Model 21150 Differential Sticking Tester
Model 21150 Differential Sticking Tester
Model 21150 Differential Sticking Tester
Instruction Manual
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without first receiving the written permission of Fann Instrument Company, Houston,
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1 General Information 1
2 Safety Considerations 3
6 Parts List 25
1 Cell Assembly 5
2 Cell Section 6
5 Measuring Sticking 10
6 Work Sheet 18
The Differential Sticking Tester Apparatus was designed to determine how likely a given
drilling fluid will be to produce a "stuck pipe" situation and how effective a given drilling
fluid treatment or application of spotting fluid in any given drilling fluid would be in reducing
this tendency. This measurement is called the "Stuck Tendency Coefficient". It takes into
account both the stickiness and the cake building capability of the drilling fluid. The "Stuck
Tendency Coefficient" is determined by the Timed Filtrate Test.
The unit can be pressurized by the CO2 regulator assembly or from any nitrogen source.
If Nitrogen is to be used, the Differential Sticking Tester must be fitted with a suitable
Nitrogen regulator, gauges, relief valve, hose and fittings. The tests use 477.5 psi (3292
kph) differential pressure applied to a stainless steel vessel of approximately 200 ml
capacity. The measurement can be made using either the flat-faced torque plate or the
12-1/2" (31.75 cm) spherical radius1 plate which approximates pipe in casing or collars in
borehole contact geometry. (Both are provided.) In the event of a "sticky" sample that
tends to adhere more to the torque plate than to the filter paper, stainless steel micro-
corrugation disks are provided, along with extra-strength paper (within 2% of standard
paper filtration speed) to ensure success of the test.
Safe operation of the Differential Sticking Tester requires that the operator understand and practice the
correct assembly and operation of the equipment. Improper assembly, operation, or the use of defective
parts poses the possibility of cell leakage or failure which could result in serious injury and damage.
Following is a list of suggestions that should be observed to assure safe operation and maintenance of
the Differential Sticking Tester.
A. Safe Pressurization
1. Always use either Carbon Dioxide or Nitrogen. Never connect the Differential Sticking Tester
to Compressed Air, Oxygen or other non-recommended gas. If Nitrogen is used it must be
supplied in an approved Nitrogen gas cylinder or the nitrogen supply system must be built into
the laboratory. Nitrogen Cylinders must be secured to meet safety standards. Carbon
Dioxide is normally supplied in small cartridges which contain about 900 psi (6206 kPa)
pressure. They are primarily used for field operations. Do not allow these cartridges to be
heated or exposed to fire. They can explode if overheated.
2. Maintain pressure regulators in good condition. Never use oil on pressure regulators. Leaking
pressurization systems should be repaired or replaced. Gauges, fittings and hoses should be
kept in good condition and leaks should be found and corrected. If Nitrogen is being used,
periodically test the safety relief valve to verify they will relieve if excessive pressure should
occur. Never plug or bypass the safety valve.
3. Before pressurizing the Differential Sticking Tester always check to be sure the regulator tee
screw is backed out until free turning thereby putting the regulator in the closed position.
Insert and puncture the CO2 cartridge or open the nitrogen gas supply valve, then adjust the
regulator. Do not attempt to pressurize higher than the equipment is rated. When de-
pressurizing, shut off the supply pressure, bleed the system of pressure, and then back out
the regulator Tee screw.
2. Cells that show signs of stress cracking, severe pitting, or have damaged threads must not be
C. Safe Operation
The Differential Sticking Tester is a relatively small and light weight instrument. Observe the following
cautions in its operation to prevent injury and damage due to the instrument slipping on the work
bench or accidentally being knocked off the bench.
1. Before attempting to tighten Cell Cap onto Cell Body, Refer to Fig. 3, make sure Bolt [26], Fig. 2 is
installed and tightened. This will insure the Cell does not slip off the Stage.
2. Make sure the instrument is setting flat on the bench and not close to the edge and that the
groove in the lever is fit under the top leg support before pressing down and holding the lever to
stick the torque plate. Refer to Fig. 4. Use caution that the lever does not slip and cause an
(Numbers in [ ] refer to Fig. 1 thru 5)
The general procedure for assembling and operating the instrument is basically the same whether the
test described in Section 3 or Section 4 is being run. Ensure that the apparatus is clean. Refer to
Section 6.
The timed filtration sticking test uses a predetermined sticking time to determine the sticking coefficient.
In this test the stuck tendency coefficient Kst is determined. If the flat plate [9] is used R = 1 with edge
effects considered. Refer to Step B-3 below. If the radius'd plate [15] is used, the stuck surface may be
less than R = 1, R = 1, or R = 1 with edge effects depending on the cake building characteristics of the
drilling fluid. Refer to Step B - 3 below. In this test the bulk sticking coefficient Ksc is determined.
A. Cell Assembly
1. Place a sheet of heavy-duty filter paper, Part #N8805 [16], locking mesh (if used) [13]), rubber
gasket [10], and plastic ring [11] inside the cell.
NOTE: The locking mesh will lock the drilling fluid cake to the paper so that it
cannot invalidate the test results by sticking to the torque plate face
and breaking loose from the filter paper.
2. Holding the gaskets centered, screw the hold-down retainer ring [8] over the gaskets. Use the
ring wrench [3], and tighten securely.
3. Insert the threaded end of one valve stem [17] into the bottom center hole of the cell and
screw in as far as possible hand tight. .
4. Fill the cell to the scribe line with the drilling fluid sample to be tested. This is 1/4 in. (6.3 mm)
from the top.
5. Set the cell on its stand [1], mating two of its holes into the stand tips. If the valve stem in the
lid is in line with the stand columns, this will interfere with the lever [4]. Rotate the cell 90 .
6. Select either the flat bottom torque plate [9], or the radius'd torque plate [15]. Refer to Section
5-B "PLATE SELECTION" for effects of each type of torque plate. Insert the stem of torque
plate [9] or [15] through the lid as far as possible with the polished surface facing down from
the inside of the lid. Be careful not to cut the "O" Ring [21].
7. Assemble the cell cap [6] and torque plate onto the cell, making sure the "O" ring [22] is
properly seated in the lid.
8. Secure the cell to the stand using screws [26]. This will facilitate tightening of the cell cap and
torque wrench usage by one person.
10. Insert the second valve stem [17] into cell cap. Close the valve hand-tight.
11. Set the CO2 assemblies [2] over the top end of the top valve stems [17] and insert the locking
pin [27].
12. Close the bleed valve on the CO2 assembly.
13. Turn the regulator handle counterclockwise until the diaphragm pressure is relieved.
14. Insert the CO2 cartridge [25] into the knurled CO2 holder. Tighten the holder onto the head,
puncturing the cartridge.
15. Place graduated cylinder [29] under the cell and turn the lower valve stem valve 1/4 turn
counterclockwise from hand-tight.
1. Verify the torque plate stem is up as far as possible by turning and pulling upward at the same
2. Open the top valve-stem by turning it counterclockwise 1/2 to 3/4 turn using a small adjustable
wrench, then record the time as the start of the test.
3. Allow the drilling fluid to filter for 10 minutes, or until the desired filtrate volume is collected.
4. Catch the groove in the lever (4) under the column top cross support and press the plate
down. Refer to Fig. 4. Continue to hold the torque plate all the way down against the screen
until pressures equalize sufficiently to allow the plate to stick. This is usually about two
minutes and will require 50 to 80 pounds (23 to 36 kg) of force on the end of the lever.
7. Assemble the socket [30] on the torque wrench [24]. Place the torque wrench and socket on
the hex top of the torque plate stem. Position the lever [4] wedged between the columns
above the cell platform to be used as a backup. Refer to Fig. 5.
8. Measure the torque by rotating the torque plate in either direction with the torque wrench and
observing its dial.
9. Repeat the torque measurement three to six times, allowing 30 seconds between checks.
10. Record each of these readings, then calculate the average torque reading. Record the plate
sticking time.
11. Turn the regulator handle counterclockwise until the diaphragm pressure is not felt. Then
open the bleed-off valve.
5. Loosen the cell cap [6], then unscrew and remove it. If the torque plate remains stationary
while loosening and unscrewing the cell cap, carefully push it through the lid by its stem.
Refer to Fig. 3.
6. Tip the Sticking Tester with the cell attached to empty the sample.
7. Gently wash the sample from the edge of the torque plate.
8. TWIST the torque plate off the cake. Note the diameter of the depression from the torque
plate if this is less than 2 inches or if any cake is adhering to the edge of the torque plate,
estimate the edge height from the filter paper.
NOTE: If the cake is stuck to the torque plate rather than to the filter paper,
the test is invalid. Repeat the test using the locking mesh in Step
A-1. above.
9. If not already removed in Step 6 above, remove the torque plate from the cell cap, being
careful not to scratch the polished surface.
10. Using the special wrench [3], unscrew the hold down ring, then remove the slip ring, and
gasket. Remove the lock mesh, filter paper, and filter cake together. Examine the cake as
11. Remove screw [26] then remove the Cell from the stage.
12. Clean all parts thoroughly. Polish surfaces whenever any corrosion is noted.
13. Lubricate threads, and examine all "O" rings and replace as needed. Lubricate all "O" rings
with Lubriseal or a similar lubricant.
A. Stuck Tendency Coefficient
Using the standard test described in Section 3 "Standard Test Procedure" and the 12.5" (31.75
cm) radius'd plate and 477.5 psi (3292 kPa), the average of 6 "break" readings taken within 30
seconds of one another divided by 1000 is known as the STUCK TENDENCY COEFFICIENT
(Kst) of a drilling fluid. This coefficient takes into account both the bulk sticking coefficient and the
cake-building character of the sample (Refer to Fig. 2).
The physical basis for the Stuck Tendency Coefficient is that it takes into account both the static
coefficient of friction of the cake (the bulk sticking coefficient) per unit area of cake and also the
amount of caking that would occur to stick the pipe in the hole. A low caking drilling fluid will not
build up as much around the collars as a high caking drilling fluid. There is a higher bond area for
a higher caking drilling fluid. A very sticky drilling fluid which builds very little cake is safer down
hole than a high cake building drilling fluid with high permeability that sticks a much greater area
at even a factor of one half the bulk coefficient, resulting in a higher Stuck Tendency Coefficient.
Generally for direct Kst readings, use the radius'd plate, since only in the case of high caking
drilling fluids will the flat plate provide comparative readings to the radius'd plate. The flat plate
does not take into account collar-to-well bore or drill stem-to-casing geometry for the caking area
component of the Kst coefficient. The difference between the flat plate and radius'd plate in the
Ksc measurements is that the radius'd plate requires measuring stuck area dome diameters less
than 2" (5.08 cm), as well as getting average edge height readings, as is done with both. The
thickness of the cake and the type of plate used determine the parameters for calculation of Kst
and Ksc.
A. Conditions for type of torque plate and drilling fluid cake types are listed below:
Sample contact equal to 1 inch (2.54 cm) radius, edge effects ignored
Sample contact equal to 1 inch (2.54 cm) radius, edge effects considered
2. Flat Plate
Sample contact always equal to 1 inch (2.54 cm), edge effects considered
NOTE: The flat plate will always have a 1 inch (2.54 cm), stuck radius and will
always have at least some edge effects.
In taking into account the edge effects on either plate, the assumption is made that the full pressure of
477.5 psi (3292 kPa) is not achieved on the full height (h) of the cake, but on 2/3 of (h). This is
assumed because the cake is permeable and the pressure drop is a gradient throughout the
thickness of the cake (h) on the vertical edge.
B. Derivation-Bulk Sticking Coefficient
The bulk sticking coefficient (Ksc) is the ratio of the force necessary to initiate sliding (Fs) of the
plate to the normal force (Fn) on the plate.
a. Calculation for use when neglecting edge effects is derived from the measured torque
Tu as follows:
NOTE: R = 1 assumes cake sticking up to, but not around, the edge of the plate.
b. Calculation for use when taking into account the edge effects is derived from the
measured torque as follows:
R = 1 inch and assuming that the 477.5 psi (3292 kPa) on the average is achieved only
2/3 the distance of the cake deposition up the edge:
The differential or normal force (Fn) on the plate is derived by multiplying the area by
the differential pressure:
The bulk sticking coefficient Ksc is the ratio of the sliding force to the normal force:
1. Ignoring edge effects:
NOTE: Kst is not valid for the flat plate because the stuck area is either 0 or
3.14 in2 (R = 1) and not a variable.
D. Example 1.
The drilling fluid sample is mixed and loaded into the cell, then pressurized at 477.5 psi
(3292 kPa) for 10 minutes. The torque plate is seated using the lever and holding for two
minutes. Eight minutes are allowed to pass, then breaking torque is measured in four
breaks, 30 seconds apart, at 36 inch pounds (41.47 kg-cm), 39 inch pounds (44.93 kg-cm),
40 inch pounds (46.08 kg-cm), and 41 inch-pounds (47.23 kg-cm). The drilling fluid sample
has an average .039 Stuck Tendency Coefficient. The pressure is removed and the cell is
opened carefully, leaving the torque plate set in the cake. The cake-torque plate assembly
is washed and the torque plate is turned (not lifted) loose. The diameter of the imprint of the
torque plate impression (smooth domed area) is 1.57 inches (3.95 cm) giving a radius of
0.785 inches (1.98 cm).
Fig. 7
Exploded View Pressure Regulator
Standard laboratory procedures apply to the cleaning of the Differential Sticking Tester. After each test,
the cell should be dis-assembled completely and thoroughly cleaned and dried of all sample and other
contaminants, with particular attention to "O" rings and "O" ring grooves.
Wash and dry the support screen and locking mesh disc.
Wipe spilled sample or other debris from the stand. Some sample materials may damage the finish of
these parts if allowed to remain on them for a long period of time.
A. Cell Maintenance
1. Cell Corrosion
Sample fluids used in this instrument can, at times, cause corrosion of the test cell and cell
cap. The standard cell is made of Type 303 Stainless Steel. Cells are available in other
materials for use where the stainless steel is not suitable because of corrosion problems. An
inspection of the inside of the cell for evidence of corrosion should be made periodically. Light
corrosion may be removed using 320 or finer wet or dry sand paper. Deeper corrosion pitting
may be removed by sand blasting the area of the corrosion. More severe corrosion will
require re-machining or re-surfacing the inside of the cell. If severe corrosion is evident, the
cell should be replaced.
2. "O" Rings
Inspect all "O" rings as they are being cleaned for cuts or nicks. Replace any damaged "O"
rings. Lubricate "O" rings before they are installed. For most applications, laboratory stop
cock grease is satisfactory; however, since some "O" rings come into contact with the sample,
care should be taken that the lubricant is compatible with the sample.
3. Valve Stems
A metal to metal pressure tight seal is made between the valve stem and its seat. Leaks can
occur if either the valve stem or seat is damaged. The cone point of the valve stem may be
inspected for damage by removing the valve stem from the cap or body. If the point is
damaged, replace the valve stem. If the point appears to be in good condition, the seat in the
cell or cap may be rough. A 5/16 inch drill bit can be used to resurface the seat, or a special
tool (38717) may be used. Valve stems should be inspected for possible plugging of the
passages by dried sample. A small drill or wire can be used to insure that both the cross bore
and the main passage openings are clear.
B. Safety Considerations of Pressure Systems
Safe operation of pressurized equipment requires the pressurizing system be properly maintained.
Specific procedures for the safe use of pressure regulators are listed below:
1. Never subject a regulator to inlet pressure greater than its rated inlet pressure, as shown on
the regulator body.
2. Never use the regulator for gases other than those for which it is intended.
3. All connections to the regulator must be clean. Remove oil, grease, or other contaminants
from external surfaces of the regulator and metal connecting parts.
4. Before attaching regulator to the cylinder, remove any dirt or foreign matter that may be in the
cylinder valve outlet by wiping with a clean, lint free cloth.
5. Never pressurize a regulator that has loose or damaged parts or is in questionable condition.
Never loosen or attempt to tighten a connection or a part until the gas pressure has been
relieved. Under pressure, gas can dangerously propel a loose part.
7. Keep cylinder hand wheel or wrench on open cylinder valve at all times, for prompt emergency
8. Check regulator and all connections for leaks after installation, periodically thereafter, and
after any service in which parts or connections were disconnected and reconnected, using a
soap solution around fittings to find small leaks. Bubbles will indicate a leak.
C. Regulator Troubleshooting
The primary causes of regulator problems are leaking fittings or faulty pins and seats.
Rarely does a diaphragm rupture. If a regulator will not hold pressure:
Pressure the system and look for escaping gas in the form of bubbles. This can be
done by applying soap suds to the possible leak area, or the regulator assembly,
except for the gauge, may be submerged in water. Repair by dis-assembling and
applying tape thread sealant.
2. A faulty pin and seat will usually be evidenced by leakage through the regulator to
the down stream side as opposed to external leakage. Check for bubbles coming
out of the regulator when it is supposed to be shut off.
Some of the more common symptoms of a possibly faulty regulator are listed below:
1. Gas leaking at the regulator outlet when the adjusting screw is completely released
2. With no flow through the system (downstream valves closed and adjusting screw in),
working pressure increasing steadily above set pressure.
D. Regulator Repair
Using a wrench on the hex of the spring cap, unscrew the spring case. All parts down to
and including the diaphragm will remain in the spring case.
Remove the thrust plate, then unscrew the retainer and remove the seat with the pin.
1. Thorough cleaning of all parts is essential. Make sure that small orifices are open.
2. Make sure all diaphragm, gaskets, "O" rings and other non-metal parts are not brittle,
cracked or misshaped.
4. Use pipe thread compound (pipe dope) on all pipe threaded fittings as they are
Replace the seat and pin by installing the retrofit kit, then reassemble the regulator.
Always pressure test a regulator that has just been repaired. Use the list of symptoms
above as a check list.
Warranty and Returns
Fann Instrument Company warrants its products to be free from defects in material and
workmanship for a period of 12 months from the time of shipment. If repair or
adjustment is necessary, and has not been the result of abuse or misuse within the 12-
month period, please return, freight prepaid, and correction of the defect will be made
without charge.
Out of warranty products will be repaired for a nominal charge.
Please refer to the accompanying warranty statement enclosed with the product
Return of Items
For your protection, items being returned must be carefully packed to prevent damage in
shipment and insured against possible damage or loss. Fann will not be responsible for
damage resulting from careless or insufficient packing.
Before returning items for any reason, authorization must be obtained from Fann
Instrument Company. When applying for authorization, please include information
regarding the reason the items are to be returned.