Symbiosis: Exam Handbook

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Exam Handbook


Sr. Page
No No.
1 3
Exams and Assignments

Assignments – Guidelines, Policies And Procedures

2 3
- All Programs

Exams – Guidelines, Policies And Instructions For Computer Based On-

3 4
Demand Exams

Procedure For Computer Based On-Demand Exams

4 - For General/Defence Category Students 5
- For International / SAARC Category Students

5 Project Report /Case study /Submissions / Resource file 9

6 Re-Evaluation Policies And Procedures 10

7 Grace Marks Policy 10

8 Credit System 11

9 Award Of Diploma or Certificate 11


1.1. Assignments:

Assignment is an assessment tool used to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning
progress, skill acquisition for the subject/s or course/s. At SCDL the Assignments are Computer-based assignments
submitted via SCDL website through their respective Student Login. Assignments can be submitted at any time
during the program registration validity for current and previous semester courses/ subjects. The result of the
Assignments are declared instantly after answering all questions online and the marks are officially updated in
student login within 24-48 hrs, from the date of assignment is appeared. Refer point no. 3 below for more details.

1.2. Exams: Computer Based On Demand Examination

An Exam or examination is an official test or assessment that shows your knowledge or ability in a particular subject.
SCDL exams are Computer based examinations and have to be attempted through approved exam centres
designated by SCDL. Computer based examination can be scheduled 'On Demand' at student's convenience.
On Demand Computer based examination facilitates students to schedule the exam on desired date, time slot and
in a nearby exam centre designated by SCDL, at their own convenience. A student can book a slot through his / her
own Student Login. For Computer Based Examination, SCDL has 75+ exam centres all over INDIA. The result of the
exam will be declared officially within 15 working days, from the date of exam to be appeared. Refer point no. 4
below for more details.

1.3. Project/ Research Project/ Practical/ Case Study/ Submission:

Project/ Research Project/ Practical/ Case Study/ Submission is a learning experience which aims to provide
students with the opportunity to combine knowledge from various areas of learning and apply it to real life
situations & enhances students’ knowledge to enable them to acquire skills like collaboration, communication and
independent learning preparing them for lifelong learning and the challenges ahead. Project/ Research Project/
Practical/ Case Study/ Submission has to be submitted for the enrolled program, as applicable, by the last
semester, as per guidelines specified. The Project/ Research Project/ Practical/ Case Study/ Submission is
evaluated and the marks are officially updated in student login within 30 days, from the date of submission of the
Project/ Research Project/ Practical/ Case Study/ Submission at SCDL.


2.1. Guidelines, Policies for Computer Based Assignments

Students who have paid complete program fee and have a confirmed admission status get access to attempt computer
based assignment/s. Students are assumed to have basic knowledge of using a computer such as scrolling up and
down, clicking with mouse etc. Students can attempt computer based assignment/s from the 2nd month of the
commencement of the semester.
a) Assignments are objective type computers based assignments.
b) Each Assignment carries 30 marks. The minimum passing marks are 15. Duration of assignments is 40 minutes.
c) Student has to pass in each assignment separately.
d) Students should follow Applicable Evaluation Methodology ONLY to submit their Assignments for all courses
(subjects) of their curriculum.
e) Students can see their assignment marks after completing and submitting the assignment. The marks are updated
in student login in the performance sheet within 48 hours from the date of completion of assignment.
f) Students are recommended to submit assignments regularly and ensure that all the assignments for a semester
are submitted prior to the release of semester end examination, of that semester.
g) All assignments must be submitted & cleared within program registration validity period, as specified by SCDL.
h) Students cannot submit assignments for upcoming semesters. Students can submit assignments only for their
current or previous semesters.

i) Students can see the statistics of questions attempted and answered after completion of assignment.
j) Students get 2 free and 2 paid attempts of assignments (in case of failure) and subsequently have to pay for
applicable assignment fees per attempt. Students are required to refer Administrative Charges for Other Service
Requests for applicable assignment fees per attempt.
k) Class improvement facility is not available.
l) Diploma entitlement is subject to successful completion of all Assignments, Exams, Project, and Practical as
applicable during the registration validity period of the program.

2.2. Procedure to Attempt Computer Based Assignments

Students can start attempting assignments from the 2nd month of the commencement of the semester.
a) To attempt assignments student has to follow the below given steps:
i. Login to your student login with the user id and password.
ii. Click Assignment tab, then click on Attempt Assignment/s option.
iii. Click on View Details link next to the Subject for which you wish to answer assignment.
iv. Click on Answer Now link, and proceed to attempt the assignment.
v. Click Finish/Submit button to submit the assignments. Marks are displayed immediately on the pop up.
b) Assignment marks shall be updated in student login after 24 hrs from the date of assignment completed.

2.3. Procedure to Apply for Paid Attempt of Computer Based Assignments

Students can apply online to avail 2 paid attempt/s of assignment ONLY if he/she has not been able to pass in the
assignment in the previous free attempt/s. as per policy only 2 paid attempts are allowed subject to student has not
passed in the assignment.
a) To attempt assignments student has to follow the below given steps:
i. Login to your student login with the user id and password.
i. Click Assignment tab, then click on Apply For Assignment Paid Attempt (Online)
ii. Click the option to select new subject.
iii. Select the desired subject/s in which you have failed and wish to avail another paid attempt of assignment.
iv. Select the check box and click on, Submit Form, to avail another paid attempt of assignment.
v. Now, click on either Pay Online or Pay by DD. Refer Administrative Charges for Other Service Requests for
the applicable assignment paid attempt fees.
b) Access to attempt for the failed assignment against which the fee is paid shall be released after 1 or 2 working
days from the date of realisation of assignment fee to SCDL.
c) Students can attempt the assignment, subject to successful payment made to SCDL.
d) For any technical issues student is required to contact [email protected], with the screen shot of the
error faced, with their registration no. and the subject name.


Students who have paid complete program fee and have a confirmed admission status get access to apply & appear
for computer based exams. Students are assumed to have basic knowledge of using a computer such as scrolling up
and down, some typing, clicking with mouse etc. Students can apply for the exams & book exam slot from the 3rd
month of the commencement of the semester.

3.1. Guidelines and Policies for Exams

a) Exams are a combination of objective and subjective type computer based exams and are to be attempted using
computers provided at the exam centres.
b) Exams are Computer Based Examinations and are to be attempted through SCDL approved exam centres ONLY.
c) The exam will be of 70 marks and the duration of the exam will be 1 hour 20 minutes. Minimum passing marks
are 35 in each course (subject).

d) Student has to pass in Computer based examination and assignments separately for each course (subject) of the
enrolled program.
e) Exam fees are not included in the Program fees and students have to pay exam fee separately for each course
(Subject) of the enrolled program before they apply and appear in the desired course (subject). The Exam Fees
can be paid online or by Demand Draft along with exam enrolment form, from time to time.
f) Students are required to refer Administrative Charges for Other Service Requests for applicable exam fees.
g) Exam fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
h) Availability of exam slots is on “FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS”. If a student has paid the exam fees, but fails to
book the exam slot or does not attempt the computer based examination in-spite of exam slot booking, he/she
will be required to re-pay the exam fees again to book a fresh exam slot to appear for the un-cleared paper.
i) Student who has booked the exam slot but has not appeared or has attempted the exam but failed to pass, will
not be able to re-apply/attempt until the exam results are declared officially.
j) Students are requested to take print out of the hall ticket immediately after booking slots. In an event of any Force
Majeure due to which the student is unable to attempt the exam in his/her slot or at the exam hall, SCDL will
make required arrangements for such student(s) to reattempt the exam at another convenient date/time at no
cost to the student/s. Force Majeure is described as natural disasters, local unrest, riots, sudden / unexpected failure of
electricity / computer hardware & software etc.
k) Students are advised to visit our website, Notice Board, regularly for current updates
regarding Computer based examination or exam centres, one day prior to the exam date.

3.2. General Instructions for Exams

a) Students are required to report at least 30 minutes prior to actual examination at the Approved Exam Centre.
b) Students must carry their Exam Hall Ticket (Hardcopy) and their SCDL Identity Card and Govt. Authorized Photo
ID Proof like PAN Card / Driving License / Aadhar Card / Voter ID Card etc. (all in originals) to the exam centre for
verification. No other proof of identity will be accepted.
c) Students would be responsible for signing the attendance sheet available at the exam centre without which their
paper will not be assessed and the student would be marked absent for the exam.
d) Students are warned not to use any unfair means at the exam centre.
e) Students are not allowed to bring Digital Diary, Cell phone, and palmtops to the examination hall. In case a student
is found using the cell phone, smart phone, palm tops the same shall be confiscated and the student shall be
debarred from the exam. All cell phones should be switched off during the examination.
f) SCDL or the exam centre is not responsible for the safekeeping / loss of personal belongings of the student.
g) Smoking is not allowed in the campus / examination area. High standards of discipline have to be maintained
during the examination sessions. Defaulters will be dealt strictly.
h) Students violating any of the above instructions will be subjected to admission cancellation.

Students have to first apply, pay exam fee and then book exam slot for the exam for which they have to appear for
computer based on-demand exam/s. Then student is required to book an exam slot & has to go to the exam centre as
per booked exam slot and attempt the exam. Students are required to follow the guidelines, policies and Instructions
specified above in point no. 4. Follow below given procedures to attempt computer based on-demand exams.
Note: Students are required to refer Administrative Charges for Other Service Requests for applicable exam fees.

4.1. For General and Defence Category Students

Procedure to Apply for Computer Based On Demand Exams

Students enrolled under General / Defence category, have to appear for computer based exams from Approved Exam
Centres of SCDL, in India ONLY. To avail the facility to appear for exam/s outside INDIA, the student is required to
change the admission category to International/SAARC category.
a) To Apply for exams student has to follow the below given steps:
i. Login to your student login with the user id and password.
ii. Click Examination tab, then click on Step 1- Apply for exam/s and click the option to select new subject.
iii. Select the check box and click, Proceed to Exam Form, tab.
iv. Select the desired subject/s which you wish to apply and appear for exam.
v. Select the check box and click on, Submit Form, to apply for exams.
vi. Now, click on either Pay Online or Pay by DD. Refer Administrative Charges for Other Service Requests for
the applicable exam fees.

Pay Online, Exam Fee:

Pay fee online using credit/debit card or by net banking etc. Kindly be noted that Access to book exam
slot is subject to realization (successful transaction) of payment of exam fees. For the exam fee paid
online, one of the following transaction receipt message will be displayed on the screen:-
 Success:
Thank You, your transaction has been successfully recorded.
Your Transaction will be credited in SCDL a/c in next 1 or 2 working days.
 Fail/Error:
Thank you for applying for computer based examination. However, the transaction has been declined.
You can attempt to pay fee online for the desired subject after 1 or 2 working days. In case of any net
banking opted to pay fee, try after 2-3 working days. Please note down the transaction details like
transaction ID, Date and Amount to contact [email protected] for further queries, if any.
 Waiting Status:
Thank you, your transaction is in process. We are waiting for the response from the bank.
Your Transaction will be credited in SCDL a/c in next 1 or 2 working days. Please note down the transaction
details like transaction ID, Date and Amount to contact [email protected] for further queries, if any.

Pay by DD, Exam Fee:

i. Click on Pay by DD option. An exam enrollment form is generated, print the same.
ii. Send this duly filled Exam Enrollment Form along with DD of exam fees. The DD should be drawn, in INR,
in favor of “The Director SCDL, Pune” payable at Pune. SCDL will not be responsible to deposit any DD
which is altered, rectified by hand, incomplete and is not payable in Pune. SCDL does not accept any cash
sent by post/courier. Payments made via cheques and or any co-operative banks DD are not accepted.
iii. The exam enrollment form and the DD shall be processed on receipt of the same at SCDL in 2 business
days. Thereafter, access to book exam slot will be released in 2 working days.
Procedure to Book Exam Slot

Students can book exam slot, subject to successful payment made to SCDL, as specified in clause no. 5.1.b) above. To
book exam slot for exams student has to follow the below given steps:
b) Login to student login with your user id & password. Click on Examination, then click on Step 2-Book Exam Slot.
c) Student will see a list of courses (subject/s) as per the enrolled program by the student.
d) Click on the link ‘View Details’ and click on Book Now link, against subject for which the exam fee is paid.
e) You will be linked to the booking system. Select the desired exam centre, date and time and confirm your exam
slot/seat to appear for the exam. Slots once booked cannot be changed / modified.

f) Once your exam slot/seat is booked, ensure that you print the Hall Ticket. Students are requested to carry along
with them to the exam centre, their respective Exam Hall Ticket (in hardcopy), SCDL Identity Card and Govt.
Authorized Photo ID Proof like PAN Card / Driving License / Aadhar Card etc. (all in originals).

Exam Action Plan:

Stakeholder Activity Timeline

Student Apply For Exams, Online / By DD All 12 Months any time
SCDL Process Exam Requests In 1-2 business days as soon as request is received
SCDL Release Access To Book Exam Slot In 1-2 business days subject to successful payment of exam fee
SCDL Exam Fee Expires From the date exam fee is processed till 29th of immediate next month
Student Book Exam Dates Book any date between day after tomorrow till next 55 days
Student Appear For Exams Appear for exam as per slot booked
SCDL Result Declaration After 15 days from the date of exam

Student can apply for exam any time within program validity period. On the basis of exam form/s processing, students
can do the exam slot booking up to 29th of current month and / or within 29 days of the following month.
For E.g.: Consider, exam form/s has been processed on 12th of a particular month, one has the access
of booking exam dates will open from 13th and will remain open up to 29th of consecutive next
month. However, if exam form is processed on 28th of the month, then access of booking exam dates
will be available from 28th of the same month to 29th of the consecutive next month.
On the basis of exam form processed in system, it is mandatory for the student to complete the exam slot booking
on or before 29th of the subsequent month from the date of successful acknowledgement of exam fee/s received at
SCDL. Else, the access to exam slot booking will expire, after said due time period i.e. 29th of subsequent month. Upon
release of exam slot booking access, students will be able to book the Exam dates, with a time gap of 2 days, of
current + subsequent month date ONLY, at a given point of time.

4.2. For International & SAARC Students

Students enrolled under International/SAARC category, can appear for computer based exams either from Approved
Exam Centres of SCDL, in / out of India, and otherwise from Reputed Universities/Colleges, Institutes, Embassies or
Organizations outside India. While applying for exam/s student is required to select the desired Exam Location to
appear for exam/s.

Procedure to Apply for Exam

a) Local (Wish to take Exam in India) through Approved Exam Centres: International / SAARC students, are required
to click the option Local (Wish to take Exam in India) and have to follow the process as specified above in Point
no. 5.1.a) to 5.1.h) to apply & book exam slot to appear for exams in India. Applicable exam fee, in such a case
shall be Rs. 450/- per subject. This exam fee can be paid online or by Demand Draft.
b) NRI (Wish to take exam out of India) Through: International / SAARC students are required to click the option
NRI (Wish to take exam out of India).
i. Approved Abroad Exam Centres:
 Click on Wish to Take Exam at Abroad Exam Center option.
 Now, follow the process as specified above in Point no. 5.1.a) & 5.2.b) to apply and appear for exams from
approved abroad exam center.
 Pay applicable exam fee. This exam fee is to be paid online ONLY. Note: Students are requested to refer
Administrative Charges for Other Service Requests for the applicable exam fees.
 SCDL will communicate to APPROVED TEST CENTRE the details of the exam, mentioning the Date,
Time/Duration, Location, Subject etc. for each registration number.
 Students must carry their Exam Hall Ticket (Hardcopy) and their SCDL Identity Card and Govt. Authorized
Photo ID Proof like PAN Card / Driving License / passport etc. (All in originals) to the exam centre for
verification. No other proof of identity will be accepted.

ii. *Administrative Mode:
 Login to your student login with the user id and password.
 Click Examination tab, then click on Step 1- Apply for exam/s and click the option to select new subject.
 Student is required to download the Administrator Undertaking Form, print & fill it and submit to seek
approval from exam head @ SCDL.
 Send by email on [email protected] the Administrator Undertaking Form and Exam
Administrator Credentials Letter.
 The student should communicate to SCDL the date/time and place/location where he/she would like to
appear for the exam through the Administrator Undertaking Form.
 Subject to approval, given for the Administrator, by Exam Head, student has to proceed to apply and pay
exam fee for the approved subjects online.
 Login to your student login with the user id and password. Click Examination tab, then click on Step 1- Apply
for exam/s and click the option to select new subject.
 Select the check box and click, Proceed to Exam Form, tab.
 Click on NRI (Wish to take exam out of India) and then Click on Administrative Mode option.
 Select the subject/s as specified in the Administrator Undertaking Form to apply and appear for exam.
 Select the check box and click on Submit Form, to apply for exams.
 Now, click on Pay Online to pay exam fee/s. This exam fee is to be paid online ONLY. Students are required
to refer Administrative Charges for Other Service Requests for applicable exam fees.

Procedure to Book Exam Slot @ Approved Abroad Exam Centres and or Through *Administered Mode Only

After the administrator confirmation is received & online payment from exam form link, check for booking in 2-3
days. Login to student login with your user id & password to further book exam slot.
c) Click on Examination, then click on Step 2-Book Exam Slot.
d) Student will see a list of courses (subject/s) as per the enrolled program by the student.
e) Click on the link ‘View Details’ and click on Book Now link, against subject for which the exam fee is paid.
f) You will be linked to the booking system. Select exam date & enter approved proctor / administrator details.
g) Kindly note that the exam date & time are in IST and you need to calculate the time as per your time zone
difference before confirming the same.
h) The email id of the proctor must be an organizational email id. Note: Proctor / Administrator Password will not
be forwarded on any personal email id.
i) Check and confirm booking. Slots once booked cannot be changed / modified.
j) Once the nominations get approved from SCDL (except exams at Dubai) an email is sent to candidate as well
as his administrator with their respective passwords for activation of Computer based examination.
- Administrator is required to submit an Exam Administrator/Student Verification Form after conducting the
online exam successfully for the student.
- In case of exam issues, please send an email to [email protected] with your candidate ID, name
& subject details. Queries related to exams, sent on any other email ID shall not be entertained.

*Administrative Mode

Student registered under International / SAARC category and those who wish to appear for the exams from outside
INDIA have to give the exam through Administrative Mode. The exam can be administered by an exam
administrator at any of the Reputed Universities/Colleges, Institutes, Embassies or Organizations or Govt. Library.
The exam cannot be given from an Internet Café, home etc. Kindly note below important points:

 An embassy official, lab instructor, professor, library official or lecturer or immediate supervisor can act as an
“Exam Administrator.” The exam administrator must be a third party. The exam administrator cannot be a fellow
student, subordinate, co-worker, peer, friend or relative.

 Administrator Undertaking Form: The student will make the initial contact with the “exam administrator” and
inform the name and designation of the official acting as the exam administrator, and the list of subjects which
he will administer, to SCDL.
 Administrator Credential Letter: The student will also provide a letter providing the credentials of the “exam
administrator” on an official letterhead. The administrator must provide official email ID for receiving the
password to activate the exam.
 An Exam Administrator undertaking form is available in the student centre which should be duly filled and signed
by an exam administrator. Exam Administrator Undertaking Form and Exam Administrator Credentials Letter is
mandatory to be sent to SCDL. Student is required to either scan and email it to [email protected]
email id or submit the hard copies of the dully filled Administrator Undertaking Form and Administrator
Credential Letter in original at SCDL Pune.
 After the Administrator Credentials are received, verified & approved, student is informed accordingly and
thereafter, student is required to proceed to pay exam fee and book exam slot for the applied subjects.
 SCDL will verify the slot booking and confirm the exam schedule through an automated email to student and
exam administrator. Schedule includes the time, date, duration and subject of the exam.
 SCDL will send a unique password to the exam administrator to activate the exam. (The email ID of student &
administrator should be official / organizational email ID & not personal email ID).
 The change in administrator (for the exams scheduled and password already received) if so, should be informed
to SCDL by re-submitting the Administrator Undertaking Form, 1 week in advance, of actual exam date/s.
 For technical / system error faced during the exam, the screen shot of error occurred, must be sent to
[email protected], for necessary verification and email response time will be next 2 – 3 working
days. An email without proper screen shot of error faced during the exam attempt will not be entertained.
 If the student tries to access / open the exam paper, before the actual time of exam, the exam link gets locked,
by default, and in such a case the student has to re-pay the exam fees to re-schedule the examination.
 Non-receipt of passwords (administrator and or candidate) to appear exam must be informed to
[email protected], 4 – 5 working days in advance. The email on passwords not received within
short notice of few hours / 1 day, of actual date of exam, shall not be entertained.


Project Report is an important component of the program enrolled and is a progressive attempt to produce a result
which includes interrelated tasks that are planned to achieve set goals or output. It is mandatory to submit the project
within the program duration as specified. Project related guidelines are released in student login in the last semester
of the enrolled program. Refer Evaluation Methodology for the applicable project component for enrolled program,
given above under point number 2 respectively. Students are requested to refer Administrative Charges for Other
Service Requests for the applicable fees w.r.t. submission/re-submission of the Project Report /Case study
/Submissions / Resource file and pay fee online. Important notes for all students of all programs:

Submission Policy: Students are required to submit project / Case study / Submissions / Resource file etc. Check
for guidelines by the last semester in your respective student login.
Resubmission Policy: Only in the event of failure, in the Project Report/Case Study/Submission student has to
resubmit Project Report/Case Study/Submission on payment only once for evaluation.
Re-evaluation Policy: Students can apply for re-evaluation towards Project Report/Case Study/Submission on
payment of applicable fees within 8 working days after the marks are updated in performance
sheet. Students are required to forward re-evaluation request in duly filled Service request
form and DD towards re-evaluation of Project Report/Case Study/Submission. The request
received after above said timeline will not be taken into consideration.
The students are requested to contact SCDL within 8 working days after the Project Report/Case Study/Submission
marks are reflected in performance sheet for any marks related issues or queries. The queries on project report/case
study/submission evaluation, received after above said timeline will not be taken into consideration.
Hard copy of Project Report/Case Study /Submission / Resource file, once submitted at SCDL will not be returned to
student. Students must retain one copy of the Project Report/ Case Study /Submission for their own reference.

For Objective type of examination result is a computer generated result, hence the chances of error in calculation of
marks are remote. Computerized exam results are always in line with the total number of questions attempted by the
student & the number of correct answers & incorrect answers, out of total number of questions attempted in the said
computerized assessment by the student.

6.1 Exam Re-Totalling Policy and Procedure:

The students can apply for re-totalling of term end examination, ONLY, within 8 days from the official declaration of
exam result. Student is required to send an email to [email protected] with the subject name, date of exam
attempted and registration number. Once the re-totalling is done, the marks are communicated to the student, within
8 days of receipt of retotalling request. The result of re-totalling is made available in the performance sheet.

6.2 Exam Re-evaluation Policy and Procedure (Only for Subjective Questions):
Students can apply only for re-evaluation of the Subjective Type of examination, ONLY, within 8 days from the official
declaration of exam result. The following procedure needs to be followed:-
a) Fill the Service Request Form (SRF) and pay applicable administrative charges by Demand draft drawn in favor of
“The Director SCDL, Pune”. The student can also make the payment online. The request should reach SCDL within
the timeline specified above.
b) Post receiving the SRF and DD at SCDL, the result of re-evaluation for the requested subject, will be made available
after 10 working days, in the performance sheet of their respective student login.
c) Any request for re-evaluation will not be entertained after 8 days of the official declaration of the result. Any such
requests will be rejected and the re-evaluation fees shall be non-refundable and non-transferable.

6.3 Assignment Re-evaluation Policy and Procedure:

Assignments are Objective type of assessments & result is a computer generated result, hence the chances of error in
calculation of marks are remote. There is no facility to apply for re-totalling or re-evaluation of assignment marks.

Grace marks are normally given in examinations ONLY to the students who are falling short of passing the exams by few
marks. As per policy a student may apply for grace marks in exams ONLY. They may contact SCDL after passing in all
heads of the applied program except for falling short of 10 marks to pass in exams / project. There is no facility to grant
grace marks for assignment/s.

7.1 Grace Marks Policy (ONLY for Exams/Project):

Eligibility: A student who has failed in only three heads of passing in the semester end exams & having deficiency of
not more than 10 marks in totality shall be eligible to apply for grace marks. It may be noted that total grace marks
that can be availed by a student is 10 marks, inclusive of semester end exams and or project report / case study /
research project. Grace marks will be regulated as per rules and procedures mentioned below:
a) The grace marks not exceeding 10 in only three heads of passing in the semester end examination will be awarded
to a student only if these grace marks enables the student to pass entire exams making eligible for award of diploma.
b) The student whose program validity period is over, but has not applied to SCDL for grace marks, for those students,
SCDL will suo-moto award the necessary grace marks by following the above policy and will declare the result of
the student and will process the diploma certificate.
c) Grace Marks Policy is not applicable for Assignments.

7.2 Procedure to Apply for Grace Marks:

Student has to apply for grace marks only after he/she has passed in all assignments, passed in all exam and or project
and requires ONLY 10 Grace Marks in totality as per Grace Marks Policy mentioned above in point number 8.1.a). Send
a duly filled Service Request Form (SRF) to SCDL, Pune by post or email at [email protected], requesting to award
grace marks in the subject in which he/she has failed.

Credit System is used to measure the workload of a student's learning effort. Each course carries credit points. One
credit point is equivalent to 30 hours of study. Study hours consist of time spent by the students in:
 Reading & understanding the self-learning material & e-Learning
 Integrated Learning
 Preparation and submission of assignments
 Preparation for examinations
 Preparation of Projects / Case Studies, if any
The basic objective of transfer of courses and corresponding credits is to encourage students to continue learning in
an 'Open System' thus acknowledging prior learning at SCDL.

8.1 Credit Transfer System

a) The transfer of courses and corresponding credit point’s in the future academic years will be applicable only from
the Academic Year 2013 onwards.
b) The policy of transfer of courses and corresponding credit points applies to all programs of SCDL and allowed only
within the program validity period.
c) Transfer of courses and corresponding credit points from any one or two year Post Graduate Program of SCDL to
Single Courses will not be allowed.
d) A student can transfer maximum four courses and their corresponding credits if they wish to enrol in a one or two
year program offered by SCDL.
e) Transfer of courses and corresponding credits is not allowed for any courses studied by the student from other
institutes/ universities other than SCDL.
f) For transfer of courses and corresponding credits, a student must have completed and passed with a minimum of
50 % in the said course/s.
g) Transfer of courses and corresponding credits are subject to Director's approval and students are required to
submit a written “Request for Credit Transfer Application” to the Director, SCDL.
h) There will be no concession in the program fees, for the program in which student wishes to enroll, by virtue of
transfer of courses & corresponding credits. Duration or registration validity of the program remains same.


The Diploma Certificate will be awarded only after a student passes in each of the computer based examination, each
assignment and Project Report / Case Study / Submissions / Resource File as applicable for the program enrolled,
subject to completion of Program Duration and fulfilment of all other criteria laid down by SCDL as well as payment
of all fees /dues. Diploma Certificate is dispatched by speed post on the student's communication address within 15
working days, from the date of completion of program.
Grading System (All programs): SCDL has a grading system which gives aggregate percentage as well as the respective
Grade Class Percentage
A+ Distinction 70% and Above
A First Class 60% - 69.99%
B Second Class 55% - 59.99%
C Pass Class 50% - 54.99%
D Fail Below 50%

Note: Student Centre is locked as soon as student becomes eligible to receive Diploma Certificate.

Students are recommended to register on Alumni Portal post completing the program successfully.


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