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Properties of Light: T E 15 MJ N 5.24

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Properties of Light

1* ∙ Why is helium needed in a helium–neon laser? Why not just use neon?
The population inversion between the state E2,Ne and the state 1.96 eV below it (see Figure 33-9) is achieved by
inelastic collisions between neon atoms and helium atoms excited to the state E2,He.
2 ∙∙ When a beam of visible white light passes through a gas of atomic hydrogen and is viewed with a
spectroscope, dark lines are observed at the wavelengths of the emission series. The atoms that participate in
the resonance absorption then emit this same wavelength light as they return to the ground state. Explain why
the observed spectrum nevertheless exhibits pronounced dark lines.
Although the excited atoms emit the light of the same frequency on returning to the ground state, the light is
emitted in a random direction, not exclusively in the direction of the incident beam. Consequently, the
beam intensity is greatly diminished.
3 ∙ A pulse from a ruby laser has an average power of 10 MW and lasts 1.5 ns. (a) What is the total energy of
the pulse? (b) How many photons are emitted in this pulse?
(a) E = P∆t E = 15 mJ
(b) Ephoton = hc/λ (Equ. 17.1); N = Eλ/hc N = 5.24×1016

4 ∙ A helium–neon laser emits light of wavelength 632.8 nm and has a power output of 4 mW. How many
photons are emitted per second by this laser?
Ephoton = hc/λ; n = Pλ/hc n = 1.27×1016 s–1

5* ∙ The first excited state of an atom of a gas is 2.85 eV above the ground state. (a) What is the wavelength of
radiation for resonance absorption? (b) If the gas is irradiated with monochromatic light of 320 nm wavelength,
what is the wavelength of the Raman scattered light?
(a) Use Equ. 33-2 λ = 1240/2.85 nm = 435 nm
(b) Raman = inc – ∆ λRaman = 1240/ERaman
E E E; ERaman = (1240/320 – 2.85) eV = 1.025 eV;λRaman = 1210

6 ∙∙ A gas is irradiated with monochromatic ultraviolet light of 368 nm wavelength. Scattered light of the same
wavelength and of 658 nm wavelength is observed. Assuming that the gas atoms were in their ground state
prior to irradiation, find the energy difference between the ground state and the atomic state excited by the
∆E = hc/λ; use Equs. 17-1 and 17-5 ∆E = 1240/368 eV = 3.37 eV
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

7 ∙∙ Sodium has excited states 2.11 eV, 3.2 eV, and 4.35 eV above the ground state. (a) What is the maximum
wavelength of radiation that will result in resonance fluorescence? What is the wavelength of the fluorescent
radiation? (b) What wavelength will result in excitation of the state 4.35 eV above the ground state? If that
state is excited, what are the possible wavelengths of resonance fluorescence that might be observed?
(a) Excite to 3.2 eV level; decay to 2.11 eV level For excitation, λmax = (1240/3.2) nm = 387.5 nm;
and ground state; use Equs. 17-1 and 17-5 fluorescence wavelengths: λ = 1138 nm and 587.7 nm
(b) See the energy level diagram below; λ = hc/∆E For excitation, λ = 1240/4.35 nm = 285 nm
The fluorescent wavelengths are as follows:
λ32 = 1078 nm
λ21 = 1138 nm
λ10 = 587.7 nm
λ31 = 553.6 nm
λ20 = 387.5 nm

8 ∙∙ Singly ionized helium is a hydrogen-like atom with a nuclear charge of 2e. Its energy levels are given by En
= –4E0/n , where E0 = 13.6 eV. If a beam of visible white light is sent through a gas of singly ionized helium, at
what wavelengths will dark lines be found in the spectrum of the transmitted radiation?
The energy difference between the ground state and the first excited state is 3E0 = 40.8 eV, corresponding to a
wavelength of 30.4 nm. This is in the far uv, well outside the visible range of wavelengths. There will be no
dark lines in the transmitted radiation.
9* ∙ Estimate the time required for light to make the round trip in Galileo's experiment to determine the speed of
∆t = 6×10 /3×10 s = 20 µs
3 8
∆t = D/c; D = 6 km (see Problem 14)

10 ∙ Mission Control sends a brief wake-up call to astronauts in a far away spaceship. Five seconds after the call
is sent, Mission Control can hear the groans of the astronauts. How far away (at most) from the earth is the
8 8 8 8
spaceship? (a) 7.5×10 m (b) 15×10 m (c) 30×10 m (d) 45×10 m (e) The spaceship is on the moon.
11 ∙ The spiral galaxy in the Andromeda constellation is about 2×10 km away from us. How many light-years
is this?
1 c.y = 9.46×10 m (see p. EP-3) D = 2.11 c.y

12 ∙ On a spacecraft sent to Mars to take pictures, the camera is triggered by radio waves, which like all
electromagnetic waves travel with the speed of light. What is the time delay between sending the signal from
the earth and receiving it on Mars? (Take the distance to Mars to be 9.7×10 m.)
∆t = D/c ∆t = 323 s = 5 min 23 s
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

13*∙ The distance from a point on the surface of the earth to one on the surface of the moon is measured by
aiming a laser light beam at a reflector on the surface of the moon and measuring the time required for the light
to make a round trip. The uncertainty in the measured distance ∆x is related to the uncertainty in the time ∆t by
∆x = c ∆t. If the time intervals can be measured to ±1.0 ns, find the uncertainty of the distance in meters.
8 -9
∆x = ±c ∆t ∆x = ±3×10 ×10 m = ±30 cm

14 ∙∙ In Galileo's attempt to determine the speed of light, he and his assistant were located on hilltops about 3 km
apart. Galileo flashed a light and received a return flash from his assistant. (a) If his assistant had an instant
reaction, what time difference would Galileo need to be able to measure for this method to be successful?
(b) How does this time compare with human reaction time, which is about 0.2 s?
∆t = (2×3×10 /c) s = 20 µs
(a) ∆t = D/c
(b) The human reaction time is about 10,000×∆t.

15 ∙ How does a thin layer of water on the road affect the light you see reflected off the road from your own
headlights? How does it affect the light you see reflected from the headlights of an oncoming car?
The layer of water greatly reduces the light reflected back from the car’s headlights, but increases the light
reflected by the road of light from the headlights of oncoming cars.
16 ∙ A ray of light passes from air into water, striking the surface of the water with an angle of incidence of 45°.
Which of the following four quantities change as the light enters the water: (1) wavelength, (2) frequency,
(3) speed of propagation, (4) direction of propagation. (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2, 3, and 4 only (c) 1, 3, and 4 only
(d) 3 and 4 only (e) 1, 2, 3, and 4
17*∙∙ The density of the atmosphere decreases with height, as does the index of refraction. Explain how one can
see the sun after it has set. Why does the setting sun appear flattened?
The change in atmospheric density results in refraction of the light from the sun, bending it toward the earth.
Consequently, the sun can be seen even after it is just below the horizon. Also, the light from lower portion of
the sun is refracted more than that from the upper portion, so the lower part appears to be slightly higher in the
sky. The effect is an apparent flattening of the disk into an ellipse.
18 ∙ Calculate the fraction of light energy reflected from an air–water interface at normal incidence.
Use Equ. 33-11; n1 = 1, n2 = 1.33 I/I0 = 0.02 = 2%

19 ∙ Find the angle of refraction of a beam of light in air that hits a water surface at an angle of incidence of
(a) 20°, (b) 30°, (c) 45°, and (d) 60°. Show these rays on a diagram.
(a), (b), (c), (d) Use Equ. 33-9b (a) θ 2 = 14.9° (b) θ 2 = 22.1° (c) θ 2 = 32.1°
The rays are shown below. (d) θ 2 = 40.6°
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

20 ∙ Repeat Problem 18 for a beam of light initially in water that is incident on a water–air interface.
From Equ. 33-11 it follows that I/I0 is the same as in Problem 18; i.e., I/I0 = 2.0%
21* ∙ Find the speed of light in water and in glass.
Use Equ. 33-7 vwater = c/1.333 =2.25×108 m/s; vglass = c/1.5 = 2×108 m/s

22 ∙ The index of refraction for silicate flint glass is 1.66 for light with a wavelength of 400 nm and 1.61 for
light with a wavelength of 700 nm. Find the angles of refraction for light of these wavelengths that is incident
on this glass at an angle of 45°.
Use Equ. 33-9b For λ = 400 nm, θ 2 = 25.2°; for λ = 700 nm, θ 2 = 26.1°

23 ∙∙ A slab of glass with an index of refraction of 1.5 is submerged in water with an index of refraction of 1.33.
Light in the water is incident on the glass. Find the angle of refraction if the angle of incidence is (a) 60°,
(b) 45°, and (c) 30°.
(a), (b), (c) Use Equ. 33-9b; n1 = 1.33, n2 = 1.5 (a) θ 2 = 50.2° (b) θ 2 = 38.8° (c) θ 2 = 26.3°

24 ∙∙ Repeat Problem 23 for a beam of light initially in the glass that is incident on the glass–water interface at
the same angles.
(a), (b), (c) Use Equ. 33-9b; n1 = 1.5, n2 = 1.33 (a) θ 2 = 77.6° (b) θ 2 = 52.9° (c) θ 2 = 34.3°

25* ∙∙ Light is incident normally on a slab of glass with an index of refraction n = 1.5. Reflection occurs at both
surfaces of the slab. About what percentage of the incident light energy is transmitted by the slab?
We shall neglect multiple reflections at glass-air interfaces.
1. Use Equ. 33-11 to find I in glass Iglass = I0(1 – 0.52/2.52) = 0.96I0
2. Use Equ. 33-11 to find I transmitted Itransm = Iglass(1 – 0.52/2.52) = 0.962I0 = 92.2% I0

26 ∙∙ This problem is a refraction analogy. A band is marching down a football field with a constant speed v1.
About midfield, the band comes to a section of muddy ground that has a sharp boundary making an angle of
30° with the 50-yd line as shown in Figure 33-50. In the mud, the marchers move with speed v2 = 21 0v1.
Diagram how each line of marchers is bent as it encounters the muddy section of the field so that the band is
eventually marching in a different direction. Indicate the original direction by a ray, the final direction by a
second ray, and find the angles between the rays and the line perpendicular to the boundary. Is their direction of
motion bent
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

toward the perpendicular to the boundary or away from it? As

the line enters the muddy field, its speed is reduced by half
and the direction of the forward motion of the line is changed.
In this case, the forward motion in the muddy field makes an
angle of 14.5° with respect to the normal of the boundary line.
Note that the separation between successive lines in the muddy
field is half that in the dry field.

27 ∙∙ A point source of light is 5 cm above a plane reflecting surface (such as a mirror). Draw a ray from the
source that strikes the surface at an angle of incidence of 45° and two more rays that strike the surface at angles
slightly less than 45°, and draw the reflected ray for each. The reflected rays appear to diverge from a point
called the image of the light source. Draw dotted lines extending the reflected rays back until they meet at a
point behind the surface to locate the image point.
For each ray shown in the adjacent figure, the angle of incidence
equals the angle of reflection at the mirror surface. When the
reflected rays are extended into the region behind the mirror they
converge at a single point, the image point. Note that the distance
between the source and mirror is equal to the distance between the image
and the mirror.

28 ∙∙ In Figure 33-51, light is initially in a medium (such as air) of index of refraction n1. It is incident at angle θ1
on the surface of a liquid (such as water) of index of refraction n2. The light passes through the layer of water
and enters glass of index of refraction n3. If θ3 is the angle of refraction in the glass, show that n1 sin θ1 = n3 sin
θ3. That is, show that the second medium can be neglected when finding the angle of refraction in the third
We apply Snell’s law consecutively, first to the n1-n2 interface and then to the n2-n3 interface. This gives
n1 sin θ 1 = n2 sin θ 2 and n2 sin θ 2 = n3 sin θ 3, or n1 sin θ 1= n3 sin θ 3.
29* ∙∙∙ Figure 33-52 shows a beam of light incident on a glass plate of thickness d and index of refraction n. (a)
Find the angle of incidence such that the perpendicular separation between the ray reflected from the top
surface and that reflected from the bottom surface and exiting the top surface is a maximum. (b) What is this
angle of incidence if the index of refraction of the glass is 1.60? What is the separation of the two beams if the
thickness of the glass plate is 4.0 cm?
(a) Let x be the perpendicular separation between the two rays. The separation between the points of
emergence of the two rays on the glass surface is 2d tan θr, where θr is the angle of refraction. Then x = 2d tan
θr cos θi, where θi is the angle of incidence. To find θi for maximum x we differentiate x with respect to θi and
set the derivative equal to zero. dx/dθi = 2d[–tan θr sin θi + sec θr cos θi (dθr/dθi)]. From Snell’s law, cos θi dθi

= n cos θr dθr, or dθr/dθi = (1/n)(cos θi /cos θr). Thus, dx/dθi = 2d[(1/n)(cos θi /cos θr) – (sin θi sin θr)/cos θr].
2 3
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

Using Snell’s law and sin θ + cos θ = 1, and factoring out 1/(n cos θr), one obtains dx/dθi = (2d/n cos θr)(sin
2 2 3 3 3 3 4

θi – 2n sin θi + n ). Setting the quantity in the second parenthesis equal to zero and solving for sin θi one
2 2 2

obtains the result

 1 
or θi = sin  n 1 −
sin θi = n 1 − 1 − 1−
2  n 

(b) 1. Substitute n = 1.60 into the above expression θi = 48.5°

2. Find θr using Snell’s law θr = sin [(sin 48.5°)/1.6] = 27.9°

3. x = 2d tan θr cos θi x = 2.81 cm

30 ∙∙∙ Consider the situation shown in Figure 33-53. The index of refraction of the glass plate is n. Find the angle
of incidence such that the perpendicular separation between the two beams emerging from the top surface is the
same as the perpendicular displacement of the beam emerging from the bottom surface from the incident beam.
The situation is shown in the adjacent figure. The distance AC
is 2t tan θ 2 and the separation between the reflected rays is s1 = 2t
tan θ 2 cos θ 1. The distance DE is t tan θ 1 and DB = t tan θ 2. So BE =
t(tan θ 1 – tan θ 2) and s2 = t(tan θ 1 – tan θ 2)cos θ 1. It follows that s1
= s2 if 2 tan θ 2 = tan θ 1 – tan θ 2 or 3 tan θ 2 = tan θ 1. Using
trigonometric identities, squaring both sides, and recalling that sin θ 2
= (1/n) sin θ 1, one arrives at the result

9 − n2
θ 1 = sin −
. For glass of index of refraction n = 1.5,
the angle of incidence, θ 1 = 66.7°.

31 ∙ A physics student playing pocket billiards wants to strike her cue ball such that it hits a cushion and then
hits the eight ball squarely. She chooses several points on the cushion and for each point measures the distance
from it to the cue ball and to the eight ball. She aims at the point for which the sum of these distances is least.
(a) Will her cue ball hit the eight ball? (b) How is her method related to Fermat's principle?
(a) Yes (b) Her procedure is equivalent to Fermat’s principle. Since the ball presumably travels at constant
speed, least time of travel equals shortest distance of travel.
32 ∙ A swimmer at S in Figure 33-54 develops a leg cramp while swimming near the shore of a calm lake and
calls for help. A lifeguard at L hears the call. The lifeguard can run 9 m/s and swim 3 m/s. He knows physics
and chooses a path that will take the least time to reach the swimmer. Which of the paths shown in Figure 33-
54 does he take?
He takes the path LES because the time required to reach the swimmer is the least for this path.
33* ∙ What is the critical angle for total internal reflection for light traveling initially in water that is incident on
a water–air interface?
θc = sin (1/1.333) = 48.6°
Use Equ. 33-12
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

34 ∙∙ A glass surface (n = 1.50) has a layer of water (n = 1.33) on it. Light in the glass is incident on the glass–
water interface. Find the critical angle for total internal reflection.
θc = sin (1.33/1.5) = 62.5°
Use Equ. 33-12; n1 = 1.5, n2 = 1.33

35 ∙∙ A point source of light is located 5 m below the surface of a large pool of water. Find the area of the largest
circle on the pool's surface through which light coming directly from the source can emerge.
1. Find θc using Equ. 33-12 and R = (5 tan θc) m θc = 48.8°; R = 5.7 m
2. Find A = πR
A = 102 m2

36 ∙∙ Light is incident normally on the largest face of an isosceles-right-triangle prism. What is the speed of light
in this prism if the prism is just barely able to produce total internal reflection?
Here θc = 45°; use Equ. 33-12 to find n and v n = 1/sin 45° = 1.414; v = 2.12×108 m/s

37*∙∙ A point source of light is located at the bottom of a steel tank, and an opaque circular card of radius 6.0 cm
is placed over it. A transparent fluid is gently added to the tank such that the card floats on the surface with its
center directly above the light source. No light is seen by an observer above the surface until the fluid is 5 cm
deep. What is the index of refraction of the fluid?
1. Determine θc from the geometry θc = tan (6/5) = 50.2°

2. Use Equ. 33-12 to find n n = 1/sin 50.2° = 1.30

38 ∙∙ A grain of sand is directly below center of the base of a cube of transparent material. The grain of sand is
visible when viewed through the top surface but cannot be seen when looking into any of the sides of the cube.
What is the minimum index of refraction of the material of which the cube is made?
Consider a ray from the sand at glancing incidence on the bottom face. The angle of refraction is then given by
sin θ = 1/n. The ray then strikes the side of the cube at an angle of incidence θi = 90° – θ. If sin θi ≥ 1/n the ray
will suffer total internal reflection. Using the trigonometric identity sin(α – β ) = sin α cos β – cos α sin β one
obtains the condition n ≥ 2 .

Note: In the first printing of the textbook, the problem statement reads, “A grain of sand is embedded at the
center of the base of a cube . . . .” In that case, the grain of sand can always be seen from the sides of the cube
whatever the index of refraction. There is no minimum index of refraction for the cube.

39 ∙∙∙ Light is incident normally upon one face of a prism of glass with an index of refraction n (Figure 33-55).
The light is totally reflected at the right side. (a) What is the minimum value n can have? (b) When the prism is
immersed in a liquid whose index of refraction is 1.15, there is still total reflection, but when it is immersed in
water whose index of refraction is 1.33, there is no longer total reflection. Use this information to establish
limits for possible values of n.
(a) See Problem 36 nmin = 1.414
(b) 1. Find nmin in liquid of n = 1.15 using Equ. 33-12 nmin = 1.15/sin 45° = 1.63
2. Find nmax in water nmax = 1.88; 1.63 < n < 1.88

40 ∙∙∙ Investigate how a thin film of water on a glass surface affects the critical angle for total reflection. Take n =
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

1.5 for glass and n = 1.33 for water. (a) What is the critical angle for total internal reflection at the glass–water
interface? (b) Is there any range of incident angles that are greater than θc for glass-to-air refraction, and for
which light rays will leave the glass and the water and pass into the air?
(a) See Problem 34 θc = 62.5°
(b) 1. Find θc for glass-to-air interface θc = 41.8°
2. Consider a ray at θ 1 = 41.8° at the glass-water 1.5 sin 41.8° = 1.33 sin θ 2; θ 2 = 48.8°
interface. Find θ 2 and compare to θc for Not that θ 2 = θc for water-air interface. Therefore the
water-air interface (see Problem 35). ray will not leave the water for θ 1 ≥ 41.8°
3. Find θ in air for θi = 48.75 No; there are no such angles

41* ∙∙∙ A laser beam is incident on a plate of glass of thickness 3 cm. The glass has an index of refraction of 1.5
and the angle of incidence is 40°. The top and bottom surfaces of the glass are parallel and both produce
reflected beams of nearly the same intensity. What is the perpendicular distance d between the two adjacent
reflected beams?
1. Use Snell’s law to find θr θr = sin [(sin 40°)/1.5] = 25.37°

2. x = 2d tan θr cos θi (see Problem 29); find θr x = 2.18 cm

42 ∙∙∙ Figure 33-56 shows a glass prism of index of refraction n = 1.52 in the shape of an isosceles triangle with
base angles of 45°. (a) Find the maximum angle of incidence of the beam incident on the side face so that it
suffers total internal reflection at the base. (b) What is the maximum value of the index of refraction of the
prism so that the light beam will suffer total internal reflection at the base whatever the angle of incidence?
Let θ 1 be the angle of incidence on the side face, θ 2 be the angle of refraction at the side face, and θ 3 be the
angle of incidence at the base. It follows from the geometry of the system that θ 2 + θ 3 = 45°.
(a) 1. Find θ 3 = θc and θ 2 θc = 41.14°; θ 2 = 3.86°
2. Find θ 1 using Equ. 33-9b θ 1 = θ 1,max = 5.87°
(b) 1. Set θ 1 = 90° and find θ 2 and θ 3 θ 2 = sin (1/n); θ 3 = [45° – sin (1/n)]
–1 –1

sin θ 3 = 1/n = sin [45° – sin (1/n)]

2. Use Equ. 33-12
3. Solve for n = nmax 2 sin (1/nmax) = 45°; nmax = 2.61

43 ∙∙ A beam of light strikes the plane surface of silicate flint glass at an angle of incidence of 45°. The index of
refraction of the glass varies with wavelength as shown in the graph in Figure 33-26. How much smaller is the
angle of refraction for violet light of wavelength 400 nm than that for red light of wavelength 700 nm?
Use Equ. 33-9b and Fig. 33-26 θred = 26.1°; θviolet = 25.1°; ∆θ = 1.0°

44 ∙∙ Repeat Problem 43 for quartz.

Use Equ. 33-9b and Fig. 33-26 θred = 27.33°; θviolet = 26.95°; ∆θ = 0.38°

45*∙ Two polarizers have their transmission axes at an angle θ. Unpolarized light of intensity I is incident upon
the first polarizer. What is the intensity of the light transmitted by the second polarizer? (a) I cos θ

(b) (I cos θ)/2 (c) (I cos θ)/4 (d) I cos θ (e) (I cos θ)/4 (f) None of the above.
2 2

46 ∙ Which of the following is not a phenomenon whereby polarized light can be produced from unpolarized
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

light? (a) absorption (b) reflection (c) birefringence (d) diffraction (e) scattering
47 ∙ What is the polarizing angle for (a) water with n = 1.33 and (b) glass with n = 1.5?
Use Equ. 33-21 (a) θp = 53.1° (b) θp = 56.3°

48 ∙ Light known to be polarized in the horizontal direction is incident on a polarizing sheet. It is observed that
only 15.0% of the intensity of the incident light is transmitted through the sheet. What angle does the
transmission axis of the sheet make with the horizontal ? (a) 8.6° (b) 21° (c) 23° (d) 67° (e) 81°
49*∙ Two polarizing sheets have their transmission axes crossed so that no light gets through. A third sheet is
inserted between the first two such that its transmission axis makes an angle θ with that of the first sheet.
Unpolarized light of intensity I0 is incident on the first sheet. Find the intensity of the light transmitted through
all three sheets if (a) θ = 45° and (b) θ = 30°.
Let In be the intensity after the n’th polarizing sheet.
(a) Find I1, I2, and I3; use Equ. 33-20 for I2 and I3 I1 = I0/2; I2 = I1/2 = I0/4; I3 = I2/2 = I0/8
(b) Repeat with θ1,2 = 30°, θ2,3 = 60° I1 = I0/2; I2 = 3I1/4 = 3I0/8; I3 = I2/4 = 3I0/32

50 ∙∙ The polarizing angle for a certain substance is 60°. (a) What is the angle of refraction of light incident at
this angle? (b) What is the index of refraction of this substance?
(a) θp + θr = 90° θr = 30°
(b) n = tan θp n = 1.73

51 ∙∙ Two polarizing sheets have their transmission axes crossed and a third sheet is inserted so that its
transmission axis makes an angle θ with that of the first sheet as in Problem 49. Find the intensity of the
transmitted light as a function of θ. Show that the intensity transmitted through all three sheets is maximum
when θ = 45°.
Let In be the intensity after the n’th polarizing sheet. Since the incoming light is unpolarized, I1 = 1/2I0.
Then I2 = I1 cos θ and I3 = I2 cos (90° – θ). So I3 = 1/2I0 cos θ cos (90° – θ) = 1/2I0 cos θ sin θ. But
2 2 2 2 2 2

cos θ sin θ = 1/2 sin 2θ, so I3 = (1/8)I0 sin 2θ. Since the sine is a maximum when its argument is 90°, the

maximum for I3 occurs when θ = 45°.µ

52 ∙∙ If the middle polarizing sheet in Problem 51 is rotating at an angular velocity ω about an axis parallel to the
light beam, find the intensity transmitted through all three sheets as a function of time. Assume that θ = 0 at
time t = 0.
Replace θ in the result of Problem 33-51 by ωt. The transmitted intensity is then given by I = (I0/8)sin 2ωt.

53*∙∙ A stack of N + 1 ideal polarizing sheets is arranged with each sheet rotated by an angle of π/2N rad with
respect to the preceding sheet. A plane linearly polarized light wave of intensity I0 is incident normally on the
stack. The incident light is polarized along the transmission axis of the first sheet and therefore perpendicular
to the transmission axis of the last sheet in the stack. (a) What is the transmitted intensity through the stack? (b)
For 3 sheets (N = 2), what is the transmitted intensity? (c) For 101 sheets, what is the transmitted intensity? (d)
What is the direction of polarization of the transmitted beam in each case?
(a) 1. Find the ratio In+1/In In+1/In = cos2(π/2N)
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

2. There are N such reductions of intensity IN+1/I1 = IN+1/I0 = cos2N(π/2N); IN+1 = I0 cos2N(π/2N)
(b) Find I3 from part (a); see also Problem 49(a) I3 = I0 cos4(π/4) = I0/4
(c) Repeat part (b) for N = 100 I101 = I0 cos200(π/200) = 0.976 I0
(d) In each case, the polarization of the transmitted beam is perpendicular to that of the incident beam.
54 ∙∙ Show that a linearly polarized wave can be thought of as a superposition of a right and a left circularly
polarized wave.
For a circularly polarized wave, the x and y components of the electric field are given by Ex = E0 cos ωt and
Ey = E0 sin ωt or Ey = –E0 sin ωt for left and right circular polarization, respectively. Thus Eright + Eleft = 2E0 cos
ωt i, a wave polarized along the x axis.
55 ∙∙ Suppose that in Problem 49 the middle sheet is replaced by two polarizing sheets. If the angles between the
directions of polarization of adjacent sheets is 30°, what is the intensity of the transmitted light? How does this
compare with the intensity obtained in Problem 49a?
Following the same procedure as in Problem 33-49 one obtains I = 1/2I0 cos 30° = 0.211I0. For the single sheet
between the two end sheets at θ = 45°, I = 0.125I0. Using two sheets at relative angles of 30°increases the
transmitted intensity.
56 ∙∙ In a circularly polarized wave, the magnitude of the electric field is constant. If the wave propagates along
the z axis, the angle between E and the x axis changes by 2π radians over one wavelength. Write expressions
for the electric and magnetic fields of a circularly polarized wave of angular frequency ω propagating in
vacuum in the positive z direction.
For the electric field, E = Ex i + Ey j, where Ex and Ey are given by Ex = E0 cos(kz – ωt) and Ey = E0 sin(kz – ωt).
Since the wave propagates in the positive z direction, S = S k and E×B must be a vector in the k direction. So B
is in the xy plane and B0 = E0/c. It follows that B = –Bx i + By j, where Bx = B0 sin(kz – ωt) and By = B0 cos(kz –
ωt). Here k = 2π/λ and we have assumed that the wave is left circularly polarized.
57* ∙∙ Show that the electric field of a circularly polarized wave propagating in the x direction can be expressed
E = E0 sin (kx - ùt) j + E0 cos (kx - ωt) k
Note that Ey = E0 sin θ and Ex = E0 cos θ, where θ = kx – ωt. Clearly, the magnitude of E is constant in time, and
in a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation, the E vector rotates with angular frequency ω.
58 ∙∙ For the wave whose electric field is given by the expression in Problem 57, what is the corresponding
expression for the magnetic field B?
Proceed as in Problem 33-56 except that now E×B is a vector in the i direction. It follows that B is given by
B = B0 sin(kx – ωt) k – B0 cos(kx – ωt) j, where B0 = E0/c.
59 ∙∙ Find expressions for the electric field E and magnetic field B for a circularly polarized wave propagating in
the negative z direction. (See problems 57 and 58.)
See Problem 33-56. E = E0 cos (kz + ωt) i + E0 sin(kz + ωt) j. Now E×B must be a vector in the –k direction, so
B = B0 sin(kz + ωt) i – B0 cos(kz + ωt) j, where B0 = E0/c.
60 ∙∙ A circularly polarized wave is said to be right circularly polarized if the electric and magnetic fields rotate
clockwise when viewed along the direction of propagation and left circularly polarized if the fields rotate
counterclockwise. What is the sense of the circular polarization for the wave described by the expression in
Problem 57? What would be the corresponding expression for a circularly polarized wave of the opposite
It is right circularly polarized. For a left circularly polarized wave E = E0 sin(kx – ωt) j – E0 cos(kx – ωt) k.
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

61*∙∙ Vertically polarized light of intensity I0 is incident on a stack of N ideal polarizing sheets whose angles
with respect to the vertical are θn = nπ/2N. Determine the direction of polarization of the transmitted light and
its intensity. Show that as N → ∞ the direction of polarization is rotated without loss of intensity.
From Problem 53(a), IN = I0 cos (π/2N), and as in Problem 53(d) the direction of polarization has been rotated

by 90°. For N → ∞ use the small angle expansion cos θ = 1 – θ /2 + . . .. Thus, IN = I0(1 – π /8N ) =
2 2 2 2N

I0(1 – π 2/4N), and as N → ∞, IN = I0.

62 ∙ True or false:
(a) Light and radio waves travel with the same speed through a vacuum.
(b) Most of the light incident normally on an air–glass interface is reflected.
(c) The angle of refraction of light is always less than the angle of incidence.
(d) The index of refraction of water is the same for all wavelengths in the visible spectrum.
(e) Longitudinal waves cannot be polarized.
(a) True (b) False (c) False (d) False (e) True
63 ∙∙ Of the following statements about the speeds of the various colors of light in glass, which are true?
(a) All colors of light have the same speed in glass.
(b) Violet has the highest speed, red the lowest.
(c) Red has the highest speed, violet the lowest.
(d) Green has the highest speed, red and violet the lowest.
(e) Red and violet have the highest speed, green the lowest.
64 ∙∙ It is a common experience that on a calm, sunny day one can hear voices of persons in a boat over great
distances. Explain this phenomenon, keeping in mind that sound is reflected from the surface of the water and
that the temperature of the air just above the water's surface is usually less than that at a height of 10 or 20 m
above the water.
The sound is reflected specularly from the surface of the water (we assume it is calm). It is then refracted back
toward the water in the region above the water because the speed of sound depends on the temperature of the
air and is greater at the higher temperature. The pattern of the sound wave is shown schematically below.

65* ∙ A beam of monochromatic red light with a wavelength of 700 nm in air travels in water. (a) What is the
wavelength in water? (b) Does a swimmer underwater observe the same color or a different color for this light?
(a) λn = v/f = c/nf; λn = λ0/n λwater = 700/1.333 nm = 525 nm
(b) Color observed depends on frequency The swimmer observed same color in water and air

66 ∙ As the speed of computer operations increases, computer architecture acquires greater importance; the time
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

required to transfer a signal between the central processing unit (CPU) and memory can be a limiting factor in
determining the time required for computation. What is the maximum separation between a memory chip and
the CPU to allow transfer information between these units in less than 0.5 ns?
∆x = c∆t = 15 cm
67 ∙∙ The critical angle for total internal reflection for a substance is 45°. What is the polarizing angle for this
θp = tan (1/sin θc) = 54.7°
Use Equs. 33-12 and 33-21

68 ∙∙ Figure 33-57 shows two plane mirrors that make an angle θ with each other. Show that the angle between
the incident and reflected rays is 2θ.
Note that the triangle ABC is isosceles; the angles CAB
and ACB are equal and their sum equals θ. Also from
law of reflection, the angles CAD and CBD equal the
angle ABC. Since the angle BAD is twice BAC and the
angle DBA is twice CBA, the angle ADE is twice the
angle θ. The angle ADE is the angle between the
direction of the incoming ray and that reflected by the
two mirror surfaces.

69*∙∙ A silver coin sits on the bottom of a swimming pool that is 4 m deep. A beam of light reflected from the
coin emerges from the pool making an angle of 20° with respect to the water's surface and enters the eye of an
observer. Draw a ray from the coin to the eye of the observer. Extend this ray, which goes from the water–air
interface to the eye, straight back until it intersects with the vertical line drawn through the coin. What is the
apparent depth of the swimming pool to this observer?
The sketch shows the ray from the coin through the water
and to the eye of the observer. The angles shown are as
determined below.

1. Find the angle θi at the water-air interface θi = sin [(sin 70°)/1.33] = 45°

2. Find d d = (4×tan 45°×tan 20°) m = 1.46 m

70 ∙∙ Two affluent students decide to improve on Galileo's experiment to measure the speed of light. One student
reflecting electromagnetic waves from a satellite that is 37.9 Mm above the earth's surface. If the distance
between London and New York is neglected, the distance traveled is twice this distance. One student claps his
hands, and when the other student hears the sound over the phone, she claps her hands. The first student
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

measures the time between his clap and his hearing the second one. Calculate this time lapse, neglecting the
students' response times. Do you think this experiment would be successful? What improvements for measuring
this time interval would you suggest? (Time delays in the electronic circuits that are greater than those due to
the light traveling to the satellite and back make this experiment not feasible.)
6 8
∆t = Dtot /c ∆t = (4×37.9×10 /3×10 ) s = 0.505 s

This experiment is bound to fail since the reaction time of about 0.2 s is comparable to the time of travel of the
signals. One might initiate a return pulse by an electronic switch, thereby reducing the “reaction time” to a a
few nanoseconds.
71 ∙∙ Fishermen always insist on silence because noise on shore will scare fish away. Suppose a fisherman cast a
baited hook 20 m from the shore of a calm lake to a point where the depth is 15 m. Show that noise on shore
cannot possibly be sensed by fish at that point. Note: The speed of sound in air is 330 m/s; the speed of sound
in water is 1450 m/s.
Assume that the sound source is the voice of the fisherman. If the fisherman’s mouth is 2 m above the surface
of the water, the angle of incidence of the sound is θi = cot (2/20) = 84.3°. The critical angle for total

reflection of the sound is given by Equ. 33-12, which can be rewritten as sinθc = v1/v2 = 330/1450 = 0.228.
Thus θc = 13.2° and since θi > θc all of the sound is totally reflected at the air-water interface.
72 ∙∙ A swimmer at the bottom of a pool 3 m deep looks up and sees a circle of light. If the index of refraction of
the water in the pool is 1.33, find the radius of the circle.
R = (3 tan θc) m (see Problem 33-35) R = 3.42 m

73* ∙∙ Show that when a mirror is rotated through an angle θ, the reflected beam of light is rotated through 2θ.
Let α be the initial angle of incidence. Since the angle of reflection with the normal to the mirror is also α, the
angle between incident and reflected rays is 2α. If the mirror is now rotated by a further angle θ, the angle of
incidence is increased by θ to α + θ, and so is the angle of reflection. Consequently, the reflected beam is
rotated by 2θ relative to the incident beam.
74 ∙∙ Use Figure 33-26 to calculate the critical angles for total internal reflection for light initially in silicate flint
glass that is incident on a glass–air interface if the light is (a) violet light of wavelength 400 nm, and (b) red
light of wavelength 700 nm.
(a), (b) Use Equ. 33-12 and Figure 33-26 (a) θc = 36.8° (b) θc = 38.4°

75 ∙∙ Show that for normally incident light, the intensity transmitted through a glass slab with an index of
refraction of n is approximately given by
 4n 
IT = I0  2
 (n + 1) 
We shall neglect multiple reflections at the glass-air interfaces. At the air-glass interface, the reflected intensity
2 2 2
is Ir = I0(1 – n) /(1 + n) so the intensity transmitted into the glass is It = I0 – Ir = 4nI0/(1 + n) . At the glass-air
interface there is again the same reduction in transmitted intensity. Consequently, the intensity of the light
2 2
transmitted through the glass plate (neglecting multiple internal reflections) is It = I0[4n/(1 + n) ] .
76 ∙∙ A ray of light begins at the point x = -2 m, y = 2 m, strikes a mirror in the xz plane at some point x, and
reflects through the point x = 2 m, y = 6 m. (a) Find the value of x that makes the total distance traveled by the
ray a minimum. (b) What is the angle of incidence on the reflecting plane? What is the angle of reflection?
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

(a) The adjacent figure shows the two points and the reflecting surface. The
distance traveled by the ray that strikes the surface at x is D = [(2 + x) + 4]1/2 +
2 2 2
[(2 – x) + 36]1/2. Set dD/dx = 0. (2 + x)/[(2 + x) + 4]1/2 – (2 – x)/[(2 – x) +
36]1/2 = 0. Solving for x we find x = –1 m.

(b) With x = –1 m, θi = tan (1/2) = 26.6° and θr = tan (3/6) = 26.6° = θi.
–1 –1

77* ∙∙ Light passes symmetrically through a prism having an apex angle of α as shown in Figure 33-58. (a) Show
that the angle of deviation δ is given by
α + δ α
sin = n sin
2 2
(b) If the refractive index for red light is 1.48 and that for violet light is 1.52, what is the angular separation of
visible light for a prism with an apex angle of 60°?
(a) With respect to the normal to the left face of the prism, let the angle of incidence be θi and the angle of
refraction be θr. From the geometry of Figure 33-58 it is evident that θr = α/2. The angle of deviation at this
refracting interface is θi - α/2. By symmetry, the angle of deviation at the second refracting interface is also of
this magnitude. Thus, δ = 2θi - α and θi = 1/2(α + δ). Using Snell’s law, sin θi = n sin (α/2), we obtain the
stated expression, sin 1/2(α + δ) = n sin 1/2α.
(b) 1. δ = 2 sin [n sin 1/2α] – α. Find δviolet and δred δviolet = 38.93°; δred = 35.46°

2. Angular separation = δviolet – δred Angular separation = 3.47°

78 ∙∙ (a) For a light ray inside a transparent medium having a planar interface with a vacuum, show that the
polarizing angle and the critical angle for internal reflection satisfy tan θp = sin θc. (b) Which angle is larger?
(a) From Equs. 33-12 and 33-21 it follows directly that tan θp = sin θc. Note that in Equs. 33-12 and 33-21 the
roles of n1 and n2 are interchanged. Therefore, if n2 is the index of refraction of the optically denser medium,
i.e., n2 > n1, the expression for θc would read sin θc = n1/n2, or tan θp = 1/sin θc
(b) For any value of θ, tanθ > sin θ, and tan θ < 1/sin θ. Consequently, θp > θc.
79 ∙∙ Light is incident from air on a transparent substance at an angle of 58.0° with the normal. The reflected and
refracted rays are observed to be mutually perpendicular. (a) What is the index of refraction of the transparent
substance? (b) What is the critical angle for total internal reflection in this substance?
(a) From Figure 33-37 θi = θp = tan n
n = tan 58° = 1.60
(b) Use Equ. 33-12 θc = 38.7°

80 ∙∙ A light ray in dense flint glass with an index of refraction of 1.655 is incident on the glass surface. An
unknown liquid condenses on the surface of the glass. Total internal reflection on the glass–liquid interface
occurs for an angle of incidence on the glass–liquid interface of 53.7°. (a) What is the refractive index of the
unknown liquid? (b) If the liquid is removed, what is the angle of incidence for total internal reflection? (c) For
the angle of incidence found in part (b), what is the angle of refraction of the ray into the liquid film? Does a
ray emerge from the liquid film into the air above? Assume the glass and liquid have perfect planar surfaces.
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

(a) Use Equ. 33-12 nL = 1.655 sin 53.7° = 1.33

(b) Use Equ. 33-12 θc = 37.2°
(c) Use Equ. 33-9b θr = 48.7°; ray does not emerge (see Problem 33-40)

81*∙∙ Given that the index of refraction for red light in water is 1.3318 and that the index of refraction for blue
light in water is 1.3435, find the angular separation of these colors in the primary rainbow. (Use the equation
given in Problem 86.)
1. Find θ1m for red and blue light; Red light: θ1m = 59.48°; blue light: θ1m = 58.80°
cos θ 1 m = n
2. Use Equ. 33-18 to find φd for red and blue light Red light: φd = 137.75°; blue light: φd = 139.42°
3. Angular separation = φd,blue –φd,red Angular separation = 1.67°

82 ∙∙ A ray of light falls on a rectangular glass block (n = 1.5) that is almost completely submerged in water
(n = 1.33) as shown in Figure 33-59. (a) Find the angle θ for which total internal reflection just occurs at point
P. (b) Would total internal reflection occur at point P for the value of θ found in part (a) if the water were
removed? Explain.
(a) 1. Find θc at glass-water interface θc = sin (1.33/1.5) = 62.5°

2. Find θ ; note that θr(glass) = 90° – θc = 27.5° θ = sin (1.5 sin 27.5) = 43.9°

(b) The angle of incidence at P is again 62.5°. If the water is removed, the critical angle for total internal
reflection is sin (1/1.5) = 41.8°. Therefore, total internal reflection will definitely occur if the water is
83 ∙∙ (a) Use the result for Problem 75 to find the ratio of the transmitted intensity to the incident intensity
through N parallel slabs of glass for light of normal incidence. (b) Find this ratio for three slabs of glass with n
= 1.5.
(c) How many slabs of glass with n = 1.5 will reduce the intensity to 10% of the incident intensity?
(a) Each slab reduces the intensity by the factor [4n/(n + 1)2]2. Consequently, with N slabs, It =
I0[4n/(n + 1)2]2N.
(b) Use the result in (a) with N = 3 It /I0 = (6/2.52)6 = 0.783
(c) Solve for N with It /I0 = 0.1 2N log (0.96) = log (0.1) = –1; N = 28.2 ≈28

84 ∙∙ Light is incident on a slab of transparent material at an angle θ1 as shown in Figure 33-60. The slab has a
thickness t and an index of refraction n. Show that
sin θ 1
n =
sin [arctan (d / t)]
where d is the distance shown in the figure and arctan (d/t) is the angle whose tangent is d/t.
Referring to the figure of Problem 33-30, the distance d = DB = t tan θ 2. From Equ. 33-9b, n = sin θ 1/sin θ 2.
So n = (sin θ 1)/[sin (tan d/t)].

85* ∙∙ Suppose rain falls vertically from a stationary cloud 10,000 m above a confused marathoner running in a
circle with constant speed of 4 m/s. The rain has a terminal speed of 9 m/s. (a) What is the angle that the rain
appears to make with the vertical to the marathoner? (b) What is the apparent motion of the cloud as observed
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

by the marathoner? (c) A star on the axis of the earth's orbit appears to have a circular orbit of angular diameter
of 41.2 seconds of arc. How is this angle related to the earth's speed in its orbit and the velocity of photons
received from this distant star? (d) What is the speed of light as determined from the data in part (c)?
(a) tan θ = vrun /vrain ; θ = tan (vrun /vrain ) θ = tan (4/9) = 24.0°
–1 –1

(b) Cloud moves in circle of radius R = H tan θ Radius of circle of cloud motion is R = 4444 m
(c) As in (a) where vrun = vearth , vrain = c tan θ = vearth /c; θ = 1/2×(angular diameter)
(d) 1. Find vearth = 2πRearth–sun /(1 y) vearth = (2π×1.5×1011 /3.156×107 ) m/s = 2.986×104 m/s
2. c = vearth /tan θ c = [2.986×104/tan (20.6″)] m/s = 2.99×108 m/s

86 ∙∙∙ Equation 33-18 gives the relation between the angle of deviation φd of a light ray incident on a spherical
drop of water in terms of the incident angle θ1 and the index of refraction of water. (a) Assume that nair = 1, and
differentiate φd with respect to θ1. [Hint: If y = arcsin x, then dy/dx = (1 – x ) .] (b) Set dφd/dθ1 = 0 and show
2 –1/2

that the angle of incidence θ1m for minimum deviation is given by

n −1
cos è1m =
and find θ1m for water, where the index of refraction for water is 1.33.
(a) With nair = 1, Equ. 33-18 reads φd = π + 2θ 1 – 4 sin [(sin θ 1)/n)]. Use the Hint to take the derivative of φd

with respect to θ 1 to obtain

d φd 4 cos θ 1
=2 −
dθ1 n − sin θ 1
2 2

(b) Set the above expression equal to zero and solve for cos θ 1; the angle θ 1 is the angle of incidence for
minimum deviation, θ 1m. Replacing sin θ 1 by 1 – cos θ 1 one arrives at the result quoted in the problem
2 2

With n = 1.33, θ 1m = 59.6°.
87 ∙∙∙ (a) Show that a light ray transmitted through a glass slab emerges parallel to the incident ray but displaced
from it. (b) For an incident angle of 60°, glass of index of refraction n = 1.5, and a slab of thickness 10 cm, find
the displacement measured perpendicularly from the incident ray.
(a) Using Equ. 33-9b at both surfaces of the slab it follows that the angle of the emerging ray with the normal
to the slab is equal to the angle of incidence. That is, the emerging ray and incident ray are parallel.
(b) The displacement is given by s2 = t(tan θ 1 – tan θ 2)cos θ 1 (see Problem 33-30).
1. Find θ 2 using Equ. 33-9b θ 2 = 35.26°
2. Find s2 s2 = 5.12 cm

88 ∙∙∙ Show that if the apex angle α of the prism of Problem 77 is small, the angle of deviation δ is given by δ =
(n – 1)α, independent of the angle of incidence.
We use the notation and the figure of Problem 33-89 (see below). The deviation angle δ is given by
δ = sin [n sin (θ 3 – α)] + sin (n sin θ 3) – α. We now take the derivative of δ with respect to α.
–1 –1

dä n cos (á − è3)
= − 1 . In the limit α → 0, dδ/dα → 0; i.e., for small α, the angle of
dá 1 − [n sin (á − è3) ]2
deviation is independent of α. In Problem 33-39 we show that when the ray passes through the prism
Chapter 33 Properties of Light

symmetrically, the angles θ 2 and θ 3 are both equal to α/2. Since for small α the angle δ is independent of α, we
need only determine δ when θ 2 = θ 3 = α/2. Using Snell’s law, Equ. 33-9b, θ 1 = θ 4 = sin [n sin (α/2)]. For α

<< 1, sin (α/2) = α/2, so δ = θ 1 + θ 4 – α = nα – α = (n – 1)α.

89*∙∙∙ Show that the angle of deviation δ is a minimum if the angle of incidence is such that the ray passes
through the prism symmetrically as shown in Figure 33-58.
The figure to the right shows the prism and the path of the ray
through it. The light dashed lines are the normals to the
prism faces. The triangle formed by the interior ray and the
prism faces has interior angles of α, 90° – θ2, and 90° – θ3.
Consequently, θ2 + θ3 = α. Next we note that the deviation
angle δ = θ1 + θ4 – α. These are purely geometric relations. We
now employ Snell’s law to relate θ3 to 4 and θ1 to θ2. We
have sin θ1 = n sin θ2 and sin θ4 = n sin θ3. We can now write
an expression for δ
in terms of one of the angles θi and the apex angle α.
δ = sin (n sin θ2) + sin (n sin θ3) – α = sin [n sin(θ3 – α)] +
–1 –1 –1

sin (n sin θ3) – α. The only variable in this expression is θ3.


To determine the condition for minimizing δ we now take the

derivative with respect to θ3 and set it equal to zero.
dδ n cos (α − θ 3) n cos θ 3
= − + = 0 . This equation is satisfied if α – θ3 = θ3 or θ3 = α/2.
dθ3 1 − [n sin (α − θ 3) ]2
1 − (n sin θ 3 )2
But θ2 = α – θ3 = α2, which shows that the deviation angle is a minimum if the ray passes through the prism

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