Aluminum Formate (AF) : Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Dye Wastewater Treatment
Aluminum Formate (AF) : Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Dye Wastewater Treatment
Aluminum Formate (AF) : Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Dye Wastewater Treatment
Article history: Aluminum formate (AF), a degradable and non-corrosive coagulant, was synthesized from
Received 17 August 2017 aluminum hydroxide and formic acid. Polyamidine (PA), as a coagulation aid, was combined
Revised 11 February 2018 with AF for dye wastewater treatment. AF was characterized by XPS, FT-IR, viscosity, zeta
Accepted 22 February 2018 potential, mass spectrum and XRD, and the flocculation properties of the dual-coagulation
Available online 3 March 2018 system were characterized by FT-IR and SEM. The results showed that COOH, Al2O3-Al and
O2-Al bonds were formed in the AF synthesis process, and AF had a higher molecular weight
Keywords: and higher charge neutralization ability than PAC. The hydrolysates of AF were determined
Aluminum formate to contain Al13 Al11 and Al2, and the components of AF were confirmed to comprise a
Polyamidine mixture including aluminum formate (C3H3AlO6) and its hydrate. When the color removal
Dual-coagulation efficiency reached 100% in jar tests, the optimized dosage of AF/PA was 18.91/0.71 mg/L,
Phase analysis while the optimized dosage of PAC/PA was 21.19/0.91 mg/L. According to the variance
Interaction analysis, the interaction between AF/PA and PAC/PA were insignificant in macroscopic
view. FT-IR spectrum indicated AF captured pollutant by means of C_C_O bond, PAC
captured pollutant by δ _CH, \C_C\ and δ _CH. Overall, although the coagulation
mechanism of AF was different from that of PAC, AF/PA showed better coagulation
efficiency than PAC/PA in dye wastewater treatment.
© 2018 The Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Published by Elsevier B.V.
1001-0742/© 2018 The Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V.
96 J O U RN A L OF E N V I RO N ME N TA L S CIE N CE S 7 4 (2 0 1 8) 9 5– 1 0 6
neutralization ability and adaptability of AF and PAC under system, AF was dosed before PA in the rapid mixing segment,
different pH conditions, the pH of coagulant samples was and the interval was 30 sec. For the PAC/PA system, PAC was
adjusted from 1.6–13.4 using NaOH or HCl, and measured by a dosed 30 sec before PA addition as well. To weaken the effect of
Zetasizer Nanoseries instrument (Malvern Co., Ltd., UK). pH change on coagulation behavior, the UV608 and zeta
potential data were measured after adjusting the pH to 8.16 ±
1.2.3. MS detection for AF and XRD substance identification for 0.05 (initial pH of raw water). The interaction between coagu-
AF lants and coagulant aid was studied by variance analysis, and
The mass spectrum (MS), which can detect samples at low the optimal dosages of coagulants and coagulant aid were
concentrations (mg/L), was able to characterize the hydrolyzed ascertained by a 3D surface model.
coagulants in terms of m/z (mass charge ratio) distribution,
quantity of electric charge and aluminum species present (Bi et 1.4. Floc properties
al., 2013; Feng et al., 2011a; Zhang et al., 2017). To detect the
characteristics of hydrolyzed AF using MS measurements, AF was To demonstrate the interaction between the coagulants and
dissolved in RO water to obtain a dilute solution of concentration coagulant aid, FT-IR spectroscopy was used as an effective
10 mg/L. Then, the AF solution was injected into the MS method to observe the changes in chemical species during the
spectrometer (LCQ Fleet™, Thermo Scientific™). In addition, coagulation process, and the results could provide possible
PAC was measured for comparison in MS analysis, and all the combinations to explain how the coagulant aid functioned in
MS spectrum data were set in positive ion mode. The XRD (X-ray the coagulation process. The sedimentary flocs were freeze-
Diffraction) pattern of the freeze-dried AF powder for scattering dried at − 60°C in a vacuum freeze-dryer for 24 hr, and then
angles (2θ) 5°–90° is shown in Fig. 6. The chemical components of the pulverized flocs were subjected to FT-IR and SEM analysis.
AF were detected by an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer.
Jar tests were carried out using a program-controlled jar tester 2.1. Characterization of aluminum formate
(Zhongrun Water Industry Technology Development Co. Ltd.),
and each jar in the tests had a volume of 1.0 L. The coagulation In this study, FT-IR and XPS were chosen to measure the
process contained three segments: rapid mixing (200 r/m), slow chemical changes occurring during the synthesis process, and
mixing (40 r/m, 15 min) and sedimentation (0 r/m, 30 min). In the Al-HCOOH molar ratio in AF was selected as 1/3. The XPS
these experiments, the dosages of coagulants and the dosages results are shown in Fig. 1. The main element (Al, C and O)
of PA were designed by Design-Experts (Version 8.0.6) according measurement was able to discriminate the difference between
to response surface methodology. The related parameters and AF and Al(OH)3 by the displacement and proportion of the
designed test units are shown in Tables 2 and 3. For the AF/PA peaks. Because Al2O3·3H2O existed in the form of Al(OH)3, Al2O3
was the sole Al species observed in Al(OH)3. Compared with Al
Table 2 – Results of viscosity measurements. (OH)3, AF showed new chemical species such as AlOx-Al, Al2O3-
Al, O2-Al, Al-HOOC, which suggested that AF was synthesized
C (g/L) t (sec) η ηr ηSP lnηr ηSP/c lnηr/c [η]
successfully. In addition, the XPS result proved the hypothesis
PAC that formic acid not only played a role in adjusting acidity, but
10 421.55 1.179 1.182 0.182 0.167 0.018 0.0167 0.009 also participated in the polymerization of aluminum species by
5 378.82 1.060 1.062 0.062 0.060 0.012 0.012 the formation of Al2O3-Al and O2-Al. This conclusion could also
1 360.21 1.008 1.010 0.010 0.009 0.010 0.009
be demonstrated by the corresponding peaks in the FT-IR
AF 3.0 spectra (Fig. 2). When Al2O3-Al and O2-Al bonds appeared,
10 428.72 1.199 1.202 0.202 0.184 0.020 0.018 0.012 another hypothesis was put forth that the speciation of
5 389.32 1.089 1.091 0.091 0.087 0.018 0.017 aluminum might be more complicated than reported in recent
1 360.91 1.010 1.012 0.012 0.011 0.012 0.011 research. According to Väänänen's work (Väänänen et al., 2012),
RO dimeric aluminum is the dominant species of AF at pH 4, and
356.63 0.9982 1 some trimeric species exist as well. However, although Al2O3-Al
and O2-Al were found in AF, the speciation of AF still needed
PAC: aluminum polychlorid; AF 3.0: aluminum formate for the
further characterization to verify the species present. Al2O3-Al
HCOOH/Al molar ratio at 3.0; RO: reverse osmosis.
and AlOx-Al might exist in complex polymeric forms, and
98 J O U RN A L OF E N V I RO N ME N TA L S CIE N CE S 7 4 (2 0 1 8) 9 5– 1 0 6
Table 3 – Comparison between PAC and AF 3.0 in m/z distribution, positive charge and aluminum species from MS spectral
Distribution of m/z (%) 80–300 300–500 500–700 700–1000
the aluminum hydrolyzation at different pH should also be According to recent research (Ko et al., 2017; Stratiev et al.,
considered. Fig. 1d and e illustrate that the \COO\ group was 2016), intrinsic viscosity ([η]) has a strong relationship with
formed in this synthesis process, which verified that the molecular weight, and coagulants with high intrinsic viscosity
\COO\ group was attached to aluminum and combined into usually have high molecular weight. So, the molecular weight of
stable chemical species, not in a volatile acid (Davies et al., AF samples was characterized by intrinsic viscosity measure-
1991). ments in this study, which could be calculated by extrapolation
As shown in Fig. 2, the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectros- of the plotted data (Hobbs, 1980). Based on previous research
copy (FT-IR) proved the hypothesis that the synthesis of AF not provided by Väänänen et al. (2012), the dominant aluminum
only formed \COOH groups bound with aluminum, but also species of AF dimeric aluminum. Therefore, AF should have a
formed polymeric aluminum species. These conclusions also smaller intrinsic viscosity than PAC, which is constituted by
agreed with the results derived by XPS. The wide peak in the Al species containing 13 aluminum atoms. According to the results
(OH)3 spectrum at 3470 cm−1 represented the \OH group in Al shown in Fig. 3 and Table 2 ([η]PAC < [η]AF3.0), so the molecular
(OH)3 before the synthesis of AF. After the synthesis took place, weight of AF 3.0 (the Al-HCOOH molar ratio of AF was 1/3) was
the peak for the \OH group weakened and the characteristic clearly larger than that of PAC.
peaks of carboxyl groups appeared in the AF FT-IR curve at 3490, Charge neutralization is the most dominant mechanism in
2939, 1616 and 1400 cm−1. The strong peaks at 1616 and the coagulation process of aluminum salts. When a coagulant
1400 cm−1 might suggest vibration coupling of the \COO\ has a higher surface charge, the charge neutralization ability
group, due to delocalization of electrons on the two oxygen is better consequently. As a result, zeta potential was adopted
atoms. In addition, the peak which appeared at 1090 cm−1 as an effective and convenient measurement for optimizing
indicated the existence of R\O\R′ groups. Considering the AF samples. Furthermore, zeta potential measurements could
reaction products, it was possible that Al\O\Al was formed in help in studying the aluminum hydrolysis process over a wide
this reaction system. The Al\O\Al bond provided more pH range. Therefore, the zeta potential of AF samples was
evidence for the existence of polymeric aluminum species in measured at pH ranging from 1.6 to 13.4, with PAC also
the reaction products. This conclusion was in accordance with measured for comparison, to better understand the aluminum
the XPS results suggesting that the polymeric aluminum was hydrolysis process.
formed during the synthesis. According to Fig. 4, the trend of AF curve was similar to
In order to characterize the coagulation ability of AF, the that of PAC in the pH range of 1.6–8.0, except for the higher
viscosity and zeta potential of samples were measured. zeta potential at pH 8.0–13.4, showing an obvious difference
Fig. 1 – X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra for Al(OH)3 Al (a), O (b); XPS spectra for aluminum formate (AF) Al (c), O
(d), C (e).
J O U RN A L OF E N V I RO N ME N TA L S CI EN CE S 7 4 (2 0 1 8 ) 9 5– 1 0 6 99
40 PAC
AF 3.0
80 R-CH
40 R-OH
20 0
R-O-R' R-CH -10
0 R-OH
4000 3000 2000 1000 -20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Wavenumbers cm pH
Fig. 2 – Comparison of FT-IR spectra for Al(OH)3 and AF. Fig. 4 – Zeta potential results for the pH range of 1.4–13.6.
between the coagulants in terms of surface electric charge. ability in bridge and sweep flocculation than polymeric
The hydrolysis of aluminum salts showed a complex dynamic aluminum. Generally, highly complex polymeric aluminum,
balance as a function of pH: When the pH was less than 4, such as PAC, has better ability to adapt to a wide pH range
the dominant hydrolysate was Al(H2O)3+, which has a weaker than simple aluminum salts. As a result, the proportion of the
Al(H2O)3+ hydrolysate in PAC is less than that in solutions of
monomers (such as AlCl3) and simple polymeric aluminum
(Al2(SO4)3). Therefore, in Fig. 4, AF presented weak acidic
adaptability, which suggested that AF contained polymeric or
monomeric aluminum hydrolysates. In the pH range of 5 to 9,
Al(OH)(H2O)2+ 4+
5 , Al(OH)2(H2O) , and Al(OH)3 began to appear,
and the zeta potential curve reached a peak. In this condition,
the charge neutralization ability reaches its peak, and the
optimized pH condition is always within this pH region (Wang
et al., 2009). In this region, the trends for PAC and AF were
similar, which indicated that the hydrolysates of AF and PAC
were consistent with those of PAC. Furthermore, both AF and
PAC exhibited better coagulation behavior in the pH range 5 to
9 than in strong acidic (pH < 5) and basic (pH > 9) conditions.
However, in the pH range of 9–13.4, AF was different from PAC.
In alkaline conditions, the dominant hydrolysate of PAC was
Al(OH)−4, which contributed a negative charge to the zeta
potential. The higher zeta potential of AF than PAC indicated
the presence of a different hydrolysis mechanism under these
On the basis of the results in Fig. 5, the distribution of
molecular weight, positive charge and aluminum species are
shown in Table 3. Because the test concentration used for MS was
10 mg/L, the substances detected should be the hydrolysates of
the aluminum coagulants. According to Table 3, the hydrolysates
of AF were concentrated in the m/z range of 80 to 300 and the
most intense peak was at m/z 213 (100%). In addition, Al13 species
at m/z 213, 337 and 328 were also detected. Therefore, the
dominant species of AF was found to be Al13. In addition, Al11 (m/z
226) and Al2 (m/z 138) were also detected as main products in the
hydrolysis of AF (Feng et al., 2011b). Based on Sarpola's research
(Sarpola et al., 2007), the Al13 core is very stable and requires a
Fig. 3 – Viscosity results of aluminum polychloride (PAC), AF high collision energy (75 eV) to break its structure. However,
3.0 plotted with concentration as the X axis, and ηSP/C, lnηr/C Zhao's research (Zhao et al., 2009) proved that dimers, small
as Y axis; the intercept of the intersection gives the intrinsic polymers and Al13 could transform into each other during the
viscosity, which can be used to represent weight. hydrolysis and polymerization process of aluminum salts. Thus,
100 J O U RN A L OF E N V I RO N ME N TA L S CIE N CE S 7 4 (2 0 1 8) 9 5– 1 0 6
the optimized dosage was 21.19/0.91 mg/L, and the dye removal
efficiency reached 99.9%. Compared with the PPA^2 value
(0.2336), the smaller PPAC^2 value (0.0002) suggested that PAC
offered a stronger effect in the coagulation process. Corre-
spondingly, the optimized AF/PA dosage was 18.91/0.71 mg/L,
where the removal efficiency was 99.9%. Due to the lower
p-value of AF (PAF^2 = 0.0049, PPA^2 = 0.6942), the dominant
Fig. 6 – The X-ray diffraction analysis results of PAC and AF factor was AF in the AF/PA system. For the same removal
3.0. efficiency, both the dosage of AF and dosage of PA added were
less than the dosages of PAC/PA. The comparison between the
PAC/PA and AF/PA systems revealed that AF had a better
coagulation effect in reactive dye wastewater treatment, and
specified, using variance analysis to judge the interaction the combination of AF and PA was better than PAC/PA.
between the coagulant and coagulation aid and compare the According to Fig. 8, the 2D removal efficiency graph could
coagulation effects between AF and PAC (Tables 7 and 8). show the effects of the coagulant and coagulation aid
The correlation result of the designed model could be separately. The color removal efficiency on Line A or Line B
represented by the p-value: if the p-value is less than 0.05, it could provide the separate effect of the coagulant aid (PA) or
can be seen that the entire model is significant in accordance coagulant on the coagulation process. For example, the data
with the 5% confidence interval in the analysis of variance. parallel with line A represent the influence of PAC on the
The smaller the p-value, the higher the model significance, coagulation process; the data parallel with line B represent the
which means that the fit of the equation is better. Based on influence of PA on the coagulation process. According to the
the p-values in Tables 7 and 8, the model was in accordance 2D graph, we found that the effect of the coagulation aid was
with the significance testing. Therefore, the design was insignificant in the PAC/PA and AF/PA systems, and that the
reliable. Apart from judging the reliability of the model, coagulant aid in the PAC/PA system shows better coagulation
variance analysis could be used to analyze the interaction ability than PA in the AF/PA system. However, the better
between the coagulant and coagulant aid. If the p-value of A*B separate effect of PA in the PAC/PA system might not reflect
is less than 0.05, it can be seen that the coagulant and better color removal efficiency for the PAC/PA system. AF/PA
coagulant aid (factor A and factor B) have coefficient interac-
tion. However, both PAC/PA and AF/PA revealed no coefficient
interaction (PPAC⁎PA = 0.9567, PAF⁎PA = 0.8039). Although the
Table 6 – Results of jar test of AF combined with PA.
interaction was insignificant, PA still showed a positive effect
in the coagulation process, which will be discussed further on NO. Dosage of Dosage of Removal Zeta potential
AF (mg/L) PA (mg/L) efficiency (%) (mV)
in Section 2.3. According to Fig. 7, the response surface model
revealed the optimized of PAC/PA and AF/PA as well as the 1 34.55635 1.25 96.512 −5.545
dominant in the coagulation processes. In the PAC/PA system, 2 19 1.25 96.124 −13.9
3 19 1.25 96.512 −14.5
4 19 1.25 97.481 −9.85
5 19 0.18934 95.155 −12.95
Table 4 – Levels of removal efficiency test with aluminum
6 19 1.25 97.384 −14.65
coagulant combined with PA for CCD design.
7 30 0.5 97.287 −6.245
Argument Level 8 19 2.31066 96.221 −14.7
9 8 2 65.019 −16.5
−α −1 0 1 α
10 3.443651 1.25 1.066 −18.5
Dosage of coagulant (mg/L) 3.4436 8 19 30 34.5565 11 30 2 98.062 −5.58
Dosage of PA(mg/L) 0.1893 0.5 1.25 2 2.3106 12 8 0.5 70.736 −16.55
102 J O U RN A L OF E N V I RO N ME N TA L S CIE N CE S 7 4 (2 0 1 8) 9 5– 1 0 6
had better color removal efficiency, but PA showed an obviously, and the dimension of the flocs could exceed
inconspicuous separate effect in the AF/PA system. 800 μm. PA, which is highlighted in blue, showed a large
The addition of PA did not improve coagulation efficiency, branched pattern composed of cubic units, and PA could
which was different from previous research showing that the easily be distinguished from the small branch-like AF flocs
coagulation efficiency was increased significantly when PA and the dye pollutant, with nubby appearance and vague
was used with aluminum sulfate (Guo et al., 2015). This was edges. Based on Fig. 9c and d, the floc structure pattern
because different coagulants were used in the two studies. changed a great deal when PA combined with small AF flocs to
The combined efficiency between simple polymeric alumi- form larger flocs when PA was added in the system. Although
num (Al2(SO4)3) and PA was much better than the interaction the assisting role of PA was proven by the SEM images, the
between complex polymeric aluminum (PAC) and PA. The optimum combination ratio for AF/PA formed flocs needed to be
zeta potential results in Fig. 7 show that the AF/PA system was confirmed. Therefore, variance analysis was an indispensable
closer to the isoelectric point than PAC/PA, which indicated tool for analyzing the interaction between the coagulant and
that the charge neutralization ability of AF was better than coagulant aid from the macroscopic viewpoint.
that of PAC. Based on the experimental design, PA was added To investigate the changes in chemical species during the
in the same dosage range when it was combined with PAC or coagulation process, FT-IR spectroscopy was used to measure
AF, therefore, any charge influence due to PA dosage can be the flocs in raw wastewater, those for PAC added alone, those
ignored, and the zeta potential differences between PAC/PA AF added alone, those in PAC/PA, and flocs in AF/PA. As
and AF/PA totally resulted from the charge neutralization shown in Fig. 10a, compared with the raw wastewater flocs, the
ability of the coagulants. Furthermore (Guo et al., 2015), spectra for PAC or PAC/PA flocs showed the disappearance of
the flocculating effect of PA was dependent on the UV254 many peaks in the range 700–1600 cm−1, which are considered
and DOC (dissolved organic carbon) removal efficiencies. The to be related to the meta-substitution and para-substitution in
improvement due to PA was shown clearly in the DOC the benzenoid structure of the reactive blue dye molecule.
removal efficiency (from 42% to 59%), but in the UV254 removal When PAC or PAC/PA was added into the system, all of the
efficiency, the removal efficiency only increased by 4%, peaks (910, 743 cm−1) in raw wastewater were replaced by a
which was a very slight advance. In this research, the dye strong peak at 805 cm−1, which was indicative of 1,2,3,4,5
removal efficiency was expressed as UV608, which might substitution in the benzene ring, and forcefully proved that
be another reason for the apparently insignificant effect of the substitution reaction occurred in the benzene ring. Accord-
PA addition. Besides, the DOC removal efficiency is an ing to Fig. 10b, when AF or AF/PA was added in dye wastewater
unnecessary index in dye wastewater treatment, and UV608 treatment, the same substitution took place as well. When PAC
is sufficient to represent the color removal efficiency. However,
in water supply treatment studies, such as that of Guo et al.
(2015), DOC removal efficiency is an indispensable index for Table 8 – Results of variance analysis for AF combined
with PA.
representing the heterogeneous organic matter in natural
water. Sum of Mean F p-Value
Fig. 7 – Response surface for removal efficiency of aluminum coagulant combined with PA: PAC/PA (a), AF/PA (b). Response
surface for zeta potential of aluminum coagulant combined with PA: PAC/PA (c), AF/PA (d).
was added into the system, the peak at 3400 cm−1 became concluded that PAC bridged by means of hydrogen bonds.
broader than that of raw water. This phenomenon suggested Moreover, new peaks appeared at 2410, 1950, 805 cm−1, which
that the quantity of hydrogen bonds was increased and were the characteristic peaks for δ _CH, \C_C\ and δ _CH.
This revealed that alkene was formed in the coagulation
process. However, compared with the AF system, the flocs of
the AF/PA system did not show obvious differences in the FT-IR
spectra, even though the interaction of AF and PA was better
than that between PAC and PA. One explanation was that the
interaction between AF and PA was not dominated by chemical
bonds but by physical absorption. Besides the influence of
physical absorption on the coagulation ability of AF/PA,
some changes in the AF floc spectrum might indicate that the
pattern of connection of AF with the pollutant was different
that of PAC. In addition to the \COOH group of AF (peaks
at 3060, 3400 and 1640 cm−1), a peak for the newly formed
chemical matters attributable to C_C_O was found at
2400 cm−1, which indicated that AF captured the pollutant
by means of C_C_O bonds rather than δ _CH, \C_C\ and
δ _CH like PAC.
According to Fig. 10, the coagulation ability of PA was
questionable, in that none of the floc samples containing PA
showed PA's characteristic groups (such as \C`N, \NH3X−)
in the FT-IR spectrum. Therefore, the insignificant interaction
observed between the coagulant and PA might be attributed to
the poor purity of PA.
3. Conclusions
a PA
Fig. 9 – Image of flocs without coagulant aid used for SEM analysis (a), PA coagulation aid added (b); image of PA combined with
coagulant at PA molecule tip (c), at PA molecule trunk (d).
(2) Viscosity measurements revealed that the molecular range 1.6–8.0; however, the higher zeta potential of AF
size of AF was larger than that of PAC. Based on the than PAC implied that the formate groups in AF could
results of zeta potential measurements, AF showed a raise the zeta potential to improve the charge neutral-
hydrolysis mechanism similar to that of PAC in the pH ization ability in the pH range 8.0–13.4.
Fig. 10 – FT-IR spectra of flocs, with PAC as coagulant (a), AF as coagulant (b).
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