2009 Annual Meeting Delegate Summary
2009 Annual Meeting Delegate Summary
2009 Annual Meeting Delegate Summary
Delegate Summary • During the past decade, the Covenant has grown in size
by 53%. During the past 17 growth years, the Covenant
Your work as a delegate to this Annual Meeting does not end with
has increased 90% in size.
adjournment. As a representative of your congregation, you play
• From 1996 to 2008, the number of ethnic churches grew
an important role in sharing what you have learned with others
from 81 to 186, representing 23% of all congregations
back home.
and making the Covenant one of the most diverse
Ask your pastor or other leaders for opportunities to share what denominations.
you have learned. Some suggestions: 4. The Covenant Annual Meeting approved a 2010 Mission and
• Sunday worship, a “ministry moment” Ministry Budget, which will support the following ministries:
• Small group, tailor information to specific areas of interest • World Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,712,000
• Church board, council, or leadership team update • Church Growth and Evangelism . . . . . . . . . . $3,876,000
• Church business meeting report (written or oral) • Compassion, Mercy & Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,717,000
• Brief report in your church newsletter (or as a bulletin insert) • Ordered Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,621,000
• Brief recap for inclusion in your church’s email distribution • Christian Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,119,000
To assist you in preparing your report to your church family, we • North Park University & Seminary . . . . . . . . . $1,140,000
have provided the following distillation of important highlights 5. David Kersten was re-elected to a four-year term as executive
of this year’s gathering. You will also find helpful information minister of the Department of the Ordered Ministry.
posted in the Annual Meeting area of the Covenant website at
6. David Olson was elected executive minister of the
www.covchurch.org, including key PowerPoint slides and other
Department of Church Growth and Evangelism. John C.
material used in various presentations.
Notehelfer was recognized for his service this past year as
Please mention that stories, photos, and video/audio recordings interim executive minister.
of worship services and key addresses will be found on the
7. Paul H. De Neui was approved as associate professor of
Covenant website for those desiring more detail. An article on
Missiology and Intercultural Studies and as director of the
meeting highlights also will appear in the August issue of The
Center for World Christian Studies at North Park Theological
Covenant Companion.
Key Facts 8. Twelve new churches were received into membership,
representing cumulative attendance of 1,643.
1. There were 453 credentialed delegates, representing 192
churches, 11 regional conferences, and 9 mission regions. 9. Five churches were removed from the membership roster.
Total registered conference attendance, including general 10. During the ordination service, 43 individuals were ordained
conferees, was 663. to Word and Sacrament; 11 individuals were ordained
2. Complete news coverage of the 2009 Annual Meeting will to Specialized Ministry; 7 individuals transferred their
be found on the Covenant website at www.covchurch. ordinations; 3 individuals were commissioned for staff
org. Stories will remain archived on the site, suitable for ministry; and 8 long-term missionaries were consecrated.
downloading and printing. During Thursday’s opening service, 16 short-term
missionaries were commissioned.
3. Growth statistics:
• Attendance in 2008 increased 6% to 178,997, an increase 11. Four retiring members of the Covenant Executive Board
of 10,073 individuals. were recognized, including Alynne MacLean, Carla
Thelander, Lisa Hutcherson, and James Nelson.
12. Retiring missionary Karen Benson was recognized for her 22. A Resolution of Sympathy was adopted praising God for
service. the lives and ministries of dedicated Covenanters who have
gone to be with the Lord, including 18 pastors, 13 spouses,
13. Retiring Covenant World Relief Director James Sundholm
and 4 missionaries.
was recognized.
23. Next year is the 125th anniversary of the founding of the
14. The T.W. Anderson Award recognizing outstanding laypeople
Evangelical Covenant Church. The 2010 Annual Meeting will
was presented to Robert and Oreta Bentz of Alexandria
take place June 24-27 in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Covenant Church in Alexandria, Minnesota.
15. The Irving R. Lambert Award recognizing outstanding urban Did you know?
ministry was presented to Judith McCullough of Cape Cod
• Undesignated donations to Covenant World Relief totaled $1.6
Covenant Church in Brewster, Massachusetts.
16. Sixty-seven individuals received Clergy Lifetime Service • Of all Covenant churches that have loans, 90% have them with
recognitions. National Covenant Properties. In 2008, National Covenant
17. The Covenant Pension Plan remains in a financially strong Properties disbursed $46 million to fund 71 projects with at
position to pay benefits, both short and long-term. Over the least one in each conference or region. National Covenant
last 13 years, payment minimums for retirees and surviving Properties recently exceeded $300 million in assets for the first
spouses are up 106% and 126% respectively. Total 2008 time.
benefit payments to retirees and surviving spouses were • During 2008, Covenant Trust Company disbursed $8 million to
$6.2 million. Total pension benefit payments over the last 10 Covenant causes at the local church, regional conference, and
years total $44.6 million. denominational levels.
18. Delegates participated in a Covenant Life roundtable, • A total of 3,285 individuals were enrolled at North Park
addressing the question: What are the most important and University last fall in undergraduate, graduate, seminary and
helpful ways the ECC and regional conferences can minister exchange programs.
to, with, and on behalf of the local congregations? • The Covenant Companion has been named by Associated
19. Delegates approved one amendment to the constitution Church Press as one of the top three denominational
concerning the frequency of joint meetings of the Council of magazines in North America along with U.S. Catholic and
Superintendents and the Executive Board. Details are on the DisciplesWorld. It received five additional awards for its opinion
Covenant website. pieces and columns, feature articles and cover art.
20. A proposed Resolution on Criminal Justice from the • The Covenant website currently averages more than 73,500
Commission on Christian Action was presented for unique visitors each month, with more than 227,500 pages of
discussion, with a vote scheduled for next year’s Annual news, information and resources accessed each month.
Meeting. A copy of the proposed resolution will be found on
the Covenant website.
21. The Commission on Christian Action and the Commission on
Worship each were extended for five-year terms.
Produced by the Department of Communication. For more information, visit www.covchurch.org, or contact us at 773 784-3000, or by
email to [email protected]. Copyright ©2009 The Evangelical Covenant Church.