Worldwide Engineering Standards: General Specification HVAC & PT Cooling GMW15866

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General Specification
HVAC & PT Cooling

R744 Gas Cooler

3 Requirements
1 Introduction 3.1 System/Subsystem/Component/Part
Note: Nothing in this standard supersedes Definition.
applicable laws and regulations. 3.1.1 Appearance. All exterior and interior
Note: In the event of conflict between the English surfaces shall be clean and free of manufacturing
and domestic language, the English language lubricants, flux, soluble flux residue, metal chips,
shall take precedence. scale, and other contaminants that are not
1.1 Scope. The gas cooler is for use in all associated with the function. Flux residue shall not
passenger car and light commercial vehicle air be considered a contaminant if it is insoluble in
conditioning according to ISO 9000. water, R744, PAG oil and does not contribute to
corrosion in the system. Appearance and finish of
1.2 Mission/Theme. This standard defines the parts shall be free of weld and/or braze splatter,
minimum requirements for the gas coolers of the flash, ridges, roughness, and of tool lubricants and
passenger car air conditioning system (not valid other contamination according to DIN 8964-2.
with/for R744 heating system), which are operated
with refrigerant R744. Front surfaces of the gas cooler shall be "combed"
and in perfect condition. No damages are allowed.
The gas cooler cause a refrigerant cooling and/or Fins of 1 % of the front surface may be bent.
refrigerant condensation below the critical point of None of the complained damages shall be larger
R744 and removes the process heat from the car than 1 cm². Damages shall be agreed before
air conditioning system in any event of a operating series supply with GM.
3.1.2 Content.
1.3 Classification. Not applicable. Physical Content. The gas cooler is
integrated in the front end cooling module
2 References (CRFM). The integration of the gas cooler into the
Note: Only the latest approved standards are climatic system is made by refrigerant lines/hoses
applicable unless otherwise specified. and connectors.
2.1 External Standards/Specifications. Functional Content. The function of the
gas cooler is to exhaust the resulting process heat
DIN 50014 ISO 9227
in all operating conditions to the environment.
DIN 55996-3 ISO 11124-2 Ideally the refrigerant will be cooled down close to
ambient temperature. In dependence of the
DIN 7716 ISO 18279
operating condition the heat exchanger in the
DIN 8964-2 SAE J639 subcritical area is operated as condenser, in the
supercritical area is operated as gas cooler. The
EN 60068-2-14 VDA 621-415
refrigerant flow shall be selected in dependence of
ISO 9000 the outside boundary conditions (distribution of air
velocity and air temperature) that an optimal
2.2 GM Standards/Specifications. performance of the component is reached,
GM6241M GMW3116 especially for the position of refrigerant out. PT-Sensor. The R744 A/C system shall be
GME14090 GMW3172
equipped with a pressure-temperature sensor for
GMN3600 GMW14319 the refrigerant. This sensor shall be installed
between compressor discharge port and gas
GMW3059 GMW15929 cooler inlet port. The exact location is given by the
2.3 Additional References. German OEM safety responsible GM release engineer. The dimensions
concept, draft. and further details may be found in GMW15929.
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3.1.3 Ambient Environment and Operating (+23 ± 5) °C to DIN 50014 unless otherwise
Conditions. This defines the ambient specified.
temperature, refrigerant temperatures and the At least 4 test samples are required for each test
operating conditions which the gas cooler is specified below.
exposed to. As orientation the following values are
The test results shall be documented as part of
defined for operating and non operating AC
PPAP documents and provided to GM.
system. The values are relevant for the design and
construction of the gas cooler. 3.2.1 Performance Requirements. Performance
tests shall be performed with R744 refrigerant. If it Environmental Temperature: The gas
is proofed one time, that the odorant has no
cooler shall be mounted directly in front of the
influence on all requirements below, all tests may
radiator as part of CRFM assembly. Due to the
be done without odorant.
typical location of the CRFM the gas cooler is near
the hot engine or other heat source underhood. Leak Rate. The R744 leak rates of the gas
Therefore, the environmental temperatures are in cooler without connectors shall be limited to a
the range of: maximum value of 0.1 g/year R744 which means
that the part is quasi technically leak free.
• -40 °C in AC off condition and/or
Technically leak free means the leak rate shall not
• -12 °C during refrigeration system operation to be measured.
• +120 °C permanent to This shall be tested to DIN 8964-2 and with a
• +135 °C short term ( 5 minutes each for a pressure of 20.8 MPa (= 1.3 x 16 = maximum
total of 168 h). allowed high pressure) and 1 h duration without
the influence of the connectors. Used test medium Refrigerant Temperature: The refrigerant
is air/helium/R744.
temperatures are in the range of:
If the test is performed with connectors the total
• (-40…+120) °C in AC off condition and leak rate is according to the connector leak rate
• (-12…+165) °C during refrigeration system 1 g/year R744. But it shall be clearly determined
operation where the leak rate occurs as well the leak rate of
• +180 °C short term ( 5 minutes each for a the leak.
total of 168 h). If the helium leak test cannot be used the supplier Refrigerant and Burst Pressure: At the shall propose an appropriate test method, e.g.
high pressure side the pressure relieve valve shall R744 or water and agreed by GM.
be open completely and at which the pressure in Resistance to Under Pressure /
the refrigerant circuit shall not increase any further Vacuum. A pressure of 0.5 kPa absolute shall be
is 17 MPa. applied to the gas cooler and maintained constant
Therefore the burst pressure for the gas cooler is for 5 minutes. The allowed pressure increase shall
according to SAE J639 at not exceed 0.5 kPa within 30 minutes and with
pump switched off.
• begin of life (BoL) 34 MPa
During this test function shall not be impaired.
• end of live (EoL) 26 MPa
The resistance to under pressure test shall be
This requirement shall be tested according to done subsequent 3 times.
After this test, the leak rate test to paragraph
3.1.4 Interfaces. The gas cooler is connected with and internal pressure drop test according
the system by refrigerant lines. A reliable and paragraph 4.3.1 shall be repeated.
process-safe assembly and/or disassembly shall
guarantee the arrangement of the connectors at Burst Pressure Test. The gas cooler shall
the component and in the vehicle. No interchange meet the burst requirement of 34 MPa absolute,
between refrigerant inlet and outlet connector shall see paragraph
be possible. GMW15911 (R744 connector) shall Test to SAE J639 or other deviations of these
be used for the technical, functional and requirements need the approval of GM
geometrical execution of the connectors. Engineering.
3.1.5 Usage Definition. The installation location Before testing the burst pressure the resistance to
of the gas cooler shall be selected to assure that vacuum shall be determined to paragraph
all safety requirements are fulfilled. The gas cooler shall be connected per design
3.2 Product Characteristics. The test intent on a burst test bench. The bench shall have
temperature for the following physical tests is a pressure gage, pressure source and use water
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or oil as the pressure medium. The test set up Pressure Cycling Test. Since the
shall allow venting of all air and is to be enclosed operating pressures and temperatures in the
in a suitable container to prevent injury in case a mobile A/C system are not constant, the gas
component should burst. The test samples shall cooler shall be tested in a pressure pulse cycle
be tested at a temperature of +165 °C. test. The gas cooler shall be pass pressure pulse
The pressure shall be increased in steps of cycles without functional damages or ductile
1.0 MPa/s until 50 % of the required burst deformations.
pressure is reached. Then the pressure shall be Test fluid shall be hydraulic oil or refrigerant oil.
further increased in steps of 0.1 MPa/s until the For each new technology or gas cooler type it is
required burst pressure has been reached. The mandatory to prove one time that no creeping
gas cooler shall maintain the required burst appears, see paragraph If the proof was
pressure for 60 s. The component shall not done it is not necessary to repeat this for small
rupture or leak. design changes, but the supplier has to inform
When this test has been passed the pressure shall GM. A reduced pressure cycling test according to
be increased further in steps of 0.1 MPa/s until a paragraph is possible.
rupture or leak occurs. Pressure Cycling with Creeping. Test
Loosening of parts in case of a failure is not conditions for creeping on high pressure side:
allowed. During the creeping test function of the gas cooler
Record the failure mode and pressure for shall not be impaired nor the form malleable
reference. changed (see Table 1).

Table 1: Pressure Cycling with Creeping

Pressure (MPa) Periode
in s
Minimum Maximum Temperauture (HD-ramp-ND- Duration
Cycles in °C ramp) in h

5 17 5500 165 315 481

(300 - 5 - 5 - 5)
5 17 11 000 135 315 962
(300 - 5 - 5 - 5)
5 17 38 500 105 7 75
(3 – 0.5 - 3 – 0.5)

Figure 1: Pressure cycles without creeping

After this pressure cycling test, the leak rate test
according to paragraph shall be repeated. < 0.5 s 3s
The leak rate shall be documented. Reduced Pressure Cycling without
Creeping.Test conditions for high pressure side
Pressure in MPa

without creeping:
• pressure cycles: 150 000
• test duration: 292 h (150 000 x 7) s
• test pressures: (5…17) MPa abs.
• temperature of test oil: (+155 ± 2) °C < 0.5 s 3s

The timing of the pressure cycles is shown in

Figure 1, the duration of the pressure ramp is 0.5 s
and of the holding pressure is 3 s (3 – 0.5) – (3 – Time in s
After this pressure cycling test, the leak rate test
according to paragraph shall be repeated.
The leak rate shall be documented.
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GMW15866 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS Alternating Temperature Cycling Test. Resonance Test. The gas cooler shall be
Since the operating pressures and temperatures in filled internally with water or refrigerant oil to a
the mobile A/C system are not constant, the gas level of 30 % and afterwards with nitrogen in the
cooler shall be tested in a temperature cycle test. space above until an average pressure of 14 MPa
The gas cooler has to pass temperature cycles is reached. The test shall be performed at
without functional damages or ductile (+23 ± 5) °C.
deformations. First the test sample is exposed to the following
The gas cooler assembled with all parts e.g. changing frequencies and accelerations:
holder, cover, shroud, paint all shall be tested as • frequency: (5...50...5) Hz
• frequency pass: 1 octave/minute
• applied test pressures: 14.5 MPa abs.
• acceleration: ± 1 G
• number of temperature cycles: 10
From the resonance points occurs during the first
• temperature cycle: [(-40…+155) ± 2] °C testing, the four largest ones shall be selected and
• cycle duration: 450 the tests shall be continued for further 4 h each at
• total test duration: 75 h (10 x 450) the respective frequencies.
The timing and duration of the temperature cycles The test shall be completed without any damage
shall be (30 - 195 - 30 - 195) minutes. The cycle of the test gas cooler. After this test, the leak rate
shall start with high temperature. test according to paragraph shall be
After this test, the leak rate test according to
paragraph shall be repeated. Corrosion Test. The salt spray tests are
accelerated corrosion test of the gas cooler using Vibration Test. Vibrations from road a cyclically sprayed aqueous, acetic sodium
unevenness and engine vibrations are constantly chloride solution as corrosion agent.
introduced into the gas cooler. vibrations produce
changing mechanical stress which leads to breaks The corrosion test shall be performed.
and cracks in the gas cooler. In the case of a A. 40 days according SWAAT test ISO 9227.
resonance increased excessive stress occurs. B. 48 weeks according to Alternating Climatic
The gas cooler with connecting hoses/lines shall Corrosion ISO 9227 and Inspection Sheet
be attached according to the vehicle installation VDA 621-415. In case of a known technology
situation. The connecting hoses/lines shall be the Alternating Climatic Corrosion may be
fastened at the resting part of the test bench. The reduced from 48 weeks to 24 weeks. This
testing facility as well as the test set-up shall be shall be proved by GM.
resonance-free in the frequency range which has Both tests are described in Appendix A Table 2
to be performed. and Table 3.
The gas cooler shall be filled internally with water The gas cooler shall be leak tight over the total
or refrigerant oil to a level of 30 % and afterwards test. After the test no functional failure shall be
with nitrogen in the space above until an average occur due to corrosion.
pressure of 14 MPa is reached. The test shall be After this test, the leak rate test according to
performed at (+23 ± 5) °C. paragraph shall be repeated. If the helium
The test sample is exposed to a sinusoidal leak test cannot be used the supplier shall
vibration in vertical z-direction as follows: propose an appropriate test method, e.g. R744 or
• Frequency: 20 Hz sinusoidal water and agreed by GM.
• No. of cycles: 3.6 x 10 (duration 50 h) If aluminium parts are used an even surface

corrosion and/or shallow pitting corrosion is

• acceleration: ± 31.4 m/s² (this will result to an permitted with a wall thickness up to 30 %. Pitting
amplitude of ± 2 mm)
corrosion and other corrosion mechanisms e.g.
After this test, the leak rate test according to inter-crystalline corrosion are not allowed.
paragraph shall be repeated. Stone and Grit Impact Test. The stone
If functional component parts are made from and grit impact with the gas cooler shall be tested
plastic, e.g. holders, subsequently the vibration according to DIN 55996-3 and to ISO 11124-2 with
test shall be performed in the cold chamber at a new gas cooler.
-20 °C.

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Test conditions for multi stone impact: • water jet pressure: (8 ± 0.3) MPa
• working pressure: 0.2 MPa • water nozzle opening angle: (35 ± 5)°
• No. cycles: 2 with each of 500 g blasting • water nozzle movement: 1 cm/s until
• hit angle: 54° (from blasting direction) • the complete gas cooler area is washed
• granulate: (4…5) mm cast iron • distance from nozzle to gas cooler: 500 mm
Test conditions for single stone impact: • Number of cycles: 30
• working pressure: 0.2 MPa • next cycle start: stable gas cooler temperature
• Number of cycles: 10 with each of 1 grain of of +155 °C shall be reached
blasting After this test, the leak rate test according to
• hit angle: 54° (from blasting direction) paragraph shall be repeated.
• granulate: (4…5) mm cast iron 3.2.2 Physical Characteristics.
After this test, the leak rate test according to Dimension. The depth of the gas cooler
paragraph shall be repeated. No functional is preferable 16 mm. The surface depends on
failure shall be occur due to stone and grit impact. the application platform. Thermo Shock Test. Due to water Gas Cooler Efficiency. The approach of
intrusion or water splash the gas cooler is partial the gas cooler depends on the application
exposed to fast temperature changes. Fast platform.
temperature changes produce thermo stress The approach is defined:

t RGI − t RGO
which leads to breaks and cracks in the gas
The gas cooler with connecting hoses/lines shall
be attached and oriented according to the vehicle
t RGI − t AGI
installation situation and in functional operation. tRGI: temperature refrigerant in
This does not include the vehicle front fascia. The tRGO: temperature refrigerant out
thermo shock resistance of the gas cooler has to
be tested according to EN 60068-2-14: tAGI: medium temperature air in
• test fluid: water with 3 % Arizona dust The approach shall be > 0.9, as reference see
Appendix A1.
• temperature water splash: from (0…+4) °C
The measured approach shall be within 1 % of the
• operation gas cooler temperature: +155 °C defined value when tested per:
• distance water nozzle to gas cooler: 300 mm High load +45 °C test condition:
• water splash duration: 3 s • air temp in: T_air = +45 °C
• water splash width: equal to gas cooler with • air density (with 1013 hPa):
• water splash volume: 4 l/cycle ρ_air = 1.095 kg/m3
• No. cycle: 100 • pressure refrigerant in: PRGI = 12.5 MPa
• next cycle start: stable gas cooler temperature • temperature refrigerant in:TRGI = +150 °C
• of +155 °C shall be reached • refrigerant mass flow: MR = 45 g/s
After this test, the leak rate test according to Tolerance of Fins. The fin number may
paragraph shall be repeated. deviate ±1 Ri / 50 mm from the nominal number
(see part drawing). Water Jet Washer Test. Due to cleaning
of vehicles with hot water the gas cooler shall be Adherent Fins. Adherent fin connection
tested with a water jet. The gas cooler shall be between refrigerant parts e.g. pipes or plates and
attached according to the vehicle installation heat exchanger surfaces is required according to
situation. The water jet shall hit the gas cooler DIN 8964-2, 2 % of the connections may be
according the vehicle situation, which shall be loosen by hand.
delivered by GM. Soldered connections. According to
• gas cooler temperature: +155 °C ISO 18279 soldered crack surface 60 % min. filling
degrees without continuous pore lines or hose
• test fluid: water pores. The soldering procedure is to be laid out in
• water jet temperature: 14 °C such a way that an additional influence of
corrosive media (e.g. fluxing agents) is impossible.
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GMW15866 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS Mass Properties. With comparable size may be dissolved during operation by refrigerant
the weight shall be smaller or equal to R134a R744 or the respective compressor lubricant and
condenser. As value < 90 g/dm² is indicated. result in contamination and/or plugging of the
3.2.3 Dependability. refrigerant circuit. Target Life. The target life of the gas For component design and packaging design, the
cooler shall be assured for an average vehicle life underhood condition affected by temperature
of at least 10 years and/or 250 000 km and/or (engine radiation), weather (salt in the winter
6200 operating hours. time), mechanical loads (rough track) and
comparable factors shall be considered. Neither
All climatic, chemical, thermal and mechanical
function nor service life of the gas cooler shall be
influences to the gas cooler have to withstand over
vehicle life time. This is not only for the function to
ensure but also for the optics of the gas cooler. 3.3.2 Design Guidelines and Constraints. The
With a painted gas cooler the paint shall not design shall be in close co-operation and
separate over life time. compliance with the GM drawing-, package-,
safety-, material- and acoustic requirements. Class 1 and Class 2 Type Problems. Not
Combination of materials shall be selected in such
a way that contact corrosion will be avoided. Class 1 Type. Not applicable.
3.3.3 Identification and Marking. The gas cooler Class 2 Type. Not applicable. shall be permanently identified with the date of
3.2.4 Serviceability. A simple, unmistakable and manufacture, date of the assembly, manufacturer's
assembly-friendly change in the cooling module identification, manufacturing location and
CRFM without special tools shall be possible. The assembly part number according to GM6241M.
gas cooler shall be service free over the vehicle The gas cooler shall be marked with the
life time. So far technically and spatially possible, appropriate GM part no. according to GME14090.
part number, manufacturing date and name etc 3.3.4 Workmanship. Due to the high pressures
shall be fixated durably at a suitable place in such inherent with R744, testing shall be only
a way that these are readable over the vehicle performed by properly trained personnel using
lifetime in the installed condition and without equipment capable of these tests with adequate
opening the refrigerant cycle. safety margins. All materials shall be used in
3.2.5 User System/Subsystem/Component/Part accordance with the supplier Material Safety Data
Interface. The gas cooler or the entire cooling Sheet. (MSDS).
module CRFM shall be decoupled acoustically, so 3.3.5 Interchangeability. Not applicable.
that no compressor pulsation, engine vibrations or
3.4 Documentation. Samples of components or
other noises, which could affect themselves will
material released to this standard shall be tested
transfer to the body.
for conformity with the requirements of this
3.3 Design and Construction. standard and approved by the responsible GM
3.3.1 Materials, Processes and Parts Selection Department prior to the start of delivery of
Guidelines. production level components or materials. Material Guidelines. All the materials Any change to the component or material e.g.,
used shall be in compliance with GMW3116, design, function, properties, manufacturing
GMN3600 and the applicable GM material process and/or location of manufacture requires a
standards as well as the drawing requirements. new release of the product. It is the sole
Materials used shall not be hazardous to human responsibility of the supplier to provide the
health and environment at any time during the customer, unsolicited, with documentation of any
components life cycle. change or modification to the product/process, and
to apply for a new release.
The component shall be compatible externally with
oils, fuel and any other media used in vehicles and If not otherwise agreed to the entire verification
internally with each media used for the AC system test shall be repeated and documented by the
per GM engineering (refrigerant oils PAG, supplier prior to start of delivery of the modified or
refrigerant and odorant if required). The datasheet changed product. In some cases a shorter test can
of the component material shall be accepted as be agreed to between the responsible GM
certificate. Department and the supplier.
The inner surfaces of the component shall be 3.4.1 Test Results. With reference to this
clean without any manufacturing residues, which standard the measurement results shall be
summarized in a test report.
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3.4.2 Deviations from Test Procedure. 4.3 Supporting Paragraphs.

Deviations from the requirements of the test 4.3.1 Refrigerant Side Pressure Drop: No
procedures shall have been agreed upon. Such internal pressure drop shall be caused by
requirements shall be specified on component manufacturing process e.g. soldering. Constriction
drawings, test certificates, reports etc. or narrowing of the internal cross sections of the
3.5 Support of System/Subsystem/Component gas cooler shall be validated in production with a
/Part After Sale. Since R744 A/C system operates reference sample, according to paragraph
at extremely high pressures it is not allowed to use The internal pressure drop of the reference
exchangeable parts (e.g. sealings, screws, nuts sample shall be determined for each vehicle
etc) of the gas cooler which are not released as program and agreed by GM.
spare parts by the supplier and/or the responsible
A constant air flow rate (depending on vehicle
GM organization.
program) is applied to the gas cooler. This
3.6 System/Subsystem/Component/Part constant air flow rate causes a internal pressure
Operator Training.Not applicable. drop (0.025 MPa depending on vehicle program).
3.7 System/Subsystem/Component/Part The measured pressure drop is fixed and used as
Characteristics.The female block of the nominal pressure drop for the reference sample
connection shall be part of the gas cooler, while and used for the complete vehicle program.
the male part shall be part of the connecting tube 4.3.2 Interior Cleanliness. The internal parts of
or hose. gas cooler shall be free of all contamination that
3.7.1 System/Subsystem/Component/Part could impair the operation and/or the performance
Definition. Not applicable. of the assembly, such as metal particles, dirt,
foreign material, and residual manufacturing
4 Validation material.
4.1 General. Unless otherwise specified the test The internal parts shall be free of burrs, sharp
temperature for the following physical tests shall corners, etc. which may be detrimental to
be (+23 ± 5) °C according to DIN 50014 and assembly and function.
GMW3172. The validation report shall be All the definitions of interior cleanliness of GM
delivered to GM. technical specification of R134a components shall
4.2 Validation Cross Reference Index. apply to this standard.
See paragraph 4.1. The soluble and solid residues of internal surface
area of the gas cooler which may be washed away
4.2.1 Life Cycle Test This is an aging test
with solvent shall not contain any abrasive
according to the vehicle life time for each gas
materials. All residues shall be < 15 mg/part.
cooler family. The live cycle test shall not be
repeated for each small design change or each The measures shall be performed according to
vehicle program. DIN 8964 C1 and C2.
The life cycle test is a combination of the single Abrasive materials are not allowed. The particle
tests described in paragraph 3. The following size shall be
sequence shall be used for at least 4 test samples: • maximal particle size of fiber:
1) 50 % of Pressure cycling according to thickness < 10 µm, length < 500 µm
paragraph • maximal particle size of solid:
2) 50 % of Temperature cycling according to size < 200 µm
paragraph • non metallic fiber ( < 400 HV)
3) 10…20 days SWAAT salt spray test according thickness < 50 µm, length < 1000 µm
to paragraph 4.3.3 Exterior Cleanliness. The exterior surface
4) 50 % of Pressure cycling according to of the pressure relieve devices shall be free of
paragraph residues, lubricants and any other contaminants,
30 mg per part.
After this test, the leak rate test according to
paragraph shall be repeated. The assembly and component parts shall be free
of all contamination that could impair the operation
A final burst pressure test shall be repeated and/or the performance of the assembly, such as
according to paragraph The burst metal particles, dirt, foreign material, and residual
pressure target for end of line is defined in manufacturing material.

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The assembly and component parts shall be free levels, the gas cooler assembly shall be prepared
of burrs, sharp corners, etc. which may be for delivery in accordance with the requirements
detrimental to assembly and function. specified below:
4.3.3 Internal Moisture. The internal parts and/or 5.1 Shipping Caps. All assemblies shall have
internal surface area of the gas cooler shall shipping caps, as specified by the detail drawing
contain no moisture or 50 mg/m2 max. moisture as which maintain a fully installed position, until the
received by GM. The measurements shall be hose/pressure relieve valve/compressor etc.
performed according to DIN 8964 C1 and C2. assembly is installed into a final system assembly.
4.3.4 Quality assurance in production. With the The shipping caps shall be according to
quality assurance in production it shall be ensured GMW14319. During removal, there shall be no
by testing that no nonconforming parts arrive at degradation of features as represented by the
GM. Therefore each part (100 %) shall be tested detail drawings. This would include but not be
according to the tests below. To guarantee this the limited to, dislodging of sealing mechanism (if
supplier can perform additionally tests which are required), damage to threads or sealing areas.
not specified in this standard. But these additional 5.2 Fall Test: By appropriate measures (FMEA,
tests shall be agreed by GM. instruction procedure, transport container etc.) it
The test temperature for the following physical shall be guaranteed that fallen down parts are not
tests shall be (+23 ± 5) °C according to DIN 50014 dispatched and/or are not assembled in the line.
unless otherwise specified. All following tests shall 5.3 Storage Capability. All parts shall have the
be performed with production like sealing and capability to be storage for at least 24 months after
production like connectors. The validation report production date according to DIN 7716.
shall be delivered to GM department. Refrigerant Side Pressure Drop. The 6 Notes
internal pressure drop shall be measured with the 6.1 Glossary. Not applicable.
same constant air flow rate as defined in
6.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols.
paragraph 4.3.1.
The internal pressure drop of production parts AC Air Conditioning
shall not differ from the fixed nominal pressure CRFM Condenser Radiator Front end Module
drop value from the reference sample within a
tolerance of 10 %. FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Leak Rate. Each part shall be tested HD High pressure side
similar to paragraph with e.g. R744, helium
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
or air. Because the gas cooler is technical leak
free, no load collective measurement is required. ND Low pressure side
In case the gas cooler was damaged during
assembling into the CRFM module a quick leak PAG Polyalkylene Glycol
test shall be performed as follows: PPAP Production Part Approval Process
• The pressure of 17.6 MPa shall be applied for PXV Pressure Expansion Valve
10 s to the gas cooler, leak detector or mass
spectroscopy shall be used for detection. The SWAAT Sea Water Acetic Acid Test
leak rate of 10 g/year R744 shall be tested. A All physical parameters and units used refer SI
correlation for the leak rate between the used units; in particular it shall be observed that the
test medium and R744 is required. Due to leak pressures indicted are always absolute pressures.
rate test no deformation or partial damage of
the gas cooler is allowed. Symbol Unit Description
M R744 kg/h Refrigerant Mass Flow
5 Provisions for Shipping T R744 °C Refrigerant Temperature
The gas cooler assemblies shall be compatible P R744 MPa Refrigerant Pressure
with commercial shipping by air, rail, truck. and/or
boat and include retaining provisions if necessary. 7 Additional Paragraphs
Degradation of gas cooler assemblies
appearance, performance, and/or durability due to 7.1 All parts or systems supplied to this standard
shipping is not acceptable. Upon successful must comply with the requirements of GMW3059,
completion of required manufacturing quality Restricted and Reportable Substances for
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7.2 Inspection and Rejection. All shipments of Materials File under this specification number
material or parts under contract or purchase order have been qualified by engineering as meeting the
manufactured to this specification shall be requirements of this standard. Sources are
equivalent in every respect to the initial samples available through the on-line MATSPC System.
approved by engineering. There shall be no
changes in either formulation or manufacturing 8 Coding System
processes permitted without prior notification and
This standard shall be referenced in other
approval by engineering. Lack of notification by
documents, drawings, etc. as follows:
the supplier constitutes grounds for rejection of
any shipment. While samples may be taken from GMW15866
incoming shipments and checked for conformance
to this standard, the supplier shall accept the 9 Release and Revisions
responsibility for incoming shipments meeting this 9.1 Release. This standard originated in
specification without dependence upon APR 2008. It was first approved by GSSLT HVAC
purchaser's inspection. in MAY 2008. It was first published in JUN 2008.
7.3 Approved Sources. Engineering qualification
of an approved source is required for this
standard. Only sources listed in the GM Corporate

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Appendix A

The gas cooler approach with thickness of 16 mm and surface of 25 dm 2 is in the range of > 0.9. As orientation
following values shall be taken as reference:

Table 2: Gas Cooler Efficiency

air side pressure drop [Pa]

1 0,99 100
0,98 90
0,98 80
approach [-]

0,96 0,95
60 60
0,92 32
0,90 20
0,88 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
air flow velocity [m/s]


Table 3: SWAAT test according to ISO 9227

Aging: Zn Fe = > 24 h at +100 °C and Zn Ni = > 24 h at +150 °C
Salt Spray Test salt solution: 42 g/l NaCl

acetic acid: 10 g/l

pH value of condensate: 2.8…3.0
temperature: +50 °C
Cycle (2 h) composed of: 30 minutes spray
90 minutes rest

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Table 4: Alternating Climatic Corrosion test according to ISO 9227

Alternating Climatic Corrosion Test

Aging: Zn Fe = > 24 h at +100 °C and Zn Ni = > 24 h at +150 °C
salt solution: 40 g/l NaCl
salt solution: 10 g/l CaCl2l
Salt Spray Test
pH value of condensate: 6.5...7.2
temperature: +35 °C
Week Cycle
4 h spray
5 days = (5 x 24) h corrosion 4 h cool down to (+23 ± 5) °C
16 h storage at +40 °C / 100 % relative humidity
2 h cool down
4 h storage at -40 °C
2 days =(4 x 12) h alternating climatic
2 h warm up
4 h storage at + 80 °C

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