The Russwole Program Volume 1 The Russwole Program Volume 1

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The Russwole Program Volume 1

Law In America (Northern Arizona University)

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Downloaded by gokula krishnan ([email protected])

The Russwole Program Volume 1

Point of Emphasis: Power Building
Workouts: Push/ Pull/ Legs
Duration: 6 days a week / 12 weeks

Downloaded by gokula krishnan ([email protected])


Week 1
Squat: 350
Bench: 225
Deadlift: 315
Day 1: Quads / Hamstrings / Calves
Exercise: Sets: Reps: Weight:
Squat 3 X 8 (75% of 1RM)
Paused squat 3 X 3 (55% of 1RM)
DB RDL 4 X 12
Leg press 4 X 10
Leg extensions 3 X 15
Hamstring curls 3 X 15
Goblet squats 4 X 8
Calf raises 3 X 20
Ab Circuit:
Cable Crunch 4 x 20, 15, 12, 10
Barbell Side Bend 3 x 12
Crunches 3 x 15
Reverse Crunches 3 x 12

Day 2: Chest / Triceps

Exercise: Sets: Reps: Weight:
Bench 3 X 8 (75% of 1RM)
Incline Bench 3 X 10 (50% OF 1RM)
Incline DB Bench 4 X 10
Weighted Dips (Bodyweight is fine) 4 X 12
Machine Chest fly 3 X 12
EZ Bar Skull Crushers 4 X 15
Straight Br Pushdowns 3 X Failure

Downloaded by gokula krishnan ([email protected])


Day 3: Back / Biceps

Exercise: Sets: Reps: Weight:
Deadlift 3 X 6 (77.5% OF 1RM)
Deficit Deadlift 2 X 8 (50% OF 1RM)
Barbell Row 4 X 8
Cable Row 3 X 12
Hammer Strength Row 4 X 8
Wide Grip Pulldowns 3 X 12
Alternate Bicep Curls 3 X Fail
Rope Hammer Curl 2 X Fail
Ab Circuit:
Air Bike 3 x 30 sec, 45 sec, 1 minute
Seated Barbell Twist 3 x 12
Crunches (Hands over head) 3 x 15
Lying Leg Raise 3 x 12

Day 4: Chest / Shoulders

Exercise: Sets: Reps: Weight:
Bench 3 X 4 (75% of 1RM)
Standing OHP 3 X 5(40% of 1RM on Bench)
Arnold Press (Superset 1) 4 X 10
Lateral Raises (Superset 1) 4 X 8
Cable Upright Rows 3 X 12
Rear Delt Fly 4 X 10
45 LB Plate Raise (Superset 2) 3 X 15
Cable Lateral Raise (Superset 2) 3 X 8

Downloaded by gokula krishnan ([email protected])


Day 5: Quads / Hamstrings

Exercise: Sets: Reps: Weight:
Squat 3 X 4 (72.5% of 1RM)
DB Lunges (Each Leg) 4 X 12
Romanian Deadlift 4 X 8
Leg Extension Holds (5 Sec. Hold) 4 X 6
Weighted Step Ups 3 X 12
Single Leg Squats (Foot on bench) 4 X 15
Hyper Extensions 3 X 12
Ab Circuit:
Frog Sit Ups
Jackknife Sit Ups
Oblique Crunches
Reverse Crunches

Day 6: Chest / Back / Biceps

Exercise: Sets: Reps: Weight:
Flat DB Bench 4 X 10
V Bar Pull Ups 4 X 8
Incline DB Fly 3 X 8
Close Grip Pulldowns 4 X 12
T Bar Row 3 X 10
Hammer Strength Press 4 X 8
DB Incline Seal Row 4 X 10
Incline Alternate DB Curl 4 X 12

Downloaded by gokula krishnan ([email protected])

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