Easergy Studio V8.0.0 Release Notes: Note #13
Easergy Studio V8.0.0 Release Notes: Note #13
Easergy Studio V8.0.0 Release Notes: Note #13
Note #13
2 How to install
This installation
- is to be downloaded to your hard disk for later installation by running the .exe file
- is providing an installation shield for a most convenient upgrade of your Easergy Studio
- retains all existing systems (or projects)
- can be run multiple times
3 New features
3.1 Compatible of Windows 10
As from Easergy Studio Software Version 8.0.0, Windows 10 is now formally supported for certain
programs within the Easergy Studio suite. For more details, please see Introduction to Easergy Studio
in the on-line help.
3.2 Export/Import part of a System
As from Easergy Studio Software Version 8.0.0, it is possible to export or import a whole system or just
a part of one. This is useful because Easergy Studio systems can be large, so providing the ability to
choose only certain elements to export/import is useful. You can also select the destination branch (Bay,
Voltage Level, etc) to which any elements are imported.
3.3 Synchronize System
The Synchronize System function is provided so that you can quickly see the differences between a
currently opened Studio System and an external Studio System.
3.4 Compare DNP Files
The S&R Courier tool included a function to compare DNP Files. However, the S&R Courier tool is now
a legacy tool and it is no longer included within the Easergy Studio software. The Easergy Studio
software now includes a DNP File compare function.
3.5 Windows XP
As from Easergy Studio Version 8.0.0, Windows XP is no longer formally supported.
3.6 Performance Issues
This release also corrects some performance and other issues.
Note #13
4 Corrected issues
4.1 Easergy Studio
# 5698 - Extract DNP Setting operation improvements
# 5673 - SubNet Mask and Gateway Address fields was revised
# 5646 - Switch banks improved
# 5771 - Download CID file and switch banks process was improved
# 5796 - Network interface configuration improvement when VLAN is ckecked
# 5798 - Network interface configuration improvement when its IP is same as old Interface1
# 5797 - General improvement in the VLAN config.
# 5770 - CID generator changes specific XML tags out of ICD to textual tags (Apostrophe ')
# 5772 - Correction on store FPN project
# 5773 - IED Configurator to support SNTP configuration configured in SSD / SCD into the CID files
# 5456 - The min and max value in FPN's CID was modified
# 5420 - Add automatic mapping of Mod, Beh, Health and NamePlt on several DO mapping to diff. LN
# 5419 - Add private information in the mapped file
# 5453 - Revised the "Inval. Config. IEC" would raise after downloading FPN generated CID file.
# 5413 - FPN Compare view improvements on virtual device view
# 5384 - Download cid file process was improved
# 5351 - IED Configurator Ed1 improvements
# 5398 - User interfaces correction on SDO level
# 5264 - IED configurator: Error Message improviment
# 5257 - IED configurator: Error Message improviment
# 5256 - IED Configurator: Login improviment
# 5081 - Correction of error information encountered after extract P30 CID and close CID using IED configurator
# 5385 - IED Configurator modification on SCL Schema (Ed1 vs. Ed2)
# 5383 - Data model language of DR Viewer correction to set regional language during installation of MS1S
# 5767 - Easergy Studio improved to download the cid generated from FPN.
# 5421 - Operate step homogenization to change IED password without CS.
# 5266 - Correction on password message process
# 5262 - Added long password with more than 32 characters in login dialog
# 5259 - Correction on message 'Higher level password is required' with 'Viewer' during sending parameter
# 5494 - Correction on "Open in other language" option for Setting/Psl...
# 5182 - Improvements to reconnect IED with MiCOM S1 after re-plug the cable (Secured IED)
# 5512 - Improvements in the XRIO export function
# 5515 - Correction on Disturbance records on hardened Windows 7-64 bit
# 5484 - Verification of the MCL function
# 5382 - Keep column width for each filetype as long as EStudio session is opened
# 5439 - Import of P111 settings from xls template
# 5434 - Data model in other language, even if English-German version of the same data model is present.
# 5390 - Verification of connected IED versus IED in Studio system
# 5387 - "Import SFD file" correction to convert Comtrade files to regional language to preference settings
# 5628 - Links to online ressources was corrected
# 5296 - DNPoe file improvements
# 5185 - Front port improvements
# 3312 - The default formula in the "Formula Editor" was correded
# 5750 - CID-download file process was improved
# 5745 – Add configuration of SNTP server be contained to VLAN's IP
# 5479 - P30_FPN:706 final, LN:GosGGIO1 improvements.
# 5473 - P30_CS:706 final,IED configurator improvements.
# 5430 - CID validation configuration improvements
# 5269 - RBAC information still displays in IED Configurator improvements
# 5260 - IED Configurator: error message prompted correction
Note #13
# 5329 - CID files correction to active bank by FPN IED configurator which is emebedded in MS1S 5.2.0
# 5330 - P540D_fPNtool: Either goose publishing or subscribing config was correted.
# 5331 - P540D_fPNtool: Client enable Goose was correted
# 5332 - P540D_fPNtool:Improviment message for incompatible value type mapping.
# 5347 - BUG correction to import Ed-2 Goose file of P546 into Ed-1 P546 device and Vice a Versa
# 5215 – Correction on CS1 "Enter Password" dialogue box
# 5216 - The User Name/Password Login operation is required for each CID file download by IED Configurator
# 5217 - No "Enter Password" dialogue box after the second login with low authority in IED Configurator
# 5334 - IEDConfigurator_fPN3.8:Improviment on report private client IP
# 5345 - IEDConfigurator_fPN3.8:Improviment on The fPN tool to map the control model.
# 5346 - IEDConfigurator_fPN3.8:Improviment on fPN mapping, IEDConfigurator errors about gocb.
# 5627 - Quality bit assigned in the IED Configurator
# 5435 - MCL file for P439-653-233 correction template (PX439-652-233.ICD)
# 5389 - P141, correction Goose after changing SCE language
# 5433 - P139.634 Adding node PriMMXU1.MX to dataset
# 5422 - S1 studio correction to connect to IED the 1st time when IED restart (power off/on).
# 5213 - Correction Chinese characters to user alarm labels in MS1S and display messy code in HMI
# 5438 - Micom P20 : Export setting file to csv file.
# 5437 - Easergy Studio V6.0.0: XLS import function for P30 corrections to import several parameters
# 5327 – Modification on the ID of the DR in the DR list got by serial port and Ethernet port
# 5454 - Studio allows only at one physical ethernet interface secure comm connection (high prior)
# 5486 - DNPOE - The control input FPN mapping was correted of IED Configurator Edition 2
# 5312 - Corection information when using Viewer role to active setting group
# 5399 - Px30 EBR CS - Closing IED Configurator improviment
Note #13
5 Known issue
5.1 Language installation
Mandatory to install English version in addition to another language lile Germany, Portuguese, Spanish,
5.2 Operational System Windons XP
Next release of Easergy Studio will no more be tested and qualified on Window XP anymore.
Environments supported and qualified in next release are Window 7, Windows Server 2016 and
Window 10.
1. Both configurations do not include Data Models HDD requirements.
2. Screen resolution for minimum requirements: Super VGA (800 x 600).
3. Screen resolution for recommended requirements: XGA (1024x768) and higher.
4. Easergy Studio must be started with Administrator privileges.