Street Light by Ir

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SESSION 2018-2019




This is to certify that the work presented in the dissertation entitled “Automatic
street light” is done by Shradha saini, Aakansha; shivani singh; during IV
sem under my guidance for partial fulfilment of award of master degree in
physics. The statement made by the candidate regarding the work presented in
this dissertation in true to the best knowledge of brief. I wish her all the best for
this scientific endeavour

Under the supervision

Ms. Arti
Assistant professor
Department of physics
Himalyan Doon academy (PG) College, Roorkee

I hereby declare that the project entitled " Automatic street light " submitted
for the MASTER OF SCIENCE in PHYSICS is my original work and the
dissertation has not formed the basis for the award of any Degree.

Place: ROORKEE Students Name:


Firstly, We are grateful to Ms ARTI , Faculty of MASTER OF SCIENCE


And Also We are so indebted to Head of MASTER OF SECIENCE &

Assembly Section, for dedicating his valuable time on behalf of our own
goodness & for providing us a faculty of knowledge.

Next I am thankful to all the employees of MASTER IN SCIENCE & assembly

section for giving us their kind co-operation.

Thank you!

1. Introduction 2

2. Objective 3

3. Block diagram 4

4. IR sensor 5-6

5. IR Diagram 7

6. Principle of operation 08

7. Layout diagram 09

8. List of component 10-26

9. Working principle 27-28

10.Advantage 29

11.Disadvantage 30

12.Future scope 31

13.References 32

14.Project image 33



We need to save or conserve energy because most of the energy sources we

depend on, like coal and natural gas can’t be replaced. Once we use them
up. They are gone forever. Saving power is very important, instead of using
the power in unnecessary times it should be switched off. In any city
“STREET LIGHT” is one of the major power consuming factors. Most of
the time we see streetlights are on even after sunrise thus wasting lot of
energy. Over here we are avoiding the problem by having an automatic
system which turns on and off the streetlights at given time or when ambient
light falls below a specific intensity. LDR is used to detect the ambient
light. If the ambient light is below a specific value the lights are turned on.
When the sensor goes dark the LED will be made on and when the sensor
founds light the LED will be made off. It clearly demonstrate the working of
transistor in saturation region and cut-off region. Automatic street light
system is a simple concept which uses transistor as a switch. By this system
manual works are completely removed. It automatically switches on lights
when the light goes below ambient light. This is done using I.R SENSOR
which senses the light.

The objective of the system is to design and develop automatic road light using
IR sensor.

View of automatic light


IR Sensors :-
An infrared sensor is an electronic device, that emits in order to sense some
of aspects of the surroundings. An IR sensor can measure the heat of an
object as well as detects the motion. These types of sensors measures only
infrared radiations, rather than emitting it that is called as a passive IR
sensor. Usually in the infrared spectrum, all the object radiate some form of
thermal radiations.

There types of radiation are invisible to our eyes, that can be detected by IR
Sensor. The emitter is simply an IR led and detector is simply an IR
photodiode which is sensitive to IR light of the same wavelength as that as
that emitted IR led. When IR light falls on the photodiode, the resistance and
the output voltages, change in proportion to the magnitude of the IR light
recived. An IR sensor circuit is one of the basic and popular sensor module
in an electronic device. The sensor is analogous to human visionary senses,
which can be used to detect obstacles and it is one of the common
application in real time

We have already discussed how a light sensor works. IR sensors work by using
a specific light sensor to detect a select light wavelength in the infra-Red
spectrum. By using an LED which produces light at the same wavelength as
what the sensor is looking for, you can look at the insenity of light received
light. When an object is close to the sensor, the light from the LED bounces off
the object and into the light sensor. This result in a large jump in the intensity,
which we already know can be detected using a threshold.

In this project the list of hardware components used are given below:

 IR sensor
 Transistor
 555 timer IC
 Resister
 LM358
 Capacitor

Diodes :-

In electronics, a diode is a two-terminal electronic component.That conducts

primarily in one direction (asymmetric conductance); it has low (ideally zero)
resistance to the flow of current in one direction and high (ideally infinite)
resistance in the other. A semiconductor diode, the most common type today, is
a crystalline piece of semiconductor material with a p–n junction connected to
two electrical terminals. The diode can be viewed as an electronic version of a
check valve.

This unidirectional behaviour is called rectification, and is used to convert

alternating current to direct current, including extraction of modulation from
radio signals in radio receivers these diodes are forms of rectifiers. A
semiconductor diode's current–voltage characteristic can be tailored by selecting
the semiconductor materials and the doping impurities introduced into the
materials during manufacture. These techniques are used to create special –
purpose diodes that perform many different functions. In this diode act as a fly
back diode (sometimes called a snubber diode, commutating diode,
freewheeling diode, suppressor diode, suppression diode, clamp diode or catch
diode), it is a diode used to eliminate flyback, which is the sudden voltage spike
seen across an inductive load when its supply voltage is suddenly reduced or
Figure no. 2

Resistors :-

A resistor is a passive two terminal electrical component that implements

electrical resistance as a circuit element. In electronic circuit, resistors are used
to limit current flow, to adjust signal levels,
bias active elements, and terminate transmission line among other uses. High
power resistors, that can dissipate many watts of electrical power as heat, may
be used as part of motor controls, in power distribution systems, or as test loads
for generators. Fixed resistors have resistances that only change slightly with
temperature, time or operating voltage. Variable resistors can be used to adjust
circuit elements (such as a volume control or a lamp dimmer ), or as sensing
devices for heat, light, humidity, force, or chemical activity.
Figure no. 3

Systematic diagram of resistor

L.M 538

The LM358 is a low power dual operational amplifier integrated

circuit originally introduced by National Semiconductor.[1] It is used in detector
The abbreviation LM358 indicates an 8-pin integrated circuit, comprising
two operational amplifiers at low power. The LM358 is designed for general
use as amplifiers, high-pass filters, low band pass filters, and analog adders.
Capacitors :-

A capacitor (originally known as condenser) is a passive two terminal electrical

component used to store electrical energy temporarily in an electric field. The
forms of practical capacitor vary widely, but all contain at least two electrical
conductors(plates) separated by a dielectric(i.e., an insulator that can store
energy by becoming polarized). The conductors can be thin film, foils or
sintered beads of metal or conductive electrolyte, etc.

The non- conducting dielectric acts to increase the capacitors charge capacity.
Materials commonly used as dielectrics include glass, ceramic, plastic film, air,
vacuum, paper, mica, and oxide layers. Capacitors are widely used as parts of
electrical circuit in many common electrical devices. Unlike a resistor, an ideal
capacitor does not dissipate energy. Instead a capacitor stores energy in the
form of electrostatic field between its place. An ideal capacitor is characterized
by a single constant value, its capacitance. Capacitance is defined as the ratio of
the electric charge Q on each conductor to the potential difference V between
them. The SI unit of capacitance is the farad (F),which is equal to one coulomb
per volt (1 C/V). Typical capacitance they smooth the output of power supplies.
In resonant circuit they tune radios to particular frequencies. In electric power
transmission system, they stabilise voltage and power flow. values range from
about 1 pF (10−12 F) to about 1 mF (10−3 F). Capacitors are widely in
electronic circuit for blocking direct current while allowing alternating current
to pass. In analogue filter networks,

systematic diagram
Transistor (BC547) :-

BC547 is an NPN bipolar junction transistors. A transistor, stands for transfer of

resistance, is commonly used to amplify current. A small current at its base
controls a large current at collector and emitter terminals. BC547 is mainly used
for amplification and switching purposes. It has a maximum current gain of 800.
It’s equivalent transistor are BC548 and BC549. The transistor terminals
requires fixed DC voltage to operate in the desired region of its characteristic
curves. This is known as biasing. For amplification application, the transistor is
biased such that it is partly ON for all input conditions. The input signal at base
is amplified and taken at the emitter. BC547 is used in common emitter
configuration for amplifiers. The voltage divider is the commonly used biasing
mode. For switching applications, transistor is biased so that it remains fully ON
if there is a signal at its base. In the absence of base signal it gets completely

1. Introduction

555 timer IC

The 555 timer IC was introduced in the year 1970 by Signetic Corporation and
gave the name SE/NE 555 timer. It is basically a  monolithic timing circuit that
produces accurate and highly stable time delays or oscillation. When compared
to the applications of an op-amp in the same areas, the 555IC is also equally
reliable and is cheap in cost. Apart from its applications as a monostable
multivibrator and astable multivibrator, a 555 timer can also be used in dc-
dc converters, digital logic probes, waveform generators, analog frequency
meters and tachometers, temperature measurement and control
devices, voltage regulators etc. The timer IC is set up to work in either of the
two modes – one-shot or monostable or as a free-running or astable
multivibrator. The SE 555 can be used for temperature ranges between – 55°C
to 125 °. The NE 555 can be used for a temperature range between 0° to 70°C.

The important features of the 555 timer are :

 It operates from a wide range of power supplies ranging from + 5 Volts

to + 18 Volts supply voltage.
 Sinking or sourcing 200 mA of load current.
 The external components should be selected properly so that the timing
intervals can be made into several minutes along with the frequencies exceeding
several hundred kilohertz.
 The output of a 555 timer can drive a transistor-transistor logic (TTL) due
to its high current output.
 It has a temperature stability of 50 parts per million (ppm) per degree
Celsius change in temperature, or equivalently 0.005 %/ °C.
 The duty cycle of the timer is adjustable.
 The maximum power dissipation per package is 600 mW and its trigger
and reset inputs has logic compatibility. More features are listed in the

2. IC Pin Configuration

555 Timer IC Pin Configuration

The 555 Timer IC is available as an 8-pin metal can, an 8-pin mini DIP (dual-
in-package) or a 14-pin DIP. The pin configuration is shown in the figures.

This IC consists of 23 transistors, 2 diodes and 16 resistors. The use of each pin
in the IC is explained below. The pin numbers used below refers to the 8-pin
DIP and 8-pin metal can packages. These pins are explained in detail, and you
will get a better idea after going through the entire post.
Pin 1: Grounded Terminal: All the voltages are measured with respect to the
Ground terminal.

Pin 2: Trigger Terminal: The trigger pin is used to feed the trigger input hen
the 555 IC is set up as a monostable multivibrator. This pin is an inverting input
of a comparator and is responsible for the transition of flip-flop from set to
reset. The output of the timer depends on the amplitude of the external trigger
pulse applied to this pin. A negative pulse with a dc level greater than Vcc/3 is
applied to this terminal. In the negative edge, as the trigger passes through
Vcc/3, the output of the lower comparator becomes high and the complimentary
of Q becomes zero. Thus the 555 IC output gets a high voltage, and thus a quasi
stable state.

Pin 3: Output Terminal: Output of the timer is available at this pin. There are
two ways in which a load can be connected to the output terminal. One way is
to connect between output pin (pin 3) and ground pin (pin 1) or between pin 3
and supply pin (pin 8). The load connected between output and ground supply
pin is called the normally on load and that connected between output and
ground pin is called the normally off load.

Pin 4: Reset Terminal: Whenever the timer IC is to be reset or disabled, a

negative pulse is applied to pin 4, and thus is named as reset terminal. The
output is reset irrespective of the input condition. When this pin is not to be
used for reset purpose, it should be connected to + V CC to avoid any possibility
of false triggering.

Pin 5: Control Voltage Terminal: The threshold and trigger levels are

controlled using this pin. The pulse width of the output waveform  is determined
by connecting a POT or bringing in an external voltage to this pin.  The external
voltage applied to this pin can also be used to modulate the output waveform.
Thus, the amount of voltage applied in this terminal will decide when the
comparator is to be switched, and thus changes the pulse width of the output.
When this pin is not used, it should be bypassed to ground through a 0.01 micro
Farad to avoid any noise problem.

Pin 6: Threshold Terminal: This is the non-inverting input terminal of

comparator 1, which compares the voltage applied to the terminal with a
reference voltage of 2/3 VCC. The amplitude of voltage applied to this terminal
is responsible for the set state of flip-flop. When the voltage applied in this
terminal is greater than 2/3Vcc, the upper comparator switches to +Vsat and the
output gets reset.

Pin 7 : Discharge Terminal: This pin is connected internally to the collector of

transistor and mostly a capacitor is connected between this terminal and ground.
It is called discharge terminal because when transistor saturates, capacitor
discharges through the transistor. When the transistor is cut-off, the capacitor
charges at a rate determined by the external resistor and capacitor.

Pin 8: Supply Terminal: A supply voltage of + 5 V to + 18 V is applied to this

terminal with respect to ground (pin 1).
3. 555 Timer Basics

The 555 timer combines a relaxation oscillator, two comparators, an R-S flip-

flop, and a discharge capacitor.

S-R-Flip Flop

As shown in the figure, two transistors T1 and T2 are cross-coupled. The

collector of transistor T1 drives the base of transistor T2 through the resistor
Rb2. The collector of transistor T2 drives the base of transistor T1 through
resistor Rb1. When one of the transistors is in the saturated state, the other
transistor will be in the cut-off state. If we consider the transistor T1 to be
saturated, then the collector voltage will be almost zero. Thus there will be a
zero base drive for transistor T2 and will go into cut-off state and its collector
voltage approaches +Vcc. This voltage is applied to the base of T1 and thus will
keep it in saturation.
S-R Flip Flop Symbol

Now, if we consider the transistor T1 to be in the cut-off state, then the collector
voltage of T1 will be equal to +Vcc. This voltage will drive the base of the
transistor T2 to saturation. Thus, the saturated collector output of transistor T2
will be almost zero. This value when fed back to the base of the transistor T1
will drive it to cut-off. Thus, the saturation and cut-off value of any one of the
transistors decides the high and low value of Q and its complement. By adding
more components to the circuit, an R-S flip-flop is obtained. R-S flip-flop is a
circuit that can set the Q output to high or reset it low. Incidentally, a
complementary (opposite) output Q is available from the collector of the other
transistor. The schematic symbol for a S-R flip flop is also shown above. The
circuit latches in either the Q state or its complimentary state. A high value of S
input sets the value of Q to go high. A high value of R input resets the value of
Q to low. Output Q remains in a given state until it is triggered into the opposite
555 IC Timing Circuit

Basic Timing Concept

From the figure above, assuming the output of the S-R flip flop, Q to be high.
This high value is passed on to the base of the transistor, and the transistor gets
saturated, thus producing a zero voltage at the collector. The capacitor voltage is
clamped at ground, that is, the capacitor C is shorted and cannot charge.

The inverting input of the comparator is fed with a control voltage, and the non-
inverting input is fed with a threshold voltage. With R-S flip flop set, the
saturated transistor holds the threshold voltage at zero. The control voltage,
however, is fixed at 2/3 VCC, that is, at 10 volts, because of the voltage divider.

Suppose that a high voltage is applied to the R input. This resets the flip-flop R-
Output Q goes low and the transistor is cut-off. Capacitor C is now free to
charge. As this capacitor C charges, the threshold voltage rises. Eventually, the
threshold voltage becomes slightly greater than (+ 10 V). The output of the
comparator then goes high, forcing the R S flip-flop to set. The high Q output
saturates the transistor, and this quickly discharges the capacitor. An
exponential rise is across the capacitor C, and a positive going pulse appears at
the output Q. Thus capacitor voltage VC is exponential while the output is
rectangular. This is shown in the figure above.

4. 555 IC Timer Block Diagram

555 IC Timer Block Diagram

The block diagram of a 555 timer is shown in the above figure. A 555 timer has
two comparators, which are basically 2 op-amps), an R-S flip-flop, two
transistors and a resistive network.

 Resistive network consists of three equal resistors and acts as a voltage

 Comparator 1 compares threshold voltage with a reference voltage + 2/3
VCC volts.
 Comparator 2 compares the trigger voltage with a reference voltage + 1/3
VCC volts.

Output of both the comparators is supplied to the flip-flop. Flip-flop assumes its
state according to the output of the two comparators. One of the two transistors
is a discharge transistor of which collector is connected to pin 7. This transistor
saturates or cuts-off according to the output state of the flip-flop. The saturated
transistor provides a discharge path to a capacitor connected externally. Base of
another transistor is connected to a reset terminal. A pulse applied to this
terminal resets the whole timer irrespective of any input.

5. Working Principle

Refer Block Diagram of 555 timer IC given above:

The internal resistors act as a voltage divider network, providing (2/3)Vcc at the
non-inverting terminal of the upper comparator and (1/3)Vcc at the inverting
terminal of the lower comparator. In most applications, the control input is not
used, so that the control voltage equals +(2/3) V CC. Upper comparator has a
threshold input (pin 6) and a control input (pin 5). Output of the upper
comparator is applied to set (S) input of the flip-flop. Whenever the threshold
voltage exceeds the control voltage, the upper comparator will set the flip-flop
and its output is high. A high output from the flip-flop when given to the base of
the discharge transistor saturates it and thus discharges the transistor that is
connected externally to the discharge pin 7. The complementary signal out of
the flip-flop goes to pin 3, the output. The output available at pin 3 is
low. These conditions will prevail until lower comparator triggers the flip-flop.
Even if the voltage at the threshold input falls below (2/3) V CC, that is upper
comparator cannot cause the flip-flop to change again. It means that the upper
comparator can only force the flip-flop’s output high.

To change the output of flip-flop to low, the voltage at the trigger input must
fall below + (1/3) Vcc. When this occurs, lower comparator triggers the flip-
flop, forcing its output low. The low output from the flip-flop turns the
discharge transistor off and forces the power amplifier to output a high. These
conditions will continue independent of the voltage on the trigger input. Lower
comparator can only cause the flip-flop to output low.

From the above discussion, it is concluded that for the having low output from
the timer 555, the voltage on the threshold input must exceed the control voltage
or + (2/3) VCC. This also turns the discharge transistor on. To force the output
from the timer high, the voltage on the trigger input must drop below +(1/3)
VCC. This turns the discharge transistor off.

A voltage may be applied to the control input to change the levels at which the
switching occurs. When not in use, a 0.01 nano Farad capacitor should be
connected between pin 5 and ground to prevent noise coupled onto this pin from
causing false triggering.
Connecting the reset (pin 4) to a logic low will place a high on the output of
flip-flop. The discharge transistor will go on and the power amplifier will output
a low. This condition will continue until reset is taken high. This allows the
synchronization or resetting of the circuit’s operation. When not in use, reset
should be tied to +VCC.


1. It can use in any vehicle.

2. It reduce the road accidents.
3. It is reliable , safe and easy to develop.
4. If the lighting system implements all LED lights, the cost of
the maintenance can be reduced as the life span and
durability of LEDs is higher than Neon based lights which
are normally used as street lights.
5. As the lights are automatically turned ON or OFF, huge amount of
energy can be saved

The system will not update due to network problem.

1. The device is not water resistant keep avoid from moisture.

2. The SMD components of the device are sensitive to EDS.


[1] The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded systems by Muhammad Ali

Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi , Pearson Education.

[2] Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Boylestad.

[3] Sensors: Advancements in Modeling, Design Issues, Fabrication and

Practical by Subhas Chandra

[4] Handbook of Modern Sensors: Physics, Designs, and Applications by Jacob


[5] The 8051 Microcontroller by Kenneth J. Ayala,

[6] Hand Book of Electronics by A.K. Maini.

[7] Digital Systems Principles and Application by Ronald Ltocci (Sixth


[8] Digital Design by Moris Mano (Second Addition),

[9] Relays and Its Application Sharma, M.C. (BPB-Publishers)


1. We can use more reliable sensor other than ultrasonic sensor.

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