Merritt Morning Market-Jan21-#2113
Merritt Morning Market-Jan21-#2113
Merritt Morning Market-Jan21-#2113
$ 99
We sell & recycle
inkjet & laser Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax 378-4700 Email [email protected]
printer cartridges 91 CHEV Silverado, xtra cab, 2wd, little
rst/grt rn gear $1000obo. Shelley 378-0071
5-PC bdrm suite $150. 5-drwr drssr w/
mirr $25. 2 twn bds w/ hdrbrd & matt.
SEEKNG prsn w/ undrstndng of elderly 88 GMC crewcab 4-dr, lrg cmpr w/ toilet $200ea 378-4345
to indr/outdr companion sit/visit w/ eld- $7000obo 936-8244 CHSTRFLD & chair $275 378-6307
Black’s Pharmacy
erly gent. Must be bondable & reliable. 89 FORD Tempo, 4-cyl., auto, rns grt COMP. dsk 36”x36” w/ keybrd drwr
Up to 20 hrs/wk. 378-9841 $550obo 378-2543 $20. Wht 6-drwr drssr 46”x28” $15.
CAT-sitter needed for 2 fem. indr only 98 CHRYSL. Intrepid, grn, w/ summr Wht 4-drwr drssr 36”x16” $20. End
cats for 4-6 mos. Contact w/ your fee per & wntr tires on rims $2000 280-0749 tbl, 1-drwr 21”x22” $10 315-8716
mo. 378-5158 [email protected]
2037 Quilchena Ave. 378-2155
04 MITSUBISHI Eclipse Spyder GT 9-DRWR cream-col.'d drssr, top
LOST: rifle bolt btwn Rocky Pines & convert. beaut. cond., lw km @ 85k, chrm 17"wx66"l $50obo 378-9841
Johnny’s on the Rez, Nov. 13, fairly mags, brnd nw lw profile tires, loaded w/ FREE, pick up Dec 18 morning: sngl
lrg/shiny, reward 378-9154 leathr & heated seats. Orig. air intake twn bd & matt., wd frame, bfr
LOST: iPhone, Jan 5, cash rwrd 315-8030 syst. for 96 Chev pck-up, removed for hi- 12noon/movng out of town 378-8214
REGIST’D care-aide lookng for wrk, perform. syst., $50. Kathy 315-3758 2 STOR. UNITS full of nw/used qual.
Merr. area 315-9051 01 VW GTI, exc cond, mech. sound, 1.8l furnite for lvngrm, bdrm diningrm. Want
HRD-wrkng young lady avail to hse-sit,
pet-sit, hse cln, shovelling 378-8383
turbo charged eng., >228,000 but well-
maint'd, full leathr inter., sunroof, auto, 6
to clear-out by end of Dec. 315-0209
MOVING: 3-pc lvngrm set, couch,
ANGIE’S TEA LEAF READING. For disc cd player. Hate to sell but going travel-
loveseat & chaise $1000obo. 315-0272
Pioneer touch scrn dck. $4500obo 378-7403
time thru wk, wknds, eves & holidays. tbl. Laurie 315-4474
ICBC Claims you’ll find every issue archived since May 2009
01 OLDS Alero sale/OTF skidoo. 89 Gmc OAK crib & chng tbl, exc cnd $800/both.
ANNE’S PAINTING The difference is the Trckr sale/OTF skidoo 378-3527, 280-0414 Princess toddlr bd w/ matt. $45 378-6295
•Commercial •Residential
price. Winter specials on now. 378-2750
for sale - electronics/software
95 CHEV ext cab forst grn, auto 4x4, cnpy,
HSEKEEPNG by hr/wkly/bi-wkly. frame restor. 30k, must see $6000 315-8716
•Automotive •Industrial
Chris 378-4139, 315-2778 4 15" wntr snws on rims $300 378-6307 SAMSUNG SPHa540 digital cell phone
CARPET cleaning $39 378-2909 95 CHEV Lumina 3.1L, rns exc, xtra set $25 378-4853
rngs to cntrl ht & lt. Carmen 378-5198 2 HANKOOK tires HPW401 165R13 dvd playr $20. JVC turntable JL-F-45
GRANNY'S House Quilting & Retreat mntd on 5-hole rims fit Toyota, gd wntr $20. 378-5627
has fabric and sewing notions. Call tread, m&s w/ snwflake 378-9545 PEAVEY Bandit amplifier, grt cnd $250
A Cut Finger
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 rims, well-maint'd; service rcrds. sml dnt in Logitech ATK joystick $10 378-4853
Pathway to Excellence
haul it away 315-0406 seas. tires. $2900obo, drv by 2202 w/ 3 remov. gls shlvs & shlf sits in middle
FRIDGE Jenn-air & dshwshr Kitchen
Aid, gd cond. $100/pair. 378-8118
p/trnk, a/c, am/fm/cd, cruise, tilt $7000
378-2197 aft 5pm wkdays, daytime wknds
SAMSUNG DVD player, 2 yrs old Gian
USED/wrkng fine top-load wshr & frnt 2 SETS 235x15 wntr chains rebar hvy SAMSUNG M300 camera cellphone pay-
SERIES Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
January 27, 2011, 6pm - 9pm or
load dryer, wht, cln, inst'd stckr for more duty 378-4053 as-u-go w/ Virgin Mbl $35. Panasonic
rm $175/pr. 378-2662 livestock/pets & access. mini-camcorder $75. Bell 3100 satellite
[email protected]
January 28, 2011, 9am – 12noon
WSHR & dryer, match. $200 315-4668 rcvr w/ 18" dish $100 378-4227
Change your mind, OLDR Maytag wshr, exc. rn cond. $50.
NEUT’D ornge cat, gd w/ kids & othr FREE: Panasonic tv 28", colour, gd wrkng
animals, free to gd home Kim 378-9002
change your life. Inglis dryer, exc rn cond. $50. 378-2458
FREE: 1 catfish (I think) 3" long 378-9181
cond. Epson Stylus prntr, mdl Color 777.
2 TOASTER ovns, 1 lrg, 1 sml, both lk Pick up both together. Roger 378-0325
nw 378-2750 FREE to gd homes: 2 cats, 1 fem. cali- 32" CRT type RCA tv, S-video inputs,
3-hour introductory seminar For more information
for sale - automotive
co 6 yrs old, 1 male blk/wht 2 yrs old,
must go due to baby's allergies 378-5049
rem., grt wrkng cond. $75obo 280-2411,
Baillie House
and to register, contact: [email protected]
packed with snippets of astounding FREE scrap car pick-up 378-9241 3 PUPPIES, 8 wks old Jck Russells, BLK 19” Samsung tv $20. Slvr 20”
Robyn Grebliunas, $400ea (604)826-0841
facts & insights that can change 04 CHEV Avalanche Z71, blk, fully Citizen tv $25. 315-0220
for sale - recreational
R Brand Productions loaded, tonneau, roof rack, tow pkg, FREE to gd home: 2 f, 1 m grey kit-
behaviour and attitudes to 250-315-5851 165k. $13,000. 378-5459 tens, gd w/ kids & sml dogs 378-1398
shape & influence your life [email protected]
ALUM tailgate cover fits GM 1500 $50
MANX kittns, 8 wks old, blk/wht. Pet
carrier cage 3’x2’x2’ $50 378-9545
TREADMILL A-1 cnd $350obo 378-2676
TREADMILL $50 378-6034
REDUCED to sell: $2300. 94 Dodge FREE to gd homes: 2 male puppies, 5-6 FREE : 8' camper, nds wrk 378-5066
Dakota ext cab w/ Arrow fbrgls cnpy, v8, mos old, mountain dog/shphrd x 378-9167 ELLIPTICAL trainer, wrks well
318 auto,p/l, p/w, cruise, a/c, nw FEM. 1-yr old pitbull x, wht/tn, vry $25obo 378-5692
pnt/brks/mp3 playr, 4 nw all-seas. tires gntle $250 378-9509 PILATES resistant excerc. bnch, wrks
Drive by 2202 Garcia, bhnd pool 378-5004 5 JCK Russell puppies ready Jan 19 w/ your body wt, exc $100. 378-6008
89 ACCLAIM, grey. body grt cond., brnd nw $500ea 378-9182 or text 315-5098 90 YAMAHA Phaser 500, gar.-kept,
struts, exc on gas, moving/must go $800obo. FREE: 11 6-wk old shep./collie x pup- lady-drvn, vry gd cnd, nw 1.5” trck, cvr,
Tanya watkins.tanya@, Cory pies, blk/wht/brwn in color, gd compan- vry lw hrs $2200obo, optional dbl tlt trlr
bcgrownwild@ ions 315-9840 $450. Polaris 200 quad, brnd nw, plstc
for sale - miscellaneous
TWO 215/60R16 snow tires on 5x110 still on seat $2700obo. 378-6519
1675 Tutill Court,
GM steel rims, lk nw cond. $160 315- SKIS by Yamaha $20 378-1336
Merritt, BC
0017, [email protected] FIREWOOD sale, $120/cord 378-5379 AB-LOUNGER $50obo 315-1428
for our
FORD Econoline van $500 378-6337 NR NW Shoprider scooter w/ full lt pkg CAMPER $600 315-0406
05 CHRYSLER 300C, 104k & canopy $2000obo apply @ Nicola
PORT-a-potty $30 378-3583
$19,500obo. Tyler, Jamara 315-0266 Meadows office
PR men’s Itech hockey skates, brnd nw,
New hours in 2011
351 WINDSOR mtr, rns gd w/ 4x4 trans FRESH eggs $3/doz. 378-4097, 315-2151
sz 8 $20 378-3583
DIRT Devil steam cleaner $50. Swng
garage sale
on pallet/ready to go 378-4007
Monday 10 am to 3 pm
clothes line, nvr used $60. 3-tiere foun- UNIVERSAL GYM $100 OTF excer-
92 CHEV Lumina 3.1L auto, 4-dr, as cise bike 315-1383
Tuesday 10 am to 3 pm
is/rns. $200 firm. 2 wntr tires tain $75obo 315-1428
ANNIV. 4x8 Dufferin slate pool tbl,
Wednesday 10 am to 4 pm
195/70R14 $100/both. Mark 315-0315 6 AVON Miss Albee dolls, 2005-10
$15ea. 378-3583 solid oak w/ grn flt, balls, cues etc incl.,
Thursday 10 am to 4 pm
TOP-FLIGHT trans. fits Dodge 360 318, beaut., pd $3500, sell $1899obo. Batt.-
80s-early 90s, 1/2-tn, lng shft, reblt/nvr PLAYPEN & stroller 378-2620 oper'd 3-whl glf bag cart, lk nw cond.,
Friday 10 am to 3 pm
used w/ cnvrtr nw in bx, offrs 378-4053 4' FAKE Xmas tree $10 Tyler, Jamara wrks awesome.... takes hills no problem,
4 NORDIC wntr tires on rims, 315-0266 c/w batt. & chrgr. Set Cooper goalie