Study Material - Ever Victorious November 18th Campaign PDF
Study Material - Ever Victorious November 18th Campaign PDF
Study Material - Ever Victorious November 18th Campaign PDF
November 18, 2020
‘The Three Kinds of Treasure’
ii Valuecreation
directly, they nonetheless thrive,
partaking of dew from the large
tree or drawing moisture from the
LIES IN ONE’S “BEHAVIOUR Jivaka, a minister in the king’s
AS A HUMAN BEING” court, believed in the Buddha and
continually made offerings to him,
the blessings accruing from his
actions are said to have returned
(Reproduced from: Value Creation, to Ajatashatru.
Jan 2010, 56–80; Lecture 1, Teachings Buddhism teaches that, when
for Victory, Vol. 1, 319–45) the Buddha nature manifests
itself from within, it will receive
protection from without. This is
I have received various articles one of its fundamental principles.
from your messenger, including The Lotus Sutra says, “I have
a white quilted robe and a string profound reverence for you.”
of coins, and [Toki’s letter]. The The Nirvana Sutra states, “All
persimmons, pears, and fresh and living beings alike possess the
dried seaweed are particularly Buddha nature.” Bodhisattva
welcome. Ashvaghosha’s Awakening of Faith
I am most grieved over your in the Mahayana says, “Because
lord’s illness. Although he has the true abiding Law invariably
not professed faith in the Lotus permeates one’s life and exerts its
Sutra, you are a member of influence, illusions are instantly
his clan, and it is thanks to his extinguished, and the Dharma
consideration that you are able body manifests itself.” Bodhisattva
to make offerings to the sutra. Maitreya’s Treatise on the Stages
Thus, these [offerings to the sutra] of Yoga Practice contains a similar
may become prayers solely for statement. What is hidden turns
your lord’s recovery. Think of a into manifest virtue.
small tree under a large one, or The heavenly devil knew
grass by a great river. Though about this [principle] from before,
Study Resource 1
and move forward together with
and he therefore possessed your them. Leaders not only need to offer
colleagues, causing them to inspiring encouragement and give
invent that preposterous lie in people courage to challenge problems
order to prevent you from making and hardships, but also to stand up to
offerings to the Lotus Sutra. Since error and injustice themselves while
your faith is profound, however, warmly protecting, guiding and caring
the ten demon daughters must for everyone. Buddhism does not exist
have come to your aid and caused apart from such committed action on
your lord’s illness. He does not the part of real, living human beings.
regard you as his enemy, but A person who prays and works
since he once acted against harder than anyone else to propagate
you by giving credit to the false the Mystic Law is a genuine leader in
accusations of your colleagues, he Buddhism. “Buddha” is another name
has become seriously ill, and the for someone of dedicated action. As
malady persists. long as there are efforts by devoted
Ryuzo-bo, whom these people individuals to help others attain
count on as their pillar of strength, enlightenment, Buddhism will eternally
has already been toppled, and shine as a living religion. If, on the other
those who spoke falsely of you hand, such efforts were to disappear,
have contracted the same disease Buddhism would become a dead
as your lord. Because Ryokan is religion, pallid and lifeless.
guilty of a much graver offense, Shakyamuni and Nichiren Daishonin
it is more than likely that he each left behind an exemplary model
will meet with or cause a bad of behaviour as individuals committed
accident. Surely he will not escape to leading others to enlightenment.
unharmed. (WND-1, p. 848) They continually went among the
people and engaged in dialogue to
awaken the innate Buddha nature
2 Valuecreation
towards positive personal growth and
to the happiness of both oneself and I have received various articles
others in the actual realm of the nine from your messenger, including
worlds. And especially in terms of a white quilted robe and a string
respectful conduct aimed at awakening of coins, and [Toki’s letter].3 The
people to their Buddha nature, it persimmons, pears, and fresh and
refers to the behaviour of Bodhisattva dried seaweed are particularly
Never Disparaging.1 It also indicates the welcome. (WND-1, p. 848)
behaviour of Nichiren Daishonin in his
efforts to battle evil and promote good
for the happiness of all people. This is SINCERITY AND INTEGRITY
the exact same behaviour of each one ARE THE SPRINGBOARD
of us of the SGI, as the Bodhisattvas of FOR OVERCOMING
the Earth2 who exert themselves for ADVERSITY
Buddhism shines the spotlight on At the time when this letter was
individuals who show unceasing respect written, Shijo Kingo was undergoing
for people in their actions, just like the severe trials. In an earlier letter,
Buddha. he had been quoted by the Daishonin
This time [in three instalments], as saying that great hardships had
we will study ‘The Three Kinds of showered down on him like rain
Treasure’. In this letter addressed to (cf. WND-1, p. 471). Three years prior
Shijo Kingo, dated September 1277, (in 1274), Kingo had tried to convert
the Daishonin teaches his loyal disciple his lord Ema [a devout follower of
the importance of living as a person the priest Ryokan of the True Word
of wisdom and how crucial one’s Precepts school] to the Daishonin’s
behaviour as a human being can be in teaching, but this only resulted in Ema’s
a time of adversity. alienation. From that time on, spiteful
How should we correctly conduct fellow retainers began spreading false
ourselves as Buddhists? How can we accusations about Kingo and tarnishing
take strong and wise action to break his good name. Attempts were even
through any hardship? In this letter, made on his life. Ema’s disfavour
the Daishonin answers these questions, also continued, causing tremendous
explaining the essential way of life for hardship for Kingo and his family. This
Buddhist practitioners. was manifested in various forms, most
Let us deeply internalise the conspi- cuously in his being ordered to
Daishonin’s guidance on how to live relinquish his existing fief and accept
with wisdom, using it as a source of a smaller one. Throughout all these
inspiration for our own victory in life struggles, Kingo continued to faithfully
and in our efforts for kosen-rufu. follow the Daishonin’s detailed
guidance and tenaciously persevered in
his Buddhist practice.
Study Resource 3
Then, as a consequence of spurious the true brilliance of human dignity is to
accusations levelled against him in be found.
connection with an alleged incident What is admirable about Shijo
at the Kuwagayatsu Debate 4 of June Kingo is how he always sought out the
1277, Kingo suddenly found himself Daishonin’s guidance and followed
in danger of having all of his lands it unerringly. Because he strove in a
confiscated. Ema pressed him to recant spirit of oneness with his mentor, he
his faith in the Lotus Sutra, or else be was able to triumph magnificently
stripped of his fief. But Kingo chose over all obstacles. The mentor- disciple
faith without the slightest hesitation or relationship is the driving force for
doubt. He immediately sent a pledge victory in life and in kosen-rufu. This
to this effect to the Daishonin. And the is an eternally unchanging principle of
swift reply he received in response from Buddhism.
the Daishonin contained the famous When Shijo Kingo faithfully put his
lines: “This life is like a dream. One mentor’s instructions into practice with
cannot be sure that one will live until the profound determination never to
tomorrow. However wretched a beggar disgrace the Lotus Sutra or behave in a
you might become, never disgrace the servile manner, his situation changed
Lotus Sutra” (WND-1, p. 824). dramatically. It happened that Lord
Another consistent piece of advice Ema came down with a serious illness,
the Daishonin gave Shijo Kingo was and Kingo, who was knowledgeable
not to be fawning or servile.5 Servility in medicine, was called on to treat him
is tantamount to destroying one’s own and care for him. He was thus presented
dignity or self-esteem. Even worse, with a great opportunity to win back his
behaving in a cowardly or servile lord’s trust. This was only a few months
manner towards devilish functions after he had faced the threat of having
will prevent one’s Buddhahood from his fiefs confiscated.
shining forth. Though the chance to improve
We must firmly stand up to devilish his relationship with his lord had
functions that bring misery to people. materialised, the outcome was still
When confronted by the dauntless very much uncertain. In addition,
behaviour of people of dignity and the trying circumstances in which
integrity, devilish functions will always Kingo found himself remained
make a fast retreat. This is just like unchanged, with no immediate solution
foxes fleeing when they hear the in sight. He still faced hostility from
mighty roar of the lion king, or like some of his fellow retainers as well
darkness vanishing the instant the sun as continuing discord in his relations
comes out. with his brothers. Meanwhile, the
Let us live with unshakeable confi underhanded scheming of Ryokan
dence and pride, and without the least of Gokuraku-ji6 and others aimed at
servility. The Daishonin repeatedly discrediting Kingo also continued
teaches his followers that this is where unabated.
4 Valuecreation
Nevertheless, precisely because
significant developments were
beginning to take shape — with the
glimmerings of a positive turnaround What is admirable about
evident — it was crucial that Shijo Kingo Shijo Kingo is how he always
not grow overconfident or negligent.
sought out the Daishonin’s
He would need to proceed carefully
and cautiously towards resolving the
guidance and followed it
situation. And it was imperative that he unerringly. Because he strove
pay even greater attention than before in a spirit of oneness with
to the people and things around him, his mentor, he was able to
and secure victory through his wise
triumph magnificently over all
behaviour as a human being. This is the
concrete guidance that the Daishonin
obstacles. The mentor- disciple
offers Shijo Kingo in this letter, relationship is the driving
advising him in detail on how to force for victory in life and in
view and challenge the situation kosen-rufu. This is an eternally
confronting him.
unchanging principle of
The letter begins with the Daishonin
expressing his appreciation for the
offerings he has received. From this
passage, we see that Shijo Kingo
had sent a sizeable parcel of sincere
offerings, along with a letter entrusted victory he has achieved through faith,
to his care by a fellow practitioner saying, “Is not his [Lord Ema’s] regard
[Toki Jonin]. No doubt concern for the for you due to the aid of the Lotus
Daishonin’s well-being in the remote Sutra?” (WND-1, p. 850). At the same
mountains of Minobu as winter was time, concerned that Kingo would
approaching prompted Kingo to send become the target of increasing envy
him such a large variety of items. The from those around him and be placed
Daishonin confirms that the goods have in even greater danger, the Daishonin
arrived safely and warmly thanks Kingo warns him to be extremely careful and
for his generosity, adding that the avoid rash or indiscreet behaviour.
foodstuffs are “particularly welcome”. He also teaches him that maintaining
From these words, we get a sense of the personal integrity and realising victory
deep heart-to-heart exchange between as a human being are crucial in opening
them as mentor and disciple. the way forward in the different
Having received news of the latest challenging situations he faces.
developments in Kingo’s situation, the This letter shines throughout with
Daishonin goes on to offer pertinent many profound passages that have
advice on how to proceed in his daily given encouragement and sustenance
conduct. He also praises Kingo for the to countless members:
Study Resource 5
More valuable than treasures in Mr Makiguchi told him:
a storehouse are the treasures of
the body, and the treasures of Even if your pronunciation is
the heart are the most valuable poor or you have an accent,
of all. (WND-1, p. 851) it is important for you to be
yourself and do your best.
Every person is endowed
The purpose of the appearance with wonderful potential. Go
in this world of Shakyamuni ahead and volunteer to make a
Buddha, the lord of teachings, presentation. This will benefit
lies in his behaviour as a human you. At the same time, your
being. (WND-1, p. 852) giving a presentation will also
benefit the other teachers and,
by extension, contribute to the
The wise may be called human, growth of the children in their
but the thoughtless are no more charge. Thus your action will
than animals. (WND-1, p. 852) result in good. Soka education
means doing our utmost to
The Daishonin explains to his embattled create value that constitutes
disciple that the key to breaking benefit and good.
through adversity ultimately lies in wise
action and one’s own humanity. This “Be yourself and do your best” —
applies not only to Shijo Kingo. In our this tenet of humanistic education
case, too, our actions themselves are a agrees entirely with the humanistic
reflection of our faith, and determine principles of Buddhism. That’s because
the outcome of victory or defeat in our humanistic behaviour on the part
Buddhist practice. of a genuine Buddhist practitioner
Each passage in this writing is leads to the creation of the highest
imbued with Nichiren Daishonin’s possible value.
profound compassion to whole Helping people develop their
heartedly encourage each follower humanity is the hallmark of Buddhism.
as his first priority. As a Buddhist, no I have always believed that the key
action is more exalted than that of message that the Daishonin wished to
raising other human beings, fostering impress upon Shijo Kingo in this letter
capable people. is that the correct path of Buddhist
Founding Soka Gakkai president practice lies in making continuous
Tsunesaburo Makiguchi once efforts to improve one’s character and
encouraged a youthful educator. Hailing develop one’s humanity. In other words,
from a rural area in Japan, the young it lies in continually striving to do one’s
man was embarrassed by his accent, and human revolution.
found it difficult to voice his opinions in
front of others on that account.
6 Valuecreation
loyalty to the Ema family in times of
I am most grieved over your grave peril.9 It is therefore not difficult
lord’s illness. Although he has to imagine that Lord Ema would have
not professed faith in the Lotus placed deep trust in Kingo. The latter
Sutra, you are a member of only incurred his lord’s disfavour
his clan, and it is thanks to his after he tried to convert him to the
consideration that you are able Daishonin’s teachings.
to make offerings to the sutra. Subjected to unjustified
Thus, these [offerings to the sutra] harassment and disciplinary action,
may become prayers solely for including transfer to another estate
your lord’s recovery. Think of a in a remote province, it appears that
small tree under a large one, or Kingo even considered initiating a
grass by a great river. Though lawsuit against Ema. The Daishonin,
they do not receive rain or water however, urges him to exercise
directly, they nonetheless thrive, restraint, writing in another letter
partaking of dew from the large dated around the same period: “As
tree or drawing moisture from the vassals, you, your parents, and your
river. The same holds true with close relatives are deeply indebted to
the relationship between you your lord” (WND-1, p. 794); and “Even if
and your lord. To give another he never shows you the slightest further
example, King Ajatashatru7 was consideration, you should not hold a
an enemy of the Buddha. But grudge against your lord” (WND-1, p. 794).
because Jivaka,8 a minister in Ingratitude ranks among the very worst
the king’s court, believed in the kind of human conduct, as it incurs
Buddha and continually made evil karma.
offerings to him, the blessings The Daishonin tells Shijo Kingo that
accruing from his actions are said rather than feeling resentful towards
to have returned to Ajatashatru. his lord who is directly bringing pressure
(WND-1, p. 848) to bear on him, he should focus on
battling the real adversary — namely,
the workings of the three obstacles
THE WISE ALWAYS HAVE and four devils10 that are manifesting
APPRECIATION FOR THEIR in Ema’s actions. Far more deserving of
BENEFACTORS blame, he points out, is Ryokan, whose
villainous schemes were largely behind
Having followed in +the footsteps of the persecution of the Daishonin’s
his father, Shijo Kingo was a second- followers and the false assumptions
generation samurai retainer of the Ema made by Kingo’s lord. He declares that
family, which was directly related to Ryokan is the epitome of the group
one of the Hojo regents who ruled the known as “arrogant false sages” —
Kamakura military government. Both one of the three powerful enemies11
father and son had shown the utmost of Buddhism. It is an admonition to
Study Resource 7
recognise the true nature of such The Soka Gakkai has realised
negative and obstructive forces. brilliant and unprecedented
Following this guidance from the development because it has inherited
Daishonin, Kingo conducted himself this noble spirit to go out among
with wisdom and utmost sincerity in his the people and take action for their
daily life and interactions with others. happiness.
As a result, when illness struck, Ema In this writing, the Daishonin
sought treatment from Shijo Kingo, points out that Lord Ema, while not a
who was also renowned as an “excellent practitioner of the Lotus Sutra himself,
physician” (WND-1, p. 955). makes it possible for Shijo Kingo to
Learning that Ema was unwell, the give offerings to the sutra. Therefore,
Daishonin writes in this letter: “I am he says, the merit and good fortune
most grieved over your lord’s illness” acquired by Kingo will also extend to
(WND-1, p. 848). Even though it might have Ema. The Daishonin cites the example
appeared on the surface that Ema was of a small tree beneath a large tree
the very person inflicting suffering on or grass on the banks a great river.
Shijo Kingo, a sincere practitioner of the Though the small tree or the grass
Lotus Sutra, the Daishonin was deeply may not receive rain or water from the
concerned about his illness. river directly, it will still receive natural
When it comes to truth or error moisture in the form of dew and thrive.
in terms of the Law or teaching, He also notes that in Shakyamuni’s day,
Nichiren Buddhism maintains a rigorous there was a king named Ajatashatru
attitude, but when it comes to people’s who was a great enemy of Buddhism,
sufferings, it always has a spirit of but that this ruler was ultimately
tolerance and compassion. It was the protected because his physician, Jivaka,
Daishonin’s spirit to do whatever he was a devoted follower of the Buddha.
could to help those suffering, even In a family, too, if there is one person
if they were people who slandered who radiates the brilliance of the Mystic
the Law. Thinking of their plight, he Law, then all members of the family,
exclaimed: “How tragic, how pitiful! including those who do not practice the
(cf. WND-1, p. 578). He was “indignant Daishonin’s Buddhism, will be protected.
in his heart” (cf. WND-1, p. 7) at human An individual can similarly illuminate
suffering. The essence of Buddhism their workplace and their community.
is found in the heartfelt wish for the That is how vast and immeasurable the
happiness of each person. benefit of the Mystic Law is. Accordingly,
My mentor, second Soka Gakkai the important thing from the standpoint
president Josei Toda, shared the same of our Buddhist practice is that we
spirit as the Daishonin. If someone ourselves, irrespective of what others
discarded their faith, he was filled with may do, become like the large tree or the
deep sorrow. “How tragic this is!” he great river in this analogy.
once exclaimed. “It hurts as though a
gimlet is boring into my heart!”
8 Valuecreation
It is we ourselves who possess this
Buddhism teaches [the important Buddha nature, and as such it is also
doctrine] that, when the Buddha up to us to awaken to it and manifest
nature manifests itself from it. When we practise the Daishonin’s
within, it will receive protection Buddhism, the Mystic Law comes
from without. This is one of its to “permeate our life and exert its
fundamental principles. The Lotus influence” (cf. WND-1, p. 848) — that is,
Sutra says, “I have profound our Buddha nature, once revealed,
reverence for you” [LS20, p. 266]. pervades our life in the same way that
The Nirvana Sutra states, “All burning incense imbues our clothing
living beings alike possess the with its fragrance. Our Buddha nature
Buddha nature.” Bodhisattva emerges like a fragrance wafting
Ashvaghosha’s12 Awakening of Faith in the breeze. And while we speak
in the Mahayana says, “Because of receiving protection from the
the true abiding Law invariably heavenly deities or the positive forces
permeates one’s life and exerts its of the universe, the first step in that
influence, illusions are instantly process is to embark on our own inner
extinguished, and the Dharma transformation.
body manifests itself.” Bodhisattva In ‘How Those Initially Aspiring
Maitreya’s13 Treatise on the Stages to the Way Can Attain Buddhahood
of Yoga Practice contains a similar through the Lotus Sutra’, the Daishonin
statement. What is hidden turns writes:
into manifest virtue. (WND-1, p. 848)
When we revere Myoho-renge-
kyo inherent in our own life
THE PRINCIPLE OF as the object of devotion, the
“THE BUDDHA NATURE Buddha nature within us is
MANIFESTING ITSELF summoned forth and manifested
FROM WITHIN AND by our chanting of Nam-myoho-
BRINGING FORTH renge-kyo. This is what is meant
PROTECTION FROM by “Buddha”. To illustrate, when
WITHOUT” a caged bird sings, birds who
are flying in the sky are thereby
Here, the Daishonin explains one summoned and gather around,
of the key Buddhist principles — and when the birds flying in the
namely, the principle of “the Buddha sky gather around, the bird in
nature manifesting itself from within the cage strives to get out. When
and bringing forth protection from with our mouths we chant the
without”. In other words, when we Mystic Law, our Buddha nature,
activate the Buddha nature inside us, it being summoned, will invariably
will induce the protective functions of emerge. The Buddha nature of
life to work from without. Brahma and Shakra, being called,
Study Resource 9
will protect us, and the Buddha Buddha is summoned forth within us
nature of the Buddhas and and emerges. Manifesting our inner
bodhisattvas, being summoned, Buddhahood causes protection to arise
will rejoice. (WND-1, p. 887) from without. All of this hinges on our
inner focus or resolve.
Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to In light of the principle of “the
the Gohonzon, the object of devotion Buddha nature manifesting itself from
in Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, is within and bringing forth protection
in fact the same as summoning forth from without”, we can definitely
and praising the Buddha nature that is change any situation or environment by
inherent in our own life and resides in transforming our fundamental mindset
all things in the universe. In response and revealing our Buddha nature. All
to the sound of our chanting, by which fear vanishes the moment we believe
means we reveal our Buddha nature, with all our hearts, “I alone am the
all benevolent deities throughout the scriptwriter of my life”.
universe move into action to protect us. Next, in this letter, the Daishonin
This principle succinctly expresses the states: “What is hidden turns into
unique character of Nichiren Daishonin’s manifest virtue” (WND-1, p. 848).
Buddhism, which is completely Unseen virtue turns into conspicuous
different from faith that pins hope reward. To practise the Mystic Law is
for salvation on the agency of some to proceed along the path of victory;
external power. all virtue will manifest in visible form
The concept of “the Buddha nature without fail. When we forge ahead
manifesting itself from within” indicates with this deep, unshakeable
a power existing and generated from conviction, our future will open up in
inside us. Buddhism is known as the wonderful ways that we could never
“inner way”. Therefore, we do not seek possibly have imagined. This is the
Buddhahood, or the life of the Buddha, conviction and the declaration of the
outside of us, but rather within. The life- Daishonin, the Buddha of the Latter
state of the Buddha that is characterised Day of the Law.
by the four noble virtues of eternity, As a matter of fact, SGI members
happiness, true self and purity is found round the world are constructing such
within our own mortal being that confident states of life. They are models
experiences the delusions of earthly of respectful, humanistic conduct
desires and the sufferings of birth towards others. The Lotus Sutra’s spirit
and death. The Daishonin’s Buddhism of respect and reve- rence for all people
enables us to tap into and manifest that is deeply ingra- ined in SGI members’
benefit in our life. way of life, just as if it has “permeated
In other words, because we all their life and exerted its influence”
possess the Buddha nature, when we (cf. WND-1, p. 848).
chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with a When we see someone in trouble,
clearly focussed mind, the life of the we cannot simply look the other way.
10 Valuecreation
When we see someone who appears to
be struggling, we cannot help but offer
encouragement. When we see someone
suffering, we cannot but embrace them. The concept of “the Buddha
Believing in all people’s potential, we nature manifesting itself from
actively pursue positive and meaningful within” indicates a power
interactions with others. The actions of
existing and generated from
SGI members are the very embodiment
of respect for others.
inside us. Buddhism is known
This in itself is proof of their having as the “inner way”. Therefore,
deeply cultivated the life-state of we do not seek Buddhahood, or
Buddhas and bodhisattvas. There is no the life of the Buddha, outside
greater benefit. The fragrant breeze
of us, but rather within
of happiness boundlessly caresses their
being. SGI members are truly the heroes
of the people. They are great champions
of life.
The heavenly devil [i.e., the LIES AND DEFAMATIONS
devil king of the sixth heaven]14
knew about this [principle] Devilish forces always spin lies. In
from before, and he therefore this passage, the Daishonin indicates
possessed your colleagues [fellow that devils invariably resort to
retainers of Lord Ema], causing fabrications and false accusations to
them to invent that preposterous discredit people.
lie [of your causing a disturbance The Chinese writer Lu Xun (1881–
at the Kuwagayatsu Debate] 1936) keenly observed: “There is also a
in order to prevent you from weapon that kills without drawing any
making offerings to the Lotus blood — false rumours.”16 To spread
Sutra. Since your faith is scurrilous lies and rumours — that is the
profound, however, the ten essential character of devilish functions.
demon daughters15 must have The Daishonin says that the
come to your aid and caused Tatsunokuchi Persecution,17 the
your lord’s illness. He [Ema] culminating persecution that nearly
does not regard you as his saw him beheaded, was due to
enemy, but since he once acted “endless slanders” (WND-1, p. 728).
against you by giving credit to Slander means a twisting of the facts
the false accusations of your to malign another person. Devilish
colleagues, he has become functions constantly employ such means
seriously ill, and the malady to persuade the powerful to bring
persists. (WND-1, p. 848) down people of integrity and justice.
Study Resource 11
This is the insidious, manipulative daughters moved into action with the
working of the devil king. Those who result that Lord Ema fell ill. In fact,
fall into the category of “arrogant false as I have touched on already, this
sages” — the most fearful of the three development provided Kingo with
powerful enemies — also always employ an opportunity to break through the
false accusations and misinformation to painful situation in which he found
incite the ruling authorities to persecute himself.
the votary of the Lotus Sutra. In contrast The way that the protective
to those who qualify as “arrogant functions of the universe manifest
lay people” or “arrogant priests” — will differ widely depending on the
the two other powerful enemies — particular circumstances. In Kingo’s
arrogant false sages never personally case, protection appeared in the form
come out into the open; they do not of Ema falling ill — the result, the
directly strike any blows themselves. Daishonin surmises, of Ema himself
This is the true nature of the devil king succumbing for a time to the deception
of the sixth heaven. of devilish forces. But because this
In view of this principle, the event led Ema to regain his trust in
Daishonin asserts that such devilish Kingo, he, too, in keeping with the
functions are behind the circumstances above principle, shared in the benefit
presently facing Shijo Kingo. He is of the Lotus Sutra. It could be said that
saying, in short, that the devil king has this itself is clearly the result of Ema’s
influenced people connected to the own good fortune.
Ema family, causing them to fabricate In the next passage, the Daishonin
spurious lies so that Kingo will come clarifies how, in contrast, those directly
under fire. instigating these devilish workings in
Silently, imperceptibly, devilish others would receive unmistakable
functions wreak havoc and destruction retribution in their present existence.
in people’s hearts. Having the wisdom
to discern the true nature of such
functions reduces them in power by half. [The priest] Ryuzo-bo,18
Courage — which equates to the power whom these people count on
of faith — is what ultimately defeats as their pillar of strength,
devilish functions. has already been toppled,
Based on the principle of “the and those who spoke falsely of
Buddha nature manifesting itself you have contracted the same
from within and bringing forth disease. … Because Ryokan
protection from without”, the [Ryuzo-bo’s patron] is guilty of
Daishonin explains that because a much graver offence, it is more
Shijo Kingo has manifested his than likely that he will meet
inherent Buddha nature — that is to with or cause a bad accident.
say, because he has demonstrated Surely he will not escape
strong faith — the ten demon unharmed. (WND-1, p. 848)
12 Valuecreation
triumph of demagogues is fleeting. But
JUSTICE IS PROVEN BY the ruin is eternal.”19 Instigators of lies
REALISING VICTORY and false assertions end up leading lives
of eternal regret and spiritual defeat.
Wrongdoers never prosper — good will Around this same time, in addition
always win out over evil in accord with to Shijo Kingo’s triumph, the Ikegami
the inexorable causal workings of the brothers — two other key followers
Mystic Law. of the Daishonin who were facing
Ryuzo-bo, who was venerated by persecution for their beliefs — were
many of those ill- disposed towards also victorious. For Ryokan, who was
Shijo Kingo, had already fallen ill in the intent on fomenting intrigues aimed at
epidemic, as had many of the other oppressing the Daishonin’s followers,
samurai who had slandered Kingo. these were certainly major setbacks.
Further, the Daishonin says that Ryokan, Ryokan’s malicious schemes ended in
who was engaged in base and evil utter failure — the Daishonin’s disciples
machinations, was “guilty of a much dealing a powerful blow, as it were, to
graver offence and would surely not corrupt power.
escape unharmed” (cf. WND-1, p. 848). “Though evils may be numerous,
If the Daishonin had not appeared, they cannot prevail over a single great
Ryokan would have continued to truth [or good]” (WND-1, p. 618). It all
be revered by the public as a “living comes down to one great truth or
Buddha”, his true ugly nature forever good. When mentor and disciple unite,
hidden from view. Humiliated by losing devilish functions can definitely be
to the Daishonin in a contest to pray defeated. When this victory is secured, a
for rain, Ryokan cunningly ingratiated new page opens.
himself even more with various It is no exaggeration to say that
influential figures and plotted to bring the drama enacted by Shijo Kingo is a
persecution down on the Daishonin. brilliant testament to his having won
Even after the Daishonin moved to thanks to his upright behaviour as a
Mount Minobu, the vain and self-serving human being — in other words, the
Ryokan no doubt lived in constant fear forces of the Buddha vanquishing all
of being exposed for the fraud he was, devilish forces.
terrified of the noble and dignified The times today also call for
forces of the Buddha. Whatever outward humanism. Humanistic action will no
show of bravado he might have put doubt become increasingly important
on, he was surely trembling inside. The in the future. Mr Toda once said: “You
more he allowed his life to be ruled by can talk about sincerity and integrity all
negative impulses, the more conscious you want, but unless your actions match
he would have been in the depths of his your words, it’s pointless.” Our actions
heart of his own wretchedness. are what matter. The world is now
The French writer and poet Charles waiting and yearning for the humanistic
Péguy (1873–1914) declared: “The behaviour that SGI members exemplify.
Study Resource 13
The stage for our endeavours is now humanity and of life. The 21st century
opening ever more widely before us as has only just begun. The time has come
we move towards an age of the people, when the radiant light of our humanity,
of women, of youth, of children, of our humanistic behaviour, will shine
peace, of culture, of education, of with ever greater brilliance.
(SGI Newsletter No. 7891 dated 11 December 2009. Translated from the October 2009 issue of
The Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai study journal)
14 Valuecreation
8. Jivaka: A skilled physician of the state of people to the Buddha’s teachings through his
Magadha in India in Shakyamuni’s time. As a skill in music and literature. Ashvaghosha is
court physician, Jivaka served Bimbisara, the known as the twelfth of Shakyamuni’s twenty-
king of Magadha, and his son, Ajatashatru. four successors
He was also a devout Buddhist and patron 13. Maitreya: The founder of the Consciousness-
of the Buddhist Order. As a physician, he Only school, thought to have been the
treated Shakyamuni Buddha and his disciples, teacher of Asanga and to have lived around
in addition to ordinary patients 270–350 (350–430, according to another
9. A petition to Ema that the Daishonin account)
composed on Shijo Kingo’s behalf explains 14. Devil king of the sixth heaven: Also, devil
the history of long and dedicated service king or heavenly devil. The king of devils,
by Kingo, and his father before him, to the who dwells in the highest or the sixth heaven
Ema clan. Written as if Kingo were personally of the world of desire. He is also named
addressing Ema, it states: “When your father Freely Enjoying Things Conjured by Others,
incurred the wrath of the authorities [in 1246], the king who makes free use of the fruits of
his hundreds of retainers all shifted their others’ efforts for his own pleasure. Served by
allegiance; [however] among them, my late innumerable minions, he obstructs Buddhist
father Yorikazu alone remained faithful to the practice and delights in sapping the life-
end, accompanying [your father] into exile to force of other beings. The devil king is a
the province of Izu. Shortly before the battle personification of the negative tendency to
that took place in Kamakura on [12 February force others to one’s will at any cost
1272], I, Yorimoto [Shijo Kingo], was in the 15. Ten demon daughters: Ten female protective
province of Izu, but no sooner had I received deities who appear in the Lotus Sutra as the
word [around 3:00–5:00 P.M. on 10 February] ‘daughters of rakshasa demons’ or the ‘ten
than I hastened alone over the Hakone pass rakshasa daughters’. In the sutra’s ‘Dharani’
[between Izu and Kamakura] and joined with (26th) chapter, they vow to guard and protect
seven others who vowed before you to put the sutra’s practitioners, saying that they will
an end to their lives [together with you]” inflict punishment on any who trouble the
(WND-1, p. 811) latter
10. Three obstacles and four devils: Various 16. Translated from Chinese. Lu Xun, Lu Xun
obstacles and hindrances to the practice of quanji (The Complete Works of Lu Xun)
Buddhism. The three obstacles are (1) the (Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 1996),
obstacle of earthly desires, (2) the obstacle vol. 4, p. 595
of karma and (3) the obstacle of retribution. 17. Tatsunokuchi Persecution: On 12 September
The four devils are (1) the hindrance of the 1271, powerful figures in the government
earthly desires, (2) the hindrance of the five unjustly arrested the Daishonin and led him
components, (3) the hindrance of death and off in the middle of the night to a place called
(4) the hindrance of the devil king Tatsunokuchi on the outskirts of Kamakura,
11. Three powerful enemies: Three types of the seat of government, where they tried to
arrogant people who persecute those execute him under cover of darkness. The
who propagate the Lotus Sutra in the evil execution attempt failed, and about a month
age after Shakyamuni Buddha’s death, later the Daishonin was exiled to Sado Island
described in the 20-line verse section of the 18. Ryuzo-bo (n.d.): A Tendai priest who was
‘Encouraging Devotion’ (13th) chapter of expelled from Enryakuji temple on Mount Hiei,
the Lotus Sutra. The Great Teacher Miao- the headquarters of the Tendai school, and
lo (711–782) of China summarises them as later came to Kamakura where he won the
arrogant lay people, arrogant priests and patronage of Ryokan of Gokuraku-ji temple, a
arrogant false sages priest of the True Word Precepts school
12. Ashvaghosha (n.d.): A second-century 19. Translated from French. Charles Péguy,
Mahayana scholar and poet of Shravasti in Œuvres en prose complètes (Complete
India. He at first criticised Buddhism but was Collection of Prose Works), edited by Robert
later converted by Parshva. He led many Burac (Paris: Gallimard, 1988), vol. 2, p. 375
Study Resource 15
not protect a short-tempered
person, however important they
may think he or she is. If you
16 Valuecreation
way to attaining Buddhahood for all
the shore, or like a person who is women of later ages” (WND-1, p. 269). This
served no hot water at the end of is a case of “one example that stands
his meal. ... for all the rest”2 (WND-1, p. 269).
But since you are hot-tempered Each Soka Gakkai member embodies
by nature, you might not take the entire Soka Gakkai. Wholeheartedly
my advice. In that case, it will be encouraging each individual member
beyond the power of my prayers we encounter, therefore, will serve to
to save you. invigorate the entire organisation. As
Ryuzo-bo and your elder long as open, one-on-one dialogue
brother plotted evil against you. is fostered, our organisation will
Therefore, the heavenly gods so continue to flourish. This means giving
contrived it that the situation confidence to those feeling lost and
would develop exactly as you confused, hope to those burdened
wished. Then how can you now with worries, courage to those sunk in
dare to go against the wish of the despair, joy to those filled with sorrow,
heavenly gods? ... You must hurry wisdom to those beset by hardships,
and talk with these four men and staying power to those facing setbacks,
report to me how the matter goes. peace of mind to those gripped by
Then I will fervently pray to the fear, and conviction to those stalled by
heavenly gods for your protection. uncertainty. Such a steady stream of
(WND-1, pp. 848–50) encouragement becomes a powerful
source of revitalisation. It fosters bonds
of joint commitment, of working
Study Resource 17
own karmic challenges, they followed
Mr Toda’s lead to become “emissaries
of happiness” in their local areas,
The process of offering supporting and encouraging their
fellow members and fostering many
guidance is a struggle to
capable people for kosen-rufu.
ignite a spark of courage Growing from one person to two,
and hope within the other three, ten, a hundred, a thousand, ten
person’s life that will thousand, and so on — in this way,
give them the strength to our alliance of people dedicated to
the cause of good steadily spread to
overcome their negative
encompass all of Japan, so that now
karma, and to share wisdom the country is veritably wreathed with
and advice based on the “human flowers” (LS5, p. 105) brimming
teachings of Buddhism to with happiness. And it further spread
defeat the devilish functions across the entire world, giving rise to
the magnificent global network of the
or obstacles they face
SGI that we have today.
It is clearly evident in the Daishonin’s
writings that he always based his
guidance and encouragement on a
worries — financial trouble, sickness, keen understanding of the character
family discord, and many other grave and specific circumstances of the person
and serious problems that defied he was addressing. This is particularly
description. But Mr Toda would put apparent in ‘The Three Kinds of
these suffering people at ease, greeting Treasure’. In this letter, his expressions
them warmly and asking: “What’s the of concern and meticulous advice
matter?” Then, as if the floodgates had throughout overflow with his boundless
been opened, they would pour out their compassion for his disciple Shijo Kingo,
problems to him. who was then facing the greatest
Mr Toda always sought to reassure challenge of his life.
them: “It’s going to be all right!” As if Kingo were sitting right in
“You’ll definitely become happy by front of him as he wrote this letter,
practising the Daishonin’s Buddhism.” the Daishonin seems to almost be
He also always cited the gosho when speaking to Kingo in person, weighing
he gave encouragement, careful to the latter’s reactions to his words. In
explain: “This is what the Daishonin some places, the Daishonin describes
teaches. These aren’t my words.” in detail how Kingo should conduct
Everyone who came to see him was himself. Elsewhere, he deftly identifies
revitalised by his confident guidance, key areas on which Kingo will need to
and left with a new, purposeful spring focus in terms of carrying out his human
in their step. While grappling with their revolution. And in still other places, he
18 Valuecreation
praises Kingo’s selfless and ungrudging
efforts for the sake of the Law. No backgammon, if two stones of
doubt various images of his loyal the same colour are placed side
disciple would have come to mind as he by side, they cannot be hit by an
composed this letter. opposing stone. A cart, as long
Giving personal guidance is an as it has two wheels, does not
earnest, all-out, life-to-life interaction lurch all over the road. Likewise, if
fuelled by compassion and conviction. It two men go together, an enemy
is a struggle to apprehend the shifting hesitates to attack. Therefore, no
emotions going through the other matter what faults you may find
person’s heart moment to moment with your younger brothers, do
and to cut through the ignorance or not let them leave you alone even
darkness shrouding their life. In the for a moment. (WND-1, pp. 848–49)
course of this exchange, we may see
how the person’s expression gradually
changes: for instance, conveying LEADERS NEED TO BE
agreement, appearing self-reflective, INFINITELY THOUGHTFUL
looking more positive and upbeat, filled AND CONSIDERATE
with a sense of relief, and finally shining
with fresh resolve. The process of Earlier in this letter, referring to the
offering guidance is a struggle to ignite principle of “the Buddha nature
a spark of courage and hope within the manifesting itself from within and
other person’s life that will give them bringing forth protection from
the strength to overcome their negative without,” the Daishonin expresses
karma, and to share wisdom and advice great joy that Shijo Kingo’s own
based on the teachings of Buddhism strong faith above all had produced
to defeat the devilish functions or a major breakthrough towards a
obstacles they face. positive resolution. Having a pro-
For us, ‘The Three Kinds of Treasure’ active and forward-looking attitude is
— a letter that was a great source of key to ensuring a successful outcome.
encouragement for Shijo Kingo, helping Carelessness is the greatest enemy.
him pave the way to ultimate victory Here, from this passage on, the
— can be viewed as an instructive Daishonin proceeds to give Kingo
reference for giving guidance in faith. detailed advice and words of caution.
Leaders in faith need to be
extremely thoughtful and consi-
derate. Leaders who strut around self-
As things stand now, I have importantly while not paying attention
a feeling you are in danger. to minor details are totally lacking in
Your enemies are sure to make compassion and concern for others.
an attempt on your life. In In another letter to Shijo Kingo,
the Daishonin says: “An enemy will try
Study Resource 19
to make you forget the danger so that impress on Kingo the importance of
he can attack” (WND-1, p. 952). When making friends and allies in order to
we are lulled into complacency and let successfully weather the present crisis.
our guard down, devilish functions will Specifically, the Daishonin instructs
take advantage. That is why a word of him to cultivate cordial relations with
warning or reminder to be careful can his younger brothers, even if they have
give someone the wisdom to defeat made mistakes in the past and have
devilish functions; it can also prevent various shortcomings. He further points
accidents from happening. To remain out that if Kingo is always accompanied
silent is irresponsible. For instance, by his brothers, his enemies will refrain
brief reminders to people at the end from attacking him.
of a meeting that they be careful The reason for the Daishonin’s
going down the stairs or that they strong insistence that Kingo under no
drive home safely are examples of our circumstances travel alone was that the
voice doing the compassionate work situation still remained so tense that he
of the Buddha. This is one instance might be ambushed at any moment.
of humanistic behaviour embodying The Daishonin is deliberately strict in
the principles of Nichiren Daishonin’s his guidance here, because Kingo has
Buddhism. just overcome one difficult hurdle by
In saying, “As things stand now” obtaining an opportunity to regain his
(WND-1, p. 848), the Daishonin turns lord’s trust, putting him thus at a most
the focus to Kingo’s course of action crucial juncture.
going forward. First of all, he expresses When I read this passage,
concern that Kingo’s life is still in grave I am deeply struck by the immense
danger. Naturally, Kingo himself would compassion of the Daishonin who is
have been aware that certain parties concerned above all for the safety and
were actively seeking to eliminate well-being of his followers.
him. But in his heart, he may well
have thought: “I’ll be fine because
I’m practising Buddhism.” Here, the
Daishonin’s intent most likely was to Your face bears definite signs of a
sound a warning to sweep away any hot temper. But you should know
such complacency. that the heavenly gods will not
Next, the Daishonin cites two protect a short-tempered person,
examples — one from a popular however important they may
board game of the day and another think he or she is. If you should
about a cart: “In backgammon, if two be killed, even though you might
stones of the same colour are placed attain Buddhahood, your enemies
side by side, they cannot be hit by an would be delighted, but we would
opposing stone. A cart, as long as it feel only grief. This would indeed
has two wheels, does not lurch all over be regrettable. (WND-1, p. 849)
the road” (WND-1, p. 849). He wishes to
20 Valuecreation
one overarching shortcoming in our
FAITH IS A STRUGGLE own life and strive to achieve positive
WITH OUR OWN INNER development and growth. It is through
DARKNESS OR IGNORANCE continually challenging ourselves and
ceaselessly striving to move forward
“Your face bears definite signs of a hot that we can grow in faith and expand
temper” (WND-1, p. 849), the Daishonin our state of life.
says. There’s no way of knowing Sometimes Buddhist teachers may
whether Kingo had the look of a give their disciples strict guidance out
short-tempered person all the time, or of their desire for them to realise their
whether the tribulations he was facing tremendous potential. This is because
simply caused him to have a rather grim genuine mentors cherish and care for
and tense expression during this period. their disciples. Often their strictness is
In any case, the Daishonin’s description aimed at breaking through the negative
probably captures a key aspect of tendencies or devilish functions at work
Kingo’s personality. Kingo tended to be in a disciple’s life.
extremely single-minded and acted with In the case of Shijo Kingo, there was
a zealous sense of right and wrong. a very real danger that his hot temper
But this could sometimes work to his might get the better of him and exacer
disadvantage. Therefore, the Daishonin bate the situation. Carried away by their
tells him bluntly: “The Buddhist gods own views of what is right and wrong,
will not protect someone who is short- people often forget to be circumspect or
tempered” (WND-1, p. 849). consider others’ feelings, causing friction
Of course, when it comes to and resentment. The Daishonin worried
attaining Buddhahood, there is certainly that if this happened with Kingo, it
no discrimination based on personality. would create an opening for devilish
Anyone’s personality can be made to forces to take advantage. Hence, the
shine brightly when illuminated by the reason for his unvarnished words.
Mystic Law. And it is by fully utilising The Daishonin further points out
each person’s unique personality that that if Kingo were to antagonise
our movement for kosen-rufu will be others and lose his life as a result,
able to achieve perfect and harmonious his enemies would rejoice, while his
development. fellow practitioners of the Mystic Law
We can surmise, however, that the would be filled with sorrow. Here, the
Daishonin purposely adopts a stern Daishonin teaches Kingo that his victory
tone here in order to dispel Kingo’s does not stop with him alone, but is
innate ignorance or darkness. Ignorance deeply connected to the victory of the
gives rise to dark impulses, and fuels entire community of the Daishonin’s
negative tendencies. Everyone has their followers. Consequently, he advises him
own areas they need to challenge in to exercise the utmost care and take
terms of their human revolution. The precautions for his own safety.
important thing is that we confront the
Study Resource 21
jealous priests in the thrall of devilish
While your foes busy themselves functions, along with “arrogant priests”
plotting against you, your lord and “arrogant lay people” in league
places greater confidence in you with them.
than before. Therefore, although There is nothing more fearful than a
they appear to have quieted life consumed by jealousy. Male jealousy
down, inwardly they are no doubt or rivalry can be especially frightening.
seething. ... (WND-1, p. 849) Mr Toda often said: “Male jealousy is
pitch black.” In terms of inner state of
mind, jealousy is a manifestation of fear
AN EVIL AGE RIFE WITH and insecurity; it is a projection of one’s
JEALOUSY own weakness.
There are some words of the
The Daishonin next turns his attention Japanese thinker Kiyoshi Miki
to those around Shijo Kingo and (1897–1945) that have stayed with me
how they might feel about recent since my youth. He said: “Jealousy
developments. Kingo had now gained is always insidious. ... Rather than
even greater trust from Lord Ema prompting people to raise themselves
than before. This would have been to the same level as the person they
intolerable for those elements that are jealous of, it usually spurs them to
were eager to bring about his bring that person down to their own
downfall. Consequently, the level.”4 He also noted: “Jealousy comes
Daishonin notes that while these hostile from insecurity.”5
forces may seem unperturbed on the There is nothing to fear once
outside, they are surely seething on we realise that jealousy lies at the
the inside. heart of all attempts to obstruct the
The Daishonin truly understood the progress of the community of believers
minute nuances of Kingo’s situation. He who correctly uphold the Buddha’s
also deeply recognised the frightening teachings. The important thing is
human tendency to malign and tear that we have courage, combined with
others down out of jealousy, rivalry, wisdom and mindful behavior. Our
and resentment. This tendency is all the behavior as human beings, as taught in
more apparent in the strife-filled saha Buddhism, is the key to victory.
world of the Latter Day of the Law, an The Daishonin then continues to
evil age when people are swayed by caution Shijo Kingo in exhaustive detail
greed, anger, foolishness, arrogance, and depth:
and doubt.3
The Daishonin himself had [Therefore] you should at all
consistently triumphed in the struggle times behave unobtrusively
against the three powerful enemies of [in the presence of the jealous
Buddhism —namely, “arrogant false individuals plotting against
sages” represented by corrupt and you]. Pay greater respect to the
22 Valuecreation
[members and] other retainers “for the time being” indicate, Buddhism
of the [Ema] clan than you have also means exercising utmost care,
in the past. For the time being, prudence, and wisdom in our actions
when the sons of members of and conduct at crucial moments. At
the Hojo clan are visiting your such times, it is vital that we bring
lord, refrain from calling on forth wisdom most appropriate to
him, even if he should summon the situation and create the greatest
you.… possible value. We must, therefore,
If those sons of the Hojo clan remain unswayed in the fundamental
or the wives of those in power depths of our life, while at the same
should inquire about your lord’s time flexibly responding to whatever
illness, no matter who the develop-ments may arise. This is the
person may be, get down on Buddhist wisdom of the Middle Way.
your knees, place your hands
properly, and reply thus: “His
malady is entirely beyond my
poor skill to cure. But no matter Probably you are well aware of
how often I decline, he insists it, but let me cite the Buddha’s
that I treat him. Since I am in his prediction about what the latter
service, I cannot help but do as age will be like. In essence he
he says.” Leave your sidelocks states: “It will be a muddied age
uncombed, and refrain from in which even sages will find it
wearing well-starched court difficult to live [as sages]. They
dress, bright quilted robes, will be like stones in a great fire,
or other colorful clothing. which for a while seem to endure
Be patient, and continue in the heat but finally char and
this way for the time being. crumble into ashes. ...” Thus the
(WND-1, p. 849) saying goes, “Do not remain in
the seat of honour too long.”
Probably the Daishonin’s guidance Many people have plotted to
here is so detailed because he was undo you, but you have avoided
thoroughly familiar with the tendencies their intrigues and emerged
that might inadvertently trip Kingo victorious. Should you lose your
up — tendencies that Kingo also knew composure now and fall into their
and recognised about himself — as well trap, you will be, as people say,
as even shortcomings of which Kingo like a boatman who rows his boat
himself was unaware. with all his might only to have
Of course, Buddhism is a teaching it capsize just before he reaches
that enables each of us to live with the shore, or like a person who is
complete freedom. It gives us the power served no hot water at the end of
to act with unconstrained energy and his meal. (WND-1, p. 849)
cheerfulness. But as the above words
Study Resource 23
of his enemies — then all his efforts
A WISE PERSON IN to achieve a positive outcome in this
BUDDHISM IS ONE WHO situation will have been in vain.
TRIUMPHS AMID LIFE’S The Daishonin uses the examples
HARSH REALITIES of “a boatman who rows his boat with
all his might only to have it capsize
In his letters to Shijo Kingo, the just before he reaches the shore”
Daishonin repeatedly encourages his and “a person who is served no hot
disciple to live wisely, citing as examples water at the end of his meal” (WND-1,
the conduct of various worthies or wise p. 849) to encourage Kingo to live out
people in ages past. When we have a his life as a person of wisdom. This
goal or a model to aspire to, we can contains a crucial lesson underscoring
uncover fresh potential and achieve the importance of persevering in our
positive development and growth very Buddhist practice to the very end. It is
rapidly. precisely through ceaseless challenge
In this writing, the Daishonin notes and exertion that we can bring our lives
that even sages find it difficult to live to completion with supreme fulfillment.
in this evil latter age, and offers advice We mustn’t grow lax or slacken in our
and guidance to enable Kingo to take efforts along the way. To achieve a
action with a truly deep and unfaltering state of life imbued with the four noble
commitment. “Do not remain in the virtues of eternity, happiness, true
seat of honour too long” (WND-1, p. 849), self, and purity6 throughout the three
he says. Here, he is warning Kingo not existences of past, present, and future,
to get carried away just because his lord we have to continue forging ahead —
has asked him to treat his illness. with vigour, optimism, and joy.
Through making earnest efforts Here, the Daishonin proceeds to
in exact accord with the Daishonin’s offer Kingo detailed advice about
guidance, Kingo had overcome the various safety precautions, out of his
tense situation with his lord, showing wish that his disciple might triumph
actual proof of victory based on strong over all hardships and complete his
faith. It is a reality of life and society, Buddhist practice unaffected by life’s
however, that the seeds of future defeat vicissitudes, or the “eight winds.”7
are often sown in times of victory — The Daishonin writes:
just as the seeds of future victory may
also be sown in times of defeat. The While you are in your lord’s
Daishonin points out that should Kingo residence, if you stay in the
lose his composure now and fall into room assigned to you, nothing
the trap of those plotting against him will happen. But on your way
(cf. WND-1, p. 849) — that is, should he to work at dawn or returning
foolishly antagonise others and make from it at dusk, your enemies
matters worse by losing his temper, are bound to be lying in wait
thereby playing right into the hands for you. Also, be very careful
24 Valuecreation
in and around your house in
case someone should be hiding
beside the double doors, inside
the family sanctuary, under the When we have a goal or a
floor, or in the space above the model to aspire to, we can
ceiling. uncover fresh potential and
This time your foes will use
achieve positive development
even more cunning in their plots
than before. In the end, no one
and growth very rapidly
will be more dependable in
an emergency than the night
watchmen of Egara in Kamakura.
However disagreeable it may be “Be even more careful than usual”
to you, you should associate with (WND-2, p. 731). And when, at a later date,
them amicably. (WND-1, pp. 849–50) Kingo emerged unscathed from an
ambush by hostile forces, the Daishonin
The Daishonin stresses the need for cited his disciple’s “usual prudence”8
Kingo to remain vigilant and alert at all (WND-1, p. 1000) as one of the reasons
times — on his way to and from work for his victory. Had the Daishonin only
and even when in his own home. In his taken the trouble to warn Kingo once
advice, the Daishonin thinks of every about being careful, then this victory
possible place where assassins might might never have been realised. Also,
readily conceal themselves, including had Kingo not faithfully followed the
under the floor or in the space above Daishonin’s instructions, it is quite
the ceiling. Having weathered numerous possible that he would have lost his life
persecutions, the Daishonin himself in that attack.
had also suffered attacks on his person, Next, the Daishonin mentions
both major and minor. From firsthand the “night watchmen of Egara”
experience, therefore, he knew just (WND-1, p. 849), whom he also later refers
how important it was to be extremely to as the “four night watchmen”
careful. Buddhism is ultimately a (WND-1, p. 850). Apart from their job
teaching for achieving victory amid the description, which indicates they were
harsh realities of society. responsible for security patrols at night,
In his letters, the Daishonin was no detailed information is known about
always urging Shijo Kingo to exercise these individuals. The Daishonin tells
great caution. He writes: “Determine us in this letter, however, that they had
to take every possible precaution. had their dwellings confiscated by Lord
Those who hate you will be increasingly Ema because of their refusal to recant
vigilant in watching for a chance to their faith in the Daishonin’s Buddhism
do you harm” (WND-1, p. 461); “As I have (cf. WND-1, p. 850).9 If Kingo is on friendly
said before, be millions of times more terms with these night watchmen and
careful than ever” (WND-1, p. 839); and they frequently visit his home, the
Study Resource 25
Daishonin further states, it will deter undermine one another, making it
attacks from enemies, who do not wish possible for devilish forces to gain
to be seen (cf. WND-1, p. 850).10 advantage. As the Daishonin writes:
Although Shijo Kingo and the four “Should you fail to act in harmony,
night watchmen were all followers of you will be like the snipe [sandpiper
the Daishonin, relations between them bird] and the shellfish who, because
seem to have been rather strained. The they were locked in combat with
Daishonin persists in counselling Kingo one another, [both] fell prey to the
on this point as well. Fortunate is the fisherman” (WND-2, p. 914).
disciple who has such a concerned and And in a letter to another follower,
caring mentor. the Daishonin says: “All those who keep
In this writing, the Daishonin urges faith in the Lotus Sutra are most certainly
Kingo to adopt a cordial attitude Buddhas” (WND-1, p. 756). Accordingly,
towards the four night watchmen. He he indicates that to slander and malign
says: “However disagreeable it may be one’s fellow practitioners is to commit
to you, you should associate with them the offence of slandering a Buddha.
amicably” (WND-1, pp. 849–50). In other The role of leaders of kosen-rufu,
writings, too, the Daishonin gives Kingo in particular, is to warmly embrace
advice on how he should behave toward and support everyone. That’s why
his fellow practitioners or his brothers. leaders have to cultivate a broad and
He writes: “Even if they have their expansive state of being. This is what
faults, if they are only minor ones, just the call for a leadership revolution in
pretend you do not notice them” the SGI is all about.
(WND-2, p. 731); and “You must be on I imagine Shijo Kingo persevering
good terms with those who believe in through adversity while calling to
this teaching, neither seeing, hearing, mind the noble countenance of the
nor pointing out anything about them Daishonin, who was the epitome of such
that may displease you” (WND-1, p. 907). a humanistic leader.
Rather than viewing this guidance
as directed to only Shijo Kingo, we
should take it as an eternal guideline
for all practitioners of the Daishonin’s But since you are hot-tempered
Buddhism. To be on good terms with by nature, you might not take
everyone, to treasure our fellow my advice. In that case, it will be
practitioners — these principles also beyond the power of my prayers
apply to the SGI. When we are solidly to save you.
united, we can overcome obstacles [The priest] Ryuzo-bo11 and
and negative forces and make great your elder brother plotted evil
strides forward in kosen-rufu. Devilish against you. Therefore, the
functions constantly seek to sow heavenly gods so contrived it
division. If fellow practitioners engage that the situation would develop
in petty infighting, they will only
26 Valuecreation
interesting to note that he reiterates
exactly as you wished. Then how this immediately after advising Kingo
can you now dare to go against to be on good terms with the night
the wish of the heavenly gods? watchmen. This points to the fact that
... You must hurry and talk with the ultimate foundation of Buddhist
these four men and report to me practice lies in the solid unity of
how the matter goes. Then I will fellow practitioners and the shared
fervently pray to the heavenly commitment of mentor and disciple. It
gods for your protection. (WND-1, is no exaggeration to say that without
p. 850) this foundation the flow of kosen-rufu
would come to a halt.
Next, having advised Kingo to ally
BEHAVIOUR INFUSED WITH himself with the night watchmen, the
RESPECT FOR OTHERS Daishonin writes: “You must hurry and
talk with these four men and report to
Having suggested various courses of me how the matter goes. Then I will
action, the Daishonin returns to his fervently pray to the heavenly gods for
earlier theme: “But since you are hot- your protection” (WND-1, p. 850).
tempered by nature, you might not take This is a key point of personal
my advice. In that case, it will be beyond guidance. The process doesn’t just end
the power of my prayers to save you” once the guidance and encouragement
(WND-1, p. 850). are given. The person giving guidance
Throughout his writings, the must continue to chant wholeheartedly
Daishonin makes the point that unless for the other person’s happiness. We
he and his disciples are united in see that the Daishonin always did
purpose and resolve, their prayers, precisely that.
their goals and aspirations, will not be The Soka Gakkai is committed to
realised. Probably no other follower had giving responsible guidance. If we
put his life on the line to protect the are giving personal guidance, it is
Daishonin to the extent that Shijo Kingo important that we not only strive to
had. But if he gave in to his temper and impart heartfelt encouragement and
acted rashly, forgetting all about his clear direction to the other person, but
commitment to take action in a spirit of also let them know that we will struggle
oneness with his mentor, he would wind alongside them — as a team, so to
up again foolishly ruled by deluded speak. We must also continue chanting
impulses. In that case, the Daishonin until the person achieves a positive
says, no matter how fervently he prays result or breakthrough. It is because we
for Kingo, it will be to no avail. have advanced with this spirit that the
I’m sure the Daishonin’s repeated Soka Gakkai has grown into the great
warning about not being quick- organisation it is today.
tempered must have prompted sober Shijo Kingo had suffered many
reflection on Kingo’s part. It is especially challenges: the displeasure of his lord;
Study Resource 27
she begged Shakyamuni for a cure, he
told the woman in essence: “If you go
into the town and bring me a mustard
The Buddhist concept of seed, I will make a medicine for your
child. But the seed must come from a
‘behaviour as a human
house where no one has died.” As the
being’ constitutes a mother went around from house to
philosophy of action offering house, she realised that every family
a new model of conduct for the had experienced the death of a close
human race. The world relative or loved one. Seeking to come
to terms with the impermanence of
is in urgent need of people
life, she eventually became a disciple of
who practice and base their Shakyamuni.12
actions on humanism On another occasion, Shakyamuni
came across a member of the Buddhist
Order named Chudapanthaka, who was
crying disconsolately by the roadside.
Upon enquiry, he learned that the young
slander, false rumours, and attacks by man had been rejected by his fellow
his fellow retainers; his elder brother’s monks because he had been unable
betrayal; discord with his younger to memorise even one line of verse.
brothers; and strained relations with Shakyamuni responded to the effect:
a number of fellow practitioners. The “You understand that you are ignorant.
Daishonin was concerned about each You, Chudapanthaka, are in fact the
of these situations, and gave pertinent wisest of all. The most ignorant are
advice on how to deal with them. From those who think they are very smart.”
this letter, we can sense how much the Thus encouraged by Shakyamuni,
Daishonin cared about Shijo Kingo, Chudapanthaka went on to become an
supporting and guiding him with an exemplary teacher who was loved and
affection surpassing even that of a venerated by countless people.13
family member. This tradition of Buddhist humanism
Indeed, the Daishonin thoroughly — characterised by treasuring and
treasured each of his followers. Showing showing the utmost respect for each
thoughtful consideration to each person person — is alive and well today in the
is an expression of Buddhist humanism. SGI. The Soka Gakkai’s first and second
The Buddhist scriptures describe presidents Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and
how Shakyamuni Buddha freely Josei Toda, too, always treasured and
expounded the Law in accord with respected each person.
people’s capacity. In one instance, he Mr Makiguchi, despite his advanced
encountered a grief-stricken mother age, travelled numerous times to
with her dead child in her arms. When distant destinations such as Osaka and
28 Valuecreation
Shimonoseki (at the southeastern tip of that accords the highest respect to each
the main Japanese island of Honshu), individual.
and even Kyushu (an island lying farther Without doubt, humanism will
south). Getting there required long rail become the current of the 21st century.
journeys that involved countless stops All the leading thinkers I have met have
and transfers, and meant being bumped shared this view.
and jostled interminably on the hard It has long been pointed out that
train seats. Often he would set out on positive, supportive connections among
such a trip to meet just one person or people have become increasingly weak
encourage one family. At the homes in contemporary society. Also, we have
he visited, he would sometimes also arrived at a crossroads where either we
meet with members’ families, listen allow the divisions between nations,
to everyone’s worries, and explain the ethnic groups, religions, and cultures
principle that faith equals daily life in a to widen further, or we take action
way that anyone could understand. to create the possibility of mutual
Once a week, he also held personal understanding and cooperation. The
guidance sessions for members at his world is now seeking a system of
home in Tokyo’s Mejiro area, where thought or philosophy that can bridge
he would wholeheartedly encourage these chasms and provide a basis for
anywhere from a handful to several treating all people with respect. We of
dozen people. This continued right the SGI embody just such a philosophy.
up until his arrest in Shimoda (at the We have entered a time when our
southern tip of the Izu peninsula) on behaviour and actions will be highly
charges of lese majesty and violating acclaimed as the “practice of modern
the repressive Peace Preservation Law. bodhisattvas” and the “conduct of
The prosecutor’s indictment cited living Buddhas.”
“giving personal guidance” as one of The Buddhist concept of
the reasons for the charges brought “behaviour as a human being”
against him. constitutes a philosophy of action
As I related earlier, Mr Toda offering a new model of conduct for
conducted similar guidance sessions the human race. The world is in
at the old Soka Gakkai Headquarters urgent need of people who practice
branch office, and he treasured each and base their actions on humanism.
person. By contrast, the priesthood The conduct of SGI members in
muddied and besmirched its heritage, cherishing and valuing each person
the once pure stream of faith, as a result is being applauded in countries and
of having completely lost touch with regions around the globe as a model of
this wellspring of Buddhist humanism humanity for a new age.
(SGI Newsletter No. 7908 dated 8 January 2010. Translated from the November 2009 issue of the
Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai study journal)
Study Resource 29
1. Dragon king’s daughter: Also, the dragon Daishonin writes: “Worthy persons deserve
girl. The eight-year-old daughter of Sagara, to be called so because they are not carried
one of the eight great dragon kings said away by the eight winds. ... They are neither
to dwell in a palace at the bottom of the elated by prosperity nor grieved by decline.
sea. According to the ‘Devadatta’ (12th) The heavenly gods will surely protect one
chapter of the Lotus Sutra, the dragon girl who is unbending before the eight winds”
conceives the desire for enlightenment upon (WND-1, p. 794)
hearing Bodhisattva Manjushri preach the 8. In ‘The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra’, the
Lotus Sutra in the dragon king’s palace. She Daishonin declares: “It is a matter of rejoicing
then appears in front of the assembly of that your usual prudence and courage, as well
the Lotus Sutra and instantaneously attains as your firm faith in the Lotus Sutra, enabled
Buddhahood in her present form. The you to survive unharmed” (WND-1, p. 1000)
dragon girl’s enlightenment is a model for 9. The Daishonin writes: “It is even more vital
the enlightenment of women and reveals the for you to ally yourself with the four night
power of the Lotus Sutra to enable all people watchmen. The dwellings they had earned
equally to attain Buddhahood just as they are by risking their lives were confiscated by their
2. This phrase appears in Miao-lo’s The lord because of the Lotus Sutra, and more
Annotations on “The Words and Phrases of directly, because of Nichiren” (WND-1, p. 850)
the Lotus Sutra” 10. The Daishonin writes: “If they [the four
3. Greed, anger, foolishness, arrogance, night watchmen] frequent your house,
and doubt: These are called the five your enemies will be afraid to attack you at
delusive inclinations. According to The night. ... Against those who seek to avoid
Dharma Analysis Treasury, the five delusive the eyes of others, there are no warriors as
inclinations constitute the most fundamental dependable as they are. Always maintain
of illusions or earthly desires friendly relations with them” (WND-1, p. 850)
4. Translated from Japanese. Kiyoshi Miki, 11. Ryuzo-bo (n.d.): A Tendai priest who was
‘Jinsei-ron Noto’ (Thoughts on Life: Notes), expelled from Enryaku-ji temple on Mount
Miki Kiyoshi Zenshu (Collected Works of Hiei, the headquarters of the Tendai school,
Kiyoshi Miki), (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1966), and later came to Kamakura where he won
vol. 1, pp. 266–68 the patronage of Ryokan of Gokuraku-ji
5. Ibid, p. 270 temple, a priest of the True Word Precepts
6. Four virtues: Four noble qualities of the school
Buddha’s life, also known as the four 12. This famous parable appears in the Buddhist
paramitas or four virtue paramitas — eternity, writing, Therigatha Atthakatha (Commentary
happiness, true self, and purity. The word to the Therigatha)
paramita means “perfection”. “Eternity” 13. This episode is related in the
means unchanging and eternal. “Happiness” Mulasarvastivada Vinaya. Translated from
means tranquillity that transcends all Japanese. Komponsetsu Issai Ubu Binaya
suffering. “True self” means true and intrinsic (Mulasarvastivada Vinaya), in Kokuyaku
nature. And “purity” means free of illusion or Issaikyo Indo Senjutsubu Ronshubu (The
mistaken conduct Japanese Translation of the Buddhist
7. Eight winds: Prosperity, decline, disgrace, Scriptures: Works Composed in India),
honor, praise, censure, suffering, and edited by Shinyu Iwano (Tokyo: Daito
pleasure. In a letter to Shijo Kingo, the Shuppansha, 1975), vol. 88, pp. 601–02
30 Valuecreation
— Part 3 [of 3]
It is rare to be born a human
THE ULTIMATE KEY TO VICTORY being. The number of those
IN LIFE IS ACCUMULATING THE endowed with human life is as
TREASURES OF THE HEART small as the amount of earth one
DAISAKU IKEDA can place on a fingernail. Life as
a human being is hard to sustain
— as hard as it is for the dew to
remain on the grass. But it is better
(Reproduced from: Value Creation, to live a single day with honour
Mar 2010, 50–68; Lecture 3, Teachings than to live to 120 and die in
for Victory, Vol. 1, 374–98) disgrace. Live so that all the people
of Kamakura will say in your praise
that Nakatsukasa Saburo Saemon-
Over and over I recall the no-jo [Shijo Kingo] is diligent in the
moment, unforgettable even now, service of his lord, in the service
when I was about to be beheaded of Buddhism, and in his concern
and you accompanied me, holding for other people. More valuable
the reins of my horse and weeping than treasures in a storehouse are
tears of grief. Nor could I ever the treasures of the body, and
forget it in any lifetime to come. the treasures of the heart are the
If you should fall into hell for most valuable of all. From the time
some grave offence, no matter you read this letter on, strive to
how Shakyamuni Buddha might accumulate the treasures of the
urge me to become a Buddha, I heart! (WND-1, p. 851)
would refuse; I would rather go
to hell with you. For if you and I
should fall into hell together, we The worthy man Confucius held
would find Shakyamuni Buddha to his belief “Nine thoughts to
and the Lotus Sutra there. … But one word”, which means that he
if you depart from my advice even reconsidered nine times before he
slightly, do not blame me for what spoke. Tan, the Duke of Chou, was
Study Resource 31
expanded infinitely, and its strength
so earnest in receiving callers that can be developed without bound. The
he would wring out his hair three French author Victor Hugo (1802–85)
times in the course of washing it, wrote: “There is a spectacle greater
or spit out his food three times in than the sea, and that is the sky; there
the course of a meal [in order not is a spectacle greater than the sky, and
to keep them waiting]. Consider that is the human soul.”1
this carefully so that you will have How can we expand the inner realm
no cause to reproach me later. of our life, develop inner strength,
What is called Buddhism is found and accumulate the treasures of the
in this behaviour. heart so that we can lead better lives?
The heart of the Buddha’s The answer is found in practising the
lifetime of teachings is the Lotus Mystic Law.
Sutra, and the heart of the In the latter part of this writing,
practise of the Lotus Sutra is found ‘The Three Kinds of Treasure’, the
in the ‘Never Disparaging’ chapter. Daishonin teaches that “the treasures
What does Bodhisattva Never of the heart are the most important of
Disparaging’s profound respect all” (WND-1, p. 851). The ultimate treasure
for people signify? The purpose in terms of achieving genuine victory in
of the appearance in this world of life is our Buddha nature manifesting
Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of from within through faith in the Mystic
teachings, lies in his behaviour as a Law. This is a crucial teaching of which
human being. we must never lose sight.
Respectfully. Two months before this letter was
written, Shijo Kingo faced the grave
The wise may be called human, crisis of having his estate confiscated by
but the thoughtless are no more his lord Ema. Kingo chose the course of
than animals. (WND-1, pp. 851–52) upholding his faith in the Lotus Sutra,
even if it meant losing his estate. The
Daishonin praised him for this stance,
32 Valuecreation
with this guidance — putting faith To achieve unshakeable victory,
first — his adverse situation began to we need to challenge ourselves in
brighten. Being called on to treat his earnest to change our karma. This is
lord’s illness, he was able to regain also the practice of human revolution,
the latter’s favour. At the same time, in which we strive to break through
those who had harassed and attacked our inner darkness or ignorance.
Kingo began to experience negative Carelessness is the greatest enemy.
consequences in accord with the strict If we allow ourselves to grow
law of cause and effect. complacent and lose our fighting
In ‘The Three Kinds of Treasure’, spirit, then the shortcomings or
the Daishonin praises his disciple’s negative tendencies that arise from our
faith, explaining that Kingo was able fundamental darkness will resurface.
to take the first step towards victory For that reason, the Daishonin
based on the principle of “manifesting consistently stresses the point that faith
the Buddha nature from within is life’s ultimate treasure.
and bringing forth protection from In this instalment, let us once more
without” (cf. WND-1, p. 848). The moment study the Daishonin’s teaching that
Kingo stood up with unwavering faith, the treasures of the heart are the most
his inner Buddha nature manifested; valuable of all.
this activated the heavenly deities — the
benevolent functions of the universe
— and resulted in external protection
in the form of Lord Ema’s renewed Over and over I recall the moment,
reliance on Kingo. unforgettable even now, when
But Kingo still found himself in I was about to be beheaded and
a rather hostile environment. In this you accompanied me, holding the
writing, the Daishonin offers a variety reins of my horse and weeping
of detailed instructions and advice to tears of grief. Nor could I ever
help Kingo solidify the victories he has forget it in any lifetime to come.
achieved thus far. He urges his disciple If you should fall into hell for some
to remain vigilant against attack, to grave offence, no matter how
interact with others in a courteous and Shakyamuni Buddha might urge
sincere manner, and to foster good me to become a Buddha,
relations with his brothers and fellow I would refuse; I would rather go
practitioners and make them his allies. to hell with you. For if you and
The Daishonin also warns Kingo to keep I should fall into hell together, we
a tight rein on his short temper, sternly would find Shakyamuni Buddha
pointing out that if he succumbs to an and the Lotus Sutra there. … But
outburst, it could cause a serious rift in if you depart from my advice even
his relations with those around him slightly, do not blame me for what
and destroy all the positive progress he may happen. (WND-1, p. 850)
has made.
Study Resource 33
steadfast faith in the Mystic Law —
NEVER LOSING SIGHT were to fall into hell, then Shakyamuni
OF THE PRIME POINT OF Buddha and the Lotus Sutra would also
ONENESS OF MENTOR AND definitely be found there. In that case,
DISCIPLE the Daishonin explains, it would no
longer be hell, but rather the realm of
“If you become deadlocked, return Buddhahood. This is the principle that
to the prime point” — this was the “hell can instantly be transformed into
guidance of first Soka Gakkai president the Land of Tranquil Light.”4
Tsunesaburo Makiguchi. We can manifest the brilliance of the
The Lotus Sutra is based on the spirit world of Buddhahood anywhere. This
of oneness of mentor and disciple. The is the teaching of Nichiren Daishonin’s
Daishonin’s Buddhism, too, is a teaching Buddhism. Our first two presidents,
of mentor and disciple. Our prime point Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei
as practitioners, therefore, is our vow Toda, united by the bonds of mentor
to struggle together with our mentor. If and disciple, demonstrated this with
we constantly return to this prime point their own lives. In a prison cell that he
of mentor and disciple, we will never described as “cold to the extreme”,
become deadlocked. Mr Makiguchi wrote: “Depending on
In this passage, the Daishonin one’s frame of mind, even hell can
reaffirms the incident that became be enjoyable.”5 And Mr Toda, who
the prime point in their relationship accompanied him to prison, remarked:
as mentor and disciple. It took place “Even if I should fall into hell, it
during the Tatsunokuchi Persecution.3 wouldn’t matter to me in the least.
As the Daishonin was being taken to the I would simply share the correct
execution grounds, Kingo gripped the teaching with the inhabitants there and
reins of his mentor’s horse and declared turn it into the Land of Tranquil Light.”
that he was prepared to die at his side. This spirit is the very quintessence of
In praise of the faith that Kingo faith in the Daishonin’s Buddhism.
showed at that time, the Daishonin As long as Kingo doesn’t lose sight
goes so far as to say: “If you should fall of this spirit to struggle together with
into hell for some grave offence, no the Daishonin, he can triumph in any
matter how Shakyamuni Buddha might place and any situation, based on the
urge me to become a Buddha, I would principle that “hell itself can instantly
refuse; I would rather go to hell with be transformed into the Land of
you” (WND-1, p. 850). We find the ultimate Tranquil Light.” But if he is defeated
essence of the Daishonin’s humanistic by his own weakness, losing his temper
teaching in his spirit to respond and failing to show consideration to
wholeheartedly to the sincere devotion those around him, he will veer from the
of his disciples. path of oneness with his mentor. This
If the Daishonin and Kingo — is why the Daishonin repeatedly warns
mentor and disciple upholding him to be careful. He writes: “If you
34 Valuecreation
depart from my advice even slightly, do single-mindedness, and may have given
not blame me for what may happen” in to complaining in spite of himself.
(WND-1, p. 850). In advising Kingo not to go around
The key to victory lies in aligning lamenting to others, the Daishonin
our hearts with the heart of our underscores that moaning about one’s
mentor who faithfully embodies and troubles or misfortunes is not the way
propagates the Law. If we ignore our of life of the wise, but the foolish.
mentor’s guidance and simply base The Daishonin writes:
ourselves on our own vacillating minds,
we will not be able to complete the If a man behaves in this
arduous path of Buddhist practice. A [unfortunate] way, then after
sutra states: “Become the master of he dies, his wife, overcome with
your mind rather than let your mind sorrow at losing her husband,
master you” (WND-1, p. 502).6 Only when will tell other people about the
we practise faith in the same spirit shameful things he did, though
as our mentor can we truly become she has no real intention of
the master of our mind and attain doing so. And that will in no
Buddhahood in this lifetime. way be her fault, but solely the
result of his own reprehensible
behaviour. (WND-1, p. 850)
Study Resource 35
three particular areas in which Kingo
die in disgrace. Live so that all needs to be victorious: (1) rebuilding
the people of Kamakura will say a relationship of mutual trust with his
in your praise that Nakatsukasa lord, (2) continuing to make unwavering
Saburo Saemon-no-jo [Shijo efforts as a practitioner of the Mystic
Kingo] is diligent in the service Law, and (3) winning the trust of those
of his lord, in the service of around him. The treasures of the heart
Buddhism, and in his concern for will shine in all these three endeavours.
other people. (WND-1, p. 851) In other words, we are truly victorious
when we bring forth the brilliance of
our Buddha nature in all aspects of
LIFE The Daishonin further teaches us to
show actual proof of victory by striving
It is rare to be born a human being: the to live in such a way that we will win
number of those born with human life the praise and admiration of those
is “as small as the amount of earth one around us. This offers an important
can place on a fingernail”. In addition, guideline as to what constitutes actual
human life is as hard to sustain “as it proof of victory for a Buddhist. In short,
is for the dew to remain on the grass”. fundamental victory derives from the
The Daishonin thus indicates how inner brilliance of our humanity that
irreplaceable our lives as human beings naturally draws others’ admiration. It
are, and how precious every single day could also be said that an important
and moment is. part of our struggle for kosen-rufu is for
“It is better to live a single day with each of us to win such trust and respect
honour than to live to 120 and die in in society.
disgrace” (WND-1, p. 851), the Daishonin It is the power of our humanity
declares, thereby highlighting the as Buddhists that ultimately inspires
criterion for true merit in life. Our praise from others. In other words,
true merit as a human being arises the treasures of the heart we have
from what we decide to make our cultivated are what win us others’ trust
life’s purpose and how we go about and high regard as people of exemplary
achieving it. character. Our Buddha nature manifests
Accordingly, the Daishonin offers as the brilliance of our humanity and
this specific guidance to his disciple touches the hearts of even those
out of a wish for him to succeed on a who do not practise the Daishonin’s
fundamental level: “Live so that all the Buddhism. “There’s something different
people of Kamakura will say in your about those people. There is a special
praise that [Shijo Kingo] is diligent in glow about SGI members,” people will
the service of his lord, in the service of think. Gaining such trust from others is
Buddhism, and in his concern for other definite actual proof of the power of
people” (cf. WND-1, p. 851). It implies our Buddhist practice.
36 Valuecreation
Shijo Kingo’s relations with those means such things as health or acquired
around him — from his lord Ema and skills; and “treasures of the heart”,
the members of his lord’s family to his on one level, means an inner richness,
colleagues, his brothers, and his fellow wealth, or abundance, and on another,
practitioners — were far from smooth. more fundamental level, it means faith
There were probably instances when and the brilliance of the Buddha nature
his doggedness created problems. But that is polished through faith.
without resolving such issues, he could In this passage the Daishonin
not become a winner in faith. indicates the order of priority of the
That’s why the Daishonin urges three kinds of treasure, and sets forth
him to constantly work on polishing a clear standard of value.
his character and show actual proof Kingo was in a situation where
by realising a great human revolution. he faced the possibility of losing his
It was his wish that Kingo, as the estate. Of course, it goes without saying
central figure among his followers that this landholding represented
in Kamakura, would develop into an an extremely important source of
admirable leader in society and lead income for him and his family. But, the
a life of profound significance and Daishonin insists that far more valuable
meaning. This compassionate spirit than the treasures of the storehouse
was no doubt behind the Daishonin’s and the body are the treasures of the
guidance encouraging him to win the heart. The accumulation of these inner
praise of the people in Kamakura. treasures, he says, is the basis for all
The fact that Kingo had been
challenging his situation based on faith
More valuable than treasures in in the Mystic Law corresponds to placing
a storehouse are the treasures of the highest value on the treasures of
the body, and the treasures of the heart. As a result, he had been
the heart are the most valuable victorious so far. That is probably why
of all. From the time you read this the Daishonin clarifies this point as a
letter on, strive to accumulate the universal and unchanging guideline for
treasures of the heart!(WND-1, p. 851) victory in all areas of his life.
And actually, when we base
ourselves on the treasures of the heart,
A THOROUGHLY POLISHED the true value and worth of treasures
CHARACTER IS PRICELESS of the storehouse and the body also
ABOVE ALL become apparent in our lives. In short,
we need to make accumulating the
The above passage is the most well- treasures of the heart our fundamental
known passage in this writing. purpose in life. If we lose sight of
“Treasures in a storehouse” indicates this elemental objective, but seek
material assets; “treasures of the body” to accumulate the treasures of the
Study Resource 37
storehouse and the body, it will only Emperor Sushun (r. 587–592) [who was
give rise to attachment. When that murdered in a plot masterminded by
happens, fear of losing such material or one of his retainers]. It is a lesson about
physical treasures can become a cause what can happen when one openly
of suffering. It is therefore important displays feelings of antipathy towards
above all to accumulate the treasures of others. (cf. WND-1, p. 851)
the heart. This reflects a correct sense Next, the Daishonin mentions how
of purpose in life. the great Chinese philosopher Confucius
chose his words with such care that he
thought nine times before speaking,
and how the Duke of Chou in ancient
The worthy man Confucius held China was so concerned not to keep
to his belief “Nine thoughts to guests waiting that he would even
one word,”7 which means that he interrupt his meals or bath time to
reconsidered nine times before receive them. Through these examples,
he spoke. Tan, the Duke of Chou,8 the Daishonin underscores the need for
was so earnest in receiving callers prudent thought and sincere conduct in
that he would wring out his our interactions with others.
hair three times in the course of “Consider this carefully,” says the
washing it, or spit out his food Daishonin, seeking to deeply impress
three times in the course of a this message on Kingo. He sensed
meal [in order not to keep them that his disciple wouldn’t be able to
waiting].9 Consider this carefully achieve true victory in life if he failed
so that you will have no cause to overcome his short temper — a flaw
to reproach me later. What is that could bring about his downfall
called Buddhism is found in this — and did not earnestly set about
behaviour. (WND-1, p. 851) accumulating the treasures of the heart.
That is why the Daishonin goes so far
as to say: “What is called Buddhism is
RESPONDING TO OTHERS found in this behaviour.”
WITH SINCERITY IS Buddhism finds ultimate expression
THE FOUNDATION OF in our behaviour as human beings.
BUDDHISM Both Confucius and the Duke of Chou
expressed their personal philosophy and
Buddhism does not exist apart from the creed in their actions. Likewise, unless
realities of life. we express in our conduct the supreme
The Daishonin was extremely treasure of the heart expounded in
worried about Kingo’s volatile Buddhism — namely, the Buddha nature
temperament. Saying that he would like manifesting itself from within — we will
to relate “an incident that is customarily not be able to show actual proof of the
kept secret”10 (WND-1, p. 851), he shares power of faith or spread the Daishonin’s
with his disciple the story of the irascible Buddhism.
38 Valuecreation
That’s why at the end of this writing from the most fundamental perspective
the Daishonin discusses the importance of life, Bodhisattva Never Disparaging
of our behaviour as human beings. continued to bow in reverence to all
whom he met, no matter how much he
was persecuted and attacked. This is the
behaviour of one who truly embodies
The heart of the Buddha’s lifetime the spirit of the Lotus Sutra.
of teachings is the Lotus Sutra, It is said that the Lotus Sutra
and the heart of the practice of represents the purpose for which
the Lotus Sutra is found in the Shakyamuni made his appearance in
‘Never Disparaging’ chapter. this world. The reason the Lotus Sutra
What does Bodhisattva Never describes the practice of Bodhisattva
Disparaging’s11 profound respect Never Disparaging, who embodies the
for people signify? The purpose sutra’s spirit, is to indicate that the
of the appearance in this world of purpose of Shakyamuni’s appearance
Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of in this world lies in his behaviour as a
teachings, lies in his behaviour as human being.
a human being. As the Daishonin notes when he
Respectfully. says, “The Law does not spread by itself:
because people propagate it, both
The wise may be called human, people and the Law are respectworthy”
but the thoughtless are no more (GZ, 856),12 the greatness of the Law or
than animals. (WND-1, pp. 851–52) teaching can only be conveyed and
spread when it is expressed in the
humanistic actions and behaviour of
THE FUNDAMENTAL those who embrace it.
PURPOSE OF BUDDHISM The treasures of the heart in
LIES IN OUR BEHAVIOUR AS themselves are invisible to the eye.
HUMAN BEINGS When these inner treasures are given
concrete expression as respectful actions
In concluding ‘The Three Kinds of towards others, they demonstrate and
Treasure’, the Daishonin states that the prove to others the power of the Mystic
Lotus Sutra is the heart of Shakyamuni’s Law and the Buddha nature.
lifetime teachings, and that the essence Viewing the treasures of the heart
of the practice taught in the Lotus Sutra as the most valuable of all
is found in the behaviour of Bodhisattva (cf. WND-1, p. 851) reflects a sense of
Never Disparaging, who is described values concerned with what is most
in the ‘Never Disparaging’ chapter as important and precious in life. Showing
staunchly believing in and venerating respect to others in our actions,
the Buddha nature of all people. meanwhile, constitutes the standard for
Deeply apprehending the truth that our behaviour as Buddhists based on
everyone is a Buddha when viewed this sense of values.
Study Resource 39
previous lifetime — lived in a way that
was always respectful to others.
At the start of the ‘Bodhisattva
The four kinds of believers, Never Disparaging’ (20th) chapter,
however, being filled with Shakyamuni explained the principle
that those who slander the Lotus Sutra
arrogance and contempt,
will incur severe retribution for their
responded to his sincere offence, while those who are slandered
respect with curses and abuse, on account of upholding the Lotus Sutra
some even beating him with will gain the benefit of the purification
sticks or pelting him with of the six sense organs13 (cf. LSOC20, 307
[LS20, 265]).14
stones. Through enduring
As an example, he introduced
these persecutions, Never the practice of Bodhisattva Never
Disparaging was able to “wipe Disparaging. This bodhisattva appeared
out his offences” and transform in the Middle Day of the Law15 after
his karma. The sutra relates the death of a Buddha called Awesome
Sound King. It was an age when
how, as he was nearing death
arrogant monks held great power and
the correct teaching of the Law was in
decline. At that time, Bodhisattva Never
Disparaging bowed in reverence to the
The universally respectful behaviour four kinds of believers of the day who
of Bodhisattva Never Disparaging were overbearingly arrogant — monks,
embodies the teaching of the Lotus nuns, laymen, and laywomen — saying
Sutra, which expounds the Buddha’s to them: “I have profound reverence
true intent of enabling all people for you, I would never dare treat you
to attain enlightenment. Therefore, with disparagement or arrogance.
Bodhisattva Never Disparaging’s Why? Because you will all practice the
respectful behaviour towards others is bodhisattva way and will then be able
itself the true intent of the Buddha. to attain Buddhahood” (LSOC20, 308
Being able to manifest our Buddha [LS20, 266–67]). This declaration concisely
nature is a benefit of faith in the expresses the core teaching of the
(nature) Mystic Law. The behaviour of Lotus Sutra that all people can attain
those who embody this benefit can enlightenment, and it is called the
serve as actual proof of the greatness “24-character Lotus Sutra” [in reference
of the Mystic Law. Their behaviour is to the number of Chinese characters
sure to be characterised by respect for that make up this passage]. Bodhisattva
others. Never Disparaging’s practice solely
Let us now reconfirm, based on consisted of bowing to others in
the sutra, how Bodhisattva Never reverence and greeting them with
Disparaging — Shakyamuni in a these words.
40 Valuecreation
The four kinds of believers, victory of attaining Buddhahood. Such
however, being filled with arrogance actions are based on a firm commitment
and contempt, responded to his sincere to the principle that all people possess
respect with curses and abuse, some the Buddha nature. By holding fast to
even beating him with sticks or pelting this commitment even in the face of
him with stones. Through enduring hardships, we can embody this principle
these persecutions, Never Disparaging in our life. As such, our efforts are
was able to “wipe out his offences”16 part of our own Buddhist practice for
(cf. LSOC20, 312 [LS20, 270]) and transform attaining Buddhahood. In addition,
his karma. The sutra relates how, as they are part of the struggle to lead all
he was nearing death, he heard in the people to enlightenment by brightly
air countless verses of the Lotus Sutra illuminating even the lives of those who
that had previously been preached slander and harass the practitioners of
by the Buddha Awesome Sound King. the correct teaching and awakening the
Embracing them all, he gained the Buddha nature dormant in the depths
benefit of the purification of the six of their lives.
sense organs, extended his life span In short, Bodhisattva Never
by “two hundred ten thousand million Disparaging’s actions of respect for
nayutas of years” and continued widely others constitute the fundamental
preaching the Lotus Sutra for others. cause for attaining Buddhahood.
He then attained Buddhahood and was Such actions are crucial if we hope to
reborn as Shakyamuni (cf. LSOC20, 309–10 gain enlightenment. The aspiration of
[LS20, 267–68]). leading all people to enlightenment
In contrast, the four kinds of would just be a pipe dream unless the
believers who had persecuted Buddha taught the importance of our
Bodhisattva Never Disparaging behaviour as human beings. That is why
underwent great suffering for the the Daishonin asserts that this is “the
immensely long period of a thousand purpose of the appearance in this world
kalpas as a result of these offences, and of Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of
when they had expiated their offences, teachings” (WND-1, p. 852).
they were able to again encounter Nichiren Daishonin also always
Bodhisattva Never Disparaging and demonstrated respect for others
receive his instruction. (cf. LSOC20, 310–11 through his actions. The Buddha nature
[LS20, 268–69]) will definitely manifest in the lives of
In this way, steadfastly showing those who arouse and maintain faith
respect for others through our in the Mystic Law, no matter how evil
behaviour has the power to change the times. Their behaviour as human
our life by transforming our karma and beings will definitely pulse with the
purifying our six sense organs. And by fundamental wisdom of the practical
respectfully sharing the teachings of the philosophy of respect for others.
Lotus Sutra with others as long as we The Daishonin’s practice of
live, we can achieve the fundamental shakubuku, of rigorously refuting
Study Resource 41
error, is also grounded in a spirit of people’s lives? How do we expand
compassion for the individual in error the solidarity of those dedicated to
and of concern for the happiness of the the cause of good? And how do we
people, as well as a fervent wish for construct a society in which harmonious
the peace and security of the land. It is coexistence and humanism prevail?
a struggle to refute the erroneous and The SGI is taking action to pioneer
reveal the true out of respect for the a magnificent path of intercultural
Buddha nature of all people. and interfaith dialogue towards
Because shakubuku in the finding answers to those very
Daishonin’s Buddhism is based on a questions. Transcending all differences,
philosophy of respect for others, it surmounting barriers of ethnicity and
means to refute the error of those who nationality, we are constructing a realm
disrespect the lives of others. Premised of broad and open exchange between
on this understanding, the Daishonin human beings. The philosophy of
indicates that, even in the evil and the SGI is based on the Lotus Sutra’s
slanderous age of the Latter Day, we teaching of showing respect for others
need to act in a prudent and respectful through our actions, as well as the
manner, rather than simply rushing in to principle that all change begins from
refute error. within ourselves and from accumulating
Fully and unequivocally stating the the treasures of the heart.
truth is also shakubuku. The Latter Day People around the world have high
of the Law is an age rife with distrust expectations for the SGI’s humanistic
and fear stemming from a society in philosophy. Our efforts in doing our
which people are not respected and human revolution provide hope to
life is held in low regard. In such an humankind.
age, shakubuku means standing up We have now entered an age
alone and resolutely holding high the when the sincere endeavours of our
banner of respect for human beings members, who are putting into practice
and the sanctity of life. This, too, is the the humanistic behaviour taught by
courageous practice of shakubuku. Nichiren Daishonin, are winning trust
As I am always affirming, resolving and understanding on a global scale.
the various problems of our planet
in the 21st century will hinge on — With my prayers for the great
focussing on the human being. This is victory in work and life for the
an awareness that is shared by many men’s division and all our members in
leading thinkers, peace activists, and Japan and throughout the world.
conscientious political leaders.
How do we transform the This concludes the three-part lecture
fundamental darkness inherent in on ‘The Three Kinds of Treasure’.
(SGI Newsletter No. 7929 dated 5 February 2010. Translated from the December 2009 issue of Daibyakurenge,
the Soka Gakkai study journal)
42 Valuecreation
on the outskirts of Kamakura, the seat of 13. Purification of the six sense organs: Also,
government, where they tried to execute purification of the six senses. This refers to
him under cover of darkness. The execution the six sense organs of eyes, ears, nose,
attempt failed, and about a month later the tongue, body, and mind becoming pure,
Daishonin was exiled to Sado Island making it possible to apprehend all things
4. The world of hell, which is a realm of extreme correctly. The ‘Benefits of the Teacher of
suffering, can be instantly transformed into the Law’ (19th) chapter of the Lotus Sutra
the Land of Eternally Tranquil Light where the explains that those who uphold and practise
Buddha dwells, or the world of Buddhahood the sutra acquire 800 benefits of the eyes,
5. Translated from Japanese. Tsunesaburo nose, and body, and 1200 benefits of the
Makiguchi, Makiguchi Tsunesaburo ears, tongue, and mind, and that through
Zenshu (Collected Writings of Tsunesaburo these benefits the six sense organs become
Makiguchi) (Tokyo: Daisanbunmei-sha, 1987), refined and pure
vol. 10, p. 285 14. SGI Newsletter Editors’ Note: From 2010,
6. A quote from the Six Paramitas Sutra all Lotus Sutra quotes will be taken from
7. From the Analects of Confucius The Lotus Sutra and Its Opening and
8. Tan the Duke of Chou: A younger brother Closing Sutras, translated by Burton Watson
of Emperor Wu, the founder of the Chou (Tokyo: Soka Gakkai, 2009). Our citation will
dynasty (c. 1100–256 BCE). After assisting his now read LSOC, followed by the chapter
brother in the task of overthrowing the Yin and page number. For a short period, we
(Shang) dynasty and founding a new rule, he will continue including in brackets the
continued to be closely involved in the affairs corresponding chapter and page number
of government. When Emperor Wu died and in The Lotus Sutra, translated by Burton
his son Ch’eng, who was still a child, came to Watson (New York, Columbia University
the throne, the Duke of Chou acted as regent Press, 1993)
for the young ruler. He has been revered over 15. The Middle Day of the Law here does not
the centuries by Confucianists as a model of refer to the Middle Day after the death
correct government and propriety of Shakyamuni Buddha, but after the
9. This anecdote is mentioned in Records of death of Buddha Awesome Sound King.
the Historian. Tan, the Duke of Chou, was so The successive periods of the Former
eager to find able persons and anxious not Day, the Middle Day, and the Latter Day
to overlook anyone that he would receive of the Law were also applied to other
visitors even while washing his hair or during Buddhas appearing in Buddhist scriptures.
the course of a meal. The Daishonin cites this Accordingly, the teaching of each Buddha
example to explain the importance of being has its own Middle Day of the Law
considerate, cautious, and prudent 16. The line, “When his offences had been wiped
10. This incident is recorded in The Chronicles out” (LSOC20, 312 [LS20, 270]), describes how
of Japan. Presumably it was not referred to Bodhisattva Never Disparaging eradicated
openly because it involved the assassination his past offences of slandering the Law
of an emperor by one of his retainers through undergoing persecution
Study Resource 43
Find inds
‘T h e T hree K e’
of rea arts)
(all 3 p
Order Online at
SGI President Daisaku Ikeda’s
lectures on the Gosho:
Letter to Sado
44 Valuecreation
What was the foundation of the Soka
Gakkai? What formed its base? It was
neither wealth nor power, but rather,
I believe, people with a noble vow and
the passion to fulfil it.
From the time Mr. Makiguchi first
presented his philosophy of value-
creating education to the world, he
THE SPIRIT OF SOKA WILL cherished the lofty wish of contributing
REVIVAL OF HUMANITY to the happiness of humanity. With this
DAISAKU IKEDA wish as its base, the Soka Gakkai was
founded through the efforts of fearless,
self-reliant individuals committed to
making that goal a reality.
Special Lecture Commemorating
November 18, Soka Gakkai THE CHAMPIONS OF THE
(Reproduced from: Value Creation,
Mar 2015, 11–32) At present, dedicated members from
throughout Japan and the world —
Study Resource 45
the place where they are now. It is time
for each person to resolutely launch a the long periods of numberless
new struggle to realise the great vow major world system dust particle
for kosen-rufu. kalpas and major world system
The founding spirit of the Soka dust particle kalpas, respectively,
Gakkai pulses vibrantly in the hearts because they followed evil
of those who have the courage to companions.
do this. Their efforts will inspire one Whether tempted by good or
person after another to work for kosen- threatened by evil, if one casts
rufu, giving rise to a vast multitude of aside the Lotus Sutra, one destines
practitioners of the Lotus Sutra who oneself for hell. Here I will make
directly follow the example of Nichiren a great vow. Though I might be
Daishonin. offered the rulership of Japan if
In this instalment, let us study two I would only abandon the Lotus
of the most famous passages from Sutra, accept the teachings of
‘The Opening of the Eyes’ and once the Meditation Sutra,5 and look
again reflect on the great spirit of the forward to rebirth in the Pure
Daishonin in standing up alone as the Land, though I might be told that
votary of the Lotus Sutra in the Latter my father and mother will have
Day of the Law. Let us also confirm the their heads cut off if I do not
tremendous power of the human being recite the Nembutsu6 — whatever
as well as the pride of the SGI. obstacles I might encounter, so
long as persons of wisdom do not
prove my teachings to be false, I
will never yield! All other troubles
This I will state. Let the gods are no more to me than dust
forsake me. Let all persecutions before the wind.
assail me. Still I will give my I will be the pillar of Japan. I
life for the sake of the Law. will be the eyes of Japan. I will be
Shariputra1 practiced the way the great ship of Japan. This is my
of the bodhisattva for sixty vow, and I will never forsake it!
kalpas,2 but he abandoned the (‘The Opening of the Eyes-I’, WND-
way because he could not endure 1, 280–281)
the ordeal of the Brahman who
begged for his eye.3 Of those who
received the seeds of Buddhahood “I WILL STAND UP ALONE,
in the remote past and those HERE AND NOW!”
who did so from the sons of the
Buddha Great Universal Wisdom In one of his articles on ‘The Opening
Excellence,4 many abandoned of the Eyes’, President Toda spoke
the seeds and suffered in hell for of his powerful emotional reaction
when reading this and other writings
46 Valuecreation
and coming into contact with the Law, never hesitating in the face
the Daishonin’s unflinching and of persecution by the three powerful
impassioned spirit for kosen-rufu: “His enemies,8 is the “lord of teachings”
blazing spirit strikes my heart with the seeking to guide all living beings to
intensity of the noonday summer sun. enlightenment, and that person is none
My chest feels as if it is filled with a other than he himself.
giant ball of molten iron. Sometimes ‘The Opening of the Eyes’ is one of
I feel like a scalding spring is gushing the Daishonin’s major writings, in which
forth inside me, or as if a great, earth- he reveals the “object of devotion in
shaking waterfall is crashing over me.”7 terms of the Person”.9
I have also dedicated myself to the As I consider its profound
great struggle for kosen-rufu with the significance, I am again struck with
determination to internalise and put awe at the tremendous power, wisdom
into action the Daishonin’s spirit with and potential that resides in a single
my entire being, just as my mentor individual and filled with a deep
taught. appreciation of the dignity and nobility
Whenever I read this passage of of the human being.
Nichiren Daishonin, I sense his towering
life state — his spirit soaring to a lofty A TEACHING THAT FOSTERS
height and gazing down calmly on GREAT PEOPLE
the world racked with strife and petty
jealousies. How tenaciously a human being can
The Daishonin is saying he doesn’t fight for what is right! How supremely
care if the gods have abandoned him; noble and strong a person can be!
he is ready to face any persecution. He How invincible, inviolable and
is prepared to give his life, without fear, magnificent is the human spirit! What
without doubt, in order to propagate is the message in the depths of the
the Lotus Sutra. With the words “Still ‘Life Span’ (16th) chapter of the Lotus
I will give my life,” he serenely affirms Sutra, in which Shakyamuni declares
that he is prepared to uphold the his attainment of enlightenment in the
correct teaching as long as he lives. remote past, thereby “casting off the
“I will stand up alone, here and transient and revealing the true”?10
now!” I can hear this lion-hearted cry of It is that all living beings possess the
the Daishonin standing invincible and eternal life of the Buddha. It calls on
unassailable as a massive rock amid a all people to awaken to that great
storm of persecution. inner self, to open their eyes to their
In ‘The Opening of the Eyes’, the tremendous potential.
Daishonin is urging people to open It could be said that through his
their eyes to the truth that the votary own enormous struggle to propagate
of the Lotus Sutra who is propagating the Law while enduring persecution,
the correct teaching of Buddhism in the Daishonin demonstrated for us the
the defiled age of the Latter Day of immense innate power of one person.
Study Resource 47
Human beings can never become the Mystic Law with others in the real
more than human beings. We don’t world, we are tirelessly carrying out the
need to become gods. We are all sacred work of value creation — that is,
ordinary mortals. What matters is practising the Lotus Sutra.
whether we can achieve true greatness This year marks the 70th anniversary
as human beings. This is the essential of Mr. Makiguchi’s death in prison for
viewpoint of the humanistic teachings his beliefs, fighting valiantly against
of Nichiren Buddhism that we uphold. the oppression of Japan’s wartime
When prejudiced journalists asked militarist authorities. He died on
Mr. Toda if he regarded himself as “a November 18, 1944 — coincidentally,
living Buddha” or “a god”, he laughed the same day of the month that, in
uproariously and said: “I’m a proud 1930, our organisation had been born.
common mortal!” A month before his death, Mr.
The American Renaissance Makiguchi wrote in a letter from prison:
philosopher Henry David Thoreau
(1817–62) once declared: “O for a man When I reflect on how I was able
who is a man, and . . . has a bone in his to produce my theory of value
back which you cannot pass your hand — a theory that scholars for
through!”11 the past one hundred years had
Buddhism enables one person sought in vain — and, moreover,
and then another to confidently to connect it to faith in the
demonstrate their true, innate Lotus Sutra and enable several
power as genuine human beings; it thousand people to realise
teaches the way to create a victorious actual proof, I am surprised in
network of such individuals who can spite of myself. Therefore, it
live and succeed in life with dignity is only natural that the three
and conviction — with backbone, as obstacles and four devils12 should
Thoreau said — amid the real challenges have assailed me; it is just as the
of society. sutra states.
48 Valuecreation
Mr. Toda was released from prison in state. Let the gods forsake me. Let all
the final days of World War II, and persecutions assail me. Still I will give my
he stood up alone amid the ruins of life for the sake of the Law” (WND-1, 280).
defeated Japan to embark on a struggle I promised to achieve the
to relieve people of suffering. substantive realisation of kosen-
The persecution of the Soka rufu. This meant that, with the 700th
Gakkai during the war destroyed the anniversary of the Daishonin’s treatise
organisation that Mr. Makiguchi had of remonstration, ‘On Establishing
worked so hard to build. Carrying on the Correct Teaching for the Peace of
his mentor’s vision, Mr. Toda rebuilt the the Land’ as a starting point, I would
Soka Gakkai, determined to make it go out among the people of the
into a strong organisation of the people world and engage in the struggle to
that could never be destroyed by the establish the humanism of Buddhism in
oppression of ultra-nationalism. This can contemporary society and in the life of
be described as the “second founding” each individual.
of the Soka Gakkai. The focus is on people — on human
Mr. Toda declared his wish to rid beings awakening to their own inner
the world of misery. This was another potential.
lion’s roar, expressing the lofty purpose
of practising the Lotus Sutra in the HUMANISM IS THE BASIS
modern age. OF OUR MOVEMENT
A COMPLETE FOCUS ON Forty years ago (in 1974), I also travelled
THE INDIVIDUAL for the first time to China and the
Soviet Union (present-day Russia),
I made Mr. Toda’s spirit my own and then the two greatest nations of the
vowed to act on his behalf. When I was communist world. There was a thick
inaugurated as the third president of wall of antagonism separating East
the Soka Gakkai on that sunny day of and West in those days of the Cold
May 3, 1960, I declared to the members: War, and relations between China and
“Though I am young, from this day I will the Soviet Union were also extremely
take leadership as a representative of tense. The runaway nuclear arms race
President Toda’s disciples and advance was threatening the very survival of
with you another step towards the humanity and people’s right to live
substantive realisation of kosen-rufu.” in peace.
I was asserting that I, too, was Before going to the Soviet Union,
standing up and would go on fighting I was roundly criticised from many
all my life among the people as Mr. quarters in Japanese society. I was
Toda’s disciple, together with the youth, asked why a religious leader would
to create a bright and hopeful future. want to visit a nation that rejected, or
The passage from ‘The Opening of even banned, religion. To this, I replied:
the Eyes’ rang in my heart: “This I will “Because there are people there.”
Study Resource 49
for the Atomic Bomb Victims in
Hiroshima, where the first atomic bomb
was dropped at the end of World War II
The virtue of the sovereign is (on 6 August 1945).
the sense of responsibility to At a Soka Gakkai Headquarters
general meeting held during my visit
protect the people. The virtue
there, I said: “The social role and
of the teacher is the wisdom to mission of the Soka Gakkai is to engage
lead the people. The virtue of in a spiritual struggle, arising from the
the parent is the compassion to innermost depths of our beings, against
nurture the people such external forces as violence and
political and economic oppression that
violate the dignity of human life.”14
No matter how harsh the
circumstances prevailing in the world,
At the culmination of my visit to there is no need for us to give in to
Moscow, in a meeting with Soviet feelings of despair or powerlessness.
Premier Aleksey Kosygin (1904–80) at The Lotus Sutra teaches that we possess
the Kremlin, he asked me: “What is your the inherent power of life to act with
basic ideology?” Without hesitation, I hope and open a way forward with
answered: “I believe in peace, culture courage. The aim of Nichiren Buddhism
and education — the underlying basis is to activate the power that resides
of which is humanism.” within us to overcome adversity.
I wanted to set in motion a
new current of history, centring on THE THREE VIRTUES OF
Premier Kosygin nodded PARENT
thoughtfully and replied: “That is an
ideal we should also strive for.” In ‘The Opening of the Eyes’, the
I vividly remember Soviet President Daishonin mentions two hypothetical
Mikhail Gorbachev, whom I met years situations — major obstacles the
later (in 1990), expressed appreciation authorities might devise to attempt to
for the values and ideals of humanism, sway him. The first is offering him the
adding that he was attempting to rulership of Japan, and the second is
gradually bring the spiritual aspects of threatening to behead his mother and
ethics and morals into government.13 father (cf. WND-1, 280). Indicating that he
Our times are moving unmistakably, would never succumb to such obstacles
at the deepest level, towards a focus on — the former a temptation of worldly
human beings and humanism. pleasure and power, the second a threat
In November 1975, renewing my of violent persecution — the Daishonin
vow to work for the abolition of nuclear declares his unwavering vow to live out
weapons, I laid flowers at the Cenotaph his life as the votary of the Lotus Sutra,
50 Valuecreation
committed to guiding all people of the Lotus Sutra is creating peace, bringing
Latter Day to enlightenment. In other light through the power of education,
words, he states, “I will be the pillar of and cultivating the rich earth of culture.
Japan. I will be the eyes of Japan. I will It is building an age in which people
be the great ship of Japan. This is my who are actively engaged in value
vow, and I will never forsake it!” creation — described in the Lotus Sutra
(WND-1, 280–81). as “human flowers” (LSOC 4, 142) — will
Nichikan Shonin (1665–1726), a blossom and thrive.
great restorer of Nichiren Buddhism, Votaries of the Lotus Sutra are
interprets these three vows as practitioners of humanism who bring to
corresponding to the three virtues of blossom the infinite potential of their
sovereign, teacher and parent.15 The own and others’ noble lives, revitalise
“pillar” is the virtue of the sovereign, individuals and society, and are thereby
the “eyes” are the virtue of the teacher creating a world where all people can
and the “great ship” is the virtue of the live in peace and happiness.
parent. The efforts of the SGI to expand
A “pillar”, whether visible or not, its movement for peace, culture
steadily supports the home and protects and education based on Buddhist
its residents. “Eyes” represent the humanism are in perfect accord with
power to see the truth of things, thus the Daishonin’s great vow to enable all
helping people avoid mistaking their people to attain enlightenment.
way and providing the power to lead In The Record of the Orally
them in the correct direction. A “great Transmitted Teachings, the Daishonin
ship” carries many people safely over states: “It is due to the authority and
rough waters to their destination. It supernatural power of Bodhisattva
provides the kind of reassurance and Universal Worthy [or Universal Wisdom]
comfort that parents give to their that this Lotus Sutra is propagated
children. throughout Jambudvipa [the entire
From another perspective, the three world]” (OTT, 190).
virtues of sovereign, teacher and parent We of the SGI are bringing the
are also the three requirements for spirit of the Lotus Sutra to permeate
leadership. The virtue of the sovereign the entire world through the power
is the sense of responsibility to protect of universal wisdom, as exemplified by
the people. The virtue of the teacher Bodhisattva Universal Worthy.
is the wisdom to lead the people. The
virtue of the parent is the compassion OUR PLACE OF PRACTICE IS
to nurture the people. HERE AND NOW
Protecting the people corresponds
to peace, leading the people Where is the place that the votaries of
corresponds to education, and the Lotus Sutra freely and actively carry
nurturing the people corresponds to out their practice? It is here in the saha
culture. By extension, practising the world — this real world.
Study Resource 51
same trials and challenges — you
will naturally benefit society.16
52 Valuecreation
For instance, praising Oto Gozen’s
protection. Do not be discouraged mother, Sage Nichimyo, the Daishonin
because you do not enjoy an easy writes: “You are the foremost votary of
and secure existence in this life. the Lotus Sutra among the women of
This is what I have taught my Japan” (‘Letter to the Sage Nichimyo’,
disciples morning and evening, WND-1, 325).
and yet they begin to harbor Referring to the son of Abutsu-bo
doubts and abandon their faith. and the lay nun Sennichi, he declares:
Foolish men are likely to forget “Tokuro Moritsuna . . . has followed
the promises they have made in his [father’s] footsteps and become
when the crucial moment comes. a wholehearted votary of the Lotus
(WND-1, 283) Sutra” (‘The Treasure of a Filial Child’,
WND-1, 1045).
Writing to the lay nun Toki, the wife
THE NOBLE CALL FOR A of Toki Jonin, the Daishonin describes
SHARED STRUGGLE OF Shijo Kingo as “not only an excellent
MENTOR AND DISCIPLE physician but a votary of the Lotus
Sutra” (‘On Prolonging One’s Life Span’,
Sternly yet warmly, the Daishonin also WND-1, 955).
called on his disciples to demonstrate Commending the staunch faith
the same unwavering commitment of Ikegami Munenaka in the face of
he did. being disinherited by his father, and
In the above passage, we can urging Munenaka’s younger brother,
detect both his deep trust and strict Munenaga, not to abandon his faith,
compassion towards his disciples. His the Daishonin writes: “[Munenaka] will
words resonate with the message that now become one of [the Lotus Sutra’s]
he had risked his life and overcome votaries”18 (cf. ‘The Three Obstacles and
great persecutions in his effort to Four Devils’, WND-1, 637).
propagate the Law, and that if his Praising the lay nun Konichi, who
disciples continued to strive alongside lost her beloved son but remained
him in his struggle, they could do steadfast in her Buddhist practice,
likewise. the Daishonin says: “How much more
will [Buddhahood be assured for] the
MENTOR AND DISCIPLE ARE present-day Honorable Konichi, who
ONE, NOT SEPARATE. out of her great affection for her son
became a practitioner [or votary] of the
When we look at the Daishonin’s Lotus Sutra!” (‘Reply to the Honorable
writings, we see that he referred to Konichi’, WND-2, 964).
his disciples who persevered in their The situation of each of these
Buddhist practice with unwavering faith people was different, as was the length
— both men and women, young and of their practice and the reasons they
old — as votaries of the Lotus Sutra. took faith in the Daishonin’s teaching.
Study Resource 53
But to the Daishonin, they were all struggle, are champions of kosen-rufu
disciples who shared profound karmic who have assembled in the garden
ties with him, votaries of the Lotus of Soka, called forth by a wondrous
Sutra, each propagating Mystic Law to destiny and mission at this “crucial
the best of their abilities. moment”.
Returning to the above passage Referring to a passage20 describing
in ‘The Opening of the Eyes’, which the emergence of the Bodhisattvas
contains the phrase “I and my disciples”, of the Earth, the Daishonin says:
the Daishonin here infers that both he “‘Emerging’ indicates that at the time
and his disciples who share his struggle of kosen-rufu, living beings throughout
are equally votaries of the Lotus Sutra. Jambudvipa [the entire world] will
By the same principle, I am become votaries of the Lotus Sutra”
absolutely certain that the Daishonin (GZ, 834). 21
would highly praise as votaries of the Today, in accord with these words,
Lotus Sutra all who dedicate themselves a steady stream of Bodhisattvas of the
to the great vow of propagating the Earth, votaries of the Lotus Sutra, is
Mystic Law, whoever they may be and emerging all around the globe with a
in whatever age they may live. noble mission, and striving energetically
to fulfil their vow to realise peace and
A GATHERING OF happiness for all humanity.
CHAMPIONS OF KOSEN- Now, many centuries after Nichiren
RUFU Daishonin, we are carrying on his work
in the present day. He is directly calling
When the Soka Gakkai transferred its to us, his followers of the present age:
headquarters to the Shinanomachi area “My disciples, form your ranks and
of Tokyo (in 1953) and we moved into follow me! Join me in striving for kosen-
an age of dramatic progress in kosen- rufu eternally!”
rufu, Mr. Toda often said to members: The Soka Gakkai emerged based on
“To meet and encounter an auspicious the vow to advance forever along this
time, to be in rhythm with that time, great path of mentor and disciple.
makes having been born worthwhile.”19 Our members are the “pillars”,
At that critical juncture, he declared employing all their wisdom to
himself a great champion committed to encourage others and support and
fighting for kosen-rufu, and repeatedly safeguard society, whether their efforts
urged all Soka Gakkai members to are noticed or not. They are the “eyes”,
become champions themselves. illuminating the path of hope and
A “champion of kosen-rufu” revealing the path of justice. They are
is another name for a votary of the the “great ships”, warmly embracing
Lotus Sutra. people and nurturing them so that they
I, as the third president, and all can freely bring forth their potential.
my noble fellow members who have Everything begins with standing up
worked alongside me in our shared and taking personal initiative. It starts
54 Valuecreation
with our human revolution. We must
awaken to the innate power that resides
within us and create a new age that
celebrates true human victory. Our members are the “pillars”,
The Daishonin’s ideal of employing all their wisdom
“establishing the correct teaching to encourage others and
for the peace of the land” can only
support and safeguard society,
be realised by expanding the
network of ordinary people who whether their efforts are
share this same purpose, comrades noticed or not. They are the
working together in their communities “eyes”, illuminating the path
and countries with a shared vow. of hope and revealing the path
That is the steadiest and surest way to
of justice. They are the “great
build a peaceful society.
ships”, warmly embracing
AIMING FOR THE ETERNAL people and nurturing them so
VICTORY FOR HUMANITY that they can freely bring forth
their potential
The Indian independence leader
Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948),
while organising a nonviolent
movement to fight for racial equality
in South Africa, called out to the people worldwide kosen-rufu, a paean to
striving alongside him: “I can boldly humanity rings out.
declare and with certainty that so In the final year of his life, the
long as there is even a handful of renowned Indian poet Rabindranath
men true to their pledge, there can be Tagore (1861–1941) extolled the
only one end to the struggle — and that magnificence of the human being:
is victory.”22
A pledge or vow truly has immense Now has come Man Supreme
power. ........................
What was the vision for the future The heavens thunder the song of
cherished by the Soka Gakkai when it Victory:
was founded under the leadership of our ‘Man has come!’24
first two presidents and embarked with
the great purpose of contributing to The curtain has now brilliantly risen
the happiness of humanity? It was “the on the century of Soka, the century
eternal victory of the human race”.23 of humanity’s victory! Let our jubilant
The vow and cherished wish of the cheers resound far and wide, celebrating
SGI is the victory of humankind. the revitalisation of humanity.
Wherever we press onwards, Nothing can surpass the radiance
dedicated to the great vow for of people who have awakened to their
Study Resource 55
own noble mission, to their boundless We are building a world of peace
potential. in which magnificent “human flowers”
How marvellous is the inner power can blossom freely.
of human beings! We are fellow Bodhisattvas of the
What fine young people we have in Earth — sharing deep, wondrous karmic
our community! ties and a profound mission — who have
How brilliantly Soka women are risen up with joy and courage at this
shining! never-to-be-repeated “crucial moment”,
How fortunate we are to have in this new era of worldwide kosen-rufu.
such impressive comrades! Cheers for Please continue striving, together
humanity! When we open our eyes, do with me and the SGI, to fulfil the vow
we not see great individuals emerging you have made for kosen-rufu and
dynamically, just as they are, from achieve victory in every sphere of your
among the people? life in this existence!
(SGI Newsletter No. 9143, dated 16 December 2014. Translated from the November 2014 issue of
The Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai monthly study journal)
1. Shariputra: One of Shakyamuni’s ten major Lotus Sutra at his sons’ request. All sixteen
disciples, who was known as foremost in spread the Lotus Sutra as bodhisattvas, and
wisdom for his understanding of the true the sixteenth son was reborn in the saha
intent of the Buddha’s preaching. world as Shakyamuni.
2. Kalpa: An extremely long period of time. 5. Meditation Sutra: The abbreviated name
3. This story appears in Nagarjuna’s Treatise for the Meditation on the Buddha Infinite
on the Great Perfection of Wisdom and Life Sutra. The Buddha Infinite Life is also
elsewhere. In his past existence, Shariputra known as the Buddha Amida. This sutra is
was practising the bodhisattva way, when a one of the three basic scriptures of the Pure
Brahman begged for his eye. Shariputra gave Land (Nembutsu) school of Buddhism, which
it to him, but the Brahman was so revolted reveres Amida Buddha and aspires for rebirth
by its smell that he dropped and crushed it. in Amida’s Pure Land of Perfect Bliss.
Seeing this, Shariputra withdrew in despair 6. To recite the Nembutsu means to recite the
from his practice. name of Amida Buddha (Namu Amida Butsu),
4. Great Universal Wisdom Excellence: A the practice of the Pure Land School.
Buddha who taught the Lotus Sutra major 7. Translated from Japanese. Josei Toda, Toda
world system dust particle kalpas ago. His Josei Zenshu (Collected Writings of Josei
story appears in the ‘Parable of the Phantom Toda), (Tokyo: Seikyo Shimbunsha, 1983),
City’ (7th) chapter of the Lotus Sutra. vol. 3, 179.
Originally a king who had sixteen sons, after 8. Three powerful enemies: Three types of
he attained Buddhahood, he preached the arrogant people who persecute those who
56 Valuecreation
propagate the Lotus Sutra in the evil age obstacle of earthly desires, (2) the obstacle
after Shakyamuni Buddha’s death, described of karma, and (3) the obstacle of retribution.
in the concluding verse section of the The four devils are (1) the hindrance of the
‘Encouraging Devotion’ (13th) chapter of five components, (2) the hindrance of earthly
the Lotus Sutra. The Great Teacher Miao-lo desires, (3) the hindrance of death and (4) the
of China summarises them as arrogant hindrance of the devil king.
lay people, arrogant priests and arrogant 13. From an article in the Seikyo Shimbun,
false sages. 28 July 1990.
9. The object of devotion in terms of the Person 14. From a speech at a Soka Gakkai
is revealed in ‘The Opening of the Eyes’, Headquarters general meeting held in
composed by the Daishonin on Sado in Hiroshima on 9 November 1975.
February 1272. The Daishonin clarifies that 15. Three virtues of sovereign, teacher and
he is the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law parent: The benevolent functions of
who possesses the three virtues of sovereign, sovereign, teacher and parent a Buddha
teacher and parent, and who will lead the is said to possess. The virtue of the
people of the Latter Day to enlightenment. sovereign is the power to protect all
The object of devotion in terms of the Law, living beings, the virtue of the teacher is
meanwhile, is revealed in ‘The Object of the wisdom to instruct and lead them to
Devotion for Observing the Mind’, composed enlightenment, and the virtue of the
on Sado in April 1273. The Daishonin parent is the compassion to nurture and
clarifies that Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the support them.
fundamental Law for attaining Buddhahood 16. Translated from Japanese. Shozo Tanaka,
that all people of the Latter Day should Tanaka Shozo Zenshu (Collected Works of
revere. Shozo Tanaka), (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten,
10. Casting off the transient and revealing the 1980), vol. 19, 500-501.
true: The revealing of a Buddha’s true status 17. Ibid., 501.
as a Buddha, and the setting aside of that 18. This statement implies that, because
Buddha’s provisional or transient identity. In the elder brother, Munenaka, will accept
the ‘Life Span’ (16th) chapter of the Lotus disinheritance and the accompanying social
Sutra, Shakyamuni declares: “In all the worlds sanctions rather than renounce his faith, he is
the heavenly and human beings and asuras all in effect giving his life for the Lotus Sutra.
believe that the present Shakyamuni Buddha, 19. Translated from Japanese. Josei Toda, Toda
after leaving the palace of the Shakyas, Josei Zenshu (Collected Writings of Josei Toda),
seated himself in the place of meditation not (Tokyo: Seikyo Shimbunsha, 1989), vol. 4, 287.
far from the city of Gaya and there attained 20. The passage from ‘Emerging from the Earth’
supreme perfect enlightenment. But good (15th) chapter of the Lotus reads: “[They are]
men, it has been immeasurable, boundless unsoiled by worldly things / like the lotus
hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, flower in the water. / Emerging from the
millions of nayutas of kalpas since I in fact earth …” (LSOC15, 263).
attained Buddhahood” (LSOC16, 265). Through 21. ‘Oko Kikigaki’ (The Recorded Lectures); not
this statement, he discards his provisional included in WND, vols. 1 or 2.
identity as the Buddha who first attained 22. Louis Fischer, The Life of Mahatma Gandhi
enlightenment under the bodhi tree in India (New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1983), 75.
and reveals his original enlightenment, or 23. Translated from Japanese. Tsunesaburo
the enlightenment he attained in the Makiguchi, Makiguchi Tsunesaburo
remote past. Zenshu (Collected Writings of Tsunesaburo
11. Henry David Thoreau, Walden and Civil Makiguchi),(Tokyo: Daisanbunmei-sha, 1984),
Disobedience (New York: Penguin Books, vol. 8, 365.
1983), 393. 24. Rabindranath Tagore, Wings of Death:
12. Three obstacles and four devils: Various The Last Poems of Rabindranath Tagore,
obstacles and hindrances to the practice of translated by Aurobindo Bose (London: John
Buddhism. The three obstacles are (1) the Murray, 1960), 88.
Study Resource 57
government in which the ruling cabinet
would be made up of members of
the House of Representatives (Lower
House) belonging to the party with the
majority popular vote. These protest
movements represented what historians
Chapter 4 later came to call ‘Taisho Democracy’. 2
In 1924, amid a rising movement to
THE NEW HUMAN REVOLUTION protect constitutional government, a
VOLUME 3 party cabinet was restored with a three-
party coalition led by Takaaki Kato.3 The
new government drew up a Universal
Manhood Suffrage Bill that would grant
(Reproduced from: 'Light of Peace', voting rights to all males over age 25.
Chap 4, The New Human Revolution, But many officials and bureaucrats
Vol. 3, 270–330) feared that holding elections in which
workers and farmers could vote would
58 Valuecreation
Suffrage Law had been implemented, an ominous and oppressive age of
the government passed the bill for the darkness.
Peace Preservation Law. This, indeed, is an unchanging truth
With the introduction of the Peace that has been borne out through time
Preservation Law, anyone organising and history.
a group or association with the intent
of altering the kokutai5 (national polity)
or voicing opposition to the system In December 1926, the curtain opened
of personal property was now subject on the Showa period,7 the start of the
to prosecution. The kokutai was the reign of Emperor Hirohito. A post-
political system centred on the emperor, World War I recession and the Great
whom the Meiji Constitution6 of 1889 Tokyo Earthquake8 of 1923 had dealt
had enshrined as sacred and inviolable successive blows to the Japanese
and the descendant of a lineal economy. And while the country had
succession unbroken through the ages. still not fully recovered from those
Ironically, just when the fruit economic shocks, it was buffeted by the
of Taisho Democracy, the Universal Great Depression9 of 1929.
Manhood Suffrage Law, was about to It was an era of violent change, both
be harvested, the Peace Preservation domestically and internationally. Serious
Law, which rode roughshod over social uncertainty led to a growing
people’s civil liberties, was introduced nationalist mood, and the military
by the same party cabinet. At the increased its influence in government
outset, few people could recognise the circles.
real nature and danger of this law. The Soka Kyoiku Gakkai (Society
In 1928, a ‘revision’ of the Peace for Value-Creating Education), the
Preservation Law was implemented. forerunner of the Soka Gakkai, was
The most significant changes were the born in 1930, in the very midst of this
addition of the death penalty and life turbulent age.
imprisonment to the list of possible The following year saw the outbreak
sentences for violators. of the Manchurian Incident,10 which
Just as a single termite can would lead Japan into a 15-year conflict
ultimately lead to the destruction of an with China (ultimately becoming the
entire house, this law was to undermine Sino-Japanese War of 1937-45). Many
and eventually lay waste the foundation Japanese citizens supported the fighting
of liberty and civil rights in Japan. in Manchuria, due largely to mass media
When political authority runs amok, reports preventing them from learning
it will invariably interfere in people’s the true nature of the conflict.
thinking and religious beliefs. People An example of this was the reports
must realise, therefore, that unless on the bombing of the South Manchuria
they are prepared to fight to defend Railway Company,11 the direct catalyst
freedom of thought and religious belief, for the Manchurian Incident. Japanese
they will find themselves plunged into newspapers and radio reported only
Study Resource 59
news the military had fabricated and opinion to oppose the war and prevent
made no attempt to protest Japan’s it from proceeding. Unfortunately, the
attack on Manchuria. media by and large became willing
A commentary in the September accomplices of the military, dashing off
19, 1931, edition of the Tokyo Asahi stories of military valour and heroism
Shimbun, one of the country’s largest and generally glorifying war.
national daily newspapers at the time, When the information portrayed
reads: “Japanese forces retaliated by the mass media is true, it can serve
swiftly in response to the heinous act as a guide for the public. What are
of Chinese forces blowing up the tracks people to do, however, when the media
of the South Manchuria Railway and collaborates with national political
attacking Japanese garrison units.” powers in hiding the truth?
Four days later, the September Journalists bear a truly heavy
23 edition of the same newspaper responsibility.
carried an explanation of the incident,
titled ‘A Quick Overview of the
Manchurian Incident’. The lead to the The military was quick to seize upon
article declared: “The reason for this the turmoil caused by several coup
incident lies not simply in the single attempts, such as the May 15 Incident12
occurrence of the Chinese forces in 1932 and the February 26 Incident13
viciously destroying our railway in in 1936, to steadily pave the way for a
South Manchuria but goes back to the military dictatorship. The military had
repeated violations by the Chinese viewed Japan’s withdrawal from the
government and citizens concerning League of Nations in March 1933 as
our rights and concessions pursuant to liberation from the annoying clamour of
the conditions of our territorial lease international opinion.
agreement in Manchuria.” Having strengthened its control
Being bombarded with news reports over Manchuria — which the Japanese
solely in this vein, it is not difficult to now called Manchukuo — Japan finally
understand why the Japanese people plunged into an all-out war with China,
came to harbour hostility towards sparked by what became known as the
the Chinese and view the annexing of Marco Polo Bridge Incident14 in July
Manchuria by Japan’s Guandong Army 1937.
as perfectly justified. By August, the Japanese
Already from that time, of course, government had passed a cabinet
the military controlled media reporting. resolution to draft a general outline
Heavy pressure would be brought to for the National Spiritual Mobilisation
bear on anyone who dared resist such Movement.15 Henceforth, the virtues of
control. ‘national unity’, ‘loyalty and patriotism’
Had the media not turned its back and ‘untiring perseverance’ were
on its original mission to report the extolled while such activities as worship
truth, it could have aroused public at Shinto shrines, reading the Imperial
60 Valuecreation
Rescript on Education16 at schools, of which were now solidly committed to
memorial services for the war dead and the goal of religious reform, took place
joyous send-offs for soldiers going to in a turbulent period in a Japanese
the front became compulsory. society rife with religious persecution.
The Soka Kyoiku Gakkai was In December 1935, the government
formally established in a meeting held had cracked down for a second time
in the fall of 1937. [Prior to that, the on the Omoto religious group and, in
organisation had been an informal September 1936, it began an assault on
association of like-minded educators, the Hito no Michi Kyodan (Way of Man
which had started under the leadership Organisation, today known as the PL
of Tsunesaburo Makiguchi in 1930 as Kyodan, the Church of Perfect Liberty).
a forum for sharing his theories on In the midst of this atmosphere
value-creating (soka) education. Regular of religious repression, Tsunesaburo
meetings had been held, and the group Makiguchi and Josei Toda courageously
had published its own journal, Shinkyo stood up, fully prepared to take on all
(New Education).] trials they might be made to bear.
According to an article titled ‘The It was a dark era, and Japan
Manifesto of the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai’ in was plunging along an ever more
the April 1936 issue of Shinkyo, the main perilous course. Developments such
objectives of the association were “the as the promulgation of the National
pursuit of pedagogical research centring Mobilisation Law17 and establishment
around the system of value-creating of the Imperial Rule Assistance
education, the implementation of a Association18 only served to deepen the
wide and comprehensive educational country’s commitment to war and unite
reform for the benefit of the long- the entire nation behind the war effort.
term future of the nation, and the In March 1941, as Japan’s relations
resulting creation of a framework for with the United States became
the advancement of a fundamental more strained and a military clash
revolution in the domain of religious looked imminent, a comprehensive
thought”. revision of the Peace Preservation
The significance of the Law was implemented. Under Article
announcement of its new platform was 7 of the revised statute, “groups or
that the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai, which organisations dedicated to spreading
had initially set out with the aim of heresy that either negates the kokutai,
educational reform, had now set to or debases the sanctity of Shinto shrines
work in earnest on a revolution in or the dignity of the Throne” were now
the realm of religious thought, which subject to prosecution under the law.
serves as an underlying foundation “Negating the kokutai” was
for all other aspects of human life and essentially a matter concerning the
endeavour. spiritual realm of the individual; it was
The formal inauguration ceremony not necessarily manifested as a physical
of the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai, the members act.
Study Resource 61
Hence, the law was saying that if the shall take as its highest honour
government deemed that someone’s becoming a living testimony to
opinions rejected Imperial authority, a truly holistic way of life, based
and that that person had formed on a correct and undistorted
a group of supporters with similar worldview.
opinions, he or she would be subject to
prosecution. Here, “short-sighted worldview”
What this meant in effect was that indicates an egocentric attitude in life
even the human spirit had been placed utterly indifferent to the welfare of
completely under state control. This others or to the prosperity of the whole,
was thought control in its most extreme where individuals care only about
form. their own well-being. A “long-sighted
worldview” refers to a way of life that
places sole virtue on laying aside all
The devilish nature of national authority personal desires and sacrificing oneself
now ran rampant in Japan. Against for the country, smothering personal
this backdrop, the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai identity and autonomy in the process.
convened a special general meeting Makiguchi’s remarks stood as a
at the Kyoritsu Auditorium in Kanda, bitter condemnation of militarism,
Tokyo, in April 1941. which devalued the life of the
In his address, Tsunesaburo individual, glorifying death and
Makiguchi declared: “Self-denial is a lie. inspiring people to go off to war.
What is right is to seek happiness for Instead, Makiguchi advocated as a
both oneself and for all others.” It was guiding principle for the Soka Kyoiku
a clear repudiation of the prevailing Gakkai “a correct and undistorted
mindset in wartime Japan of “self- worldview” that seeks to create a truly
abnegation for the public good”. peaceful and secure society for both
In October the previous year (1940), oneself and others. This describes a
the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai had adopted a way of life that aspires for a happiness
new platform and guiding principles. that encompasses not only the self but
The first item in that new platform was: others.
The true holism of which he speaks
The Soka Kyoiku Gakkai shall also implies harmony between the
neither be a gathering devoted individual and society — each individual
to selfish individualism based developing a solid self-identity through
on a short-sighted worldview Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism while
that is heedless of the welfare contributing to the creation of a more
of others; nor shall it be a humane society and striving for the
gathering dedicated to a prosperity of all.
counterfeit holism based on a In July 1941, the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai
long-sighted worldview that launched a new journal titled Kachi Sozo
neglects the self. Instead, it (Value Creation). Issue No. 5, which
62 Valuecreation
came out in December of that year — Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and his
the same month Japan attacked Pearl disciple and successor, Josei Toda, also
Harbour — featured an article titled turned their attention to this point.
‘Religious Reform Is Not Difficult’: As a result, the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai
raised the banner of religious reform
Following ideologies of while thought control was intensifying
uncertain origin that cannot be daily and the winds of militarism raged
substantiated by actual proof fiercely throughout the country.
— even if they may be the most Willing to lay down his life if
time-honoured tradition — and necessary, Makiguchi refuted the
thereby sacrificing our own position of State Shinto as a spiritual
and others’ precious lives must axle leading the entire nation to war
be strictly repudiated. It is on and spoke out against its grave error.
this point that the question of He also boldly refused to worship the
compulsory worship at Shinto Shinto talisman dedicated to the Sun
shrines must be re-examined Goddess, the leading tutelary god of
with pressing urgency. that faith.
Naturally, President Makiguchi was
As Japan was embarking on war in the tailed by the members of the Secret
Pacific, Makiguchi courageously strove Higher Police; they also attended his
to correct the error of State Shinto, meetings and, on occasion, ordered
which the government had set up as the him to stop speaking. But Makiguchi
nation’s spiritual pillar to rally support was fearless. Worried that his nation
for its war efforts. was headed towards ruin, he continued
to appeal loudly for reform in the
realms of thought and religion — areas
State Shinto viewed Japan as a land of so fundamental to illuminating the
the “living-man god” — the emperor. darkness of the age with the light of
Such a belief inevitably contradicts peace.
universal values of humanity and the Because of these activities, both
spirit of democracy. Not only does it Makiguchi and Toda were arrested on
nurture the idea that the Japanese are July 6, 1943, on charges of lèse-majesté
a special or “chosen” people, it also as well as alleged violation of the Peace
breeds discrimination towards people of Preservation Law. The government
other countries and races. could not tolerate a religion that existed
This view was largely responsible to benefit ordinary people.
for creating a spiritual climate that Nevertheless, Makiguchi did not
supported the drive to war. Ideologies retreat a single step. Even in the
and religions that nurture a sense of interrogation room, he declared: “The
superiority over others and proceed to emperor is just an ordinary person.
justify such discrimination are truly to When he was crown prince he attended
be feared. Gakushuin University and gained the
Study Resource 63
learning that would be required of him The war was over, Shin’ichi thought.
to perform his duties as emperor. Nor is Almost 15 years had passed, but the
the emperor infallible.” world’s peoples still suffered amid the
He was explicitly rejecting the flames of war.
notion that the emperor was a living The post-war world was divided by
god. On November 18, 1944, Makiguchi conflicting ideologies, giving rise to a
died in prison due to malnutrition and firmly entrenched Cold War. This sort
the toll his incarceration had taken on of rivalry had been transported to Asia,
his aged body. too, where more than a few countries
“Even if it seems that, because I was were falling victim to the tragedies of
born in the ruler’s domain, I follow war and internal conflict.
him in my actions,” Nichiren Daishonin The time had surely come for human
remarked, “I will never follow him in my kind to shift its focus from nations to
heart.” (WND-1, P. 579). human beings — to an awareness that
To the end of his life, Makiguchi we are all inhabitants of one world,
made this spirit his own, still resolutely members of the same global family.
upholding the flag of human dignity in Towards this end, a philosophy of
an era when human lives were utterly life itself was needed, a philosophy that
devalued and trampled underfoot. respected human diversity, strove for
harmony and accord among people and
was capable of bringing all humanity
The sky over Rangoon blazed with the together.
crimson glow of sunset. After standing It was also vital that people refuse
for a while before the monument to to allow themselves to be enslaved by
fallen soldiers, Shin’ichi Yamamoto the authority of any nation or particular
chanted daimoku again three times, group, and instead forge a solid and
then quietly moved on. invincible sense of self. Each individual
A pleasant breeze blew, and the would also have to break through
lingering rays of sunlight that streamed his or her own egoism, overcome
through the tree branches coloured his discrimination and prejudice and make
face. the precious light of humanity shine
Shin’ichi stopped for a moment and from within.
gazed at the brilliant redness of the Essential, in short, was the process
setting sun. of human revolution — of individual
“My brother was here in Burma,” self-improvement and perfection.
Shin’ichi thought. “He, too, must have It was Buddhism that revealed
seen this sunset.” the fundamental principles for
Times changed and history accomplishing this. Kosen-rufu meant
continued its dramatic surge forward. creating an age of human revitalisation,
But the sun was always constant. It of human renaissance, through
continued to shed its light serenely and Buddhism. This is what would cause the
equally upon the entire world. light of genuine peace to shine.
64 Valuecreation
Shin’ichi at this moment felt nearby. If fighting broke out and the
profoundly aware of the mission to cart was hit in the crossfire, all their
which he must devote himself — to go ammunition would explode. It was
forth throughout Asia for the goal of imperative that they move it.
peace. Hoping to convince the British
The goal was distant and the troops that they were ignorant of
journey to accomplish it imposing in their presence, the Japanese soldiers
magnitude. But he had to achieve cheerfully continued singing ‘Home,
it — this would be the constant and Sweet Home’ and ‘The Last Rose of
inescapable theme of his life. He began Summer’ as they went about moving
to think earnestly about what steps he the cart to a safe place. When they
must take in this direction. finished their work, they stopped
Shin’ichi and his companions then singing and prepared to attack. But,
went sightseeing around Rangoon. The at that moment, they heard the strains
Shwedagon Pagoda gleamed golden in of ‘Home, Sweet Home’ resounding
the light of sunset. As he walked around all around them. This time, it was the
the city, memories of his late brother British soldiers who were singing.
came rushing back to him one after Though the lyrics were English, it was
another. the same song. This was followed up by
a chorus of ‘The Last Rose of Summer’.
Both melodies were long-time
Whenever Shin’ichi thought of his favourites of the British and had made
brother who had died in Burma, he their way to Japan, where they were
was reminded of Harp of Burma, a novel given Japanese lyrics. The Japanese
by Michio Takeyama. It is the story of unit’s chorus of these well-known songs
a Japanese soldier, who decides to had struck a deep chord in the British
become a Buddhist monk and remain in soldiers’ hearts.
Burma after the war to dedicate the rest Japanese and British soldiers alike
of his life to tending to the graves of his raised their voices in song; in that
fallen comrades and offering prayers for instant they forgot all about distinctions
the repose of their spirits. of friend or foe. The fighting never
In one scene, a unit of Japanese started. The soldiers of both sides came
soldiers — not knowing that the war out and shook hands with one another.
is over and still on the run from the The Japanese unit learned from the
enemy — is surrounded by British forces. British that the war had ended three
Owing to the influence of their captain, days earlier. The spiritual bond that had
a music school graduate, this particular been forged between them through
unit often sang together. They were the power of song had prevented
mid-chorus when they realised they unnecessary bloodshed.
were being encircled by the British. Music and art know no boundaries;
They had left a cart loaded with although flavoured by national
ammunition cases out in the open characteristics, they have a universal
Study Resource 65
power to move people’s
As Shin’ichi took in
the sights of Rangoon, an
idea formed in his mind,
and as he contemplated
and developed this idea,
a clear, concrete image
gradually emerged.
The next day, February
9, he and the others left
Burma shortly before
noon, boarding a two-
hour flight to Bangkok,
the capital of Thailand.
Two men’s division members from After dinner, they returned to their
Japan were waiting to greet them on hotel. There they were visited by the
their arrival at the airport. Both men two men who had welcomed them at
were still relatively young in faith, but the airport. The whole group gathered
they had resolved together to exert for an informal discussion outside in the
themselves in sharing the Daishonin’s hotel garden.
Buddhism with others. Neither of these two local members
seemed to have much of an idea about
how to promote kosen-rufu activities.
That evening, Shin’ichi and the others Shin’ichi offered them guidance in a
had dinner at a Japanese restaurant in straightforward and lucid manner:
Bangkok. A female employee addressed “Practising faith is nothing
Shin’ichi. It turned out that she was a extraordinary. All you have to do is
Gakkai member. Although she had not be consistent in your morning and
been very active in her Buddhist practice, evening gongyo, and if some around
she said she recognised Shin’ichi and you are suffering over problems or
Women’s Division Chief Katsu Kiyohara worries, you can teach them about
from photographs of them in the Seikyo Buddhism. In other words, propagation
Shimbun and other Gakkai publications proceeds quite naturally through
she had seen back in Japan. cultivating friendships imbued with
When he had set out on this trip, warm concern and empathy for those
Shin’ichi had expected there would around you. There is no need to be
be no members at all in some of the impatient.
countries on their itinerary. But, as “When others who wish to join
it turned out, they had encountered you in practising faith appear, it will
members in every country they had be important that you encourage and
visited thus far. support each other. For that purpose,
66 Valuecreation
an organisation will become necessary. The long trip was finally beginning to
If you wish, we can establish a district take its toll on everyone; each member
here in Thailand, too, in the near future. of the group was visibly exhausted. One
We’ll also look into the possibility of reason Shin’ichi had suggested they
regularly sending leaders from Japan to dine at a Japanese restaurant was out of
encourage you and provide guidance. In consideration for High Priest Nittatsu as
any event, the time of kosen-rufu is at well as the others. Everyone had grown
hand. We are bound to see an increase tired of the unfamiliar local dishes
in membership in Thailand from here on and had begun to lose their appetite.
as well.” Shin’ichi hoped that a Japanese meal
It was still difficult for the two would restore their spirits.
men to clearly envision an increase in When the two local Japanese
Thailand’s membership, but the idea members had left, Shin’ichi Yamamoto
of establishing a district provided them continued to chat with his colleagues in
with a substantial goal they could his room.
work towards. “Let’s read the Gosho!” he
Compared with America and Brazil, proposed.
the seeds that had been sown for Taking out a copy of the Gosho from
kosen-rufu in Thailand were extremely his bag, he leafed through the pages
small and fragile. Nor was there any until he came to the ‘Record of the
guarantee that these precious seeds Orally Transmitted Teachings’. Shin’ichi
would not be washed away with the read a passage from the section titled
slightest rain or carried off by the wind. ‘The Key Passage of Each of the Twenty-
Only by lovingly tending each seed Eight Chapters [of the Lotus Sutra] and
and ensuring that it took root in society Its Significance’.
would a brilliant flowering of kosen-
rufu be possible. If you exert a hundred million
The Soka Gakkai’s efforts to eons of effort in a single mom
disseminate the Daishonin’s teachings ent of life, the three enlightened
were neither backed by national powers properties of the Buddha will
nor promoted through the dispatch appear within you at each
of missionaries. The Soka Gakkai’s moment. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
propagation was based on the inner means diligent practice.
motivation of ordinary people who (GZ, p. 790)
awoke to faith and stood up with a
sense of mission in the communities or This passage explains the lines from the
countries where they lived. That is why ‘Emerging from the Earth’ (15th) chapter
Shin’ichi devoted all his energy to trying of the Lotus Sutra: “In order that day
to awaken a sense of mission in each and night with constant diligence/they
person he met. may seek the Buddha way” (LS15, p. 220).
“What Nichiren Daishonin indicates
here,” Shin’ichi emphasised, “is that
Study Resource 67
if we concentrate infinite millennia Sutra. You cannot strike fire from flint
worth of effort into our prayer when if you stop halfway” (WND-1, P. 319).
chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo If you don’t keep striking the pieces
and exert ourselves earnestly in our of flint together, you can’t hope to
Buddhist practice, we can bring forth produce fire. In the same way, if you
the three enlightened properties of the are negligent or allow yourselves to
Buddha at each moment of our lives. succumb to inertia, you will end up
It also teaches us that chanting Nam- in defeat.”
myoho-renge-kyo itself is the practice
of diligently exerting oneself.
“While this passage gives expression Hearing Shin’ichi’s guidance based on
to the state of life of the original the Gosho, the other leaders felt as if
Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin, in terms of they had been shaken awake. Without
our own lives it means that if we exert realising it, they had at some point
ourselves and pray tirelessly for kosen- lapsed into simply trying to complete
rufu, we cannot fail to bring forth their schedule perfunctorily.
Buddha wisdom and great life force. Shin’ichi gazed directly at each
Thus it is possible to break through person, then continued: “Throughout
any deadlock and attain great victory. this trip, I’ve been thinking how we
However, to achieve this, it is essential should promote kosen-rufu in the Asian
that we do not neglect making diligent region. Theravada Buddhism, Hinduism
efforts. We should always work, think and Islam are the leading religions in
and strive twice as hard as others. many Asian countries, and they have
“All of us are beginning to feel been instrumental in shaping diverse
the fatigue of our long journey, but ethnic cultures and traditions.
we must remember that this is an “President Makiguchi said, ‘Don’t
important guidance trip that heralds judge things you don’t properly
the dawn of kosen-rufu in Asia. If we understand.’ But hardly anyone in
encounter even one member, we must Japan today correctly apprehends
encourage that person with all our these religions or cultures. To better
strength and being. This will pave the understand our Asian neighbours
way for the future. and form an accurate picture of
“Also, as we familiarise ourselves their religions, cultures and national
with the people, culture and characters, it will be important, I feel, to
circumstances of each country on this conduct in-depth study and research.
trip, we will have to think earnestly “Also, to spread the Daishonin’s
about what is needed to advance kosen- Buddhism, we will need to foster
rufu there. If we don’t stay focused, individuals who can conduct academic
our trip will be over and we won’t have research specifically on the Lotus Sutra
accomplished a thing. Each moment is and introduce the humanism and
decisive. The Daishonin writes: “Carry pacifism of Buddhism to the people of
through with your faith in the Lotus the world.
68 Valuecreation
“For those reasons, I propose The other leaders’ minds had been
that we establish an institute for the preoccupied with the organisation’s
research of Eastern philosophy, culture monthly propagation results back in
and ethnology. What do you say?” Japan. Everything Shin’ichi had said,
“A research institute?” Hisao Seki therefore, came as a complete surprise
echoed, looking somewhat perplexed. to them, leaving them struck with a
It was something he had never sense of admiration.
considered. “By musical exchange, do you mean,
“Such an institute will have great for example, dispatching our brass
significance in the future. We could call band to perform in India?” Kazumasa
it something like the Oriental Studies Morikawa ventured.
Institute or Asian Culture Research Shin’ichi smiled. “We might do
Centre. We could even establish something like that, too, at some point.
two branches: one in Tokyo and the But first, I think we should establish
other in Osaka. The institute could an association for musical and cultural
publish its own magazine. Gradually exchange that can introduce music and
we would build it into one of Japan’s dance not only from Asia but from all
leading research institutes in Eastern parts of the world, and of all genres —
philosophy, culture and ethnic studies.” classical, folk and modern. I’m thinking
As they listened to Shin’ichi, they slowly of launching activities to link people’s
glimpsed his grand vision. Not until hearts through music and art. Kosen-
many years later, however, would they rufu is a movement to cultivate the
fully appreciate its significance. potential within human life, to bring
“There is another idea that I’ve peace and culture to blossom through
been mulling over. The basis of genuine the ideals of Buddhism.
world peace will be formed by the “Therefore, how much we can
fostering of mutual understanding contribute to peace and culture
through a grassroots exchange that becomes an issue of vital importance.
transcends distinctions of race, nation There is the concept known as ‘the
and ideology. fusion of the Buddhist Law and secular
“To this end, exchanges in art law’. Our contributions to peace
and culture will be indispensable. and culture fall under the category
Music, dance and works of art occupy of ‘secular law’. Art and education,
a dimension that transcends borders. government and politics, business and
While they may be distinctively ethnic the economy — in fact, all spheres
in flavour, they also have a quality of human endeavour fall under this
that makes them universally accessible. category. The Buddhist Law functions
This quality is what prompts me to to cultivate people’s lives, which in turn
consider promoting exchange in music serve as the fertile soil from which a
and the arts.” society’s culture springs and flourishes.
The ‘fusion’ of Buddhism and secular
matters means that Buddhism and
Study Resource 69
society should be in accord at the of buildings under construction.
deepest level. It does not imply that Motorbikes and compact three-wheeled
they should be unified into a single automobiles known as sam lo honked
system or form. noisily as they sped on their way. Amid
“In our own lives, we demonstrate the clamour, Shin’ichi felt the energy
this principle when, as a natural and vitality of this rapidly developing
result of polishing and perfecting our land.
character through faith, we awaken Shin’ichi said to High Priest
to our mission to create a new era and Nittatsu, who was riding in the same
work to contribute to society and to car: “I heard somewhere that ‘Thai’ of
peace. It is the individual human being, Thailand means ‘Freedom’. This ‘Land of
the human spirit, that links Buddhism Freedom’ is in fact the only South-East
to secular affairs, to society. Therefore, Asian country to have maintained its
the religious mission of Buddhists is independence from colonial rule before
ultimately to fulfil their mission as and after the war.”
human beings in society. Only a religion “Really?” Nittatsu replied. “They say
that enables people to do this may be that ‘the name reveals the substance’,
called a ‘living religion’. and this would seem to be a perfect
“Buddhism is not mere theory. example of that principle.”
Genuine religious faith enables the During the war, however, Japanese
banner of human triumph to be raised militarism had threatened Thailand’s
amid the realities of this world. This is independence. Simultaneous with
why I am desperately trying to pave Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbour on
the way for peace and culture. And for December 8, 1941, which sparked the
this reason I propose that we establish Pacific War, Japanese forces began to
an institute to research Oriental march on Thailand to gain a foothold
philosophy, ethnicity and culture as well for a subsequent invasion of Burma.
as an association to promote music and In the fighting, several hundred Thais
the performing arts.” were killed. Although Japanese forces
Shin’ichi’s ideas were later realised guaranteed Thailand its independence,
with the founding of the Institute of they continued to station themselves on
Oriental Studies [now the Institute of its soil and exert considerable pressure.
Oriental Philosophy] and the Min-On When he thought of Asia’s wartime
Concert Association, both of which history, Shin’ichi felt deeply pained.
have become important forces for the The construction by Japanese forces
creation of cultural awareness and of a railway linking Thailand and Burma
understanding. was completed at the cost of untold
lives. The Japanese army began work
on the project in July 1942, the year
They spent the next day sightseeing after it established itself in Thailand,
around Bangkok. As they drove through to secure a supply route to ground
the bustling streets, they saw a number forces in Burma. It was a formidable,
70 Valuecreation
backbreaking project that involved the Emerald Buddha, an important
cutting a path through dense tropical royal temple located near the Chao
jungle. But the entire 415-km railway Phraya River. Rising from the temple
was built with astonishing speed, taking compound, which was enclosed by a
only 16 months to complete. white wall, were a magnificent golden
Some 55,000 British and other stupa and a tower called a prang. The
Allied prisoners of war, along with orange and green roof tiles of the
some 70,000 labourers [some sources temple buildings gleamed brilliantly in
put the figure at 200,000 or 300,000] the sunlight.
forcibly brought in from other parts of As he was viewing the architecture
South-East Asia, were put to work on and ornamentation of the buildings
the railroad project. More than 11,000 in detail, Shin’ichi learned from their
Allied pows died, and more than half guide that Thailand’s Grand Palace
of the Asian labourers never made it was located right next door. The
back to their homelands. The death toll guide remarked happily: “Their Royal
was so great it was rumoured that one Highnesses have just returned this
person died for every crosstie laid. January from a tour of the United
Shin’ichi thought: “Wherever one States and Europe, which they began
goes in Asia, there are scars of war last June.” His love and respect for
inflicted by the Japanese army. To the Thai monarchs were evident in his
ensure that we never again commit such expression.
folly, it is vital that we Japanese do not The Thai people placed great trust
forget these historical facts. We must in their royal family, particularly in the
humbly recognise what we have done.” young king Rama IX, also known as
At the same time, as a Japanese, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, whom they
Shin’ichi resolved henceforth to share respected as a wise and courageous
the sufferings of his Asian neighbours ruler. The king was only 33 years old —
while forging the way for them to enjoy the same age as Shin’ichi.
true peace and happiness. From Wat Phra Kaew, the group
moved on to Wat Arun, which stood on
the opposite side of the Chao Phraya
Here in Bangkok, too, the group was River. The temple’s huge tower, so
scheduled to visit several of the city’s tall it seemed to touch the sky, was
major Buddhist temples. One purpose surrounded by four smaller towers, all
was to gather architectural references of which were inlaid with multicoloured
for the Grand Reception Hall slated to ceramic tiles. Because Wat Arun shone
be built at the head temple and for the so beautifully in the light of the
Grand Main Temple (Sho-Hondo), which morning sun, it had become known as
Shin’ichi Yamamoto also envisioned the Temple of Dawn.
building there in the future. Next, the group visited Wat
Their first stop was the Wat Phra Benchamabophit, the Marble Temple.
Kaew, also known as the Temple of As its name suggests, the entire
Study Resource 71
structure, except for the roof and always ached when he thought of Toda
ornamental windows, was built of passing away at the relatively young
Carrara marble. age of 58. Although he understood
Shin’ichi related his impressions intellectually that Toda had completed
to High Priest Nittatsu: “Each of the his mission in this lifetime, Shin’ichi still
temples we’ve seen is gorgeous and couldn’t help feeling that his death had
majestic. But when I consider Nichiren come too soon.
Daishonin’s spirit, I don’t think the Shin’ichi himself had been told
buildings at the head temple need as a youth that he would be lucky to
to be so dazzling and ornate. Rather, live until he was 30. Yet here he was
they ought to be of simple and sturdy travelling around Asia in relatively good
construction, a simplicity that is health. It seemed to him almost as
beautiful in itself.” though his mentor had bequeathed to
“Do you think so?” the high priest him the years of his life he himself had
responded. “Actually, I was thinking the been unable to live.
same thing.” Shin’ichi addressed Toda in his
“From here on,” Shin’ichi continued, heart: “Sensei! I, Shin’ichi, am now in
“people from all over the world will Cambodia. I’ve come to spread the light
gather at the head temple. That’s why of peace throughout Asia, just as you
I’d really like to think about building wished. It is still just a faint glimmer, but
superb religious structures that embody I’ll do my best to ensure that, one day,
the themes of humanism and globalism. the brilliant sun of happiness will shine
I hope you’ll allow me to offer my without fail on all the people of Asia.”
fullest support to that end.” Whenever he thought of his mentor,
The two continued to talk amicably Shin’ichi felt a surge of energy flood his
about future plans for the head temple. entire being.
Shin’ichi had grown deeply aware
of this profound bond with his mentor
Having completed their itinerary in when he took on the first real battle
Thailand, Shin’ichi Yamamoto and his that Toda had ever directly entrusted
party left for their next destination, to him, in February 1952. He had been
Cambodia, on February 11. They caught appointed a staff member of Kamata
a 7:30 a.m. flight from Bangkok to Chapter and had taken leadership in
Siem Reap, where they planned to directing the chapter’s propagation
visit the temples Angkor Wat and efforts.
Angkor Thom. At the chapter kick-off meeting
February 11 was Josei Toda’s following his appointment, Shin’ichi
birthday. frankly shared his sentiments, calling
At the hotel in Siem Reap, Shin’ichi’s to the members present: “February is
thoughts turned to his late mentor. the month of the Daishonin’s birth, and
Were Toda still alive, he would have February 11 is the day President Toda
been 61 on this day. Shin’ichi’s heart was born.
72 Valuecreation
“While it goes without saying of Kamata Chapter as a chapter staff.
that it’s because of the Daishonin Shin’ichi did not want to let Toda’s
appearance in this world we could goal remain unfulfilled. Indeed, he was
encounter this Buddhism, we also owe absolutely determined that this should
much to President Toda’s courageous, not happen.
solitary struggle for kosen-rufu. We Fighting spirit and energy welled up
have all received great benefit and inside him with the profound resolve to
become happy. take personal responsibility — as Toda’s
“To show our gratitude, let’s disciple and on his mentor’s behalf —
celebrate the month of President Toda’s to see that a membership of 750,000
birthday and answer his expectations by households was realised.
thoroughly challenging ourselves and As the members of Kamata Chapter
achieving a truly magnificent victory in listened to Shin’ichi’s words at the kick-
our activities.” off meeting, they became aware of
As Shin’ichi pondered how, as a his devotion and commitment to Josei
disciple, he could celebrate Toda’s 52nd Toda; they learned the true spirit of a
birthday, he resolved to initiate a fresh disciple.
surge of momentum for kosen-rufu. Shin’ichi had narrowed the gap
between them and Toda. They now felt
much closer to their mentor in spirit.
Never for a moment did Shin’ichi forget Courage and a sense of mission to work
the pledge Josei Toda made at his with Toda for kosen-rufu was activated
inauguration as second president on deep within them.
May 3, 1951 — a pledge to achieve a When disciples have a seeking spirit
membership of 750,000 households. towards their mentor and determine to
In fact, Shin’ichi had made it his fight alongside him, then the mentor’s
personal goal in life as well. But the life — the mentor’s commitment to
pace of the Gakkai’s propagation kosen-rufu — pulses and flows through
efforts in 1952 was far too slow to the disciples’ veins.
actualise Toda’s vision. Even the Filled with a deep sense of pride
largest chapters grew up to around and the spirit to challenge, the
100 households at the very most each Kamata Chapter members joyously
month. “At this rate,” Shin’ichi thought, dedicated themselves to their
“President Toda’s declaration will end activities. In February, they gained
up a hollow promise.” an unprecedented 201 new member
He was deeply concerned and households.
troubled by this. However, all his time “We can do it if we try!”
and energy were consumed with trying In the midst of their great joy,
to rebuild Toda’s still shaky company. everyone became keenly aware of
Then, one day, while he was still this truth.
grappling with these problems, Toda This stunning achievement by
instructed him to oversee the activities Kamata Chapter became an inspiration
Study Resource 73
for the rest of the country, opening the west of the complex, the central
the way for the accomplishment of building with its tiered stone galleries
Toda’s goal of 750,000 households. and five towers soared high above them.
The struggle waged by Shin’ichi in Angkor Wat was originally a Hindu
Kamata Chapter is also the origin of the temple, but in the early 15th century,
‘February tradition’, signifying a great after the fall of Angkor, Buddhist
leap forward in the propagation of the statues and images were introduced,
Daishonin’s Buddhism. and it became a temple of Theravada
Buddhism. Angkor Wat became known
to the Western world after its discovery
C ambodia was the last country they by the French naturalist Henri Mouhot
would visit on this Asian tour. After (1826-61). His detailed journals of his
brief stopovers again in Thailand visit there in 1860 instantly brought the
and Hong Kong, they would make temple ruins — known only to a handful
their way back to Japan. Shin’ichi of local pilgrims — into the world
was inexpressibly happy to spend limelight.
Toda’s birthday here in this last new As the group made their way down
destination of Cambodia. the central path leading to the inner
He brought out a photograph of shrine, the structure seemed to loom
his mentor from his breast pocket and ever larger above them. Once inside,
gazed at it for some time. they came upon a precipitously steep
stairway cut into the wall of the temple.
“Do you think you can manage the
Shortly after 2:00 p.m., the group left climb?” Shin’ichi asked the high priest.
the hotel by car. Within a short time, “Of course,” he responded, “I’ve
they came to a wide open area. They come this far, haven’t I?”
had arrived at Angkor Wat. With laboured breath, they climbed
King Suriyavarman II (r.c. 1113–50) the stone steps in one stretch.
built this magnificent temple at the From the lichen-covered interior of
height of the Angkorian period, when the shrine, they could see the lush green
a succession of Khmer kings ruled forest stretching out below all around
from the city of Angkor from the ninth them. The breeze was refreshing.
through 15th centuries. It is said the Next, they went to have a look at
temple took more than 30 years to the temple’s galleries. The walls were
build. In ancient Khmer language, adorned with relief carvings depicting
angkor means ‘city’ and wat, ‘temple’. scenes of Cambodian mythology, of the
Surrounding the colossal structure is king ruling the land as well as of the
a moat more than 190 m wide and some daily lives of the people and the natural
5.4 km in circumference. environment. However, signs of damage
As they made their way along and erosion from relentless, centuries-
the stone-paved avenue of the main long battering by the elements were
entrance, an approach made from much in evidence.
74 Valuecreation
Pointing to one of the stone “Really? I recall the famous opening
columns, their guide said that a lines from that novel, ‘The bells of the
Japanese traveller who had visited the Jetavana Monastery resound, tolling
site centuries ago had left his signature life’s impermanence.’ The desolation
behind. The group saw that Japanese and ruin all around here certainly give a
characters had been written on the palpable sense of life’s impermanence,
stone in black Chinese ink. don’t they?” Katsu Kiyohara said,
Katsu Kiyohara exclaimed: “Look, genuinely moved.
it really is Japanese! Does this mean “You’re right,” Shin’ichi said.
Japanese have been fond of writing “Looking at these ruins, it’s easy to
graffiti since olden times?” imagine how magnificent Angkorian
Her choice of the word graffiti culture must have been at the height
elicited a burst of good-natured of its splendour. It must have been one
laughter from her companions. of the great treasures of humanity. Yet,
several centuries later, these ruins are
all that remain of that former glory.
The Japanese writing on the side of the Ultimately, if there are no successors,
square column at Angkor Wat indicated everything will decline and be
that on New Year’s day of the ninth destroyed with the passing of time.
year of Japan’s Kan’ei era (1632), a man “This applies equally to the Gakkai.
named Morimoto Ukondayu, having Without successors to correctly pass
travelled thousands of miles across the on the Gakkai spirit, the organisation
sea, had enshrined a Buddhist statue on will degenerate, decay and eventually
this site so that he could offer prayers die. Everything depends on people,
here for his late father’s repose and for on those who can perpetuate and
his mother’s good circumstances in her carry on the tradition and legacy of
next lifetime. those before them. We, therefore,
“The ninth year of Kan’ei...” Hisao have a truly momentous mission. If
Seki mused. “If I remember correctly, Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism is to be
that was shortly before the Tokugawa perpetuated throughout all time, we
shogunate instituted an isolationist must ensure that the flame of President
policy that barred travel abroad. Still, I Toda’s spirit is never extinguished.”
wonder what made someone come all This was the vow that Shin’ichi had
this way more than 300 years ago?” made as a disciple on Toda’s birthday.
“Back in those days, Japanese The group continued to Angkor
believed this temple to be the Jetavana Thom, a walled city also dating from the
Monastery, where Shakyamuni spent Angkorian period, before returning to
much of the latter years preaching the their hotel around nightfall.
Law,” High Priest Nittatsu explained. That evening, they were visited
“It was well known to them because by a Japanese member — a business
it appeared in the famous classical representative stationed by his company
Japanese novel The Tale of the Heike.” in Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City),
Study Resource 75
Vietnam. Shin’ichi warmly welcomed
the man, who had travelled all the
way to Cambodia just to see them.
Including this latest visitor, the group Zero multiplied by any other
had now met members in every country number is still zero. But the
on their journey. Shin’ichi asked the number one, when multiplied
man all about Vietnam and offered
him encouragement in faith. He then
by any positive number, will
told him: “Let’s establish a district in always produce a positive
Vietnam, too. If there is one ardently number. ‘One’ has infinite
committed individual, a path can be potential. Therefore, even if
opened.” The man’s face lit up. there is only one member, we
must cherish and foster that
The next day, February 12, the group left person and help him or her
Cambodia for Bangkok. They stayed one become strong in faith
night and then flew straight to Hong
Kong on the 13th. At the airport in
Hong Kong, they were welcomed again
by some local members who, when they With a warm smile, Shin’ichi began
saw Shin’ichi enter the lobby, waved at walking over to the members. But when
him enthusiastically, jumping up and he saw Ikuyo Oka, he headed instead
down with excitement. towards the airport shops. He wanted
“Isn’t it strange,” Morikawa to purchase a set of stamps from around
remarked, “how everyone’s more the world. Remembering that at the
animated and cheerful than the first discussion meeting at Mrs Oka’s house
time we met them?” on their earlier visit to Hong Kong, her
“People have a great potential for son had told Shin’ichi that his hobby
change,” Shin’ichi said without pause. was stamp-collecting, Shin’ichi was
“A Buddhist leader is committed to fulfilling his promise to bring the boy
enlivening and revitalising others, a world stamp set as a present on his
instilling them with hope and courage. return trip. Mrs Oka was surprised and
By contrast, those who rob people humbled by President Yamamoto’s
of their enthusiasm and vigour and thoughtfulness when he presented her
cast a pall over their joy epitomise with the stamp set to give to her son.
the activities of ‘devilish functions’ “I hope you don’t mind if I have
in Buddhism. This is the case with Mr Seki, one of our veteran directors,
leaders who become egocentric in their attend the discussion meeting you’ve
thinking — they end up behaving as planned this evening on behalf of all of
‘devilish functions’. That’s why we have us,” he said to Mrs Oka.
to stay constantly on guard against such “Please have a really enjoyable
individuals.” meeting.”
76 Valuecreation
The group first checked their throwing up your hands and declaring
luggage at the hotel and then went out yourself at a loss will get you nowhere.
to do some shopping — their purpose: Have you given any thought to what
to buy souvenirs for colleagues back in you hope to have achieved in each
Japan who were taking care of things in country in 30 years?”
their absence. “In 30 years?” Kazumasa Morikawa
While Hisao Seki went off to attend repeated, not knowing what to say.
that evening’s discussion meeting, “My personal hope, for instance, is
the rest of the leaders gathered that we’ll have a membership of several
with Shin’ichi to discuss plans for the tens of thousands here in Hong Kong
immediate future. by then. Another dream I have is to
The first item on the agenda was build facilities that surpass our present
how to go about developing local Soka Gakkai Headquarters building, not
organisations in the various Asian only in Hong Kong, but in Thailand and
countries they had visited. India, too. Unless we achieve this kind
Eisuke Akizuki shared his opinion: of growth, we’ll never realise President
“On this trip, we confirmed that there Toda’s ardent wish for kosen-rufu in
are members in each country, with the Asia. The time has come.
exception of Cambodia. But I think “It’s very significant that on this
it will be very difficult to actually go trip we encountered members in each
ahead and establish local organisations country we visited, even if only a few.
in these countries at this stage.” Zero multiplied by any other number
Morikawa nodded and said: “Yes. is still zero. But the number one, when
Even if we set up a district in each multiplied by any positive number, will
country, there is no one qualified to always produce a positive number. ‘One’
become a district leader. In my opinion, has infinite potential. Therefore, even
the members are still very weak in faith. if there is only one member, we must
Even if we were to appoint people cherish and foster that person and help
to leadership positions, it’s doubtful him or her become strong in faith. We
whether they’d be able to fulfil the have to think about what is necessary to
responsibility such positions demand.” achieve this.
“First, I think we’ll have to
implement a concrete system of
The other directors fell silent, each face dispatching leaders regularly from the
showing deep concern. “Mr Morikawa,” Headquarters to give guidance to the
Shin’ichi said, smiling, “If a leader feels members in these countries. The sooner
that a person is weak in faith, it is the we do this the better.
leader’s challenge to help strengthen “Why not introduce this system in
that person’s faith and conviction. This Asia first, before the rest of the world,
is particularly important for you, since and try to implement it by May? Let’s
you will soon be the general chapter ask leaders of the director level and
chief for all of South-East Asia. Just leaders from Okinawa, which is close
Study Resource 77
to South-East Asia, to participate. Later why don’t you set yourselves a target
we’ll establish a district in each Asian to accomplish a membership of 100
country. Let’s do so gradually, however, households here in Hong Kong?”
without haste.” Shin’ichi suggested. “I know it sounds
The blueprint for building the like a lot, but if you set a goal that can
organisation in Asia was slowly taking be achieved without any great effort, no
shape. one will have an opportunity to grow.
The discussion turned to upcoming “If you set out to accomplish a
activities in Japan. They came up with a substantial, difficult goal, you will
detailed schedule up to May 3, the first have no choice but to pray earnestly
anniversary of Shin’ichi’s inauguration to the Gohonzon. Then you will not
as president. only experience benefit but when
When they had finished you accomplish your objective, you’ll
deliberating, Shin’ichi said: “Great. be filled with deep joy and will gain
That’s it, then. Tomorrow when we get absolute confidence in the power of
back to Japan, let’s discuss these points faith. So it’s better to set yourselves a
with the entire board of directors and big goal.”
immediately set to work putting them Shin’ichi had begun in earnest
into action.” training these two women as district
Already, his mind was refocussed leaders.
on Japan. If they were to accomplish When he saw that Mrs Oka had
global kosen-rufu, they would have to brought a copy of the Gosho with her,
create a model for the spread Shin’ichi said: “Let me write something
of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism for you and all the members of Hong
in Japan. They would first have to Kong to commemorate our visit.”
achieve their membership target of Inside the cover of her copy of
3 million households to establish a solid the Gosho, he wrote the words:
foundation for the Soka Gakkai. “Illuminated by the Mystic Law, may
Shin’ichi got up and walked to the you become a person of unsurpassed
window. Gazing into the distance, he happiness.”
said: “Let’s move forward. Let’s keep Hugging the volume close to her,
advancing.” Mrs Oka said: “President Yamamoto,
when can we expect to see you again in
Hong Kong?”
February 14 — the day of their return “I’ll definitely come again next year,
to Japan — had at last arrived. Ikuyo and the next. So please don’t worry,”
Oka and Kimie Hirata came to the Shin’ichi told them with a smile. He
hotel shortly after 9:00 a.m. to take the shook hands firmly with both of them
visitors to the airport. and said goodbye.
There, Shin’ichi encouraged the The plane took off from Hong
two leaders right until it was time to Kong’s Kai Tak Airport just after
board the flight. “For the time being, 11:00 a.m.
78 Valuecreation
Having fulfilled another of the “Welcome back!”
vows he had made to his mentor — of “It’s good to have you home!”
bringing the first faint light of peace In a voice brimming with energy,
to shine on Asia outside of Japan — Shin’ichi said to the leaders who
Shin’ichi felt refreshed and invigorated. had come to greet them: “Thank you.
In the fall, Europe awaited them. And Now I’ve returned to encourage the
at this time next year, they would travel to members in Japan. We’ve created a
West Asia, as well. His plans for realising milestone for kosen-rufu in Asia.
the worldwide spread of the Daishonin’s The members in Hong Kong have
Buddhism, which he had taken as his stood up! Now let’s set our sights
personal mission, knew no bounds. on Japan, the foremost arena of
It was after 3:00 p.m. in Japan kosen-rufu!”
when they landed at Tokyo’s Haneda His voice resounded like a lion’s roar.
International Airport. When Shin’ichi The organisation in Japan was now
came out into the airport waiting room, about to begin a dynamic new phase in
loud applause greeted him. its development.
1. Rice riots of 1918: A series of widespread greater territorial concessions from China.
popular disturbances in response to spiralling He became prime minister, presiding
rice prices and the government’s failure to over a three-party cabinet, in 1924. His
take remedial measures. The riots led to administration saw the passage of the
the collapse of the Terauchi government Universal Manhood Suffrage Law and the
(1916-18) and the formation of the first party Peace Preservation Law.
cabinet in Japan in which the head of the 4. Soviet-Japanese Basic Convention: A
majority party in the House of Representatives convention that embodied the basic rules
became prime minister. for relations between Japan and the Union
2. Taisho Democracy: A term coined by of Soviet Socialist Republics. It constituted
Japanese historians after World War II to refer Japan’s recognition of the new Soviet
to the democratic ideals and movements of regime following the communist revolution,
early 20th-century Japan; generally refers to restoring bilateral diplomatic relations
the political currents in the period between and guaranteeing reciprocal freedom of
the end of the Russo-Japanese War in 1905 movement and protection of its nationals in
and the end of party government in 1932, each other’s territories.
spanning the Taisho period (which ended 5. Kokutai: Translated variously as the ‘national
in 1926). The democracy of this period, polity’, ‘national entity’, or ‘national essence’.
rather than suggesting popular sovereignty Refers specifically to the belief that Japan was
and a rejection of Imperial rule, stood for unique by virtue of its rule by an unbroken
government by and for the people, but in the imperial line.
name of the emperor. 6. Meiji Constitution: In 1889, the Japanese
3. Takaaki Kato (1860-1926): Japanese government adopted a constitution that
statesman and politician. As foreign minister permitted a weak House of Representatives,
in 1914, he was a key player in Japan’s limited franchise and political parties.
decision to participate in World War I. In 7. Showa period: Era in recent Japanese history
1915, he pushed through negotiations for from 1926-89. Marks the reign of Emperor
Study Resource 79
Showa (Hirohito) who passed away in January 1906-45 in the management of railway lines,
1989, the longest imperial reign in Japanese the administration of railway zones and the
history. Crown Prince Hirohito ascended the economic construction and development
throne in December 1926, adopting the era of Japan’s Guandong Leased Territory in
name Showa (‘Enlightened Peace’) for his southern Manchuria. It was a major vehicle
reign. Following tradition, he was named for Japanese investment and development
Emperor Showa on his death. and provided Japan with a powerful base in
8. Great Tokyo Earthquake of 1923: A Manchuria for its future thrust into East Asia.
devastating earthquake that would have 12. May 15 Incident: On May 15, 1932, Prime
registered 7.9 on today’s Richter scale, Minister Tsuyoshi Inukai was assassinated in
which struck Tokyo shortly before noon an attempted coup d’état by radical young
on September 1, 1923. The earthquake army officers; his death brought an end to
caused great destruction and widespread party rule.
fires. The death toll exceeded 90,000, with 13. February 26 Incident: An attempted coup
approximately 700,000 homes destroyed. d’état in Tokyo, February 26-29, 1936, in
9. The Great Depression: World financial crisis which troops led by radical junior officers
started by the Great Crash of the Wall Street assassinated a number of political figures
stock market in America in October 1929. and occupied the centre of Tokyo. The
10. Manchurian Incident (1931-33): The conquest coup attempt failed, but an uneasy mood
and subjugation of Manchuria by the remained.
Guandong Army, the Imperial Japanese 14. Marco Polo Bridge Incident: Also known
Army’s field command responsible for as the Lukou-qiao Incident; a minor clash
defending the territory of Guandong leased between Chinese and Japanese troops on
by Japan from China. The conflict was the outskirts of Beiping (now Beijing), which
directly triggered by an attack on the Chinese marked the real start of the Sino-Japanese
garrison in the political centre of Mukden War of 1937-45.
(now Shenyang) on the night of September 15. National Spiritual Mobilisation Movement:
18, 1931 by Guandong Army units. China Movement launched in 1937 to promote
had originally granted Russia a lease on this popular support for the war against China and
territory, but under the terms of the treaty to combat domestic dissent.
concluding the Russo-Japanese War, all of 16. Imperial Rescript on Education: A 315-
Russia’s rights were ceded to Japan. China word edict issued in the name of Emperor
had approved the lease’s transfer, but in the Meiji in October 1890 setting forth the
late 1920s, it sought to reclaim control of guiding principles of education in Japan.
the territory. The Japanese, however, were Paying tribute to the uniqueness of Japan’s
determined to hold on to their possessions in national polity and the virtues of loyalty to
this strategically important and resource-rich the emperor, it was used as an instrument
area. The Guandong Army justified its attack for political indoctrination. The Ministry
on Mukden as retaliation for an attempt of Education ordered principals to read
by Chinese forces to destroy the tracks the rescript at special school assemblies,
of the Japanese-owned South Manchuria while students were required to study and
Railway, an act that had actually been staged memorise it. It remained in force until the end
by members of the Guandong Army as a of World War II.
pretext to launch hostilities. In 1932, Japan 17. National Mobilisation Law: Introduced to
established the puppet state of Manchukuo facilitate mobilisation of Japan’s private
in this disputed territory, and in early 1933, industry, civilian work force and material
after a 16-month conflict, annexed all of resources for the war effort during World War
Manchuria. Growing anti-Japanese sentiment II.
eventually led to the Sino-Japanese War of 18. Imperial Rule Assistance Association:
1937-45. Established in October 1940. Served as
11. South Manchuria Railway Company: A semi- agency for promoting wartime home-front
official Japanese company engaged from mobilisation.
80 Valuecreation
` 320
Order Online at
…by studying
The New Human Revolution,
volume 3
for a tour of Asian countries. In Hong Kong, he
establishes the first district in Asia outside Japan.
commitment to kosen-rufu burned
like a flame. It was also fuelled by a
fiery anger at the evil of authoritarian
power, which had killed his beloved
mentor and subjected the Japanese
people to extremes of suffering.
Chapter 4 Under pressure from the authorities,
most of his fellow members had
THE NEW HUMAN REVOLUTION renounced their faith, and there was no
VOLUME 4 one for him to turn to. Toda knew that
the future of kosen-rufu rested solely on
his shoulders. He resolved to stand alone
and single-handedly raise the banner
(Reproduced from: 'Rissho Ankoku', of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism.
Chap 4, The New Human Revolution, From that day on, the water of the Law
Vol. 4, 217–74) flowed forth abundantly — what had
been an underground stream began to
82 Valuecreation
The real reason for their persecution Traditionally, Japanese religion,
was that the military, trying to enslave including Japanese Buddhism, had been
the people with State Shinto as the co-opted by the ruling powers. They
nation’s spiritual pillar and carry out received protection and sponsorship by
its bloody war, could not tolerate an actively supporting the government’s
organisation that spread a Buddhism policies and wishes.
that taught the ideals of human dignity, The great 19th-century Japanese
freedom and equality. thinker and educator Fukuzawa Yukichi
Though the war was long over and a observed in his An Outline of a Theory of
democratic system had been established Civilisation:
in Japan, Shin’ichi knew that the treach
erous tendency of authority that sought Religion works within the hearts
to enslave people remained unchanged. of men. It is something absolute
Shin’ichi had personally experienced ly free and independent,
this during the Osaka Incident, when not controlled in any way or
the authorities falsely accused him of dependent upon their powers.
election law violations and had him But while this is the way religion
arrested. By a remarkable coincidence, ought to be, such has not been
the day of his arrest was July 3, 1957, the case here in Japan.1
the same day that, 12 years earlier, his
mentor had been released from prison. And of Buddhism’s acquiescence to
secular authority, he noted:
When Shin’ichi Yamamoto recalled the If you inquire into the basis of
interrogation he had been subjected to this power, you will find it is
at the Osaka District Prosecutors Office, not religion. They have simply
he quaked with indignation. Despite borrowed the government’s
his innocence, the investigators had power. Ultimately, they are
threatened to arrest Josei Toda unless nothing else but a branch of
Shin’ichi confessed. Such unscrupulous secular authority.
tactics made the authorities’ dark intent Buddhism has flourished,
all too clear: They were determined to true. But its teaching has
undermine the Soka Gakkai by whatever been entirely absorbed by
means necessary. political authority. What shines
The government feared the throughout the world is not the
emergence of a new populist radiance of Buddha’s teachings
movement. It felt gravely threatened by but the glory of Buddhism’s
the Gakkai’s efforts to awaken people political authority. 2
to their social mission — to the fact
that the people were central — and This has been the means by which
encourage them to influence the way every school of Japanese Buddhism has
the country was run. escaped persecution by the author
Study Resource 83
ities and guaranteed its survival arrest. He had felt compelled to do so.
and prosperity. If the Soka Gakkai Before that, on July 12, he convened
had followed the wishes of those in a general meeting of members in the
power, shut its eyes to social injustice Tokyo area at the National Sports Arena
and suffering, and become a “dead in Kuramae, Tokyo, to condemn the
religion”, concerned only with a actions of the Osaka Prefectural Police
peaceful afterlife and solace here on Headquarters and the Osaka District
Earth, it would never have come into Prosecutors Office.
conflict with the government. On his arrival in Osaka, Toda
But such a religion cannot realise requested a meeting with the chief
religion’s most basic purpose: to bring prosecutor. By that time, the Soka
happiness to the people and peace to Gakkai president had already become
society. As long as religion advocates alarmingly emaciated. His steps were
building a society dedicated to people’s unsteady and he had to be supported on
happiness and well-being, it must be either side by the leaders accompanying
prepared for persecution by corrupt him; the effort of climbing the stairs to
and unscrupulous authorities bent on the prosecutor’s office made his breath
subjugating the people to their will. come in painful gasps.
For Shin’ichi, arrest and Toda was prepared to offer to
imprisonment were a point of departure take Shin’ichi’s place in jail. He was
for his lifelong activities to realise the a mentor who would not hesitate to
triumph of humanism. Shin’ichi would cast away his own life for the sake of
never forget his mentor’s fervent and his disciples. Once admitted to see the
unceasing love for him, his young chief prosecutor, he strongly demanded:
disciple. At Haneda Airport in Tokyo, “How long do you intend to keep my
just before Shin’ichi had boarded a innocent disciple locked up?! If it is me
plane to present himself voluntarily for you want, arrest me now!” He sought
questioning at Osaka Prefectural Police Shin’ichi’s immediate release.
Headquarters, Mr Toda had said to him: On the way back from the
“Shin’ichi, should death overtake you, I prosecutor’s office, Toda murmured
will rush to your side and throw myself with deep frustration: “Can’t they see
upon you and accompany you in death.” just by looking at Shin’ichi that he isn’t
the sort of person who could commit a
When Shin’ichi Yamamoto thought of Shin’ichi learned of his mentor’s
what Josei Toda must have been feeling actions after his release. When he did,
as they parted at Haneda Airport, tears he wept. Toda’s confrontation with the
filled his eyes. chief prosecutor also provided Shin’ichi
Moreover, Toda had personally with a shining example of how a leader
gone to the Osaka District Prosecutors defends and protects the people.
Office while Shin’ichi was in detention Now, as he stood before his beloved
to protest his young disciple’s unjust mentor’s grave, Toda’s words rang out
84 Valuecreation
in his heart: “Fight against the insidi achieved in each region to date. For
ous nature of authority! Protect the that reason, all eyes were turned to the
people!” Tohoku meeting, with expectations for
Shin’ichi chanted three daimoku a glorious finale.
infused with a profound pledge. When Shin’ichi Yamamoto arrived at
The Osaka Incident trial, now the meeting place, the Sendai Municipal
in its fifth year, was approaching a Leisure Centre, a little past 9:00 in the
crucial juncture. On behalf of his late morning, the building was already
mentor, he vowed to win and prove his overflowing with participants. Those
innocence. outside were all sitting on round straw
After Shin’ichi returned to Tokyo mats — the lids off cylindrical-shaped
that day, he attended the young men’s bales of rice.
division leaders meeting for July in Shin’ichi guessed that these
the evening. It was a gathering of makeshift straw cushions had been
determined and committed young men distributed by the meeting’s organisers
who were the future of the Soka Gakkai out of concern for the members’
and now actively involving themselves comfort. In any event, they were a
in the discussion meeting movement. perfect symbol of the rich agriculture
Youth Division Chief Eisuke Akizuki’s of the Tohoku region, and Shin’ichi
call for the young men to do their best couldn’t help but smile.
to promote and ensure the great success The young women’s division general
of small group discussion meetings — meeting was scheduled to begin at
forums for heart-to-heart dialogue 10:00. Out of concern for the members
— was met with enthusiastic applause. outside, however, Shin’ichi proposed
These youthful leaders had begun to that it begin earlier. It was a bright,
advance in earnest, raising the banner sunny day, and he knew it would soon
of the Law and carrying it into the midst get hot. The meeting thus commenced
of the people. The struggle to achieve half an hour early, at 9:30 with more
kosen-rufu takes place on the forefront than 12,000 young women attending.
of the organisation, among the people. As soon as the meeting ended,
Shin’ichi hurried outdoors. He couldn’t
help worrying about the members
On 9 July, the youth division general who hadn’t been able to fit into the
meetings being held in each area hall and who were waiting outside in
around Japan came to a climax with the the sun. The mercury had already hit
youth gatherings in Tohoku. 33° centigrade.
The Chugoku Youth Division General The area outside the hall was packed,
Meeting (which included Shikoku) not only with young women but also
had been held with great success on 2 members of the young men’s division,
July. A total of 12,000 young women who would meet that afternoon.
and 14,000 young men had attended. Shin’ichi climbed a platform that had
Record turn-outs had thus been been set up outside and spoke to those
Study Resource 85
assembled: “Thank you all for coming on consistent effort to create oppor
this very hot day. The membership of the tunities, and the wisdom to know the
youth division, counting both the young right time were needed to achieve
men’s and young women’s divisions, it. Each part had to be steadily and
is approaching 500,000. We are now meticulously brought to completion.
the largest youth peace organisation in These qualities of patience and perse
Japan. With this youthful energy, let’s verance were special characteristics of
build a realm of peace and prosperity the people of Tohoku, and that is why
in Japan and all the world! That is Soka Shin’ichi sought to entrust the finishing
Gakkai’s lofty mission.” touches of kosen-rufu to the youth of
After speaking for about five Tohoku.
minutes, Shin’ichi held up a Japanese So it was that the regional youth
fan in his right hand and said, “Let me division meetings came to an end.
lead you all in a Gakkai song.” The Fife A total of 115,000 young men and
and Drum Corps began playing ‘Song 88,000 young women had assembled
of Kosen-rufu in Asia’. Shin’ichi led throughout Japan. Later, in autumn,
the chorus, waving his fan with all his representatives from throughout the
might. The voices of the young people country, mainly centred around the
reverberated into the blue skies of the Tokyo metropolitan region, would
north country. Large beads of sweat meet for one grand gathering. It was
formed on Shin’ichi’s brow. already decided that some 100,000
Then came the afternoon and the representatives of the young men’s
young men’s division general meeting, division would assemble for a general
for which 16,000 members assembled in meeting at the National Sports Stadium
grand fashion, providing a wonderful in Tokyo, on November 5. The young
climax to the nationwide regional women’s division was scheduled to meet
general meetings. soon after in November, in a general
meeting of Tokyo area and regional
At the Tohoku young men’s division With the wonderful success of the
general meeting, Shin’ichi Yamamoto regional meetings, the members of
declared to his listeners: “I want to the youth division showed remarkable
leave completion of the task of kosen- growth. Shin’ichi Yamamoto was
rufu to you, the sturdy young men of confident that if the organisation could
Tohoku.” expand one step further before the
The great undertaking of kosen- general meetings in November, the
rufu could not be accomplished in a youth division would establish an un
day. Shin’ichi knew that it would require shakeable base.
tremendous patience and perseverance. Having come into contact with
The process would be like the growth young people all over Japan at the
of a majestic tree sending powerful youth meetings, Shin’ichi was strongly
roots deep into the earth. Persistence, impressed by their search for a sound
86 Valuecreation
philosophy on which to base their lives, Aiming towards the November general
and by the passion and enthusiasm with meetings, the Soka Gakkai youth’s
which they sought it. He continued to efforts to introduce others to Nichiren
ponder how he could best respond to Daishonin’s Buddhism gathered further
these young people’s needs. He felt momentum.
keenly that, though he was Soka Gakkai At the monthly young women’s
president, he was himself young and division leaders meeting held on 10
couldn’t begin to be as effective as July, it was announced that a divisional
a leader as his beloved mentor, Josei membership of more than 200,000
Toda, had been. had been reached. The young men’s
But he recognised his responsibility division, meanwhile, with a membership
to be the pillar that supported Soka now close to 300,000, had launched
Gakkai after President Toda’s death; not an intensive drive to surpass that goal,
only to support and protect his fellow determined to push themselves to new
members across Japan but to educate limits during these steamy summer
and nurture young people so that they months.
would become even more effective At last, the rainy season came to
leaders of kosen-rufu, more effective an end, and on July 21, donations for
than he himself. Precisely because he the construction of the much-awaited
felt that responsibility so keenly, he was Grand Reception Hall at the head
deeply concerned. temple began to be accepted at each
Nothing was more difficult than district over a four-day period through
to keep young people continuously July 24. With a spirit of pure-hearted
inspired. Shin’ichi knew that the only joy, members everywhere brought
way to accomplish this was never to lose their sincere donations, often saved
sight of his own source of inspiration by cutting their living expenses to
and model — his mentor, Josei Toda. the bone, to meeting places in their
No great river can survive and flourish respective areas. Some 1,419,532 — or
when cut off from its source. 70 per cent — of all member households
And he also knew that he must contributed, their donations totalling
never forget his own spirit to seek approximately 3.27 billion yen.3
Buddhism and challenge his limitations The goal set by the Soka Gakkai
— that he must continuously educate Headquarters had been 1 billion yen.
and improve himself, and keep growing Thus three times the target amount
as a human being. Certain that the had been collected — the indisputable
best way to inspire young people was outcome of the members’ passionate
through his own example, Shin’ichi commitment towards realising
vowed to act unselfishly and devote kosen-rufu.
his life to bringing happiness to all The July Headquarters leaders
humanity. meeting was held on the 27th. Shin’ichi
Yamamoto took the opportunity to
express his deep appreciation to all
Study Resource 87
members for their sincere contributions Shin’ichi Yamamoto replied to the
for the Grand Reception Hall. members’ enthusiastic response with
“Let me begin,” he said, a deep bow, then continued: “In
“by expressing my most humble any event, please be assured that I
appreciation for your unstinting support will discuss exactly how your sincere
of our donation drive on this occasion. donations may be put to best use with
Thank you very much. I am deeply High Priest Nittatsu and ensure that
grateful to you all. they are all used to contribute to the
“Now it is our responsibility, as the prosperity of the head temple.”
executive leaders of the Soka Gakkai, Shin’ichi’s heart grew warm when
to live up to your expectations by he thought of the sincere faith of his
building a truly magnificent Grand fellow members who had participated
Reception Hall that will shine as an in making these donations. Many of
architectural masterpiece of our them had scrimped and saved amid
times. And we will not let you down. already tight financial circumstances to
I hope all of you will look forward to contribute. He had even heard a report
its completion and, on that occasion, of one earnest elderly member, who
without a single exception, let us needed a walking stick to get about,
gather at the head temple as the travelling several miles on foot across
happiest people in the world, our lives mountainous terrain to make a dona
pervaded with boundless benefit and tion at the local meeting place. Shin’ichi
good fortune. was profoundly aware of the moving
“As announced earlier, our dramas of genuine faith that lay behind
donations have far exceeded our each member’s endeavours.
goal. In anticipation of an increase in He felt that the Daishonin watched
members visiting the head temple, I over and praised this sincere faith.
would like to dedicate these additional Shin’ichi fervently hoped that the priests
funds to the construction of several would appreciate the members’ precious
large, modern lodging temples on the donations, and not merely regard them as
head temple grounds, each capable something that was their due; he hoped
of accommodating from one to two they would show warm compassion for
thousand guests. the members and their struggles.
“And, with your permission, I would At the Headquarters leaders
also like to use these donations to meeting, 42 new chapters were
purchase land adjacent to the head born, among them Amami Oshima
temple for future construction projects, Chapter4, bringing the total number
and to build local temples throughout of Soka Gakkai chapters to 205. In
Japan.” addition, a new headquarters system
The audience responded with for each region was introduced. With
applause. the expansion of membership, the
organisation itself had grown, and most
regions now had more than one gen
88 Valuecreation
eral chapter. The new
headquarters would
function to consolidate
and unite the general
chapters in each region,
while allowing for
the development of
activities that would
give full play to the
particular region’s
unique character. This
additional structure was
designed to strengthen
the organisation’s
overall effectiveness in
its efforts to promote
kosen-rufu in each region. Each face shone with a passionate
spirit to achieve the goal of realising a
meeting of 100,000 valiant young men.
On July 29, Shin’ichi Yamamoto
attended the sixth outdoor training
session of the Suiko-kai at Kirigamine Shin’ichi Yamamoto walked around
Heights in Nagano Prefecture. Meeting offering words of appreciation and
these energetic and enthusiastic young encouragement to the event staff who
people was one of Shin’ichi’s greatest were busily working on preparations
pleasures. He arrived at the campsite a for the gathering. Near a small stream,
little before 6:00 in the evening. the members of the kitchen crew were
“President Yamamoto! Thank you seeing to the dinner.
for coming!” Members who had already “Thanks for your hard work!”
arrived greeted him cheerfully. It Shin’ichi called out. “You must be the
seemed to Shin’ichi that the young men kitchen crew, right? By the way, who
were more energetic and had matured chose this particular spot?” asked
enormously since the outdoor training Shin’ichi.
session at Inubosaki the previous year. “I did,” replied the head of the
They were determined, after the strict kitchen crew, Kurazo Tateyama,
training they had received from Shin’ichi stepping forward.
at that session, not to repeat their past “You picked an excellent site.
mistakes. With a renewed commitment Securing a water source is the first
to their mission as Suiko-kai members, thing you have to think about. This is
they had worked hard over the past especially true in the case of a natural
year to improve themselves ahead of disaster, when a lot of people have
today’s gathering. to be evacuated to a safe place. With
Study Resource 89
a clean stream, you have a source of blanketing its expanse in the gathering
drinking water, too, and you can also twilight. He hoped it wouldn’t rain.
use it to cook meals and wash clothes. The members worked together
That’s why your choice is such a good with seamless teamwork to prepare the
one.” Shin’ichi’s endeavour to instruct evening meal. Shin’ichi was pleased at
and educate the young people was their strong spirit of unity.
already under way even before the
official training session had begun.
“Now, aside from water, what else Moments later, they sat down in a circle
must you prepare for a shelter or site and began to eat. A pile of firewood,
where a large number of people will which they would light when it grew
gather?” dark, was stacked in the centre of the
The youth thought for a while. circle.
“Food,” suggested one young man. Arriving at the seat that had been
“Of course, food is important,” prepared for him, Shin’ichi Yamamoto
admitted Shin’ichi, “but anyone knows said to everyone with a smile, “Thank
that. And in a tight spot, we can all go you for all your hard work. Let’s enjoy
without a meal or two. But we can’t go ourselves today!”
without toilets. So whenever you have a Smiles appeared in return on the
large gathering of people, you have to faces of the youth.
think about setting up toilets. Mr Toda A warm and friendly atmosphere
taught me this, and I hope you’ll all pervaded as they ate their dinner.
remember it as well.” Nothing could have tasted better than
A white veil of mist flowed over the the simple meal of vegetable pork soup
campsite, leaving only a faint outline and canned fare with rice provided by
of the mountain ranges in the distance. the kitchen crew in the fresh air of this
Shin’ichi vividly recalled his first visit to magnificent natural setting.
Kirigamine in August three years earlier. Not long after they began their
He had been deeply moved by the meal, rain started to fall — faintly at
beautiful and majestic mountain scenery first and then growing steadily heavier.
and wished he could have brought Josei They had no choice but to quickly finish
Toda here. He had also thought of invit eating and take shelter in their tents to
ing young people here in the future to wait out the downpour. But soon the
refresh and enliven their spirits. rain lightened to a drizzle and stopped
That is why he chose Kirigamine altogether.
as the site for the outdoor training Venturing outside again, the
sessions of the Suiko-kai, a group of members lit the campfire and gathered
young people in which Toda had placed around it for their training session. The
such faith. youth division leaders and a number of
Though it was in the middle of Soka Gakkai directors present for the
summer, the mountain air was chilly. occasion rose one after another to say
Shin’ichi looked up at the sky, clouds a few words. Rain started to fall again,
90 Valuecreation
though, gradually becoming heavier. rightly be called his last testament
But the campfire continued to burn and guidance to us. Just as Mr Toda
through the downpour. instructed, President Makiguchi’s direct
Shin’ichi opened an umbrella the disciples — our esteemed seniors — are
young men had prepared for him and also supporting and assisting me. That is
urged everyone to cover their heads why I have been able to lead with such
with the straw matting on which they confidence.
had been sitting. Shin’ichi began to “When we look at other religious
speak over the sound of the falling rain: organisations, we see that they often
“It’s raining, so please take care split into factions as soon as the leader
not to catch cold. What is my greatest dies. But by observing Mr Toda’s
desire? That you will become leaders instructions, we have been able to move
who work actively on the global stage forward with strength and ironclad
for the peace and happiness of all unity. This is the way to ensure that
humanity. That was also Mr Toda’s kosen-rufu endures for eternity.
wish. I want you to know that all of my “The fourth and the fifth presidents
actions are directed towards that end. of the Soka Gakkai will without a doubt
Your developing into such outstanding emerge from our youth division. When
leaders is my greatest source of joy, and that happens, I hope you will all protect
that I am preparing the way for you and support the new president even
with all of my strength. more than you have me, and proceed to
“As Mr Toda’s disciple, I am fully advance our movement even further.
prepared and determined to carry “I also hope that you, the members
out his objective, which was to banish of the Suiko-kai, will study, work hard
unhappiness from this earth. But I and develop yourselves to become the
cannot do it alone. My life is limited, very best you can be in your chosen
and that is why I have decided to fields. I would like you to become the
entrust the completion of this task core of the Soka Gakkai and take on the
to you, the youth division. Even if responsibility for the future of kosen-
something should happen to me, I want rufu. That is my fondest hope and my
you to take on this spirit and realise most cherished wish.”
Mr Toda’s vision for me.” Excitement coursed through the
For a moment, Shin’ichi’s voice was young men’s veins as they realised again
nearly drowned out by the fierce rain. the enormity of President Yamamoto’s
But the young men listened intently so expectations for them.
as not to miss a single word. Soon, the training session came to a
close. The driving rain had thoroughly
soaked them all, Shin’ichi included.
Shin’ichi Yamamoto continued: The youth joined together in a rousing
“Mr Toda once said that if the members Gakkai song as the president made his
all support the third president, kosen- way to his lodging, an inn a short walk
rufu will surely be achieved. This may from the camp.
Study Resource 91
Shin’ichi wanted to talk more with making it clear that in taking leadership
the members and encourage them it is my intention that none of our
further; so, after a brief rest, he invited precious members should ever have
some representatives to the inn’s main to lay down their lives because of
room for a question-and-answer session. faith-related persecution. That is why
The young men assembled eagerly. I am working so hard. I don’t want to
Shin’ichi and the directors’ shirts had sacrifice even a single member. This is
been soaked by the rain, so they held my spirit.
the session in their undershirts. “Nevertheless, no matter how wisely
“Please, ask anything you’d like,” or skilfully one takes the helm, a major
Shin’ichi encouraged. Several hands shot life-threatening persecution — such as
up. Most of the questions concerned is described in the Gosho — might still
how to ensure a lasting peace given the occur. If that should happen, my wish
troubled state of the world or how to is that I be the only sacrifice. That is
proceed with global kosen-rufu. Each the spirit of a true leader. In striving to
was infused with an earnest sense of widely spread the Daishonin’s teachings
mission and passionate concern for the for the happiness of all, I am always
future of the world and kosen-rufu gazing squarely at reality, carefully
movement. Pleased with the young paying attention to everything and
men’s spirit, Shin’ichi answered each deeply pondering the best way to
question with great sincerity and care. proceed, with prudence, determination
and speed.
“If one just rushes ahead without
The questions asked by the youth thinking, there is a great risk of
included the following: “When I making an irreversible error. A leader’s
read the Gosho, I see that the key to responsibility is truly heavy.”
attaining Buddhahood lies in devoting Everyone listened seriously.
one’s life to Buddhism, in other words, “As far as dedicating one’s life to
in offering one’s life for the Law. If Buddhism is concerned, in the present
there is ever a major persecution, I am circumstances it means to make kosen-
prepared to fight and die, if need be, as rufu our fundamental purpose in life
Mr Makiguchi did. But it seems unlikely, and to live a long and useful existence
judging from the present, that we will in the pursuit of this goal. This is what it
encounter such a situation. How, then, means to offer your life for Buddhism.
should we interpret this concept of Once you resolve, as a Soka Gakkai
devoting one’s life to Buddhism?” member, to make kosen-rufu your
It was clearly a question that had life’s foundation, it is essential that you
been arrived at through long and become an outstanding person at your
serious thought about how a Buddhist place of work. If you do poorly at work,
should live. you cannot demonstrate to others how
Shin’ichi Yamamoto replied: “Let wonderful Buddhism is, and no one will
me begin to answer your question by want to take faith. For the same reasons,
92 Valuecreation
you should strive to create a happy and rain had stopped completely and the
harmonious family life and to take good moon was shining in the night sky.
care of your health. To live a life devoted The weather was fine the following
to kosen-rufu means to be a success in day. From early that morning, the
society and to attain personal happiness. Suiko-kai members played hard in a
Dedication to Buddhism does not mean series of sporting events that included
living a tragic life.” dodgeball and sumo wrestling. After
the sports finished at 9:00 a.m., Shin’ichi
promised them that they would hold
Without them noticing it, the sound of another outdoor training session the
the rain had ceased. Shin’ichi Yamamoto following year. Then, on horseback, he
continued explaining what it means to headed for the area where the young
dedicate one’s life to Buddhism, this women’s division Kayo-kai members,
time from a slightly different angle. having arrived at Kirigamine early that
“Perhaps another way of looking at morning, were holding their outdoor
it,” he said, “would be in terms of how training session.
much time you can spend engaged in The sky was blue and clear, and
activities for kosen-rufu. This may be rolling green mountains stretched out
an extremely empirical view, but if, for in the distance. A mountain breeze
example, you were to spend two hours blew gently as Shin’ichi urged his horse
a day doing Gakkai activities, over 60 forward. When the Kayo-kai members
years you will have given five years of came into view, Shin’ichi waved to them
your life to Buddhism. from horseback.
“When all is said and done, living A short time later, he joined them in
with the commitment to make kosen- informal discussion.
rufu your life and striving to carry out “I hope you will all exercise your
your mission equals dedicating your life bodies and minds today. At the same
to Buddhism.” time, please enjoy yourselves and
Shin’ichi cherished the young refresh your energy. Buddhism teaches
people’s frank questions and answered us to enjoy our lives to the fullest. The
them with great sincerity. Questions Daishonin, even while in exile on Sado,
are a sign of a seeking spirit. Asking a wrote, ‘...I feel immeasurable delight
question in front of a group requires even though I am now an exile’
courage. Nevertheless, the presence of (WND-1, 386).
those who ask questions is important; “These words come from the lofty
because, in raising questions, they help state and immense conviction of the
to resolve not only their own doubts, original Buddha. Even when undergoing
but those of countless others, leading the persecution of exile, the Daishonin
everyone to a greater understanding of was filled with boundless joy. Faith
Buddhism. means enjoying our lives to the fullest
By the time the question-and- under any circumstance.”
answer session at the inn was over, the
Study Resource 93
The young Kayo-kai members’ eyes so let’s aim for one hundred volleys in
sparkled as they listened to Shin’ichi. this group!”
“Mr Toda often said that Buddhahood “A hundred!?” one of the members
is a state where one is filled with a deep cried out incredulously.
and irrepressible joy at just being alive. “Yes, one hundred,” replied
Of course, we have to work hard in life; Shin’ichi. “If we set our minds to it and
this is unavoidable. As students, you all work together, we can do it. It’s
have to study diligently. Then, when important to set goals and to achieve
you join the work force, you have to them. Okay, let’s go!” Shin’ichi served
apply yourselves seriously to your jobs. the ball.
Nor is marriage a guarantee of an easy The group counted off the successful
life; it inevitably entails taking on a host volleys in unison. When the ball went to
of new responsibilities, not the least of someone who wasn’t strong in volley
which are household chores and raising ing the ball, neighbouring teammates
a family. These can at times make your helped her out, sending the ball back
life seem like a war zone! up into the air. The count reached 20, 30
“But those who have really mastered and then 40. Then two members tried
the art of living find meaning in such to hit the ball at the same time and
struggles, cultivate a sense of purpose, nearly collided.
set goals and rise eagerly to life’s “Make sure to call out to each other
challenges. They make each minute as so that you know who has the ball
meaningful and enjoyable as possible. covered,” advised Shin’ichi.
Happiness does not exist outside of us. Gradually the players found their
It is inside. Buddhism teaches us that. rhythm.
“Today, we’re lucky enough to be in “We’re doing fine now,” Shin’ichi
this beautiful natural setting. I hope you announced. “We’ll definitely reach one
will all have a wonderful time, one that hundred.”
you will always remember.”
After the discussion, the young
women began their sports activities, Eighty volleys came and went. The
splitting up into several teams to play other groups gathered around the one
volleyball. When the games were over, Shin’ichi Yamamoto was in, and began
Shin’ichi suggested: “Let’s form circles to join in the counting. As their goal
and see which circle can make the most approached, the group’s members
successful volleys.” The volleying began, began to tense a little.
but none of the groups could keep the Shin’ichi called out to them: “Let’s
volley going very long: someone would relax. You’ll be fine as long as you pay
inevitably drop the ball after only three attention. You’re just repeating the
or four hits. same thing again and again.”
Seeing this, Shin’ichi joined one of Ninety passes. The counting echoed
the groups and told them, “No one louder around the circle. The air was
seems able to keep the ball up for long, charged with their determination not
94 Valuecreation
to drop the ball as they neared their Within a short while, most of the
goal. Even volleys that seemed almost young women had taken their seats. But
impossible to return were skilfully Shin’ichi didn’t see Yumie Kaga, one of
intercepted, and the ball sent flying the top young women’s division leaders.
back into the air. “Miss Kaga isn’t here,” he noted.
“Ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety- A member seated nearby informed
eight, ninety-nine, one hundred!” The him, “She’s preparing the food.”
volley continued even after they reached “I see,” he said. “She’s a devoted
their goal of one hundred volleys. behind-the-scenes worker. She’s one of
“One hundred and three, one those who energetically exerts herself
hundred and four, one hundred and outside of the limelight. That’s very
five, one hundred and six…” They important. Also, as leaders, you must
managed to keep it going through always be aware who is making efforts
more than one hundred and ten volleys behind the scenes, and who is working
before the ball finally hit the ground. hardest.”
Applause rose from the crowd in
response to the group’s achievement.
Wiping his brow, Shin’ichi Truly practical education arises from
congratulated them: “None of you natural interaction between people.
thought you could keep the ball up Shin’ichi Yamamoto made use of any
for more than a hundred volleys, did suitable situation or event that came
you? But you did it. When everyone along to teach the young women of the
works together towards the same goal, Kayo-kai what it meant to be a good
you will find that you can bring about leader. He used the example of Yumie
unexpected results. This is how the Kaga to remind them to be considerate
Gakkai advances.” of those who work behind the scenes.
After a brief rest, they were to “Leaders who notice only what’s
assemble again for lunch in the great happening in the limelight, on centre
outdoors. When Shin’ichi arrived at the stage, who see only the surface of
place where they would be eating, not things, do a great disservice to their
all of the members had appeared yet. fellow members. If such a situation
One of the young women’s division prevails, eventually everyone will
leaders saw Shin’ichi. She grabbed a care only about appearances, more
hand mike and began shouting at the concerned with presenting themselves
others: “Everyone, come immediately! in the best light than actually doing
Hurry up! Let’s get going!” their best.
Chuckling, Shin’ichi spoke to the “For example, when you attend
leader: “It’s better not to get all excited a meeting and there’s a lovely theme
and make a fuss. Just say, quietly, ‘Shall poster or specially crafted decoration
we assemble?’ A real leader can get on display, a good leader immediately
everyone to gather on time without thinks about who created it and how.
shouting.” What distinguishes good leaders is their
Study Resource 95
degree of concern for those who are gives pleasure to those who gaze upon
not there — for instance, for those who it. In the same way, true faith means
are posted outside to ensure the orderly that the more an individual strives, the
flow of members into the venue. Are more considerate towards others and
they cold? Did they have lunch? the more cheerful and lively he or she
“Human kindness and consideration will become.
are key to building a good organisation. The outdoor training session ended
When people feel appreciated, they at 3:30 that afternoon. The members
do their best. Neither hierarchy nor spent an enjoyable and productive time
rules make for a smooth-running in the breathtaking natural setting of
organisation.” Kirigamine, and all left with a renewed
After lunch, they entertained sense of well-being. Shin’ichi felt very
themselves with folk dances. The young strongly that, if it were possible, he
friends, cheerful and brimming with would like to nurture each member of
life, looked like beautiful dancing the Soka Gakkai’s youth division as he
blossoms. had here during these outdoor training
As he watched, Shin’ichi told the sessions.
young women’s division leaders: “The
young women’s division is the flower
of the Soka Gakkai. I hope you will With the young men’s division leaders
always approach your activities with meeting on July 31 and the young
joy and good common sense, as we see women’s division leaders meeting on
here today. Being bright and cheerful, August 1, the youth division got their
in a way that delights everyone you activities for August off to a dynamic
encounter, is wonderful proof of faith.” start. At their meeting, the young
At the time, the Kayo-kai members, men announced that the division’s
the core of the young women’s membership surpassed 300,000.
division, were busy day and night with Immediately after the youth division
propagation activities. This was only meetings, the annual summer training
to be expected if the Gakkai were to course was to be held at Taiseki-ji over
achieve its goal of 3 million member- four separate sessions from August 2
households. But Shin’ichi did not want through 10.
these young leaders to be the kind of Shin’ichi Yamamoto was scheduled
women who charged ahead heedlessly to lecture on one of the most important
without any sensitivity to others or their of Nichiren Daishonin’s writings, the
surroundings, and wore a put-upon air. Rissho Ankoku Ron (‘On Establishing the
He knew such members wouldn’t last Correct Teaching for the Peace of the
long, and that others would find them Land). He had decided on this topic in
unpleasant. early July. Now that the Gakkai had
The purpose of faith is to bring attained a membership of more than
our humanity to full bloom. A single 2 million households, it was time, he
blossom brightens its surroundings and felt, to reaffirm their goal and mission
96 Valuecreation
as Buddhists to secure a peaceful society Toda also encouraged qualified
based on the Daishonin’s teachings. Gakkai members to run for local and
Rissho means “to establish the true”, national political office to restore power
in other words, the propagation of to the people, to improve the people’s
the True Law. It means ingraining such lives and to establish Japan on a path
tenets as the sanctity of life and respect of lasting peace. The Soka Gakkai’s
for human dignity in people’s lives and opportunities to serve society and
establishing them as guiding principles work for peace were bound to increase
in society. The purpose of this is “to in the future. As those opportunities
bring peace to the land” (ankoku) — the arose, misunderstanding and confusion
security and prosperity of society. might occur unless all members had
The Soka Gakkai’s mission is to a thorough grasp of the principle of
achieve this goal of Nichiren Daishonin. rissho ankoku — of achieving a peaceful
When religion averts its gaze from the society through the teachings of true
mission of relieving the sufferings of Buddhism. This is why Shin’ichi selected
people in the real world, it dies. The the ‘On Establishing the Correct
earnest wish of Josei Toda, who raised Teaching’ as his topic for the summer
the banner of kosen-rufu in the grim training course.
days after Japan’s defeat in World War
II, was to bring the light of eternal
happiness and peace to the Japanese A s the summer training course
people, whose lives were filled with approached, Shin’ichi Yamamoto
misery. devoted every available moment to his
Since becoming Soka Gakkai study of the ‘On Establishing the Correct
president himself, Shin’ichi had Teaching’. He read and pondered
prayed constantly for world peace, for the Gosho whenever and wherever
freedom from natural disasters such as he could: in his offices at the Gakkai
earthquakes, and for rich harvests. Both Headquarters, in his home late at night
Toda and his young disciple Shin’ichi and in his lodgings when travelling.
had constantly pondered and asked He had studied ‘On Establishing the
themselves what they should and could Correct Teaching’ manytimes before,
do for the prosperity and peace of but now he came to it as if for the first
society. time, reviewing it carefully, starting
In 1957, Josei Toda made a with the Daishonin’s motivation to write
declaration calling for the abolition it. In ‘The Postscript to “On Establishing
of atomic and hydrogen bombs. He the Correct Teaching for the Peace of
said that the use of nuclear weapons, the Land”’, the Daishonin writes, “I
whatever the purpose or outcome, was compiled the above work in the first
indefensible; those who did so were year of the Bunno era (1260), with the
fiends, monsters. And he decided to cyclical sign kanoe-saru. That is, I began
entrust the youth with spreading this the work during the Shoka era (1257–
idea around the world. 1259) and completed it in the first year
Study Resource 97
of Bunno” (WND-1, 31).
He goes on to say that a
major earthquake that
struck the Kamakura
region on the evening
of 23 August 1257,
prompted him to begin
compiling the lengthy
Nichiren Daishonin
was 36 and living in
a small dwelling at
Matsubagayatsu, an
area in Kamakura,
when the earthquake
struck. Four years
earlier, in 1253, after proclaiming the crops. Then, in October, torrential rains
establishment of his teaching,5 he had caused floods in Kamakura that washed
been driven from his home in Awa away homes and killed many people.
province by the local steward, narrowly Epidemics attacked the populace and
escaping assassination. Thereafter, famine struck many provinces.
he made Kamakura, the seat of In March 1259, the third year of
Japan’s government, the base for his the Shoka era, the authorities decided
propagation activities. to change the era name in an effort
During that era, the country was to improve the land’s fortunes.7 But
ravaged year after year by famine and epidemics continued unabated in
epidemics. The Azuma Kagami (Mirror succeeding months and on into the next
of Eastern Japan)6 and other historical year, leading to yet another change in
chronicles from that period describe the era name, in April 1260, to Bunno.
countless natural disasters occurring Nevertheless, that same month, a great
even in just the short period from 1257 fire razed much of Kamakura and, in
to 1260. June, the city was subject once again to
Aftershocks persisted for several violent gales and flooding.
months following the devastating As a resident of Kamakura, the
earthquake of August 1257, and another Daishonin was in direct and daily
major temblor occurred in November contact with the suffering people, and
that same year. In June 1258, an he was deeply pained by their plight.
unseasonable cold wave literally turned People wandered the streets aimlessly,
summer into winter, gale-force winds injured and starving. Children wailed;
lashed Kamakura, and driving rains homeless mothers clutched their infants
pounded the Kyoto area — all of which to their breasts, not knowing where to
combined to severely damage the year’s turn. Some collapsed at the roadside,
98 Valuecreation
but there was no one to help. Death lay continuing onslaught of natural
at every turn. disasters, epidemics and famines lay in
The government ordered Shingon the confusion of the religious realm,
priests to perform rituals and prayers the basic spiritual foundation of human
to ease the situation, but these had no society. Day after day, he stayed in the
effect. library poring over the sutras. When
he came to the Daijuku Sutra (Sutra of
the Great Assembly),8 his eyes gleamed
What did we do to invite such suffering? an intense light: there before him was
This was the question on everyone’s lips. a detailed description of the kinds of
Yet no one could provide an answer. natural disasters that would occur when
Nichiren Daishonin, too, must have been Buddhism was in decline. It exactly
deeply troubled by the misery around matched what he had witnessed since
him and given long and measured the great earthquake of 1257.
thought to how this living hell — this “It is just as it says!” he exclaimed
anguish, pain and despair — could be inwardly.
transformed. Nichiren himself was keenly aware
As Shin’ichi Yamamoto read the of and deeply regretted the decline of
Gosho, he tried to imagine Nichiren Buddhism. Because Kamakura was filled
Daishonin’s life. He vividly pictured the with the temples of many Buddhist
Daishonin responding to the sight of schools, it seemed that Buddhism was
the people’s sufferings, sharing in their flourishing. But neither the genuine
pain and agony and acting on their Buddhism that Shakyamuni taught nor
behalf. any vestige of its spirit was to be found
The sutras were clear as to what
Around 1258, the second year of the Shakyamuni’s true teachings were. For
Shoka era, a solitary monk made his example, in the Muryogi Sutra (Sutra
way from Kamakura to Suruga (in of Immeasurable Meanings), which
present-day Shizuoka Prefecture). He serves as a prologue to the Lotus
had a look of deep sadness in his eyes. Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha declares:
That monk’s name was Nichiren. He “In these more than forty years, I
visited Jisso-ji, a Buddhist temple of the have not yet revealed the truth.” This
Tendai school located at Iwamoto in clarifies that, of Shakyamuni’s five
Suruga, which possessed a complete set decades of preaching, the first 40-or-
of the Buddhist scriptures. so years were devoted to expounding
In the temple library, Nichiren preparatory teachings in which he had
carefully perused the texts of each scroll not yet revealed the truth. Whereas
of those teachings. He was determined the Lotus Sutra teaches the true nature
to find documentary and theoretical of life in its totality, these pre-Lotus
proof that would unmistakably show Sutra teachings are merely provisional,
that the fundamental cause for the employing examples and parables that
Study Resource 99
elucidate a partial view of life’s reality. spread most widely in Japan. This school
In addition, the ‘Simile and Parable’ was based on the three Pure Land
chapter of the Lotus Sutra insists on sutras,9 all provisional pre-Lotus Sutra
“not accepting a single verse of the teachings. Honen taught that this world
other sutras” [LSOC3, 115], indicating is a defiled realm, and that people
that the Lotus Sutra alone is the most should all wholeheartedly invoke the
fundamental Buddhist teaching. Nembutsu — the practice of reciting the
name of Amida Buddha (Namu-Amida-
Butsu) — so that after death they would
In Nichiren Daishonin’s time, there be born in Amida’s Pure Land of Perfect
were eight long-established schools Bliss in the western region of the
of Buddhism in Japan: Tendai, Kusha, universe. Honen also rejected the Lotus
Jojitsu, Ritsu, Hosso, Sanron, Kegon and and all other sutras except the three
Shingon. In addition, there were two Pure Land sutras.
that had arisen relatively recently — However, Shakyamuni taught
the Pure Land (Jodo) and Zen schools. of Amida Buddha’s Pure Land of
All of these, with the exception of the Perfect Bliss and other Buddha
Tendai, were based on provisional sutras lands throughout the universe only
taught before the Lotus Sutra. Even the as expedients, as metaphors. He
Tendai school, which once based itself expounded on these realms only as a
solely on the Lotus Sutra, had turned means to encourage those who were
its back on that sutra’s true teachings steeped in the suffering of this impure
after the death of Dengyo, its founder. world. His true intent, however, was
It had done so by incorporating many that this world of ours is fundamentally
teachings from the esoteric Shingon the Pure Land — that this strife-filled
school and from the Pure Land school. world is the Land of Eternally Tranquil
What happens if someone becomes Light. When people’s hearts are impure,
attached to a teaching that is merely the land they dwell in is impure; when
metaphorical, representing only a their hearts are pure, they live in a Pure
partial truth, and interprets it literally, Land. A single thought can change
believing it to be the whole truth? It this world from one of suffering into a
may be compared to seeing a tiger’s tail Pure Land. That is what the Lotus Sutra
and mistaking it for the whole tiger. teaches.
The tail alone looks harmless enough, With its teaching of the impurity
but if you approach it carelessly, the of this world and salvation lying await
whole tiger will turn on you and attack. in some faraway realm, the Nembutsu
That is why, since establishing his or Pure Land school nurtured a sense
teaching on April 28, 1253, Nichiren of resignation and powerlessness
had been pointing out the errors in the in the people; it bred complacency
teachings of the other schools. and escapism. In addition, the times
In those days, it was the Pure Land were chaotic, wracked by all manner
school founded by Honen that had of natural and human disasters. The
100 Valuecreation
Nembutsu philosophy contributed doctrine of three thousand realms in a
only to a pervading sense of imminent single moment of life (ichinen sanzen),
doom, adding further to feelings of disharmony in people’s hearts and
dread and despair among the people. minds and disorder in society are one
Nichiren called the Pure Land and inseparable. Such disharmony
chant “the melancholy drone of the also affects the natural environment.
Nembutsu” (GZ, 97), and his description Buddhism teaches that the universe is
was perfect: the sound of the weary essentially a single living entity, and
chant only weakened the spirits of the that human beings and the natural
already exhausted people. world, which includes our physical
environment, are mutually dependent
and interrelated.
At Jisso-ji temple, Nichiren gave himself Nichiren concluded that the only
over totally to reading one sutra after way for people to free themselves
another to the exclusion of all else. His from suffering was to abandon all
study of these texts clearly convinced erroneous teachings and base their
him that the disasters and misfortune lives instead on those that are true and
presently befalling Japan were caused correct. Furthermore, from his reading
by virtually the entire population of the sutras, there was also every
turning its back on the Lotus Sutra, the indication that two of the three cala
Buddha’s true teaching. mities and seven disasters described in
Beliefs have a great influence on our the scriptures that had not yet occurred
lives. For example, suppose we befriend — internal strife and invasion from
someone we believe to be a good per abroad — would soon descend upon
son, who is actually disreputable. If we the country with a vengeance.
associate with that person, we, too, It occurred to Nichiren that priests
may be led down the path towards of the other Buddhist schools must
evil before we even realise what is have read these sutras. Yet they had
happening. not succeeded in identifying in these
This is all the more a problem teachings the fundamental cause of
where religion is concerned, because the misfortune plaguing society. This
religion shapes the way people think only served to underscore the fact that
and act at the most basic level. Belief they failed to rely on the sutras as they
in an erroneous religious teaching can should have and had lost the spirit
cloud people’s minds and make them to directly confront, or seek a way to
fall victim to their desires; it can even relieve, the people’s sufferings.
rob people of their will to live. This The Tendai, Shingon, Kegon,
naturally will affect society, which is a Ritsu and other schools of established
product of human behaviour, inviting Buddhism merely contented themselves
conflict, confusion and stagnation. Ac with being officially designated by
cording to the principle of the oneness the government to offer ceremonial
of life and its environment and the prayers for the protection of the nation.
102 Valuecreation
and pestilence, all affecting sound logic, and not through coercion
every corner of the empire or pressure.
and spreading throughout the Nichiren addressed his treatise of
land. Oxen and horses lie dead protest not so much to Tokiyori the
in the streets, and the bones powerful political figure as to Tokiyori
of the stricken crowd the the human being — a leader with
highways. (WND-1, 6) sufferings and sorrows like everyone
else — out of a sincere wish to teach
Such very real human suffering is the him the genuine tenets of Buddhism.
starting point of Buddhism, which takes Nichiren hoped that this would enable
as its goal relief from such suffering. Tokiyori to awaken to the correct path
In ‘On Establishing the Correct of humanism and begin to govern in a
Teaching’, Nichiren most frequently way that would be most beneficial for
chose to write the word land or nation the people.
using a Chinese character formed of the Nichiren never sought support
pictograph for ‘the people’ surrounded or patronage from the government.
by a rectangular boundary. He did For instance, after his pardon from
so in preference to more common exile on Sado, Nichiren’s prediction of
Chinese characters for land, which have impending foreign invasion seemed
the pictograph for ‘sovereign’ or a about to come true. Fearing imminent
hand holding a lance symbolising the aggression by the Mongols, the
protection of a territory or border, both government offered to build Nichiren
similarly surrounded by a rectangular a temple on the condition that he pray
enclosure. Of the 71 times the word land for the nation’s protection and safety.
or nation appears in ‘On Establishing Had he wanted to ingratiate himself
the Correct Teaching’, 56, or about 80 with the political authorities, there
per cent, are written using the Chinese would surely be no better opportunity.
character formed of ‘the people’ But Nichiren refused the offer point-
enclosed in a border. This symbolises blank.
the importance that Nichiren gave to ‘On Establishing the Correct
the people throughout his thought and Teaching’ contains the following ex
writings. change: The host declares that to bring
order and tranquillity to society without
further delay, it is vital to put an end
In ‘On Establishing the Correct to slander of the Buddhist Law that fills
Teaching’, Nichiren adopts the form the country. The guest then inquires
of a dialogue between a guest who whether this means condemning to
laments the state of the world and death those priests and others who
a host who upholds Buddhism. This slander the Law and violate the prohi
format illustrates that Buddhism is bitions of the Buddha. The host
spread by inspiration and agreement responds by clarifying that ridding the
born of personal dialogue founded on world of those who slander the Law
104 Valuecreation
away with egoism and living by the of the land. It was an act arising from
rule of compassion, basing ourselves profound empathy for the people’s
on true humanism. Here we find the suffering, which he felt as if it were his
universal principle that provides the key very own.
to humankind’s prosperity and peace Genuine empathy goes beyond
on earth. simply sharing another’s troubles and
‘On Establishing the Correct lamenting over them together —
Teaching’ was thus submitted, but Hojo beyond mere words of sympathy and
Tokiyori ignored it. According to one consolation. Those who truly empa
account, when Tokiyori was about to thise with others act with daring and
read the treatise, a retainer told him strength to find ways to help people
that Nichiren was a proud and arrogant overcome their misery. Such individuals
priest who disparaged others and possess a fearlessness rooted in
sought only to establish his own school profound compassion as well as un
of Buddhism; this, he was told, was the yielding faith and conviction.
sole motive behind the treatise. Hearing On the evening of August 27,
this, Tokiyori is said to have decided 40 days after Nichiren submitted ‘On
not to read it. Whatever the actual Establishing the Correct Teaching’, his
circumstances might have been, it is modest dwelling at Matsubagayatsu
clear that Tokiyori did not take Nichi in Kamakura was attacked by a band
ren’s message seriously. of Nembutsu followers in what came
To make matters worse, officials to be known as the Matsubagayatsu
close to Tokiyori twisted and reviled the Persecution.
content of Nichiren’s work to the priests Nichiren’s prediction had come true.
of the Pure Land and other Buddhist The deluge of persecutions that would
schools. The priests of Kamakura were assail him for the rest of his life had
already quite annoyed at Nichiren’s begun.
efforts to point out errors in their
teachings. Their anger reached a boiling
point when they learned that Nichiren As he read ‘On Establishing the Correct
had dared to set down those criticisms Teaching’, Shin’ichi Yamamoto was
in a treatise of protest to Tokiyori. deeply moved. That year, 1961, had
As a result, Nichiren’s life was also been marked by violent natural
increasingly in peril. disasters and outbreaks of disease.
At the end of May, Typhoon No. 4 was
followed by a foehn, a warm dry wind,
Nichiren was very much aware that if he that affected parts of Hokkaido and
presented ‘On Establishing the Correct the Tohoku region in the north of
Teaching’ to Hojo Tokiyori, he would Japan, resulting in many fires. Then,
become the target of harsh persecution. with the onset of the rainy season,
Yet, prepared for this eventuality, he torrential downpours began on June
went ahead and admonished the rulers 24 and continued for over a week. This
106 Valuecreation
invasion from the north and proceeded The summer training course got under
to increase its military support for the way with Shin’ichi Yamamoto’s lecture
government of South Vietnam. on ‘On Establishing the Correct
It was against this turbulent Teaching’ as the central feature.
background of world events that the Shin’ichi decided to base his lecture
first us-Soviet summit during Kennedy’s on the final section of the work,
presidency was held in Vienna on June which begins: “The host said: You
3 and 4. The eyes of the world were have clearly seen the sutra passages
on the leaders of both nations, and that I have cited, and yet you can
everyone hoped for an easing of East- ask a question like that!” (WND-1, 23).
West tensions. A passionate debate Shin’ichi spoke with energy and enthu
unfolded between the energetic, siasm before those who gathered in
youthful Kennedy (44) and Nikita the Grand Lecture Hall of the head
Khrushchev (69), the experienced and temple to hear his lecture: “The
mature leader of the Soviet Union. But, message of ‘On Establishing the Correct
partly due to Khrushchev’s refusal to Teaching’, simply put, is that each of us
make any concessions on the issues of should accomplish a personal human
Berlin11 and nuclear testing, the summit revolution based on the principle
ended with pronounced differences re of humanism and thus become key
maining between the two sides. players in realising social prosperity and
Shin’ichi Yamamoto was deeply world peace. It has been said that the
concerned about these trends of Daishonin’s lifetime teachings begin
worldwide instability. The term land in and end with ‘On Establishing the
the principle “securing peace in the land Correct Teaching’.
through the propagation of the True “Nichiren Daishonin’s purpose in
Law” (rissho ankoku) is not limited to a writing this treatise was the salvation of
single land or nation; it refers to the the people, who were suffering pitifully
land of Jambudvipa that appears in the under the onslaught of earthquakes
Buddhist scriptures. In today’s terms, and floods, famine and disease. The way
Jambudvipa means the entire world. to accomplish this, he decided, was to
To nurture and cultivate people’s lives propagate the philosophy of life that
with a philosophy of humanism in the is Buddhism, a teaching of how to be
pursuit of bringing lasting peace and truly human, with the aim of achieving
happiness to this world is what it means a human revolution, a transformation
to implement the Daishonin’s teaching in the very depths of people’s lives. He
of creating a peaceful society based on was calling for a struggle to rid people’s
the tenets of true Buddhism. Herein lies hearts and minds of evil and replace
the mission of the Soka Gakkai. it with goodness; to open the eye of
Shin’ichi decided that this was the wisdom in their lives and to transform
message he needed to communicate at their inner focus from self-centredness
the summer training course. to altruism, from destructiveness to
108 Valuecreation
“‘Let us return to humanism!’ — Japan. This is because government has
this, in contemporary terms, is what rendered Japanese religion lifeless.”
Nichiren Daishonin advocated in ‘On
Establishing the Correct Teaching’. His
message is that every field of human The listeners’ eyes glowed with seeking
endeavour — government, economics, spirit. Shin’ichi continued: “The key to
science, education and art — must establishing peace and prosperity in
all be put to the purpose of bring our world, as expressed here, lies in the
ing happiness to humanity. This is the human heart — in people’s prayer for
principle of creating a peaceful society order and tranquillity in society — and
based on the True Law.” in each person establishing a solid self-
Shin’ichi then came to the passage identity through the process of human
that reads, “If you care anything about revolution.
your personal security, you should first “A person who prays for a peaceful
of all pray for order and tranquillity and secure society and is considerate of
throughout the four quarters of the others will naturally become aware of
land, should you not?” (WND-1, 24). The the need to contribute to society, and
“four quarters” indicates that which will act on that awareness. The Soka
lies to the east, west, north and south, Gakkai’s goal is to realise the peaceful
representing all of society. Here he spoke society described in ‘On Establishing
of the social responsibility of a Buddhist. the Correct Teaching’. Our mission is to
“This passage means that if you rid this world of every human affliction
are concerned at all for your personal — war, poverty, starvation, disease and
security, you must first pray for the discrimination.
stability and peace of all society. This “With that goal in mind, then,
clearly expresses the attitude and what’s important is what we can do to
posture we should have as Buddhists. actually achieve it. Without real effort,
People of genuine religious faith care it’s all just a fantasy, an abstraction.
not only for their own comfort and As a rule, when it comes to practical
safety; they are not content to confine efforts, it is up to each person to decide
themselves to their own private realm. and do what he or she thinks best and
To be truly human means working and is capable of. But in some cases, the
praying to solve the problems that Soka Gakkai can establish separate
plague all people and achieve peace institutions or organisations to promote
and prosperity for society. There is no peace and cultural exchange. Also, to
Buddhism apart from human society. create a government that works in the
A religion that divorces itself from interests of the people, for example,
society and only seeks serenity in the we need to elect individuals of integrity
afterworld is already dead. It is not a while keeping a sharp watch on the
religion in the true sense of the word — activities of our government.
not a religion for the people. Yet such “But in each of these cases, the role
is the prevailing image of religion in of the Soka Gakkai will only be that
110 Valuecreation
America group flew from São Paulo The current of happiness and peace
to an airport near Iguaçú Falls. There, was spreading steadily and surely to the
they boarded a jeep and drove a full farthest corners of the globe.
day to the Argentine city of Posadas,
before reaching an area in Paraguay
called Chavez where many Japanese had In September, unit-level discussion
settled. meetings were steadily gaining
Thirty-four Japanese families who momentum, and accounts of
belonged to the Soka Gakkai lived in experiences by members who stood
Chavez. They had all come to this South up with new commitment in faith as a
American country to settle the land result of these meetings came pouring
and pioneer the spread of Buddhism. in to the Gakkai Headquarters in a
Though they had no organisation to steady stream.
speak of, they shared a passionate Shin’ichi Yamamoto spent most
conviction and struggled earnestly of the month of September in Tokyo,
together in their Buddhist practice. except for a visit to the head temple
Their faces flushed with excitement as on the 15th, followed by a trip to the
they shared experiences of faith. Kansai region to encourage Osaka
One member related that when he members affected by Typhoon No.
first moved to the area, the water was 18 (also known as the second Muroto
red with mud, unfit for drinking. He Typhoon). He needed the time to
earnestly chanted daimoku to find a prepare for a 20-day visit to Europe,
good source of potable water, and his with his scheduled departure date on
prayers were rewarded. He uncovered a October 4 wnd
new spring that gave forth cool, fresh, His main destinations were
clear water. Copenhagen, Dusseldorf, West Berlin,
Living as they did in a wilderness Amsterdam, Paris, London, Madrid,
frontier, their houses were small and Zurich, Vienna and Rome. The main
simply built, just shacks really. But purposes of the trip were to offer
each member was filled with energy guidance to local members, purchase
and enthusiasm. They passed among construction materials and fixtures for
themselves copies of Seikyo Shimbun the Grand Reception Hall, and observe
from Japan until the paper wore thin the state of religion in Europe.
with repeated handling. They had It was the people of Germany
been trying hard to share their faith Shin’ichi was most concerned about
with others, and their numbers were at this time. In the predawn hours
steadily increasing. “This is a fine land. of 13 August 1961, the communist
The harvests are good here. We in government of East Germany had built
tend to transform this country into a a more than 40-km barbwire wall along
garden of happiness.” That was their the border between East and West
resolution. And now Paraguay had its Berlin. Ever since the partition of the
first district. German state, the city of Berlin had
1. Fukuzawa Yukichi, An Outline of a Theory the fortunes of the country was quite
of Civilisation, trans. David A. Dilworth & G. common and occurred frequently during the
Cameron Hurst (Tokyo: Sophia University, Daishonin’s lifetime.
1973), 146. 8. Daijuku Sutra (Sutra of the Great Assembly):
2. Ibid., 147. A collection of sutras said to have been
3. All figures are according to the American preached by Shakyamuni to Buddhas and
system of numeration. One billion, therefore, bodhisattvas. The work contains references
is 10. to the three calamities and predictions
4. Amami Oshima is an island located 400 regarding the spread of Buddhism over the
km south-west of Kyushu, which is the five consecutive 500-year periods following
southernmost of Japan’s four main islands. Shakyamuni’s death.
5. On April 28, 1253, the Daishonin revealed 9. Three Pure Land sutras: The three basic
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as the fundamental sutras of the Jodo and Jodo Shin schools
Law to save all people of the Latter Day, of Buddhism in Japan. They are the
embarking on his lifelong propagation efforts Muryoju Sutra (Sutra of the Buddha of
and struggle against persecution. Infinite Life), the Kammuryoju Sutra
6. Azuma Kagami: An official history of the (Sutra of Meditation on the Buddha of
Kamakura shogunate. Infinite Life) and the Amida Sutra (Sutra of
7. The practice of changing the era name Amida Buddha). These three praise the
for either political reasons or improving Pure Land of Perfect Bliss, that is the Pure
112 Valuecreation
Land of Amida Buddha, and exhort people to that divided East and West Berlin to
aspire to rebirth there. stem a growing tide of East Germans
10. Hojo Tokiyori (1227-63): The fifth regent of defecting to the West. These barriers
the Kamakura shogunate. were eventually replaced with the Berlin
11. “issues of Berlin...”: In 1961, despite protests Wall in August 1961, which stood until
by the West, Soviet-controlled East Germany 1989 as an ominous symbol of the
began erecting barriers along the boundary Cold War.
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114 Valuecreation
show splendid actual proof of victory itself. When he came to the passage
through faith.” from the Benevolent Kings Sutra
that reads, “When a nation becomes
‘Training’, NHR-3, 153–55 disordered, it is the spirits that first
show signs of rampancy. Because the
“The message of ‘On Establishing the spirits become rampant, all the people
Correct Teaching’, simply put, is that of the nation become disordered”
each of us should accomplish a personal (WND, 24), he discussed the reason for
human revolution based on the the occurrence of the three calamities
principle of humanism and thus become and the seven disasters.
key players in realising social prosperity “’Spirits’ refers to functions that
and world peace. It has been said that are of a metaphysical or intangible
the Daishonin’s lifetime teachings begin nature. In contemporary terms,
and end with ‘On Establishing the thoughts and ideas might be said to
Correct Teaching’. fall into this category. In other words,
“Nichiren Daishonin’s purpose in when a country or a society becomes
writing this treatise was the salvation of disordered, the first things to show
the people, who were suffering pitifully signs of ‘rampancy’ are people’s ideas
under the onslaught of earthquakes and ways of thinking. Disorder and
and floods, famine and disease. The way confusion in people’s thoughts and
to accomplish this, he decided, was to ideas sap their vitality and distort their
propagate the philosophy of life that mental processes, which in turn causes
is Buddhism, a teaching of how to be chaos and disharmony in society.
truly human, with the aim of achieving “If people succumb to egoism,
a human revolution, a transformation seeking only after personal gain,
in the very depths of people’s lives. He pleasure and short-term gratification,
was calling for a struggle to rid people’s society will naturally decline.”…
hearts and minds of evil and replace Shin’ichi Yamamoto continued
it with goodness; to open the eye of lecturing, pausing not even to wipe the
wisdom in their lives and to transform perspiration from his brow. “The cause
their inner focus from self-centredness of the social disorder and many tragic
to altruism, from destructiveness to events we’ve been seeing lies in people
creativity. being caught in a way of thinking that
“Why did he choose this approach? forgets to accord prime importance to
Because people are basis of everything. the human being.”…
Plants flourish in fertile soil. In the same Shin’ichi then came to the passage
way, if we cultivate the soil of human that reads, “If you care anything about
life, peace and culture will flourish your personal security, you should first
magnificently there.” of all pray for order and tranquillity
After giving a general outline of throughout the four quarters of the
‘On Establishing the Correct Teaching’, land, should you not?)” (WND, 24). The
Shin’ichi began to lecture on the text “four quarters” indicates that which
116 Valuecreation
the home or find out what kind of crops means that all of you volunteered to
are most likely to survive a typhoon, for be born here in the Amami Islands.
example. This determination also can Well aware that this place is frequently
move the government. Our duty, our struck by typhoons, has poisonous
mission, is to make the place we live a snakes, is difficult to get around and
Land of Eternally Tranquil Light, a realm suffers economically, you accepted the
of happiness and peace. I hope the karmic burden and appeared here as
members here in the Amami Islands will Bodhisattvas of the Earth with a vow to
be pioneers in this endeavour.”… work for kosen-rufu.
At the men’s division group leaders “If you are complaining that
meeting, Shin’ichi Yamamoto spoke these circumstances are not what you
of the sense of commitment and expected, that they are more than
responsibility required of leaders. He you bargained for, then you are not
was profoundly aware of the hardships yet demonstrating the real essence of
faced by the inhabitants of the Amami your mission. You will in that case be
Islands, and he knew how difficult it unable to manifest your innate power
was for the members to do Gakkai and wisdom, which means you will
activities. Yet, without the continuous not break through your problems.
spread of the Daishonin’s teachings, the Only when you have a firm awareness
fate of Amami would not be changed of your mission to accomplish kosen-
and happiness for the people could not rufu are you a true Bodhisattva of the
be realised. That is why Shin’ichi chose Earth. Then, as you strive to fulfil your
to talk about attitude of those taking mission, your eternal self will take over
the lead in activities for kosen-rufu. and boundless strength and wisdom will
“Thank you for all your hard work well forth, enabling you to surmount all
every day. The challenges you face obstacles.”
geographically, economically, and
in trying to share the Daishonin’s ‘Securing the Foundation’, NHR-8, 80–83
Buddhism amid deep-seated local
traditions must be overwhelming. As When gongyo was finished, Shin’ichi
you know, the Gosho states that we turned around and commented to
‘voluntarily choose to be born in evil the members sitting in the front row:
circumstances so that we may help “Since becoming president of the Soka
others’ (cf. WND-I, 243). In other words, Gakkai, I have prayed that there would
we deliberately made the negative be no earthquakes and that Japan
causes that destined us to be born into would always have bountiful harvests.
this defiled age so that we could help all I will continue praying for that. Let’s
living beings become truly happy. overcome every hardship and disaster
“Buddhism teaches that we with firm resolve and strong prayer.”
appeared in the Latter Day of the Law After Katsu Kiyohara and Hiroshi
to propagate the Daishonin’s Buddhism Izumida delivered greetings to the
as Bodhisattvas of the Earth. This members, it was Shin’ichi’s turn to
118 Valuecreation
Headquarters in preparation for a seas from which people gained their
ground war on Japanese soil, and today livelihood would cause terrible harm.
it is a land plagued by earthquake But even after industrial pollution
swarms. From the standpoint of became the focus of public attention,
Buddhism, you have all gathered here the engineers and company executives
as emissaries of the Buddha in order deliberately closed their eyes to the facts,
to transform Matsushiro’s destiny and resulting in the loss of many precious
make it a ‘safe and tranquil’ realm as lives. Behind this lay the malevolent
taught in the Lotus Sutra (LS16, 230). mindset of “economic animals” that was
“Matsushiro is the grand stage willing to sacrifice human life for the
of your mission. I hope you will exert sake of corporate profit.
yourselves to the fullest extent of The companies that caused the
your ability here. The fact is that pollution feigned ignorance regarding
times of suffering and hardship are the numerous cases of serious illness
an opportunity to achieve wonderful and death, using the defence that there
growth and accumulate tremendous was no firm scientific evidence that the
good fortune. If you stand up and face tragedies were caused by their factories’
the challenge at such times, you can effluents. Meanwhile, government
adorn your life with everlasting benefit. officials, who were supposed to place
But if you are cowardly, you will regret the interests of the people first,
it throughout your life. adopted a passive attitude towards
“I hope that all of you, my dear the industries, which they considered
fellow members in Matsushiro, will to be a dependable source for local
initiate a great struggle! Please create economy in the form of tax revenue.
a model organization that the rest of Politicians who received support from
Japan will want to emulate and the companies also worked cunningly
achieve victory in our second round to protect them. Many ordinary citizens
of kosen-rufu.” curried favour with the polluters as
Resounding applause that conveyed well, believing that it would be to
the members’ unwavering commitment their own advantage in the long run to
shook the room. do so. This back-scratching and self-
serving environment produced countless
‘Community Spirit’, NHR-12, 129–32 innocent victims.
Shin’ichi was outraged by this
Shin’ichi believed that the companies situation and sensed a profound threat
that had contaminated the environment in the spread of industrial pollution.
with mercury and cadmium wastewater He resolved to stand up and fight to
in the cases of the Minamata disease abolish it from the face of the earth,
and the itai-itai disease must have for this, he believed, was part of his
been aware of the danger of these mission as a Buddhist practitioner. He
pollutants. It was simply common sense therefore touched on the issue at the
that releasing them into the rivers and Headquarters general meeting held on
120 Valuecreation
the principle that humanity and its forces with scientists to address the
environment are one and indivisible.” problem.
In his essay, Shin’ichi next asserted Shin’ichi believed that the
that human beings are just one of the development of a grassroots citizens’
living species on Earth and, as such, an movement would become the most
integral part of the eternal life cycle important factor in solving the problem
that has created and sustained our of environmental pollution.
natural environment. That cycle, he It is the people who change the
said, is a series of interlocking chains of course of society and the times. History
life; if one is broken, all the others are is transformed when the people become
affected, and if one part of the whole is wise and stand up as the protagonists
poisoned, the entirety is contaminated. of change. Kosen-rufu is a movement
He then added that the blessings that inspires and awakens people to
of nature which human beings have become the builders of a new age….
always regarded as limitless were in Shin’ichi was waging an intense
fact the finite cargo of this “spaceship” struggle of words. The times can only
that is Earth. Lacking this perspective, begin to shift by initiating a relentless
he asserted, human society was basing offensive.
itself on “egoistic humanism” and The title of this latter article was
continuing to consume the Earth’s ‘A Philosophy of Humankind and the
resources at a rate that far exceeded Environment’. In it, he elaborated from
nature’s capacity for self-reproduction, a philosophical perspective on some of
harming and polluting the environment the points raised in his earlier article,
and destroying the organic systems that examining these issues at a deeper
comprise the natural world. level. He concluded that the origins of
Shin’ichi also suggested a number pollution could be traced to two ideas:
of measures to deal with the pollution the optimistic conviction in the power
issue, including regulating the use of of nature to retain its balance no matter
such natural resources as land, air and how severely it is damaged; and that
water, on the basis that they were humankind, as the ‘lord of creation’ has
finite and the common property of all the right to dominate and control all
humankind…. existence….
“It is not the politicians or Remarking that from a certain
businesspeople who should take the perspective scientific progress arose
initiative in fighting pollution. Rather, from this spirit of “conquering the
the awareness of a unified public will unknown”, Shin’ichi wrote: “But science
move government and business to act.” and technology now threaten to
Shin’ichi further suggested that rebound on themselves with menacing
citizen groups be formed to serve as force. This is a catastrophe brought
“pollution investigators” who would about by the arrogance and self-
keep an eye out for environmental righteousness that lay at the root of the
violations, and that they combine philosophy of conquest and domination.
122 Valuecreation
to live. In Minamata, Gakkai members ordinary person attains Buddhahood.
became a source of hope for the At such a time, the three obstacles and
community. four devils will invariably appear, and
Revitalisation, NHR-15, 21–31 the wise will rejoice while the foolish
will retreat’ (WND, 637). By persevering
in faith through every obstacle and
battling against the devilish functions,
OBSTACLES / HARDSHIPS we can transform our karma and
achieve a state of absolute happiness.
that although our lives may be filled our state of life. It is a springboard
with suffering and hardship, genuine that leads to our human revolution.
happiness can be found through our Life and faith are like an obstacle race.
efforts to challenge and overcome Overcoming each obstacle is a source
every obstacle based on faith. He also of joy.
emphasized that faith is a struggle “I hope all of you will stand up
against the devilish forces that seek to courageously as true disciples of
cause us suffering and to obstruct our Nichiren Daishonin!”
practice of Buddhism. This was Shin’ichi’s sincerest hope,
Shin’ichi was determined to enable his earnest prayer, and his heartfelt call.
the members to establish a core of
unshakable faith deep in their lives. ‘Light of Dawn’, NHR-11, 33–34
He continued: “The Daishonin clearly
states that when we exert ourselves Nichiren’s writings from Sado are alive
earnestly in accord with the correct with fatherly strength and compassion
teaching and work for kosen-rufu, that seeks to crush the cowardice
the three obstacles and four devils are and weakness in his disciples’ hearts
certain to arise and challenge us. This and teach them genuine faith. For
is comparable to the air resistance and example, the following passage from
turbulence an airplane experiences as ‘The Opening of the Eyes’ reveals his
it takes flight and makes its ascent. It rock-solid determination to advance
follows that if we become fearful and kosen-rufu in the face of all manner of
retreat halfway through, we will never obstacles: “Let the gods forsake me. Let
reach our goal. On the other hand, if all persecutions assail me. Still I will give
we boldly continue our advance, just my life for the sake of the Law” (WND,
as an airplane reaches cruising altitude, 280). This was a cry from the depths of
we will without a doubt be able to soar Nichiren’s being as he strove to quash
powerfully into the future. the tendency of his easily swayed
“The Daishonin states: ‘Something disciples to view faith as a mere means
uncommon also occurs when an to gain personal security and receive
124 Valuecreation
Such Buddhist principles as “From another perspective, this
‘changing poison into medicine’, principle is saying that in order to
‘earthly desires are enlightenment’, attain the ‘medicine’ of Buddhahood,
and ‘the sufferings of birth and death of absolute happiness, we must
are nirvana’ constitute a philosophy triumph over the ‘poison’ of suffering.
of transforming the negative into the In other words, suffering is the seed
positive. As long as we base ourselves that enables the flower of happiness to
on such a forward-looking approach, bloom. As such, we shouldn’t be afraid
we will never be deadlocked. of hardship. Rather, we should face it
How we perceive events is also courageously.
intimately related to the strength of our “We are all Bodhisattvas of the
life force. When we are weak-spirited Earth who possess the life state of
and apathetic, we end up falling into a Buddhahood and who have appeared
negative mind-set in spite of our best in this world to lead all people of the
efforts to remain positive. Our mental Latter Day of the Law to enlightenment.
attitude is inseparable from our state of We will never be deadlocked.
life. Daimoku is the source of powerful, Unhappiness is not caused by adverse
unflagging vitality. circumstances; it is caused by our own
despair and negativity.”
‘Heart and Soul’, NHR-16, 35–36 The members clung to Shin’ichi’s
words, which brimmed with powerful
Shin’ichi continued to speak emphati conviction.
cally: “Over the course of our lives, He continued: “Another important
we are bound to face all kinds of thing is to realize that the suffering you
adversity, not only natural disasters are experiencing now has a profound
but things like bankruptcy, unemploy significance. If all of you who have
ment, illness, accidents, and the deaths been adversely affected by this natural
of loved ones. No life is ever perfectly disaster are able to splendidly rebuild
smooth. your lives, you will have turned poison
“In fact, life is an endless series of into medicine and demonstrated the
trials and tribulations, and it would greatness of the Daishonin’s Buddhism
be no exaggeration to say that facing to society. That is the purpose of the
difficulties is indeed what life is about. struggle you are now encountering.
The question, then, is, how do we “Please relay the following message
remain unbeaten by these trials and from me to all your fellow members:
adorn our lives with victory? Buddhism ‘Don’t be defeated. I hope you will
teaches the concept of transforming surmount this obstacle and come out
poison into medicine. According to victorious. I will continue to send you
this principle, we can change even the my sincerest daimoku.’”
worst circumstances into benefit and Shin’ichi was absolutely earnest.
happiness through faith. We need to be The English novelist Hall Caine wrote
utterly confident of this. in his masterpiece The Eternal City that
126 Valuecreation
Next, Shin’ichi Yamamoto reconfirmed “Fukushima, be victorious in the
the three guidelines he had presented struggle of daily life.”
at the Fukushima General Headquarters “One of life’s major struggles is to
Leaders Meeting he attended eight establish financial security, but rather
years earlier, in October 1969: than looking for ways to get rich quick,
“Fukushima, advance blazing with I hope you’ll all lead your lives in a way
hope”, “Fukushima, be victorious in the that is earnest, trustworthy, responsible,
struggle of daily life”, and “Fukushima, wise, and value-creative. As Buddhists,
develop a faith brimming with life- to win in society we need to exert
force”. ourselves, use our ingenuity, and work
“The reason why I made, ‘Fukushima, harder than anyone else.
advance blazing with hope’, the first “Never forget that our Buddhist
guideline is because our Buddhist faith faith is the source of all our prosperity.
has the power to foster hope. As the Daishonin notes: ‘If a tree is
“There are many trials and deeply rooted, its branches and leaves
tribulations in life. In addition, we will never wither’ (WND-1, 909). We
each have our own karma, and on top should plant roots firmly in the earth of
of that, when we practise our faith the Mystic Law, and through those roots
ardently, obstacles are certain to arise. draw forth the nourishment of good
No life is always smooth sailing. But fortune. That’s the way to flourish in
no matter how deep the darkness of every respect.
despair, faith enables us to keep the “I hope that you will all demonstrate
flame of hope burning in our hearts. actual proof of victory in the struggles
“Nichiren Daishonin writes: of daily life and make Fukushima, just
‘Maintain your faith and attain as its name indicates, an ‘island of good
Buddhahood in this lifetime. Nam- fortune’, an ‘island of happiness’.”
myoho-renge-kyo, Nam-myoho- Shin’ichi then spoke of the third
renge-kyo’ (WND-1, 4). The Mystic Law guideline, “Fukushima, develop a faith
enables us to overcome every obstacle, brimming with life-force.”
no matter how overwhelmed or “Life-force is what drives the
deadlocked we may be, and establish a courage, wisdom, perseverance, and
life state of indestructible happiness. strength that we need to triumph in life.
“The important thing is to have If we lack life-force, our spirit will be
faith in the Gohonzon, earnestly chant shrouded with sadness, sentimentality,
daimoku, and strive to share this despair, and resignation; we’ll be quick
Buddhism with others. If we do so, to complain, and our expression and
we’ll be able to open a way forward. voice will be gloomy. We’ll drive people
We were born into this world as human away. Everyone prefers to be around
beings with a mission to become strong those who are energetic and optimistic.
and happy.”… “When we’re brimming with life-
Shin’ichi then further discussed force and burning with enthusiasm, we
the meaning of his second guideline, can be like a sun illuminating others
128 Valuecreation
sleep and exercise may cause disorders light of the Daishonin’s writings. “In
in our internal organs, muscles, or short,” he continued, “one of the first
nervous system. steps in avoiding illness is taking such
The “demons” in number four — precautions as dressing according to the
“attack by demons” — refer to external changes in our environment. Leading a
causes. These include micro organisms, well-balanced life, not overindulging in
such as bacteria and viruses, as well food or drink, and getting enough sleep
as the stress we experience in our and exercise are all vital, too. In this
daily lives. Number five, “the work way, we can avoid the first three causes
of devils”, indicates the various inner of illness. Faith means employing the
impulses and desires that disrupt the wisdom to do so. And with the help of
healthy functioning of our minds and medical science, we can control illness
bodies. Afflictions that prevent us from caused by germs and viruses, the fourth
practising Buddhism also arise from the cause of illness.”
workings of such devils. Shin’ichi’s said with emphasis: “But
Number six, “the work of karma”, no matter what the sickness, the speed
refers to causes that derive from the with which we recover depends upon
inner depths of our life. This indicates our life force. And faith is the wellspring
sickness that stems from the distortions of that life force. At the same time, if
or deeply rooted tendencies in our life the root cause of an illness is the work
itself. Buddhism views such distortions of “demons” or the effect of karma,
as karma. then even the best efforts of medical
The origins of illness are divided into science alone cannot bring about a cure.
these six different categories, but in “It is only through strong faith
actuality many illnesses have overlapping in the Gohonzon that we can defeat
causes. In the case of influenza, for such negative workings in our life and
example, the cause is a virus. This could transform our karma. And among the
be looked at as an “attack by demons”. illnesses caused by karma, the most
Infection can, however, be triggered by severe are those resulting from having
changeable weather— in other words, slandered the Lotus Sutra in a previous
by “disharmony of the four elements”. existence.”
In addition, a poor physical condition At this point, a man of small build
brought about by an unhealthy in his mid-50s sitting directly in front
lifestyle—“improper eating and of Shin’ichi said in an anxious voice:
drinking”—can be a contributing factor. “Sensei! I recently went to see the
Negative functions may also be at work doctor for a checkup because I was
in the depths of one’s life to keep one experiencing stomach pains. I was told
from engaging in Buddhist practice, and that I have cancer and will have to
there are also cases when karma may be undergo surgery. And, about six months
an important consideration. ago, the car I was driving was hit by
Shin’ichi Yamamoto explained another car and I had to be hospitalized
in detail the six causes of illness in for two weeks. I have also suffered with
130 Valuecreation
diabetes and need regular insulin but also work for the happiness of
injections. My doctor tells me that if I others.
continue with the injections and follow “At life’s most fundamental level,
his instructions about diet and exercise, health and sickness are one. There
I can live a normal life, but at the same are times when our life manifests a
time, it’s a chronic condition that will healthy condition and times when it
never be cured. Hearing that I will have manifests illness. The two conditions
to endure this for the rest of my life has are interconnected. Thus, by making
made me lose hope, and I haven’t the earnest efforts in faith and fighting
energy for anything.” against illness, we can establish a state
Shin’ichi responded: “If you exert of genuine health both mentally and
yourself wholeheartedly in faith, your physically.”
life will be filled with hope, supreme
happiness, and fulfilment even if you ‘Crown Champions’, NHR-10, 261–68
have a chronic illness. The Daishonin
writes, ‘Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like Shin’ichi delved deeper into the true
the roar of a lion. What sickness can nature of the Bodhisattvas of the
therefore be an obstacle?’ (WND, 412). Earth: “The essential characteristic of
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is a lion’s roar. a bodhisattva is their vow. The vow
A lion’s roar will send even the fiercest of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth is to
of animals running. In the same way, propagate the Lotus Sutra. That’s why
when faced with daimoku, there is no wholeheartedly chanting to realize our
ailment that can be an obstacle to one’s vow of bringing happiness to all around
happiness or to kosen-rufu. us is important. Strictly speaking,
“People in modern society have daimoku chanted without that vow is
been described as being only ‘half- not the daimoku of the Bodhisattvas of
healthy’, meaning that we are all the Earth.”
afflicted with some kind of illness and The bodhisattva vow brims with
that our physical health will decline the Buddha’s life force, enabling one to
as we age. But is sickness necessarily triumph over devilish functions.
the cause of unhappiness? Absolutely Shin’ichi wanted every single
not. It is being defeated by illness and member to experience great benefits.
losing hope that makes us unhappy. We He wanted them to overcome all forms
become unhappy when we forget our of suffering such as illness and poverty
mission to strive for kosen-rufu. and become happy. The vow to achieve
“There are many people with kosen-rufu is the key to fulfilling such
perfectly healthy bodies who are prayers.
unhappy because they are ailing We all have various problems and
spiritually. On the other hand, there are sufferings. Our dedication to kosen-
many Soka Gakkai members who, while rufu is crucial in surmounting them. For
struggling with illness or disability, are example, if someone suffering from
not only genuinely happy themselves illness vows to overcome that illness in
132 Valuecreation
questions. As a farmer, he had clearly falls into their laps without having to
been working hard and trying to do make any effort. But a religion that
the best he could. But so was everyone encourages such prayer is one that will
else. He was unaware of his own lead people to ruin.
complacence in thinking that what he “Prayer in Nichiren Daishonin’s
had been doing was enough. Buddhism means to chant daimoku
Shin’ichi began speaking in a based on a pledge or vow. At its very
penetrating tone, “First of all, it is vital core, this vow is to attain kosen-rufu.
that you thoroughly investigate the In other words, it means chanting
cause that led to your crop failure so resolutely with the determination: ‘I will
that you don’t make the same mistake realize kosen-rufu in Brazil. Therefore,
again. You might want to talk with I will show magnificent actual proof in
farmers who have been successful and my work. Please enable me somehow to
take note of what they have to say. bring forth my greatest potential’. This
“It’s also important that you take is what our prayer should be like.
sufficient measures to prevent failure. “It is also important that we
People who are deadly serious about establish clear and concrete goals for
what they are doing are always studying what we hope to achieve each day,
and exerting their ingenuity to solve and then pray and challenge ourselves
problems. You will not be successful if to achieve each one. This earnest
you neglect such things. You are greatly determination will give rise to wisdom
mistaken if you think that just because and resourcefulness, thereby leading
you practise faith your fields alone will to success. In short, to win in life, we
yield abundant crops without any effort need determination and prayer, effort
on your part. and ingenuity. It is misguided to dream
“Buddhism is a teaching of of getting rich quick, expecting to
unsurpassed reason. Therefore, the encounter a rare stroke of luck or some
strength of one’s faith must manifest shrewd money-making scheme. This is
itself in the form of studying, exercising not faith. It is mere fantasy.
one’s ingenuity and making twice as “Our work is the mainstay that
much effort as anyone else. Earnest supports our lives. Unless we show real
daimoku is the wellspring for the evidence of victory in our work, we
energy to challenge these things. Your cannot demonstrate the principle that
daimoku must also be a pledge.” faith manifests itself in daily life. Please
“A pledge?” asked the man. None of rid yourself of any laxness and reapply
the members had ever heard of such a yourself wholeheartedly to your work
concept before. with a fresh determination.”
“Yes, a pledge.” Shin’ichi replied. “I’ll do my best!” replied the man,
“This means to make a vow of your own his eyes filled with resolve.
accord and pray to fulfil it. Of course, Shin’ichi was well aware of the
there are many ways of praying. Some hardships these immigrant farmers
people may pray that everything just were facing. To be successful under
134 Valuecreation
occupation. In other words, the starting to practise Nichiren Daishonin’s
Daishonin is telling us to regard our Buddhism, he was negative about
work as our practice of Buddhism. everything, and this caused serious
Second Soka Gakkai president problems for him at work.
Josei Toda always said that as Soka After joining the Soka Gakkai in
Gakkai members, in order to become 1962, however, he began to notice
indispensable people at work and win himself becoming more positive
the trust of our colleagues, we need to through participating in Gakkai
have the faith of one, and work as hard activities. Even at work, his co-workers
as three. started to comment on his cheerful
Nichiren Buddhism is a teaching that demeanour, which boosted his self-
aims for the realization of happiness for confidence. Inspired by the Soka Gakkai
both oneself and others, and the goal guidance to become an indispensable
of the Soka Gakkai is the simultaneous person in the workplace, he took on
achievement of social prosperity and his assignments with great care and
individual happiness. Towards that end, seriousness.
the Soka Gakkai members in post-war His superiors at the company
Japan strove to contribute to society, took note of his efforts, and before
to improve themselves through their long he was selected from among
work, and to show actual proof at 500 employees to be the technician
their workplace. Their philosophy responsible for the latest model of a
and the pride and commitment they US computer purchased by a major
felt as Buddhists motivated them to Japanese trading company. Normally,
work hard. such a post would be given to a
In November 1962, Soka Gakkai university graduate. It was a difficult
membership had reached 3 million, and job, and he had to study many technical
by the end of October 1964, the month manuals. The US company that had
of the Tokyo Olympics, it surpassed 5 manufactured the computer sent an
million. Determined to contribute to instructor to provide training, but it was
society, the members threw themselves all in English.
spiritedly into their work, challenging After returning home from his
whatever problems arose and striving to Gakkai activities in the evening, the
become truly outstanding employees. young man would stay up late into the
As a result, countless dramas of human night studying English and mechanical
revolution unfolded. systems, doing his best to learn
One of these was the story of a computer technology. What kept him
22-year-old young man who worked going when he felt like giving up was
as a computer technician in Osaka. the encouragement he received from
After graduating from a technical high his fellow members and the poem
school, he found a job at an Osaka- ‘My Friends, Be Strong’ that Shin’ichi
based electronics company, where he Yamamoto had presented to the youth
specialized in electrical wiring. Before division.
136 Valuecreation
proof of happiness and victory. consider thoroughly, and take bold
Wherever our life takes us, we should action. It’s a mistake to think that
think of ourselves as having been sent chanting alone is enough, that it will
there by the Buddha to carry out kosen- make a good job fall into our lap from
rufu. And if you regard yourself as my out of the sky.
disciple, be assured that you are there in “When you start a new job, it’s
my place, as my representative.”… important to have a good idea of
Those who think solely of their your position. And at times you may
own happiness will become anxious need to utilize your connections. The
and weak, while those who resolve to keys to bettering your situation are
live for kosen-rufu and cultivate deep- seriously chanting daimoku, careful
rooted faith will develop a spirit that is consideration, and bold action.”
broad and resilient. No light can shine Fully taking Shin’ichi’s advice to
on the hearts of those locked in the heart, the man, who had asked him
shell of petty egotism. But when the the question, energetically responded,
window of altruism is thrown wide “I understand!”
open, the sunlight of hope can pour in. With great vigour, Shin’ichi said: “As
That’s why Shin’ichi wanted those Soka Gakkai members and champions,
who had lost their jobs when the coal we need to be brimming with conviction
mines closed and were having a difficult in our faith, overflowing with life force,
time making ends meet to return to the and burning with the willingness to
prime point of this Buddhism, kosen- face whatever of life’s challenges that
rufu. may come our way. In other words, it’s
Shin’ichi continued: “Not just those important to be energized and have a
working in the coal mines, but many life that truly shines. The brilliance of a
others, including those employed life that shines is what illuminates life’s
at related companies and in local darkness. This is the light of happiness.”
businesses, are also experiencing As if confirming the man’s
hardship, being forced to change jobs or statement, Shin’ichi Yamamoto
otherwise change their way of life. said, “Our life force is what is most
“It’s important to pray fervently important. Do you understand what I
when facing life’s greatest challenges. mean?”
As the Daishonin writes: ‘[Pray] as Watching the man’s reaction, he
earnestly as though to produce fire added: “When you lose your livelihood,
from damp wood, or to obtain water the common tendency is to feel
from parched ground’ (WND-1, 444). At depressed, and if you have no apparent
such times, it’s vital to chant in earnest, future prospects, you can easily become
with utter determination.” apathetic and despairing.
“When we chant, we accumulate “If you’re able at such a time to
benefit. We’re able to manifest a remain filled with life force, energized,
powerful life force and wisdom. Then and ready to face the challenges before
we need to call on that wisdom, you, you can impart tremendous
138 Valuecreation
that occasion, he discussed a line in the relationship with them. On top of this,
closing passage of the ‘Life Span’ (16th) her husband, who ran a textile dying
chapter of the Lotus Sutra, “At all times factory, had reached an impasse in his
I think to myself” (Mai ji sa ze nen). work and started gambling.
Quite simply, what this means is the Endless quarrels with her husband,
constant thought we have in the depths combined with economic hardship
of our hearts. The constant thought and her discordant relations with his
of the Buddha is to enable all living children, even led her to contemplate
beings to attain enlightenment. In other suicide.
words, the Buddha’s mind is perpetually In the midst of this, an acquaintance
turned to the happiness of all people. told the couple about Nichiren
“The kind of commitment or Daishonin’s Buddhism and that both of
attitude we have in the depth of our them decided to join the Soka Gakkai.
lives —what we are thinking, praying As they continued to chant daimoku,
and wishing for — is crucial. It is a clear the husband quit gambling and went
reflection of our life state. Let us, as about his work with greater energy and
disciples of Nichiren Daishonin from enthusiasm. The woman’s poor relations
the remote past, make his great vow with her husband’s children also
for kosen-rufu and the happiness of all improved. In this way, she explained,
people, our own resolve and mission. I she had been able to realise a happy
hope that each one of you will return to and harmonious home life that had
the vow you made in the remote past, long been her dream.
and aspire, chant, and take action for This experience was a record of
kosen-rufu.” one woman’s human revolution: her
transformation into a person who not
‘Banner of the Law’, NHR-26, 109–10 only loved her own child but could
now show and feel equal affection
toward the children of her husband’s
first wife, and who could also embrace
FAMILY / RELATIONSHIPS her husband with warmth and
140 Valuecreation
about one’s fellow members is none may be worried because things aren’t
other than an act of grave contempt. going well for your husband at work.
“Surely, if we are to call ourselves In addition to directing your prayers
genuine members of the Soka Gakkai to solving this problem, it’s important,
women’s division, then we must rid I feel, to make a specific goal in your
ourselves of such a murky and ignoble activities for that particular month
spirit and instead strive cheerfully — for example, to teach one of your
in faith with a heart as clear as the friends about faith or to chant a certain
glorious blue sky of early summer. amount of daimoku. In other words,
“Furthermore, women with to make your problems an impetus for
children need to realise that in the your activities for kosen-rufu.
family, they are the ones responsible “If you work and pray for kosen-
for teaching their children faith. The rufu, you will definitely receive benefit.
other day, I asked some leaders of the What’s important, therefore, is to use
young women’s division what had every activity as a means to challenge
motivated them to join. Each of the each of your problems and turn it into a
seven young women present reported stepping-stone to happiness. If activities
that she had decided to start practising come to have clear meaning for you as
after observing her mother’s attitude an individual, you will find energy and
and actions — seeing the way she strength. Let’s all walk with confidence
always did her best with a smile, along this sure path to happiness.”
never complaining despite the various
hardships she faced from day to day. ‘Training’, NHR-2, 86–94
In other words, the daughters began
to practise because they realized that A YWD leader then asked: “My mother
faith was the source of their mothers’ doesn’t practise this faith, so whenever
strength, compassion and greatness. I return home and see my mother’s face
“Compare this with the case of my joy immediately subsides. What
a mother who, though a leader in should I do?”
the organisation and appearing very “We practise the Daishonin’s
admirable on the surface, does nothing Buddhism so that we can make our
but complain once she arrives home homes bright and cheerful,” Shin’ichi
saying, ‘I’m so tired’ or ‘What a day!’ replied. “What’s the point, then, if
and neglects to fulfil her responsibilities you go home and allow yourself to
in the family. The children of such a become glum and disheartened? Also,
mother will rarely practice. if you really wish for your mother to
“There is one more point I would begin practising this Buddhism then
like to make. Although all of you you yourself will have to change. You
undoubtedly face many problems, can preach loftily to your mother about
please challenge them by devoting Buddhist doctrine all you like, but the
yourselves earnestly to your Soka bottom line is that she will always just
Gakkai activities. For instance, you see you as her daughter. Therefore,
142 Valuecreation
the bottom of her heart for a happy her family’s meals for the day, and
family life. then left for rehearsal. At night she
While chanting, Yumiko reflected returned home, where the laundry was
on herself: “I’ve been letting myself be waiting for her. She was tired but she
afraid of and intimidated by my husband felt light of heart. She sang as she did
when he drinks and becomes violent. her housework. Before she knew it, she
And I’ve been blaming him for how was no longer troubled by low blood
poor we are, even though he has been pressure. Her husband’s business also
suffering so much because his business picked up, and he began driving her to
isn’t going well. What have I done for and from the rehearsals.
him? Have I thought about things from When the sun in one’s heart shines,
his point of view? I’ve never smiled or darkness is dispelled.
expressed any gratitude to him.” On the morning of the culture
She regretted her own behaviour. festival, Yumiko chanted daimoku
“Instead of allowing myself to be earnestly, with a feeling of deep
swayed by his depression and anger, I’ll appreciation. Then she stood proudly on
become a sun to illuminate his heart. the stage of the Kansai Toda Memorial
That’s the guidance given by President Auditorium as a member of the chorus.
Yamamoto. Now’s the time for Her white dress was adorned with a red
daimoku. I’ll polish and perfect myself rose and she was singing joyously with
through daimoku until I shine. Then I’ll her fellow members.
be invincible!” Shin’ichi Yamamoto presented a
This was the realization she came message to the Kansai Culture Festival:
to as she chanted, and before she “I deeply hope that each one of you will
knew it her attitude toward her fully utilize the pioneering and creative
husband changed. She found herself energy displayed here at today’s culture
spontaneously encouraging her despon festival as a means to expand your life
dent spouse and sympathizing with him. state even further.”
“It’ll be all right. Let’s do our best!” Yumiko felt tears of emotion filling
Her warm, vibrant smile touched and her eyes and, nodding repeatedly, she
comforted him and she could see him vowed to continue striving to transform
becoming more positive. her state of life.
We have to become strong so we’re
not defeated by adversity. Human ‘Ode to Mothers’, NHR-24, 13–16
revolution starts from reflecting on
ourselves, transforming our outlook and
taking that first step toward change.
As the day of the Kansai Culture LIFE AND DEATH
Festival drew near, rehearsals were held
from morning to night. After delivering When the laughter died down,
the Seikyo Shimbun early in the morning, Shin’ichi said with some emphasis:
Yumiko cleaned the house, prepared “Your question is extremely important.
144 Valuecreation
about the True Law. This way of life smiling countenance of one who has
represents the greatest possible good attained Buddhahood. And I have seen
and accords with the law of life itself; the final moments of many members
it is the only way to attain a state of who have died.
eternal happiness and abiding joy. “In any event, those who have
“When I say this, some of you continually taken action for kosen-rufu
may think to yourselves, ‘But didn’t throughout their lives as emissaries of
Mr Makiguchi, our first president, die the Buddha definitely will never sink
in prison? Isn’t that a wretched way into the depths of fear and suffering
to die?’ Most important, however, is and experience the agonies of hell
the state of mind with which we face — irrespective of the circumstances
death. The question is this: With his under which they die. In the Buddhist
last breath, was he filled with suffering scriptures, it says that after death, a
trembling with terror and fear — or thousand Buddhas will extend their
did he, despite imprisonment, die arms and enfold us in their embrace.
peacefully with a sense of profound joy? Having deep faith at the level of our
In one letter from prison, Mr Makiguchi innermost being at the moment of
wrote of his immense delight at having death in itself attests to our attainment
lived in exact accord with the Buddhist of Buddhahood.
scriptures. “Indeed, we are Buddhas in both
“Again, some of you may be life and death. Moreover, as proof of
thinking that Soka Gakkai members that, the surviving families and loved
die from illness or accidents, too. But ones of members who have died will,
even here, Buddhism clearly teaches without exception, become happy.
that those who uphold faith until end So even if we encounter obstacles or
will transform the negative effects persecution in the course of our practice
of past causes, experiencing them — even when it seems that life is an
in a lightened form. That is, we can endless succession of hardships — we
completely change our negative karma must never abandon faith. Encountering
from the past — karma that might difficulties is a chance to transform our
ordinarily have taken many cycles of karma.
birth and death and long, excruciating “From the perspective of the
aeons of suffering to gradually eternity of life, our sufferings in this life
eradicate — and attain Buddhahood only last for an instant. We are striving
in this lifetime. One proof of this is the to attain happiness that endures for
person’s countenance at death. eternity.”
“In the Gosho, the Daishonin, too, Nichiren Daishonin said, “Therefore
describes the outward signs of a newly I should first of all learn about death,
deceased person having attained and then about other things” (WND-2,
Buddhahood, saying that the body 759). Without a correct understanding
will be soft and light, and so forth. of death, we cannot turn our minds
President Toda also died with the to such questions as why and how
146 Valuecreation
Fujiko began practising in October 1960. prediction. Fujiko exerted herself
She and her husband ran a general earnestly in faith, eagerly reading the
store and a diner, and they had three Daishonin’s writings and studying the
sons and two daughters. In August of Buddhist teachings.
that year, her oldest son, who was in Her son’s condition continued to
the sixth grade, was diagnosed with a improve. New Year came and went, and
highly malignant form of lymphoma. he was able to walk to his elementary
The doctor told her that there was no school’s arts festival held in March,
treatment available, and the boy would just before graduation. But while he
probably only live another two or three appeared to be doing well, the illness
months. was in fact progressing. In mid-April,
Her son loved baseball and was the boy died peacefully, as if he had just
tanned year round from playing drifted off to sleep.
outside; he was even selected to play Embracing his body, Fujiko spoke
in local tournaments as a pitcher. The to him: “Next time, you will be reborn
news that such an active child was in a healthy body. Because of you I was
terminally ill hit her like a bolt out of able to take faith in the Daishonin’s
the blue…. Buddhism. In order to teach us all about
It was in the midst of this despair Buddhism, you took on the destiny to
that a relative of her husband told her fall to this incurable illness at such a
about the Daishonin’s Buddhism. The young age. That was your mission.…
person’s firm conviction persuaded “I don’t know what karma you
Fujiko, who was ready to try anything, carried from a previous life, but you
to start chanting. Her husband did not fulfilled your mission in this one, which
take faith, but he wasn’t opposed to it means you were able to transform it.
either. I am certain of this. Just look at your
Fujiko sat by her son’s hospital bed gently smiling face....”
and chanted daimoku fervently for his Fujiko thought to herself: “I have
life to be spared. He had eaten almost been begging the Gohonzon to cure
nothing for days, but suddenly, as if an incurable illness and let my son
her prayers had been answered, he live. Despite the unreasonableness of
murmured: “Mom, I’m hungry.” my plea, his life was extended for six
Being told that there was nothing months. It is just as is stated in the ‘Life
more that could be done for him in the Span’ chapter of the Lotus Sutra that
hospital, Fujiko decided to take him our lives will be prolonged. I am so
home. There, he began to eat what grateful.”
she prepared for him with gusto. Also, In the depths of her sorrow at her
as they started to chant together, the child’s death, Fujiko felt a profound
pain that the boy had complained sense of appreciation. Tears of emotion
about while in the hospital seemed to streamed down her face.
disappear. Two months passed and then This experience enabled Fujiko to
three; the boy was defying the doctor’s deepen her faith. She boldly set out to
148 Valuecreation
“I didn’t wake my brother, but he however, continue to blame herself
got up on his own and followed me.” for what had happened. She couldn’t
Fujiko felt faint. “Please let them be stop grieving over the loss of her two
alive, let them be alive,” she pleaded daughters, killed in a fire while she was
frantically in her heart as she chanting away from home.
fervent daimoku under her breath. “Why didn’t I buy a new lamp right
By the time the flames were put away?” she chided herself. “Somewhere
out, the house had burned to the deep in my heart I must have assumed
ground. The bodies of the two girls that everything would be all right
were discovered. It was a terrible just because I have faith. But that was
tragedy. The tempests of karma seemed negligence and the work of devilish
to be battering the Kishiyama family functions.”
mercilessly. Fujiko wept inconsolably She also felt awful that she, the
while Kotoku stood there in a daze. district women’s division leader,
The fire had started from the lamp. had caused so much trouble for her
Though the eldest daughter had turned neighbours and the Soka Gakkai. Since
it off, it seemed that some accumulated the fire, criticism of the organization
dust had caught fire and ignited was growing in the community. When
the kerosene. The lamp hadn’t been Gakkai members visited a neighbour’s
working properly for some time, and home to tell them about Buddhism,
the Kishiyamas had just talked about they would often hear: “Look at what
buying a new one. happened to the Kishiyama family!
Vice General Director Fukuyasu Their house burned down and their
Takami immediately reported the children were killed! That’s what comes
Kishiyama family’s tragedy to Shin’ichi, of worshiping mainland gods!”
but he wasn’t able to give a more With some members unable to
detailed account until he visited Tokyo respond to such charges and others
in January of the following year, 1962. resigning themselves to the idea that it
When he arrived in Tokyo, Takami was impossible to carry out propagation
told Shin’ichi all about the incident activities in Nago for the time being,
and how the Kishiyamas were coping, the local organization was seriously
saying: “I attended the funeral and shaken. Feeling that it was all her fault,
presented them with your condolence Fujiko suffered unimaginable mental
gift. Mrs Kishiyama was heartbroken, anguish. She wanted desperately to
but her faith remained unshaken. The chant to the Gohonzon — but it, too,
family is now living in a shed on their had been burned in the fire.
property that was saved from the fire.” After listening to Fukuyasu Takami’s
Believing that the fire was the work report, Shin’ichi Yamamoto said: “It
of devilish functions seeking to destroy must be so hard for Mrs Kishiyama.
her faith, Fujiko Kishiyama did not She must be suffering terribly. It pains
allow the accident to undermine her me to think about it.” Tears rose in
conviction in the Gohonzon. She did, Shin’ichi’s eyes.
150 Valuecreation
also suffered terribly. She will be able When, in a meeting with the mayor
to inspire countless others. Possessing of the village where the Kishiyamas
heavy karma means that one has a lived, an army officer offered to assist
great mission. the village in any way he could, the
“Please give Mrs Kishiyama this mayor told him about the fire that had
message for me: ‘Please don’t be destroyed the Kishiyamas’ home.
defeated. Don’t allow yourself to be The US army officer immediately
beaten. Your continued efforts for visited the shack where the Kishiyamas
kosen-rufu are proof of the power of were living and said to Kotoku: “You
faith.’ seem to be having a hard time. Is there
“I myself will chant daimoku anything you need?”
earnestly each day for the eternal “I’d really like the materials to build
happiness of her children.” a new house,” Kotoku replied.
Shin’ichi also arranged for Mrs “Is that so?” the officer said. He
Kishiyama, whose Gohonzon had been then took Kotoku to the US military
destroyed in the fire, to quickly receive base and, showing him a wooden
a new one. structure with a corrugated tin roof,
After returning to Okinawa, Takami remarked: “If you’d like to have this, it’s
conveyed Shin’ichi’s message to Fujiko. yours.”
It touched her deeply and awakened Kotoku went inside and looked
her determination. “I won’t be around. It was in decent condition.
defeated,” she thought. “I will continue “You would give this to me?” he
to do my utmost until the people of asked. “I deeply appreciate the offer,
Nago understand the correctness of but I don’t know how I’d ever move it to
the Gakkai’s cause and appreciate the my property.”
greatness of the Daishonin’s Buddhism!” The officer smiled broadly. “Don’t
Fujiko convinced her husband worry about that! We’ll deliver it for
Kotoku that the only way to genuinely you.”
honour the memory of their lost The army completely refurbished
children was through their Buddhist the interior of the house for the
practice. Thus, together with his wife, family. Then they closed the roads and
Kotoku began practising in earnest transported the structure by trailer to
and actively participating in Gakkai Kotoku’s fire-ravaged block of land,
activities. Some of their neighbours located some 10 km (6 miles) away from
were astounded to see the Kishiyamas, the base. The Kishiyamas were being
rather than giving up because of the known as the family who lost their
fire, becoming more serious about their house in a fire and then were given
Buddhist faith. another one. They were also able to
At the time, representatives from US reopen the general store and diner that
military bases on Okinawa were meeting they had had been forced to close.
regularly with village mayors in an effort With strong conviction in the power
to improve relations with local residents. of the Gohonzon, the couple went out
152 Valuecreation
the end is a victor in life. Please remain “To give one’s life does not
committed to the path of kosen-rufu necessarily mean to die. It means
and become the happiest person in struggling with all our might in the
Okinawa and all of Japan.” effort to achieve kosen-rufu. Some
of us may die in that process, such as
‘Land of Happiness’, NHR-13, 334–46 the three martyrs of Atsuhara or first
Soka Gakkai president Tsunesaburo
Shin’ichi smiled warmly as he replied Makiguchi. At the same time, however,
to the young man, his voice filled with devoting one’s life’ means working
conviction: “I can tell that you are a very to fulfil our mission for kosen-rufu
sincere person. But there’s no need to throughout our lives, taking action and
be hard on yourself because you don’t telling others about Buddhism to the
think you can die for your beliefs. It is very end.
true that ‘devoting one’s life’ means “The point is to strive to win each
to give one’s life for the sake of the day, always asking ourselves if we did
Buddha and the Law; however, to live our best, if we compromised our beliefs,
for something and to die for something if we have any regrets. One who does
are two sides of the same coin. The so is ‘devoting one’s life’. Moreover,
important thing is what you regard as anyone who does not carry out his
your main purpose, what you feel has faith in earnest each day yet claims to
the highest value in life, and what you be prepared to give his life at a crucial
dedicate your life to. moment is talking nonsense.”
“The Daishonin writes: ‘Many The students listened intently
warriors die for their lords, perhaps as Shin’ichi continued: “When I was
many more than one would imagine. younger, I recorded this determination
A man will die to defend his honour; a in my diary: ‘Revolution is death. Our
woman will die for a man’ (WND-I, 301). In death will be our devotion to the Mystic
other words, people give their lives for Law.’ This was the moment I decided
various reasons. He also says: ‘Human that I would dedicate my life to kosen-
beings ... give their lives for shallow, rufu and President Toda. In a sense,
worldly matters’ (WND-I, 301). that was my death as a nameless young
“So how should we use our lives? man. At the same time, however, it was
The Daishonin concludes that we should the rebirth of Shin’ichi Yamamoto as a
use them for the sake of the Lotus Bodhisattva of the Earth, a champion
Sutra because that is the way to attain of kosen-rufu whose life is one with the
Buddhahood. By devoting ourselves eternal Law of life.
to the Lotus Sutra --- to the correct “From that moment, my
teaching and to kosen-rufu — we commitment has never wavered, no
establish the state of Buddhahood, of matter what obstacles or threats
absolute happiness, in our lives. This I encountered. In fact, in such
is also the direct path to leading all determination lies the path to achieving
people to happiness. one’s own human revolution and a
now available on
Amazon Kindle!
Keeping up with the times, Eternal Ganges is
happy to announce the KindleTM version of all
the published volumes of The New Human
Revolution, on all Amazon Kindle devices.
Note: The EG Digital App will continue to carry
the e-version of the NHRs for both iOS
and Android platforms `235
154 Valuecreation
awareness and understanding, we should
strive to win in our jobs and in all areas
of our lives.”
Absolute victory is the ultimate aim of
our Buddhist practice and our lives. This
is the fundamental spirit underlying
156 Valuecreation
necessary for making
fire in his day: “a good
piece of steel, a good
flint, and good tinder”
(WND-1, 880). 2 Fire was
created by striking
together a piece of
steel and flint, and
allowing the spark this
generated to ignite
the tinder.
The Daishonin
further states that
the Buddha defines
a good teacher as President Ikeda leads the youth in singing the ‘Song of Indomitable Dignity’
(May 1998)
someone who is
“free from any fault
in secular affairs, who never fawns In the light of the Daishonin’s
upon others even in the slightest, who writings, we are certain to triumph in
desires and is satisfied with little, ... who all our struggles if we make the spirit of
is compassionate, ... reads and upholds these mentors of kosen-rufu our own
the Lotus Sutra precisely as it teaches and employ the “strategy of the Lotus
and also encourages and leads others to Sutra” (‘The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra’,
embrace it” (WND-1, 880). WND-1, 1001).
Furthermore, a good believer is
one who upholds the Lotus Sutra, and UNCEASING DEVELOPMENT
a good teaching is the Lotus Sutra, AND VICTORY
“the foremost among all doctrines”
(WND-1, 880). Nichiren Daishonin spread This passage from the Daishonin’s
the teaching of Nam-myoho-renge- writings “Three things are required —
kyo encompassing both practice for a good teacher, a good believer,
oneself and practice for others, exerting and a good teaching” was one that
himself in exact accord with the the Kansai members and I studied
Buddha’s teachings to lead all people to together as we embarked on the
enlightenment throughout the Latter Osaka Campaign3 60 years ago,
Day of the Law. He is the Buddha of the in 1956. It was a daunting
Latter Day and the perfect exemplar challenge that others claimed to be
of a good teacher. Mr Makiguchi and impossible. But we fought with all
Mr Toda, who selflessly dedicated their our might based on faith in the
lives to kosen-rufu just as the Daishonin Mystic Law, which assures us of
instructed, are also our good teachers in absolute victory if we unite as one
the realm of kosen-rufu and in life. with our mentor.
158 Valuecreation
another is that he has recited passages
Thus you should understand from the Lotus Sutra on a daily basis,
that so long as a practitioner prayed to the Buddhas and gods — the
of the Lotus Sutra remains protective functions inherent in the
unwavering in faith, free of all universe — and made a vow.
false alliances, entrusting himself He emphasizes the regularity of his
wholeheartedly to the Lotus Sutra practice with the phrase “every day”. In
and practicing in accordance with another writing [‘Persecution by Sword
the Buddha’s golden words, he and Staff’], he states: “From the time
will without fail be able to prevent that I was born until today, I have never
disaster and prolong his life in this known a moment’s ease; I have thought
present existence, to say nothing only of propagating the daimoku of the
of in the life to come. Splendid Lotus Sutra [Nam-myoho-renge-kyo]”
recompense will be his, and he (WND-1, 965). As these words indicate, the
will fulfill his great vow to broadly Daishonin strove without rest to spread
proclaim and propagate the Lotus the Mystic Law to lead all people to
Sutra. (‘Letter Sent with the Prayer enlightenment.
Sutra’, WND-2, 460) For us, too, in our own individual
Buddhist practice, the continued efforts
we make, day in and day out, are
MAKING STEADY DAILY extremely important. It is for this reason
EFFORTS IN FAITH that the Daishonin urges: “Strengthen
your faith day by day and month after
Nichiren Daishonin stood up resolutely month” (‘On Persecutions Befalling the
for the happiness of all people in sage’, WND-1, 997).
the Latter Day of the Law. Because After referring to his own struggles
he propagated the Lotus Sutra, he against immense obstacles, the
encountered persecution just as Daishonin notes three characteristics
described in the Lotus Sutra. His life that define the faith and practice of
was an endless struggle against great practitioners of the Lotus Sutra that
difficulties. lead to absolute victory.
It was in the midst of the bitterest
adversity of his Sado Exile, right after (1) Remaining Unwavering and Resolute
the Tatsunokuchi Persecution,4 that in Faith
he composed this writing, titled
‘Letter Sent with the Prayer Sutra’,5 The first is “remaining unwavering
teaching his disciple Sairen-bo6 about in faith” (cf. ‘Letter Sent with the
prayer for preventing disaster and Prayer Sutra’, WND-2, 460). This is resolute
prolonging life. faith. It is the great vow to live one’s
In the letter, the Daishonin affirms life solidly based on the Mystic Law. It
that the reason he has survived in spite means not having the slightest doubt,
of undergoing one great difficulty after hesitation or fear in one’s heart.
160 Valuecreation
which took place during a torrential
PRACTISING WITH THE downpour, I declared: “Let us rise to
SAME SPIRIT AS THE this challenge with the conviction that
DAISHONIN IS OUR the correct teaching and those who
DRIVING FORCE strive tenaciously in faith, steadfastly
upholding the Gohonzon, will definitely
The year after our victory in the Osaka emerge victorious!”
Campaign, the Osaka Incident7 took My trial dragged on for more than
place (in 1957). It was the kind of harsh four years. Finally, on January 25,
persecution described in the Lotus Sutra 1962, I was declared innocent. It was
and the Daishonin’s writings. By strange confirmation that the truth always
coincidence, on July 3 — the very day prevails.
that my mentor, Mr Toda, had been When I think of the phenomenal
released from prison many years earlier development subsequently achieved
(in 1945) — I, his direct disciple, was by our members in Ever-Victorious
arrested and detained on false charges, Kansai, I am struck by the truth of
though completely “free from any fault the Daishonin’s assertion:
in secular affairs” (‘How Those Initially “[A] practitioner of the Lotus Sutra …
Aspiring to the Buddha Way Can Attain [who is unwavering and truehearted,
Buddhahood through the Lotus Sutra’, and believes in and practices the correct
WND-1, 880), to borrow a phrase from the teaching as the Buddha instructs] will
Daishonin. without fail be able to prevent disaster
I recalled the Daishonin’s words and prolong his life in this present
about “remaining unwavering in existence.... Splendid recompense will
faith, free of all false alliances, be his, and he will fulfill his great vow
entrusting … [oneself] whole-heartedly to broadly proclaim and propagate
to the Lotus Sutra and practicing in the Lotus Sutra” (‘Letter Sent with The
accordance with the Buddha’s golden Prayer Sutra’, WND-2, 460).
words” (‘Letter Sent with the Prayer I am convinced that the SGI has
Sutra’, WND-2, 460). I donned the achieved its remarkable present growth
“armor of perseverance”8 and vowed through precisely the same formula.
to fight to the end, entrusting my life
completely to the Gohonzon, unafraid
of oppression by the authorities, staying
true to my beliefs and what I knew to The element ku [meaning “merit”]
be right. in the word kudoku [benefit] ...
On the day I was released, July refers to the merit achieved by
17, 1957, Kansai members assembled wiping out evil, while the element
at the Nakanoshima Civic Hall, just toku or doku [meaning “virtue”]
across the river from the Osaka refers to the virtue one acquires
Detention Center where I had been by bringing about good. (OTT, 148)
held. At that evening’s Osaka Rally,
162 Valuecreation
In short, “Buddha” is another name and defeat them so that you can also
for victor, and one becomes a Buddha protect your noble fellow members.
by fighting against and vanquishing
devilish functions. THE SPIRIT OF “ONENESS
The Daishonin described the Buddha’s OF MENTOR AND DISCIPLE”
battle against devilish forces as follows: AND THE UNITY OF “MANY
The devil king of the sixth heaven ARE THE KEY TO VICTORY
has roused the ten kinds of
troops14 and, in the midst of the “Though evils may be numerous, they
sea of the sufferings of birth and cannot prevail over a single great truth
death, is at war with the votary [or good]” (‘Many in Body, One in
of the Lotus Sutra to stop him Mind’, WND-1, 618) — here, the Daishonin
from taking possession of and to teaches us the key to that victory in the
wrest away from him this impure following passage: “Although Nichiren
land where both ordinary people and his followers are few, because they
and sages dwell. It has been are different in body, but united in
twenty or more years now since mind [many in body, one in mind], they
I found myself in that situation will definitely accomplish their great
[after proclaiming my teaching] mission of widely propagating the Lotus
and began the great battle [to Sutra [Nam-myoho-renge-kyo]” (‘Many
propagate the Mystic Law]. Not in Body, One in Mind’, WND-1, 618).
once have I thought of retreat. When the forces of good are truly
(‘The Great Battle’, WND-2, 465) united as “many in body, one in mind”,
they are certain to win in the end.
The battle against these troops of the Aligning our hearts with the
devil king is a fierce struggle with the mentors of kosen-rufu and fighting
devilish functions inherent within us. with the “strategy of the Lotus Sutra”
Its goal is to defeat the fundamental always lead to victory. By persevering
darkness that resides within us. with courageous faith, we can uphold
The Daishonin says: “The single and promote what’s right. By building
word ‘belief’ is the sharp sword with an organization dedicated to good, in
which one confronts and overcomes which many different individuals are
fundamental darkness or ignorance” united in purpose, we can vanquish any
(OTT, 119–20). The “sharp sword” of faith evil. This is the ultimate meaning of
in the Mystic Law is the only weapon “faith for absolute victory”.
that can defeat the attacking forces of Our network for good based on
devilish functions. Buddhist humanism has now spread
I hope that, as leaders of kosen- to 192 countries and territories. How
rufu, you will become courageous delighted the Daishonin must surely be.
champions of strong faith who can see How both Mr Makiguchi and Mr Toda
devilish functions for what they are must be praising and applauding us.
(Value Creation, April 2017; SGI Newsletter No. 9501. Translated from the May 2016 issue of Daibyakurenge, the
Soka Gakkai monthly study journal)
1. Though the circumstances surrounding its Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda to support
composition are unclear, this letter presents them, introduced 11,111 households to the
the basics of faith in the Lotus Sutra to practice of the Daishonin’s Buddhism.
a woman who appears to have been a 4. Tatsunokuchi Persecution and Sado Exile:
Nembutsu practitioner. On September 12, 1271, the authorities
2. The Daishonin writes: “Only when one arrested Nichiren Daishonin and took him to
understands all this clearly and believes in a place called Tatsunokuchi on the outskirts
it can the Law manifest its power and the of Kamakura, where they tried to execute him
Buddhas and bodhisattvas bring benefit to the under cover of darkness. When the execution
people. To illustrate, in kindling a fire, three attempt failed, he was held in detention
things are needed: a good piece of steel, a at the residence of the deputy constable
good flint, and good tinder. The same is true of Sado, Homma Rokuro Saemon, in Echi
of prayer. Three things are required — a good (part of present-day Kanagawa Prefecture).
teacher, a good believer, and a good teaching After a period of about a month, while the
— before prayers can be effective and disasters government debated what to do with him,
banished from the land” (‘How Those Initially he was exiled to Sado Island, which was
Aspiring to the Way Can Attain Buddhahood tantamount to a death sentence. However,
through the Lotus Sutra’, WND-1, 880). when his predictions of internal strife and
3. Osaka Campaign: In May 1956, the Kansai foreign invasion came true, the government
members, uniting around a young Daisaku issued a pardon in March 1274, and he
Ikeda, who had been dispatched by second returned to Kamakura.
164 Valuecreation
5. Addressed to Sairen-bo, ‘Letter Sent with identified with the fundamental Law itself,
the Prayer Sutra’ is thought to have been the essence of the Buddha’s enlightenment,
composed in 1273. In it, the Daishonin replies or ultimate truth, and the Buddha nature
to an inquiry from Sairen-bo concerning the inherent in life.
prayer for preventing disaster and prolonging 10. Fundamental darkness or ignorance: The
one’s life, telling him that the true way of most deeply rooted illusion inherent in
achieving those goals is to be unwavering life, said to give rise to all other illusions.
in one’s practice of the Lotus Sutra. With the The inability to see or recognize the truth,
letter, he enclosed a scroll known as “the particularly, the true nature of one’s life.
prayer sutra”, comprising key passages from 11. Devil king of the sixth heaven: Also, devil
the Lotus Sutra. That scroll has been lost and king or heavenly devil. The king of devils,
it is not known what passages were contained who dwells in the highest or the sixth heaven
therein. of the world of desire. He is also named
6. Sairen-bo (n.d.): Born in Kyoto, he was Freely Enjoying Things Conjured by Others,
a priest of the Tendai school who, for an the king who makes free use of the fruits of
unknown reason, had been exiled to Sado others’ efforts for his own pleasure. Served by
Island. There, he met the Daishonin and innumerable minions, he obstructs Buddhist
converted to his teachings in February 1272, practice and delights in sapping the life force
shortly after the Tsukahara Debate. From the of other beings, the manifestation of the
letters the Daishonin sent him, it appears that fundamental darkness inherent in life. The
he had profound knowledge of Buddhism, devil king is a personification of the negative
but was in poor health. After the Daishonin tendency to force others to one’s will at any
left Sado and went to live at Mount Minobu cost.
in 1274, Sairen-bo was also pardoned and 12. Ten powers: The powers of a Buddha. They
returned to Kyoto. are (1) the power of knowing what is true
7. Osaka Incident: The occasion when SGI and what is not; (2) the power of knowing
President Ikeda, then Soka Gakkai youth karmic causality at work in the lives of all
division chief of staff, was arrested and beings throughout past, present and future;
wrongfully charged with election law (3) the power of knowing all stages of
violations in a House of Councillors by- concentration, emancipation and meditation;
election in Osaka in 1957. In the court case, (4) the power of knowing the state of life of all
which began on October 17, 1957, and people; (5) the power of judging all people’s
concluded on January 25, 1962, he was understanding; (6) the power of discerning
exonerated of all charges. the superiority or inferiority of all people’s
8. Armour of perseverance: Also, armour of capacity; (7) the power of knowing the effects
forbearance. A metaphor for the spiritual of all people’s actions; (8) the power of
endurance with which one withstands insult remembering past lifetimes; (9) the power of
or persecution. The armour of perseverance knowing when each person will be born and
is also that which protects one against evils will die, and in what realm that person will be
and hindrances. The ‘Encouraging Devotion’ reborn; and (10) the power of eradicating all
(13th) chapter of the Lotus Sutra says: “In a illusions.
muddied kalpa, in an evil age, / there will be 13. These names are found in the Great Majesty
many things to fear. / Evil demons will take Dharani Sutra (Chin. Daweide tuoluoni jing;
possession of others / and through them Jpn. Dai-itoku darani-kyo) and other sutras.
curse, revile, and heap shame on us. / But we, 14. Ten kinds of troops represent ten kinds of
reverently trusting in the Buddha, / will put on hindrances. Nagarjuna’s Treatise on the Great
the armor of perseverance. In order to preach Perfection of Wisdom lists them as (1) greed,
this sutra we will bear these difficult things” (2) discouragement, (3) hunger and thirst,
(LSOC13, 233). (4) craving, (5) sleepiness, (6) fear, (7) doubt
9. Fundamental nature of enlightenment: Also, and regret, (8) anger, (9) preoccupation
Dharma nature. The unchanging nature with fame, fortune and false glory and
inherent in all things and phenomena. It is (10) arrogance and contempt for others.
SGI President Ikeda’s Lecture Series Find ‘Folute
for Ab ry’
The Buddhism of the Sun — Illuminating the World
140 ` 140
Everyone deserves
to live in a peaceful
society and to enjoy
health and happiness.
Everyone, including
the sick and disabled,
deserves to live with
dignity and to be
relieved of the anxiety
and pain of illness.
Everyone deserves
to live free from the
threats of harmful
environments, hunger
Those Battling Illness Will Attain and infectious diseases. In today’s
Buddhahood — Defeating the Devil world, along with peace, health is
of Illness with the Lion’s Roar of an essential element of fundamental
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo human rights and has become
an issue impacting human dignity
(Reproduced from: Value Creation, all the more.
Aug 2020, 15–26) One of the UN Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) is ‘good
168 Valuecreation
OVERCOMING THE Founding Soka Gakkai president
SUFFERINGS OF AGEING, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi regarded
SICKNESS AND DEATH this passage as very important and
often referred to it when encouraging
Buddhism directly confronts the members.
inescapable human realities of ageing, The lay priest Takahashi’s condition
sickness and death, and seeks to solve was quite grave, and his wife was no
the suffering they cause. doubt extremely worried.
Everyone wants to enjoy health, The Daishonin warmly embraces
live long and find happiness. For that the couple through this letter,
reason, Buddhism’s perceptive insights telling them that the “five characters
on life are certain to offer ever brighter of Myoho-renge-kyo”3 are “good
hope to humanity. medicine for the ills of the people
Over the next few instalments, I of Jambudvipa [the entire world]”
would like to share important passages [LSOC23, 330], adding, “Could not this
from Nichiren Daishonin’s writings illness ... be the Buddha’s design”
based on the theme ‘Towards a Century (‘The Good Medicine for All Ills’,
of Health: The Wisdom for Leading a WND-1, 937). I am sure the
Long Life of Good Fortune and Benefit’, Daishonin’s great compassion
beginning with a well-known passage relieved their anxiety and brought
from ‘The Good Medicine for All Ills’. them profound comfort and peace
of mind.
The Daishonin is telling us that
Could not this illness ... be the when we are unexpectedly
Buddha’s design, because the confronted by the suffering of
Vimalakirti and Nirvana sutras sickness, we should not regard it
both teach that sick people will with abhorrence. Rather, we should
surely attain Buddhahood? Illness view it as an integral part of the
gives rise to the resolve to attain precious experience of being alive,
the way. (‘The Good Medicine for and as an indispensable step in our
All Ills’, WND-1, 937) journey to attain Buddhahood in
this lifetime and to enjoy eternal
happiness. By doing so, we will
“GOOD MEDICINE” recognize becoming ill as a ‘crucial
FOR THE ILLS OF ALL moment’ for rousing stronger faith
HUMANKIND than ever. With this spirit, we can
definitely overcome the trials of illness
The Daishonin wrote these heartfelt and gain a deeper appreciation of
words of encouragement to the lay nun life while achieving enormous
Myoshin, who was caring for her sick personal growth.
husband, the lay priest Takahashi. 2
170 Valuecreation
GAINING A DEEPER gain a deeper appreciation of our own
APPRECIATION FOR OUR life and mission.
LIFE AND MISSION In addition, our determination,
strong faith and prayers to battle our
Russian author Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910), illness impart courage and hope to
who underwent numerous bouts of ill those around us. They demonstrate
health, sagely observed, “Illness should the nobility of the human spirit. Health
be viewed as a natural condition of and illness are one and inseparable. In
life.”8 In addition, he said, “No illness Nichiren Buddhism, we can transform
can prevent a person from what he has illness into mission.
to do”;9 and “A person can fulfil his
purpose in life equally as well in illness
as in health.”10
In other words, when we view illness Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the
as one of life’s inherent sufferings, we roar of a lion. What sickness can
can appreciate the true richness of the therefore be an obstacle? (‘Reply
experience of being alive. to Kyo’o’, WND-1, 412)11
Buddhism views illness as “an innate
part of life” (OTT: EG, 264; SG, 174). When
we are confronted with illness, we come “NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO
to understand the importance of health IS LIKE THE ROAR OF A
and the preciousness of life. We can LION”
Countless Soka Gakkai members have
battled against and triumphed over the
devil of illness by drawing inspiration
Illness is a universal suffering; from this passage from ‘Reply to Kyo’o’.
none of us is a stranger to it. Earlier in this writing, the Daishonin
But it can cause us to sink into says that he himself has been praying
“every moment of the day” (ibid.)
despair, to give up on life and
for the recovery of Kyo’o, the infant
to lose the strength to go on daughter of two lay disciples. Here,
living. This aspect of illness he is encouraging Kyo’o’s parents by
that drains people of their affirming that no illness can harm
vitality, acting as a ‘robber of those who chant the lion’s roar of
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo; illness will be
life’, is why Buddhism views
subdued, just as the lion’s roar strikes
illness as a ‘devil’, or a devilish terror in all other beasts.
function Members throughout Japan
and around the world, sharing the
mission of Bodhisattvas of the Earth,
172 Valuecreation
For this, I am eternally
grateful to him.
In The Record of
the Orally Transmitted
Teachings, the Daishonin
explains the term “lion’s
roar”, saying, “The
‘roar’ is the sound of the
teacher and the disciples
chanting in unison” (OTT:
EG, 169; SG, 111). The Soka
Gakkai has overcome
every form of adversity
Chanting ‘lion’s roar’ daimoku can defeat the devilish functions that sap our
through the united life force
prayers of mentors and
disciples chanting the lion’s roar of confidence. When our lives reverberate
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. with that all-powerful lion’s roar, we
have nothing to fear.
ATTAINING A STATE OF In ‘Reply to Kyo’o’, the Daishonin
COMPLETE HAPPINESS AND also says, “Wherever your daughter may
FREEDOM frolic or play, no harm will come to her;
she will move about without fear like
Mr Toda always took the lead in the lion king” (WND-1, 412).
offering personal guidance to members, As long as we continue to chant the
and he squarely addressed the problems lion’s roar of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo,
they were facing. He regularly held then no matter what illness, hardship
question-and-answer sessions to listen or misfortune we face, we can “move
to individual members’ concerns, which about without fear like the lion king”.
were often about illness. We will experience a state of complete
Mr Toda keenly perceived whether happiness and freedom in accord with
or not the person asking the question the Lotus Sutra passage that says,
was determined to fight the devil of “living beings enjoy themselves at ease”
illness through faith. He gave strict (LSOC16, 272).14
guidance to anyone he felt was not Chanting this way may be difficult
taking responsibility for their situation for a child as young as Kyo’o. Even
or showed signs of resignation or doubt. adults can find it hard to do gongyo
Many people feel very vulnerable and chant daimoku when in the hospital
when they fall ill. Chanting the or struggling with a serious illness.
lion’s roar of Nam-myoho-renge- Sometimes they have no choice but to
kyo is the only way to vanquish the chant silently in their hearts. But the
devilish functions that undermine our lion’s roar of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
174 Valuecreation
THE BUDDHIST This way of life based on Nichiren
PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE IS A Buddhism is certain to become a beacon
BEACON OF HOPE FOR OUR of hope for our times. Now more than
TIMES ever, people are seeking, at the deepest
level, a light source of wisdom for
When we look at the history of health — a philosophy for leading a
humanity, it is, in one sense, an healthy life in the truest sense.
unending battle between human
beings and illness. We have achieved BECOME CHAMPIONS
a great deal in our efforts to promote OF HEALTH AND GOOD
health and longevity, and many FORTUNE!
previously incurable illnesses can
now be treated. The World Health Let us summon from our lives the
Organization’s 1980 declaration of the strength, wisdom and tenacity to
eradication of smallpox shines with live on, while also bringing forth
special brilliance as one of the great compassion, courage and creativity.
successes of human knowledge and Let us press steadily ahead from today
ingenuity. onwards, one step after another,
But since the sufferings of birth, dedicating our lives to realizing
ageing, sickness and death are happiness for ourselves and for others.
inevitable, our battles against illness My wife, Kaneko, and I are
will persist. Many Soka Gakkai members continuing to pray fervently each day
have continued to struggle undefeated that all our fellow Bodhisattvas of the
against the devil of illness and win, Earth, without exception, will be wise
demonstrating the dignity and power champions of health, good fortune and
of their lives while gaining countless happiness, and that they will enjoy life
precious experiences of victory. to the fullest.
(SGI Newsletter No. 10459 dated April 14, 2020. Translated from the September 2019 issue of
The Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai monthly study journal)
1. Linus Pauling and Daisaku Ikeda, A Lifelong often uses Myoho-renge-kyo synonymously
Quest for Peace: A Dialogue (London: I.B. with Nam-myoho-renge-kyo in his writings.
Tauris, 2009), 44. 4. The Vimalakirti Sutra, translated by Burton
2. The couple, both disciples of Nichiren Watson (New York: Columbia University Press,
Daishonin, resided in Fuji District, Suruga 1997), 65.
Province (present-day central Shizuoka 5. Ibid., 66.
Prefecture). 6. Mutual possession of the Ten Worlds:
3. Myoho-renge-kyo is written with five Chinese The principle that each of the Ten Worlds
characters, while Nam-myoho-renge-kyo possesses the potential for all ten within
is written with seven (nam, or namu, being itself. “Mutual possession” means that life is
comprised of two characters). The Daishonin not fixed in one or another of the Ten Worlds,