Course Outline-Law of Insurance, 2020

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Semester: VIII Course: Law of Insurance Faculty: Dr. Jagadeesh Chandra T. G.

Ms. Garima Goswami

Dr. A. Marisport

Gujarat National Law University

Gandhinagar, Gujarat (India)

Course Outline


Law of Insurance


Semester: VIII (Batch: 2016-21)

Session: January-June 2020

Faculty: Dr. Jagadeesh Chandra T. G.

Assistant Professor of Law
[email protected], Mob: 8128650841

Garima Goswami
Assistant Professor of Law
[email protected], Mob:8128650801

Dr. A. Marisport
Assistant Professor of Law
[email protected], Mob: 8128684328

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Semester: VIII Course: Law of Insurance Faculty: Dr. Jagadeesh Chandra T. G.
Ms. Garima Goswami
Dr. A. Marisport

Sl. No. Contents Page No.

1.0 Objectives of the course 2
2.0 Proposed teaching schedule 3
3.0 Detailed course-outline 3
4.0 Prescribed/Recommended readings 09
5.0 Teaching methodology 11
6.0 Evaluation pattern 11
Tentative dates for test/submission of project/GD,
7.0 11
8.0 Important instructions to students 11
9.0 Contact hours 12

1.0 Objectives of the Course

The Insurance idea is an old-institution of transactional trade. The concept of

pledging the Ships and Vessels by owners as security while availing Bottomry &
Respondentia Loans respectively was a practice prevailing amongst Italian
Merchants during the 12th Century. The document issued for such loans setting
forth the terms and conditions in the agreement are called Bonds. Accordingly,
owners are liable to repay the loan upon safe arrival of the Vessel or Cargo at a
named Port. If the Vessel or Cargo was lost, the borrower was discharged from his
liability to pay back the loan. The idea of insurance practiced today is the exactly the
reverse order of Italian practice. Further, the operational framework of insurance
idea is provided by the general principles of contract. The insurance policy, being a
contract, is subject to all the judicial rules of interpretation as propounded by the
English Courts. The scope of applicability and extent of insurance idea to different
fields were largely borrowed from the basic elements of principles of law of Torts.
In India, the insurance idea has been practically effectuated in contractual form and
embodied compensatory justice component in it. Insurance subject is included
under the Union List of the Constitution of India, therefore, the regulatory
framework is uniform throughout the Country. This course is designed to acquaint
the students with the conceptual and operational parameters of insurance law with
following objectives:-
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Semester: VIII Course: Law of Insurance Faculty: Dr. Jagadeesh Chandra T. G.
Ms. Garima Goswami
Dr. A. Marisport
To understand the basic concepts and general principles of insurance law;
To impart knowledge and understanding about the insurance contract, its terms and
To make the students to acquaint with corporate aspects of insurance laws; and
To develop an analytical approach to the application of knowledge and skills to
practice in different forums in the area of insurance laws.
This paper with above-mentioned objectives comprises of 59 Lectures of one-hour

2.0 Proposed Teaching Schedule

No. of Sessions
Module No. Modules (Classes)

VIII 2.3.1* Introduction 04

VIII.2.3.2 Principles & Formation of Insurance Contract 10

VIII.2.3.3 Life and Health Insurance Contracts 08

VIII.2.3.4 Motor Vehicle Insurance 13

VIII.2.3.5 Marine Insurance 09

VIII.2.3.6 Fire Insurance 05

VIII.2.3.7 Miscellaneous Insurance 05

VIII.2.3.8 Regulatory Framework 05

Total = _____59___

3.0 Detailed Course Outline

Law of Insurance

Module -VIII.1.1. INTRODUCTION Sessions: 04

 Introduction to the Concept of Insurance

 Nature of Insurance
 Principles of Torts and its Relation with Insurance Laws

VIII’ stands for semester, ‘1’ stands for the order in which the course/paper appears in a semester, and ‘1’ stands for
the module number.
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Semester: VIII Course: Law of Insurance Faculty: Dr. Jagadeesh Chandra T. G.
Ms. Garima Goswami
Dr. A. Marisport
 History, Development of Insurance Industry & Law
 Introduction to Marine Insurance, Motor Insurance, Fire Insurance, Life Insurance,
Health Insurance and other Miscellaneous Insurance
 Introduction to the Regulatory Framework-Insurance Industry in India, The Insurance
Act, 1938, the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India Act, 1999,
IRDAI’s Role and Functions, Insurance Industry and Market, Insurance Management


 Principles Applicable to Non-Life and Life Insurance Contracts

 Utmost Good Faith-Its Application and Importance
 Insurable Interest-Meaning, Practical Application of the Principle and Importance
 Subrogation and Contribution-How Practically Operates in Different Insurance
 Formation of Insurance Contract-Essential Tenets
 Proposal Form, Offer, Counter Offer, Acceptance, Premium, Policy and
Commencement of Risk
 Interpretation of Insurance Policy and Exclusion Clauses
 Commencement, Duration and Revival of Policy
 Special Features of Insurance Contract – Aleatory Contract, Contract of Adhesion etc.
 Application Proximate Cause in Certain Insurance Contract
 Introduction to Re-Insurance Contract- Parties, Types and Terms & Conditions, Re-
Insurance Market

 Castellian v. Preston, (1883) 2 QB 380
 Gould v. Curtis, [1913] 3 KB 84
 Macaura v. Northern Assurance Co. Ltd and others, (1925) AC 619
 New India Assurance co. Ltd v. M/s. TT finance Ltd, AIR 2011 Del 121
 New India In. Co.Ltd v. B.N. Sainani, AIR 1997 SC 2938
 M/S Oriental In. Co. Ltd v. Sham Lal Matoo, AIR 2006 J&K 103
 Gnana Sundaram v. Vulcan Insurance Co. Ltd, [1931] 1 Comp. Cas. 365
 United India Insurance Company Ltd. & Ors. v. Sri Balaji Dental Laboratory, 103 (2001)
Comp.Cas 58
 Wilson v. Jones, [1968] S.C.R. 554
 National Insurance Co v. L.I.C Dhamin, 1995 CPJ 14
 Chandmal Jain v. General Insurance Society, AIR 1959 Cal. 558
 United India Insurance Co. Ltd v. Parmeshwari Sawney, AIR 2010 J&K 138
 L.I.C v. G.M Channnabasamma, AIR 1991 SC 392
 Carter v. Boehm, (1766) 3 Burr 1905
 Life Insurance Corp. Of India v. Asha Goel, AIR 2001 SC 601
 Bank of Nova Scotia v. Hellenic Mutual War Risks Association, (1990) 1 Q.B 818
 Srinivas Pillai v. L.I.C, AIR 1977 Mad 381
 North British and Mercantile v. Liverpool and London Glob, (1877) 5 Ch. D 569
 New India Asssurance Co. Ltd. v. M/s Zuari Industries Ltd., (2009) 9 SCC 70 197
 Simmonds v. Cockell, (1920) All ER Rep. 162 203
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Semester: VIII Course: Law of Insurance Faculty: Dr. Jagadeesh Chandra T. G.
Ms. Garima Goswami
Dr. A. Marisport
 Harris v. Poland, (1941) All ER 204, 1 K.B.D. 204


 Nature and Formation of Life Insurance Contract, the Life Insurance Corporation of
India Act, 1956, the Insurance Act, 1938 (relevant Provisions), The IRDAI Act, 1999
(relevant Provisions)
 Insurable Interest-Meaning, Importance and its Applicability in India
 Invitation to Offer, Proposal and Acceptance
 Non-Disclosure and Misrepresentation (Section-45)
 Assignment & Nomination of Life Insurance Policy (Sections 38 & 39)
 Clauses under the Contract-Suicide Clause, Double Benefit Scheme, Joint Endowment
Policies, Group Insurance Polies, Surrender Value etc.
 Claims and Disputes-Ombudsmen, Consumer Forum
 Health Insurance Contract-Concept, Nature, Formation of Health Insurance Contract,
Policy, Clauses and Claim Procedures
 Canning v. Farquhar, (1886) 16 QBD 727
 L.I.C v. Komalavalli, (1984) 2 SCC 719
 L.I.C v. Brazinha, AIR 1995 Bom. 223
 Elsa Tony Philip v. L.I.C., AIR 2009 NCC 785
 L.I.C v. Dharm Vir Anand, (1998) 7 SCC 348
 New India Assurance Co. Ltd v. Tambi Reddy and Sibhas Raghava Reddy, 1961 AP 295
 Mithoolal Nayak v. Life Insurance Corporation of India, AIR 1962 SC 814
 Life Insurance Corporation of India v. Smt. G.M. Channabasamma, (1991) 1 SCC 357
 L.I.C. of India and another v. Parveeen Dhingra, II (2003) CPJ 70 (NC)
 Sarbati Devi v. Usha Devi, AIR 1984 SC 346
 Kasim Ali Bulbul v. New India Assurance Co, AIR 1968 J & K 39 148
 Smt. Krishna Wanti Puri v. Life Insurance Corporation of India, AIR 1975 Del. 19
 Smt. Dipashri v. Life Insurance Corporation of India, AIR 1985 Bom. 192
 Life Insurance Corporation of India v. Ajit Ganghadhar Shanbhag, AIR 1997 Kant. 157
 Life Insurance Corporation of India v. Asha Goel, AIR 2001 SC 549 182
 Insurance Policy Plus Services (P) Ltd. v. Life Insurance Corporation of India, (SC, Civil Appeal
No. 8542 of 2009, 29.12.2015)
 M/s. Krishna Food & Baking Industry (P) Ltd. v. M/s New India Assurance Co. Ltd, 2008 (13)
 Life Insurance Corporation of India v. Manish Gupta, [Civil Appeal No.3944 of 2019, SLP (C)
No. 5001/2019]
 Alka Shukla v. Life Insurance Corporation of India, [Civil Appeal No. 3413 of 2019 Arising
out of SLP (C) No. 32335 of 2016]


 The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Sections.140-176)- Nature and Scope

 Principles of Torts and Motor Vehicles Insurance
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Semester: VIII Course: Law of Insurance Faculty: Dr. Jagadeesh Chandra T. G.
Ms. Garima Goswami
Dr. A. Marisport
 Nature of Policy- Applicable Principles, Clauses, First Party Coverage, Nature of Third
Party Coverage, Vehicle Damage, Third Party’s Property Damage, Add-on Coverage,
Limits of Liability
 No Fault Liability-Claim for Permanent Disability and Death Cases (Sections 140-144),
Nature of Application and Remedies
 The Employees Compensation Act, 1923 and its nexus with Motor Vehicles Act
 Extended Provision of No-Fault Liability, Limitation of Liability (Sections 163A &
163B) and Computation of Compensation
 Fault Liability-Nature of Application and Computation of Compensation (Section 166)
 Computation of Compensation According to the Structured Formula Basis, Judicial
Approaches towards Computation of Compensation
 Compensation in Hit and Run Cases
 Motor Vehicles Accident Claims Tribunals (MACT)- Jurisdiction, Powers and
Procedures, Settlement of Disputes through Lok Adalat
 The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019- Changes and its Implications

 Smt. Kaushnuma Begum& Ors. v. The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. and Ors., AIR 2001 SC
 New India Assurance Co. Ltd. v. Asha Rani and Ors, 2003 (3) SCC 223
 Ningamma & Ors. v. United India Insurance Co.Ltd., AIR 2009 SC 3056
 The Oriental Insurance Co Ltd v. Hans Rai Bhai v. Kodal and Ors., 2001(5) SCC 175
 Deepa Girahbhai Soni & Ors v. United India Insurance Co. Ltd., 2004(5) SCC 385
 New India Insurance Co. Ltd v. Challa Upendra Rao and Ors., 2004(8) SCALE 90
 National Insurance Co.Ltd v. Swaran Singch and Ors., AIR 2004 SC 1531
 National Insurance Co.Ltd v. Challa Bharathamma &Ors., 2004(8) SCC 517
 New India Assurance Co. Ltd. v. Rula & Ors., AIR 2000 SC 1082
 R.M Malik & Ors. v. Kiran Pal & Ors., AIR 2009 SC 2506
 Bijoy Kumar Dugar v. Bidyadhar Dhatta., AIR 2006 SC 1255
 UP State Road Transport Corporation & Ors. v. Trilok Chandra & Ors., 1996 (4) SCALE 522
 Smt. Sarla Verma v. Delhi Transport Corporation & Ors., 2009(6) SCC 121
 New India Assurance Co.Ltd. v. Charlie &Ors., AIR 2005 SC 2157
 New India Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Prembhai Patel & Ors, AIR 2005 SC 2337
 National Insurance Co.Ltd. v. Kanti Devi, AIR 2005 SC 2850
 National Insurance Co. Ltd v. Anjana Shyam, 2007 ACJ 2729
 Divisional controller, KSRTC v. Mahadeva Shetty., (2003) 1 SCC 197
 Narinder Singh v. New India Assurance Co. Ltd., (2014) 9 SCC 324
 Hanumanagouda v. United India Insurance Co. Ltd., (2014) 9 SCC 341
 Reshma Kumari & Ors. v. Madan Mohan & Anr., [2009] 9 SCC 65
 National Insurance Co. Ltd v. Pranay Sethi, [2017] SCC OnLine SC 1270
 Mukund Dewangan v. Oriental Ins. Co. Ltd, [2017] 14 SCC 663
 Magma General Insurance Co. Ltd v. Nanu Ram Alias Chuhru Ram, 2018 SCC Online SC
 S. Rajashekaran v. Union of India, [Writ Petition (Civil) No. 295 of 2012]
 Jabbar v. The Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation, [Civil Appeal No. 8556 of 2019
Special Leave to Appeal (C) No. 21157/2018]

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Semester: VIII Course: Law of Insurance Faculty: Dr. Jagadeesh Chandra T. G.
Ms. Garima Goswami
Dr. A. Marisport
 Singh Ram v. Nirmala and Ors., [Civil Appeal No. 2103 of 2018 arising out of SLP (C)
No. 22630 of 2015]
 Ramla v. National Insurance Company Limited, (2019) 2 SCC 192
 Sunita Tokas v. New India Insurance Co. Ltd.,[Civil Appeal No. 6339 of 2019

Module-VIII.1.5. MARINE INSURANCE Sessions: 09

 Origin, Development and Nature of Marine Insurance, The Marine Insurance Act, 1906,
The Marine Insurance Act, 1963
 Marine Insurance Contracts-Essential Tenets
 Insurable Interest
 Non-Disclosure and Representation
 The Marine Policy and Various Types of Policies
 Warranties-Types and Implications on Breach
 The Voyage
 Loss and Abandonment
 Partial Losses, Actual Loss and Constructive Total Loss
 Measure of Indemnity and Claims
 Institute Cargo Clauses
 Inco Terms and its Application in Marine Insurance Contracts

 Brotherston v. Barber, (1816) 5 M & S 418
 Irving v. Manning, (1847) 1 HLC 287
 Thames & Mersey Marine Insurance v. Hamilton (The Inchmaree), (1887)12 AC 484
 Woolcot v. Excess Insurance, (1978) 1LLR 633
 Lucena v. Crauford, (1806) 2 B & PNR 269
 The Moonacre, [1992] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 501
 Carter v. Boehm, (1766) 3 Burr. 1905
 Manifest Shipping Co. Ltd. v. Uni-Polaris Insurance Co. Ltd. and La Reunion Européene, [2001]
1 Lloyd’s Rep. 389 (HL)
 Pan Atlantic Insurance Co. v. Pine Top Insurance Co. Ltd, [1995] 1 AC 501 (HL)
 The Eurysthenes, [1977] 1 QB 49 (CA)
 Parmeter v. Cousins, (1809) 2 Camp 235
 Pawson v. Watson, (1778) 2 Cowp. 785
 Yorkshire Insurance v. Campbell, (1917) AC 218
 The Star Sea, [2001] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 389 (HL)
 Lloyd v. Fleming, (1872) L.R. 7 Q.B. 299
 The Gunford Case, [1911] AC 529 (HL)
 The Leyland Case, (1918) AC 350 (HL)
 National Insurance Co. Ltd v. Sky Gems, JT 2002 (1) SC 70
 Kalyani Jethalal Shah v. NIC, 28 February, 2001
 Western Assurance Co. Of Toronto v. Poole, [1903] 1 KB 376
 Continental Grain co. Inc. v. Twitchell, (1945) 78 Ll LR 251
 Metal Powder Co. Ltd. v. Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd, (2014) 5 SCC 771
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Semester: VIII Course: Law of Insurance Faculty: Dr. Jagadeesh Chandra T. G.
Ms. Garima Goswami
Dr. A. Marisport

Module-VIII.1.6. FIRE INSURANCE Sessions: 05

 Nature of Fire Insurance Contract

 Non-Disclosure And Misrepresentation
 Standard Fire Policy
 Proximate Cause, Fire Claims and Amount Recoverable
 Subrogation, Double Insurance, Contribution and Average

 Shivalik fertilizers Ltd v. United India Insurance Co. Ltd, SCDRC, Chandigarh, O.C. No. 4 of
 Sri Balaji traders v. UII Co. Ltd, 2005 (1) CTC 267
 Ammireddy Oils Ltd v. OIC Ltd, 3 (2006) CPJ 50 NC
 Murli Agro Products Ltd. v. Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd.
 Roshan Lal Oil Mill v. United India,
 Saraya Sugar Mill Ltd v. United India Insurance Co. Ltd.
 Hanil Era Textiles Ltd. v. Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. & Ors., (2001) 1 SCC 269
 M/s. United India Insurance Co. Ltd v. M.K.J. Corporation, (1996) 6 SCC 428)
 B.V. Nagaraju v. M/s. Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd, (1996) 4 SCC 648
 Consumer Education and Research Society v. IFFCO-TOKIO General Insurance Co. Ltd., LAWS
(NCD) 2013-3-41


 Liability Insurance-Public Liability Policy, Products Liability Policy, Professional

Indemnity Policy, Directors and Officers Liability Policy, Lift (Third Party) Insurance,
Employers' Liability Policy, Carrier's Liability Insurance, Liability Insurance Act Policy,
Golfers Indemnity Insurance
 Re-Insurance
 Aviation Insurance
 Agricultural Insurance
 Theft and Burglary Insurance
 Insurance for Nuclear Activities
 Travel Insurance
 Property Insurance
 Social Insurance
 Mass insurance schemes
 Sports and Entertainment Insurance
 Emerging Risks: Cyber Insurance, Title Insurance, Credit Insurance, M&A Insurance
and others

Module-VIII.1.8. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Sessions: 05

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Semester: VIII Course: Law of Insurance Faculty: Dr. Jagadeesh Chandra T. G.
Ms. Garima Goswami
Dr. A. Marisport
 Insurance Company-Incorporation, General Registration Requirements, Capital
Structure, Suspension, Renewal, Cancellation and Revival
 Regulatory Framework and Compliance-Deposits, Investments, Submission of Returns,
Actuaries, Foreign Exchange, Insurance Advertisements, Obligation to Rural and Social
 Introduction to stakeholders in insurance industry: Insurance Intermediaries-Agents,
Insurance Surveyors, Brokers, Loss Assessors and Third Party Administrators
 IFSC and Insurance Sector
 Role of Regulatory Authorities-IRDAI, Tariff Advisory Committee, Insurance
Association of India, Councils, Committees and Insurance Ombudsmen
 The Practice of Insurance Law a) In a law firm b) As in-house counsel c) As a regulator

4.0 Prescribed/Recommended Readings

Prescribed Readings

1. John Birds. (2011). Bird’s Modern Insurance Law, London: Sweet & Maxwell
2. K.S.N Murthy & K.V.S. Sharma. (2019). Modern Law of Insurance in India, Nagpur:
Lexis Nexis Butterworths Publications.
3. M. N. Srinivasan’s, (2017). Principles of Insurance law, Nagpur: Wadhwa & Co.
4. Malcolm A. Clarke. (1989). The Law of Insurance Contracts London: Lloyd’s of London
Press Ltd.
5. E.R. Hardy Ivamy, (1993). General Principles of Insurance Laws, Nagpur: Butterworth’s
Publications Pvt. Ltd.

Recommended Readings

1. Kannan and Vijayaraghavan. (2019). Motor Vehicles Laws, Delhi: LexisNexis.

2. S.K. Sarvaria. (2017). B N Singh's New Insurance Law, Delhi: Universal Law
3. Avtar Singh. (2002). Principles of Insurance Law, Nagpur: Wadhwa & Co.
4. Nicholas Legh Jones. (2003). MacGillivray on Insurance law, London: Sweet &
5. Robert I. Mehr & Emerson Commack. (1980). Principles of Insurance, London:
Richard D. Irwin, Inc.
6. Robert, Merkin. (1990). Commack’s law of Insurance, London: Sweet & Maxwell.
7. Colinvaux's (1997) Law of Insurance, London: Sweet & Maxwell.
8. Peter, M.D.Eggers and P.Foss. Good Faith and Insurance Contracts, Hong Kong: LLP
9. JCB, Gilmar and Mustill. (1981) Arnold on the Law of Marine Insurance, London:
Sweet & Maxwell.
10. Tom, Baker. (2003) Insurance Law and Policy: Cases, Materials And Problems, New
Delhi: Aspen Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
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Semester: VIII Course: Law of Insurance Faculty: Dr. Jagadeesh Chandra T. G.
Ms. Garima Goswami
Dr. A. Marisport
11. Mitra, B.C. (1997) Law Relating to Marine Insurance, Hyderabad: Asia Law House.

Bare Acts (Relevant Sections)

1. The Insurance Act, 1938 (with latest amendments, 2015)
2. The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (with latest amendments, 2019)
3. The Marine Insurance Act, 1906
4. The Marine Insurance Act, 1963
5. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1963 (relevant provisions)
6. The Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) Act, 1956
7. The General Insurance Business (GIB) (Nationalization) Act, 1972
8. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) Act,
1999 (with up-to-date Amendments)
9. The Indian Contract Act, 1872 (relevant provisions)
10. The Companies Act, 2013 (relevant provisions)
11. The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1994
12. The Employees Compensation Act, 1923
13. The Consumer Protection Act, 1986
14. The Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act, 2010
15. The Married Womens Property Act, 1876 (relevant provisions)
16. The Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance Bill, 2017
17. The Securities and Insurance Laws (Amendment and Validation) Bill, 2010
18. The Relevant IRDA Rules and Regulations

Law Commission of India and IRDAI Reports

1. 21st Law Commission of India Report
2. 82nd Law Commission of India Report
3. 112th Law Commission of India Report
4. 210th Law Commission of India Report
5. 190th Law Commission of India Report
6. The Report of the KPN Committee on the provisions of the Insurance Act, 1938
7. Justice Rangarajan Committee Report on Motor Insurance
8. Report of the Committee on Health Insurance for Senior Citizens in India,
IRDAI, November, 2007
9. Report of the Expert Committee on Health Insurance, IRDAI, April, 2015
10. Report on Title Insurance in India, October, 2016
11. Report of the Reinsurance Expert Committee, IRDAI, 2017

5.0 Teaching Methodology

 Lecture Method
 Case Analysis Method
 Discussion Method
 Power Point Presentations

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Semester: VIII Course: Law of Insurance Faculty: Dr. Jagadeesh Chandra T. G.
Ms. Garima Goswami
Dr. A. Marisport

6.0 Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation: Marks

Continuous Evaluation…………………………………………….…….....20
Mid-Semester Examination………………………………………………...30
End-Semester Examination…………………………………….....................60

Total 100

Continuous Evaluation: Continuous Evaluation will be conducted through GD/Project

with empirical study.

7.0 Tentative Dates for Continuous Evaluation Test/ Submission of Project/

GD, etc.

Project Submission date: 25th March, 2020

8.0 Important Instructions to Students

1. The given course-outline is tentative. The faculty-member may modify it while

preparing the reference material and engaging the classes.

2. The teaching methodology of the subject will not necessarily be bound by the
parameters shown here.

3. Both faculty-member and students may mould it according to needs as and when they
arise for better and progressive understanding of the subject in a flexible way.

4. Active and positive class participation is mandatory. Maintaining the dignity and
decorum of the class is equally mandatory. Once the class is begun the students are not
allowed to enter the class room.

5. The students are required to come to the class with necessary home work, which will
be beneficial for positive participation in lectures.

9.0 Contact Hours

Days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Timings: 3.30-4.30

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