Merritt Morning Market-Jan21-#2113

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We sell & recycle YOU CAN DRIVE!

Want a vehicle, have a job? We can make it happen.
inkjet & laser
Good Credit APPROVED
printer cartridges No Credit APPROVED Collections APPROVED
To book an appointment, call Steve today
2049 Nicola Ave, Merritt. •
Phone (250)378-9255 • Toll Free 1-888-378-9255
Please recycle


January 27, 7:00PM
at the Merritt Civic Centre
Our beat is local... our bend, up! Box 2199, Merritt BC V1K 1B8
T(250)378-5717 F(250)378-4700 [email protected] EXCHANGE PROGRAM
Expert presenters on wood heating topics: • Up to $750 dollars in
•Air quality • Merritt’s smoke bylaw
•Wood heat and the environment
Merritt makes Elvis’ birthday bash Unlike fossil
grants available to green
your bank account
“Bottom 10 Growth fundraiser
fuels, using
•Regulatory requirements •Insurance issues salvaged tim- • All trade-in stoves are

Municipalities” list ClubThepresents

Merritt BC Elvis Presley® Fan recycled
Get answers to your wood heating questions ber as a fuel
• New wood stoves are
Symposium is free. another great dinner & source is
energy efficient burning 90%
NICOLA VALLEY Call Program Coordinator …and sits quite near the top, having show honouring The King, Elvis Presley renewable and
cleaner and using a third
STOVE EXCHANGE Tim Larsen , 250-378-8216 lost 175 residents over the past year, on Saturday. Randy “Elvis” Friskie sustainable. less wood
or [email protected] down from 7,460 in 2009 to 7,285 in returns with a Las Vegas Elvis show, For more information, contact Program Coordinator
to reserve a seat
2010. That’s a decline of 2.3%, ranking along with the Las Vegas Show Girls, Tim Larsen , 250-378-8216 or [email protected]
Merritt the 4th fastest declining popula- Appaloosa, Uptown Hornz & Cassandra
tion after Oliver, Grand Forks & Friskie with her tribute to Cher & Patsy. MERRITT AND DISTRICT HOSPICE
Mackenzie. The dinner & show is $35, the show
BC Statistics released its 2010 provin- alone is $20, tickets are at the Merritt
cial population estimates this week. Desert Inn, 378-2254. All proceeds go to
Overall, British Columbia’s population fund the NV Health Centre’s Patient
SPACE FOR YOUR AD grew to more than 4.5 million, with an Transportation Program that helps cover A Cut Finger
increase in the population of 70,668 per- costs associated with having to travel
Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
sons (+1.6%). It is numb before it bleeds,
out of town for medical appointments.
[email protected] it bleeds before it hurts.
Stay vigilant for ice Call 4 art Community art show It hurts until it beings to heal, it forms a
The Arts Council’s 5th annual scab and itches until finally, the scab is
jams & flooding Community Art Show is sponsored by gone and a small scar if left where once
An ice jam on the Coldwater the Province & the Assembly of BC Arts
Reserve, approx. 8 km south of Merritt, Councils. Residents of the Nicola Valley
there was a wound. Grief is the deepest
is being monitored to assess any are invited to participate, and all art- wound you have ever had. Like a cut fin-
changes. Presently, river levels are sta- work must be submitted by 12noon, Feb. ger it goes through stages
ble and low at Brookmere and Merritt. 3rd, at the Courthouse Art Gallery & and leaves a scar.
But City of Merritt emergency officer ready to hang!
Vintage, antique, Tom Lacey says that if the river flows c/o 3451 Voght Street, Merritt, BC V1K 1C6
The theme is Winter in the Nicola
new & used increase — from warming or rain — or Valley with prizes — $100 adult, $80 Contact 250-280-4040
furniture back up because of a tight blockage, we teen, $50 child, $300 best of show. There
can expect the area to breach the banks is also a non-juried section in which the
Something for or the jam, and start the debris flowing art doesn’t have to conform to the
downstream into Merritt. theme. The show runs Feb 3-26, with a
A resident at Coldwater remembers reception Feb. 18, 6-8pm. Hours for the
Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
2071 Quilchena Ave • that in the past 60+ years he’s seen 15-20 Courthouse Gallery are Thurs 4-8pm, Fri
[email protected]
(250)378-0044 such jams. Most melt without incident. & Sat 10am 4pm. FMI contact Kathi 378-
The river is currently flowing at 4.5 6515, [email protected]
kms/hour. At that speed, “blockage and
breach arrival time in the community Community
could be less than 2 hours. The river
below the jam is generally open but
Wood Heat Symposium
To be held Jan 27, 7pm at the Merritt
there’s still enough ice of various sizes Civic Centre. Expert presenters on wood
to add to a flow, and provide a threat to heating topics such as air quality,
Merritt. ” Tom reports. Merritt’s smoke bylaw, wood heat and
In the face of that little scare, he’ll be the environment, regulatory require-
trying to maintain public awareness ments, insurance issues. And get
about the potential threat. Emergency answers to your wood heating questions.
With More readiness at the municipal level will be
maintained, with responders and sup-
Great Canadian Bike rally meeting
Volunteer & info meeting Jan. 29,
port personnel ready to take on their
11am-2pm, Coldwater Hotel Banquet
Railyard Mall • 378-2266
roles at a moment’s notice.
SUBSCRIBE ONLINE He encourages residents in the flood
Rm — new ideas & input welcome. FMI,
Marcia (604)626-0711 or email
plain to get better informed and to get
[email protected]
ready. “Use this scenario to test your
EMAIL EACH TIME A ability to respond. If the river blocked NNSC’s Chili Sunday
today and we expect ice jams in town in Nicola Nordic Ski Club’s annual
MMMARKET IS UPLOADED! less than 2 hours, can we safely and social for cross-country skiers is on Jan.
Read online, or download to your computer effectively respond?” 30, 11am-1pm at Parking Lot 3, at 4K on
you’ll find every issue archived since May 2009 There’s lots of good info about flood the Kane Valley Rd. Bring spoon, mug,
preparedness at the provincial PEP bowl & enough chili for each person in
website: your party to add to the communal pot.
Everyone welcome.
Valley Visual Artists steak dinner The VVA fundraiser will be held Saturday, Feb. 2 at the Grand Pub and Grill. Tickets are $15, available from members of the Valley
Visual Artists and the Arts Council. The auction and fundraiser will benefit the
Valley Visual artists Education Fund and Nicola Valley Community Arts Council's
Nicola Valley Community Courthouse Gallery. Contact Kathi 378-5718, or Shirley 378-9442
Arts Council Fountainview Academy International Youth Choir and Orchestra On Sat., Feb.
5, 7pm at the Civic Centre there will be a concert by Lillooet’s Fountainview
2010-11 concert series Academy orchestra and choir, Springtime in Wintertime. They performed during the

The Good Lovelies

Olympics and have appeared on radio and TV. Last year, their concert at the
Crossroads Church was greatly enjoyed, and this year should be the same.
Juno Award winners for Admission is free, great for any age and for families.
Roots & Traditional
Album of the Year: group
Tea and Sweets Bake Sale The NV Women's Institute celebraes its annual Tea SPACE FOR YOUR AD
and Sweets Bake Sale and in-house raffle Sat. Feb. 19, 2-3:30pm at the Merritt
Seniors Hall. Tickets available at the door, $4each.
Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
Adults… $22
Volunteer income tax program Training for 2010 tax return season will be on Feb.
[email protected]
Seniors… $17
Students… $17 18, 9am-3pm at Crossroads Community Church. If you have experience filling out
at Black’s Pharmacy tax returns, have a computer with internet connection and are interested in volun-
Baillie House
teering March 10-April 26 for a total of 47 hours, please contact CVITP Coordinator
sponsors Bernard Andersen (250)870-5576.
•Black’s Pharmacy
•Interior Savings
•Royal LePage Merritt Why It's Great to Be a Dog


Real Estate Services No one expects you to take a bath every day. If it itches, you can scratch it. There's FRI & SAT, 9PM-1:30AM •Fun Darts
•Alastair Murdoch & Co. Mondays 7:30pm
•Q101.1 •Mandolin’s
no such thing as bad food. A rawhide bone can entertain you for hours. If you grow
•City of Merritt hair in weird places, no one notices. You can lie around all day without worrying PRODUCTIONS
•BC Arts Council about being fired. You don't get in trouble for putting your head in a stranger's lap. EVERY THURS NIGHT! Tuesdays
•Individual donors

Thursday, January 27, 2011

You're always excited to see the same people. Having big feet is considered an
asset. Puppy love Karaoke Dance Party
•Texas Hold’em
Wed 7pm
Capital Room, Iron Mountain Music, 7:30pm GARAGE SALES • JAN 21 can last.

1362 Houston St. SATURDAY, watch for the balloons!

• OFFICE 378-2821 • PUB 378-5711
•RESTAURANT 378-4543 • BEER/WINE 378-8859
Webber Naturals
Lutein, 20mg

$ 99
We sell & recycle
inkjet & laser Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax 378-4700 Email [email protected]
printer cartridges 91 CHEV Silverado, xtra cab, 2wd, little
rst/grt rn gear $1000obo. Shelley 378-0071
5-PC bdrm suite $150. 5-drwr drssr w/
mirr $25. 2 twn bds w/ hdrbrd & matt.

SEEKNG prsn w/ undrstndng of elderly 88 GMC crewcab 4-dr, lrg cmpr w/ toilet $200ea 378-4345
to indr/outdr companion sit/visit w/ eld- $7000obo 936-8244 CHSTRFLD & chair $275 378-6307

Black’s Pharmacy
erly gent. Must be bondable & reliable. 89 FORD Tempo, 4-cyl., auto, rns grt COMP. dsk 36”x36” w/ keybrd drwr
Up to 20 hrs/wk. 378-9841 $550obo 378-2543 $20. Wht 6-drwr drssr 46”x28” $15.
CAT-sitter needed for 2 fem. indr only 98 CHRYSL. Intrepid, grn, w/ summr Wht 4-drwr drssr 36”x16” $20. End
cats for 4-6 mos. Contact w/ your fee per & wntr tires on rims $2000 280-0749 tbl, 1-drwr 21”x22” $10 315-8716
mo. 378-5158 [email protected]
2037 Quilchena Ave. 378-2155
04 MITSUBISHI Eclipse Spyder GT 9-DRWR cream-col.'d drssr, top
LOST: rifle bolt btwn Rocky Pines & convert. beaut. cond., lw km @ 85k, chrm 17"wx66"l $50obo 378-9841
Johnny’s on the Rez, Nov. 13, fairly mags, brnd nw lw profile tires, loaded w/ FREE, pick up Dec 18 morning: sngl

lrg/shiny, reward 378-9154 leathr & heated seats. Orig. air intake twn bd & matt., wd frame, bfr
LOST: iPhone, Jan 5, cash rwrd 315-8030 syst. for 96 Chev pck-up, removed for hi- 12noon/movng out of town 378-8214
REGIST’D care-aide lookng for wrk, perform. syst., $50. Kathy 315-3758 2 STOR. UNITS full of nw/used qual.
Merr. area 315-9051 01 VW GTI, exc cond, mech. sound, 1.8l furnite for lvngrm, bdrm diningrm. Want
HRD-wrkng young lady avail to hse-sit,
pet-sit, hse cln, shovelling 378-8383
turbo charged eng., >228,000 but well-
maint'd, full leathr inter., sunroof, auto, 6
to clear-out by end of Dec. 315-0209
MOVING: 3-pc lvngrm set, couch,
ANGIE’S TEA LEAF READING. For disc cd player. Hate to sell but going travel-
loveseat & chaise $1000obo. 315-0272

Merritt’s Auto Glass

all your psychic needs, accurate. Call any- ling, incl set summr & wntr tires on rims, LOVESEAT. Couch. Solid wckr coff.

Pioneer touch scrn dck. $4500obo 378-7403
time thru wk, wknds, eves & holidays. tbl. Laurie 315-4474

Specialists Read online, or download to your computer

Gift certificates available. 378-8326 81 DODGE 3/4-tn flat dck 4x4, 318 mtr, BRND nw couch, brwn, suede-lk fbrc
services gd rn cnd $2500obo 378-3648 $100 315-4668

ICBC Claims you’ll find every issue archived since May 2009
01 OLDS Alero sale/OTF skidoo. 89 Gmc OAK crib & chng tbl, exc cnd $800/both.
ANNE’S PAINTING The difference is the Trckr sale/OTF skidoo 378-3527, 280-0414 Princess toddlr bd w/ matt. $45 378-6295

•Commercial •Residential
price. Winter specials on now. 378-2750
for sale - electronics/software
95 CHEV ext cab forst grn, auto 4x4, cnpy,
HSEKEEPNG by hr/wkly/bi-wkly. frame restor. 30k, must see $6000 315-8716

•Automotive •Industrial
Chris 378-4139, 315-2778 4 15" wntr snws on rims $300 378-6307 SAMSUNG SPHa540 digital cell phone
CARPET cleaning $39 378-2909 95 CHEV Lumina 3.1L, rns exc, xtra set $25 378-4853

2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)

WILL make curtains & cust. wndw cov- snows, as is $1000 378-6307 JVC radio PC-5C $20. Sony 5-disc

rngs to cntrl ht & lt. Carmen 378-5198 2 HANKOOK tires HPW401 165R13 dvd playr $20. JVC turntable JL-F-45
GRANNY'S House Quilting & Retreat mntd on 5-hole rims fit Toyota, gd wntr $20. 378-5627
has fabric and sewing notions. Call tread, m&s w/ snwflake 378-9545 PEAVEY Bandit amplifier, grt cnd $250


Eleanor 378-3734 for more info. 89 ACCLAIM 4-dr, brnd nw struts, 378-5165
JAMARA JOYAL BC Registered body/inter. in grt shape, grey, crack in 27" tv, wrks grt, remote, not flat screen


Massage Therapist. Wed & Fri 12:30- wndshld/ rns vry well, exc. on gas $50. 378-1340
5:30, Sat 11-6. 378-8300 $1100obo [email protected] PANASONIC mini-camcorder $75. Bell
ODD JOBBER. Sincere, honest gent Gen. or [email protected] 3100 sat.rcvr w/ 18" dsh $100 378-4227
cntrctr, mchncl, crpntry, maint./repair, lnd- P205/75R14 studded snw tire, wht wall COMP. oldr NCI 64k w/ Wndws XP
are the new operating managers scp, vry versatile, gd refs., reas. rates to fit on Chev car whl $100 Joe 378-2676 Prof. & Optiquest monitor, Acer key-
your budget. Mike 315-1039, 315-5398 94 MADZA Protege, beige 5-spd, 1.8L, 4- board, Microsoft mse, Labtec spkrs. $35.
DRYWALL, textured ceiling, painting. cyl., 4-dr. 210k, snws & summr tires all on Microsoft Flight Simulator 04 $15.

A Cut Finger
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 rims, well-maint'd; service rcrds. sml dnt in Logitech ATK joystick $10 378-4853

It is numb before it bleeds,

COMPLETE Home Improvement hd/othrwise body gd $1000 firm 315-8095. CANON camera, EOS 650 w/ 35-70 &
Service. Repairs, add's, nw cnstrction. No 90 SUNBIRD, 4-dr, 5-spd, 215k, 70-210 lenses, flash, bag, manuals &

it bleeds before it hurts.

job too sml, lic'd & ins'd. Jim 378-7200 brgndy, no rst, nw wntrs, vry rel. xtra fltrs, not digital $275 firm 378-6433
for sale - appliances $1200obo 525-0047, 378-2417 MARANTZ stero components: ST400

It hurts until it beings to heal, it forms a

BUICK LeSabre $3800 (250)377-7786, am/fm tuner, SD 3000 cass. dck, model
OSTER kitchen center $40. 378-5627 280-0857 1152DC console amp & 2 x 100w spkrs.

scab and itches until finally, the scab is

• Serving all your towing needs • Free scrap car removal DISHWASHER $25 378-6034 $500 92 Buick Regal 3.8, nds nw alt (nw $60 378-4853
• Fully licensed mechanic shop MED.-sz freezer $100 315-0272

gone and a small scar if left where once

$178), >$3000 put in ovr past 3 yrs, nw 27" TV w/ rmt $100. 27" tv $75. Tyler,

250.378.9241 | 2676 Nicola Ave.

HOTPOINT dryer, wrks grt, almnd $25 exhst, air cared w/ rcrds. $350obo 95 Jamara 315-0266

there was a wound. Grief is the deepest

378-4475 Ford Escort 2-dr hb, nds nw crnk shft 27” PANASONIC tv, gd wrkng cond.
04 FRIGIDAIRE stove $150 firm 378- snsr (nw $40) 378-1398, 280-0591 $50 378-5834

wound you have ever had. Like a cut fin-

9818. 525-2014 aft 5pm 2 WNTR tires, lk nw 205/75R14 on 5- 28” TV, Hitachi, wrks well, xtra screen
FREE: approx.15cf. frost-free fridge, frzr hole stl rims, m&s & snwflk 378-9545 in frnt 378-6581

THE Honest,GENERAL ger it goes through stages

CONTRACTOR wrks well, fridge gets cold, but not cold-cold. u 4 WNTR Hankook Novak radials PRNTR & scnnr, lk nw $150/both 378-6519
pck-up, brng friend, stairs involved 378-6008

and leaves a scar.

P195/75R14 $20ea. (250)350-6808 USED comp., intrnt ready, $100 tower
sincere gent. Home, yard, MAYTAG apt-sz washer & dryer, 3 yrs 2 SETS tires: 205/75R14 for 99 Dodge only or tower & monitor $150. Scannr

ODD garage & auto; forestry. Will take on any

of your needs. Mr. Fix-It. Very versatile,
old $350 378-3496
NWR Kenmore 24" wshr $125. GE
Caravan, set wntrs used 1 seas., 1 set all-
seas. used 1 mo. $150/set 315 8571
w/ software $20. 378-8802
EPSON Perfection V350 photo scannr,
c/o 3451 Voght Street, Merritt, BC V1K 1C6
JOBBER Mike 315-1039 or cell 315-5398
dryer $150. H/D Whirlpool wht dryer, 4 94 DODGE Dakota ext cab, Arrow fbr- lk nw, scans slides & film, pd $150 sell
Contact 250-280-4040
always available. Reasonable. Refs. yrs old, lk nw cnd, $200. 378-8802 gls cnpy, v8 318 auto, p/l, p/w, cruise, $50 378-2777
FREE: gas stove to anyone who wants to a/c, nw pnt/brks, mp3 playr, 4 nw all- 47" JVC tv $350. Lrg ent. ctre, 2 pillars

Pathway to Excellence
haul it away 315-0406 seas. tires. $2900obo, drv by 2202 w/ 3 remov. gls shlvs & shlf sits in middle

The West Coast Institute will be in Merritt to launch their

WHT Inglis top loading stacker wshr & Garcia St, bhnd pool 378-5004 supp'd by pillars $100 378-4683 aft 5pm
dryer, 73"hx27"wx32"d $175obo 378-4622 05 DODGE SX 2.0, lw kms, p/w, p/l, 2 TV stands. 20" tv. Frank 378-4493

FRIDGE Jenn-air & dshwshr Kitchen
Aid, gd cond. $100/pair. 378-8118
p/trnk, a/c, am/fm/cd, cruise, tilt $7000
378-2197 aft 5pm wkdays, daytime wknds
SAMSUNG DVD player, 2 yrs old Gian
USED/wrkng fine top-load wshr & frnt 2 SETS 235x15 wntr chains rebar hvy SAMSUNG M300 camera cellphone pay-
SERIES Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
January 27, 2011, 6pm - 9pm or
load dryer, wht, cln, inst'd stckr for more duty 378-4053 as-u-go w/ Virgin Mbl $35. Panasonic
rm $175/pr. 378-2662 livestock/pets & access. mini-camcorder $75. Bell 3100 satellite
[email protected]
January 28, 2011, 9am – 12noon
WSHR & dryer, match. $200 315-4668 rcvr w/ 18" dish $100 378-4227
Change your mind, OLDR Maytag wshr, exc. rn cond. $50.
NEUT’D ornge cat, gd w/ kids & othr FREE: Panasonic tv 28", colour, gd wrkng
animals, free to gd home Kim 378-9002
change your life. Inglis dryer, exc rn cond. $50. 378-2458
FREE: 1 catfish (I think) 3" long 378-9181
cond. Epson Stylus prntr, mdl Color 777.
2 TOASTER ovns, 1 lrg, 1 sml, both lk Pick up both together. Roger 378-0325
nw 378-2750 FREE to gd homes: 2 cats, 1 fem. cali- 32" CRT type RCA tv, S-video inputs,
3-hour introductory seminar For more information
for sale - automotive
co 6 yrs old, 1 male blk/wht 2 yrs old,
must go due to baby's allergies 378-5049
rem., grt wrkng cond. $75obo 280-2411,

Baillie House
and to register, contact: [email protected]
packed with snippets of astounding FREE scrap car pick-up 378-9241 3 PUPPIES, 8 wks old Jck Russells, BLK 19” Samsung tv $20. Slvr 20”
Robyn Grebliunas, $400ea (604)826-0841
facts & insights that can change 04 CHEV Avalanche Z71, blk, fully Citizen tv $25. 315-0220
for sale - recreational
R Brand Productions loaded, tonneau, roof rack, tow pkg, FREE to gd home: 2 f, 1 m grey kit-
behaviour and attitudes to 250-315-5851 165k. $13,000. 378-5459 tens, gd w/ kids & sml dogs 378-1398
shape & influence your life [email protected]
ALUM tailgate cover fits GM 1500 $50
MANX kittns, 8 wks old, blk/wht. Pet
carrier cage 3’x2’x2’ $50 378-9545
TREADMILL A-1 cnd $350obo 378-2676
TREADMILL $50 378-6034
REDUCED to sell: $2300. 94 Dodge FREE to gd homes: 2 male puppies, 5-6 FREE : 8' camper, nds wrk 378-5066
Dakota ext cab w/ Arrow fbrgls cnpy, v8, mos old, mountain dog/shphrd x 378-9167 ELLIPTICAL trainer, wrks well
318 auto,p/l, p/w, cruise, a/c, nw FEM. 1-yr old pitbull x, wht/tn, vry $25obo 378-5692
pnt/brks/mp3 playr, 4 nw all-seas. tires gntle $250 378-9509 PILATES resistant excerc. bnch, wrks
Drive by 2202 Garcia, bhnd pool 378-5004 5 JCK Russell puppies ready Jan 19 w/ your body wt, exc $100. 378-6008

89 ACCLAIM, grey. body grt cond., brnd nw $500ea 378-9182 or text 315-5098 90 YAMAHA Phaser 500, gar.-kept,
struts, exc on gas, moving/must go $800obo. FREE: 11 6-wk old shep./collie x pup- lady-drvn, vry gd cnd, nw 1.5” trck, cvr,

Tanya watkins.tanya@, Cory pies, blk/wht/brwn in color, gd compan- vry lw hrs $2200obo, optional dbl tlt trlr
bcgrownwild@ ions 315-9840 $450. Polaris 200 quad, brnd nw, plstc
for sale - miscellaneous
TWO 215/60R16 snow tires on 5x110 still on seat $2700obo. 378-6519

1675 Tutill Court,
GM steel rims, lk nw cond. $160 315- SKIS by Yamaha $20 378-1336

Merritt, BC
0017, [email protected] FIREWOOD sale, $120/cord 378-5379 AB-LOUNGER $50obo 315-1428

for our
FORD Econoline van $500 378-6337 NR NW Shoprider scooter w/ full lt pkg CAMPER $600 315-0406
05 CHRYSLER 300C, 104k & canopy $2000obo apply @ Nicola
PORT-a-potty $30 378-3583

$19,500obo. Tyler, Jamara 315-0266 Meadows office
PR men’s Itech hockey skates, brnd nw,
New hours in 2011
351 WINDSOR mtr, rns gd w/ 4x4 trans FRESH eggs $3/doz. 378-4097, 315-2151
sz 8 $20 378-3583
DIRT Devil steam cleaner $50. Swng

garage sale
on pallet/ready to go 378-4007
Monday 10 am to 3 pm
clothes line, nvr used $60. 3-tiere foun- UNIVERSAL GYM $100 OTF excer-
92 CHEV Lumina 3.1L auto, 4-dr, as cise bike 315-1383
Tuesday 10 am to 3 pm
is/rns. $200 firm. 2 wntr tires tain $75obo 315-1428
ANNIV. 4x8 Dufferin slate pool tbl,
Wednesday 10 am to 4 pm
195/70R14 $100/both. Mark 315-0315 6 AVON Miss Albee dolls, 2005-10
$15ea. 378-3583 solid oak w/ grn flt, balls, cues etc incl.,

Thursday 10 am to 4 pm
TOP-FLIGHT trans. fits Dodge 360 318, beaut., pd $3500, sell $1899obo. Batt.-
80s-early 90s, 1/2-tn, lng shft, reblt/nvr PLAYPEN & stroller 378-2620 oper'd 3-whl glf bag cart, lk nw cond.,
Friday 10 am to 3 pm
used w/ cnvrtr nw in bx, offrs 378-4053 4' FAKE Xmas tree $10 Tyler, Jamara wrks awesome.... takes hills no problem,
4 NORDIC wntr tires on rims, 315-0266 c/w batt. & chrgr. Set Cooper goalie

Closed all Statutory Holidays

195/65/15 from a 03 VW Jetta, drvn 1 ELECT. panels w/ breakers $50 up. Nw gloves (catchr & blockr), vry gd cond.
WINTER HOURS: 10am-4pm Tues-Sat
wntr, pd $800+ sell $400obo 378-7005 15-gls pane pckt/inter. door, primed wht $99. Pr 30" Itech goalie pads, lk nw
Phone 250-378-4145
1999 Voght St. • (250) 378-0349
DODGE 3/4-tn trck $400obo. Ford 1/2- 30x80 $80. Solid used doors 30'' & 32", $119. Pr 29" Vaughn goalie pads, exc.

for special appointments

tn pck-up $400obo. Rally stair flight for some w/ frames $50 & $75. 378-8802 cond. $139. Kathy 315-3758
trck, brnd nw/nvr used $150 378-6519
or to book a tour
BOW Flex nw $1400, sell $600. Leathr chair 2 HYDR. jcks for cmpr $40ea 378-2889
89 PONTIAC LE6000 315-5264 & ottoman $50. Assorted beads, earring, 12’ alum. boat w/ trlr, seats, rod hldr,
89 ACCLAIM 4-dr. grt on gas, body grt necklace findings $150. Debbie 378-4644 lfjckts, oars, no mtr $1000 378-2577
shape, band nw struts, moving, must sell. 12X19 patio roof posts, offrs 315-1428 CMPND bow PSE 45”, 45-75 lbs 315-0009
for sale - tools/equipment for sale house/property
$1000obo Tanya [email protected] 1921-26 sewing mach. $100 gd cond. 2-BDRM bsmt ste, f/s/ own lndryrm,
or Cory [email protected]. Sherrillee 315-0406 resp. tenants only, n/dogs, n/s, lrg
81 WESTPHALIA cmpr vn, 39k on nw NW walker, used 3 mos. 378-8807 2 KEROSENE space heaters $100/ CAN'T go wrng: 1680 Douglas, grdn area, lrg yrd, util incl 378-6919
mtr $7500. Wrckng: 98 Suburu FREE: kitch. cntrtops, drk grn, 3 pces: 2 both. 378-5590 updated/cln 3-bd, 1.5-bth, bsmt, as 3-BDRM twnhse, Merritt, nr schls, super
Forrester, awd, 2.5l A/T, 136k only rt frnt 2' pcs & 1 L-shaped pc 5'x12 ' 378-9285 SPACE heater, 220v, indust. $50. Skihl is (gd!) grt nghbrs. $117,000. No cln, nw lam. floorng/wndws, snk, toilet,
rail, lwr A-frame dam., prts $5 up; 97 Ply chainsaw 1612C nds repair or for prts agnts. 378-7800 n/s $800 immed. RJ (604)839-2925
4'X6' drk bamboo rug $30, 6'x10' lt
Grand Voyageur, prts $5 up. 378-8802 bamboo rug $50, blk/grey 6'x10' rug $0 378-1336 REDUCED to sell: $209,000. 2-BDRM grnd lvl, n/s, n/p 378-6054
SET imprt Mitchell auto repair man. 80- $60, all gd cond 378-9841 4 USED fluoresc. lts $15ea. Joe 378-2676 Invstmnt property.,gd tenants in place, 1-BDRM bsmt ste 1563 Coldwater
02, + airbags, component locator, lk nw WD stove w/ tools $150. Drftng tbl only 2 blcks to shppng. Lrg dck in bck 378-4623, (604)855-3845
VERT. venetian blnd, 78"wx82"h, vinyl w/ 1-car gar., lrg fncd yrd w/ bck lane.
cnd. $800 OTF ac/dc welder. Haynes auto off-wht, can be shortened $30 315-3183 $100. Radial arm saw $200obo 378-9167 COTT., horse-friendly, hrdwd flrs, 2 dcks,
repair manuals for Chrysl. cars $5, BMW Reno'd 5-bdrm, 2.5-bth house, rntd for gar, wd f/p $700 incl hydro 315-0099
BTHRM pedestal sink $40 315-0279 SML util. trlr for sml car $250obo 378-5165 $1700, 2364 Quilchena Ave..378-4227
cars $5, comp. codes/elctrnc eng. syst. NWLY reno'd 1/2 dplx -, 4 bdrm, 3-bth,
$10, antilok brk syst. (abs) $10. Mitchell 2 OLDR 2-drwr filing cabinets, 1 lgl GAS ht wtr tnk, brnd nw 40L, reas. 315-6666 4-BDRM hse, oldr, lrg yrd, dbl car
sz/1letter sz $40ea obo 378-9841 MBL home nw Coleman gas furn. w/ lndry, cntrl air, huge fncd bck yrd, nr 2
auto Labor Manual 74-91 $25. Mitchell gar., sml gar. priv. OTF prop., eq.
for sale - furniture
chimney, used 4 mos only $1000, can schls, quiet nw subdvsion, Feb 1 378-7005
GM domestic 88 & 89 $25. Set 3 Gm man. value 378-8326
for Chv Sprnt, Metro 95-00 $90. 378-8802 instll /xtra M/H prop. furn. $500 378-8802 3-BDRM upstrs home, wd stove incl,
5-BDRM hse, 2.5 bths, lrg yrd, gd nr Cntrl Schl, immed. 2-bdrm bsmt ste,
ALUM. canopy for Dodge Dakota. Boat TV wd cabinet (17”) $20. Wd cabinet GORTZEN goosenck horse trlr. area $265,000 378-5489
w/ glass drs & 4 shelves $30. 378-5627 Craftsman air cmprssr. Singer stitchr immed. nr twn 315-2345, 525-0240
rack. Frank 378-4493 RNT, opt. to buy: sngl wide mbl home w/
MOVING: Match. couch, loveseat, leathr sewng mach. Passlode air nailrs, 1 BDRM & lvngrm in bsmt, shared
4 LT245/75R16 Michelin ltx m&s on dwn paymnt, 2-bdrm, 1 bth, will fin. oac kitch./lndry $550 util incl 378-3602
Ford factory 16”x7j, 14mm niset, alum. chair , tbls & lmps, oak, grt cond. $900. other assorted tools 280-1055 1-800-361-8111, pgr 378-3082, 315-
rims w/ caps, 5-stud patt., 1 spare w/ rim 378-5590 GD shop wd stove RSF Energy 1000 2-BDRM dplx, 1.5 bths, fncd yrd, 2
$650obo Rick 280-1050 5-PC drk wd diningrm set $300obo exc $300obo. Les 936-8188 lvngrms, w/d hk-ups $750 378-6951
MANUF’D homes, set up in prk, all
91 DODGE 350 1-tn van, no rust, rns cnd 378-0147 6HP 24” Sears snwblwr $250 378-6354 serv. connected, ready to move in 1- 3-BDRM rnchr-style house, rcnt renos,
grt frm Lwr Mainlnd $950obo 378-0181 CHINA cabinet $100 obo 378-9818. MSTRCRFT plnr, 12.5", brnd nw/nvr 800-361-8111, 315-1000 n/p, n/s, wrkng people only 378-5198
FOUR 215/55R16 Hakkapelitta snw tires 525-2014 aft 5pm out of bx $300. Mtr 120v 15a 60Hz, 2-BDRM ste, immed., w/d, n/s, n/p,
for rent
on multi-fit core racng whls, off Chev MUST SELL: polished pencil edged gls 9000rpm Earl378-5311, 315-8492 $700 util incl 378-9432
Cobalt $400 378-5934 114"x34-1/8", 3/4" th $200obo. Blk painted MOFFAT gas hot wtr heater, 140l, gd OPN bdrm bach. lk nw for wrkng prsn/
WHT high step Cap-It commerc. grade oak tv cab. $100obo. 2 Blk tv tower/cabi- cond. $30 315-3183 ROOMS @ Coldwater Hotel, start- senior, n/p, n/s $600 util incl 378- 6312
(no fade pnt) cnpy, cab slide wndw, 2 side nets $200. 8-prsn gls dngrm tbl $300obo. HOT wtr tnk, 184l, nw/nvr used 378-5368 ing from $400/mo 378-2821 2-BDRM ste nr twn/schl, immed ,
wanted/wanted to buy
wndws, exc. cond. fits 95-01 Dodge shrt Gls coffee tbl $20. Tyler, Jamara 315-0266 3-BDRM bsmt ste. $1150, sml pet n/s, n/p util incl 378-4345
bx trck, pd $1300, sell $550obo 378-4622. CHST of drwrs, drk wd $220 378-6519 ok, n/s, n/drgs 280-8888 1/2 DPLX, 2-bdrm, lndry, Feb 1, nr
95 GMC Safari van, rwd, v6, auto, cruise, 5-PC bdrm suite: qu-sz matt., founda- DBL matt. Blnds that roll dwn 378- 2-BDRM + dn, lvng, dining, 2 bth mbl schl 1899 Douglas St. 378-4957
trlr htch, body/inter. grt shape, rns vry tion & mtl frame 378-8298 aft 2pm 8326, 315-8685 home, 1152sf 5 appl., $950/mo + sec. 2-BDRM grnd lvl ste, nr twn/schl,
well, nw brks/rad/altrntr/fuel pmp, wsh RELOCATING: furn. from 2-bdrm SHAW digital box 378-5845 dep, dwntwn Merritt, spec. for right cpl, cln, n/s, n/p, w/d, util incl 378-4503
wpr mtr, 4 wntr snw tires $2500 378-8834 condo avail., all pcs exc cond. (250)319- FREE canning jars, any sz, will pik up. secluded priv., 315-1000, pgr 378-3082 2-BDRM bsmt ste, 1.5 bths 378-6268
BLK canopy for Mazda B2200 lngbx 7675 to see what’s left 378-6289 3-BDRM hse, Sage Plc., n/s, n/p. 1-
$200obo 315-6169 BROWN Ashley couch $275 315-0252 WTD: Rental for myself & eldrly father, 2-BDRM trlr w/ wd stove, nds bdrm ste, Sage Plc, n/s, n/p 378-5695
89 FORD Tempo, 4-cyl auto, cd, rns grt 2 SOLID wd dsks, w/ drwrs, 1 lrgr, both smkrs, no drgs/drnkng/parties , lngtrm TLC, lrg yrd, n/p n/dopes, f/s $425 2-BDRM uptwn unit for lease,
$600 378-2543 cmpct in sz. $80 & $75. 378-9841 Tim 280-0179, [email protected] + sec. deposit (778)686-5179 cln/quiet wrkng tenants w/ refs, n/s,
15" RIMS fit Ford F150 or Dodge MOVNG sale: kitch. tbl & chairs, ent. ctre, FRIDGE w/ gd frzr in uppr portion. 2-BDRM bsmt gd area, priv. for prof. n/p, immed., ser. inq. only 378-8383
$150obo. Ford 16-gal. gas tank fits 86-96 roll-top dsk, coff. tbl, misc furn. 315-5692 Kim 378-5717 people $600 incl util 378-3778 aft 5pm 2-BDRM lgl bsmt ste, immed, 2327
$100obo 315-1383 COMPL. comp. dsk, wd chair $50 315-0220 DRYER that rns on 110v 315-1041 2-BDRM grnd lvl, w/d $700 280-0749 Coutlee Ave., 378-2047

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