326 333, Tesma501, IJEAST
326 333, Tesma501, IJEAST
326 333, Tesma501, IJEAST
Abstract— This paper presents an optimization method for parameter an optimization method has been proposed. When
the design and analysis of switching impulse generation inductance is equal to zero, the standard waveform of impulse
according to the requirements of the international standard is observed, and when there is a wave-modulating inductor (L)
IEC60060-31. To reduce the size of the switching impulse there is the change in the front time as well as in the overshoot
generator the name transformer boosting method has [6].Those changes are needed to consider for a proper design of
introduced and also to increase its portability and feasibility an impulse generator. Calculation of inductance which is
in field of testing an optimization method has been done for present in the system of an impulse generator, by knowing the
the calculation of the primary side winding of a output waveform of impulse is attempted. In this study the
transformer, to generate target switching impulse, inductance value changing from zero to some finite value is
transformer primary side component parameters like identified corresponds to the peak overshoot of the impulse
equivalent capacitance magnetic inductance, leakage output.
inductance, wave-modulating inductance (L), load
capacitance (C2) and winding resistance (R1, R2) has been
found. To calculate the wave-modulating inductance for
keeping one parameter variable and remaining all
parameters should be kept constant in the circuit and draw There is guidance to design the transformer's primary side
the characteristics of the generated waveform to find the winding circuit and also to find the parameters of the circuit
best parameter for reducing the inductance effect for the which is based on the transformer induction, firstly this section
circuit. For that best-reducing inductance need to design has proposed the fourth-order equivalent circuit to build a
any controller is complex. So we need to reduce the higher- switching impulse. Waveform parameters measured with the
order to the lower-order system by using stability change in the parameter of the circuit. After that, an
equalization method and optimization method. In this optimization method has been made to choose the parameter of
paper, a brief introduction is defined by a simple example. the circuit.
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 326-333
Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)
R1 R 2
e . (8)
For example, take values for C1=3uf, C2=0.22uF, Lm=1.3H,
L=0H, R1=2230 ohm, R2=33 ohm, and analyzing transfer
function and determined the standard responses and their
corresponding peak overshoot. It is a simple equivalent diagram
to evaluating the parameters of switching impulse voltage to
re 1. better understanding the performance when switching occurs in
Equival the system.
for the
Impulse Generator.
d 4i LLmC 2 d 3i LmR 2C 2 d 2i L Lm di R1 R 2
LLmC1C 2 LmC1C 2 R 2 3 LC1 LmC1 LmC 2 C1R 2 i 0
R1 dt R1 dt 2 R1 R1 dt R1
V S 2 LmC1 S
vout ( s) R1
R1 R 2
LLmC1C 2 S LmC1C 2 R 2
LLmC 2 3 LmR 2C 2 2 L Lm
S LC 1 LmC 1 LmC 2 S C 1R 2 S
R1 R 1 R1 R1 R1
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 326-333
Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)
function with variable L, and the remaining other parameters will According to the IEC standard, the maximum allowable
be constant. Wave shaping analysis will start by putting L=0, overshoot is ±5%, and if Ls will not be present in the circuit
after that finding the response of that circuit, this response will be then the standard Vp is 1, therefore 5% of 1 is to be
known as a standard waveform. Now vary any one of the circuit calculated as 0.05 to 1.05 range of boundary values. The
parameters and find the response, and calculate the overshoot. program is used to determine the waveform curves and
According to that overshoot fix the VP range, to find the parameters by the known circuit component parameters.
inductance value. Repeat this step for all parameters of the circuit, Initially, parameters C1, Lm, and R1 are placed to
we found that this inductance value is either increasing or unchanging values that can hardly be adjusted in practice,
decreasing depending on which parameter is varying. With this and the particular parameters of the target waveform, such as
analysis, we can find which parameter is helpful to reduce the tp and t2, are provided. Then, the estimated value ranges for
inductance and accordingly overshoot also. In this optimization to C2, L, and R2 delimited by a set of parameters such as tp, t2,
calculate all the responses, there should be some range for wave t3, t1and can be predicted many times by closed computation
modulating inductance (L). Depending on that range intervals with the initial value. According to the current value
corresponding transfer functions responses will store in data. The C1,C2,R1,R2,Lm using the waveform parameter calculations
form that data the boundary range of Vp value will select only to calculate the assembly parameter values L,tp,t1,t2,t3,f.
one peak corresponding that L value and its maximum peak time The appropriate combination of circuit parameter values and
will be determined. By using 0.3Vp, 0.5Vp, and 0.9Vp values and the results of L and Vp values will show the best parameter
their corresponding time will be determined. To understand this variable will reduce peak overshoot and produces less effect
optimization an algorithm and flow chart is shown below and one due to switching impulse voltages in the system. The
example is taken for analysis. program is based on transfer function responses so input
voltage is taken as a step. Because of step input, the voltage
is 1volt, based on the input voltage the output voltage can be
determined. In this S-domain analysis, it is easy to evaluate
all the parameter wave shaping and corresponding rise time,
peak time, half time, frequency, front time, and tail time.
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 326-333
Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)
C1: Input capacitance; R1, R2: Circuit Resistance; L: Wave In table II, changing Lm, R1, R2 values the peak values and
corresponding L values are were reduced and in fig 4 the values of the
Modulated Inductance; Lm: magnetizing inductance[14].
parameters increased R1, R2 value and decreasing Lm value are given
better results, but to reduce transformer inductance is done by using
Simulation is done in MATLAB 2013b version with 8GB RAM, tapping and manual it is very difficult, by increasing R1 higher value
modeling equivalent circuit using Simulink library, all the (2.22k ohm to 22k ohm) then the response is good. If R2 is changing
simulation results are compared with the optimization results. from 33 ohms to 50ohm it is giving better results. For this 4 th order
Here in TABLE 1 is showing the details of all parameters when circuit, the best method to control impulse is by changing R1 value. By
L=0 and corresponding response are shown in figure 4. If the varying c2 value inductance is nearly zero but it is not a suitable method
modulating wave inductance is zero the circuit is treated as a 3 rd to reduce oscillation in the system. Because when L=0 the response is
order circuit. The peak overshoot and the response are observed very poor. For that circuit, it is unable to reach a normal peak voltage.
when one parameter is changing by placing all remaining After impulse also it will not make any peak value, it doesn't make
parameters should keep constant and plotting the responses with sense to using to increasing c2 value [14-15].
Calculating L value because during impulse inductance will increases
TABLE I: Switching impulse voltage waveform circuit automatically peak value also will increases. Then big oscillation
parameters analysis for 3rd order circuit. response occurs in the system. To reduce the effects of inductance (L)
by changing any good parameter to reduce its peak overshoot. In figure
4 and table II were presented to reduce peak overshoot when impulse
S.NO C1 C2 R1 R2 Lm L Vp occurs. Model order reduction for the original higher-order
( F ) ( F ) ( K ) ( ) (H) (H) (V) system to reduced system responses is shown in fig 7, and the
corresponding parameters are shown in table III, by observing
1 3 0.22 2.23 33 1.3 0 0.92 the fig,6,7, and Table III original higher-order system response
2 10 0.22 2.23 33 1.3 0 0.98 matches with the lower order system response.
3 3 1.12 2.23 33 1.3 0 0.73
4 3 0.22 22 33 1.3 0 0.92 In this paper an introduction is given for model order reduction,
all the analysis is taken from the reference [20-21], in this
5 3 0.22 2.23 50 1.3 0 0.92 numerator coefficients are found by using optimization method
6 3 0.22 2.23 33 0.5 0 0.92 [20-21]. And denominator coefficients are found by using the
stability equalization method.
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 326-333
Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)
Voltage (v)
0 1 2 3 4
Time (seconds) x 10
Standard waveform
Increasing C1=10uF
Increasing C2=1.12uF
Increasing R1=22K ohm
Increasing R2=50K ohm
Decreasing Lm=0.5uH
Voltage (V)
0 1 2 3 4
Time (seconds) x 10
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 326-333
Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)
TABLE II: Switching impulse voltage waveform circuit parameters analysis for 4th order circuit
S.NO C1 C2 R1 R2 Lm L Vp tp t1 t2 t3 f
( F ) ( F ) ( K ) ( ) (H) (mH) (V) ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) ( s ) (kHz)
1 3 0.22 2.23 33 1.3 1.24 1.39 48.88 2321 35.56 1534 10.22
2 10 0.22 2.23 33 1.3 1.45 1.49 56.77 3810 44.62 2427 8.807
Original system
Reduced system
0 1 2 3 4
Time (seconds) x 10
0.995 .
3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4
Time (seconds) x 10
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 326-333
Published Online May 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)
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