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DRV10983 12-To 24-V, Three-Phase, Sensorless BLDC Motor Driver

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DRV10983 12- to 24-V, Three-Phase, Sensorless BLDC Motor Driver

1 Features 3 Description

1 Input Voltage Range: 8 to 28 V The DRV10983 device is a three-phase sensorless
motor driver with integrated power MOSFETs, which
• Total Driver H + L rDS(on): 250 mΩ can provide continuous drive current up to 2 A. The
• Drive Current: 2-A Continuous Winding Current device is specifically designed for cost-sensitive, low-
(3-A Peak) noise, low-external-component-count applications.
• Sensorless Proprietary Back Electromotive Force The DRV10983 device uses a proprietary sensorless
(BEMF) Control Scheme control scheme to provide continuous sinusoidal
• Continuous Sinusoidal 180° Commutation drive, which significantly reduces the pure tone
• No External Sense Resistor Required acoustics that typically occur as a result of
commutation. The interface to the device is designed
• For Flexibility User May Include External Sense to be simple and flexible. The motor can be controlled
Resistor to Monitor Power Delivered to Motor directly through PWM, analog, or I2C inputs. Motor
• Flexible User Interface Options: speed feedback is available through either the FG pin
– I2C Interface: Access Registers for Command or I2C.
and Feedback The DRV10983 device features an integrated step-
– Dedicated SPEED Pin: Accepts Either Analog down regulator to efficiently step down the supply
or PWM Input voltage to either 5 or 3.3 V for powering both internal
and external circuits. The device is available in either
– Dedicated FG Pin: Provides TACH Feedback a sleep mode or a standby mode version to conserve
– Spin-Up Profile Customizable With EEPROM power when the motor is not running. The standby
– Forward-Reverse Control With DIR Pin mode (3-mA) version leaves the regulator running
and the sleep mode (180-µA) version shuts it off. Use
• Integrated Step-Down Regulator to Efficiently
the standby mode version in applications where the
Provide Voltage (5 V or 3.3 V) for Internal and regulator is used to power an external microcontroller.
External Circuits
TI provides DRV10983 tuning Guide for quick setup
• Supply Current 3 mA With Standby Version
and tuning of the device for optimal performance.
• Supply Current 180 μA With Sleep Version Device Information(1)
• Overcurrent Protection DRV10983
HTSSOP (24) 7.80 mm × 6.40 mm
• Lock Detection DRV10983Z
• Voltage Surge Protection (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at
• UVLO Protection the end of the data sheet.

• Thermal Shutdown Protection Application Schematic

• Thermally-Enhanced 24-Pin HTSSOP VCC
10 µF
0.1 µF
2 Applications 1
VCC 24
VCC 23
0.1 µF
• Appliance Fan 10 µF
3.3 V/5 V
3 CPN W 22
4 SW W 21
47 µH
6 VREG V 19
1 µF
7 V1P8 U 18
8 GND U 17
1 µF
9 V3P3 PGND 16
10 SCL PGND 15
11 SDA DIR 14
Interface to 12 FG SPEED 13

Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated

An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications,
intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA.
DRV10983, DRV10983Z
SLVSCP6H – JULY 2014 – REVISED JUNE 2020 www.ti.com

Table of Contents
1 Features .................................................................. 1 8.5 Register Maps ......................................................... 42
2 Applications ........................................................... 1 9 Application and Implementation ........................ 48
3 Description ............................................................. 1 9.1 Application Information............................................ 48
4 Revision History..................................................... 2 9.2 Typical Application .................................................. 48
5 Description (continued)......................................... 5 10 Power Supply Recommendations ..................... 50
6 Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... 5 11 Layout................................................................... 50
11.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 50
7 Specifications......................................................... 6
11.2 Layout Example .................................................... 51
7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... 6
7.2 ESD Ratings.............................................................. 6 12 Device and Documentation Support ................. 52
7.3 Recommended Operating Conditions....................... 7 12.1 Device Support .................................................... 52
7.4 Thermal Information .................................................. 7 12.2 Documentation Support ........................................ 52
7.5 Electrical Characteristics........................................... 8 12.3 Trademarks ........................................................... 52
7.6 Typical Characteristics ............................................ 11 12.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ 52
12.5 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates 52
8 Detailed Description ............................................ 12
12.6 Community Resources.......................................... 52
8.1 Overview ................................................................. 12
12.7 Glossary ................................................................ 52
8.2 Functional Block Diagram ....................................... 13
8.3 Feature Description................................................. 14 13 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable
8.4 Device Functional Modes........................................ 17
Information ........................................................... 52

4 Revision History
NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.

Changes from Revision G (February 2018) to Revision H Page

• Added PGND spec to Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................................................ 6

• Added Open Drain spec to Electrical Characteristics .......................................................................................................... 10
• Added update on V3P3 LDO and V1P8 LDO ..................................................................................................................... 14
• Updated PWM OutputPWM Output section ......................................................................................................................... 37
• Added information on motor speed accuracy ...................................................................................................................... 39
• Added MotorCurrent1 and MotorCurrent2 to Register Map ................................................................................................. 42
• Added MotorCurrent1 and MotorCurrent2 to Table 9........................................................................................................... 44
• Updated Table 10 ................................................................................................................................................................. 49
• Added EEPROM note to Layout Guidelines......................................................................................................................... 50

Changes from Revision F (December 2017) to Revision G Page

• Added timing information for entering and exiting sleep mode and standby mode ............................................................... 9
• Added BEMF COMPARATOR hysteresis specification ....................................................................................................... 10
• Updated Start the Motor Under Different Initial Conditions figure ........................................................................................ 21
• Changed the default value for register address 0x27 from 0xFC to 0xF4 in the Default EEPROM Value table ................. 43
• Deleted the "TI recommends..." sentence from the description for address 0x27, bit 3 ...................................................... 46
• Added constraints to recommended external inductor ......................................................................................................... 49

Changes from Revision E (May 2017) to Revision F Page

• Specified the drive current as continuous winding current in the Features............................................................................ 1

• Added the internal SPEED pin pulldown resistance to ground parameter to the Electrical Characteristics table ................. 9
• Changed the Step-Down Regulator section ......................................................................................................................... 14
• Updated the Motor Phase Resistance section ..................................................................................................................... 17

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• Deleted the Inductive AVS Function section ........................................................................................................................ 37

• Changed the default value for register address 0x29 from 0xB7 to 0xB9 in the Default EEPROM Value table ................. 43
• Added application information for the sleep mode device ................................................................................................... 48

Changes from Revision D (May 2017) to Revision E Page

• Changed pin numbering in the Pin Functions table .............................................................................................................. 6

Changes from Revision C (May 2016) to Revision D Page

• Added the DRV10983Z part number to the data sheet header and to the Device Information table .................................... 1
• Added DRV10983Z part number ............................................................................................................................................ 7
• Corrected the link to the DRV10983 and DRV10975 Tuning Guide .................................................................................... 17
• Added text to the PWM Output section ................................................................................................................................ 37
• Changed Figure 37............................................................................................................................................................... 38
• Changed "FGOLSet[1:0]" to "FGOLsel[1:0]" in Register Map address 0x2B....................................................................... 42
• Added recommended minimum dead time to SysOpt7 register........................................................................................... 47
• Added External Components table ...................................................................................................................................... 49
• Changed the link to the DRV10983 and DRV10975 Tuning Guide ..................................................................................... 49
• Changed the layout example................................................................................................................................................ 51

Changes from Revision B (February 2015) to Revision C Page

• Added "phase to phase" clarification for overcurrent protection........................................................................................... 10

• Added more accurate description to clarify overcurrent protection operation ...................................................................... 15

Changes from Revision A (October 2014) to Revision B Page

• Changed data sheet with the DRV10983Z sleep version ..................................................................................................... 1

Changes from Original (July 2014) to Revision A Page

• Changed the input voltage range: 8 to 28 V........................................................................................................................... 1

• Deleted DRV10983Z sleep version part and updated standby mode supply current ............................................................ 1
• Updated pin information for SW, SWGND, VREG, SDA, FG, and VCC pins .......................................................................... 5
• Added DIR, SW, and VREG pins to Absolute Maximum Ratings ......................................................................................... 6
• Updated max supply voltage and voltage range ratings for VCC and U, V, W in Recommended Operating Conditions ..... 6
• changed Functional Block Diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 13
• Changed "hardware current limit" to "lock detection current limit" and "software current" to "acceleration current
limit" throughout data sheet .................................................................................................................................................. 15
• Updated max value for open to closed loop threshold ........................................................................................................ 27
• Corrected description to "velocity constant of the motor" for Equation 2 ............................................................................ 27
• Corrected register name in Start-Up Current Setting .......................................................................................................... 27
• Updated Equation 3 ............................................................................................................................................................. 27
• Updated Figure 20 ............................................................................................................................................................... 28
• Updated caption name for Figure 24 ................................................................................................................................... 30
• Corrected max speed command setting for SpdCtrl[8:0] .................................................................................................... 30
• Updated register description for status register. .................................................................................................................. 42
• Updated the data in the examples for MotorSpeed1 and MotorPeriod1 ............................................................................. 44
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• Updated IPDPosition description in Register Map .............................................................................................................. 44

• Increased max motor voltage for Recommended Application Range ................................................................................. 49
• Updated graph callout for Figure 41 .................................................................................................................................... 50

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5 Description (continued)
An I2C interface allows the user to reprogram specific motor parameters in registers and program the EEPROM
to help optimize the performance for a given application. The DRV10983 device is available in a thermally
efficient HTSSOP, 24-pin package with an exposed thermal pad. The operating temperature is specified from
–40°C to 125°C.

6 Pin Configuration and Functions

PWP PowerPAD™ Package

24-Pin HTSSOP With Exposed Thermal Pad
Top View

VCP 1 24 VCC

CPP 2 23 VCC

CPN 3 22 W

SW 4 21 W

SWGND 5 20 V

VREG 6 19 V
Thermal pad (GND)
V1P8 7 18 U

GND 8 17 U

V3P3 9 16 PGND

SCL 10 15 PGND

SDA 11 14 DIR

FG 12 13 SPEED

Not to scale

Pin Functions
CPN 3 P Charge pump pin 1, use a ceramic capacitor between CPN and CPP.
CPP 2 P Charge pump pin 2, use a ceramic capacitor between CPN and CPP.
DIR 14 I Direction
FG 12 O FG signal output.
GND 8 — Digital and analog ground
PGND 15, 16 — Power ground
SCL 10 I I2C clock signal
SDA 11 I/O I2C data signal
SPEED 13 I Speed control signal for PWM or analog input speed command
SW 4 O Step-down regulator switching node output
SWGND 5 P Step-down regulator ground
U 17, 18 O Motor U phase
V 19, 20 O Motor V phase
Internal 1.8-V digital core voltage. V1P8 capacitor must connect to GND. This is an output, but not
V1P8 7 P
specified to drive external loads.

(1) I = input, O = output, I/O = input/output, P = power

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Pin Functions (continued)

Internal 3.3-V supply voltage. V3P3 capacitor must connect to GND. This is an output and may drive
V3P3 9 P
external loads not to exceed IV3P3_MAX.
VCC 23, 24 P Device power supply
VCP 1 P Charge pump output.
VREG 6 P Step-down regulator output and feedback point
W 21, 22 O Motor W phase
The exposed thermal pad must be electrically connected to the ground plane through soldering to
thermal pad
— — PCB for proper operation and connected to bottom side of PCB through vias for better thermal

7 Specifications
7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
over operating ambient temperature (unless otherwise noted) (1)
VCC –0.3 30
SPEED –0.3 4
Input voltage (2) PGND –0.3 0.3 V
SCL, SDA –0.3 4
DIR –0.3 4
U, V, W –1 30
SW –1 30
VREG –0.3 7
FG –0.3 4
Output voltage VCP –0.3 V(VCC) + 6 V
CPN –0.3 30
CPP –0.3 V(VCC) + 6
V3P3 –0.3 4
V1P8 –0.3 2.5
Maximum junction temperature, TJ_MAX –40 150 °C
Storage temperature, Tstg –55 150 °C

(1) Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings
only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended
Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(2) All voltage values are with respect to the network ground terminal (GND) unless otherwise noted.

7.2 ESD Ratings

Electrostatic Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001, all pins ±2500
discharge Charged device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101, all pins (2) ±1500

(1) JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.
(2) JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.

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7.3 Recommended Operating Conditions

over operating ambient temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
Supply voltage VCC 8 24 28 V
U, V, W –0.7 29
Voltage SCL, SDA, FG, SPEED, DIR –0.1 3.3 3.6 V
PGND, GND –0.1 0.1
Step-down regulator output current (buck mode) 100
Current Step-down regulator output current (linear mode) 0 mA
V3P3 LDO output current 5
Operating junction temperature, TJ –40 125 °C

7.4 Thermal Information

DRV10983, DRV10983Z
RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 36.1 °C/W
RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 17.4 °C/W
RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 14.8 °C/W
ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 0.4 °C/W
ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 14.5 °C/W
RθJC(bot) Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance 1.1 °C/W

(1) For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application

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7.5 Electrical Characteristics

over operating ambient temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
TA = 25°C; sleepDis = 1; SPEED = 0 V;
3.5 5
V(VCC) = 24 V; buck regulator
IVcc Supply current mA
TA = 25°C; sleepDis = 1; SPEED = 0 V;
V(VCC) = 24 V; linear regulator
TA = 25°C; SPEED = 0 V; V(VCC) = 24 V;
3 4
standby mode device; buck regulator
IVccSTBY Standby current mA
TA = 25°C; SPEED = 0 V; V(VCC) = 24 V;
standby mode device; linear regulator
TA = 25°C; sleepDis = 1; SPEED = 0 V;
3.5 5
V(VCC) = 24 V; buck regulator
IVcc Supply current mA
TA = 25°C; sleepDis = 1; SPEED = 0 V;
V(VCC) = 24 V; linear regulator
TA = 25°C; SPEED = 0 V; V(VCC) = 24 V;
IVccSLEEP Sleep current 160 200 µA
sleep mode device; buck regulator
VUVLO_R UVLO threshold voltage Rise threshold, TA = 25°C 7 7.4 8 V
VUVLO_F UVLO threshold voltage Fall threshold, TA = 25°C 6.7 7.1 7.5 V
UVLO threshold voltage
VUVLO_HYS TA = 25°C 200 300 400 mV
V(VCC) = 24 V, TA = 25°C, VregSel = 0,
3 3.3 3.6
5-mA load
V(VCC) = 24 V, TA = 25°C, VregSel = 1,
V3P3 V(VREG) – 0.3 V(VREG) – 0.1 V(VREG) V
V(VREG) < 3.3 V, 5-mA load
V(VCC) = 24 V, TA = 25°C, VregSel = 1,
3 3.3 3.6
V(VREG) ≥ 3.3 V, 5-mA load
IV3P3_MAX Maximum load from V3P3 V(VCC) = 24 V, TA = 25°C 5 mA
V(VCC) = 24 V, TA = 25°C, VregSel = 0 1.6 1.78 2
V1P8 V
V(VCC) = 24 V, TA = 25°C, VregSel = 1 1.6 1.78 2
TA = 25˚C; VregSel = 0, LSW = 47 µH,
4.5 5 5.5
CSW = 10 µF, Iload = 50 mA
VREG Regulator output voltage V
TA = 25˚C; VregSel = 1, LSW = 47 µH,
3.06 3.4 3.6
CSW = 10 µF, Iload = 50 mA
TA = 25°C, VregSel = 0, RSW = 39 Ω,
Regulator output voltage CSW = 10 µF
(linear mode) TA = 25°C, VregSel = 1, RSW = 39 Ω,
CSW = 10 µF
IREG_MAX Maximum load from VREG TA = 25°C, LSW = 47 µH, CSW = 10 µF 100 mA
TA = 25˚C; V(VCC) = 24 V; V(VCP) = 29 V;
0.25 0.4
Iout = 1 A
rDS(on) Series resistance (H + L) Ω
TA = 85˚C; V(VCC) = 24 V; V(VCP) = 29 V;
Iout = 1 A
VAN/A_FS Analog full-speed voltage V(V3P3) × 0.9 V
VAN/A_ZS Analog zero-speed voltage 100 mV
tSAM Analog speed sample period 320 µs
VAN/A_RES Analog voltage resolution 5.8 mV

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Electrical Characteristics (continued)

over operating ambient temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
VDIG_IH PWM input high voltage 2.2 V
VDIG_IL PWM input low voltage 0.6 V
ƒPWM PWM input frequency 1 100 kHz
Analog voltage-to-enter
VEN_SB SpdCtrlMd = 0 (analog mode) 30 mV
standby mode
Analog voltage-to-exit
VEX_SB SpdCtrlMd = 0 (analog mode) 120 mV
Time-to-exit from standby SpdCtrlMd = 0 (analog mode)
tEX_SB_ANA 700 ms
Time taken to drive motor SpdCtrlMd = 0 (analog mode) 1 µs
tEX_SB_DR_ANA after exiting from standby SPEED > VEX_SB; ISDen = 0;
mode BrkDoneThr[2:0] = 0
Time-to-exit from standby SpdCtrlMd = 1 (PWM mode)
tEX_SB_PWM 1 µs
Time taken to drive motor
SpdCtrlMd = 1 (PWM mode)
tEX_SB_DR_PWM after exiting from standby 55 ms
SPEED > VDIG_IH; ISDen = 0; BrkDoneThr[2:0] = 0
SpdCtrlMd = 0 (analog mode)
tEN_SB_ANA Time-to-enter standby mode 5 ms
SPEED < VEN_SB; AvSIndEn = 0
SpdCtrlMd = 1 (PMW mode)
tEN_SB_PWM Time-to-enter standby mode 60 ms
Analog voltage-to-enter
VEN_SL SpdCtrlMd = 0 (analog mode) 30 mV
VEX_SL Analog voltage-to-exit sleep SpdCtrlMd = 0 (analog mode) 2.2 3.3 V
Time-to-exit from sleep SpdCtrlMd = 0 (analog mode)
tEX_SL_ANA 1 µs
Time taken to drive motor SpdCtrlMd = 0 (analog mode)
tEX_SL_DR_ANA after exiting from sleep SPEED > VEX_SL; ISDen = 0; 350 µs
mode BrkDoneThr[2:0] = 0
Time-to-exit from sleep SpdCtrlMd = 1 (PWM mode)
tEX_SL_PWM 1 µs
Time taken to drive motor
SpdCtrlMd = 1 (PWM mode)
tEX_SL_DR_PWM after exiting from sleep 350 ms
SPEED > VDIG_IH; ISDen = 0; BrkDoneThr[2:0] = 0
SpdCtrlMd = 0 (analog mode)
tEN_SL_ANA Time-to-enter sleep mode 5.2 ms
SPEED < VEN_SL; AvSIndEn = 0
SpdCtrlMd = 1 (PMW mode)
tEN_SL_PWM Time-to-enter sleep mode 58 ms
Internal SPEED pin pulldown
RPD_SPEED_SL VSPEED = 0 (sleep mode) 55 kΩ
resistance to ground
VDIR_H Input high 2.2 V
VDIR_L Input low 0.6 V
IFG_SINK Output sink current Vout = 0.3 V 5 mA
VI2C_H Input high 2.2 V
VI2C_L Input low 0.6 V
tLOCK_OFF Lock release time 5 s
tLCK_ETR Lock enter time 0.3 s

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Electrical Characteristics (continued)

over operating ambient temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
IOC_limit Overcurrent protection TA = 25˚C; phase to phase 3 4 A
Shutdown temperature
TSDN Shutdown temperature 150 °C
Shutdown temperature
TSDN_HYS Hysteresis 10 °C
BEMFHYS BEMF comparator hysteresis bemfHsyEn = 1 50 mV
VOL Output logic low voltage IO = 5 mA 21.4 36.7 66.0 mV

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7.6 Typical Characteristics

0.008 5.2

Switching Regulator Output

0.006 5.1
Supply Current

0.004 5

0.002 4.9

0 4.8
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Power Supply D001
Power Supply D002

Figure 1. Supply Current vs Power Supply Figure 2. Step-down Regulator Output vs Power Supply
(VregSel = 0)
Switching Regulator Output




0 10 20 30
Power Supply D004

Figure 3. Step-down Regulator Output vs Power Supply

(VregSel = 1)

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8 Detailed Description

8.1 Overview
The DRV10983 is a three-phase sensorless motor driver with integrated power MOSFETs, which provide drive
current capability up to 2 A continuous. The device is specifically designed for low-noise, low external component
count, 12- to 24-V motor drive applications. The device is configurable through a simple I2C interface to
accommodate different motor parameters and spin-up profiles for different customer applications.
A 180° sensorless control scheme provides continuous sinusoidal output voltages to the motor phases to enable
ultra-quiet motor operation by keeping the electrically induced torque ripple small.
The DRV10983 features extensive protection and fault detect mechanisms to ensure reliable operation. Voltage
surge protection prevents the input Vcc capacitor from overcharging, which is typical during motor deceleration.
The devices provides phase to phase overcurrent protection without the need for an external current sense
resistor. Rotor lock detect is available through several methods. These methods can be configured with register
settings to ensure reliable operation. The device provides additional protection for undervoltage lockout (UVLO)
and for thermal shutdown.
The commutation control algorithm continuously measures the motor phase current and periodically measures
the VCC supply voltage. The device uses this information for BEMF estimation, and the information is also
provided through the I2C register interface for debug and diagnostic use in the system, if desired.
A buck step-down regulator efficiently steps down the supply voltage. The output of this regulator provides power
for the internal circuits and can also be used to provide power for an external circuit such as a microcontroller. If
providing power for an external circuit is not necessary (and to reduce system cost), configure the buck step-
down regulator as a linear regulator by replacing the inductor with resistor.
TI designed the interfacing to the DRV10983 to be flexible. In addition to the I2C interface, the system can use
the discrete FG pin, DIR pin, and SPEED pin. SPEED is the speed command input pin. It controls the output
voltage amplitude. DIR is the direction control input pin. FG is the speed indicator output, which shows the
frequency of the motor commutation.
EEPROM is integrated in the DRV10983 as memory for the motor parameter and operation settings. EEPROM
data transfers to the register after power on and exit from sleep mode.
The DRV10983 device can also operate in register mode. If the system includes a microcontroller communicating
through the I2C interface, the device can dynamically update the motor parameter and operation settings by
writing to the registers. In this configuration, the EEPROM data is bypassed by the register settings.

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8.2 Functional Block Diagram

I2C Register EEPROM

VREG 3.3-/5-V Step- FG
Down Regulator
V3P3 3.3-V LDO Charge
Pump CPP

1.8-V LDO

Pre - U
Bandgap Driver

V/I Logic
V sensor ADC VCC
W Core

Pre - V
SPEED PWM and Analog Driver
Speed Control

Lock VCC
Over Current
Pre - W

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8.3 Feature Description

8.3.1 Regulators Step-Down Regulator

The DRV10983 includes a hysteretic step-down voltage regulator that can be operated as either a switching buck
regulator using an external inductor or as a linear regulator using an external resistor (see Figure 4). The best
efficiency is achieved when the step-down regulator is in buck mode. However, the DRV10983Z device (sleep
mode version) only operates with the step-down regulator in linear mode and with a Zener diode as described in
the Typical Application section. The regulator output voltage can be configured by register bit VregSel. When
VregSel = 0, the regulator output voltage is 5 V, and when VregSel = 1, the regulator output voltage is 3.3 V. It is
recommended to configure the step-down voltage regulator Vreg at 5 V for a cleaner and lower acoustic (low
harmonics) phase currents. When the regulated voltage drops by the hysteresis level, the high-side FET turns on
to increase the regulated voltage back to the target of 3.3 V or 5 V. The switching frequency of the hysteretic
regulator is not constant and changes with the load.
If the step-down regulator is configured in buck mode, see IREG_MAX in the Electrical Characteristics to determine
the amount of current provided for external load. If the step-down regulator is configured as linear mode, it is
used for the device internal circuit only.

The DRV10983Z step-down regulator only operates in linear mode (using an external
resistor) and with a Zener diode as described in the Typical Application section. The
DRV10983Z device does not support buck mode (using an external inductor) as shown in
Figure 4.



47 µH 39 Ω
3.3 V/5 V 10 µF Load 3.3 V/5 V 10 µF


Step-Down Regulator With External Inductor (Buck Step-Down Regulator With External Resistor (Linear
Mode) Mode)

Figure 4. Step-Down Regulator Configurations 3.3-V and 1.8-V LDO

The DRV10983 includes a 3.3-V LDO and an 1.8-V LDO. The 3.3-V LDO is powered by Vreg and 1.8-V LDO is
powered by 3.3-V LDO. The 1.8-V LDO is for internal circuit only. The 3.3-V LDO is mainly for internal circuits,
but can also drive external loads not to exceed IV3P3_MAX listed in the Electrical Characteristics. For example, it
can work as a pullup voltage for the FG, DIR, SDA, and SCL interface.
Both V1P8 and V3P3 capacitor must be connected to GND.

8.3.2 Protection Circuits Thermal Shutdown

The DRV10983 has a built-in thermal shutdown function, which shuts down the device when junction
temperature is more than TSDN ˚C and recovers operating conditions when junction temperature falls to TSDN –
The OverTemp status bit (address 0x10 bit 7) is set during thermal shutdown.

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Feature Description (continued) Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO)
The DRV10983 has a built-in UVLO function block. The hysteresis of UVLO threshold is VUVLO-HYS. The device is
locked out when VCC is down to VUVLO_F and woke up at VUVLO_R. Overcurrent Protection (OCP)

The overcurrent protection function acts to protect the device if the current, as measured from the FETs, exceeds
the IOC-limit threshold. It protects the device from phase-to-phase short-circuit conditions; the DRV10983 places
the output drivers into a high-impedance state and maintains this condition until the overcurrent is no longer
present. The OverCurr status bit (address 0x10 bit 5) is set.
The DRV10983 also provides acceleration current limit and lock detection current limit functions to protect the
device and motor (see Current Limit and Lock Detect and Fault Handling). Lock
When the motor is blocked or stopped by an external force, the lock protection is triggered, and the device stops
driving the motor immediately. After the lock release time tLOCK_OFF, the DRV10983 resumes driving the motor
again. If the lock condition is still present, it enters the next lock protection cycle until the lock condition is
removed. With this lock protection, the motor and device does not get overheated or damaged due to the motor
being locked (see Lock Detect and Fault Handling).
During lock condition, the MtrLck Status bit (address 0x10, bit 4) is set. To further diagnose, check the register

8.3.3 Motor Speed Control

The DRV10983 offers four methods for indirectly controlling the speed of the motor by adjusting the output
voltage amplitude. This can be accomplished by varying the supply voltage (VCC) or by controlling the Speed
Command. The Speed Command can be controlled in one of three ways. The user can set the Speed Command
on the SPEED pin by adjusting either the PWM input (SPEED pin configured for PWM mode) or the analog input
(SPEED pin configured for analog mode), or by writing the Speed Command directly through the I2C serial port
to SpdCtrl[8:0]. The Speed Command is used to determine the PWM duty cycle output (PWM_DCO) (see
Figure 5).
The Speed Command may not always be equal to the PWM_DCO because DRV10983 has implemented the
AVS function (see AVS Function), the acceleration current limit function (see Acceleration Current Limit), and the
closed loop accelerate function (see Closed Loop Accelerate) to optimize the control performance. These
functions can limit the PWM_DCO, which affects the output amplitude.


Speed Acceleration Current Limit
Analog ADC Command Closed Loop Accelerate


VCC X Motor

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Figure 5. Multiplexing the Speed Command to the Output Amplitude Applied to the Motor

The output voltage amplitude applied to the motor is accomplished through sine wave modulation so that the
phase-to-phase voltage is sinusoidal.

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Feature Description (continued)

When any phase is measured with respect to ground, the waveform is sinusoidally coupled with third-order
harmonics. This encoding technique permits one phase to be held at ground while the other two phases are
pulse-width modulated. Figure 6 and Figure 7 show the sinusoidal encoding technique used in the DRV10983.

PWM Output

Average Value

Figure 6. PWM Output and the Average Value




Sinusoidal voltage from phase to phase Sinusoidal voltage with third order harmonics
from phase to GND

Figure 7. Representing Sinusoidal Voltages With Third-Order Harmonic Output

The output amplitude is determined by the magnitude of VCC and the PWM duty cycle output (PWM_DCO). The
PWM_DCO represents the peak duty cycle that is applied in one electrical cycle. The maximum amplitude is
reached when PWM_DCO is at 100%. The peak output amplitude is VCC. When the PWM_DCO is at 50%, the
peak amplitude is VCC / 2 (see Figure 8).

100% PWM DCO

VCC / 2
50% PWM DC0

Figure 8. Output Voltage Amplitude Adjustment

8.3.4 Sleep or Standby Condition

The DRV10983 is available in either a sleep mode or standby mode version. The DRV10983 enters either sleep
or standby to conserve energy. When the device enters either sleep or standby, the motor stops driving. The
step-down regulator is disabled in the sleep mode version to conserve more energy. The I2C interface is disabled
and any register data not stored in EEPROM will be reset. The step-down regulator remains active in the standby
mode version. The register data is maintained, and the I2C interface remains active.
Setting sleepDis = 1 prevents the device from entering into the sleep or standby condition. If the device has
already entered into sleep or standby condition, setting sleepDis = 1 will not take it out of the sleep or standby
condition. During a sleep or standby condition, the Slp_Stdby status bit (address 0x10, bit 6) will be set.

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Feature Description (continued)

For different speed command modes, Table 1 shows the timing and command to enter the sleep or standby

Table 1. Conditions to Enter or Exit Sleep or Standby Condition

SPEED pin voltage < VEN_SB SPEED pin voltage < SPEED pin voltage > VEX_SB SPEED pin voltage > VEX_SL
for tEN_SB_ANA VEN_SL for tEN_SL_ANA for tEX_ SB_ANA for tEX_ SL_ANA
SPEED pin low (V <
SPEED pin low (V < VDIG_IL) SPEED pin high (V > SPEED pin high (V >
SPEED pin high (V >
SpdCtrl[8:0] is VDIG_IH) for tEX_SL_PWM(PWM
SpdCtrl[8:0] is programmed SpdCtrl[8:0] is programmed
I2C programmed as 0 for mode) or SPEED pin voltage
as 0 for tEN_SB_PWM as non-zero for tEX_SB_PWM
(Analog mode)

Speed pin in DRV10983 (Standby version) and DRV10983Z (sleep version) should be in known state (pulled
high or low) when the speed is controlled via I2C.
Note that using the analog speed command, a higher voltage is required to exit from the sleep condition than the
standby condition. The I2C speed command cannot take the device out of the sleep condition because I2C
communication is disabled during the sleep condition.

8.3.5 Non-Volatile Memory

The DRV10983 has 96-bits of EEPROM data, which are used to program the motor parameters as described in
the I2C Serial Interface.
The procedure for programming the EEPROM is as follows. TI recommends to perform the EEPROM
programming without the motor spinning, power cycle after the EEPROM write, and read back the EEPROM to
verify the programming is successful.
1. Set SIdata = 1.
2. Write the desired motor parameters into the corresponding registers (address 0x20:0x2B) (see I2C Serial
3. Write 1011 0110 (0xB6) to enProgKey in the DevCtrl register.
4. Ensure that VCC is at or above 22 V.
5. Write eeWrite = 1 in EECtrl register to start the EEPROM programming.
The programming time is about 24 ms, and eeWrite bit is reset to 0 when programming is done.

8.4 Device Functional Modes

This section includes the logic required to be able to reliably start and drive the motor. It describes the processes
used in the logic core and provides the information needed to effectively configure the parameters to work over a
wide range of applications.

8.4.1 Motor Parameters

For the motor parameter measurement, see the DRV10983 and DRV10975 Tuning Guide.
The motor phase resistance and the BEMF constant (Kt) are two important parameters used to characterize a
BLDC motor. The DRV10983 requires these parameters to be configured in the register. The motor phase
resistance is programmed by writing the values for Rm[6:0] in the MotorParam1 register. The BEMF constant is
programmed by writing the values for Kt[6:0] in the MotorParam2 register. Motor Phase Resistance

For a wye-connected motor, the motor phase resistance refers to the resistance from the phase output to the
center tap, RPH_CT (see Figure 9).

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Device Functional Modes (continued)

Phase U



Phase V Phase W
Figure 9. Wye-Connected Motor Phase Resistance

For a delta-connected motor, the motor phase resistance refers to the equivalent phase to center tap in the wye
configuration, which is represented as RY. RPH_CT = RY (see Figure 10).
For both the delta-connected motor and the wye-connected motor, calculating the equivalent RPH_CT is easy by
measuring the resistance between two phase terminals (RPH_PH), and then dividing this value by two as shown
inEquation 1.
RPH_CT = ½RPH_PH (1)
Phase U



Phase V RPH_PH Phase W

Figure 10. Delta-Connected Motor and the Equivalent Wye Connections

The motor phase resistance (RPH_CT) must be converted to a 7-bit digital register value Rm[6:0] to program the
motor phase resistance value. The digital register value can be determined as follows:
1. Convert the motor phase resistance (RPH_CT) to a digital value where the LSB is weighted to represent 9.67
mΩ: Rmdig = RPH_CT / 0.00967.
2. Encode the digital value such that Rmdig = Rm[3:0] << Rm[6:4].
The maximum resistor value, RPH_CT, that can be programmed for the DRV10983 is 18.5 Ω, which represents
Rmdig = 1920 and an encoded Rm[6:0] value of 0x7Fh. The minimum resistor the DRV10983 supports is
0.029 Ω, RPH_CT, which represents Rmdig = 3.

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Device Functional Modes (continued)

For convenience, the encoded value for Rm[6:0] can also be obtained from Table 2.

Table 2. Motor Phase Resistance Look-Up Table

RPH_CT (Ω) RM[6:0] HEX RPH_CT (Ω) RM[6:0] HEX RPH_CT (Ω) RM[6:0] HEX
0.0000 000 0000 00 0.309 010 1000 28 2.47 101 1000 58
0.0097 000 0001 01 0.348 010 1001 29 2.78 101 1001 59
0.0193 000 0010 02 0.387 010 1010 2A 3.09 101 1010 5A
0.029 000 0011 03 0.426 010 1011 2B 3.4 101 1011 5B
0.0387 000 0100 04 0.464 010 1100 2C 3.71 101 1100 5C
0.0484 000 0101 05 0.503 010 1101 2D 4.02 101 1101 5D
0.058 000 0110 06 0.542 010 1110 2E 4.33 101 1110 5E
0.0677 000 0111 07 0.58 010 1111 2F 4.64 101 1111 5F
0.0774 000 1000 08 0.619 011 1000 38 4.95 110 1000 68
0.087 000 1001 09 0.696 011 1001 39 5.57 110 1001 69
0.0967 000 1010 0A 0.773 011 1010 3A 6.18 110 1010 6A
0.106 000 1011 0B 0.851 011 1011 3B 6.8 110 1011 6B
0.116 000 1100 0C 0.928 011 1100 3C 7.42 110 1100 6C
0.126 000 1101 0D 1 011 1101 3D 8.04 110 1101 6D
0.135 000 1110 0E 1.08 011 1110 3E 8.66 110 1110 6E
0.145 000 1111 0F 1.16 011 1111 3F 9.28 110 1111 6F
0.155 001 1000 18 1.23 100 1000 48 9.9 111 1000 78
0.174 001 1001 19 1.39 100 1001 49 11.1 111 1001 79
0.193 001 1010 1A 1.54 100 1010 4A 12.3 111 1010 7A
0.213 001 1011 1B 1.7 100 1011 4B 13.6 111 1011 7B
0.232 001 1100 1C 1.85 100 1100 4C 14.8 111 1100 7C
0.251 001 1101 1D 2.01 100 1101 4D 16 111 1101 7D
0.271 001 1110 1E 2.16 100 1110 4E 17.3 111 1110 7E
0.29 001 1111 1F 2.32 100 1111 4F 18.5 111 1111 7F BEMF Constant

The BEMF constant, Kt[6:0] describes the motors phase-to-phase BEMF voltage as a function of the motor
The measured BEMF constant (Kt) needs to be converted to a 7-bit digital register value Kt[6:0] to program the
BEMF constant value. The digital register value can be determined as follows:
1. Convert the measured Kt to a weighted digital value: Ktph_dig = 1090 × Kt
2. Encode the digital value such that Ktph_dig = Kt[3:0] << Kt[4:6].
The maximum Kt that can be programmed is 1760 mV/Hz. This represents a digital value of 1920 and an
encoded Kt[6:0] value of 0x7Fh. The minimum Kt that can be programmed is 0.92 mV/Hz, which represents a
digital value of 1 and an encoded Kt[6:0] value of 0x01h.

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For convenience, the encoded value of Kt[6:0] may also be obtained from Table 3.

Table 3. BEMF Constant Look-Up Table

Kt (mV/Hz) Kt[6:0] HEX Kt (mV/Hz) Kt [6:0] HEX Kt (mV/Hz) Kt [6:0] HEX
0 000 0000 00 29.3 010 1000 28 234 101 1000 58
0.92 000 0001 01 33 010 1001 29 264 101 1001 59
1.83 000 0010 02 36.6 010 1010 2A 293 101 1010 5A
2.75 000 0011 03 40.3 010 1011 2B 322 101 1011 5B
3.66 000 0100 04 44 010 1100 2C 352 101 1100 5C
4.58 000 0101 05 47.7 010 1101 2D 381 101 1101 5D
5.5 000 0110 06 51.3 010 1110 2E 411 101 1110 5E
6.42 000 0111 07 55 010 1111 2F 440 101 1111 5F
7.33 000 1000 08 58.7 011 1000 38 469 110 1000 68
8.25 000 1001 09 66 011 1001 39 528 110 1001 69
9.17 000 1010 0A 73.3 011 1010 3A 587 110 1010 6A
10 000 1011 0B 80.7 011 1011 3B 645 110 1011 6B
11 000 1100 0C 88 011 1100 3C 704 110 1100 6C
11.9 000 1101 0D 95.4 011 1101 3D 763 110 1101 6D
12.8 000 1110 0E 102 011 1110 3E 822 110 1110 6E
13.7 000 1111 0F 110 011 1111 3F 880 110 1111 6F
14.6 001 1000 18 117 100 1000 48 939 111 1000 78
16.5 001 1001 19 132 100 1001 49 1050 111 1001 79
18.3 001 1010 1A 146 100 1010 4A 1170 111 1010 7A
20.1 001 1011 1B 161 100 1011 4B 1290 111 1011 7B
22 001 1100 1C 176 100 1100 4C 1400 111 1100 7C
23.8 001 1101 1D 190 100 1101 4D 1520 111 1101 7D
25.6 001 1110 1E 205 100 1110 4E 1640 111 1110 7E
27.5 001 1111 1F 220 100 1111 4F 1760 111 1111 7F

8.4.2 Starting the Motor Under Different Initial Conditions

The motor can be in one of three states when the DRV10983 attempts to begin the start-up process. The motor
may be stationary, or spinning in the forward or reverse directions. The DRV10983 includes a number of features
to allow for reliable motor start under all of these conditions. Figure 11 shows the motor start-up flow for each of
the three initial motor states. Case 1 – Motor Is Stationary

If the motor is stationary, the commutation logic must be initialized to be in phase with the position of the motor.
The DRV10983 provides for two options to initialize the commutation logic to the motor position. Initial position
detect (IPD) determines the position of the motor based on the deterministic inductance variation, which is often
present in BLDC motors. The Align and Go technique forces the motor into alignment by applying a voltage
across a particular motor phase to force the motor to rotate in alignment with this phase. The following sections
explain how to configure these techniques for use in the designer's system. Case 2 – Motor Is Spinning in the Forward Direction

If the motor is spinning forward with enough velocity, the DRV10983 may be configured to go directly into closed
loop. By resynchronizing to the spinning motor, the user achieves the fastest possible start-up time for this initial

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If the motor is spinning in the reverse direction, the DRV10983 provides several methods to convert it back to
forward direction.
One method, reverse drive, allows the motor to be driven so that it accelerates through zero velocity. The motor
achieves the shortest possible spin-up time in systems where the motor is spinning in the reverse direction.
If this feature is not selected, then the DRV10983 may be configured to either wait for the motor to stop spinning
or brake the motor. After the motor has stopped spinning, the motor start-up sequence proceeds as it would for a
motor which is stationary.
Take care when using the feature reverse drive or brake to ensure that the current is limited to an acceptable
level and that the supply voltage does not surge as a result of energy being returned to the power supply.

Align and Go

Spinning forward Direct closed loop


Spinning reversely Brake

Reverse drive

Figure 11. Start the Motor Under Different Initial Conditions

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8.4.3 Motor Start Sequence

Figure 12 shows the motor start sequence implemented in the DRV10983.

Power on

DIR pin N
change ISDen


Y N Speed <

Y Speed >
RvsDrThr N


N Brake
Motor Resynchronization


Time > Y
BrkDoneThr N

RvsDr Accelerate

N Speed >

ClosedLoop Y

Figure 12. Motor Starting-Up Flow

Power-On State This is the initial power-on state of the motor start sequencer (MSS). The MSS starts in this
state on initial power-up or whenever the DRV10983 comes out of either standby or sleep modes.
ISDen Judgment After power on, the DRV10983 MSS enters the ISDen Judgment where it checks to see if the
Initial Speed Detect (ISD) function is enabled (ISDen = 1). If ISD is disabled, the MSS proceeds
directly to the BrkEn Judgment. If ISD is enabled, the motor start sequence advances to the ISD
ISD State The MSS determines the initial condition of the motor (see ISD).
Speed<ISDThr Judgment If the motor speed is lower than the threshold defined by ISDThr[1:0], then the motor
is considered to be stationary and the MSS proceeds to the BrkEn judgment. If the speed is greater
than the threshold defined by ISDThr[1:0], the start sequence proceeds to the Forward judgment.
Forward Judgment The MSS determines whether the motor is spinning in the forward or the reverse direction.
If the motor is spinning in the forward direction, the DRV10983 executes the resynchronization (see
Motor Resynchronization) process by transitioning directly into the ClosedLoop state. If the motor is
spinning in the reverse direction, the MSS proceeds to the Speed>RvsDrThr.
Speed>RvsDrThr Judgment The motor start sequencer checks to see if the reverse speed is greater than the
threshold defined by RvsDrThr[2:0]. If it is, then the MSS returns to the ISD state to allow the motor
to decelerate. This prevents the DRV10983 from attempting to reverse drive or brake a motor that
is spinning too quickly. If the reverse speed of the motor is less than the threshold defined by
RvsDrThr[2:0], then the MSS advances to the RvsDrEn judgment.
RvsDrEn Judgment The MSS checks to see if the reverse drive function is enabled (RvsDrEn = 1). If it is, the
MSS transitions into the RvsDr state. If the reverse drive function is not enabled, the MSS

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advances to the BrkEn judgment.

RvsDr State The DRV10983 drives the motor in the forward direction to force it to rapidly decelerate (see
Reverse Drive). When it reaches zero velocity, the MSS transitions to the Accelerate state.
BrkEn Judgment The MSS checks to determine whether the brake function is enabled (BrkDoneThr[2:0] ≠ 000).
If the brake function is enabled, the MSS advances to the Brake state.
Brake State The device performs the brake function (see Motor Brake).
Time>BrkDoneThr Judgment The MSS applies brake for time configured by BRKDontThr[2:0]. After brake
state, the MSS advances to the IPDEn judgment.
IPDEn Judgment The MSS checks to see if IPD has been enabled (IPDCurrThr[3:0] ≠ 0000). If the IPD is
enabled, the MSS transitions to the IPD state. Otherwise, it transitions to the align state.
Align State The DRV10983 performs align function (see Align). After the align completes, the MSS transitions
to the Accelerate state.
IPD State The DRV10983 performs the IPD function. The IPD function is described in Initial Position Detect
(IPD) . After the IPD completes, the MSS transitions to the Accelerate state.
Accelerate State The DRV10983 accelerates the motor according to the setting StAccel and StAccel2. After
applying the accelerate settings, the MSS advances to the Speed > Op2ClsThr judgment.
Speed>Op2ClsThr Judgment The motor accelerates until the drive rate exceeds the threshold configured by
the Op2ClsThr[4:0] settings. When this threshold is reached, the DRV10983 enters into the
ClosedLoop state.
ClosedLoop State In this state, the DRV10983 drives the motor based on feedback from the commutation
control algorithm.
DIR Pin Change Judgment If DIR pin get changed during any of above states, DRV10983 stops driving the
motor and restarts from the beginning. ISD
The ISD function is used to identify the initial condition of the motor. If the function is disabled, the DRV10983
does not perform the initial speed detect function and treats the motor as if it is stationary.
Phase-to-phase comparators are used to detect the zero crossings of the BEMF voltage of the motor while it is
coasting (motor phase outputs are in high-impedance state). Figure 13 shows the configuration of the
60 degrees



W ±

Figure 13. Initial Speed Detect Function

If the UW comparator output is lagging the UV comparator by 60°, the motor is spinning forward. If the UW
comparator output is leading the UV comparator by 60°, the motor is spinning in reverse.
The motor speed is determined by measuring the time between two rising edges of either of the comparators.

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If neither of the comparator outputs toggle for a given amount of time, the condition is defined as stationary. The
amount of time can be programmed by setting the register bits ISDThr[1:0]. Motor Resynchronization

The resynchronize function works when the ISD function is enabled and determines that the initial state of the
motor is spinning in the forward direction. The speed and position information measured during ISD are used to
initialize the drive state of the DRV10983, which can transition directly into the closed loop running state without
needing to stop the motor. Reverse Drive

The ISD function measures the initial speed and the initial position; the DRV10983 reverse drive function acts to
reverse accelerate the motor through zero speed and to continue accelerating until the closed loop threshold is
reached (see Figure 14). If the reverse speed is greater than the threshold configured in RvsDrThr[1:0], then the
DRV10983 waits until the motor coasts to a speed that is less than the threshold before driving the motor to
reverse accelerate.

Closed loop


Open loop



Reverse Drive

Figure 14. Reverse Drive Function

Reverse drive is suitable for applications where the load condition is light at low speed and relatively constant
and where the reverse speed is low (that is, a fan motor with little friction). For other load conditions, the motor
brake function provides a method for helping force a motor which is spinning in the reverse direction to stop
spinning before a normal start-up sequence. Motor Brake

The motor brake function can be used to stop the spinning motor before attempting to start the motor. The brake
is applied by turning on all three of the low-side driver FETs.
Brake is enabled by configuring non zero value for BrkDoneThr[2:0]. Braking is applied for time configured by
BrkDoneThr[2:0] (reverse or forward). After the motor is stopped, the motor position is unknown. To proceed with
restarting in the correct direction, the IPD or Align and Go algorithm needs to be implemented. The motor start
sequence is the same as it would be for a motor starting in the stationary condition.
The motor brake function can be disabled. The motor skips the brake state and attempts to spin the motor as if it
were stationary. If this happens while the motor is spinning in either direction, the start-up sequence may not be
successful. Motor Initialization Align
The DRV10983 aligns a motor by injecting dc current through a particular phase pattern which is current flowing
into phase V, flowing out from phase W for a certain time (configured by AlignTime[2:0]). The current magnitude
is determined by OpenLCurr[1:0]. The motor should be aligned at the known position.
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The time of align affects the start-up timing (see Start-Up Timing). A bigger inertial motor requires longer align
time. Initial Position Detect (IPD)

The inductive sense method is used to determine the initial position of the motor when IPD is enabled. IPD is
enabled by selecting IPDCurrThr[3:0] to any value other than 0000.
IPD can be used in applications where reverse rotation of the motor is unacceptable. Because IPD does not
need to wait for the motor to align with the commutation, it can allow for a faster motor start sequence. IPD works
well when the inductance of the motor varies as a function of position. Because it works by pulsing current to the
motor, it can generate acoustics which must be taken into account when determining the best start method for a
particular application. IPD Operation

The IPD operates by sequentially applying voltage across two of the three motor phases according to the
following sequence: VW WV UV VU WU UW (see Figure 15). When the current reaches the threshold configured
in IPDCurrThr[3:0], the voltage across the motor is stopped. The DRV10983 measures the time it takes from
when the voltage is applied until the current threshold is reached. The time varies as a function of the inductance
in the motor windings. The state with the shortest time represents the state with the minimum inductance. The
minimum inductance is because of the alignment of the north pole of the motor with this particular driving state.

IPDclk U N V



Search the Minimum Time

Permanent Saturation Position of the Smallest Minimum

Magnet Position Magnetic Field Inductance Time

Figure 15. IPD Function IPD Release Mode

Two options are available for stopping the voltage applied to the motor when the current threshold is reached. If
IPDRlsMd = 0, the recirculate mode is selected. The low-side (S6) MOSFET remains on to allow the current to
recirculate between the MOSFET (S6) and body diode (S2) (see Figure 16). If IPDRlsMd = 1, the high-
impedance (Hi-Z) mode is selected. Both the high-side (S1) and low-side (S6) MOSFETs are turned off and the
current flies back across the body diodes into the power supply (see Figure 17).
The high-impedance mode has a faster settle-down time, but could result in a surge on VCC. Manage this with
appropriate selection of either a clamp circuit or by providing sufficient capacitance between VCC and GND. If the
voltage surge cannot be contained and if it is unacceptable for the application, then select the recirculate mode.
When selecting the recirculate mode, select the IPDClk[1:0] bits to give the current in the motor windings enough
time to decay to 0.

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S1 S3 S5 S1 S3 S5

U1 M U1 M
S2 S4 S6 S2 S4 S6

Driving Brake (Recirculate)

Figure 16. IPD Release Mode 0

S1 S3 S5 S1 S3 S5

U1 M U1 M
S2 S4 S6 S2 S4 S6

Driving Hi-Z (Tri-State)

Figure 17. IPD Release Mode 1 IPD Advance Angle

After the initial position is detected, the DRV10983 begins driving the motor at an angle specified by
Advancing the drive angle anywhere from 0° to 180° results in positive torque. Advancing the drive angle by 90°
results in maximum initial torque. Applying maximum initial torque could result in uneven acceleration to the rotor.
Select the IPDAdvcAgl[1:0] to allow for smooth acceleration in the application (see Figure 18).

Motor spinning direction




Figure 18. IPD Advance Angle Motor Start

After it is determined that the motor is stationary and after completing the motor initialization with either align or
IPD, the DRV10983 begins to accelerate the motor. This acceleration is accomplished by applying a voltage
determined by the open loop current setting (OpenLCurr[1:0]) to the appropriate drive state and by increasing the
rate of commutation without regard to the real position of the motor (referred to as open loop operation). The
function of the open loop operation is to drive the motor to a minimum speed so that the motor generates
sufficient BEMF to allow the commutation control logic to accurately drive the motor.
Table 4 lists the configuration options that can be set in register to optimize the initial motor acceleration stage
for different applications.

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Table 4. Configuration Options for Controlling Open Loop Motor Start

Description Reg Name ConfigBits Min Value Max Value
Open to closed loop threshold SysOpt4 Op2ClsThr[4:0] 0.8 Hz 204.8 Hz
Align time SysOpt4 AlignTime[2:0] 40 ms 5.3 s
First order accelerate SysOpt3 StAccel[2:0] 0.3 Hz/s 76 Hz/s
Second order accelerate SysOpt3 StAccel2[2:0] 0.22 Hz/s2 57 Hz/s2
Open loop current setting SysOpt2 OpenLCurr[1:0] 200 mA 1.6 A
Open loop current ramping SysOpt2 OpLCurrRt[2:0] 0.23 VCC/s 6 VCC/s Start-Up Timing

Start-up timing is determined by the align and accelerate time. The align time can be set by AlignTime[2:0], as
described in Register Definition . The accelerate time is defined by the open-to-closed loop threshold
Op2ClsThr[4:0] along with the first order StAccel[2:0](A1) and second order StAccel2[2:0](A2) acceleration
coefficient. Figure 19 shows the motor start-up process.


Speed =
2 Close loop
A1 ´ t + 0.5 A2 ´ t

AlignTime Accelerate Time is determined by

Op2ClsThr and A1, A2.
Accelerate Time

Figure 19. Motor Start-Up Process

Select the first order and second order acceleration coefficient to allow the motor to reliably accelerate from zero
velocity up to the closed loop threshold in the shortest time possible. Using a slow acceleration coefficient during
the first order accelerate stage can help improve reliability in applications where it is difficult to accurately
initialize the motor with either align or IPD.
Select the open-to-closed loop threshold to allow the motor to accelerate to a speed that generates sufficient
BEMF for closed loop control. This is determined by the velocity constant of the motor based on the relationship
described in Equation 2.
BEMF = Kt × speed (Hz) (2)

8.4.4 Start-Up Current Setting

The start-up current setting is to control the peak start-up during open loop. During open loop operation, it is
desirable to control the magnitude of drive current applied to the motor. This is helpful in controlling and
optimizing the rate of acceleration. The limit takes effect during reverse drive, align, and acceleration.
The start current is set by programming the OpenLCurr[1:0] bits. The current should be selected to allow the
motor to reliably accelerate to the handoff threshold. Heavier loads may require a higher current setting, but it
should be noted that the rate of acceleration will be limited by the acceleration rate (StAccel[2:0], StAccel2[2:0]).
If the motor is started with more current than necessary to reliably reach the handoff threshold, it results in higher
power consumption.
The start current is controlled based on the relationship shown in Equation 3 and Figure 20. The duty cycle
applied to the motor is derived from the calculated value for ULimit and the magnitude of the supply voltage, VCC,
as well as the drive state of the motor.
ULimit ILimit u Rm Speed Hz u Kt

• ILimit is configured by OpenLCurr[1:0]

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• Rm is configured by Rm[6:0]
• Speed is variable based open-loop acceleration profile of the motor
• Kt is configured by Kt[6:0] (3)

VU = BEMF + I × Rm M BEMF = Kt × speed

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Figure 20. Motor Start-Up Current Start-Up Current Ramp-Up

A fast change in the applied drive current may result in a sudden change in the driving torque. In some
applications, this could result in acoustic noise. To avoid this, the DRV10983 allows the option of limiting the rate
at which the current is applied to the motor. OpLCurrRt[2:0] sets the maximum voltage ramp up rate that will be
applied to the motor. The waveforms in Figure 21 show how this feature can be used to gradually ramp the
current applied to the motor.

Start driving with fast current ramp Start driving with slow current ramp

Figure 21. Motor Startup Current Ramp

8.4.5 Closed Loop

In closed loop operation, the DRV10983 continuously samples the current in the U phase of the motor and uses
this information to estimate the BEMF voltage that is present. The drive state of the motor is controlled based on
the estimated BEMF voltage. Half Cycle Control and Full Cycle Control

The estimated BEMF used to control the drive state of the motor has two zero-crosses every electrical cycle. The
DRV10983 can be configured to update the drive state either once every electrical cycle or twice for every
electrical cycle. When AdjMode is programmed to 1, half cycle adjustment is applied. The control logic is
triggered at both rising edge and falling edge. When AdjMode is programmed to 0, full cycle adjustment is
applied. The control logic is triggered only at the rising edge (see Figure 22).
Half cycle adjustment provides a faster response when compared with full cycle adjustment. Use half cycle
adjustment whenever the application requires operation over large dynamic loading conditions. Use the full cycle
adjustment for low current (<1 A) applications because it offers more tolerance for current measurement offset

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Zero cross signal Zero cross signal

Estimated Position Real Position Estimated Position Real Position

Real Driving Voltage Ideal Driving Voltage Real Driving Voltage Ideal Driving Voltage

Adjustment (full cycle) Adjustment (half cycle)

Figure 22. Closed Loop Control Commutation Adjustment Mode Analog Mode Speed Control

The SPEED input pin can be configured to operate as an analog input (SpdCtrlMd = 0).
When configured for analog mode, the voltage range on the SPEED pin can be varied from 0 to V3P3. If
SPEED > VANA_FS, the speed command is maximum. If VANA_ZS ≤ SPEED < VANA_FS the speed command
changes linearly according to the magnitude of the voltage applied at the SPEED pin. If SPEED < VANA_ZS the
speed command is to stop the motor. Figure 23 shows the speed command when operating in analog mode.

Analog Input

Figure 23. Analog Mode Speed Command Digital PWM Input Mode Speed Control

If SpdCtrlMd = 1, the SPEED input pin is configured to operate as a PWM-encoded digital input. The PWM duty
cycle applied to the SPEED pin can be varied from 0 to 100%. The speed command is proportional to the PWM
input duty cycle. The speed command stops the motor when the PWM input keeps at 0 for tEN_SL_PWM (see
Figure 24).
The frequency of the PWM input signal applied to the SPEED pin is defined as ƒPWM. This is the frequency the
device can accept to control motor speed. It does not correspond to the PWM output frequency that is applied to
the motor phase. The PWM output frequency can be configured to be either 25 kHz when the DoubleFreq bit is
set to 0 or to 50 kHz when DoubleFreq bit is set to 1.

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Command Maximum

PWM duty
0 100%
Figure 24. PWM Mode Speed Command I2C Mode Speed Control

The DRV10983 can also command the speed through the I2C serial interface. To enable this feature, the
OverRide bit is set to 1. When the DRV10983 is configured to operate in I2C mode, it ignores the signal applied
to the SPEED pin.
The speed command can be set by writing the SpdCtrl[8] and SpdCtrl[7:0] bits. The 9-bit SpdCtrl [8:0] located in
the SpeedCtrl1 and SpeedCntrl2 registers are used to set the peak amplitude voltage applied to the motor. The
maximum speed command is set when SpdCtrl [8:0] is set to 0x1FF (511).
When SpdCtrl [8] is written to the SpeedCtrl2 register, the data is stored, but the output is not changed. When
SpdCtrl [7:0] is written to the SpeedCtrl1 register, the speed command is updated (see Figure 25).

Write to

Write to

Buffer of
SpdCtrl[8] SpdCtrl [7:0]

Speed Command

Figure 25. I2C Mode Speed Control Closed Loop Accelerate

To prevent sudden changes in the torque applied to the motor which could result in acoustic noise, the
DRV10983 provides the option of limiting the maximum rate at which the speed command changes.
ClsLpAccel[2:0] can be programmed to set the maximum rate at which the speed command changes (shown in
Figure 26).

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Speed command
input x%

Speed command
after closed loop
accelerate buffer x%
Closed loop
accelerate settings

Figure 26. Closed-Loop Accelerate Control Coefficient

The DRV10983 continuously measures the motor current and uses this information to control the drive state of
the motor when operating in closed loop mode. In applications where noise makes it difficult to control the
commutation optimally, the CtrlCoef[1:0] can be used to attenuate the feedback used for closed loop control. The
loop will be less reactive to the noise on the feedback and provide for a smoother output. Commutation Control Advance Angle

To achieve the best efficiency, it is often desirable to control the drive state of the motor so that the phase
current of the motor is aligned with the BEMF voltage of the motor.
To align the phase current of the motor with the BEMF voltage of the motor, consider the inductive effect of the
motor. The voltage applied to the motor should be applied in advance of the BEMF voltage of the motor (see
Figure 27). The DRV10983 provides configuration bits for controlling the time (tadv) between the driving voltage
and BEMF.
For motors with salient pole structures, aligning the motor BEMF voltage with the motor current may not achieve
the best efficiency. In these applications, the timing advance should be adjusted accordingly. Accomplish this by
operating the system at constant speed and load conditions and by adjusting the tadv until the minimum current is

Phase Phase Phase

Voltage BEMF tadv
Figure 27. Advance Time (tadv) Definition

The DRV10983 has two options for adjusting the motor commutate advance time. When CtrlAdvMd = 0, mode 0
is selected. When CtrlAdvMd = 1, mode 1 is selected.
Mode 0: tadv is maintained to be a fixed time relative to the estimated BEMF zero cross as determined by
Equation 4.
tadv = tSETTING (4)
Mode 1: tadv is maintained to be a variable time relative to the estimated BEMF zero cross as determined by
Equation 5.
tadv = tSETTING × (U-BEMF)/U.
• U is the phase voltage amplitude
• BEMF is phase BEMF amplitude (5)

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tSETTING (in µs) is determined by the configuration of the TCtrlAdv [6:4] and TCtrlAdv [3:0] bits as defined in
Equation 6. For convenience, the available tSETTING values are provided in Table 5.
tSETTING = 2.5 µs × [TCtrlAdv[3:0]] << TCtrlAdv[6:4] (6)

Table 5. Configuring Commutation Advance Timing by Adjusting tSETTING

TCtrlAdv TCtrlAdv TCtrlAdv
[6:0] [6:0] [6:0]
0 000 0000 00 80 010 1000 28 640 101 1000 58
2.5 000 0001 01 90 010 1001 29 720 101 1001 59
5 000 0010 02 100 010 1010 2A 800 101 1010 5A
7.5 000 0011 03 110 010 1011 2B 880 101 1011 5B
10 000 0100 04 120 010 1100 2C 960 101 1100 5C
12.5 000 0101 05 130 010 1101 2D 1040 101 1101 5D
15 000 0110 06 140 010 1110 2E 1120 101 1110 5E
17.5 000 0111 07 150 010 1111 2F 1200 101 1111 5F
20 000 1000 08 160 011 1000 38 1280 110 1000 68
22.5 000 1001 09 180 011 1001 39 1440 110 1001 69
25 000 1010 0A 200 011 1010 3A 1600 110 1010 6A
27.5 000 1011 0B 220 011 1011 3B 1760 110 1011 6B
30 000 1100 0C 240 011 1100 3C 1920 110 1100 6C
32.5 000 1101 0D 260 011 1101 3D 2080 110 1101 6D
35 000 1110 0E 280 011 1110 3E 2240 110 1110 6E
37.5 000 1111 0F 300 011 1111 3F 2400 110 1111 6F
40 001 1000 18 320 100 1000 48 2560 111 1000 78
45 001 1001 19 360 100 1001 49 2880 111 1001 79
50 001 1010 1A 400 100 1010 4A 3200 111 1010 7A
55 001 1011 1B 440 100 1011 4B 3520 111 1011 7B
60 001 1100 1C 480 100 1100 4C 3840 111 1100 7C
65 001 1101 1D 520 100 1101 4D 4160 111 1101 7D
70 001 1110 1E 560 100 1110 4E 4480 111 1110 7E
75 001 1111 1F 600 100 1111 4F 4800 111 1111 7F

8.4.6 Current Limit

The DRV10983 has several current limit modes to help ensure optimal control of the motor and to ensure safe
operation. The various current limit modes are listed in Table 6. Acceleration current limit is used to provide a
means of controlling the amount of current delivered to the motor. This is useful when the system needs to limit
the amount of current pulled from the power supply during motor start-up. The lock detection current limit is a
configurable threshold that can be used to limit the current applied to the motor. Overcurrent protection is used to
protect the device; therefore, it cannot be disabled or configured to a different threshold. The current limit modes
are described in the following sections.

Table 6. DRV10983 Current Limit Modes

Current Limit Mode Situation Action Fault Diagnose
Acceleration current limit Motor start Limit the output voltage amplitude No fault
Lock detection current limit Motor locked Stop driving the motor and enter lock state Mechanical rotation error
Overcurrent protection (OCP) Phase to phase Stop driving and recover when OC signal disappeared Circuit connection

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The acceleration current limit limits the voltage applied to the motor to prevent the current from exceeding the
programmed threshold. The acceleration current limit threshold is configured by writing the SWiLimitThr[3:0] bits
to select ILIMIT. The acceleration current limit does not use a direct measurement of current. It uses the
programmed motor phase resistance, RPH_CT, and programmed BEMF constant, Kt, to limit the voltage applied to
the motor, U, as shown in Figure 28 and Equation 7.
When the acceleration current limit is active, it does not stop the motor from spinning nor does it trigger a fault.
The acceleration current limit function is only available in closed loop control.

VU_LIMIT M BEMF = Kt ´ Speed

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Figure 28. Acceleration Current Limit

ULIMIT = ILIMIT × RPH_CT + Speed × Kt (7)

8.4.7 Lock Detect and Fault Handling

The DRV10983 provides several options for determining if the motor becomes locked as a result of some
external torque. Five lock detect schemes work together to ensure the lock condition is detected quickly and
reliably. Figure 29 shows the logic which integrates the various lock detect schemes. When a lock condition is
detected, the DRV10983 device takes action to prevent continuously driving the motor in order to prevent
damage to the system or the motor.
In addition to detecting if there is a locked motor condition, the DRV10983 also identifies and takes action if there
is no motor connected to the system.
Each of the five lock-detect schemes and the no motor detection can be disabled by respective register bits
When a lock condition is detected, the MtrLck in the Status register is set. The FaultCode register provides an
indication of which of the six different conditions was detected on Lock5 to Lock0. These bits are reset when the
motor restarts. The bits in the FaultCode register are set even if the lock detect scheme is disabled.
The DRV10983 reacts to either locked rotor or no motor connected conditions by putting the output drivers into a
high-impedance state. To prevent the energy in the motor from pumping the supply voltage, the DRV10983
incorporates an anti-voltage-surge (AVS) process whenever the output stages transition into the high-impedance
state. The AVS function is described in AVS Function. After entering the high-impedance state as a result of a
fault condition, the system tries to restart after tLOCK_OFF.

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LockEn (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Lock-Detection Current Limit

Speed Abnormal

BEMF Abnormal Hi-Z

OR and Restart
No-Motor Fault Logic

Open-Loop Stuck
Closed-Loop Stuck

FaultCode [5:0]

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Figure 29. Lock Detect and Fault Diagnose Lock0: Lock Detection Current Limit Triggered

The lock detection current limit function provides a configurable threshold for limiting the current to prevent
damage to the system. This is often tripped in the event of a sudden locked rotor condition. The DRV10983
continuously monitors the current in the low-side drivers as shown in Figure 30. If the current goes higher than
the threshold configured by the HWiLimitThr[2:0] bits, then the DRV10983 stops driving the motor by placing the
output phases into a high-impedance state. The MtrLck bit is set and a lock condition is reported. It retries after
Set the lock detection current limit to a higher value than the acceleration current limit.



Figure 30. Lock Detection Current Limit Lock1: Abnormal Speed

If motor is operating normally, the motor BEMF should always be less than output amplitude. The DRV10983
uses two methods of monitoring the BEMF in the system. The U phase current is monitored to maintain an
estimate of BEMF based on the setting for Rm[6:0]. In addition, the BEMF is estimated based on the operation
speed of the motor and the setting for Kt[6:0]. Figure 31 shows the method for using this information to detect a
lock condition. If motor BEMF is much higher than output amplitude for a certain period of time, tLCK_ETR, it means
the estimated speed is wrong, and the motor has gotten out of phase.

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I BEMF1 = VU – I × Rm
BEMF2 = Kt × Speed

Lock Detected If BEMF2 > VU

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Figure 31. Lock Detection 1 Lock2: Abnormal Kt

For any given motor, the integrated value of BEMF during half of an electrical cycle is constant. It is determined
by BEMF constant (Kt) (see Figure 32). It is true regardless of whether the motor is running fast or slow. This
constant value is continuously monitored by calculation and used as criteria to determine the motor lock
condition. It is referred to as Ktc.
Based on the Kt value programmed, create a range from Kt_low to Kt_high, if the Ktc goes beyond the range for
a certain period of time, tLCK_ETR, lock is detected. Kt_low and Kt_high are determined by KtLckThr[1:0] (see
Figure 33).

Figure 32. BEMF Integration





Lock detect

Figure 33. Abnormal Kt Lock Detect Lock3 (Fault3): No Motor Fault

The phase U current is checked after transitioning from open loop to closed loop. If phase U current is not
greater than 140 mA then the motor is not connected as shown in Figure 34. This condition is treated and
reported as a fault.

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DRV10983 M

Figure 34. No Motor Error Lock4: Open Loop Motor Stuck Lock

Lock4 is used to detect locked motor conditions while the motor start sequence is in open loop.
For a successful startup, motor speed should equal to open to closed loop handoff threshold when the motor is
transitioning into closed loop. However, if the motor is locked, the motor speed is not able to match the open loop
drive rate.
If the motor BEMF is not detected for one electrical cycle after the open loop drive rate exceeds the threshold,
then the open loop was unsuccessful as a result of a locked rotor condition. Lock5: Closed Loop Motor Stuck Lock

If the motor suddenly becomes locked, motor speed and Ktc are not able to be refreshed because motor BEMF
zero cross may not appear after the lock. In this condition, lock can also be detected by the following scheme: if
the current commutation period is 2× longer than the previous period.

8.4.8 AVS Function

When a motor is driven, energy is transferred from the power supply into it. Some of this energy is stored in the
form of inductive energy or as mechanical energy. The DRV10983 includes circuits to prevent this energy from
being returned to the power supply which could result in pumping up the VCC voltage. This function is referred to
as the AVS and acts to protect the DRV10983 as well as other circuits that share the same VCC connection. Two
forms of AVS protection are used to prevent both the mechanical energy or the inductive energy from being
returned to the supply. Each of these modes can be independently disabled through the register configuration
bits AVSMEn and AVSIndEn. Mechanical AVS Function

If the speed command suddenly drops such that the BEMF voltage generated by the motor is greater than the
voltage that is applied to the motor, then the mechanical energy of the motor is returned to the power supply and
the VCC voltage surges. The mechanical AVS function works to prevent this from happening. The DRV10983
buffers the speed command value and limits the resulting output voltage, UMIN, so that it is not less than the
BEMF voltage of the motor. The BEMF voltage in the mechanical AVS function is determined using the
programmed value for the Kt of the motor (Kt[6:0]) along with the speed. Figure 35 shows the criteria used by the
mechanical AVS function.

IMIN = 0


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Figure 35. Mechanical AVS

The mechanical AVS function can operate in one of two modes, which can be configured by the register bit
AVSMMd = 0 – AVS mode is always active to prevent the applied voltage from being less than the BEMF

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AVSMMd = 1 – AVS mode becomes active when VCC reaches 24 V. The motor acts as a generator and
returns energy into the power supply until VCC reaches 24 V. This mode can be used to enable faster
deceleration of the motor in applications where returning energy to the power supply is allowed.

8.4.9 PWM Output

The DRV10983 has 16 options for PWM dead time which can be used to configure the time between one of the
bridge FETs turning off and the complementary FET turning on. Deadtime[3:0] can be used to configure dead
times between 40 ns and 640 ns. Take care that the dead time is long enough to prevent the bridge FETs from
shooting through. The recommend minimum dead time is 440 ns for 24-V VCC and 360 ns for 12-V VCC.
The DRV10983 offers two options for PWM switching frequency. When the configuration bit DoubleFreq is set to
0, the output PWM frequency will be 25 kHz and when DoubleFreq is set to 1, the output PWM frequency will be
50 kHz. It is recommended to operate the device in 25 kHz PWM switching frequency if there is an error in the
estimated Kt around 30% duty cycle in 50 kHz PWM switching frequency.

8.4.10 FG Customized Configuration

The DRV10983 provides information about the motor speed through the frequency generate (FG) pin. FG also
provides information about the driving state of the DRV10983. FG Output Frequency

The FG output frequency can be configured by FGcycle[1:0]. The default FG toggles once every electrical cycle
(FGcycle = 00). Many applications configure the FG output so that it provides two pulses for every mechanical
rotation of the motor. The configuration bits provided in DRV10983 can accomplish this for 4-pole, 6-pole, 8-pole,
and 12-pole motors, as shown in Figure 36.
Figure 36 shows the DRV10983 has been configured to provide FG pulses once every electrical cycle (4 pole),
twice every three electrical cycle (6 pole), once every two electrical cycles (8 pole), and once every three
electrical cycles (12 pole).
Note that when it is set to 2 FG pulses every three electrical cycles, the FG output is not 50% duty cycle. Motor
speed is able to be measured by monitoring the rising edge of the FG output.

Figure 36. FG Frequency Divider

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Note that the FG output reflects the driving state of the motor. During normal closed loop behavior, the driving
state and the actual state of the motor are synchronized. During open loop acceleration, however, this may not
reflect the actual motor speed. During a locked motor condition, the FG output is driven high.
The DRV10983 provides three options for controlling the FG output during open loop as shown in Figure 37. The
selection of these options is determined by the FGOLsel[1:0] setting.
• Option0: Open loop output FG based on driving frequency
• Option1: Open loop no FG output (keep high)
• Option2: FG output based on driving frequency at the first power-on start-up, and no FG output (keep high)
for any subsequent restarts

Open loop Closed loop

Motor phase
driving voltage

FGOLsel = 00

FGOLsel = 01

Open loop Closed loop Open loop Closed loop

Motor phase
driving voltage

FGOLsel = 10

Start-up after power on or wakeup Rest of the startups

from sleep or standby mode

Figure 37. FG Behavior During Open Loop

8.4.11 Diagnostics and Visibility

The DRV10983 offers extensive visibility into the motor system operation conditions stored in internal registers.
This information can be monitored through the I2C interface. Information can be monitored relating to the device
status, motor speed, supply voltage, speed command, motor phase voltage amplitude, fault status, and others.
The data is updated on the fly. Motor Status Readback

The motor status register provides information on overtemperature (OverTemp), sleep or standby state
(Slp_Stdby), over current (OverCurr), and locked rotor (MtrLck).

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The motor operation speed is automatically updated in register MotorSpeed1 and MotorSpeed2 while the motor
is spinning. MotorSpeed1 contains the 8 most significant bits and MotorSpeed2 contains the 8 least significant
bits. The value is determined by the period for calculated BEMF zero crossings on phase U. The electrical speed
of the motor is denoted as Velocity (Hz) and is calculated as shown in Equation 8.
Velocity (Hz) = {MotorSpeed1:MotorSpeed2} / 10 (8)
As an example consider the following:
MotorSpeed1 = 0x01;
MotorSpeed2 = 0xFF;
Velocity = 512 (0x01FF) / 10 = 51 Hz
ecycles 1 mechcycle sec ond
51 u u 60 1530 RPM
For a 4-pole motor, this translates to: sec ond 2 ecycle minute
The electrical speed of the motor (Hz) readback from MotorSpeed1 and MotorSpeed2 is not accurate and has up
to 6% error. For accurate results, it is recommended to read the Motor electrical period (see Motor Electrical
Period Readback) and then calculate the electrical speed of the motor (Hz) manually by calculating the inverse of
Motor electrical period or measure the frequency of the FG signal output (see FG Output Frequency). Two-Byte Register Readback

Several of the registers such as MotorSpeed report data that is contained in two registers.
To make sure that the data does not change between the reading of the first and second register reads, the
DRV10983 implements a special scheme to synchronize the reading of MSB and LSB data. To ensure valid data
is read when reading a two register value, use the following sequence.
1. Read the MSB.
2. Read the LSB.
Figure 38 shows the two-register readback circuit. When the MSB is read, the controller takes a snapshot of the
LSB. The LSB data is stored in one extra register byte, which is shown as MotorSpeedBuffer[7:0]. When the LSB
is read, the value of MotorSpeedBuffer[7:0] is sent.

MotorSpeed[15:8] MotorSpeed[7:0]

MotorSpeed[15:8] MotorSpeed

I C send out motor speed.

Motor Speed Read Back

Figure 38. Two-Byte Register Readback Motor Electrical Period Readback

The motor operation electrical period is automatically updated in register MotorPeriod1 and MotorPeriod2 while
the motor is spinning. MotorPeriod1 is the MSB and MotorPeriod2 is the LSB. The electrical period is measured
as the time between calculated BEMF zero crossings for phase U. The electrical period of the motor is denoted
as d as tELE_PERIOD (µs) and is calculated as shown in Equation 9.
tELE_PERIOD (µs) = {MotorPeriod1:MotorPeriod2} × 10 (9)
As an example consider the following:
MotorPeriod1 = 0x01;

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MotorPeriod2 = 0xFF;
tELE_PERIOD = 512 (0x01FF) × 10 = 5120 µs
The motor electrical period and motor speed satisfies the condition of Equation 10.
tELE_PERIOD (s) × Velocity (Hz) = 1 (10) BEMF Constant Readback

For any given motor, the integrated value of BEMF during half of an electronic cycle will be constant, Ktc (see
Lock2: Abnormal Kt).
The integration of the motor BEMF is processed periodically (updated every electrical cycle) while the motor is
spinning. The result is stored in register MotorKt1 and MotorKt2.
The relationship is shown in Equation 11.
Ktc (V/Hz)= {MotorKt1:MotorKt2} / 2 /1090 (11) Motor Estimated Position by IPD

After inductive sense is executed the rotor position is detected within 60 electrical degrees of resolution. The
position is stored in register IPDPosition.
The value stored in IPD Position corresponds to one of the six motor positions plus the IPD Advance Angle as
shown in Table 7. For more about information about IPD, see Initial Position Detect (IPD).

Table 7. IPD Position Readback



Rotor position (°) 0 60 120 180 240 300
Data1 0 43 85 128 171 213
IPD Advance
30 60 90 120
Data2 22 44 63 85
Register date (Data1 + Data2) mod (256) Supply Voltage Readback

The power supply is monitored periodically during motor operation. This information is available in register
SupplyVoltage. The power supply voltage is recorded as shown in Equation 12.
VPOWERSUPPLY (V) = Supply Voltage × 30 V / 256 (12) Speed Command Readback

The DRV10983 converts the various types of speed command into a speed command value (SpeedCmd) as
shown in Figure 39. By reading SpeedCmd, the user can observe PWM input duty (PWM digital mode), analog
voltage (analog mode), or I2C data (I2C mode). This value is calculated as shown in Equation 13.
Equation 13 shows how the speed command as a percentage can be calculated and set in SpeedCmd.
DutySPEED (%) = SpeedCmd × 100% / 255
• DutySPEED = Speed command as a percentage
• SpeedCmd = Register value (13)

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If acceleration current limit and AVS are enabled, the PWM duty cycle output (read back at spdCmdBuffer) may
not always match the input command (read back at SpeedCmd) shown in Figure 39. See AVS Function and
Current Limit.
By reading the value of spdCmdBuffer, the user can observe buffered speed command (output PWM duty cycle)
to the motor.
Equation 14 shows how the buffered speed is calculated.
DutyOUTPUT (%) = spdCmdBuffer × 100% / 255
• DutyOUTPUT = The maximum duty cycle of the output PWM, which represents the output amplitude in
• spdCmdBuffer = Register value (14)

PWM in PWM duty

Speed Acceleration Current Limit
Analog ADC Command Closed Loop Accelerate

spdCmdBuffer PWM_DCO

Figure 39. SpeedCmd and spdCmdBuffer Register Fault Diagnostics

See Lock Detect and Fault Handling.

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8.5 Register Maps

8.5.1 I2C Serial Interface
The DRV10983 provides an I2C slave interface with slave address 101 0010. TI recommends a pullup resistor
4.7 kΩ to 3.3 V for I2C interface port SCL and SDA.
Four read/write registers (0x00:0x03) are used to set motor speed and control device registers and EEPROM.
Device operation status can be read back through 12 read-only registers (0x10:0x1E). Another 12 EEPROM
registers (0x20:0x2B) can be accessed to program motor parameters and optimize the spin-up profile for the

8.5.2 Register Map

Register Name Address D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

SpeedCtrl1 (1) 0x00 SpdCtrl[7:0]
SpeedCtrl2 (1) 0x01 OverRide SpdCtrl[8]
DevCtrl (1) 0x02 enProgKey[7:0]
EECtrl (1) 0x03 sleepDis SIdata eeRefresh eeWrite
Status 0x10 OverTemp Slp_Stdby OverCurr MtrLck
MotorSpeed1 (2) 0x11 MotorSpeed[15:8]
MotorSpeed2 (2) 0x12 MotorSpeed[7:0]
MotorPeriod1 (2) 0x13 MotorPeriod[15:8]
MotorPeriod2 (2) 0x14 MotorPeriod[7:0]
MotorKt1 (2) 0x15 MotorKt[15:8]
MotorKt2 (2) 0x16 MotorKt[7:0]
MotorCurrent1 0x17 MotorCurrent[10:8]
MotorCurrent2 (2) 0x18 MotorCurrent[7:0]
IPDPosition (2) 0x19 IPDPosition[7:0]
SupplyVoltage 0x1A SupplyVoltage [7:0]
SpeedCmd (2) 0x1B SpeedCmd [7:0]
spdCmdBuffer (2) 0x1C spdCmdBuffer[7:0]
FaultCode (2) 0x1E Lock5 Lock4 Fault3 Lock2 Lock1 Lock0
MotorParam1 0x20 DoubleFreq Rm[6:0]
MotorParam2 (3) 0x21 AdjMode Kt[6:0]
MotorParam3 (3) 0x22 CtrlAdvMd TCtrlAdv[6:0]
SysOpt1 (3) 0x23 ISDThr[1:0] IPDAdvcAgl[1:0] ISDen RvsDrEn RvsDrThr[1:0]
SysOpt2 (3) 0x24 OpenLCurr[1:0] OpLCurrRt[2:0] BrkDoneThr[2:0]
SysOpt3 (3) 0x25 CtrlCoef[1:0] StAccel2[2:0] StAccel[2:0]
SysOpt4 0x26 Op2ClsThr[4:0] AlignTime[2:0]
SysOpt5 (3) 0x27 LockEn[3:0] AVSIndEn AVSMEn AVSMMd IPDRlsMd
SysOpt6 (3) 0x28 SWiLimitThr[3:0] HWiLimitThr[2:0]
SysOpt7 (3) 0x29 LockEn5 ClsLpAccel[2:0] Deadtime[3:0]
SysOpt8 0x2A IPDCurrThr[3:0] LockEn4 VregSel IPDClk[1:0]
SysOpt9 (3) 0x2B FGOLsel[1:0] FGcycle[1:0] KtLckThr[1:0] SpdCtrlMd CLoopDis

(1) R/W
(2) Read only

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Table 8. Default EEPROM

Address Default Value
0x20 0x4A
0x21 0x4E
0x22 0x2A
0x23 0x00
0x24 0x98
0x25 0xE4
0x26 0x7A
0x27 0xF4
0x28 0x69
0x29 0xB9
0x2A 0xAD
0x2B 0x0C

8.5.3 Register Definition

Table 9. Register Description

Data Description
Name Address Bits
8 LSB of a 9-bit value used for the motor speed.
SpeedCtrl1 (1) 0x00 7:0 SpdCtrl[7:0] If OverRide = 1, the user can directly control the motor speed by writing to the
register through I2C.
Use to control the SpdCtrl [8:0] bits. If OverRide = 1, the user can write the speed
7 OverRide
command through I2C.
6:1 N/A N/A
SpeedCtrl2 (1) 0x01 MSB of a 9-bit value used for the motor speed.
If OverRide = 1, user can directly control the motor speed by writing to the
0 SpdCtrl [8] register through I2C.
The MSB should be written first. Digital takes a snapshot of the MSB when LSB
is written.
8-bit byte use to enable programming in the EEPROM.
DevCtrl (1) 0x02 7:0 enProgKey[7:0] To program the EEPROM, enProgKey = 1011 0110 (0xB6), followed immediately
by eeWrite = 1. Otherwise, enProgKey value is reset.
7 sleepDis Set to 1 to disable entering into sleep or standby mode.
6 SIdata Set to 1 to enable the writing to the configuration registers.
EECtrl 0x03 5 eeRefresh Copy EEPROM data to register.
4 eeWrite Bit used to program (write) to the EEPROM.
3:0 N/A N/A
7 OverTemp Bit to indicate device temperature is over its limits.
6 Slp_Stdby Bit to indicate that device went into sleep or standby mode.
Bit to indicate that a phase to phase overcurrent event happened. This is a sticky
5 OverCurr bit, once written, it stays high even if overcurrent signal goes low. This bit is
cleared on Read.
Status (2) 0x10 4 MtrLck Bit to indicate that the motor is locked.
3 N/A N/A
2 N/A N/A
1 N/A N/A
0 N/A N/A

(1) R/W
(2) Read only
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Table 9. Register Description (continued)

Data Description
Name Address Bits
Motor Speed1 (2) 0x11 7:0 MotorSpeed [15:8] 16-bit value indicating the motor speed. Always read the MotorSpeed1 first.
Velocity (Hz) = {MotorSpeed1:MotorSpeed2} / 10
Motor Speed2 (2) 0x12 7:0 MotorSpeed [7:0] For example: MotorSpeed1 = 0x01, MotorSpeed2 = 0xFF,
Motor Speed = 0x01FF (511) / 10 = 51 Hz
Motor Period1 (2) 0x13 7:0 MotorPeriod [15:8] 16-bit value indicating the motor period. Always read the MotorPeriod1 first.
tELE_PERIOD (µs) = {MotorPeriod1:MotorPeriod2} × 10
Motor Period2 (2) 0x14 7:0 MotorPeriod [7:0] For example: MotorPeriod1 = 0x01, MotorPeriod2 = 0xFF,
Motor Period = 0x01FF (511) × 10 = 5.1 ms
MotorKt1 (2) 0x15 7:0 MotorKt[15:8] 16-bit value indicating the motor measured velocity constant. Always read the
MotorKt1 first.
MotorKt2 (2) 0x16 7:0 MotorKt[7:0] Ktc (V/Hz)= {MotorKt1:MotorKt2} / 2 /1442
{MotorKt1:MotorKt2} corresponding to 2 × Ktph_dig
Motor 7:3 N/A 11-bit value indicating the motor peak current. .
0x17 Always read the MotorCurrent1 first.
Current1 (2) 2:0 MotorCurrent[10:8]
If ({ MotorCurrent[10:0]}) >=1023 Current (A) = 3 × ({MotorCurrent[10:0]}) - 1023)
/ 512
Current (A) = 3 × ({MotorCurrent[10:0]}) / 512
0x18 7:0 MotorCurrent[7:0] For example:
Current2 (2)
Motor Current1= 0x04;
Motor Current2= 0x3C;
Motor current (A) = 3A * (0x43C-0x3FF) / 512 = 0.357 A
8-bit value indicating the estimated motor position during IPD plus the IPD
IPDPosition (2) 0x19 7:0 IPDPosition [7:0]
advance angle (see Table 7)
8-bit value indicating the supply voltage
Supply VPOWERSUPPLY (V) = SupplyVoltage[7:0] × 30 V /256
0x1A 7:0 SupplyVoltage [7:0]
Voltage (2) For example, SupplyVoltage[7:0] = 0x67,
VPOWERSUPPLY (V) = 0x67 (102) × 30 / 256 = 12 V
8-bit value indicating the speed command based on analog or PWMin or I2C.
SpeedCmd (2) 0x1B 7:0 SpeedCmd[7:0]
FF indicates 100% speed command.
spdCmd 8-bit value indicating the speed command after buffer output.
0x1C 7:0 spdCmdBuffer [8:1]
Buffer (2) FF indicates 100% speed command.
7:6 N/A N/A
5 Lock5 Stuck in closed loop
4 Lock4 Stuck in open loop
FaultCode (2) 0x1E 3 Fault3 No motor
2 Lock2 Kt abnormal
1 Lock1 Speed abnormal
0 Lock0 Lock detection current limit
0 = Set driver output frequency to 25 kHz
7 DoubleFreq
1 = Set driver output frequency to 50 kHz
Motor Param1 (3) 0x20 Rm[6:4] : Number of the Shift bits of the motor phase resistance
Rm[3:0] : Significant value of the motor phase resistance
6:0 Rm[6:0]
Rmdig = R_(ph_ct) / 0.00967
Rmdig = Rm[3:0] ≪ Rm[6:4] See Motor Phase Resistance and Table 2
Closed loop adjustment mode setting
7 AdjMode 0 = Full cycle adjustment
1 = Half cycle adjustment
Motor Param2 (3) 0x21 Kt[6:4] = Number of the Shift bits of BEMF constant
Kt[3:0] = Significant value of the BEMF constant
6:0 Kt[6:0] 〖Kt〗_(ph_dig) = 1090×〖Kt〗_ph
〖Kt〗_(ph_dig) = Kt[3:0] ≪ Kt[4:6]
See BEMF Constant and Table 3.

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Table 9. Register Description (continued)

Data Description
Name Address Bits
Motor commutate control advance
7 CtrlAdvMd 0 = Fixed time
1 = Variable time relative to the motor speed and VCC
Motor Param3 (3) 0x22
tdelay [6:4] = Number of the Shift bits of LRTIME
6:0 Tdelay[6:0] tdelay [3:0] = Significant value of LRTIME
tSETTING = 2.5 µs × {TCtrlAdv[3:0] << TCtrlAdv[6:4]}
ISD stationary judgment threshold
00 = 6 Hz (80 ms, no zero cross)
7:6 ISDThr[1:0] 01 = 3 Hz (160 ms, no zero cross)
10 = 1.6 Hz (320 ms, no zero cross)
11 = 0.8 Hz (640 ms, no zero cross)
Advancing angle after inductive sense
00 = 30°
5:4 IPDAdvcAgl [1:0] 01 = 60°
10 = 90°
11 = 120°
SysOpt1 (3) 0x23
0 = Initial speed detect (ISD) disable
3 ISDen
1 = ISD enable
0 = Reverse drive disable
2 RvsDrEn
1 = Reverse drive enable
The threshold where device starts to process reverse drive (RvsDr) or brake.
00 = 6.3 Hz
1:0 RvsDrThr[1:0] 01 = 13 Hz
10 = 26 Hz
11 = 51 Hz
Open loop current setting.
00 = 0.2 A
7:6 OpenLCurr[1:0] 01 = 0.4 A
10 = 0.8 A
11 = 1.6 A
Open-loop current ramp-up rate setting
000 = 6 VCC/s
001 = 3 VCC/s
010 = 1.5 VCC/s
5:3 OpLCurrRt:[2:0] 011 = 0.7 VCC/s
100 = 0.34 VCC/s
SysOpt2 0x24 101 = 0.16 VCC/s
110 = 0.07 VCC/s
111 = 0.023 VCC/s
Braking mode setting
000 = No brake (BrkEn = 0)
001 = 2.7 s
010 = 1.3 s
2:0 BrkDoneThr [2:0] 011 = 0.67 s
100 = 0.33 s
101 = 0.16 s
110 = 0.08 s
111 = 0.04 s

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Table 9. Register Description (continued)

Data Description
Name Address Bits
Control coefficient
00 = 0.25
7:6 CtrlCoef[1:0] 01 = 0.5
10 = 0.75
11 = 1
Open loop start-up accelerate (second order)
000 = 57 Hz/s2
001 = 29 Hz/s2
010 = 14 Hz/s2
5:3 StAccel2[2:0] 011 = 6.9 Hz/s2
100 = 3.3 Hz/s2
SysOpt3 (3) 0x25 101 = 1.6 Hz/s2
110 = 0.66 Hz/s2
111 = 0.22 Hz/s2
Open loop start-up accelerate (first order)
000 = 76 Hz/s
001 = 38 Hz/s
010 = 19 Hz/s
2:0 StAccel[2:0] 011 = 9.2 Hz/s
100 = 4.5 Hz/s
101 = 2.1 Hz/s
110 = 0.9 Hz/s
111 = 0.3 Hz/s
Open to closed loop threshold
0xxxx = Range 0: n × 0.8 Hz
00000 = N/A
00001 = 0.8 Hz
00111 = 5.6 Hz
7:3 Op2ClsThr[4:0] 01111 = 12 Hz
1xxxx = Range 1: (n + 1) × 12.8 Hz
10000 = 12.8 Hz
10001 = 25.6 Hz
10111 = 192 Hz
SysOpt4 (3) 0x26 11111 = 204.8 Hz
Align time.
000 = 5.3 s
001 = 2.7 s
010 = 1.3 s
2:0 AlignTime[2:0] 011 = 0.67 s
100 = 0.33 s
101 = 0.16 s
110 = 0.08 s
111 = 0.04 s
7 No motor fault. Enabled when high
6 LockEn[2] Abnormal Kt. Enabled when high
5 LockEn[1] Abnormal speed. Enabled when high
4 LockEn[0] Lock detection current limit. Enabled when high
Inductive AVS is not functional in DRV10983. It is recommended to set this bit to
3 AVSIndEn
SysOpt5 (3) 0x27 0.
2 AVSMEn Mechanical AVS enable. Enabled when high
Mechanical AVS mode
1 AVSMMd 0 = AVS to VCC
1 = AVS to 24 V
IPD release mode
0 IPDRlsMd 0 = Brake when inductive release
1 = Hi-z when inductive release

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Table 9. Register Description (continued)

Data Description
Name Address Bits
Acceleration current limit threshold
0000 = No acceleration current limit
7:4 SWiLimitThr [3:0]
0001 = 0.2-A current limit
xxxx = n × 0.2 A current limit
SysOpt6 (3) 0x28
Lock detection current limit threshold
3:1 HWiLimitThr [2:0]
(n + 1) × 0.4 A
0 N/A N/A
7 LockEn[5] Stuck in closed loop (no zero cross detected). Enabled when high
Closed loop accelerate
000 = Inf fast
001 = 48 VCC/s
010 = 48 VCC/s
6:4 ClsLpAccel[2:0] 011 = 0.77 VCC/s
100 = 0.37 VCC/s
SysOpt7 (3) 0x29
101 = 0.19 VCC/s
110 = 0.091 VCC/s
111 = 0.045 VCC/s
Dead time between HS and LS gate drive for motor phases
0000 = 40 ns
3:0 Deadtime[3:0]
xxxx = (n + 1) × 40 ns. Recommended minimum dead time is 400 ns for 24-V
VCC and 360 ns for 12-V VCC.
IPD (inductive sense) current threshold
0000 = No IPD function. Align and Go
7:4 IPDCurrThr[3:0]
0001 = 0.4-A current threshold.
xxxx = 0.2 A × (n + 1) current threshold.
3 LockEn[4] Open loop stuck (no zero cross detected). Enabled when high
Buck regulator voltage select
SysOpt8 (3) 0x2A 2 VregSel 0: Vreg = 5 V
1: Vreg = 3.3 V
Inductive sense clock
00 = 12 Hz;
1:0 IPDClk[1:0] 01 = 24 Hz;
10 = 47 Hz;
11 = 95 Hz
FG open loop output select
00 = FG outputs in both open loop and closed loop
7:6 FGOLsel[1:0] 01 = FG outputs only in closed loop
10 = FG outputs closed loop and the first open loop
11 = Reserved
FG cycle select
00 = 1 pulse output per electrical cycle
5:4 FGcycle[1:0] 01 = 2 pulses output per 3 electrical cycles
10 = 1 pulse output per 2 electrical cycles
11 = 1 pulse output per 3 electrical cycles
SysOpt9 (3) 0x2B
Abnormal Kt lock detect threshold
00 = Kt_high = 3/2Kt. Kt_low = 3/4Kt
3:2 KtLckThr[1:0] 01 = Kt_high = 2Kt. Kt_low = 3/4Kt
10 = Kt_high = 3/2Kt. Kt_low = 1/2Kt
11 = Kt_high = 2Kt. Kt_low = 1/2Kt
Speed input mode
1 SpdCtrlMd 0 = Analog input expected at SPEED pin
1 = PWM input expected at SPEED pin
0 = Transfer to closed loop at Op2ClsThr speed
0 CLoopDis
1 = No transfer to closed loop. Keep in open loop

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9 Application and Implementation

Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component
specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI's customers are
responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should
validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality.

9.1 Application Information

The DRV10983 is used in sensorless 3-phase BLDC motor control. The driver provides a high performance, high
reliability, flexible and simple solution for appliance fan, pump, and HVAC applications. The following design in
Figure 40 shows a common application of the DRV10983. For the DRV10983Z sleep mode device, a Zener
diode must be placed in parallel with the 10-µF VREG capacitor as shown in Figure 40. The Zener diode must
meet the requirements listed in Table 11. The following order of connections should be followed in order to avoid
hot-switching and floating ground, which may cause reliability issues: 1 - GND, 2 - VCC, 3 - PWM, 4 - FG. When
VCC >2.2V, order of FG and PWM doesn’t matter. Ensure FG <=VCC all the time.

9.2 Typical Application

10 µF
0.1 µF
1 VCP VCC 24
2 CPP VCC 23
0.1 µF
10 µF 3 CPN W 22
3.3 V or 5 V
4 SW W 21
47 µH
5 SWGND V 20
6 VREG V 19
1 µF
7 V1P8 U 18
8 GND U 17
1 µF
9 V3P3 PGND 16
10 SCL PGND 15
11 SDA DIR 14
Interface to 12 FG SPEED 13

10 µF
0.1 µF
1 VCP VCC 24
2 CPP VCC 23
0.1 µF
10 µF 3 CPN W 22
3.3 V or 5 V
4 SW W 21
39 W
5 SWGND V 20
6 VREG V 19
1 µF
7 V1P8 U 18
8 GND U 17
1 µF
9 V3P3 PGND 16
10 SCL PGND 15
11 SDA DIR 14
Interface to 12 FG SPEED 13

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Figure 40. Typical Application Schematics for DRV10983 (Top Image) and DRV10983Z (Bottom Image)
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Typical Application (continued)

9.2.1 Design Requirements
Table 10 provides design input parameters and motor parameters for system design.

Table 10. Recommended Application Range

Motor voltage 8 24 28 V
BEMF constant Phase to phase, measured while the motor is coasting 0.001 1.8 V/Hz
Phase-Phase Measured ph-ph 0.6 38 Ω
Phase-Phase Measured ph-ph 0.07 mH
Operating closed Electrical frequency 1 1000 Hz
loop speed
Operating current PGND, GND 0.1 2 A
Absolute maximum During start-up or lock condition 3 A

Table 11. External Components

CVCC VCC GND 10-µF ceramic capacitor rated for VCC
CVCP VCP VCC 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor rated for 10 V
CCP CPP CPN 0.1-µF ceramic capacitor rated for VCC × 2
47-µH ferrite inductor with 1.15-A current rating, 1.15-A saturation current, and < 1 Ω DC
resistance (buck mode)
RSW-VREG SW VREG 39-Ω series resistor rated for ¼ W (linear mode)
CVREG VREG GND 10-µF ceramic capacitor rated for 10 V
CV1P8 V1P8 GND 1-µF ceramic capacitor rated for 5 V
CV3P3 V3P3 GND 1-µF ceramic capacitor rated for 5 V
RSCL SCL V3P3 4.75-kΩ pullup to V3P3
RSDA SDA V3P3 4.75-kΩ pullup to V3P3
RFG FG V3P3 4.75-kΩ pullup to V3P3
DZener(For 3.3-V Vreg Only for DRV10983Z, Zener Voltage(Vz) = 4 V (±5%). Peak Power > 5 W, Leakage Current
mode) <100 µA
DZener (For 5-V Vreg Only for DRV10983Z, Zener Voltage(Vz) = 6 V (±5%). Peak Power > 5 W, Leakage Current
mode) <100 µA

9.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure

1. See the Design Requirements section and make sure your system meets the recommended application
2. See the DRV10983 and DRV10975 Tuning Guide and measure the motor parameters.
3. See the DRV10983 and DRV10975 Tuning Guide. Configure the parameters using DRV10983 GUI, and
optimize the motor operation. The Tuning Guide takes the user through all the configurations step by step,
including: start-up operation, closed-loop operation, current control, initial positioning, lock detection, and
anti-voltage surge.
4. See the Programming Guide for the DRV10983 and Non-Volatile Memory section for burning tuned settings
into EEPROM.
5. Build your hardware based on Layout Guidelines.
6. Connect the device into system and validate your system solution.

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9.2.3 Application Curves




Figure 41. DRV10983 Start-Up Waveform Figure 42. DRV10983 Operation Current Waveform

10 Power Supply Recommendations

The DRV10983 is designed to operate from an input voltage supply, V(VCC), range between 8 V and 28 V. The
user must place a 10-µF ceramic capacitor rated for VCC as close as possible to the VCC and GND pins.
If the power supply ripple is more than 200 mV, in addition to the local decoupling capacitors, a bulk capacitance
is required and must be sized according to the application requirements. If the bulk capacitance is implemented
in the application, the user can reduce the value of the local ceramic capacitor to 1 µF.

11 Layout

11.1 Layout Guidelines

• Place VCC, GND, U, V, and W pins with thick traces because high current passes through these traces.
• Place the 10-µF capacitor between VCC and GND, and as close to the VCC and GND pins as possible.
• Place the capacitor between CPP and CPN, and as close to the CPP and CPN pins as possible.
• Connect the GND, PGND, and SWGND under the thermal pad.
• Keep the thermal pad connection as large as possible, both on the bottom side and top side. It should be one
piece of copper without any gaps.
• If EEPROM is programmed, it is okay to leave SDA and SCL floating

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11.2 Layout Example

CVCC(10 uF)

CVCP(0.1 uF)


CCPP(0.1 µF)

CVREG(10 µF)


CV1P8(1 µF)
V1P8 U

CV3P3(1 µF)


RSCL(4.75 kW)
RSDA(4.75 kW)
RFG(4.75 kW)

Figure 43. Layout Schematic

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12 Device and Documentation Support

12.1 Device Support

12.1.1 Third-Party Products Disclaimer

12.2 Documentation Support

12.2.1 Related Documentation
For related documentation see the following:
• Texas Instruments, DRV10983 and DRV10975 Evaluation Module user's guide
• Texas Instruments, DRV10983 and DRV10975 Tuning Guide
• Texas Instruments, How to Design a Thermally-Efficient Integrated BLDC Motor Drive PCB application report
• Texas Instruments, Programming Guide for the DRV10983
• Texas Instruments, Speed-Control Techniques in AC-DC Operated BLDC Applications application report

12.3 Trademarks
PowerPAD, E2E are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
12.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam
during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.

12.5 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates

To receive notification of documentation updates, navigate to the device product folder on ti.com. In the upper
right corner, click on Alert me to register and receive a weekly digest of any product information that has
changed. For change details, review the revision history included in any revised document.

12.6 Community Resources

TI E2E™ support forums are an engineer's go-to source for fast, verified answers and design help — straight
from the experts. Search existing answers or ask your own question to get the quick design help you need.
Linked content is provided "AS IS" by the respective contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do
not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of Use.

12.7 Glossary
SLYZ022 — TI Glossary.
This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions.

13 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information

The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most-
current data available for the designated device. This data is subject to change without notice and without
revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, see the left-hand navigation pane.

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Orderable Device Status Package Type Package Pins Package Eco Plan Lead finish/ MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking Samples
(1) Drawing Qty (2) Ball material (3) (4/5)

DRV10983PWP ACTIVE HTSSOP PWP 24 60 Green (RoHS NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 DRV10983
& no Sb/Br)
DRV10983PWPR ACTIVE HTSSOP PWP 24 2000 Green (RoHS NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 DRV10983
& no Sb/Br)
DRV10983ZPWP ACTIVE HTSSOP PWP 24 60 Green (RoHS NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 DRV10983Z
& no Sb/Br)
DRV10983ZPWPR ACTIVE HTSSOP PWP 24 2000 Green (RoHS NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 DRV10983Z
& no Sb/Br)

The marketing status values are defined as follows:
ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs.
LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.
NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.
PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available.
OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device.

RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance
do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may
reference these types of products as "Pb-Free".
RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption.
Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of <=1000ppm threshold. Antimony trioxide based
flame retardants must also meet the <=1000ppm threshold requirement.

MSL, Peak Temp. - The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature.

There may be additional marking, which relates to the logo, the lot trace code information, or the environmental category on the device.

Multiple Device Markings will be inside parentheses. Only one Device Marking contained in parentheses and separated by a "~" will appear on a device. If a line is indented then it is a continuation
of the previous line and the two combined represent the entire Device Marking for that device.

Lead finish/Ball material - Orderable Devices may have multiple material finish options. Finish options are separated by a vertical ruled line. Lead finish/Ball material values may wrap to two
lines if the finish value exceeds the maximum column width.

Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information
provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and

Addendum-Page 1

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continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.
TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.

In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.


• Automotive: DRV10983-Q1

NOTE: Qualified Version Definitions:

• Automotive - Q100 devices qualified for high-reliability automotive applications targeting zero defects

Addendum-Page 2

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*All dimensions are nominal

Device Package Package Pins SPQ Reel Reel A0 B0 K0 P1 W Pin1
Type Drawing Diameter Width (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Quadrant
(mm) W1 (mm)
DRV10983PWPR HTSSOP PWP 24 2000 330.0 16.4 6.95 8.3 1.6 8.0 16.0 Q1
DRV10983ZPWPR HTSSOP PWP 24 2000 330.0 16.4 6.95 8.3 1.6 8.0 16.0 Q1

Pack Materials-Page 1

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*All dimensions are nominal

Device Package Type Package Drawing Pins SPQ Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm)
DRV10983PWPR HTSSOP PWP 24 2000 350.0 350.0 43.0
DRV10983ZPWPR HTSSOP PWP 24 2000 350.0 350.0 43.0

Pack Materials-Page 2
PWP 24 PowerPAD TSSOP - 1.2 mm max height
4.4 x 7.6, 0.65 mm pitch PLASTIC SMALL OUTLINE

This image is a representation of the package family, actual package may vary.
Refer to the product data sheet for package details.


PWP0024B SCALE 2.200
PowerPAD TM TSSOP - 1.2 mm max height


A AREA 0.1 C
22X 0.65

7.9 2X
7.7 7.15

4.5 24X
B 0.19
0.1 C A B

(0.15) TYP


4X (0.2) MAX
2X (0.95) MAX NOTE 5



0 -8 0.05
4222709/A 02/2016
PowerPAD is a trademark of Texas Instruments.

1. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. Any dimensions in parenthesis are for reference only. Dimensioning and tolerancing
per ASME Y14.5M.
2. This drawing is subject to change without notice.
3. This dimension does not include mold flash, protrusions, or gate burrs. Mold flash, protrusions, or gate burrs shall not
exceed 0.15 mm per side.
4. Reference JEDEC registration MO-153.
5. Features may not be present and may vary.

PWP0024B PowerPAD TM TSSOP - 1.2 mm max height

24X (1.5) SYMM

24X (0.45)


(1.1) (7.8)


22X (0.65)

( 0.2) TYP

12 13







0.05 MAX 0.05 MIN





PADS 1-24
4222709/A 02/2016

NOTES: (continued)

6. Publication IPC-7351 may have alternate designs.

7. Solder mask tolerances between and around signal pads can vary based on board fabrication site.
8. This package is designed to be soldered to a thermal pad on the board. For more information, see Texas Instruments literature
numbers SLMA002 (www.ti.com/lit/slma002) and SLMA004 (www.ti.com/lit/slma004).
9. Size of metal pad may vary due to creepage requirement.

PWP0024B PowerPAD TM TSSOP - 1.2 mm max height

24X (1.5) 0.125 THICK
(R0.05) TYP

24X (0.45)

0.125 THICK

22X (0.65)

12 13





0.1 2.68 X 5.77
0.125 2.4 X 5.16 (SHOWN)
0.15 2.19 X 4.71
0.175 2.03 X 4.36

4222709/A 02/2016

NOTES: (continued)

10. Laser cutting apertures with trapezoidal walls and rounded corners may offer better paste release. IPC-7525 may have alternate
design recommendations.
11. Board assembly site may have different recommendations for stencil design.


These resources are intended for skilled developers designing with TI products. You are solely responsible for (1) selecting the appropriate
TI products for your application, (2) designing, validating and testing your application, and (3) ensuring your application meets applicable
standards, and any other safety, security, or other requirements. These resources are subject to change without notice. TI grants you
permission to use these resources only for development of an application that uses the TI products described in the resource. Other
reproduction and display of these resources is prohibited. No license is granted to any other TI intellectual property right or to any third
party intellectual property right. TI disclaims responsibility for, and you will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against, any claims,
damages, costs, losses, and liabilities arising out of your use of these resources.
TI’s products are provided subject to TI’s Terms of Sale (www.ti.com/legal/termsofsale.html) or other applicable terms available either on
ti.com or provided in conjunction with such TI products. TI’s provision of these resources does not expand or otherwise alter TI’s applicable
warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI products.

Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265
Copyright © 2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated

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