Methods of Budgeting
Methods of Budgeting
Methods of Budgeting
1. Incremental Budgeting
- The process is mainly concerned with the incremental (or marginal) adjustments
to the current budgeted allowance. In that respect it is rather similar to the NI
block funding: any changes are up or down from the existing funding for particular
2. Zero-based Budgeting
- Zero-based budgeting – unlike the incremental approach – starts from the basis
that no budget lines should be carried forward from one period to the next simply
because they occurred previously. Instead, everything that is included in the
budget must be considered and justified.
- The process requires specification of minimum levels of service provision, the
current level, and an ‘incremental’ level – either between the minimum and the
current or an improvement over the current level. Options for delivering at each
level can then be evaluated and a justification put forward along with the request
for resources.
b. Decision Conferencing
o This approach is computer-software aided. It allows participants in
decision-making conferences to identify key service areas and the
resources committed. Costs and benefits of levels of activity are given
scores and plotted on a graph – these can be varied to allow the
implications for service delivery to be evaluated. While it can be an
effective tool, CIPFA suggests that the focus is largely at service level and
is more difficult to apply across services. Also, it is time consuming and
expertise with the associated software is required across organizations.
d. Performance-Based Budgeting
o The main aim of this approach is to connect performance information with
the allocation and management of resources. Performance-based
budgets need to contain information on the following elements:
1. inputs (measured in monetary terms);
2. outputs (units of output);
3. efficiency/productivity data (cost per activity);
4. effectiveness information (level of goal achievement).
e. Participatory Budgeting
o Participatory budgeting is based on the following principles:
1. citizens’ groups have as much power as possible in the
decision-making process.
2. representation must be fair and equitable.
3. appropriate training is given to participatory groups. This may
require a dedicated council team.
4. there is some commonality/theme in the type of budget/grant
being allocated e.g.
o regeneration;
o neighbourhood development;
o project based;
f. Resource-Restricted Budgeting
o Resource-restricted budgets are similar to cash-limited budgets. Limits are
applied to particular resources (i.e. staff or equipment) and works rather like
the incremental approach but in reverse.
o It begins with the supply aspects (for example the number of staff that is
available to meet future needs) and it is assumed fundamentally that these
are fixed. From this point it works backwards to the required incremental
b. Contingency Budgeting
o Contingency budgeting is useful for new organizations where detailed
budgeting is difficult because there is no past experience to draw upon.
The absence of reliable detail is compensated for by a contingency
budget to cover as many areas as required.
b. Activity-Based Budgeting
o Activity-based budgeting is an approach developed from activity-based
costing used in the private sector. Rather than assuming that overheads
are related to volumes of production or service, the technique attempts to
identify what drives costs by linking overheads to activities. This provides
more robust information for budget preparation as planned changes in
production or service can be connected to changes in costs.
d. Cash-Limited Budgeting
o Under this approach. Budget holders are required to plan their activities to
ensure that their net expenditure does not exceed a pre-set cash limit. It relies
on assumptions about inflation and pay awards, for instance, which are not
known at the time the base budget estimates are made.