Acp 2015 16 March16

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Disbursements Disbursements Disbursements Disbursements Disbursements (Amount) Disbursements (Amount)

Sl..No Name of Bank

Cumulativ Cumulativ Cumulativ Cumulat Cumulative
During the e from 1st During e from 1st During e from 1st During ive from During the from 1st During the Cumulative
Qtr April the Qtr April the Qtr April the Qtr 1st April Qtr April Qtr from 1st April
(A) Major Banks

1 Canara Bank 701640 395005 922142 262701 165283 267935 44611 3003 22562 89804 23563 52957 171914 3653 7321 1270670 590507 1272917
2 Corporation Bank 395299 129331 388433 84146 55057 219149 17992 974 4396 64804 8308 25796 107110 5747 19946 669351 199417 657720
3 Syndicate Bank 424034 353190 936641 128591 189258 649865 30759 2473 13455 111387 9132 32187 99323 5142 11017 794094 559195 1643165
4 S.Bk.of Hyderabad 134398 19104 46913 44624 14945 43628 5746 437 1116 33942 5758 14132 28133 8703 26814 246843 48947 132603
5 S.Bk.of India 540555 197201 770298 105733 17590 60932 28855 8201 28910 384244 220560 367014 131056 1346 4152 1190443 444898 1231306
6 S.Bk.of Mysore 411940 167227 497460 222019 38128 124346 36925 8720 16610 144325 57605 106542 136352 0 0 951561 271680 744958
7 Vijaya Bank 304100 114995 405310 65514 67270 185003 19802 88037 96311 48422 12990 39545 80976 1336 15071 518814 284628 741240
Total (A) 2911966 1376053 3967197 913328 547531 1550858 184690 111845 183360 876928 337916 638173 754864 25927 84321 5641776 2399272 6423909
(B) Oth.Nationalised Bks
1 Allahabad Bank 6755 225 458 7886 0 1456 1314 137 350 3615 1260 5799 5917 0 0 25487 1622 8063
2 Andhra Bank 9367 6874 16850 26221 35783 56215 1198 190 768 5857 5034 15345 4129 2253 3979 46772 50134 93157
3 Bank of Baroda 25313 3937 15785 22320 5359 72058 3061 172 840 11432 954 3765 21692 2 5 83818 10424 92453
4 Bank of India 70611 30930 118540 38353 2167 12258 4558 349 1620 16406 87 4518 11839 466 41776 141767 33999 178712
5 Bank of Maharastra 13081 3514 12748 23653 7673 101990 1350 49 393 6664 311 2562 8379 24 144 53127 11571 117837
6 Central Bk.of India 29248 4865 28765 12550 3562 20219 5811 1568 6179 11881 5698 19657 10434 915 2478 69924 16608 77298
7 Dena Bank 46980 2516 7389 4982 9594 54988 1239 56 302 7457 698 2080 2508 754 2385 63166 13618 67144
8 Indian Bank 29968 5307 19805 14177 4786 16757 1609 171 904 8474 1709 10315 19120 514 1739 73348 12487 49520
9 Indian Overseas Bk. 86888 9780 75405 27195 3938 19305 4913 222 1063 18215 1035 7493 42317 2665 6019 179528 17640 109285
10 Oriental Bk.of Com. 7224 524 12298 6279 2651 7898 1403 149 755 3564 955 2089 3472 9 20 21942 4288 23060
11 Punjab Natl.Bank 18197 4166 18524 10582 10357 72004 1638 373 1421 4128 735 2951 7073 728 4525 41618 16359 99425
12 Punjab & Sind Bank 852 14 84 3576 219 1992 620 0 74 3490 93 786 4314 5 5706 12852 331 8642
13 S Bk of Patiala 65 0 0 1907 625 2035 273 71 131 3845 404 1076 648 0 0 6738 1100 3242
14 S.Bk.of B & J 0 0 0 320 0 328 70 0 46 1089 0 229 48 0 0 1527 0 603
15 S.Bk.of Travancor 3273 12 243 1613 4 86 626 2 32 2177 13 268 2580 28 586 10269 59 1215
16 U C O Bank 9693 5185 18528 8277 297 1227 3512 37 439 42806 822 6239 5334 155 931 69622 6496 27364
17 Union Bk.of India 66350 22297 100069 34971 8193 25214 7004 168 1486 25222 4022 10257 11168 43 447 144715 34723 137473
18 United Bk.of India 1432 542 645 15707 178 223 955 40 66 9404 548 1349 9189 36 102 36687 1344 2385
19 IDBI Bank Limited 73162 244674 429744 41528 164090 270596 3692 4662 9368 25430 3059 33286 12706 0 2651 156518 416485 745645
20 Bharatiya Mahila Bank 0 28 33 4 63 160 9 0 13 40 0 20 40 106 249 93 197 475
Total (B) 498459 345390 875913 302101 259539 737009 44855 8416 26250 211196 27437 130084 182907 8703 73742 1239518 649485 1842998
Sl..No Name of Bank
Disbursements MSE
Disbursements Disbursements Disbursements
the Cumulativ (Amount)
During Cumulativ (Amount)
During Cumulativ (Amount)
During Cumulat During the Cumulative Disbursements
During the (Amount)
Qtr e from 1st the Qtr e from 1st the Qtr e from 1st the Qtr ive from Qtr from 1st Qtr from 1st April
(C) Other Comm.Banks
1 Karnataka Bk.Ltd 146220 65817 224901 47731 44296 125987 8923 477 2499 34814 6023 21762 53775 3382 6110 291463 119995 381259
2 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd 33230 4514 21835 22776 143428 276090 2407 7 180 28366 922 41747 16711 37589 72423 103490 186460 412275
3 Catholic Syrian Bank 11816 2553 5339 4674 261 3762 1066 25 26 1982 14 156 2251 5912 8053 21789 8765 17336
4 City Union Bk. 3523 1457 4868 4030 1523 6996 332 3 16 5651 255 1220 1856 0 20 15392 3238 13120
5 Dhanalakshmi Bk. 5157 1021 3078 2860 123 679 444 0 15 2299 132 447 1489 3000 9000 12249 4276 13219
6 Federal Bank Ltd.. 34628 14655 41829 9965 0 67776 1618 425 4109 8721 455 1817 7071 0 6502 62003 15535 122033
7 J & K Bank Ltd. 5274 957 8976 3782 753 2394 470 0 25 5585 527 721 1865 3750 7385 16976 5987 19501
8 Karur Vysya Bank 13360 10367 31134 6576 348 1782 1505 3 21 4303 49 408 15230 310 962 40974 11077 34307
9 Lakshmi Vilas Bk. 3723 20970 2039 4284 2099 2308 265 14 8 768 181 120 3470 14984 899 12510 38248 5374
10 Ratnakar Bank 4655 11771 60112 13262 7566 27534 26 8 117 61 155 792 5297 8653 27515 23301 28153 116070
11 South Indian Bk. 14486 8718 16478 13843 14434 34279 1334 66 1968 6660 263 1412 3876 5564 11214 40199 29045 65351
12 Tamilnadu Merc. Bk. 1547 366 1301 3931 3856 10712 613 0 8 3271 70 623 2361 4 258 11723 4296 12902
13 Indus Ind Bank 586 18838 49767 3293 18521 29454 246 0 0 2109 0 0 756 0 0 6990 37359 79221
14 HDFC BANK LIMITED 30412 168493 295313 14003 49410 181533 1534 8 36 7868 2164 7693 7482 8599 37874 61299 228674 522449
15 Axis Bank Limited 67269 0 1572 112628 23701 54394 2572 2 48 15330 6138 13080 10608 2 25228 208407 29843 94322
16 ICICI Bank Limited 110598 50495 292167 65712 100787 258007 12636 0 0 129172 0 2588 17735 2303 96483 335853 153585 649245
17 Yes Bank 14175 39277 606283 12886 82046 445998 804 0 0 7965 161 2539 3337 8764 165376 39167 130248 1220196
Total(C) 500659 420269 1666992 346236 493152 1529685 36795 1038 9076 264925 17509 97125 155170 102816 475302 1303785 1034784 3778180
(D) R R B 's
1 Kaveri Grameena Bank 176539 48871 186711 14992 29890 100793 6055 258 1528 15575 6260 23483 30940 1167 3808 244101 86446 316323
2 Karnataka Vikas Gr Bk 437436 58676 295225 37756 31046 75424 6211 100 1532 28152 1320 5599 65014 18047 73202 574569 109189 450982
3 Pragathi Krishna Gr Bk 519455 134927 424329 49875 12708 46771 10784 532 3038 15027 3427 11645 94765 4186 17963 689906 155780 503746
Total (D) 1133430 242474 906265 102623 73644 222988 23050 890 6098 58754 11007 40727 190719 23400 94973 1508576 351415 1271051
Total (Comm.Banks) A+B+C 3911084 2141712 6510102 1561665 1300222 3817552 266340 121299 218686 1353049 382862 865382 1092941 137446 633365 8185079 4083541 12045087
Grand Total (A+B+C+D) 5044514 2384186 7416367 1664288 1373866 4040540 289390 122189 224784 1411803 393869 906109 1283660 160846 728338 9693655 4434956 13316138
(E) Co-Op Sector
1 KSCARD Bk.LTD. 6140 16920 27552 0 0 0 0 0 0 8515 0 0 36265 0 0 50920 16920 27552
2 K.S.Coop.Apex Bk. 1211288 342189 1039506 0 0 0 9551 0 0 25545 0 0 108790 0 0 1355174 342189 1039506
3 Karnataka Industrial Co-op. Bank 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total (E) 1217428 359109 1067058 0 0 0 9551 0 0 34060 0 0 145055 0 0 1406094 359109 1067058
(F) KSFC 0 0 0 146242 13548 42712 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 146242 13548 42712
TOTAL (F) 0 0 0 146242 13548 42712 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 146242 13548 42712
GRAND TOTAL 6261942 2743295 8483425 1810530 1387414 4083252 298941 122189 224784 1445863 393869 906109 1428715 160846 728338 11245991 4807613 14425908

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