3.3 Creating Objects
3.3 Creating Objects
3.3 Creating Objects
3 Creating Objects:-
Once a class has been declared, we can create variables of that type by
using the class name. For example,
Item x ; //memory for x is created
Creates a variable x of type item. In C++, the class variables are known
as objects. Therefore, x is called an object of type item. We may also
declare more than one object in one statement. Example:
Item x, y, z;
Class item
} x, y, z;
3.4 Accessing class Members:-
The private data of a class can be accessed only through the member
functions of that class. The main( ) cannot contain statements that
access number and cost directly. The following is the format for calling
a member function:
x. getdata (100,75.5);
is valid and assigns the value 100 to number and 75.5 to cost of the
object x by implementing the getdata ( ) function. Similarly, the
x.putdata ( );
x. number = 100;
is also illegal. Although x is an object of the type item to which
number belongs, the number (declared private) can be accessed only
through a member function and not by the object directly.
It may be recalled that objects communicate by sending and
receiving messages. This is achieved through the member functions. For
x. putdata ( );
Class xyz
int x,y;
int z;
xyz p;
Note that the use of data in this manner defeats the very idea of data
hiding and therefore should be avoided.
3.5 Defining Member Functions:-
Member functions can be defined in two places:
. Outside the class definition
. Inside the class definition
3.5.1 Outside The Class Definition:-
They should have a function header and a function body. The general
form of a member function definition is:
Class item
int number;
float cost;
void getdata (int a, float b ); // declaration
// inline function
void putdata (void) // definition
cout << number << “\n”;
cout << cost << ”\n”;
When a function is defined inside a class, it is treated as an inline
3.6 A C++ program with class:-
//………………..Member Function Definition ………………………
void item :: getdata ( int a , float b ) // use membership label
number = a ; // private variables
cost = b; // directly used
// ……………………….Main Program …………………………….
main( )
item x; // create object x
cout << “\n object x “ << “ \n” ;
x. getdata ( 100,299.95 ); // call member function
x.putdata ( ); // call member function
object y
number : 200
cost :175.5