Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education To Grade 12 Students of ACLC Antipolo

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education to Grade 12 Students of

ACLC Antipolo

I. Introduction
Online education is a flexible instructional delivery system that encompasses
any kind of learning that takes place via the Internet. Online learning gives educators
an opportunity to reach students who may not be able to enroll in a traditional
classroom course and supports students who need to work on their own schedule
and at their own pace.
Online learning is education that takes place over the Internet. It is often referred to
as “e learning” among other terms. However, online learning is just one type of
“distance learning” -the umbrella term for any learning that takes place across
distance and not in a traditional classroom.
The quantity of distance learning and online degrees in most disciplines is large and
increasing rapidly. Schools and institutions that offer online learning are also
increasing in number. Students pursuing degrees via the online approach must be
selective to ensure that their coursework is done through a respected and
credentialed institution.
Online education is defined as the creation and proliferation of the personal
computer, the globalization of ideas and other human acts, and the use of
technology in exchanging ideas and providing access to more people. Audio, video,
computer, and networking technologies are often combined to create a multifaceted
instructional delivery system. The fundamental method to unite the distance learning
instructor with the distance learner is the network. Networks suitable for distance
learning implementations include satellite, cable modem, digital subscriber lines
(DSL), and wireless cable, (Collins, 2002).
Greenberg (1998) defines contemporary distance learning as “a planned
teaching/learning experience that uses a wide spectrum of technologies to reach
learners at a distance and is designed to encourage learner interaction and
certification of learning” (p. 36). Teaster and Blieszner (1999) say “the term distance
learning has been applied to many instructional methods: however, its primary
distinction is that the teacher and the learner are separate in space and possibly
time” (p. 741). Desmond Keegan (1995) provides another definition. He states that
distance education and training result from the technological separation of teacher
and learner which frees the student from the necessity of traveling to “a fixed place,
at a fixed time, to meet a fixed person, in order to be trained” (p. 7). From these
definitions we can see that the student and teacher are separated by space, but not
necessarily by time.
Some of them are virtual education, internet-based education, web-based education,
education via computer-mediated communication. The web-edu project uses a
definition of online education that is based on Desmond Keegan’s (1988) definition
AMA University Online Education (AMA OEd) is the first full online education
program in the Philippines. It upholds the vision and mission of AMA as it responds
to the cultural shift to a digitized age, opening its doors for anyone from the
Philippines and abroad who are willing to learn and advance their knowledge. AMA
OEd endeavors to stress the importance of educating the youth, as well as employed
individuals seeking degrees, and the fostering of everyone’s potential as a
productive portion of today’s competitive society.
The program is open to all interested applicants: those who want to take up refresher
courses or second degree, college undergrads, working students, Filipinos from
various regions in the Philippines, and Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who wish
to pursue a college degree. The program also gives an opportunity for international
students and people afflicted with disabilities to study in the comforts of their home.
The AMA Online Education program is a form of study where students are not under
a continuous and immediate supervision of teachers in a lecture/classroom setting. It
favors an independent self-learning style which takes place outside of a formal
Despite the physical separation between the learner and the teacher, students are
not left on their own. Learners are expected to perform the usual learning activities
done by students in traditional classes. Unlike face-to-face classes, course materials
are usually the starting point for study and teaching/learning is mediated through the
use of technology.
Online mentoring and tutorials and other forms of knowledge transfer via e-learning
method are developed and adopted for faster delivery of lessons. These strategies
enhance access to the online university degree programs.
Students are likewise provided with specially packaged instructional materials or
self-learning modules which they could study on their own most of the time.
Keeping up with the rapid pace of the digital age, AMA University now cater to all
aspiring learners who want to obtain a diploma for an accredited undergraduate
degree through the use of technology such as the internet.
II. Background of the Study
Why online education system has been approved?
Online Education is a form of distance education that has unlimited
participation and interaction with students and teachers from around the world. Use
the following sources to learn more about Online Education and the medium,
institutional providers, and issues surrounding it.
Online education is one of the leading modes of acquiring education at post-
secondary level. The main aim of online education is to help students earn higher
education no matter where they are located. The key benefits of online education are
low costs, no traveling required, self-paced coursework, and time flexibility.
Online learning is gradually gaining popularity. This mode of learning has proved to
be more accessible, convenient, flexible, and affordable for many. Those who are
working or do not have time to take classes at a campus can still pursue higher
education through online programs.
Online schools have been set up to allow students to study and pursue their
academic goals without having to be physical present in a campus. This mode of
education is more convenient, affordable, and effective. Students who are working
full time and wish to study further can do so without having to compromise on either
their job or education.
Online education is replacing traditional campus based education schools. In today's
modern economy, many students must take up employment and find a way to juggle
both studies and work. Time has also become a major constraint. Online education
is a solution for all such issues as students can continue work, and study without
compromising on either.
Online learning has many other advantages. Education may have several purposes,
and online courses help to fulfill it. Some even say that e-learning can revolutionize
education as it provides new opportunities for traditional learning. Taking online
classes has a lot of advantages and below are some of the most important.
 It provide quality undergraduate courses relevant to the students’ future
careers as practitioners of their chosen degree for the further advancement of
 It develop free, accessible, engaging and challenging educational materials
such as supplementary videos, course modules and examinations to aid the
learners in their constant pursuit of knowledge.
 It establish an online community encouraging frequent and effective
communication between the mentors, instructors, the students and the
 It provide relevant subjects and lessons and distribute them through a single
online portal.
 It produce globally competitive graduates who will be professionally
competent, morally upright, and socially responsible contributors to national
III. Statement of the Problem
General Statement of the Problem
What are the disadvantages of online education among students?
Specific Statement of the Problem
IV. Objective of the Study
General Objective of the Study
The general objective of this study is to identify the advantages and disadvantages
of online education system among senior high students.
Specific Objectives of the Study
1. To find out the impact of online education for the graduated students.
2. To find out the effects of online education for the present students.
3. To find out the relevance of online education for new education system.
Significance of the Study
To the students: The result of this study will help those students which are having
online education and to help them to find out how online education is very important
for their study.
To the teachers/professors: This research will inform the teachers or professors on
how huge the effect of online education to student’s learning and it will help them to
improve their way of teaching method.
To the schools/universities: The result of this study may state recommendation for
the schools/universities which offering online education and how can they improve it
for the sake of their student’s learning.
Scope and Delimitation
This research is to give/to find out the advantages and disadvantages of
online education system to the learnings of students in ACLC Antipolo.

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