Of Parents and Children Summary

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Of Parents and Children by Sir Francis Bacon

All kinds of emotions and feelings of parents for their children, whether it is joy, grief, or fear, are
private and personal that they don’t share with others. Having children make it easier for the parents to
tolerate the hard labor that will benefit their children and ensures their prosperous future. However, for
the parents, it is hard to tolerate the hardships since they think that these hardships or calamities will
hinder their children’s well-being. Fretfulness is amplified by having children nevertheless this
remunerated by the supposition that their commemorations will be preserved and prolonged through
their offspring and this too leads the thought of death at ease.
It is an inherent quality inside every living species to reproduce and extend its species, however, it is
only the man who is attributed with the quality of scholarly attainments and memorization. Bacon
illustrates one advantage of not having children. As per him, a person who doesn’t have children are
inclined to do more deeds. As they have nothing to leave behind them, they want to leave their good
deed and benefit the mankind with their deeds.
It is sometimes observed that parents don’t treat their all children with an equal affection; they
discriminate between them which is not preferred, especially on the behalf of the mother. Bacon baked
this argument with a quotation from Salomon that if a son does something appreciating, he is father’s
son but if a son does something shameful, he is mother’s son. In a family comprised of many children,
the elder one gets the more respect and attention while the young ones are spoiled by excessive love.
However, the middle ones, the most ignored ones are often proved to be the best.
Parents, while giving the pocket allowance to their children, should not be the miser as they will turn to
bent and deceitful which is harmful. In addition to this, they will open themselves to over lenience in
spending money when they have plenty in future. Parents should exercise their authority but it should
be under liberty.
Another fault of parents towards their children is they inspire the spirit of competition among the
children which is a cause of future conflicts in the family when they grow up.
It is often observed that the Italian makes no dissimilarity among their own children and their nephews.
They care for them as much as they do for their own children. This can be justified since the nephew
sometimes endures a great resemblance to his uncle than their own children.
It is the duty of the parents to choose a right profession for their children as soon as possible. However,
if a child grows and shows interest in a totally different profession, the parents shouldn’t impose their
selection on them. They should allow them to go on their own way.
Younger children are generally fortunate since they get a strong motivation for the hard work by their
elder brothers. However, the motivation to hard work declines where the elder brother is disinherited
and the young child hopes to get all the beneficiary of wealth from parents.

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