AmmoLand Gun News January 22nd 2011

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22 January 2011

Today’s Tabbloid
PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS specific firearm. The owner of a Remington 870 no longer has to wade
through products for 1100s or Mossberg 500s. Makes Firearms
When you land on a product page, all the information is there, no more
Shopping Easier clicking to see the full copy or specs, everything is in front of you. The left
JAN 21, 2011 08:55P.M. side navigation area has some new filters to make things faster, and
bigger type to make it easier to read. And, the whole site is now hosted
Big Improvements to Make Firearms Parts using cloud technology for even faster speed and greater performance.
Shopping Easier
Company President Pete Brownell told us, “We want our
online shopping experience to be the best possible, and the
web team has done a great job with this latest upgrade.”

At Brownells Everything is Guaranteed period! Forever, 100%, with no
restocking fees. Brownells is the world’s largest supplier of firearm parts,
gunsmithing tools, reloading equipment and accessories. Stocking more
than 30,000 items, the company supplies armorers, gunsmiths, and
shooters worldwide. All of their products are backed by a 100%
satisfaction, unconditional, lifetime guarantee. For more information, or
to place an order, call 800-741-0015 or visit

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at Ammo

Big Improvements to Make Shopping Easier Makes Firearms Shopping Easier

Tags: Brownells,, Gun Parts, Guns Online, Pete Brownell

Des Moines, Iowa – -( As part of their constant

effort to make ordering easy, Brownells has upgraded their website.

The latest generation of is now integrated with a world-

class search engine, for drastically improved search results. At the same
time the product categories were thoroughly examined and reduced by
more than 50% which means fewer clicks to navigate the site.

The most noticeable change is the addition of a Make and Model filter.
You can now look only for parts, accessories and tools that fit your

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS Freitas. We hope she will enjoy the new Grizzly 450 EPS in
the field very soon.”
Yamaha Announces National
“I want to thank Yamaha for this incredible win and for
Hunting and Fishing Day ATV sponsoring the National Hunting and Fishing Day
Sweepstakes,” says Natalie Uribe-De Freitas, recipient of the
Sweepstakes Winner 2011 Grizzly 450 EPS. “My family and I are really looking
JAN 21, 2011 08:45P.M. forward to our very own ATV.”

Yamaha Announces National Hunting and Fishing Day ATV Yamaha, through its relationships with organizations such as Ducks
Sweepstakes Winner Unlimited, Safari Club International, Buckmasters, National Wild
Yamaha Grizzly 450 EPS Donation Increases Awareness of National Turkey Federation, Outdoor Life’s Safe a Stream program and NHF Day,
Hunting and Fishing Day. is a sustaining supporter of conservation efforts for outdoor recreational
enthusiasts. In addition to sponsoring outdoors conservation groups,
Yamaha launched its OHV Access Initiative in January of 2008, and has
since approved more than $1.5 million in GRANTs across the country
supporting its mission of safe, responsible riding and open, sustainable

About Yamaha Motor Corp., U.S.A.

Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. (YMUS), a leader in the motorsports
National Hunting and Fishing Day market, offers the toughest, most capable and versatile ATV and Side-by-
Side vehicles. The company’s ever-expanding line of products also
include motorcycles, outboard motors, personal watercraft,
snowmobiles, boats, outdoor power equipment, race kart engines,
accessories, apparel and much more. YMUS products are sold through a
nationwide network of dealers in the United States.

Headquartered in Cypress, Calif., since its incorporation in 1976,

Yamaha Yamaha also has facilities in Wisconsin and Georgia, as well as factory
operations in Tennessee and Georgia. For more information on Yamaha,
CYPRESS, Calif. --( Yamaha Outdoors is pleased to visit
announce the winner of its third annual Yamaha-National Hunting and
Fishing (NHF) Day ATV sweepstakes. ATVs with engine sizes greater than 90cc are recommended
for use only by riders age 16 years and older.
Determined by random drawing, Yamaha congratulates Natalie Uribe-
De Freitas from Santa Clara, Calif., who has won a new 2011 Yamaha Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
Grizzly 450 ATV with Electric Power Steering (EPS) valued at $7,499. News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo
NHF Day was formalized by Congress as a public reminder that hunters,
anglers and shooters are America’s premier conservation supporters who Yamaha Announces National Hunting and Fishing Day ATV Sweepstakes
generate $100,000 every 30 minutes for fish, wildlife and habitat Winner
programs. Scheduled annually on the fourth Saturday of September, the
2010 celebration of hunting, fishing and conservation took place on Tags: ATV, Contest, National Hunting and Fishing Day, NHF Day,
September 25 – with 120 registered events held in more than 40 states., Winners, Yamaha
The events provided an opportunity to share the NHF Day message,
introduce new participants to outdoor recreational activities, and
demonstrate the positive impact these activities have on conservation

“Yamaha is proud to continue its support of outdoor

recreation and to help spread the National Hunting and
Fishing Day message,” said Steve Nessl, marketing manager
for Yamaha’s ATV/SxS group. “Congratulations to Ms.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011


Streamlight Flashlights Rechargeable batteries are a long-lasting, eco-friendly power source for
many electronic devices, including flashlights, laptop computers, cell
Expands Call2Recycle Program phones, portable scanners and printers, power tools and PDAs. By
recycling customers’ rechargeable batteries, Streamlight and its
To Include Its Distributors participating dealers will prevent the used products from entering the
JAN 21, 2011 08:36P.M. solid waste stream.

Streamlight Flashlights Expands Call2Recycle Program To Since 1994, more than 50 million pounds of rechargeable batteries have
Include Its Distributors been collected through Call2Recycle. Various federal and state
Distribution Partners Invited to Serve as Battery Collection Sites. regulations govern the proper disposal of rechargeable batteries and cell
phones, naming Call2Recycle in official legislation as the collection
method for eco-safe rechargeable battery and cell phone reclamation and

About Streamlight
Headquartered in Eagleville, PA, Streamlight, Inc. is a leading
manufacturer of high-performance lighting equipment for professional
automotive, fire fighting, law enforcement, military, industrial and
outdoor applications. Streamlight is an ISO 9001:2008 certified
company. For additional information, please call (800) 523-7488 or visit

Streamlight Flashlights Expands Call2Recycle Program To Include Its About Call2Recycle

Distributors Call2Recycle® is the only free rechargeable battery and cell phone
collection program in North America. Since 1994, Call2Recycle has
diverted more than 50 million pounds of rechargeable batteries from
local landfills and established a network of 30,000 recycling drop-off
locations. Advancing green business practices and environmental
sustainability, Call2Recycle is the most active voice promoting eco-safe
reclamation and recycling of rechargeable batteries and cell phones.
Call2Recycle is operated by the non-profit Rechargeable Battery
Recycling Corporation (RBRC). Learn more at or

EAGLEVILLE, PA --( In an effort to be an

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
environmentally responsible organization, Streamlight Inc., a leading
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
manufacturer of high-performance flashlights, has expanded its
at Ammo
participation in Call2Recycle, to include its U.S. distributors which
choose to serve as battery collection sites.
Streamlight Flashlights Expands Call2Recycle Program To Include Its
By recycling used rechargeable flashlight batteries through Call2Recycle,
the only free rechargeable battery collection program in North America,
Tags: Conservation Projects, Flashlights, Streamlight, Tactical Gear
Streamlight and participating distribution partners are demonstrating
their commitment to the environment by adopting green business

“’Going green’ is imperative in today’s business climate, and

Streamlight is proud to offer the opportunity to participate in
this program to its U.S. distribution partners,” said Ray
Sharrah, Streamlight President and CEO. “Those who choose
to serve as battery collection sites will join thousands of
businesses nationwide who understand how battery recycling
contributes to a healthy and safe environment for our

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS After considering public input, the Ohio Wildlife Council will vote on the
proposed rules and season dates during its April 6 meeting.
2011-12 Hunting Regulations
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources ensures a balance between
Proposed to Ohio Wildlife wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all.
Visit the ODNR Web site at
JAN 21, 2011 08:28P.M. Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
2011-12 Hunting Regulations Proposed to Ohio Wildlife at Ammo
2011-12 Hunting Regulations Proposed to Ohio Wildlife Council

Tags: Hunting News, Hunting Regulations, Hunting Rules, ODNR, Ohio,


Repeat Offender Receives Jail

Sentence Under New
Ohio Department Natural Resources
Pennsylvania Poaching
COLUMBUS, OH --( The 2011-12 hunting and
trapping regulations proposals were presented January 19 to the Ohio
JAN 21, 2011 08:24P.M.
Wildlife Council by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR),
Division of Wildlife.
Repeat Offender First To Receive Jail Sentence Under New
Pennsylvania Poaching Penalties
September 1 is again proposed as the kick-off date for the state’s fall
hunting seasons—with the opening of squirrel and dove hunting. Other
proposed hunting and trapping rules and season dates will be similar to
those now in effect, with only slight changes to fall and spring hunting

Young hunters age 17 and under should again be able to hunt statewide
for rabbit, pheasant and all other legal game in season during two
designated weekends, October 22-23 and 29-30. Spring youth turkey
season is proposed for April 21–22, 2012.

The remainder of the proposals concerning Ohio’s white-tailed deer

hunting will be heard during a separate Wildlife Council meeting on
February 16.

Open houses will be held on Saturday, March 5 in each of the state’s five
wildlife districts to provide the public an opportunity to view and discuss
proposed hunting and trapping regulations with state wildlife officials.
Pennsylvania Game Commission
Directions to the open houses can be obtained by calling 1-800-
WILDLIFE or visiting
HARRISBURG, PA --( Anthony Mark Marasco, 38,
of Pittsburgh Street in Cheswick, Allegheny County, was sentenced to
A statewide hearing on all of the proposed rules will be held at the
pay more than $4,750 in fines and serve two 90-day concurrent prison
Division of Wildlife’s District One office on Thursday, March 10 at 9 a.m.
sentences after being convicted of his fourth poaching-related offense in
The office is located at 1500 Dublin Road in Columbus.
13 years, according to Pennsylvania Game Commission officials.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

Marasco is the first to be sentenced to prison under the new fines and by House Bill 1859, which was sponsored by House Game and Fisheries
penalties for poaching that took effect in September. Committee Chairman Edward G. Staback. The bill was approved by the
House on July 21, 2009, by a vote of 196-3. The Senate, after making
Game Commission Wildlife Conservation Officer (WCO) Dan Puhala minor adjustments to the bill, approved the measure unanimously on
filed charges against Marasco in the office of District Judge Elissa M. July 3, 2010, followed by a 189-6 concurrence vote in the House also on
Lang, in Sharpsburg. On Jan. 20, Lang found Marasco guilty of the July 3. The bill was signed into law on July 9, making it Act 54 of 2010.
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
• Unlawfully killing big game (turkey) over the limit, for which the News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
judge assessed a fine of $1,500 and 90 days imprisonment; at Ammo

• Unlawfully hunting while on license revocation, for which the judge Repeat Offender Receives Jail Sentence Under New Pennsylvania
assessed a fine of $1,500 and 90 days imprisonment; Poaching Penalties

• Unlawfully shooting on or across a highway, for which the judge Tags: Conservation Officers, Law Breakers, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania
assessed a fine of $300; Game Commission, Poaching, Wildlife Officers

• Unlawfully hunting from a vehicle, for which the judge assessed a


• Unlawfully taking or possessing game, for which the judge assessed Virgina Anti-gun Delegate Carr
a fine of $450, which is the result this most recent offense being a
second and/or subsequent violation within a seven-year period. Jumps on Arizona Tragedy with
Also, under the “enhanced penalties” section of the Game and Wildlife Ban on Large Magazines
Code, Judge Lang added an additional $500 to the total fines, of which JAN 21, 2011 08:16P.M.
the witness is eligible for a $250 reward.
Virgina Anti-gun Delegate Carr Jumps on Arizona Tragedy
According to WCO Puhala, Marasco’s most recent incident in November with Bill to Ban Large Magazines
was preceded by three deer-related convictions, beginning in 1997,
followed by convictions in 2003 and 2007.

“The habitual nature of Marasco’s poaching offenses left little

room for leniency,” Puhala said.

On Nov. 6, as WCO Puhala and Deputy WCO Art Harencame were on

patrol, they were contacted by the Fox Chapel Police Department, who
had stopped an apparent turkey poacher based on an anonymous tip.

“When we arrived on scene, Marasco was in his truck, along

with his bow and some arrows, and was returning to the
scene to pick up the turkey he had just shot with his
compound bow along Trillium Lane in Fox Chapel,” WCO
Puhala said.

“We found that he saw the flock of turkeys from his truck, got
out and shot a hen from the road, then left the area to return The bill chooses the arbitrary number of 20 rounds as the “safe”
a short time later. number...?

“Marasco has had his hunting privileges suspended for his

previous game law violations, and remained on revocation for
failure to pay more than $800 in fines assessed for offenses
dating back to 1997.”

The law to increase fines and penalties for poaching was made possible

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011


SHOT Show Signals Good Year

Ahead for Hunting & Shooting
JAN 21, 2011 08:02P.M.

Record-Setting SHOT Show Signals Good Year Ahead for

Hunting & Shooting Industry

Virginia Citizens Defense League

Covington VA --( Today, Friday Jan 21st 2011, is the

last day for bills to be introduced in the 2011 General Assembly session.

One last anti-gun bill seems to have dropped in the hopper today. Anti-
gun Delegate Carr and co-patron Delegates BaCote, Englin, Hope,
James, McQuinn, Surovell, and Toscano jumping in on the Arizona

§ 18.2-309.1. Sale of certain firearms magazines; penalty.

Anyone who sells, barters, or transfers any firearms
National Shooting Sports Foundation
magazine that is designed to hold 20 or more rounds of
ammunition is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
LAS VEGAS --( Back in 1979 before the first SHOT
Show, organizers worried that industry professionals might not show up
• HB 2524 – Delegate Carr - bans the sale, barter, or transfer of a
for the fledgling event, a story recounted in the just-released National
magazine that will hold 20 or more rounds. Existing magazines
Shooting Sports Foundation 50th Anniversary history publication.
that a person has are OK as long as you don’t try to sell, barter, or
transfer them (it does not ban possession) – VCDL Strongly
Organizers needn’t have worried then, or now, about the vitality of the
Opposes this bill
SHOT Show.

The 2011 Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show soared
Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer,
above expectations by setting records for buyer attendance at 31,769 and
non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human
media attendance at 2,074.
rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a
fundamental human right. Visit:
Overall attendance of 57,390, comprising buyers, exhibitors, media and
guests, ranked the show as the third largest ever behind the 2008 and
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
2010 events. In this sluggish economy, the SHOT Show demonstrates the
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
resilience of one of America’s oldest industries and the popularity of its
at Ammo

Virgina Anti-gun Delegate Carr Jumps on Arizona Tragedy with Ban on

“The importance of the SHOT Show to the firearms industry
Large Magazines
cannot be underestimated,” said Steve Sanetti, president and
CEO of NSSF, which owns the trade show.
Tags: Ammunition Bans, Anti Gun Bills, Anti Gun Politicians, Gun
Banners, High Capacity Magazines, VCDL, Virginia Citizens Defense
“The SHOT Show is simply the must-attend business event
for all segments of our industry. Based on what we’re hearing,
industry has every reason to think that 2011 shows promise of
being another strong year.”

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

Filling the Sands Expo and Convention Center to capacity with 1,600 booth than we expected, and we added some excitement in
exhibiting companies covering 630,000 net square feet with their our booth with a simulator made by Cubic.”
booths, SHOT Show brings together all facets of the $4 billion industry.
Many companies use SHOT Show, the largest trade show of its kind in Blake Mecham of Browning said, “Foot traffic is up,
the world, to announce new products and services. Buyers and media attendance is great, we’ve had good buzz about our products
members are able to handle and discuss products that include firearms, and our 1911-22 was the hit of the show for us. This SHOT
ammunition, outdoor and tactical clothing, optics, knives, related Show has put us in a good position for the year.”
accessories and law enforcement equipment.
Retailers like Ron Mengel of San Juan Shooting Range in
A number of changes were made to exhibition halls to make navigating Montrose, Colo., say that attending the SHOT Show is a must.
the huge show easier, including widened aisles, better signage and a new “I come to the show to stay current, to see people in industry
escalator. Those changes received widespread positive responses. and to get ideas about new ways to retail. We live in an out-
of-the-way area, so finding these quality products can be a
“There was much better traffic flow,” said exhibitor George challenge.”
Trulock, whose choke tube company booth was set up on the
lower floor. “The changes that were made worked.” Internet-based retailer John Riddle of Outdoor Elements
added, “Companies are really evolving and thinking outside
Comments from exhibitors and buyers confirmed that the 33rd SHOT the box, which is tremendous to keep the sport going. It’s
Show was a success. enjoyable to see the innovations that are out there.”

Bob Morrison, president and CEO of Taurus, captured the More than 100 countries were represented at the show. Steve Collings of
mood with his comments in a local television interview: “We New Zealand-based Steve’s Wholesale said, “We import a lot of
are having terrific growth right in the middle of this ammunition and gunpowder, so it’s very important to come and talk to
recession, and I’m delighted to be in this business.” my suppliers, to find new products, to get updates, to get a heads up on a
change in metal prices. It’s absolutely essential to be here.”
Other industry professionals were just as upbeat about both the show
and their prospects for the year. Retailers do more than purchase products for their stores at the show.
They improve their business skills at SHOT Show University, which was
Lea L. Ramthun of Beretta said, “Busy is the word. Dealers sold out, and at seminars where representatives from the Bureau of
are excited about our new products. We’ve seen a lot of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives review regulations that apply
smiling, happy faces.” to federally licensed retailers. For the second year, law enforcement
professionals were provided with their own series of educational
Paul Pluff of Smith & Wesson said, “The show has been an seminars.
extremely positive event, very busy—almost busier than I
have ever seen it. We anticipate a great year due to a very With media at an all-time high, a larger press room, including a new
successful SHOT Show.” working press area, was widely praised. Media also turned out in force at
Media Day prior to the show, where they could test new models of
Samuel Glen of Weather Stone Ltd. said, “I’m the guy who firearms and other products.
puts the guns in the movie stars’ hands. I have to see what’s
new, and this SHOT Show has been really great for that. Highlights from the show included . . .
Everything has been really smooth and set up so that it has
been easy to get my work done.” • Some 2,000 industry guests attended the NSSF State of the
Industry Dinner sponsored by the Outdoor Channel at which NSSF
Laurie Aronson, president and CEO of Lipsey’s, a distributor, reviewed its accomplishments over the past year. Comedian Jeff
said, “Lipsey’s is going full speed at this show. We’ve heard Foxworthy provided entertainment.
nothing but positive comments from retailers who are telling
us they are busy.” • NSSF announced its 50th anniversary celebration and publication
of “The National Shooting Sports Foundation: A History 1961 to
Randall Pence, of Sturm, Ruger, said, “Traffic in our booth 2011, 50 Years of Promoting, Protecting and Preserving Hunting
has been super. Our Scout rifle has been of big interest, and and the Shooting Sports by NSSF, the Firearms Industry’s Trade
our LC9 pistol has been the hit of our booth. We’re sensing a Association.” An accompanying film, which will soon be available
very positive attitude from everyone.” online, was shown at the NSSF State of the Industry Dinner.

Chris Schwarzkopf of ArmaLite Inc., said, “New products are • Doug Painter, NSSF’s longest-serving employee and former
the retailers’ main focus. We’ve seen a lot more traffic in our president and CEO, who will retire this spring after 37 years with

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

the Foundation, was honored for his service to the industry and the AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS
New York Assault Weapons Bill
• Bob Behn, 41-year industry veteran and former Marlin president
and CEO, was presented the NSSF-Ken Sedlecky Achievement Would Ban Common Hunting
• Michael Bane, television host, blogger and author, received the JAN 21, 2011 07:49P.M.
Professional Outdoor Media Association-NSSF Grits Gresham
Shooting Sports Communicator Award. New York Assault Weapons Bill Would Ban Common Hunting
• The NSSF Retailer of the Year Award was given to Sportsman’s Even more dangerous, the bill gives the one person, the Superintendent
Warehouse in Rocklin, California. of State Police, the authority to regulate and classify additional
firearms as assault weapons.
The 2012 edition of the SHOT Show will be January 17-20 at the Sands
Expo and Convention Center in Las Vegas.

For coverage of the show visit

About NSSF
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the
firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve Remington Model SP-10 Thumbhole Shotgun would be Outlawed
hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a
membership of more than 6,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms
retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers. For
more information, log on to

NSSF celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2011. Learn about the

Foundation’s history here.

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at Ammo
U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance
SHOT Show Signals Good Year Ahead for Hunting & Shooting Industry
Columbus, OH --( A bill in New York would redefine
Tags: National Shooting Sports Foundation, NSSF, Outdoor Trade “assault weapon” to include many firearms that are commonly used for
Shows, Shooting Industry News, SHOT Show, Steve Sanetti hunting.

Assembly Bill 1479, introduced by Asm. Linda Rosenthal (D-New York),

changes the state’s definition of “assault weapon.” The new definition
would classify firearms commonly used for hunting, like semi-automatic
shotguns that have a thumbhole stock or a pistol grip, as assault

Currently, possession of “assault weapons” in the state are generally


Even more dangerous to sportsmen and gun owners, the bill gives the
Superintendent of State Police the authority to regulate and classify
additional firearms as “assault weapons” by simply finding that a
firearm feature or modification is “particularly suitable for military and
not sporting purposes.”

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

The Superintendent can also designate specific firearms by make and Tags: Anti Gun Bills, Anti-Hunting Groups, Assault Weapons, Gun Bans,
model to be considered assault weapons. Handgun Bans, New York

Ultimately, the bill gives the Superintendent vast powers to determine

which firearms citizens can and cannot own. AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS

“This bill is taking an already extreme set of gun laws and University Gun Owner
making them worse. It outlaws many popular firearms that
are commonly used for hunting and gives immense power to Harassment Lawsuit To Be
the State Police to restrict law-abiding gun owners even
further,” said Evan Heusinkveld, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Heard…Finally
director of state services. JAN 21, 2011 07:25P.M.

“Sportsmen, gun owners, and collectors alike need to call University Gun Owner Harassment Lawsuit To Be
their state assemblyperson and senator today to express their Heard…Finally
opposition to this dangerous bill.”

While AB 1479 does include an exemption that allows citizens to keep

newly declared “assault weapons” that are possessed before July 1, 2012
the exemption does little to ease the concerns of sportsmen. The bill in
turn requires that those firearms that are “grandfathered in” be
rendered inoperable or mandates their registration with the state. Even
after proper registration, the bill only allows those firearms to be used at
a licensed gun range and not while hunting.
Oregon Firearms Federation
If passed the bill would take effect on July 1, 2012.
Salem, Oregon --( A saga that started almost two
Take Action! New York Sportsmen should contact their state assembly- years ago is about to come to some kind of resolution.
person and tell them to oppose AB 1479. Tell them the bill would ban
many firearms that are commonly used for hunting, target shooting, and As many of you know, in January of 2009, Marine Corp Veteran Jeffery
other recreational activities. To find your state assemblyperson’s phone Maxwell was arrested on the campus of Western Oregon University and
number and other contact information, use the USSA Legislative Action charged with possession of a firearm in a public building.
Center at .
Jeffery contacted OFF and with the intercession of our legal counsel, the
DA dropped the charges, claiming it was “in the interest of justice.” In
fact, it was in the interest of the law, since the DA had no case. As a CHL
holder, Jeffery was exempt from the prohibition on possession in public

While the charges were dropped, the school suspended Jeffery and
Remington Model SP-10 Waterfowl Shotgun would still be Legal?? otherwise made his life a living hell.

About: The Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation filed a lawsuit against the
The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance is a national association of sportsmen and Oregon University System to challenge their policy of forbidding
sportsmen’s organizations that protects the rights of hunters, anglers ANYONE to have a firearm on their campuses. After endless delays, a
and trappers in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress and date has been set for the Oregon Appeals Court to hear our lawsuit.
through public education programs. Visit
The case will be heard on March 29th at 9 AM at Salem Courthouse, 1163
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports State Street, Salem, Oregon 97301-2563.
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo We thank everyone who has generously contributed to the case. If you
would like to make a tax deductible contribution to the Oregon Firearms
New York Assault Weapons Bill Would Ban Common Hunting Firearms Educational Foundation so that we can continue to defend gun owners,
you can do so safely online here.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

Be sure to choose “Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation” from the Children younger than 14 are invited to take part in the Kool Kids’
drop-down menu to ensure that you receive the proper receipt for your Klassic Ice Fishing Derby. Registration for the derby is $2 and will take
tax deduction. place at the park shop at 11 a.m. CST.

About: The first 150 entries will receive free fishing poles made by park staff.
The Oregon Firearms Federation has proven itself to be Oregon’s only no Bait is furnished, and event staff will drill holes in the ice as needed.
compromise lobbying group, OFF takes the same tough stands and Fishing will take place in designated areas from noon to 2 p.m., with
serves as a vehicle for educating gun owners, promoting their rights and weigh-in to follow.
when necessary, fighting the freedom haters in court. Visit: Winners will be announced at the 3 p.m. awards ceremony. Snacks will
be available throughout the day, and numerous door-prize drawings will
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports be held.
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo The 31st Annual Groundhog Day Cross-Country Ski Race and the Sons of
Norway Barnelopet Children’s Ski Run feature a 5-kilometer, non-
University Gun Owner Harassment Lawsuit To Be Heard…Finally competitive poker run, a 10-kilometer competitive race and a kick-sled
race. Registration fees of $8 for adults and $3 for youth (17 and younger)
Tags: Civil Rights, Gun Owner Discrimination, OFF, Oregon Firearms applies to the ski race/poker run.
Federation, Presnell Sporting Collection
Prizes will be awarded to winners in each age group. The top poker
hands, youngest and oldest skier and most colorful ski costume will also

South Dakota’s Oakwood Lakes The day also features the 24th Annual Sons of Norway Barnelopet
Children’s Ski Run. This event is free for kids younger than 13.
State Park To Host Winter
Registration for the ski events begins at the park shop at 12:30 p.m. The
Events race will start at 1:30 p.m. Cookies, hot chocolate and various Norwegian
JAN 21, 2011 07:17P.M. treats will be served throughout the day. Ski rentals for the event are
available from Sioux River Bicycles and Fitness. In the event of no snow,
South Dakota’s Oakwood Lakes State Park To Host Winter a walk will be held in place of the race.
“These events are great ways for the entire family to get
active, get outside and have fun at the park,” said Randy Pitts,
Manager of Oakwood Lakes State Park. “The park offers
many opportunities for outdoor winter recreation that
families can enjoy.”

The fishing derby is sponsored the City of Brookings, Brookings

Engraving, Brookings Radio, Gas ‘N’ More, Brookings Hy-Vee Food
Store, Porter’s Bait, 1481 Grille, South Dakota Division of Parks and
Recreation, and Sports Connection.

The cross-country ski tour is sponsored by the Sons of Norway, Sioux

River Bicycles and Fitness, Brookings Radio, 1481 Grille, Brookings
Engraving and the state Division of Parks and Recreation.

Park entrance licenses are required to enter the park and will be
available for purchase. For additional information on the weekend’s
South Dakota Fish, Game & Parks
events, call Oakwood Lakes State Park at 605-627-5441. For a calendar
of other upcoming special events in South Dakota’s state parks and
VOLGA, S.D. –-( Oakwood Lake State Park hosts the
recreation areas, visit
Kool Kids’ Klassic Fishing Derby and the Groundhog Day Cross-Country
Ski Tour on Saturday, Jan. 29, and Sunday, Jan. 30.
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News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

at Ammo The Premium Leather Rifle Slings are available for retail prices of
$139.99 for the wide and narrow slings, and $169.99 for the padded sling
South Dakota’s Oakwood Lakes State Park To Host Winter Events at select retailers nationwide or online at

Tags: Park System News, South Dakota Vero Vellini has been the acknowledged leader in comfortable,
handcrafted gun slings. For nearly two decades, the company has been
crafting these beautifully detailed and highly durable slings in Germany.
AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS Vero Vellini created the Air Cushion concept, which sandwiches
neoprene and other natural and synthetic material to create an almost
Vero Vellini Introduces Its weightless feeling when carrying a firearm.

Premium Line Of Leather Rifle The company also boasts the most slip-proof sling available from the use
of a unique, highly durable rubber backing. Vero Vellini also
Slings manufactures fast-access cartridge cases and straps for binoculars and
JAN 21, 2011 06:01P.M. cameras. For more information on Vero Vellini, contact: Pioneer
Research, 97 Foster Road, Moorestown, NJ 08057; call 800-257-7742;
Vero Vellini Introduces Its Premium Line Of Leather Rifle or visit
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo

Vero Vellini Introduces Its Premium Line Of Leather Rifle Slings

Tags: Firearms Accessories, Gun Accessories, Gun Slings, Shooting

Vero Vellini Premium Leather Rifle Slings
Accessories, Vero Vellini


Live from SHOT Show – This

Week on Gun Talk Radio
JAN 21, 2011 05:50P.M.
Vero Vellini Gun Slings
Live from SHOT Show – This Week on Gun Talk Radio
MOORESTOWN, NJ --( Continuing its legacy of
providing the finest slings in the world, Vero Vellini is pleased to
announce the availability of its new line of Premium Leather Rifle Slings.

Crafted from the finest full-grain leather and Air Cushion neoprene, the
new Vero Vellini Premium Leather Rifle Slings provide the look and feel
of absolute luxury combined with unparalleled performance and

While the topside of the new slings sport elegant leather, it is the no-slip
neoprene bottom that creates a sure grip in all weather conditions and
provides unprecedented comfort for long days in the field. Quick-release
straps on the slings allow for easy on and off changing from one firearm
to another (QD swivels sold separately).

Gun Talk Radio

There are three sling styles in the Premium Leather Rifle Sling line: wide,
narrow and padded. Each of these top-grade brown leather slings would
MANDEVILLE, LA --( Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk (R)
become the perfect accessory for any hunting rifle.
Radio, the only nationally-syndicated radio talk show about guns and the

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

shooting sports, will be broadcasting from the Crimson Trace booth at

the Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show and Conference (SHOT
Show) in Las Vegas, NV this week.

Guests include Iain Harrison, Media Relations Manager for Crimson

Trace and the winner of the first season of the History Channel’s “Top
Shot”; Steve Sanetti & Mark Thomas with the National Shooting Sports
Foundation; Pete Brownell of Brownells; Ken Jorgensen with Ruger;
Jamey Skousen of Liberty Safes; Bud Fini with Sig Sauer; Tom Munson
with Trijicon, Inc.; Zach Waterman at Nosler; Allen Minneman, owner of
MTM Case-Gard and Frank Harris with Kahr Arms.
Gun Talk
The SHOT Show is the largest trade show for the firearms industry. It is
one of the first exhibitions of the year, and many companies unveil the MANDEVILLE, LA --( Gun Talk Television takes you
upcoming new products at SHOT. It is owned and sponsored by the behind the scenes of the introduction of new guns, as Tom Gresham
National Shooting Sports Foundation. attends a writer’s event sponsored by Colt at Gunsite in Arizona.

About: When Colt’s Manufacturing showed a new 1911 pistol and a new target
Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Radio is in its 16th year of national version of the AR-15 rifle to the firearms media, Gun Talk Television was
syndication, Gun Talk Radio airs live on Sundays from 2PM-5PM there to pull back the curtain on what really goes on at a new-product
Eastern, and runs on 101 stations, plus SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio. All introduction.
Gun Talk shows can be downloaded as podcasts through Apple iTunes,
the Gun Talk iPhone App, the Blackberry Podcast App, or at It’s as much fun as it is work. Okay, the truth is, it’s more fun than it is More information is available at work, and that comes through clearly on this episode of Gun Talk Television.

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports “We reveal the secret that gun writers, editors and bloggers
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News won’t tell you,” said show host Tom Gresham.
at Ammo
“That truth is that it’s hard to beat a job where you get to
Live from SHOT Show – This Week on Gun Talk Radio shoot other people’s guns and other people’s ammo, and you
don’t even have to clean the guns!”
Tags: Gun Talk Radio, Shooting Industry News, Shooting Media News,
SHOT Show, Tom Gresham About:
Gun Talk Television airs on VERSUS and VERSUS HD on Sundays at
8:00 a.m. Eastern and Fridays at 10:00 a.m. Eastern. Watch full shows
AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS and get the latest news at

Behind The Scenes At A New Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
Gun Introduction on Gun Talk at Ammo

TV Behind The Scenes At A New Gun Introduction on Gun Talk TV

JAN 21, 2011 05:43P.M.
Tags: Gun Talk TV, Hunting Product Demos, Media Day At The Range,
Behind The Scenes At A New Gun Introduction on Gun Talk TV New Guns, Shooting Media News

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS consistency and clarity. The details and diagrams have been very
informative in discussions with legislators.
American Knife & Tool Institute
“We want to build on the work we’ve done and the reputation
Revised Standard Knife we have as the organization for those who work with or
benefit from knives, and to support those who have questions
Definitions Approved about legal knife usage,” Russell said. “We encourage
JAN 21, 2011 05:29P.M. everyone to share the document with their legislators and
local law enforcement.”
American Knife & Tool Institute Revised Standard Knife
Definitions Approved Knife users who wish to support the work of AKTI will find it convenient
to become a member or make contributions with online payment
options. All knife owners willing to help contact legislators or who want
to stay informed about knife issues are encouraged to sign up as
Grassroots Supporters of the knife advocacy work that AKTI does; emails
detailing the latest legislative and legal issues and updates are free to
those who enroll.

The American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) is a non-profit organization

(501(c)6) representing all segments of the knife industry and all knife
users. Formed by concerned industry leaders after considerable
discussion with individual knifemakers, knife magazine publishers, and a
broad section of the knife community, AKTI has been the reasonable and
responsible voice of the knife community since 1998. For more about
American Knife & Tool Institute AKTI, please see our website at

LAS VEGAS, NV --( Learn what knife industry Akti Approved Knife Definitions
leaders, members of the knife advocacy organization, the American Knife
and Tool Institute (AKTI), agree are standard knife definitions to use for AKTI – The American Knife & Tool Institute represents the entire knife
legislation and law enforcement purposes in the “AKTI Approved Knife community and all knife owners as we have since 1998. We have
Definitions” document available at successfully won every legislative effort so far. AKTI continues its
mission to “Keep Knives in American Lives“
Knife owners, lawmakers and law enforcers will read about the
background of knife terms in common and legal use, various states that Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
prohibit specific types of knives, and the standard definitions the AKTI is News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
encouraging be used for interpreting and enforcing knife laws. at Ammo

“AKTI members believe that knives are inanimate objects, American Knife & Tool Institute Revised Standard Knife Definitions
regardless of various differences such as length of blade, Approved
shape or style, the mechanism for opening, or the name
used,” said AKTI President Goldie Russell, A. G. Russell Tags: AKTI, American Knife and Tool Institute, Knife Manufactures,
Knives. “As the reasonable voice of the knife community, we Knives, Shooting Industry News
have worked to change restrictive and vague knife laws to
protect all knife owners.”

Originally adopted in 2005, the “AKTI Approved Knife Definitions” was

revised to reflect clarifications to knife definition language that AKTI
successfully used in law changes in Texas and the 2009 amendment to
the 1958 Federal Switchblade Act. Clarification of the terminology “bias
toward closure” and states where certain knives are prohibited were
included to make the publication even more informative.

The “AKTI Approved Knife Definitions” has been distributed to

lawmakers, police officers, attorneys and judges who recognize the
credibility of the industry’s organization and its efforts to promote

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011


Gathering antlers that drop off the heads of deer, elk and moose is an
2011 Shed Antler Gathering activity that’s grown in popularity across the country, including here in
JAN 21, 2011 05:16P.M. The challenge with shed-antler gathering is that it happens during the
worst time of the year for the animals and the habitat they rely on in the
2011 Shed Antler Gathering Course winter.

“By the time winter ends, the animals are stressed,” says
Mike Fowlks, Law Enforcement Section chief for the Division
of Wildlife Resources.

“The habitat they rely on in the winter is also wet,” he says.

“It’s easily damaged. Once the habitat is damaged, it can take
years for it to recover.”

Fortunately, Fowlks says you can have fun gathering shed antlers
without stressing the animals and damaging their habitat.

“A free course that’s available at our website will show you

how,” he says.

Fowlks says you must complete the DWR’s Antler Gathering Ethics
You must complete a free online course before gathering shed antlers in
course if you want to gather shed antlers in Utah between Feb. 1 and
Utah. Photo by Brent Stettler
April 15, 2011.

Free course
The free course is available at After you
finish the course, make sure you print a certificate that shows you’ve
completed the course.

“And make sure you carry your certificate with you,” Fowlks
says. “By law, you must have your certificate with you while
you’re gathering shed antlers.”

If you have young children, and you’ve completed the course, your
children don’t need to complete it. As long as you’ve completed the
course, your certificate will cover your kids too.

Fowlks says if you complete the course, you can gather antlers across

Utah Division of Natural Resources

“Please remember, though, that many of the state’s wildlife
management areas are closed in the spring and the winter to
Utah --( Late winter and early spring is the worst time
protect wildlife,” he says.
of the year for elk, moose and especially deer in Utah.

You must complete the course if you want to gather shed antlers between
Deep snow makes it harder for deer to move and find food in the winter.
Feb. 1 and April 15. If you wait until April 15 or later to gather antlers,
And cold temperatures sap the deers’ strength. By the time winter ends,
you don’t need to complete the course.
deer are usually the weakest they’ll be all year.

For more information, call the nearest Division of Wildlife Resources

Winter is also the time of year when male deer, elk and moose shed their
office or the DWR’s Salt Lake City office at 801-538-4700.
antlers. The animals will be without antlers until this spring, when they’ll
start to grow a new set.
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Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News will try to secure more pheasant habitat through U.S. Department of
at Ammo Agriculture conservation programs.

2011 Shed Antler Gathering Course Commissioners also approved the funding of $254,383.60 for eight
grants through the State Wildlife Grant (SWG) program, which
Tags: Deer Hunters, Shed Antlers, UDNR, Utah, Utah Disvision of addresses the needs of declining fish and wildlife populations. Game and
Natural Resources Parks allocates part of its annual SWG funding, distributed by the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, to other conservation entities on a competitive
basis, with awardees required to provide a one-to-one match. The
AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS awarded projects must be deemed a priority in assisting Game and Parks
in implementing the Nebraska Natural Legacy Plan.
Nebraska Commissioners
In other action, the board approved:
Expand Grouse Hunting Season
JAN 21, 2011 05:09P.M. • Six grant applications for $658,350 in federal funding from the
2011 Recreational Trails Program (RTP) apportionment. The funds
Nebraska Commissioners Expand Grouse Hunting Season will be used by Game and Parks to administer the RTP and for
educational projects, for trail signage by the City of Wayne, trail
construction by the City of Deshler, Game and Parks’ renovation of
the Cowboy Trail near Norfolk, and renovation of the Bison Trail by
the City of Lincoln.

• Rankings of two 2011 Land and Water Conservation Fund grant

applications totaling $90,000. Final approval would come from the
National Park Service. Projects include a park renovation by the
City of Bellevue and a swimming pool renovation by the Village of

• An easement to the Rural Healthcare Network of Nebraska at

Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area for designing and building a
fiber optic network that will connect several hospitals and
healthcare clinics and provide technology and capabilities to the
hospitals and residents of rural Nebraska.

Nebraska Game and Parks Commission • Changes to the policy and procedures of the Nebraska Hunter and
Bow Hunter Education programs.
LINCOLN, Neb. --( The Nebraska Game and Parks
Board of Commissioners on Friday voted to expand the grouse-hunting • The relocation of 100 black-tailed prairie dogs from Fort Niobrara
season starting in 2011. National Wildlife Refuge to Hutton Niobrara Ranch Wildlife
Sanctuary in Rock County.
This year’s grouse season will be Sept. 1 through Jan. 31, 2012.
Regulations previously called for the season to open on the Saturday • Elected Mick Jensen, Chairman; Ron Stave, Vice Chairman; and
nearest Sept. 15. Norris Marshall, 2nd Vice Chairman.

By making the change, Game and Parks is providing more hunting Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
opportunity for a lightly hunted species and is aligning the dove and News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
grouse season openers on a common date. at Ammo

The board also approved a revised Focus on Pheasants plan. The plan Nebraska Commissioners Expand Grouse Hunting Season
seeks to create new focus areas and incentive programs to promote
habitat improvements and to work with biologists to maximize Tags: Bird Hunting, Grouse Hunting, Hunting News, Nebraska,
effectiveness of habitat program delivery within those areas. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Wildlife Management

Also, the plan hopes to continue researching the amount of habitat

needed to establish and maintain a huntable pheasant population, and it

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS Bob Howe, the owner of Pine Grove Lodge in Bingham, Maine, has a
simple explanation for this phenomenon. In essence, in the colder
Beat the Cold Kill a Coyote weather a coyote needs to expend more energy to stay warm. This means
JAN 21, 2011 04:58P.M. they need to feed more, and the hunters who have their baits set will reap
the rewards.
Beat the Cold Kill a Coyote
”Everybody thinks coyotes will only hit the bait in the evening
or at night, but that time around noon can also be very
productive,” said Howe.

Two of his hunters experienced this first hand earlier today when they
both killed coyotes hitting baits a few minutes past 11:00 a.m.

Coyote hunting in the extreme cold does take some special preparation.
Gun actions can freeze and calls can act and sound differently than in
warmer conditions. Plus, there are the inherent dangers that come with
below-zero temperatures. For those willing to pay the price though the
rewards can’t be beat.

For more information and predator hunting tricks, check out the March
issue of Outdoors Magazine with a special insert “When Hunters Become
The Hunted” detailing the methods some of the East’s best use to put fur
in the shed.
Beat the Cold Kill a Coyote
Each month Outdoors Magazine shines its spotlight on different areas of
the outdoors world. Features and sub-features are multiple page spreads
written by select experts in their fields. In addition to features and sub-
features, each month Outdoors Magazine has over 40 columns written
by real guides, industry experts, and the best in their fields. Our staff are
die-hards who take the time out of their lives hunting and fishing to
write. For more information, sponsorship opportunities, and expanded
article descriptions, visit

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News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo

Beat the Cold Kill a Coyote

Tags: Coyote Hunting, Hunting News, Hunting Tips, Outdoors

Outdoors Magazine Magazine, Varmint Hunting

Vermont --( With temperatures predicted to drop

well below zero over the next three days across the East, many people are
preparing for a weekend of watching football and sitting by a fireplace.

Devout predator hunters are taking a different view though, and to them
the impending temperatures are a reason for celebration.

“The colder the better,” said Bill Savage, a coyote hunting

specialist from the Tug Hill Region of New York. “My best
days coyote hunting are when the temperature never gets
above zero. If it gets as cold as they say it will … well … let’s
just say I am like a kid in a candy store. “

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS Holding an FFL to engage in certain such activities has been a
legal requirement within the United States of America since
Federal Firearms License the enactment of the Gun Control Act of 1968. (source
Holders Up from 2009
JAN 21, 2011 04:33P.M. The total figure represents an increase in every category of Federal
firearms licenses issued under the Gun Control Act.
Federal Firearms License Holders Up from 2009
Currently the largest number of GCA licensees is 03-Collectors, which
represent approximately 48% of the ATF licensee population. 01-Dealers
and 02-Pawnbrokers represent approximately 46% of the ATF licensee

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News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo

Federal Firearms License Holders Up from 2009

Tags: ATF, BATFE, Federal Firearms Licensees, FFL, GCA, Gun

Retailers, Gun Shops, Transfer Dealers


FFL Abel Ammo’s Store in Huntsville TX USA National Firearms Act

Applications Hit Record Volume
JAN 21, 2011 04:17P.M.

National Firearms Act Applications Hit Record Volume

The purpose of the NFA was to regulate what were considered
“gangster weapons” such as machine guns and hand grenades.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Washington, DC --( At the close of FY2010, the FFL

population was approximately 118,400.

This represents more than 2.5% increase over the FFL population at the
end of FY2009.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
A Federal Firearms License (FFL) is a license that
enables an individual or a company to engage in a business Washington, DC --( FY2010 set a new record for the
pertaining to the manufacture of firearms and ammunition or number of transfer applications received by the NFA Branch for the
the interstate and intrastate sale of firearms. making, import, transfer, export and interstate movement of NFA

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011


The National Firearms Act (“NFA”), is an Act of Congress that, in Michigan Biologist Sets World
general, imposes a statutory excise tax on the manufacture and transfer
of certain firearms and mandates the registration of those firearms. The Turkey Trapping Record
purpose of the NFA was to regulate what were considered “gangster JAN 21, 2011 03:57P.M.
weapons” such as machine guns and hand grenades.
Michigan Biologist Sets World Turkey Trapping Record
There were more than 91,900 application forms processed in FY2010, According to the National Wild Turkey Federation, Al Stewart, of Bath,
which accounts for a 6% increase over FY2009, which had set the Mich., became the first person on record to complete a World Slam for
previous record with 86,753 applications processed. 2010 marked the trapping wild turkeys.
sixth straight year of annual increases in NFA applications.

The overall trend is dramatic when you consider that FY2005 had a total
volume of 41,579 applications.

Earlier in the year ATF released its new NFA customer service standard
on the ATF website. Currently, ATF’s customer service goal is to process
ATF Forms 1 and ATF

Forms 4 within 4 months of receipt of the application. The customer

service standard for processing all other types of NFA applications (i.e.,
those which don’t generally require tax processing or background
checks) is within one month of ATF’s receipt of the application.

It is important to keep in mind that incomplete or incorrect applications

slow ATF’s ability to take final action.
National Wild Turkey Federation

If you wish to confirm receipt of an application by ATF or obtain a status

EDGEFIELD, S.C. --( Biologist Al Stewart has
check on a pending application, please contact our customer service
trapped wild turkeys for restoration and research purposes in many
contractors at the ATF NFA branch.
locations during his long career with the Michigan Department of
Natural Resources.
National Firearms Act Handbook

Stewart, of Bath, Mich., has celebrated many milestones during his long
Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
career with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR),
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
at Ammo including helping restore wild turkey populations in Michigan, but he
recently set a world record for an unusual feat.

National Firearms Act Applications Hit Record Volume

During a trip to the jungles of Campeche, Mexico, Stewart became the
first person on record to complete the World Slam for turkey trapping.
Tags: ATF, Automatic Weapons, National Firearms Act, NFA
Biologists use the trap-and-transfer method to relocate wild turkeys to
suitable habitat for restoration and research purposes.

In the world of turkey hunting, completing the World Slam is a difficult

and rewarding accomplishment that involves harvesting all five
subspecies of the North American wild turkeys: Eastern, Gould’s,
Osceola, Merriam’s and Rio Grande; and the Ocellated wild turkey,
which is found only in Mexico. While many hunters have accomplished
this goal, according to National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF)
records, Stewart is the only person to date who has accomplished this
task for trapping.

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

he received the prestigious Henry S. Mosby Award during the NWTF’s

national convention. The Mosby Award is named for Dr. Henry Mosby,
whose research with wild turkeys in the mid-1900s set the standard for
their management. He also helped found The Wildlife Society and was
the winner of its highest honor − the Aldo Leopold Medal.

In 1992, President George H. Bush and Congressman Dave Camp

presented the Teddy Roosevelt Conservation Award to Stewart for his
work on a barrier-free viewing and hunting platform at the Maple River
State Game Area. In 1998, the NWTF Michigan State Chapter awarded
him the Outstanding Conservationist Award. In 2000, the Arizona Fish
and Game Department selected Stewart to assist with the Gould’s wild
turkey restoration in Arizona. In 2005, he served as coordinator and co-
editor of the 9th National Wild Turkey Symposium.

The NWTF is a nonprofit conservation organization that works daily to

Biologist Al Stewart has trapped wild turkeys for restoration and further its mission of conserving the wild turkey and preserving our
research purposes in many locations during his long career with the hunting heritage. Through dynamic partnerships with state, federal and
Michigan Department of Natural Resources. provincial wildlife agencies, the NWTF and its members have helped
restore wild turkey populations across the country, spending more than
James Earl Kennamer, Ph.D., NWTF’s chief conservation officer, $331 million to conserve 15.9 million acres of habitat for all types of
presented a framed print to Stewart honoring his historical achievement wildlife.
during the 10th National Wild Turkey Symposium in Shepherdstown,
W.Va. Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports
News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News
“The NWTF has recognized hunters who earned their World at Ammo
Slam for turkey hunting, so it is only fitting to have an
accolade for a person who is partly responsible for helping Michigan Biologist Sets World Turkey Trapping Record
ensure hunters have wild turkeys to pursue,” Kennamer said.
Tags: Michigan, National Wild Turkey Federation, NWTF, Trapping,
“Al represents many other biologists who have trapped and Turkey Hunting, Turkey Management, Wildlife Biologists
transferred these turkeys, but he’s the only one who has
reached this level.”
As the upland game bird specialist with the MDNR and a longtime
member of the NWTF’s Technical Committee, Stewart has been a team Jimmy Carwile to Conduct
player in helping restore wild turkey populations in Michigan and has
traveled to various locations to participate in wild turkey trap-and- Auction At 2011 National Wild
transfer projects.
Turkey Federation Convention
Stewart thanked Kennamer and Scott Vance, NWTF’s assistant vice JAN 21, 2011 03:44P.M.
president of conservation programs administration, for their support
through the years. Jimmy Carwile Of Carwile Auctions Will Conduct An Auction
At The 2011 National Wild Turkey Federation Convention In
“I’m grateful – and pleasantly surprised – to receive this Nashville
recognition,” Stewart said. “But the true honor has been The Virginia-based auctioneer will call the Ladies’ Luncheon & Auction
working alongside professional biologists who are dedicated on Saturday, Feb. 19.
to wildlife restoration. Along the way my peers have
encouraged me to become the first person to trap a World
Slam, and no one has been more supportive than Dr.
Kennamer and Scott. Without their help and the
opportunities I had to participate in trap-and-transfer
projects this wouldn’t have been possible.”

Stewart is no stranger to earning recognition for his hard work. In 2009,

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

job,” said Andy Ellington, president of the chapter. “Our

regional director came to last year’s auction and saw Jimmy
in action. That led to an invitation to call an auction in

At the High Bridge Strutters auction last year, Mr. Carwile called the
action from a scissor-jack, suspended high above the crowd.

“That allowed him to connect better with the people,” Mr.

Ellington said, “and it really worked. We saw an increase of
30 percent over the previous year’s sale. Jimmy is just great.
We named him an honorary member of our chapter.”

The Ladies’ Luncheon & Auction on Saturday will feature some

wonderful items up for bid. These will include an African hunting safari,
hunting and fishing packages, golf trips, a Country Music Awards festival
National Wild Turkey Federation’s 35th Annual National Convention package, fine wine, apparel gift certificates and more. The auction will
take place in the Presidential Ballroom, starting at 1 p.m. Lunch will be
at 12:30.

National Wild Turkey Federation

CULLEN, Va. --( Jimmy Carwile, owner and

auctioneer of Carwile Auctions, Inc., has been tapped to conduct an Jimmy Carwile has been tapped to conduct an auction at this year’s
auction at the 35th annual Convention and Sport Show of the National NWTF Convention.
Wild Turkey Federation, slated for Feb. 17-20 at the Gaylord Opryland
Resort and Convention Center in Nashville. Mr. Carwile will conduct the Another auction, which Mr. Carwile will not be conducting, will be held
Ladies’ Luncheon & Auction on Sat., Feb. 19. on Friday evening, Feb. 18. It will be part of a Grand Auction & Beach
Party, featuring beach-themed music by the Swingin’ Medallions. Items
“I am honored to have been selected to participate in an event to be auctioned include a 2011 Chevrolet Silverado 4WD truck, a New
of this size and scope,” Mr. Carwile remarked. Holland tractor and a white-tail deer archery hunt in Illinois worth
$9,000. The National Wild Turkey Federation was founded in 1973 and
“The NWTF attracts between 40,000 and 50,000 people a is dedicated to the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation
year to its annual convention and sport show. To say I am of the country’s hunting heritage. The NWTF and its members have
both humbled and excited would be an understatement. I’ve helped restore wild turkey populations across the U.S., spending more
been involved with the NWTF at the regional level for years, than $331 million to conserve over 15.9 million acres of habitat for all
but never something like this.” types of wildlife.

About five years ago, Mr. Carwile began conducting auctions for the High This year’s National Convention and Sport Show is already completely
Bridge Strutters, a Virginia chapter of the NWTF. sold out, with all 625 booth spaces taken, making it an already record-
setting event. Last year’s convention drew more than 44,000 attendees,
“He’s never charged a penny and he always does a fantastic and the NWTF is expecting another strong turnout next month. It will be

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 22 January 2011

the first major convention at Oryland in Nashville since the devastating NWTF Convention
flood in May.

Legendary performers Trace Adkins, The Band Perry and other

entertainers will perform during the nightly events. Friday’s itinerary
will feature a Western-themed Hunt Luncheon & Auction, starting at 11
a.m. (CST). Saturday’s centerpiece events will be the Grand Auction &
Beach Party and the Ladies’ Luncheon & Auction (with Jimmy Carwile
conducting the auction).

Other events will include a Wednesday Night Early Bird Special, a

Thursday Night Welcoming Party (featuring Trace Adkins), a Friday
Morning Federal Breakfast, a Saturday Winchester Veterans Recognition
Breakfast, a Saturday Night Awards Banquet (featuring The Band Perry)
and a Sunday Remington Breakfast. Auctions will be held throughout the

Carwile Autions, Inc., is based in Cullen, Va. The firm specializes in farm
and farm equipment auctions, real estate auctions, antique and personal
property auctions, and auctions featuring cars and trucks. The firm
conducts estate sales, business liquidations and commercial building and
real estate sales. Most of the auctions are personally conducted by
Jimmy Carwile.

Mr. Carwile began his career as an auctioneer in 1974, but his interest in
the auction business goes back to his childhood.

“I always wanted to sell things at an auction sale,” he said,

adding, “I’ve never attended a school to become an
auctioneer. It started out as a hobby and I just kind of picked
it up.” In 1981 he won the Virginia State Auctioneering
Championship award.

After working for various Virginia-based auction houses for 16 years, Mr.
Carwile launched Carwile Auctions, Inc., in 1988. He incorporated in
1999. His sing-song chant is pleasant to the ear and has made him a
favorite choice for folks looking for an auctioneer who prides himself on
speaking slowly and distinctly, unlike many of his rapid-fire

Carwile Auctions is always looking for quality consignments for future

sale. To consign an item, an estate or a collection, you may call them at
(434) 392-5604 or (434) 547-9100. Or, you can e-mail them at
[email protected]. To learn more about Carwile Auctions, and
the upcoming NWTF Convention & Sport Show Auction, log on to

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Jimmy Carwile to Conduct Auction At 2011 National Wild Turkey

Federation Convention

Tags: Fundraiser, Gun Auctions, Gun Shows, Hunting Shows, NWTF,


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