Teaching & Learning Plans: Decimals and Place Value
Teaching & Learning Plans: Decimals and Place Value
Teaching & Learning Plans: Decimals and Place Value
Created by Teachers
The Teaching & Learning Plans
are structured as follows:
Prior Knowledge points to relevant knowledge students may already have and also
to knowledge which may be necessary in order to support them in accessing this new
Learning Outcomes outline what a student will be able to do, know and understand
having completed the topic.
Relationship to Syllabus refers to the relevant section of either the Junior and/or
Leaving Certificate Syllabus.
Resources Required lists the resources which will be needed in the teaching and
learning of a particular topic.
Introducing the topic (in some plans only) outlines an approach to introducing the
i. Student Learning Tasks – Teacher Input: This section focuses on teacher input
and gives details of the key student tasks and teacher questions which move the
lesson forward.
iii. Teacher’s Support and Actions: Gives details of teacher actions designed to
support and scaffold student learning.
Student Activities linked to the lesson(s) are provided at the end of each plan.
Teaching & Learning Plan: Decimals and place value
Resources Required
10 x 10 grids – large one for the class and templates for students, clear plastic sheets to enable
grids to be reused, base 10 model (optional), wall poster on place value, hundredths discs and
Teaching & Learning Plan: Decimals and place value
The Babylonians (who lived in Mesopotamia in what is now Southern Iraq – between the Tigris
and the Euphrates) had a base 60 number system which is credited as being the first place
value number system. It appeared first around 3100 BC. They had no fractions as we have
with numerators and denominators. What we call fractions they would have expressed as
what we call decimals except using base 60 instead of base 10. They never used non
terminating or repeating decimals but then they would have less repeating decimals in base
60 as 60 has prime factors 2,3, and 5 whereas 10 only has prime factors 2 and 5. The base 60
system was still in use in Europe in the 1500’s but the advantages of the base 10 system were
becoming apparent.
This numeral has been found on an old Babylonian tablet. It is an approximation for the
square root of two. The symbols represent 1, 24, 51 and 10 i.e 1 x60 0+24 x 60-1+51 x 60-2+10
x 60-3 or approximately 1.414212.
Decimal systems were being used in ancient China, medieval Arabia and
in Renaissance Europe. We cannot pinpoint any one person who invented decimals
as such as many people worked with decimal systems throughout the ages. Decimal
notation has however changed over the years. The Flemish mathematician Simon
Stevin born in Bruges, Flanders (now Belgium) in 1548 was one of the first people to
teach decimals in a very understandable way, but his notation differed from what we
use today. He published a booklet called De Thiende (the tenth), first published in
Dutch in 1585. Its sub title was: teaching how all computations that are made in
business may be performed by integers without the aid of fractions.
Metric system
© Project Maths Development Team 2009 www.projectmaths.ie
Lesson Interaction
Student Learning Tasks: Student Activities: Possible and Teacher’s Support and Actions Checking Understanding
Teacher Input Expected Responses
Place value with whole numbers
» What does each of the fives The 5 on the left of the » Write the number on the » Are students able to explain
in the number 5555∙0 decimal point is 5 units board and ask students about the place value of each
mean? Next 5 is 50 = 5 x10 each 5 in turn. number in a multi digit
whole number?
Next 5 is 500 =
5 x100 = 5 x 10 x 10
Next 5 is 5000
= 5 x 1000 = 5x 10 x10
Student Learning Tasks: Student Activities: Possible and Teacher’s Support and Actions Checking Understanding
Teacher Input Expected Responses
» What do you notice about all They are all proper fractions, » Do students notice that all
of the above fractions? <1 the fractions we are dealing
Their denominators are all with here have denominator
which are powers of 10?
powers of 10.
» Because their denominators » Review this quickly as
are all powers of 10, we can students should know it
call these “decimal fractions” from primary school but
or base 10 fractions or just ensure that all the class are
decimals. aware of it.
Writing tenths as decimals
» Instead of writing the 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 » Can students make the link
between fractions and
3 5 7 decimals?
, , You leave out the
» Did any students suggest
fractions 10 10 10 how can denominator, when it is a dividing by 10?
we write these numbers in base 10 fraction, put in 0 if
the decimal system? the fraction is <1(no units), a
» Describe how you went from decimal point and the
representing these numbers number of tenths to the
right of the decimal point.
as fractions to their decimal
Student Learning Tasks: Student Activities: Possible and Teacher’s Support and Actions Checking Understanding
Teacher Input Expected Responses
Writing hundredths as decimals
Student Learning Tasks: Student Activities: Possible and Teacher’s Support and Actions Checking Understanding
Teacher Input Expected Responses
» How do we see this in the Each of the denominators is
decimal representation? in the third decimal place to
the right of the decimal
» Can we continue with this It is 0.0004 » Put some numbers on the » Do students should see tha
pattern for fractions 10 It is divided by 10 four times board, e.g. 0.00008, 0.0072, a number say in the nth
times smaller? What is and the number is in the 4th 0.184 and ask students to position to the right of the
4/10000? position to the right of the write them as fractions decimal point is 10^n times
» How many times is the unit decimal point when it is whose denominators are smaller than the unit.
divided by 10? 10^4 times smaller than the powers of 10.
» Student Activity 1: Draw in 1 » Distribute Student Activity » Does use of the base 10
vertical lines on the sheet 10
1 (making 10 x 10 square model combined with the
using the notches, dividing grid) 10 x 10 grid give students a
it into strips. If we take the » Encourage students to put better understanding of the
square to be one unit what in 0 to the left of the relationship between
fraction of the square is decimal point when the positions of numbers in the
each strip? Write it as a number of units is 0. base 10 system?
fraction and as a decimal. » Show the Base 10 model -
See Appendix 1
Student Learning Tasks: Student Activities: Possible and Teacher’s Support and Actions Checking Understanding
Teacher Input Expected Responses
» Now draw horizontal lines 1
on the grid using the Each one is 100 of the
notches. What fraction of square = 0.01
the whole square do the
small squares represent?
Write this as a decimal.
» How many small squares in 10 hundredths in one tenth » Does the hundredths squar
each vertical strip? Write 1 10 give students a good visual
1/10 as an equivalent 10 100 understanding of the
fraction in hundredths. Divide each tenth into 10 relationship between 1, 0.1
» How do you get hundredths parts to get hundredths from and 0.01?
from tenths?
1 10
» Write 10/100 as a decimal. 0.1
tenths. 10 100
» Starting at 0.1, add on 0.1 You get 1.0. Looking at the » Deal with this » Does using the 10 x10 grid
until you get to 0.9. What 10 x10 grid adding 0.1 is KEY: misconception
» next step • if it arises
student it clear why it is not8
do you get when you add adding 1/10 so when we add using either the 10 X 10 grid correct to go from 0.9 to
0.1 to 0.9? Explain 1/10 to 9/10 we get 1 unit or the base 10 model. “point 10 (i.e. 0.10)if
i.e. 1.0 not 0.10 which is counting in increments of
1/10. The next number is 0.1 ?
1.1 (1 and 1/10) not .11
which is 1/10 + 1/100.
Student Learning Tasks: Student Activities: Possible and Teacher’s Support and Actions Checking Understanding
Teacher Input Expected Responses
65 It is 65 small squares or » Circulate to see if students » Are students building up
» Shade in 100 on the grid 65 are showing understanding good mental images of
through the correct use of decimals which will help
and describe it in 2 ways 100 and can also be
using how it is constructed. the 10 x10 grid. their estimation skills when
6 5 they don’t have the
» Write as a decimal also.
written as 10 100 manipulatives?
(6 strips and 5 small » Do students understand
squares). 0.65 terms of place value, a
6 tenths and 5 hundredths?
65 6 5
100 = 10 100 = 0.6+0.05=
1 1 65 1 50 1 » Give students time to » Are students able to
0.65 or > ,
» Is 2 2 ? 100 2 100 2
validate their answers using compare decimal and
» How many hundredths
the 10 x 10 grid if necessary. fraction representations of
make up one half? numbers? Can the students
estimate magnitude of a
decimal using ½ as a
» How would you show 2.43 It is 2 full squares (2 units), 4 » Ask a student to show this » Can students connect
using a model? What 3 4 using the base 10 model i.e. models, oral versions and
parts is it made up of in strips i.e. 10 and 3 small 2 blue flats, 4 orange rods, written symbolic versions,
terms of units, tenths and 3 and 3 green cubes. as well as decimal and
hundredths? fraction versions of
squares i.e. 100 .
numbers? Given any one
4 3
» Write it as a single mixed 2 form are students able to
10 100
number. give the other forms?
40 3 43
2 2
100 100 100
Student Learning Tasks: Student Activities: Possible and Teacher’s Support and Actions Checking Understanding
Teacher Input Expected Responses
» How would you partition Each square “hundredths” » Give students time to work
the grid to show could be divided into 10 out how to partition the
thousandths? equal parts. square into thousandths.
1 10
» How many of these
thousandths in the unit ( 100 1000 ) » Divide one of the small
grid? 1000 squares, using the overhead
» Could each of these projector, into 10 divisions,
Yes, each time we would get
thousandths be further after students have done
a part 10 times smaller than
divided into 10 parts and the previous part. In practice this on their own 10 X10
could we keep doing this? in would be difficult as the grids.
parts would be so small.
» Show 8/1000 on the grid. Students shade in 8/10 of a
hundredth square.
» Is there a difference in size 0.03 is no units, no tenths » Circulate and ask students » Do students realise that
between 0.03 and 0.030? and 3 hundredths. to show this using the 10 x more digits do not always
0.030 is no units, no tenths, 10 grid. make a bigger number and
3 hundredths and no the significance of the
thousandths. Hence they are placement of zero in a
the same quantity. KEY: » next step • student answer/response
number? 10
See Appendix 2 – poster on
place value
Student Learning Tasks: Student Activities: Possible and Teacher’s Support and Actions Checking Understanding
Teacher Input Expected Responses
» Look at Q1 Student Activity 4 tenths and 5 hundredths » Distribute Student Activity
2a. What part of the grid is and 5 thousandths. 2a.
shaded? 4 5 5 » If necessary discuss Q1 with
» Describe it in terms of + + students.
10 100 1000
40 5 5
100 100 1000
45 5
100 1000
45 red squares +1/2 red
» What is this number in square
terms of red squares?
» Divide up the square which
is half green into 10 strips.
Each green strip is what 1
fraction of the square?
» Describe the shaded area in 1000
terms of thousandths?
Simplify this fraction. 450 5 455
1000 1000 1000
455 5 91
1000 5 200
» Complete Q2, Q3 and Q4 » Circulate while students » Can students complete
Student Activity 2a. complete Q2, Q3 and Q4 on Student Activity 2 with
this worksheet. understanding?
» Check that they understand
the different
representations of the
Student Learning Tasks: Student Activities: Possible and Teacher’s Support and Actions Checking Understanding
Teacher Input Expected Responses
The metre stick as a model for decimals
» Can you think of any The meter stick » Give a metre stick to each
instrument you use which pair of students.
represents 1 unit and which
is divided into 1000 equal
» How many metres long is 1m
the whole stick?
» What fraction of a meter is 1 » Tell students that
10 cm. Write this as a m 10 cm = 1 decimetre.
10 cm = 10 =0.1 m
decimal. (optional)
» What fraction of a metre is 1
1 cm? Write this as a m
1 cm = 100 = 0.01 m
» What fraction of a metre is 1
1 mm? Write this as a m
1 mm = 1000 = 0.001m
» What unit is 1m a 1m is 1/1000 of a kilometre. » Do students see that in the
thousandth of? metric system each place
value has a name and
where the decimal point is
placed tells you where the
unit is?
» What part is 1mm of a It is 1/1000 x1/1000 KEY: » next step • student answer/response
Student Learning Tasks: Student Activities: Possible and Teacher’s Support and Actions Checking Understanding
Teacher Input Expected Responses
» Estimate the length of your Example: » Can students make realistic
desk in metres. Now 1m, 19 cm, 3 mm estimates of the length of
measure it. Write the their desk before measurin
length in metres, 19 3 it?
centimetres and to the
= 1m + 100 m+ 1000 m
nearest millimetre.
» Write it in metres using
decimals. Write it also as a 1
sum using fractions and as a = 1000 m = 1.193m
single fraction.
» What does a single “tenths” 10 cm
strip on the 10 x10 grid
compare to on the metre
» What does 1 mm on the One tenth of a hundredth » Can students link the
metre stick correspond to square i.e. one thousandth different representations o
on a 10 x 10 grid? decimals using 10 X 10
grids, base 10 models,
meter stick and the
symbolic representations
and interchange decimal
representations with
fraction representations?
Student Learning Tasks: Student Activities: Possible and Teacher’s Support and Actions Checking Understanding
Teacher Input Expected Responses
Writing halves, quarters, fifths and eighths as decimals
» When we change a fraction We must change its » Distribute Student Activity » Are students beginning to
like ½ to a decimal what denominator to a sheet 2b with 10x10 grids. see that there may be a
must we do? denominator which is a problem representing som
» Does this put restrictions on power of 10.
fractions as decimals?
writing all fractions as exact
decimals? The denominator must be a
factor of a power of 10 – we
must be able to multiply it by
some number to get a power
of 10.
» Can you give an example of
a fraction whose
denominator is not a factor 1/3, 1/6, 1/7, 1/8, 1/9, 1/11
of a power of 10? etc
Student Learning Tasks: Student Activities: Possible and Teacher’s Support and Actions Checking Understanding
Teacher Input Expected Responses
» Represent 1/8 as a decimal Students shade in half of ¼
using a 10 x10 grid. i.e. half of 2 tens and half of
5 hundredths, giving 1/10
(one strip of 10 squares) and
2 hundredths and ½ of a
hundredth which is 5/1000.
1 1 2 5
8 10 100 1000
0.1 0.02 0.005
= 0.125
» Represent 3/8 as a decimal Students may use ¼ +1/8 or
½ - 1/8
Student Learning Tasks: Student Activities: Possible and Teacher’s Support and Actions Checking Understanding
Teacher Input Expected Responses
Modelling 1/3 as a decimal using the 10 x 10 grid to introduce the idea of a decimal which infinitely repeats
» What does 1/3 mean in Dividing the grid into 3 equal » Remind students of the idea
terms of the 10 x 10 grid? parts – 1/3 being one of of division as “fair sharing”.
» Is there any number we can No, as 3 is not a factor of 10 » Do students realise that if
multiply 3 by to make it a or any power of 10. all the factors of the
power of 10? denominator are factors of
powers of 10 we will get a
terminating decimal?
» If we start sharing out the Give 3 strips to each person
1/10 strips how would we i.e. 3/10 = 0.3 and there is
do this so as to divide the one strip of 10 hundredths
grid into thirds? to share then.
» How would we share this 1 Give 3/100 to each person,
strip of 10 hundredths? i.e. 0.03, so each person now
has 0.3 + 0.03= 0.33, with
1/100 left over.
» If we divided the hundredth Each part is now 1/1000 and
into 10 equal parts how each person gets 3/1000 =
much does each of the 3 0.003. Each now has
people get? 0.33+0.003=0.333
» What pattern do you After each division there is » Can students see that this
notice? always 1 part left over to be process will go on
divided into 10 equal parts. indefinitely?
» Write 1/3 as a decimal. 0.3333333...............
» What type of decimal is A recurring decimal
» Write 2/3 as a decimal. 0.333333... x2 = 0.666666... » Can students see that 2/3 i
KEY: » next step also a recurring decimal?
• student answer/response
Student Learning Tasks: Student Activities: Possible and Teacher’s Support and Actions Checking Understanding
Teacher Input Expected Responses
Using the hundredths disc to show fraction to decimal conversions
» Draw blank discs the same ¾ corresponds to 75 » Distribute Student activity 3 » Are students able to make
size as the hundredths disc hundredths on the opposite (hundredths discs) . reasonable estimation of
and cut out. Divide a blank side of the disc. Hence ¾ = these fractions in
disc the same size as the 0.75. hundredths?
hundredths disc into
quarters. Interlock this disk Different groups divide the
with the disc showing blank discs into different unit
hundredths. Adjust the disc fractions. They find the » Can students work out the
showing quarters to show number of hundredths and correct number of
for example ¾. hence the decimal hundredths and the decima
» Turn the disc over and note equivalent of different equivalent for each
how many hundredths are fractions. fraction?
showing on the reverse
colour and hence give the
decimal equivalent of ¾.
» Repeat this procedure for
different fractions by
dividing a blank disc into
e.g. eights, fifths etc and
work out the correct
number of hundredths and
the decimal equivalent.
Using the number line to show decimals – Student Activity 4
» Describe the number line on It shows numbers between 0 » Distribute Student Activity
Student Activity 4. and 1 and it is divided up to 4.
show tenths and
» Using Student Activity 4, Students fill in Student » Circulate and check that » Are students able to
mark in decimals on the Activity 4. students can accurately accurately mark a number
number line and also on the mark hundredths on a between 0 and 1 correct to
two decimal places?
10 x 10 grid. number line?
Student Learning Tasks: Student Activities: Possible and Teacher’s Support and Actions Checking Understanding
Teacher Input Expected Responses
» Finding decimal equivalents of fractions using division »
» When we started fractions If we had 7 pizzas and
we said that the divided them between 8
denominator was a divisor people each person would
get 7/8 of a pizza hence 7/8
and the numerator was a is 7 units divided by 8.
» Explain.
» Using this fact how would 7.000 8 0.875 » Students have done this
you work out the decimal division in primary school
equivalent of 7/8? but some may need
» Complete fraction Students work in pairs on the » Distribute Student Activity » Can students follow the
dominoes fraction dominoes starting 5 (Follow me Fractions) domino sequence of
(Follow me fractions sheet) with “a whole one”. fractions?
» Complete HOMEWORK
Teaching & Learning Plan : Decimals and Place Value
Student Activity 1
Student Activity 1: Template for a 10 x 10 Grid for Decimals
Teaching & Learning Plan: Decimals and Place Value
Student Activity 1
Student Activity1: The 10 X10 Grid for Decimals with vertical and horizontal lines drawn in
Teaching & Learning Plan Decimals and Place Value: Student Activity 2A
Student Activity 2A
Shade in the picture and fill in the unfilled columns as in the first example.
Use different colours for tenths (say yellow), hundredths (say red) and thousandths (say green).
In each case simplify the final fraction.
400 50 5 455
1000 1000 1000 1000 =
Enlarged view
2. 0.063
3. 7 tenths and
5 hundredths
Teaching & Learning Plan Decimals and Place Value: Student Activity 2A
Q5. Use a 10 x 10 grid to write 8 as a decimal. Explain how you did this.
Q6. Use a 10 x10 grid to write 8 as a decimal. Explain how you did this.
Q7. Write 5 as a fraction. Imagine how it would be represented on a 10 x 10 grid. Explain your answer.
Q8. I measured the width of my calculator as 7 cm and 3 mm approximately. Write this in metres._________
Teaching & Learning Plan Decimals and Place Value: Student Activity 2A
Student Activity 2B
10x10 grids for representing fractions as decimals
Hundredths Discs
Teaching & Learning Plan Decimals and Place Value: Student Activity 2A
Teaching & Learning Plan Decimals and Place Value:
Student Activity 3
Student Activity 3
Teaching & Learning Plan Decimals and Place Value:
Student Activity 3
Teaching & Learning Plan: Decimals and Place Value
Student Activity 4
Student Activity 4
Represent each decimal on the 10 x 10 grid and on the numberline
Write as a fraction also
Write as the sum of 2 fractions
Write as the sum of 3 fractions
Teaching & Learning Plan: Decimals and Place Value
Student Activity 5
Follow on fractions and decimals activity.
What is the
bottom What is 0.8 as a
A whole one Denominator
number in a fraction?
What is an
What is a 0.5 as a
8/10 equivalent 10/16 fraction?
fraction to 5/8?
What has a If I cut a cake into
1/2 whole number
fifths, how many
pieces will I have?
and a fraction?
What is 9/4 as
5 an improper 2¼ What is ¼ as a
fraction? fraction?
What is the top If I cut a cake into
0.25 number in a
Numerator tenths, how many
pieces will I have?
What is an
If I give 4/10 of a cake
2 3/5 fraction to 9/10 to a friend, how much
do I have left?
Teaching & Learning Plan: Decimals and Place Value
Student Activity 5
What is the name of a
If I cut a cake into
fraction which is worth the
6/10 ninths, how many
pieces will I have?
9 same, but has different
What is 4 ¼ as an
Equivalen What is another
17/4 word for divide?
What is 13/8
How many fifths
0.25 as a mixed 1 5/8 are in a whole?
How do you know if There is a
What is a 0.5 and
5 a fraction is
larger number
on the top
Teaching & Learning Plan: Decimals and Place Value
Homework : Q1. Explain using the 10 x10 grids which fraction is greatest.
Describe each of them and then order them from smallest to largest: 0.375 0.36, 0.4, and 0.058
Teaching & Learning Plan: Decimals and Place Value
Appendix 1
Base 10 model
Base 10 model with a “flat” for a unit, a “rod” for 1/10 and small cubes for hundredths
Teaching & Learning Plan Decimals and Place Value:
Appendix 2
Below is a possible sample of a wall poster highlighting place value in the decimal system
34582 .8371
Decimal point
Student Activity