Cooling Tower Notes
Cooling Tower Notes
Cooling Tower Notes
A wet cooling tower is an enclosed device used to dispose waste heat by evaporation from
industrial processes and refrigeration or air conditioning system, where it is operated based
on the direct contact of the earth's most common substances: Air and Water.
Principle of
The automatic rotating sprinkler system distributes the hot water evenly over the entire fill
section. Dry air is simultaneously drafted upward causing evaporation. The cooled water
falls into the basin and is pumped to the heat source for recirculation.
It is necessary to define the most common terms in the cooling tower operation.
i. Range is the difference in temperature between the inlet hot water and the outlet cold
For 40°C inlet and 35°C outlet, the range is 5°C.
ii. Approach is the difference in temperature between the outlet cold water and the wet
bulb of the entering air.
For 35°C water out let and 27°C wet bulb temperature, the approach is 8°C.
iii. Circulating water rate is the quantity of hot water entering the tower.
iv. Fills which are placed within the tower to effect heat and mass transfer between the
circulating water and the air flowing through the tower.
v. Casing is a vertical enclosing sidewall which surrounds the fill and retains the water
within the tower.
vi. Distribution system begins with the inlet connection for distribution of circulating hot
water within the tower to the points, where it comes in contact with air.
vii. Eliminator is an assembly which serves to remove entrained moisture from the
discharged air.
The rotating water sprinkler head distributes the hot water within forming a fine spray, and
hence does not need the conventional type of moisture eliminator. This is because the water
header has large number of holes giving a 'steam' type flow directly into the infill. Towers
with fixed nozzles cannot obtain the coverage, which is needed for optimum cooling. We
should not overlook that in rectangular type towers, eliminators provide a pressure drop
which evens out the flow particularity into the corner.
The 'Advance' tower being round, plus its conical fan inlet can better provide an even air
flow through the infill, with a lower pressure drop, and without the additional pressure drop
caused by the eliminator needed on other towers.
Fan KW depends on the mass of air delivered, the pressure generated and the blade
efficiency. "Advance" air volumes are similar to competitor's sizes. The influencing factor for
lower power is 'pressure' and 'efficiency'.
1. The "Advance" tower has large air inlet area, with low air velocity, low pressure drop.
2. The "Advance" tower is of the induced draft type.
The fan is in the ideal position, to discharge the air at a high velocity upward and allow
natural convection to prevent recirculation, as can happen with the forced draft tower
arrangement, where air leaves the eliminators at low velocity.
Pumping Head
As seen already, the water distribution by a rotating header, is a significant part of the
"Advance" tower design. The large diameter holes in the rotating header give a gentle
stream of water at negligible pressure loss. Also, there is no risk of 'clogging', as can easily
happen with spray nozzles in other types of towers.
It should be noted that pumping heads quoted for "Advance" towers include both of these
as well as the piping inside the pressure loss of the sprays. To this must be added the static
lift to the spray header from the basic water level, plus the external piping friction loss. In
many cases the pumping head required for an "Advance" tower is about 50% less than
for some other towers.
Life Factor
FRP should not be confused with the translucent fiberglass roofing panels, and in particular
with the cheaper grades which have given poor results even only in a few years. Without an
adequate protective layer, the sun's ultra violet rays draw the fibers upward so that 'hairs'
appear to be growing on the panels as with fiberglass hulls, the "Advance" tower casings
have a protective Neopently Glycol gel coat, which apart from containing the pigment
colour, entirely resists the sun's rays. As a result, "Advance" towers do not need painting.
However, if a client wishes to have a colour scheme changed, painting is possible.
Compared with timber towers which will ultimately rot, or steel towers which will rust
despite increased maintenance, the fiberglass tower has a tremendous financial advantage
for the wise investor. Unfortunately, many buyers appear to be only concerned to
maintenance, running costs or rate of deterioration.
DMD 1680 has an Installed Fan Motor of 10 HP, whereas other reputed manufacturers offer
Cooling Towers with either 15 HP or 20 HP motor for the same capacity.
The lower HP rating of the motor used in "Advance" towers therefore leads to a substantial
saving in annual energy cost as illustrated below:
HP Difference 5 HP 10 HP
K.W. 3.7KW 7.5KW
Assumed Unit Rate (Rs) RS 3.5 RS 3.5
No. of Working Hours (p.a.) 8640 8640
Energy Cost p.a.(RS) RS 1,11,888/- RS 2,26,800/-
Therefore in Case No. 1 you will spend an extra RS 1,11,88/- p.a. and Case No. 11 RS
2,26,800/- p.a. on Electricity Bills if you choose to buy a tower with a higher HP motor
rating as compared with "Advance". "Advance" are the only High Performance FRP Cooling
Towers designed for long life and low maintenance at a competitive price. The money you
save on maintenance and electricity bills make "ADVANCE" your best Cooling Tower
investment from installation and years thereafter.
When you invest in "ADVANCE" Cooling Towers, you are assured of the following:
1. Superior laminate strength, with Isopthalic Resin (ISO) reducing vibration and
increasing tower life.
2. Neopently Glycol (NPG) gelcoat finish for UV protection and color retention with
improved surface finish.
3. Auxiliary drain tank totally in corrosion resistant FRP.
4. Fans, hubs and sprinklers in gravity die cast aluminum allow LM-6 together with
dynamically balanced fan assemblies ensuring smoother operation, longer bearing and
motor life.
5. PVC fills made from vacuum formed virgin PVC sheets.
6. Power saving leads to lower annual electric bills due to our direct drive motors with IP-
55 protection and 'F' class insulation.
7. Protection against malfunctioning parts including Motors through a 15 months warranty
from date of your "ADVANCE" tower.
The bolt together FRP casing is completely non-corrosive. The casing enclosing the PVC fills
services to isolate the air stream, which passes over the fills. The casing is bottle shaped to
reduce frictional resistance of air and aid air flow pattern. It is designed to withstand wind
loads upto 75km/hr, and vibrations emanating from the motor and other equipment. FRP
casing has a high impact resistance when laminated with Isopthalic Resin and even if
damaged, is easily repaired at site. The Neopently Glycol gel coat is U.V. inhibited to provide
a long lasting finished appearance and service life and imported wax release agents helps
retain colours for long periods even when exposed to direct sunlight. The casing is in
sections of easy to handle sizes and is assembled at site using bolting joints. The bottle
shape of casing is ideal with regard to cooling efficiency and space economy.
The various devices commonly used for cooling water, fall into three main groups:
i. Ponds: cooling ponds and spray ponds.
ii. Natural draft towers: Atmospheric, chimney or hyperbolic and fan assist natural
iii. Mechanical draft tower: Forced or induced draft, each of which may be either
counter flow or the cross flow type.
Thermal Design
The "Advance" cooling towers operate on the counter flow principle which gives the best
performances. The air flow through the tower infill is opposed to the water flow. The cold air
meets the cooled water at the bottom of the infill providing maximum evaporation and heat
transfer in the infill. The PVC infill is corrugated with clear channels between flutes to
prevent any blockage and giving a large surface area per unit volume. Water flows through
the infill in a thin film exposing the maximum area to the cooling air flow. The flutes of the
infill are at an angle and each layer of infill section is reversed, turning the film or water and
air over for maximum cooling.
The basin serves the purposes of collecting the water descending from the fills and
channelling it to the suction point. Further, the basin also acts as a reservoir of water. The
basin is also made of FRP and has similar characteristics as the casing.
tank/auxiliary tank
The suction tank is located below and in the center of the sump and has all connections for
inlet/outlet, drain, filling and overflow. The unit is at the lowest point and is always flooded
thus ensuring no cavitation on the pump suction. The suction tank is fully molded in FRP to
prevent corrosion and subsequent leakages. A drain is provided to the tank which makes it
quite simple to remove the accumulated dirt and to drain out the water (which simplifies the
cleaning and maintenance of the Tower).
Tower Structure
The structural of the tower support the casing, basin and motor mounting the loads to the
foundations. These are of Mild Steel and are hot dip galvanized so as to resist corrosion.
The fills section is designed to bring about intimate contact of water and air so as to
facilitate heat and mass transfer at the same time aiding in proper and even distribution of
air and water over the cross section, while maintaining minimum pressure drop. The fills are
of honeycomb section and are vacuum formed from Virgin PVC for excellent resistance to
corrosion and give maximum area for wattage.
The gravity die cast aluminum alloy / Stainless Steel sprinkler is used to distribute the water
evenly over the cross section of the tower. An aluminum alloy / Stainless Steel rotary head
with radial PVC / PP pipes having drilled holes serves this purpose. The rotation of assembly
is accomplished due to reaction of water jet being sprayed from the PVC / PP pipes. The
sprinkler head is mounted on top of the central water supply pipe. To reduce frictional
resistance and to ensure free rotation even at low flows the sprinkler has two sealed
prefabricated ball bearings mounted on the central shaft. This sprinkler system is preferred
over the fixed nozzle system for various reasons.
Fan/ Fan Blades
FRP corrosion-resistant axial flow, multi blade version with zero foil blade section and
adjustable blade pitch. The fan is designed to deliver large volumes of air at low power
consumption. The fans are dynamically balanced for smooth operation, longer bearing life
including that of the supporting structure.
The fan drive motor is in IP55 'F' class design. The fan is directly driven by the special
extended shaft motor made from En8 steel mounted facing downward on a mounting frame
on the top of the Cooling Tower.
Since Cooling Towers are generally installed on wind swept rooftops or at higher altitude,
galvanized Mild Steel grills are installed at the air inlet and air outlet (space between the
Tower casing and Water Basin) to prevent water splash and contaminants like leaves, birds
etc. entering the Cooling Tower.
Drift Eliminators
Units with rotary sprinklers are designed to minimize carry over by judicious choice of air
flow velocities. The air distribution is aided by using a centrally located rotating eliminator
section to avoid high velocity areas. Further, the pipes are covered by zerofoil section
eliminators which helps arrest small droplets from escaping and for evenly distributing the
sprinkled water. For the towers using stationary sprinkler nozzles, a full width eliminator
covering the full cross section is used. The shape of the eliminator is chosen to minimize
pressure loss of air and to trap the maximum amount of entrained droplets.
Preparation for
• Decrate all components, open all packages, and confirm nothing is damaged.
• Check all components received as per packing slip (including fiberglass mat and resin).
• Collect all tools and tackles as needed
-- spanners
-- drill and drill bit
-- pipe wrench
-- screw driver
-- Plier
-- hammer
-- files
-- spirit level / pipe level
-- slitting knife
-- brush
-- roller
• Check concrete foundation, is as per drawing.
• Check level of foundation legs and correct if required.
• Install suction tank on central foundation, with correct orientation as decided by client.
• Install pipe legs on circumferential pad foundation and slip in foundation bolts. Level top
side with level pipe.
• Install basin supporting ring and Bolt together, with supporting legs.
Bolt basin FRP section and place on top of Basin Ring.
• Install Grill (Jali) support upper Ring support legs on top of Basin on edges.
• Install upper ring and bolt to legs.
• Install casing sections piece by piece and bolt together to next piece to form complete
cylindrical shape.
• Install motor supporting ring / bracket.
• Install ladder.
• Install motor and fan assembly (for large towers, for smaller tower these may be
installed after fills).
• Connect inlet stand pipe.
• Bolt on sprinkler mounting pipe.
• Install sprinkler head, by screwing on the pipe.
• Screw in pipes and end caps and lock with locknut (for large towers turn buckles are to
be used for maintaining PVC pipes horizontal).
• Install clamp on central pipe.
• Install cross member for fill support.
• Place fill support grid and bolt in place to form ring.
• Install fills by facing 150mm x 600 mm face down on grid, starting with diametrically
placed packs, fill up rest of grid.
• Install next fill pack layer at right angles to 1st layer.
• Seal Basin flanges and suction tank with fiberglass mat and resin, and allow it to set
before disturbing.
• Install motor / fan protection grid with hinged portion in alignment with ladder.
• Install grill (screen) for air inlet.
• Brush coat bolt heads with resin for additional protection.
• Provide bottom support for ladder.
Tower Location
Space available around the tower should be as generous as possible to promote ease of
maintenance and to permit freedom of airflow into and through the tower. If you have
questions about the adequacy of the available space and the intended configuration of
tower, please contact your Advance sales engineer for guidance.
Prepare a stable, level support foundation for the tower, utilizing weight, wing load,
dimensional information and piping directions appearing on appropriate Advance submittal
The cooling tower must be located at such distance and direction to avoid the possibility of
contaminated tower discharge air being drawn into building fresh air intake ducts. The
purchaser should obtain the service of a Licensed Professional Engineer or Registered
Architect to certify that the location of the tower is in compliance with applicable air
pollution, fire and clean air codes.
Heat load: With the fan in full operation, if the heat load increases, the cold water
temperature will rise. If the heat load reduces, the clod water temperature will reduce. Note
that the number of degrees (“range”) through which the tower cools the water is
established by the system heat load and the amount of water being circulated, in
accordance with the following formula:
Air wet-bulb temperature: Cold water temperature will also vary with the wet-bulb
temperature of the air entering the louvered faces of the tower. Reduced wet-bulb
temperatures will result in colder water temperatures. However, the cold water temperature
will not vary to the same extent as the wet-bulb. For example, a100C reduction in wet-bulb
may result in only a 70C reduction in cold water temperature.
Water quality:
• Circulating water with a pH between 6.5 and 8; a chloride content (as NaCl) below 750
ppm; a sulphate content (SO4) below 1200 ppm; a sodium bicarbonate content
(NaHCO3) below 200 ppm; a maximum inlet Calcium (as CaCO3) below 1,200 ppm. -
Silica (as SiO2) below 150 ppm water temperature not to exceed 700C; no significant
contamination with unusual chemicals or foreign substance; and adequate water
treatment to minimize scaling.
• Many systems can be successfully treated with water treatment chemicals. For complete
information, contact your local Advance application engineer.
• Chlorine (if used) shall be added intermittently, with a free residual not to exceed 1 ppm
– maintained for short periods.
• An atmosphere surrounding the tower no worse than “moderate industrial”, where
rainfall and fog are no more than slightly acid, and they do not contain significant
chlorides or hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
Water treatment must be supplied and / or applied by a professional in the field in order to
avoid fill damage. It is the user's/ owner/s responsibility to treat the water in order to stop
biological contaminants and avoid among other bacterium, the legionnella bacteria, which is
known to cause legionnaire disease.
a.Sprinkler Pipes
The sprinkler pipes must be clean to prevent any blockage in holes. When cleaning the
sprinkler pipes, loosen the lock nut shown in figure to unscrew and remove the sprinkler
pipes. On reassembling, be sure the alignment screws ( round head ) are positioned at the
top center.
DMA 2117 , DMB 2117 and DMB 6616 upto DMD 1680 have type A and b sprinkler pipes
which these are installed as A against A and B against B.
(a) Models : DMA 2116, 2117, 4116, DMB 2116, 2117, 4116 have two way
sprinkler pipes.
(b) Models : DMA 6616 8416, DMB 6616, 8416 have four way sprinkler
(c) Models : DMA 1260, DMB 1260 and DMC 1260 have four way sprinkler pipes.
(d) Models : DMC 1680 and DMD 1680 have six way sprinkler pipes.
(e) Models : DMA 1616, DMB 1616 and DME 1680 have eight ways sprinkler
b. Sprinkler hand
Scale or sludge attached to the narrow space shown as A and B in Figure impedes
revolution. If the sprinkler rotation slows down or even stops despite normal water flow the
sprinkler pipes or, at the beginning of the season, if the head does not rotate even though
the water is flowing at the same rate as last season, dismantle the rotary head for cleaning
and checking. For dismantling the small model plastic sprinkler head, refer to figure and
proceed as follows:
For dismantling and reassembling the aluminum sprinkler head for the large
towers, refer figure and proceed as follows :
Remove the cap and take the nut off. Pull the rotary part off from the fixed section. This
permits checking, clearing and if necessary, replacement of section A and B. To replace the
lower bearing or oil seal unscrew set screw and remove from which allows replacement of
parts. When reassembling, do not wet the bearing potion with water and apply ample anti-
corrosion lubricant Water proof, Lithium soap- radical grease, on bearings and oil seal
position. Also, pay particular attention when passing the oil seal over the center pole to not
to damage the lips of the oil seal. Since the oil seal is effective for a limited period, it is
desirable to dismantle and replace it every two or three years.
S.No. Sprinkler sizes Oil Seal No Bearing No. CirclipSizes
S.S. Bolts
Top Bottom
1. 1 1/4"x2 way 12-22-7 1438 HH 6001 Z 9 mm -
2. 1 1/4" x 4 way 12-22-7 1438 HH 6001 Z 9 mm -
3. 2" x 2 way 16-28-7 6003 2Z 6003 2Z 16 mm -
4. 2" x 4 way 16-28-7 6003 2Z 6003 2Z 16 mm -
5. 2" 1/2 x 4 way 16-28-7 16-28-7 6003 2Z 16 mm -
6. 4" x 6 way 25-38-7 6004 6005 Z 19 mm
20 mm
7. 4" x 8 way 25-38-7 6004 6005 Z 19 mm 8 m x 20 mm
1 1.5 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20
HINDUSTAN SHAFT 6206 6206 6308 6309 6309 6310 N.A. N.A.
19mm DE 6205 6206 6308 6308 6209 6310 N.A. N.A.
6205 6205 6206 6308 6308 6209 6310 N.A. N.A.
NDE 6205
28mm DE
NDE 6205
SPARTAN DE 6205 6206 6206 6308 6309 6309 6311 N.A. N.A.
NDE 6205 6206 6206 6208 6308 6308 6311 N.A. N.A.
(MOTORIZED) 6313 NJ 6313 NJ
(GEAR UNIT) 308 308
6306/6306 6306/6306
6309/6209 6309/6209
Normal Conditions
Water quality and environmental conditions on the vast majority of Heating Ventilation
and Aircondition Cooling Tower applications permit acceptable service life from standard
Cooling Tower construction using the materials previously described. Significant deviation
from these "normal" conditions often demands alternate materials choices.
Calcium (as CaCO3) below 1,200 ppm-except in arid climates where the critical level for scale
formation may be much lower.
Sulfates below 5,000 ppm - if calcium exceeds 1,200 ppm, sulfates should be limited to 800 pp,
(less in arid climates) to prevent scale formation.
Angler saturation index between -0.5 and +0.5 -negative LSI indicates.
Suspended solids below 150 ppm if slides are abrasive-avoid film - type fills, if solids are fibrous,
greasy, fatty or tarry-wood, PVC, Polypropylene or ABS fills can be used, but PVC usually is the
material of choice.
Oil and grease below 10 ppm or loss of thermal performance will occur.
No organic solvents.
Cooling towers are very effective air washers. Atmospheric dust able to pass through the
air inlet will enter the circulating water or air pollution, such cases as corrosion, scale and
algae growth which impeded the performance of air conditioning equipments are
surprisingly increasing. To prevent such trouble, it is not enough to depend entirely upon
chemicals or equipments. Check the water quality and also on environment factors as
1. Make quality analysis of circulating water and supplementing water and take
appropriate action to control the quality.
2. When the trouble is anticipated owing to the condensed circultion water, we
recommend the use of chemicals, periodic blow down to keep the operation within
the regulate water quality.
3. For scale and alpha, clean with chemicals.
4. Use strainer or filter depending on quality and mixture of the water.
Condensation Multiple : N 2 3 4 5 0e
Water treatment must be supplied and / or applied by a professional in the field in order to
avoid fill damage. It is the user's/ owner/s responsibility to treat the water in order to stop
biological contaminants and avoid among other bacterium, the legionnella bacteria, which
is known to cause legionnaire disease.
Check after
• Check motor speed to be as specified in technical data for particular model.
• Check air flow rate as per specification.
• Check water flow rate as per specification.
• Check Power current drawn by fan motor is within limits and as specified.
• Check for abnormal noise or vibration during operation.
• Check sprinkler rotates freely at 5 to 8 rpm or adjust holes to angle so as to achieve
correct rpm.
• Sprinkler Revolution Table (assumed at full flow).
• Ensure water is being distributed evenly over the FRP eliminator plates and there is
no carry over from below the eliminator plate water must fall down below evenly, and
not pass out.
• Eliminator plate adjustment to be checked to ensure equal distance between fill top
and plate bottom.
• Measure Temperature at following locations:
• i. water inlet.
ii. water outlet / sump.
iii. make up water inlet.
iv. wet bulb / dry bulb temperature of air at inlet to tower at 4 locations equally
spaced around tower.
v. wet bulb / dry bulb temperature at outlet of tower above fan.
• Adjust drain valve to give adequate blow down.
• Set float to ensure proper operation and to avoid over flow when plant stops.
• Check level of sump, and fan ensure they are parallel to ground.
• Check center pipe is vertical and sprinkler arms are all levelled, at right angles to
center pipe.
• Ensure no dirt/other foreign particles are present in sump, suction tank etc. Sweep
clean/wash clean.
• Rotate sprinkler with hand and ensure it is free.
• Ensure fill top is even.
• Ensure sprinkler arms are at a contrant level above the fills and that the arms do not
rub against/ uneven fills, casing etc.
• Ensure fan and motor assembly is free.
• Check all bolts are tight and no loose parts noticed.
• Fill water in sump and check and eliminate water leaks , if any.
• Connect correct power (i.e 415V, 50Hz 3PH. AC ) supply to fan and check.
• Direction of rotation of fan is correct and air is being sucked through screen above
sump and discharged vertically upwards.
• Vibrations are negligible.
• Fan cable connection are made with lugs, and terminal cover gasket, is tight.
• Establish water flow and check sprinkler rotates and check any unregulated by pass
from sprinkler pipes.
Every Day:
Check if -
1. Vibrations are normal / Noise normal.
2. Water distribution proper.
3. Fan Motor current normal in all three phases.
4. Inlet / outlet temperature of water normal.
Every Week:
1. Clean inlet jali to remove entrained matter.
2. Clean inlet water filter.
3. Clean sprinklers / nozzles if choked.
4. Check growth of Algae etc. and remove from sump.
Every Month:
1. Drain Tank , flush out and remove any sediment.
2. Check fills if clogged due to Algae, sediment / salts, etc.
3. Check structural / FRP casing and Basin damage and rep.
4. Clean from outside with soap and water.
5. Check and tighten all bolts.
6. Smear Bolts with grease to facilitate easy opening the next time.
Replace bearings of sprinkler assembly after 2 years and fill with grease.