Formwork and Surface Finish For Structures

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Formwork and Surface

for Structures

Formwork shall include all temporary or permanent forms required for forming the concrete
together with all temporary construction required for their support.


Forms for concrete shall be constructed of metal or timber, suitably lined and be of
substantial and rigid construction true to shape and dimensions shown on the drawings.
Where metal forms are used, all bolts and rivets shall be of countersunk and well ground to
provide a smooth and plane surface. Where timber is used, it shall be well seasoned and be
free from loose knots, projecting nails, splits or other defects that may mar the cement surface
of concrete. For exposed concrete faces, timber for shuttering shall be wrought on all faces in
contact with concrete.

Forms shall be mortar-tight and shall be made sufficiently rigid by the use of ties and
bracings to prevent any displacement or sagging between supports. They shall be strong
enough to withstand all pressures, ramming and vibration without any occurrence of
deflection during and after the placement of concrete. Wherever required, screw jacks or hard
wood wedges shall be provided to check any incumbent settlement in the formwork.

Suitable camber shall be provided in horizontal members of structure, specially in long spans
to counteract the effects of any deflection. The formworks shall be fixed in a manner to
ensure the formation of such camber.

Forms shall be so constructed as to be removable in sections in the desired sequence without

damaging the surface of concrete or disturbing other sections of the formwork.

Unless otherwise specified or directed, chanfers or fillets having the size of 25 mm x 25 mm

shall be provided at all angles of the formwork in order to avoid sharp corners.


The formwork shall be lined with a material approved by the Engineer in order to provide a
smooth finish of uniform texture and appearance. This material shall leave no stain on the
concrete. The lining material shall be joined and fixed to the formwork in such a manner that
no blemishes will be left with the concrete. It shall be of the same type and obtained from
only one source throughout the construction of any structure. The Contractor shall make
good any imperfections in the resulting finish as required by the Engineer. Internal ties and
embedded metal parts will be allowed only with the specific approval of the Engineer.


The inside surfaces of forms shall, except in the case of permanent formwork or where
otherwise agreed by the Engineer, be coated with an approved material to prevent adhesion of
concrete to the formwork. Release agents shall be applied strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and shall not be allowed to come in to contact with any
reinforcement or pre-stressing tendon or anchorage. Different release agents shall not be used
in formwork for concrete which will be visible in the finished work.
Special measures shall be taken to ensure that the formwork does not hinder the shrinkage of
concrete, because without this, cracking could occur before the formwork is removed.
Wherever applicable, arrangements must be made to ensure that the formwork does not
restrain the shortening and hogging of the beams or slabs during tensioning of the tendons.
The formwork should take due account of the calculated amount of positive or negative
camber in order to ensure the correct final shape of the structures, having regard to the
deformation of false work, scaffolding or propping and instantaneous or deferred deformation
due to various causes affecting pre-stress structures.

Where there are re-entrant angles in the concrete sections, the formwork should be removed
as soon as possible after the concrete has set in order to avoid cracking due to shrinkage of

Formwork shall be tight enough to prevent any appreciable loss of cement during vibrations.
Suitable tolerances should be provided in the formwork. Immediately before concreting, all
forms shall be thoroughly cleaned.

Contractor shall give due notice to the Engineer before placing any concrete in the forms to
enable him to inspect and accept the false work and forms as to their strength, alignment and
general fitness. But such inspections shall not relieve the Contractor of his/her responsibility
for safety of men, machinery, materials and for results obtained.


The Engineer shall be informed in advance by the Contractor of his/her intention to remove
any formwork. While fixing the time for removal of formwork, due consideration shall be
given to the local conditions, character of the structure, weather and other conditions that
influence the setting of concrete and of the materials used in the mix.

The period shall be suitably increased in case of temperatures lower than 23 0C and for any
other conditions tending to delay the setting of concrete.

Where field operations are controlled by strength tests of concrete, the removal of load-
supporting or soffit forms may commence when concrete has attained strength equal to at
least twice the stress to which the concrete will be subjected at the time of removing props
including the effect of any further addition of loads. When field operations are not controlled
by strength tests of concrete, the vertical forms of beams, columns and walls may be removed
after 2 days. The props of beams may be removed after 21 days.

If rapid hardening cement is used, the periods specified above may be reduced to 3/7 th.

All formworks shall be removed without causing any damage to the concrete. Centering
shall be gradually and uniformly lowered in such a manner so as to avoid any shocks or
vibrations. Supports shall be removed in such a manner that the concrete is allowed to take
stresses due to its own weight uniformly and gradually.

Where internal metal ties are permitted, they or their removable parts shall be extracted
without causing any damage to the concrete and the remaining holes shall be filled with
mortar. All permanently embedded metal parts should have a cover of not less than 25 mm
to the finished concrete surface.
Where it is intended to re-use the formwork, it shall be cleaned and made good to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.


Where it is stipulated in the contract that the formwork shall be paid for separately,
measurement for formwork shall be taken in square metres of the area of concrete surface
which is in contact with formwork.

Where it is not specifically stated in the description of the item that formwork shall be paid
separately, the rate of the reinforced cement concrete or pre-stressed cement concrete items
shall be deemed to include the cost of all formwork.

9 -7 RATE

The contract unit rate for formwork where it is provided as separate item, shall include the
cost of all labour, materials, precautionary measures and other incidentals required for the
construction and removal of forms as described above and also for framing required to
support the members until the concrete is sufficiently cured, set and hardened.

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