Tesis - 1 - 2014 PDF
Tesis - 1 - 2014 PDF
Tesis - 1 - 2014 PDF
Michael Marvin
May, 2014
Thesis written by
Michael Marvin
Approved by
________________________________________________________________, Advisor
Accepted by
LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................iv
I. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................1
Hardware overview....................................................................................10
Software overview.....................................................................................13
RANGEFINDING LAB...........................................................................22
V. CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................34
Figure 7. The schematic diagram for the amplifier circuit using the LT1058CN.............32
I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Dr. Jon Secaur, for his guidance and
assistance with this thesis. Without his help none of this would have been possible.
Additionally, I would like to thank Wade Aldhizer for his assistance with the aluminum
Finally, I would like to thank those in the defense committee for all of their time and
1. Introduction
perform other typically classroom oriented activities from afar, often from their homes.
This allows students who lack the transportation or travel time required to attend courses
at a traditional institution to improve their education. Kent State University has been
progressing toward offering more courses and degree programs online, with 17 degree
programs and 10 certificate programs available completely online along with several
One of the innovative ways that the Department of Physics is getting involved is
by offering remote access laboratories, which are entirely online lab experience courses.
These lab courses go along with corresponding online physics courses, such as PHY
21040 “Physics in Entertainment and the Arts” and the corresponding lab course PHY
21041 “Physics in Entertainment and the Arts Laboratory”. The lab courses are made up
of several lab modules which may require students to perform experiments at their
homes, such as measuring the speed of light using a microwave oven. In other activities
students use their computers to control an experiment that is hosted on campus. The
second style of laboratory is the focus of this thesis. I propose using a Raspberry Pi
embedded computer as the server computer connected to the laboratory equipment with a
webpage for control, and compare this to the current method which uses a standard
Windows desktop and the Virtual Network Computing (VNC) protocol for control.
To understand and compare the two methods, a detailed overview of the current
method of controlling the remote access laboratories is required. The current method
computer that is hosted on campus from their own computers using either a VNC client
or the LogMeIn web service to take control of the lab equipment. The general idea of this
is fairly simple, as users directly control the computer that they are connected to as if it
were their own computer, with inputs and display information being sent to or from the
laboratory computer. Users see the same display as the monitor attached to the laboratory
computer on their own display and interact with it using the mouse and keyboard attached
to their own computer, just as if they were using the laboratory computer directly. This
can be done from anywhere the user has access to a computer and the internet, with
webcams and other equipment connected to the laboratory computers. LabVIEW utilizes
wires between blocks which represent different functions. For instance, to take a picture
with a webcam a program may be written which starts with an initialization block to
initialize the camera, followed by a block defining the properties of the image to be taken
(such as resolution, exposure time, etc.), followed by a block that commands the camera
to take an image, and finally ending in a block that shuts down the camera. By chaining
blocks together like this, programs can be written to control each piece of equipment and
act on data received. A graphical interface, known as the front panel, contains the
controls, meters, graphs, text, and webcam images that the users interact with, each of
which has its own corresponding block in the program. To make a meter display a certain
value, for example, it is first added to the front panel, and then a wire is drawn from the
value to the input on the meter block in the block diagram. Similarly, a button on the
front panel has a block with an output which can be fed into the input of another block
with a wire. When a user clicks the button, the state of the output will change and affect
When the users log into the computer using the VNC client or LogMeIn service
through their web browsers they are given full control of the computer. In a typical
scenario the LabVIEW program which was written for the lab that the computer is
connected to will be running and will occupy the entire screen. The users then interact
with the controls of the program to change aspects of the experiment (such as activating
an LED light or altering the frequency of an oscillating rope) and record the output given
on screen, either from meters on the front panel or from the webcam image displayed.
device (DAQ) produced by National Instruments and designed to interface directly with
the LabVIEW software. This allows programs to be written which can control and read
digital signals to control external machines and circuits or to read sensors such as
temperature or light sensors. With this, physical devices can be constructed that are
controlled by the programs to perform laboratory tasks. One simple example would be
turning a desk lamp on or off to illuminate the experiment for night time viewing.
This method of control has several key advantages over the Raspberry Pi method.
The primary advantage is the use of National Instruments LabVIEW, which is a powerful
set of software that, due to the graphical nature of its programming, is easier for those
LabVIEW allows the designer of the lab to easily interface with external devices and
create a functional and attractive graphical interface. The use of VNC for display and
input gives the users a familiar form of interaction with the lab computer by using their
own keyboard, mouse, and monitor. Additionally, should a lab require a powerful
computer to process data before presenting it to the user, any sufficiently powerful
Windows computer can be used. Alternatively, should a lab require only a small amount
of processing power, a smaller or older computer may be used to save on initial costs.
Older computers can be recycled into controller computers instead of being thrown away
or placed in storage, giving these otherwise expired computers a new life with a practical
This method also has many disadvantages, some of them serious enough to
consider the method a liability to continue using for future experiments. The most serious
disadvantage with this method is security. The users are in full control of the computer
they are connected to, exactly as if they were sitting in front of it and using it with the
attached keyboard and mouse, but likely without anyone noticing they are there. They are
able to stop the program from running using onscreen buttons or key combinations which
then frees the program to have its source code modified. A user, if he or she were feeling
malicious or simply interested in how the program works, could easily stop execution of
the program and alter the functioning to change any parameter of the program. This could
prove to be dangerous, for instance if an attached device had certain physical limitations
which are accounted for in the code, such as the amount of time a device can remain
activated before being damaged, but are later changed by a user. The program then could
exceed these limitations and damage or destroy the device, which could even pose an
electrical or fire hazard. National Instruments includes several features to prevent this
sort of unauthorized access to the LabVIEW code. The first of these features is the ability
to remove the stop buttons from a running program, restricting the stop functionality to
keyboard shortcuts that the user is unlikely to know. By removing the button, there is
little to no chance that the program will accidentally be stopped and users are less likely
to stop the program on purpose. The second feature, which has been available since
LabVIEW version 5.0, is password protection of the program so that the source code
cannot be modified without entering the correct password. This reduces the chance even
further that a user will be able to maliciously alter the functioning of the program and
helps secure the viability of this method. However, this is not enough to circumvent the
While the program itself may be able to be protected from malicious user intent,
the operating system itself is not. When a user assumes control of the computer through
the VNC protocol or LogMeIn service, they are given full access as if they were using the
computer directly. This means that the user can run programs, close out of programs, start
or stop services, install updates to programs or entirely new programs, access the internet
from within the university network, and potentially install any sort of malicious software.
This security hole is a major issue and could prove to be a liability to the university as a
user could install malware that could infect the rest of the university network or could
attack outside networks from within the university’s own network. A user could
accidentally remove or modify a program that is needed on the computer to run the lab,
or at the very least do something as simple as shutting down the computer or logging off
of the user account that is running the program. This can be mitigated somewhat by
having the program be run by a user account with limited permissions so that users
cannot modify the programs on the computer, but they will still be able to log off or
shutdown the computer, modify local files, and shut down LabVIEW.
Another issue with the LogMeIn service is that it is not intended for use by 50 or
more students in one class all attempting to access a single computer. It is likely that two
users will attempt to control the computer at the same time. This may kick the first user
out of the system when the second user connects or may allow both users to control the
computer at the same time. If the two users are controlling the same computer, their
inputs will both be applied and both will be unable to properly control the equipment.
LogMeIn also has a subscription cost that must be paid by the university, which currently
costs $299 per year for the entire set of lab computers. Users attempting to connect to the
computers must install a web browser extension, which they will likely not use after the
their own web interface. LabVIEW supports streaming a copy of the front panel to the
web as a website that can be accessed by a standard web browser. It can be configured so
that only one user can assume control at any time and further users must wait until the
current user is complete. Unfortunately the remote front panel, as it is called, requires
users to download and install a large runtime engine that is compatible with the version
of LabVIEW used, their choice of operating system, and the web browser in use. The
runtime engine does not always download and install automatically and must be found on
the National Instruments website by the users themselves. If a webcam is used in a lab
then users will need a second runtime engine for the National Instruments Vision module.
The Vision runtime engine is currently only available for the Windows operating system
and so users of Mac OS or Linux will be unable to access remote front panels this way.
As many of the current labs use webcams, this makes the remote front panel option not
In addition to these serious issues with the current method of control, several less
severe but nonetheless disadvantageous issues also exist. One of these is the cost with
developing and maintaining a remote access laboratory. The computers used for running
the labs are generally older computers that are being replaced. These computers would
otherwise cost the university if free computers were not available when a new lab is
being developed. Additionally, webcams must be purchased for these computers should
the lab require one, which they often do. Most importantly in terms of initial hardware
cost, USB DAQ equipment must be purchased from National Instruments which costs
$150 to $1000 or more, even if just a single input or output is needed. The software must
additionally be purchased, such as the Windows operating system, LabVIEW, and the
Vision module if a webcam is needed. There is a continual cost also associated with
running these labs as the computers are left running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Assuming an electricity cost of 10 cents per kilowatt-hour and an average usage of 100
watts per computer, the yearly cost for running one lab is
If I assume there are up to 10 labs running at any one time, then this cost becomes over
$875 annually even when the labs are not actively being used by students.
computers interfacing with the labs and also with how the user interacts with those
This chapter will focus on the general setup, advantages, and disadvantages of the
Raspberry Pi control method. A detailed specific example of this usage will be covered in
chapter 4. Prior to discussing the major changes of this method relative to the current
The Raspberry Pi, which I will occasionally refer to as the Pi, is a credit card
based in the UK to provide a low cost computer that schools can use to teach
programming to students. Its low cost and high customizability has made it attractive to
wide by 21mm tall. For comparison, typical credit card dimensions are 85.60mm long by
53.98mm wide. For the Raspberry Pi Model B, the onboard system on a chip (SoC)
which contains the central processing unit (CPU), graphics processing unit (GPU), and
random access memory (RAM), is the Broadcom BCM2835 which contains a CPU
running at 700 megahertz, a GPU capable of BluRay video playback using H.264
encoding at 40 megabits per second, and 512 megabytes of RAM. This is comparable in
processing power to the Droid 2 smartphone released in the year 2010, but is more than
powerful enough to run a standard lab. The Pi Model A uses a similar SoC but only has
Figure 1. A diagram of the Raspberry Pi. A size comparison to a standard credit card is given. The large square chip in
the center is the Broadcom SoC.
The operating system and other files are stored on an SD card that is placed in the
onboard SD card slot. As long as an SD card has enough space for the operating system it
can be used, which generally requires an SD card of at least 2 gigabytes in size. The
keyboard, can be connected to the included HDMI, coaxial composite video, coaxial
3.5mm stereo output, 100 megabit Ethernet, or two USB 2.0 ports. Additional
connections exist for a specialized camera module, currently available, and a display
Model A forgoes the Ethernet port and one USB port to reduce cost and power
input/output (GPIO) headers. These are male pins arranged in two rows of 13 on the
board which can be controlled from software running on the Pi. They are comparable to
the input and output channels on the USB DAQ used in the current method of control in
that they can send and receive digital signals. Some of these pins are dedicated 5 volt, 3.3
volt, or ground pins which cannot be changed, but the others can function as input or
output pins capable of sending or receiving a high signal of 3.3 volts or a low signal of 0
volts. A select few pins are capable of other functions, such as Serial Peripheral Interface
Modulation (PWM). These will be used to integrate external devices into the labs in the
There are currently two variants of the camera module available. The first is
comparable to a standard high definition color webcam and is the one that I use. It is
recording video at 1920 by 1080 pixel resolution at 30 frames per second. The second
version, known as the NoIR does not contain an infrared blocking filter and is suitable for
nighttime use. Because this version lacks an infrared filter, infrared lights can be used to
illuminate the target of the camera. Infrared light is invisible to human vision and is
None of the software used in the traditional method is kept in this method. One of
the primary reasons for this is due to incompatibility with the Raspberry Pi hardware and
the operating systems available for use on it. The Raspberry Pi has a large set of
port of the Arch Linux operating system, and Pidora which is a port of the Fedora Linux
Foundation for new users due to the included software packages and user friendly
interface. I decided on Arch Linux, however, due to its barebones nature. This does mean
that the initial setup will be more complicated but has the advantage of only installing the
programs needed. This reduces the total file usage of the operating system, reduces RAM
usage, and possibly increases security as potentially insecure programs will likely not be
installed. The choice of operating system will otherwise have no effect on the students
connecting to the remote access laboratory as the other programs used are agnostic to
which Linux operating system is running on the Pi, and as such Raspbian could be used if
one so desired.
which adds a simple way to control the GPIO pins from a web interface and Python
script. Users will point their web browsers to a given URL, enter a username and
password which will be provided to them, and then will be able to interact with the
webpage. On the webpage there can be buttons, sliders, and other control interfaces,
similar to the front panel in LabVIEW, which will control various aspects of the lab. The
website can use traditional HTML and JavaScript functions to define the appearance and
interaction, while WebIOPi offers additional functions for controlling and reading from
the GPIO pins through the web interface. WebIOPi does not require any runtime engines
or browser extensions to run and can be viewed from most web browsers, including
mobile web browsers on smartphones and tablets. The appearance of the website is
defined using standard HTML and so can be created by hand using a text editor or any
WebIOPi includes its own web server but it is possible to use an existing Apache
web server installation for serving the webpage. I did not test using Apache and instead
To stream webcam footage on the webpage from the Raspberry Pi camera module
which takes images from a webcam or a folder and streams them to the web. The version
I used contains a plugin designed for use with the Raspberry Pi camera module which
gives higher frame rates than other plugins tested. The webcam stream is able to be
accessed using the standard HTML <img> tag and so no extra plugins or programs are
needed by the user viewing the stream. It can be embedded into the lab webpage using
the <img> tag and the IP address of the Raspberry Pi, along with the port that the stream
is being shared on. No control of the stream is offered to the user and so a constantly
updating image is presented with no way of pausing or stopping the webcam image.
Now that a general overview of the proposed method has been given, detailed
advantages over the current method can be given. Starting with the counter of the current
method’s most serious disadvantage, I present the advantages in terms of security that
this new method offers, beginning with the chosen operating system.
Arch Linux is an operating system based upon the Linux kernel. Linux operating
systems are not as popular as Windows operating systems, with Linux occupying 1.48%
netmarketshare.com in February of 2014. Linux is thus a smaller target for virus threats
as viruses written for Windows will have a greater chance of infecting more computers.
Coupled with the fact that Arch receives frequent updates to all of its programs and that
viruses written for one Linux distribution are not guaranteed to work with another Linux
distribution, the chance that the Pi will be infected with a virus is low. Additionally,
should a user somehow gain access to the actual operating system on the Pi, the
command line only interface and completely different set of commands from a Windows
computer would possibly deter them from attempting to make changes to the system.
Should a user manage to damage the file system in some way, all that is needed is to flash
a backed up image of the filesystem onto the SD card again and everything will return to
normal working order. As such, after a lab is completed and verified to be working the
Accessing a prompt which would allow the user to run commands is much more
difficult with this method. Instead of giving users complete access to the full desktop,
they are limited to only being able to control what is exposed to them through the web
interface. The user cannot make changes to any files on the system unless there is a
corresponding action that can be performed from the web interface, nor can they remotely
shut down the computer or even the lab program. The website can additionally be
password protected with a simple encryption method so unauthorized users cannot access
the web interface. This password can be changed easily from the command line by the
administrator and so can be changed each semester or year to prevent students who have
taken the course earlier from accessing the lab when they shouldn’t be able to. The
encryption used is not designed to be safe from a serious hacking attempt, however, and
so a more secure authentication scheme may be needed to protect against this kind of
attack. With that said, the danger posed by a hacker gaining access to a lab web page can
be minimized through well designed labs that do not allow the user to damage the lab
Moving away from the added security benefits, the next largest advantage is that
of cost. The hardware alone represents a non-trivial reduction in cost, especially if a new
computer would be needed to run the lab. A brand new Raspberry Pi Model B costs $35
before shipping and sales tax. This covers the functionality of the desktop computer and
USB DAQ device in the current method, where the DAQ alone costs $150 or more. The
Pi also requires the purchase of an SD card and a power supply, with an 8 gigabyte SD
card costing less than $10 online and a 5 volt DC power supply providing at least 1 amp
of current costing less than $20. The standard camera module can be purchased from the
same retailers as the Raspberry Pi and costs an additional $25. Dedicated keyboards,
mice, and monitors are not needed as the Pi can be run “headless” where all configuration
is performed through an SSH connection from another computer. Any other hardware
needed for the lab would be needed even if the current method was used. This brings the
total cost of creating a new lab with brand new hardware up to a total of about $100.
Factoring in the cost of the Windows operating system, National Instruments LabVIEW
and Vision software, the LogMeIn service, and a webcam in the current method
compared to the 100% free cost of the software and the comparable cost of hardware
used with the Raspberry Pi method, the new method has a clear advantage.
Perhaps even more drastic than the difference in initial hardware costs is the
difference in long term operational cost. The Raspberry Pi consumes a peak power of 5
which is a total of $83.22 savings per lab per year. For a total of 10 labs running at one
time, the combined savings in electricity would be $832.20 per year, with a total cost of
$43.80 per year. The electrical savings alone could pay for the introduction of 8 new labs
All of the software mentioned is open source software that is free to use. Being
open source means that should a feature be required in one of the programs that does not
currently exist, the feature can be added, either by the developer of the lab or by a
member of the community that exists for the program. For instance, WebIOPi currently
supports several analog to digital converters and new drivers could be written for a new
In addition to the advantages that the University would see in reduced cost and
increased security, the students themselves would see an improvement as well. WebIOPi
supports nearly every modern browser available, including mobile browsers for tablets
and smart phones, all without needing browser plugins or runtime engines. This means
that students can simply click a link to the lab from within the course syllabus or website
without needing to install anything first or using an unfamiliar program. They are not
restricted to a certain operating system or web browser and, most importantly, can access
the labs from public computers that do not allow the installation of other programs, such
This method does come with its own flaws which must be taken into
consideration when deciding which method should be used when designing a lab. One of
the advantages of the current system is that computers which are no longer being used for
their original purpose can be reused to run a lab. This method does not support this, as
new hardware must be purchased each time a lab is implemented. Additionally, all of the
programs used in the current method are unsupported by the Raspberry Pi hardware and
software. For instance, there are Linux versions of LabVIEW available, but they are
designed with Intel and AMD processors in mind. LabVIEW for Linux would not run on
a Raspberry Pi because the processor uses the ARM architecture. Additionally, the
LabVIEW development environment requires one gigabyte of RAM while the Pi only has
512 megabytes of RAM. This hardware limitation on software exists for programs other
than LabVIEW as well, as programs not specifically designed to run on the ARM CPU
architecture are not guaranteed to run on the Raspberry Pi. This issue is mitigated
somewhat by the choice of programs covered previously in this chapter, which are all
the Raspberry Pi is that it is generally used exclusively through a text only terminal and
not with a graphical user interface (GUI). It is possible to install a desktop environment
onto the Pi, and Raspbian comes with one installed by default, but Arch Linux does not
come with one preinstalled. This was a deliberate choice as I have experience with using
Linux through a terminal interface and not including a desktop environment leaves more
space for other files, but others who are working on designing labs may not have the
same experience and would have to learn an entirely new operating system without using
a graphical interface.
The programming of the labs is also performed without a GUI as the Python code
used with WebIOPi is created using a standard text editor, as opposed to the graphical
programming that LabVIEW uses. This may prove to be an additional challenge for those
who are not familiar with programming. Design of the website used to control the lab
also requires some use of editing HTML files with a text editor to include the javascript
limited processing power and memory may not be enough to handle the processing of
data a lab may require. As a result, more powerful computers may be required for labs
with large data processing elements and these labs would be unable to use the same
software set as the Raspberry Pi. This would result in two contiguous systems being used
for control within one laboratory course which could be confusing for students.
Additionally, to prevent the use of two different control systems in one laboratory
course the current system would have to be replaced entirely by the new Raspberry Pi
control method. This would have a nontrivial monetary and time cost as new hardware
would need to be purchased for each lab and new websites would have to be developed to
control the labs. However, once an initial basic setup with Arch Linux, WebIOPi, and
MJPG-Streamer all installed and configured is made and an image of the SD card is
created, using the SD card image as a base for future labs would cut down on the time
One disadvantage that the Raspberry Pi method has along with the current method
is that two users can connect to and control the lab at the same time. This may be possible
to avoid using Apache instead of the web server included with WebIOPi, but I did not
test this. This means that two or more users may connect to the lab at the same time but,
unlike in the current method, their keyboard and mouse presses will not interfere with
each other as the webpage is displayed on their local machine. A lab may be able to be
designed to minimize interference caused by two or more users, such as the lab designed
in the next chapter. That lab has one button which resets a timer. If a user presses the
button while other users are viewing the webpage, the other users are still able to press
rangefinding lab where students are able to fire a diode laser from the WebIOPi web
interface which is reflected off of a target and the light received by a detector at the
source. By determining the amount of time the light takes to arrive at the detector from
the laser source and knowing the speed of light, the students can measure the distance
gigabyte class 4 SanDisk SDHC card to store the operating system and other files. The
standard camera module is used to provide a live stream of the oscilloscope that will be
used to display the sent and received signals. Power is provided by a 5 volt, one amp
micro-USB power supply that connects to a standard 120 volt AC power outlet.
Development of this lab is split into two parts; the first is “sending”, which
comprises the hardware and software necessary to control the laser source. The second
part is “receiving”, comprising the hardware necessary to view the returned light signal. I
will begin with a description of setting up the software on the Raspberry Pi from
installation of the operating system to final configuration of the website used for control.
4.1 Sending
procedure complete with Linux commands that can be used to produce this lab from
The latest image of Arch Linux was downloaded from the Raspberry Pi
Foundation website and flashed onto the SD card using a computer running Windows 7.
The default password for the root account was changed along with the time zone
information. The hostname, or the name that other computers on the network see the Pi as
having, was changed to “physics-pi-00” and the camera module was enabled. I then
installed the programs needed to build WebIOPi and MJPG-Streamer, then built them
from their source code and installed them. Following this, I configured WebIOPi to use
the files I wanted instead of the default ones and installed a program that would allow me
to send an email when the Pi booted. I finally created a script which would start
In the event that the system were damaged in the future and to speed the process
of creating a new lab with the same programs, I created an image of the SD card that can
be flashed onto a new SD card and used in a different Raspberry Pi. The only
configuration that would need to be performed to use it in a new lab would be to change
the hostname and the files used by WebIOPi. Additional configuration changes could
also be needed, such as the email address used to send and receive the startup email.
An image of what the webpage looks like when loaded is included in Figure 2 for
Figure 2. A screenshot of the example index.html webpage. The image in the center of the webpage is the webcam
stream from the Raspberry Pi camera module and would typically display an oscilloscope output. This is a basic,
barebones example of a webpage that can be created for a remote access laboratory.
This covers the required software needed to control the laser, but additional
hardware was needed as well. The most important of these is the laser module itself. The
laser chosen for this lab was the 5mW 655nm Premier PWM laser by Global Laser Ltd.
This laser module was chosen due to its small beam divergence of less than 0.5
milliradians and ability to accept a TTL signal with a frequency of up to 1 MHz. The
distance I planned to have the laser travel was up to 5 km, as the distance between the
buildings I was planning on placing the lab equipment and the reflector at are around 2.5
km apart. The total time for the light to travel 5 km is about 17μs and I wanted to make
sure that there was a few microseconds between when the source pulse ended and the
first photons were received by the detector. I decided on having the laser be on for 10μs
and off for 27μs, for a total period of 37μs and a frequency of 26 kHz. If I had decided to
reduce the distance travelled for the final version of the lab, having the option to go up to
The TTL signal was generated by a 555 timer circuit that was built on a piece of
perfboard and designed to be plugged directly into pins 2, 4, 6, and 8 on the Raspberry Pi.
Pin 2 supplies the 5 volt power required by the laser, pin 6 supplies the ground
connection, and pin 8 corresponds to GPIO pin 14 in the Broadcom numbering. Pin 4 was
not used, but also supplies a constant 5 volts. The board was designed so that setting
GPIO 14 to a high signal of 3.3 volts would enable the laser and setting it to low would
disable the laser. This is done by connecting the output of the pin directly to the blue wire
on the laser diode. The TTL signal generated by the 555 timer circuit is connected to the
yellow wire on the laser, while the red wire and black wire are connected to the 5 volt
and ground planes on the board, respectively. A coaxial RCA connector is soldered to the
board with the outside connected to ground and the inside connected to the TTL signal.
This is then fed into one of the channels of the oscilloscope. A schematic diagram of the
circuit is given in Figure 3, with a picture of the first version of the board given in Figure
To make the rise and fall times of the TTL signal as short as possible, the signal is
sent through two inverting Schmitt triggers. These are provided by the DM7414N
Figure 3. The schematic diagram for the control board. The 555 timer is an LM555CN and the Schmitt Trigger is a
Figure 4. The first version of the control board. Several changes were made for the final version: the resistor in the
bottom of the image was moved to the correct location, headers for 5v and ground were added, and an RCA connector
was added. The female headers on the left connect directly onto pins 2,4,6, and 8 on the Raspberry Pi.
4.2 Receiving
There is no software required for receiving the light emitted by the laser diode and
so only the hardware that I used will be discussed. There are three major parts of the
receiving hardware: the detector, optical amplification, and electronic amplification. The
detector chosen was the High Frequency Hawkeye detector by Global Laser Ltd. It was
chosen because it can handle input frequencies of up to 750 kHz, which would allow me
to reduce the total distance the laser travelled if necessary, and also because of its low
project enclosure and used several pieces of ¼ inch and ½ inch PVC pipe to fix the
enclosure to the end of the telescope. To precisely aim the telescope at the reflector I used
two pieces of piping that were larger than the telescope diameter, one placed on each end
of the telescope tube, which were fixed to a piece of wood for support. Three holes were
drilled into each piece of piping spaced evenly around the perimeter of the pipe. Three
thumb screws were then threaded into the holes and the telescope was placed inside the
piping. By adjusting the screws I could precisely move the front or back of the telescope
to aim it directly at the target. A similar, smaller setup was done for the laser so that it too
could be aimed, with the back of the laser diode fixed in place and the front adjustable
with three thumb screws. This was fixed with more PVC pipe to the telescope and the
wires from the laser were guided through the piping to the Raspberry Pi and the control
The maximum distance that the light could travel and still be detected by the
detector under ideal conditions can be determined by the laser power, the beam
divergence, and the sensitivity of the detector. One millivolt of signal should be enough
to amplify and still be distinguishable from noise and as the detector has a sensitivity of
one volt per milliwatt, then one microwatt of power going into the detector should be
( ) (3)
where l is the length of the beam, D is the diameter of the beam at the detector, and θ is
the beam divergence. The maximum diameter of the beam that will provide one
microwatt of power on the detector can be determined from the area of the detector’s
√( )
where D is the diameter of the beam, Pl is the total power of the laser, Pd is the power per
area required. Pd is calculated from needing one microwatt of power on the area of the
with A being the sensor area. For this detector, the sensor diameter is 0.50cm with an area
of 2.0x10-5 m2, resulting in a Pd of 5.1x10-2 W/m2 and thus a D of 0.35 meters. From this
and equation 3, using the beam divergence of 0.5 milliradians, a total length l of 700
meters is attained. This is less than a kilometer, and so will not suffice for the purposes of
the experiment. Using the telescope, however, increases the usable area to 2.0x10-3 m2,
resulting in a Pd of 5.1x10-4 W/m2, a D of 3.5 meters, and a total length l=7.0 km, further
than the 5 km expected for the final lab, meaning under ideal conditions the equipment
The electrical amplification was more difficult as neither I nor my advisor had
amplifier circuits on the internet or in the datasheets of operational amplifiers and then
tested them to see if they would meet my needs. Operational amplifiers, often abbreviated
as “op amps”, work by amplifying the difference in voltage between the two inputs.
Ideally in an open loop configuration the gain produced by the amplifier is infinite,
meaning the slightest difference in voltage between the inputs results in the amplifier
outputting at the maximum voltage when the non-inverting terminal is at a higher voltage
than the inverting terminal, or at the lowest voltage when the non-inverting terminal is at
a lower voltage than the inverting terminal. To control the magnitude of the gain, a
feedback resistor is used from the output terminal to the inverting terminal. The output
voltage then reaches equilibrium when the inverting input is at the same voltage as the
non-inverting input.
I used an LM324N for the first part of my tests, trying a simple operational
amplifier circuit first. This did not work, partly due to the fact that the detector outputs an
AC signal centered on 2.5 volts but the amplifier needed a signal centered on ground.
amplifier, where the input signal is compared to a reference voltage and any differences
in voltage are amplified. In the initial testing with the amplifier circuit on a breadboard, I
was able to get a substantial return signal from all the way down the hallway of the
physics building, Figure 5, which is over a hundred meters in total length. After
transferring the circuit to a perfboard, Figure 6, I encountered problems with the circuit
and was not able to get any signal at all from any distance.
Figure 5. A diagram of the setup with the first prototyped amplifier. The circuit uses the LM324N as an
instrumentation amplifier. The signal visible on the oscilloscope is the output from the detector after the laser light had
travelled down the entire hallway and back.
Figure 6. The first amplifier circuit moved onto a piece of perfboard. The female headers on the left connect to the
detector, with 5V available on the top header, the signal from the detector on the center header, and ground on the
bottom header. The single female header located next to pin 7 on the LM324N is the output from the amplifier. The
potentiometer on the right allows the reference voltage to be fine-tuned around 2.5 volts. The potentiometer on the left
allows for a configurable gain.
centered on 2.5 volts with a variable frequency and amplitude. I determined that the
LM324N chip had somehow been damaged, perhaps by a static discharge, and tested the
circuit with a new chip. With the new chip, the circuit appeared to be working but the
gain potentiometer was not performing as expected. I was only able to get a gain of 40 at
100 kHz frequency and an input peak to peak voltage of 5mV. Adjusting the
potentiometer had no effect on the overall gain like I was expecting. After reducing the
frequency to 1kHz I was able to adjust the gain by changing the resistance of the
potentiometer and could reach a maximum gain of 833 using a 3mV input signal. Testing
at 10 kHz revealed maximum gains of 250 times using a 10mV signal. Seeing as I was
amplifier integrated circuit with a high slew rate, as the slew rate is related to how
I decided on the LT1058CN because of its high slew rate of 13 V/μs compared to
the LM324N’s slew rate of 0.5 V/μs. I initially tried replacing the LM324N in the circuit
with the new LT1058CN but was not able to get any appreciable gain. I then found the
circuit diagram for an amplifier that would give a constant gain of 1000, Figure 7, but
requires a split supply of +12V and -12V, as opposed to the single supply of +5V that I
was using. The pinout for the LT1058CN and LM324N are the same and is given in
Figure 8. This new circuit required a signal centered on 0 volts, so I placed a small
capacitor in series with the input signal. I tested the circuit on a breadboard and found it
to work well with the test signal, so I moved it to perfboard like I did for the previous
circuit, seen in Figure 9. Unfortunately I have not been able to get the circuit working
properly on the perfboard. For some reason after the first stage the signal becomes
centered on a negative voltage, which is amplified further in later stages, causing the
output signal to be fixed or nearly fixed on -12 volts. I have not yet been able to identify
Figure 7. The schematic diagram for the amplifier circuit using the LT1058CN.
Figure 8. The pinout for the LM324N and LT1058CN. The chips are 14 pin dual inline packages.
Figure 9. The circuit for the LT1058CN on a piece of perfboard. The headers, from top left and going counter-
clockwise, are: ground for the oscilloscope, ground for the detector, signal from the detector, +5V for the detector, +5V
from the power supply, ground from the power supply, -12V from the power supply, and +12V from the power supply.
The single male header is the output from the amplifier.
5. Conclusions
functional laser rangefinding laboratory. The only unfinished part of the laboratory was
getting the receiving side of things working sufficiently; the hardware and software for
controlling the laser diode functions as expected. In retrospect, it may have been a better
test of the feasibility of the Raspberry Pi method of control by rebuilding one of the
currently existing laboratories using the Raspberry Pi. This would have allowed me to
compare the two methods exactly without also needing to deal with the logistics of
creating an entirely new lab. However, the lab I was trying to build was one that was
going to be implemented in the future and by making progress on it now, I have saved
time and effort for its later implementation. Despite its unfinished state, the laser
Chapter 2 and the Raspberry Pi method’s solutions to many of those problems presented
the Raspberry Pi offers a low cost and power efficient control platform that is simpler for
students to use. Students would not be required to download and install additional
software onto their computers, allowing them to use public computers to perform the
labs. The security enhancements offered by the Raspberry Pi method decrease the
likelihood of damage to the laboratory equipment and decrease the possibility of the
controlling computer being infected with potentially dangerous malware. These concerns
suggest that the current method of control is insufficient and should be replaced and that
"Distance & Online Learning." Distance Learning Online, Distance Learning. Kent State
University Office of Continuing and Distance Education, n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.
Jackson, Liam. "MJPG-Streamer." GitHub. GitHub, 11 Dec. 2013. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.
"Motorola DROID 2." Phone Arena. Phone Arena, n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.
Ptak, Eric. "Internet of Things Framework." Webiopi. Google Project Hosting, n.d. Web.
2014. <http://www.raspberrypi.org/faqs>.
A computer running Windows 7 was used to setup the SD card with the initial
Arch Linux image. It was later used to configure the Raspberry Pi through an SSH
connection. The latest Arch Linux image was downloaded from the Raspberry Pi
Foundation website and the SD card was inserted into an SD card reader on the Windows
computer. The program Win32 Disk Imager was used to prepare the SD card with the
Arch Linux image by selecting the Arch Linux image file, the corresponding drive letter
After the image was finished being written to the SD card, the SD card was
removed from the Windows computer and inserted into the Raspberry Pi along with a
USB keyboard, an Ethernet cable, an HDMI cable connected to a monitor, and the power
connection. Once the monitor displayed the login prompt, the username “root” was
entered and the password “root” was entered, without quotes. For all commands entered
into a terminal window, the Courier New font is used and they are prefixed by the “#”
symbol in this thesis. To get the IP address of the Raspberry Pi so that I could perform
# ifconfig eth0
was entered. The inet address listed is the IP address I have to enter to connect to the Pi.
The program PuTTY was used to remotely control the Pi through the SSH protocol. After
a connection was made using the same username and password as before, all of the cables
connected to the Raspberry Pi were removed except the power and Ethernet cables.
Alternatively, the following commands could have been entered using the USB keyboard
and monitor without the need to use an SSH connection. All of the further commands
were performed through the SSH connection for the creation of this lab.
The first thing I did was change the password of the root user from the default to
# passwd
command and entering the desired password twice, following the onscreen prompts.
After changing the password I changed the time zone data to Eastern Time. This can be
done using the following two commands, the first removes the current time zone data and
# rm /etc/localtime
# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York /etc/localtime
Next was to change the hostname of the Raspberry Pi. The hostname is what other
computers on the network will see as the Pi’s name. Every computer on the network
should have a different hostname for easy identification. I used the command line text
editor nano when editing text files directly in the terminal window. Nano is used by
calling the command nano followed by the path to the file to be edited. First I edited the
# nano /etc/hostname
and changed all instances of the default hostname alarmpi to the desire hostname, for this
lab I used physics-pi-00. The file is saved by pressing and holding the CTRL key and
pressing the x key. When prompted to save the file, the y key is pressed to confirm that
you want to save the file followed by the enter key to accept the default name for the file.
This is the standard procedure for saving any files edited with nano. To complete the
change of hostname I had to add the physics-pi-00 hostname to the end of two lines in the
hosts file.
# nano /etc/hosts
The hostname was added to the end of the lines starting with “” and “::1”. I then
updated the list of packages so that I could begin installing the dependences required to
build WebIOPi and MJPG-Streamer. This was done by first generating a key for the
# pacman-key --init
# pacman -Syu
These commands each took some time to complete. To use the camera module I needed
to make a few changes to the /boot/config.txt file using nano. The following lines were
libjpeg git
The system was rebooted after installation to finalize some of the setting changes made.
# reboot
Next was to install WebIOPi. The latest version was downloaded from the Google Code
website where it is hosted and transferred to the Raspberry Pi from the Windows
computer using the sftp protocol through the FileZilla application. The version of
# cd WebIOPi-0.7.0/python
# nano setup.py
In the setup file I had to add an option for the GCC compiler to ignore an error that
occurred when building. This error shouldn’t damage the final compiled code but without
disabling it I could not successfully build the software. I had to change the line that read
'native/gpio.c', 'native/cpuinfo.c'])],
to read
Finishing the setup required just two more commands, one to change the directory and
the other to perform the setup. When performing the setup, the skip-apt argument was
passed because Arch Linux does not use the apt package manager while Raspbian, which
# cd ..
# ./setup.sh skip-apt
After this WebIOPi was successfully installed on the system but not yet configured.
MJPG-Streamer was the next program installed by cloning the latest version from the git
repository and running the make command. Some folder management was performed to
# cd mjpg-streamer/mjpg-streamer-experimental
# cd ..
# mv mjpg-streamer-experimental/ ../
# cd ..
# rm -r mjpg-streamer
# mv mjpg-streamer-experimental/ mjpg-streamer
The folders that contain the actual lab scripts were created next, one titled “python” and
the other titled “HTML”, both contained in the /root/lab_files/ folder. The python folder
contains the Python script that controls the laser and the HTML folder contains the file
that defines the appearance and function of the website that users interact with.
# cd
# mkdir lab_files
Next was to configure WebIOPi to search the folders I created for scripts to run. I
used nano to edit the /etc/webiopi/config file and uncommented the line in the
[SCRIPTS] section of the configuration file that starts with “myscript =” to read
causes WebIOPi to start the script.py Python script automatically when WebIOPi is
started. The second change causes WebIOPi to search for a file called “index.html” in the
/root/lab_files/HTML folder and serve that as the webpage seen when connecting.
Additionally, the port of the web server can be changed in the configuration file, but I
To receive an update when the Raspberry Pi boots up along with the IP address of
the Raspberry Pi automatically, I setup an email messaging program that will use a gmail
account to send an email containing the IP address information. Using pacman I installed
# pacman -S ssmtp
and replaced the contents of the configuration file /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf with the
# The user that gets all the mails (UID < 1000, usually the
[email protected]
# The mail server (where the mail is sent to), both port 465 or
587 should be acceptable
# See also
# The address where the mail appears to come from for user
# Username/Password
Where “username” and “password” were replaced with the username and password of the
gmail account I used. I then changed the permissions of the file so that it was not
publically readable, as the password is stored in plain text, and made sure to add the root
I then added the following line to the bottom of the /etc/ssmtp/revailiases file:
root:[email protected]:smtp.gmail.com:587
To send an email on startup, I needed to add a systemd service that would run a
bash script located in the /root directory. Using nano, I created the
Description=Runs a bash script at startup located in the root
[email protected]
ExecStart=/bin/bash /root/start.sh
Afterward, I created the start.sh script in the /root directory that contains the commands I
that in case of a power failure they would automatically resume. Additionally, I wanted to
send an email containing the IP address information to the gmail account used previously
when setting up ssmtp to alert me of a successful reboot and let me know the IP address
for initiating an SSH connection for remote maintenance. Therefore, the start.sh script
# chmod +x /root/start.sh
and added the script.py and index.html files to the corresponding folders on the
Raspberry Pi using FileZilla. After doing so, an image of the SD card was made using
Win32 Disk Imager to be used as an initial image for further labs or as a backup in case
of damage to this lab. All that is needed to use the SD card image for future labs is to use
Win32 Disk Imager to apply it to an SD card, then boot the Pi with the SD card and
change the hostname and the files in the lab_files folder. Other configuration changes
could be needed, such as the port of the WebIOPi or MJPG-Streamer web pages.
The contents of script.py are below and are commented to explain what each line
# This macro is called by the web page and tells the script to
enable the laser (in the loop() function)
def activateLaser():
LASER_ACTIVE = True # Set the laser to active in code, but
not yet in reality
return True # Let the webpage know I received the request
At this point the software setup is complete. Rebooting the system sent an email
containing the output of the ifconfig command along with the hostname of the Pi. The
webpage for the lab could be accessed by pointing a web browser at the IP address in the
email and using port 8000. The webcam image was visible on the screen as well and