points method, Fibonacci method and golden section
method; Interpolation methods-quadratic interpolation and cubic
interpolation, Newton and quasi-Newton methods.
3. Linear Programming: Graphical representation, simplex and 7
revised simplex methods, duality and transportation problems.
4. Multivariable Non-Linear Programming: Unconstrained- 9
univariate method, Powell’s method, simplex method, rotating
coordinate method, steepest descent method, Fletcher Reeves
method, Newton’s methods Marquardt’s method and variable metric
(DFP and BFGS) methods; Constrained- complex method, feasible
directions method, GRG method, penalty function methods and
augmented Lagrange multiplier method.
5. Dynamic Programming: Multistage processes- acyclic and cyclic, 4
sub-optimization, principle of optimality and applications.
6. Geometric Programming (GP): Differential calculus and 6
Arithmetic- Geometric inequality approach to unconstrained GP;
Constrained GP minimization; GP with mixed inequality constraints
and Complementary GP.
7. Emerging Optimization Techniques: Genetic algorithm, simulated 5
annealing, particle swarm and ant colony optimization.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Rao S. S., ‘‘Engineering optimization: Theory and Practice”, 4 2009
Ed., Wiley
2. Edgar T. F., Himmelblau D. M. and Lasdon L. S., “Optimization of 2001
Chemical Processes”, 2nd Ed., McGraw Hill.
3. Ravindran A., Ragsdell K. M. and Reklaitis G. V., “ Methods and 2006
Application’’ 2 Ed., Wiley
4. Venkataraman P., “ Applied Optimization with MATLAB 2009
Programming’’,2 Ed., Wiley
5. Beveridge G.S.G. and Schechter R.S., “ Optimization: Theory and 1970
Practice’’, McGraw Hill

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Chemical Engineering

1. Subject Code: CHN-323 Course Title: Computer Applications in Chemical

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory Practical

4. Relative Weight: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits:4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide knowledge of advanced numerical methods and their applications to

chemical engineering problems.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Review of solution methods of non linear single variable 8
equations, polynomials (determination of quadratic factors),
linear set of simultaneous equations, ill conditioned matrix, and
set of nonlinear equations using Newton’s and globally
convergent methods
2. Solution of homogeneous set of linear equations using eigen 3
values and eigen vectors with application to chemical
engineering problems.
3. Review of numerical differentiation and numerical integration 4
methods, quadratures and their applications to numerical
4. Review of single step and multiple step methods to solve initial 8
value ordinary differential equations problems, estimation of
error and its propogation in single step and multiple step
methods, step size selection and adaptable step size Runga-Kutta
methods, stiff ODE’s and Gear’s class of methods.
5. Boundary value problems (BVP) - shooting methods for linear 10
system, finite difference methods, regular perturbation method,
method of weighted residuals and orthogonal collection methods
to solve first and higher order BVP in ODE’s application to
chemical engineering systems, concept of finite element.
6. Review of finite difference techniques to solve partial difference 9
equations (PDE’s), similarity transformation, method of
weighted residuals, orthogonal collocation to solve PDEs with
their application to chemical engineering systems.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Finlayson B. A., “Introduction to Chemical Engineering 2006
Computing”, 7 Ed.., Wiley Interscience publication.
2. Gerald C. F. and Wheatly P. O.; “Applied Numerical Analysis”, 2003
7 Ed., Addison Wesley.
3. Rice R.G. and Do D. D., “Applied Mathematics for Chemical 1995
Engineers”, Wiley.
4. Beers K. J., “Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineering: 2006
Applications in Matlab”, Cambridge University Press.
5. Constantinides A. and Mostoufi N., “Numerical Methods for 1999
Chemical Engineers with MATLAB Applications”, Prentice Hall.
6. Cutlip M. B. and Shacham M.., “Problem Solving in Chemical and 2008
Biochemical Engineering with POLYMATH, EXCELL and
MATLAB”, 2 Ed., Prentice Hall.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Chemical Engineering

1.Subject Code:CHN-324 Course Title: Computational Fluid Dynamics

2.Contact Hours: L: 3 T:1 P: 0

3.Examination Duration (Hrs.):Theory3 Practical0

4.Relative Weight:CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5.Credits:4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC


9.Objectives: To provide an understanding of physical models to study hydrodynamics in

engineering systems.
10.Details of Course:

S.No Contents Contact

1. Basic Concepts of Fluid Flow: Philosophy of computational fluid 5
dynamics (CFD), review of equations governing fluid flow and heat
transfer, simplified flow models such as incompressible, inviscid,
potential and creeping flow, flow classification.
2. Grid Generation: Structured and unstructured grids, choice of suitable 3
grid, grid transformation of equations, some modern developments in grid
generation in solving the engineering problems.
3. Finite Difference Method (FDM): Discretization of ODE and PDE, 15
approximation for first, second and mixed derivatives, implementation of
boundary conditions, discretization errors, applications to the engineering
4. Finite Volume Method: Discretization methods, approximations of 9
surface integrals and volume integrals, interpolation and differential
practices, implementation of boundary conditions, application to the
engineering problems.
5. Case studies: Case studies using FDM and FVM: Flow and heat transfer 10
in pipes and channels, square cavity flows, reacting flow, reactive flow,
multiphase flow, Heat Transfer in Rotary Kiln Reactors, Fluid mixing,
etc. Essence of Finite element method (FEM) .
Total 42
11.Suggested Books:

Year of
S.No. Authors / Name of Books / Publisher Publication
1. Fletcher C.A.J. “Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 1: 1998
Fundamental and General Techniques”, Springer-Verlag.
2. Fletcher C.A.J. “Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 2: 1998
Specific Techniques for Different Flow Categories”, Springer-Verlag .
3. Anderson. J.D., “Computational Fluid Dynamics”, McGraw Hill. 1995
4. Ghoshdastidar P.S., “Computer Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer”, 1998
Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Patankar S.V., “Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow”, Taylor and 2004

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Chemical Engineering

1. Subject Code: CHN-325 Course Title: Process Integration

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.):Theory:3 Practical:0

4. Relative Weight: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the concept of pinch technology in integration of unit operations in

process industries.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Process Integration and its Building Blocks: Definition of 6
Process Integration (PI), School of thoughts, Areas of
application and Techniques available for PI, Onion diagram.
2. Pinch Technology – An Overview: Introduction, Basic 7
concept, How it is different than energy auditing, Role of
thermodynamic laws, Problem addressed by Pinch
3. Key Steps of Pinch Technology: Data extraction, Targeting, 5
Designing, Optimization-Supertargteing.
4. Basic Elements of Pinch Technology: Grid diagram, 5
Composite curve, Problem table algorithm, Grand composite
5. Targeting of Heat Exchanger Network (HEN): Energy 5
targeting, Area targeting, Number of units targeting, Shell
targeting, cost targeting.
6. Designing of HEN: Pinch design methods, Heuristic rules, 6
Stream splitting, Design of maximum energy recovery (MER),
Design of multiple utilities and pinches, Design for threshold
problem, Loops and Paths.
7. Heat Integration of Equipments: Heat engine, Heat pump, 4
Distillation column, Reactor, Evaporator, Drier, Refrigeration
8. Heat and Power Integration: Co-generation, Steam turbine, 3
Gas turbine.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Kemp I. C., “Pinch Analysis and Process Integration: A user 2007
Guide on Process Integration for the Efficient Use of Energy”,
2 Ed., Butterworth-Heinemann.
2. Smith R.., “Chemical Process Design and Integration”, 2 2005
Ed., Wiley.
3. Shenoy U. V., “Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis”, Gulf 1995
Publishing Company.
4. El Halwagi M. M., “Process Integration”, 7 Ed., Academic 2006
NAME OF DEPT: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-325 Course Title: Transport Phenomena in polymeric

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P:
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical:0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide knowledge of Cell balances in steady/unsteady state transport

processes involving momentum, energy, mass.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Review of mathematics of vectors and tensors; Use of 04

various co-ordinate systems; Kronicker delta; Integral theorem;
Differential operators; Invariants; Ordinary/partial differential
equations and common solution techniques.

2. Fluid Mechanics (Isothermal Systems): Shell balances and velocity 04

distributions in laminar flow through tube, annular space and tube‐flow
of adjacent immiscible liquids; Interfacial boundary conditions; Flow
through a slit.

3. Equation of Change for Isothermal Systems: Equation of continuity; 06

Equation of motion; Equation of mechanical energy; Equation of
angular momentum; Vorticity; Stress and rate of strain tensor;
Newtonian case (Navier Stokes and Euler equations); Example of flow
problems: creeping flow, Hagen-Poiseuille flow and Coutte flow; Cone
and plate viscometer and parallel plate torsion; Viscoelastic fluids.

4. Polymeric Liquids: Analysis of behaviour of polymeric liquids; 04

Rheometry; Non-Newtonian viscosity and the generalized Newtonian
models; Elasticity and linear viscoelastic models such as Maxwell,
Kelvin, Jeffreys and Burger model and their combinations;
Corotationalderivaties and non-linear viscoelastic models; Molecular
theories of polymeric liquids.
5. Energy Transport and Heat Transfer: Energy generalized balance 06
and heat equation; Conductivity, heat capacities, temperature and
pressure dependence of conductivity; Theory of thermal conductivities.

6. Equations of Change for Non-isothermal Systems: Special forms of 06

heat equation (for internal energy and for temperature); Boussinesq
equation for forced and free convection; Use of equations of change to
solve steady state problems involving polymeric fluid fluxes;
Boundary layer theory for non-isothermal flow; Laminar flow heating-
Von Karman momentum and energy balances.

7. Mass Transport: Mass transfer/molecular transport by convection; 06

Molar fluxes; Fick’s law; Maxwell-Stephan’s law; Diffusion in binary
liquids and gases at low density; Permeability, solubility, diffusivity of
gas and solute through polymers; Shell balance and boundary

8. Equation of Change: Equation of continuity for multicomponent 06

systems; Dimensional analysis of equations of change for non-reacting
binary mixtures, species continuity, constant mass density, constant
molar density; Sorption of gases and vapors in polymers: rubbery
polymers, glassy polymers, semi-crystalline polymers.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of


1. Bird R.B., Stewart W.E. and Lightfoot E. N., “Transport Phenomena”, 2002
McGrawhill Second Ed.

2. Mashelkar R.A., Majumdar A.S., Kamal M.R., “Transport Phenomena 1989

in Polymer Solution”, Ellis Horwood Publisher

3. Deen W.M., “Analysis of Transport Phenomena”, Oxford University Press. 1998

ISBN 978-0-19-508494-8.

4. Whitaker S., “Fundamental Principles of Heat Transfer”, New York, 1997

Pergamon Press
NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-401 Course Title: Bio- Polymers Engineering

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical :0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS: 0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge about biopolymers and their applications, engineering and

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Definition, examples, applications and 5

classification of biopolymers based on different sources; General
characteristics of biopolymers; Advantages and disadvantages of

2. Synthesis and Characterization of Bio-polymers: Structure and 8

properties of proteins, polysaccharides, DNA, RNA,glycoproteins,
proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans.

3. Biodegradation of Biopolymers: Mechanism of biodegradation; 4

Biodegradation kinetics.

4. Engineering of Biopolymers: Principles of engineering the 8

properties of biopolymer molecules; Chemical modification;
Biopolymer based composites and blends.

5. Biopolymer Processing: Process technology for the production of 8

biopolymeric nanoparticles, nanofibers, nanofilms, microfilms,
3D architecture of any shape.

6. Application of Biopolymers: Application of biopolymersin tissue 9

engineering, medical surgery, drug delivery, wound healing,
packaging, automobile industry, electronics industry, household
items etc.

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors /Publisher Year of

Publication /

1. Dumitriu S., “Polymeric Biomaterials”, Marcel Dekker. 2002

2. Hyon S. H., “Polymeric Biomaterials”, Plennum Press. 1984

3. Mark H. F., (Ed.) “Encyclopaedia of Polymer Science and 1989

Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons.

4. Shuiz S. and Bhirmer K., “Principles of Protein Structure”, 2003

Academic Press.

5. GuilakF., Butler D.L., Goldstein S.A. andS.A. Mooney, 2003

“Functional Tissue Engineering”, Springer-Verlag New York, 1st

6. Migonney V., “Biomaterials”, Wiley-ISTE, 1st Edition. 2014

NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-402 Course Title:High Performance and Special Polymers

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical:0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective:To impart knowledge of structure, properties, processing and manufacturing of the

polymeric materials at high end applications.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Engineering Polymers: Polymerization and Industrial processing, 8

Unit operations, Catalysts, Flow Chart of Industrial Production and
Structure, Properties, Applications of following
Commodity/Engineering plastics –Polyolefins, Vinyl Polymers and
Stryrene Polymers likePolyethylene, Polypropylene,
Polyisobutylene, Poly(1-Butylene), Poly (vinyl chloride),
Polystyrene,Styrene co-polymers,ABS, SAN, Polyacrlics, and

2 Macromolecular Structure of High Performance Polymers: Semi 5

rigid, quasi-rigid and rigid rod macromolecules; Macromolecular
chain rigidity and rotational hindrance; Effect of chain rigidity on
thermal and mechanical properties of high performance polymers.

3 High Performance Thermoplastics: Structure, properties, and 6

engineering and high-tech applications of following high
performance polymers: polyamides, polyesters, polycarbonate,
polyethers, poly-ether-ether-ketone, polyphenylenesulphide,
polysulphones, polyphenylene-oxides

4 Thermally Stable Polymers: Structure, properties, and engineering 6

and high-tech applications of following high performance polymers:
polyesterimides, polyetherimides, polybismelimides, poly-amide-
imide, pyromellitic di anhydride oxy dianiline.

5 Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymers:Thermotropic liquid 6

crystalline polymers; Structure and parameters imparting
thermotropic nature; Main chain and side chain thermotropic
polymers; Fibers from thermotropic polymers; Structure-property
co-relations; Advanced, engineering and high tech applications.

6 Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymers: Structural parameters 6

imparting lyotropic liquid crystalline nature; Aramid and other
lyotropic polymers; Fibers from lyotropic polymers; Dry-jet wet-
spin processing; Structure-property co-relations; Advanced,
engineering and high tech applications.

7 High Performance Polymers for Engineering Applications: High 5

performance polymers for following applications: automobile,
aerospace, transportation and other engineering and high tech

Total 42

11. Suggested Books

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of


1. Brydson J. A., “Plastic Materials”, Newnes Butterworth 1989

2. Campbell I.M., “Introduction to Synthetic Polymers”, Oxford 2000

University Press

3. Erhstein G., “Polymeric Materials”, HanserGardner. 2001

4. Baer E., Moet A. “High performance polymers”, Hansen Publisher. 1991

5. Fin J.K.,“High performance polymers”, Elsevier, 2nd Edition. 2014

NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-403 Course Title: Electronic and Conducting Polymers

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.):Theory :3 Practical :0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: Thecourse will impart knowledge of electronic and conducting polymers

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Conducting polymers, structurally different 2

conducting polymers and their general applications

2. Conducting Polymers : Structure, mechanism of Conduction, 9

preparation of conducting polymers e.g. polyacetylene,
polydiacetylene, polyphenylene, polypyrrole, polythiphene,
polyaniline, poly(phenylenesulphide) and poly (1,6-
heptadiyne); Properties and applications

3. Photoconducting Polymers: Molecularly designed synthesis 8

and characterization of light sensitive and photo conducting
polymers and their application.

Photoresist Polymers: Positive and negative polymer resists

for lithographic process, semiconductor fabrication by LB
films and spin coatings techniques

4. Polymers for Optoelectronics : Synthesis of Guest-Host type 8

and side chain liquid crystalline polymers and NLO
chromophore-functionalized polymers, LASER light sensitive
polymers exhibiting second harmonic and third harmonic
generation ; Poling of Guest Host polymers; Genral optical
characterization and their application

5. Piezoelectric, Pyroelectric and Ferroelectric Polymers: 6

Synthesis, characterization and typical application of these
6. Applications: Polymers in telecommunications, 9
microelectronics, insulations, submarine cable insulation,
polymers in optical fiber cables

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors /Books /Publishers Year of


1. Goosey M.T., “Plastic for Electronics”, Elsevier, Applied Science 1985


2. Licari J.J., “Hand book for Polymer Coatings for Electronics 1985
Chemistry, Technology and Applications”, Noyes Publications

3. Mark H.F., “Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering,” 1989

John Wiley and Sons

4. Nalwa H.S., Miyata S., “Nonlinear Optics of Organic Molecules 1997

and Polymers, CRC Press, Inc.

5. Skotheim T.A., Reynolds J.R. “Conjugated Polymers; Processing 2006

and Applications”, CRC Press
NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN- 404 Course Title: Polymeric Film Technology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The course will impart knowledge of polymeric films and packaging materials
and their processing.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Polymers for Films and Sheets: Structure, properties and 4

morphology of film and sheet forming polymers.

2. Blown Film: Principle, technologyand operation ofequipment for 8

processing of blown film, structure and properties of blown films.

3. Melt Processed Film: Materials, processes, equipment and 8

machinery formelt processing offilm, effect of processing
parameters on structure and properties of melt processed film

4. Multi Layered Films: Materials and equipment for multi layered 8

films,structure, properties and applications of films multi layered
films; Tetra-packs.

5. Packaging Materials: Types of packaging, film, sheet, and boxes, 6

laminated packaging, packaging for electronic goods, commodity
materials, medicines and food products.

6 Processing: Equipment and machinery for processing of packaging 6

materials, principle, technologyand operation ofequipment,
economics of packaging; Die design for film making.

Total 42
11. Suggested Books

S. No. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of


1. Bryston J. H., “Plastic Films”, Longman. 2003

2. Osswald J., “Polymer Processing Fundamentals”, Hanser Gardner. 2004

3. Brooks D. and Giles G., (Eds), “PET Packaging Technology”, 2002

Sheffield Academic Press.
4. Lagarón J .,“Multifunctional and Nanoreinforced Polymers for 211
Food Packaging”, Woodhead Publishing.
5. Hashim A.A., “Polymer Thin Films”, InTech. 2010


NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering
1. Subject Code: PEN-405 Course Title: Polymeric Membrane Technology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide knowledge about polymeric membranes and its application in separation

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction:Separation concepts: diffusion across a membrane, 2

terminologies in membrane separation processes, driving forces, type of

2. Transport Mechanism through Membrane:Concentration and process 4

gradients, solution-diffusion model, concentration polarization, gel layer

3. Membrane Materials: Polyethylene, polytetrafluroethylene, polypropylene, 6

cellulose acetate, cellulose nitrite, polyacrylonitrile, polyimide, polyamide,
polysulfone, polyethersulfone, blockcopolymeric materials; Bi-polar
membrane materials; Inorganic membranes.

4. Polymeric Membrane Preparation, Testing and Applications: Sintering, 6

stretching, track-etching, template leaching, phase inversion techniques
(diffusion-induced phase separation & thermally-induced phase separation),
phase inversion membrane and interfacial polymerization; Membrane testing
and morphology; Applications: Haemodialysis, beverage, food industry,
water treatment and fuel cell.

5. Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration: Membrane properties, concentration 5

polarization and fouling, fouling during protein separation, crossflow and
dead-end microfiltration/ultrafiltration, micellar enhanced ultrafiltration,
selected application and economics.

6. Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis: Membrane properties, osmotic 6

pressure model, membrane fouling, design consideration, pretreatment,
applications in desalination and wastewater treatment, economic

7. Pervaporation: Membrane properties, process diagram, mechanism, 4

selectivity and flux, model consideration, application (alcohol concentration,
VOC and other pollutant separation).
8. Membrane Reactor: Membrane separation with chemical reaction; 5
Membrane bioreactor, catalytic membranes, equilibrium limited reaction,
membrane reactor for hazardous pollutant degradation, functionalized

9. Membrane Application for Water/Wastewater Treatment and System 4

Design: Hydride processes and novel application, selected environmental
applications involving for water reuse and material recovery, membrane
flux, fouling and separation optimization.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of


1. Mulder M., “Basic Principles of Membrane Technology”, Kluwer 1996

Academic Publisher.

2. Baker R.W., “Membrane Technology & Application”, McGraw Hill. 2000

3. Zeman L. J. and Zydney A. L., “ Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration: 1996

Principle & Application”, Marcel Dekker Inc.

4. Nath K., “Membrane Separation Processes”, Prentice Hall of India. 2008

5. Scott K., “Handbook of Industrial Membrane”, Elsevier. 1995

6. Schaefer A., “Nanofiltration, Principle & Application”, Elsevier. 2004

7. Drioli E. Criscuoli A. and Curcio, E., “Membrane Contactors: 2005

Fundamentals, Applications and Potentialities”, Elsevier.


NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-406 Course Title: Advanced Polymer Composites

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The course will impart knowledge of advanced composites

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Introduction: Concept of reinforcement in polymeric composites, 2

introduction and overview of particulate, short and continuous fiber
reinforced composites, and nano particle and nanofibre composites;
aspect ratio and reinforcing efficiency of reinforcement

2. Advanced Particulate Polymeric Composites: Principles of 8

selecting a particle as reinforcement, incorporation, packing and
geometry of reinforcement particles; Wollastonite, fledspar and
nepheline syenite, red mud, beryllium oxide, zinc oxide, titanium
oxide as particulate reinforcements; Extrusion and compounding of
particulate composite by single and twin screw extruder; and
processing by injection molding; semi-empirical equations for
Young’s modulus of particulate composites.

3. Advanced Short Fiber Reinforced Polymeric Composites: Glass, 8

aramid, and natural fibers as reinforcement; principles of selection
and efficiency of short fiber as reinforcement; orientation of short
fibers in a composite; isotropy and anisotropy of composites; short
fiber / thermoset composites; natural fiber / polymer composites,
their fiber/matrix interface and methods for improvement of
fibre/matrix interfacial adhesion in them

4. Advanced Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoset Polymeric 8

Composites: Phenolic and polyimide as thermosetting matrix resins;
silica, high silica and boron as reinforcing continuous fibers; fiber
orientation in composites; unidirectional, quasi-isotropic and
isotropic composites; fiber-matrix interphase and interfacial
adhesion; interface improvement and use of interfacial agents, fiber
surface treatment, matrix modification, and compatibilizers for
improvement; Composite fabrication techniques, processes and
equipment; pultrusion and and other advanced processing
techniques; Statistical mechanics and semi empirical equations for
tensile modulus; advanced applications.
5. Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Polymeric 7
Composites: Polyether-ether-ketone, polyetherimide,
polyethersulfone, and other high performance thermoplastics as
matrix resins, fiber/matrix adhesion, interphase , and interface
improvement; fabrication techniques; equipment, processes and
processing of long and continuous thermoplastic composites;
limitations of processing techniques; Applications.

6. Nano Composites: Fillers: Plate, equi-axed, inorganic fillers, 7

carbon and other nano tubes. Matrices: Engineering, high tech and
liquid crystal polymer matrices. Processing: Direct and solution
mixing, in-situ polymerization.

7. Applications: Fire resistant, high temperature, automobile, and 2

aerospace applications.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books

S. No. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of


1. Ajayan P. M., Schadler L. S., Braun P. V., “Nanocomposite Science 2003

& Technology”, Wiley-VCH.

2. De S. and White J., “Short Fiber Composites”, Technomic. 2006

3. Summerscales J. and Short D., “Fiber Reinforced Polymers”, 2008



NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-407 Course Title: Advanced Extrusion and Compounding

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/ Spring 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide advanced knowledge of polymer extrusion and compounding

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Products manufactured using extruders; Fundamental 03

principles; Different types of extruders; Extruder hardware,
instrumentation and control.

2. Types of Extruders: Single screw extruder: Basic operations, vented 04

extruders, rubber extruders; Multi-screw extruders: Twin screw, multi-
screw with more than two screws, gear pump extruder; Disk extruders;
Ram extruders.

3. Extruder Hardware and Instrumentation: Extruder drive; Thrust 08

bearing assembly; Barrel and feed throat; Feed hopper; Extruder
screw; Die assembly; Screens and screen changers; Heating and
cooling systems: Electric heating, fluid hearing, extruder cooling,
screw heating and cooling; Instrumentation requirements; Pressure
measurements; Temperature measurements; Rotational speed;
Temperature controls.

4. Twin Screw Extruders: Twin versus single screw extruders; 06

Intermeshing co-rotating extruders; Intermeshing counter-rotating
screw extruders; Coaxial twin screw extruders; Devolatilization in
twin screw extruders; Commercial twin screw extruders.

5. Extruder Screw and Die Design: Mechanical considerations; 08

Optimization of output; Optimizing for power consumption; Single
flighted extruder screws, devolatilizing extruder screws; Multi-
Flighted extruder screws, Mixing screws, Rebuilding worn screws and
barrels; Die Design:Basic consideration; Film and sheet dies; Blown
film dies; Profile extrusion dies; Coextrusion; Calibrators.
6. Polymer Properties and Design considerations: Bulk polymer 08
properties: Bulk density, coefficient of friction and particle size and
shape; Thermal and melt flow properties: Thermal conductivity,
specific volume and morphology, specific heat and heat of fusion,
specific enthalpy, thermal diffusivity, melting point, induction time,
viscoelastic behavior. Design considerations for extruding: Olefins,
PVC, PS, engineering thermoplastics, blending and additive,

7. Troubleshooting: Requirements for efficient troubleshooting; Data 05

and tools for troubleshooting; Systematic troubleshooting: Upset
versus development problems, machine related problems, polymer
degradation, extrusion instabilities, air entrapment, gel problems and
die flow problems.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of


1. Chris R., “Polymer Extrusion”, Hanser Publications, 5th Edition, 2014


2. Tadmor Z. and Gogos C.G., “Principles of Polymer Processing”, 2000


3. Lafleur P.G., Verfnes. B., “Polymer Extrusion”, Wiley. 2014

4. Hensen F., Berghaus. U., “Plastic Extrusion Technology”, Hanser 2000

Publications, 2nd Edition.


NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-408 Course Title: Paint and Coating Engineering

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 3 6. Semester: Autumn/ Spring 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To impart knowledge about paint, paint formulation andmanufacture, surface
coating methods and its applications.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Definition and properties; Importance of paints; 2

Classification of paints.

2. Basic Paint Ingredients: Binders: classification and properties; 5

Synthetic and natural binders: synthetic and natural resins,
acrylics, vinyl acrylics, polyurethane, polyester, melamine
resins, epoxy, oils; Solvent: types and properties; Fillers; Paints

3. Formulation and Manufacturing of Paints: Principles of 7

paint formulation; Phenomenon of wetting, grinding and
dispersion; Steps in paint manufacturing; Equipment for paint
manufacturing: Ball mills, peddle mills, high speed disk
disperser, double blade mixture; Problems in paint
manufacturing and their solutions; Paint preservation

4. Paint Applications, Drying, Curing, and Defects: 5

Pretreatment and surface preparation; Application methods;
Common defects and its prevention.

5. Paint Testing and Environmental Protection: Important paint 5

properties; Scrape adhesion test; Pull-off test; Cross cut test;
Wedge-cut method for determination of film thickness (scribe
and drill method); Pollution from solvent, pigment and binders;
Safety measures in paint industry and pollution control.
6. Surface Coating: Significance of coating and surface 3
engineered materials, and application; Surface dependent
7. Surface Treatment and Surface Coating Methods: Surface 7
treatment and surface energy testing on post-treatment step;
Coating methods; Gravure coating, knife over roll coating, hot
melt coating, reverse roll pan, Myer bar, slot orifice,
immersion/dip coating, chemical and physical vapor deposition;
Electrode and electrode-less deposition, and thermal spray
8. Process Parameters and Engineered Surface Coating: 4
Influence of process parameters on surface yield and surface
properties of coating: Physical and mechanical characteristics of
the coating; Industrial coatings: Multi-layered coating, super
hydrophilic and hydrophobic coating; Lyophilic coatings.
9 Performance Testing of Coated Product: Accelerated 4
weathering test, salt spray and immersion resistance; Abrasion,
adhesion, contact angle, hardness test; TiN coated tool,
performance evaluation of CVD diamond coated tool.


11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors /Publisher Year of

Publication /

1. Morgans W.M., “Outlines of Paint Technology”,3rd Ed., .CBS 1990


2. Schweitzer P.A., “Paint and Coatings: Application & Corrosion 2005

Resistance”, 1st Ed., CRC Press.

3. Grainger S. and Blunt J., “Engineering Coating: Design and 1998

Application” 2nd Ed., Elsevier.

4. Tracton A.A., “Coating Technology Hand Book”, 3rd Ed., CRC 2005

5. Koleske J.V., “Paint and Coating Testing Manual”, 15th Ed., 2012
ASTM International.


NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-409 Course Title: Polymeric Fiber Technology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/ Spring 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The course is intended to provide understanding about technology of polymeric


10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Structure, properties and morphology of fiber forming 4

natural and synthetic polymers.

2. Processing: Melt and solution spinning operation, general principles 8

of fluid flow, spinning and extrusions, dry and wet spinning of fibers,
spinneret size, rate of extrusion, effect of spinning on filament
structure and properties; Die design.

3. Post-processing: Post spinning, finishing, drawing and seat setting 6

operations, effect on orientation and crystallization, heat setting and
texturing, principles of setting of fibers and fabrics.

4. Characterization: Testing of fibers: Density, birefringence, tensile, 10

moisture regain, dyeing mechanism, color fastness.

5. Yarn synthesis: Production of staple yarns of natural and synthetic 4


6. Production and Applications: Manufacturing methods and 10

applications of fibers based on: Polyethylene, polyamide,
polypropylene, polyacrilonitrile, polyester, polylactic acid.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors /Books /Publishers Year of


1. Gupta V.B. and Kothari V.K. , “Manufactures Fiber Technology”, 2003

Chapman and Hall.

2. Mark H.F., Atlas S.M. and Cernia E., “Man Made Fibres Science and 1968
Technology”, Wiley Interscience.

3. Moncrieff R.W., “ Man Made Fibres” , Haywood Books. 1975

4. Vaidya A. A. “Production of Synthetic Fibers”, Prentice Hall. 2001

5. Deopura B. L., Alagirusamy R., Gupta B., Joshi M., “Fibrous 2008
Materials: Polyesters and Polyamides”, Woodhead Publishing Ltd and
CRC Press.
NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-410 Course Title: Adhesives and Sealants Technology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/ Spring 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide knowledge of various polymeric adhesives and sealants.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction to Adhesives and Sealants: History of adhesive 7

industry; Types of polymeric adhesives; Theory and mechanism
of adhesion; Advantages and disadvantages of adhesive bonding
over conventional joining techniques; Adhesive coating
equipment’s; Introduction to sealants, caulks and mastics;
Advantages and disadvantages of sealant bonding over
conventional joining techniques.

2. Adhesive Performance and Characterization: Description of 8

performance properties of adhesives and their determination: Peel
strength, shear strength, tack, creep and visco-elastic properties;
Characterization of degree of branching, crystallinity, side-chain
substitution, cross-linking, molecular weight, backing material;
Identification of elastomer, tackifier, plasticizer, antioxidant and

3. Adhesive Types: Properties, formulation principle, production 8

techniques, additives and applications of adhesives: Pressure
sensitive adhesives, structural adhesives, one part and multi-part
adhesives, hot-melt adhesives, natural rubber adhesives, butyl and
polyisobutylene adhesives, vinyl-ether adhesives, urea-
formaldehyde adhesives, malamine-formaldehyde and resourcinol
based adhesives.
4. Additives for Adhesives and Surface Preparation: Tackifiers, 6
cross-linkers, antioxidants, plasticizers, colorants, fillers and
scents used to enhance mechanical performance, ageing
characteristics, ease of use; Surface treatment procedures of
substrates to improve adhesive bonding: Mechanical preparation,
priming, corona treatment and chemical etching.

5. Specialty Adhesives: Anaerobic adhesives, bio-adhesives, 5

reactive adhesives and adhesives that get activated using light/UV
and heat; Adhesives examples for various industries viz.
electronics, wood industry, healthcare, construction, packaging,
textiles, automotive, consumer, abrasives and friction material
shoes, electrical, paper and aerospace.
6. Sealant Performance, Characterization and Applications: 8
Sealant types: Reactive sealants, hardening from melts, sealants
based on water or solvent loss; Production processes and
equipment’s; Properties and formulation of sealants relevant to
different application; Curing process of sealants; Characterization
of sealants; Additives and its effects on sealant performance;
Performance testing; Surface preparation; Specialty sealants;
Sealant application in various industries; Major trends in
technology and markets.

Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of


1. Satas D., “Handbook of Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Technology” 2014

Second Edition.

2. Taylor and Francis, “Handbook of Adhesive Technology”, Second 2003

Edition, LLC.

3. Benedek I., “Pressure Sensitive Adhesive and Applications”. 2004

4. Petrie E.M., “Handbook of Adhesives and Sealants”, Second 2007

edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
5. Flick E.W., “Handbook of Adhesives Raw Material”. 1989


NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-411 Course Title: Rubber Product Technology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring/Autumn 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge of processing and applications of different rubbers.

10. Details of the Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Machinery used for rubber mixing-two roll 5
mills, internal mixers and continuous mixers; Master batch
preparation, blending and mixing on mills, internal mixers
and continuous mixers.

2 Machinery Used for Moulding:Compression, transfer and 7

injection moulding of rubbers; Flashlessmoulding,
finishing of moulded articles, calculation of mould
shrinkage, molding defects and its remedies; Machinery
used for extrusion; Ram and screw extruders, extrusion
technology, crosshead extruders and strainers.

3 Rubber compounding: Principles of rubber compounding; 8

Compounding to meet processing and vulcanisate
properties; Reinforcement of elastomers by fillers; Factors
influencing reinforcement and mechanism of
reinforcement; Compounding and manufacture of cycle
tyres and tubes, solid tyres, mechanical seals, sports goods,
surgical products and miscellaneous moulded, extruded and
calendered rubber products.

4 Engineering Aspect of Tyre Manufacturing 9

Technology: Different types of tyres: basic features and
performance comparison; Components of tyres, tyre-
geometry and functions; Manufacturing techniques of
tyres: two wheeler, car tyres, truck tyres, OTR farm tyres
and air craft tyres; Method of building bias belted, radial
and tubeless tyres, green tyre treatments; Tyre curing
methods; Quality control tests.

5. Engineering Aspect of Rubber Product Manufacturing 9

other than Tyre: Manufacturing techniques of conveyer
belt technology, sealing ring technology, V-belt, footwear
technology, hose technology, rubber coated roll, cable
technology, vibration isolation and mounts.

6. Recent Trends in Rubber Manufacturing Technology: 4

Some recent trend of rubber processing technology;
electron beam curing of rubber products; Computer aided
rubber product design; Coated fabric technology.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books

S.No. Name of Authors /Books/Publishers Year of


1. BhowmickA.K.,“Rubber Product Manufacturing 1994

Technology” CRC Press.

2. Johnson P., “Rubber Processing: An Introduction”, 2001


3. Morton M., “Rubber Technology”, Van Norstrand- 1987


4. Bhowmick A.K., “Current topic in Elastomer Research” 2008

CRC Press,

5. CiesielskiA.,“An Introduction to Rubber 1999

Technology”Rapra Technology Limited, UK

6. Blow C.M., “Rubber Technology & 1982

Manufacture”Buttenvorths, London


NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-412 Course Title: Polymer Colloids

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/ Spring 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide knowledge of polymer colloids

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Introduction to colloids (from blood to milk, pumice 04

to gelatine); Polymer colloids and its applications; Colloidal
structure due to addition of pigments, fillers and electrolytes;
Colloidal structure in aqueous and non-aqueous medium.

2. Polymer Emulsions: Emulsion polymerization; Interfacial 10

phenomena; Thermodynamic consideration and colloidal stability;
Surfactants; Physical properties; Rheological properties; Film
formation; Wetting; Surface modifications; Paint technology;
Concentrated dispersions.

2. Colloidal Interaction and Stability: Forces in colloidal system; 08

Stability of colloidal particles and latex products; Order-disorder
behavior of polymer colloids; Interface science; Janus particles.

3. Characterization of Colloids: Particle size, microscopy, zonal 10

methods, scattering methods, analysis of scattered radiation,
neutron reflection, dynamic light scattering, rheological evaluation.

4. Advances in Polymer Colloids: Advances in polymer latex 10

technology, colloidal crystals-3D ordered arrays,soft particle
glasses, polymeric self-assembly,nanotechnology with soft
materials; colloidal biomolecules, biomaterials and biomedical
applications, polymer nanocomposites, food colloids.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of


1. Fitch R., “Polymer Colloids: A Comprehensive Introduction”, 1997

Academic Press Inc., 1st Edition.

2. Chern C.S., “Principles and Applications of Emulsion 2008

Polymerization”, Wiley.

3. Goodwin J.W., “Colloids and Interfaces with Surfactants and 2000

Polymers-An Introduction”, Wiley.

4. Hamley I.W., “Introduction to Soft Matter”, Wiley. 2007

NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-413 Course Title: Polymer Nanocomposites

2. Contact Hours: L:3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Exam Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE:0

5. Credit: 4 6.Semester: Spring/Autumn 7 Subject Area: PEC

8. Prerequisite: Nil
9. Objective:To impart knowledge of preparation, processing and applications of polymer

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Nanocomposites and Nanofillers: Overview of polymer
nanocomposites; Classification of nanofillers: Nanoclay,
nanosilica, nanoparticles, carbon based nanofillers; Synthesis 4
and properties of fillers.
2. Synthesis of Nanocomposites: Direct mixing, solution mixing, 6
in-situ polymerization, ex-situ processing; Ceramic/polymer
composites; Metal/polymer nanocomposites; Modification of
interfaces; Modification of nanofillers.
3. Thermal, Electrical and Optical Properties: Thermal stability 8
and flammability; Dynamic mechanical thermal properties;
Glass transition; Electrical properties: resistivity, permittivity,
breakdown strength; Optical properties: refractive index,
4. MechanicalProperties: Stress-strain properties - tensile, 7
modulus, elongation at break; Flexural properties; Load-
carrying capability; Toughness; Impact resistance; Relaxation
behavior; Wear resistance.
5. Morphological Properties: Characterization of nanocomposites 8
6. Barrier Properties: Permeation and diffusion models relevant 4
to polymer nanocomposites: diffusivity, sorption.
7. Applications: Applications of polymer nanocomposites in 5
space, automobiles, defence, electronics, packaging, bio-medical
engineering, filtration, coatings and cosmetic.

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Book / Authors Year of


1. Mai Y.W. and Yu Z.Z., “Polymer Nanocomposites”, Woodhead 2006

Publishing Limited and CRC Press LLC, USA.

2. Ajayan P.M., Schadler, L.S., Braun, P.V., “Nanocomposite Science 2003

and Technology” Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

3. Nicolais L. and Carotenuto G., “Metal-Polymer Nanocomposites”, 2005

Wiley Inter Science.

4. Sergeev G.B., “Nanochemistry” Elsevier 2006

5. Ke Y.C. and Stroeve P., “Polymer-Layered Silicate and Silica 2005

Nanocomposites” Elsevier.
NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN- 414 Course Title: Advanced Process Control

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/ Spring 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide knowledge about advanced process control systems and their analysis.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction:Overview of dynamics of chemical processes, and 5

control systems of simple and complex nature; Control system
analysis; Importance of advanced computer control in chemical
process industry with examples; Overview of dynamic process control
and related transfer functions.

2. Advanced Control Strategies: Analysis of cascade control; Split- 7

range control; Selective control; Override control and auctioneering
control; Smith-predictor control; Multi-loop control such as
combination of feedforward, feedback and inferential control; Batch
process control- sequential and logic control; Real time optimization
and DCS-loop analysis.

3. Advanced Tuning Methodologies for Traditional and Non- 4

traditional Control: Advanced control system design with hybrid
control: PI-PD, PI-PID and I-PID; Tuning based on direct
synthesis(DS), IMC, Lambda, Hagglund and Astrom, Tyreus-Luyben
and integral square error techniques; Limitations of PID control; Set-
point tracking; Limiting and anti-reset windup.

4. Computer Control Strategies: Internal model control (IMC); 7

Predictive control; Adaptive control; Adaptive-predictive control;
Adaptive-inferential control; Supervisory control; Principles of process

5. Multivariable Control System: Control of system with M × N 7

variables; Relative static and dynamic gain array; Hankel interaction
index array (HIIA); Decoupling; Condition number; Niederlinski
index; Resiliency; Morari resiliency index (MRI); Inverse Nyquist
array; Robustness and sensitivity analysis; Doyle-Stein criterion;
Uncertainty analysis; Skogestad-Morari method; Singular value
decomposition; Tyreus-load-rejection criterion (TLC); BLT tuning;
Multivariable DMC; Multivariable IMC; Observability and
controllability analysis.

6. Digital Process Control System: Control with hardware and software 8

involving system dynamics with Z and modified Z transform-DDC;
Open loop and closed loop response; Bilinear transformation and
stability analysis; Nyquist criteria; Sample data control of a first order
system with dead time; Design of sample data controllers.

7. Non-linear control:Lyapunov analysis; Describing function 4

technique; Use of ANN, Fuzzy logic, PSO, ABC for advanced control;
Plant-wise control system design.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Bequette B.W., “Process Control – Modeling, Design and 2003

Simulation”, Prentice Hall of India.

2. Coughanour D.R., 2nd Ed., “Process System Analysis and Control”, 1991
McGraw Hill Publishing Inc.

3. Seborg D.E., Edgar T.F. and Mellichamp D.A., “Process Dynamics 2008
Control”, 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons.

4. Stephanopoulos G., “Chemical Process Control- An Introduction to 2008

Theory and Practice”, Prentice Hall of India.

5 Richardson J.F. and Peacock D.G., “Coulson & Richardson’s 2006

Chemical Engineering”, Vol. 3, 3rd Ed., Butterworth -Heinemann

6. Luyben W., “Process Modeling, Simulation and Control for Chemical 1990
Engineers”, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill Publishing Inc.


NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject code: PEN-415 Course title: Polymer and Tissue Technology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge of tissue engineering and biomaterials.

10. Details of course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Introduction:Definition, principles and practices of tissue engineering; 2

Tissue engineering triad;
2 Cells, Scaffolds and Growth Factors: Structure of cell; Cellular 7
functions; Cell culture techniques; Different types of cells and their
applications; Types and properties of scaffolds; Scaffold modifications;
Growth factors: pH, temperature, chemical, electrochemical and
mechanical stimuli;In-vitro and in-vivo environmental stimuli.
3 Polymers and Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering: Definition and 8
classification of biomaterials and polymers;Natural and synthetic
polymer system; Smart polymers; Polymer blends and composites;
Bioceramics; Metal based scaffold-materials;Nanomaterials; Physical,
mechanical, and chemical properties of biomaterials; Biocompatibility
and biodegradation;Tailoring of polymers and biomaterial properties.

4 Scaffold Fabrication Techniques: Solvent casting;Porogen 7

leaching;Gas foaming; Self assembly;Electrospinning;Phase-
separation;Rapid prototyping/hybrid printer;Fiber mesh and fiber
bonding;Melt molding;Freeze drying; Decellulerization; Controlling
pore size and porosity of the scaffold.

5 Scaffold Characterisation and Cell Behaviour on 8

Scaffold:Determination of porosity, pore size, hydrophilicity,
mechanical strength, roughness, toxicity, biocompatibility and
biodegradability of the scaffold; Determination of shape, size, growth,
proliferation and differentiation of cells.

6 Bioreactors for Tissue Engineering:Ideal bioreactor and its major 4

characteristics; Fabrication of bioreactor; Scale-up possibilities for
tissue engineered constructs.

7 Regulatory and Clinical Issues:Pre-clinical evaluation of tissue 3

engineered constructs; Trends in food and drug administration; Ethical
issues; Dealing with ethical issues.

8 FutureAdvancements:Overcoming present drawbacks; Dealing with 3

ethical issues.


11.Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of


1. Lanza R.P., Langer R. andVacanti J., “Principles of Tissue 2014

Engineering”, Academic Press, 4th Edition.

2. GuilakF., Butler D.L., Goldstein S.A.and Mooney S.A.,“Functional 2003

Tissue Engineering”, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1st Ed.

3. Migonney V., “Biomaterials”, Wiley-ISTE, 1st Ed. 2014

4. Shi D., “Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering” Springer-Verlag, New 2004
York, 1st Ed.

5. HelsenJ. A. andMissirlisY., “Biomaterials”, Springer-Verlag, New 2010

York, 1st Ed.


NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-417 Course Title:Polymer Degradation and Stability

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge onvarious factors influencing stability and degradation of polymers

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Polymer degradation by various means: Heat, oxygen, 4

light/UV, ozone, chemical, mechanical and biological; Role of chemical
structure towards degradation; Advantages and disadvantages of polymer
degradation; Case studies from various industries; Polymer stabilization.
2. Thermo-Oxidative Degradation: Mechanisms of thermal degradation: 6
Radical and non-radical de-polymerization, cyclization with elimination;
Mechanisms of oxidative and thermo-oxidative degradation: Auto
oxidation, oxidative chain reaction, chemical changes in polymers during
oxidative degradation; Effect of chemical structure on oxidation rate.
Degradation during manufacturing and service; Degradation effects on
product performance with case studies.

3. Photo-degradation: Mechanism of photo-oxidative degradation and 6

photo-degradation of important polymers: polyolefins, acrylates and its
copolymers, methyl vinyl ketone, polystyrene, polymers with
heteroatoms in main chain and condensation polymers.

4. Antioxidants and Stabilizers: Mechanism of antioxidant action; Chain 6

breaking antioxidants; Preventive antioxidants; Synergism and
antagonism; Chain breaking acceptor antioxidants; Metal deactivators;
UV screens and filters; Stabilization of polymers during manufacture and
in service; Melt stabilization; Thermal oxidative stabilization; Polymer
bound antioxidants; UV stabilizers.

5. Degradation in Special Environments: Polymers under stress; 6

Degradation in harsh environments: Nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide,
ablation, mechanical and ultrasonic degradation; Quantitative aspects of
ultrasonic degradation and changes in molecular weight; Degradation by
high energy radiation and radiation protection; hydrolytic degradation.

6. Degradation of Polymeric Biomaterials: Introduction to degradation of 6

biomaterials; Controlling degradation rate and drug release in
biomaterials; Degradation through oxidation, hydrolysis, enzymolysis,
photolysis, stimuli-sensitive; Immune response to degradation.

7. Polymer Degradation Kinetics: Random chain scission, mid chain 5

scission, end chain scission; Kinetics based on mode of chain scission;
Kinetics of solid phase thermal degradation (pyrolysis): order of reaction,
rate constant, effect of temperature, reactive gas, radical donor, catalyst
on rate constant, energy of activation; Kinetics of solution degradation of
polymer: rate constants, role of radical donor, Lewis acid, catalyst on rate
constant; Stoichiometric carnal, molecular weight distribution, population
balance of polymer chains, integro-differential equation and it’s analytical
solution; Optimum temperature in degradation with initiator.

8. Biodegradable Polymers and Polymer Recycling: Biodegradation of 3

polymers in soil and water; Case studies of biodegradable polymers;
Recent trends in biodegradability. Limitations to polymer recycling; Case
studies: Polyolefins, PET, PVC, PS, nylon, PU, polymer composites,

Total 42

11. Suggested Books

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of

1. Hamid S. H., “Handbook of Polymer Degradation”, 2nd Ed., CRC 2000

Press, Taylor and Francis Group
2. Billingham N. C., “Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers”, 2013
Wiley Online Library
3. Jellenick H.H.G., “Polymer Degradation and Stability”, 1st Edition, 1983
Elsevier Amsterdam, the Netherlands
4. Ranby. B. and Rabek. J. F., “Photo-degradation, Photo oxidation 1975
and photo-stabilisation of polymers”, Wiley and Sons.
5. Denisov E. T. and Denisova. T. G., “Handbook of Antioxidants, 2000
Second edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group


NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-418 Course Title: Polymers Recycling and Environment

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective :To impart knowledge of adverse effects of polymers on the environment and recycling of
waste polymers.
10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction to Polymer Recycling: Disposed plastics, pollution, 4

environmental issues related to plastic industry, plastic waste recycle.
2. Plastic Waste: Sources ofplastic waste: municipal, industrial, agricultural 7
and medical; Plastic waste accumulation; Separation and segregation of
plastics waste: Polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinylchloride,
polystyrene, polyester, polyurethane, thermosets and thermoplastics.

3. Environmental Effects on Waste Polymers: Stability and degradation of 6

polymers in environment; Photo and bio degradation of plastics waste,
effect of plastic degradation on environment; Weather parameters
influencing lifetime of waste plastics; Polymer waste in sea and marine
environment, and on hills and mountains.

4. Polymer Degradation Mechanism:Solid phase degradation of polymers 5

through catalytic, UV, oxidative, hydrolytic, thermal and pyrolytic
processes; Polymer degradation in solution; Mechanism and kinetics of
polymer degradation.

5. Waste Plastics Recycling: Collection of plastics waste for recycling; 7

Reuse of plastics; Processes for recycling of thermoplastics and
thermosets; Recycling of plastic waste based on an individual plastic;
Recycling of mixed thermoplastics and thermosets; Recycling of mixtures
of both thermoplastics and thermosets.

6. Thermal Treatment of Plastics Waste: Methods and processes; Thermal 8

degradation, incineration and energy recovery from waste plastics:
Polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinylchloride, polystyrene, polyester;
Energy requirements for plastic waste destruction.

7. Sustainability: Life cycle of plastics; Sustainability, economy, legislation 5

and regulations for waste polymers, future of plastics.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors /Books /Publishers Year of


1. Andrady A.L., “Plastics and The Environment”, Wiley Interscience. 2003

2. Bisio A.L. and XanthosM., (Eds.), “How to Manage Plastics Waste: 1994
Technology and Market Opportunities”, Carl HanserVerlag.

3. Brandrup J. “Recycling and Recovery of Plastics”, HanserGardner. 1996

4. ScheirsJ. “Polymer Recycling, Science, Technology and Applications”, 1998

John Wiley & Sons.
NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-419 Course Title: Polymer for Packaging Technology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective:To provide knowledge about polymers used in packaging industry.

10. Details of Course:

Sl. No Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction:Packaging technology raw materials: Types of forms, 2

products, applications and consumption pattern, evaluation of films;
Comparison of polymer packaging withpaper, metal and glass materials.

2. Packaging Materials and Properties:Major polymers used for packaging 8

applications: Polyethylene, EVA, ionomers, HDPE, LLDPE,
PP,PVC,PVDC, PS, PVOH, EVOH, nylon, polyester, polycarbonate,
fluoropolymers, acrylonitrilecopolymers, thermoplastic elastomer,
cellophane and cellulose plastics, polymer blends; Adhesives for
packaging; Properties for packaging: MVTR, OTR, mechanical, thermal,
optical, chemical.

3. Packaging Converting Processes: Blown film extrusion, Cast film 8

extrusion,films co-extrusion;Coating and lamination; Manufacturing of
flexible packaging; Thermoforming; Injection molding; Blow moulding:
extrusion and injection blow moulding;Calendering; Foam manufacturing;
Sealing methods.

4. Biobased Packaging:Edible and biobased food packaging materials; 8

Edible, polysaccharide, lipid and protein based coating; First, second and
third biobased packaging materials; Permeability of thermoplastic
polymers; Multilayer films; Processing; Degradation; Deteriorative
reaction in foods; Enzyme reactions; Chemical reactions; Physical and
biological change.

5. Food Packaging: Asceptic packaging of foods; Sterilization of packaging 8

materials; Packaging of ready-to-eat and microwavable foods; Active and
intelligent packaging; Modified atmospheric packaging; Packaging of
horticultural products, dairy products, cereals,snack foods and
confectionary, beverages; Shelf life of foods and factors controlling shelf
life; Safety and legislative aspects of packaging.

6. Package Printing Technologies: Print production workflow: Typography, 8

graphic design, artwork, prepress, printing, post press/finishing; Materials:
Substrates, ink; Drying methods; Recent trends; Printing methods:
Lithography, Flexography, Gravure.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No Name of Authors/ Books/ Publisher Year of


1. Susan E.M., Selke J., Culter D. and Ruben J. “Plastics Packaging: Properties, 2004
Processing, Applications and Regulations”, Hanser.

2. Pringer O.G. and Baner A.L. “Plastic Packaging Materials for Food: Barrier 2008
Function, Mass Transport, Quality Assurance and Legislation”, John Wiley
and Sons.

3. Sina E., “Plastic Films in Food Packaging: Materials, Technology and 2012
Applications”, Elsevier.

4. Robertson G.L., “Food Packaging Principles and Practice”, Second Edition, 2006
CRC Press.

5. Nayak S.K., “Fundamental of Plastic Testing”, Springer. 2010

6. Kipphan H., “Handbook of Print Media”, Springer. 2004

7. Johansson K., Lundberg P. and Ruberg R., “A Guide to Graphic Print 2002
Production”, Wiley.


NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-420 Course Title: Polymers for Smart & Memristive Materials

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide knowledge of synthesis, device fabrication and application of smart materials

10. Details of Course:

Sl. No Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Definition of memristiveand smart materials and their 2

classification; Class of polymers having said properties.

2. Memristive Materials: Electrical memory switching polymers;Volatile 6

memory and non-volatile memory: definition and classification, I-V
characteristics; Transistor; Reversibility and memory sustaining
3. Synthesis and Characterization of Smart and Memristive Materials: 8
Synthetic procedure for different polymers, characterization, advantages
and disadvantages; Device fabrication techniques:Detailed
characterization by AFM, SEM techniques.

4. Memristive Devices with Different Polymeric Materials: 8

Organic,inorganic, metal doped organic andorganic-metallic hybrid
devices;Switching and carrier transport mechanism;Shape memory
polymers:Definition, classification and applications.

5. Smart Materials: Definition, classification, advantages and 8

disadvantages of electrochromic materials;Applications in e-paper, smart
glass window, display;Definition, classification and applications of
halochromic, pH sensitive, self-healing, piezoelectric and photochromic

6. Device Fabrication Techniques and Characterization: Memristive 6

device: Sandwich and lateral device, advantages and disadvantages;
Electrochromic materials: Use of supporting electrolyte in device
fabrication and its importance, different types of supporting electrolytes,
detailed device fabrication for other smart devices.

7. Real Life Applications: Applications in memory chip, glass window, 4

display system and others; Advantages and limitations of such devices.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

Sl. No Name of Authors/ Books/ Publisher Year of


1. Tu C.-H., “Electrical Switching and Memory Behaviors in Organic- 2008

based Devices”, ProQuest.

2. BurghartzJ.N., “Guide to State-of-the-art Electronic Devices”, John 2013

Wiley & Sons.

3. Dai L., “Intelligent Macromolecules for Smart Devices: From Materials 2004
Synthesis to Device Applications”, Springer.
NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-421 Course Title: Applications of Polymer in Drug Delivery

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge on various polymers used in drug delivery applications

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Polymers used in drug delivery,synthetic and natural 04

polymers: cellulose, poly-ethylene glycol, poly-n-vinyl pyrilidone, PCL,

2. Conventional techniques of drug delivery:Compression, spray, dip- 04

coating and encapsulation, diffusion controlled systems, solvent activated
system, bio-degradable system.
3. Responsive polymers for drug delivery: Responsive systems based on 04
temperature, pH and redox potential, polymer therapeutics, polymer-drug
conjugates, protein-polymer conjugates

4. Polyelectrolytes:polyelectrolytes,characterization of polyelectrolytes 06
application of polyelectrolyte complexes. Soluble drug carriers,
polymeric micelles, liposomes, microgel, nanogel, nanoparticles,
dendrimers, examples

5. Current thrust in drug delivery: Endosomolyticpolymers and 08

macromolecules, role of poly (ethylene glycol), peptide and protein
drugs, microencapsulation of polymeric drug e.g. RNA, protein; drug –
polymer interactions.

6. Polymeric biomaterial and its stability:Polymer stability with pH, 08

temperature, oxido-reductive, and phagocyte effect;Adsorption of
polymers from solution; Macromolecular adsorption over polymer
interface; Protein adsorption; Colloid stability, Control of protein

7. Novel Drug Delivery Systems: Mucosal, transdermal drug delivery 08

system (TDDS), bio-degradable polymeric stent, parenteral implants,
ophthalmic insets, micro encapsulation. intrauterinedelivery system
(IUDs); Targeted drug delivery systems.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of


1 Lachman L. and Lieberman H.A., “The Theory and Practice of Industrial 2005
Pharmacy”, CBS publishers, India.

2. Avis K. E. and Lieberman H.A.,“Pharmaceutical dosage forms, 1993

Parenteral medications”, 2 nded,Vol I,II and III, Marcel Decker
3. Tyle P., “Drug Delivery System”, 1st Ed, Marcel Decker 1988

4. JainN. K.,“Advances in controlled and novel drug delivery”, 1 st 2001

Ed., CBS Publication
5. Robinson J.R. and Lee V.L. “Controlled Drug Delivery: 2003
Fundamental and Applications”, Marcel Dekker, USA.
6. Radomsky M., Liu L. and Iwamoto Z., “Sustained Release 2000
Injectable Products, Interpharm Englewood, Colorado.

NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Chemistry

1. Subject code: CYN-422 Course Title: Polymer Physics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 3 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Basic Physical Chemistry Course, calculus and physics.

9. Objective: To familiarize students with the basic concepts of polymer physics.

10. Details of the Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Statistical Thermodynamics: Microstates, Ensembles- 6

microcanonical, canonical, grand-canonical, partition functions,
distributions, averages, thermodynamic connection, probability
distribution of fluctuations.

2. Chain Statics: Characteristic dimensions of 'random coil' polymers, 12

models for calculating the average end-to-end distance for an
ensemble of statistical chains, distribution of end-to-end vectors,
Worm-like chain, measurement of radius of gyration from scattering,
free energy of ideal chain, scaling arguments for stretching and
confinement, pair correlation for ideal chain, structure factor.

3. Real chains: Excluded volume, self-avoiding walks, deforming real 8

and ideal chains, scaling model for real chains, Flory theory, solvent
quality, theta-temperature. Thermodynamics and statistical
mechanics of polymer networks.

4. Polymer solutions: Thermodynamics of mixing, Flory-Huggins 9

theory, osmotic pressure, concentration regimes in polymer
solutions, correlation length, correlation function, screening of
excluded volume forces, size of a polymer in semi-dilute solutions,
polymer-polymer blends and phase diagrams.

5. Polymer melts: chains in melts, screening in dense polymer melts, 3

and correlation hole.

6. Polymer dynamics: Rouse model, Zimm model, Reptation 4

Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors/Book/ Publisher etc. Year of


1. Rubinstein M. and Colby R. C., “Polymer Physics”, 1st Ed., Oxford 2003
University Press.

2. de Gennes P.G., “Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics”, 1st Ed., 1979

Cornell University Press.

3. Doi M. and Edwards S.F., “The Theory of Polymer Dynamics”, 1988

Clarendon Press.

4. Flory P. J., “Principles of Polymer Chemistry”, 1st Ed., Cornell 1953

University Press.

5. Strobl G. R., “The Physics of Polymers: Concepts for Understanding 2007

Their Structures and Behavior”, 3rd Ed., Springer-Verlag Berlin

6. Gedde U., “Polymer Physics”, Reprint, Springer Netherlands. 2001


NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mathematics

1. Subject Code: MAN-002 Course Title: Mathematical Methods

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory : 3 Practical : 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE : 25 ETE : 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: BSC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide knowledge of essential mathematical tools applied in solving ordinary

and partial differential equations, initial and boundary value problems.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Ordinary Differential Equations: Solution of linear differential equations 10
with constant coefficients. Euler-Cauchy equations, Solution of second order
differential equations by changing dependent and independent variables.
Method of variation of parameters, Introduction to series solution method.
2. Partial Differential Equations: Formation of first and second order partial 6
differential equations. Solution of first order partial differential equations:
Lagrange`s equation, Four standard forms of non-linear first order equations .
3. Laplace Transform: Laplace and inverse Laplace transform of some 10
standard functions, Shifting theorems, Laplace transform of derivatives and
integrals. Convolution theorem, Initial and final value theorem. Laplace
transform of periodic functions, error functions, Heaviside unit step function
and Dirac delta function. Applications of Laplace transform.
4. Z - Transform: Z – transform and inverse Z-transform of elementary 5
functions, Shifting theorems, Convolution theorem, Initial and final value
theorem. Application of Z- transform to solve difference equations.
5. Fourier series: Trigonometric Fourier series and its convergence. Fourier 5
series of even and odd functions. Fourier half-range series. Parseval`s
identity. Complex form of Fourier series.
6. Fourier Transforms: Fourier integrals, Fourier sine and cosine integrals. 6
Fourier transform, Fourier sine and cosine transforms and their elementary
properties. Convolution theorem. Application of Fourier transforms to BVP.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S.No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of
1. Kreyszig, E., "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", Johan Wiley & Sons 2011
2. Jain, R. K. and Iyenger, S. R. K., "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", 2009
Narosa Publishing House
3. Amarnath, T., "An Elementary Course in Partial Differential Equations", 2012
Narosa Publishing House (II Edition)
4. Hildebrand F. B., "Methods of Applied Mathematics", Courier Dover 1992
5. Rao, K. S., "Introduction to Partial Differential Equations", PHI Learning Pvt. 2010
Ltd. (II Edition)
6. Sneddon, I. N., " Elements of Partial Differential Equations", McGraw-Hill 1988
Book Company
7. Simmons, G. F. and Krantz, S. G., Differential Equations:Theory, Technique 2007
and Practice" , Tata McGraw-Hill Edition

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Chemical Engineering

1. Subject Code: CHN-102 Course Title: Material and Energy Balance

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory : 3 Practical : 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE : 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide basic knowledge of principles of material and energy balances applied
to chemical engineering systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Units and dimension in chemical engineering, units 5
conversion of dimensional equations, stoichiometric and
composition relations, concept of degrees of freedom and linear
independence of a set of equations.
2. Material Balance: Concept of material balance, open and closed 4
systems, steady state and unsteady state, multiple component system,
selection of a basis, problem solving strategy.
3. Material Balance without chemical Reaction for Single and 5
Multiple Units: Conservation of mass/atom, material balance for
systems without polymer reactions involving single unit and
multiple units.
4. Material Balance with chemical Reaction for Single and 6
Multiple Units: Concept of excess reactant, extent of reaction,
material balance for systems with polymer reactions involving
single unit and multiple units.
5. Recycle, Bypass, Purge and Industrial Applications: Calculations 7
for a cyclic processes involving recycle/ purge/ bypass, material
balances involving gases, vapors, liquids and solids and use of real
gas relationships, material balance involving gases, vapors, liquids &
solids and uses of real gas relationships, vapor-liquid equilibrium
and concepts of humidity & saturation, analysis of systems with
bypass, recycle and purge, analysis of processes involving
condensation, crystallization and vaporization.
6. Energy Balance: Conservation of energy with reference to general 4
energy balance with and without polymer reactions, chemical
engineering problems involving reversible processes and mechanical
energy balance.
7. Applications of Energy Balance: Calculations of heat of change of 6
phase (solid – liquid &liqid – vapor), heat of reaction, heat of
combustion, heat of solutions and mixing, determination of
temperatures for adiabatic and non-adiabatic reactions, use of
psychometric and enthalpy- concentration diagrams.
8. Simultaneous Material and Energy Balances: Degrees of freedom 3
analysis for multicomponent systems, combined steady state material
and energy balances for units with multiple sub-systems.
9. Unsteady State Material and Energy Balances: Transient 2
materials and energy balances involving with and without chemical
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1. Himmelblau D.M. and Riggs J. B.,“ Principles and Calculations in 2012
Chemical Engineering”, 8 Ed., Prentice Hall of India.
2. Felder R.M. and Rousseau R.W., “Elementary Principles of Chemical 2005
Processes”, 3 Ed.., John Wiley.
3. Bhatt B.I. and Vora S.M., “Stoichiometry”, 5 Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill 2010
4. Narayanan K.V. and Lakshmikutty B., “Stoichiometry and Process 2006
Calculations”, Prentice Hall of India.
5. Hougen D.A., Watson K.M. and Ragatz R.A., “Chemical Process 1995
Principles”, Part-I, 2 Ed., CBS Publishers.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Chemical Engineering

1. Subject Code: CHN-106 Course Title: Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide basic knowledge of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics to

chemical engineering students.

10. Details of Course:

S.No. Contents Contact Hours

Introduction: Thermodynamic system, surroundings, state, process,

1. properties, 02
equilibrium, heat and work.
Properties of Pure Simple Compressible Substance: P-V-T surface, P-V, T-
2. V 06
and T-P diagrams. Equations of state for ideal and real gases. Virial equation of
state, van der Waals and Redlich-Kwong equations of state; Use of
Thermodynamic tables.
3. First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy balance for closed systems. Various 05
forms of energy balance. Specific heat, internal energy, enthalpy, and specific
heat of ideal gases. Application of first law to non-flow isochoric, isobaric,
isothermal, and adiabatic and polytropic processes.
Conservation of mass for a control volume, mass and volume flow rates, mass
balance for steady flow processes, flow work, steady flow energy equation.
Application to various practical systems viz. nozzles, diffusers, etc. Transient
4. Second Law of Thermodynamics: Second law, reversible and irreversible 06
processes, Clausius and Kelvin Planck statements. Carnot cycle, Clausius
inequality, entropy as a property, principle of increase of entropy. Calculation
entropy change.
5. Thermodynamic Cycles: Otto, Diesel, Rankine cycles and their 03
6. Rate Expression and Reaction Mechanism: Use of pseudo steady state 04
approximation to get rate expression from mechanism, temperature-
of reaction rate-collision theory, transition state theory, thermodynamics and
Arrhenius law.
7. Interpretation of Kinetic Data of Batch Reactors: Constant volume and 08
variable volume batch reactions, Integral and differential methods of analysis
data of uni, bi and tri-molecular irreversible reactions. Reversible reactions,
homogeneously catalysed, auto-catalysed, series and parallel reactions.
Estimation of rate constants and its temperature-dependence.
8. Solid-Catalysed Fluid Reactions: Characterization of catalyst, Physical and 04
chemical adsorption, various reaction steps, Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics.
9. Kinetics of Bio-Chemical Reactions: Kinetics of enzyme catalysed reactions, 04
substrate and product inhibition, effect of temperature and pH on enzyme
catalysed reactions.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1. Çengel Y.A. and Boles M.A., “Thermodynamics: An Engineering 2008
Approach”, 6 Ed., McGraw Hill.
2. Smith J.M., Van Ness H.C. and Abbott M.M., “Introduction to Chemical 2005
Engineering Thermodynamics”, 7 Ed., McGraw Hill.
3. Borgnakke C. and Sonntag R.E., “Fundamentals of Thermodynamics”, 7 2009
Ed., John Wiley and Sons.
4. Levenspiel O., “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 3 Ed., John Wiley. 2000
5. Fogler H.S., “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engg.”, 4 Ed., Prentice Hall 2005
of India.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-102 Course Title: Properties of Polymers

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T:0 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:15 PRS:25 MTE:20 ETE:40 PRE:0

5. Credits: 3 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge of properties of polymers, their testing and


10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction to Polymer Characterization: Overview of properties 2

useful forcomplete characterization of Polymers, Copolymers, –
Thermal, Mechanical, Optical and Electrical, Chemical and

2. Amorphous Polymers: Free volume and free volume theory,Kinetic 5

nature of glass transition, pressure and path dependence of polymeric
glasses, Gibbs Dimarzio Theory, Factors affecting glass transition
temperature, secondary sub glass transition temperature, Physical
ageing, Five regions of viscoelastic behavior,

3. Crystalline Polymers & polymer Crystallization: Fundamentals 5

and thermodynamics of polymer crystallization, Structure of
crystalline polymers, Structural factors affecting crystallizability and
crystallinity of polymers, Spherulites, Helix Structure, Chain folding,
Polymer single Crystal,

4. Thermal Properties and Characterization: Operating Principles and 7

Theory behind Characterization by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
(DSC) and Thermo-gravimetric Analysis (TGA); Melting Point
related Tests, Glass Transition Temperature and Factors affecting it;
Testing and measurements of Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT),
Vicat Softening point (VSP), Torsion Pendulum Test, Thermal
Conductivity and Expansion, Brittleness Temperature; Measurements
related to Flammability.

5. Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Properties: Damping, storage and 6

loss modulus, dissipation factor, loss tangent, loss factor, retardation
times, thermal, frequency, and force amplitude effects on dynamic
properties, characterization of dynamic mechanical properties of

6. Mechanical Properties and Characterization: 9

Tensile, Compressive and Flexural Mechanical Response of

Polymers: Stress-strain behavior, Models, Cold drawing, Strain
hardening, Characterization of Tensile, Compressive & Flexural
mechanical nature of polymers. Tensile and Compressive strength
measurements, Fracture and Strength of Polymers, Measurements
ofImpact property, Notch sensitivity and testing procedures.

Surface Mechanical Properties and Tests- Tests and measurement

related to Hardness- Durometer/Shore Hardness, Vicker Scale;
Abrasion Properties & tests, Co-efficient of friction measurements;

Long-Term Mechanical Properties and measurements- Creep,

stress-relaxation and fatigue resistance, etc.

7. Optical and Electrical Property Characterization: Operating 4

Principles of Equipments and Theory behind Measurements of-
Refractive Index, Specular Gloss using Gloss meter, Luminous
Transmittance and Haze, Color, Birefringence, Clarity and Photo-
elasticity; Surface and volume resistivity, dielectric constant,
dissipation factor.

8. Non-Destructive Testing: Operating Principles and Procedure 4

ofTechniques- Ultrasonic measurements, Liquid-penetration
Techniques, Magnetic particle testing, Radiography and Microwave
based NDT, Thermal methods and Laser Holography.

Total 42
11. List of Practicals :

1. Determination of T c , T g and T m , of polymer (using DSC).

2. Determination of degradation profile and filler content of a polymer (using TGA).
3. Study of Mechanical Stress-strain behavior of a polymer under tension
4. Study of Mechanical Stress-strain behavior of a polymer under and compression.
5. Determination of Impact strength of a polymer by Izod method.
6. Determination of Impact strength of a polymer by Charpy method.
7. Study of Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of a Polymer

12. Suggested Books

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of


1. Craver C. D. “Polymer Characterization”, ACS. 1983

2. Nayak S. K., Yadav, S. N, Mohanty, S., “Fundamentals of 2010

Plastics Testing”, Springer.

3. Korschwitz J., “Polymer Characterization and Analysis”, John 1990

Wiley & Sons.

4. Shiers J., “Practical Polymer Analysis”, John Wiley & Sons. 2000

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Chemistry

1. Subject code: CYN-011 Course Title: Polymer Characterization

2. Contact Hours:L: 3 T:0 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:2 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 2 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: BSC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: It will familiarize the students to learn methods of synthesizing different types of
polymers and characterize using array of physical techniques.

10. Details of the Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Preliminary Survey: Identification of polymer materials; molecular 2

architecture; need for optical characterization, diffraction techniques,
microstructure analysis.

2. Spectroscopic technique: Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with 6

matter; Atomic and molecular spectroscopy and instrumentation, viz., UV-
visible spectroscopy, Infrared and Raman spectroscopy.

3. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Principle of magnetic 4

resonance, experimental technique,Applications of NMR to polymers, NMR of
Polymers in solid state, two dimensional NMR, NMR imaging.

4. Diffraction techniques: Theory ofX-ray diffraction (XRD), Generation and 8

properties of X-ray, Applications of XRD to polymer characterization;
Alternate diffraction techniques viz., electron diffraction, neutron diffraction.

5. Microscopic technique: Theoretical concepts in optical microscopy, 8

fluorescent microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron
microscopy, atomic force microscopy, instrumentation and applications.

Total 28
11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Name of Authors/Book/ Publisher etc. Year of Publication/


1 Campbell, D., Pethrick, R.A., White J.R., “Polymer Characterization 2000

Physical Techniques”, Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd. 2nd Edition

2 Skoog, D.A., Holler, F.J., Crouch S.R., Principles of Instrumental 2006

Analysis”,6th Edition, Thomson Brooks

3 West A.R., “Solid State Chemistry and its Applications” John Wiley & 2013
Sons, India

4 Slayter, E.M., Slayter, H.S., “Light and Electron Microscopy” Cambridge 1997
University Press.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Chemistry

1. Subject code: CYN-013 Course Title: Polymer Chemistry Laboratory

2. Contact Hours: L: 0 T:0 P: 4

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:0 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:0 PRS:100 MTE: 0 ETE:0 PRE:0

5. Credits: 2 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: BSC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: It will familiarize the students to learn methods of synthesizing and characterization
of different types of polymers.

10. Details of the Course:

List of Practicals

1. Emulsion polymerization of styrene

2. Precipitation Polymerization of Acrylonitrile
3. Synthesis of Isotactic and Syndiotactic PMMA/ Copolymerization of MMA and Styrene (anionic,
cationic, block)
4. Synthesis of Polyurethane Foams
5. Synthesis of Nylon 6,6
6. MFI of synthesized polymers
7. Synthesis of High Syndiotactic Polystyrene by Homogeneous Ziegler-Natta Catalysis
8. Characterization of the synthesized polymers by UV-Visible spectroscopy and Infrared
9. Determination of various molecular weight of synthesized polymers by DLS, viscosity and relate
them with GPC experiment
10. Determination of Tc, Tg and Tm of polymer using DSC
11. Determination of degradation profile and filler/inter contentof/in a polymer using TGA,
12. Raman spectroscopic characterization of polymers
13. Morphological study by optical, electron microscopy and AFM
14. NMR and XRD studies of monomers and polymers
11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Name of Authors/Book/ Publisher etc. Year of Publication/


1. Campbell, D., Pethrick, R.A., White J.R., “Polymer Characterization Physical 2000
Techniques”, 2nd Edition, Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd.

2. Skoog, D.A., Holler, F.J., Crouch S.R., Principles of Instrumental Analysis”,6th 2006
Edition, Thomson Brooks.

3. West A.R., “Solid State Chemistry and its Applications” John Wiley & Sons, India 2013

4. Slayter, E.M., Slayter, H.S., “Light and Electron Microscopy” Cambridge 1997
University Press.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Electrical Engineering

1. Subject Code: EEN-112 Course Title: Electrical Science

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 20 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: ESC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the students to the fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

concepts of network analysis, principles of electrical machines, basics of
electrical measurement and measuring instruments.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Energy Resources and Utilization: Conventional and non- 5
conventional energy resources; Introduction to electrical energy
generation from different resources, transmission, distribution and
2. Network Fundamentals: Types of Sources and elements, 5
Kirchoff’s Laws, Mesh and Node Analysis of D.C. Networks,
Network Theorems: Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s Theorem,
Superposition Theorem, Maximum Power Theorem, Star-Delta
3. A.C. Fundamentals: Concept of phasor, impedance and 4
admittance; Mesh and Node analysis of AC networks; Network
theorems in AC networks; Active and reactive power in AC circuits;
Resonance in series AC circuits; Power factor correction.
4. Three-phase A.C. Circuits: Analysis of 3-phase balanced start- 2
delta circuits, Power in 3-phase Circuits.
5. Measurement of Electrical Quantities: Measurement of Voltage, 5
Current, and Power; Measurement of 3 phase power; Energy meters.
6. Single Phase Transformer: Introduction to magnetic circuit 5
concepts, Basic constructional features, operating principle, phasor
diagram, equivalent circuit, voltage regulation; Eddy current and
Hysteresis losses, efficiency; Open circuit and Short Circuit tests.
7. D.C. Machines: Principle of operation, constructional features; Emf 5
and torque equations; Types of excitation; Generator characteristics;
Starting and speed control of D.C. motors.
8. AC Machines: Three-phase Induction Motor - Operating principle, 5
constructional features, torque-speed characteristics, starting and
speed control; Single-phase Induction Motor - Operating principle,
constructional features, torque-speed characteristics, starting
9. Industrial Applications and Control: Various industrial loads, 6
traction, heating, lighting; Concept of power electronic control of
AC and DC motors.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1. Mukhopadhyaya P., Pant A.K., Kumar V. and Chittore D.S., 1997
“Elements of Electrical Science”, M/s Nem Chand & Brothers.
2. Vincent Del Toro, “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals”, Prentice 2002
Hall of India.
3. Dubey G. K., “Fundamentals of Electric Drives”, 2 Ed., Narosa 2007
Publishing House.
4. Alexander C.K., Sadiku M.N.O., “Fundamentals of Electric 2012
Circuits”, McGraw Hill, 5 Edition.
5. Chapman, Stephen, J., “Electric Machinery Fundamentals”, 1985
McGraw Hill Book Company.
6. Hughes Edward, “Electrical & Electronic Technology”, Pearson 2002
Publishing, 8 edition.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department Chemical Engineering

1. Subject Code: CHN-201 Course Title: Heat Transfer

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight:CWS:20 PRS:20 MTE :20 ETE:40 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To provide basic knowledge about heat transfer and its processes used in
Chemical Process Industries
10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hour

1. Introduction: Heat transfer modes, their rate equations. 1
2. Radiation: Mechanism of radiation and its laws, black and grey 8
body behavior, shape factors- determination using equations and
charts, relationship between shape factors, heat transfer between
non-black bodies, concept of surface- and space- resistance with
concept of insulated and large surfaces, use of radiation shields,
radiation through absorbing and transmitting gases.
3. Conduction: Use of extended surfaces, two-dimensional steady 6
state conduction, Thermal insulation- materials for cold and hot
applications and thickness calculations, introduction to transient
conduction, Biot number, use of Heisler charts.
4. Convection: Concept and significance of boundary layer, 6
boundary layer similarity and analogy, convection coefficients,
free and forced convection, empirical correlations- internal and
external flows.
5. Heat Exchangers: Types and selection, overall heat transfer 4
coefficient, parallel and counter current flow, LMTD, FT
correction factor, analysis and design using effectiveness-NTU
6. Boiling: Characteristics, nucleate pool- and forced convection- 4
boiling, boiling mechanism and curve, heat transfer correlations,
heat pipes.
7. Condensation: Mechanism and types of condensation of vapor 5
with and without non-condensable gases, Nusselt equation for
film wise condensation on vertical surfaces and its extension to
inclined and horizontal surfaces and tubes, condensation number,
film condensation inside horizontal tube.
8. Evaporator: Classification and use of evaporators in process 4
industries, effect of boiling point rise and hydrostatic head on
evaporator performance, liquor flow sequences, calculations for
multiple effect evaporator system.
9. Crystallization: Mechanism, crystallization from mixed solutes, 4
particle size distribution of crystals and parameters effecting it,
some major types of crystallizers, crystallizer calculations.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors/ Books/ Publisher Year of
1. Holman J.P., “ Heat Transfer”, 10 Ed., McGraw Hill 2009
2. Bergman T.L., Lavine A.S., Incropera F.P. and DeWitt D.P., 2011
“Introduction to Heat Transfer”, 6 Ed., Wiley
3. Cengel Y.A. and Ghajar A.J., “Heat and Mass Transfer: 2010
Fundamentals and Applications”, 4 Ed., McGraw Hill
4. Kreith F., Manglik R.M. and Bohn M., “Principles of Heat 2010
Transfer”, 7 Ed., Cengage Learning
NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Chemical Engineering

1. Subject Code: CHN-211 Course Title: Fluid and Fluid Particle Mechanics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:20 PRS:20 MTE:20 ETE:40 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide knowledge of particle size analysis, size reduction, separation of particles by
filtration, sedimentation and flow through porous media.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Particle Size Reduction and Analysis:Theory of crushing and grinding, 6

crushing and grinding equipment and their selection. Sieve analysis, size
distribution, size averaging and equivalence, size estimation in sub-sieve

2. Storage of Solids :Bins, silos, hoppers, Janseen’s equation. 2

3. Fluid Handing Machinery and Flow Measurement: Pumps; Blowers and 7

compressors- classification, operating and performance characteristics,
selection criteria and design specifications; Constant area and constant head
meters; Weirs and notches.

4. Particle Mechanics :Motion of particles in fluid, effect of particle shape, 4

Stock’s law, hindered settling, jigging and classification

5. Sedimentation and Flotation: Gravity and centrifugal sedimentation, 6

design of sedimentation tanks and continuous thickners, mechanism of
flotation, flotation agents, coagulants and flotation equipment.

6. Filtration :Flow through filter media and formation of cakes, washing 4

and drying of cake, filter aids, selection of filtration equipment, constant
rate and constant pressure filtration.

7. Flow Through Packed Beds :Characteristics of packings, flow of a single 5

fluid through a packed bed, problems of channeling and wetting, counter-
current gas-liquid flow through packed beds-loading and flooding

8. Fluidization and Solid Conveying : Fluidization characteristics, 8

aggregative and particulate fluidization, voidage and minimum fluidization
velocity, voidage correlations, gas-solid fluidization characteristics;
Pneumatic and hydraulic transport of solids-general characteristics and
flow relations

Total 42

11. List of Practicals:

1. Plate and frame filter press
2. Flow through packed bed
3. Flow through fluidized bed
4. Batch Sedimentation
5. Elutration
6. Crushing and grinding experiments
7. Flow meters
8. Pumps Characteristics

12. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of


1. Backhurst J. R.and Harker J. H., "Coulson and Richardson Chemical 2002

Engineering", Vol. II”, 5th Ed., Butterworth-Heinemen.

2. Brown G. G., “Unit Operations”, CBS publishers. 1995

3. Narayanan C.M. and Bhattacharya B.C., “Mechanical Operations for 1992

Chemical Engineers-Incorporating Computer Aided Analysis”, Khanna

4. McCabe W. L., Smith J. C. and Harriott P., "Unit Operations of Chemical 2005
Engineering", 7th Ed., McGraw Hill.
NAME OF THE PROGRAM: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-201 Course Title: Polymer Engineering Thermodynamics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To understand the thermodynamics to polymer.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Laws of thermodynamics, PVT behavior of fluids – 3

Gibb’s phase rule.

2. Thermodynamic Properties of Homogeneous Fluids: 4

Fundamental property relations, Maxwell’s relations, Residual
properties and their estimation, two phase systems.

3. Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures or Solutions: Property 6

relationships for systems of variable composition; chemical
potential, partial molar properties, fugacity and fugacity coefficients
– pure species and species in a mixture, fugacity in ideal solutions,
activity coefficients, excess properties.

4. Glassy, Crystalline and molten state of polymers: States of 5

matter, Glassy, crystalline and Molten states of polymers, Bonding
and Confirmations.

5. Thermodynamics glass transition temperatures & 6

characteristics: Equilibrium melting temperature,melting
temperature of polymer crystals, Factors affecting the melting
temperatures, Entropy and chain flexibility, nature of glass
transition, Thermodynamics of glass transition, Free volume theory.
6. Polymer chain conformations and Phase transitions: Chain end- 6
end distance, Conformations available to a chain, Random flight
model for polymer, order of phase transitions, Feyman’s method,
Theory of rubber elasticity.

7. Theories for polymer solutions: Polymer solutions, Miscible and 5

immiscible blends, Regular solution theory, Flory- Huggins theory.

8. Thermodynamics of polymer solutions: Theories of mixing, 7

Solubility parameters and enthalpy of mixing, Phase behavior, Phase
equilibria in polymer solutions, Critical fluctuations and spinodal
decomposition, Group contribution methods for solubility
parameters, Osmotic pressure- Molecular weight measurement,
Viscosity of dilute solution

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of


1 Smith J.M., Van Ness H.C. and Abbott M.M., “Introduction to 2005
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, 7th Ed., McGraw Hill.

2 Polymer chemistry, 2nd edition, P. C. Hiemenz and T. P. Lodge, CRC 2007

press, Boca Raton.

3 Essentials of Polymer Science and Engineering, Mike Coleman, Paul 2008

Painter, DesTech Publications

4 Introduction to polymer science and chemistry: A problem solving 2006

approach, ManasChanda, CRC/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton.

5 Fundamentals of polymer engineering, 2nd edition, Anil Kumar, 2011

Rakesh K. Gupta, Marcel Dekker (Taylor & Francis)
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-203 Course Title: Polymer Blends

2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:2 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 3 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9 Objective: To impart knowledge of principles, properties, and applications of polymer blends

10 Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Introduction: Introduction to polymer solutions, polymer blends, 2

rubber toughened plastics, interpenetrating networks, molecular

2 Miscibility and Phase Separation: Polymer-polymer miscibility,

thermodynamic theories of miscibility, factors governing miscibility,
prediction and enhancement of miscibility; Immiscible systems and 5
phase separation; binodal and spinodal decomposition.

3 Compatibility and Compatibilization: Immiscible and compatible 5

systems; compatibility and compatibilization; compatibilization by
block, graft and randon copolymers, compatibilization by functional
polymer, compatibilization by reactive blending

4 Blends of Semi-Crystalline Polymers: Blends ofanamorphous 4

polymer / a semi-crystalline polymer; structure and morphology of a
blend of anamorphous polymer / a semi-crystalline polymer;
crystallization in a blend of anamorphous polymer / a semi-crystalline
polymer; blends oftwosemi-crystalline polymers, structure and
morphology of a blend of twosemi-crystalline polymers;
crystallization in a blend of twosemi-crystalline polymers

5 Rubber Toughened Polymers: Toughening mechanism, rubber 6

toughening, processing, structure, properties and morphology of
rubber toughened polymers.

6 Molecularly Reinforced Polymer Blends: Molecular composites, 4

self reinforced LCP blends, macromolecular nano composites, rigid
polymer, flexible polymer solvent ternary systems, solution
processing, melt processing, properties, applications.

7 Interpenetrating Networks: Introduction, processing, properties, 2

and applications.

Total 28

11. Suggested Books

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of


1. Hope P. and Folkes B.M., “Polymer Blends and Alloys”, Blackie. 1993

2. Paul D.R. and Sperling H.S., “Multicomponent Polymer Materials”, 2005


3. Paul D. R. and Newman S., “Polymer Blends”, Vol-1&2 Academic 2008


4. Utracki L. A., “Polymer Alloys and Blends”, Hanser. 2007


NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-108 Course Title: Mechanical Engineering Drawing

2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 0 P: 4

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 0 Practical: 4

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 25 ETE: 0 PRE: 50

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: ESC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The course objective is to teach the basic concepts of Mechanical Engineering
Drawing to the students. The emphasis is on to improve their power imagination.

Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 General Instructions : Sheet Layout, Line Symbols and 1
Groups, Preferred Scales, Technical Sketching
2 Types of projections: Reference Planes and Quadrants, 2
Orthographic Projection
3 Projection of point and lines 3
4 Projection of plane figures 2
5 Projection of solids 2
6 Section of solid and development 2
7 Shape Description(External): Multiplanar Representation, 2
Systems of Projection, Sketching of Orthographic Views
from Pictorial Views, Conventional Practices, Precedence
of Views , Precedence of Lines
8 Uniplaner Representation: Sketching of Pictorial Views 2
(Isometric and Oblique) from Multiplaner Orthographic
9 Shape Description (Internal): Sectioning as an Aid to 3
Understanding internal features, Principles of Sectioning,
Types of Sections, Section Lines, Cutting Plane Lines and
Conventional Practices
10 Size Description: Dimensioning, Tools of Dimensioning, 4
Size and Position Dimensions, Unidirectional and Aligned
Systems, Principle and Practices of Dimensioning,
11 Conventional Representation: Representation and 1
Identification of Common Machine Elements and Features
12 Introduction to Solid Modeling 4
Total 28

Practical Exercises:

Topics Practice
Classes of Two
Hour Duration
Projection of points and lines 04
Projection of plane figures 02
Projection of solids 03
Section and development 02
Sketching of Orthographic Views from Pictorial Views 04
Sketching of Pictorial Views (Isometric and Oblique) from Multiplanar 04
Orthographic Views, Missing Lines Exercise, Missing Views Exercise
Sectioning Exercise 02
Dimensioning exercise 02
Identification Exercise 01
Solid Modeling, orthographic views from solid models 04

11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1. Technical Drawing, Giesecke, Mitchell, Spencer, Hill, Dygdon 2003
and Novak, Macmillan Publishing Company
2. Engineering Graphics, A. M. Chandra and Satish Chandra, 2003
Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi
3. Engineering Drawing and Graphics Technology, T.E. French, 1993
C.J. Vierck and R.J. Foster, McGraw-Hill Inc
4. Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, W.J. Luzadder, J. 1989
Warren and J.M. Duff, Prentice Hall International Editions
5. SP 46:1988 Engineering Drawing Practice for Schools and -------
Colleges, Bureau of Indian standards

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Chemical Engineering

1. Subject Code: CHN-212 Course Title: Mass Transfer

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS:20 PRS:20 MTE:20 ETE:40 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide basic knowledge of mass transfer operations and their application in
process industries.

10. Details of Course:

S.No Contents Contact Hours

1 Diffusion: Molecular and eddy diffusivity, diffusion through 4

stagnant gas film, equimolal and countercurrent diffusion, diffusion
through solids.
2 Interphase Mass Transfer: Theory of interphase mass transfer, 5
overall and individual mass transfer coefficients.
3 Distillation: Principles of distillation; Batch and Continuous 6
distillation with reflux; Conditions of feed; Number of stages, stage
4 Solid– Liquid Extraction: Single and multiple-stage countercurrent 5
extraction; Calculation of number of stages by graphical and
analytical procedures.
5. Liquid-Liquid Extraction: Triangular diagrams; Number of 4
6. Absorption and Adsorption: Absorption from gas mixture; 7
Selection of solvent; Number of stages, concepts of NTU and HTU;
Principles and application of adsorption
7. Humidification, Dehumidification and Drying: Humidification 9
and dehumidification operation; Cooling towers; Mechanism and
rate of drying, calculation for batch and continuous drying;
Industrial applications.
8. Membrane Separation: Introduction, Principles, and application. 2
Total 42
11. List of Experiments:

1. Batch Distillation
2. Liquid-liquid extraction
3. Solid-liquid extraction
4. Distillation in packed bed
5. Steam distillation
6. Diffusion of vapours in air
7. Batch dryer

12. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Treybal R.E., “Mass Transfer Operation”, 3rd Ed., McGraw Hill. 1980
2. Brown G. G., “Unit Operations”, CBS Publishers. 1995
3. McCabe W. L., Smith J. C. and Harriott P., "Unit Operations of 2005
Chemical Engineering", 7th Ed., McGraw Hill.
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer Science and Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-202 Course Title: Polymer Reaction Engineering

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS:20 PRS:20 MTE:20 ETE:40 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge of application of reactionengineering for polymer production.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Ideal Reactors: Design equations for ideal reactors, namely batch, 4

CSTR, plug flow, design equation for single reaction systems using
batch and semi batch, CSTR, PFR and recycle reactor, auto
catalytic reactions, reactor choice for single reaction
2 Design for multiple reactions: Parallel and series reactions, 4
quantitative treatment of product distribution and of reactor size for
different types of ideal reactors, selectivity and yield, selection of
reactor for multiple reactions
3 Non-isothermal operation and stability of reactors: Non 4
isothermal design of ideal reactors, hot spot in tubular reactor, auto-
thermal process, steady state multiplicity, optimal temperature
progression for first order reversible reaction
4 Non-ideal flow: Residence time distribution (RTD), role of RTD in 5
determining reactor behavior, age distribution (E) of fluid,
experimental methods for finding E, relationship between E and F
curve, models for non- ideal flow-single and multi parameter
models (axial dispersion, tanks in series), performance estimation
of reactor using reactor models
5 Reaction Engineering of Step Growth Polymerization: MWD 4
ofcondensation polymerization: ARB and A 2 + B 2 systems; advance
stage of condensation polymerization, similarity solution step
growth polymerization model
6 Reaction Engineering of Free Radical Polymerization: MWDof 5
Free radical polymerization: Standard free radical polymerization;
design of tubular reactors involving radical polymerization,
solution of equations describing isothermal radical polymerization
7 Reaction Engineering of Ionic, Ziggler Natta, 5
Copolymerization:Smith-Ewart and other models, average chain
length estimation of stereoregular polymers, chain segment
estimation and its distribution
8 Bulk, Solutionand Precipitation Polymerizations: Modeling of 5
bulk and solution polymerization reactor, precipitation
polymerization: reactor modeling to interpret MWD of industrial
9 Suspension and Emulsion Polymerization: Suspension 6
Polymerization: Principles, of reactor modeling and MWD
estimation; Modeling of emulsion reactors, prediction of MWD and
solution viscosity, examples
Total 42

11. List of Practicals

i. Study of kinetics of bulk polymerization

ii. Study of kinetics of bulk polymerization in plug floe reactor
iii. Study of kinetics of bulk polymerization in CSTR
iv. Study of kinetics of emulsion polymerization in batch reactor
v. To determine the percentage conversion of monomer and molecular weight distribution
of polymer in batch reactor
vi. Study of kinetics of emulsion polymerization in plugflow reactor
vii. Study of kinetics of emulsion polymerization in CSTR

11. Suggested Books

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of

1. Beisenberger J. A. and Sebastian D.H.; “Principles of 1983
Polymerization Engineering”, John Wiley& Sons.
2. Odian G., “Principles of Polymerization”, John Wiley & Sons. 2002
3. Billmayer, F. W., Text Book of Polymer Science 3rd Edition, Willey 1984
Inter Science, New York
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
1. Subject Code: PEN-204 Course Title: Polymer Rheology & Processing
2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 1 P: 2/2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:2 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:20 PRS:20 MTE:20 ETE:40 PRE:0
5. Credits: 3 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PCC
8. Pre-requisite:
9. Objective: To impart knowledge of polymer processing technology and equipment.

10. Details of the Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction to Polymer Rheology and processing: 2
Introduction to various Rheological response functions,
processing behavior of polymers with that of rheology
2. Basic Rheological Concepts: Flow Classification: Steady Simple 3
Shear Flow, Unsteady Simple Shear Flow, Extensional Flow;
Non-Newtonian Flow Behavior: Newtonian Fluids, non-
Newtonian Fluids, Viscoelastic Effects
3. Continuum Aspect of Rheology: Phenomenological models to 5
illustrate viscoelastic effects: Maxwell’s Model, Voigt Model and
Standard Linear Solid Model; Boltzmann’s superposition
theorem; Temperature dependence of Viscosity; Intrinsic
viscosity of polymer solutions
4. Rheological Models: Models for the Steady Shear Viscosity 7
Function, Model for the Normal Stress Difference Function, Model for
the Complex Viscosity Function, Model for the Dynamic Modulus
Functions, Models for the Extensional Viscosity Function; Other
Relationships for Shear Viscosity: Viscosity-Temperature
Relationships, Viscosity-Pressure Relationship, Viscosity-Molecular
Weight Relationship
5. Rheometry: Rotational Viscometers: Cone and Plate Viscometer, 8
Parallel-Disc Viscometer; Capillary Rheometers: Constant Plunger
Speed Circular Orifice Capillary Rheometer, Constant Plunger Speed
Slit Orifice Capillary Rheometer, Constant Speed Screw Extrusion
Type Capillary Rheometers, Constant Pressure Circular Orifice
Capillary Rheometer (Melt Flow Indexer); Extensional Viscometers:
Filament Stretching Method, Extrusion Method
6. Constitutive Theories and Equations forSuspensions and 3
rheology of complex polymeric fluid: Importance of Suspension
Rheology, Shear Viscous Flow: Effect of Shape, Concentration and
Dimensions on the Particles, Effect of Size Distribution of the Particles

Total 28
List of Practical:
1. Rheology of polymer by cone plate rheometer
2. Rheology of polymer by parallel plate rheometer
3. Study of Rheological behavior of Polymer gel
4. Study of rheological behavior of polymeric adhesives
5. Understanding of G’, G” and tanδ parameters for polymeric materials
6. Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Polymeric materials
7. Rheological property estimation of Rubbery materials

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. LarsonR. G.,“The Structure and Rheology of Complex Fluids”, 1998

2. BirdR. B., ArmstrongR. C. andHassagerO., “Dynamics of 1987

Polymeric Liquids”, Volume I and II, John Wiley and Sons.

3. Montgomery T. Shaw, “Introduction to Polymer Rheology”, 2011

John Wiley and Sons.
4 Piau J. M. and Agassant J. F., “Rheology of Polymer melt 1996
processing”, Elsevier.
5. Shenoy AV, “Rheology of Filled Polymer Systems” Kluwer 1999
Academic Publishers
6. Han CD, “Rheology and Processing of Polymeric Materials” 2007
Vol-1, Oxford University Press
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
1. Subject Code: PEN-206 Course Title: Polymer Production Engineering

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS:15 PRS: 0 MTE:35 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 3 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PCC
8. Pre-requisite:
9. Objective:To impart knowledge of structure, properties processing and manufacturing of
polymer materials.

10 Details of Course:
S. No. Contents Contact
Flow Diagrams, Unit Operations, Process , Economics, Industrial
Production and Applications of :
1 Polyolefins: Polyethylene, polypropylene 4
2 Vinyl Polymers: Poly (vinyl chloride) 2
3 Styrene Polymers: Polystyrene, ABS, SAN, 6
4 Thermosets :Epoxy, polyesters, polyurethanes, phenolic 7
5 Engineering Thermoplastics:Polyamides, polyesters, 7
polycarbonates, polyethers,
6 High Performance Thermoplastics: Poly-ether-ether-ketone, 7
polyphenylenesulphide, polysulphones, polyphenylene-oxides
6 Polyimides:Polyesterimides, polyetherimides, polybismelimides, 7
7 Fibre Forming Polymers : Aramid and polyester 2
Total 42

11. Suggested Books

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of

1. Brydson JA, “Plastic Materials”, Newnes Butterworth 1989
2. Campbell IM, “Introduction to Synthetic Polymers”, 2000
OxfordUniversity Press
3. Erhstein G, “Polymeric Materials”, Hanser-Gardner, Cincinnati 2001
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
1. Subject Code: PEN-208 Course Title: Elastomer Science and Engineering

2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 0 P: 3/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:2 Practical :0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS:15 PRS: 25 MTE:20 ETE:40 PRE:0

5. Credits: 3 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PCC
8. Pre-requisite:Nil
9. Objective: To impart knowledge of structure, properties, processing and applications of
elastomers and rubbers.

10. Details of the Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Definition of elastomers and requirements of 4
polymer to be elastomer: effect of molecular weight and
glass transition temperature (Tg), Interpreting the properties
of elastomers
2 Essential properties of specific elastomers:Natural Rubber, 7
Styrene Butadiene Rubber, Nitrile rubber, Ethylene-
propylene rubbers,Polychloroprene rubber, Butyl
rubber,Fluorocarbon Rubber,Polybutadiene Rubber,
Polyurethane rubber, Chlorosulfonated polyethylene,
Polyurethanes, silicone rubber and thermoplastic elastomers
3 Basic rubber compound: Definition of rubber 7
compounding, process and principles of compounding, basic
compound formula, Function of different compounding
ingredients: gum rubber, curing agents, ZnO, stearic acid,
fillers (black and non black), Accelerators, Antioxidants and
antidegradants, Plasticizers and Miscellaneous, Compound
4 Vulcanization of elastomers: Principles and theory of 4
vulcanization, Definitions of different terms like scorch,
cure/ over cure & study of curing, Different types of
vulcanization systems, Sulfur and its role in vulcanization.
Measurement of mooney viscosity and state of cure for
rubber compound
5. Mastication and mixing of rubber: Definition, objective of 2
mixing and mastication, mixing equipments, different
mixing process
6. Engineering aspect of rubber product manufacturing: 4
Tyre technology, conveyer belt technology, sealing ring
technology and hose technology
Total 28
List of Practicals
1. Identification of different rubbers
2. Processing of rubber in a two roll mill.
3. Processing of rubber with carbon black filler.
4. Processing of rubber with non black loading type filler.
5. Compounding of rubber with ingredients.
6. Vulcanization of rubber.
7. Mechanical properties of vulcanized rubber.

11. Suggested Books

S.No. Name of Authors /Books/Publishers Year of

1. Johnson P., “Rubber Processing: An Introduction”, Hanser- 2001
2. Mark J.E., Erman B. andEirich F.R., “Science & Technology 2003
of Rubber”, Elsevier.
3. Morton M., “Rubber Technology”, Van Norstrand-Reinhold. 1987
4. Bhowmick, A.K. and Stephens HL, “Handbook of 2000
elastomers” CRC Press, 2nd Edition
5. Andrew Ciesielski, “An Introduction to Rubber 1999
Technology”Rapra Technology Limited, UK
6. Blow CM, “Rubber Technology & 1982
manufacture”Buttenvorths, London
NAME OF DEPARTMENT : Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

1. Subject Code: MTN-106 Course Title: Materials Science

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS: 0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7.Subject Area: PCC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To impart basic knowledge about the Materials Science.

10. Details of the Course:

Sl. No. Contents Contact Hours
1 Introduction: Historical perspective of Materials Science. 2
Why study properties of materials? Classification of
materials. Advanced Materials, Future materials and modern
2 Atomic Structure, Interatomic Bonding and Structure of 2
Solids: Atomic structure. Atomic bonding in solids, Crystal
structures, Crystalline and non-crystalline materials. Miller
indices. Anisotropic elasticity. Elastic behaviour of
composites. Structure and properties of polymers. Structure
and properties of ceramics.
3 Imperfections in Solids: Point defects. Theoretical yield 2
point. Line defects and dislocations. Interfacial defects. Bulk
or volume defects.
4 Mechanical Properties of Metals: Elastic deformation. 4
Plastic deformation. Interpretation of tensile stress-strain
curves, Yielding under multi-axial stress. Yield criteria and
macroscopic aspects of plasticdeformation.
5 Diffusion: Diffusion mechanisms. Steady and non-steady 2
state diffusion. Factors that influencediffusion.
6 Dislocations and Strengthening Mechanisms: Dislocation 4
and plastic deformation. Mechanisms of strengthening in
metals.Recovery, recrystallization and grain growth.
Strengthening by second phaseparticles. Optimum
distribution of particles. Lattice resistance to dislocation
7 Phase Diagrams: Equilibrium phase diagrams. Particle 3
strengthening by precipitation. Precipitationreactions.
Kinetics of nucleation and growth. The iron-carbon system.
Phasetransformations. Transformation rate effects and TTT
diagrams. Microstructure.
8 Failure: Fracture. Ductile and brittle fracture. Fracture 4
mechanics. Impact fracture. Ductilebrittle transition. Fatigue.
Crack initiation and propagation. Crack propagation
rate.Creep. Generalized creep behaviour. Stress and
temperature effects
9 Processing of Metals and Alloys: Types of metals and 2
alloys. Fabrication of metals. Thermal processing of metals.
Heattreatment. Precipitation hardening.
10 Processing of Ceramics: Types and applications of ceramics. 2
Fabrication and processing of ceramics.
11 Corrosion and Degradation of Materials: Corrosion of 3
metals. Corrosion of ceramics. Degradation of polymers
12 Light microscopy: Introduction, concept of resolution, Airy 3
rings, numerical aperture, magnification, depth of field, depth
of focus, lens defects and their corrections, principles of phase
contrast – bright-field and dark-field contrast, polarized light
microscopy, Quantitative microscopy, estimation of grain
size, grain boundary area, relevance of light microscopy
ideas to electron microscopy.
13 X-ray diffractometry: Introduction, crystal geometry, lattice 3
directions and planes, zone axis, interplaner spacing and
angle, Stereographic projection, Bragg’s condition of
diffraction, X-ray scattering, application of X-ray diffraction
–phase identification, estimation of grain size, particle size,
residual stress.
14 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM): Principle, 2
construction and operation of TEM, Interaction of electrons
with specimen, reciprocal space and lattice, diffraction from
finite crystal, preparation of specimens, bright and dark field
imaging, selected area diffraction, indexing of diffraction
15 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM): Principle, 2
construction and operation of SEM,study of fractured
surfaces, energy and wavelength dispersive spectroscopy.
16 Thermal analysis techniques: Principles of differential 2
scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential thermal analysis
(DTA), Dilatometry, Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA).
Total: 42

11. Suggested Books:

Year of
S. No. Name of Authors /Books/ Publisher Publication/
1 Chawla K.K., Composite Materials: Science and Engineering 2012
3rdEd., Springer
2 “Composites”, ASM Handbook ,Vol. 21, 10th Ed., ASM. 2001
3 W. D. Callister, Fundamentls of Materials Science and Engineering, Wiley 2011
4 Peter Hassen Material Science and Technology , Volume 2009
5,Phase Transformation in Materials
5 James F. Shackelford, Introduction to Materials Science for 2009
Engineers, 7th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Chemical Engineering

1. Subject Code: CHN-303 Course Title: Process Dynamics & Control

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical:0

4. Relative Weight:CWS:20 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: PCC
8. Pre-requisite:Sufficient knowledge on material and energy balance and transport process
9. Objective: To acquaint the students about the dynamics and control strategies chemical
process systems.
10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: The concept of process dynamics and control, review 5
of Laplace transform methods, Laplace transform of disturbances
and building functions, dynamic model building of simple systems.
2. Linear Open Loop System: Physical examples of first order 8
systems and their response for step, impulse and sinusoidal inputs,
linearization of non linear models, response of first order system in
series, examples of second order systems and their response,
estimation of system parameters.
3. Linear Closed Loop System: The control system and its elements, 8
closed loop transfer functions, transient response of simple control
systems, concept of stability and use of Routh – Hurwitz test for
4. Controllers: Modes of control action, control system and its closed- 3
loop transfer function.
5. Root Locus Method : Root locus treatment, response from root 4
locus and its application to control system design.
6. Frequency Response: Introduction to frequency response, Bode 5
diagrams of simple systems, Bode stability criterion, control system
design by frequency response, use of gain and phase margins.
7. Process Application : Controller tuning rules, control of complex 5
chemical processes and equipment, control valve sizing, introduction
to real time computer control of process equipment.
8. Advanced Control Methods : Introduction to state-space method, 4
feed forward and ratio control, inferential control, control using
digital computers-an introduction.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1. Coughanowr D.R. and LeBlanc S. “Process System Analysis and 2008
Control”, 3 Ed., McGraw Hill.
2. Stephanopoulos G. “Chemical Process Control – An Introduction to 1990
Theory and Practice”, Prentice-Hall of India.
3. Seborg D. E., Edgar T. F. and Mellichamp D. A., “Process Dynamics 2004
Control”, 2 Ed., John Wiley.
4. Bequette B. W., “Process Control – Modeling, Design and 2003
Simulation”, Prentice-Hall of India.
NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-301 Course Title: Polymer Processing

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:20 PRS:20 MTE:20 ETE:40 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: PEN-204

9. Objective : To impart knowledge of polymer processing technology and equipment.

10. Details of the Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Introduction to polymer processing, quantitative 6

aspects of polymer product processing additives and
compounding – fillers, plasticizers, antioxidants, colorants, flame
retardants, stabilizers compounding, mixing and compounding

2. Extrusion: Constructional details of extruders, Plasticating 9

Single-Screw Extruders, twin screw extruders, dies and take - off
equipment, post extrusion processing, calendering, laminating,
Wire-Coating Extrusion

3. Fiber Spinning: Fiber Spinning Processes, Melt Spinning 4

Process, Wet and dry Spinning Process, Other Fiber Spinning
Processes, High-Speed Melt Spinning, Spinnability

4. Blow molding technology: Process, principles, Machine 4

descriptions, principles of operations, molding parameters;
Optimization of processing parameters and troubleshooting;
Common molding faults and their correction, Types product
processing technology

5. Compression molding: Hydraulic presses, press capacity and 2

pressure calculations, molding process
6. Transfer molding: Molding process, advantages, disadvantages, 2
Resin transfer molding, Rubber transfer molding technology, type
of product processing

7. Injection molding: Working principles of injection molding 8

machine, temperature control, injection systems, starting and shut
down procedures, process variables reaction injection molding,
Injection Molding of Amorphous Polymers: flow pattern and
governing system equation, molecular orientation during mold
filling; Injection Molding of Semicrystalline Polymers:
crystallization during molding, governing system equation,
morphology of injected molded semicrystalline polymers,
Reaction Injection Molding

8. Miscellaneous Processing Technologies: Principles and 4

operations ofrotational molding, thermoforming, and foam
processing machines and processing of plastic products by these

9. Tooling & Molds Tool making processes, die and die forming, 3
compression molds, transfer molds, blow and extrusion dies,
typical exercises in mold design and production,two plate mold,
three plate mold, hot runner mold, insulated runner mold, runners,
gates, mold making, mold cooling.

Total 42

List of Practicals

1. Processing of polymer by mini mixer rheocord.

2. Handling, transportation, mixing and pumping in a single screw extruder.
3. Compounding a polymer in a single screw extruder.
4. Processing a polymer in a batch mixer.
5. Processing a polymer in an internal mixer.
6. Compounding a polymer in a twin screw extruder.
7. Processing a polymer in injection molding machine.
8. Processing a polymer in a continuous mixer.
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of


1. Chan R., Hassen P. and Kramer E., “Processing of Polymers”, 1996


2. Griskey R., “Polymer Process Engineering”, Chapman & Hall 1992

3. Grulke E., “Introduction to Polymer Process Engineering”, 1993

Printice Hall.

4. McCrum N.G., “Principles of Polymer Engineering”, Oxford 1988

University Press

5. Osswald T., “Polymer Processing Fundamentals”, Hanser- 1998


6. Tadmor Z. and Gogos C.G., “Principles of Polymer 2000

Processing”, Wiley.
NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-303 Course Title: Process Equipment Design

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:4 Practical :0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:15 PRS:25 MTE:20 ETE:40 PRE:0

5. Credits: 3 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge of properties of polymers, their testing and


10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Shell-Tube Heat Exchangers: Basic Design procedure for heat 9

transfer equipment, overall heat transfer coefficient and fouling
factors, shell and tube exchangers-construction details, selection
algorithm, design codes, mean temperature difference, general
design considerations, tube-side heat transfer co-efficient and
pressure drop, shell-side heat transfer co-efficient and pressure
drop, various design methods.

2. Condensers: Design of condensers for single vapors, heat transfer 5

co-efficient correlations for condensation inside and outside of
tubes of the vertical and horizontal condensers, design of
desuperheater-cum-condenser and condenser-cum-sub-cooler,
condensation of mixtures, pressure pressure drop in condensers.

3 Reboilers: Vaporizers and Evaporators: Pool boiling, convective 5

boiling, selection of reboilers and vaporizers, design of reboilers,
vaporizers and evaporators, drawing of evaporators.

4. Extruder: 9

Fundamentals of Extruder design and design process parameters

for single/twin and multi-screw extruder;Design of screw,
barrel/shaft and die; Details of design parameters such as screw
profiles and pressures, Impact of these parameters on product
quality, residence time, melt temperature, torque and energy
requirements; Design of different processing sections in extruder-
feeding zone, compression zone, mixing, transport, cooking;
Extrusion process Optimization; Screw design effects on residence
time and its distribution,Screw speed effect on
processing;Limitations and challenges in scale up from laboratory
scale to production scale; Equipments available for Extrusion and

5. Injection:Fundamentals of design and design process parameters 7

for Injection and Compression molding, Design of two plate and
three plate type molds, injection, venting, runner and gates,
calculation of number of cavities, hot runner mould. Computer
software used in designing of molds and mold flow analysis to
understand trace stress analysis in molds; Injection molding
defects and how to avoid them; Design factors such as wall
thickness, gate locations and gate design;

6 Compression MoldingCompression moulds-positive, semi- 7

positive and flash mould with horizontal and vertical flash,
arrangement of loading shoes, simple two plate and three-plate
moulds, split moulds; Design of Compounding elements-
conveying elements, mixing elements (30deg and 90deg offset
elements), extrusion elements, distributive flow elements, self-
cleaning elements. Different pitches –standard, feed zone and
compressing zone.

Total 42

• Note: This is an OPEN BOOK EXAMINATION. The students are allowed to

consult IS Codes, Text Books, Reference Books and Bound Lecture notes
certified by the examiner concerned.

11. Suggested Books

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of


1. Towler G. and Sinnott R.K.., “Chemical Engineering Design: 2012

Principles, Practice and Economics of Plant and Process Design”,
2nd Ed., Butterworth-Heinemann

2. Seader J. D. and Henley E. J., “Separation Process Principles”, 2nd 2006

Ed., Wiley-India

3. I.S.; 4503-1967, Indian Standard Specification for Shell and Tube 1983
Type Heat Exchangers.

4. Hewitt G.F., Shires G.L and Bott T.R., “Process Heat Transfer”, 1994
Begell House

5 Sidney, Lery, James F. Carly, “Plastic Extrusion Technology 1989

Handbook”, 2nd Edition, Industrial Press Inc., US

6 David O. Kazmer, “Injection Molding Design Engineering”, 2007

Hanser Gardner Publications.

NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-302 Course Title: Modelling and Simulation of Polymers

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS:15 PRS:25 MTE:20 ETE:40 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide knowledge of procedures of molecular modeling and

simulations and their applications for polymers

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction to Molecular Simulations: Concept of molecular 3
simulations and their applications; Polymer Chain Conformations:,
The Gaussian Chain, Chain Conformation under an External Field;
Excluded Volume Effect and Theta Condition

2 Theory of polymericbehavior :Bead-spring model for a polymer; 5

Rouse theory; Hydrodynamic interactions and the Zimm model;
Concentrated polymer solutions and melts;Polymer Entanglement and
Tube/Reptation theory.

3 Molecular Simulation Techniques – RIS-Monte Carlo (RIS-MC); 8

Rotational Metropolis-Monte Carlo (RMMC); Molecular Dynamics
(MD); On Lattice and Off-Lattice Monte Carlo Simulations; Monte
Carlo Simulations in Various Ensembles; Molecular Dynamics in
various Ensembles.

4 Mesoscale Modeling: General Concept of Coarse-graining and 5

procedure with examples and advantages;Dissipative Particle
Dynamics andother Coarse-grained techniques used.

5 Estimation of Dynamic properties through molecular simulations– 7

Concepts of primitive path and Tube Model; Simulation protocols for
determination of dynamic properties such as Entanglement Length,
Tube Diameter, Contour Length, etc.; Models for Chain
Entanglement; Primitive Path Analysis through contour Length/energy
minimization procedures.

6 Modeling and Simulations for understanding Elasticity and 8

Photoelasticity (birefringence-strain) relationships of Polymer
networks: Relationships between stress-strain and birefringence-strain
with examples from PET Film networks, SBS/SIS thermoplastic
elastomeric networks and Poly-isoprene elastomeric networks.

7 Scopeand applications of available molecular simulation software 6

packages- Employing software packages such asDLPOLY,
LAMMPS, Material studio, Z-code, to solve polymer design
problems, examples - Entanglement length variation with chain
length, Determining characteristic static (<R2>/M, etc) and dynamic
properties (tube diameter (a pp ), entanglement/contour length, etc) of
some commodity polymers such as PE, PET.
Total 42

List of practicals:
i. Estimation of Tg of polymer through molecular simulations
ii. Estimation of stress strain properties through molecular simulations
iii. Estimation of contact angle of liquid drop on polymer surface
iv. Determination of static properties of polymers (<R2>,<Rg2>) or by RIS-MC codes
v. Determination of tube diameter and entanglement length
vi. Estimation of shear strength of an adhesive and composite
vii. Estimation of chain properties in melt using molecular dynamics software
viii. Determination of static properties of polymers (<R2>,<Rg2>) or by RMMC software

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1 “Understanding Molecular Simulation: From Algorithms to 1996
Applications”, DaanFrenkel and Berend Smit, Academic Press: San

2 “Principles of Polymer Chemistry”, P. J. Flory, Cornell University 1953

Press, Ithaca, NY.
3. “Statistical Mechanics of Chain Molecules”, P. J. Flory, Interscience, 1989
New York,
4. “Conformational Theory of Large Molecules: The Rotational Isomeric 1994
State Model in Macromolecular Systems”, W. L. Mattice, and U. W.
Suter, Interscience, New York.
5. “The Theory of Polymer Dynamics”, M. Doi& S.F. Edwards.,Oxford 1986
Science Publications, Clarenden Press, Oxford

6 “The Physics of Rubber Elasticity”, L. R. G. Treloar, Clarendon 1975

Press, Oxford, 3/e, 1975.
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Polymer and Process Engineering

1. Subject Code: PEN-304 Course Title: Polymer Composites

2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 0 P: 2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:2 Practical :0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS:15 PRS:25 MTE:20 ETE:40 PRE:0

5. Credits: 3 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge of structure, properties and applications of polymeric


10. Details of the Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Introduction: Need to reinforce polymers, particulate, short and 2
continuous fiber reinforced composites based on thermoplastic and
thermoset matrices.
2. Particulate Filled Polymeric Composites: Mineral, natural, 6
organic metallic particulate reinforcements; processing of particulate
polymeric composites; particulate/polymer adhesion and its effects
on structure and morphology of particulate polymeric composites;
mechanics and mechanical properties, and thermal properties of
particulate polymeric composites; applications of particulate
polymeric composites
3 Short Fiber Reinforced Polymeric Composites: Synthetic, 7
inorganic, and natural short reinforcing fibers, extrusion,
compounding, processing, and injection moulding of short fiber/
polymer composite products; structure and properties of short
fiber/polymer composites; semi-empirical equations and mechanics
of short fiber/polymer composites; mechanical and thermal
properties of short fiber/polymer composites; applications of short
fiber/polymer composites in automobiles, building materials, and
other engineering sectors.
4. Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoset Composites: Epoxy, 9
polyesters and vinyl esters as matrix polymers, and glass, aramid
and carbon fibres as reinforcing fibers for continuous fibre / polymer
composites; processing by
wet pay up: contact molding and pressure bag molding, resin
transfer molding and compression molding; properties, applications
in aerospace, automobiles and engineering sectrs
5 Other Composites: Introduction to continuous fibre / thermoplastic 4
composites; matrix resins and fibres for continuous fibre /
thermoplastic composites; processing limitations for continuous
fibre / thermoplastic composites; introduction to polymeric nano
Total 28

List of Practical
1. Extrusion & Compounding of a short-fiber / thermoplastic polymer composite by Mini
Mixer / Extruder
2. Injection Moulding of Extruded short-fiber / thermoplastic polymer composite
3. Study of effect of fibre content on tensile properties of short-fiber / thermoplastic
polymer composite.
4. Study of effect of fibre content on flexural properties of short-fiber / thermoplastic
polymer composite.
5. Study of effect of fibre content on thermal properties of short-fiber / thermoplastic
polymer composite.
6. Processing of Continuous Fibre / Thermoset Polymer Composite by Compression
7. Effect of Fibre Content on Mechanical properties of Continuous Fibre / Thermoset
Polymer Composite

12. Suggested Books

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of

1. Agarwal L.andBourtman D.J., “Analysis and Performance of Fiber 2000
Composites”, Wiley.
2 Chung C., “Introduction to Composites”, Technomic, Lancaster, PA. 1998
3. White J. and De S., “Short Fiber Composites”, Technomic, Lancaster. 1996
4. Summerscales J. and Short D., “Fiber Reinforced Polymers”, Technomic. 1988

NAME OF DEPT./CENTRE Department of Chemical Engineering

1. Subject Code: CHN-310 Course Title: Process Utilities, Economics and Plant
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory:3 Practical :0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide knowledge of various process utilities and to equip the students with
plant economics and design aspects.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Heat Transfer Media: Utilities in process industries, primary and 8
secondary and their importance; Classification, characteristic
properties, selection criteria of heat transfer media and their
industrial applications.
2. Steam Generation and Utilization: Steam generation, supercritical 3
boilers, steam handling, steam traps-classification, characteristics
and selection, condensate utilization and flashing.
3. Water and Air: Raw water and its characteristics, treatment and 7
conditioning of water for use in process industries, recycling and
reuse of water; Use of air in process industries for drying and
instrumentation and design of air receivers.
4. Piping Network: Design of pipelines and piping networks for 3
water, steam, condensate and air.
5. Time Value of Money:Interest; Compounding and discounting 3
factors; Loan Payments; Cash flow pattern: Discrete and
6. Depreciation Methods andProfitability:Methods of depreciation; 6
Profitability methods with and without time value of money; Effect
of inflation on profitability analysis; Evaluation for replacements.
7. Analysis of Cost Estimates:Corporate cash flow, equipment cost 5
curves and indices,types of capital cost estimates, methods for
estimating capital investment, estimation of revenue and total
product cost, gross profit and net profit.
8. Plant Location and Layout: Factors for selection of plant location, 2
site selection and preparation, plant layout and installation.
9. Scale-Up: Pilot plants and models, principle of similarity, 5
dimensional analysis, differential equations; Regime concept: static
and dynamic; Similarity criteria and Scale-equations for important
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Goodall P. M., “The Efficient Use of Steam”, Editor: Westbury 1980
2. Lorch, “Handbook of Water Purification”, Editor: McGraw Hill 1981
Book Company.
3. Peters M. S., Timmerhaus K. D. and West R. E., “Plant Design And 2002
Economics For Chemical Engineers”, 5th Ed., McGraw Hill,
International Ed..
4. Couper J., “Process Engineering Economics”, CRC Publisher. 2003

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