Attributive and Predicative Adjectives
Attributive and Predicative Adjectives
Attributive and Predicative Adjectives
Adjectives appear in different positions in a sentence. The two positions we often encounter are before a noun and after a noun.
Adjectives that come after a noun must follow a linking verb.
Everyone knows a giraffe has a long neck.
My second-hand car didn’t have air conditioning.
Will we have starry sky tonight?
He was found with a fractured skull
We followed a narrow winding path through the jungle.
More than one adjective can appear side-by-side to modify the same noun.
an ugly old witch
a funny little clown
a tall young manager
a big powerful sound
a small plastic doll
The predicative adjective modifies the noun that comes before it. It acts as a predicate as it completes the meaning of the
predicate in the sentence. The predicate is linked by the verb to be, which is normally a linking verb (/list-4-verbs/different-verb-
types/linking-verbs.html) (also called a copula verb) to the subject. The predicative adjective says something about the subject
of the sentence. It may also be referred to as a predicate adjective.
The scream was loud.
One of the tables is round.
The sky looks dark.
The villagers were friendly towards us.
The measurement was difficult but accurate.
That statue of a goddess was bronze and life-size.
The beef tasted delicious.
She grew bored being alone.
The question sounds silly.
The child remained silent when questioned. 1/3
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Most adjectives can come before and after a noun, but there are some that can only be used as attributive adjectives or as
predicative adjectives.
We can say, “The blue sky …” or “The sky is blue.” This indicates that the adjective blue can be used as an attributive adjective
or a predicative adjective. Either way, the adjective modifies the same subject sky. When changing an attributive adjective to a
predicative adjective, we use a linking verb which in this example is is.
There are adjectives that can only come before a noun:
An adjective can take up any position in a sentence, preferably close to the noun that it describes. More than one adjective can
appear in a sentence, describing the same noun. The adjectives are in bold in the following sentences.
The pretty girl is angry with her boyfriend.
The warm air is thick with dust.
His big house must be expensive to maintain.
The ugly scarecrow appears scary in the dark. 2/3
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