Filing # 111756505 E-Filed 08/13/2020 02:49:16 PM.
Defend: I
COMES NOW Plaintiff, ROBERT ANTHONY VOLK II, and sues Defendant, DIXIE
ROADHOUSE, LTD., and alleg
1. This is an action for damages that exceeds the sum of THIRTY THOUSAND
DOLLARS ($30,000.00), exclusive of costs, interest and attorneys’ fees (The estimated value of
Plaintiff's claim is in excess of the minimum jurisdictional threshold required by this Court)
Accordingly, Plaintiff has entered “$30,001” in the civil cover sheet for the “estimated amount of
the claim” as required in the preamble to the civil cover sheet for jurisdictional purposes only
4 forth in the
(the Florida Supreme Court has ordered that the estimated “amount of claim” be
civil cover sheet for data collection and clerical purposes only). The actual value of Plaintiff's
claim will be determined by a fair and just jury in accordance with Article 1, Section 21, Fla.
2. Plaintiffis a natural person residing in Lee County, Florida.
eFiled Lee County Clerk of Courts Page 13. At all times material to this action, DIXIE ROADHOUSE, LTD. is a Florida
corporation licensed to do business in the State of Florida,
4. Atalll times material hereto, Defendant was the owner and in possession of that
certain business located at 1023 SE 47th Terrace,, Cape Coral, FL, said business being that of a line
dancing bar, open to the general public, including the Plaintiff herein.
5. On or about February 20, 2020, Plaintiff visited Defendant's premises located at
the above address going into the line dancing bar.
6. At said time and place, Plaintiff was line dancing, lawfully upon the premises of
the Defendant, who owed Plaintiff'a duty to exercise reasonable care for his safety.
7. Atall times material, the defendant had the duty to protect invitees and guests when
criminal attacks were reasonably foreseeable and the landlord had actual or constructive knowledge
of prior similar acts committed on invitees and guests.
8 Throughout the dancing, the Defendant was selling alcohol, and there were
‘numerous rowdy and aggressive dancers and bar patrons.
9. The defendant knew or should have known of the likelihood of attacks at the line
dancing event in question.
10. The defendant served substantial amounts of alcohol to patrons at the line dancing
event, and accordingly failed to conform to a reasonable standard of care by not providing adequate
1. Whi
line dancing, the plaintiff was attacked, and battered by three other patrons,
attending the line dancing event.
12. The attack was unprovoked and lasted for several minutes.
eFiled Lee County Clerk of Courts Page 213, Ato time prior to the attack was there any security nearby, notwithstanding the fact
that there were calls for help, both by the plaintiff and by other patron
14, Despite the plaintiffs repeated calls for help security failed to respond in a
reasonable and timely manner.
15, Defendant security company was negligent with regard to the safety of plaintiff, and
the negligence was the proximate cause of plaintiff's injuri
in the following respects:
a, Failure to perform an adequate background check on the qualifications of
its security guards;
b. Negligence in the selection of its security guards;
€. Negligence in the selection of its security guards for security work;
4d. Negligence in the training of its security guards for security work;
¢. Negligence in the supervision of its security guards;
£, Failure to promptly investigate the situation;
g. Failure to dispatch additional security personnel to the scene of the fight;
h, Failure to dispatch security personnel to the scene of the fight in a timely
‘manner to avoid the battery;
i, Failure to properly render assistance to plaintiff at the time of the battery;
|. Failure to provide medical aid in a timely manner or otherwise mitigate
injuries to the plaintiff.
16. Asa result of the attack and defendant’s above negligent acts, the plaintiff suffered
substantial injuries and medical costs as set forth.
17. Asa direct and proximate result of the negligence of Defendant, Plaintiff suffered
bodily injury in and about her body and extremities, resulting in pain and suffering, disability,
disfigurement, permanent and significant scarring, mental anguish, loss of the capacity for the
enjoyment of life, expense of hospitalization, medical and nursing care and treatment, loss of
earning, loss of the ability to eam money, and aggravation of previously existing condition. The
losses are either permanent or continuing and Plaintiff will suffer the losses in the future.
eFiled Lee County Clerk of Courts Page 3WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, ROBERT ANTHONY VOLK II, sues the Defendant, DIXIE.
ROADHOUSE, LTD., for damages and demands judgment in excess of Thirty Thousand Dollars
($30,000.00), plus interest and costs, and demands trial by jury of all issues so triable,
RESPECTFULLY submitted this 13th day of August, 2020.
(s\ Adam einer
FBN: 124727
Morgan & Morgan
12800 University Dr, Suite 600
Fort Myers, FL 33907
Phone: (239) 210-5350
Attomeys for Plaintiff
E-Mail: [email protected][email protected]
eFiled Lee County Clerk of Courts Page 4