2014 Murano Owner Manual PDF
2014 Murano Owner Manual PDF
2014 Murano Owner Manual PDF
2014 M U RAN O
The following advisory is provided: “Per- All rights reserved. No part of this Owner’s
chlorate Material - special handling may Manual may be reproduced or stored in a
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prior written permission of Nissan Motor Co.,
In case of emergency 6
Index 10
0 Illustrated table of contents
Seats, seat belts and Supplemental Restraint Passenger compartment ......................................................... 0-8
System (SRS) ............................................................................ 0-2 Hardtop models ................................................................. 0-8
Hardtop models ................................................................... 0-2 CrossCabriolet models .................................................... 0-9
CrossCabriolet models ...................................................... 0-3 Cockpit ..................................................................................... 0-10
Exterior front ............................................................................... 0-4 Instrument panel .................................................................... 0-12
Hardtop models ................................................................... 0-4 Meters and gauges ............................................................... 0-13
CrossCabriolet models ...................................................... 0-5 Engine compartment ............................................................ 0-14
Exterior rear ................................................................................ 0-6 VQ35DE engine ............................................................. 0-14
Hardtop models ................................................................... 0-6 Warning and indicator lights .............................................. 0-15
CrossCabriolet models ...................................................... 0-7
1. Rear center seat belt (P.1-23)
2. Head restraints (P.1-11)
— Front-seat Active Head Restraints (P.1-14)
3. Seat belts (P.1-15)
4. Armrest (P.1-15)
5. Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and rollover
supplemental air bags (P.1-46)
6. Supplemental front-impact air bags (P.1-46)
7. Child restraint anchor points (for top tether strap
child restraint) (P.1-42)
8. LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHil-
dren) system (P.1-31)
9. Rear seats (P.1-9)
— Child restraints (P.1-29)
10. Front seat-mounted side-impact supplemental
air bags (P.1-46)
11. Seat belt pretensioner (P.1-59)
12. Front seats (P.1-3)
13. Occupant classification sensor (pattern sensor)
— Advanced Air Bag System (P.1-52)
Warning Name Page
Name Page light
All-Wheel Drive (AWD) LOCK
All-Wheel Drive (AWD) warning 2-17
2-12 indicator light (AWD models)*
light (AWD models)*
Blind Spot Warning (BSW)
Anti-lock Braking System light (green)*
(ABS) warning light Continuously Variable Trans-
mission (CVT) position indicator 2-17
Blind Spot Warning (BSW) light
light (orange)*
Cruise indicator light 2-17
When adjusting the seat positions, be
sure not to contact any moving parts to
avoid possible injuries and/or da-
well back in the seat with both feet mages.
WARNING on the floor and adjust the seat
properly. See “Precautions on seat
. Do not ride in a moving vehicle belt usage” later in this section.
when the seatback is reclined. This
. After adjustment, gently rock in the
can be dangerous. The shoulder belt
seat to make sure it is securely
will not be against your body. In an
accident, you could be thrown into it
and receive neck or other serious . Do not leave children unattended
injuries. You could also slide under inside the vehicle. They could un-
the lap belt and receive serious knowingly activate switches or con-
internal injuries. trols. Unattended children could
become involved in serious acci-
. For the most effective protection
when the vehicle is in motion, the
seat should be upright. Always sit
1-2 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
SSS0792 JVR0034X
FRONT SEATS seatback for occupants of different sizes for Sliding front passenger seat (CrossCab-
added comfort and to help obtain proper seat riolet models):
Manual seat adjustment belt fit. (See “Precautions on seat belt usage” To slide the front passenger seat from the front
Forward and backward: later in this section.) Also, the seatback can be most position to the rear most position, push the
Pull the lever *
1 up and hold it while you slide reclined to allow occupants to rest when the bottom half of the seatback * A or the front seat
the seat forward or backward to the desired vehicle is stopped and the transmission in the P cushion * B . If you push the top half of the
position. Release the lever to lock the seat in (Park) position. seatback * C , it will lock the seat in the front
position. most position.
To recline the seatback, pull the lever *
2 up and
lean back. To bring the seatback forward, pull
the lever up and lean your body forward. Release
the lever to lock the seatback in position.
The reclining feature allows adjustment of the
Reclining: vehicle is stopped and the transmission is in the Seat lifter (if so equipped):
Move the recline switch * A backward until the P (Park) position. Push the front or rear end of the switch up or
desired angle is obtained. To bring the seatback down to adjust the angle of the front portion or
forward again, move the switch * A forward. height of the seat.
Push and hold the back * 2 end of the reclining
switch *B until the desired angle is obtained.
To bring the seatback forward again, push and
hold the front *1 end of the switch (Cross-
Cabriolet models driver’s seat only).
The reclining feature allows adjustment of the
seatback for occupants of different sizes for
added comfort and to help obtain proper seat
belt fit. (See “Precautions on seat belt usage”
later in this section.) Also, the seatback can be
reclined to allow occupants to rest when the
1-6 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
Walk-in function (front passenger seat,
CrossCabriolet models):
. When operating the walk-in func-
tion, be sure not to contact any
moving parts to avoid possible in-
juries and/or damages.
. When operating the walk-in func-
tion, be sure that the front passen-
ger seat is not occupied by a
SSS1028 SSS1172 passenger and/or any objects to
Front passenger’s seatback switch avoid possible injuries and/or da-
Lumbar support (if so equipped): mages.
The lumbar support feature provides lower back . After operating the walk-in function,
support to the driver. be sure to return the seat to the
Push the front *1 or back *2 end of the switch rearmost position and then tilt up
to adjust the seatback lumbar area. the seatback until it latches.
SSS0569 SSS0821
To raise the head restraint, pull it up. To lower, push and hold the lock knob and push Removal
the head restraint down.
Use the following procedure to remove the
adjustable head restraints.
1. Pull the head restraint up to the highest
2. Push and hold the lock knob.
3. Remove the head restraint from the seat.
4. Store the head restraint properly in a secure
place so it is not loose in the vehicle.
5. Reinstall and properly adjust the head
restraint before an occupant uses the
seating position.
SSS0996 SSS0508
SSS0134 SSS0014
SSS1181 . When entering or exiting the rear
seat, or inserting or retrieving lug-
Seat belt guide (front seats, CrossCab- gage with the seatback folded
riolet models) down, always release the seat belt
guide. Otherwise, the seat belt
When the seat belt guide is used with the front
guide may be damaged.
seat, the seat belt can easily be pulled out.
. Do not fold the seat forward or pull
Release the seat belt guide, clip the seat belt
it backward by holding the seat belt
and install the seat belt guide again.
guide in your hand. Doing so may
When using the seat belt guide, do not allow it damage the seat belt guide.
to twist.
Rear center seat belt (Hardtop models) The center seat belt buckle and the tongue are
WARNING identified by the CENTER mark. The center seat
The rear center seat belt has a connector tongue
belt tongue can be fastened only into the center
* 1 and a seat belt tongue * 2 . Both the
seat belt buckle.
connector tongue and the seat belt tongue must . Always fasten the connector tongue
be securely latched for proper seat belt opera- and the seat belt in the order shown.
tion. . Always make sure both the connec-
tor tongue and the seat belt tongue
are secured when using the seat
belt or installing a child restraint. Do
not use the seat belt or child
restraint with only the seat belt
tongue attached. This could result
in serious personal injury in case of
an accident or a sudden stop.
. Do not unfasten the rear center seat
belt connector except when folding
down the rear seat.
. When attaching the rear center seat
belt connector, be certain that the
seatbacks are completely secured in
the latched position and the rear
center seat belt connector is com-
SSS0225 pletely secured.
. If the rear center seat belt connector
and the seatbacks are not secured
1-24 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
Attaching rear center seat belt: seatbacks are completely secured in
Always be sure the rear center seat belt the latched position and the rear
connector tongue and connector buckle are center seat belt connector is com-
attached. Disconnect only when folding down pletely secured.
the rear seat. . If the rear center seat belt connector
To connect the buckle: and the seatbacks are not secured
1. Pull out the connector tongue from the in the correct position, serious per-
retractor base *
1 . sonal injury may result in an acci-
dent or sudden stop.
2. Pull out the seat belt tongue from the
retractor base *
2 .
. Do not unfasten the rear center seat
belt connector except when folding
SSS0232 down the rear seat.
. When attaching the rear center seat
belt connector, be certain that the
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-25
purchasing an extender if an extender is . If dirt builds up in the shoulder belt
required. guide of the seat belt anchors, the seat
belts may retract slowly. Wipe the shoulder
belt guide with a clean, dry cloth.
WARNING . Periodically check to see that the seat
belt and the metal components, such as
. Only NISSAN seat belt extenders,
buckles, tongues, retractors, flexible wires
made by the same company which
and anchors, work properly. If loose parts,
made the original equipment seat
deterioration, cuts or other damage on the
belts, should be used with NISSAN
webbing is found, the entire seat belt
seat belts.
assembly should be replaced.
. Adults and children who can use the
standard seat belt should not use an
SSS0235 extender. Such unnecessary use
could result in serious personal
Storing rear seat belt buckles (Hardtop injury in the event of an accident.
models) . Never use seat belt extenders to
Before folding down the seat, put the buckles in install child restraints. If the child
the storage of the seat cushion to avoid restraint is not secured properly, the
dropping it under the seat cushion. child could be seriously injured in a
SEAT BELT EXTENDERS collision or a sudden stop.
If, because of body size or driving position, it is
not possible to properly fit the lap-shoulder belt
and fasten it, an extender that is compatible with . To clean the seat belt webbing, apply a
the installed seat belts is available that can be mild soap solution or any solution recom-
purchased. The extender adds approximately 8 mended for cleaning upholstery or carpets.
in (200 mm) of length and may be used for either Then wipe with a cloth and allow the seat
the driver or front passenger seating position. belts to dry in the shade. Do not allow the
See a NISSAN dealer for assistance with seat belts to retract until they are completely
1-26 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
may also be released. Release the rear-facing child restraints and are at least 1
connector tongue * 1 by inserting a year old. Booster seats are used to help position
suitable tool (such as a key) into the a vehicle lap/shoulder belt on a child who can no
connector buckle * A . If the seat belt longer use a forward-facing child restraint.
cannot be unbuckled or is already
unbuckled, release the child by cutting WARNING
the seat belt with a suitable tool (such
as a knife or scissors) to release the Infants and children need special pro-
seat belt. tection. The vehicle’s seat belts may not
fit them properly. The shoulder belt may
Children need adults to help protect them. come too close to the face or neck. The
They need to be properly restrained. lap belt may not fit over their small hip
JVR0183X bones. In an accident, an improperly
In addition to the general information in this
fitting seat belt could cause serious or
manual, child safety information is available from
fatal injury. Always use appropriate
many other sources, including doctors, teachers,
WARNING child restraints.
government traffic safety offices, and community
organizations. Every child is different, so be sure
Do not allow children to play with the to learn the best way to transport your child. All U.S. states and Canadian provinces or
seat belts. Most seating positions are territories require the use of approved child
There are three basic types of child restraint
equipped with Automatic Locking Re- restraints for infants and small children. See
tractor (ALR) mode seat belts. If the “Child restraints” later in this section.
seat belt becomes wrapped around a . Rear-facing child restraint
A child restraint may be secured in the vehicle
child’s neck with the ALR mode acti- . Forward-facing child restraint by using either the LATCH (Lower Anchor and
vated, the child can be seriously injured . Booster seat Tethers for CHildren) system or with the vehicle
or killed if the seat belt retracts and The proper restraint depends on the child’s size. seat belt. See “Child restraints” later in this
becomes tight. This can occur even if Generally, infants up to about 1 year and less section for more information.
the vehicle is parked. Unbuckle the seat than 20 lbs (9 kg) should be placed in rear- NISSAN recommends that all pre-teens
belt to release the child. For the center facing child restraints. Forward-facing child and children be restrained in the rear seat.
of the rear seat, the connector tongue restraints are available for children who outgrow Studies show that children are safer when
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-27
properly restrained in the rear seat than in placed in child restraints that comply with Once the child has grown so the shoulder belt
the front seat. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or is no longer on or near the face and neck, and
This is especially important because your Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. You the lap belt can be positioned properly across
vehicle has a supplemental restraint sys- should choose a child restraint that fits your the lower hips or upper thighs, use the seat belt
tem (Air bag system) for the front passen- vehicle and always follow the manufacturer’s without the booster seat.
ger. See “Supplemental restraint system” instructions for installation and use.
later in this section. LARGER CHILDREN WARNING
INFANTS Children should remain in a forward-facing child
Infants up to at least 1 year old should be placed restraint with a harness until they reach the Never let a child stand or kneel on any
in a rear-facing child restraint. NISSAN recom- maximum height or weight limit allowed by the seat and do not allow a child in the
mends that infants be placed in child restraints child restraint manufacturer. cargo area. The child could be seriously
that comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Once a child outgrows the height or weight limit injured or killed in a sudden stop or
Standards or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety of the harness-equipped forward-facing child collision.
Standards. You should choose a child restraint restraint, NISSAN recommends that the child be
that fits your vehicle and always follow the placed in a commercially available booster seat
manufacturer’s instructions for installation and to obtain proper seat belt fit. For a seat belt to fit
use. properly, the booster seat should raise the child
SMALL CHILDREN so that the shoulder belt is properly positioned
across the chest and the top, middle portion of
Children that are over 1 year old and weigh at
the shoulder. The shoulder belt should not cross
least 20 lbs (9 kg) should remain in a rear-facing
the neck or face and should not fall off the
child restraint as long as possible up to the
shoulder. The lap belt should lie snugly across
height or weight limit of the child restraint.
the lower hips or upper thighs, not the abdomen.
Children who outgrow the height or weight limit
of the rear-facing child restraint and are at least A booster seat can only be used in seating
1 year old should be secured in a forward-facing positions that have a three-point type seat belt.
child restraint with a harness. Refer to the The booster seat should fit the vehicle seat and
manufacturer’s instructions for minimum and have a label certifying that it complies with
maximum weight and height recommendations. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or
NISSAN recommends that small children be Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
1-28 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
Failure to follow the warnings and
instructions for proper use and installa-
tion of child restraints could result in
serious injury or death of a child or
other passengers in a sudden stop or
. Attach LATCH system compatible
child restraints only at the locations
shown in the illustration.
. Do not secure a child restraint in the
SSS0933 center rear seating position using
LATCH label location (CrossCabriolet models) the LATCH lower anchors. The child
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-31
SSS0637 SSS0643 SSS0644
LATCH lower anchor location LATCH webbing-mounted attachment LATCH rigid-mounted attachment
LATCH lower anchor location Installing child restraint LATCH lower If your vehicle is equipped with a top tether
anchor attachments anchor, it must be used when installing child
The LATCH anchors are located at the rear of
restraints with the LATCH lower anchor attach-
the seat cushion near the seatback. A label is LATCH compatible child restraints include two
ments or seat belts. See “Top tether anchor
attached to the seatback to help you locate the rigid or webbing-mounted attachments that can
(Hardtop models)” later in this section for
LATCH anchors. be connected to two anchors located at certain
installation instructions (Hardtop models).
seating positions in your vehicle. With this
system, you do not have to use a vehicle seat When installing a child restraint, carefully read
belt to secure the child restraint. Check your and follow the instructions in this manual and
child restraint for a label stating that it is those supplied with the child restraint.
compatible with LATCH. This information may
also be in the instructions provided by the child
restraint manufacturer.
. The three-point seat belt with Auto-
matic Locking Retractor (ALR) must
be used when installing a child
SSS0639 SSS0650 restraint. Failure to use the ALR
Rear-facing — step 3 Rear-facing — step 4 mode will result in the child re-
2. Secure the child restraint anchor attach- 4. After attaching the child restraint, test it straint not being properly secured.
ments to the LATCH lower anchors. Check before you place the child in it. Push it from The restraint could tip over or be
to make sure the LATCH attachment is side to side while holding the child restraint loose and cause injury to a child in a
properly attached to the lower anchors. near the LATCH attachment path. The child sudden stop or collision. Also, it can
restraint should not move more than 1 inch change the operation of the front
3. For child restraints that are equipped with
(25 mm), from side to side. Try to tug it passenger air bag. See “Front pas-
webbing-mounted attachments, remove any
forward and check to see if the LATCH senger air bag and status light”
additional slack from the anchor attach-
attachment holds the restraint in place. If the later in this section.
ments. Press downward and rearward firmly
in the center of the child restraint with your restraint is not secure, tighten the LATCH . When installing a child restraint
hand to compress the vehicle seat cushion attachment as necessary, or put the restraint system in the rear center position,
and seatback while tightening the webbing in another seat and test it again. You may both the center seat belt connector
of the anchor attachments. need to try a different child restraint or try tongue and buckle tongue must be
installing by using the vehicle seat belt (if secured. See “Rear center seat belt
applicable). Not all child restraints fit in all (Hardtop models)” earlier in this
types of vehicles.
1-34 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
section. (Hardtop models)
SSS0100 SSS0654
Rear-facing — step 1 Rear-facing — step 2
Refer to all Warnings and Cautions in the “Child 2. Route the seat belt tongue through the child
safety” earlier in this section and “Child re- restraint and insert it into the buckle until you
straints” earlier in this section before installing a hear and feel the latch engage. Be sure to
child restraint. follow the child restraint manufacturer’s
Follow these steps to install a rear-facing child instructions for belt routing.
restraint using the vehicle seat belts in the rear
1. Child restraints for infants must be
used in the rear-facing direction and
therefore must not be used in the front
seat. Position the child restraint on the seat.
Always follow the restraint manufacturer’s
SSS0653 SSS0641
Forward-facing — step 6 Forward-facing — step 8
6. Remove any additional slack from the seat 8. After attaching the child restraint, test it
belt; press downward and rearward firmly in before you place the child in it. Push it from
the center of the child restraint with your side to side while holding the child restraint
knee to compress the vehicle seat cushion near the seat belt path. The child restraint
and seatback while pulling up on the seat should not move more than 1 inch (25 mm),
belt. from side to side. Try to tug it forward and
7. Tighten the tether strap according to the check to see if the belt holds the restraint in
manufacturer’s instructions to remove any place. If the restraint is not secure, tighten
slack. the seat belt as necessary, or put the
restraint in another seat and test it again.
You may need to try a different child
restraint. Not all child restraints fit in all
types of vehicles.
9. Check to make sure the child restraint is
properly secured prior to each use. If the
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-41
Position the top tether strap over the top of
the seatback.
2. Secure the top tether strap to the tether
anchor point on the back of the seatback
behind the child restraint.
3. Refer to the appropriate child restraint
installation procedure steps in this section
before tightening the tether strap.
If you have any questions when installing a
top tether strap, consult your NISSAN
dealer for details.
SSS0823 SSS0822
Forward-facing — step 10 Precautions on booster seats
10. If the child restraint is installed in the front
passenger seat, place the ignition switch in (Hardtop models)
First, secure the child restraint with the LATCH
the ON position. The front passenger air bag
status light should illuminate. If this light lower anchors (rear outboard seat positions If a booster seat and seat belt are not
is not illuminated, see “Front passenger air only) or the seat belt, as applicable. used properly, the risk of a child being
bag and status light” later in this section. 1. If necessary, raise or remove the head injured in a sudden stop or collision
Move the child restraint to another restraint or headrest to position the top greatly increases:
seating position. Have the system tether strap over the top of the seatback. If
checked by a NISSAN dealer. . Make sure the shoulder portion of
the head restraint or headrest is removed,
the belt is away from the child’s face
After the child restraint is removed and the seat store it in a secure place. Be sure to reinstall
and neck and the lap portion of the
belt is fully retracted, the ALR mode (child the head restraint or headrest when the child
belt does not cross the stomach.
restraint mode) is canceled. restraint is removed.
. Make sure the shoulder belt is not
See “Head restraints” earlier in this section
behind the child or under the child’s
for head restraint or headrest adjustment,
removal and installation information.
1-42 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
. A booster seat must only be in-
stalled in a seating position that has
a lap/shoulder belt.
LRS0455 LRS0453
Booster seats of various sizes are offered by . Make sure the child’s head will be properly
several manufacturers. When selecting any supported by the booster seat or vehicle
booster seat, keep the following points in mind: seat. The seatback must be at or above the
. Choose only a booster seat with a label center of the child’s ears. For example, if a
certifying that it complies with Federal Motor low back booster seat * 1 is chosen, the
Vehicle Safety Standard 213 or Canadian vehicle seatback must be at or above the
Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213. center of the child’s ears. If the seatback is
. Check the booster seat in your vehicle to be lower than the center of the child’s ears, a
sure it is compatible with the vehicle’s seat high back booster seat * 2 should be used.
and seat belt system. . If the booster seat is compatible with your
vehicle, place your child in the booster seat
and check the various adjustments to be
sure the booster seat is compatible with
your child. Always follow all recommended
LRS0464 SSS0640
All U.S. states and Canadian provinces or 1. If you must install a booster seat in the
territories require that infants and small front seat, move the seat to the rear-
children be restrained in an approved child most position.
restraint at all times while the vehicle is 2. Position the booster seat on the seat. Only
being operated. place it in a forward-facing direction. Always
The instructions in this section apply to booster follow the booster seat manufacturer’s
seat installation in the rear seats or the front instructions.
passenger seat.
Booster seat installation
Do not use the lap/shoulder belt Auto-
matic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode
1-44 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
is interfering with the proper booster seat fit,
try another seating position or a different
booster seat.
4. Position the lap portion of the seat belt low
and snug on the child’s hips. Be sure to
follow the booster seat manufacturer’s
instructions for adjusting the seat belt
5. Pull the shoulder belt portion of the seat belt
toward the retractor to take up extra slack.
Be sure the shoulder belt is positioned
across the top, middle portion of the child’s
shoulder. Be sure to follow the booster seat SSS0823
manufacturer’s instructions for adjusting the
Front passenger position
seat belt routing. 7. If the booster seat is installed in the front
3. The booster seat should be positioned on passenger seat, place the ignition switch in
the vehicle seat so that it is stable. 6. Follow the warnings, cautions and instruc-
tions for properly fastening a seat belt the ON position. The front passenger air bag
If necessary, adjust or remove the head shown in “Seat belts” earlier in this section. status light may or may not illuminate
restraint or headrest to obtain the correct depending on the size of the child and the
booster seat fit. If the head restraint or type of booster seat used. See “Front
headrest is removed, store it in a secure passenger air bag and status light” later in
place. Be sure to reinstall the head this section.
restraint or headrest when the booster
seat is removed. See “Head restraints”
earlier in this section for head restraint or
headrest adjustment, removal and installa-
tion information.
If the seating position does not have an
adjustable head restraint or headrest and it
PRECAUTIONS ON SUPPLEMENTAL Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and should always be correctly worn and the
RESTRAINT SYSTEM rollover supplemental air bag system (for occupant seated a suitable distance away from
Hardtop models): This system can help the steering wheel, instrument panel and door
This Supplemental Restraint System (SRS)
cushion the impact force to the head of finishers. (See “Seat belts” earlier in this section
section contains important information concern-
occupants in front and rear outboard seating for instructions and precautions on seat belt
ing the following systems:
positions in certain side impact or rollover usage.)
. Driver and passenger supplemental front- collisions. In a side impact, the curtain and The supplemental air bags operate only
impact air bag (NISSAN Advanced Air Bag rollover air bags are designed to inflate on the when the ignition switch is in the ON
System) side where the vehicle is impacted. In a rollover, position.
. Front seat-mounted side-impact supple- the curtain and rollover air bags on both sides
mental air bag After pushing the ignition switch to the ON
are designed to inflate. Under both side-impact
position, the supplemental air bag warning
. Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and roll- and rollover situations, the curtain air bags will
light illuminates. The supplemental air bag
over supplemental air bag (for Hardtop remain inflated for a short period of time.
warning light will turn off after about 7
models) Door-mounted curtain side-impact and seconds if the systems are operational.
. Door-mounted curtain side-impact and roll- rollover supplemental air bag system (for
over supplemental air bag (for CrossCabrio- CrossCabriolet models): This system can
let models) help cushion the impact force to the heads of
. Seat belt pretensioner the driver and front passenger in certain side-
Supplemental front-impact air bag system: impact or rollover collisions. In a side impact, the
The NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System can curtain and rollover air bags are designed to
help cushion the impact force to the head and inflate on the side where the vehicle is impacted.
chest of the driver and front passenger in certain In a rollover, the curtain and rollover air bags on
frontal collisions. both sides are designed to inflate. Under both
side-impact and rollover situations, the curtain
Front seat-mounted side-impact supple-
air bags will remain inflated for a short period of
mental air bag system: This system can help
cushion the impact force to the chest area of the
driver and front passenger in certain side impact These supplemental restraint systems are de-
collisions. The side air bags are designed to signed to supplement the crash protection
inflate on the side where the vehicle is impacted. provided by the driver and passenger seat belts
and are not a substitute for them. Seat belts
1-46 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
. The front air bags ordinarily will not
inflate in the event of a side impact,
rear impact, rollover, or lower se-
verity frontal collision. Always wear
your seat belts to help reduce the
risk or severity of injury in various
kinds of accidents.
. The front passenger air bag will not
inflate if the passenger air bag
status light is lit or if the front
passenger seat is unoccupied. See
“Front passenger air bag and status
light” later in this section.
. The seat belts and the front air bags
are most effective when you are
sitting well back and upright in the
seat with both feet on the floor. The
front air bags inflate with great
force. Even with the NISSAN Ad-
vanced Air Bag System, if you are
unrestrained, leaning forward, sit-
ting sideways or out of position in
any way, you are at greater risk of
injury or death in a crash. You may
SSS0132 also receive serious or fatal injuries
from the front air bag if you are up
against it when it inflates. Always sit
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-47
back against the seatback and as crease the risk that they are injured
far-away as practical from the steer- if the front air bag inflates.
ing wheel or instrument panel. Al-
ways use the seat belts.
. The driver and front passenger seat
belt buckles are equipped with
sensors that detect if the seat belts
are fastened. The Advanced Air Bag
System monitors the severity of a
collision and seat belt usage then
inflates the air bags as needed.
Failure to properly wear seat belts
can increase the risk or severity of SSS0007
injury in an accident.
. The front passenger seat is
equipped with an occupant classifi-
cation sensor (pattern sensor) that
turns the front passenger air bag
OFF under some conditions. This
sensor is only used in this seat.
Failure to be properly seated and
wearing the seat belt can increase
the risk or severity of injury in an
accident. See “Front passenger air
bag and status light” later in this
. Keep hands on the outside of the
steering wheel. Placing them inside
the steering wheel rim could in-
1-48 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
. Never let children ride unrestrained
or extend their hands or face out of
the window. Do not attempt to hold
them in your lap or arms. Some
examples of dangerous riding posi-
tions are shown in the illustrations.
. Children may be severely injured or
killed when the front air bags, side
air bags or curtain and rollover air
bags inflate if they are not properly
SSS0008 SSS0099
restrained. Pre-teens and children
should be properly restrained in the
rear seat, if possible.
. Even with the NISSAN Advanced Air
Bag System, never install a rear-
facing child restraint in the front
seat. An inflating front air bag could
seriously injure or kill your child.
See “Child restraints” earlier in this
section for details.
SSS0009 SSS0100
Front seat-mounted side-impact sup-
plemental air bags and roof-mounted
curtain side-impact and rollover supple-
mental air bags (Hardtop models) or
door-mounted curtain side-impact and
rollover supplemental air bags (Cross-
Cabriolet models):
. The side air bags and curtain air
bags ordinarily will not inflate in the
SSS0162 event of a frontal impact, rear im-
SSS0188A pact or lower severity side collision.
Always wear your seat belts to help
1-50 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
reduce the risk or severity of injury . Do not use seat covers on the front
in various kinds of accidents. seatbacks. They may interfere with
. The seat belts and air bags are most side air bag inflation.
effective when you are sitting well
back and upright in the seat with
both feet on the floor. The air bags
inflate with great force. Do not allow
anyone to place their hand, leg or
face near the side air bag on the
side of the seatback of the front
seat, near the side roof rails (Hard-
top models), or near the top of the
door finisher (CrossCabriolet mod-
els). Do not allow anyone sitting in
the front seats or rear outboard
seats to extend their hand out of
the window or lean against the
door. Some examples of dangerous
riding positions are shown in the
previous illustrations.
. When sitting in the rear seat, do not
hold onto the seatback of the front
seat. If the side air bag inflates, you
may be seriously injured. Be espe-
cially careful with children, who
should always be properly re-
strained. Some examples of danger-
ous riding positions are shown in
the illustrations.
Hardtop models
1. Crash zone sensor 6. Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and rollover
2. Supplemental front-impact air bag modules supplemental air bags
3. Front seat-mounted side-impact supplemental 7. Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and rollover
air bag modules supplemental air bag inflators
4. Occupant classification sensor (pattern sensor) 8. Seat belt pretensioners
5. Occupant classification system control unit 9. Satellite sensors
SSS1016 SPA1097
If the supplemental air bag warning
LABELS LIGHT bags and/or pretensioner systems will
Warning labels about the supplemental front- The supplemental air bag warning light, display- not operate in an accident. To help
impact air bag system are placed in the vehicle ing in the instrument panel, monitors the avoid injury to yourself or others, have
as shown in the illustration. circuits for the air bag systems, pretensioner your vehicle checked by a NISSAN
seat belt system and all related wiring. dealer as soon as possible.
SRS air bag
When the ignition switch is in the ON position,
The warning labels * 1 are located on the
the supplemental air bag warning light illumi- REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PRO-
surface of the sun visors.
nates for about 7 seconds and then turns off. CEDURE
This means the SRS air bag systems are The front air bags, side air bags, curtain and
operational. rollover air bags and pretensioners are designed
If any of the following conditions occur, the air to activate on a one-time-only basis. As a
bags and/or pretensioner systems need servi- reminder, unless it is damaged, the supplemen-
cing: tal air bag warning light will remain illuminated
after inflation has occurred. Repair and replace-
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-61
ment of these systems should be done only by a end or side portion of the vehicle.
NISSAN dealer.
. If you need to dispose of a supple-
When maintenance work is required on the mental air bag or pretensioner sys-
vehicle, the front air bags, side air bags, curtain tems, or scrap the vehicle, contact a
and rollover air bags and pretensioners and NISSAN dealer. Correct supplemen-
related parts should be pointed out to the tal air bag and pretensioner system
person performing the maintenance. The ignition disposal procedures are set forth in
switch should always be in the LOCK position the appropriate NISSAN Service
when working under the hood or inside the Manual. Incorrect disposal proce-
vehicle. dures could cause personal injury.
. Once a front air bag, side air bag or
curtain and rollover air bag has DUAL POP-UP ROLL BAR SYSTEM
inflated, the air bag module will (CrossCabriolet models)
not function again and must be The dual pop-up roll bars are designed to
replaced. Additionally, the activated deploy only during rollover collisions. The dual
pretensioners must also be re- pop-up roll bars are located behind the rear
placed. The air bag module and seatback and deploy when the Air bag Control
pretensioner system should be re- Unit (ACU) judges that the vehicle will overturn.
placed by a NISSAN dealer. The air The dual pop-up roll bars, with proper seat belt
bag modules and pretensioner sys- usage, help preserve occupant headroom in a
tem cannot be repaired. rollover collision and can help reduce the risk of
. The front air bag, side air bag and occupant injury.
curtain and rollover air bag systems,
and pretensioner system should be
inspected by a NISSAN dealer if
there is any damage to the front
1-62 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
the dual pop-up roll bar to not
WARNING operate properly.
. Never allow anyone other than a
Failure to follow the warnings and
NISSAN dealer to retract or repair
instructions in this section may result
the dual pop-up roll bars. Always
in serious injury or death.
contact a NISSAN dealer after dual
. The dual pop-up roll bars deploy pop-up roll bars deploy.
upward at a high speed when acti-
vated. Keep hands and other body
parts away from the dual pop-up roll
. Never place objects (such as um-
brellas or accessories) near the dual
pop-up roll bars, which deploy from
the top of rear seatback. Such
objects can become dangerous pro-
jectiles when dual pop-up roll bars
. Tampering with the dual pop-up roll
bars may cause them to uninten-
tionally deploy or operate abnor-
. Never open the dual pop-up roll bar
covers or modify or disassemble the
dual pop-up roll bars.
. Do not sit, place a heavy object, or
apply a strong load on the dual pop-
up roll bar cover. Doing so could
cause damage to the cover or cause
Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-63
Cockpit ........................................................................................ 2-3 Rear window and outside mirror defroster switch ....... 2-36
Instrument panel ........................................................................ 2-4 Headlight and turn signal switch ....................................... 2-37
Meters and gauges ................................................................... 2-5 Xenon headlights (if so equipped) ............................ 2-37
Speedometer and odometer ............................................ 2-6 Headlight switch ............................................................ 2-37
Tachometer ........................................................................... 2-7 Turn signal switch .......................................................... 2-40
Engine coolant temperature gauge ................................ 2-7 Fog light switch (if so equipped) .............................. 2-41
Fuel gauge ............................................................................ 2-8 Horn .......................................................................................... 2-41
Compass (if so equipped) ...................................................... 2-8 Heated steering wheel (if so equipped) ......................... 2-41
Zone variation change procedure ................................ 2-10 Heated seats (if so equipped) ........................................... 2-42
Warning/indicator lights and audible reminders ............ 2-11 Warning systems switch (if so equipped) ...................... 2-43
Checking bulbs ................................................................. 2-12 Clock ........................................................................................ 2-44
Warning lights ................................................................... 2-12 Models with color display ............................................ 2-44
Indicator lights ................................................................... 2-17 Models without color display ...................................... 2-44
Audible reminders ............................................................ 2-20 Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) OFF switch ................. 2-44
Dot matrix liquid crystal display .......................................... 2-20 Power outlet ............................................................................ 2-45
Operational indicators ..................................................... 2-21 Cigarette lighter and ashtray (if so equipped) .............. 2-46
Maintenance indicators ................................................... 2-24 Storage .................................................................................... 2-47
Trip computer .................................................................... 2-25 Cup holders ..................................................................... 2-47
Security systems .................................................................... 2-29 Sunglasses holder (Hardtop models) ....................... 2-48
Vehicle security system (if so equipped) ................... 2-30 Glove box ......................................................................... 2-49
NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System .......................... 2-31 Console box .................................................................... 2-49
Windshield wiper and washer switch ............................... 2-32 Storage box (if so equipped) ...................................... 2-50
Rain-sensing auto wiper system (if so equipped) ..... 2-34 Cargo floor box (if so equipped for
Rear window wiper and washer switch Hardtop models) ............................................................ 2-50
(Hardtop models) ................................................................... 2-35 Luggage side box (Hardtop models) ........................ 2-51
Cargo cover (if so equipped for Mood lights (Hardtop models) .......................................... 2-62
Hardtop models) .............................................................. 2-52 Vanity mirror lights ................................................................. 2-62
Luggage hooks (Hardtop models) ............................... 2-53 Cargo lights (Hardtop models) .......................................... 2-63
Luggage cover (CrossCabriolet models) ................... 2-53 Trunk light (CrossCabriolet models) ................................ 2-63
Roof rack (if so equipped for Hardtop models) ....... 2-54 HomeLink® Universal Transceiver (if so equipped) ...... 2-63
Coat hooks (Hardtop models) ...................................... 2-55 Programming HomeLink® ............................................. 2-64
Windows .................................................................................. 2-55 Programming HomeLink® for Canadian customers
Power windows ................................................................ 2-55 and gate openers ........................................................... 2-65
Moonroof (if so equipped for Hardtop models) ............. 2-58 Operating the HomeLink®
Automatic moonroof and sunshades .......................... 2-59 Universal Transceiver .................................................... 2-66
Interior lights ............................................................................ 2-60 Programming troubleshooting ..................................... 2-66
Map lights ........................................................................... 2-60 Clearing the programmed information ...................... 2-66
Personal lights (Hardtop models) ................................ 2-61 Reprogramming a single HomeLink® button .......... 2-66
Interior light control switch ............................................ 2-61 If your vehicle is stolen ................................................. 2-67
. For cleaning, use a soft cloth, dam-
pened with water. Never use a rough
cloth, alcohol, benzine, thinner or
any kind of solvent or paper towel
with a chemical cleaning agent.
They will scratch or cause discolora-
tion to the lens.
. Do not spray any liquid such as
water on the meter lens. Spraying
liquid may cause the system to
JVI0252X SIC4699
Speedometer Odometer/twin trip odometer
SPEEDOMETER AND ODOMETER Odometer/twin trip odometer
Speedometer The odometer * 1 and twin trip odometer * 2
are displayed when the ignition switch is in the
The speedometer indicates vehicle speed in
ON position.
miles per hour (MPH) and kilometers per hour
(km/h). The odometer records the total distance the
vehicle has been driven.
The twin trip odometer records the distance of
individual trips.
Changing the display:
Pushing the TRIP RESET switch *3 on the right
side of the combination meter panel changes
the display as follows:
2-6 Instruments and controls
normal range, reduce vehicle speed to
decrease temperature. If gauge is over
the normal range, stop the vehicle as
soon as safely possible and let the
engine idle. If the engine is overheated,
continued operation of the vehicle may
seriously damage the engine. See “If
your vehicle overheats” in the “6. In
case of emergency” section for immedi-
ate action required.
JVI0253X SIC4690
When engine speed approaches the red The engine coolant temperature varies with the
zone, shift to a higher gear or reduce outside air temperature and driving conditions.
engine speed. Operating the engine in
the red zone may cause serious engine
damage. CAUTION
If the gauge indicates engine coolant
temperature near the hot (H) end of the
Instruments and controls 2-7
COMPASS (if so equipped)
. If the vehicle runs out of fuel, the
malfunction indicator light (MIL)
may come on. Refuel as soon as
possible. After a few driving trips,
the light should turn off. If the
light remains on after a few driving
JVI0338X trips, have the vehicle inspected by SIC3181
a NISSAN dealer.
FUEL GAUGE When the ignition switch is pushed to the ON
. For additional information, see position, the compass display * B will indicate
The gauge indicates the approximate fuel level “Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL)”
in the tank. the direction of the vehicle’s heading.
later in this section.
The gauge may move slightly during braking,
turning, acceleration, or going up or down hills.
The gauge needle returns to E (Empty) after the
ignition switch is pushed to the OFF position.
Refill the fuel tank before the gauge
registers “E” (Empty).
The low fuel warning appears on the dot
matrix liquid crystal display when the fuel level in If the display reads “C”, calibrate the compass
the tank is getting low. Refuel as soon as it is by driving the vehicle in 3 complete circles at
convenient, preferably before the gauge reaches less than 5 MPH (8 km/h). You can also
“E”. There will be a small reserve of fuel in the calibrate the compass by driving your vehicle
Zone map
OPERATIONAL INDICATORS pushing the ignition switch with the brake pedal 2. Key insertion indicator
depressed. This indicator appears when the key needs to be
1. Engine start operation indicator
You can start the engine directly in any position. inserted into the key port. (For example, the
This indicator appears when the shift lever is in
Intelligent Key battery is discharged.)
the P (Park) position.
If this indicator appears, insert the key into the
This indicator means that the engine will start by
key port in the correct direction. (See “Push-
Instruments and controls 2-21
button ignition switch” in the “5. Starting and more details. 7. Key battery discharge indicator
driving” section.) This indicator appears when the key battery is
5. SHIFT “P” warning
3. Key removal indicator running out of power.
This warning appears when the ignition switch is
This indicator appears when the driver’s door is pushed to stop the engine with the shift lever in If this indicator appears, replace the battery with
opened with the ignition switch in the OFF or any position except the P (Park) position. a new one. (See “Intelligent Key battery replace-
LOCK position and the key placed in the key ment” in the “8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself”
If this warning appears, move the shift lever to
port. A key reminder chime also sounds. section.)
the P (Park) position or push the ignition switch
If this indicator appears, remove the key from the to the ON position. 8. Clean Rear Camera warning (if so
key port and take it with you when leaving the An inside warning chime will also sound. (See equipped)
vehicle. “Intelligent Key system” in the “3. Pre-driving This warning appears if dirt, rain or snow
4. NO KEY warning checks and adjustments” section.) accumulates on the rear camera and cannot
be removed by the automatic washer and
This warning appears in either of the following 6. “PUSH” warning
blower. See “Blind Spot Warning (BSW)/Lane
conditions. This warning appears when the shift lever is Departure Warning (LDW) systems” in the “5.
No key inside the vehicle: moved to the P (Park) position with the ignition Starting and driving” section.
The warning appears when the door is closed switch in the ACC position after the SHIFT “P”
with the Intelligent Key left outside the vehicle warning appears. 9. Parking brake release warning
and the ignition switch in the ACC or ON To push the ignition switch to the OFF position, This warning appears when the vehicle speed is
position. Make sure that the Intelligent Key is perform the following procedure: above 4 MPH (7 km/h) and the parking brake is
inside the vehicle. applied. Stop the vehicle and release the
SHIFT “P” warning ? (Move the shift lever to
parking brake.
Unregistered key: “P”) ? PUSH warning ? (Push the ignition
switch ? ignition switch position is turned to 10. Low fuel warning
The warning appears when the ignition switch is
ON) ? PUSH warning ? (Push the ignition This warning appears when the fuel level in the
pushed from the LOCK position and the key
switch ? ignition switch position is turned to tank is getting low. Refuel as soon as it is
cannot be recognized by the system. You cannot
OFF) convenient, preferably before the fuel gauge
start the engine with an unregistered key. Use
the registered key. reaches the empty (E) position.
See “Intelligent Key system” in the “3. Pre- There is a small reserve of fuel remaining
driving checks and adjustments” section for in the tank when the fuel gauge reaches
2-22 Instruments and controls
the empty (E) position. 15. Check tire pressure warning 18. Extended storage fuse warning
11. Low washer fluid warning This warning appears when the low tire pressure This warning may appear if the extended storage
warning light in the meter illuminates and low tire fuse switch is not pushed in (switched on).
This warning appears when the washer tank fluid
pressure is detected. The warning appears each When this warning appears, push in (switch on)
is at a low level. Add washer fluid as necessary.
time the ignition switch is placed in the ON the extended storage fuse switch to turn off the
(See “Window washer fluid” in the “8. Main-
position as long as the low tire pressure warning warning. For more information, see “Extended
tenance and do-it-yourself” section.)
light remains illuminated. If this warning appears, storage fuse switch” in the “8. Maintenance and
12. Door/lift gate open warning (ignition stop the vehicle and adjust the tire pressure to do-it-yourself” section.
switch is in the ON position) (Hardtop the recommended COLD tire pressure shown
models) on the Tire and Loading Information label. (See
“Low tire pressure warning light” earlier in this
This warning appears if any of the doors and/or
section and “Tire Pressure Monitoring System
the lift gate are open or not closed securely. The
(TPMS)” in the “5. Starting and driving” section.)
vehicle icon indicates which door is open on the
display. 16. “TIMER” indicator
13. Door/trunk open warning (ignition This indicator appears when the set “TIMER”
switch is in the ON position) (Cross- indicator activates. You can set the time for up to
6 hours. (See “Trip computer” later in this
Cabriolet models)
This warning appears if any of the doors and/or
the trunk are open or not closed securely. The 17. Low outside temperature warning
vehicle icon indicates which door is open on the This warning appears if the outside temperature
display. is below 378F (38C). The warning can be set not
to be displayed. (See “Trip computer” later in
14. Loose fuel cap warning
this section.)
This warning appears when the fuel-filler cap is
not tightened correctly after the vehicle has
been refueled. (See “Fuel-filler cap” in the “3.
Pre-driving checks and adjustments” section.)
SIC3580 JVI0251X
SIC3674 SIC4701
Average fuel consumption (MPG, l/100 Elapsed time and trip odometer (miles or
km) and speed (MPH or km/h) km)
Fuel consumption: Elapsed time:
The average fuel consumption mode shows the The elapsed time mode shows the time since
average fuel consumption since the last reset. the last reset. The displayed time can be reset
Resetting is done by pushing the switch *
B by pushing the switch *B for longer than 1
for longer than 1 second. (The average speed is second. (The trip odometer is also reset at the
also reset at the same time.) same time.)
The display is updated every 30 seconds. At Trip odometer:
about the first 1/3 mile (500 m) after a reset, the The trip odometer mode shows the total
display shows “——”. distance the vehicle has been driven since the
Speed: last reset. Resetting is done by pushing the
The average speed mode shows the average switch * B for longer than 1 second. (The
vehicle speed since the last reset. Resetting is elapsed time is also reset at the same time.)
2-26 Instruments and controls
pushed to the OFF position may continue to
be displayed.
. When driving uphill or rounding curves, the
fuel in the tank shifts, which may momenta-
rily change the display.
SIC4702 SIC4703
Distance to empty (dte — miles or km) Outside air temperature (ICY — 8F or 8C)
The distance to empty (dte) mode provides you The outside air temperature is displayed in 8F or
with an estimation of the distance that can be 8C in the range of −22 to 1408F (−30 to 608C).
driven before refueling. The dte is constantly The outside air temperature mode includes a low
being calculated, based on the amount of fuel in temperature warning feature. If the outside air
the fuel tank and the actual fuel consumption. temperature is below 378F (38C), the warning is
The display is updated every 30 seconds. displayed on the screen.
The dte mode includes a low range warning The outside temperature sensor is located in
feature. If the fuel level is low, the warning is front of the radiator. The sensor may be affected
displayed on the screen. by road or engine heat, wind directions and
When the fuel level drops even lower, the dte other driving conditions. The display may differ
display will change to “——”. from the actual outside temperature or the
temperature displayed on various signs or bill-
. If the amount of fuel added is small, the
display just before the ignition switch is
Instruments and controls 2-27
ALERT: To return to the top page of the setting mode,
Alert menu can be set to notify the following select “BACK”.
items. OPTIONS:
. TIMER The following option menus can be set to your
Select this submenu to specify when the preference.
“TIMER” indicator activates. . LANGUAGE
. ICY Select this submenu to choose English,
Select this submenu to display the low French or Spanish for display.
outside temperature warning. . UNIT
To return to the top page of the setting mode, Select this submenu to choose the unit from
select “BACK”. MPG or l/100 km.
The maintenance intervals of the following items Select this menu to set the dial effects
Setting can be set or reset for the reminders. described below to on or off.
. OIL — The indicator needles sweep in the
Setting cannot be made while driving. A
Select this submenu to set or reset the meters and the ring illumination will be
message “Setting can only be operated
distance for changing the engine oil. brightened gradually when the engine is
when stopped” is also displayed on the dot
matrix crystal display. . FILTER
To return to the top page of the setting mode,
The switch * A and switch *B are Select this submenu to set or reset the
select “BACK”.
used in the setting mode to select and decide a distance for replacing the oil filter.
menu. . TIRE
SKIP: Select this submenu to set or reset the
switch *
distance for replacing tires.
Push the A to move to the warning
check mode. . OTHER
switch *
Select this submenu and set or reset the
Push the B to select other menus.
distance for replacing items other than the
engine oil, oil filter and tires.
SIC3993 SIC2133
service as soon as possible. Please bring reservoir tank. Do not use the
all registered keys that you have when WARNING window washer reservoir tank to
visiting a NISSAN dealer for service. mix the washer fluid concentrate
In freezing temperatures the washer and water.
solution may freeze on the windshield
and obscure your vision which may lead
to an accident. Warm windshield with
the defroster before you wash the
. Do not operate the washer continu-
ously for more than 30 seconds.
. Do not operate the washer if the
reservoir tank is empty.
. Do not fill the window washer
reservoir tank with washer fluid
concentrates at full strength. Some
methyl alcohol based washer fluid
concentrates may permanently stain
the grille if spilled while filling the
window washer reservoir tank.
. Pre-mix washer fluid concentrates
with water to the manufacturer’s
recommended levels before pouring
the fluid into the window washer
SIC3664 SIC3922
Type A Type C
The windshield wiper and washer operates
when the ignition switch is in the ON position.
Push the lever down to operate the wiper at the
following speed:
1 INT (Type A or Type C) — intermittent operation
can be adjusted by turning the knob toward A*
(Slower) or B (Faster).
1 AUTO (Type B) — For models with the rain-
sensing auto wiper system, see “Rain-sensing
auto wiper system” later in this section.
2 LO — continuous low speed operation
3 HI — continuous high speed operation
Push the lever up *4 (MIST) to have one sweep
SIC4395 operation of the wiper.
Type B
Pull the lever toward you *
5 to operate the
Instruments and controls 2-33
. High — High sensitive operation . Be sure to turn off the rain-sensing
. Low — Low sensitive operation auto wiper system when you use a car
To turn the rain-sensing auto wiper system off, wash.
push up the lever to the OFF position, or pull . The rain-sensing auto wipers may not
down the lever to the LO or HI position. operate if rain does not hit the rain
sensor even if it is raining.
. Using genuine wiper blades is recom-
CAUTION mended for proper operation of the
rain-sensing auto wiper system. (See
Do not touch the rain sensor and “Windshield wiper blades” in the “8.
around it when the wiper switch is in Maintenance and do-it-yourself” sec-
the AUTO position and the ignition tion for wiper blade replacement.)
switch is in the ON position. The wipers
SIC4017 may operate unexpectedly and cause to
an injury or a wiper damage.
TEM (if so equipped) . The rain-sensing auto wipers are in-
The rain-sensing auto wiper system can auto- tended for use during rain. If the switch
matically turn on the wipers and adjust the wiper is left in the AUTO position, the wipers
speed depending on the rainfall and the vehicle may operate unexpectedly when dirt,
speed by using the rain sensor located on the fingerprints, oil film or insects are stuck
upper part of the windshield. on or around the sensor. The wipers
To set the rain-sensing auto wiper system, push may also operate when exhaust gas or
the lever down to the AUTO position * 1 . The moisture affect the rain sensor.
wiper will sweep once while the ignition switch . When the windshield glass is coated
is in the ON position. with water repellent, the speed of the
The rain sensor sensitivity level can be adjusted rain-sensing auto wipers may be higher
by turning the knob toward the front * 2 (High) even though the amount of the rainfall
or toward the rear *3 (Low). is small.
The rear window wiper and washer operate To defog/defrost the rear window glass and
when the ignition switch is in the ON position. outside mirrors (if so equipped), start the engine
Turn the switch clockwise from the OFF position and push the switch * 1 on. The indicator light
to operate the wiper. *2 will come on. Push the switch again to turn
1 Intermittent (INT) — intermittent operation (not the defroster off.
adjustable) It will automatically turn off in approximately 15
2 Low (ON) — continuous low speed operation minutes.
Push the switch forward * 3 to operate the
washer. Then the wiper will also operate several
. When cleaning the inner side of the
rear window, be careful not to
SIC3584 scratch or damage the rear window
Type A defroster.
. Do not use the rear window defros-
ter switch while the soft top is being
operated or fully opened. The heat
may damage the soft top material
and/or components (CrossCabriolet
Type B
XENON HEADLIGHTS (if so equipped) off the headlights for short intervals
(for example, when the vehicle stops at
a traffic signal).
WARNING . If the xenon headlight bulb is close to
burning out, the brightness will drasti-
HIGH VOLTAGE cally decrease, the light will start
. When xenon headlights are on, they blinking, or the color of the light will
produce a high voltage. To prevent become reddish. If one or more of the
an electric shock, never attempt to above signs appear, contact a NISSAN
modify or disassemble. Always have dealer.
your xenon headlights replaced at a
NISSAN dealer.
. Xenon headlights provide consider-
ably more light than conventional
headlights. If they are not correctly HEADLIGHT SWITCH
aimed, they might temporarily blind
an oncoming driver or the driver Lighting
ahead of you and cause a serious *
1 Turn the switch to the position.
accident. If headlights are not aimed The front parking, side marker, tail, license plate
correctly, immediately take your ve- and instrument lights will come on.
hicle to a NISSAN dealer and have *
2 Turn the switch to the position.
the headlights adjusted correctly. Headlights will come on and all the other lights
remain on.
When the xenon headlight is initially turned on,
its brightness or color varies slightly. However,
the color and brightness will soon stabilize.
. The life of xenon headlights will be
shortened by frequent on-off opera-
tion. It is generally desirable not to turn
SIC3669 SAA0642A
Autolight system (if so equipped) Be sure not to put anything on top of the
photo sensor * A located on the top of the
The autolight system allows the headlights to be
instrument panel. The photo sensor con-
set so they turn on and off automatically.
trols the autolight; if it is covered, the
To set the autolight system: photo sensor reacts as if it is dark and the
1. Make sure the headlight switch is in the headlights will illuminate.
AUTO position *
1 . Automatic headlights off delay:
2. Push the ignition switch to the ON position. You can keep the headlights on for up to 180
3. The autolight system automatically turns the seconds after you push the ignition switch to
headlights on and off. OFF and open any door then close all the doors.
To turn the autolight system off, turn the switch You can adjust the period of the automatic
to the OFF, or position. headlights off delay from 0 seconds (OFF) to
The autolight system can turn on the headlights 180 seconds. The factory default setting is 45
automatically when it is dark and turn off the seconds.
FOG LIGHT SWITCH (if so equipped) To sound the horn, push the pad area *
A of the The heated steering wheel system is designed
To turn the fog lights on, turn the headlight steering wheel. to operate only when the surface temperature of
switch to the position, then turn the switch the steering wheel is below 688F (208C).
to the position. To turn them off, turn the WARNING Push the heated steering wheel switch to warm
switch to the OFF position. the steering wheel after the engine starts. The
The headlights must be on for the fog lights to Do not disassemble the horn. Doing so indicator light *
1 on the switch will illuminate.
operate. could affect proper operation of the If the surface temperature of the steering wheel
supplemental front air bag system. is below 688F (208C), the system will heat the
Tampering with the supplemental front steering wheel and cycle off and on to maintain a
air bag system may result in serious temperature above 688F (208C). The indicator
personal injury. light will remain on as long as the system is on.
Push the switch again to turn the heated
steering wheel system off manually. The indica-
tor light will turn off.
damage to the heater.
If the surface temperature of the steering WARNING
wheel is above 688F (208C) when the switch . Any liquid spilled on the heated seat
is turned on, the system will not heat the should be removed immediately
Do not use or allow occupants to use with a dry cloth.
steering wheel. This is not a malfunction. the seat heater if you or the occupants
cannot monitor elevated seat tempera- . When cleaning the seat, never use
tures or have an inability to feel pain in gasoline, thinner, or any similar
body parts that contact the seat. Use of materials.
the seat heater by such people could . If any malfunctions are found or the
result in serious injury. heated seat does not operate, turn
the switch off and have the system
checked by a NISSAN dealer.
. The battery could run down if the
seat heater is operated while the
engine is not running.
. Do not use the seat heater for
extended periods or when no one
is using the seat.
. Do not put anything on the seat
which insulates heat, such as a
blanket, cushion, seat cover, etc.
Otherwise, the seat may become
. Do not place anything hard or heavy
on the seat or pierce it with a pin or
similar object. This may result in
SIC2770 SSD1156
The seats are warmed by built-in heaters. The The warning systems switch is used to tem-
switches located on the center console and rear porarily turn off the warning systems (Lane
doors (if so equipped for rear seats) can be Departure Warning (LDW) and Blind Spot
operated independently of each other. Warning (BSW) systems) that are activated on
1. Start the engine. the center display.
2. Select heat range. When the warning systems switch is turned off,
the indicator * 1 on the switch is off. The
1 For high heat, push the HI (High) side of
indicator will also be off if all of the warning
the switch.
systems are deactivated using the center dis-
2 For low heat, push the LO (Low) side of play.
the switch.
The BSW system will turn on the Blind Spot
The indicator light in the switch *
3 will Indicator lights, located inside the outside
illuminate when the heater is on. mirrors, if a vehicle is located in the detection
3. To turn off the heater, return the switch to zone. If the turn signal is activated in the
the level position. Make sure the indicator direction of the detected vehicle, a chime
Instruments and controls 2-43
sounds twice and the Blind Spot Indicator light MODELS WITH COLOR DISPLAY
will flash. For additional information, see “Blind To adjust the clock on the front color display, use
Spot Warning (BSW)/Lane Departure Warning the SETTING button on the center multi-
(LDW) systems” in the “5. Starting and driving” function control panel. See “How to use
section. SETTING button” in the “4. Monitor, heater, air
The LDW system will sound a warning chime conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition
and the LDW light (orange) in the instrument systems” section.
panel blinks to alert the driver if the vehicle is The clock settings display cannot be operated
traveling close to either the left or the right of a while driving. Stop the vehicle in a safe place
traveling lane when detected by the camera unit. and apply the parking brake before setting the
For additional information, see “Blind Spot clock.
Warning (BSW)/Lane Departure Warning
(LDW) systems” in the “5. Starting and driving”
section. The digital clock (in the audio unit) displays the SSD1153
time when the ignition switch is in the ACC or
The vehicle should be driven with the Vehicle
ON position.
Dynamic Control (VDC) system on for most
To adjust the clock, see “FM-AM radio with driving conditions.
Compact Disc (CD) changer” in the “4. Monitor,
If the vehicle is stuck in mud or snow, the VDC
heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice
system reduces the engine output to reduce
recognition systems” section.
wheel spin. The engine speed will be reduced
even if the accelerator is depressed to the floor.
If maximum engine power is needed to free a
stuck vehicle, turn the VDC system off.
To turn off the VDC system, push the VDC OFF
switch. The indicator will illuminate.
Push the VDC OFF switch again or restart the
engine to turn on the system. (See “Vehicle
Dynamic Control (VDC) system” in the “5.
Starting and driving” section.)
2-44 Instruments and controls
. The outlet and plug may be hot
during or immediately after use.
. Do not use with accessories that
exceed a 12 volt, 120W (10A) power
draw. Do not use double adapters or
more than one electrical accessory.
. Use power outlet with the engine
SIC3587 SIC3652 running to avoid discharging the
Center console Console box — Type A vehicle battery.
. Avoid using power outlet when the
air conditioner, headlights or rear
window defroster is on.
. This power outlet is not designed
for use with a cigarette lighter unit.
. Push the plug in as far as it will go.
If good contact is not made, the plug
may overheat or the internal tem-
perature fuse may open.
. Before inserting or disconnecting a
plug, be sure the electrical acces-
sory being used is turned OFF.
SIC3651 SIC3653
Cargo area (Hardtop models) Console box — Type B
. When not in use, be sure to close er element only. The use of the
the cap. Do not allow water or any cigarette lighter socket as a power
liquid to contact the outlet. source for any other accessory is
not recommended.
. Do not use any other power outlet
for an accessory lighter.
. The cigarette lighter socket is a
power source for the cigarette light-
2-46 Instruments and controls
. Avoid abrupt starting and braking
when the cup holder is being used
to prevent spilling the drink. If the
liquid is hot, it can scald you or your
. Use only soft cups in the cup holder.
Hard objects can injure you in an
SIC3118 SIC3042
Front Hardtop models
Front Rear
To open the cup holder, push the lid *
1 . Pull the armrest forward until it is horizontal.
To remove the inner tray for cleaning, pull it up as
illustrated *
2 .
SIC4742 SIC3589
CrossCabriolet models
The cup holders are located on the center of
rear seat.
Keep the sunglasses holder closed
while driving to prevent an accident.
. Do not use for anything other than
2-48 Instruments and controls
SIC3590 SIC3654
WARNING When the lever * A (driver’s seat side) is pulled,
the upper case is available for storing some
Keep glove box lid closed while driving
small items. When the lever * B (front passen-
to help prevent injury in an accident or a
ger’s seat side) is pulled, the bottom case is
sudden stop.
available for storing some larger ones.
SIC3656 SIC3594
Type B
LUGGAGE SIDE BOX (Hardtop mod-
Type B els)
To open the cargo floor box, push * A . To close,
To open the luggage side box, pull up the strap.
push the lid until the lock latches.
The net partitions can be removed *
B to make
a larger storage space.
The cargo floor box needs to be removed when
you need a spare tire. (See “Flat tire” in the “6. In
case of emergency” section.)
To avoid damage, do not load more
than 22 lbs (10 kg) of cargo into the
Do not apply a total load of more than
22 lb (10 kg) *
A or 7 lb (3 kg) *
B to a
single hook.
Use care when placing or removing WARNING
items from the roof rack. If you cannot
comfortably lift the items onto the roof . Make sure that all passengers have
rack from the ground, use a ladder or their hands, etc. inside the vehicle
stool. while it is in motion and before
closing the windows. Use the win-
dow lock switch to prevent unex-
pected use of the power windows.
. Do not leave children unattended
inside the vehicle. They could un-
SIC3505 knowingly activate switches or con-
trols and become trapped in the
COAT HOOKS (Hardtop models) window. Unattended children could
The coat hooks are equipped beside the rear become involved in serious acci-
personal lights. dents.
SIC3283A SIC3336
Automatic window lowering (CrossCab- . When the door is opened, the window
riolet models) lowers for approximately 0.39 in (10 mm). WARNING
When the soft top operating switch is pressed, . While the door is open, the window cannot
the power windows will automatically be low- be raised. . In an accident you could be thrown
ered completely. The windows do not rise from the vehicle through an open
If the windows do not close automatically moonroof. Always use seat belts
automatically after the soft top open/close
operation is completed. Use the power window If the power window automatic function (closing and child restraints.
only) does not operate properly, perform the
switches to raise them. . Do not allow anyone to stand up or
following procedure to initialize the power
extend any portion of their body out
Automatic adjusting function (Cross- window system.
of the moonroof opening while the
Cabriolet models) 1. Push the ignition switch to the ON position. vehicle is in motion or while the
2. Close the door and soft top (CrossCabriolet moonroof is closing.
CAUTION models).
3. Open the window completely by operating
When the battery cable is removed from the power window switch. CAUTION
the battery terminal, do not close either 4. Pull the power window switch and hold it to
of the front doors. The automatic win- close the window, and then hold the switch . Remove water drops, snow, ice or
dow adjusting function will not work more than 3 seconds after the window is sand from the moonroof before
and the side roof panel may be da- closed completely. opening.
5. Release the power window switch. Operate . Do not place any heavy object on
the window by the automatic function to the moonroof or surrounding area.
The power window has an automatic adjusting
function. When the door is being opened, the
confirm the initialization is complete. . Do not push or pull on the sun-
window is automatically lowered slightly to avoid 6. Perform steps 2 through 5 above for other shade. Doing so can damage the
contact between the window and the top side windows. sunshade.
rail. When the door is closed, the window is If the power window automatic function does
automatically raised slightly. not operate properly after performing the pro-
While the automatic adjusting function does not cedure above, have your vehicle checked by a
work, the window will be controlled as follows: NISSAN dealer.
The auto reverse function can be activated when 4. Push and hold the switch to the CLOSE
the moonroof and sunshades are closed by position *
2 for 10 seconds.
automatic operation when the ignition switch is 5. The moonroof and sunshades will fully open
in the ON position or for about 45 seconds after and then close.
the ignition switch is pushed to the OFF
6. Check if the moonroof switch operates
If the moonroof and sunshades cannot be
If the moonroof does not operate properly after
closed automatically when the auto reverse
performing the procedure above, have your
function activates due to a malfunction, push
and hold the switch to the CLOSE position *
2 .
vehicle checked by a NISSAN dealer.
Do not use for extended periods of time
with the engine stopped. This could SIC3599 SIC2064
result in a discharged battery. Map lights
The light on the vanity mirror will turn on when
The mood lights * A located in the following
the cover on the vanity mirror is opened.
positions will illuminate whenever the headlight
switch is in the or position. When the cover is closed, the light will turn off.
. next to the map lights The lights will turn off after a period of
time when the lights remain illuminated to
. under the instrument panel
prevent the battery from becoming dis-
. under the driver’s power window switch
The brightness of the mood lights can be
adjusted with the illumination control buttons.
See “Instrument brightness control” earlier in
this section.
SPA2406 SPA2865
Type A Type C
1. Intelligent Key (2)
2. Mechanical key (inside the key) (2)
3. Key number plate (1)
Your vehicle can only be driven with the
Intelligent Keys which are registered to your
vehicle’s Intelligent Key system components and
NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System compo-
nents. As many as 4 Intelligent Keys can be
registered and used with one vehicle. The new
keys must be registered by a NISSAN dealer
prior to use with the Intelligent Key system and
NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System of your
SPA2431 vehicle. Since the registration process requires
Type B erasing all memory in the Intelligent Key compo-
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-3
nents when registering new keys, be sure to take — Do not change or modify the
all Intelligent Keys that you have to the NISSAN Intelligent Key.
— Do not use a magnet key holder.
— Do not place the Intelligent Key
CAUTION near an electric appliance such
as a television set, personal
. Be sure to carry the Intelligent Key
computer or cellular phone.
with you when driving. The Intelli-
gent Key is a precision device with a — Do not allow the Intelligent Key
built-in transmitter. To avoid dama- to come into contact with water
ging it, please note the following. or salt water, and do not wash it
— The Intelligent Key is water in a washing machine. This
resistant; however, wetting may could affect the system function. SPA2033
damage the Intelligent Key. If . If an Intelligent Key is lost or stolen,
the Intelligent Key gets wet, NISSAN recommends erasing the ID MECHANICAL KEY
immediately wipe until it is com- code of that Intelligent Key. This will To remove the mechanical key, release the lock
pletely dry. prevent the Intelligent Key from knob at the back of the key.
— Do not bend, drop or strike it unauthorized use to unlock the To install the mechanical key, firmly insert it into
against another object. vehicle. For information regarding the key until the lock knob returns to the lock
the erasing procedure, please con- position.
— If the outside temperature is tact a NISSAN dealer.
below 148F (−108C), the battery Use the mechanical key to lock or unlock the
of the Intelligent Key may not doors and glove box, if they are equipped with a
function properly. key cylinder.
See “Doors” later in this section and “Storage”
— Do not place the Intelligent Key
in the “2. Instruments and controls” section.
for an extended period in a
place where temperatures ex-
ceed 1408F (608C).
Always carry the mechanical key in- . Always have the doors locked while
stalled in the key. driving. Along with the use of seat
belts, this provides greater safety in
VALET HAND-OFF the event of an accident by helping
When you have to leave a key with a valet, give to prevent persons from being
them the Intelligent Key itself after removing the thrown from the vehicle. This also
mechanical key to protect your belongings. helps keep children and others from
unintentionally opening the doors,
To prevent the glove box or the trunk (Cross- and will help keep out intruders.
Cabriolet models) from being opened during
valet hand-off, follow the procedures below. . Before opening any door, always
look for and avoid oncoming traffic.
1. Push the trunk release power cancel switch
. Do not leave children unattended LOCKING WITH MECHANICAL KEY
to the OFF side (CrossCabriolet models).
inside the vehicle. They could un- The power door lock system allows you to lock
2. Remove the mechanical key from the In- knowingly activate switches or con- or unlock all doors simultaneously using the
telligent Key. trols. Unattended children could mechanical key.
3. Lock the glove box with the mechanical key. become involved in serious acci-
dents. Hardtop models
4. Hand the Intelligent Key to the valet, keeping
the mechanical key in your pocket or bag. . Turning the driver’s door key cylinder to the
Insert the mechanical key into the Intelligent front of the vehicle *1 will lock all doors.
Key when you retrieve your vehicle. . Turning the driver’s door key cylinder once
to the rear of the vehicle *2 will unlock the
See glove box and “Storage” in the “2. Instru-
driver’s door. After returning the key to the
ments and controls” section and “Trunk lid
neutral position * 3 , turning it to the rear
(CrossCabriolet models)” later in this section.
again within 5 seconds will unlock all doors.
“Power windows” in the “2. Instruments and When locking the door without Intelligent
controls” section). Key, be sure not to leave the Intelligent
To open the windows, turn the driver’s door key Key inside the vehicle.
cylinder to unlock for longer than 1 second.
The door is unlocked and the window keeps
opening while turning the key.
This function can also be performed by pushing
and holding the door UNLOCK button of the
3-6 Pre-driving checks and adjustments
switch to the unlock position *
2 . 3. Within 20 seconds of performing Step 2,
push and hold the power door lock switch to
Lockout protection the position (UNLOCK) for more than 5
When the power door lock switch (driver or front seconds.
passenger) is moved to the lock position with
4. When activated, the hazard indicator will
the Intelligent Key in the port and any door open,
flash twice. When deactivated, the hazard
all doors will lock and unlock automatically. With
indicator will flash once.
the Intelligent Key left in the vehicle (not in the
Intelligent Key port) and any door open, all doors 5. The ignition switch must be placed in the
will unlock automatically and a chime will sound OFF and ON position again between each
after the door is closed. setting change.
These functions help to prevent the Intelligent When the automatic door unlock system is
Key from being accidentally locked inside the deactivated, the doors do not unlock when the
SPA2300 vehicle. ignition switch is placed in the OFF position. To
unlock the door manually, use the inside lock
LOCKING WITH POWER DOOR LOCK AUTOMATIC DOOR LOCKS knob or the power door lock switch (driver’s or
SWITCH . All doors will be locked automatically when front passenger’s side).
Operating the power door lock switch will lock the vehicle speed reaches 15 MPH (24
or unlock all the doors. The switches are located km/h).
on the driver’s and front passenger’s door . All doors will be unlocked automatically
armrests. when the ignition switch is placed in the
OFF position.
To lock the doors, push the power door lock
switch to the lock position *
1 with the driver’s The automatic unlock function can be
or front passenger’s door open, then close the deactivated or activated. To deactivate or
door. activate the automatic door unlock system,
perform the following procedure:
When locking the door this way, be certain
not to leave the Intelligent Key inside the 1. Close all doors.
vehicle. 2. Place the ignition switch in the ON position.
To unlock the doors, push the power door lock
. Radio waves could adversely affect . Be sure to carry the Intelligent Key
electric medical equipment. Those with you when operating the vehi-
who use a pacemaker should con- cle.
tact the electric medical equipment . Never leave the Intelligent Key in
manufacturer for the possible influ- the vehicle when you leave the
ences before use. vehicle.
. The Intelligent Key transmits radio
waves when the buttons are The Intelligent Key is always communicating with
pushed. The FAA advises that radio the vehicle as it receives radio waves. The
waves may affect aircraft navigation Intelligent Key system transmits weak radio
and communication systems. Do not waves. Environmental conditions may interfere
CHILD SAFETY REAR DOOR LOCK operate the Intelligent Key while on with the operation of the Intelligent Key system
(Hardtop models) an airplane. Make sure the buttons under the following operating conditions.
are not operated unintentionally . When operating near a location where
The child safety rear door locks help prevent
when the unit is stored for a flight. strong radio waves are transmitted, such
doors from being opened accidentally, espe-
cially when small children are in the vehicle. as a TV tower, power station and broad-
The Intelligent Key system can operate all the casting station.
When the levers are in the lock position door (including the lift gate) and the trunk lid .
*1 , the rear doors can be opened only
locks using the remote keyless function or
When in possession of wireless equipment,
such as a cellular telephone, transceiver,
from the outside. pushing the request switch on the vehicle and CB radio.
To disengage, move the levers to the unlock without taking the key out from a pocket or
. When the Intelligent Key is in contact with or
position *
2 . purse. The operating environment and/or condi-
covered by metallic materials.
tions may affect the Intelligent Key system
operation. . When any type of radio wave remote control
is used nearby.
Be sure to read the following before using the
. When the Intelligent Key is placed near an
Intelligent Key system.
electric appliance such as a personal
3-8 Pre-driving checks and adjustments
computer. Keys, contact a NISSAN dealer. . Do not place the Intelligent Key near
. When the vehicle is parked near a parking equipment that produces a mag-
meter. netic field, such as a TV, audio
In such cases, correct the operating conditions
equipment, personal computer or
before using the Intelligent Key function or use cellular phone.
. Do not allow the Intelligent Key,
the mechanical key.
which contains electrical compo-
Although the life of the battery varies depending nents, to come into contact with If an Intelligent Key is lost or stolen, NISSAN
on the operating conditions, the battery’s life is water or salt water. This could affect recommends erasing the ID code of that
approximately 2 years. If the battery is dis- the system function. Intelligent Key from the vehicle. This may prevent
charged, replace it with a new one. the unauthorized use of the Intelligent Key to
. Do not drop the Intelligent Key. operate the vehicle. For information regarding
When the Intelligent Key battery is almost
. Do not strike the Intelligent Key the erasing procedure, contact a NISSAN deal-
discharged, insert the Intelligent Key into the
sharply against another object. er.
Intelligent Key port to start the engine. Replace
the discharged battery with a new one as soon . Do not change or modify the Intel- The Intelligent Key function can be disabled. For
as possible. For more details, see “Push-button ligent Key. information about disabling the Intelligent Key
ignition switch” in the “5. Starting and driving” . Wetting may damage the Intelligent function, contact a NISSAN dealer.
section. Key. If the Intelligent Key gets wet,
Since the Intelligent Key is continuously receiv- immediately wipe until it is comple-
ing radio waves, if the key is left near equipment tely dry.
which transmits strong radio waves, such as . If the outside temperature is below
signals from a TV and personal computer, the 148F (−108C), the battery of the
battery life may become shorter. Intelligent Key may not function
For information regarding replacement of a properly.
battery, see “Intelligent Key battery replacement” . Do not place the Intelligent Key for
in the “8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself” an extended period in an area where
section. temperatures exceed 1408F (608C).
As many as 4 Intelligent Keys can be registered . Do not attach the Intelligent Key
and used with one vehicle. For information about with a key holder that contains a
the purchase and use of additional Intelligent magnet.
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-9
SPA2074 SPA2407
RANGE When the Intelligent Key is within the operating TION
The Intelligent Key functions can only be used range, it is possible for anyone who does not . Do not push the door handle request switch
when the Intelligent Key is within the specified carry the Intelligent Key to push the request with the Intelligent Key held in your hand as
operating range from the request switch * 1 . switch to lock/unlock the doors including the lift illustrated. The close distance to the door
When the Intelligent Key battery is discharged or gate and open the trunk lid. handle will cause the Intelligent Key system
strong radio waves are present near the operat- to have difficulty recognizing that the In-
ing location, the Intelligent Key system’s operat- telligent Key is outside the vehicle.
ing range becomes narrower, and the Intelligent . After locking with the door handle request
Key may not function properly. switch, verify the doors are securely locked
by testing them.
The operating range is within 31.50 in (80 cm)
from each request switch * 1 . . When locking the doors using the door
handle request switch, make sure to have
If the Intelligent Key is too close to the door the Intelligent Key in your possession before
glass, handle or rear bumper the request operating the door handle request switch to
3-10 Pre-driving checks and adjustments
prevent the Intelligent Key from being left in
the vehicle.
. The door handle request switch is opera-
tional only when the Intelligent Key has been
detected by the Intelligent Key system.
. To prevent the Intelligent Key from being left
inside the vehicle or the trunk, make sure you
carry the key with you and then lock the
doors or the trunk.
. Do not pull the door handle before pushing
the door handle request switch. The door
will be unlocked but will not open. Release
the door handle once and pull it again to
SPA2408 SPA2779
open the door.
. The Intelligent Key system (opening/closing INTELLIGENT KEY OPERATION
doors with the door handle request switch) You can lock or unlock the doors without taking
can be set to remain inactive on the center the key out from your pocket or bag.
display (if so equipped). (See “Vehicle
information and settings” in the “4. Monitor,
heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and
voice recognition systems” section.)
Hardtop models
WARNING . the distance between the Intelligent Key and
the vehicle is over 33 ft (10 m).
The Intelligent Key transmits radio . the Intelligent Key battery is discharged.
waves when the buttons are pushed. After locking with the remote keyless entry
The FAA advises that radio waves may function, pull the door handle to make sure the
affect aircraft navigation and commu- doors are securely locked.
nication systems. Do not operate the The LOCK/UNLOCK operating range varies
Intelligent Key while on an airplane. depending on the environment. To securely
Make sure the buttons are not operated operate the lock and unlock buttons, approach
unintentionally when the unit is stored the vehicle to about 3 ft (1 m) from the door.
for a flight.
It is possible to lock/unlock all doors and the lift Type A
gate/trunk lid, activate the panic alarm and open
the windows and lift gate/trunk lid (if so
equipped) by pushing the buttons on the
Intelligent Key from outside the vehicle.
Before locking the doors, make sure the
Intelligent Key is not left in the vehicle.
The LOCK/UNLOCK button on the Intelligent
Key can operate at a distance of approximately
33 ft (10 m) from the vehicle. (The effective
distance depends upon the conditions around
the vehicle.) As many as 4 Intelligent Keys can
be used with one vehicle. For information
concerning the purchase and use of additional
Intelligent Keys, contact a NISSAN dealer. SPA2436
The lock and unlock buttons will not operate Type B
2 UNLOCK button 4. All the doors and the lift gate will lock.
allows you to open the window that is equipped
with the automatic open/close function. (See
3 Power lift gate button (if so equipped) 5. The hazard indicator flashes twice and the “Power windows” in the “2. Instruments and
4 PANIC button horn chirps once. controls” section).
5 TRUNK button (CrossCabriolet models)
*: Doors will lock while the ignition switch is in the
To open the windows, push the door UNLOCK
button *
ACC or ON position.
2 for about 3 seconds after the
Unlocking doors door is unlocked.
1. Push the UNLOCK button *
2 once. To stop opening, release the UNLOCK
2. The hazard indicator flashes once. The button *
2 .
driver’s door will unlock. Windows cannot be closed using the button on
3. Push the UNLOCK button *
2 again the Intelligent Key.
within 1 minute. If the window open operation is stopped in mid-
operation while pushing the UNLOCK
button * 2 , release and push the UNLOCK
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-17
button *
2 again until the window opens Using panic alarm Setting hazard indicator and horn mode
completely. If you are near your vehicle and feel threatened, This vehicle is set in hazard indicator and horn
The door windows can be opened or closed by you can activate the alarm according to the mode when you first receive the vehicle.
turning the mechanical key in a door lock. (See following procedure to call attention. In hazard indicator and horn mode, when the
“Doors” earlier in this section.) 1. Push the PANIC button *
4 for more LOCK button *1 is pushed, the hazard
Opening/closing lift gate (if so equipped) than 1 second. indicator flashes twice and the horn chirps once.
When the UNLOCK button *2 is pushed,
1. Push the power lift gate button *
3 2. The theft warning alarm will sound and the
the hazard indicator flashes once.
for more than 1 second. headlights will flash for 25 seconds.
3. The panic alarm stops under either of the If horns are not necessary, the system can be
2. The lift gate will automatically open.
following conditions. switched to the hazard indicator mode.
The hazard indicator flashes 4 times and the
. It has run for 25 seconds, or In hazard indicator mode, when the LOCK
outside chime sounds for approximately 3
. Any of the buttons is pushed. (Note: the button * 1 is pushed, the hazard indicator
PANIC button * 4 should be flashes twice. When the UNLOCK button
To close the lift gate, push the power lift gate pushed for more than 1 second.) * 2 is pushed, neither the hazard indicator nor
button * 3 . the horn operates.
The lift gate will automatically close. Opening trunk lid (CrossCabriolet mod-
If the power lift gate button * is pushed
while the lift gate is being opened or closed, the 1. Push the TRUNK button *5 on the
lift gate will reverse. Intelligent Key for more than 1 second.
The power lift gate button *3 cannot be 2. The trunk will unlatch.
operated when the ignition switch is in the ON 3. Raise the trunk lid to open the trunk.
. Always be sure the lift gate has
been closed securely to prevent it
from opening while driving.
. Do not drive with the lift gate open.
This could allow dangerous exhaust
gases to be drawn into the vehicle.
See “Exhaust gas (carbon monox-
ide)” in the “5. Starting and driving”
section of this manual.
SPA2437 . Do not leave children unattended
inside the vehicle. They could un-
1. Pull the hood lock release handle * 1 knowingly activate switches or con-
located below the instrument panel; the hood to fly open and result in an
accident. trols. Unattended children could
hood will then spring up slightly. become involved in serious acci-
2. Pull the lever *
2 up at the front of the hood
If you see steam or smoke coming dents.
from the engine compartment, to
with your fingertips and raise the hood.
avoid injury do not open the hood. . Always be sure that hands and feet
3. When closing the hood, slowly close the are clear of the door frame to avoid
hood down and make sure it locks into injury while closing the lift gate.
. Make sure the hood is completely
closed and latched before driving.
Failure to do so could cause the
3-20 Pre-driving checks and adjustments
the vehicle twice.
To close the lift gate, pull down until it securely
To operate the power lift gate, the shift lever
must be in the P (Park) position.
The power lift gate will not operate if the battery
voltage is low.
SPA2438 SPA2461
SPA2439 SPA2463
The lift gate can be opened by the power
lift gate switch *
A or the lift gate button
*C even if the lift gate is locked.
The lift gate will individually unlock and
open. Once the lift gate is closed, its lock
will align to the vehicle’s lock or unlock
Power close
When the lift gate is fully opened, the lift gate
will fully close automatically by:
. pushing the power lift gate switch * A on
the instrument panel
. pushing the power lift gate switch * D on
the lower part of the lift gate
SPA2462 SPA2440 . pushing the lift gate release button *C on
the Intelligent Key for more than 1 second
. Do not drive with the trunk lid open.
This could allow dangerous exhaust
gases to be drawn into the vehicle.
See “Exhaust gas (carbon monox-
ide)” in the “5. Starting and driving”
section of this manual.
. Closely supervise children when
they are around cars to prevent
them from playing and becoming
locked in the trunk where they could
SPA1915 SPA2868
be seriously injured. Keep the car
LIFT GATE RELEASE locked, with the trunk closed, when TRUNK LID RELEASE SWITCH
If the lift gate cannot be opened due to a not in use, and prevent children’s
access to Intelligent Keys.
The trunk lid release switch *
A is located on
discharged battery, follow these steps. the instrument panel.
1. Remove the cover inside of the lift gate with To open the trunk lid, push the release switch
a suitable tool. down as illustrated. To close, push the trunk lid
2. Move the lever toward the direction *
A as down.
illustrated to open the lift gate.
Have the vehicle checked by a NISSAN dealer.
The trunk lid can be opened by pushing the To open the trunk lid, insert the mechanical key SWITCH
trunk open request switch * A when the to the trunk key cylinder and turn the key to the When the switch located inside the glove box is
Intelligent Key is within the operating range of right side of the vehicle. To close, remove the in the OFF position * A , the power to the trunk
the trunk lock/unlock function regardless of the key and push the trunk lid down. lid will be canceled and the trunk lid cannot be
inside lock knob position. (See “Intelligent Key opened by the trunk lid release switch, the trunk
system” earlier in this section.) open request switch with the Intelligent Key
TRUNK BUTTON carried with you or the TRUNK button on the
Intelligent Key.
The trunk lid can be opened by pushing the
TRUNK button on the Intelligent Key for When you have to leave the vehicle with a valet
more than 1 second. and want to keep your belongings safe in the
glove box and the trunk, push this switch to OFF
and lock the glove box with the mechanical key.
Then leave the vehicle and the Intelligent Key
with the valet and keep the mechanical key with
3-26 Pre-driving checks and adjustments
you. become locked inside the trunk or in the event of
See “Keys” earlier in this section. the loss of electrical power such as a dis-
charged battery.
To connect the power to the trunk lid, push the
switch to the ON *
B position. Releasing inside the trunk
To open the trunk lid from the inside, pull the
release handle * 1 until the lock releases and
push up on the trunk lid. The release lever is
made of a material that glows in the dark after a
brief exposure to ambient light.
The handle is located on the back of the trunk lid
as illustrated.
Closely supervise children when they
are around cars to prevent them from
playing and becoming locked in the
trunk where they could be seriously
injured. Keep the car locked, with the
trunk lid securely latched, when not in
use, and prevent children’s access to
Intelligent Keys.
. Do not operate the top when there
is not enough clearance behind the
vehicle. Someone could become
trapped between the top storage
lid and another object (for example
a wall) which could result in serious
. Park the vehicle in a safe and level
place and apply the parking brake.
. Do not operate the top in a strong
wind. It could be blown by the wind,
striking someone or damaging the
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-29
. Make sure the parking area is clear
of obstacles and there is enough
clearance over the top (for example,
in a garage or a covered area). More
than approximately 10 ft (3 m) from
the ground * A , more than approxi-
mately 5.5 ft (1.7 m) from the top of
the roof *B and more than approxi-
mately 4.9 ft (1.5 m) from the rear of
the vehicle * C is required to open
or close the top safely. Otherwise,
the top may damage any objects
above it while moving. The top
operating system could also be
emergency or when an immediate dealer service discharged battery, the secondary trunk c. Remove the two luggage cover hooks * 4
is not available, close the top manually accord- release mechanism should be operated. on the left and right side of the trunk.
ing to the procedures shown in this section. (See “Trunk lid (CrossCabriolet models)” Then disconnect the connector * 5 on
earlier in this section.) the left side luggage cover hook.
When closing the soft top manually:
2. Open the top storage lid. d. Remove the clips *
6 behind the luggage
. Move the vehicle to a safe place, away from
cover hooks.
. Two people should perform this procedure,
as some of the top parts are extremely
The top cannot be opened manually.
3-38 Pre-driving checks and adjustments
Pull back the left and right side trim in the
trunk room. Push linkage * A on the left and
right using the wheel nut wrench or suitable
tool to release the storage lid locks *
B .
Use gloves or a cloth to protect your
hands when releasing the storage lid
f. Push and hold the lever * C toward the h. With two people, manually lift the storage
front of the vehicle to release the storage lid by hand on the left and right side of
lid. the vehicle at lid edge *
D .
Make sure to close the trunk lid before
opening the storage lid. The storage lid
may contact the trunk lid and damage it.
JVP0043X JVP0044X
c. Close the storage lid. d. Close the front and rear parts of the soft
top at the same time as illustrated.
Make sure to close the storage lid
completely. The storage lid may contact
the soft top and damage it.
. Do not store the main sun visor
before storing the extension sun
. Do not pull the extension sun visor
forcedly downward.
SPA2447 SPA2143
1. To block out glare from the front, swing Use the night position only when ne-
down the sun visor *
1 . cessary, because it reduces rear view
2. To block glare from the side, remove the sun clarity.
visor from the center mount and swing it to
the side *2 .
SPA2319 SPA1829
. Do not disassemble or modify this
system. If you do, it may result in
accidents, fire, or electric shock.
. Do not use this system if you notice
any abnormality, such as a frozen
screen or lack of sound. Continued
use of the system may result in
accident, fire or electric shock.
. In case you notice any foreign
object in the system hardware, spill SAA1845
liquid on it, or notice smoke or smell With navigation system
coming from it, stop using the 1. “STATUS” status display button (P.4-9)
system immediately and contact 2, 6, 7, 8, 9.
For navigation system control buttons (Refer to
your nearest NISSAN dealer. Ignor-
the separate Navigation System Owner’s Man-
ing such conditions may lead to ual.)
accidents, fire, or electric shock. 3. Multi-function controller (P.4-5)
. Park the vehicle in a safe location 4. “PHONE” Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone Sys-
and apply the parking brake to view tem button (P.4-88)
the images on the front center dis- 5. “ OFF” brightness control and display ON/
play screen. OFF button (P.4-9)
10. “INFO” vehicle and navigation information but-
Do not attempt to operate the system in ton (P.4-9)
extreme temperature conditions [below 11. “SETTING” button (P.4-13)
−48F (−208C) and above 1588F (708C)].
Operating this system under these condi-
tions may result in system malfunctions.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-3
SAA2268 SAA1847
Without navigation system With navigation system
1. “INFO” vehicle and navigation information but-
ton (P.4-9)
2. “STATUS” status display button (P.4-9)
3. Multi-function controller (P.4-5)
4. “ OFF” brightness control and display ON/
OFF button (P.4-9)
5. “SETTING” button (P.4-13)
When you use this system, make sure the
engine is running.
If you use the system with the engine not
running (ignition ON or ACC) for a long
time, it will discharge the battery and the
engine may not start.
Without navigation system
4-4 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
HOW TO USE MULTI-FUNCTION . To clean the display, use a soft, dry vehicle and cause an accident.
CONTROLLER cloth. If additional cleaning is ne-
Choose an item on the display using the main cessary, use a small amount of Touch screen operation
directional buttons *
2 (or additional directional neutral detergent with a soft cloth.
buttons * 6 with navigation system) or center Never use a rough cloth, alcohol, With this system, the same operations as those
dial *3 , and push the ENTER button * 1 for benzine, thinner or any kind of for the multi-function controller are possible
solvent or paper towel with a che- using the touch screen operation.
If you push the BACK button * 4 before the mical cleaning agent. They will
setup is completed, the setup will be canceled scratch or deteriorate the panel.
and/or the display will return to the previous . Do not splash any liquid such as
screen. This button can also be used to delete water or car fragrance on the dis-
characters that have been input. play. Contact with liquid will cause
After the setup is completed, push the BACK the system to malfunction.
button *4 and return to the previous screen.
To ensure safe driving, some functions cannot
For the VOICE button *5 functions, refer to the
be operated while driving.
separate Navigation System Owner’s Manual.
The on-screen functions that are not available
HOW TO USE TOUCH SCREEN while driving will be “grayed out” or muted.
(models with navigation system)
Park the vehicle in a safe location and then
operate the navigation system.
. The glass screen on the liquid WARNING
crystal display may break if it is hit
. ALWAYS give your full attention to
with a hard or sharp object. If the
glass screen breaks, do not touch it.
Doing so could result in an injury. . Avoid using vehicle features that
could distract you. If distracted,
you could lose control of your
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-5
SAA2473 SAA2474 SAA2475
4-6 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
. Delete:
Deletes the last character that has been
input with one touch. Push and hold the
button to delete all of the characters.
. OK:
Completes character inputs.
Touch screen maintenance
If you clean the display screen, use a dry, soft
cloth. If additional cleaning is necessary, use a
small amount of neutral detergent with a soft
cloth. Never spray the screen with water or
detergent. Dampen the cloth first, and then wipe
the screen. SAA1860 SAA2476
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-7
HOW TO SELECT MENUS ON THE about the menu selection currently high-
SCREEN lighted. (for example, adjust head lamp on
Vehicle functions are viewed on the display time after shut-off.)
screen in menus. To select each key item,
highlight the preferred item using the multi-
function controller and push the ENTER button.
Whenever a menu selection is made or menu
item is highlighted, different areas on the screen
provide you with important information. See the
following for details.
1. Header:
Shows the path used to get to the current
SAA2477 screen. (for example, push SETTING button
Models with navigation system > choose “Comfort” menu item.)
2. Menu Selections:
Shows the options to choose within that
menu screen.
3. UP/DOWN Movement indicator:
Shows that the multi-function controller may
be used to move UP/DOWN on the screen
and select more options.
4. Menu Items Counter:
Shows the total number of items listed
across all pages for the current menu (for
example, 3/7).
JVH0179M 5. Footer/Information Line:
Models without navigation system Provides more information (if available)
4-8 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
SETTINGS (if so equipped)
You can check information related to the audio, The display screen shows vehicle and navigation
climate control system, fuel consumption and information for your convenience.
navigation system (if so equipped) by pushing
The information shown on the screen should be
the STATUS button repeatedly.
a guide to determine the condition of the vehicle.
HOW TO USE BRIGHTNESS CON- See the following for details.
Push the “ OFF” button to switch the display
brightness to the daytime mode or the nighttime
mode, and to adjust the display brightness using
the multi-function controller while the indicator is
displayed at the bottom of the screen.
The display brightness can also be adjusted SAA2478
using the brightness UP button (+) or bright- Models with navigation system
ness DOWN button (−).
Push and hold the “ OFF” button for more
than 2 seconds to turn the display off. Push the
button again to turn the display on.
Models without navigation system
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-9
Vehicle information display
1. Push the INFO button on the control panel.
2. Select an item from the INFO menu.
3. After viewing or adjusting the information on
the following screens, push the BACK
button to return to the INFO menu.
See the separate Navigation System Owner’s
Manual for the following items:
. Where am I?
. Traffic Info
. Weather Info
. Map Update SAA2479 SAA2480
. Navigation Version Models with navigation system Models with navigation system
*When the ignition switch is in the ON position,
the “Navigation Version” key is displayed after
selecting the “Others” key.
JVH0180M JVH0181M
Models without navigation system Models without navigation system
4-10 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Fuel Economy information Maintenance information
The approximate distance to empty, average fuel The maintenance intervals can be displayed for
economy and current fuel economy will be the engine oil, oil filter, tire and other reminders.
displayed for reference. To set a maintenance interval, select a preferred
To reset the average fuel economy (Avg Fuel item from the list.
Econ or Average Fuel Economy), select the You can also set to display a message to remind
“Reset Fuel Eco” or “Reset” key. you that the maintenance needs to be per-
If the “Fuel Eco History” or “View” key is formed.
selected, the average fuel consumption history The following example shows how to set the
will be displayed in graph form along with the engine oil maintenance information. Use the
average for the previous Reset-to-Reset period. same steps to set the other maintenance
The unit can be converted between “US” and information.
“Metric”. (See “How to use SETTING button” SAA2481
later in this section.) Models with navigation system
Models without navigation system
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-11
1. Set the interval (mileage) of the maintenance
schedule. To determine the recommended
maintenance interval, refer to your “NISSAN
Service and Maintenance Guide”.
2. To display the reminder automatically when
the desired distance is reached, select the
“Reminder” key.
3. Reset the driving distance to the new
maintenance schedule.
4. To return to the previous screen, push the
BACK button.
The unit can be converted between “US” and
SAA2482 “Metric”. (See “How to use SETTING button” SAA3003
Models with navigation system later in this section.) Example
The Reminder will be automatically displayed
when the specified distance has been driven
and every time the ignition switch is pushed to
the ACC or ON position. The reminder will not
appear while driving.
Select the “OK” key to hide the reminder for the
rest of the current drive.
To stop the reminder from appearing, perform
one of the following actions:
. Select the “Reset Distance”.
. Deactivate the “Reminder”.
. Increase the “Interval” distance to be more
JVH0184M than the current distance being tracked.
Models without navigation system
4-12 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
The display as illustrated will appear when the
SETTING button is pushed.
Items displayed on the screen may vary depend-
ing on the model.
For navigation settings, refer to the separate
Navigation System Owner’s Manual.
SAA2483 JVH0365X
Models with navigation system
Others information (models with naviga-
tion system)
The Others information display will appear when
pushing the INFO button and selecting the
“Others” key.
GPS Position:
For the details of this item, see the separate
Navigation System Owner’s Manual.
Voice Recognition:
For the details of this item, see “NISSAN voice
recognition system (models with navigation
system)” later in this section.
Models without navigation system
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-13
Audio settings Display Album Cover Art (models with
The display as illustrated will appear when navigation system):
pushing the SETTING button and selecting the When this item is turned to ON, the album cover
“Audio” key. image is displayed when playing iPod® or MP3
music files through a CD, DVD or USB memory.
When the image is not properly embedded in
To adjust the speaker tone quality and sound the file or device, the image will not be
balance, select the “Bass”, “Treble”, “Balance” displayed.
or “Fade” key and adjust it with the multi-
function controller. Phone settings (models with navigation
These items can also be adjusted by pushing system)
and turning the AUDIO knob. For details of the “Phone” settings, see “Blue-
tooth® Hands-Free Phone System (models with
SAA2485 Speed Sensitive Vol.:
navigation system)” later in this section.
Models with navigation system The audio system’s volume is increased with the
vehicle speed. Select the “Speed Sensitive Vol.” Bluetooth® settings (models with navi-
and adjust the effect level with the multi-function gation system)
controller. The Speed Sensitive Volume function For details of the “Bluetooth” settings, see
is turned off when the level is set to “OFF”. “Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System (models
Increasing the value will cause the volume to with navigation system)” later in this section or
increase faster with vehicle speed. “Bluetooth® streaming audio (models with navi-
DivX® Registration Code (models with gation system)” later in this section.
navigation system):
The registration code for a device that is used to
download DivX® files will be displayed on the
screen. If a disc is loaded or a USB memory is
connected to the audio system, this function will
not be activated.
Models without navigation system
4-14 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
“Guidance Volume” and adjust it with the multi-
function controller.
You can also adjust the guidance voice volume
by turning the VOLUME control knob while voice
guidance is being announced.
Ringtone/Incoming Call/Outgoing Call:
For the details of these items, see “Bluetooth®
Hands-Free Phone System (models with navi-
gation system)” later in this section.
Switch Beeps:
When this item is turned to ON, you will hear a
beep sound when you use a button. JVH0176M
Example Guidance Voice:
Volume and Beeps settings (models with When this item is turned to ON, you will hear Switch Beeps settings (models without
navigation system) voice guidance in the navigation operation or in navigation system)
other operations. The “Switch Beeps” screen will appear when
The display as illustrated will appear when
pushing the SETTING button, selecting the NOTE: pushing the SETTING button, selecting the
“Switch Beeps” key with the multi-function
“Volume & Beeps” key. When the voice guidance is being an-
controller and pushing the ENTER button.
Audio Volume: nounced during audio playback, turning
the volume knob does not adjust the music Switch Beeps:
To increase or decrease the audio volume,
level; it adjusts the guidance volume level. When this item is turned to ON, you will hear a
select the “Audio Volume” and adjust it with
If voice guidance is not being heard, beep sound when you use a button.
the multi-function controller. You can also adjust
please check the Guidance Volume level.
the audio volume by turning the VOLUME
control knob.
Guidance Volume:
To adjust the guidance voice volume, select the
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-15
Driver Assistance settings (if so When any mode button is pushed with the
equipped) screen off, the screen turns on for further
For the details of the “Driver Assistance” operation. The screen will turn off automatically
settings, see the following items: 5 seconds after the operation is finished.
. “BSW system operation” in the “5. Starting To turn on the screen, set this item to the ON
and driving” section. position, or push and hold the “ OFF”
. “LDW system operation” in the “5. Starting
and driving” section. . Brightness/Contrast/Background Color
. “Moving Object Detection (MOD) function” To adjust the brightness and contrast of the
later in this section. screen, select the “Brightness” or “Contrast”
Then, you can adjust the brightness and the
SAA2486 contrast using the multi-function controller.
For information on the “Background Color” key,
Display settings (models with navigation refer to the separate Navigation System Own-
system) er’s Manual.
The display as illustrated will appear when For CrossCabriolet models:
pushing the SETTING button and selecting the
Depending on the driver’s seat position, the
“Display” key.
display could be hard to read. Adjust the
Display Adjustment: brightness and contrast of the display on the
To adjust the display settings, select the “Dis- setting screen.
play Adjustment” key. The following settings are Color Theme:
Choose the theme color of the menu screen
. Display from “Black”, “Blue” or “Red”.
To turn off the screen, push the ENTER button
and turn the “Display” indicator off. The other
method is to push and hold the “ OFF”
button for more than 2 seconds.
4-16 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Brightness/Contrast/Background Color:
To adjust the brightness, contrast and back-
ground color of the screen, select the appro-
priate “Brightness”, “Contrast” or “Background
Color” key and push the ENTER button.
You can then adjust the brightness and contrast
using the multi-function controller. Switch the
background color to the daytime mode or the
nighttime mode by pushing the ENTER button.
SAA2115 JVH0383M
Display settings (models without navi- Others settings (models with navigation
gation system) system)
The “Display” screen will appear when pushing The Others settings display will appear when
the SETTING button on the control panel. pushing the SETTING button and selecting the
“Others” key.
To turn off the screen, push the ENTER button The following items are available:
and turn the “ON” indicator off. . Comfort
When any mode button is pushed with the . Clock
screen off, the screen turns on for further . Language & Units
operation. The screen will turn off automatically . Voice Recognition
5 seconds after the operation is finished. . Camera
To turn on the screen, set this item to the “ON” . Image Viewer
position or push the “ OFF” button.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-17
Lift Steering Wheel on Exit (if so
When this item is turned to ON, the steering
wheel moves upward for easy exit if the ignition
switch is in the LOCK position and the driver’s
door is opened. After getting into the vehicle and
pushing the ignition switch to the ACC position,
the steering wheel moves to the previous
Slide Driver Seat Back on Exit (if so
When this item is turned to ON, the driver’s seat
SAA3151 SAA3150 moves backward for easy exit if the ignition
Models with navigation system Models without navigation system switch is in the OFF position and the driver’s
The display as illustrated will appear when door is opened. After getting into the vehicle and
Comfort settings pushing the ignition switch to the ACC position,
pushing the SETTING button and selecting the
The display as illustrated will appear when the driver’s seat moves to the previous position.
“Comfort” key. This key does not appear on the
pushing the SETTING button, selecting the
display until the ignition switch is pushed to the Light Off Delay:
“Others” key and then selecting the “Comfort”
ON position. Choose the duration of the automatic headlight
key. This key does not appear on the display until
the ignition switch is pushed to the ON position. Auto Interior Illumination: off timer from 0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150 and
When this item is turned to ON, the interior 180 second periods.
lights will illuminate if any door is unlocked. Selective Door Unlock:
Light Sensitivity: When this item is turned to ON, only the driver’s
Adjust the sensitivity of the automatic headlights door is unlocked first after the door unlock
higher (right) or lower (left). operation. When the door handle request switch
on the driver’s or front passenger’s side door is
pushed to be unlocked, only the corresponding
door is unlocked first. All the doors can be
4-18 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
unlocked if the door unlock operation is per-
formed again within 60 seconds.
When this item is turned to OFF, all the doors
will be unlocked after the door unlock operation
is performed once.
Intelligent Key Lock/Unlock:
When this item is turned to ON, door lock/
unlock function by pushing the door handle
request switch will be activated.
Return All Settings to Default:
Select this item and then select “YES” to return
all settings to the default. SAA2487 SAA3675
Clock settings Models with navigation system Models without navigation system
The clock settings display cannot be operated The display as illustrated will appear when The display as illustrated will appear when
while driving. Stop the vehicle in a safe place pushing the SETTING button and selecting the pushing the SETTING button and selecting the
and apply the parking brake before setting the “Others” key, and then selecting the “Clock” key. “Clock” key.
clock. On-screen Clock:
When this item is turned to ON, a clock is
always displayed in the upper right corner of the
This clock will indicate the time almost exactly
because it is always adjusted by the GPS
system (models with navigation system).
Clock Format (24h):
When this item is turned to ON, the 24-hour
clock is displayed. When this item is not turned
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-19
to ON, the 12-hour clock is displayed. . Pacific
Offset (hour)/(min) (models with naviga-
tion system)/Clock Adjust (models without
navigation system):
Adjust the time by increasing or decreasing per
hour or per minute.
Daylight Saving Time:
Turn this item to ON for daylight saving time
Time Zone:
Choose the time zone from the following
Models with navigation system SAA2490
Models with navigation system
. Pacific
. Mountain Language & Units settings
. Central The Language & Units settings display will
. Eastern appear when pushing the SETTING button,
. Atlantic selecting the “Others” key, and then selecting
the “Language & Units” key.
. Newfoundland
. Hawaii
. Alaska
Models without navigation system
. Eniwetok, Kwajalein
. Midway Island, Samoa
. Hawaii
. Alaska
4-20 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Select Units:
Select the “Select Units” key. Choose “US”
(Mile, 8F, MPG) or “Metric” (km, 8C, L/100 km)
for your favorite display appearance.
Voice Recognition settings (models with
navigation system)
For details about the “Voice Recognition”
settings, see “NISSAN voice recognition system
(models with navigation system)” later in this
CAMERA settings (if so equipped)
SAA1092 The “CAMERA” screen will appear when select- SAA2491
Models without navigation system ing the “Camera” key.
The display illustrated will appear when pushing For the details about the camera system Image Viewer (models with navigation
the SETTING button and selecting the “Lan- operation, see “RearView monitor” later in this system)
guage & Units” key. section. The image files in the USB memory will be
Select Language: displayed. To display the Image Viewer, push the
SETTING button, select the “Other” key and
Select the “Select Language” key. Choose
then select the “Image Viewer” key. The image of
“English”, “Français” or “Español” for your
the selected file is displayed on the right side of
favorite display appearance.
the screen.
If you select the “Français” key, the French
When a number of folders are included in the
language will be displayed, so please use the
USB memory, select a folder from the list to
French Owner’s Manual. To obtain a French
display the file list.
Owner’s Manual, see “Owner’s Manual/Service
Manual order information” in the “9. Technical Images will not be shown on the display while
and consumer information” section. the vehicle is in any drive position to reduce
driver distraction. To view images, stop the
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-21
vehicle in a safe location and apply the parking . (Previous)
brake. Select the “ ” key to display the previous
Setting the Image Viewer:
The Image Viewer setting display will appear
when selecting the “Settings” key on the full
screen display. The following settings are
available for the full screen display.
. Slideshow Speed
Select the “Slideshow Speed” key. From the
following display, select the changing time
from 5, 10, 30, 60 seconds or “No Auto
SAA2492 Change”.
. Slideshow Order
Full Screen Display:
Select the “Slideshow Order” key. From the
The full screen display will appear when select-
following display, select “Random” or “Order
ing the “Full Screen Display” key.
List”. For “Order List”, the image order is the
To operate the Image Viewer or to change the order of the files as stored on the USB
settings, select the desired key using the multi- memory.
function controller.
Operating tips:
. (Start)
. Only files that meet the following conditions
Select the “ ” key to start playing the
will be displayed.
— Image type: JPEG
. (Stop)
— File Extensions: *.jpg, *jpeg
Select the “ ” key to stop the slideshow.
— Maximum Resolution: 2048 6 1536
. (Next)
Select the “ ” key to display the next file.
4-22 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-23
Predictive course lines *
6 :
actual course line.
Indicate the predictive course when backing up. . The displayed lines will appear
The predictive course lines will be displayed on slightly off to the right because the
the monitor when the shift lever is in the R RearView camera is not installed in
(Reverse) position and the steering wheel is the rear center of the vehicle.
turned. The predictive course lines will move
depending on how much the steering wheel is . The distance guide line and the
turned and will not be displayed while the vehicle width line should be used
steering wheel is in the neutral position. as a reference only when the vehicle
is on a level paved surface. The
HOW TO PARK WITH PREDICTIVE distance viewed on the monitor is
COURSE LINES for reference only and may be
different than the actual distance
SAA1896 between the vehicle and displayed
WARNING objects.
. Always turn and check that it is safe . When backing-up the vehicle up a
LINES hill objects viewed in the monitor
to do so before backing up. Always
Guiding lines which indicate the vehicle width back up slowly. are further than they appear. When
and distances to objects with reference to the backing-up the vehicle down a hill,
vehicle body line *A are displayed on the . Use the displayed lines as a refer-
ence. The lines are highly affected objects viewed in the monitor are
monitor. closer than they appear. Use the
by the number of occupants, fuel
Distance guide lines: level, vehicle position, road condi- inside mirror or glance over your
Indicate distances from the bumper. tion and road grade. shoulder to properly judge dis-
tances to other objects.
. Red line * 1 : approx. 1.5 ft (0.5 m) . If the tires are replaced with differ-
. Yellow line *2 : approx. 3 ft (1 m) ent sized tires, the predictive course The vehicle width and predictive course
. Green line * 3 : approx. 7 ft (2 m) line may be displayed incorrectly. lines are wider than the actual width and
. Green line * 4 : approx. 10 ft (3 m) . On a snow-covered or slippery road, course.
Vehicle width guide lines * 5 : there may be a difference between
the predictive course line and the
Indicate the vehicle width when backing up.
4-24 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
5. When the vehicle is parked in the space
completely, move the shift lever to the P
(Park) position and apply the parking brake.
SAA1897 SAA1898
1. Visually check that the parking space is safe 3. Slowly back up the vehicle adjusting the
before parking your vehicle. steering wheel so that the predictive course
2. The rear view of the vehicle is displayed on lines *B enter the parking space * C .
the screen *A when the shift lever is moved 4. Maneuver the steering wheel to make the
to the R (Reverse) position. vehicle width guide lines *D parallel to the
parking space * C while referring to the
predictive course lines.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-25
Backing up on a steep uphill
When backing up the vehicle up a hill, the
distance guide lines and the vehicle width guide
lines are shown closer than the actual distance.
For example, the display shows 3 ft (1 m) to the
place * A , but the actual 3 ft (1 m) distance on
the hill is the place *
B . Note that any object on
the hill is viewed in the monitor further than it
SAA1978 SAA1979
SAA1923 SAA1980
1 : Shift lever is moved into the R(Reverse)
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-31
Indicate the predictive course when backing up.
The predictive course lines will be displayed on
the monitor when the shift lever is in the R
(Reverse) position and the steering wheel is
turned. The predictive course lines will move
depending on how much the steering wheel is
turned and will not be displayed while the
steering wheel is in the neutral position.
SAA1896 JVH0371X
Indicate the vehicle width when backing up. Indicates the vehicle width when backing up.
Predictive course lines *
6 (Rear view
4-32 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
HOW TO PARK WITH PREDICTIVE . When the steering wheel is turned course.
COURSE LINES with the ignition switch in the “ACC”
position, the predictive course lines
may not be displayed correctly.
. The displayed lines will appear
. Always turn and check that it is safe slightly off to the right because the
to park your car before backing up. RearView camera is not installed in
Always back up slowly. the rear center of the vehicle.
. Use the displayed lines as a refer- . The distance guide line and the
ence. The lines are highly affected vehicle width guide line should be
by the number of occupants, fuel used as a reference only when the
level, vehicle position, road condi- vehicle is on a level paved surface.
tion and road grade. The distance viewed on the monitor
is for reference only and may be
. If the tires are replaced with differ-
different than the actual distance
ent sized tires, the predictive course
between the vehicle and displayed
line may not be displayed correctly.
. On a snow-covered or slippery road,
. When backing up the vehicle up a
there may be a difference between
hill, objects viewed in the monitor
the predictive course line and the
are further than they appear. When
actual course line.
backing up the vehicle down a hill,
. If the battery is disconnected or objects viewed in the monitor are
becomes discharged, the predictive closer than they appear. Use the
course lines may not be displayed inside mirror or glance over your
correctly. If this occurs, perform the shoulder to properly judge dis-
following procedures. tances to other objects.
— Drive the vehicle on a straight
road for more than 5 minutes. The vehicle width and predictive course
lines are wider than the actual width and
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-33
5. When the vehicle is parked in the space
completely, move the shift lever to the P
(Park) position and apply the parking brake.
SAA1897 SAA1898
1. Visually check that the parking space is safe 3. Slowly back up the vehicle adjusting the
before parking your vehicle. steering wheel so that the predictive course
2. The rear view of the vehicle is displayed on lines *B enter the parking space * C .
the screen * A as illustrated when the shift 4. Maneuver the steering wheel to make the
lever is moved to the R (Reverse) position. vehicle width guide lines *D parallel to the
parking space * C while referring to the
predictive course lines.
4-34 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
For example, the display shows 3 ft (1 m) to the
place * A , but the actual 3 ft (1 m) distance on
the hill is the place *
B . Note that any object on
the hill is viewed in the monitor further than it
SAA1978 SAA1979
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-35
the hill is viewed in the monitor closer than it
SAA1923 SAA1980
Turning the MOD system on or off 2. Then select the “Moving Object Detection When the MOD system is turned on, the MOD
(MOD)” key and push the ENTER button. icon *
1 is displayed.
1. Push the SETTING button, select the “Driver
Assistance” key and push the ENTER MOD malfunction
button. When the yellow MOD icon is displayed in the
view, the system is not functioning properly. This
will not hinder normal driving operation but the
system should be inspected by a NISSAN
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-39
Camera maintenance
If dirt, rain or snow accumulates on the camera,
the MOD system may not operate properly.
Clean the camera.
The camera washer operates automatically
when dirt is detected on the camera during
driving. The washer then stops operation after a
period of time.
SAA1991 SAA1066
Center ventilators Rear ventilators (for Hardtop models)
SAA1990 SAA0564B
Side ventilators Rear ventilators (for CrossCabriolet models)
4-40 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Models without navigation system
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-41
For the models with the color display screen,
push the “STATUS” button to display the heater
and air conditioner status screen. (See “How to
use STATUS button” earlier in this section.)
Type A
1. Temperature control button (driver side)
2. “AUTO” automatic air conditioner ON button
3. “ ” front defroster button
4. “ ” fan speed control dial/OFF button
5. “ ” intake air control button
6. “MODE” manual air flow control button
7. Temperature control button (passenger side)
8. “A/C” air conditioner ON/OFF button
9. “ ” rear window defroster button (See “Rear
window and outside mirror defroster switch” in
the “2. Instruments and controls” section.)
10. “ ” upper vent system button
11. “DUAL” zone control ON/OFF button
4-42 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Cooling and/or dehumidified heating
This mode may be used all year round. The
system works automatically to control the inside
temperature, air flow distribution and fan speed
after the preferred temperature is set manually.
1. Push the “AUTO” button on. (The indicator
on the button will illuminate and AUTO will
be displayed.)
2. Operate the driver side temperature control
buttons (type A) or dial (type B) to set the
desired temperature.
Type B
1. “AUTO” automatic air conditioner ON button/ Adjust the temperature to about 758F
Temperature control dial (driver side) (248C) for normal operation.
2. “A/C” air conditioner ON/OFF button . The temperature of the passenger com-
3. “ ” intake air control button partment will be maintained automati-
4. “ ” fan speed control dial/ON/OFF button cally. Air flow distribution and fan speed
5. “ ” upper vent system button will also be controlled automatically.
6. “DUAL” zone control ON/OFF button/Tempera-
3. You can individually set driver and front
ture control dial (passenger side)
passenger side temperature using each
7. “ ” front defroster button
temperature control buttons (type A) or dial
8. “ ” rear window defroster button (See “Rear
(type B). When the “DUAL” button is pushed
window and outside mirror defroster switch” in
the “2. Instruments and controls” section.) or the passenger side temperature control
9. “MODE” manual air flow control button
buttons (type A) or dial (type B) is/are
operated, the DUAL indicator will come on.
To turn off the passenger side temperature
control, push the “DUAL” button.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-43
A visible mist may be seen coming from the . To quickly remove ice from the outside of the mode “ ”.
ventilators in hot, humid conditions as the air is windows, turn the “ ” fan speed control
cooled rapidly. This does not indicate a mal- dial and set it to the maximum position. Outside air circulation
function. . As soon as possible after the windshield is Push the intake air control button “ ” to
clean, push the “AUTO” button to return to change the air circulation from the intake air to
Heating (A/C OFF) the outside air. The indicator light “ ” will turn
the auto mode.
The air conditioner does not activate in this off.
. When the “ ” front defroster button is
mode. When you need to heat only, use this
pushed, the air conditioner will automatically Automatic air intake control
be turned on at outside temperatures above
In the AUTO mode, the intake air will be
1. Push the “A/C” button. (The A/C indicator 238F (−58C) to defog the windshield, and
controlled automatically. To manually control
will turn off.) the air recirculate mode will automatically be the intake air, push the intake air control button
2. Operate the temperature control buttons turned off. “ ”. To return to the automatic control mode,
(type A) or dial (type B) to set the desired Outside air is drawn into the passenger push the intake air control button “ ” for
temperature. compartment to improve the defogging about 2 seconds. The indicator lights will flash
. The temperature of the passenger compart- performance. twice, and then the intake air will be controlled
ment will be maintained automatically. Air MANUAL OPERATION automatically.
flow distribution and fan speed are also
Fan speed control Air flow control
controlled automatically.
. Do not set the temperature lower than the Turn the “ ” fan speed control dial to Pushing the “MODE” manual air flow control
outside air temperature. Otherwise the manually control the fan speed. button selects the air outlet to:
system may not work properly. Push the “AUTO” button to return to automatic : Air flows from center and side ventilators.
. Not recommended if windows fog up. control of the fan speed. : Air flows from center and side ventilators
and foot outlets.
Dehumidified defrosting or defogging Air recirculation : Air flows mainly from foot outlets.
1. Push the “ ” front defroster button. (The Push the intake air control button “ ” to : Air flows from defroster and foot outlets.
indicator light on the button will come on.) recirculate interior air inside the vehicle. The
indicator light “ ” will come on.
2. Operate the temperature control buttons
(type A) or dial (type B) to set the desired The air recirculation mode cannot be activated
temperature. when the air conditioner is in the front defrosting
4-44 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Upper vent system extremely decreased or when windows fog
When the “ ” upper vent system button is up easily when operating heater or air
pushed, the air flow against the driver’s or conditioning system.
passenger’s upper body becomes gentle. The SERVICING AIR CONDITIONER
indicator light on the button will come on. The air conditioning system in your NISSAN is
In this mode, air from the center ventilators flows charged with a refrigerant designed with the
both straight and upward in order to control the environment in mind. This refrigerant will not
cabin temperature without blowing air directly harm the earth’s ozone layer. However,
on the occupants. special charging equipment and lubricant are
If you want strong air flow against your upper required when servicing your NISSAN air con-
body, push the “ ” button to turn the indicator ditioner. Using improper refrigerants or lubri-
light off. cants will cause severe damage to your air
conditioning system. (See “Capacities and
TO TURN THE SYSTEM ON/OFF recommended fuel/lubricants” later in this sec-
Push the “OFF” or “ON·OFF” button when the OPERATING TIPS tion in the “9. Technical and consumer informa-
heater and air conditioner is off. The system will
The sunload sensor * A on the instrument panel tion” section for air conditioning system
turn on with the settings that were used refrigerant and lubricant recommendations.)
helps maintain a constant temperature. Do not
immediately before the system was turned off. Your NISSAN dealer will be able to service your
put anything on or around this sensor.
IN-CABIN MICROFILTER environmentally friendly air conditioning system.
The air conditioning system is equipped with an
in-cabin microfilter which collects dirt, pollen, WARNING
dust, etc. To make sure the air conditioner heats,
defogs, and ventilates efficiently, replace the The system contains refrigerant under
filter in accordance with the maintenance high pressure. To avoid personal injury,
schedule in the NISSAN Service and Mainte- any air conditioner service should be
nance Guide. To replace the filter, contact a done only by an experienced technician
NISSAN dealer. with the proper equipment.
The filter should be replaced if air flow is
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-45
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-47
. During cold weather or rainy days, the player . This audio system can only play prerecorded
may malfunction due to the humidity. If this CDs. It has no capabilities to record or burn
occurs, remove the CD and dehumidify or CDs.
ventilate the player completely. . If the CD cannot be played, one of the
. The player may skip while driving on rough following messages will be displayed.
roads. CHECK DISC:
. The CD player sometimes cannot function — Confirm that the CD is inserted correctly
when the passenger compartment tempera- (the label side is facing up, etc.).
ture is extremely high. Decrease the tem- — Confirm that the CD is not bent or
perature before use. warped and it is free of scratches.
. Only use high quality 4.7 in (12 cm) round PUSH EJECT:
discs that have the “COMPACT disc DIGI-
This is an error due to the temperature inside
TAL AUDIO” logo on the disc or packaging.
the player is too high. Remove the CD by
. Do not expose the CD to direct sunlight. pushing the EJECT button, and after a short
. CDs that are of poor quality, dirty, scratched, time reinsert the CD. The CD can be played
covered with fingerprints, or that have pin when the temperature of the player returns
holes may not work properly. to normal.
. The following CDs may not work properly: UNPLAYABLE:
— Copy control compact discs (CCCD) The file is unplayable in this audio system
— Recordable compact discs (CD-R) (only MP3 or WMA CD). LHA0484
— Rewritable compact discs (CD-RW)
. Do not use the following CDs as they may DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) player
cause the CD player to malfunction. (models with navigation system)
— 3.1 in (8 cm) discs . Do not force a compact disc into the CD/
— CDs that are not round DVD insert slot. This could damage the CD/
DVD player.
— CDs with a paper label
. During cold weather or rainy days, the player
— CDs that are warped, scratched, or have
may malfunction due to humidity. If this
abnormal edges
occurs, remove the CD/DVD and dehumidify
4-48 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
or ventilate the player completely. — 3.1 in (8 cm) discs — The file is not MP3, WMA, AAC, M4A or
. The player may skip while driving on rough — CD/DVDs that are not round DivX® type.
roads. — CD/DVDs with a paper label Region Invalid:
. The CD/DVD player sometimes cannot — CD/DVDs that are warped, scratched or — The DVD is not for region 1 or all regions.
function when the passenger compartment have abnormal edges Use DVDs with a region code “1”, “ALL”
temperature is extremely high. Decrease the — This audio system can only play pre- or “1 included” for your DVD entertain-
temperature before use. recorded CD/DVDs. It has no capabilities ment system. (The region code * A is
. Only use high quality 4.7 in (12 cm) round to record or burn CD/DVDs. displayed as a small symbol printed on
discs that have the “COMPACT disc DIGI- the top of the DVD * B .) This vehicle-
. If the CD/DVD cannot be played, one of the
TAL AUDIO” or “DVD Video” logo on the following messages will be displayed. installed DVD player cannot play DVDs
disc or packaging. with a region code other than “1” or
Disc Read Error:
. Do not expose the CD/DVD to direct “ALL”.
— Confirm that the CD/DVD is inserted
sunlight. correctly (the label side is facing up, Copyright and trademark:
. CD/DVDs that are of poor quality, dirty, etc.). . The technology protected by the U.S. patent
scratched, covered with fingerprints, or that — Confirm that the CD/DVD is not bent or and other intellectual property rights owned
have pinholes may not work properly. warped and it is free of scratches. by Macrovision Corporation and other right
. The following CD/DVDs are not guaranteed Please Eject Disc: holders is adopted for this system.
to play: . This copyright protected technology cannot
— This may be an error due to the
— Copy control compact discs (CCCD) temperature inside the player being too be used without a permit from Macrovision
— Recordable compact discs (CD-R) high. Remove the CD/DVD by pushing Corporation. It is limited to be personal use,
— Rewritable compact discs (CD-RW) the EJECT button, and after a short time etc., as long as the permit from Macrovision
— Recordable DVDs (DVD±R, DVD±R DL) reinsert the CD/DVD. The CD/DVD can Corporation is not issued.
— Rewritable DVDs (DVD±RW, DVD±RW be played when the temperature of the . Modifying or disassembling is prohibited.
DL) player returns to normal. If the error . Dolby digital is manufactured under license
. Do not use the following CD/DVDs as they persists, consult your local dealership. from Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
may cause the CD/DVD player to malfunc- Unplayable File: . Dolby and the double D mark “ ” are
tion. — The file may be copy protected. trademarks of Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-49
. DTS and DTS 2.0 “ ” are registered — Do not pull or drop the cable.
trademarks of DTS, Inc. CAUTION — Do not hit or press the USB port
Parental level (parental control): or USB device with hands, feet,
. Do not force the USB device into the
DVDs with the parental control setting can be or objects.
USB port. Inserting the USB device
played with this system. Please use your own
tilted or up-side-down into the port — Do not store objects with sharp
judgement to set the parental control with the
may damage the USB device and edges in the storage area where
the port. Make sure that the USB the cable is stored.
Disc selection: device is connected correctly into — Do not leave the USB device and
The following disc formats can be played with the USB port. attached devices in the vehicle
the DVD drive. . Do not grab the USB port cover (if compartment. When not in use
. DVD-VIDEO so equipped) when pulling the USB for extended periods of time,
. VIDEO-CD device out of the port. This could store the cable and USB device
. CD-DA (Conventional Compact Disc) damage the port and the cover. in a clean, dust free environment
. DTS-CD . Do not leave the USB cable in a at room temperature and with-
place where it can be pulled unin- out direct sun exposure.
USB (Universal Serial Bus) (if so tentionally. Pulling the cable may — Do not use the cable for any
equipped) break the wire, USB device or the other purposes than its intended
port. use in the vehicle.
WARNING . To avoid damage and loss of func-
tion when using a USB device, note The vehicle is not equipped with a USB device.
Do not connect or disconnect the USB the following precautions. USB devices should be purchased separately
device while driving. Doing so can be a — Do not bend the cable exces- as necessary.
distraction. If distracted you could lose sively 1.6 in (40 mm) radius This system cannot be used to format USB
control of your vehicle and cause an minimum. devices. To format a USB device, use a personal
accident or serious injury. computer.
— Do not twist the cable exces-
sively (more than 180 degrees). In some states/area, the USB device for the
front seats plays only sound without images for
4-50 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
regulatory reasons, even when the vehicle is exposed to fluids other than water, evapora- . An iPod nano® (2nd Generation) will con-
parked. tive residue may cause a short circuit tinue to fast-forward or rewind if it is
This system supports various USB memory between the connector pins and USB port. disconnected during a seek operation.
devices, USB hard drives and iPod® players. In this case, replace the cable and USB port. . An incorrect song title may appear when the
Some USB devices may not be supported by Otherwise damage to the USB device and a Play Mode is changed while using an iPod
this system. loss of function may occur. nano® (2nd Generation)
. If the cable is damaged (insulation cut, . Audiobooks may not play in the same order
. Partitioned USB devices may not be played
connectors cracked, contamination such as as they appear on an iPod®.
liquids, dust, dirt, etc. in the connectors), do . Large video files cause slow responses in an
. Some characters used in other languages
not use the cable. Replace the cable with a iPod®. The vehicle center display may
(Chinese, Japanese, etc.) may not appear
new one. momentarily black out, but will soon recover.
properly in the display. Using English lan-
. Do not put a USB device in a location where . If an iPod® automatically selects large video
guage characters with a USB device is
static electricity occurs, electrical noise is files while in the shuffle mode, the vehicle
generated or hot air from the air conditioner center display may momentarily black out,
General notes for USB use: blows directly on it. Doing so may cause the but will soon recover.
. The USB device may not function when the data stored on the USB device to be
passenger compartment temperature is ex- corrupted. Compressed Audio Files (MP3/WMA/
tremely high. Lower the temperature before ®
Notes for iPod use:
use. Explanation of terms:
iPod® is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in
. During cold weather or rainy days, the player . MP3 — MP3 is short for Moving Pictures
the U.S. and other countries.
may malfunction due to humidity. If this Experts Group Audio Layer 3. MP3 is the
occurs, remove the USB device and dehu- . Improperly plugging in the iPod® may cause
a checkmark to be displayed on and off most well known compressed digital audio
midify or ventilate the USB player comple- file format. This format allows for near “CD
tely. (flickering). Always make sure that the iPod®
is connected properly. quality” sound, but at a fraction of the size of
. Do not connect a USB device if a connector, normal audio files. MP3 conversion of an
cable or USB port is wet. Allow the . An iPod nano® (1st Generation) may remain
audio track can reduce the file size by
connector, cable, and USB port to dry in fast forward or rewind mode if it is
approximately a 10:1 ratio (Sampling: 44.1
completely before connecting the USB connected during a seek operation. In this
kHz, Bit rate: 128 kbps) with virtually no
device. (Wait for 24 hours or more until it case, please manually reset the iPod®.
perceptible loss in quality. The compression
is dry.) If the connector and USB port are
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-51
reduces certain parts of sound that seem . ID3/WMA Tag — The ID3/WMA tag is the
inaudible to most people. part of the encoded MP3 or WMA file that
. WMA — Windows Media Audio (WMA) is a contains information about the digital music
compressed audio format created by Micro- file such as song title, artist, album title,
soft as an alternative to MP3. The WMA encoding bit rate, track time duration, etc.
codec offers greater file compression than ID3 tag information is displayed on the
the MP3 codec, enabling storage of more Album/Artist/Track title line on the display.
digital audio tracks in the same amount of * Windows® and Windows Media® are regis-
space when compared to MP3s at the same tered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
level of quality. Corporation in the United States of America
. AAC/M4A — Advanced Audio Coding and/or other countries.
(AAC) is a lossy audio compression format.
Audio files that have been encoded with
AAC are generally smaller in size and deliver
a higher quality of sound than MP3.
. Bit rate — Bit rate denotes the number of
bits per second used by a digital music file.
The size and quality of a compressed digital
audio file is determined by the bit rate used
when encoding the file.
. Sampling frequency — Sampling frequency
is the rate at which the samples of a signal SAA2494
are converted from analog to digital (A/D
Playback order:
conversion) per second.
. The folder names of folders not containing
. Multisession — Multisession is one of the
compressed audio files are not shown in the
methods for writing data to media. Writing
data once to the media is called a single
session, and writing more than once is . If there is a file in the top level of a disc/USB,
called a multisession. “Root Folder” is displayed.
4-52 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
. The playback order is the order in which the
files were written by the writing software, so
the files might not play in the desired order.
. Music playback order of compressed audio
files is as illustrated.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-53
Specification chart (for FM-AM radio with Compact Disc (CD) changer):
*1 Files created with a combination of 48 kHz sampling frequency and 64 kbps bit rate cannot be played.
*2 Protected WMA files (DRM) cannot be played.
*3 Available codes depend on what kind of media, versions and information are going to be displayed.
*4 When VBR files are played, the playback time may not be displayed correctly.
4-54 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Specification chart (for FM-AM-SAT radio with Compact Disc (CD) player):
Supported media CD, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-ROM*5, DVD±R*5, DVD±RW*5, DVD±R DL*5, USB2.0
Romeo, Joliet
* ISO9660 Level 3 (packet writing) is not supported.
Supported file systems * Files saved using the Live File System component (on a Windows Vista-based computer) are not supported.
UDF Bridge (UDF1.02+ISO9660), UDF1.5, UDF2.0
* VDF1.5/VDF2.0 (packet writing) is not supported.
USB memory: FAT16, FAT32
Version MPEG1 Audio Layer 3
MP3 Sampling frequency 8 kHz - 48 kHz
Bit rate 8 kbps - 320 kbps, VBR*4
Version WMA7, WMA8, WMA9
WMA*2 Sampling frequency 32 kHz - 48 kHz
Bit rate 32 kbps - 192 kbps, VBR*4
Version MPEG-AAC
AAC*5 Sampling frequency 8 kHz - 96 kHz
Bit rate 16 kbps - 320 kbps, VBR*4
ID3 tag VER1.0, VER1.1, VER2.2, VER2.3, VER2.4 (MP3 only)
Tag information (Song title and Artist name)
WMA tag (WMA only)
Models with navigation system:
Folder levels: 8, Folders: 512 (including root folder), Files: 5,000
Folder levels
Models without navigation system:
Folder levels: 8, Folders and files: 999 (Max. 255 files for one folder)
01: ASCII, 02: ISO-8859-1, 03: UNICODE (UTF-16 BOM Big Endian), 04: UNICODE (UTF-16 Non-BOM Big
Displayable character codes*3 Endian), 05: UNICODE (UTF-8), 06: UNICODE (Non-UTF-16 BOM Little Endian), 07: SHIFT-JIS
*1 Files created with a combination of 48 kHz sampling frequency and 64 kbps bit rate cannot be played.
*2 Protected WMA files (DRM) cannot be played.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-55
*3 Available codes depend on what kind of media, versions and information are going to be displayed.
*4 When VBR files are played, the playback time may not be displayed correctly.
*5 Models with navigation system
4-56 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Troubleshooting guide:
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-57
Compressed Video Files (models with Requirement for Supporting Video Playback:
navigation system)
Media CD, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD, DVD±R, DVD±RW, DVD±RW DL, USB 2.0 Memory
Explanation of terms: CD,
ISO9660 LEVEL1, ISO9660 LEVEL2, Romeo, Joliet, UDF Bridge
. DivX® - DivX® refers to the DivX® codec CD-R,
(UDF1.02+ISO9660), UDF1.5, UDF2.0
owned by DivX, Inc. used for a lossy CD-RW,
- ISO9660 Level 3 (packet writing) is not supported.
compression of video based on MPEG-4. File Systems DVD±R,
- Files saved using the Live File System component (on a Windows
Vista-based computer) are not supported.
. AVI - AVI stands for Audio Video Interleave. DVD±RW,
- VDF1.5/VDF2.0 (packet writing) is not supported.
It is a standard file format originated by DVD±RW DL
Microsoft Corporation. A “.divx” encoded file USB Memory FAT16, FAT32
can be saved into the “.avi” file format for Video Codecs DivX3, DivX4, DivX5, DivX6
.divx, .avi
playback on this system if it meets the Audio Codecs MP3, MPEG2.5 Audio Layer3, AC3, LPCM
requirements stated in the table in this File Types
Video Codec ISO-MPEG4
section. However, not all the “.avi” files are .asf
Audio Codec G.726
playable on this system since different
Maximum Average 4Mbps
encodings can be used than the DivX® Bit Rates .divx, .avi
Maximum Peak 8Mbps
Minimum 32 6 32
. ASF - ASF stands for Advanced Systems .divx, .avi
Format. It is a file format owned by Microsoft Maximum 720 6 480
Corporation. Note: Only “.asf” files that meet Minimum 32 6 32
the requirements stated in the table in this Maximum 720 6 576
section can be played.
. Bit rate — Bit rate denotes the number of
bits per second used by a digital video file.
The size and quality of a compressed digital
audio file is determined by the bit rate used
when encoding the file.
4-58 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Bluetooth® Audio player (models with . While an audio device is connected through
navigation system) a Bluetooth® wireless connection, the bat-
Bluetooth® is a trademark owned
tery power of the device may discharge
by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and li- quicker than usual.
censed to Clarion Co., Ltd. . This system supports the Bluetooth® Audio
Distribution Profile (A2DP, AVRCP).
. ®
Some Bluetooth audio devices may not be
recognized by the in-vehicle audio system. . Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) and the Bluetooth®
functions share the same frequency band
. It is necessary to set up the wireless
(2.4 GHz). Using the Bluetooth® and the
connection between a compatible Blue-
wireless LAN functions at the same time may
tooth® audio device and the in-vehicle
slow down or disconnect the communica-
Bluetooth® module before using the Blue-
tion and cause undesired noise. It is
tooth® audio player.
recommended that you turn off the wireless
. Operating procedure of the Bluetooth ® LAN (Wi-Fi) when using the Bluetooth®
audio player will vary depending on the functions.
device. Make sure you understand how to
operate an audio device before using it with
this system.
. The Bluetooth ® audio player may be
stopped under the following conditions:
— Receiving a hands-free call.
— Checking the connection to the hands-
free phone.
. Do not place a Bluetooth® audio device in
an area surrounded by metal or far away
from the in-vehicle Bluetooth® module to
prevent tone quality degradation and wire-
less connection disruption.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-59
12. REW (rewind) button for SEEK/TRACK
13. FF (fast forward) button for SEEK/TRACK
14. AUX IN jack
For all operation precautions, see “Audio opera-
tion precautions” earlier in this section.
Audio main operation
Head unit:
The radio has an FM diversity reception system,
which employs two antennas printed on the rear
window (for Hardtop models). This system
automatically switches to the antenna which is
receiving less interference.
The auto loudness circuit enhances the low and
high frequency ranges automatically in both
radio reception and CD playback.
ON·OFF/Volume control:
Push the ignition switch to the ACC or ON
position, and then push the ON·OFF/VOLUME
control knob while the system is off to call up the
SAA3473 mode (radio, CD or AUX) which was playing
immediately before the system was turned off.
While the system is on, pushing the ON·OFF/
(CD) CHANGER 6. AM·FM band select button VOLUME control knob turns the system off.
1. CD EJECT button 7. DISC button
8. AUX button
Turn the ON·OFF/VOLUME control knob to
2. ON·OFF/VOLUME control knob adjust the volume.
3. Radio station and CD selector buttons 9. DISP (display) change/CLOCK button
4. Radio tuning / MP3/WMA folder selector / 10. Radio/CD SCAN (tuning) button Adjusting sound quality:
AUDIO control knob 11. CD RPT (repeat)/RDM (random) play button Push the Audio control knob to change the
4-60 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
selecting mode as follows. “Hour Adjust”. If another audio source is playing when the radio
Bass ? Treble ? Fade ? Balance ? Speed 2. Turn the AUDIO knob *
4 to adjust hours. band select button is turned to ON, the audio
Sensitive Volume ? Beep source will automatically be turned off and the
3. Push the CLOCK button * 9 or AUDIO
last radio station played will come on.
Rotate the Audio control knob to adjust Bass, knob * 2 to enter. The display will show
Treble, Fade and Balance to the desired level. “Minute Adjust”. When the stereo broadcast signal is weak, the
radio will automatically change from stereo to
Fade adjusts the sound level between the front 4. Turn the AUDIO knob *
4 to adjust minutes.
and rear speakers and Balance adjusts the monaural reception.
sound between the right and left speakers.
5. Push the CLOCK button *
9 or AUDIO
knob *
4 to enter.
TUNE (Tuning):
These items can also be adjusted by pushing Turn the TUNE/FOLDER knob for manual tuning.
The display will return to the regular clock
the AUDIO button.
display after 10 seconds.
. Speed Sensitive Vol. SEEK tuning:
If the power supply is disconnected, the clock
Sound volume is increased according to the Push the SEEK·CAT or TRACK button or
will not indicate the correct time.
vehicle speed. Choose the effect level from to tune from low to high or high to low
“HIGH”, “MID”, “LOW” or “OFF”. Readjust the time. frequencies and to stop at the next broadcasting
. Beep tuning AM-FM radio operation station.
When this item is turned to ON, you will hear
a beep sound when you use a button. radio (FM/AM) band select: SCAN tuning:
Once you have adjusted the sound quality to the Pushing the radio band select button will Push the SCAN tuning button to tune from low
desired level, push the Audio control knob change the band as follows: to high frequencies and stops at each broad-
repeatedly until the radio or CD display re- casting station for 5 seconds. Pushing the
AM ? FM1 ? FM2 ? AM
appears. Otherwise, the radio or CD display will button again during this 5 seconds period will
automatically reappear after about 5 seconds. When the radio band select button is pushed stop SCAN tuning and the radio will remain
while the ignition switch is in the ACC or ON tuned to that station.
CLOCK adjust: position, the radio will come on at the station last
If the SCAN tuning button is not pushed within 5
Push the CLOCK adjust button for more than seconds, SCAN tuning moves to the next
1.5 seconds to turn on the CLOCK display. The last station/channel played will also come station.
on when the ON·OFF/VOL control knob is
1. Push and hold the CLOCK button * 9 for
pushed to ON.
more than 2 seconds until the display shows
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-61
*1 to * 6 Station memory operations: Compact Disc (CD) changer operation PLAY:
12 stations/channels can be set for the FM band Push the ignition switch to the ACC or ON
When the DISC (CD play) button is pushed with
(6 for FM1, 6 for FM2) and 6 stations can be set position, push the LOAD button and insert the
the system off and the compact disc loaded, the
for the AM band. compact disc into the slot with the label side
system will turn on and the compact disc will
1. Choose the radio band AM, FM1 or FM2 facing up. The compact disc will be guided
start to play.
using the radio band select button. automatically into the slot and start playing.
When the DISC button is pushed with the
2. Tune to the desired station using the SEEK, After loading the disc, the number of tracks on
compact disc loaded and the radio playing, the
SCAN or TUNE button. the disc and the play time will appear on the
radio will automatically be turned off and the
3. Select the desired station/channel and keep compact disc will start to play.
pushing any of the desired station preset If the radio is already operating, it will auto-
buttons * 1 to * 6 until a beep sound is matically turn off and the compact disc will play. CD PLAY INFORMATION:
heard. (The radio mutes when the select If the system has been turned off while the When the DISP button is pushed for less than
button is pushed.) compact disc was playing, pushing the 1.5 seconds while the CD is being played, the
4. The channel indicator will then come on and ON·OFF/VOL control knob will start the com- disc information display will change as follows:
the sound will resume. Memorizing is now pact disc.
5. Other buttons can be set in the same CD LOAD:
manner. To insert a CD in the CD changer, push the
If the battery cable is disconnected, or if the fuse LOAD button for less than 1.5 seconds. Select
the loading position by pushing the CD insert CD with MP3 or WMA:
blows, the radio memory will be erased. In that
case, reset the desired stations. select button *
1 to * 6 , then insert the CD.
4-62 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
(CD with MP3 or WMA) played, the first program in all the CDs will be
FF (Fast Forward), REW (Re-
played for 10 seconds.
wind)/APS (Automatic Program Search)
FF, APS REW: Pushing the button again during this 10 second
period will stop SCAN tuning.
Push the FF or REW button for more than 1.5
seconds while a CD is being played to fast If the SCAN tuning button is not pushed within
forward or rewind through the track. When the 10 seconds, SCAN tuning moves to the next
When the CD EJECT button is pushed with the disc program.
button is released, the compact disc will return
compact disc loaded, the compact disc will be
to normal play speed. AUX (Auxiliary) input
When the or button is pushed for less
To eject the discs selected by the CD select
than 1.5 seconds while the compact disc is AUX (Auxiliary) button:
button, push the EJECT button for less than 1.5
being played, the next track or the beginning of The AUX IN jack is located on the audio unit.
the current track on the CD will be played. The AUX IN audio input jack accepts any
To eject all the discs, push the EJECT button for
CD PLAY selection: standard analog audio input such as from a
more than 1.5 seconds.
To change to another CD already loaded into the portable cassette tape/CD player, MP3 player or
When this button is pushed while the compact
player, push the CD play select buttons * 1 to laptop computers.
disc is being played, the compact disc will come
*6 .
out and the system will turn off.
Push the AUX button to play a compatible
device when it is plugged into the AUX IN jack.
REPEAT (RPT), RANDOM (RDM): If the compact disc comes out and is not
NISSAN strongly recommend using a stereo
removed, it will be pulled back into the slot
When the RPT button is pushed while the mini plug cable when connecting your music
to protect it.
compact disc is played, the play pattern can be device to the audio system. Music may not be
changed as follows: played properly when you use a monaural cable.
SCAN tuning:
When the SCAN tuning button is pushed for
less than 1.5 seconds while the CD is being
played, the beginning of all the tracks of CDs will
be played for 10 seconds in sequence.
When the SCAN tuning button is pushed for
more than 1.5 seconds while the CD is being
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-63
With navigation system
1. AM·FM band select button
2. SAT button
3. DISC·AUX button
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-65
FM-AM-SAT radio operation . OFF AIR (Broadcasting signed off)
radio (SAT) band select (models
. CHECK ANTENNA (Antenna connection
without navigation system):
radio (FM/AM) band select: error)
Push the satellite band select button to select
Pushing the radio band select button will . LOADING (When the initial setting is
the satellite radio mode XM1, XM2 or XM3.
change the band as follows: performed)
TUNE (Tuning): . UPDATING (When the satellite radio sub-
AM ? FM1 ? FM2 ? AM
. For AM and FM radio scription is not active)
radio (SAT) band select (models with Turn the radio TUNE knob for manual tuning.
navigation system): . For SiriusXM Satellite Radio SCAN tuning:
Pushing the radio band select button will Turn the radio TUNE knob to seek channels Push the SCAN tuning button to tune from low
change the band as follows: from all of the categories when any category to high frequencies and stop at each broad-
is not selected. casting station/channel for 5 seconds. Pushing
XM1 ? XM2 ? XM3 ? XM1
the button again during this 5 seconds period
When the radio band select button is pushed SEEK tuning/CATEGORY will stop SCAN tuning and the radio will remain
while the ignition switch is in the ACC or ON (CAT): tuned to that station/channel.
position, the radio will come on at the channel
last played. . For AM and FM radio If the SCAN tuning button is not pushed within 5
Push the SEEK button or to tune seconds, SCAN tuning moves to the next
The last channel played will also come on when station/channel.
from low to high or high to low frequencies
the ON·OFF button is pushed to ON.
The satellite radio is not available in Alaska,
and to stop at the next broadcasting station. *1 to * 6 Station memory operations:
. For SiriusXM Satellite Radio 12 stations/channels can be set for the FM band
Hawaii and Guam.
Push the SEEK button or to tune (6 each for FM1 and FM2), 18 for SiriusXM
If another audio source is playing when the radio to the first channel of the next or previous Satellite Radio (6 each for XM1, XM2 and XM3)
band select button is turned to ON, the audio category. and 6 stations can be set for the AM band.
source will automatically be turned off and the During satellite radio reception, the following 1. Choose the radio band using the radio band
last radio channel played will come on. notices will be displayed under certain condi- select button.
When the stereo broadcast signal is weak, the tions.
2. Tune to the desired station/channel using
radio will automatically change from stereo to . NO SIGNAL (No signal is received while the the SEEK/TRACK, SCAN button or the
monaural reception. SAT tuner is connected.) radio TUNE knob.
4-66 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
3. Push and hold the desired station preset the current station will be stored as the new . Name
button *
1 to *6 until the radio mutes. preset. . Title
4. The station indicator will then come on and . Customize Channel List . Other
the sound will resume. Memorizing is now Selects specific channels to skip while using
complete. the TUNE, SEEK/CATEGORY or Menu- Compact Disc (CD) player operation
Categories feature. Push the ignition switch to the ACC or ON
5. Other buttons can be set in the same
. Favorite Artists & Songs position and insert the Compact Disc (CD) into
the slot with the label side facing up. The CD will
If the battery cable is disconnected, or if the fuse Stores the current artist or song that is being
be guided automatically into the slot and start
opens, the radio memory will be erased. In that played. Touch the “Alert” key to be reminded
case, reset the desired stations/channels. when the stored artist or song is playing on a
station while listening to SiriusXM Satellite After loading the CD, the number of tracks on
List (AM and FM radio) (models with Radio. the CD and the play time will appear on the
navigation system): display.
. Categories
When the “List” key on the display is selected Selecting a category will go to the first If the radio is already operating, it will auto-
while the FM or AM radio is being played, the channel in that category as defined by matically turn off and the CD will play.
preset station list will be displayed. SiriusXM Satellite Radio. If the system has been turned off while the CD
If 1 of the 6 preset stations listed is touched and . Direct Tune was playing, pushing the ON·OFF button will
held, the current station will be stored as the Inputs the channel number by using a start the CD.
new preset. keypad. Do not use 3.1 in (8 cm) discs.
Menu (SiriusXM Satellite Radio) (models Text (models without navigation system):
with navigation system): or PLAY:
When the “Text” key is selected with the multi-
When the “Menu” key on the display is selected function controller on the display and then the When the DISC·AUX or DISC (CD play) button
while the SiriusXM Satellite Radio is being ENTER button is pushed while the satellite radio is pushed with the system off and the CD
played, the menu list will be displayed. is being played, the text information listed below loaded, the system will turn on and the CD will
The following items are available. will be displayed on the screen. start to play.
. Preset List . CH Name When the DISC·AUX or DISC button is pushed
Displays the preset channel list. If 1 of the 6 . Category with the CD loaded and the radio playing, the
preset stations listed is touched and held, radio will automatically be turned off and the CD
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-67
will start to play. CD:
Menu (models with navigation system): . Disc title
When the RPT button is pushed while the CD is
When the “Menu” key on the display is selected . Track title played, the play pattern can be changed as
while the CD is being played, the menu screen CD with compressed audio files: follows:
will be displayed. The following menu options . Folder title (CD)
are available. . File title
. Folder List (for CD with compressed audio . Song title
files) . Album title
Displays the folder list. . Artist (CD with compressed audio files)
. Track List
Displays the track list. Next/Previous Track and Fast
. Play Mode Forward/Rewind:
Select a play mode from the following items. Push the FF or REW button for more than 1.5
— Normal seconds while a CD is being played to fast CD EJECT:
— 1 Folder Repeat (for CD with com- forward or rewind through the track. When the
When the CD EJECT button is pushed with the
pressed audio files) button is released, the CD will return to normal
CD loaded, the CD will be ejected.
— 1 Track Repeat play speed.
When this button is pushed while the CD is
— 1 Disc Random When the FF button is pushed for less than 1.5
being played, the CD will be ejected.
— 1 Folder Random (for CD with com- seconds while a CD is being played, the next
track on the CD will be played. If the CD comes out and is not removed, it
pressed audio files)
will be pulled back into the slot to protect
When the REW button is pushed for less than
Text (models without navigation system): it.
1.5 seconds within 3 seconds after the current
When the “Text” key is selected in the screen track started playing, the previous track will be
using the multi-function controller and then the played.
ENTER button is pushed while the CD is being
played, the music information below will be When the REW button is pushed for less than
displayed on the screen. 1.5 seconds after 3 seconds from when the
current track started playing, the beginning of
the current track will be played.
4-68 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) PLAYER
OPERATION (models with navigation CAUTION
. Only operate the DVD while the
Precautions vehicle engine is running. Operating
Start the engine when using the DVD entertain- the DVD for extended periods of
ment system. time with the engine OFF can dis-
Movies will not be shown on the front display charge the vehicle battery.
while the vehicle is in any drive position to . Do not allow the system to get wet.
reduce driver distraction. Audio is available Excessive moisture such as spilled
when a movie is played. To view movies in the liquids may cause the system to
front display, stop the vehicle in a safe location, malfunction.
move the shift lever to the P (Park) position and
. While playing VIDEO-CD media, this SAA2497
apply the parking brake. DVD player does not guarantee
complete functionality of all VI- Playing a DVD
DISC·AUX button:
Park the vehicle in a safe location for the
. The driver must not attempt to Display settings front seat occupants to operate the DVD
operate the DVD system or wear To adjust the front display mode, push the drive while watching the images.
the headphones while the vehicle is SETTING button while the DVD is being played.
in motion so that full attention may Push the DISC·AUX button on the instrument
be given to vehicle operation. To adjust the display ON/OFF, brightness, tint, panel and turn the display to the DVD mode.
color and contrast, select the “Display Adjust-
. Do not attempt to modify the system ment” key and then select each key.
When a DVD is loaded, it will be replayed
to display a movie on the front automatically.
screen while the vehicle is being Then you can adjust each item using the multi-
The operation screen will be turned on when the
driven. Doing so may distract the function controller. After changes have been
DISC·AUX button located on the instrument
driver and may cause a collision and made push the BACK button to save the setting.
panel is pushed while a DVD is being played,
serious personal injury or death. and it will turn off automatically after a period of
time. To turn it on again, push the DISC·AUX
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-69
button again.
/ Commercial Skip:
DVD operation keys:
This function is only for DVD-VIDEO, DVD-VR.
When the DVD is playing without the operation Select the “ ” or “ ” key to skip forward or
screen being shown, you may use the touch backwards by the set amount as defined in the
screen to select items from the displayed video. DVD Settings menu.
You may also use the multifunction controller to
select an item from the displayed video. When Top Menu:
the operation screen is being shown, use the When the “Top Menu” key is selected in the
multifunction controller or touch screen to select screen while a DVD is being played, the top
an item from the displayed menus. menu specific to each disc will be displayed. For
details, see the instructions on the disc.
Select the “ ” key to pause the DVD. To SAA2498
resume playing the DVD, use the “PLAY” key. Example
DVD settings
Select the “Settings” key to adjust the following
Select the “ ” key to start playing the DVD, settings.
for example, after pausing the DVD.
STOP: Keys for the DVD menu operation are displayed.
Select the “ ” key to stop playing the DVD. : Move the cursor to select a DVD menu.
Enter: Enter the selected menu.
/ Next/Previous Chapter: Move: Change the display location by moving
Select the “ ” or “ ” key to skip the the operation key.
chapter(s) of the disc forward/backward. The Back: Return to the previous screen.
chapters will advance/go back the number of Hide: Hide the operation key.
times this key is selected.
4-70 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Title Menu (DVD-VIDEO): “−” side is selected. Display:
Some menus specific to each disc will be Angle Mark (DVD-VIDEO): To adjust the image quality of the screen, select
shown. For details, see the instructions on the the preferred adjustment items.
When this item is turned on, an angle mark will
disc. be shown on the bottom of the screen if the Audio:
Title Search (DVD-VIDEO, DVD-VR): scene can be seen from a different angle. Select the preferred language for audio.
The scene with the specified title will be Menu Skip (DVD-VIDEO): Subtitle (DVD-VIDEO, DVD-VR):
displayed each time the “+” side or “−” side is DVD menus are automatically configured and
selected. Select the preferred language for subtitles.
the contents will be played directly when the
Group Search (VIDEO CD): “Menu Skip” key is turned on. Note that some Display Mode (DVD-VIDEO, VIDEO-CD,
discs may not be played directly even if this item DVD-VR):
A scene in the specified group will be displayed
each time the “+” side or “−” side is selected. is turned on. Select from the “Full”, “Wide”, “Normal” or
“Cinema” modes.
10 Key Search (DVD-VIDEO, VIDEO-CD, CM Skip (DVD-VIDEO):
CD-DA, DVD-VR): Select the “CM Skip” key. Choose the setting Title List (DVD-VR):
Select the “10 Key Search” key to open the time from 15, 30 or 60 seconds by selecting the Select the preferred title from the list.
number entry screen. Input the number to be “+” side or “−” side. Play Mode:
searched and select the “OK” key. The specified DRC (DVD-VIDEO, DVD-VR): Select the preferred play mode.
Title/Chapter or Group/Track will be played. DRC (Dynamic Range Compression) automati- PG/PL Mode (DVD-VR):
Select No. (VIDEO-CD): cally adjusts the soundtrack volume level to
Select the “PG” or “PL” mode.
Select the “Select No.” key to open the number maintain a more even sound to the speakers.
entry screen. Input the number to be searched DVD Language (DVD-VIDEO, VIDEO-CD):
and select the “OK” key. The specified scene Select the “DVD Language” key to open the
will be played. number entry screen. Input the number corre-
Angle (DVD-VIDEO): sponding to the preferred language and select
If the DVD contains different angles (such as the “OK” key. The DVD top menu language will
moving images), the current image angle can be be changed to the one specified.
switched to another one. Select the “Angle” key.
The angle will change each time the “+” side or
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-71
. Depending on size and shape of
USB device, the console lid may not
fully close. Do not force console lid
closed as this may damage USB
. Do not force the USB device into the
USB port. Inserting the USB device
tilted or up-side-down into the port
may damage the USB device and
the port. Make sure that the USB
SAA3557 SAA2500
device is connected correctly into
USB MEMORY OPERATION (if so the USB port. (Some USB devices
File selection (models with navigation
equipped) come with a mark as a guide.
Make sure that the mark is facing
Audio main operation the correct direction before insert- When there are both audio and movie files in the
Open the console lid and connect a USB ing the device.) USB memory, the mode select screen is
displayed. Select the preferred content to play.
memory as illustrated. Then, push the DISC·AUX . Do not locate objects near the USB
or AUX button repeatedly to switch to the USB device to prevent the objects from When there is only one type of file, the audio or
memory mode. leaning on the USB device and the movie operation screen is displayed and the file
If the system has been turned off while the USB port. Pressure from the objects may will start to play.
memory was playing, pushing the ON·OFF/VOL damage the USB device and the If playback of a video file is restricted to a
control knob will start the USB memory. port. specific number of times, a confirmation screen
will appear asking you if you want to play the file.
Answer yes or no as requested by the display.
4-72 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Audio file operation current track started playing, the beginning of
the current track will be played.
or PLAY: The multi-function controller can also be used to
When the DISC·AUX or AUX button is pushed select tracks when the USB memory is being
with the system off and the USB memory played.
inserted, the system will turn on. Folder selection:
If another audio source is playing and a USB To change to another folder on the USB
memory is inserted, push the DISC·AUX or AUX memory, turn the folder selector or choose a
button repeatedly until the center display folder displayed on the screen using the multi-
changes to the USB memory mode. function controller.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-73
. Play Mode
Select the preferred play mode.
Text (models without navigation system):
When the “Text” key is selected on the screen
using the multi-function controller and then the
ENTER button is pushed while a USB memory is
being played, the music information listed below
will be displayed on the screen.
. Folder title
. File title
. Song title
. Album Title
SAA2502 SAA2503
. Artist
Menu (models with navigation system): Movie file operation (models with navi-
There are some options available during play- gation system)
back. Select one of the following options that Park the vehicle in a safe location for the
are displayed on the screen if necessary. Refer front seat occupants to operate the USB
to the following information for each item. memory while watching the images.
. Movie Playback
Switch to the movie playback mode. This PLAY:
item is displayed only when a USB memory When the DISC·AUX button is pushed with the
contains movie files. system off and the USB memory inserted, the
. Folder List/Track List system will turn on.
Displays the folder or track list. The “Movie If another audio source is playing and a USB
Playback” key is also displayed in this list memory is inserted, push the DISC·AUX button
screen, and enables switching to the movie repeatedly until the center display changes to
playback mode. the USB memory mode.
4-74 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Operation keys: List:
To operate the USB memory, select the desired Select the “List” key on the movie file operation
key displayed on the operation screen using the screen to display the file list.
multi-function controller.
Select the “ ” key to pause the movie file. To
resume playing the movie file, select the “ ”
Select the “ ” key to start playing a movie file,
for example, after pausing a movie file. SAA2504
STOP Settings:
Select the “ ” key to stop playing a movie file. Select the “Settings” key to adjust the following
Skip (Next chapter) . Audio File Playback
Select the “ ” key to skip the chapter(s) of Switch to the audio playback mode. This
the disc forward. The chapters will advance the item is displayed only when the USB
number of times the ENTER button is pushed. memory contains the audio files.
. Play Mode
Skip (Previous chapter) Select the “Normal” or “1 Track Repeat” play
Select the “ ” key to skip the chapter(s) of mode.
the disc backward. The chapters will go back . 10 Key Search
the number of times the “ ” key is selected. Select the “10 Key Search” key to open the
number entry screen.
Input the number to be searched and select
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-75
the “OK” key. Bluetooth® STREAMING AUDIO (mod- Bluetooth® functions.
The specified folder/file will be played. els with navigation system) Regulatory information
. Display Your NISSAN is equipped with Bluetooth ®
Streaming Audio. If you have a compatible FCC Regulatory information:
To adjust the image quality of the screen,
select the preferred adjustment items. Bluetooth® device with streaming audio (A2DP . CAUTION: To maintain compliance with
. DRC profile), you can set up the wireless connection FCC’s RF exposure guidelines, use only
between your Bluetooth® device and the in- the supplied antenna. Unauthorized antenna,
DRC (Dynamic Range Compression) auto-
vehicle audio system. This connection allows modification, or attachments could damage
matically adjusts the soundtrack volume
you to listen to the audio from the Bluetooth® the transmitter and may violate FCC regula-
level to maintain a more even sound to the
device using your vehicle speakers. It also may tions.
allow basic control of the device for playing and . Operation is subject to the following two
. Audio
skipping audio files using the AVRCP Blue- conditions:
Select the preferred language for audio. tooth® profile. All Bluetooth® Devices do not 1) This device may not cause interference
. Subtitle have the same level of controls for AVRCP. and
Select the preferred language for subtitle. Please consult the manual for your Bluetooth® 2) This device must accept any interfer-
. Display Mode Device for more details. ence, including interference that may
Select the “Normal”, “Wide”, “Cinema” or Once your Bluetooth® device is connected to cause undesired operation of the device
“Full” mode. the in-vehicle audio system, it will automatically IC Regulatory information:
reconnect whenever the device is present in the
. Operation is subject to the following two
vehicle and you select Bluetooth® Audio from
your audio system. You do not need to manually
reconnect for each usage. 1) This device may not cause interference,
Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) and the Bluetooth ®
2) This device must accept any interfer-
functions share the same frequency band (2.4
ence, including interference that may
GHz). Using the Bluetooth® and the wireless
cause undesired operation of the device.
LAN functions at the same time may slow down
or disconnect the communication and cause . This Class B digital apparatus meets all
undesired noise. It is recommended that you requirements of the Canadian Interference-
turn off the wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) when using the Causing Equipment Regulations.
4-76 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Bluetooth trademark:
Bluetooth® is a trademark owned
by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and li-
censed to Clarion Co., Ltd.
SAA2505 SAA2506
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-77
SAA2507 SAA3005 SAA3006
3. A confirmation screen will be displayed. 4. Choose a PIN code to use with the 5. The standby message screen will appear.
Select “No”. compatible Bluetooth® audio device using Operate the compatible Bluetooth® audio
Note: Selecting “Yes” will only connect the the number input screen. The PIN code will device. For the connecting procedure of the
hands free phone portion of a Bluetooth® need to be entered into the Bluetooth® audio device, see the Bluetooth® audio
device. audio device after step 5. Select the “OK” instructions.
key. When the connecting is completed, the
screen will return to the Bluetooth® setup
4-78 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
select tracks when the Bluetooth® audio is
DISC·AUX button:
When the DISC·AUX button is pushed with the
system off and the Bluetooth® audio device REPEAT (RPT), RANDOM (RDM):
connected, the system will turn on. If another
To change the play mode, push the button
audio source is playing and the Bluetooth®
repeatedly and the mode changes as follows.
audio device is connected, push the DISC·AUX
button repeatedly until the display changes to Normal ? Shuffle All Tracks ? Shuffle Group
the Bluetooth® audio mode. ? Repeat 1 Track ? Repeat All Tracks ?
Repeat Group ? Normal
Next/Previous Track and Fast Operation keys:
Forward/Rewind: To operate a Bluetooth® audio device, select a
Push the FF or REW button for more than 1.5 key displayed on the operation screen using the
SAA2510 seconds while a Bluetooth® file is being played multi-function controller.
to fast forward or rewind through the track.
Audio main operation When the button is released, the Bluetooth® Play
Push the ignition switch to the ACC or ON audio device will return to the normal play speed.
Select the “ ” key to start playing when
position. Then, push the DISC·AUX button When the FF button is pushed for less than 1.5 pausing. Select this key again to pause the
repeatedly to switch to the Bluetooth® audio seconds while the Bluetooth® audio device is audio play.
mode. If the system has been turned off while being played, the next track will be played.
the Bluetooth® audio device was playing, push-
When the REW button is pushed for less than Pause
ing the ON·OFF/VOL control knob will start the
1.5 seconds within 3 seconds after the current ” key to pause the Bluetooth®
Bluetooth® audio device. Select the “
track started playing, the previous track will be audio device. Select this key again to resume
The ability to pause, change tracks, fast forward, played. playing.
rewind, randomize and repeat music may be
When the REW button is pushed for less than
different between devices. Some or all of these Play Mode:
1.5 seconds after 3 seconds from when the
functions may not be supported on each device. The play mode setting display will appear when
current track started playing, the beginning of
the current track will be played. the “Menu” key is selected.
The multi-function controller can also be used to Choose the preferred play mode from the
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-79
following items. Connected Devices:
. Shuffle Registered devices are shown on the list. Select
Choose “Shuffle OFF”, “Shuffle All Tracks” a Bluetooth® device from the list, the following
and “Shuffle Group”. options will be available.
. Repeat . Select
Choose from “Repeat OFF”, “Repeat 1 Select “Select” to connect the selected
Track”, “Repeat All Tracks” and “Repeat device to the vehicle. If there is a different
Group”. device currently connected, the selected
device will replace the current device.
. Edit
Rename the selected Bluetooth® device
using the keypad displayed on the screen.
SAA2511 (See “How to use touch screen (models
with navigation system)” earlier in this
Bluetooth® settings section.)
To set up the Bluetooth® device system to the . Delete
preferred settings, push the SETTING button Delete the selected Bluetooth® device.
and select the “Bluetooth” key.
Edit Bluetooth Info:
Bluetooth: Change the name broadcasted by this system
If this setting is turned off, the connection over Bluetooth®. Change the PIN code that is
between the Bluetooth® devices and the in- entered when connecting a hands free device to
vehicle Bluetooth® module will be canceled. this system.
Connect Bluetooth: Replace Connected Phone:
Connects to the Bluetooth® device. See “Con- Replace the Bluetooth® connection with a
necting procedure” earlier in this section. Up to connected Bluetooth® cellular phone. For de-
5 devices can be registered. tails about Hands-Free Phone System, see
“Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System (models
with navigation system)” later in this section.
4-80 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
the U.S. and other countries. Compatibility
The following models are available:
CAUTION Models with navigation system:
. Fifth generation iPod® (firmware 1.2.3 or
. Depending on size and shape of later)
iPod® and iPod® cable, the console . iPod classic® (firmware 1.1.1 or later)
lid may not fully close. Do not force
. First generation iPod touch® (firmware 2.0.0
console lid closed as this may
or later)
damage iPod® and iPod® cable.
. Second generation iPod touch® (firmware
. Do not force the iPod® cable into 1.2.3 or later)
the USB port. Inserting the iPod®
. First generation iPod nano® (firmware 1.3.1
cable tilted or up-side-down into the
or later)
SAA3344 port may damage the iPod® cable
and the port. Make sure that the . Second generation iPod nano® (firmware
iPod® PLAYER OPERATION (if so iPod® cable is connected correctly 1.1.3 or later)
equipped) into the USB port. (Some iPod® . Third generation iPod nano® (firmware 1.1
cable come with a mark as a or later)
Connecting iPod®
guide. Make sure that the mark is . Fourth generation iPod nano® (firmware
Open the console lid and connect the iPod® 1.0.2 or later)
facing the correct direction before
cable to the USB connector. If compatible, the
inserting the iPod® cable.) Models without navigation system:
battery of the iPod® is charged while the
connection to the vehicle. . Do not locate objects near the iPod® . Fifth generation iPod® (firmware version 1.3)
cable to prevent the objects from
Depending on the version of the iPod®, the . First generation iPod classic® (firmware
leaning on the iPod® cable and the
display on the iPod® shows a NISSAN or version 1.1.2 PC)
port. Pressure from the objects may
Accessory Attached screen when the connec- . Second generation iPod classic® (firmware
damage the iPod® cable and the
tion is completed. When the iPod® is connected version 2.0 PC)
to the vehicle, the iPod® music library can only . First generation iPod touch® (firmware ver-
be operated by the vehicle audio controls. sion 2.1)
* iPod® is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-81
. Second generation iPod touch® (firmware Interface:
Next/Previous Track and Fast
version 2.1.1) The interface for iPod® operation shown on the Forward/Rewind:
. First generation iPod nano® (firmware ver- vehicle center display is similar to the iPod®
sion 1.3.1) Push the FF or REW button for more than 1.5
interface. Use the multi-function controller and
seconds while the iPod® is playing to fast
. Second generation iPod nano® (firmware the ENTER or BACK button to play the iPod®
forward or rewind through a track. When the
version 1.1.3) with your favorite settings.
button is released, the iPod® will return to the
. Third generation iPod nano® (firmware ver- The following items can be chosen from the normal play speed.
sion 1.1 PC) menu list screen. For further information about
When the FF button is pushed for less than 1.5
. Third generation iPhone® (firmware version each item, see the iPod® Owner’s Manual.
seconds while the iPod® is being played, the
2.1) . Now Playing next track will be played.
Make sure that the iPod® firmware is updated. . Playlists
When the REW button is pushed for less than
Audio main operation . Artists 1.5 seconds within 3 seconds after the current
Push the ignition switch to the ACC or ON . Albums track started playing, the previous track will be
position. Then, push the DISC·AUX button . Songs played.
repeatedly to switch to the iPod® mode. . Podcasts When the REW button is pushed for less than
If the system has been turned off while the iPod® . Genres 1.5 seconds after 3 seconds from when the
was playing, pushing the ON·OFF button will . Composers current track started playing, the beginning of
start the iPod®. . Audiobooks the current track will be played.
. Shuffle Songs The multi-function controller can also be used to
or play: The following touch-panel buttons shown on the select tracks when the iPod® is playing.
When the DISC·AUX or AUX button is pushed screen are also available:
with the system off and the iPod® connected, . : returns to the previous screen.
the system will turn on. If another audio source is
. : plays/pauses the music selected.
playing and the iPod® is connected, push the
DISC·AUX or AUX button repeatedly until the
center display changes to the iPod® mode.
4-82 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
. Red - right channel audio input
Before connecting a device to a jack, turn off the
When the RPT button is pushed while a track is power of the portable device.
being played, the play pattern can be changed
as follows: With a compatible device connected to the
jacks, push the DISC·AUX or AUX button
repeatedly until the display switches to the
AUX mode.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-83
AUX Menu
When the “Menu” key on the display is selected
while in the AUX mode, the menu screen will be
Display Mode:
Choose the display mode from the following
. Normal
. Wide
. Cinema
Volume Settings (models with navigation
SAA2496 system): SAA0451
Models with navigation system Choose the volume setting from the following
. Low
. Medium CD/DVD
. High . Handle a CD/DVD by its edges. Never touch
the surface of the disc. Do not bend the
Display (models with navigation system): disc.
Adjust the image quality of the screen, select the . Always place the discs in the storage case
preferred adjustment items. when they are not being used.
. To clean a disc, wipe the surface from the
center to the outer edge using a clean, soft
cloth. Do not wipe the disc using a circular
SAA1567 Do not use a conventional record cleaner or
Models without navigation system
alcohol intended for industrial use.
4-84 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
. A new disc may be rough on the inner and
outer edges. Remove the rough edges by
rubbing the inner and outer edges with the
side of a pen or pencil as illustrated.
USB memory
. Do not touch the terminal portion of the USB
. Do not place heavy objects on the USB
. Do not store the USB memory in highly
humid locations.
. Do not expose the USB memory to direct
. Do not spill any liquids on the USB memory.
Refer to the USB memory Owner’s Manual for
the details.
SAA1854 SAA1855
With navigation system Without navigation system
1. Source select switch
2. Menu control switch (models with navigation
system) or audio tuning switch (models without
navigation system)
3. Volume control switch
4. BACK switch
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-85
STEERING-WHEEL-MOUNTED CON- . Pushing the menu control switch will show . Tilting up/down for more than 1.5 seconds
TROLS FOR AUDIO (if so equipped) the XM Menu. will skip up or down through the folders.
iPod®: . Pushing the menu control switch will show
Menu control switch (models with navi- the USB Menu.
gation system) or audio tuning switch . Tilting up/down for less than 1.5 seconds
(models without navigation system) will skip up or down through the tracks. Bluetooth® Audio (models with navigation
. Pushing the menu control switch will show system):
While the display is showing a MAP (navigation
systems only), STATUS or Audio screen, tilt the the iPod Menu. . Tilting up/down for less than 1.5 seconds
switch upward or downward to select a station, will skip up or down through the tracks.
track, CD or folder. For most audio sources, . Tilting up/down for less than 1.5 seconds BACK switch (models with navi-
tilting the switch up/down for more than 1.5 will skip up or down through the tracks. gation system)
seconds provides a different function than tilting
. Tilting up/down for more than 1.5 seconds Push this switch to go back to the previous
up/down for less than 1.5 seconds.
will skip up or down through the folders (if screen or cancel the selection if it is not
AM and FM radio: playing compressed audio files). completed.
. Tilting up/down for less than 1.5 seconds . Pushing the menu control switch will show
will skip up or down through the preset the CD Menu. Volume control switches
stations. Push the upper (+) or lower (−) side switch to
DVD (models with navigation system):
. Tilting up/down for more than 1.5 seconds increase or decrease the volume.
. Tilting up/down for less than 1.5 seconds
will seek up or down to the next station. Source select switch
will skip up or down through the tracks.
. Pushing the menu control switch will show
. Tilting up/down for more than 1.5 seconds Push the source select switch to change the
the list of preset stations. mode to available audio source.
will skip up or down through the titles.
SiriusXM Satellite Radio: . Pushing the menu control switch will select
. Tilting up/down for less than 1.5 seconds an item from the DVD display.
will skip up or down through the preset . When the transparent operation menu ap-
channels. pears, the switch will control the menu.
. Tilting up/down for more than 1.5 seconds USB:
will go to the next or previous category.
. Tilting up/down for less than 1.5 seconds
will skip up or down through the tracks.
4-86 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Window antenna (for Hardtop models) CAUTION
The antenna pattern is printed inside the rear . To avoid damaging or deforming the
window. antenna, be sure to remove the
antenna under the following condi-
— The vehicle enters an automatic
. Do not place metalized film near the car wash (for Hardtop models).
rear window glass or attach any — The vehicle enters a garage with
metal parts to it. This may cause a low ceiling.
poor reception or noise.
— The vehicle is covered with a car
. When cleaning the inside of the rear SAA2102 cover.
window, be careful not to scratch or
damage the rear window antenna. Roof antenna (for Hardtop models) and . Always properly tighten the antenna
Lightly wipe along the antenna with trunk mounted antenna (for CrossCab- rod during installation. Otherwise,
a dampened soft cloth. riolet models) the antenna rod may break during
vehicle operation.
Removing the antenna:
You can remove the antenna if necessary.
Hold the bottom of the antenna and remove by
turning counterclockwise.
To install the antenna, turn the antenna clock-
wise and tighten.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-87
CAR PHONE OR CB RADIO SYSTEM (models with navigation
When installing a car phone or a CB radio in
your vehicle, be sure to observe the following CAUTION WARNING
cautions, otherwise the new equipment may
adversely affect the electronic control modules . Keep the antenna as far away as . Use a phone after stopping your
and electronic control system harness. possible from the electronic control vehicle in a safe location. If you
modules. have to use a phone while driving,
WARNING . Keep the antenna wire more than 8 exercise extreme caution at all
in (20 cm) away from the electronic times so full attention may be given
. A cellular phone should not be used control system harness. Do not to vehicle operation.
for any purpose while driving so full route the antenna wire next to any . If you find yourself unable to devote
attention may be given to vehicle harness. full attention to vehicle operation
operation. Some jurisdictions prohi- . Adjust the antenna standing-wave while talking on the phone, pull off
bit the use of cellular phones while ratio as recommended by the man- the road to a safe location and stop
driving. ufacturer. your vehicle before doing so.
. If you must make a call while your . Connect the ground wire from the
vehicle is in motion, the hands-free CB radio chassis to the body.
cellular phone operational mode (if
. For details, consult a NISSAN deal- CAUTION
so equipped) is highly recom-
mended. Exercise extreme caution To avoid draining the vehicle battery,
at all times so full attention may be use a phone after starting the engine.
given to vehicle operation.
. If a conversation in a moving vehicle Your NISSAN is equipped with Bluetooth ®
requires you to take notes, pull off Hands-Free Phone System. If you are an owner
the road to a safe location and stop of a compatible Bluetooth® enabled cellular
your vehicle before doing so. phone, you can set up the wireless connection
between your cellular phone and the in-vehicle
phone module. With Bluetooth® wireless tech-
nology, you can make or receive a telephone call
with your cellular phone in your pocket.
4-88 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Once a cellular phone is connected to the in- . Set up the wireless connection between a . Do not place the cellular phone in an area
vehicle phone module, no phone connecting compatible cellular phone and the in-vehicle surrounded by metal or far away from the in-
procedure is required anymore. Your phone is phone module before using the Bluetooth® vehicle phone module to prevent tone quality
automatically connected with the in-vehicle Hands-Free Phone System. degradation and wireless connection dis-
phone module when the ignition switch is . Some Bluetooth® enabled cellular phones ruption.
pushed to the ON position with the registered may not be recognized by the in-vehicle . While a cellular phone is connected through
cellular phone turned on and carried in the phone module. Please visit the Bluetooth® wireless connection, the
vehicle. www.nissanusa.com/bluetooth for a recom- battery power of the cellular phone may
You can register up to 5 different Bluetooth® mended phone list. discharge quicker than usual.
cellular phones in the in-vehicle phone module. . You will not be able to use a hands-free . If the Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System
However, you can talk on only one cellular phone phone under the following conditions: seems to be malfunctioning, please visit
at a time. — Your vehicle is outside of the telephone www.nissanusa.com/bluetooth for trouble-
The NISSAN Voice Recognition system sup- service area. shooting help.
ports the phone commands, so dialing a phone — Your vehicle is in an area where it is . Some cellular phones or other devices may
number using your voice is possible. For more difficult to receive radio waves; such as in cause interference or a buzzing noise to
details, see “NISSAN voice recognition system a tunnel, in an underground parking come from the audio system speakers.
(models with navigation system)” later in this garage, behind a tall building or in a Storing the device in a different location
section; page 4-112. mountainous area. may reduce or eliminate the noise.
Before using the Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone — Your cellular phone is locked in order not . Refer to the cellular phone Owner’s Manual
System, refer to the following notes. to be dialed. regarding the telephone pairing procedure
specific to your phone, battery charging,
. Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) and the Bluetooth® . When the radio wave reception is not ideal
cellular phone antenna, etc.
functions share the same frequency band or ambient sound is too loud, it may be
. The antenna display on the monitor will not
(2.4 GHz). Using the Bluetooth® and the difficult for the other party to hear your voice
during a call. Please close the windows if coincide with the antenna display of some
wireless LAN functions at the same time may
possible. cellular phones.
slow down or disconnect the communica-
tion and cause undesired noise. It is . Immediately after the ignition switch is . Keep the interior of the vehicle as quiet as
recommended that you turn off the wireless pushed to the ON position, it may be possible to hear the caller’s voice clearly as
LAN (Wi-Fi) when using the Bluetooth® impossible to receive a call for a short well as to minimize its echoes.
functions. period of time.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-89
. If reception between callers is unclear, Bluetooth trademark:
adjusting the incoming or outgoing call Bluetooth® is a trademark owned
volume may improve the clarity. by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and li-
REGULATORY INFORMATION censed to Clarion Co., Ltd.
4-90 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Up to 5 cellular phones can be registered to the
system. To switch to connect another cellular
phone, push PHONE button and select the
“Connected Phones” key. The registered cellular
phones are shown on the list. If you select a
cellular phone that is different from the one
currently connected, the newly selected phone
will be connected to the system.
This vehicle has two phonebooks available for
hands-free use. Depending on the phone, the
JVH0473X SAA2520 system may automatically download the entire
cell phone’s phonebook into the “Phonebook”.
CONNECTING PROCEDURE 2. When a PIN code appears on the screen, For the details about downloading a phonebook,
1. Push the PHONE button or the button, operate the compatible Bluetooth® cellular see “Phone setting” later in this section. If a
and select the “Connect Phone” key. phone to enter the PIN code. phonebook does not automatically download, up
The connecting procedure of the cellular to 1.000 entries may be set in the navigation
phone varies according to each cellular system as the Quick Dial. This Quick Dial allows
phone. See the cellular phone Owner’s the recording of a name to speak while using
Manual for the details. You can also visit voice recognition.
www.nissanusa.com/bluetooth or call
NISSAN Consumer Affairs Department for
instructions on pairing NISSAN recom-
mended cellular phones.
When the connection process is completed,
the screen will return to the Phone menu
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-91
JVH0474X JVH0475X JVH0476X
1. Push the PHONE button and select the 3. Choose the method for entering the phone- 5. Select the “Voicetag” key to record a name
“Quick Dial” key. book entry. For this example, select “Enter to speak when using the NISSAN Voice
2. Select the “Add New” key at the top of the Number by Keypad”. Recognition system.
screen. 4. Enter the digits and select the “OK” key. 6. Select the “Store” key and prepare to speak
(See “How to use touch screen (models the name after the tone.
with navigation system)” earlier in this 7. When the voicetag is successfully saved,
section.) select the “OK” key to save the Quick Dial
8. After the Quick Dial entry is saved, it will
show a screen that is ready to call the
number. Press the BACK button to return to
the Quick Dial.
There are different methods to input a phone
number. Select one of the following options
4-92 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
instead of “Enter Number by Keypad” in step 3.
. Copy from Call History
The system will show a list of incoming,
outgoing or missed calls that were down-
loaded from the connected cellular phone
(depending on the phone’s compatibility).
Select one of these entries to save in the
Quick Dial.
. Copy from the Handset
The system will show the connected cellular
phone’s phonebook that was downloaded
(depending on the phone’s compatibility).
Select one of these entries to save in the JVH0477X JVH0478X
Quick Dial.
Editing the Quick Dial The following editing items are available:
1. Push the PHONE button and select the . Entry #
“Quick Dial” key. Changes the displayed number of the
selected entry.
2. Select the desired entry from the displayed
list. . Name
Edit the name of the entry using the keypad
3. Select the “Edit” key.
displayed on the screen.
4. Select the desired item to change.
. Number
Edit the phone number using the keypad
displayed on the screen.
. Type
Select an icon from the icon list.
. Voicetag
Confirm and store the voicetag. Voicetags
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-93
allow easy dialing using the NISSAN Voice
Recognition system. (See “NISSAN voice
recognition system (models with navigation
system)” later in this section.)
To delete an entry, select the “Delete” key at
step 3.
JVH0479X JVH0495X
4-94 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
to use touch screen (models with navigation . Hold Call
system)” earlier in this section.) Put an incoming call on hold.
. Reject Call
Reject an incoming call.
To finish the call, perform one of the
following procedures listed below.
1. Select the “Hang up” key.
2. Push the PHONE button on the instrument
3. Push the button on the steering wheel.
When you hear a phone ring, the display will
change to the incoming call mode. To receive a
call, perform one of the following procedures
listed below.
1. Select the “Answer” key.
2. Push the PHONE button on the instrument
3. Push the button on the steering wheel.
There are some options available when receiving
a call. Select one of the following displayed on
the screen.
. Answer
Accept an incoming call to talk.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-95
. Cancel Mute
This will appear after “Mute” is selected.
Mute will be canceled.
. Switch Call*
Select "Switch Call" to answer another
incoming call. By selecting “Hang up”, you
can end a call and can speak to a caller who
is on hold again.
* This function may not be usable, depend-
ing on the model of phone.
To adjust the person’s voice to be louder or
quieter, push the volume control switch (+ or −)
SAA3587 on the steering wheel or turn the volume control JVH0480X
knob on the instrument panel while talking on
DURING A CALL the phone. This adjustment is also available in PHONE SETTING
There are some options available during a call. the SETTING mode. To set up the Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone
Select one of the following displayed on the System to your preferred settings, push the
screen if necessary. SETTING button on the instrument panel and
. Hang up select the “PHONE” key.
Finish the call. Edit Quick Dial
. Use Handset To edit the Quick Dial, use the same procedure
Transfer the call to the cellular phone. as described in “Quick Dial” earlier in this
. Mute section.
Mute your voice to the person.
. Keypad
Using the touch tone, send digits to the
connected party for using services such as
4-96 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Delete Quick Dial Auto Download
The Quick Dial entries can be deleted all at the When this item is activated, the phonebook of a
same time or one by one. hands-free phone is automatically downloaded
at the same time that the hands-free phone is
Download Phonebook connected.
Download the contacts registered in a Blue-
tooth® cellular phone. Availability of this function
depends on each cellular phone. The memory
downloading procedure from the cellular phone
also varies according to each cellular phone.
See cellular phone Owner’s Manual for details.
Volume & Ringtone
The following kinds of phone volume can be set.
Pushing the PHONE button and selecting the
“Volume & Ringtone” key can also operate the
same settings.
. Ringtone/Incoming Call/Outgoing Call
To increase or decrease the volume, select
the “Ringtone”, “Incoming Call” or “Out-
going Call” key and adjust it with the multi-
function controller.
. Automatic Hold
When this function is activated, an incoming
phone call is automatically held.
. Vehicle Ringtone
When this function is activated, a specific
ringtone that is different from the cellular
phone will sound when receiving a call.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-97
The system should respond correctly to all voice commands without difficulty. If problems are encountered, try the following solutions.
Where the solutions are listed by number, try each solution in turn, starting with number 1, until the problem is resolved.
Symptom Solution
1. Ensure that the command is valid. (See “NISSAN voice recognition system (models with navigation system)” later in this
section; page 4-112.)
2. Ensure that the command is spoken after the tone.
The system fails to interpret the command
3. Speak clearly without pausing between words and at a level appropriate to the ambient noise level in the vehicle.
4. Ensure that the ambient noise level is not excessive (for example, windows open or defroster on). NOTE: If it is too noisy to
use the phone, it is likely that the voice commands will not be recognized.
5. If more than one command was said at a time, try saying the commands separately.
The system consistently selects the 1. Ensure that the voicetag requested matches what was originally stored. (See “Quick Dial” earlier in this section.)
wrong voicetag. 2. Replace one of the names being confused with a new name.
The system cannot be operated. Close the soft top (for CrossCabriolet models).
4-98 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
SYSTEM (models without
navigation system) (if so equipped)
Once your cellular phone is paired to the in- recommended that you turn off the wireless
vehicle phone module, no phone connecting LAN (Wi-Fi) when using the Bluetooth®
WARNING procedure is required. Your phone is automati- functions.
. Use a phone after stopping your
cally connected with the in-vehicle phone . Set up the wireless connection between a
module when the ignition switch is pushed to cellular phone and the in-vehicle phone
vehicle in a safe location. If you
have to use a phone while driving,
the “ON” position with the registered cellular module before using the Bluetooth ®
phone turned on and carried in the vehicle. Hands-Free Phone System.
exercise extreme caution at all
times so full attention may be given You can register up to 5 different Bluetooth® . Some Bluetooth® enabled cellular phones
to vehicle operation. cellular phones in the in-vehicle phone module. may not be recognized by the in-vehicle
However, you can talk on only one cellular phone phone module.
. If you find yourself unable to devote
full attention to vehicle operation
at a time. . You will not be able to use a hands-free
while talking on the phone, pull off When a call is active, the audio system and phone under the following conditions:
the road to a safe location and stop microphone (located in the ceiling in front of the — Your vehicle is outside of the telephone
your vehicle before doing so. rearview mirror) are used for the handsfree service area.
communications. — Your vehicle is in an area where it is
If the audio system is being used at the time, the difficult to receive radio waves; such as in
audio mode will mute and will stay muted until a tunnel, in an underground parking
CAUTION the active call is ended. garage, behind a tall building or in a
mountainous area.
To avoid draining the vehicle battery, The NISSAN Voice Recognition system sup-
ports the phone commands, so dialing a phone — Your cellular phone is locked in order not
use a phone after starting the engine.
number using your voice is possible. to be dialed.
. When the radio wave condition is not ideal
Your vehicle is equipped with Bluetooth ® Before using the Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone
or ambient sound is too loud, it may be
Hands-Free Phone System. If you are an owner System, refer to the following notes.
difficult to hear the other person’s voice
of a Bluetooth® enabled cellular phone, you can . Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) and the Bluetooth® during a call.
set up the wireless connection between your functions share the same frequency band
cellular phone and the in-vehicle phone module. . Immediately after the ignition switch is
(2.4 GHz). Using the Bluetooth® and the
With Bluetooth® wireless technology, you can pushed to the “ON” position, it may be
wireless LAN functions at the same time may
make or receive a telephone call with your impossible to receive a call for a short period
slow down or disconnect the communica-
cellular phone in your pocket. of time.
tion and cause undesired noise. It is
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-99
. Do not place the cellular phone in an area volume may improve the clarity. IC Regulatory information
surrounded by metal or far away from the in- . This wireless hands free car kit is based on . Operation is subject to the following two
vehicle phone module to prevent tone quality Bluetooth® technology, conditions: (1) this device may not cause
degradation and wireless connection dis- — Frequency: 2402 MHz - 2480 MHz interference, and (2) this device must accept
ruption. any interference, including interference that
— Output Power: 4.14 dBm E.I.R.P
. While a cellular phone is connected through may cause undesired operation of the
— Modulation: FHSS GFSK 8DPSK, p/
the Bluetooth® wireless connection, the device.
battery power of the cellular phone may . This Class B digital apparatus meets all
— Number of Channel: 79
discharge quicker than usual. requirements of the Canadian Interference-
— This wireless equipment can’t be used
. If the Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System Causing Equipment Regulations.
for any services related to safety because
seems to be malfunctioning, please contact Bluetooth trademark:
there is the possibility of radio interfer-
a NISSAN dealer.
ence. Bluetooth® is a trademark owned
. Some cellular phones or other devices may by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and li-
cause interference or a buzzing noise to REGULATORY INFORMATION censed to Visteon Corporation.
come from the audio system speakers. FCC Regulatory information
Storing the device in a different location . CAUTION: To maintain compliance with
may reduce or eliminate the noise.
FCC’s RF exposure guidelines, use only
. Refer to the cellular phone Owner’s Manual the supplied antenna. Unauthorized antenna,
regarding the telephone pairing procedure modification, or attachments could damage
specific to your phone, battery charging, the transmitter and may violate FCC regula-
cellular phone antenna, etc. tions.
. The antenna display on the monitor will not . Operation is subject to the following two
coincide with the antenna display of some conditions:
cellular phones. 1) this device may not cause interference
. Keep the interior of the vehicle as quiet as and
possible to hear the caller’s voice clearly as
2) this device must accept any interference,
well as to minimize its echoes.
including interference that may cause
. If reception between callers is unclear, undesired operation of the device
adjusting the incoming or outgoing call
4-100 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
You can also use the Bluetooth® hands-free Initialization:
phone system with Voice Recognition System. When the ignition switch is pushed to the ON
INFO position, Voice Recognition System is initialized,
. The available voice commands are only which may take up to one minute. When
applicable to the relevant language set in completed, the system is ready to accept voice
the LANGUAGE setting screen. (See “How commands. If the switch on the steering
to use SETTING button” earlier in this wheel is pushed before the initialization com-
section.) pletes, the system will not accept any command.
. If the vehicle is in motion, some commands Before starting:
may not be available so full attention may be To get the best performance out of the Voice
given to vehicle operation. Recognition System, observe the following:
SAA1858 . The voice recognition system cannot be
. Keep the interior of the vehicle as quiet as
operated when the soft top (CrossCabriolet
CONTROL BUTTONS models) is open.
possible. Close the windows to eliminate the
1. PHONE SEND button surrounding noises (traffic noises, vibration
Manual command selection sounds, etc.), which may prevent the system
Push the button to initiate a VR session or from recognizing the voice commands cor-
answer an incoming call. You can also use Commands can be selected manually. While the
the button to skip through system feedback commands are displayed on the screen, select a
command by operating the Tune switch, and . Wait until a tone sounds before speaking a
and to enter commands during a call.
then push the PHONE SEND button. Once command.
2. PHONE END button . Speak a voice command within 5 seconds
a command is manually selected, the voice
Push the button to cancel a VR session or command function is cancelled. To return to after the beep sound. If no voice command
end a call. voice command mode, push the PHONE END is given, the system will ask you for a
button to cancel the current operation, and number. If no further command is given,
then perform the first procedure of voice the session ends.
command. . Speak in a natural voice without pausing
between words.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-101
4. The system acknowledges the command
and announces the next set of available
5. After the tone sounds, speak the phone
6. When you have finished speaking the phone
number, the system repeats it back and
announces the available commands.
7. After system responds, speak “Dial” and the
system dials the spoken numbers.
Operating tips:
. Voice commands cannot be accepted when
SAA1858 SAA2574
the icon is .
Giving voice command: 2. A list of commands appears on the screen, . If the command is not recognized, the
1. Push and release the switch located on and the system announces, “Please say a system announces, “Please say again”.
the steering wheel. command after the beep. Available com- Repeat the command in a clear voice.
mands are: Call, Phonebook, Recent Calls, . Push the switch or the BACK button
Connect Phone or Help”. once to return to the previous screen.
3. After the tone sounds and the icon on the . If you want to cancel the command, push the
screen changes from to , speak a switch. The message “Voice input is
command. See the “Using system” later in canceled” will be announced. If you want to
this section for the voice command list. adjust the volume of the system feedback,
Speak “Call” for example. push the volume control buttons [+] or [−]
INFO on the steering wheel or use the audio
system volume knob while the system is
Voice commands cannot be recognized as
making an announcement.
long as the screen icon is not in the
command recognition mode .
4-102 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
How to speak commands: Personal vocabulary (voicetags): is classified as one in the phonebook.
The Voice Recognition System requires a Voice Recognition System is equipped with the If the system cannot understand your
certain way to speak voice commands. Speak function called “voicetags”, which can be command, repeat it according to the re-
normally and clearly in the direction of the associated with the phone number and name commendations mentioned in “Using sys-
microphone (located in front of the rearview in the phonebook. Using the voice tag will tem” earlier in this section.
mirror). Every digit of the number must be automatically generate a speed dial to the 4. If the given name (voice tag) is correct, the
spoken individually and in a normal manner. registered number. phone system will dial the number registered
The hands-free mode will work best when the See “Phonebook registration” earlier in this for “John”.
telephone number is spoken in blocks of three to section.
five digits. After each spoken block is termi- INFO
You can call the identified number using the To end the voice command phase at any stage
nated, the system will repeat the three to five
following command: “Dial” followed by the voice of the procedure, push the switch once in
digits and wait for you to speak the next digit or
tag. order to activate the cancel command.
block of digits required for the telephone
number. Dialling a name with a voice tag:
See “Using system” later in this section for the It is possible to call up a name via a voice tag
appropriate commands that can be spoken for instead of a number, provided the name and
the hands-free mode system. number of your correspondent has been pre-
Example: viously stored in the phonebook.
In order to initiate a call, speak “Phonebook”. Dial via a voice tag, according to the following
1. Push the switch.
. If you are controlling the telephone system
by voice command for the first time or do not 2. The system replies “please say a command
know the appropriate voice command, after the beep. Available commands are:
speak “Help”. The system announces the Call, Phonebook, Recent Calls, Connect
available commands. Phone or Help”.
. When you speak numbers, you can speak 3. Give your instructions to the system by
both “zero” or “oh” for “0”. saying: “Dial John” for example (“John” must
have been previously set as a voice tag for
John’s phone number) or “Dial One” if John
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-103
List of voice commands:
“Call/Dial” “<name>” Dials the specified <name>.
“Call/Dial” “Redial” Dials the last number.
“Call” “Number” “<number>” Dials the specified <number>.
“Phonebook” “<name>” Displays the specified <name> in the phonebook.
“Phonebook” “List Names” Displays all the names in the phonebook.
“Phonebook” “Transfer Entry” Transfers the phonebook data to the system.
“Phonebook” “Delete Entry” Deletes the phonebook registered in the system.
“Connect Phone” “Add Phone” Connects a cellular phone to the system.
“Connect Phone” “Select Phone” Selects a registered cellular phone.
“Connect Phone” “Delete Phone” Deletes a registered cellular phone.
“Connect Phone” “Bluetooth Off” Turns the Bluetooth ® connection off.
“Connect Phone” “Replace Phone” Changes the registered order of the cellular phones.
“Connect Phone” “Delete Phone” “All Phones” Deletes all registered cellular phones.
“Connect Phone” “Delete Phone” “List Phones” Selects a registered cellular phone and deletes it.
4-104 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
SAA2575 SAA2576 SAA2577
PAIRING PROCEDURE 3. Speak: “Add Phone”. The system acknowl- 4. When asked to enter a PIN code to connect
Up to 5 cellular phones can be registered. edges the command and asks you to initiate a Bluetooth® cellular phone, enter the code
connecting from the phone handset. “1234”.
1. Push the button on the steering wheel.
The system announces the available com- INFO: The code is always “1234” regardless of the
mands. The Add Phone command is not available number of phones paired.
2. Speak: “Connect Phone”. The system ac- when the vehicle is moving. The connecting procedure of a cellular
knowledges the command and announces phone varies according to each cellular
the next set of available commands. phone. See the cellular phone Owner’s
Manual for more information.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-105
SAA2578 SAA2579 SAA2580
5. The system asks the user to speak a name PHONEBOOK REGISTRATION MAKING A CALL
for the phone. When the cellular phone is connected to the in- To make a call, follow the procedures below.
Speak: “Yes”. The system acknowledges the vehicle module, the data stored in the cellular 1. Push the button on the steering wheel.
command and registers the cellular phone. phone such as phonebook, outgoing call logs, A tone will sound.
If the name is too long or too short, the system incoming call logs and missed call logs is
2. Speak: “Call”. The system acknowledges
tells the user, then prompts the user for a name automatically transferred and registered to the
the command and announces the next set of
again. system.
available commands.
Also, if more than one phone is connected and The availability of this function depends on each
3. Speak the registered person’s name. The
the name sounds too much like a name already cellular phone. The copying procedure also
system acknowledges the command and
used, the system tells the user, then prompts the varies according to each cellular phone. See
announces the next set of available com-
user for name again. cellular phone Owner’s Manual for more infor-
4. Speak: “Yes”. The system acknowledges the
Up to 1,000 phone numbers per registered
command and makes the call.
cellular phone can be stored in the phonebook.
4-106 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
5. Once the call has ended, press the . “Mute on/off” — Use the Mute command to
button on the steering wheel. mute the user’s voice so the other party
RECEIVING A CALL cannot hear it.
Use the mute command again to unmute the
When the ring tone is heard, press the button on
user’s voice.
the steering wheel.
. “Transfer Handset” — Use the Transfer
Once the call has ended, press the button on
Handset command to transfer the call from
the steering wheel.
the Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System
NOTE: to a cellular phone when privacy is desired.
To reject a call when the ring tone is heard, The system announces, “Transfer Handset.
press the button on the steering wheel. The call is transferred to the handset only.”
The system then ends the VR session.
The Transfer Call command can also be
issued again to return to a hands-free call
DURING A CALL through the vehicle.
During a call there are several command options . “Help” — The system announces the avail-
available. Press the button on the steering able commands.
wheel to mute the receiving voice and enter NOTE:
commands. If the other party ends the call or the
. “(digits)” — Use the Send command to enter cellular phone network connection is lost
numbers during a call. For example, if while the Mute feature is on, the Mute
directed to dial an extension by an auto- feature may need to be reset to “off.”
mated system:
Speak: “Sending one two three four.”
The system acknowledges the command
and sends the tones associated with the
numbers. The system then ends the VR
session and returns to the call.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-107
Once the name and location are confirmed,
the system begins the call.
. Number
When prompted by the system, speak the
number to call.
. Redial
Use the Redial command to call the last
number of outgoing calls. The system
acknowledges the command, repeats the
number and begins dialing. If a redial
number does not exist, the system an-
nounces, “There is no number to redial”
and ends the VR session. SAA2583
. Callback
PHONE SETTINGS Use the Callback command to call the last Phonebook
Call number in incoming calls. The system . (a name)
acknowledges the command, repeats the
. (a name) number and begins dialing. If an incoming
Use the name command to seek the name
If there are entries stored in the Phone Book, and locations registered in the phonebook in
call number does not exist, the system
a number associated with a name and alphabetical order. When the system ac-
announces, “There is no number to call
location can be dialed. See “Phone book knowledges the alphabet the user spoke,
back” and ends the VR session.
registration” in this section to learn how to the system announces all registered names
. Help and locations beginning with that alphabet.
store entries. When prompted by the
The system announces the available com- Playback of the list can be stopped at any
system, say the name of the phone book
mands. time by pressing a button on the steering
entry to call.
The system acknowledges the name. If there wheel. The system ends the VR session.
are multiple locations associated with the . List Names
name, the system asks the user to choose Use the List Names command to hear the
the location. names and locations registered in the
4-108 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
phonebook. When the system acknowl- specific number or all numbers in the
edges the command, the system announces phonebook. The system announces the
all voicetags registered in the system. names of the phone numbers already stored
Playback of the list can be stopped at any in the system. The system then gives the
time by pressing a button on the steering option to delete a specific number or all
wheel. The system ends the VR session. numbers. Once the user chooses to delete a
. Transfer Entry number or all numbers, the system asks the
user to confirm.
Use the Transfer Entry command to transfer
the phonebook data stored in a cellular . Help
phone to the system. The system announces the available com-
The system acknowledges the command mands.
and asks the user to initiate a transfer from
the phone handset. The new contact phone SAA2584
number will be transferred from the cellular
phone via a Bluetooth® communication link. Recent Calls
The transfer procedure varies according to
. Incoming
each cellular phone. See the cellular phone
Owner’s Manual for more information. The Use the Incoming command to make a call
system repeats the number and prompts the viewing the list of incoming calls.
user for the next command. After entering . Missed
numbers, choose “Store.” Use the Missed command to make a call
The system confirms the name, location and viewing the list of missed calls.
number. The system then asks if the user . Outgoing
would like to store another location for the Use the Outgoing command to make a call
same name. If the user does not wish to viewing the list of outgoing calls.
store another location, the system ends the . Redial
VR session. Use the Redial command to dial the last
. Delete Entry outgoing call.
Use the Delete Entry command to delete a
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-109
. Callback already been connected to the vehicle
Use the Callback command to dial the last system, the system announces the name
incoming call. that the phone is already using. The
. Help connecting procedure will then be can-
The system announces the available com-
mands. The Add Phone command is not available
when the vehicle is moving.
. Select Phone
Use the Select Phone command to select a
phone of lesser priority when two or more
phones connected with Bluetooth® Hands-
Free Phone System are in the vehicle at the
same time.
The system asks the user to name the phone
Connect Phone and confirm the selection.
Once the selection is confirmed, the se-
. Add Phone
lected phone remains active until the ignition
Use the Pair Phone command to connect a switch is placed in the OFF position or a
compatible phone to the Bluetooth® Hands- new phone is selected.
Free Phone System.
. Delete Phone
When asked to enter a PIN code to connect
Use the Delete Phone command to delete a
a Bluetooth® cellular phone, enter the code
specific phone or all phones from Blue-
tooth® Hands-Free Phone System. The
The code is always “1234” regardless of the system announces the names of the phones
number of phones connected. Up to 5 already paired with the system and their
phones can be connected. If the user tries priority level. The system then gives the
to connect a sixth phone, the system option to delete a specific phone, all phones
announces that the user must first delete or listen to the list again. Once the user
one phone or replace an existing phone. If chooses to delete a phone or all phones, the
the user tries to connect a phone that has
4-110 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
system asks the user to confirm. . Bluetooth On/Off 5. Speak: "Voice Adaptation". The system
NOTE: Use the Bluetooth On/Off command to turn acknowledges the command and displays
on/off Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone Sys- the voice adaptation mode screen.
When the user deletes a phone, the
tem. 6. Voice memory A or memory B is selected
associated phone book for that phone will
also be deleted. . Help automatically. If both memory locations are
The system announces the available com- already in use, the system will prompt you to
. Replace Phone
mands. overwrite one. Follow the instructions pro-
Use the Replace Phone command to vided by the system.
change the priority level of the active phone. VOICE ADAPTATION MODE
The Voice Adaptation mode allows up to two 7. When preparation is complete and you are
The priority level determines which phone is
users with different dialects to train the system ready to begin, press the button.
active when more than one paired Blue-
tooth® phone is in the vehicle. to improve recognition accuracy. By repeating a 8. The voice adaptation mode will be ex-
number of commands, the users can create a plained. Follow the instructions provided by
The system states the priority level of the
voice model of their own voice that is stored in the system.
active phone and asks for a new priority level
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5). the system. The system is capable of storing a 9. When training is finished, the system will tell
different voice adaptation model for each con- you an adequate number of phrases have
If the new priority level is already being used
nected phone. been recorded.
for another phone, the two phones will swap
priority levels. Training procedure 10. The system will ask you to say your name.
For example, if the current priority levels are: 1. Position the vehicle in a reasonably quiet Follow the instructions to register your
. Priority Level 1 = Phone A outdoor location.
. Priority Level 2 = Phone B 2. Sit in the driver’s seat with the engine 11. The system will announce that voice adapta-
tion has been completed and the system is
. Priority Level 3 = Phone C running, the parking brake on, and the
transmission in Park. ready.
and you change the priority level of Phone C to
Level 1, then: 3. Press the button. The voice adaptation mode will stop if:
. Priority Level 1 = Phone C 4. Speak: “Help”. The system acknowledges . The button is pressed in voice adapta-
tion mode.
. Priority Level 2 = Phone B the command and announces the next set of
available commands. . The vehicle is driven during voice adaptation
. Priority Level 3 = Phone A
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-111
SYSTEM (models with navigation
. The ignition switch is placed in the OFF or NISSAN Voice Recognition allows hands-free Alternate Command Mode be turned off and
LOCK position. operation of the Phone, Navigation, Information Standard Mode be used for the best recognition
and Audio systems in one of two modes, performance.
Standard Mode or Alternate Command Mode. For the voice commands for the navigation
In Standard Mode, commands that are available system, refer to the Navigation System Owner’s
are always shown on the display and announced Manual of your vehicle.
by the system. You can complete your desired For CrossCabriolet models:
operation by simply following the prompts given
by the system. (See “NISSAN voice recognition The voice recognition system cannot be oper-
Standard Mode” later in this section for details.) ated when the soft top is open.
For advanced operation, you can use the NISSAN VOICE RECOGNITION
Alternate Command Mode. (See “NISSAN voice STANDARD MODE
recognition Alternate Command Mode” later in The following section is applicable when the
this section for details.) When this mode is Standard Mode is activated.
active, an expanded list of commands can be The Standard Mode enables you to complete
spoken after pushing the TALK switch, and the desired operation by simply following the
the voice command menu prompts are turned prompts that appear on the display and also are
off. Review the expanded command list, which is announced by the system.
available when this mode is active. Note that in
this mode the recognition success rate may be
affected as the number of available commands
and the ways of speaking each command are
To switch one mode to another, see each mode
description later in this section.
To improve the recognition success rate when
Alternate Command Mode is active, try using the
Speaker Adaptation Function available in that
mode. Otherwise, it is recommended that
4-112 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
SAA2529 SAA2530 SAA2531
Activating Standard Mode 4. Select the “Alternate Command Mode” key. 1. Push the INFO button on the instrument
5. The indicator turns off and the Standard panel.
When the Alternate Command Mode is active,
perform the following steps to switch to the Mode activates. 2. Select the “Others” key.
Standard Mode. Displaying user guide 3. Select the “Voice Recognition” key.
1. Push the SETTING button on the instrument If you use the NISSAN Voice Recognition 4. Select the “User Guide” key.
panel. system for the first time or you do not know 5. Select a preferred item.
2. Select the “Others” key. how to operate it, you can display the User You can skip steps 1 and 3 above if you say
3. Select the “Voice Recognition” key. Guide for confirmation. “Help”.
You can confirm how to use voice commands by Available items:
accessing a simplified User Guide, which
contains basic instructions and tutorials for . Getting Started
several voice commands. Describes the basics of how to operate the
NISSAN Voice Recognition system.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-113
. Let’s Practice
Mode that allows practicing by following the
instructions of the system voice.
. Using the Address Book
Tutorial for entering a destination by using
the Address Book.
. Finding a Street Address (if so equipped)
Tutorial for entering a destination by street
. Placing Calls
Tutorial for making a phone call by voice
command operation.
. Help on Speaking SAA2532 SAA2534
Displays useful tips of speaking for correct
command recognition by the system. Getting Started Let’s Practice
Note that the Command List feature is only Before using the NISSAN Voice Recognition This mode helps learn how to use the NISSAN
available when Alternate Command Mode is system for the first time, you can confirm how to Voice Recognition system.
active. use commands by viewing the Getting Started 1. Select the “Let’s Practice” key.
section of the User Guide.
2. After the message screen appears, push the
1. Select the “Getting Started” key. TALK switch on the steering wheel.
2. You can confirm the page by scrolling the 3. Speak the displayed number after the tone.
screen using the multi-function controller. The evaluation screen will be displayed and
Tutorials on the operation of the NISSAN the result can be confirmed.
Voice Recognition system
If you choose “Using the Address Book”,
“Finding a Street Address” or “Placing Calls”,
you can view tutorials on how to perform these
operations using NISSAN Voice Recognition.
4-114 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
When the ignition switch is pushed to the ON
position, NISSAN Voice Recognition is initia-
lized, which may take up to one minute. When
completed, the system is ready to accept voice
commands. If the TALK switch is pushed
before the initialization completes, the display
will show the message: “System not ready.” or a
beep sounds.
Before starting
SAA2533 To get the best recognition performance from SAA1859
NISSAN Voice Recognition, observe the follow-
Useful tips for correct operation ing: Giving voice commands
You can display useful speaking tips to help the . The interior of the vehicle should be as quiet 1. Push the TALK switch located on the
system recognize your voice commands cor- as possible. Close the windows to eliminate steering wheel.
rectly. the surrounding noises (traffic noise and
vibration sounds, etc.), which may prevent
Select “Help on Speaking” to start display.
the system from correctly recognizing the
voice commands.
. Wait until the tone sounds before speaking a
. Speak in a natural conversational voice
without pausing between words.
. If the air conditioner is set to “Auto”, the fan
speed is automatically lowered so that your
commands can be recognized more easily.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-115
detailed information of the each command. How to speak numbers:
Operating tips: NISSAN Voice Recognition requires a certain
way to speak numbers when giving voice
. Say a command after the tone.
commands. Refer to the following examples.
. Commands that are available are always
shown on the display and spoken through General rule
voice menu prompts. Commands other than Only single digits 0 (zero) to 9 can be used. (For
those that are displayed are not accepted. example, if you would like to say 500, “five zero
Please follow the prompts given by the zero” can be used, but “five hundred” cannot.)
system. Examples
. If the command is not recognized, the
. 1-800-662-6200
system announces, “Please say again”.
— “One eight zero zero six six two six two
Repeat the command in a clear voice.
zero zero”
SAA2535 . Push the BACK button once to return to the
Improving Recognition of Phone numbers
previous screen.
2. A list of commands appears on the screen, You can improve the recognition of phone
. To exit the voice recognition system, push
and the system announces, “Would you like numbers by saying the phone number in three
and hold the TALK switch. The mes-
to access Phone, Navigation, Information, groups of numbers. For example, when you try to
sage, “Voice canceled” will be announced.
Audio or Help?”. call 800-662-6200, say “eight zero zero” first,
. To skip the voice guidance function and give
3. After the tone sounds and the icon on the and the system will then ask you for the next
the command immediately, press the TALK
screen changes from to , speak a three digits. Then, say “six six two”. After
switch to interrupt the system. Remem-
command. recognition, the system will then ask for the last
ber to speak after the tone.
Selecting the “Practice” key will start the four digits. Say, “six two zero zero”. Using this
. If you want to adjust the volume of the method of phone digit entry can improve
practice mode. See “Let’s Practice” earlier system feedback, push the volume control
in this section. recognition performance.
buttons [+] or [−] on the steering switch or
4. Continue to follow the voice menu prompts use the audio system volume knob while the When speaking a house number, speak the
and speak after the tone sounds until your system is making an announcement. number “0” as “zero”. If the letter “o (oh)” is
desired operation is completed. included in the house number, it will not be
recognized as the number “0 (zero)” even if you
Selecting the “Help” key can display the
speak “oh” instead of “zero”. Please speak
4-116 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
“zero” for the number “0 (zero)”, “oh” for
the letter “o (oh)”.
Send digits using dial tone:
. Press the TALK switch during a phone
. The menu will be launched and you will be
provided with the following guidance:
"Please say the digits to dial".
. After guidance, say the digits of the number
you want to send. After this, the digits that
have been recognized will be read out.
. If you press the ENTER button on the
steering wheel or on the multifunction
controller, the selected digits will be sent.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-117
Command List
Category Command:
Command Action
Phone Operates the Phone function
Navigation Operates the Navigation function
Information Displays the vehicle Information function
Audio Operates the Audio function.
Help Displays User Guide
. Phone Command:
Command Action
Dial Number Makes a call to a spoken phone number up to 10 digits.
Quick Dial Makes a call to a contact that is stored in the Quick Dial.
Phonebook Makes a call to a contact that is stored in the mobile phone.
Call history Incoming Calls Makes a call to the incoming call number.
Outgoing Calls Makes a call to the dialed number.
Missed Calls Makes a call to the Missed calls number.
International Call Makes an international call by allowing more than 10 digits to be spoken.
Change Number Corrects the recognized phone number (available during phone number entry).
. Navigation Command:
Command Action
Destination Home Sets a route to your home that is stored in the Address Book.
Address Searches for a location by the street address specified, and sets a route to the location.
Places Sets a route to a facility near the current vehicle location.
Address Book Searches for stored information in the Address Book.
Previous Destinations Sets a route to a previous destination.
4-118 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
. Information Command:
Command Action
Fuel Economy Displays fuel economy information.
Maintenance Displays maintenance information.
Traffic Information Turns the traffic information system ON and OFF.
Where am I? Displays your current location.
. Audio Command:
Command Action
AM Turns to the AM band, selecting the station last played.
FM Turns to the FM band, selecting the station last played.
XM Turns to the SiriusXM Satellite Radio band, selecting the channel last played.
CD Starts to play a CD.
. General Commands
Command Action
Go back Corrects the last recognition result to return to the previous screen.
Exit Cancels Voice Recognition.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-119
Voice command examples
To use the NISSAN Voice Recognition function,
speaking one command is sometimes sufficient,
but at other times it is necessary to speak two or
more commands. As examples, some additional
basic operations by voice commands are
described here.
For navigation system commands, see the
separate Navigation System Owner’s Manual.
SAA1859 SAA2535
Example 1 - Placing a call to the phone 2. The system announces, “Would you like to
number 800-662-6200: access Phone, Navigation, Information,
1. Push the TALK switch located on the Audio or Help?”
steering wheel. 3. Speak “Phone”.
4-120 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
JVH0481X SAA2537 SAA2538
4. Speak “Dial Number”. 5. Speak “8 0 0”. 6. The system announces, “Please say the next
Selecting the “Manual Controls” key three digits or dial, or say change number.”
switches the screen to the keypad to input 7. Speak “6 6 2”.
the phone number manually.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-121
the “International Call” command for
all other formats.
. If you say “Change Number” during
phone number entry, the system will
automatically request that you repeat
the number using the 3-3-4 format. In
this case please say the area code first
and then follow the prompts.
. Do not add a “1” in front of the area
code when speaking phone numbers.
. If the system does not recognize your
command, please try repeating the
command using a natural voice. Speak-
SAA2539 SAA2540
ing too slow or too loudly may further
8. The system announces, “Please say the last 10. The system announces, “Dial or Change decrease recognition performance.
four digits” or say change number. Number?”
9. Speak “6 2 0 0”. 11. Speak “Dial”.
12. The system makes a call to 800-662-6200.
. You can also speak “800-662-6200” (10
continuous digits) or “662-6200” (7
continuous digits), if the area code is
not necessary. However, the 3-3-4 digit
grouping is recommended for im-
proved recognition. (See “Giving voice
commands” earlier in this section.)
. You can only say a phone number using
the 3-3-4 grouping, 7 digits, and 10
digits using this command. Please use
4-122 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
SAA1859 SAA2535 JVH0481X
Example 2 - Placing an international call to 2. The system announces, “Would you like to 4. Speak “International Call”.
the phone number 011-81-111-222-3333: access Phone, Navigation, Information or
1. Push the TALK switch located on the Help?”
steering wheel. 3. Speak “Phone”.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-123
The following section is applicable when Alter-
nate Command Mode is activated.
When Alternate Command Mode is activated,
an expanded list of commands can be used after
pressing the TALK switch. In this mode,
available commands are not fully shown on the
display or prompted. Review the expanded
command list when this mode is active. See
examples of Alternate Command Mode screens.
Please note that in this mode the recognition
SAA2541 SAA2542 success rate may be affected as the number of
available commands and ways of speaking each
5. Speak “011811112223333”. 6. Speak “Dial”. command are increased. To improve the recog-
7. System makes a call to 011-81-111-222- nition success rate, try using the Speaker
3333. Adaptation Function available in that mode.
NOTE: (See “Speaker adaptation function (for Alternate
Command Mode)” later in this section.) Other-
Any digit input format is available in the
wise it is recommended that Alternate Com-
International Number input process.
mand Mode be turned OFF and Standard Mode
be used for the best recognition performance.
4-124 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
SAA2529 SAA2543 SAA2544
Activating Alternate Command Mode 4. Highlight the “Alternate Command Mode” 1. Push the INFO button on the instrument
key. panel.
When the Standard Mode is active, perform the
following steps to switch to the Alternate 5. The confirmation message is displayed on 2. Select the “Others” key.
Command Mode. the screen. Push the “OK” key to activate 3. Select the “Voice Recognition” key.
the Alternate Command Mode.
1. Push the SETTING button on the instrument 4. Select the “Command List” key.
panel. Displaying command list
2. Highlight the “Others” key. If you are controlling the system by voice
3. Highlight the “Voice Recognition” key. commands for the first time or do not know the
appropriate voice command, perform the follow-
ing procedure for displaying the voice command
list (available only in Alternate Command Mode).
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-125
SAA2545 JVH0483X
4-126 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Command List
The words in italics are variable.
Phone Commands:
Command Action
Dial Number Makes a call to a spoken phone number.
Quick Dial Makes a call to a contact that is stored in the Quick Dial.
Phonebook Makes a call to a contact that is stored in the mobile phone.
Call History Incoming Calls Makes a call to the incoming call number.
Outgoing Calls Makes a call to the dialed number.
Missed Calls Makes a call to the Missed calls number.
International Call Makes an international call by allowing more than 10 digits to be spoken.
Call <name> Makes a call to a contact that is stored in either Quick Dial or Phonebook. Please say “Call” followed by a stored
Change Number Corrects the recognized phone number (available during phone number entry).
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-127
Navigation Commands:
Command Action
Destination Home Sets a route to your home that is stored in the Address Book.
Address Searches for a location by the street address specified, and sets a route to the location.
Places Sets a route to a facility near the current vehicle location.
Address Book Searches for stored information in the Address Book.
Previous Destinations Sets a route to a previous destination.
Previous Start Point Sets a route to a previous starting point.
Delete Destination Deletes a destination.
4-128 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Information Commands:
Command Action
Fuel Economy Displays fuel economy information.
Maintenance Displays maintenance information.
Where am I? Displays your current location.
Traffic Information Turns the traffic information system ON and OFF.
Weather Information Displays weather information.
Weather Map Displays a weather map.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-129
Audio Commands:
Command Action
CD Starts to play a CD.
FM Turns to the FM band, selecting the station last played.
AM Turns to the AM band, selecting the station last played.
XM Turns to the SiriusXM Satellite Radio band, selecting the channel last played.
USB Turns on the USB memory.
Bluetooth Audio Turns on the Bluetooth® audio player.
4-130 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Help Commands:
Command Action
Command List Navigation Commands Displays the navigation command list.
Phone Commands Displays the phone command list.
Audio Commands Displays the audio command list.
Information Commands Displays the information command list.
Help Commands Displays the help command list.
User Guide Displays the User Guide.
Speaker Adaptation The system can memorize the voices of up to three persons.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-131
General Commands:
Command Action
Go back Corrects the last recognition result to return to the previous screen
Exit Cancels Voice Recognition
4-132 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
4. Highlight the “User Guide” key using the settings.
multi-function controller and push the . Adapting the System to Your Voice
ENTER button. Tutorial adapting the system to your voice.
5. Highlight an item using the multi-function USING THE SYSTEM
controller and push the ENTER button.
Available items:
When the ignition switch is pushed to the ON
. Getting Started position, NISSAN Voice Recognition is initia-
Describe the basics of how to operate the lized, which may take up to one minute. When
NISSAN Voice Recognition system. completed, the system is ready to accept voice
. Let’s Practice commands. If the TALK switch is pushed
Mode that allows practicing by following the before the initialization completes the display will
instructions of the system voice. show the message: “System not ready.” or a
. Using the Address Book beep sounds.
Displaying user guide Refer to Navigation System Owner’s Man- Before starting
You can confirm how to use voice commands by To get the best performance from NISSAN
. Finding a Street Address (if so equipped) Voice Recognition, observe the following.
accessing a simplified User Guide, which
contains basic instructions and tutorials for Refer to Navigation System Owner’s Man-
. Keep the interior of the vehicle as quiet as
several voice commands. ual.
possible. Close the windows to eliminate the
. Placing Calls surrounding noises (traffic noises, vibration
1. Push the INFO button on the instrument
panel. Tutorial for making a phone call by voice sounds, etc.), which may prevent the system
command operation. from recognizing the voice commands cor-
2. Select the “Others” key using the multi-
. Help on Speaking rectly.
function controller and push the ENTER
button. Displays useful tips for how to correctly . When the air conditioner is in the AUTO
speak commands in order for them to be mode, the fan speed decreases automati-
3. Highlight the “Voice Recognition” key using
properly recognized by the system. cally for easy recognition.
the multi-function controller and push the
. Voice Recognition Settings . Wait until a tone sounds before speaking a
ENTER button.
Describes the available voice recognition command.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-133
. Speak in a natural voice without pausing
between words.
SAA1859 SAA2548
4-134 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Repeat the command in a clear voice. . 1-800-662-6200
. Push the BACK button once to return to the — “Dial one eight zero zero six six two six
previous screen. two zero zero.”
. If you want to cancel the command, push Note 1: For the best voice recognition phone
and hold the TALK switch for 1 second. dialing results, say phone numbers as single
The message “Voice canceled” will be digits.
announced. Note 2: You cannot say 555-6000 as “five five
. To skip the voice guidance function and give five six thousands”.
the command immediately, press the TALK Note 3: When speaking a house number, speak
switch to interrupt the system. Remem- the number “0” as “ zero”. If the letter “o (oh)” is
ber to speak after the tone. included in the house number, it will not be
. If you want to adjust the volume of the recognized as the number “0 (zero)” even if you
system feedback, push the volume control speak “oh” instead of “zero”. Please speak SAA2549
switch (+ or −) on the steering wheel or use “zero” for the number “0 (zero)”, “oh” for the
the audio system volume knob while the letter “o (oh)”. Speaker adaptation function (for Alter-
system is making an announcement.
Send digits using dial tone: nate Command Mode)
How to speak numbers:
. Press the TALK switch during a phone The voice recognition system has a function to
NISSAN Voice Recognition requires a certain call. learn the user’s voice for better voice recognition
way to speak numbers when giving voice performance. The system can memorize the
. The menu will be launched and you will be
commands. Refer to the following examples. voices of up to three persons.
provided with the following guidance:
General rule "Please say the digits to dial". Having the system learn the user’s voice:
Only single digits 0 (zero) to 9 can be used. (For . After guidance, say the digits of the number 1. Push the SETTING button on the instrument
example, if you would like to say 500, “five zero you want to send. After this, the digits that panel and select the “Others” key.
zero” can be used, but “five hundred” cannot. have been recognized will be read out.
2. Select the “Voice Recognition” key.
Phone numbers . If you press the ENTER button on the
3. Select the “Speaker Adaptation” key.
steering wheel or on the multi-function
Speak phone numbers according to the follow-
controller, the selected digits will be sent.
ing examples:
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-135
SAA2550 SAA2551 SAA2552
4. Select the user whose voice is memorized 6. Select a category to be learned by the 8. The system requests that you repeat a
by the system. system from the following list. command after a tone.
5. Select the “Start Speaker Adaptation Learn- . Phone Commands 9. After the tone sounds and the icon on the
ing” key. . Navigation Commands screen changes from to , speak the
. Information Commands command that the system requested.
. Audio Commands
10. When the system has recognized the voice
. Help Commands
command, the voice of the user is learned.
The voice commands in the category are Push the switch or BACK button to return
displayed. to the previous screen.
7. Select a voice command and then push the If the system has learned the command cor-
ENTER button. rectly, the voice command status on the right
The voice recognition system starts. side of the command turns from “None” to
4-136 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
Minimize voice feedback (for Alternate
Command Mode)
To minimize the voice feedback from the system,
perform the following steps.
1. Push the SETTING button on the instrument
2. Select the “Others” key.
3. Select the “Voice Recognition” key.
4. Select the “Minimize Voice Feedback” key.
5. The setting is turned to ON and the voice
guidance will now be reduced when using
SAA2553 the Voice Recognition system.
Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-137
The system should respond correctly to all voice commands without difficulty. If problems are encountered, follow the solutions given in this guide for the
appropriate error.
Where the solutions are listed by number, try each solution in turn, starting with number one, until the problem is resolved.
Symptom/error message Solution
The system fails to interpret the command correctly. 1. Ensure that the command format is valid, see “Command List” earlier in this section.
2. Speak clearly without pausing between words and at a level appropriate to the ambient noise level.
3. Ensure that the ambient noise level is not excessive, for example, windows open or defrost on.
If it is too noisy to use the phone, it is likely that voice commands will not be recognized.
4. If optional words of the command have been omitted, then the command should be tried with these in place.
The system consistently selects the wrong voicetag in 1. Ensure that the voicetag requested matches what was originally stored. (See “Bluetooth ® Hands-Free Phone
the phonebook. System (models with navigation system)” earlier in this section; page 4-88.)
2. Replace one of the voicetags being confused with a different voicetag.
The system cannot be operated. 1. Make sure that the soft top (for CrossCabriolet models) is usable. If the soft top is not working, contact a NISSAN
2. Close the soft top (for CrossCabriolet models).
3. Open and close the soft top (for CrossCabriolet models) before operating the system.
4-138 Monitor, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
5 Starting and driving
Precautions when starting and driving ................................ 5-3 Blind Spot Warning (BSW)/Lane Departure Warning
Exhaust gas (carbon monoxide) ...................................... 5-3 (LDW) systems (if so equipped) ....................................... 5-20
Three-way catalyst .............................................................. 5-4 BSW system operation ................................................ 5-22
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) .................... 5-4 BSW driving situations ................................................. 5-25
Avoiding collision and rollover ......................................... 5-7 LDW system operation ................................................. 5-26
On-pavement and off-road driving precautions .......... 5-7 BSW/LDW temporary disabled status .................... 5-29
Off-road recovery ................................................................ 5-7 BSW/LDW automatic deactivation ........................... 5-29
Rapid air pressure loss ...................................................... 5-8 BSW/LDW malfunction ............................................... 5-29
Drinking alcohol/drugs and driving ................................. 5-8 Camera unit maintenance ............................................ 5-29
Driving safety precautions ................................................. 5-9 Cruise control ......................................................................... 5-30
Push-button ignition switch ................................................. 5-11 Precautions on cruise control ..................................... 5-30
Intelligent Key system ...................................................... 5-11 Cruise control operations ............................................ 5-30
Push-button ignition switch operation ........................ 5-12 Break-in schedule ................................................................. 5-31
Push-button ignition switch positions ......................... 5-13 Fuel efficient driving tips ..................................................... 5-32
Emergency engine shut off ............................................ 5-13 Increasing fuel economy ...................................................... 5-33
Intelligent Key battery discharge .................................. 5-14 All-Wheel Drive (AWD) (if so equipped) ........................ 5-33
Before starting the engine ................................................... 5-14 All-Wheel Drive (AWD) lock switch operations ..... 5-33
Starting the engine ................................................................ 5-15 AWD warning light ........................................................ 5-35
Driving the vehicle ................................................................. 5-16 Parking/parking on hills ........................................................ 5-36
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) ................ 5-16 Power steering ....................................................................... 5-37
Parking brake .......................................................................... 5-19
Brake system ........................................................................... 5-37 Anti-freeze ........................................................................ 5-41
Braking precautions ......................................................... 5-37 Battery ............................................................................... 5-41
Parking brake break-in .................................................... 5-37 Draining of coolant water ............................................. 5-41
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) .................................. 5-38 Tire equipment ................................................................ 5-41
Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) system .......................... 5-39 Special winter equipment ............................................ 5-41
Cold weather driving ............................................................. 5-41 Driving on snow or ice ................................................. 5-41
Freeing a frozen door lock ............................................. 5-41 Engine block heater (if so equipped) ....................... 5-42
. Be sure to carry the Intelligent Key
with you when operating the vehi-
SSD0436 SSD1021
the Intelligent Key out of the port. . Make sure the area around the vehicle is
NOTE: clear.
. Check fluid levels such as engine oil, cool-
The key port does not charge the key
ant, brake fluid and window washer fluid as
battery. If you see the low battery indicator
frequently as possible, or at least whenever
in the dot matrix liquid crystal display,
you refuel.
replace the battery as soon as possible.
(See “Intelligent Key battery replacement” . Check that all windows and lights are clean.
in the “8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself” . Visually inspect tires for their appearance
section.) and condition. Also check tires for proper
. Lock all doors.
CAUTION . Position seats and adjust head restraints/
. Never place anything except the headrests.
Intelligent Key in the key port. Doing . Adjust inside and outside mirrors.
INTELLIGENT KEY BATTERY DIS- so may cause damage to the equip- . Fasten seat belts and ask all passengers to
CHARGE ment. do likewise.
If the battery of the Intelligent Key is almost . Make sure the Intelligent Key is in . Check the operation of warning lights when
discharged, the guide light * B of the key port the correct direction when inserting the ignition switch is pushed to the ON
* A blinks and the indicator appears on the dot it to the key port. The engine may position. (See “Warning/indicator lights and
matrix liquid crystal display. (See “Dot matrix not start if it is in the incorrect audible reminders” in the “2. Instruments
liquid crystal display” in the “2. Instruments and direction. and controls” section.)
controls” section.)
. Remove the Intelligent Key from the
In this case, inserting the Intelligent Key into the key port after the ignition switch is
port * A allows you to start the engine. Make pushed to the OFF position.
sure that the key ring side faces backward as
illustrated. Insert the Intelligent Key in the port
until it is latched and secured.
To remove the Intelligent Key from the port, push
the ignition switch to the OFF position and pull
5-14 Starting and driving
1. Apply the parking brake. depressing the brake pedal and pushing NOTE:
2. Move the shift lever to the P (Park) or N the push-button ignition switch to start Care should be taken to avoid situations
(Neutral) position. (P is recommended.) the engine. If the engine starts, but fails that can lead to potential battery discharge
to run, repeat the above procedure. and potential no-start conditions such as:
The starter is designed not to operate unless
1. Installation or extended use of electro-
the shift lever is in either of the above
nic accessories that consume battery
positions. CAUTION power when the engine is not running
3. Push the ignition switch to the ON position. (Phone chargers, GPS, DVD players,
Depress the brake pedal and push the Do not operate the starter for more etc.)
ignition switch to start the engine. than 15 seconds at a time. If the engine
2. Vehicle is not driven regularly and/or
To start the engine immediately, push and does not start, push the ignition switch
only driven short distances.
release the ignition switch while depressing to OFF and wait 10 seconds before
the brake pedal with the ignition switch in cranking again, otherwise the starter In these cases, the battery may need to be
any position. could be damaged. charged to maintain battery health.
. If the engine is very hard to start in
extremely cold weather or when restart- 4. Warm-up
ing, depress the accelerator pedal a little Allow the engine to idle for at least 30
(approximately 1/3 to the floor) and while seconds after starting. Do not race the
holding, crank the engine. Release the engine while warming it up. Drive at
accelerator pedal when the engine starts. moderate speed for a short distance first,
. If the engine is very hard to start because especially in cold weather. In cold weather,
it is flooded, depress the accelerator keep the engine running for a minimum of 2 -
pedal all the way to the floor and hold it. 3 minutes before shutting it off. Starting and
Push the ignition switch to the ON stopping the engine over a short period of
position to start cranking the engine. time may make the vehicle more difficult to
After 5 or 6 seconds, stop cranking by start.
pushing the ignition switch to OFF. After 5. To stop the engine, shift the shift lever to the
cranking the engine, release the accel- P (Park) position and push the ignition
erator pedal. Crank the engine with your switch to the OFF position.
foot off the accelerator pedal by
Starting and driving 5-15
CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANS- 2. Keep the foot brake pedal depressed and
MISSION (CVT) move the shift lever to a driving position. CAUTION
The Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) 3. Release the parking brake and foot brake
in your vehicle is electronically controlled to pedal, and then gradually start the vehicle in . Except in an emergency, do not shift
produce maximum power and smooth operation. motion. to the N (Neutral) position while
driving. Coasting with the transmis-
The recommended operating procedures for this sion in the N (Neutral) position may
transmission are shown on the following pages. WARNING cause serious damage to the trans-
Follow these procedures for maximum vehicle mission.
performance and driving enjoyment. . Do not depress the accelerator
. When stopping the vehicle on an
Engine power may be automatically re- pedal while shifting from P (Park)
uphill grade, do not hold the vehicle
duced to protect the CVT if the engine or N (Neutral) to R (Reverse), D
by depressing the accelerator pedal.
speed increases quickly when driving on (Drive) or L (Low) position. Always
The foot brake should be used for
slippery roads or while being tested on depress the brake pedal until shift-
this purpose.
some dynamometers. ing is completed. Failure to do so
could cause you to lose control and . Do not downshift abruptly on slip-
Starting the vehicle have an accident. pery roads. This may cause a loss of
1. After starting the engine, fully depress the control.
. Cold engine idle speed is high, so
foot brake pedal before moving the shift use caution when shifting into a
lever out of the P (Park) position. forward or reverse gear before the
This CVT is designed so that the foot engine has warmed up.
brake pedal must be depressed before . Never shift to P (Park) or R (Re-
shifting from P (Park) to any driving verse) while vehicle is moving. Fail-
position while the ignition switch is in ure to do so could cause you to lose
the ON position. control and have an accident.
The shift lever cannot be moved out of
the P (Park) position and into any of
the other positions if the ignition
switch is pushed to the LOCK, OFF or
ACC position.
5-16 Starting and driving
R (Reverse):
WARNING Use this position to back up. Make sure the
vehicle is completely stopped before selecting
Apply the parking brake if the shift lever the R (Reverse) position. The brake pedal
is in any position while the engine is must be depressed and the shift lever
not running. Failure to do so could button pushed in to move the shift lever
cause the vehicle to move unexpectedly from P (Park), N (Neutral) or any driving
or roll away and result in serious position to R (Reverse).
personal injury or property damage.
N (Neutral):
Neither forward nor reverse gear is engaged.
The engine can be started in this position. You
CAUTION may shift to N (Neutral) and restart a stalled
SSD0691 engine while the vehicle is moving.
Use the P (Park) or R (Reverse) position
To move the shift lever, D (Drive):
only when the vehicle is completely
: *
Push the button A while depressing the stopped. Use this position for all normal forward driving.
brake pedal. L (Low):
: *
Push the button A . P (Park): Use this position for maximum engine braking on
: Just move the shift lever. steep downhill gradients/climbing steep slopes
Use this position when the vehicle is parked or
Shifting when starting the engine. Make sure the vehicle and whenever approaching sharp bends. Do not
is completely stopped. The brake pedal must use the L position in any other circumstances.
After starting the engine, fully depress the brake
be depressed and the shift lever button
pedal, push the shift lever button and move the
pushed in to move the shift lever from N
shift lever from the P (Park) position to any of the
(Neutral) or any drive position to P (Park).
desired shift positions.
Apply the parking brake. When parking on a hill,
apply the parking brake first, then move the shift
lever to the P (Park) position.
SPA2331 JVS0152X
To apply: Fully depress the parking brake pedal The BSW/LDW systems use the RearView
*1 . Monitor camera unit *
1 with automatic washer
The BSW light (green) on the instrument panel
Detection zone will light up.
The camera unit can detect vehicles on either SYSTEM OFF:
side of your vehicle when part of another vehicle The BSW light (green) on the instrument panel
is within the detection zone shown as illustrated. will go out.
This detection zone typically starts from the
outside mirror of your vehicle and extends
approximately 10 ft (3 m) behind the rear
bumper, and approximately 10 ft (3 m) sideways.
The Blind Spot Indicator light will illumi-
nate for a few seconds when the ignition
switch is placed in the ON position.
The brightness of the Blind Spot Indicator lights
is adjusted automatically depending on the
5-22 Starting and driving
Perform the following steps to enable or disable
the BSW system.
1. Push the SETTING * 1 button and highlight
the “Driver Assistance” key on the display
using the multi-function controller. Then
push the ENTER * 2 button.
JVS0159X JVH0345X
BSW DRIVING SITUATIONS If the driver activates the turn signal, then the Overtaking other vehicles
Blind Spot Indicator light flashes and a chime
Another vehicle approaching from be- will sound twice.
The Blind Spot Indicator light illuminates if you
hind overtake a vehicle and that vehicle stays in the
NOTE: detection zone for approximately 3 seconds.
The Blind Spot Indicator light illuminates if a
vehicle enters the detection zone from behind in If the driver activates the turn signal before The camera unit may not detect slower moving
an adjacent lane. a vehicle enters the detection zone, the vehicles if they are passed quickly.
Blind Spot Indicator light will flash but no
However, if the overtaking vehicle is traveling chime will sound when the other vehicle is
much faster than your vehicle, the indicator light detected.
may not illuminate before the detected vehicle is
beside your vehicle. Always use the side and
rear mirrors and turn and look in the direction
your vehicle will move to ensure it is safe to
change lanes.
LDW light (orange, green)
accelerator pedal. Your vehicle will maintain the . Depress the accelerator pedal. When the
set speed. vehicle attains the desired speed, push and CAUTION
. To pass another vehicle, depress the release the COAST/SET switch.
accelerator pedal. When you release the . Push and hold the ACCEL/RES switch. During the first 1,200 miles (2,000 km),
pedal, the vehicle will return to the previously When the vehicle attains the desired speed, follow these recommendations to ob-
set speed. release the switch. tain maximum engine performance and
. The vehicle may not maintain the set speed . Push, then quickly release the ACCEL/RES ensure the future reliability and econo-
on winding or hilly roads. If this happens, switch. Each time you do this, the set speed my of your new vehicle. Failure to
drive without the cruise control. will increase by about 1 MPH (1.6 km/h). follow these recommendations may
To cancel the preset speed, use one of the To reset at a slower cruising speed, use one result in shortened engine life and
following methods: of the following methods: reduced engine performance.
1. Push the CANCEL switch. . Lightly tap the brake pedal. When the
vehicle attains the desired speed, push the . Avoid driving for long periods at constant
2. Tap the brake pedal. speed, either fast or slow. Do not run the
COAST/SET switch and release it.
3. Turn the MAIN switch off. The CRUISE light engine over 4,000 rpm.
. Push and hold the COAST/SET switch.
will turn off. . Do not accelerate at full throttle in any gear.
Release the switch when the vehicle slows
. If you depress the brake pedal while pushing down to the desired speed. . Avoid quick starts.
the ACCEL/RES or COAST/SET switch and . Push, then quickly release the COAST/SET . Avoid hard braking as much as possible.
reset at the cruising speed, the cruise switch. Each time you do this, the set speed . Do not tow a trailer for the first 500 miles
control will disengage. Turn the MAIN switch will decrease by about 1 MPH (1.6 km/h). (800 km). Your engine, axle or other parts
off once and then turn it on again. could be damaged.
To resume the preset speed, push and
. The cruise control will automatically cancel if release the ACCEL/RES switch. The vehicle
the vehicle slows more than 8 MPH (13 will resume the last set cruising speed when the
km/h) below the set speed. vehicle speed is over 25 MPH (40 km/h).
. If you move the shift lever to the N (Neutral)
position, the cruise control will be canceled.
To reset at a faster cruising speed, use one
of the following methods:
Follow these easy-to-use Fuel Efficient Driving . Recirculating the cool air in the cabin fuel and reduces emissions.
Tips to help you achieve the most fuel economy when the A/C is on reduces cooling load.
8. Buy an automated pass for toll roads.
from your vehicle. 4. Drive at economical speeds and distances. . Automated passes permit drivers to use
1. Use smooth accelerator and brake pedal . Observing the speed limit and not ex-
special lanes to maintain cruising speed
application. ceeding 60 MPH (97 km/h) (where through the toll and avoid stopping and
. Avoid rapid starts and stops. legally allowed) can improve fuel effi- starting.
. Use smooth, gentle accelerator and ciency due to reduced aerodynamic
9. Winter warm up.
brake application whenever possible. drag.
. Limit idling time to minimize impact to fuel
. Maintain constant speed while commut- . Maintaining a safe following distance
ing and coast whenever possible. behind other vehicles reduces unneces-
. Vehicles typically need no more than 30
sary braking.
2. Maintain constant speed. seconds of idling at start-up to effectively
. Safely monitoring traffic to anticipate
. Look ahead to try and anticipate and circulate the engine oil before driving.
changes in speed permits reduced brak-
minimize stops. . Your vehicle will reach its ideal operating
. Synchronizing your speed with traffic
ing and smooth acceleration changes.
. Select a gear range suitable to road
temperature more quickly while driving
lights allows you to reduce your number versus idling.
of stops. 10. Keeping your vehicle cool.
. Maintaining a steady speed can minimize 5. Use cruise control.
. Park your vehicle in a covered parking
red light stops and improve fuel effi- . Using cruise control during highway
area or in the shade whenever possible.
ciency. driving helps maintain a steady speed.
. When entering a hot vehicle, opening the
. Cruise control is particularly effective in
3. Use air conditioning (A/C) at higher vehicle windows will help to reduce the inside
speeds. providing fuel savings when driving on
temperature faster, resulting in reduced
. Below 40 MPH (64 km/h), it is more flat terrains.
demand on your A/C system.
efficient to open windows to cool the 6. Plan for the shortest route.
vehicle due to reduced engine load. . Utilize a map or navigation system to
. Above 40 MPH (64 km/h), it is more determine the best route to save time.
efficient to use A/C to cool the vehicle 7. Avoid idling.
due to increased aerodynamic drag. . Shutting off your engine when safe for
stops exceeding 30-60 seconds saves
. If the warning light remains on after
AWD WARNING LIGHT the above operation, have your
The AWD warning light is located in the meter. vehicle checked by a NISSAN dealer
The AWD warning light illuminates when the as soon as possible.
ignition switch is pushed to the ON position. It . If the warning light comes on while
turns off soon after the engine is started. driving there may be a malfunction
If any malfunction occurs in the AWD system in the AWD system. Reduce the
vehicle speed and have your vehicle
Starting and driving 5-35
Normal operation The Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) system keep the vehicle on the steered path.
uses various sensors to monitor driver inputs . You may feel a pulsation in the brake pedal
The ABS operates at speeds above 3 to 6 MPH
and vehicle motion. Under certain driving con- and hear a noise or vibration from under the
(5 to 10 km/h). The speed varies according to
ditions, the VDC system helps to perform the hood. This is normal and indicates that the
road conditions.
following functions. VDC system is working properly.
When the ABS senses that one or more wheels
. Controls brake pressure to reduce wheel . Adjust your speed and driving to the road
are close to locking up, the actuator rapidly
slip on one slipping drive wheel so power is conditions.
applies and releases hydraulic pressure. This
transferred to a non slipping drive wheel on See “Vehicle dynamic control (VDC) warning
action is similar to pumping the brakes very
the same axle. light” in the “2. Instruments and controls”
quickly. You may feel a pulsation in the brake
pedal and hear a noise from under the hood or . Controls brake pressure and engine output section and “Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC)
feel a vibration from the actuator when it is to reduce drive wheel slip based on vehicle off indicator light” in the “2. Instruments and
operating. This is normal and indicates that the speed (traction control function). controls” section.
ABS is operating properly. However, the pulsa- . Controls brake pressure at individual wheels If a malfunction occurs in the system, the
tion may indicate that road conditions are and engine output to help the driver maintain warning light comes on in the instrument panel.
hazardous and extra care is required while control of the vehicle in the following The VDC system automatically turns off when
driving. conditions: the warning light is on.
— understeer (vehicle tends to not follow The VDC OFF switch is used to turn off the VDC
the steered path despite increased system. The VDC off indicator illuminates to
steering input) indicate the VDC system is off. When the VDC
— oversteer (vehicle tends to spin due to switch is used to turn off the system, the VDC
certain road or driving conditions). system still operates to prevent one drive wheel
The VDC system can help the driver to maintain from slipping by transferring power to a non
control of the vehicle, but it cannot prevent loss slipping drive wheel. The warning light
of vehicle control in all driving situations. flashes if this occurs. All other VDC functions
When the VDC system operates, the are off and the warning light will not flash.
warning light in the instrument panel flashes so The VDC system is automatically reset to on
note the following: when the ignition switch is placed in the OFF
position then back to the ON position.
. The road may be slippery or the system may
determine some action is required to help The computer has a built-in diagnostic feature
Starting and driving 5-39
that tests the system each time you start the ing light may flash or illuminate. ing may flash or illuminate.
engine and move the vehicle forward or in
reverse at a slow speed. When the self-test . If brake related parts such as brake . The VDC system is not a substitute
occurs, you may hear a “clunk” noise and/or feel pads, rotors and calipers are not for winter tires or tire chains on a
a pulsation in the brake pedal. This is normal and NISSAN recommended or are extre- snow covered road.
is not an indication of a malfunction. mely deteriorated, the VDC system
may not operate properly and the
warning light may illuminate.
WARNING . If engine control related parts are
not NISSAN recommended or are
. The VDC system is designed to help extremely deteriorated, the
the driver maintain stability but warning light may illuminate.
does not prevent accidents due to
. When driving on extremely inclined
abrupt steering operation at high
surfaces such as higher banked
speeds or by careless or dangerous
corners, the VDC system may not
driving techniques. Reduce vehicle
operate properly and the warn-
speed and be especially careful
ing light may flash or illuminate. Do
when driving and cornering on slip-
not drive on these types of roads.
pery surfaces and always drive care-
fully. . When driving on an unstable sur-
face such as a turntable, ferry,
. Do not modify the vehicle’s suspen-
elevator or ramp, the warning
sion. If suspension parts such as
light may flash or illuminate. This is
shock absorbers, struts, springs,
not a malfunction. Restart the en-
stabilizer bars, bushings and
gine after driving onto a stable
wheels are not NISSAN recom-
mended for your vehicle or are
extremely deteriorated the VDC sys- . If wheels or tires other than the
tem may not operate properly. This NISSAN recommended ones are
could adversely affect vehicle hand- used, the VDC system may not
ling performance, and the warn- operate properly and the warn-
Hazard warning flasher switch .............................................. 6-2 Jump starting .......................................................................... 6-15
Emergency engine shut off ..................................................... 6-2 Push starting ........................................................................... 6-17
Flat tire ......................................................................................... 6-3 If your vehicle overheats ...................................................... 6-17
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) .................... 6-3 Towing your vehicle .............................................................. 6-19
Changing a flat tire (Hardtop models) .......................... 6-4 Towing recommended by NISSAN ........................... 6-20
Repairing flat tire (CrossCabriolet models) ............... 6-10 Vehicle recovery (freeing a stuck vehicle) ............... 6-22
To shut off the engine in an emergency situation
to other traffic.
while driving perform the following procedure:
. Turn signals do not work when the
. Rapidly push the push-button ignition switch
hazard warning flasher lights are
3 consecutive times in less than 1.5
seconds, or
The flasher can be actuated with the ignition . Push and hold the push-button ignition
switch in any position. switch for more than 2 seconds.
Some state laws may prohibit the use of
the hazard warning flasher switch while
. If stopping for an emergency, be
sure to move the vehicle well off the
. Do not use the hazard warning
flashers while moving on the high-
way unless unusual circumstances
force you to drive so slowly that
your vehicle might become a hazard
TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYS- may permanently damage the tires . Do not inject any tire liquid or
TEM (TPMS) and increase the likelihood of tire aerosol tire sealant into the tires,
This vehicle is equipped with the Tire Pressure failure. Serious vehicle damage as this may cause a malfunction of
Monitoring System (TPMS). It monitors tire could occur and may lead to an the tire pressure sensors (for mod-
pressure of all tires except the spare. When accident and could result in serious els not equipped with the emer-
the low tire pressure warning light is lit and the personal injury. Check the tire pres- gency tire puncture repair kit).
CHECK TIRE PRESSURE warning appears on sure for all four tires. Adjust the tire . If you used the Emergency Tire
the dot matrix liquid crystal display, one or more pressure to the recommended COLD Sealant to repair a minor tire punc-
of your tires is significantly under-inflated. If the tire pressure shown on the Tire and ture, your NISSAN dealer will also
vehicle is being driven with low tire pressure, the Loading Information label to turn need to replace the TPMS sensor in
TPMS will activate and warn you of it by the low the low tire pressure warning light addition to repairing or replacing
tire pressure warning light. This system will OFF. If the light still illuminates the tire (for models equipped with
activate only when the vehicle is driven at while driving after adjusting the tire the emergency tire puncture repair
speeds above 16 MPH (25 km/h). For more pressure, a tire may be flat. If you kit).
details, see “Warning/indicator lights and audi- have a flat tire, replace it with a
ble reminders” in the “2. Instruments and . NISSAN recommends using only
spare tire as soon as possible.
controls” section and “Tire Pressure Monitoring NISSAN Genuine Emergency Tire
. When a spare tire is mounted or a Sealant provided with your vehicle.
System (TPMS)” in the “5. Starting and driving” wheel is replaced, the TPMS will not
section. Other tire sealants may damage the
function and the low tire pressure valve stem seal which can cause the
warning light will flash for approxi- tire to lose air pressure (for models
WARNING mately 1 minute. The light will equipped with the emergency tire
remain on after 1 minute. Contact puncture repair kit).
. If the low tire pressure warning light your NISSAN dealer as soon as
illuminates while driving, avoid sud- possible for tire replacement and/
den steering maneuvers or abrupt or system resetting.
braking, reduce vehicle speed, pull . Replacing tires with those not ori-
off the road to a safe location and ginally specified by NISSAN could
stop the vehicle as soon as possi- affect the proper operation of the
ble. Driving with under-inflated tires TPMS.
Be sure to block the wheel as the
. Make sure the parking brake is
vehicle may move and result in personal
securely applied and the transmis-
sion is shifted into the P (Park)
Type A
Type B
. Never get under the vehicle while it
is supported only by the jack. If it is
necessary to work under the vehicle,
support it with safety stands.
. Use only the jack provided with your
vehicle to lift the vehicle. Do not use
the jack provided with your vehicle
SCE0630 on other vehicles. The jack is de-
signed for lifting only your vehicle
Removing wheel cover (if so equipped) during a tire change.
. Use the correct jack-up points.
WARNING Never use any other part of the
vehicle for jack support.
Never use your hands to remove the . Never jack up the vehicle more than
wheel cover. This may cause personal necessary.
injury. . Never use blocks on or under the
To remove the wheel cover, use the jack rod *
. Do not start or run the engine while
as illustrated. vehicle is on the jack, as it may
Apply cloth *2 between the wheel and jack rod cause the vehicle to move.
to prevent damaging the wheel and wheel cover. . Do not allow passengers to stay in
the vehicle while it is on the jack.
Observe the following precautions 1. Open the lid of the air compressor and take
when using the tire repair compound. out the speed restriction sticker, then put it
in a location where the driver can see it while
. Swallowing the compound is dan-
gerous. Immediately drink as much
water as possible and seek prompt
medical assistance. CAUTION
. Rinse well with lots of water if the
compound comes into contact with Do not put the speed restriction label
skin or eyes. If irritation persists, on the steering wheel pad, the speed-
seek prompt medical attention. ometer or the warning light locations.
. Keep the repair compound out of
the reach of children.
. The emergency repair compound
may cause a malfunction of the tire
3. Remove the cap from the tire sealant bottle, 5. Remove the protective cap * A of the hose
and screw the bottle clockwise onto the and screw the hose securely onto the tire
bottle holder. (Leave the bottle seal intact. valve. Make sure that the pressure release
Screwing the bottle onto the bottle holder valve * B is securely tightened. Make sure
will pierce the seal of the bottle.) that the air compressor switch is in the OFF
4. Remove the cap from the tire valve on the (*) position, and then insert its power plug
flat tire. into the power outlet in the vehicle.
9. After driving, make sure that the air com- To start your engine with a booster battery, the
. Immediately after using Emergency
pressor switch is in the OFF position, then instructions and precautions below must be
Tire Sealant to repair a minor tire
screw the hose securely onto the tire valve. followed.
puncture, take your vehicle to a
Check the tire pressure with the pressure NISSAN dealer to inspect, and re-
gauge. The temporary repair is completed if
the tire pressure does not drop.
pair or replace the tire. The Emer- WARNING
gency Tire Sealant cannot
Make sure the pressure is adjusted to the permanently seal a punctured tire. . If done incorrectly, jump starting
pressure that is specified on the tire and Continuing operation of the vehicle can lead to a battery explosion,
loading information label before driving. without a permanent tire repair can resulting in severe injury or death.
10. If the tire pressure drops, repeat the steps lead to a crash. It could also damage your vehicle.
from 5 to 9. If the pressure drops again or . If you used Emergency Tire Sealant . Explosive hydrogen gas is always
under 130 kPa (19 psi), the tire cannot be to repair a minor tire puncture, your present in the vicinity of the battery.
repaired with this tire repair kit. Contact NISSAN dealer will also need to Keep all sparks and flames away
a NISSAN dealer. replace the TPMS sensor in addition from the battery.
The sealant bottle and hose can not be to repairing or replacing the tire.
. Do not allow battery fluid to come
reused to repair another punctured tire. . NISSAN recommends using only into contact with eyes, skin, clothing
Contact a NISSAN dealer to purchase NISSAN Genuine Emergency Tire or painted surfaces. Battery fluid is
replacements. Sealant provided with your vehicle. a corrosive sulfuric acid solution
Other tire sealants may damage the which can cause severe burns. If
After repairing tire valve stem seal which can cause the the fluid should come into contact
See a NISSAN dealer for tire repair/replacement tire to lose air pressure. with anything, immediately flush the
as soon as possible. contacted area with water.
. Keep the battery out of the reach of
WARNING children.
. The booster battery must be rated at
. After using Emergency Tire Sealant 12 volts. Use of an improperly rated
to repair a minor tire puncture, do battery can damage your vehicle.
not drive the vehicle at speeds
faster than 50 MPH (80 km/h).
In case of emergency 6-15
. Whenever working on or near a 2. Apply the parking brake. Move the shift lever
battery, always wear suitable eye to the P (Park) position. Switch off all
protectors (for example, goggles or unnecessary electrical systems (lights, hea-
industrial safety spectacles) and ter, air conditioner, etc.).
remove rings, metal bands, or any 3. Remove vent caps on the battery (if so
other jewelry. Do not lean over the equipped). Cover the battery with a firmly
battery when jump starting. wrung out moist cloth to reduce explosion
. Do not attempt to jump start a hazard.
frozen battery. It could explode 4. Connect jumper cables in the sequence as
and cause serious injury. illustrated (*
1 ? *
2 ? * 3 ? * 4 ).
. Your vehicle has an automatic en- If the battery is discharged, the ignition
gine cooling fan. It could come on at switch cannot be moved from the OFF
any time. Keep hands and other SCE0719 position. Connect the jumper cables to
objects away from it. the booster vehicle * B before pushing
the ignition switch.
Always follow the instructions below. CAUTION
Failure to do so could result in damage
. Always connect positive (+) to posi-
to the charging system and cause
personal injury. tive (+) and negative (−) to body
ground (for example, as illustrated),
not to the battery.
1. If the booster battery is in another vehicle
* B , position the two vehicles (* A and * B ) Make sure the jumper cables do not
touch moving parts in the engine
to bring their batteries into close proximity to
each other. compartment and that the cable
clamps do not contact any other
Do not allow the two vehicles to touch. metal.
If steam or water is coming from the
engine, stand clear to prevent getting
Be careful not to allow your hands, hair,
jewelry or clothing to come into contact
with, or get caught in, engine belts or
the engine cooling fan. The engine
When towing your vehicle, all State (Provincial in . Always attach safety chains before
Canada) and local regulations for towing must towing.
be followed. Incorrect towing equipment could
damage your vehicle. Towing instructions are For information about towing your vehicle behind
available from a NISSAN dealer. Local service a recreational vehicle (RV), see “Flat towing” in
operators are familiar with the applicable laws the “9. Technical and consumer information”
and procedures for towing. To assure proper section of this manual.
towing and to prevent accidental damage to
your vehicle, NISSAN recommends that you
have a service operator tow your vehicle. It is
advisable to have the service operator carefully
read the following precautions.
. Never ride in a vehicle that is being
. Never get under your vehicle after it
has been lifted by a tow truck.
. When towing, make sure that the
transmission, axles, steering system
and drivetrain are in working condi-
tion. If any unit is damaged, dollies
must be used.
Never tow AWD models with any of the
wheels on the ground as this may cause
serious and expensive damage to the
Two-Wheel Drive (2WD) models
Two-Wheel Drive (2WD) models
four wheels on the ground (forward
NISSAN recommends that your vehicle be or backward), as this may cause
towed with the driving (front) wheels off the serious and expensive damage to
ground or place the vehicle on a flat bed truck as the drivetrain. If it is necessary to
illustrated. tow the vehicle with the rear wheels
For All-Wheel Drive (AWD) models, see “All- raised, always use towing dollies
Wheel Drive (AWD) models” earlier in this under the front wheels.
section. . When towing CVT models with the
front wheels on towing dollies:
CAUTION — Push the ignition switch to the
ACC or ON position, and secure
. Never tow Continuously Variable the steering wheel in a straight-
Transmission (CVT) models with ahead position with a rope or
the front wheels on the ground or similar device.
In case of emergency 6-21
Pulling a stuck vehicle
If your vehicle is stuck in sand, snow, mud, etc.,
use a tow strap or other device designed
specifically for vehicle recovery. Always follow
the manufacturer’s instructions for the recovery
Securely install the vehicle recovery hook
(stored in the cargo area) as illustrated. Make
sure that the hook is properly secured in the
original place after use.
Tie down and recovery hook CAUTION
VEHICLE RECOVERY (freeing a stuck . Tow chains or cables must be at-
vehicle) tached only to the main structural
members of the vehicle or the
WARNING recovery hook. Otherwise, the vehi-
cle body will be damaged.
SCE0717 . Stand clear of a stuck vehicle. . Never tow a vehicle using the vehi-
Front . Do not spin your tires at high speed. cle tie downs or recovery hooks.
This could cause them to explode . Always pull the cable straight out
and result in serious injury. Parts of from the front of the vehicle. Never
your vehicle could also overheat pull on the vehicle at an angle.
and be damaged. . Pulling devices should be routed so
they do not touch any part of the
suspension, steering, brake or cool-
ing systems.
6-22 In case of emergency
. Pulling devices such as ropes or
canvas straps are not recommended
for use in vehicle towing or recov-
MOST COMMON FACTORS CONTRI- Temperature Remove dirt with a vacuum cleaner.
BUTING TO VEHICLE CORROSION A temperature increase will accelerate the rate . Never allow water or other liquids to
. The accumulation of moisture-retaining dirt of corrosion to those parts which are not well come in contact with electronic
and debris in body panel sections, cavities, ventilated. components inside the vehicle as
and other areas. this may damage them.
. Damage to paint and other protective coat-
Air pollution
ings caused by gravel and stone chips or Industrial pollution, the presence of salt in the air
Chemicals used for road surface deicing are
minor traffic accidents. in coastal areas, or heavy road salt use will
extremely corrosive. They accelerate corrosion
accelerate the corrosion process. Road salt will
ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS INFLU- and deterioration of underbody components
also accelerate the disintegration of paint
ENCE THE RATE OF CORROSION such as the exhaust system, fuel and brake
lines, brake cables, floor pan and fenders.
Moisture TO PROTECT YOUR VEHICLE FROM In winter, the underbody must be cleaned
Accumulation of sand, dirt and water on the CORROSION periodically.
vehicle body underside can accelerate corro- . Wash and wax your vehicle often to keep the
sion. Wet floor coverings will not dry completely For additional protection against rust and
vehicle clean. corrosion, which may be required in some areas,
inside the vehicle, and should be removed for
. Always check for minor damage to the paint consult a NISSAN dealer.
drying to avoid floor panel corrosion.
and repair it as soon as possible.
Relative humidity . Keep drain holes at the bottom of the doors
Corrosion will be accelerated in areas of high open to avoid water accumulation.
relative humidity, especially those areas where . Check the underbody for accumulation of
the temperatures stay above freezing where sand, dirt or salt. If present, wash with water
atmospheric pollution exists, or where road salt as soon as possible.
is used.
. NEVER remove dirt, sand or other
debris from the passenger compart-
ment by washing it out with a hose.
Some day-to-day and regular maintenance is These checks or inspections can be done by During the normal day-to-day operation of the
essential to maintain your vehicle’s fine mechan- yourself, a qualified technician or, if you prefer, a vehicle, general maintenance should be per-
ical condition, as well as its emission and engine NISSAN dealer. formed regularly as prescribed in this section. If
performance. you detect any unusual sounds, vibrations or
smell, be sure to check for the cause or have a
It is the owner’s responsibility to make sure that If maintenance service is required or your vehicle NISSAN dealer do it promptly. In addition, you
the scheduled maintenance, as well as general appears to malfunction, have the systems should notify a NISSAN dealer if you think that
maintenance, is performed. checked and serviced by a NISSAN dealer. repairs are required.
As the vehicle owner, you are the only one who NISSAN technicians are well-trained specialists When performing any checks or maintenance
can ensure that your vehicle receives the proper and are kept up-to-date with the latest service work, see “Maintenance precautions” later in
maintenance. You are a vital link in the main- information through technical bulletins, service this section.
tenance chain. tips, and in-dealership information systems.
They are completely qualified to work on EXPLANATION OF MAINTENANCE
NISSAN vehicles before work begins. ITEMS
For your convenience, both required and op-
You can be confident that a NISSAN dealer’s Additional information on the following
tional scheduled maintenance items are de-
service department performs the best job to items with “*” is found later in this section.
scribed and listed in your “NISSAN Service and
Maintenance Guide”. You must refer to that meet the maintenance requirements on your Outside the vehicle
guide to ensure that necessary maintenance is vehicle.
The maintenance items listed here should be
performed on your vehicle at regular intervals. performed from time to time, unless otherwise
General maintenance includes those items Doors and engine hood: Check that all doors
which should be checked during normal day- and the engine hood operate properly. Also
to-day operation. They are essential for proper ensure that all latches lock securely. Lubricate
vehicle operation. It is your responsibility to hinges, latches, latch pins, rollers and links if
perform these procedures regularly as pre- necessary. Make sure that the secondary latch
scribed. keeps the hood from opening when the primary
Performing general maintenance checks re- latch is released.
quires minimal mechanical skill and only a few When driving in areas using road salt or other
general automotive tools. corrosive materials, check lubrication frequently.
8-2 Maintenance and do-it-yourself
Lights*: Clean the headlights on a regular basis. For additional information regarding tires, refer Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT)
Make sure that the headlights, stop lights, tail to “Important Tire Safety Information” (US) or P (Park) position mechanism: On a fairly
lights, turn signal lights, and other lights are all “Tire Safety Information” (Canada) in the War- steep hill, check that the vehicle is held securely
operating properly and installed securely. Also ranty Information Booklet. with the shift lever in the P (Park) position
check headlight aim. Windshield: Clean the windshield on a regular without applying any brakes.
Road wheel nuts (lug nuts)*: When checking basis. Check the windshield at least every six Parking brake: Check the parking brake
the tires, make sure no wheel nuts are missing, months for cracks or other damage. Have a operation regularly. The vehicle should be
and check for any loose wheel nuts. Tighten if damaged windshield repaired by a qualified securely held on a fairly steep hill with only the
necessary. repair facility. parking brake applied. If the parking brake needs
Tire rotation*: Tires should be rotated every Windshield wiper blades*: Check for cracks adjustment, see a NISSAN dealer.
7,500 miles (12,000 km). or wear if they do not wipe properly. Seat belts: Check that all parts of the seat belt
Tires*: Check the pressure with a gauge often system (for example, buckles, anchors, adjusters
Inside the vehicle and retractors) operate properly and smoothly,
and always prior to long distance trips. If
The maintenance items listed here should be and are installed securely. Check the belt
necessary, adjust the pressure in all tires,
checked on a regular basis, such as when webbing for cuts, fraying, wear or damage.
including the spare, to the pressure specified.
performing scheduled maintenance, cleaning
Check carefully for damage, cuts or excessive Seats: Check seat position controls such as
the vehicle, etc.
wear. seat adjusters, seatback recliner, etc. to ensure
Accelerator pedal: Check the pedal for they operate smoothly and that all latches lock
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
smooth operation and make sure the pedal securely in every position. Check that the head
transmitter components: Replace the TPMS
does not catch or require uneven effort. Keep restraints/headrests move up and down
transmitter grommet seal, valve core and cap
the floor mat away from the pedal. smoothly and that the locks (if so equipped)
when the tires are replaced due to wear or age.
Brake pedal: Check the pedal for smooth hold securely in all latched positions.
Wheel alignment and balance: If the vehicle
operation. If the brake pedal suddenly goes Steering wheel: Check for changes in the
should pull to either side while driving on a
down further than normal, the pedal feels steering conditions, such as excessive free play,
straight and level road, or if you detect uneven or
spongy or the vehicle seems to take longer to hard steering or strange noises.
abnormal tire wear, there may be a need for
stop, see a NISSAN dealer immediately. Keep
wheel alignment. Warning lights and chimes: Make sure that
the floor mat away from the pedal.
If the steering wheel or seat vibrates at normal all warning lights and chimes are operating
Brakes: Check that the brakes do not pull the properly.
highway speeds, wheel balancing may be
vehicle to one side when applied.
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-3
Windshield defroster: Check that the air In these cases, the battery may need to be Power steering fluid level* and lines: Check
comes out of the defroster outlets properly and charged to maintain battery health. the level when the fluid is cold, with the engine
in sufficient quantity when operating the heater Brake fluid level*: Make sure that the brake off. Check the lines for proper attachment, leaks,
or air conditioner. fluid level is between the MAX and MIN lines on cracks, etc.
Windshield wiper and washer*: Check that the reservoir. Radiator and hoses: Check the front of the
the wipers and washer operate properly and that Engine coolant level*: Check the coolant level radiator and clean off any dirt, insects, leaves,
the wipers do not streak. when the engine is cold. etc., that may have accumulated. Make sure the
hoses have no cracks, deformation, rot or loose
Under the hood and vehicle Engine drive belts*: Make sure that the drive
The maintenance items listed here should be belts are not frayed, worn, cracked or oily.
Underbody: The underbody is frequently ex-
checked periodically (for example, each time you Engine oil level*: Check the level after parking
posed to corrosive substances such as those
check the engine oil or refuel). the vehicle on a level surface and turning off the
used on icy roads or to control dust. It is very
Battery*: Check the fluid level in each cell. engine. Wait more than 10 minutes for the oil to
important to remove these substances, other-
drain back into the oil pan.
It should be between the MAX and MIN lines. wise rust will form on the floor pan, frame, fuel
Vehicles operated in high temperatures or under Exhaust system: Make sure there are no loose lines and around the exhaust system. At the end
severe condition require frequent checks of the supports, cracks or holes. If the sound of the of winter, the underbody should be thoroughly
battery fluid level. exhaust seems unusual or there is a smell of flushed with plain water, being careful to clean
exhaust fumes, immediately have the exhaust those areas where mud and dirt may accumu-
system inspected by a NISSAN dealer. (See late. For additional information, see “Cleaning
Care should be taken to avoid situations “Precautions when starting and driving” in the exterior” in the “7. Appearance and care”
that can lead to potential battery discharge “5. Starting and driving” section for exhaust gas section.
and potential no-start conditions such as: (carbon monoxide).)
Windshield washer fluid*: Check that there is
1. Installation or extended use of electro-
Fluid leaks: Check under the vehicle for fuel, adequate fluid in the reservoir.
nic accessories that consume battery
oil, water or other fluid leaks after the vehicle has
power when the engine is not running
been parked for a while. Water dripping from the
(Phone chargers, GPS, DVD players,
air conditioner after use is normal. If you should
notice any leaks or if gasoline fumes are evident,
2. Vehicle is not driven regularly and/or check for the cause and have it corrected
only driven short distances. immediately.
The engine cooling system is filled at the factory stopped to cool the components in Genuine NISSAN Long Life Anti-
with a pre-diluted mixture of 50% Genuine the engine compartment. When the freeze/Coolant (blue) is used, fol-
NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant (blue) and cooling fan is operating, be sure low the coolant manufacturer’s
50% water to provide year-round anti-freeze that hands or other items do not get instructions to maintain minimum
and coolant protection. The antifreeze solution caught in it. antifreeze protection to -348F
contains rust and corrosion inhibitors. Additional (-378C). The use of other types of
engine cooling system additives are not neces- coolant solutions other than Genu-
sary. ine NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/
CAUTION Coolant (blue) or equivalent may
damage the engine cooling system.
WARNING . Never use any cooling system ad-
ditives such as radiator sealer. Ad- . The life expectancy of the factory-fill
. Never remove the radiator or cool- ditives may clog the cooling system coolant is 105,000 miles (168,000
ant reservoir cap when the engine is and cause damage to the engine, km) or 7 years. Mixing any other
hot. Wait until the engine and transmission and/or cooling sys- type of coolant other than Genuine
radiator cool down. Serious burns tem. NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/Cool-
could be caused by high pressure ant (blue) , including Genuine
. When adding or replacing coolant,
fluid escaping from the radiator. NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/Cool-
be sure to use only Genuine
See precautions in “If your vehicle ant (green), or the use of non-
NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/Cool-
overheats” found in the “6. In case distilled water will reduce the life
ant (blue) or equivalent. Genuine
of emergency” section of this man- expectancy of the factory-fill cool-
NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/Cool-
ual. ant. Refer to the NISSAN Service
ant (blue) is pre-diluted to provide
and Maintenance Guide for more
. The radiator is equipped with a antifreeze protection to -348F
pressure type radiator cap. To pre- (-378C). If additional freeze protec-
vent engine damage, use only a tion is needed due to weather where
genuine NISSAN radiator cap. you operate your vehicle, add Gen-
. If the engine was stopped soon uine NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/
when the engine is hot, the cooling Coolant (blue) concentrate follow-
fan may operate for approximately ing the directions on the container.
10 minutes after the engine was If an equivalent coolant other than
. To avoid the danger of being
SDI2173 scalded, never change the coolant SDI2174
when the engine is hot.
Check the coolant level in the reservoir when . Never remove the radiator cap when
the engine is hot. Serious burns 1. Park the vehicle on a level surface and apply
the engine is cold. If the coolant level is below the parking brake.
the MIN level * 2 , open the reservoir cap and
could be caused by high pressure
2. Run the engine until it reaches operating
add coolant up to the MAX level * 1 . If the
fluid escaping from the radiator.
. Avoid direct skin contact with used temperature.
reservoir is empty, check the coolant level in the
radiator when the engine is cold. If there is coolant. If skin contact is made, 3. Turn off the engine. Wait more than 10
insufficient coolant in the radiator, fill the radiator wash thoroughly with soap or hand minutes for the oil to drain back into
with coolant up to the filler opening and also add cleaner as soon as possible. the oil pan.
it to the reservoir up to the MAX level * 1 . . Keep coolant out of reach of chil- 4. Remove the dipstick and wipe it clean.
If the cooling system frequently requires dren and pets. Reinsert it all the way.
coolant, have it checked by a NISSAN 5. Remove the dipstick again and check the oil
dealer. Engine coolant must be disposed of properly. level. It should be within the range * 1 . If the
Check your local regulations. oil level is below *2 , remove the oil filler cap
and pour recommended oil through the
8-8 Maintenance and do-it-yourself
opening. Do not overfill *
3 . 4. Raise and support the vehicle using a
6. Recheck oil level with the dipstick. suitable floor jack and safety jack stands.
. Place the safety jack stands under the
It is normal to add some oil between oil
vehicle jack-up points.
maintenance intervals or during the break-
. A suitable adapter should be attached to
in period, depending on the severity of
operating conditions. the jack stand saddle.
Oil level should be checked regularly. Make sure the correct lifting and sup-
Operating the engine with an insuffi- port points are used to avoid vehicle
cient amount of oil can damage the damage.
engine, and such damage is not cov-
ered by the warranty.
Correct as required.
13. Turn the engine off and wait more than 10 CAUTION
minutes. Check the oil level with the dipstick.
Add engine oil if necessary. . Use only Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid
NS-3. Do not mix with other fluids.
After the operation
. Using transmission fluid other than
1. Lower the vehicle carefully to the ground.
Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-3
2. Dispose of waste oil and filter properly. will damage the CVT, which is not
covered by the NISSAN new vehicle
limited warranty.
When checking or replacement is required, we
. Prolonged and repeated contact
recommend a NISSAN dealer for servicing. SDI2177
with used engine oil may cause skin
Check the fluid level in the reservoir.
. Try to avoid direct skin contact with
The fluid level should be checked using the HOT
used oil. If skin contact is made,
range (* 1 : HOT MAX., * 3 : HOT MIN.) at fluid
wash thoroughly with soap or hand
temperatures of 122 to 1768F (50 to 808C) or
cleaner as soon as possible.
using the COLD range (* 2 : COLD MAX., * 3 :
. Keep used engine oil out of reach of COLD MIN.) at fluid temperatures of 32 to 868F
children. (0 to 308C).
If the fluid is below the MIN line, add Genuine
NISSAN PSF or equivalent. Remove the cap
and fill through the opening.
always wear suitable eye protection battery cover if it is necessary.) It should be 2. Add distilled water up to the UPPER LEVEL
and remove all jewelry. between the UPPER LEVEL * 1 and LOWER
*1 line.
LEVEL * 2 lines.
. Battery posts, terminals and related If the side of the battery is not clear, check
accessories contain lead and lead If it is necessary to add fluid, add only distilled the distilled water level by looking directly
compounds. Wash hands after water to bring the level to the indicator in each above the cell; the condition * 1 indicates
handling. filler opening. Do not overfill. OK and the conditions * 2 needs more to
If jump starting is necessary, see “Jump starting” CAUTION
in the “6. In case of emergency” section. If the
engine does not start by jump starting, the . Do not ground accessories directly
battery may have to be replaced. Contact a to the battery terminal. Doing so will
NISSAN dealer. bypass the variable voltage control
system and the vehicle battery may
not charge completely.
. Use electrical accessories with the
engine running to avoid discharging
the vehicle battery.
Be sure the ignition switch is in the OFF
or LOCK position before servicing drive
belt. The engine could rotate unexpect-
Be sure to use the correct socket to
remove the spark plugs. An incorrect
socket can damage the spark plugs. SDI2020
. Operating the engine with the air
cleaner removed can cause you or
others to be burned. The air cleaner
not only cleans the air, it stops
flame if the engine backfires. If it
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-17
If your windshield is not clear after using the
windshield washer or if a wiper blade chatters
when running, wax or other material may be on
the blade or windshield.
Clean the outside of the windshield with a
washer solution or a mild detergent. Your
windshield is clean if beads do not form when
rinsing with clear water.
Clean each blade by wiping it with a cloth
soaked in a washer solution or a mild detergent.
Then rinse the blade with clear water. If your
windshield is still not clear after cleaning the SDI2048
blades and using the wiper, replace the blades.
Replace the wiper blades if they are worn. CAUTION
CAUTION 1. Lift the wiper arm away from the windshield.
2. Push and hold the release tab *A , and
After wiper blade replacement, re-
Worn windshield wiper blades can turn the wiper arm to its original
damage the windshield and impair move the wiper blade down the wiper arm
driver vision. *1 .
position; otherwise it may be da-
maged when the hood is opened.
3. Insert the new wiper blade onto the wiper
. Make sure the wiper blades contact
arm until a click sounds.
the glass; otherwise the arm may be
4. Rotate the wiper blade so that the dimple is damaged from wind pressure.
in the groove.
Contact a NISSAN dealer for wiper blade rubber
See a NISSAN dealer for a brake
system check if the brake pedal height
does not return to normal.
light to moderate stops is normal and does not 2. Open the engine hood.
affect the function or performance of the brake 3. Remove the fuse/fusible link holder cover by
system. pushing the tab *
1 .
Proper brake inspection intervals should 4. Remove the fuse with the fuse puller located
be followed. For additional information, see the in the passenger compartment fuse box.
maintenance log section of your “NISSAN
Service and Maintenance Guide”.
Never use a fuse of a higher or lower
amperage rating than that specified on
the fuse box cover. This could damage
the electrical system or cause a fire.
system checked and repaired by a NISSAN 5. If a new fuse also opens, have the electrical
Never use a fuse of a higher or lower system checked and repaired by a NISSAN
amperage rating than that specified on dealer.
Fusible links the fuse box cover. This could damage
If any electrical equipment does not operate and the electrical system or cause a fire.
fuses are in good condition, check the fusible
links. If any of these fusible links are melted, If any electrical equipment does not operate,
replace only with genuine NISSAN parts. check for an open fuse.
1. Be sure the ignition switch and the headlight
switch are turned off.
1. Front turn signal/parking light* or Front turn
signal light**
2. Headlight (high-beam)* or Front parking light**
3. Headlight (low-beam)* or Headlight (low-beam,
4. Side marker light
5. Front map light
6. Rear personal light
7. Front fog light (if so equipped)
8. Step light
9. High-mounted stop light
10. Back-up light
11. Rear stop/tail light
12. Rear side marker light
13. License plate light
14. Cargo light
15. Rear turn signal light
*: Halogen headlight model
**: Xenon headlight model
Side marker light (Halogen headlight model)
1. Remove the rubber cover. (See “Headlights”
earlier in this section.)
2. Remove the bulb as illustrated.
Front fog light (if so equipped)
SDI2031 SDI1451B
Rear personal light (if so equipped) Trunk light (CrossCabriolet models)
If you have a flat tire, see “Flat tire” in the Tire inflation pressure
“6. In case of emergency” section. Check the pressure of the tires (including
TIRE PRESSURE the spare) often and always prior to long
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) distance trips. The recommended tire
pressure specifications are shown on the
This vehicle is equipped with the Tire Pressure
Monitoring System (TPMS). It monitors tire
Tire and Loading Information label under
pressure of all tires except the spare. When the “Cold Tire Pressure” heading. The Tire
the low tire pressure warning light is lit and the and Loading Information label is affixed to
CHECK TIRE PRESSURE warning appears on the driver side center pillar. Tire pressures
the dot matrix liquid crystal display, one or more should be checked regularly because:
of your tires is significantly under-inflated.
. Most tires naturally lose air over time.
The TPMS will activate only when the vehicle is
SDI2032 . Tires can lose air suddenly when driven
driven at speeds above 16 MPH (25 km/h).
Vanity mirror light (if so equipped)
Also, this system may not detect a sudden drop
over potholes or other objects or if the
in tire pressure (for example a flat tire while vehicle strikes a curb while parking.
driving). The tire pressures should be checked
For more details, see “Low tire pressure warning when the tires are cold. The tires are
light” in the “2. Instruments and controls” considered COLD after the vehicle has
section, “Tire Pressure Monitoring System been parked for 3 or more hours, or driven
(TPMS)” in the “5. Starting and driving” section less than 1 mile (1.6 km) at moderate
and “Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)” speeds.
in the “6. In case of emergency” section.
Incorrect tire pressure, including un-
der inflation, may adversely affect tire
life and vehicle handling.
FRONT P235/55R20 230 kPa,
REAR P235/55R20 230 kPa,
SDI1575 SDI1606
Example Example
1 Tire size (example: P215/60R16 94H)
Federal law requires tire manufacturers to 1. P: The “P” indicates the tire is designed
place standardized information on the side- for passenger vehicles. (Not all tires
wall of all tires. This information identifies have this information.)
and describes the fundamental character- 2. Three-digit number (215): This number
istics of the tire and also provides the tire gives the width in millimeters of the tire
identification number (TIN) for safety stan- from sidewall edge to sidewall edge.
dard certification. The TIN can be used to 3. Two-digit number (60): This number,
identify the tire in case of a recall. known as the aspect ratio, gives the
tire’s ratio of height to width.
4. R: The “R” stands for radial.
5. Two-digit number (16): This number is
the wheel or rim diameter in inches.
8-36 Maintenance and do-it-yourself
6. Two- or three-digit number (94): This 5. Three-digit code: Date of Manufacture
number is the tire’s load index. It is a 6. Four numbers represent the week and
measurement of how much weight each year the tire was built. For example, the
tire can support. You may not find this numbers 3103 means the 31st week of
information on all tires because it is not 2003. If these numbers are missing,
required by law. then look on the other sidewall of the
7. H: Tire speed rating. You should not tire.
drive the vehicle faster than the tire *3 Tire ply composition and material
speed rating. The number of layers or plies of
rubber-coated fabric in the tire.
Tire manufacturers also must indicate
the materials in the tire, which include
Example steel, nylon, polyester, and others.
2 TIN (Tire Identification Number) for a *4 Maximum permissible inflation pres-
new tire (example: DOT XX XX XXX sure
XXXX) This number is the greatest amount of
1. DOT: Abbreviation for the “Department air pressure that should be put in the
of Transportation”. The symbol can be tire. Do not exceed the maximum
placed above, below or to the left or permissible inflation pressure.
right of the Tire Identification Number. *5 Maximum load rating
This number indicates the maximum
2. Two-digit code: Manufacturer’s identifi- load in kilograms and pounds that can
cation mark be carried by the tire. When replacing
3. Two-digit code: Tire size the tires on the vehicle, always use a
4. Three-digit code: Tire type code (Op- tire that has the same load rating as
tional) the factory installed tire.
. After rotating the tires, check
and adjust the tire pressure.
. Retighten the wheel nuts when
the vehicle has been driven for
SDI1662 600 miles (1,000 km) (also in SDI1663
cases of a flat tire, etc.). 1. Wear indicator
. Do not include the spare tire or 2. Wear indicator location mark
Tire rotation any other small size spare tire in Tire wear and damage
NISSAN recommends rotating the tires the tire rotation.
every 7,500 miles (12,000 km). (See “Flat
. For additional information re- WARNING
tire” in the “6. In case of emergency”
garding tires, refer to “Important
section for tire replacing procedures.)
Tire Safety Information” (US) or . Tires should be periodically in-
As soon as possible, tighten the wheel “Tire Safety Information” (Cana- spected for wear, cracking, bul-
nuts to the specified torque with a da) in the Warranty Information ging or objects caught in the
torque wrench. Booklet. tread. If excessive wear, cracks,
Wheel nut tightening torque: bulging or deep cuts are found,
80 ft-lb (108 N·m) the tire(s) should be replaced.
The wheel nuts must be kept tigh-
Capacities and recommended fuel/lubricants ................... 9-2 Vehicle loading information ................................................. 9-13
Fuel recommendation ......................................................... 9-3 Terms ................................................................................. 9-13
Engine oil and oil filter recommendation ....................... 9-5 Vehicle load capacity .................................................... 9-13
Air conditioning system refrigerant and Securing the load (Hardtop models) ........................ 9-15
lubricant recommendations ............................................... 9-6 Loading tips ..................................................................... 9-16
Specifications ............................................................................. 9-7 Measurement of weights .............................................. 9-16
Engine .................................................................................... 9-7 Towing a trailer (Hardtop models) .................................... 9-16
Wheels and tires ................................................................. 9-7 Maximum load limits ...................................................... 9-17
Dimensions and weights ................................................... 9-8 Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)/maximum
When traveling or registering your vehicle in Gross Axle Weight (GAW) ......................................... 9-18
another country .......................................................................... 9-8 Towing load/specification ............................................ 9-21
Vehicle identification ................................................................. 9-8 Towing safety .................................................................. 9-21
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) plate ..................... 9-8 Flat towing ....................................................................... 9-25
Vehicle identification number (chassis number) .......... 9-9 Uniform tire quality grading ................................................. 9-26
Engine serial number .......................................................... 9-9 Treadwear ........................................................................ 9-26
F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. certification label .................... 9-10 Traction AA, A, B and C .............................................. 9-26
Emission control information label ............................... 9-10 Temperature A, B and C .............................................. 9-26
Tire and Loading Information label .............................. 9-10 Emission control system warranty ..................................... 9-27
Air conditioner specification label ................................ 9-11 Reporting safety defects ..................................................... 9-27
Installing front license plate ................................................. 9-12 Readiness for Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) test ......... 9-28
Event Data Recorders (EDR) ............................................. 9-29
Owner’s Manual/Service Manual order information ..... 9-30
The following are approximate capacities. The actual refill capacities may be a little different. When refilling, follow the procedure
instructed in the “8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section to determine the proper refill capacity.
Capacity (Approximate) Recommended specifications
US measure Imp measure Liter
Fuel 21-5/8 gal 18 gal 82 See “Fuel recommendation” later in this section.
Engine oil*1
Drain and refill
With oil filter change 4-7/8 qt 4 qt 4.6 . Engine oil with API Certification Mark*2, *3
Without oil filter change 4-1/2 qt 3-3/4 qt 4.3 . Viscosity SAE 5W-30*2, *3
Cooling system
With reservoir 10 qt 8-1/4 qt 9.4
Pre-diluted Genuine NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant (Blue) or equivalent
Reservoir 7/8 qt 3/4 qt 0.8
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) fluid — — — Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-3*4
Genuine NISSAN Differential Oil Hypoid Super GL-5 80W-90 or API GL-5 Viscosity SAE
Differential gear oil — — —
Genuine NISSAN Differential Oil Hypoid Super GL-5 80W-90 or API GL-5 Viscosity SAE
Transfer oil — — —
Power steering fluid (PSF) Refill to the proper oil level according to the instructions in the “8. Genuine NISSAN PSF or equivalent*6
Brake fluid Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section. Genuine NISSAN Super Heavy Duty Brake Fluid*7 or equivalent DOT 3
Multi-purpose grease — — — NLGI No. 2 (Lithium soap base)
Air conditioning system refrigerant — — — HFC-134a (R-134a)*8
Air conditioning system lubricants — — — NISSAN A/C System Oil Type S or exact equivalent
Window washer fluid 1-1/4 gal 1 gal 4.5 Genuine NISSAN Windshield Washer Concentrate Cleaner & Antifreeze or equivalent
*1: For additional information, see “Engine oil” in the “8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section for changing engine oil.
*2: For additional information, see “Engine oil and oil filter recommendation” later in this section.
*3: NISSAN recommends Genuine NISSAN Ester Engine Oil available at a NISSAN dealer.
*4: Use only Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-3. Using transmission fluid other than Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-3 will damage the CVT, which is not covered by the NISSAN new vehicle
limited warranty.
*5: For hot climates, viscosity SAE 90 is suitable for ambient temperatures above 328F (08C).
*6: DEXRONTM VI type ATF may also be used.
*7: Available in mainland U.S.A. through a NISSAN dealer.
*8: For additional information, see “Vehicle identification” later in this section for air conditioner specification label.
The use of any other refrigerant or oil
will cause severe damage to the air
conditioning system and will require
the replacement of all air conditioner
CrossCabriolet models
STI0563 STI0373
. GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) - curb used to tow a trailer, the trailer tongue
WARNING weight plus the combined weight of weight must be included as part of the
passengers and cargo. cargo load. This information is located
. It is extremely dangerous to ride . GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) on the Tire and Loading Information
in a cargo area inside the vehi- - maximum total combined weight of the label.
cle. In a collision, people riding unloaded vehicle, passengers, luggage, . Cargo capacity - permissible weight of
in these areas are more likely to hitch, trailer tongue load and any other cargo, the subtracted weight of occu-
be seriously injured or killed. optional equipment. This information is pants from the load limit.
. Do not allow people to ride in located on the F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. VEHICLE LOAD CAPACITY
any area of your vehicle that is label. Do not exceed the load limit of your vehicle
not equipped with seats and . GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) - shown as “The combined weight of occu-
seat belts. maximum weight (load) limit specified pants and cargo” on the Tire and Loading
. Be sure everyone in your vehicle for the front or rear axle. This informa- Information label. Do not exceed the
is in a seat and using a seat belt tion is located on the F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V. number of occupants shown as “Seating
properly. S.S. label. Capacity” on the Tire and Loading Informa-
. GCWR (Gross Combined Weight Rat- tion label.
TERMS ing) - The maximum total weight rating To get “the combined weight of occupants
It is important to familiarize yourself with the of the vehicle, passengers, cargo, and and cargo”, add the weight of all occu-
following terms before loading your vehicle: trailer. pants, then add the total luggage weight.
. Vehicle Capacity Weight, Load limit, Examples are shown in the following
. Curb Weight (actual weight of your
Total load capacity - maximum total illustration.
vehicle) - vehicle weight including:
weight limit specified of the load
standard and optional equipment,
(passengers and cargo) for the vehicle.
fluids, emergency tools, and spare tire
This is the maximum combined weight
assembly. This weight does not in-
of occupants and cargo that can be
clude passengers and cargo.
loaded into the vehicle. If the vehicle is
STI0542 TI1012M
1: All towing above 1,000 lb (454 kg) requires the use of trailer brakes. NISSAN recommends the use of a
tandem axle trailer whenever towing above 3,000 lb (1,361 kg). WARNING
2: A sway control device is recommended for all towing above 2,000 lb (907 kg). Sway control devices are not
offered by NISSAN. See a professional trailer/hitch outlet for a properly designed sway control device for Trailer hitch components have specific
your trailer. weight ratings. Your vehicle may be
capable of towing a trailer heavier than
the weight rating of the hitch compo-
nents. Never exceed the weight rating
of the hitch components. Doing so can
cause serious personal injury or prop-
erty damage.
Hitch ball
Choose a hitch ball of the proper size and
weight rating for your trailer:
. The required hitch ball size is stamped on
most trailer couplers. Most hitch balls also
have the size printed on top of the ball.
the I/M test, check the vehicle’s inspection/ This vehicle is equipped with an Event Data of personally identifying data routinely acquired
maintenance test readiness condition. Place the Recorder (EDR). The main purpose of an EDR is during a crash investigation.
ignition switch in the ON position without to record, in certain crash or near crash-like To read data recorded by an EDR, special
starting the engine. If the Malfunction Indicator situations, such as an air bag deployment or equipment is required and access to the vehicle
Light (MIL) comes on steady for 20 seconds and hitting a road obstacle, data that will assist in or the EDR is needed. In addition to the vehicle
then blinks for 10 seconds, the I/M test understanding how a vehicle’s systems per- manufacturer and NISSAN dealer, other parties,
condition is “not ready”. If the MIL does not formed. The EDR is designed to record data such as law enforcement, that have the special
blink after 20 seconds, the I/M test condition is related to vehicle dynamics and safety systems equipment, can read the information if they have
“ready”. for a short period of time, typically 30 seconds access to the vehicle or the EDR. EDR data will
Contact a NISSAN dealer to set “ready condi- or less. The EDR in this vehicle is designed to only be accessed with the consent of the vehicle
tion” or to prepare the vehicle for testing. record such data as: owner or lessee or as otherwise required or
. How various systems in your vehicle were permitted by law.
. Whether or not the driver and passenger
safety belts were buckled/fastened;
. How far (if at all) the driver was depressing
the accelerator and/or brake pedal; and,
. How fast the vehicle was traveling.
. Sounds are not recorded.
These data can help provide a better under-
standing of the circumstances in which crashes
and injuries occur.
NOTE: EDR data are recorded by your vehicle
only if a nontrivial crash situation occurs; no data
are recorded by the EDR under normal driving
conditions and no personal data (e.g. name,
gender, age and crash location) are recorded.
However, other parties, such as law enforce-
ment, could combine the EDR data with the type
Technical and consumer information 9-29
Genuine NISSAN Service Manuals for this
model year and prior can be purchased. A
genuine NISSAN Service Manual is the best
source of service and repair information for your
vehicle. This manual is the same one used by the
factory trained technicians working at NISSAN
dealerships. Genuine NISSAN Owner’s Man-
uals can also be purchased.
For USA:
For current pricing and availability of genuine
NISSAN Service Manuals, contact:
For current pricing and availability of genuine
NISSAN Owner’s Manuals, contact:
For Canada:
To purchase a copy of a genuine NISSAN
Service Manual or Owner’s Manual for this
model year and prior, contact a NISSAN dealer.
For the phone number and location of a NISSAN
dealer in your area call the NISSAN Information
Center at 1-800-387-0122 and a bilingual
NISSAN representative will assist you.
Fuel Head restraints............................................................ 1-11 Interior light control switch....................................... 2-61
Capacities and Headlights Interior light replacement........................................... 8-29
recommended fuel/lubricants............................... 9-2 Bulb replacement................................................. 8-27 Interior lights................................................................. 2-60
Fuel economy........................................................ 5-33 Headlight switch................................................... 2-37 iPod® player operation............................................... 4-81
Fuel economy information (display)................. 4-11 Xenon headlights.................................................. 2-37 ISOFIX child restraint................................................. 1-31
Fuel octane rating................................................... 9-3 Heated seats................................................................ 2-42
Fuel recommendation............................................. 9-3 Heated steering wheel............................................... 2-41 J
Fuel-filler cap......................................................... 3-44 Heater
Fuel-filler door....................................................... 3-44 Engine block heater............................................. 5-42 Jump starting................................................................ 6-15
Gauge........................................................................ 2-8 Heater and air conditioner operation.............. 4-41
LOOSE FUEL CAP warning............................. 3-45 HomeLink® Universal Transceiver........................... 2-63 K
Fuel efficient driving tips........................................... 5-32 Hood release................................................................ 3-20
Fuses.............................................................................. 8-20 Hook Keyless entry (See remote keyless
Fusible links.................................................................. 8-21 Coat hooks............................................................ 2-55 entry system)................................................................ 3-16
Luggage hook....................................................... 2-53 Keys.................................................................................. 3-3
G Horn................................................................................ 2-41 For Intelligent Key system............................ 3-3, 3-8
Car phone or CB radio ...................................... 4-88 Rear center seat belt ................................................. 1-23 Seat belt hooks .................................................... 1-22
Power Rear door lock, Child safety rear door lock........... 3-8 Seat belt maintenance........................................ 1-26
Front seat adjustment............................................ 1-4 Rear seats....................................................................... 1-9 Seat belt warning light........................................ 2-16
Power door lock...................................................... 3-5 Rear window and outside mirror Seat belts............................................................... 1-15
Power outlet.......................................................... 2-45 defroster switch........................................................... 2-36 Seat belts with pretensioners........................... 1-59
Power steering fluid............................................. 8-11 Rear window wiper and washer switch................ 2-35 Shoulder belt height adjustment...................... 1-22
Power steering system....................................... 5-37 Rearview monitor......................................................... 4-23 Small children........................................................ 1-28
Power windows.................................................... 2-55 Recorders, Event data............................................... 9-29 Three-point type................................................... 1-18
Precautions Registering your vehicle in another country........... 9-8 Seat(s)
Audio operation.................................................... 4-46 Remote keyless entry system................................... 3-16 Driver-side memory.............................................. 3-51
Braking precautions............................................. 5-37 Repairing flat tire (CrossCabriolet models) ......... 6-10 Heated seats......................................................... 2-42
Child restraints...................................................... 1-29 Reporting safety defects (US only)........................ 9-27 Seats.......................................................................... 1-2
Cruise control........................................................ 5-30 Rollover............................................................................ 5-7 Security system (NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer
Driving safety............................................................ 5-9 Roof, Roof rack............................................................ 2-54 System), Engine start................................................. 2-31
Maintenance............................................................. 8-5 Roof, Soft top .............................................................. 3-28 Security system, Vehicle security system............. 2-30
On-pavement and off-road driving..................... 5-7 Servicing air conditioner............................................ 4-45
Seat belt usage.................................................... 1-15 S SETTING button.......................................................... 4-13
Supplemental restraint system.......................... 1-46 Shift lever
When starting and driving .................................... 5-3 Safety Shift lock release.................................................. 5-19
Push starting................................................................ 6-17 Child seat belts .................................................... 1-27 Shift lock release, Transmission.............................. 5-19
“PUSH” warning.......................................................... 2-22 Reporting safety defects (US only)................. 9-27 SHIFT “P” warning...................................................... 2-22
Push-button ignition switch.......................... 5-11, 5-12 Towing safety......................................................... 9-21 Shifting, CVT (Continuously
Satellite radio operation ............................................ 4-66 Variable Transmission) ............................................... 5-16
R Seat adjustment Shoulder belt height adjustment............................. 1-22
Front manual seat adjustment.............................. 1-3 Soft top
Radio.............................................................................. 4-46 Front power seat adjustment............................... 1-4 Care and cleaning (CrossCabriolet models).... 7-3
Car phone or CB radio ...................................... 4-88 Front seats................................................................ 1-3 If the top does not open or close.................... 3-38
FM-AM radio with Compact Disc Seat belt(s) Soft top indicator light............................. 2-19, 3-33
(CD) changer........................................................ 4-60 Child safety............................................................ 1-27 Soft top operation................................................ 3-28
FM-AM-SAT radio with Compact Disc Infants...................................................................... 1-28 SOURCE select switch............................................. 4-86
(CD) player............................................................ 4-65 Injured persons..................................................... 1-18 Spare tire.............................................................. 8-42, 9-7
Rain-sensing auto wiper system............................. 2-34 Larger children...................................................... 1-28 Spark plugs .................................................................. 8-16
Rapid air pressure loss................................................ 5-8 Precautions on seat belt usage........................ 1-15 Speedometer.................................................................. 2-6
Readiness for inspection/maintenance Pregnant women.................................................. 1-18 Starting
(I/M) test........................................................................ 9-28 Rear center seat belt .......................................... 1-23 Before starting the engine................................. 5-14
Rear and rear-wide view monitor with Moving Seat belt cleaning................................................... 7-6 Jump starting......................................................... 6-15
Object Detection (MOD) .......................................... 4-30 Seat belt extenders.............................................. 1-26 Precautions when starting and driving.............. 5-3
Push starting......................................................... 6-17 T TPMS, Tire pressure warning system...................... 6-3
Starting the engine.............................................. 5-15 Trailer towing................................................................ 9-16
STATUS button.............................................................. 4-9 Tachometer..................................................................... 2-7 Transceiver, HomeLink® Universal Transceiver.... 2-63
Status light, Front passenger air bag.................... 1-54 Temperature display.................................................... 2-27 Transmission
Steering Temperature gauge, Engine coolant Continuously Variable Transmission
Heated steering wheel........................................ 2-41 temperature gauge........................................................ 2-7 (CVT) fluid.............................................................. 8-11
Power steering fluid............................................. 8-11 Theft (NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System), Driving with CVT (Continuously
Power steering system....................................... 5-37 Engine start................................................................... 2-31 Variable Transmission) ........................................ 5-16
Steering-wheel-mounted controls Three-way catalyst........................................................ 5-4 Transmission shift lever lock release............... 5-19
for audio ................................................................. 4-86 Tilt/telescopic steering............................................... 3-46 Transmitter (See remote keyless entry system).... 3-16
Tilt/telescopic steering........................................ 3-46 Tire Traveling or registering your vehicle in
Storage.......................................................................... 2-47 Pressure, Low tire pressure warning light..... 2-14 another country.............................................................. 9-8
Storage box.................................................................. 2-50 Tire replacement indicator................................. 2-24 Trip computer............................................................... 2-25
Sun visors..................................................................... 3-47 Tires Trip odometer............................................................... 2-26
Sunglasses holder...................................................... 2-48 Emergency tire puncture repair kit .................. 8-43 Trunk
Supplemental air bag warning labels..................... 1-61 Flat tire....................................................................... 6-3 Trunk lid.................................................................. 3-25
Supplemental air bag warning light............ 1-61, 2-16 Low tire pressure warning system...................... 5-4 Trunk lid release switch...................................... 3-25
Supplemental restraint system................................. 1-46 Tire and Loading information label....... 8-34, 9-10 Trunk light...................................................................... 2-63
Precautions on supplemental Tire chains.............................................................. 8-39 Turn signal switch....................................................... 2-40
restraint system..................................................... 1-46 Tire dressing............................................................. 7-4
Switch Tire pressure ......................................................... 8-32 U
All-Wheel Drive (AWD) lock switch................ 5-33 Tire pressure monitoring
Autolight switch.................................................... 2-38 system (TPMS)............................................... 5-4, 6-3 Underbody cleaning ..................................................... 7-3
Fog light switch.................................................... 2-41 Tire rotation............................................................ 8-40 Uniform tire quality grading ...................................... 9-26
Hazard warning flasher switch............................. 6-2 Types of tires......................................................... 8-38 USB memory operation............................................. 4-72
Headlight switch................................................... 2-37 Uniform tire quality grading ............................... 9-26
Overdrive OFF switch......................................... 5-18 Wheel/tire size......................................................... 9-7 V
Power door lock switch......................................... 3-7 Wheels and tires.................................................. 8-32
Rear window and outside mirror Tonneau cover (see cargo cover)........................... 2-52 Vanity mirror.................................................................. 3-51
defroster switch.................................................... 2-36 Top, Soft top................................................................ 3-28 Vanity mirror lights ...................................................... 2-62
Turn signal switch................................................ 2-40 Touch screen system................................................... 4-5 Variable voltage control system............................... 8-15
Vehicle dynamic control (VDC) off switch..... 2-44 Towing Vehicle
Warning systems switch.................................... 2-43 Flat towing............................................................. 9-25 Dimensions and weights....................................... 9-8
Tow truck towing.................................................. 6-19 Identification number (VIN)................................... 9-8
Towing a trailer..................................................... 9-16 Loading information............................................. 9-13
Towing safety......................................................... 9-21 Recovery (freeing a stuck vehicle) .................. 6-22
TPMS, Tire pressure monitoring system................. 5-4 Security system.................................................... 2-30
Vehicle dynamic control (VDC) off switch..... 2-44 Washing........................................................................... 7-2
Vehicle dynamic control (VDC) system.......... 5-39 Waxing............................................................................. 7-3
Vehicle dynamic control (VDC) Weights (See dimensions and weights)................. 9-8
warning light.......................................................... 2-16 Wheel/tire size............................................................... 9-7
Vehicle information and settings (display)........ 4-9 Wheels and tires......................................................... 8-32
Ventilators...................................................................... 4-40 Cleaning aluminum alloy wheels......................... 7-4
Voice command (Bluetooth® Hands-Free Window washer fluid................................................. 8-13
Phone System) ......................................................... 4-104 Window(s)
Voice command (NISSAN voice Cleaning .................................................................... 7-3
recognition system) ................................... 4-118, 4-127 Power windows.................................................... 2-55
Windshield wiper and washer switch.................... 2-32
W Wiper
Rain-sensing auto wiper system...................... 2-34
Walk-in function............................................................. 1-4 Rear window wiper and washer switch......... 2-35
Warning Rear window wiper blade.................................. 8-19
Dot matrix display................................................. 2-20 Windshield wiper and washer switch............. 2-32
Hazard warning flasher switch............................. 6-2 Wiper blades......................................................... 8-18
Lights....................................................................... 2-12
Tire pressure monitoring X
system (TPMS)............................................... 5-4, 6-3
Warning/indicator lights and Xenon headlights......................................................... 2-37
audible reminders................................................. 2-11
Warning labels, Air bag warning labels................. 1-61
Warning light
Air bag warning light................................ 1-61, 2-16
All-wheel drive (AWD) warning light............... 2-12
Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
warning light.......................................................... 2-12
AWD warning light.............................................. 5-35
Brake warning light.............................................. 2-13
Intelligent Key warning light............................... 2-14
Low tire pressure warning light........................ 2-14
Seat belt warning light........................................ 2-16
Warranty, Emission control system warranty....... 9-27
Washer switch
Rear window wiper and washer switch......... 2-35
Windshield wiper and washer switch............. 2-32