AADE 7™ Self-Care Behaviors American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Position Statement
AADE 7™ Self-Care Behaviors American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Position Statement
AADE 7™ Self-Care Behaviors American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Position Statement
The American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) has defined the AADE
education and training (DSME/T) and care. The seven self-care behaviors essential for
successful and effective diabetes self management are healthy eating, being active,
monitoring, taking medication, problem solving, healthy coping, and reducing risks.1-9
organized according to the framework. This position statement describes the application
of the AADE 7 Self-Care Behaviors™ framework in diabetes education and care; it also
behaviors by mapping the 15 content areas of the 1995 National Standards for Diabetes
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education from a content-driven practice to an outcomes-driven practice. toward a focus
on patient centered goals for facilitating behavior change that affects clinical and health
related outcomes.13,14
directs educators to measure behavior change, as well as clinical and health status
outcomes at regular intervals both pre and post intervention. DSME/T outcomes
action oriented terms reflect patient centered self-management and provide a common
are asked to account for the services and products that are delivered, as well as the
management related concepts that are frequently used.17 AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors™
are terms and concepts that represent the process of diabetes self-management education,
and are also used to describe outcomes. The use of a standardized terminology facilitates:
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1. improved communication among health care professionals caring for the
same patient, and between the patient and the diabetes care team;
the profession;
global level where a single terminology can be used across regions and
(clinical) outcomes to long-term (health status) outcomes (Figure 1). Behavior has been
defined as the primary outcome of diabetes education (with behavior change being the
primary measurement) because in the care of chronic disease, it is the key element in
attaining or maintaining desired levels of clinical parameters, and in turn health and
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which can be directly influenced by DSME/T, including not only diabetes self-
management knowledge and skills, but also behavior change goals, treatment self-
and enhancing motivation. Knowledge and skills are important only to the degree that
as the AADE7™, in turn, are important only to the degree that they facilitate clinical,
Self-Care Behaviors framework provides a clear view of where diabetes education fits
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Figure 1. DSME Outcomes Continuum
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The Importance of the AADE7™ in Continuous Quality Improvement and Program
AADE7™.25 The ultimate goal of CQI is to provide more effective and efficient service
while ensuring optimal patient care.26 The NSDSME specify that a written CQI plan
The impact of behavioral change described in the DSME/T Outcomes Continuum (Figure
1) best reflects how diabetes education affects clinical and health related outcomes.
Specifically, the NSDSME call for annual CQI projects related to the assessment of
behavioral outcomes for the entire population of patients served or for a representative
sample. In this way, individual educators or programs can continuously assess the impact
of their program as well as the progress of the program participants.26 Tools such as the
AADE 7™ System utilize the AADE 7™ Self-Care Behavior framework ) and are
designed to help educators collect and review behavioral outcome data for CQI
The AADE7 ™ framework is applicable in the management of diabetes and many related
chronic medical conditions and may be applied to the public health model.28 Indeed, the
AADE7™ Self-Care behaviors can be incorporated and/or modified for use in the
management of any chronic health condition, health promotion, or wellness program that
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and patient empowerment. The principles behind the AADE7 ™ are readily transferable
Chronic medical conditions such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and heart failure also
require those living with them to engage in healthy eating, physical activity, medication
This framework can be utilized in other disease states, such as asthma, chronic
provides the necessary framework for driving the profession, allowing for
for conducting research to provide evidence for policy makers advocating for
measure behavior change, clinical, health status and other outcomes at regular
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• Ongoing CQI efforts. It is the AADE position that at least one formal CQI
greater coherence and enhances the quality of care delivered to people with
4. The AADE7™ framework is broadly applicable for those with diabetes and
related chronic illnesses. Educators can use the AADE7™ to address other
medical conditions because most require some education in most if not all of the 7
self-care behaviors.
5. The AADE7™ framework can be adapted for health promotion and disease
and medical care, assisting with community health problem solving, providing
healthy coping within a strong public health system, and reducing risks and
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AADE recognizes the contributions of the 2011 Professional Practice Committee and
following individuals who developed the 2009 version of the AADE7 Position Statement:
Donna Tomky, MSN, RN< C-ANP, CDE; Marjorie Cypress, PhD-c, RN, C-ANP, CDE;
Devra Dang, PharmD, BCPS, CDE; Melinda Maryniuk, Med, RD, CDE; Mark Peyrot,
Criteria for rating evidence and grading recommendations*
Level‐of‐ Study Design or Information Type Evidence
1 Large randomized controlled trial (RCT); Multicenter trial; Large meta‐analyses with quality rating
2 Randomized controlled trial that has some design or methodological flaws; Prospective cohort
study; Meta‐analyses of cohort study; Case‐control study; Quasi‐Experimental study (rigorous
pre‐post with a control group); Systematic review that is well designed
3 Methodologically flawed randomized controlled trial; Nonrandomized controlled trial;
Observational study; Case series or case report; Review (note Cochrane reviews are systematic
reviews that could qualify as Level 2 evidence)
4 Expert consensus; Expert opinion based on experience; Theory‐driven conclusions; Unproven
claims; Experience‐based information; Opinion Piece
*This is not an exhaustive list – Reviewers will need to use their own judgment at times.
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8. Tomky D. Problem solving. A commentary. Diabetes Educ. 2007;33:1051-1052.
9 Austin M. Diabetes educators: partners in diabetes care and management.
EndocrPract. Jan-Feb 2006;12 Suppl 1:138-141. (4)
10. American Association of Diabetes Educators. Technical Review: Diabetes Self-
Management Education and Training (DSME/T) Outcomes Measures 2011.
tcomes_Technical_Review_Aug.pdf (4)
11. American Association of Diabetes Educators. Recommendations for Outcomes
Measurement of Diabetes Self-Management Education and Training. 2011.
tcome_Measurement_Position_Statement.pdf (4)
12. Peeples M, Tomky D, Mulcahy K, Peyrot M, Siminerio L on behalf of AADE
Outcomes Project and AADE UPMC Diabetes Education Outcomes Project.
Evolution of the American Association of Diabetes Educators' Diabetes Education
Outcomes Project. The Diabetes Educator. September 1, 2007 2007;33(5):794-
13. Mulcahy K. Architects of the diabetes team. Diabetes Educ. 1999;25:161-162.
14. Mensing C Boucher J, Cypress M, Weinger K, Mulcahy K, Barta P, Hosey G,
Kopher W, Lasichak A, Lamb B, Mangan M, Norman J, Tanja J, Yauk L,
Wisdom K, Adams C. National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management
Education. Diabetes Care. May 2000 2007;23(5):682-689.
15. Mulcahy K, Maryniuk M, Peeples M, Peyrot M, Tomky D, Weaver T,
Yarborough P. Diabetes self-management education core outcomes measures.
Diabetes Educ. Sep-Oct 2003;29(5):768-788.
16. AADE. AADE adopts definition of diabetes education. AADE e-FYI. Vol June;
17. American Association of Diabetes Educators. Guidelines for the Practice of
Diabetes Self-Management Education and Training (DSME/T). 2011. Available
ines_Final_2_1_11.pdf (4)
18. Green L, Lewis F. Data analysis in evaluation of health education: toward
standardization of procedures and terminology. Health Education Research.
1987;2(3):215-221. (4)
19. Lu D, Park H, Ucharattana P, Konicek D, Delaney C. Nursing outcomes
classification in the systematized nomenclature of medicine clinical terms: a
cross-mapping validation. Comput Inform Nurs. May-Jun 2007;25(3):159-170. (4)
20. Richesson R, Krischer J. Data Standards in Clinical Research: Gaps, Overlaps,
Challenges and Future Directions. J Am Med Inform Assoc. Aug 21 2007. (4)
21. Smith K, Smith V. Successful interdisciplinary documentation through nursing
interventions classification. Semin Nurse Manag. Jun 2002;10(2):100-104. (4)
22. Stone P, Lee N, Giannini M, Bakken S. Economic evaluations and usefulness of
standardized nursing terminologies. Int J Nurs Terminol Classif. Oct-Dec
2004;15(4):101-113. (4)
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23. Hardiker N, Hoy D, Casey A. Standards for nursing terminology. Journal of the
American Medical Informatics Association. 2000;7(5):523-528. (4)
24. American Association of Diabetes Educators. The Scope of Practice, Standards of
Practice, and Standardsof Professional Performance for Diabetes Educators. 2011.
Available at:
Standards_Final2_1_11.pdf. (4)25. American Association of Diabetes
Educators;CQI: A step-by-step guide for quality improvement in diabetes
education. Chicago: 2009. (4)
26. Funnell M, Brown T, Childs B, Haas L, Hosey G, Jensen B, Maryniuk M, Peyrot
M, Piette J, Reader D, Siminerio L, Weinger K, Weiss M. National Standards for
Diabetes Self-Management Education. Diabetes Care. June 1, 2007
2007;30(6):1630-1637. (4)
27. American Association of Diabetes Educators. AADE7 System. Available at:
28. Eduardo Sanchez calls for new priorities in health care. AADE Daily News, 34th
Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2007: 15.
29. Li C, Balluz LS, Okoro CA, Strine TW, Lin JM, Town M, Garvin W, Murphy W,
Bartoli W, Valluru B. Surveillance of certain health behaviors and conditions
among States and selected local areas --- behavioral risk factor surveillance
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