Physiology Assignment: Nerve and Muscle

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1) The energy of muscle contraction is derived from the following except:

a- ATP.
b- muscle glycogen.
c- lactic acid.
d- Creatine phosphate.
Correct answer c,guyton edition 11,pg#67

2- The frequency needed to produce tetanus:

a- is increased by cooling.
b- is decreased in red muscles.
c- is increased in fatigue.

d- is decreased in the pale muscles.

Correct answer :b ,guyton pg#61

3- Depolarization:
a- is associated with increase in membrane permeability to Na+
b- is terminated with closure of voltage activated K+channels.
c- is followed by muscle relaxation.
d- is caused by K+efflux.

Correct answer :a’guyton pg#58

4- Action potential:
a- is a graded potential.
b- is produced by sub threshold stimulus.
c- starts with repolarization caused by outward movement of Cl-
d- is conducted slower in thin nerve fibers.
Correct answer :d,guyton pg#58
5- RMP of a nerve:
a- is caused by equal distribution of ions along both sides of the membrane.
b- is caused by selective permeability of the membrane to the ions.
c- Na+- K+pump has no role in RMP.
d- is caused mainly by inward movement of Na+ions.
Correct answer:b ,guyton pg#62

6- As regard conduction of action potential in a nerve:

a- in thick myelinated nerve fibers can reach up to 120 meter / second.
b- can be increased by increase calcium.
c- can be increased by cooling.
d- is conducted with decrement.
Correct answer;a,guyton pg#67

7 - Pale (fast) fiber:

a- contains much blood capillaries.
b- doesn't show fatigue.
c- contains low concentration of myoglobin.
d- depends on aerobic oxidation.
Correct answer:c,guytonpg#69

8- About cellular sheath ( sheath of Schwann):

a- It acts as an electric insulator around the nerve fiber.
b- It surrounds the axons of all neurons inside and outside the CNS.
c- It is responsible for the color of the white matter of the spinal cord.

d- It is essential for regeneration of the damaged verve fibers.

Correct answer:d,guyton pg#57

9- Myelin sheath:
a- Present in the myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers.
b- Formed of lipoprotein complex and acts as electric insulator.
c- It is formed of successive wrappings of the membrane of Schwann cells.

d- It is the cause of decreased conduction of nerve impulse.

Correct answer:b,guyton pg#55

10- Chronaxia:
a- is the minimal stimulus which produce response after relatively long time.
b- is the minimal time needed by the strong stimulus to produce response.
c- is the time required to stimulate the nerve by a minimal stimulus.
d- is the time required to stimulate the nerve by a stimulus which is double rheobase.
Correct answer :d,guyton pg 67

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