Classification and Pathophysiology of Enterocutaneous Fistulas
Classification and Pathophysiology of Enterocutaneous Fistulas
Classification and Pathophysiology of Enterocutaneous Fistulas
Scott M. Berry, MD, and Josef E. Fischer, MD, FACS
Many classification schemes have been used to define fistulas of the gastro-
intestinal (GI) tract. Anatomic, physiologic, and etiologic classification schemes
are the most commonly used. Each type of classification system carries specific
implications with regard to likelihood of spontaneous closure, prognosis, opera-
tive timing, and nonoperative care planning (Table 1). These classification
schemes are by no means exclusive of one another; indeed, it is desirable to
define each fistula by all three systems. In this way an integrated understanding
of the enterocutaneous fistula and its physiologic impact on the patient can be
AoFtoenteric fistulas are normally not considered in an article of this title
or nature but are surgical emergencies, and suspicion of their presence in a
patient considered an operative candidate is an indication for immediate sur-
gery. Aortoenteric fistulas most commonly occur secondarily after placement of
prosthetic aortic grafts. They are of three types: (1) true graft enteric fistulas in
which one of the suture lines, usually the proximal one, communicates with the
intestinal tract; (2) a proximal suture line pseudoaneurysm that has eroded into
adjacent bowel; and (3) perigraft enteric erosions in which the midportion of the
graft erodes into adjacent bowel (Table 2). These present with profound GI
bleeding, perigraft infections, or graft thrombosis.
The pathophysiology of primary aortoenteric fistulas is virtually always
erosion of the aneurysmal or infected aorta into surrounding viscera. The re-
mainder of primary aortoenteric fistulas arise from other intestinal and gyneco-
logic processes, such as esophageal, gastric, and cervical cancer, and various
inflammatory processes (Table 3). Diagnosis is difficult and mortality high for
these particular types of fistulas.
ments, even when anatomic factors are favorable, the ability to predict spontane-
ous closure of a fistula tract is inexact (Table 4).
Physiologic classification schemes are most useful in planning a nonopera-
tive treatment regimen. The fistula output in a 24-hour period is the most
important determinant of the physiologic impact of a fistula on a patient.
Enterocutaneous fistulas result in the external loss of fluid, minerals, trace
elements, and protein. These losses can have profound effects on the patient
and his or her eventual outcome. Accurate knowledge of fistula output is
requisite for anticipating metabolic deficits and correcting ongoing losses. Fistula
output is an independent predictor of patient death. It is not prognostic of
eventual closure, although it is true that the 24-hour output from most fistulas
decreases as a prelude to closure.', 4* 16, 50
Three different categories exist within the physiologic classification sys-
tem-low output (<200 mL/24-hour period), moderate output (200-500 mL/24-
hour period), and high output (>500 mL/24-hour period).', 4, 16, 50 These outputs
are most useful in planning nonoperative nutrition, fluid, and electrolyte man-
agement (Table 5).
Malnutrition is a prominent part of the morbidity and mortality associated
with enterocutaneous fistulas and is present in 55% to 90% of patients with
enterocutaneous fistulas. In general, patients with low-output fistulas should
receive their full resting energy expenditure, 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per
kilogram per day, with roughly 30% of calories being supplied as lipid. These
patients should receive at least a portion of their caloric needs enterally. Those
with high-output fistulas should receive 1.5 to 2.0 times their resting energy
expenditure and 1.5 to 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram per day. In addition,
these patients should receive two times the recommended daily allowance
(RDA) for vitamins and trace minerals, 5 to 10 times the RDA for vitamin C,
and zinc supplementation.
Fistula cause or pathophysiology is predictive of spontaneous closure and
independently predictive of patient death. Etiologic information is often the last
piece of information obtained. Those fistulas that occur within 7 to 10 days after
GI surgery are seldom an enigma. The vast majority result from anastomotic
failure secondary to tension on the anastomosis, poor blood supply, or poor
technique, with the remainder arising from unrecognized bowel injuries during
dissection or abdominal closure. Fistulas that occur late or those that occur
spontaneously are more problematic.
Spontaneous causes comprise approximately 15% to 25% of all enterocuta-
neous fistulas.I7,40, 47, 48 Radiation, inflammatory bowel disease, diverticular dis-
ease, appendicitis, ischemic bowel, erosion of indwelling tubes, perforation of
duodenal ulcers, and pancreatic and gynecologic malignancies are the most
common causes in spontaneously occurring fi~tu1as.l~. 40, 47, 48 Those that arise
from radiation-damaged intestine or from malignant intestinal lesions are un-
likely to close. Those fistulas arising from bowel involved by inflammatory
bowel disease often close, only to reopen at a later date.
The remaining 75% to 85% of enterocutaneous fistulas are postoperative.
Operations for cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and lysis of adhesions are
the most common operations preceding enterocutaneous fistula formation. In
addition, operations for peptic ulcer disease and pancreatitis can lead to postop-
erative enterocutaneous fistula formation. Fistulas more commonly occur in
settings of emergency surgery, for which patient preparation has been poor or
when the patient is chronically malnourished. Some of the factors that predis-
pose a patient to a postoperative enterocutaneous fistula are within the control
of the surgeon; some are not. Use of healthy bowel to perform an anastomosis
well away from inflamed or diseased tissue, preoperative mechanical bowel
preparation, preoperative intraluminal or systemic antibiotics, tension-free anas-
tomoses, meticulous hemostasis, secure abdominal wall closure, maintenance of
adequate oxygen-carrying capacity in the postoperative period, and preoperative
maximization of nutritional status all lessen the risk of postoperative enterocuta-
neous fistula formation.
Gastric fistulas are iatrogenic in roughly 85% of cases, with the remainder
being due to irradiation, inflammation, ischemia, and malignancy?, 11, 21, 25, 27, 38, 51
Anastomotic leak after a gastric resection for cancer occurs in 5% to 10% of
cases. Many are due to residual cancer at the suture line and consequently are
unlikely to close and carry a 50% to 75% m~rtality.~, 12* 25, 39, 52 Gastric leaks after
resections for peptic ulcer disease, antireflux procedures, and bariatric surgery
occur in roughly 1% to 3% of each type of case.3,5, 6, 12, 19, 22, 36 Most of those patients
(85%)present with intra-abdominal abscess mandating immediate drainage, and
subsequently a fistula becomes apparent. The remainder of patients (15%)have
a fistula as their primary presenting symptom.
Duodenal fistulas occur as a complication of gastric resection, duodenal
resection, biliary tract procedures, pancreatic resections, right colon operations,
and aortic and kidney operations in 85% of cases. The remainder are the result
of trauma, perforated peptic ulcers, and cancer.Io,42, 49 The overall mortality for
duodenal fistulas of all causes is roughly 30%. Duodenal fistulas occur in 3% to
5% of patients having gastric resections. The incidence has been shown to be
decreased to less than 1% by the liberal use of tube duodeno~torny.~~ End-
duodenal stump fistulas close in roughly 85% of cases, whereas lateral duodenal
fistulas close spontaneously in only 30% to 40% of cases.’, 7, 32, 34, 35
should be initially managed expectantly. The other type arises in bowel involved
with Crohn’s disease, has a less favorable spontaneous closure rate, often re-
opens upon resumption of enteral intake, and should be considered for early
surgical intervention after the fistula has closed. This interval resection provides
the best chance for complete resolution, as the sepsis in and around the bowel
wall is minimal during this time.
Colocutaneous fistulas result primarily from diverticulitis, cancer, inflam-
matory bowel disease, appendicitis, or surgical treatment of one of these dis-
eases. In addition, because of increased survival in modern times, the surgical
treatment of necrotizing pancreatitis has become a more frequently recognized
cause of colonic fistula. Inadequate resection of colon involved with diverticula
or cancer can lead to colonic fistula formation when either of those disease
processes recurs.
Radiation therapy is another major cause of colonic fistulas. Although
radiation therapy has improved long-term survival in many malignancies, a 5%
to 10% incidence of radiation-induced intestinal complications is seen weeks to
years after administration. Moreover, bowel resection and anastomosis in irradi-
ated tissues place the patient at increased risk for anastomotic breakdown and
subsequent fistula formation and should be avoided if possible.
Finally, the least common spontaneous colocutaneous fistulas arise from
the appendix. More commonly such appendicocutaneous fistulas occur after
percutaneous drainage of an appendiceal abscess. Fistulas that occur after appen-
dectomy in a patient subsequently found to have Crohn’s disease are usually
not from the appendiceal stump, but arise from the terminal ileum where the
active Crohn’s segment adheres to the healing abdominal suture line.
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