Character and Social Media: Volume 1 (2015) : 1-9
Character and Social Media: Volume 1 (2015) : 1-9
Character and Social Media: Volume 1 (2015) : 1-9
Privacy is Theft, and Secrets are Lies” (303). As you read Jenn
Supple’s article in particular, consider how these mantras are
already embedded in many Facebook practices.
The Articles 6|P a g e
Character and . . . Social Media
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Ward: Character and Social Media
We acknowledge the contributions of Seminarian Terri Jo Crego who
participated in the discussions via Skype. Ultimately, unfavorable circumstances
led to her dropping off the team late in the process.
Works Cited 8|P a g e
Character and . . . Social Media
Vallor, Shannon. “New Social Media and the Virtues.” The Good
Life in a Technological Age. Eds. Philip Brey, Adam Briggle, and
Edward Spence. New York: Routledge, 2012. 193-202. Print.
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