Grammar Practice: Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers

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Grammar Practice

Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers

Key Information
A misplaced modifier modifies the wrong Correct a dangling modifier by supplying a word
word or seems to modify more than one word that can be modified by the dangling phrase.
in a sentence. You can correct the sentence by
DANGLING: After reading the paper, the
placing the modifier as close as possible to the
telephone rang. (Did the telephone read
word that it modifies.
the paper?)
MISPLACED: He went to the library wearing a CLEAR: The telephone rang after I read
leather jacket. (Was the library wearing a the paper.
DANGLING: Working all afternoon, the foun-
CLEAR: Wearing a leather jacket, he went
dation was completed. (Who was working?)
to the library.
CLEAR: Working all afternoon, the con-
A dangling modifier does not logically modify struction crew completed the foundation.
any word in the sentence in which it appears. OR: They completed the foundation by
working all afternoon.

■ A. Identifying Misplaced Modifiers

In each of the sentences below, cross out the misplaced modifier. In the first space write the
word(s) the modifier seems to modify. In the second space write the word(s) the modifier
should modify.
1. I read a book about trains in the library.
trains _________________
2. Trains crisscross this country running on steel rails and wood ties.
country _________________
3. Transportation is provided by trains for everything from people to freight.
trains _________________
4. Running from New York to Florida, people ride the Silver Star.
people _________________
Silver Star
5. The era of luxury trains has ended with beautiful cars and sumptuous meals.
has ended _________________

■ B. Correcting Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers

On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite each of the sentences below to correct the misplaced or
dangling modifier. You may need to make other changes to the sentences. In 1, 3, and 4, caret indicates

placement of underlined modifier.

1. The wigmaker was a busy artisan in colonial times, also called a peruke maker.
2. Catering to the wealthy, wigs were designed for all occasions.wigmakers designed wigs
3. The customer’s head was measured exactly by the wigmaker, often shaved for the purpose.
4. The new wig was chosen by the customer, tinted to the right shade with colored powders.

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