Pestworld East: India
Pestworld East: India
Pestworld East: India
Hosted by the National Pest Management
Association in partnership with the Indian 16:00 - 16:30
Inauguration of Exhibits
Pest Control Association, this one-of-a-kind 17:30 - 18:30
conference is designed to address pest Conference Inauguration
Please join us for the traditional lighting of
management challenges specific to South the lamp, followed by opening remarks by
the dignitaries from the Indian Pest Control
Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. Association, National Pest Management
Association and other honored guests.
Redefining luxury at the heart of Goa, the lavish,
five-star Grand Hyatt Goa Hotel overlooks the
visually stunning waters of Bambolim Bay. Join us
in a one-of-a-kind experience, in which hospitality,
comfort and style are brought to a whole new level.
9:00 - 9:15 into buildings to reduce pest populations in for controlling bed bugs in a variety
Welcome and Opening Remarks sensitive environments. of environments.
Raju Parulkar, President, Indian Pest Control
Association, Mumbai, India; Dominique 12:00 - 12:45 15:30 - 16:00
Stumpf, CEO, National Pest Management Global Evolution of the Pest Management Refreshment Break
Association, Virginia, USA; Chief Guest Industry – Insights from India and the
United States 16:00 - 16:45
9:15 - 10:00 Dennis Jenkins, ABC Home and Commercial Rodent Control in Large Commercial and
What if We Lived in a World Without Pest Services, Texas, USA; Anil Rao, Pest Control Residential Complexes
Control? (India) Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India; Ravi Sachdeva, Bobby Corrigan, Ph.D., RMC Pest Management
Faith Oi, Ph.D., University of Florida, American Pest Management, Kansas, USA Consulting, New York, USA
Florida, USA Today’s pest management industry looks Managing pest rodents in densely populated
The development of modern pest control completely different from the industry of ten or city environments requires an understanding
practices has resulted in significant public twenty years ago. Twenty-first century clients of rodent behavior, human behavior, and urban
health benefits around the world. But what expect well-trained, professional technicians infrastructure. In this session, learn strategies
would happen if pest control didn’t exist? who are well prepared to provide high-quality for reigning in rat populations from the leading
What impact would pests have on our food services in complex environments. In this authority in rodent control, including lessons
supply, health, and structures? In this insightful session, hear from successful businesses in the from extensive field work in New York City that
session, participants will get a glimpse into “a United States and India about their experiences can be immediately incorporated into your
world without pest control” and come away with and what to expect in the future. company’s protocol for rodent
a renewed sense of pride in the important work management services.
carried out by our industry. 12:45 - 14:00
Visit to Exhibit Hall and Lunch 16:45 - 17:30
10:00 - 10:45 Importance of Fumigation Services, Safety
Green Termite Management 14:00 - 14:45 and Future Prospects
Anil Rao, Pest Control (India) Pvt. Ltd., Termite Management and Challenges Patrick Goosens, InTech Pharma, Goa, India
Mumbai, India to Success Fumigation is a highly specialized segment
Sponsored by Su Yee Lim, Ph.D., Bayer, Singapore of the professional pest management
Sponsored by industry that requires well-trained technicians
10:45 - 11:15 to successfully provide safe and effective
Refreshment Break 14:45 - 15:30 treatments. In this session, you will learn
Bed Bug Management Strategies for about the importance of fumigation, key safety
11:15 - 12:00 Commercial and Residential Clients in India considerations, and gain insight into what the
Building Integrated Pest Management Into and Asia future holds for this indispensable group of
Structures for Better Public Health Chow-Yang Lee, Ph.D., University of Malaysia, pest control products.
Bobby Corrigan, Ph.D., RMC Pest Management Penang, Malaysia; Dini Miller, Ph.D., Virginia Sponsored by
Consulting, New York, USA Polytechnic and State University, Virginia, USA
Controlling and preventing pests in structures Bed bug management is an essential part of 17:30 - 18:15
is critical to public health. Pest prevention the professional pest management business Educational Session TBD
is rarely considered when designing and model. Gaining successful control in residential
building structures, but simple modifications and commercial settings can be a challenge 19:30 - 22:30
to existing buildings and attention to detail and should be carefully considered. In this Gala Dinner and Cocktails with
in design can result in significant decreases session, researchers from North America and Cultural Progam
in the immigration of pests into structures. Asia will collaborate to provide the most up
Learn how pest prevention can be integrated to date information about practical methods
Hosted by the National Pest Management Association
in partnership with the Indian Pest Control Association
9:00 - 9:45 in children, magnifying the importance of certification can have on your business, and
A Regional Approach to Termite Behavior managing populations in the most effective how you and your team can get the process
and Biology for Pest Management manner possible. This session will focus on started today.
Professionals understanding the existing challenges and
Chow-Yang Lee, Ph.D., University of Malaysia, developing cockroach management strategies 13:15 - 14:00
Penang, Malaysia to protect public health. Urban Mosquito Control: Developing an
Termites are one of the most destructive pests Effective Management Program for
worldwide. Understanding the behavior of the 11:15 - 11:45 Your Clients
economically important species in the region Refreshment Break Anil Kumar Makkapati, Ph.D., Reckitt Benckiser,
is an important first step into developing Gurgaon, India
an effective control program that can be 11:45 - 12:30 Mosquitoes are considered to be the most
implemented in the field. In this session, the Professionalism in the Pest Management dangerous animal on earth due to their role
challenges associated with termites and their Industry – Developing a High Quality as vectors that cause disease in humans.
control will be explored within the context of Workforce to Increase Public Perception Developing an effective mosquito control
the latest termite control research. Minoo Bharucha, Pest Control Associates – AMB, program that can be carried out by pest
Mumbai, India; Dennis Jenkins, ABC Home and management professionals can be challenging,
9:45 - 10:30 Commercial Services, Texas, USA; Ravi Sachdeva, but extremely rewarding. In this session,
Integrated Pest Management in American Pest Management, Kansas, USA learn the scientific underpinnings of
Commercial Facilities – Challenges, Control Clients have come to expect higher and higher successful mosquito control programs and
Strategies and the Importance of Client levels of professionalism from their pest how to implement an effective protocol
Communication management provider. In order to successfully for your customers.
Faith Oi, Ph.D., University of Florida, compete in this demanding marketplace,
Florida, USA companies find that increasing levels of 14:00 - 15:00
Integrated pest management in commercial training and development are required to Lunch
facilities can be a challenging undertaking and prepare technicians for the task. In this session,
should not be taken lightly. In fact, some of the learn what three leading industry companies 15:00 - 17:30
best strategies for effective IPM in commercial are doing to prepare their workforce and Exhibit Hall Open
facilities incorporate significant “buy in” increase the public perception of the industry.
from the client. Communicating the 19:30 - 22:30
importance of IPM and each party’s role in 12:30 - 13:15 Cocktails and Dinner
the process is integral to the success of any A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats –
large scale program. Professional Certification in the Pest
Management Industry
10:30 - 11:15 Jim Fredericks, Ph.D., National Pest
German Cockroaches – Control Challenges Management Association, Virginia, USA; Chris
and Impacts on Public Health Stelzig, Entomological Society of America,
Dini Miller, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic and State Maryland, USA
University, Virginia, USA Professional certification programs like the
The German cockroach is one of the most Entomological Society of America’s Associate
ubiquitous pests on earth. It is found in Certified Entomologist-International (ACE-I)
association with humans on every continent certification can help pest management firms
and has been implicated in the physical differentiate themselves from the competition.
transmission of food borne pathogens resulting In this session, learn about the need for
in illness. Cockroaches have also been certification, the positive impact that
recently connected with asthma and allergies
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Bank Account Details 5. Disclaimer: All reasonable endeavors will be made to hold the Pest
Bank Name: ICICI Bank World Conference and to present its programme as scheduled under
Name of Account: MCI Management (India) Pvt Ltd circumstances which assure the comfort and safety of all participants
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