Ensemble Grading Rubric 6

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Unit 1 Introduction To Drama – Grade 6

In assigned groups, you will make a piece of theatre (4 mins) which explores two of the following unit conventions:

1. Ensemble Work

2. Explorative Strategies

3. Devising Theatre.

You will undertake a formal performance of your piece to you piers using theatre arts and then make a presentation on your
process lasting no more than 5 minutes.  You will be graded on both your contribution to the process and your performance.  All
members of the group must have an equal share in the making of the piece and shopuld explore possibilities from the perspective
of creator, designer, performer and director.

Ensemble Grading Scale and Rubric

Standard 4. Excelling 3.Meeting 2. Approaching 1. Beginning

1. -Showing clear -Willing to allow -Understanding -A reserved
Conceiving and and controlled an equal share the role of the approach to the
developing new ability working of the ensemble and ensemble.
artistic ideas and within an ensemble’s showing a -Not yet willing
work. ensemble. approach to the willingness to to share ideas
-Taking personal performance. contribute. and/or explore
responsibility for -Taking -Not yet able to others
the group and responsibility for let ideas go and contributions.
appropriate personal move on to
action in when contributions to other
creating ideas the work and approaches.
for presentation. letting go of
individual in
favour of group.
2. -Demonstrated a -Fully engaged in -Shows ability -Currently
Realizing artistic focused and the performance with basic holding back
ideas and work clear of the ensemble performance from fully
through understanding of and willing to skills. contributing
interpretation the concepts of allow the -Not yet fully within the
and ensemble in presentation to engaged in the ensemble
presentation. performance. take precedence group work in performance.
-Takes over individual performance but -Shows some
responsibility for merit. has understanding of
the group -Clear and understanding of basic acting
sharing and uses controlled interpretation. skills.
time expression and
appropriately. interpretation.
3. -Shows a clear Demonstrates an -Able to -Demonstrates a
Understanding and consistent ability to interpret basic
and evaluating understanding of understand and meaning from understanding of
how the arts artistic evaluate action and meaning making
convey meaning. interpretation meaning from shows some but not yet able
and able to fully class work and understanding of to translate this
express this in shows clear evaluation. to concepts of
journal and class learning artistic
discussion. patterns. interpretation.

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