The Of: General

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(not being more than fifteen rrnnths after holding of the last preceding general

rrEeting) at such tirrn and place as rrny be decided by the Directors of the
company. The above rrentioned general rreeting shall be called ORDINARY GENERAL
MEETING and all other general rreeting of the company shall be called EXTRA-
ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. The Directors rray at any tirre call an extra-ordinary
{ general rreeting and an extra-ordinary general rreeting rrny also be called on
requisition rmdc by thc shareholders in accordance with thc provisions of section 84
T of the corrpanies (Act.) 1994.


74. Subject to the provision of section 87(2) of the Companies Act, relating to special
resolutions at ieast foufteen days notice specifying the place, the day and the hour

I of the general rreeting and in case of special business, the general nature of such
business, shall be givcn to thc rrnmbers in such rrnnner as rray be prescribed by the
company in a general rrneting, but accidental omission to give such notice, to or
non-receipt of such notice by any rrenrber shall not invalidate the proceedings of

II the gcneral rrcctrng.

15. A general rreeting rrny, with the consent in writing of the entire rrember be
convened by a shortcr notice and in any rranner they think suitable. No business
shall be transacted at any general rreeting unless the quorum of rrembers is present

I at the tirre when the rrceting -f

i proceeds to transact business. wo nEmbers
personally prcscnt shall forrn the quorum of any gcncral rrneting.


I 16. The joint holders of shares shall be individually as well as jointly liable for the
payrrent of any call or installrrnnt due in respect of the share held by them. The
directors rrny from tirre to tirre, rrnke call upon the rrembers in respect of any

i rroney rerrnining unpaid on the shares heid by them and no call shall be less than
twcnty five perccnt of the norrinal value of thc share and each rrnnber shall
subject to receive fourteen days notice specifying the tirrn and place of payrrent,
pay to the cornpany the arrount called on his share at the tirre and place so
specified in the notice,

17. if the requirerrent of the notice as aforesaid is not corrplied with any share in
rcspect of which thc noticc has becn given rnay at any tirrc thercafter be forfeitcd
T by a resolution of the board of directors to that effect.

T 18. The forferted share rrny be sold or otherwise disposed of in such rrnnner as the
dircctors rray think fit and at any tirrc before sale or disposal, thc for-feiture rrny be

I cancelled in such rrnnner and on such terrrs and conditions as the directors rrny
think fit.


I 19. 2 (Two) rrembers present in person and entitled to vote will form a QUORUM in any
General Meeting whether ordinary or Extra-ordinary. Questions arising at any generai
rreetings shall be decidcd by simple rrnjority of thc total number of votes of the
shareholders of the company.

QUORUM (Board Meeting)

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2 (Two) Directors present at the rreeting shall be the quorum for a rreeting of the
Board of Directors. A Mceting of the Directors in which a quorum is present shall be

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