United States: (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0119826 A1
United States: (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0119826 A1
United States: (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0119826 A1
(76) Inventor: David Jesus Yaflez Villarreal, Avila (51) Int‘ Cl‘
(ES) H02N 2/18 (2006.01)
(52) US. Cl.
(21) APPL NO. 13/811,788 CPC ................................... .. H02N2/188 (2013.01)
USPC ........................................................ .. 310/339
(86) PCT NO _ PCTIES2011 I000252 Wind turbine consisting of an anchoring to the ground or to a
" base and a mast, the natural oscillation frequency of Which is
§ 371 (0X1), purposely adjusted to the frequency of appearance of the air
(2), (4) Date: Jall- 23, 2013 vortices or eddies produced after the collision of a laminar
and stationary air?ow against the surface thereof. The
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data aeroelastic energy thus absorbed is converted into electrical
energy due to the use of materials With high electromechani
Aug. 2, 2010 (ES) ............................... .. P201001003 cal coupling.
Patent Application Publication May 16, 2013 Sheet 1 0f 3 US 2013/0119826 A1
Patent Application Publication May 16, 2013 Sheet 2 0f 3 US 2013/0119826 A1
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Patent Application Publication May 16, 2013 Sheet 3 0f 3 US 2013/0119826 A1
US 2013/0119826 A1 May 16,2013
VORTEX RESONANCE WIND TURBINE ers, motors), speakers (introducing electrical energy and
obtaining mechanical energy) and as sensors for pressure,
OBJECT OF THE INVENTION position, contact, deformation and transducers of various
types (in Which mechanical energy is introduced to obtain
[0001] The present invention relates to a neW instrument for
electrical energy).
generating electric energy. [0013] Their application in the generation of electrical
[0002] The object of the invention consists of a generating energy is not so Widespread, but there already exist pave
device belonging to the reneWable energy industry, trans ments and ?oors Walked on by pedestrians that transform the
forming Wind energy into usable electric potential. Its design energy of their steps into usable electrical energy. There are
integrated three knoWn physical principles: structural cou proposals for clothing, footWear and even silicone implants
pling to the natural frequency of oscillation, generation of that obtain energy from the movement of the body and use it
vortices in ?uids, and the electromechanical coupling of some to recharge portable electronic devices. They have been used
material, for example due to the ferroelectric effect or the for some time in electric arc lighters to produce the lighting
pieZoelectric effect. spark in lighters, keyboards that recharge the device that they
[0003] The novelty of this system resides in the coordinated are included in With the user’ s keystrokes, etc. Similarly, there
integration of these three principles in an electric energy are designs for an electricity generator that intends to gather
generation device that tunes its natural oscillation frequency the pulsing and turbulent energy from the impact of Waves or
to the generation frequency of vortices that are generated in a Wind.
synchronised manner throughout the structure. [0014] A second principle is the deliberate generation of
turbulent vortices from a non-turbulent laminar How. The
“Karman vortex street” Was described by the Hungarian sci
[0004] One of the most Widespread forms of reneWable entist Theodore von Karman in 191 1, and its most used tech
energy is Wind poWer, Which relies on Wind as the primary nological application is a speci?c type of ?oWmeter knoWn as
energy source. a vortex ?oWmeter, Which measures the amount of ?uid pass
[0005] The devices most commonly used to transform Wind ing through a conduct by counting the number of vortices
energy into electricity are multibladed Wind turbines. Despite formed inside it due to the presence of an element With a
the clear and undeniable technological improvements con knoWn geometry. The knoWledge and modelling of this prin
tinuously achieved, these systems suffer from four funda ciple is also used in atmospheric and oceanic forecasting.
mental drawbacks: [0015] The third principle relates to the natural oscillation
[0006] a) As they have mechanical components, gears, frequency of bodies. It is applied intentionally in the manu
Windings, etc. they have maintenance costs due to con facture of musical instruments, loudspeakers, electronic
sumption of lubricants, part Wear, heat degradation of devices (resonators), in some applications in microscopy
insulating resins and other effects related to friction, (“tapping” in AFM, MRFM microscopes etc., Which have a
heating due to friction, etc. cantilever that oscillates harmonically to improve the reading
[0007] b) Conventional multibladed Wind turbines, from the tip), etc. On the other hand, it is an effect that is
based on theoretical Work performed by BetZ in 1927, avoided if possible in other technological areas, such as auto
increase their ef?ciency the higher the rotation speed of motion and mechanics (Structural Acoustic
the rotors. This, in conjunction With the fact that the [0016] Coupling Control) to reduce engine noise, in brake
amount of energy available in a circular surface pads, etc. It is also an undesired effect in architecture and
increases With the square of the blade length, means that large structures, such as chimneys or bridges (as in the famous
the speed at the tips of the blades is very high, represent and exemplary case of the Tacoma NarroWs bridge or the
ing a high risk to avian fauna, With numerous accidents Ferrybridge nuclear plant cooling toWer, Where the aforemen
having been observed. tioned Karman vortices Were also generated), etc.
[0008] c) The deliberate increase in siZe is translated into [0017] No Wind turbine generator device has been found
a substantial increase in the complexity of its assembly, Which, in its geometry, intentionally seeks to synchronise the
increasing initial installation costs. appearance of the turbulent vortices that appear throughout its
[0009] d) The subjective visual impact of Wind turbines
can be described in many Ways, but in any case their [0018] No electrical generator has been found to date that
presence is increased by their Wide range of motion. purposely seeks the natural oscillation of bodies as an opera
[0010] In order to improve these aspects, the present inven tional principle. None establishes in a controlled manner
tion describes a device based on three physical principals or tunings or resonance of any type betWeen their natural oscil
foundations. These principles are Widely used separately in lation frequency and the frequency at Which turbulent vorti
ces are generated.
the industry:
[0019] To this date no electrical generator of those based on
[0011] The ?rst principle is electromechanical coupling.
This effect is exhibited by certain materials in Which When a materials With electromechanical coupling has been found to
date that uses as primary energy source the energy contained
force is applied betWeen tWo of their faces a potential differ
in a stationary laminar air?oW.
ence is created betWeen them. As With any electrical machine,
its operation is reversible and the presence of a voltage
betWeen tWo of its faces causes a deformation. Among these
materials are ferroelectric materials (such as lead Zirconate [0020] The vortex resonance Wind turbine disclosed herein
titanate and its derivatives) and pieZoelectric materials (cer is a solution to the problems caused by conventional multi
tain crystals such as quartz, etc.). bladed Wind turbines that have been described previously.
[0012] Materials With some type of electromechanical cou [0021] The vortex resonance Wind turbine consists of a
pling have a Wide range of applications as actuators (position vertical, semirigid device anchored to the surface of the
US 2013/0119826 A1 May 16,2013
ground. The more visible part is a vertical block or mast electromechanical coupling (Whether ferroelectric or pieZo
Which, as it has no moving parts (reducers, gears, axles, electric), the transformation of mechanical energy into elec
rotors, etc.) does not require lubrication or change of parts due trical energy is optimised.
to Wear or fatigue. It is manufactured in part or in full using [0028] As discussed above, the frequency of oscillation of
materials With a high electromechanical coupling. a body depends on its density, its sectional moment of inertial
[0022] Under certain Wind conditions (speed, Reynolds and its elastic rigidity constant or Young’s modulus. As the
number, etc.), the Wind inciding on its surface causes a series frequency of appearance of the vortices depends on the Wind
of turbulent vortices or eddies doWnstream that transmit tWo velocity (Which is not controlled and can vary in time), in
types of force to its structure. One force, knoWn as drag, is in order to tune or match the tWo frequencies (natural oscillation
the same direction of the Wind and in case of laminar and and vortex generation frequencies), it is possible to modify
stationary air?oW causes a torsion ?xed in time (non-usable any of the control parameters on Which the natural frequency
force) and another force, knoWn as lift, is perpendicular to the of oscillation of the mast depends, and preferably to others the
Wind direction and the sense of Which changes sign alter Young’s modulus. This can be achieved by externally modu
nately, maintaining its direction constant (usable force). If We lating the voltage to Which are subjected the materials With
have a laminar and stationary How, the frequency With Which electromechanical coupling that conform them. For this pur
this force changes sense due to the appearance of neW vortices pose, the vortex resonance Wind turbine has an electronic unit
is described by Karman’s formula: meant to manage a control loop Where the output is the value
of the voltage to Which are subjected the materials With elec
tromechanical coupling and the input is the Wind velocity.
This value can be obtained by a standard Wind gauge, or even
better by using the stationary torsion of the Wind turbine mast
generated by the drag force. Another of its purposes is to ?lter
and condition the energy generated by the device before it is
[0023] Where Fv is the frequency of appearance of vortices, supplied to the subsequent inversion and ?ltering stages that
V is the Wind velocity, h is the characteristic length of the Will alloW feeding it to the poWer grid.
shape of the obstacle (for example the diameter for a circular [0029] The most natural location for the electronic control
section) and S is the adimensional Strouhal number for the and regulation unit Will be one Where it does not interfere With
?uid. the natural air?oW.
[0024] As any solid element or structure, the device object [0030] Anchoring to the ground is established by a solid
of the invention has several spatial oscillatory modes. For a foundation or base of a typical binding agent such as concrete,
mast anchored to the ground on one end, the ?rst oscillation cement, plaster, or mortar. It must be heavy and provide a ?rm
mode is that in Which one end is static and the opposite end, and stable anchoring to the ground.
the highest, has maximum amplitude. The value of its fre [0031] As stated above, the optimum operation of the vor
quency is given by: tex resonance Wind turbine requires a laminar and stationary
air?oW inciding on it. It is knoWn that closeness to the ground
produces turbulent regimes, so that high mast is advisable. In
addition, the energy contained in the Wind is proportional to
its speed to the poWer of 3. This results in the need to increase
the height of the mast.
[0032] It is obvious that for a correct operation of the
device, the mast must receive the lift forces in all of its
[0025] Where f” is the natural oscillation frequency for the segments (at any height) in a synchronised manner and
nth harmonic, l is the sectional moment of inertia, E is the thereby oscillate. Hellman’s exponential laW expresses the
Young’s modulus of the material, dZ is the density of the bar increase in speed With the distance from the ground:
per unit length, K” is the nth oscillation mode of the bar and a
is a damping constant.
[0026] If the natural oscillation frequency of the mast f” is
the same as the frequency Fv in Which it generates the vortices
in the air itself, the structure and the turbulent regime Will be
in tune, and the assembly Will resonate, thereby maximiZing [0033] Where Z is the height at Which the air speed needs to
their capacity for energy absorption. This tuning of the natural be knoWn, h is the height at Which the air speed is knoWn and
oscillation frequency and the vortex generation frequency can V2 andVh are respectively the unknoWn and knoWn air speeds.
be dangerous in certain structures such as bridges or chim [0034] As the vortex generation frequency depends on air
neys, but in our case it is the desired goal. speed, Hellmann’s exponential laW and Karman’s formula
[0027] Materials With electromechanical coupling obtain a must be introduced in its geometry increasing its diameter as
highly variable ef?ciency in the energy transformation pro a function of the expected air speed, that is, adjusting its
cess depending on the quality of the material. NoWadays it is diameter With the height.
dif?cult to ?nd materials With ef?ciency greater than 75% as [0035] This neW Wind turbine system can be used in areas
there is alWays a signi?cant amount of energy that is trans that can be exploited by conventional systems and, due to its
formed into elastic potential energy. In the resonance case characteristics, can be used in areas (urban and industrial)
(When the material oscillates at its natural oscillation fre generally forbidden for traditional Wind turbines.
quency) a substantial part of this elastic potential energy is [0036] Given its structural simplicity, the transport, storage
recovered and the e?iciency is closer to 100%. In this Way, if and installation of the device is very simple, particularly When
in our case the mast or an object attached to it has an accused compared to installation requirements for conventional Wind
US 2013/0119826 A1 May 16,2013
turbines. In fact, if the Wind generation industry is currently factors by the Young’ s modulus of the material With Which it
capable of installing large turbines, there is no reason Why is made), the section (15) changes from a radius of 82.9 mm.
With similar or feWer means it Would not be possible to install at a height of 1 metre from the ground (12) to 105.3 mm at 4
vortex resonance Wind turbines of equal or greater dimen metres. This geometry produces a synchronised appearance
s1ons. of vortices in the entire length of the mast (4) for a Wind
governed by a Hellman’s exponential coe?icient of pH:0.16
DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS and a mean air speed at a 10-metre height of 6.5 m/ s.
[0045] As regards the ?uid, the laminar and stationary Wind
[0037] To complete the description being made and in order (14) incides on the mast (4) producing a drag force (18) that
to aid a better understanding of the characteristics of the cannot be used and a lift force (19) With a sense and magni
invention, according to an example of a preferred embodi tude that changes over time. Any of the possible circular
ment thereof, a set of draWings is enclosed forming an integral sections (15) of the mast (4) With a plane perpendicular to its
part of the description Where, for purposes of illustration and main axis Will generate a series of alternative vortices (16)
in a non-limiting sense, the folloWing is shoWn: Which, in the stationary case, travel betWeen them at a con
[0038] FIG. LiShOWS a schematic representation of a sec stant distance (17). The lift forces (19) are caused by these
tion of the elevation vieW corresponding to the vortex reso vortices (16). If the Wind direction changes, the control and
nance Wind turbine. regulation unit (3) Will actively modulate the Young’ s modu
[0039] FIG. ZiShOWS a graph representing, by Way of lus of the mast (4), changing the electrical voltage affecting
example, the variation in the thickness of the mast With its the elements With a high electromechanical coupling (13) that
height (according to Hellmann’s exponential laW and Kar conform it, thereby tuning its natural oscillation frequency
man’s formula). As in this case the section is circular, the With the appearance of the vortices (16).
radius R in metres is speci?ed versus the height H in metres. [0046] The poWer grid of the installation (8) receives the
[0040] FIG. 3.iShOWS a schematic representation of the energy supplied by one or more vortex resonance Wind tur
“Karman vortex street” and the forces due to this effect on the bines and can be equipotential (direct current). It is in charge
surface that generates it. of sending all this energy to an electrical substation that Will
transform and condition it according to the requirements of
PREFERRED EMBODIMENT OF THE the utility company or station received said electric energy.
INVENTION [0047] There are only a feW requirements for the distribu
[0041] A preferred embodiment of the Wind turbine object tion of the Wind turbines on the ground. In addition to a
of the invention is described beloW With reference to the correct anchoring to the ground, the aerodynamic interfer
?gures. ence betWeen them must be minimised, separating them to
[0042] The vortex resonance Wind turbine has no gears, improve their ef?ciency.
bearings, etc., so that its assembly consists of placing the [0048] To reduce their visual impact, the vortex resonance
components that are physically connected in the described Wind turbines can have a colour that makes them blend in With
position and With physical or electrical contact betWeen them. the surroundings, although in a preferred embodiment refrac
[0043] A hole is made on the ground (12) With dimensions tory paint (White, silver, etc.) is used to reduce the degradation
alloWing containing the base (1) of cement or concrete, as in caused by sunlight.
the foundations of any building or structure. The bottom of 1. A vortex resonance Wind turbine comprising an element
the mast (4) is attached to the base (1) at an anchoring area (5) that captures Wind energy anchored to a base ?xed in the
alloWing the higher part of the mast (4) to oscillate freely With ground, said capturing element being formed by a plurality of
no other constraint that the elasticity of the material. From an elements coupled electromechanically, so that the stationary
electrical point of vieW the mast (4), formed by elements With and laminar air?oW incident on said capturing element is
a high electromechanical coupling (13), is connected to the transformed into a turbulent ?oW, forming vortices or eddies,
electronic unit for control and regulation (3) located in the also comprising an electronic unit for control and regulation
sealed compartment (2) provided in the base (1) for this of the different operation parameters, Wherein the vortices or
purpose. This connection is established by electrical conduc eddies resulting from the transformation of the laminar air
tors (7) introduced through a passage or duct (6) also made in ?oW incident on the capturing element appear in a synchro
the base (1). Connection to the poWer grid of the installation nised manner along the entire length of said capturing ele
(8) is established With connection cables (9) that Will be ment; and having the speci?c feature that the electronic unit
routed in a ditch made in the ground (12) and Which leave the for control and regulation included in the Wind turbine per
base (1) through sealed plugs (10). Access to the sealed com forms an active modulation of the natural frequency of oscil
partment (2) is gained through a cover (11) that provides lation of the capturing element, matching or synchronising it
access to its interior and alloWs executing assembly and main With the frequency at Which vortices appear.
tenance actions. 2. The vortex resonance Wind turbine according to claim 1,
[0044] To de?ne dimensional aspects and considering that Wherein the Wind energy capturing element consists of a
the mast (4) has a circular section (15) to avoid depending on mast, the component elements thereof have a section and
Wind direction and a variable radius R as a function of the geometrical con?guration that alloWs the intentional transfor
height H, FIG. 2 shoWs a graph indicating that for a mast With mation of the stationary and laminar air?oW into a turbulent
a height of 4 metres and a desired natural oscillation fre air?oW consisting of vortices or eddies.
quency, for example, of 8 HertZ (determined among other * * * * *