Fast Iron Manual
Fast Iron Manual
Fast Iron Manual
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Ruckus Wireless, Ruckus, the bark logo, BeamFlex, ChannelFly, Dynamic PSK, FlexMaster, Simply Better Wireless, SmartCell,
SmartMesh, SmartZone, Unleashed, ZoneDirector and ZoneFlex are trademarks of Ruckus Wireless, Inc. in the United States and in
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Multi-Chassis Trunking................................................................................................................................................................................................... 93
Multi-Chassis Trunking Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 93
How MCT works............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 93
MCT terminology...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................94
MCT data flow.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................95
MCT and VLANs........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 98
MCT feature interaction and unsupported features........................................................................................................................................................ 98
Basic MCT configuration..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 99
MCT configuration considerations...................................................................................................................................................................................... 100
Differences in configuring MCT for the switch and router image...........................................................................................................................101
Configuring MCT........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 101
Forcing a port up in a basic MCT configuration............................................................................................................................................................ 104
Cluster client automatic configuration......................................................................................................................................................................................... 105
Setting up cluster client automatic configuration ......................................................................................................................................................... 106
MCT failover scenarios......................................................................................................................................................................................................................107
Cluster failover mode................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 108
Client isolation mode.................................................................................................................................................................................................................108
Shutting down all client interfaces........................................................................................................................................................................................109
Using the keep-alive VLAN....................................................................................................................................................................................................109
Setting keep-alive timers and hold-time...........................................................................................................................................................................109
Layer 2 behavior with MCT............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 110
MAC operations.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 110
MAC Database Update............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 110
Cluster MAC types ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................110
MAC aging.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................111
MAC flush...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Syncing router MAC addresses to peer MCT devices................................................................................................................................................111
Dynamic trunks............................................................................................................................................................................................................................111
Port loop detection.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................111
MCT Layer 2 protocols............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 112
Layer 2 multicast snooping over MCT..............................................................................................................................................................................113
Layer 3 behavior with MCT............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 119
Layer 3 unicast forwarding over MCT............................................................................................................................................................................... 120
VRRP or VRRP-E over an MCT-enabled network.......................................................................................................................................................122
OSPF and BGP over an MCT-enabled network...........................................................................................................................................................122
GVRP................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 155
GVRP overview.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................155
GVRP application examples............................................................................................................................................................................................................155
Dynamic core and fixed edge................................................................................................................................................................................................156
Dynamic core and dynamic edge........................................................................................................................................................................................157
Fixed core and dynamic edge............................................................................................................................................................................................... 157
Fixed core and fixed edge....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 158
VLAN names created by GVRP.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 158
Configuration notes for GVRP........................................................................................................................................................................................................158
Configuring GVRP...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................159
Clearing GVRP statistics................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 161
Configuration example: Implementing the applications of GVRP................................................................................................................................... 161
Dynamic core and fixed edge................................................................................................................................................................................................162
Dynamic core and dynamic edge........................................................................................................................................................................................163
Fixed core and dynamic edge............................................................................................................................................................................................... 163
Fixed core and fixed edge....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 164
VLANs.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 259
VLAN overview.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................259
VLAN support on FastIron devices.....................................................................................................................................................................................259
Layer 2 port-based VLANs................................................................................................................................................................................................... 259
Configuring port-based VLANs on Device-A................................................................................................................................................................263
Configuring port-based VLANs on Device-B................................................................................................................................................................264
Configuring port-based VLANs on Device-C................................................................................................................................................................264
Modifying a port-based VLAN............................................................................................................................................................................................. 265
Default VLAN...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................271
802.1Q tagging.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 273
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)............................................................................................................................................................................................... 275
Virtual routing interfaces.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 276
VLAN and virtual routing interface groups...................................................................................................................................................................... 276
Super aggregated VLANs.......................................................................................................................................................................................................277
Trunk group ports and VLAN membership.....................................................................................................................................................................277
Summary of VLAN configuration rules.............................................................................................................................................................................277
Routing between VLANs.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 278
Virtual routing interfaces (Layer 2 Switches only)......................................................................................................................................................... 278
Routing between VLANs using virtual routing interfaces (Layer 3 Switches only)......................................................................................... 278
Dynamic port assignment (Layer 2 Switches and Layer 3 Switches).................................................................................................................. 279
Assigning a different VLAN ID to the default VLAN................................................................................................................................................... 279
Assigning different VLAN IDs to reserved VLANs 4091 and 4092...................................................................................................................279
Assigning trunk group ports...................................................................................................................................................................................................280
Enable spanning tree on a VLAN........................................................................................................................................................................................ 280
Enabling port-based VLANs.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 281
Assigning IEEE 802.1Q tagging to a port...................................................................................................................................................................... 282
VLAN-based static MAC entries configuration.......................................................................................................................................................................282
Configuring a VLAN to drop static MAC entries........................................................................................................................................................... 283
Routing between VLANs using virtual routing interfaces (Layer 3 Switches only)...................................................................................................283
Configuring Layer 3 VLANs and virtual routing interfaces on the Device-A.................................................................................................... 284
Configuring Layer 3 VLANs and virtual routing interfaces for Device-B........................................................................................................... 286
Configuring Layer 3 VLANs and virtual routing interfaces for Device-C........................................................................................................... 287
IP subnet address on multiple port-based VLAN configuration..................................................................................................................................... 288
VLAN groups and virtual routing interface group ................................................................................................................................................................. 291
Configuring a VLAN group.....................................................................................................................................................................................................292
Configuring a virtual routing interface group...................................................................................................................................................................293
Displaying the VLAN group and virtual routing interface group information.................................................................................................... 294
Allocating memory for more VLANs, more associated ports, or more virtual routing interfaces.............................................................294
Topology groups.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 295
Document conventions
The document conventions describe text formatting conventions, command syntax conventions, and important notice formats used in
Brocade technical documentation.
A Note provides a tip, guidance, or advice, emphasizes important information, or provides a reference to related information.
An Attention statement indicates a stronger note, for example, to alert you when traffic might be interrupted or the device might
A Caution statement alerts you to situations that can be potentially hazardous to you or cause damage to hardware,
firmware, software, or data.
A Danger statement indicates conditions or situations that can be potentially lethal or extremely hazardous to you. Safety
labels are also attached directly to products to warn of these conditions or situations.
Format Description
bold text Identifies command names.
Identifies variables.
Format Description
Convention Description
bold text Identifies command names, keywords, and command options.
italic text Identifies a variable.
value In Fibre Channel products, a fixed value provided as input to a command option is printed in plain text, for
example, --show WWN.
[] Syntax components displayed within square brackets are optional.
In Fibre Channel products, square brackets may be used instead for this purpose.
x|y A vertical bar separates mutually exclusive elements.
<> Nonprinting characters, for example, passwords, are enclosed in angle brackets.
... Repeat the previous element, for example, member[member...].
\ Indicates a “soft” line break in command examples. If a backslash separates two lines of a command
input, enter the entire command at the prompt without the backslash.
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Support for the Ruckus ICX 7150 Introduced support for Ruckus ICX 7150. Changes occur throughout the text.
Supported Hardware
This guide supports the following product families from Brocade:
• ICX 7750 Series
• ICX 7450 Series
• ICX 7250 Series
• ICX 7150 Series
For information about the specific models and modules supported in a product family, refer to the hardware installation guide for that
product family.
In the Brocade FastIron Command Reference, the command pages are in alphabetical order and follow a standard format to present
syntax, parameters, mode, usage guidelines, examples, and command history.
Many commands introduced before FastIron release 08.0.20 are also included in the guide.
For fiber-optic connections, you can optionally configure a transmit port to notify the receive port on the remote device whenever the
transmit port becomes disabled.
RFN is set to auto-gig by default. To disable RFN, use the following command.
When you enable this feature, the transmit port notifies the remote port whenever the fiber cable is either physically disconnected or has
failed. When this occurs and the feature is enabled, the device disables the link and turns OFF both LEDs associated with the ports.
For more information about the parameters supported with the gig-default command, see "Changing the Gbps fiber negotiation mode"
section in the Brocade FastIron Monitoring Configuration Guide .
The ring in this example consists of four MRP nodes (Brocade switches). Each node has two interfaces with the ring. Each node also is
connected to a separate customer network. The nodes forward Layer 2 traffic to and from the customer networks through the ring. The
ring interfaces are all in one port-based VLAN. Each customer interface can be in the same VLAN as the ring or in a separate VLAN.
One node is configured as the master node of the MRP ring. One of the two interfaces on the master node is configured as the primary
interface; the other is the secondary interface. The primary interface originates Ring Health Packets (RHPs), which are used to monitor the
health of the ring. An RHP is forwarded on the ring to the next interface until it reaches the secondary interface of the master node. The
secondary interface blocks the packet to prevent a Layer 2 loops.
FIGURE 2 Examples of multiple rings sharing the same interface - MRP Phase 2
On each node that will participate in the ring, you specify the ring ID and the interfaces that will be used for ring traffic. In a multiple ring
configuration, a ring ID determines its priority. The lower the ring ID, the higher priority of a ring.
For example, in Figure 3, the ID of all interfaces on all nodes on Ring 1 is 1 and all interfaces on all nodes on Ring 2 is 2. Port 1/1/1 on
node S1 and Port 1/2/2 on S2 have the IDs of 1 and 2 since the interfaces are shared by Rings 1 and 2.
The ring ID is also used to determine an interface priority. Generally, a ring ID is also the ring priority and the priority of all interfaces on
that ring. However, if the interface is shared by two or more rings, then the highest priority (lowest ID) becomes the priority of the
interface. For example, in Figure 3, all interfaces on Ring 1, except for Port 1/1/1 on node S1 and Port 1/2/2 on node S2 have a
priority of 1. Likewise, all interfaces on Ring 2, except for Port 1/1/1 on node S1 and Port 1/2/2 on node S2 have a priority of 2. Port
1/1/1 on S1 and Port 1/2/2 on S2 have a priority of 1 since 1 is the highest priority (lowest ID) of the rings that share the interface.
If a node has interfaces that have different IDs, the interfaces that belong to the ring with the highest priority become regular ports. Those
interfaces that do not belong to the ring with the highest priority become tunnel ports. In Figure 3, nodes S1 and S2 have interfaces that
belong to Rings 1 and 2. Those interfaces with a priority of 1 are regular ports. The interfaces with a priority of 2 are the tunnel ports
since they belong to Ring 2, which has a lower priority than Ring 1.
Any node on an MRP ring that has two shared interfaces cannot be elected as the master node.
In Figure 3 on page 22, any of the nodes on Ring 1, even S1 or S2, can be a master node since none of its interfaces are tunnel ports.
However in Ring 2, neither S1 nor S2 can be a master node since these nodes contain tunnel ports.
Also, when you configure an MRP ring, any node on the ring can be designated as the master node for the ring. A master node can be
the master node of more than one ring. (Refer to Figure 4.) Each ring is an independent ring and RHP packets are processed within each
In this example, two nodes are each configured with two MRP rings. Any node in a ring can be the master for its ring. A node also can be
the master for more than one ring.
Ring initialization
The ring shown in Figure 1 on page 20 shows the port states in a fully initialized ring without any broken links. Figure 5 shows the initial
state of the ring, when MRP is first enabled on the ring switches. All ring interfaces on the master node and member nodes begin in the
Preforwarding state (PF).
MRP uses Ring Health Packets (RHPs) to monitor the health of the ring. An RHP is an MRP protocol packet. The source address is the
MAC address of the master node and the destination MAC address is a protocol address for MRP. The Master node generates RHPs
and sends them on the ring. The state of a ring port depends on the RHPs.
When MRP is enabled, all ports begin in the Preforwarding state. The primary interface on the Master node, although it is in the
Preforwarding state like the other ports, immediately sends an RHP onto the ring. The secondary port on the Master node listens for the
• If the secondary port receives the RHP, all links in the ring are up and the port changes its state to Blocking. The primary port
then sends another MRP with its forwarding bit set on. As each of the member ports receives the RHP, the ports changes their
state to Forwarding. Typically, this occurs in sub-second time. The ring very quickly enters the fully initialized state.
• If the secondary port does not receive the RHP by the time the preforwarding time expires, a break has occurred in the ring. The
port changes its state to Forwarding. The member ports also change their states from Preforwarding to Forwarding as their
preforwarding timers expire. The ring is not intact, but data can still travel among the nodes using the links that are up.
Each RHP also has a sequence number. MRP can use the sequence number to determine the round-trip time for RHPs in the ring. Refer
to Metro Ring Protocol diagnostics on page 34.
Port 1/2/1 on Ring 1 master node is the primary interface of the master node. The primary interface forwards an RHP packet on the
ring. Since all the interfaces on Ring 1 are regular ports, the RHP packet is forwarded to all the interfaces until it reaches Port 1/2/2, the
secondary interface of the master node. Port 1/2/2 then blocks the packet to complete the process.
On Ring 2, Port 1/3/1, is the primary interface of the master node. It sends an RHP packet on the ring. Since all ports on S4 are regular
ports, the RHP packet is forwarded on those interfaces. When the packet reaches S2, the receiving interface is a tunnel port. The port
compares the packet priority to its priority. Since the packet priority is the same as the tunnel port priority, the packet is forwarded up the
link shared by Rings 1 and 2.
When the RHP packet reaches the interface on node S2 shared by Rings 1 and 2, the packet is forwarded since its priority is less than
the interface priority. The packet continues to be forwarded to node S1 until it reaches the tunnel port on S1. That tunnel port determines
that the RHP packet priority is equal to the port priority and forwards the packet. The RHP packet is forwarded to the remaining interfaces
on Ring 2 until it reaches port 1/3/2, the secondary interface of the master node. Port 1/3/2 then blocks the packet to prevent a loop.
When the RHP packet from Ring 2 reached S2, it was also forwarded from S2 to S3 on Ring 1 since the port on S2 has a higher priority
than the RHP packet. The packets is forwarded around Ring 1 until it reaches port 1/2/2, Ring 1 the secondary port. The RHP packet is
then blocked by that port.
If a break in the ring occurs, MRP heals the ring by changing the states of some of the ring interfaces:
• Blocking interface - The Blocking interface on the Master node has a dead timer. If the dead time expires before the interface
receives one of its ring RHPs, the interface changes state to Preforwarding. Once the secondary interface changes state to
– If the interface receives an RHP, the interface changes back to the Blocking state and resets the dead timer.
– If the interface does not receive an RHP for its ring before the Preforwarding time expires, the interface changes to the
Forwarding state, as shown in Figure 8.
When the broken link is repaired, the link interfaces come up in the Preforwarding state, which allows RHPs to travel through the restored
interfaces and reach the secondary interface on the Master node:
• If an RHP reaches the Master node secondary interface, the ring is intact. The secondary interface changes to Blocking. The
Master node sets the forwarding bit on in the next RHP. When the restored interfaces receive this RHP, they immediately
change state to Forwarding.
• If an RHP does not reach the Master node secondary interface, the ring is still broken. The Master node does not send an RHP
with the forwarding bit on. In this case, the restored interfaces remain in the Preforwarding state until the preforwarding timer
expires, then change to the Forwarding state.
If the link between shared interfaces breaks (Figure 9), the secondary interface on Ring 1 master node changes to a preforwarding state.
The RHP packet sent by port 1/3/1 on Ring 2 is forwarded through the interfaces on S4, then to S2. The packet is then forwarded
through S2 to S3, but not from S2 to S1 since the link between the two nodes is not available. When the packet reaches Ring 1 master
node, the packet is forwarded through the secondary interface since it is currently in a preforwarding state. A secondary interface in
preforwarding mode ignores any RHP packet that is not from its ring. The secondary interface changes to blocking mode only when the
RHP packet forwarded by its primary interface is returned.
The packet then continues around Ring 1, through the interfaces on S1 to Ring 2 until it reaches Ring 2 master node. Port 1/3/2, the
secondary interface on Ring 2 changes to blocking mode since it received its own packet, then blocks the packet to prevent a loop.
FIGURE 9 Flow of RHP packets when a link for shared interfaces breaks
RHP packets follow this flow until the link is restored; then the RHP packet returns to it normal flow as shown in Figure 7 on page 28.
Notice that each customer has their own VLAN. Customer A has VLAN 30 and Customer B has VLAN 40. Customer A host attached
to Switch D can reach the Customer A host attached to Switch B at Layer 2 through the ring. Since Customer A and Customer B are on
different VLANs, they will not receive each other traffic.
You can configure MRP separately on each customer VLAN. However, this is impractical if you have many customers. To simplify
configuration when you have a lot of customers (and therefore a lot of VLANs), you can use a topology group.
A topology group enables you to control forwarding in multiple VLANs using a single instance of a Layer 2 protocol such as MRP. A
topology group contains a master VLAN and member VLANs. The master VLAN contains all the configuration parameters for the Layer
2 protocol (STP, MRP, or VSRP). The member VLANs use the Layer 2 configuration of the master VLAN.
In Figure 10, VLAN 2 is the master VLAN and contains the MRP configuration parameters for ring 1. VLAN 30 and VLAN 40, the
customer VLANs, are member VLANs in the topology group. Since a topology group is used, a single instance of MRP provides
redundancy and loop prevention for both the customer VLANs.
If you use a topology group:
• The master VLAN must contain the ring interfaces. The ports must be tagged, since they will be shared by multiple VLANs.
• The member VLAN for a customer must contain the two ring interfaces and the interfaces for the customer. Since these
interfaces are shared with the master VLAN, they must be tagged. Do not add another customer interfaces to the VLAN.
For more information about topology groups, refer to Topology groups on page 295.
Refer to MRP CLI example on page 38 for the configuration commands required to implement the MRP configuration shown in Figure
There are no new commands or parameters to configure MRP with shared interfaces (MRP Phase 2).
• Disable one of the ring interfaces. This prevents a Layer 2 loop from occurring while you are configuring the devices for MRP.
• Add an MRP ring to a port-based VLAN. When you add a ring, the CLI changes to the configuration level for the ring, where
you can perform the following tasks.
– Optionally, specify a name for the ring.
– On the master node only, enable the device to be the master for the ring. Each ring can have only one master node.
– Specify the MRP interfaces. Each device has two interfaces to an MRP ring.
– Optionally, change the hello time and the preforwarding time. These parameters control how quickly failover occurs
following a change in the state of a link in the ring.
– Enable the ring.
• Optionally, add the ring VLAN to a topology group to add more VLANs to the ring. If you use a topology group, make sure you
configure MRP on the group master VLAN. Refer to Topology groups on page 295.
• Re-enable the interface you disabled to prevent a Layer 2 loop. Once MRP is enabled, MRP will prevent the Layer 2 loop.
If you plan to use a topology group to add VLANs to the ring, make sure you configure MRP on the topology group master
device(config)#vlan 2
device(config-vlan-2)#metro-ring 1
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-1)#name CustomerA
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-1)#ring-interface ethernet 1/1/1 ethernet 1/1/2
These commands configure an MRP ring on VLAN 2. The ring ID is 1, the ring name is CustomerA, and this node (this Brocade device)
is the master for the ring. The ring interfaces are 1/1/1 and 1/1/2. Interface 1/1/1 is the primary interface and 1/1/2 is the secondary
interface. The primary interface will initiate RHPs by default. The ring takes effect in VLAN 2.
device(config)#vlan 2
device(config-vlan-2)#metro-ring 1
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-1)#name CustomerA
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-1)#ring-interface ethernet 1/1/1 ethernet 1/1/2
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-1)#metro-ring 2
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-2)#name CustomerB
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-2)#ring-interface ethernet 1/1/1 ethernet 1/1/2
The ring-id parameter specifies the ring ID. The ring-id can be from 1 - 1023; ID 256 is reserved for VSRP.
device(config)#vlan 2
device(config-vlan-2)#metro-rings 1 2
device(config-vlan-2)#metro-ring 1
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-1)#name CustomerA
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-1)#ring-interface ethernet 1/1/1 ethernet 1/1/2
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-1)#metro-ring 2
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-2)#name CustomerB
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-2)#ring-interface ethernet 1/1/1 ethernet 1/1/2
The ring id variables identify the metro rings you want to configure on the VLAN.
The string parameter specifies a name for the ring. The name is optional, but it can be up to 20 characters long and can include blank
spaces. If you use a name that has blank spaces, enclose the name in double quotation marks (for example: "Customer A").
Configures this node as the master node for the ring. Enter this command only on one node in the ring. The node is a member (non-
master) node by default.
The ethernet primary-if parameter specifies the primary interface. On the master node, the primary interface is the one that originates
RHPs. Ring control traffic and Layer 2 data traffic will flow in the outward direction from this interface by default. On member nodes, the
direction of traffic flow depends on the traffic direction selected by the master node. Therefore, on a member node, the order in which
you enter the interfaces does not matter.
To take advantage of every interface in a Metro network, you can configure another MRP ring and either configure a different
Master node for the ring or reverse the configuration of the primary and secondary interfaces on the Master node. Configuring
multiple rings enables you to use all the ports in the ring. The same port can forward traffic one ring while blocking traffic for
another ring.
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-1)#hello-time 200
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-1)#preforwarding-time 400
These commands change the hello time to 200 ms and change the preforwarding time to 400 ms.
The ms specifies the number of milliseconds. For the hello time, you can specify from 100 - 1000 (one second). The default hello time
is 100 ms. The preforwarding time can be from 200 - 5000 ms, but must be at least twice the value of the hello time and must be a
multiple of the hello time. The default preforwarding time is 300 ms. A change to the hello time or preforwarding time takes effect as
soon as you enter the command.
This command is valid only on the master node.
If the recommended hello time and preforwarding time are different from the actual settings and you want to change them, refer to Metro
Ring Protocol configuration on page 32.
Refer toDisplaying topology group information on page 298 for more information.
device#show metro
Metro Ring 1
Ring State Ring Master Topo Hello Prefwing
id role vlan group time(ms) time(ms)
2 enabled member 2 not conf 100 300
Ring interfaces Interface role Forwarding state Active interface Interface Type
ethernet 1/1/1 primary disabled none Regular
ethernet 1/1/2 secondary forwarding ethernet 2 Tunnel
RHPs sent RHPs rcvd TC RHPs rcvd State changes
3 0 0 4
The topology group ID is 0 if the MRP VLAN is not the
master VLAN in a topology group. Using a topology group for
MRP configuration is optional.
A member node Preforwarding interface also changes from
Preforwarding to Forwarding if it receives an RHP whose
forwarding bit is on.
If the interfaces are trunk groups, only the primary ports of the
groups are listed.
If a port is disabled, its state is shown as "disabled".
If an interface is a trunk group, the member port which comes
up first is listed.
This field applies only to the master node. On non-master
nodes, this field contains 0. This is because the RHPs are
forwarded in hardware on the non-master nodes.
On most Brocade devices, this field applies only to the master
node. On non-master nodes, this field contains 0. This is
because the RHPs are forwarded in hardware on the non-
master nodes. However, on the FastIron devices, the RHP
received counter on non-master MRP nodes increment. This
is because, on FastIron devices, the CPU receives a copy of
the RHPs forwarded in hardware.
TC RHPs rcvd The number of Topology Change RHPs received on the interface. A
Topology Change RHP indicates that the ring topology has changed.
State changes The number of MRP interface state changes that have occurred. The state
can be one of the states listed in the Forwarding state field.
Interface Type Shows if the interface is a regular port or a tunnel port.
For simplicity, the figure shows the VLANs on only two switches. The CLI examples implement the ring on all four switches.
device(config)#vlan 2
device(config-vlan-2)#tag ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
device(config-vlan-2)#metro-ring 1
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-1)#name "Metro A"
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-1)#ring-interface ethernet 1/1/1 ethernet 1/1/2
The following commands configure the customer VLANs. The customer VLANs must contain both the ring interfaces as well as the
customer interfaces.
device(config)#vlan 30
device(config-vlan-30)#tag ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
device(config-vlan-30)#tag ethernet 1/2/1
device(config)#vlan 40
device(config-vlan-40)#tag ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
device(config-vlan-40)#tag ethernet 1/4/1
The following commands configure topology group 1 on VLAN 2. The master VLAN is the one that contains the MRP configuration.
The member VLANs use the MRP parameters of the master VLAN. The control interfaces (the ones shared by the master VLAN and
member VLAN) also share MRP state.
device(config)#topology-group 1
device(config-topo-group-1)#master-vlan 2
device(config-topo-group-1)#member-vlan 30
device(config-topo-group-1)#member-vlan 40
device(config)#vlan 2
device(config-vlan-2)#tag ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
device(config-vlan-2)#metro-ring 1
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-1)#name "Metro A"
device(config-vlan-2-mrp-1)#ring-interface ethernet 1/1/1 ethernet 1/1/2
device(config)#vlan 30
device(config-vlan-30)#tag ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
device(config-vlan-30)#tag ethernet 1/2/1
device(config)#vlan 40
device(config-vlan-40)#tag ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
VSRP overview
Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP) is a Brocade proprietary protocol that provides redundancy and sub-second failover in Layer
2 and Layer 3 mesh topologies. Based on the Brocade Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Extended (VRRP-E), VSRP provides one or
more backups for a device. If the active device becomes unavailable, one of the backups takes over as the active device and continues
forwarding traffic for the network.
Brocade switches support full VSRP as well as VSRP-awareness . A Brocade device that is not itself configured for VSRP but is
connected to a Brocade device that is configured for VSRP, is considered to be VSRP aware.
You can use VSRP for Layer 2, Layer 3, or for both layers. On Layer 3 devices, Layer 2 and Layer 3 share the same VSRP configuration
In this example, two Brocade devices are configured as redundant paths for VRID 1. On each of the devices, a Virtual Router ID (VRID) is
configured on a port-based VLAN. Since VSRP is primarily a Layer 2 redundancy protocol, the VRID applies to the entire VLAN.
However, you can selectively remove individual ports from the VRID if needed.
Following Master election (described below), one of the Brocade devices becomes the Master for the VRID and sets the state of all the
VLAN ports to Forwarding. The other device is a Backup and sets all the ports in its VRID VLAN to Blocking.
If a failover occurs, the Backup becomes the new Master and changes all its VRID ports to the Forwarding state.
The link between VSRP Master and VSRP Backup is "optional" in the above diagram. However, if the VSRP-aware device is a
Brocade FastIron family device, this link is required and recommended. This is due to the need for interoperability between
devices of these two platforms having different default timers. The link between the VSRP Master and Backup guarantees that
the VSRP Hello message is flowing between the VSRP Master and the VSRP Standby directly to cause VSRP transition
instead of relying on VSRP-Aware devices to forward and risk missing the VSRP Hello message.
Other Brocade devices can use the redundant paths provided by the VSRP devices. In this example, three Brocade devices use the
redundant paths. A Brocade device that is not itself configured for VSRP but is connected to a Brocade device that is configured for
VSRP, is VSRP aware . In this example, the three Brocade devices connected to the VSRP devices are VSRP aware. A Brocade device
that is VSRP aware can failover its link to the new Master in sub-second time, by changing the MAC address associated with the
redundant path.
When you configure VSRP, make sure each of the non-VSRP Brocade devices connected to the VSRP devices has a separate link to
each of the VSRP devices.
VSRP redundancy
You can configure VSRP to provide redundancy for Layer 2 and Layer 3:
• Layer 2 only - The Layer 2 links are backed up but specific IP addresses are not backed up.
• Layer 2 and Layer 3 - The Layer 2 links are backed up and a specific IP address is also backed up. Layer 3 VSRP is the same
as VRRP-E. However, using VSRP provides redundancy at both layers at the same time.
The Brocade device supports Layer 2 and Layer 3 redundancy. You can configure a Brocade device for either Layer 2 only or Layer 2
and Layer 3. To configure for Layer 3, specify the IP address you are backing up.
If you want to provide Layer 3 redundancy only, disable VSRP and use VRRP-E.
If there is a tie for highest VSRP priority, the tie is resolved as follows:
• Layer 2 devices - The Layer 2 Switch with the higher management IP address becomes the Master.
– Device with management IP addresses are preferred over switches without management IP addresses.
– If neither of the switches has a management IP address, then the device with the higher MAC address becomes the Master.
(VSRP compares the MAC addresses of the ports configured for the VRID, not the base MAC addresses of the devices.)
• Layer 3 devices - The Layer 3 device whose virtual routing interface has a higher IP address becomes the master.
VSRP failover
Each Backup listens for Hello messages from the Master. The Hello messages indicate that the Master is still available. If the Backups
stop receiving Hello messages from the Master, the election process occurs again and the Backup with the highest priority becomes the
new Master.
Each Backup waits for a specific period of time, the Dead Interval, to receive a new Hello message from the Master. If the Backup does
not receive a Hello message from the Master by the time the Dead Interval expires, the Backup sends a Hello message of its own, which
includes the Backup's VSRP priority, to advertise the Backup's intent to become the Master. If there are multiple Backups for the VRID,
each Backup sends a Hello message.
When a Backup sends a Hello message announcing its intent to become the Master, the Backup also starts a hold-down timer. During
the hold-down time, the Backup listens for a Hello message with a higher priority than its own.
• If the Backup receives a Hello message with a higher priority than its own, the Backup resets its Dead Interval and returns to
normal Backup status.
• If the Backup does not receive a Hello message with a higher priority than its own by the time the hold-down timer expires, the
Backup becomes the new Master and starts forwarding Layer 2 traffic on all ports.
If you increase the timer scale value, each timer value is divided by the scale value. To achieve sub-second failover times, you can
change the scale to a value up to 10. This shortens all the VSRP timers to 10 percent of their configured values.
However, if one of the VRID ports goes down on one of the Backups, that Backup priority is reduced. If the Master priority is reduced
enough to make the priority lower than a Backup priority, the VRID fails over to the Backup. The following figure shows an example.
You can reduce the sensitivity of a VSRP device to failover by increasing its configured VSRP priority. For example, you can increase the
configured priority of the VSRP device on the left in Figure 13 to 150. In this case, failure of a single link does not cause failover. The link
failure caused the priority to be reduced to 100, which is still equal to the priority of the other device. This is shown in the following figure.
Track ports
Optionally, you can configure track ports to be included during VSRP priority calculation. In VSRP, a track port is a port that is not a
member of the VRID VLAN, but whose state is nonetheless considered when the priority is calculated. Typically, a track port represents
the exit side of traffic received on the VRID ports. By default, no track ports are configured.
When you configure a track port, you assign a priority value to the port. If the port goes down, VSRP subtracts the track port priority
value from the configured VSRP priority. For example, if the you configure a track port with priority 20 and the configured VSRP priority
is 100, the software subtracts 20 from 100 if the track port goes down, resulting in a VSRP priority of 80. The new priority value is used
when calculating the VSRP priority. The following figure shows an example.
In Figure 15, the track port is up. SInce the port is up, the track priority does not affect the VSRP priority calculation. If the track port goes
down, the track priority does affect VSRP priority calculation, as shown in the following figure.
The VRID records age out if unused. This can occur if the VSRP-aware device becomes disconnected from the Master. The VSRP-
aware device will wait for a Hello message for the period of time equal to the following.
The values for these timers are determined by the VSRP device sending the Hello messages. If the Master uses the default timer values,
the age time for VRID records on the VSRP-aware devices is as follows.
3 + 3 + (3 x 1) = 9 seconds
In this case, if the VSRP-aware device does not receive a new Hello message for a VRID in a given VLAN, on any port, the device
assumes the connection to the Master is unavailable and removes the VRID record.
VSRP is enabled after assigning a Virtual Routing ID (VRID) on specific ports in a port-based VLAN and setting a backup priority for the
device. Repeat this task on each device selected for VSRP redundancy.
VSRP is enabled by default on Brocade devices, but may be disabled if Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) or VRRP
Extended (VRRP-E) is currently enabled.
1. On any device on which you want to configure VSRP service, from privileged EXEC mode, enter global configuration mode by
issuing the configure terminal command.
4. Configure the interfaces on which VSRP service is to be enabled by adding ports to the VLAN.
VSRP does not require you to specify an IP address. If you do not specify an address, VSRP provides Layer 2 redundancy. If
you specify an IP address, VSRP provides Layer 2 and Layer 3 redundancy.
8. Designate this device as a backup VSRP device with a priority higher than the default priority.
The priority is used to determine the initial VSRP master device. If a VSRP master device goes offline, the backup device with
the highest priority will assume the role of master device.
9. Enable a backup router to send hello messages to the master VSRP device.
By default, backup VSRP devices do not send hello messages to advertise themselves to the master.
10. Enable the VRRP session.
You can also use the enable command to enable the VRRP session.
device(config-vlan-200-vrid-1)# activate
device(config-vlan-200-vrid-1)# end
12. Display VSRP information about the VRID to verify the configuration steps in this task.
This is an optional step. Before entering the show vsrp vrid command, you may need to activate several VSRP backup devices.
The following example configures VSRP service for VRID 1 on Ethernet interfaces 1/1/1 to 1/1/8 of VLAN 200.
VSRP is enabled after assigning a Virtual Routing ID (VRID) on specific ports in a port-based VLAN and setting a backup priority for the
device. You can configure a number of optional parameters once VSRP is enabled.
VSRP is enabled by default on Brocade devices, but may be disabled if Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) or VRRP
Extended (VRRP-E) is currently enabled.
All the steps in this section are optional.
1. On any device on which you want to configure, from privileged EXEC mode, enter global configuration mode by issuing the
configure terminal command.
4. Configure a Backup to save the VSRP timer values received from the Master instead of the timer values configured on the
device(config-vlan-200-vrid-1)# save-current-values
5. Configure how many hops the packet can traverse before being dropped.
device(config-vlan-200-vrid-1)# initial-ttl 5
6. Configure the number of seconds between hello messages from the master to the backups for a given VRID.
device(config-vlan-200-vrid-1)# hello-interval 10
7. Configure the number of seconds a Backup waits for a Hello message from the Master before determining that the Master is
device(config-vlan-200-vrid-1)# dead-interval 15
8. Configure the interval for the backup to send hello messages to the master when the advertisement is enabled.
device(config-vlan-200-vrid-1)# hold-down-interval 4
This capability is useful for tracking the state of the exit interface for the path for which the VRID is providing redundancy
4. Configure the interfaces on which VSRP service is to be enabled by adding ports to the VLAN.
The priority value is used when a tracked port goes down and the new priority is set to this value. Ensure that the priority value is
lower than the priority set for any existing master or backup device to force a renegotiation for the master device.
Preemption applies only to Backups and takes effect only when the Master has failed and a Backup has assumed ownership of the
VRID. The feature prevents a Backup with a higher priority from taking over as Master from another Backup that has a lower priority but
has already become the Master of the VRID.
Preemption is especially useful for preventing flapping in situations where there are multiple Backups and a Backup with a lower priority
than another Backup has assumed ownership, because the Backup with the higher priority was unavailable when ownership changed.
If you enable the non-preempt mode (thus disabling the preemption feature) on all the Backups, the Backup that becomes the Master
following the disappearance of the Master continues to be the Master. The new Master is not preempted.
A VSRP session must be globally enabled using the router vsrp command in global configuration mode.
2. Configure the interfaces on which VSRP service is to be enabled by adding ports to the VLAN.
device(config-vlan-200-vrid-1)# non-preempt-mode
• Define the specific authentication parameters that a VSRP-aware device will use on a VSRP backup switch. The authenticaiton
parameters that you define will not age out.
• Define a list of ports that have authentic VSRP backup switch connections. For ports included in the list, the VSRP-aware switch
will process VSRP hello packets using hte VSRP-aware security configuration. Conversely, for ports not included in the list, the
VSRP-aware switch will not use the VSRP-aware security processing.
Of the hello packets do not meet the acceptance criteria, the VSRP-aware device forwards the packets normally, without any VSRP-
aware security processing.
Without VSRP-aware security, a VSRP-aware device passively learns the authentication method conveyed by the received VSRP hello
packet. The VSRP-aware device then stores the authentication method until it ages out with the aware entry.
3. Configure the device to flush MAC addresses at the VLAN level instead at the port level. MAC address will be flushed for every
topology change received on the VSRP-aware ports.
This configuration should be used in network in which the Brocade switch operates as the VSRP-aware device connecting to
other device configured as a VSRP Master. MAC address
This feature causes the port on a VSRP Master to restart when a VSRP failover occurs. When the port shuts down at the start of the
restart, ports on the non-VSRP aware devices that are connected to the VSRP Master flush the MAC address they have learned for the
VSRP master. After a specified time, the port on the previous VSRP Master (which now becomes the Backup) returns back online. Ports
on the non-VSRP aware devices switch over to the new Master and learn its MAC address.
VSRP is enabled.
VSRP fast start can be enabled on a VSRP-configured device, either on a VALN to which the VRID of the VSRP-configured device
belongs (globally) or on a port that belongs to the VRID.
1. On any device on which you want to configure, from privileged EXEC mode, enter global configuration mode by issuing the
configure terminal command.
4. Enable VSRP fast start. Globally configure a VSRP-configured device to shut down its ports when a failover occurs, and restart
after a specified time. This will shutdown all the ports, with the specified VRID, that belong to the VLAN when failover occurs.
device(config-vlan-100-vrid-100)# restart-ports 5
FIGURE 17 Two data paths from host on an MRP ring to a VSRP-linked device
If a VSRP failover from master to backup occurs, VSRP needs to inform MRP of the topology change; otherwise, data from the host
continues along the obsolete learned path and never reach the VSRP-linked device, as shown in the following figure.
A signaling process for the interaction between VSRP and MRP ensures that MRP is informed of the topology change and achieves
convergence rapidly. When a VSRP node fails, a new VSRP master is selected. The new VSRP master finds all MRP instances impacted
by the failover. Then each MRP instance does the following:
• The MRP node sends out an MRP PDU with the mac-flush flag set three times on the MRP ring.
• The MRP node that receives this MRP PDU empties all the MAC entries from its interfaces that participate on the MRP ring.
• The MRP node then forwards the MRP PDU with the mac-flush flag set to the next MRP node that is in forwarding state.
The process continues until the Master MRP node secondary (blocking) interface blocks the packet. Once the MAC address entries have
been flushed, the MAC table can be rebuilt for the new path from the host to the VSRP-linked device as shown in the following figure.
UDLD overview
Uni-Directional Link Detection (UDLD) monitors a link between two Brocade devices and brings the ports on both ends of the link down
if the link goes down at any point between the two devices. This feature is useful for links that are individual ports and for trunk links. The
following figure shows an example.
Normally, a Brocade device load balances traffic across the ports in a trunk group. In this example, each Brocade device load balances
traffic across two ports. Without the UDLD feature, a link failure on a link that is not directly attached to one of the Brocade devices is
undetected by the Brocade devices. As a result, the Brocade devices continue to send traffic on the ports connected to the failed link.
When UDLD is enabled on the trunk ports on each Brocade device, the devices detect the failed link, disable the ports connected to the
failed link, and use the remaining ports in the trunk group to forward the traffic.
Ports enabled for UDLD exchange proprietary health-check packets once every second (the keepalive interval). If a port does not receive
a health-check packet from the port at the other end of the link within the keepalive interval, the port waits for two more intervals. If the
port still does not receive a health-check packet after waiting for three intervals, the port concludes that the link has failed and takes the
port down.
To solve this issue, you can configure ports to send out UDLD control packets that are tagged with a specific VLAN ID. This feature also
enables third party switches to receive the control packets that are tagged with the specified VLAN. For tagged operation, all of the
following conditions must be met:
• A VLAN is specified when UDLD is configured
• The port belongs to the configured VLAN as tagged member
• All the devices across the UDLD link are in the same VLAN
For configuration details, refer to Enabling UDLD for tagged ports on page 61.
Enabling UDLD
You use this command to enable UDLD on a port for untagged control packets.
This section shows how to configure UDLD for untagged control packets. To configure UDLD for tagged control packets, see
Enabling UDLD for tagged ports.
To enable the feature on a trunk group, enter commands such as the following.
This command enables UDLD on port 1/1/18 and allows UDLD control packet tagged with VLAN 22 to be received and sent on port
For the vlan-ID variable, enter the ID of the VLAN that the UDLD control packets can contain to be received and sent on the port. If a
VLAN ID is not specified, then UDLD control packets are sent out of the port as untagged packets.
You must configure the same VLANs that will be used for UDLD on all devices across the network; otherwise, the UDLD link
cannot be maintained.
By default, ports enabled for UDLD send a link health-check packet once every 500 ms. You can change the interval to a value from 1 -
60, where 1 is 100 ms, 2 is 200 ms, and so on.
By default, a port waits one second to receive a health-check reply packet from the port at the other end of the link. If the port does not
receive a reply, the port tries four more times by sending up to four more health-check packets. If the port still does not receive a reply
after the maximum number of retries, the port goes down.
You can change the maximum number of keepalive attempts to a value from 3 - 64.
device#show link-keepalive
Total link-keepalive enabled ports: 4
Keepalive Retries: 3 Keepalive Interval: 1 Sec.
Port Physical Link Logical Link State Link-vlan
1/1/1 up up FORWARDING 3
1/1/2 up up FORWARDING
1/1/3 down down DISABLED
1/1/4 up down DISABLED
Total link-keepalive enabled ports The total number of ports on which UDLD is enabled.
Keepalive Retries The number of times a port will attempt the health check before
concluding that the link is down.
Keepalive Interval The number of seconds between health check packets.
Port The port number.
Physical Link The state of the physical link. This is the link between the Brocade port and
the directly connected device.
Logical Link The state of the logical link. This is the state of the link between this
Brocade port and the Brocade port on the other end of the link.
State The traffic state of the port.
Link-vlan The ID of the tagged VLAN in the UDLD packet.
If a port is disabled by UDLD, the change also is indicated in the output of the show interfaces brief command. An example is given
If the port was already down before you enabled UDLD for the port, the port state is listed as None.
Current State The state of the logical link. This is the link between this Brocade port and
the Brocade port on the other end of the link.
Remote MAC Addr The MAC address of the port or device at the remote end of the logical
Local Port The port number on this Brocade device.
Remote Port The port number on the Brocade device at the remote end of the link.
Local System ID A unique value that identifies this Brocade device. The ID can be used by
Brocade technical support for troubleshooting.
The show interface ethernet command also displays the UDLD state for an individual port. In addition, the line protocol state listed in the
first line will say "down" if UDLD has brought the port down. An example is given below.
In this example, the port has been brought down by UDLD. Notice that in addition to the information in the first line, the port state on the
fourth line of the display is listed as DISABLED.
Static LAGs - These LAGs are manually-configured aggregate links containing multiple ports.
Dynamic LAGs - This LAG type uses the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), to maintain aggregate links over multiple port.
LACP PDUs are exchanged between ports on each device to determine if the connection is still active. The LAG then shuts down ports
whose connection is no longer active.
The LAG functionality was referred to as Trunk Groups in previous releases.
Keep Alive LAGs - In a Keep Alive LAG a single connection between a single port on 2 Brocade devices is established. In a keep alive
LAG, LACP PDUs are exchanged between the 2 ports to determine if the connection between the devices is still active. If it is
determined that the connection is no longer active, the ports are blocked.
The Keep Alive LAG functionality was referred to as Single Link LACP in previous releases.
The new LAG configuration procedures supersede the previous configurations procedures for LAGs and Dynamic Link Aggregation.
When a Brocade device is upgraded to 08.0.00a any configurations for LAGs or Dynamic Link Aggregation defined in releases prior to
08.0.00a will be converted to a 08.0.00a (and later) compatible LAG configuration.
checked when adding ports to a LAG. Ports in a LAG can be on different line card modules in a chassis or on different units in a
The Brocade ICX 7750, Brocade ICX 7450 and Brocade ICX 7250 devices can scale only up to a maximum of
2048 LAG ports. The maximum number of LAG ports supported on Ruckus ICX 7150 is 1024 and is also limited to
the number of ports on the device.
• Brocade FastIron devices cannot form a LAG between two stacks using a Brocade optical breakout cable because the cable is
not supported on a stack.
• All ports configured in a LAG must be of equal bandwidth, for example, all 10 GbE ports.
• All ports configured in a LAG must be configured with the same port attributes.
• LAG formation rules are checked when a static or dynamic LAG is deployed.
• A LAG must have its primary port selected before it can be deployed.
• All ports configured in a LAG must be configured in the same VLAN.
• Layer 2 requirements:
The LAG is rejected if any of the secondary LAG port has any Layer 3 configurations, such as IPv4 or IPv6 address, OSPF,
RIP, RIPng, IS-IS, and so on.
• Layer 4 (ACL) requirements:
All LAG ports must have the same ACL configurations; otherwise, the LAG is rejected.
• All LAG member properties must match the primary port of the LAG with respect to the following parameters:
– Port tag type (untagged or tagged port)
– Port dual-mode
– Default port speed and duplex
– Configured port speed and duplex
– TOS-based configuration: During deployment, the configuration on the primary port is replicated to all ports. On
undeployment, each port inherits the same TOS-based QoS configuration.
To change port parameters, you must change them on the primary port. The software automatically applies the changes to the
other ports in the LAG.
• The device on the other end of the LAG link must support the same number of ports in the link.
• A combination of copper and fiber ports, even if they are of the same speed, cannot be members of the same LAG.
• A LAG is supported on 1 GbE,10 GbE, or 40 GbE ports.
• 1 GbE and 10 GbE ports cannot be combined in the same LAG.
• Port assignment on a module need not be consecutive. The port range can contain gaps. For example, you can configure ports
1, 3, and 4 (excluding 2).
• Although the FastIron devices have port ranges, they do not apply to LAGs.
• You can select any port to be the primary port of the LAG.
• All the ports must be connected to the same physical or logical device at the other end.
• The sFlow configuration enabled on the primary port of a LAG is applicable to all the LAG ports. Disabling the sFlow on the
primary port of a LAG removes the configuration from all the LAG ports.
• Brocade FastIron ICX 7450 devices do not support change in speed of a 2.5G paired port, if at least one of the port is part of a
LAG. To resolve this issue, you need to un-deploy the LAG and maintain the same speed on all ports in the LAG.
If both the ports are 2.5G, and one of the ports is not part of a LAG, then the device does not allow speed change on
this port as well. For example: 25 and 26 is a 2.5G port pair. If 25 is part of a LAG, then the device does not change
the speed to 26 without un-deploying the LAG where 25 is part of.
Cascaded LAGs between stack units are supported on Brocade ICX devices only.
The following notes apply to FastIron stackable devices that are part of a traditional stack:
• If a stack unit fails or is removed from the stack, its static LAG configuration becomes a reserved configuration on the Active
Controller. Any remaining ports of the static LAG in the traditional stack continue to function.
• When a new stack unit is added to a traditional stack, the new unit receives the running configuration and LAG information,
including a list of ports that are up and are members of a LAG, from the Active Controller.
• Before merging two traditional stack devices, make sure that there are no static LAGs configured between them. This can result
in self-looped ports.
• You cannot configure a LAG between cross units in a mixed stack.
• When a traditional stack device with a static LAG partitions into multiple traditional stacks, loops and forwarding errors may
occur. In these cases, user intervention is required to remove the loops.
• 10 Gbps links support up to eight ports in a LAG for stackable units.
The following figure displays an example of a valid, keep-alive LAG link between two devices. This configuration does not aggregate
ports but uses the LACP PDUs to maintain the connection status between the two ports.
The following figure shows an example of a valid 2-port LAG link between devices where the ports on each end are on the same
interface module. Ports in a valid 2-port LAG on one device are connected to two ports in a valid 2-port LAG on another device.
The following figure shows an example of two devices connected over a 4-port LAG where the ports on each end of the LAG are on
different interface modules.
Downgrade considerations
When you downgrade to an earlier software version, all the existing LAG configurations will be lost.
When you downgrade to a software version that does not support 256 LAGs, only the first 128 trunk groups are deployed and
the remaining LAGs will remain in the undeployed state. This is applicable to Brocade ICX 7750, Brocade ICX 7450, and
Brocade ICX 7250 devices only.
Brocade devices that support IPv6 take the IPv6 address for a packet into account when sharing traffic across a LAG group. The load
sharing is performed in the same way it is for IPv4 addresses; that is, LAG types with a traffic load that is shared based on IPv4 address
information can use IPv6 addresses to determine load sharing.
Known unicast traffic is always load balanced across all the ports of a LAG group based on the traffic's Layer 2 and Layer 3 source and
destination parameters.
Unknown unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic is load balanced based either on source and destination IP addresses and protocol
field, or, in some cases, on source and destination IP addresses, protocol field, source MAC address, and destination MAC address.
ICX 7150 devices handle broadcast, unknown unicast, and multicast IP traffic distribution differently. ICX 7150 LAG hashing
for these traffic types is based on source and destination MAC addresses.
The load balancing method for bridged traffic varies depending on the traffic type. Load balancing for routed traffic is always based on
the source and destination IP addresses and protocol field.
1 In ICX 7150 devices, the LAG hashing scheme is different from other ICX platforms. As a result, the user may observe uneven distribution of
packets when the traffic pattern is sequential or incremental in the same step, for example, when both the source and the destination IP address are
incremented in the same step.
Stacking trunk hashing for FastIron devices is dynamic. Based on load, traffic is distributed across individual links in the trunk. Stacking
trunks on ICX 7150 devices are an exception. Just as on ICX 7150 Layer 2 LAGs, ICX 7150 stacking trunks hash traffic based on traffic
type, for example Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4 header information.
Symmetric load balancing is not supported on non-IP data traffic.
For many monitoring and security applications, bidirectional conversations flowing through the system must be carried on the same port
of a LAG. For network telemetry applications, network traffic is tapped and sent to a Brocade device, which can hash selected traffic to
the application servers' downstream. Each server analyzes the bidirectional conversations. Therefore, the Brocade devices must enable
symmetric load balancing to accomplish bidirectional conversations. In addition, the firewall between the Brocade devices can be
configured to allow the bidirectional conversations per link of the LAG. These network telemetry applications also require symmetric load
balancing on the LAGs between the Brocade devices.
Symmetric load balancing is supported on Brocade ICX 7750, Brocade ICX 7450, and Brocade ICX 7250 devices only.
1 In ICX 7150 devices, the LAG hashing scheme is different from other ICX platforms. As a result, the user may observe uneven distribution of
packets when the traffic pattern is sequential or incremental in the same step, for example, when both the source and the destination IP address are
incremented in the same step.
Symmetric load balancing can also be used in case of Equal-cost multi-path routing (ECMP) where the same next hop is
selected for bidirectional conversation.
You can enable symmetric load balancing for IPv4 and IPv6 data traffic on Brocade FastIron devices using the load-balance symmetric
Run the show running-config command to check if symmetric load balancing is enabled.
Symmetric load balancing is a system level configuration and may affect load sharing among LAG members as compared to
non-symmetric load balancing and the ECMP next hop load sharing by not fairly utilizing all the LAG links. It might also affect
load sharing within a stack trunk in case of broadcast, unknown unicast, and multicast (BUM) traffic where the user may not see
all the stack trunk member links getting fairly utilized.
Production network: Traffic flowing in the production network is mirrored onto a few ports that connect to the monitoring network.
Monitoring network: In the monitoring network, Brocade ICX 7750 is deployed as a traffic splitter. There are multiple servers hosting the
DPI application and connected to Brocade ICX 7750. All monitored traffic is transparently flooded onto the VLAN and is load-balanced
among the outgoing ports connected to the DPI pool.
For our analysis, we assume that the bidirectional traffic pertaining to the same SIP-DIP pair and/ or same layer 4 source/
destination pair should go to the same DPI (connected to one of the LAG port).
After enabling symmetric load balancing, Flow X upstream traffic (with SIP as, DIP as, layer 4 source port as 3927, layer
4 destination port as 80) and Flow X downstream traffic (with SIP as, DIP as, layer 4 source port as 80, layer 4
destination port as 3927) will hash to the same member link of the LAG resulting in the bidirectional conversation going to the same DPI
Resilient hashing
Resilient hashing is a load balancing method to minimize the destination path remapping in case of LAG link failure. Resilient hashing
works in conjunction with static hashing algorithm.
Static hashing is a conventional method of distributing the traffic within a LAG uniformly so that the volume of traffic sent to every
physical link in a LAG is approximately the same. A LAG's member link is selected by calculating a hash-based on packet headers and a
subsequent modulo operation based on the number of physical links in the trunk group. If one of the LAG member links fail, due to
module number change, the static hashing algorithm might choose a new member link even for those flows which were not hashed to
the failed link. The change in the mapping of the destination path may cause traffic disruption in terms of packet loss or packets wrongly
delivered even for the flows that were not hashed to the failed link of the LAG.
Resilient hashing addresses the limitation of static hashing (where destination path remapping for traffic flows going out of non-affected
member links of a LAG) by using a flow table for selecting an outgoing port of a LAG for a particular flow.
Resilient hashing is supported on Brocade ICX7750 devices only.
The following table explains the destination path results for static and resilient hashing.
TABLE 9 Destination path outcome for static hashing and resilient hashing
Size of the trunk group Static hashing Resilient hashing Remarks
4 10 % 4 = 2 Flow is assigned to a LAG member based The size of the original trunk group is 4.
on the flow set table (outgoing LAG
Flow is going out of the member port at index 10 (10 & 127) is
LAG member link at index selected for this flow.
3 10 % 3 = 1 Flow is still assigned to the same member One member is deleted.
link of the LAG (assuming that the LAG
The same flow will go out of member port that went down was not
LAG member link at index carrying this flow)
5 10 % 5 = 0 There is a minimal distribution of flows One more member is added to the link.
The same flow will go out of from existing member LAG links to the The trunk group size is 5 now.
LAG member at index 0. newly added member link.
1. Create a static or dynamic LAG using the existing LAG command line interfaces. However do not deploy the LAG.
2. In the LAG mode, enter the trunk-type command to enable resilient hashing on the LAG.
device(config-lag-test)# deploy
The following example enables resilient hashing on the "test" LAG. The LAG is finally deployed.
The following warning messages are displayed when symmetric hashing and resilient hashing exist together in the system.
• User configures symmetric load balancing on a device that also has the resilient hashing enabled.
Warning: system has resilient-hash lags, symmetric hashing may not work for RH lags.
• User deploys resilient hashing LAG on a device that already has symmetric hashing enabled.
Warning: system has symmetric hashing enabled, symmetric hashing may not work on resilient-hash lag <LAG_NAME>
Configuring a LAG
The following configuration procedures are used to configure a LAG. Depending upon whether you are configuring a static, dynamic or
keep-alive LAG, the configuration procedures may or may not apply as described:
• Creating a Link Aggregation Group - Required for all static, dynamic or keep alive LAGs.
• Adding Ports to a LAG - Required for all static, dynamic, or keep alive LAGs. A keep alive LAG contains only one port while
static and dynamic LAGs can have 1 to 12 ports.
• Configuring the Primary Port for a LAG - Required for all static and dynamic LAGs. Since a keep alive LAG contains only one
port, it is unnecessary to configure this parameter.
• Configuring the Load Sharing Type - Optional for all static and dynamic LAGs. Since a keep alive LAG contains only one port, it
is unnecessary to configure this parameter.
• Specifying the LAG Threshold for a LAG Group - Optional for static and dynamic LAGs. Since a keep alive LAG contains only
one port, it is unnecessary to configure this parameter.
• Configuring an LACP Timeout - Optional for dynamic and keep alive LAGs.
The static option specifies that the LAG with the name specified by the lag-name variable will be configured as a static LAG.
The dynamic option specifies that the LAG with the name specified by the lag-name variable will be configured as a dynamic LAG.
The keep-alive option specifies that the LAG with the name specified by the lag-name variable will be configured as a keep-alive LAG.
The keep-alive LAG configuration is a new configuration option to configure a LAG for use in keep alive applications similar to the UDLD
You can either assign a LAG ID explicitly or it will be automatically generated by the system. The LAG ID remains the same across
system reload and hitless upgrade.
The command to configure LAGs allows explicit configuration of the LAG ID for static and dynamic LAGs.
To create a LAG with the LAG ID option, enter a command such as the following.
The id parameter is optional. The value of the id parameter that you can enter is from 1 to 2047. If you do not enter a LAG ID , the
system will generate one automatically. Once the LAG ID is generated the system will save it in the configuration file along with the LAG
name, therefore the value will stay the same across system reload.
The LAG id parameter is for static and dynamic LAGs only. No explicit configuration of a LAG ID is allowed on keepalive LAGs.
The static parameter specifies that the LAG with the name specified by the lag-name variable will be configured as a static LAG.
The dynamic option specifies that the LAG with the name specified by the lag-name variable will be configured as a dynamic LAG.
Configuration considerations
LAG IDs are unique for each LAG in the system. The same LAG ID cannot be assigned to two or more different LAGs. If a LAG ID is
already used, the CLI will reject the new LAG configuration and display an error message that suggests the next available LAG ID that
can be used.
If you upgrade from an earlier version to a version with the LAG ID configuration feature, the old configuration file will be parsed
correctly and each LAG configured will get a LAG ID automatically.
lag lag1 static id 124
ports ethernet 1/1/2 to 1/1/3
primary-port 1/1/3
The keep-alive option specifies that the LAG with the name specified by the lag-name variable will be configured a keep-alive LAG. The
keep-alive LAG option allows you to configure a LAG for use in keep alive applications similar to the UDLD feature.
To configure the static LAG named "blue" with two ports, use the following command:
The ports added to a LAG can be of type ethernet as specified for thestack/slot/port where they reside. The ports can be added to the
LAG sequentially as shown in the following example:
device(config-lag-blue)# ports ethernet 1/3/1 ethernet 1/7/2 ethernet 1/4/3 ethernet 1/3/4
A range of ports from a single interface module can be specified. In the following example, Ethernet ports 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the interface
module in slot 3 are configured in a single LAG:
Additionally, you can mix a range of ports from one interface module with individual ports from other interface modules to form a LAG as
shown in the following:
Using the no option allows you to remove ports from a LAG. For example, you can remove port 1/3/4 from the LAG created above, as
shown in the following:
Ports can be added to an undeployed LAG or to currently deployed LAG using the commands described. For special considerations
when adding ports to or deleting ports from a currently deployed LAG, refer to the following sections:
• Adding a Port to Currently Deployed LAG on page 82
• Deleting a Port from a Currently Deployed LAG on page 82
To designate the primary port for the static LAG "blue", use the following command.
Once a primary port has been configured for a LAG, all configurations that apply to the primary port are applied to the other ports in the
This configuration is only applicable for configuration of a static or dynamic LAGs.
This configuration is only applicable for only the configuration of static LAGs.
For example, the following commands establish a LAG group consisting of 4 ports, then establish a threshold for this LAG group of 3
In this example, if the number of active ports drops below 3, then all the ports in the LAG group are disabled.
You can specify a threshold from 1 (the default) up to the number of ports in the LAG group.
When a LAG is shut down because the number of ports drops below the configured threshold, the LAG is kept intact and it is re-enabled
if enough ports become active to reach the threshold.
The trunk-threshold command should be configured only at one end of the trunk. If it is set on both sides, link failures will result
in race-conditions and the will not function properly.
The trunk-threshold command cannot be used in conjunction with protected link groups.
Use a short LACP timeout when setting the trunk-threshold value equal to the number of links in the LAG or connecting to
third party devices. See Configuring an LACP timeout on page 80.
All the ports in a LAG should have the same timeout mode. This requirement is checked when the LAG is enabled on the ports. For
example, to configure a port for a short LACP timeout, use the following command.
The long keyword configures the port for the long timeout mode-120 seconds. With the long timeout, an LACPDU is sent every 30
seconds. If no response comes from its partner after 3 LACPDUs are sent, a timeout event occurs, and the LACP state machine
transition to the appropriate state based on its current state.
The short keyword configures the port for the short timeout mode--3 seconds. In the short timeout configuration, an LACPDU is sent
every second. If no response comes from its partner after 3 LACPDUs are sent, a timeout event occurs, and the LACP state machine
transitions to the appropriate state based on its current state.
If you specify neither long nor short , the state machine operates based on the standard IEEE specification as its default behavior. The
original IEEE specification says that the state machine starts with short the timeout and moves to the long timeout after the LAG is
established. However, sometimes a vendor’s implementation always uses either the short timeout or the long timeout without changing
the timeout. Brocade provides this command so that you can configure Brocade devices to interoperate with other vendor’s devices.
This configuration is applicable to the configuration of dynamic or keep-alive LAGs only.
Deploying a LAG
After configuring a LAG, you must explicitly enable it before it begins aggregating traffic. This task is accomplished by executing the
deploy command within the LAG configuration. After the deploy command runs, the LAG is in the aggregating mode. Only the primary
port within the LAG is available at the individual interface level. All the secodary ports should have the same IP directed-broadcast
configuration as the primary port. Any configuration performed on the primary port applies to all ports within the LAG. The running
configuration will no longer display deployed LAG ports other than the primary port.
To deploy a LAG, at least one port must be in the LAG and the primary port must be specified for non keep-alive LAGs. After a non
keep-alive LAG is deployed, a LAG is formed. If there is only one port in the LAG, a single port LAG is formed. For a dynamic LAG,
LACP is started for each LAG port. For a keep-alive LAG, no LAG is formed and LACP is started on the LAG port.
You can deploy a LAG as shown in the following for the "blue" LAG.
For dynamic LAGs, LACP is activated on all LAG ports. When activating LACP, use active mode if passive is not specified; otherwise,
use passive mode.
For a keep-alive LAGs, no LAG is formed, and LACP is started on the LAG port.
Once the deploy command is issued, all LAG ports will behave like a single port.
If the no deploy command is executed, the LAG is removed. For dynamic LAGs, LACP is de-activated on all of the LAG ports. All the
secondary ports are disabled automatically and there will be no changes to the primary port.
Syntax: [no] disable { ethernet stack/slot/port [ to stack/slot/port ] [ ethernet stack/slot/port ] | port-name name }
Use the ethernet option with the appropriate stack/slot/port variable to specify a Ethernet port within the LAG that you want to disable.
Use the port-name option with the appropriate name variable to specify a named port within the LAG that you want to disable.
To disable a port belonging to a keep-alive LAG, you need to configure from the interface level.
Brocade(config-lag-test)#interface e 1/7/8
Syntax: [no] enable { ethernet stack/slot/port [ to stack/slot/port ] [ ethernet stack/slot/port ] | port-name name }
Use the ethernet option with the appropriate stack/slot/port variable to specify a Ethernet port within the LAG that you want to enable.
Use the port-name option with the appropriate name variable to specify a named port within the LAG that you want to enable.
To enable a port belonging to a keep-alive LAG, you need to configure from the interface level.
Brocade(config-lag-test)#interface e 1/7/8
When you add a new secondary port to a currently deployed LAG, the IP directed-broadcast configuration and all other configuration of
the new port should be the same as that of the primary port of the LAG.
In an operational dynamic LAG, adding or removing a port causes port flapping for all LAG ports. This may cause loss of traffic.
To delete port 1/3/1 which is in the "enabled" state from a currently deployed LAG named "blue", use the following command:
When a port is deleted from a currently deployed LAG, the MAC address of the port is changed back to its original value.
In an operational dynamic LAG, removing an operational port causes port flapping for all LAG ports. This may cause loss of
You can use only one mirror port for each monitored LAG port. You cannot configure mirroring on an undeployed LAG.
To monitor traffic on an individual port in a LAG group, run the following commands.
Syntax: [no] monitor { ethe-port-monitored stack/ slot / port | named-port-monitored name } [ ethernet [ stack/ slot / port ] ] { input |
output | both }
Use the ethe-port-monitored option with the appropriate [stack/slot/port] variable to specify a Ethernet port within the LAG that you
want to monitor.
Use the named-port-monitored option with the appropriate name variable to specify a named port within the LAG that you want
The ethernet stack/slot/port parameter specifies the port to which the traffic analyzer is attached.
The input, output, and both parameters specify the traffic direction to be monitored.
The name variable specifies the port name. The name can be up to 255 characters long.
Port name with space must be enclosed within double quotation marks.
Use the ethernet option with the appropriate stack/slot/port variable to apply the specified name to an Ethernet port within the LAG.
• !
• (
• )
• {
• }
• ^
• #
• &
Use the ethernet option with the appropriate stack/slot/port variable to specify a Ethernet port within the LAG that you want to enable
sFlow forwarding for.
Use the port-name option with the appropriate name variable to specify a named port within the LAG that you want to enable sFlow
forwarding for.
For a keep-alive LAG, sFlow can be enabled only at the interface level and not at a lag context. To configure sFLow for an interface
belonging to the keep-alive lag, configure directly under the interface.
Brocade(config-lag-test)#interface e 1/7/8
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/7/8)#sflow forwarding
The number variable specifies the average number of packets from which each sample will be taken. The software rounds the value you
enter up to the next odd power of 2. This can be a value between 8 - 1048576.
For a keep-alive LAG, you need to configure sFlow sampling at the interface level and not within the LAG configuration.
Brocade(config-lag-test)#interface e 1/7/8
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/7/8)#sflow sample 512
You can rename the LAG using the update-lag-name command within the LAG configuration mode. The new name provided must be
unique and unused. The LAG configuration mode will exit after successful name update.
The following example displays the brief option of the show lag command.
The following example displays the full option of the show lag command.
LAG Configuration:
Ports: e 1/3/10
Port Count: 1
Primary Port: 1/3/10
Trunk Type: hash-based
Deployment: HW Trunk ID 1
Port Link State Dupl Speed Trunk Tag Pvid Pri MAC Name
1/3/10 Down None None None 35 No 1 0 0024.3889.3b09
=== LAG "test2" ID 1 (static Deployed) ===
LAG Configuration:
Ports: e 1/3/11
Port Count: 1
Primary Port: 1/3/11
Trunk Type: hash-based
Deployment: HW Trunk ID 2
Port Link State Dupl Speed Trunk Tag Pvid Pri MAC Name
1/3/11 Down None None None 1 No 1 0 0024.3889.3b0a
=== LAG "test3" (keep-alive Deployed) ===
LAG Configuration:
Ports: e 1/3/12
Port Count: 1
Primary Port: 1/3/12
Trunk Type: hash-based
LACP Key: 9860
Port Link State Dupl Speed Trunk Tag Pvid Pri MAC Name
1/3/12 Down None None None None No 1 0 0024.3889.3b0b
Port [Sys P] [Port P] [ Key ] [Act][Tio][Agg][Syn][Col][Dis][Def][Exp][Ope]
1/3/12 1 1 9860 Yes S Agg Syn No No Def No Dwn
Partner Info and PDU Statistics
Port Partner Partner LACP LACP
System MAC Key Rx Count Tx Count
1/3/12 0000.0000.0000 139 0 0
Using command this without options displays information for all LAGs configured on the device.
The lag-name variable allows you to limit the display to information for a specific LAG.
The id option displays the output for the LAG specified by the ID.
The following example shows sample output of the show lag command with the "resilient-hash" trunk type in the LAG configuration.
The following table describes the information displayed by the show lag command.
Total number of LAGS The total number of LAGs that have been configured on the device.
Total number of deployed LAGS The total number of LAGs on the device that are currently deployed.
Total number of trunks created The total number of LAGs that have been created on the LAG. The total
number of LAGs available are shown also. Since keep-alive LAGs do not
use a LAG ID, they are not listed and do not subtract for the number of
LAGs available.
LACP System Priority /ID The system priority configured for the device. The ID is the system priority
which is the base MAC address of the device.
LACP Long timeout The number of seconds used for the LACP Long timeout mode. This is
only applicable for dynamic or keep-alive LAGs.
LACP Short timeout The number of seconds used for the LACP Short timeout mode. This is
only applicable for dynamic or keep-alive LAGs.
The following information is displayed per-LAG in the show lag brief command.
LAG The name of the LAG, LAG ID number, the configured type of the LAG:
static, dynamic, or keep-alive, status of LAG deployment: deployed or not
The following information is displayed per-LAG the show lag command for each LAG configured.
LAG Configuration
• Ports: List of ports configured with the LAG.
• Trunk Type: The load sharing method configured for the LAG. The trunk types are:
• hash-based
• resilient-hash
The hash-based method is the static hashing type while the resilient-hash
method is the resilient hashing type. Hash-based method is the default
method for a LAG.
• LACP Key The link aggregation key for the LAG.
• LAG ID The LAG ID number.
• Active Primary The port within the LAG where most protocol packets are transmitted. This
is not the same as the configured Primary Port of the LAG.
Port The chassis slot and port number of the interface.
Link The status of the link which can be one of the following:
• up
• down
State The L2 state for the port.
You can also view the details of a LAG by specifying the LAG name or LAG ID. If the specified LAG name or LAG ID is not available, a
warning message is displayed.
LAG should be undeployed to configure the failover all command.
Enter the failover all command in the LAG configuration mode to enable LAG hardware failover. failover next enables failover on the next
port in LAG. .
In this example, the LAG failover all command is enabled on all ports.
You can configure the member port of a dynamic LAG to be logically operational even when the dynamic LAG is not operating. This
enables PXE boot support on this port.
You can enable PXE boot support on only one member port of a dynamic LAG.
The following example shows PXE boot support enabled on member port 3/1/1 of a dynamic LAG R4-dyn.
In certain cases, when ports of one dynamic LAG are connected to two different LACP peers (different system IDs, or same system ID
with different key values), the device forms one LACP trunk per dynamic LAG and the other port is moved to the error disabled state. In a
dynamic LAG, each member port stores a record of its peer’s LACP information (system priority, system ID, and system key) from the
latest LACPDU it received. This information is known as the port’s peer information record. Because all member ports of an LACP trunk
share the same local and peer information, the dynamic LAG's peer information record can be any one of its unique LACP trunk port’s
peer information record (system priority, system ID, or system key). If a dynamic LAG has no associated LACP trunk, its peer information
record is stored as NULL.
The peer-info command is used to configure the peer system ID and system key for a single dynamic LAG.
When there is no user configuration, the system makes sure there is only one LACP trunk within one dynamic LAG. It allows
the first LACP trunk port’s LACP peer information record to be defined as the LAG’s peer information record.
Run the show lag command to view information about the LACP peer's partner system ID (priority and MAC address) and
partner system key.
Standard static or dynamic LACP trunks provide link-level redundancy and increased capacity. However, trunks do not provide device-
level redundancy. If the device to which the trunk is attached fails, the entire trunk loses network connectivity. Two devices are needed for
network resiliency with trunked links to both devices. With spanning tree, one of these trunks would be blocked from use until the failure
of the other trunk is detected, taking from 1 to 30 seconds potentially adding latency and jitter, not only on the affected devices locally,
but throughout the span topology. With MCT, member links of the trunk are split and connected to two clustered MCT-supporting
switches. MCT has integrated loop detections, which allows all links to be active. If a failure is detected, traffic is dynamically allocated
across the remaining links. The failure detection and allocation of traffic occur in sub-second time, without impact on the rest of the
MCT inherits all of the benefits of a trunk group and allows multiple physical links to act as a single logical link. The resulting available
bandwidth is an aggregate of all the links in the group. Traffic is shared across the links in the group using dynamic flow-based load
balancing, and traffic is moved to a remaining link group in sub-seconds if a failure occurs on one of the links. MCT eliminates the single
point of failure that exists at the device level when all links of a trunk terminate on the same device without the overhead associated with
spanning tree. MCT diverts a subset of the links to a second device to provide redundancy and sub-second fault detection at the device
MCT terminology
• Cluster Client Edge Port (CCEP): A physical port or trunk group interface on an MCT cluster device that is connected to client
• Cluster Edge Port (CEP): A port on an MCT cluster device that belongs to the MCT VLAN and connects to an upstream core
switch/router but is neither a CCEP not an ICL.
• Cluster Communication Protocol (CCP): A Brocade proprietary protocol that provides reliable, point-to-point transport to
synchronize information between MCT cluster devices. It provides the default MCT control path between the two peer devices.
CCP comprises two main components: CCP peer management and CCP client management. CCP peer management deals
with establishing and maintaining a TCP transport session between peers, while CCP client management provides event-based,
reliable packet transport to CCP peers.
• Inter-Chassis Link (ICL): A single-port or multi-port 1 GbE, 10 GbE, or 40 GbE LAG between the two MCT cluster devices. It
provides the control path for CCP for the cluster and also serves as the data path between the two devices.
• MCT cluster: A pair of devices (switches) that is clustered together using MCT to appear as a single logical device. The devices
are connected as peers through an Inter-Chassis Link (ICL).
• MCT cluster client: A device that connects with MCT cluster devices through static or dynamic trunks. It can be a switch or an
endpoint server host in the single-level MCT topology or another pair of MCT devices in a multi-tier MCT topology.
• MCT cluster device: One of the two devices in an MCT cluster.
• MCT peer device: From the perspective of an MCT cluster device, the other device in the MCT cluster.
• MCT VLANs: VLANs on which MCT cluster clients are operating. Any VLAN that has an ICL port is an MCT VLAN, even if it
does not have any clients.
– MCT keep-alive VLAN: The VLAN that provides a backup control path if the ICL goes down.
– MCT session VLANs: The VLAN used by the MCT cluster for control operations. CCP protocol runs over this VLAN. The
interface can be a single link or a trunk group port. If it is a trunk group port, it should be the primary port of the trunk group.
The MCT session VLAN subnet is not distributed in routing protocols using redistribute commands.
• RBridgeID: RBridgeID is a value assigned to MCT cluster devices and clients that uniquely identifies them and helps associate
the source MAC address with an MCT device.
Broadcast, unknown unicast, and multicast (BUM) traffic from a client through a CCEP
1. Traffic originates at the client.
2. Because the link between the client switch and the MCT cluster is a trunk, the traffic travels over one physical link. In the
example shown in the following figure, the traffic travels over the link toward cluster device 2. The traffic enters the MCT cluster
through the CCEP of cluster device 2.
3. The traffic is sent to any local CEPs and CCEPs. It passes to the peer cluster device over the ICL link, where it is sent to the peer
device’s local CEPs.
4. Traffic does not pass back down to the client through the CCEP.
2. Because the link between the client switch and the MCT cluster is a trunk, the traffic travels over one physical link. As shown in
the following figure, the traffic travels over the link toward cluster device 2. The traffic enters the MCT cluster through the CCEP
of cluster device 2.
3. Depending on the destination, the traffic may pass over the ICL link to the other cluster device. In the following figure, the
destination is on cluster device 1, so the traffic is forwarded out to the ICL port.
Broadcast, unknown unicast, and multicast (BUM) traffic from a client through a CEP
1. Traffic originates at the client and enters one of the MCT cluster devices through a CEP.
2. As shown in the following figure, the traffic is sent to the peer cluster device through the ICL link and is also sent to any local
CCEPs and CEPs. Once traffic is received on the peer cluster device, it will be sent to its local CEPs.
3. Traffic does not pass back down to the client through the CCEP.
2. As shown in the following figure, the traffic is automatically redirected to the other MCT cluster device over the ICL and on to its
destinations through CCEPs.
• Static MAC address configuration. Static MAC addresses are programmed on both local and remote peers as static entries.
• DAI and DHCP snooping for clients connected through CEPs. They must be configured independently on both cluster devices.
– If the trusted ports are off the CCEP, the arp inspection trust or dhcp snoop trust command must be used on the CCEPs
and ICL ports.
– DHCP and ARP entries are created on both MCT cluster devices if the flow traverses both the CCEP and ICL.
• Hitless failover. If the failover operation is performed with a cluster configuration, the TCP session is reestablished. The MAC
addresses from the cluster peer devices are revalidated and programmed accordingly.
• Hitless upgrade. If the upgrade operation is performed with a cluster configuration, the TCP session is reestablished. The MAC
addresses from the cluster peer devices are revalidated and programmed accordingly.
• MDUP synchronizes all MAC entries for VLANs served by an ICL link.
• In any MCT configuration, there are two different cluster-related IDs, the Cluster ID and the Cluster RBridge ID. The Cluster ID
uniquely identifies a cluster. All cluster devices in the same MCT cluster have the same Cluster ID. The Cluster RBridge ID
uniquely identifies a cluster device within the cluster. To avoid conflicts, ensure that the Cluster ID and the Cluster RBridge ID
are unique within an MCT configuration and cannot be confused with each other.
• The cluster ID should be the same on both cluster devices.
• The cluster RBridgeID should not conflict with any client RBridgeID or with the peer RBridgeID.
• The client RBridgeID is unique and should be the same on cluster devices.
• Brocade recommends keeping only ICL ports in the session VLAN during operation.
• MCT can support up to 16 members per trunk group, depending on the software version and Switch type.
• An ICL interface cannot be configured as the CCEP in any client.
• BPDU guard and root guard configuration should be identical on both cluster devices.
• Because Egress PCL is configured on CCEPs, egress ACL cannot be configured on them. All types of ingress ACLs, DoS
attack prevention, and so on can still be configured on those ports.
• Brocade recommends that you configure a keep-alive VLAN as a separate link (not ICL). The keep-alive VLAN provides a
backup control path when CCP goes down.
• 48GC ports should not be used as MCT trunks or CCEP ports.
CLI may vary somewhat among different Brocade platforms. These variations are not documented in the configuration
examples provided in this chapter.
Configuring MCT
This section provides basic configuration steps, which should be completed in the specified order.
Step 1: Configure ICL and LAGs for client devices on page 102
Step 2: Configure the MCT VLAN, MCT session VLAN, and recommended MCT keep-alive VLAN on page 102
After completing these steps, you can verify the configuration by running the show cluster command. Refer to Displaying MCT
information on page 135.
ICL LAGs support only static trunks.
To configure a dynamic LAG for a client device, enter the following commands for each MCT cluster device.
Step 2: Configure the MCT VLAN, MCT session VLAN, and recommended MCT keep-alive VLAN
To create the MCT session VLAN and recommended MCT keep-alive VLAN for Brocade-1 in the topology of Figure 32 on page 100,
enter the following commands.
To create a session VLAN and keep-alive VLAN for device-2, enter the following commands.
To implicitly configure the MCT VLAN and add the ICL as a tagged member of the VLAN, enter the following commands.
Configuration of the peer device involves the peer's IP address, RBridge ID, and ICL specification. The cluster-name variable is optional;
the device auto-generates the cluster name as CLUSTER-X when only the cluster ID is specified. The cluster-id variable must be the
same on both cluster devices.
The RBridge ID must be different from the cluster RBridge and any other client in the cluster. The MCT member VLAN is defined as any
VLAN of which the ICL is a member.
To configure Brocade-1 for the cluster in the topology of Figure 32 on page 100, enter the following commands.
device-1(config)#cluster SX 4000
device-1(config-cluster-SX)#rbridge-id 3
device-1(config-cluster-SX)#session-vlan 3000
device-1(config-cluster-SX)#keep-alive-vlan 3001
device-1(config-cluster-SX)#icl SX-MCT ethernet 1/1/7
device-1(config-cluster-SX)#peer rbridge-id 2 icl SX-MCT
To configure Brocade-2 for the cluster in the topology of Figure 32 on page 100, enter the following commands.
Client configuration requires the client name, RBridge ID, and CCEP. In the network shown in the Figure 32 on page 100, Client-1 has a
three-port LACP trunk (1/1/1-1/1/3), while Client-2 has a two-port static trunk (1/1/1-1/1/2) towards the MCT cluster.
The client name can be different on the different cluster devices. To configure the client name, enter the following command.
The client RBridge ID must be identical on both of the cluster devices. To configure the client RBridge ID, use the following command.
To configure the physical port or static trunk as the client CCEP, use the following command.
To configure Client-2 on Brocade-1 in the topology of Figure 32 on page 100, enter the following command.
To configure Client-2 on Brocade-2 in the topology of Figure 32 on page 100, enter the following command.
To correct this situation, a port on an ICX 7750 device connected to a server that is configured as an MCT client can be set to a “force-
up” state so that even if the LACPDU is not received from the server, the connected port is up and forwards packets.
When multiple ports from the same server are connected to an ICX 7750, the port on the ICX 7750 connected to the PXE-
capable port on the server is the port that must be configured to the force-up state. The PXE-capable port varies from server to
Keep the following points in mind when configuring a port to a force-up state:
• A port can only be configured as the force-up port before the client is deployed.
• Only one port in an LACP link aggregation group can be configured as the force-up port. If you configure multiple ports as
force-up, this error message is displayed: Error: port portno is already configured as force-up port.
• When a port is configured for force-up and the server boots for the first time, the port does not wait for any LACPDU but
immediately begin to forward packets.
• If the port receives an LACPDU, it bundles with other ports and forms a link aggregation group. The server is operational.
• If the force-up port goes down while in a link aggregation group, the port continues to perform as a normal LACP trunk, and the
server remains operational, with some ports down.
• If the force-up port stops receiving LACPDU, the port ignores the time-out and remains operational.
To configure the LACP client in a force-up state, use the client-interface link-aggregation force-up ethernet command at the
Client level.
The following example shows the link aggregation information for a port configured to a force-up state.
Port Link State Dupl Speed Trunk Tag Pvid Pri MAC Name
1/1/47 Up Forward Full 1G 163 Yes N/A 0 748e.f88f.2222
1/1/48 Down None None None 163 Yes N/A 0 748e.f88f.2222
Cluster client automatic configuration saves the time that would be required to complete the entire configuration manually.
For cluster client automatic configuration to work, the following prerequisites are required on the cluster side:
• The cluster must be configured on both MCT cluster devices.
• An MCT VLAN must be configured on both MCT cluster devices.
• The trunk group configuration must be removed from the client interfaces.
Refer to Setting up cluster client automatic configuration on page 106 for detailed instructions on the cluster client automatic
configuration process.
In the port list, specify all the CCEPs for all potential clients.
2. Start the client auto-detect process on both cluster devices.
Within one minute, the system reports information and errors (if there are mismatches such as an LACP configuration
mismatch). You can fix the mismatch while the process is running.
3. Check and fix the automatically detected clients.
At this point, the client configuration does not appear in the running configuration and cannot be modified. Static trunk
and LACP configuration are not effective yet.
All automatically configured client information is now published into the running configuration, and the static trunk configuration
is generated, created, and deployed. LACP is started. By default, clients are in the non-deployed state and the CCEPs is put into
the disabled state. Ports that are successfully programmed as CCEP are removed from the autoconfig-enabled port list. If the
port list is empty, which means all ports are configured into clients successfully, the automatic configuration process stops. The
original LLDP configuration is restored. Otherwise, the automatic configuration process continues only on the ports still left in
the list.
Use the following command to enable or disable cluster client automatic configuration on a range of ports.
Syntax: [no] client-auto-detect Ethernet x [ to y]
Use the following command as an alternative to client-auto-detect config . This command also configures automatically detected clients
into the running configuration and deploys all of the automatically detected clients.
Use the following command to start the cluster client automatic configuration. Within one minute of the time that each client is
discovered, the client is automatically configured and deployed into the running configuration.
Make sure that the network connection and configuration are in place before using this command.
Use the following command to stop the current running cluster client automatic configuration process. All auto-detected but
unconfigured clients will be cleared.
Brocade recommends using keep-alive VLANs with the MCT configurations. This provides alternative access if the ICL
interface goes down. However, a keep-alive VLAN should not be configured when bpdu-flood-enable is configured. Refer to
MCT Layer 2 protocols on page 112.
The keep-alive link is supported on the ICX 7750 in an SSTP or MST environment, even though ICX 7750 has the BPDU
flood-enable feature built in. This is because the BPDU flood-enable in the ICX 7750 is hardware enabled.
MCT cluster devices can operate in two modes. Both peer devices should be configured in the same mode.
Loose mode (default): When the CCP goes down, the peer device performs the master/slave negotiation. After negotiation, the slave
shuts down its peer ports, but the master peer ports continue to forward traffic if a keep-alive VLAN is configured.
If a keep-alive VLAN is not configured, both peer devices become masters, and both of the client ports stay up.
Strict mode: When the CCP goes down, the interfaces on both the cluster devices are administratively shut down. In this mode, the client
is completely isolated from the network if the CCP is not operational.
Keep-alive VLAN configuration is not allowed when the client isolation mode is strict. When a keep-alive VLAN is configured,
client isolation mode cannot be configured as strict.
device-1(config-cluster-SX))# keep-alive-vlan 10
The vlan_id variable specifies the VLAN range. Possible values are from 1 to 4089.
The peer-ip parameter should be in the same subnet as the cluster management interface.
The keep-alive-time variable can be from 0 to 21845 seconds. The default is 10 seconds.
The hold-time variable can be from 3 to 65535 seconds and must be at least 3 times the keep-alive time. The default is 90 seconds.
The keep-alive VLAN and keep-alive timers are not related. The keep-alive timer is used by CCP.
MAC operations
This section describes configuration operations related to MAC addresses.
If a MAC address moves from a CCEP port to a CEP port, a MAC move message is sent to the peer, and the peer moves the MAC
address from its CCEP ports to the ICL links.
If two MAC addresses have the same cost, the address learned from the lower RBridgeID wins and is installed in the FDB.
MAC addresses in MCT VLANs are updated across the cluster using MDUP messages.
Cluster Remote MAC (CR): MAC addresses that are learned via MDUP messages from the peer device (CL on the peer). The MAC
addresses are always programmed on the ICL port and do not age. The CR is deleted only when the CL is deleted from the peer. An
MDB entry is created for these MAC addresses with a cost of 1 and is associated with the peer RBridgeID.
Cluster Client Local MAC (CCL): MAC addresses that are learned on the MCT VLAN and on CCEPs.
The MAC addresses are synchronized to the cluster peer device and are subject to aging. An MDB entry with a cost of 0 is created for
these addresses, and they are associated with the client and cluster RBridgeIDs.
Cluster Client Remote MAC (CCR): MAC addresses that are learned via MDUP message from the peer device (CCL on the peer). The
MAC addresses are always programmed on the corresponding CCEP port and do not age. The CCR is deleted only when the CCL is
deleted from the peer. An MDB entry with the cost of 1 is created for the MAC addresses, and they are associated with the client and
peer RBridgeIDs.
Cluster Multi-Destination Local MAC (CML): A static MAC entry that is configured locally on the MCT VLAN. Any static MAC address
configured on MCT VLAN will have the ICL added by default. Consequently, the address automatically becomes a multi-destination
MAC entry. The local configuration generates a local MDB. Any CML entry can still have up to 2 associated MDBs, one local and one
remote. The remote MDB contains the remote static configuration for the same MAC and VLAN. If the dynamic MAC and static
configuration co-exist, the dynamic MAC address is removed, whether it is learned locally or from MDUP. The port list of a CML entry
contains an ICL port, the client ports from the client list in the local configuration and the remote configuration (if it exists), and all locally
configured CEP ports.
Cluster Multi-Destination Remote MAC (CMR): A static MAC entry that is configured on the MCT VLAN on the peer side and has no
associated local configuration. The CMR entry has only the information from the remote MDB. The port list of a CMR entry contains an
ICL port and all the client ports from the client list in the remote configuration. When there is a local configuration for the same entry, the
CMR is converted to the CML.
MAC aging
Only the local MAC entries are aged on a cluster device. The remote MAC address entries are aged based on explicit MDUP messages
The remote MAC addresses learned through MDUP messages are dynamic addresses, but they never age from the FDB.
MAC flush
If the CEP is down, the MAC addresses are flushed, and individual MAC deletion messages are sent to the peer device.
If the CCEP local port is down, the MAC addresses are flushed locally, and individual MAC deletion messages are sent to the peer
If the clear mac command is given, all the MDB and FDB are rebuilt.
If the clear mac vlan command is given, all the local MDB and FDB are rebuilt for the VLAN.
CEP to CCEP MAC movement - MAC movement happens normally on the local device, and it deletes all the other MDBs from the peer
to create a new local MDB.
Dynamic trunks
The MCT client creates a single dynamic trunk group toward the MCT cluster devices. The dynamic trunk group consists of two trunk
groups, each of which is configured on one of the MCT devices. A dynamic trunk group runs Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP).
For the two dynamic trunk groups of the MCT to behave as a single trunk group from the MCT client’s perspective, both of the dynamic
trunk groups should have the same LACP system ID and key, referred to as the MCT system ID and MCT key.
The LAG IDs are only significant locally and need not match on the two ends of a LAG.
The LACP system ID in the MCT-supporting device normally comes from the port MAC address. To support LACP over MCT,
the ID must be obtained in another way. MCT uses a pre-defined algorithm to obtain the ID.
Each MCT cluster device has a unique cluster ID and one MCT client ID. The LACP key is predefined from the client ID and
cluster ID. The user cannot change the key.
MCT does not involve stacking, and control protocol synchronization is minimal. The LACP runs independently on the cluster
In MCT, ICL links should be up at all times to prevent the cluster from going down. These links should not be shut down when a loop is
detected in a network. Instead, other available ports (CCEPs) should be shut down. If loop detection BDPUs are received on the ICL port,
instead of shutting down the ICL links, all CCEPs are error-disabled, and the user is notified with the following log message.
Loop-detection: Packet received on ICL port <port_number> for vlan <vlan_id>. Errdisable CCEPs.
Strict mode loop detection can be enabled on ICL ports. In strict mode, a port is disabled only if a packet is looped back to that same
port. Strict mode overcomes specific hardware issues where packets are echoed back to the input port. This process assists in detecting
hardware faults on ICL ports.
Loop-detection can be enabled on MCT and non-MCT VLANs simultaneously. There is no change in loop detection behavior when it is
enabled on non-MCT VLANs.
The following example shows how to configure loop detection on MCT and non-MCT VLANS.
If the network topology may create Layer 2 loops through external connections, STP may be enabled on switches outside the
MCT cluster to prevent the Layer 2 loop. The MCT cluster devices then performs a pass-through forwarding of STP BPDUs
received through its ports in the MCT VLAN.
– In rare cases in which the network topology consists of Layer 2 loops outside the MCT cluster that require STP/RSTP to
be enabled on MCT VLANs in the cluster, the CCEPs are always in the spanning tree disabled state. Refer to MCT
configuration examples using STP on page 148 to view deployment scenarios where STP is used in an MCT configuration
to prevent Layer 2 loops.
– The STP/RSTP algorithms have been modified so that the ICL never enters blocking state. The ICL guard mechanism
ensures that if the ICL is about to go into a blocking state, the port on which the superior BPDUs are being received is
moved to blocking state, and the ICL guard timer starts running on it. This timer runs as long as superior BPDUs are
received on this interface. As long as this timer runs on an interface, the superior BPDUs are dropped.
– The new BLK_BY_ICL STP state indicates that superior BPDUs were received on this interface, which could have led to
blocking of the ICL interface, with the result that the CL port guard mechanism has been triggered on this port.
– In an 802.1s MSTP deployment, Brocade recommends disabling spanning tree on MCT cluster devices at the global level.
MSTP cannot be configured on individual cluster devices.
– An MCT cluster can support up to 32 spanning tree instances.
• BPDU forwarding—If the network deploys single STP or IEEE 802.1s (MSTP), the MCT cluster devices must be configured
using the bpdu-flood-enable command to flood the single STP/MSTP BPDUs in the SSTP/MSTP domain (that is, to forward
to all of the ports in the cluster switch, irrespective of VLAN.)
When bpdu-flood-enable is configured, only the ICL should connect the two MCT cluster devices. (The keep-alive VLAN link
should not connect them.) If there is an additional link, the flooded BPDU will cause a loop and high CPU utilization.
The bpdu-flood-enable command is not supported on the Brocade ICX 7750.
IGMP/MLD snooping
Snooping can be configured globally or at the VLAN level. Each cluster device in the MCT VLAN can be configured as active or passive.
There is no restriction for cluster devices to run active-active or passive-passive configurations.
The following commands show configuration commands for the VLAN level (IGMP and MLD), the global level (IGMP/MLD), and for
PIM-SM snooping (configured only on a VLAN and requires IGMP snooping to run in a passive mode):
PIM6-SM snooping (configured only on a VLAN and requires MLD snooping to run in a passive mode):
a.) *ICL: The ICL port is added as default whenever CCEP is in OIF. The data traffic received from the ICL port will be filtered out by egress filters dynamically programmed on CCEPs.
a.) *ICL: The ICL port is added as default whenever CCEP is in OIF. The data traffic received from the ICL port will be filtered out by egress filters dynamically programmed on CCEPs.
You can also use the show ip pimsm-snooping cache command to display the MCT information if the VLAN is an MCT member.
In the following example, YES indicates that reports/leaves were received locally (processing native control packets).
In the following example, NO indicates that reports/leaves were received remotely. In this case, a join was received on the CCEP of the
MCT peer device. Native control packets were processed by the peer device, and then the entries were synched over MDUP to this
cluster device.
The following example displays information about the IGMP multicast mcache. It is used to verify if FDB is programmed when a data
packet arrives.
The following example displays status about the IGMP router port.
Use the show ip multicast cluster pimsm-snooping command to display detailed information about OIFs added via a pimsm-snoop
Refer to the FastIron Command Reference for information on show ipv6 multicast cache and other MLD multicast commands.
The following example shows the configuration for multicast snooping for the MCT1 cluster device in the previous figure.
multicast passive
multicast pimsm-snooping
multicast6 passive
multicast6 pimsm-snooping
vlan 3000 name session by port
tagged ethe 7/3
router-interface ve 3000
vlan 3001 name keep-alive-vlan
tagged eth 7/4
interface ve 3000
ip address
cluster SX 3000
rbridge-id 2
session-vlan 3000
keep-alive-vlan 3001
icl SX-MCT ethernet 7/3
peer rbridge-id 3 icl SX-MCT
client client-1
rbridge-id 100
client-interface ethernet 7/5
The following example shows the configuration for multicast snooping for the MCT2 cluster device in Figure 33.
vlan 100 by port
tagged ethe 3/3
untagged ethe 3/7 ethe 3/8
multicast passive
multicast pimsm-snooping
multicast6 passive
multicast6 pimsm-snooping
vlan 3000 name session by port
tagged ethe 3/3
router-interface ve 3000
vlan 3001 name keep-alive-vlan
tagged eth 3/4
interface ve 3000
ip address
cluster SX 3000
rbridge-id 3
session-vlan 3000
keep-alive-vlan 3001
icl SX-MCT ethernet 3/3
peer rbridge-id 2 icl SX-MCT
client client-1
rbridge-id 100
client-interface ethernet 3/7
The following example shows the global configuration for multicast snooping for the MCT1 cluster device in Figure 33.
The following example shows the global configuration for multicast snooping for the MCT2 cluster device in Figure 33.
vlan 100 by port
tagged ethe 3/3
untagged ethe 3/7 ethe 3/8
vlan 3000 name session by port
tagged ethe 3/3
router-interface ve 3000
vlan 3001 name keep-alive-vlan
tagged eth 3/4
ip multicast passive
interface ve 3000
ip address
cluster SX 3000
rbridge-id 3
session-vlan 3000
keep-alive-vlan 3001
icl SX-MCT ethernet 3/3
peer rbridge-id 2 icl SX-MCT
client client-1
rbridge-id 100
client-interface ethernet 3/7
a.) *ICL: The ICL port is added as default whenever a CCEP is in OIF. The data traffic received from the ICL port is filtered out by a dynamically programmed egress filter on the
ARP Resolution
ARP resolution for the MCT client is required at the MCT cluster to forward traffic from a CEP to the CCEP. This ARP packet would
normally be learned over the CCEP port. However, if the client’s MAC address is not already known on the CCEP, its ARP could be
temporarily learned over the ICL. When the MAC Database Update Protocol (MDUP) message from the cluster peer device moves the
client MAC address from the ICL to the CCEP, ARP is also moved to the CCEP. During this transient time, no client ARP should be
programmed over the ICL for a long period of time unless the local CCEP port is down.
During this transient time, the Layer 3 traffic gets forwarded toward the MCT peer. While the ICX 7750, as an MCT peer, can
successfully forward this traffic to the client, SX 800 and SX 1600 devices will experience loss of traffic during this time.
If the MCT client triggers an ARP request, it would do so for its Layer 3 next hop IP address, which generally resides on the MCT cluster
devices. This address could be the default gateway on the MCT client or it could be learned through dynamic routing. If VRRP or VRRP-
E is deployed on the MCT cluster devices, this IP address can be the virtual IP address.
Due to the inherent nature of LAG on the MCT client, this ARP request can reach an MCT device directly (over the CCEP) or through the
MCT peer (over the ICL). In either case, the ARP response is sent out on the port where the client’s MAC address is learned. If the MAC
address is already learned on the MCT device at the time of receiving the ARP request, it would be over the CCEP under normal working
conditions (local CCEP is in the up state). If the client’s MAC address was not already learnt when the ARP request is received, the client’s
ARP could be temporarily learned over the ICL (and is moved to the CCEP when the MDUP message from the peer is received) and the
ARP response could be sent over the ICL. The cluster peer then switches the ARP response further towards the MCT client.
Therefore, almost 50 percent of traffic being forwarded from MCT clients (and as much as 100 percent traffic in the worst case) can pass
through the ICL. This fact should be considered when designing the ICL capacity in the network.
The MCT device acting as a backup router will Layer 2 switch all packets destined to VRRP/ VRRP-E virtual MAC address to the VRRP/
VRRP-E master router for routing. The VRRP/VRRP-E backup learns the virtual MAC address while processing the VRRP hello
message from the VRRP master. Both data traffic and VRRP/VRRP-E control traffic travel through the ICL unless the short-path
forwarding feature is enabled (VRRP-E only).
VRRP/VRRP-E and VRRP-E2 SPF should be enabled, if required. If VRRP is deployed or VRRP-E is deployed without the short path
forwarding feature on the VRRP-E backup, it is likely that almost fifty percent of CCEP to CEP traffic (and as much as a hundred percent
of traffic in the worst case) can pass through the ICL from the backup to the master device. This fact should be considered when
designing ICL capacity in the network.
When one MCT device acts as a VRRP/VRRP-E master and the peer device is the VRRP/VRRP-E backup, the following behavior is
• Frames sent to the VRRP/VRRP-E virtual MAC address are Layer 2-switched to the VRRP/VRRP-E master device for routing.
The VRRP-E MAC address is learned by the other MCT device that acts as backup router.
• Both data traffic and VRRP-E control traffic received by the VRRP backup from an MCT client must travel through the ICL,
unless the short-path forwarding feature is enabled.
When both MCT devices act as the VRRP or VRRP-E backup, the following traffic behavior is observed:
• Frames sent to the VRRP/VRRP-E virtual MAC address are Layer 2 forwarded to the VRRP/VRRP-E master router for routing.
• The VRRP-E MAC address is learned by both MCT devices acting as backup routers.
• Both data traffic and VRRP-E control traffic travel through the links connecting them to the VRRP/VRRP-E master.
The MCT failover will not be a hitless one for layer 3 traffic since each MCT cluster device forms an independent adjacency.
When one of the MCT devices goes down, a layer 3 re-convergence is required and traffic loss is expected during this time.
To prevent unintended traffic forwarding by the CPU, Brocade recommends disabling ICMP redirect globally when VRRP or
VRRP-E is configured.
lag lag_routera static id 55
ports ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
primary-port 1/1/1
port-name "ICL-To_routerB_eth1/1/1" ethernet 1/1/1
port-name "ICL-To_routerB_eth1/1/2" ethernet 1/1/2
vlan 110 name Member-vlan by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1 ethe 1/1/2 to 1/1/4
router-interface ve 110
vlan 1000 name ICL-Session-vlan by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
router-interface ve 1000
vlan 1001 name MCT-Keep-Alive by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/3
interface ve 1000
ip address
cluster FI-MCT 1750
rbridge-id 801
session-vlan 1000
keep-alive-vlan 1001
icl FI_SWR-MCT ethernet 1/1/1
peer rbridge-id 800 icl FI_SWR-MCT
client S1-SW
rbridge-id 777
client-interface ethernet 1/1/4
interface ve 110
port-name S1-SW
ip address
S1-SW configuration
This example presents the configuration for the S1-SW device.
lag lag_s1_sw static id 60
ports ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
primary-port 1/1/1
vlan 110 by port
tagged ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
router-interface ve 110
interface ve 110
ip address
router vrrp-extended
interface ve 110
port-name S1-SW
ip address
ip vrrp-extended vrid 110
router vrrp-extended
interface ve 110
port-name S1-SW
ip address
ip vrrp-extended vrid 110
This example presents the OSPF configuration for the SWRA cluster device.
router ospf
area 0
interface ve 110
ip address
ip ospf area 0
This example presents the OSPF configuration for the SWRB cluster device.
router ospf
area 0
interface ve 110
ip address
ip ospf area 0
S1-SW configuration
lag lag_s1_sw static id 60
ports ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
primary-port 1/1/1
vlan 110 by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
router-interface ve 110
router ospf
area 0
interface ve 110
interface ve 110
ip address
router bgp
local-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
interface ve 110
ip address
router bgp
local-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
S1-SW configuration
This example presents the configuration for the S1-SW device.
lag lag_s1_sw static id 60
ports ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
primary-port 1/1/1
vlan 110 by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
router-interface ve 110
interface ve 110
ip address
router bgp
local-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
MCT peers support multicast routing (PIM) on Cluster Client Edge Port (CCEP) and Inter-Chassis Link (ICL) interfaces.
PIM states between MCT peers are synchronized by sending the control packets natively over ICL. The nature of the MCT LAG requires
this. Packets from the MCT client on the CCEP ports are received by only one of the MCT peers. Hence the control packets that are
received natively on the CCEP ports are sent over ICL to synchronize the states. The Join or Prune and Asserts are synchronized to
maintain the Outgoing Interface (OIF) state for the CCEP ports on both peers. For CCEP OIFs created by PIM joins, only one of the
MCT peers forwards the traffic and the other peer drops the traffic.
These are the general rules followed for the control packet handling algorithm.
• Control packets originated from MCT peers will be flooded on MCT VLAN. Exceptions are Assert packets and Join packets
triggered only for ICL OIFs.
• Control packets received on any port of MCT VLAN are flooded on MCT VLAN.
• Control packets received on ICL are flooded in a controlled manner on MCT VLAN based on remote CCEP status, that is,
based on whether they are up or down.
Control and data packets received on an ICL port are processed by searching the source MAC of the packet in the MAC table to
determine the packet ingress port as follows:
• If the source MAC is learned on CCEP port, the packet ingress port will be a CCEP port.
• If it is not, the packet ingress port will be an ICL port.
In the following figures, P1 and P2 are MCT peers and R1 is the MCT client. P1, P2 and R1 are configured with PIM on the MCT VE
interface. MCT peers act as PIM intermediate routers with respect to R1.
P1, P2, and R1 are configured with PIM on the MCT virtual Ethernet (VE) interface. RP and source is in the core and the connectivity to
the core is via an uplink.
• When the traffic arrives, the S,G state is created on both the peers but only one of them forwards based on the software hashing
P1, P2 and R1 are configured with PIM on the MCT VE interface. RP and source are beyond R1.
• Thus traffic for S,G will reach only one of the MCT peers. Assuming the traffic reaches P2, (S,G) state will be created on P2 and
P2 will be forwarding the traffic.
• Assuming the traffic reaches P1 the traffic will be forwarded via ICL to P2 and P2 will forward it to its OIFs which is the link
connecting to the core.
Loads are only shared, and may or may not be balanced, across the CCEP links. An MCT peer selects a stream for forwarding based on
a software hash function that uses the source and group addresses. That means you can have one MCT peer forwarding more multicast
streams than another.
The load is assigned without regard to the capacity of the CCEP links, so the feature works best when both CCEP links have the same
capacity and the source and group addresses are evenly distributed. That situation avoids the timing synchronization between the MCT
peer routers, which would be very hard to achieve.
The sharing is done at a stream, not packet, level ,using the following software hash algorithm:
If result is 1, local CCEP forwards the traffic; if result is 0, remote CCEP forwards the traffic
When a CCEP or MCT peer fails, multicast traffic that used to go through the failed CCEP link or node switches to the surviving CCEP
link in approximately one second or less.
Sub-second convergence requires both MCT peers to maintain state for, and pull down, traffic for all multicast flows from the core,
regardless of whether the chassis is forwarding this stream out of the local CCEP. This means that streams forwarded by the remote
CCEP are pulled down to the local MCT peer but dropped in the absence of other receivers on the local router, thus potentially wasting
the bandwidth inside the core on uplink. This is deemed a fair tradeoff because otherwise the MCT peer that takes over the job of
forwarding a stream when the remote CCEP or peer fails, must establish a new multicast path through the core, which can potentially
black out the stream for many seconds
These are the limitations for MCT peers to support intermediate router functionality. These limitations are due to load-sharing and fast
convergence trade-offs.
• PIM-DM is not supported.
• Few packets may be lost during convergence interval or forwarding duplication may happen.
• MCT client will do flow based load-sharing, not per packet load-sharing.
• Traffic loss or duplication will happen when Keep-Alive VLAN, Cluster Communication Protocol (CCP) ,or ICL between MCT
peers are not up.
• Multicast routing configurations on session VLAN is not supported and restricted in configuration.
• The load will only be shared, and may or may not be balanced across the CCEPs.
• During the convergence interval, a few packets may be lost. In the case of recoveries, some packets may end up being
forwarded by both cluster routers during interval.
• Both the MCT peers maintain state and pull down traffic for all multicast flows from the core, whether the chassis is forwarding
this stream to the local CCEP or not. This could potentially waste the bandwidth inside the core and on uplink.
• You can configure both MCT peers to do either PIM routing or multicast snooping in MCT VLANs. However, configuring one
MCT peer to do PIM routing and the other to do multicast snooping in the same MCT VLAN is not supported.
• PIM neighbor on CEP in an MCT VLAN is not supported if the MCT cluster is running PIM on the same MCT VLAN.
• First-hop routing (FHR) and "Last-hop routing (LHR) are not supported on MCT clusters on MCT VLAN interfaces.
• Rendezvous points (RP) are not supported on MCT clusters.
• MSDP and Anycast-RP are not supported on MCT clusters.
• This feature is not supported on non default VRFs.
• IPv6 multicast routing on MCT is not supported on MCT clusters.
This example shows the configuration of an MCT cluster, MCT member VLAN with router interface (VE), PIM configuration over MCT
member VE on MCT Peer 1.
cluster cs 10
rbridge-id 1000
session-vlan 4
keep-alive-vlan 5
icl MCT ethernet 1/1/1
peer rbridge-id 4000 icl MCT
client client-100
rbridge-id 100
client-interface ethernet 1/1/11
interface ve 10
ip address
ip pim-sparse
ip ospf area 0
This example shows the configuration of an MCT cluster, MCT member VLAN with router interface (VE), PIM configuration over MCT
member VE on MCT Peer 2.
cluster cs 10
rbridge-id 4000
session-vlan 4
keep-alive-vlan 5
icl MCT ethernet 2/1/1
peer rbridge-id 1000 icl MCT
client client-100
rbridge-id 100
client-interface ethernet 2/1/11
interface ve 10
ip address
ip pim-sparse
ip ospf area 0
client AGG131
rbridge-id 10
client-interface ethernet 12/2
client FOX135
rbridge-id 15
client-interface ethernet 1/25
The following table shows the messages that may be displayed to explain why the local CCEP is down.
VLAN Root Root Root Prio Max He- Ho- Fwd Last Chg Bridge
ID ID Cost Port rity Age llo ld dly Chang cnt Address
Hex sec sec sec sec sec
90 8000748ef8f9739d 0 Root 8000 20 2 1 15 259968 1 748ef8f9739d
Syntax: show span [ vlan vlan-id ] | [ pvst-mode ] |[ num ] | [ detail [ vlan vlan-id [ Ethernet [ stack-unit/slotnum/] portnum ] | num] ]
On SXL with authentication protocols and high traffic, the clear mac and mac flush operations log a lot of new address
messages, which results in high CPU utilization for a few minutes.
Syntax: clear mac cluster { cluster-id | cluster-name } client client-name { local | remote }
Syntax: clear mac cluster { cluster_id | cluster-name } vlan vlan_id { local | remote }
Syntax: clear mac cluster {cluster_id | cluster-name } vlan vlan_id client client_name { local | remote }
The LAG IDs are locally significant only and need not be matching on the two ends of a LAG.
Client 1 - Configuration
If client 1 is a Brocade switch in Figure 42 on page 141, you can configure it as follows:
vlan 1905 by port
tagged ethe 7/1/1 to 7/1/3 ethe 8/1/1 to 8/1/3
lag lag_client1_1 dynamic id 100
ports ethe 7/1/1 to 7/1/3 ethe 8/1/1 to 8/1/3
primary-port 7/1/1
Client 2- Configuration
If client 2 is a Brocade switch in Figure 42 on page 141, you can configure it as follows:
vlan 1905 by port
tagged ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/3 ethe 3/1/1 to 3/1/3
lag lag_client2_1 dynamic id 200
ports ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/3 ethe 3/1/1 to 3/1/3
primary-port 1/1/1
The LAG IDs are locally significant only and need not be matching on the two ends of a LAG.
In a two-level MCT configuration using dynamic LAGs, ensure that the upper and lower clusters have different Cluster IDs
because the Cluster LACP module uses the Cluster ID as part of the LACPDU's system ID.
The client configuration is the same as in the single-level example (refer to Single-level MCT configuration example on page 140).
rbridge-id 1903
client-interface ethe 1/1/15
lag lag_dist_a_1 static id 15
ports ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
primary-port 1/1/1
lag lag_dist_a_2 dynamic id 16
ports ethe 1/15/1 to 1/15/2
primary-port 1/15/1
lag keep-alive static id 200
ports ether 1/11/25 to 1/11/36
primary-port 1/11/25
vlan 5 name session-vlan by port
tagged ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
router-interface ve 5
vlan 6 name keep-alive-vlan by port
tagged ethe 1/11/25 to 1/11/36
router-interface ve 6
vlan 1905 by port
tagged ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/2 ethe 1/15/1 to 1/15/2
hostname R3
hitless-failover enable
interface ve 5
ip address
interface ve 6
ip address
cluster MCT2 2
rbridge-id 3
session-vlan 5
keep-alive-vlan 6
icl BH3 ethernet 1/1/1
peer rbridge-id 4 icl BH3
client AGG_Cluster
rbridge-id 1801
client-interface ethe 1/15/1
primary-port 1/5/25
vlan 5 name session-vlan by port
tagged ethe 1/17/1 to 1/17/2
router-interface ve 5
vlan 6 name keep-alive-vlan by port
tagged ethe 1/5/25 to 1/5/36
router-interface ve 6
vlan 1905 by port
tagged ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/2 ethe 1/17/1 to 1/17/2
hostname R4
hitless-failover enable
interface ve 5
ip address
interface ve 6
ip address
cluster MCT2 2
rbridge-id 4
session-vlan 5
keep-alive-vlan 6
icl BH3 ethernet 1/17/1
peer rbridge-id 3 icl BH3
client AGG_Cluster
rbridge-id 1801
client-interface ethe 1/1/1
The examples show STP elements enabled on MCT clients. It is recommended that you enable STP only on MCT clients, NOT on MCT
cluster devices.
The following figure shows the base configuration of the MCT cluster, MCT clients, and the associated link-aggregation. The scenarios
are depicted based on this network topology.
The LAG IDs are locally significant only and need not be matching on the two ends of a LAG.
Router-1 configuration
lag "1" static id 1
ports ethernet 1/1/1 ethernet 1/1/3
primary-port 1/1/1
vlan 2 name session-vlan by port
tagged ethe 1/2/1 to 1/2/2
router-interface ve 2
vlan 3 name keep-alive-vlan by port
tagged ethe 1/1/12
router-interface ve 3
vlan 1905 name MAC-scaling-vlan by port
tagged ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/3 ethe 1/1/5 to 1/1/7 ethe 1/1/15 to
1/1/16 ethe 1/2/1 to 1/2/2 ethe 1/2/4 ethe 1/3/1 ethe 1/3/3
hostname R1
link-keepalive ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/3 ethe 1/1/5 to 1/1/7
hitless-failover enable
interface ve 2
ip address
interface ve 3
Client-1 - Configuration
trunk ethe 7/1/1 to 7/1/3 ethe 8/1/1 to 8/1/3
vlan 1905 by port
tagged ethe 5/1/47 to 5/1/48 ethe 7/1/1 to 7/1/3 ethe 8/1/1 to 8/1/3 ethe 8/1/45
link-keepalive ethe 7/1/1 to 7/1/3 ethe 8/1/1 to 8/1/3
lag lag1 dynamic id 1
ports ethernet 5/1/47 to 5/1/48
primary-port 5/1/47
lldp run
Client-2 - Configuration
trunk ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/3 ethe 3/1/1 to 3/1/3
vlan 1905 name MAC-scaling-vlan by port
tagged ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/3 ethe 1/1/45 ethe 2/1/47 to 2/1/48 ethe 3/1/1 to 3/1/3
2/1/48 ethe 3/1/1 to 3/1/3
link-keepalive ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/3 ethe 3/1/1 to 3/1/3
lag lag1 dynamic id 1
ports ethernet 2/1/47 to 2/1/48
primary-port 2/1/47
lldp run
Configure per-VLAN Spanning Tree on the two MCT VLANS 1901 and 1905 to have Rapid Spanning Tree (RSTP/802.1w). This
example is based on the network topology shown in Figure 44 on page 149.
Client-1 Configuration
Client-1(config)# vlan 1901 1905
Client-1(config-mvlan-1901*1905)# spanning-tree 802-1w
Client-1(config-mvlan-1901*1905)# end
Client-2 Configuration
Client-2(config)# vlan 1901
Client-2(config-vlan-1901)# spanning-tree 802-1w
Client-2(config-vlan-1901)# spanning-tree 802-1w priority 4095
Client-2(config-vlan-1901)# vlan 1905
Client-2(config-vlan-1901)# spanning-tree 802-1w
Client-2(config-vlan-1901)# end
The MCT cluster switches do not have the spanning tree configured, but the BPDUs are passed through, and the Spanning Tree on the
clients converges.
Use the show 802-1w vlan command to display the RSTP information for the specified port-based VLAN.
Using SSTP on MCT clients allows you to run a separate spanning tree on each port-based VLAN, which you can enable or disable on
an individual basis. As an alternative, you can run a single spanning tree across all ports and VLANs on the device.
Enabling BDPU flooding can increase the CPU usage. When BPDU flooding is enabled, do not create redundant links between the MCT
cluster devices or cascade multiple MCT clusters.
To enable the CPU to perform BPDU forwarding, use the bpdu-flood-enable command. This example is based on the network topology
shown in Figure 44 on page 149.
Router-1 configuration
Router-1(config)# bpdu-flood-enable
Warning - Any recieved untagged BPDUs will now be flooded to all the ports.
Router-2 configuration
Router-2(config)# bpdu-flood-enable
Warning - Any recieved untagged BPDUs will now be flooded to all the ports.
Client-1 configuration
Client-1(config)# spanning-tree single 802-1w
Client-1(config)# show 802-1w vlan 1905
Single spanning tree is enabled. use "show 802-1w" command.
VLAN is a member of global SSTP - IEEE 802-1w
Client-2 configuration
Client-2(config)# spanning-tree single 802-1w
Client-2(config)# end
Client-2(config)# show 802-1w vlan 1905
Single spanning tree is enabled. use "show 802-1w" command.
VLAN is a member of global SSTP - IEEE 802-1w
MSTP requires that BPDU flooding be enabled on the MCT Cluster devices. This example is based on the network topology shown in
Figure 44 on page 149.
Router-1 configuration
Router-1(config)# bpdu-flood-enable
Warning - Any recieved untagged BPDUs will now be flooded to all the ports.
Router-2 configuration
Router-2(config)# bpdu-flood-enable
Warning - Any received untagged BPDUs will now be flooded to all the ports.
Client-1 configuration
Client-1(config)# mstp scope all
Enter MSTP scope would remove STP and topology group related configuration for system
Are you sure? (enter ‘y’ or ‘n’): y
‘MSTP Start’ need to be entered in order to activate this MSTP feature
Client-1(config)# mstp start
Client-1(config)# mstp instance 1 vlan 1901
Client-1(config)# mstp instance 1 vlan 1905
Client-2 configuration
Client-2(config)# mstp scope all
Enter MSTP scope would remove STP and topology group related configuration for system
Are you sure? (enter ‘y’ or ‘n’): y
‘MSTP Start" need to be entered in order to activate this MSTP feature
Client-2(config)# mstp start
Client-2(config)# mstp instance 1 vlan 1901
Client-2(config)# mstp instance 1 vlan 1905
GVRP overview
GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) is a Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (GARP) application that provides VLAN
registration service by means of dynamic configuration (registration) and distribution of VLAN membership information.
GVRP enables a Brocade device to dynamically create 802.1Q-compliant VLANs on links with other devices that are running GVRP.
GVRP reduces the chances for errors in VLAN configuration by automatically providing VLAN ID consistency across the network. You
can use GVRP to propagate VLANs to other GVRP-aware devices automatically, without the need to manually configure the VLANs on
each device. In addition, if the VLAN configuration on a device changes, GVRP automatically changes the VLAN configurations of the
affected devices.
The Brocade implementation of GARP and GVRP is based on the following standards:
• ANSI/IEEE standard 802.1D, 1998 edition
• IEEE standard 802.1Q, 1998 edition; approved December 8, 1998
• IEEE draft P802.1w/D10, March 26, 2001
• IEEE draft P802.1u/D9, November 23, 2000
• IEEE draft P802.1t/D10, November 20, 2000
In this example, a core device is attached to three edge devices. Each of the edge devices is attached to other edge devices or host
stations (represented by the clouds).
The effects of GVRP in this network depend on which devices the feature is enabled on, and whether both learning and advertising are
enabled. In this type of network (a core device and edge devices), you can have the following four combinations:
• Dynamic core and fixed edge
• Dynamic core and dynamic edge
• Fixed core and dynamic edge
• Fixed core and fixed edge
• GVRP is enabled on all • GVRP is enabled on port • GVRP is enabled on port • GVRP is enabled on port
ports. 1/4/24. Learning is 1/4/1. Learning is 1/4/1. Learning is
• Both learning and disabled. disabled. disabled.
advertising are enabled. • VLAN 20 • VLAN 20 • VLAN 30
• Port 1/2/1 (untagged) • Port 1/2/24 (untagged) • Port 1/2/24 (untagged)
• Port 1/4/24 (tagged) • Port 1/4/1 (tagged) • Port 1/4/1 (tagged)
• VLAN 40 • VLAN 30 • VLAN 40
• Port 1/4/1 (untagged) • Port 1/4/24 (untagged) • Port 1/4/24 (untagged)
• Port 1/4/24 (tagged) • Port 1/4/1 (tagged) • Port 1/4/1 (tagged)
Since learning is
disabled on all the edge
devices, advertising on
the core device has no
effect in this
In this configuration, the edge devices are statically (manually) configured with VLAN information. The core device dynamically configures
itself to be a member of each of the edge device VLANs. The operation of GVRP on the core device results in the following VLAN
configuration on the device:
• VLAN 20
– 1/1/24 (tagged)
– 1/6/24 (tagged)
• VLAN 30
– 1/6/24 (tagged)
– 1/8/17 (tagged)
• VLAN 40
– 1/1/24 (tagged)
– 1/8/17 (tagged)
VLAN 20 traffic can now travel through the core between edge devices A and B. Likewise, VLAN 30 traffic can travel between B and C
and VLAN 40 traffic can travel between A and C. If an edge device is moved to a different core port or the VLAN configuration of an
edge device is changed, the core device automatically reconfigures itself to accommodate the change.
Notice that each of the ports in the dynamically created VLANs is tagged. All GVRP VLAN ports configured by GVRP are tagged, to
ensure that the port can be configured for additional VLANs.
This example assumes that the core device has no static VLANs configured. However, you can have static VLANs on a device
that is running GVRP. GVRP can dynamically add other ports to the statically configured VLANs but cannot delete statically
configured ports from the VLANs.
The default VLAN has ID 1 by default. You can change the VLAN ID of the default VLAN, but only before GVRP is enabled.
You cannot change the ID of the default VLAN after GVRP is enabled.
• Single STP must be enabled on the device. Brocade implementation of GVRP requires Single STP. If you do not have any
statically configured VLANs on the device, you can enable Single STP as follows.
device(config)#vlan 1
device(config)#span single
These commands enable configuration of the default VLAN (VLAN 1), which contains all the device ports, and enable STP and
Single STP.
• All VLANs that are learned dynamically through GVRP are added to the single spanning tree.
• All ports that are enabled for GVRP become tagged members of the GVRP base VLAN (4093). If you need to use this VLAN
ID for another VLAN, you can change the GVRP VLAN ID. The software adds the GVRP base VLAN to the single spanning
If you plan to change the GVRP base VLAN ID (4093) or the maximum configurable value for the Leaveall timer (300000 ms
by default), you must do so before you enable GVRP.
Configuring GVRP
To configure a device for GVRP, globally enable support for the feature, then enable the feature on specific ports. Optionally, you can
disable VLAN learning or advertising on specific interface.
1. On any device on which you want to configure GVRP, from privileged EXEC mode, enter global configuration mode.
If you want to change the GVRP base VLAN ID, you must do so before enabling GVRP.
3. (Optional) Increase the maximum value you can configure for the Leaveall timer.
You must configure this before enabling GVRP.
device(config)# gvrp-enable
device(config-gvrp)# enable ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/7 ethernet 1/2/1 ethernet 1/2/7 ethernet 1/2/11
This example enables GVRP on all ports. If you want to enable GVRP on specific ports, specify the ports on which you want to
enable GVRP.
6. Disable VLAN advertisement on required GVRP enabled ports.
You can use the default-timers command to reset the timers to their default values.
9. Verify GVRP configuration.
To determine the effect of clearing the VRRP statistics, an appropriate show command is entered before and after the clear command
1. From the privileged EXEC mode, enter the show gvrp statistics command for Ethernet 1/2/1.
2. Enter the clear gvrp statistics command for the interface Ethernet 1/2/1.
In this show output for a specified interface after the clear gvrp statistics command has been entered, you can see that the
statistical counters have been reset.
The effects of GVRP in this network depend on which devices the feature is enabled on, and whether both learning and advertising are
Although some of the devices in these configuration examples do not have statically configured VLANs, this is not a
requirement. You always can have statically configured VLANs on a device that is running GVRP.
device> enable
device# configure terminal
device(config)# gvrp-enable
device(config-gvrp)# enable all
These commands globally enable GVRP support and enable the protocol on all ports.
device> enable
device# configure terminal
device(config)# vlan 20
device(config-vlan-20)# untagged ethernet 1/2/1
device(config-vlan-20)# tagged ethernet 1/4/24
device(config-vlan-20)# vlan 40
device(config-vlan-40)# untagged ethernet 1/2/1
device(config-vlan-40)# tagged ethernet 1/4/24
device(config-vlan-40)# exit
device(config)# gvrp-enable
device(config-gvrp)# enable ethernet 1/4/24
device(config-gvrp)# block-learning ethernet 1/4/24
These commands statically configure two port-based VLANs, enable GVRP on port 1/4/24, and block GVRP learning on the port. The
device will advertise the VLANs but will not learn VLANs from other devices.
device> enable
device# configure terminal
device(config)# vlan 20
device(config-vlan-20)# untagged ethernet 1/2/24
device(config-vlan-20)# tagged ethernet 1/4/1
device(config-vlan-20)# vlan 30
device(config-vlan-30)# untagged ethernet 1/4/24
device(config-vlan-30)# tagged ethernet 1/4/1
device(config-vlan-30)# exit
device(config)# gvrp-enable
device(config-gvrp)# enable ethernet 1/4/1
device(config-gvrp)# block-learning ethernet 1/4/1
device> enable
device# configure terminal
device(config)# vlan 30
device(config-vlan-30)# untagged ethernet 1/2/24
device(config-vlan-30)# tagged ethernet 1/4/1
device(config-vlan-20)# vlan 40
device(config-vlan-40)# untagged ethernet 1/4/24
device(config-vlan-40)# tagged ethernet 1/4/1
device(config-vlan-40)# exit
device(config)# gvrp-enable
device(config-gvrp)# enable ethernet 1/4/1
device(config-gvrp)# block-learning ethernet 1/4/1
device> enable
device# configure terminal
device(config)# gvrp-enable
device(config-gvrp)# enable all
device> enable
device# configure terminal
device(config)# vlan 20
device(config-vlan-20)# tagged ethernet 1/1/24
device(config-vlan-20)# tagged ethernet 1/6/24
device(config-vlan-20)# vlan 30
device(config-vlan-30)# tagged ethernet 1/6/24
device(config-vlan-30)# tagged ethernet 1/8/17
device(config-vlan-30)# vlan 40
device(config-vlan-40)# tagged ethernet 1/1/5
device(config-vlan-40)# tagged ethernet 1/8/17
device(config-vlan-40)# vlan 50
device(config-vlan-50)# untag ethernet 1/6/1
These VLAN commands configure VLANs 20, 30, 40, and 50. The GVRP commands enable the protocol on the ports that are
connected to the edge devices, and disable VLAN learning on those ports. All the VLANs are advertised by GVRP.
device> enable
device# configure terminal
device(config)# gvrp-enable
device(config-gvrp)# enable all
device(config-gvrp)# block-applicant all
This configuration does not use any GVRP configuration on the core device.
The configuration on the edge device is the same as in Dynamic core and fixed edge on page 162.
STP overview
STP (IEEE 802.1D bridge protocol) is supported on all Brocade devices. STP detects and eliminates logical loops in the network. STP
also ensures that the least cost path is taken when multiple paths exist between ports or VLANs. If the selected path fails, STP searches
for and then establishes an alternate path to prevent or limit retransmission of data.
The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) eliminates Layer 2 loops in networks, by selectively blocking some ports and allowing other ports to
forward traffic, based on global (bridge) and local (port) parameters you can configure.
STP related features, such as RSTP and PVST, extend the operation of standard STP, enabling you to fine-tune standard STP and avoid
some of its limitations.
You can enable or disable STP on a global basis (for the entire device), a port-based VLAN basis (for the individual Layer 2 broadcast
domain), or an individual port basis.
Configuration procedures are provided for the standard STP bridge and port parameters.
By default, each port-based VLAN on a Brocade device runs a separate spanning tree (a separate instance of STP). A Brocade device
has one port-based VLAN (VLAN 1) by default that contains all the device ports. Thus, by default each Brocade device has one
spanning tree. However, if you configure additional port-based VLANs on a Brocade device, then each of those VLANs on which STP is
enabled and VLAN 1 all run separate spanning trees.
If you configure a port-based VLAN on the device, the VLAN has the same STP state as the default STP state on the device. Thus, on
Layer 2 Switches, new VLANs have STP enabled by default. On Layer 3 Switches, new VLANs have STP disabled by default. You can
enable or disable STP in each VLAN separately. In addition, you can enable or disable STP on individual ports.
1. When you create a port-based VLAN, the new VLAN STP state is the same as the default STP state on the device. The new VLAN does not inherit the STP state of the default
VLAN. The Single Spanning Tree Protocol (SSTP) is another type of STP. SSTP includes all VLANs on which STP is enabled in a single spanning tree. Refer to Single Spanning Tree
(SSTP) on page 217.
The following table lists the default STP bridge parameters. The bridge parameters affect the entire spanning tree. If you are using MSTP,
the parameters affect the VLAN. If you are using SSTP, the parameters affect all VLANs that are members of the single spanning tree.
If you plan to change STP bridge timers, Brocade recommends that you stay within the following ranges, from section 8.10.2
of the IEEE STP specification. 2 * (forward_delay -1) >= max_agemax_age >= 2 * (hello_time +1)
The following table lists the default STP port parameters. The port parameters affect individual ports and are separately configurable on
each port.
Priority The preference that STP gives this port relative 128
to other ports for forwarding traffic out of the
Possible values: 0 - 240 (configurable in
spanning tree.
increments of 16)
A higher numerical value means a lower priority.
Path Cost The cost of using the port to reach the root 10 Mbps - 100
bridge. When selecting among multiple links to
100 Mbps - 19
the root bridge, STP chooses the link with the
lowest path cost and blocks the other paths. Gbps - 4
The CLI converts the STP groups into topology groups when you save the configuration. For backward compatibility, you can
still use the STP group commands. However, the CLI converts the commands into the topology group syntax. Likewise, the
show stp-group command displays STP topology groups.
When you configure a VLAN, the VLAN inherits the global STP settings. However, once you begin to define a VLAN, you can
no longer configure standard STP parameters globally using the CLI. From that point on, you can configure STP only within
individual VLANs.
To enable STP for all ports in all VLANs on a Brocade device, enter the spanning-tree command.
device(config)# spanning-tree
The spanning-tree command enables a separate spanning tree in each VLAN, including the default VLAN.
To set system maximum value for number of spanning tree instances, enter the command such as the following:
The number of spanning tree instances ranges from 1 through 254 on ICX 7750, ICX 7450, and ICX 7250 devices. The
range of STP instances on Ruckus ICX 7150 device is from 1 through 253. The default value is 128 on ICX 7750 device and
32 on ICX 7450, ICX 7250, and Ruckus ICX 7150 devices.
To enable STP for all ports in a port-based VLAN, enter commands such as the following.
device(config)# vlan 10
device(config-vlan-10)# spanning-tree
If you change the STP state of the primary port in a trunk group, it affects all ports in the trunk group.
Table 17 on page 166 and Table 18 on page 166 list the default STP parameters. If you need to change the default value for an STP
parameter, use the following procedures.
To change a STP bridge priority on a Brocade device to the highest value to make the device the root bridge, enter the following
device(config)#spanning-tree priority 0
The command in this example changes the priority on a device on which you have not configured port-based VLANs. The change
applies to the default VLAN. If you have configured a port-based VLAN on the device, you can configure the parameters only at the
configuration level for individual VLANs. Enter commands such as the following.
device(config)#vlan 20
device(config-vlan-20)#spanning-tree priority 0
To make this change in the default VLAN, enter the following commands.
device(config)#vlan 1
device(config-vlan-1)#spanning-tree priority 0
The forward-delayvalue parameter specifies the forward delay and can be a value from 4 - 30 seconds. The default is 15 seconds.
You can configure a Brocade device for faster convergence (including a shorter forward delay) using Fast Span or Fast Uplink
Span. Refer to STP feature configuration on page 173.
The hello-time value parameter specifies the hello time and can be a value from 1 - 10 seconds. The default is 2 seconds.
This parameter applies only when this device or VLAN is the root bridge for its spanning tree.
The maximum-age value parameter specifies the amount of time the device waits for receipt of a configuration BPDU from the root
bridge before initiating a topology change. You can specify from 6 - 40 seconds. The default is 20 seconds.
The priority value parameter specifies the priority and can be a value from 0 - 65535. A higher numerical value means a lower priority.
Thus, the highest priority is 0. The default is 32768.
You can specify some or all of these parameters on the same command line. If you specify more than one parameter, you must specify
them in the order shown above, from left to right.
device(config)#vlan 10
device(config-vlan-10)#spanning-tree ethernet 5 path-cost 15 priority 64
The path-cost value parameter specifies the port cost as a path to the spanning tree root bridge. STP prefers the path with the lowest
cost. You can specify a value from 0 - 65535.
The disable and enable parameter disables or re-enables STP on the port. The STP state change affects only this VLAN. The port STP
state in other VLANs is not changed.
The 802.1W Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) detects and eliminates logical loops in a redundant network by selectively blocking some
data paths (ports) and allowing only the best data paths to forward traffic.
In an STP environment, switches, end stations, and other Layer 2 devices use Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) to exchange
information that STP will use to determine the best path for data flow. When a Layer 2 device is powered ON and connected to the
network, or when a Layer 2 device goes down, it sends out an STP BPDU, triggering an STP topology change.
In some instances, it is unnecessary for a connected device, such as an end station, to initiate or participate in an STP topology change.
In this case, you can enable the STP Protection feature on the Brocade port to which the end station is connected. STP Protection
disables the connected device ability to initiate or participate in an STP topology change, by dropping all BPDUs received from the
connected device.
To prevent an end station from initiating or participating in STP topology changes, enter the following command at the Interface level of
the CLI.
This command causes the port to drop STP BPDUs sent from the device on the other end of the link.
Enter the no form of the command to disable STP protection on the port.
To clear the BPDU drop counters for all ports on the device that have STP Protection enabled, enter the following command in the
Global configuration mode of the CLI.
To clear the BPDU drop counter for a specific port that has STP Protection enabled, enter the following command.
To view the STP Protection configuration for all ports on the device, enter the following command at any level of the CLI.
To view STP Protection configuration for a specific port, enter the following command at any level of the CLI.
If you enter the show stp-protect command for a port that does not have STP protection enabled, the following message displays on the
The vlanvlan-id parameter displays STP information for the specified port-based VLAN.
The pvst-mode parameter displays STP information for the device Per VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST+) compatibility configuration. Refer
to PVST/PVST+ compatibility on page 222
The num parameter displays only the entries after the number you specify. For example, on a device with three port-based VLANs, if you
enter 1, then information for the second and third VLANs is displayed, but information for the first VLAN is not displayed. Information is
displayed according to VLAN number, in ascending order. The entry number is not the same as the VLAN number. For example, if you
have port-based VLANs 1, 10, and 2024, then the command output has three STP entries. To display information for VLANs 10 and
2024 only, enter show span 1 .
The detail parameter and its additional optional parameters display detailed information for individual ports. Refer to Displaying detailed
STP information for each interface on page 172.
To display information for a port-based VLAN, enter a command such as the following at any mode of the CLI.
If a port is disabled, the only information shown by this command is "DISABLED". If a port is enabled, this display shows the following
If the configuration includes VLAN groups, the show span detail command displays the master VLANs of each group but not
the member VLANs within the groups. However, the command does indicate that the VLAN is a master VLAN. The show span
detail vlan vlan-id command displays the information for the VLAN even if it is a member VLAN. To list all the member
VLANs within a VLAN group, enter the show vlan-group [ group-id ] command.
To display information for a specific port, enter a command such as the following at any level of the CLI.
You also can display the STP states of all ports by entering the show interface brief command such as the following, which uses the brief
In the example above, only one port, 1/3/11, is forwarding traffic toward the root bridge.
This section describes how to configure these parameters on Brocade Layer 3 Switches using the CLI.
This slow convergence is undesirable and unnecessary in some circumstances. The Fast Port Span feature allows certain ports to enter
the forwarding state in four seconds. Specifically, Fast Port Span allows faster convergence on ports that are attached to end stations and
thus do not present the potential to cause Layer 2 forwarding loops. Because the end stations cannot cause forwarding loops, they can
safely go through the STP state changes (blocking to listening to learning to forwarding) more quickly than is allowed by the standard
STP convergence time. Fast Port Span performs the convergence on these ports in four seconds (two seconds for listening and two
seconds for learning).
In addition, Fast Port Span enhances overall network performance in the following ways:
• Fast Port Span reduces the number of STP topology change notifications on the network. When an end station attached to a
Fast Span port comes up or down, the Brocade device does not generate a topology change notification for the port. In this
situation, the notification is unnecessary since a change in the state of the host does not affect the network topology.
• Fast Port Span eliminates unnecessary MAC cache aging that can be caused by topology change notifications. Bridging
devices age out the learned MAC addresses in their MAC caches if the addresses are unrefreshed for a given period of time,
sometimes called the MAC aging interval. When STP sends a topology change notification, devices that receive the notification
use the value of the STP forward delay to quickly age out their MAC caches. For example, if a device normal MAC aging interval
is 5 minutes, the aging interval changes temporarily to the value of the forward delay (for example, 15 seconds) in response to
an STP topology change.
In normal STP, the accelerated cache aging occurs even when a single host goes up or down. Because Fast Port Span does not send a
topology change notification when a host on a Fast Port Span port goes up or down, the unnecessary cache aging that can occur in
these circumstances under normal STP is eliminated.
Fast Port Span is a system-wide parameter and is enabled by default. Thus, when you boot a device, all the ports that are attached only
to end stations run Fast Port Span. For ports that are not eligible for Fast Port Span, such as ports connected to other networking
devices, the device automatically uses the normal STP settings. If a port matches any of the following criteria, the port is ineligible for
Fast Port Span and uses normal STP instead:
• The port is 802.1Q tagged
• The port is a member of a trunk group
• The port has learned more than one active MAC address
• An STP Configuration BPDU has been received on the port, thus indicating the presence of another bridge on the port.
You also can explicitly exclude individual ports from Fast Port Span if needed. For example, if the only uplink ports for a wiring closet
switch are Gbps ports, you can exclude the ports from Fast Port Span.
The fast port-span command has additional parameters that let you exclude specific ports. These parameters are shown in the
following section.
To exclude a set of ports from Fast Port Span, enter commands such as the following.
device(config)# fast port-span exclude ethernet 1/1/1 ethernet 1/2/2 ethernet 1/2/3
device(config)# write memory
To exclude a contiguous (unbroken) range of ports from Fast Span, enter commands such as the following.
To re-enable Fast Port Span on a port, enter a command such as the following.
This command re-enables Fast Port Span on port 1 only and does not re-enable Fast Port Span on other excluded ports. You also can
re-enable Fast Port Span on a list or range of ports using the syntax shown above this example.
To re-enable Fast Port Span on all excluded ports, disable and then re-enable Fast Port Span by entering the following commands.
Disabling and then re-enabling Fast Port Span clears the exclude settings and thus enables Fast Port Span on all eligible ports. To make
sure Fast Port Span remains enabled on the ports following a system reset, save the configuration changes to the startup-config file after
you re-enable Fast Port Span. Otherwise, when the system resets, those ports will again be excluded from Fast Port Span.
You can use the Fast Uplink Span feature on a Brocade device deployed as a wiring closet switch to decrease the convergence time for
the uplink ports to another device to just one second. The new Uplink port directly goes to forward mode (bypassing listening and
learning modes). The wiring closet switch must be a Brocade device but the device at the other end of the link can be a Brocade device
or another vendor’s switch.
Configuration of the Fast Uplink Span feature takes place entirely on the Brocade device. To configure the Fast Uplink Span feature,
specify a group of ports that have redundant uplinks on the wiring closet switch (Brocade device). If the active link becomes unavailable,
the Fast Uplink Span feature transitions the forwarding to one of the other redundant uplink ports in just one second. All Fast Uplink
Span-enabled ports are members of a single Fast Uplink Span group.
To avoid the potential for temporary bridging loops, Brocade recommends that you use the Fast Uplink feature only for wiring
closet switches (switches at the edge of the network cloud). In addition, enable the feature only on a group of ports intended for
redundancy, so that at any given time only one of the ports is expected to be in the forwarding state.
When the wiring closet switch (Brocade device) first comes up or when STP is first enabled, the uplink ports still must go
through the standard STP state transition without any acceleration. This behavior guards against temporary routing loops as the
switch tries to determine the states for all the ports. Fast Uplink Span acceleration applies only when a working uplink becomes
Use caution when changing the spanning tree priority. If the switch becomes the root bridge, Fast Uplink Span will be disabled
When the original working trunk group comes back (partially or fully), the transition back to the original topology is accelerated if the
conditions listed above are met.
This example configures four ports, 1/1/1 - 1/1/4, as a Fast Uplink Span group. In this example, all four ports are connected to a wiring
closet switch. Only one of the links is expected to be active at any time. The other links are redundant. For example, if the link on port
1/1/4 is the active link on the wiring closet switch but becomes unavailable, one of the other links takes over. Because the ports are
configured in a Fast Uplink Span group, the STP convergence takes one second instead of taking at least 30 seconds using the standard
STP forward delay.
You can add ports to a Fast Uplink Span group by entering the fast uplink-span command additional times with additional ports. The
device can have only one Fast Uplink Span group, so all the ports you identify as Fast Uplink Span ports are members of the same
To remove a Fast Uplink Span group or to remove individual ports from a group, use "no" in front of the appropriate fast uplink-span
command. For example, to remove ports 4/1/3 and 4/1/4 from the Fast Uplink Span group configured above, enter the following
To configure Fast Uplink Span for a VLAN, enter command such as the following.
device(config)#vlan 10
device(config-vlan-10)#untag ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/3
device(config-vlan-10)#fast uplink-span ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/3
The VLAN vlan-id parameter displays Fast Uplink Span information for the specified VLAN.
RSTP Draft3 will continue to be supported on Brocade devices for backward compatibility. However, customers who are currently using
RSTP Draft 3 should migrate to 802.1W.
The 802.1W feature provides rapid traffic reconvergence for point-to-point links within a few milliseconds (0 - 500 milliseconds),
following the failure of a bridge or bridge port. This reconvergence occurs more rapidly than the reconvergence provided by the 802.1D
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)) or by RSTP Draft 3.
This rapid convergence will not occur on ports connected to shared media devices, such as hubs. To take advantage of the
rapid convergence provided by 802.1W, make sure to explicitly configure all point-to-point links in a topology.
The convergence provided by the standard 802.1W protocol occurs more rapidly than the convergence provided by previous spanning
tree protocols because of the following:
• Classic or legacy 802.1D STP protocol requires a newly selected Root port to go through listening and learning stages before
traffic convergence can be achieved. The 802.1D traffic convergence time is calculated using the following formula.
If default values are used in the parameter configuration, convergence can take up to 50 seconds. (In this document STP will be referred
to as 802.1D.)
• RSTP Draft 3 works only on bridges that have Alternate ports, which are the precalculated "next best root port". (Alternate ports
provide back up paths to the root bridge.) Although convergence occurs from 0 - 500 milliseconds in RSTP Draft 3, the
spanning tree topology reverts to the 802.1D convergence if an Alternate port is not found.
• Convergence in 802.1w bridge is not based on any timer values. Rather, it is based on the explicit handshakes between
Designated ports and their connected Root ports to achieve convergence in less than 500 milliseconds.
Unique roles are assigned to ports on the root and non-root bridges. Role assignments are based on the following information contained
in the Rapid Spanning Tree Bridge Packet Data Unit (RST BPDU):
• Root bridge ID
• Path cost value
• Transmitting bridge ID
• Designated port ID
The 802.1W algorithm uses this information to determine if the RST BPDU received by a port is superior to the RST BPDU that the
port transmits. The two values are compared in the order as given above, starting with the Root bridge ID. The RST BPDU with a lower
value is considered superior. The superiority and inferiority of the RST BPDU is used to assign a role to a port.
If the value of the received RST BPDU is the same as that of the transmitted RST BPDU, then the port ID in the RST BPDUs are
compared. The RST BPDU with the lower port ID is superior. Port roles are then calculated appropriately.
The port role is included in the BPDU that it transmits. The BPDU transmitted by an 802.1W port is referred to as an RST BPDU, while
it is operating in 802.1W mode.
On a root bridge, each port is assigned a Designated port role, except for ports on the same bridge that are physically connected
together. In these type of ports, the port that receives the superior RST BPDU becomes the Backup port , while the other port becomes
the Designated port .
The following example (Figure 47) explains role assignments in a simple RSTP topology.
All examples in this document assume that all ports in the illustrated topologies are point-to-point links and are homogeneous
(they have the same path cost value) unless otherwise specified.
The topology in the following figure contains four bridges. Switch 1 is the root bridge since it has the lowest bridge priority. Switch 2
through Switch 4 are non-root bridges.
Port numbers are simplified.
The bridge priority value on Switch 2 is superior to that of Switch 3 and Switch 4; therefore, the ports on Switch 2 that connect to Switch
3 and Switch 4 are given the Designated port role.
Furthermore, Port7 and Port8 on Switch 2 are physically connected. The RST BPDUs transmitted by Port7 are superior to those Port8
transmits. Therefore, Port8 is the Backup port and Port7 is the Designated port.
The root path cost of the RST BPDUs received on Port4/Switch 3 is inferior to the RST BPDUs transmitted by the port; therefore,
Port4/Switch 3 becomes the Designated port.
Similarly Switch 3 has a bridge priority value inferior to Switch 2. Port3 on Switch 3 connects to Port 3 on Switch 2. This port will be
given the Alternate port role, since a Root port is already established on this bridge.
Edge ports assume Designated port roles. Port flapping does not cause any topology change events on Edge ports since 802.1W does
not consider Edge ports in the spanning tree calculations.
Port numbers are simplified.
However, if any incoming RST BPDU is received from a previously configured Edge port, 802.1W automatically makes the port as a
non-edge port. This is extremely important to ensure a loop free Layer 2 operation since a non-edge port is part of the active RSTP
The 802.1W protocol can auto-detect an Edge port and a non-edge port. An administrator can also configure a port to be an Edge port
using the CLI. It is recommended that Edge ports are configured explicitly to take advantage of the Edge port feature, instead of allowing
the protocol to auto-detect them.
Point-to-point ports
To take advantage of the 802.1W features, ports on an 802.1W topology should be explicitly configured as point-to-point links using
the CLI. Shared media should not be configured as point-to-point links.
Configuring shared media or non-point-to-point links as point-to-point links could lead to Layer 2 loops.
The topology in the following figure is an example of shared media that should not be configured as point-to-point links. In this figure, a
port on a bridge communicates or is connected to at least two ports.
A port on a non-root bridge with the role of Root port is always in a forwarding state. If another port on that bridge assumes the Root port
role, then the old Root port moves into a discarding state as it assumes another port role.
A port on a non-root bridge with a Designated role starts in the discarding state. When that port becomes elected to the Root port role,
802.1W quickly places it into a forwarding state. However, if the Designated port is an Edge port, then the port starts and stays in a
forwarding state and it cannot be elected as a Root port.
A port with an Alternate or Backup role is always in a discarding state. If the port role changes to Designated, then the port changes into a
forwarding state.
If a port on one bridge has a Designated role and that port is connected to a port on another bridge that has an Alternate or Backup role,
the port with a Designated role cannot be given a Root port role until two instances of the forward delay timer expires on that port.
When the link to a port comes up and 802.1W detects that the port is an Edge port, that port instantly goes into a forwarding state.
If 802.1W detects that port as a non-edge port, the port state is changed as determined by the result of processing the received RST
BPDU. The port state change occurs within four seconds of link up or after two hello timer expires on the port.
• Port State Transition - This state machine transitions the port to a discarding, learning, or forwarding state and performs any
necessary processing associated with the state changes.
• Port Timers - This state machine is responsible for triggering any of the state machines described above, based on expiration of
specific port timers.
In contrast to the 802.1D standard, the 802.1W standard does not have any bridge specific timers. All timers in the CLI are applied on a
per-port basis, even though they are configured under bridge parameters.
802.1W state machines attempt to quickly place the ports into either a forwarding or discarding state. Root ports are quickly placed in
forwarding state when both of the following events occur:
• It is assigned to be the Root port.
• It receives an RST BPDU with a proposal flag from a Designated port. The proposal flag is sent by ports with a Designated role
when they are ready to move into a forwarding state.
When a the role of Root port is given to another port, the old Root port is instructed to reroot. The old Root port goes into a discarding
state and negotiates with its peer port for a new role and a new state. A peer port is the port on the other bridge to which the port is
connected. For example, in Figure 50, Port1 of Switch 200 is the peer port of Port2 of Switch 100.
A port with a Designated role is quickly placed into a forwarding state if one of the following occurs:
• The Designated port receives an RST BPDU that contains an agreement flag from a Root port
• The Designated port is an Edge port
However, a Designated port that is attached to an Alternate port or a Backup port must wait until the forward delay timer expires twice on
that port while it is still in a Designated role, before it can proceed to the forwarding state.
A port operating in 802.1W mode may enter a learning state to allow MAC entries to be added to the filtering database; however, this
state is transient and lasts only a few milliseconds, if the port is operating in 802.1W mode and if the port meets the conditions for rapid
Handshake mechanisms
To rapidly transition a Designated or Root port into a forwarding state, the Port Role Transition state machine uses handshake
mechanisms to ensure loop free operations. It uses one type of handshake if no Root port has been assigned on a bridge, and another
type if a Root port has already been assigned.
Proposed will never be asserted if the port is connected on a shared media link.
Port numbers are simplified.
• Sync - Once the Root port is elected, it sets a sync signal on all the ports on the bridge. The signal tells the ports to synchronize
their roles and states (Figure 51). Ports that are non-edge ports with a role of Designated port change into a discarding state.
These ports have to negotiate with their peer ports to establish their new roles and states.
Port numbers are simplified.
• Synced - Once the Designated port changes into a discarding state, it asserts a synced signal. Immediately, Alternate ports and
Backup ports are synced. The Root port monitors the synced signals from all the bridge ports. Once all bridge ports asserts a
synced signal, the Root port asserts its own synced signal as shown in the following figure.
Port numbers are simplified.
• Agreed - The Root port sends back an RST BPDU containing an agreed flag to its peer Designated port and moves into the
forwarding state. When the peer Designated port receives the RST BPDU, it rapidly transitions into a forwarding state.
Port numbers are simplified.
At this point, the handshake mechanism is complete between Switch 100, the root bridge, and Switch 200.
Switch 200 updates the information on the Switch 200 Designated ports (Port2 and Port3) and identifies the new root bridge. The
Designated ports send RST BPDUs, containing proposal flags, to their downstream bridges, without waiting for the hello timers to expire
on them. This process starts the handshake with the downstream bridges.
For example, Port2/Switch 200 sends an RST BPDU to Port2/Switch 300 that contains a proposal flag. Port2/Switch 300 asserts a
proposed signal. Ports in Switch 300 then set sync signals on the ports to synchronize and negotiate their roles and states. Then the
ports assert a synced signal and when the Root port in Switch 300 asserts its synced signal, it sends an RST BPDU to Switch 200 with
an agreed flag.
This handshake is repeated between Switch 200 and Switch 400 until all Designated and Root ports are in forwarding states.
Port numbers are simplified.
The handshake that occurs between Switch 60 and Switch 100 follows the one described in the previous section (Handshake when no
root port is elected). The former root bridge becomes a non-root bridge and establishes a Root port (Figure 55).
However, since Switch 200 already had a Root port in a forwarding state, 802.1W uses the Proposing -> Proposed -> Sync and Reroot -
> Sync and Rerooted -> Rerooted and Synced -> Agreed handshake:
• Proposing and Proposed - The Designated port on the new root bridge (Port4/Switch 60) sends an RST BPDU that contains a
proposing signal to Port4/Switch 200 to inform the port that it is ready to put itself in a forwarding state (Figure 55). 802.1W
algorithm determines that the RST BPDU that Port4/Switch 200 received is superior to what it can generate, so Port4/Switch
200 assumes a Root port role.
Port numbers are simplified.
• Sync and Reroot - The Root port then asserts a sync and a reroot signal on all the ports on the bridge. The signal tells the ports
that a new Root port has been assigned and they are to renegotiate their new roles and states. The other ports on the bridge
assert their sync and reroot signals. Information about the old Root port is discarded from all ports. Designated ports change
into discarding states as shown in the following figure.
Port numbers are simplified.
• Sync and Rerooted - When the ports on Switch 200 have completed the reroot phase, they assert their rerooted signals and
continue to assert their sync signals as they continue in their discarding states. They also continue to negotiate their roles and
states with their peer ports as shown in the following figure.
Port numbers are simplified.
• Synced and Agree - When all the ports on the bridge assert their synced signals, the new Root port asserts its own synced
signal and sends an RST BPDU to Port4/Switch 60 that contains an agreed flag as shown in the following figure. The Root port
also moves into a forwarding state.
Port numbers are simplified.
The old Root port on Switch 200 becomes an Alternate Port as shown in the following figure. Other ports on that bridge are elected to
appropriate roles.
The Designated port on Switch 60 goes into a forwarding state once it receives the RST BPDU with the agreed flag.
Port numbers are simplified.
Recall that Switch 200 sent the agreed flag to Port4/Switch 60 and not to Port1/Switch 100 (the port that connects Switch 100 to
Switch 200). Therefore, Port1/Switch 100 does not go into forwarding state instantly. It waits until two instances of the forward delay
timer expires on the port before it goes into forwarding state.
At this point the handshake between the Switch 60 and Switch 200 is complete.
The remaining bridges (Switch 300 and Switch 400) may have to go through the reroot handshake if a new Root port needs to be
The remaining examples assume that the appropriate handshake mechanisms occur as port roles and states change.
Convergence at start up
In the following figure, two bridges Switch 2 and Switch 3 are powered up. There are point-to-point connections between Port3/Switch 2
and Port3/Switch 3.
Port numbers are simplified
At power up, all ports on Switch 2 and Switch 3 assume Designated port roles and are at discarding states before they receive any RST
Port3/Switch 2, with a Designated role, transmits an RST BPDU with a proposal flag to Port3/Switch 3. A ports with a Designated role
sends the proposal flag in its RST BPDU when they are ready to move to a forwarding state.
Port3/Switch 3, which starts with a role of Designated port, receives the RST BPDU and finds that it is superior to what it can transmit;
therefore, Port3/Switch 3 assumes a new port role, that of a Root port. Port3/Switch 3 transmits an RST BPDU with an agreed flag back
to Switch 2 and immediately goes into a forwarding state.
Port3/Switch 2 receives the RST BPDU from Port3/Switch 3 and immediately goes into a forwarding state.
Now 802.1W has fully converged between the two bridges, with Port3/Switch 3 as an operational root port in forwarding state and
Port3/Switch 2 as an operational Designated port in forwarding state.
Port numbers are simplified
At start up, the ports on Switch 1 assume Designated port roles, which are in discarding state. The ports begin sending RST BPDUs with
proposal flags. The flags indicate the ID of the bridge that the ports belong to, and the bridge that the ports understand to be the root
bridge. The switch that eventually becomes the downstream neighbor is the only switch that sends a BPDU with the agreement bit set.
When Port4/Switch 3 receives these RST BPDUs 802.1W algorithm determines that they are better than the RST BPDUs that were
previously received on Port3/Switch 3. Port4/Switch 3 is now selected as Root port. This new assignment signals Port3/Switch 3 to
begin entering the discarding state and to assume an Alternate port role. As it goes through the transition, Port3/Switch 3 negotiates a
new role and state with its peer port, Port3/Switch 2.
Port4/Switch 3 sends an RST BPDU with an agreed flag to Port4/Switch 1. Both ports go into forwarding states.
Port2/Switch 2 receives an RST BPDU. The 802.1W algorithm evaluates the BPDU and determines that it is superior to any BPDU that
any other port on Switch 2 can transmit. Port2/Switch 2 assumes the role of a Root port.
The new Root port then signals all ports on the bridge to start synchronization. Since none of the ports are Edge ports, they all enter the
discarding state and assume the role of Designated ports. Port3/Switch 2, which previously had a Designated role with a forwarding
state, starts the discarding state. They also negotiate port roles and states with their peer ports. Port3/Switch 2 also sends an RST BPU
to Port3/Switch 3 with a proposal flag to request permission go into a forwarding state.
The Port2/Switch 2 bridge also sends an RST BPDU with an agreed flag Port2/Switch 1 that Port2 is the new Root port. Both ports go
into forwarding states.
Now, Port3/Switch 3 is currently in a discarding state and is negotiating a port role. It received RST BPDUs from Port3/Switch 2. The
802.1W algorithm determines that the RST BPDUs Port3/Switch 3 received are superior to those it can transmit; however, they are not
superior to those that are currently being received by the current Root port (Port4). Therefore, Port3 retains the role of Alternate port.
Ports 3/Switch 1 and Port5/Switch 1 are physically connected. Port5/Switch 1 received RST BPDUs that are superior to those received
on Port3/Switch 1; therefore, Port5/Switch 1 is given the Backup port role while Port3 is given the Designated port role. Port3/Switch 1,
does not go directly into a forwarding state. It waits until the forward delay time expires twice on that port before it can proceed to the
forwarding state.
Once convergence is achieved, the active Layer 2 forwarding path converges as shown in the following figure.
Port numbers are simplified
Port numbers are simplified.
At the same time, Switch 2 assumes the role of a root bridge since its root port failed and it has no operational Alternate port. Port3/
Switch 2, which currently has a Designated port role, sends an RST BPDU to Switch 3. The RST BPDU contains a proposal flag and a
bridge ID of Switch 2 as its root bridge ID.
When Port3/Switch 3 receives the RST BPDUs, 802.1W algorithm determines that they are inferior to those that the port can transmit.
Therefore, Port3/Switch 3 is given a new role, that of a Designated port. Port3/Switch 3 then sends an RST BPDU with a proposal flag
to Switch 2, along with the new role information. However, the root bridge ID transmitted in the RST BPDU is still Switch 1.
When Port3/Switch 2 receives the RST BPDU, 802.1W algorithm determines that it is superior to the RST BPDU that it can transmit;
therefore, Port3/Switch 2 receives a new role; that of a Root port. Port3/Switch 2 then sends an RST BPDU with an agreed flag to
Port3/Switch 3. Port3/Switch 2 goes into a forwarding state.
When Port3/Switch 3 receives the RST BPDU that Port3/Switch 2 sent, Port3/Switch 3 changes into a forwarding state, which then
completes the full convergence of the topology.
When Port2/Switch 2 receives the RST BPDUs, 802.1W algorithm determines that the RST BPDUs the port received are better than
those received on Port3/Switch 3; therefore, Port2/Switch 2 is given the role of a Root port. All the ports on Switch 2 are informed that a
new Root port has been assigned which then signals all the ports to synchronize their roles and states. Port3/Switch 2, which was the
previous Root port, enters a discarding state and negotiates with other ports on the bridge to establish its new role and state, until it finally
assumes the role of a Designated port.
When Port2/Switch 1 receives the RST BPDU with an agreed flag sent by Port2/Switch 2, it puts that port into a forwarding state. The
topology is now fully converged.
When Port3/Switch 3 receives the RST BPDU that Port3/Switch 2 sent, 802.1W algorithm determines that these RST BPDUs are
superior to those that Port3/Switch 3 can transmit. Therefore, Port3/Switch 3 is given a new role, that of an Alternate port. Port3/Switch
3 immediately enters a discarding state.
Now Port3/Switch 2 does not go into a forwarding state instantly like the Root port. It waits until the forward delay timer expires twice on
that port while it is still in a Designated role, before it can proceed to the forwarding state. The wait, however, does not cause a denial of
service, since the essential connectivity in the topology has already been established.
When fully restored, the topology is the same as that shown on Figure 61 on page 199.
Port numbers are simplified.
In the above figure, Switch 5 is selected as the root bridge since it is the bridge with the highest priority. Lines in the figure show the
point-to-point connection to the bridges in the topology.
Switch 5 sends an RST BPDU that contains a proposal flag to Port5/Switch 2. When handshakes are completed in Switch 5, Port5/
Switch 2 is selected as the Root port on Switch 2. All other ports on Switch 2 are given Designated port role with discarding states.
Port5/Switch 2 then sends an RST BPDU with an agreed flag to Switch 5 to confirm that it is the new Root port and the port enters a
forwarding state. Port7 and Port8 are informed of the identity of the new Root port. 802.1W algorithm selects Port7 as the Designated
port while Port8 becomes the Backup port.
Port3/Switch 5 sends an RST BPDU to Port3/Switch 6 with a proposal flag. When Port3/Switch 5 receives the RST BPDU, handshake
mechanisms select Port3 as the Root port of Switch 6. All other ports are given a Designated port role with discarding states. Port3/
Switch 6 then sends an RST BPDU with an agreed flag to Port3/Switch 5 to confirm that it is the Root port. The Root port then goes
into a forwarding state.
Now, Port4/Switch 6 receives RST BPDUs that are superior to what it can transmit; therefore, it is given the Alternate port role. The port
remains in discarding state.
Port5/Switch 6 receives RST BPDUs that are inferior to what it can transmit. The port is then given a Designated port role.
Next Switch 2 sends RST BPDUs with a proposal flag to Port3/Switch 4. Port3 becomes the Root port for the bridge; all other ports are
given a Designated port role with discarding states. Port3/Switch 4 sends an RST BPDU with an agreed flag to Switch 2 to confirm that
it is the new Root port. The port then goes into a forwarding state.
Now Port4/Switch 4 receives an RST BPDU that is superior to what it can transmit. The port is then given an Alternate port role, and
remains in discarding state.
Likewise, Port5/Switch 4 receives an RST BPDU that is superior to what it can transmit. The port is also given an Alternate port role, and
remains in discarding state.
Port2/Switch 2 transmits an RST BPDU with a proposal flag to Port2/Switch 1. Port2/Switch 1 becomes the Root port. All other ports
on Switch 1 are given Designated port roles with discarding states.
Port2/Switch 1 sends an RST BPDU with an agreed flag to Port2/Switch 2 and Port2/Switch 1 goes into a forwarding state.
Port3/Switch 1 receives an RST BPDUs that is inferior to what it can transmit; therefore, the port retains its Designated port role and
goes into forwarding state only after the forward delay timer expires twice on that port while it is still in a Designated role.
Port3/Switch 2 sends an RST BPDU to Port3/Switch 3 that contains a proposal flag. Port3/Switch 3 becomes the Root port, while all
other ports on Switch 3 are given Designated port roles and go into discarding states. Port3/Switch 3 sends an RST BPDU with an
agreed flag to Port3/Switch 2 and Port3/Switch 3 goes into a forwarding state.
Now, Port2/Switch 3 receives an RST BPDUs that is superior to what it can transmit so that port is given an Alternate port state.
Port4/Switch 3 receives an RST BPDU that is inferior to what it can transmit; therefore, the port retains its Designated port role.
Ports on all the bridges in the topology with Designated port roles that received RST BPDUs with agreed flags go into forwarding states
instantly. However, Designated ports that did not receive RST BPDUs with agreed flags must wait until the forward delay timer expires
twice on those port. Only then will these port move into forwarding states.
The entire 802.1W topology converges in less than 300 msec and the essential connectivity is established between the designated
ports and their connected root ports.
After convergence is complete, the following figure shows the active Layer 2 path of the topology in Figure 64.
Port numbers are simplified.
Edge ports, Alternate ports, or Backup ports do not need to propagate a topology change.
The TCN is sent in the RST BPDU that a port sends. Ports on other bridges in the topology then acknowledge the topology change
once they receive the RST BPDU, and send the TCN to other bridges until all the bridges are informed of the topology change.
For example, Port3/Switch 2 in the following figure, fails. Port4/Switch 3 becomes the new Root port. Port4/Switch 3 sends an RST
BPDU with a TCN to Port4/Switch 4. To propagate the topology change, Port4/Switch 4 then starts a TCN timer on itself, on the bridge
Root port, and on other ports on that bridge with a Designated role. Then Port3/Switch 4 sends RST BPDU with the TCN to Port4/
Switch 2. (Note the new active Layer 2 path in the following figure.)
Port numbers are simplified.
Switch 2 then starts the TCN timer on the Designated ports and sends RST BPDUs that contain the TCN as follows (Figure 67):
• Port5/Switch 2 sends the TCN to Port2/Switch 5
• Port4/Switch 2 sends the TCN to Port4/Switch 6
• Port2/Switch 2 sends the TCN to Port2/Switch 1
Port numbers are simplified.
Then Switch 1, Switch 5, and Switch 6 send RST BPDUs that contain the TCN to Switch 3 and Switch 4 to complete the TCN
propagation as shown in the following figure.
Port numbers are simplified.
Compatibility with 802.1D means that an 802.1W-enabled port can send BPDUs in the STP or 802.1D format when one of the
following events occur:
• The port receives a legacy BPDU. A legacy BPDU is an STP BPDU or a BPDU in an 802.1D format. The port that receives the
legacy BPDU automatically configures itself to behave like a legacy port. It sends and receives legacy BPDUs only.
• The entire bridge is configured to operate in an 802.1D mode when an administrator sets the bridge parameter to zero at the
CLI, forcing all ports on the bridge to send legacy BPDUs only.
Once a port operates in the 802.1D mode, 802.1D convergence times are used and rapid convergence is not realized.
For example, in the following figure, Switch 10 and Switch 30 receive legacy BPDUs from Switch 20. Ports on Switch 10 and Switch 30
begin sending BPDUs in STP format to allow them to operate transparently with Switch 20.
Once Switch 20 is removed from the LAN, Switch 10 and Switch 30 receive and transmit BPDUs in the STP format to and from each
other. This state will continue until the administrator enables the force-migration-check command to force the bridge to send RSTP
BPDU during a migrate time period. If ports on the bridges continue to hear only STP BPDUs after this migrate time period, those ports
will return to sending STP BPDUs. However, when the ports receive RST BPDUs during the migrate time period, the ports begin
sending RST BPDUs. The migrate time period is non-configurable. It has a value of three seconds.
The IEEE standards state that 802.1W bridges need to interoperate with 802.1D bridges. IEEE standards set the path cost of
802.1W bridges to be between 1 and 200,000,000; whereas path cost of 802.1D bridges are set between 1 and 65,535. In
order for the two bridge types to be able to interoperate in the same topology, the administrator needs to configure the bridge
path cost appropriately. Path costs for either 802.1W bridges or 802.1D bridges need to be changed; in most cases, path
costs for 802.1W bridges need to be changed.
With RSTP running, enabling static trunk on ports that are members of VLAN 4000 will keep the system busy for 20 to 25
Brocade devices are shipped from the factory with 802.1W disabled. Use the following methods to enable or disable 802.1W. You can
enable or disable 802.1W at the following levels:
• Port-based VLAN - Affects all ports within the specified port-based VLAN. When you enable or disable 802.1W within a port-
based VLAN, the setting overrides the global setting. Thus, you can enable 802.1W for the ports within a port-based VLAN
even when 802.1W is globally disabled, or disable the ports within a port-based VLAN when 802.1W is globally enabled.
• Individual port - Affects only the individual port. However, if you change the 802.1W state of the primary port in a trunk group,
the change affects all ports in the trunk group.
To enable 802.1W for all ports in a port-based VLAN, enter commands such as the following.
device(config)#vlan 10
device(config-vlan-10)#spanning-tree 802-1w
configure terminal
vlan 120
tag ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
spanning-tree 802-1w
spanning-tree 802-1w priority 1001
To avoid this issue, 802.1W commands/settings that are pasted into the configuration should be in the following order.
configure terminal
vlan 120
untag ethernet 2/1/1
spanning-tree 802-1w
spanning-tree 802-1w priority 1001
tag ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
In the above configuration, untagged ethernet port 2/1/1 is added to VLAN 120 before the 802.1W RSTP settings, and ethernet ports
1/1/1 and 1/1/2 are added after the 802.1W RSTP settings. When these commands are pasted into the running configuration, the
ports will properly operate in 802.1W RSTP mode.
Once 802.1W is enabled on a port, it can be disabled on individual ports. 802.1W that have been disabled on individual ports can then
be enabled as required.
If you change the 802.1W state of the primary port in a trunk group, the change affects all ports in that trunk group.
To disable or enable 802.1W on an individual port, enter commands such as the following.
The command in this example changes the priority on a device on which you have not configured port-based VLANs. The change
applies to the default VLAN. If you have configured a port-based VLAN on the device, you can configure the parameters only at the
configuration level for individual VLANs. Enter commands such as the following.
device(config)# vlan 20
device(config-vlan-20)# spanning-tree 802-1w priority 0
To make this change in the default VLAN, enter the following commands.
device(config)# vlan 1
device(config-vlan-1)# spanning-tree 802-1w priority 0
The 802.1W port parameters are preconfigured with default values. If the default parameters meet your network requirements, no other
action is required.
You can change the following 802.1W port parameters using the following method.
device(config)# vlan 10
device(config-vlan-10)# spanning-tree 802-1w ethernet 1/1/5 path-cost 15 priority 64
The path-cost value parameter specifies the cost of the port path to the root bridge. 802.1W prefers the path with the lowest cost. You
can specify a value from 1 - 20,000,000. The following table shows the recommended path cost values from the IEEE standards.
Suppose you want to enable 802.1W on a system with no active port-based VLANs and change the hello-time from the default value of
2 to 8 seconds. Additionally, suppose you want to change the path and priority costs for ethernet port 1/1/5 only. To do so, enter the
following commands.
To display detailed information about 802-1W, enter the show 802-1w detail command.
802.1W Draft 3
As an alternative to full 802.1W, you can configure 802.1W Draft 3. 802.1W Draft 3 provides a subset of the RSTP capabilities
described in the 802.1W STP specification.
802.1W Draft 3 support is disabled by default. When the feature is enabled, if a root port on a Brocade device that is not the root bridge
becomes unavailable, the device can automatically Switch over to an alternate root port, without reconvergence delays. 802.1W Draft 3
does not apply to the root bridge, since all the root bridge ports are always in the forwarding state.
The following figure shows an example of an optimal STP topology. In this topology, all the non-root bridges have at least two paths to
the root bridge (Switch 1 in this example). One of the paths is through the root port. The other path is a backup and is through the
alternate port. While the root port is in the forwarding state, the alternate port is in the blocking state.
If the root port on a Switch becomes unavailable, 802.1W Draft 3 immediately fails over to the alternate port, as shown in the following
In this example, port 1/2/1 on Switch 3 has become unavailable. In standard STP (802.1D), if the root port becomes unavailable, the
Switch must go through the listening and learning stages on the alternate port to reconverge with the spanning tree. Thus, port 1/2/2
must go through the listening and learning states before entering the forwarding state and thus reconverging with the spanning tree.
802.1W Draft 3 avoids the reconvergence delay by calculating an alternate root port, and immediately failing over to the alternate port if
the root port becomes unavailable. The alternate port is in the blocking state as long as the root port is in the forwarding state, but moves
immediately to the active state if the root port becomes unavailable. Thus, using 802.1W Draft 3, Switch 3 immediately fails over to port
1/2/2, without the delays caused by the listening and learning states.
802.1W Draft 3 selects the port with the next-best cost to the root bridge. For example, on Switch 3, port 1/2/1 has the best cost to the
root bridge and thus is selected by STP as the root port. Port 1/2/2 has the next-best cost to the root bridge, and thus is selected by
802.1W Draft 3 as the alternate path to the root bridge.
Once a failover occurs, the Switch no longer has an alternate root port. If the port that was an alternate port but became the root port fails,
standard STP is used to reconverge with the network. You can minimize the reconvergence delay in this case by setting the forwarding
delay on the root bridge to a lower value. For example, if the forwarding delay is set to 15 seconds (the default), change the forwarding
delay to a value from 3 - 10 seconds.
During failover, 802.1W Draft 3 flushes the MAC addresses leaned on the unavailable root port, selects the alternate port as the new
root port, and places that port in the forwarding state. If traffic is flowing in both directions on the new root port, addresses are flushed
(moved) in the rest of the spanning tree automatically.
After the spanning tree reconverges following the topology change, traffic also must reconverge on all the bridges attached to the
spanning tree. This is true regardless of whether 802.1W Draft 3 or standard STP is used to reconverge the spanning tree.
Traffic reconvergence happens after the spanning tree reconvergence, and is achieved by flushing the Layer 2 information on the bridges:
• Following 802.1W Draft 3 reconvergence of the spanning tree, traffic reconvergence occurs in the time it takes for the bridge to
detect the link changes plus the STP maximum age set on the bridge.
• If standard STP reconvergence occurs instead, traffic reconvergence takes two times the forward delay plus the maximum age.
802.1W Draft 3 does not apply when a failed root port comes back up. When this happens, standard STP is used.
If reconvergence involves changing the state of a root port on a bridge that supports 802.1d STP but not 802.1w Draft 3, then
reconvergence still requires the amount of time it takes for the ports on the 802.1d bridge to change state to forwarding (as
needed), and receive BPDUs from the root bridge for the new topology.
STP must be enabled before you can enable 802.1w Draft 3.
device(config)# vlan 10
device(config-vlan-10)# spanning-tree rstp
This command enables 802.1w Draft 3. You must enter the command separately in each port-based VLAN in which you want to run
802.1w Draft 3.
This command does not also enable STP. To enable STP, first enter the spanning-tree command without the rstp parameter.
After you enable STP, enter the spanning-tree rstp command to enable 802.1w Draft 3.
This command does not also enable single STP. To enable single STP, first enter the spanning-tree single command without
the rstp parameter. After you enable single STP, enter the spanning-tree single rstp command to enable 802.1w Draft 3.
To disable 802.1w Draft 3 on a device that is running single STP, enter the following command.
Alternatively, you can configure a Brocade device to run a single spanning tree across all ports and VLANs on the device. The Single STP
feature (SSTP) is especially useful for connecting a Brocade device to third-party devices that run a single spanning tree in accordance
with the 802.1Q specification.
SSTP uses the same parameters, with the same value ranges and defaults, as the default STP support on Brocade devices. Refer to STP
parameters and defaults on page 165.
SSTP defaults
SSTP is disabled by default. When you enable the feature, all VLANs on which STP is enabled become members of a single spanning
tree. All VLANs on which STP is disabled are excluded from the single spanning tree.
To add a VLAN to the single spanning tree, enable STP on that VLAN.To remove a VLAN from the single spanning tree, disable STP on
that VLAN.
When you enable SSTP, all the ports that are in port-based VLANs with STP enabled become members of a single spanning tree
domain. Thus, the ports share a single BPDU broadcast domain. The Brocade device places all the ports in a non-configurable VLAN,
4094, to implement the SSTP domain. However, this VLAN does not affect port membership in the port-based VLANs you have
configured. Other broadcast traffic is still contained within the individual port-based VLANs. Therefore, you can use SSTP while still using
your existing VLAN configurations without changing your network. In addition, SSTP does not affect 802.1Q tagging. Tagged and
untagged ports alike can be members of the single spanning tree domain.
When SSTP is enabled, the BPDUs on tagged ports go out untagged.
If you disable SSTP, all VLANs that were members of the single spanning tree run MSTP instead. In MSTP, each VLAN has its own
spanning tree. VLANs that were not members of the single spanning tree were not enabled for STP. Therefore, STP remains disabled on
those VLANs.
Enabling SSTP
To enable SSTP, use one of the following methods.
If the device has only one port-based VLAN (the default VLAN), then the device is already running a single instance of STP. In
this case, you do not need to enable SSTP. You need to enable SSTP only if the device contains more than one port-based
VLAN and you want all the ports to be in the same STP broadcast domain.
To configure the Brocade device to run a single spanning tree, enter the following command at the global CONFIG level.
If the device has only one port-based VLAN, the CLI command for enabling SSTP is not listed in the CLI. The command is
listed only if you have configured a port-based VLAN.
To change a global STP parameter, enter a command such as the following at the global CONFIG level.
To change an STP parameter for a specific port, enter commands such as the following.
The commands shown above override the global setting for STP priority and set the priority to 10 for port 1/2/1.
Both commands listed above are entered in the global configuration mode.
The detail parameter and its additional optional parameters display detailed information for individual ports. Refer to Displaying detailed
STP information for each interface on page 172.
STP per VLAN group allows you to group VLANs and apply the same STP parameter settings to all the VLANs in the group. The
following figure shows an example of a STP per VLAN group implementation.
A master VLAN contains one or more member VLANs. Each of the member VLANs in the STP Group runs the same instance of STP
and uses the STP parameters configured for the master VLAN. In this example, the FastIron switch is configured with VLANs 3, 4, 13,
and 14. VLANs 3 and 4 are grouped in master VLAN 2, which is in STP group 1. VLANs 13 and 14 are grouped in master VLAN 12,
which is in STP group 2. The VLANs in STP group 1 all share the same spanning tree. The VLANs in STP group 2 share a different
spanning tree.
All the ports are tagged. The ports must be tagged so that they can be in both a member VLAN and the member's master VLAN. For
example, ports 1/1/1 - 1/1/4 are in member VLAN 3 and also in master VLAN 2 (since master VLAN 2 contains member VLAN 3).
The following CLI commands implement the STP per VLAN group configuration shown in Figure 72 on page 219. The
following commands configure the member VLANs (3, 4, 13, and 14) and the master VLANs (2 and 12). Notice that changes
to STP parameters are made in the master VLANs only, not in the member VLANs.
device(config)# vlan 2
device(config-vlan-2)# spanning-tree priority 1
device(config-vlan-2)# tagged ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/4
device(config-vlan-2)# vlan 3
device(config-vlan-3)# tagged ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/4
device(config-vlan-3)# vlan 4
device(config-vlan-4)# tagged ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/4
device(config-vlan-4)# vlan 12
device(config-vlan-12)# spanning-tree priority 2
device(config-vlan-12)# tagged ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/4
device(config-vlan-12)# vlan 13
device(config-vlan-13)# tagged ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/4
device(config-vlan-13)# vlan 14
device(config-vlan-14)# tagged ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/4
device(config-vlan-14)# exit
device(config)# stp-group 1
device(config-stp-group-1)# master-vlan 2
device(config-stp-group-1)# member-vlan 3 to 4
device(config-stp-group-1)# exit
device(config)#stp-group 2
device(config-stp-group-2)# master-vlan 12
device(config-stp-group-2)# member-vlan 13 to 14
In this example, each of the devices in the core is configured with a common set of master VLANs, each of which contains one or more
member VLANs. Each of the member VLANs in an STP group runs the same instance of STP and uses the STP parameters configured
for the master VLAN.
The STP group ID identifies the STP instance. All VLANs within an STP group run the same instance of STP. The master VLAN
specifies the bridge STP parameters for the STP group, including the bridge priority. In this example, each of the devices in the core is
configured to be the default root bridge for a different master VLAN. This configuration ensures that each link can be used for forwarding
some traffic. For example, all the ports on the root bridge for master VLAN 1 are configured to forward BPDUs for master VLAN
spanning tree. Ports on the other devices block or forward VLAN 1 traffic based on STP convergence. All the ports on the root bridge for
VLAN 2 forward VLAN 2 traffic, and so on.
All the ports are tagged. The ports must be tagged so that they can be in both a member VLAN and the member's master VLAN. For
example, port 1/1/1 - and ports 5/1/1, 5/1/2, and 5/1/3 are in member VLAN 2 and master VLAN 1 (since master VLAN a contains
member VLAN 2).
Here are the commands for configuring the root bridge for master VLAN 1 in figure Figure 72 on page 219 for STP per VLAN group.
The first group of commands configures the master VLANs. Notice that the STP priority is set to a different value for each VLAN. In
addition, the same VLAN has a different STP priority on each device. This provides load balancing by making each of the devices a root
bridge for a different spanning tree.
device(config)# vlan 1
device(config-vlan-1)# spanning-tree priority 1
device(config-vlan-1)# tag ethernet 1/1/1 ethernet 5/1/1 to 5/1/3
device(config-vlan-1)# vlan 201
device(config-vlan-201)# spanning-tree priority 2
The next group of commands configures VLAN groups for the member VLANs. Notice that the VLAN groups do not contain the VLAN
numbers assigned to the master VLANs. Also notice that no STP parameters are configured for the groups of member VLANs. Each
group of member VLANs will inherit its STP settings from its master VLAN.
Set the bridge priority for each master VLAN to the highest priority (1) on one of the devices in the STP per VLAN group configuration.
By setting the bridge priority to the highest priority, you make the device the default root bridge for the spanning tree. To ensure STP load
balancing, make each of the devices the default root bridge for a different master VLAN.
The following group of commands configures the STP groups. Each STP group in this configuration contains one master VLAN, which
contains a VLAN group. This example shows that an STP group also can contain additional VLANs (VLANs not configured in a VLAN
device(config)# stp-group 1
device(config-stp-group-1)# master-vlan 1
device(config-stp-group-1)# member-group 1
device(config-stp-group-1)# member-vlan 4001 4004 to 4010
device(config-stp-group-1)# stp-group 2
device(config-stp-group-2)# master-vlan 201
device(config-stp-group-2)# member-group 2
device(config-stp-group-2)# member-vlan 4002 4003 4011 to 4015
device(config-stp-group-2)# stp-group 3
device(config-stp-group-3)# master-vlan 401
device(config-stp-group-3) #member-group 3
device(config-stp-group-19)# stp-group 20
device(config-stp-group-20)# master-vlan 3081
device(config-stp-group-20)# member-group 20
PVST/PVST+ compatibility
The FastIron family of switches support Cisco's Per VLAN Spanning Tree plus (PVST+), by allowing the device to run multiple spanning
trees while also interoperating with IEEE 802.1Q devices1.
Brocade ports automatically detect PVST+ BPDUs and enable support for the BPDUs once detected. You do not need to
perform any configuration steps to enable PVST+ support. However, to support the IEEE 802.1Q BPDUs, you might need to
enable dual-mode support.
Support for Cisco's Per VLAN Spanning Tree plus (PVST+), allows a Brocade device to run multiple spanning trees (multiple spanning
trees) while also interoperating with IEEE 802.1Q devices. Brocade ports automatically detect PVST+ BPDUs and enable support for
the BPDUs once detected. The enhancement allows a port that is in PVST+ compatibility mode due to auto-detection to revert to the
default multiple spanning trees mode when one of the following events occurs:
• The link is disconnected or broken
• The link is administratively disabled
• The link is disabled by interaction with the link-keepalive protocol
This enhancement allows a port that was originally interoperating with PVST+ to revert to multiple spanning trees when connected to a
Brocade device.
1 Cisco user documentation for PVST/PVST+ refers to the IEEE 802.1Q spanning tree as the Common Spanning Tree (CST).
Enhanced PVST+ support allows a Brocade device to interoperate with PVST spanning trees and the IEEE 802.1Q spanning tree at the
same time.
IEEE 802.1Q and PVST regions cannot interoperate directly but can interoperate indirectly through PVST+ regions. PVST BPDUs are
tunnelled through 802.1Q regions, while PVST BPDUs for VLAN 1 (the IEEE 802.1Q VLAN) are processed by PVST+ regions. The
following figure shows the interaction of IEEE 802.1Q, PVST, and PVST+ regions.
The dual-mode feature must be enabled on a Brocade port in order to interoperate with another vendor device. Some vendors use
VLAN 1 by default to support the IEEE 802.1Q-based standard spanning tree protocols, such as 802.1d and 802.1w for sending
untagged frames on VLAN 1. On Brocade switches, by default, the Port Native VLAN is the same as the Default VLAN , which is VLAN
1. Thus, to support IEEE 802.1Q in a typical configuration, a port must be able to send and receive untagged frames for VLAN 1 and
tagged frames for the other VLANs, and interoperate with other vendor devices using VLAN 1.
If you want to use tagged frames on VLAN 1, you can change the default VLAN ID to an ID other than 1. You also can specify the VLAN
on which you want the port to send and receive untagged frames (the Port Native VLAN). The Port Native VLAN ID does not need to be
the same as the default VLAN. Make sure that the untagged (native) VLAN is also changed on the interoperating vendor side to match
that on the Brocade side.
To support the IEEE 802.1Q with non-standard proprietary protocols such as PVST and PVST+, a port must always send and receive
untagged frames on VLAN 1 on both sides. In this case, enable the dual-mode 1 feature to allow untagged BPDUs on VLAN 1and use
Native VLAN 1 on the interoperating vendor side. You should not use VLAN 1 for tagged frames in this case.
If you want a tagged port to also support IEEE 802.1Q BPDUs, you need to enable the dual-mode feature on the port. The dual-mode
feature is disabled by default and must be enabled manually.
A port that is in PVST+ compatibility mode due to auto-detection reverts to the default multiple spanning tree mode when one of the
following events occurs:
• The link is disconnected or broken
• The link is administratively disabled
• The link is disabled by interaction with the link-keepalive protocol
This allows a port that was originally interoperating with PVST+ to revert to multiple spanning tree mode when connected to a Brocade
If you disable PVST+ support, the software still automatically enables PVST+ support if the port receives a BPDU with PVST+
If 802.1W and pvst-mode (either by auto-detection or by explicit configuration) are enabled on a tagged VLAN port, 802.1W
will treat the PVST BPDUs as legacy 802.1D BPDUs.
device(config-if-1/1/1)# dual-mode
For more information about the dual-mode feature, refer to Dual-mode VLAN ports on page 310.
These commands configure a VLAN group containing VLANs 2, 3, and 4, add port 1/1/1 as a tagged port to the VLANs, and enable
the dual-mode feature and PVST+ support on the port. The dual-mode feature allows the port to send and receive untagged frames for
the default VLAN (VLAN 1 in this case) in addition to tagged frames for VLANs 2, 3, and 4. Enabling the PVST+ support ensures that
the port is ready to send and receive PVST+ BPDUs. If you do not manually enable PVST+ support, the support is not enabled until the
port receives a PVST+ BPDU.
The configuration leaves the default VLAN and the port Port Native VLAN unchanged. The default VLAN is 1 and the port Port Native
VLAN also is 1. The dual-mode feature supports untagged frames on the default VLAN only. Thus, port 1/1/1 can send and receive
untagged BPDUs for VLAN 1 and can send and receive tagged BPDUs for the other VLANs.
device(config)#default-vlan-id 4000
device(config)#vlan 1
device(config-vlan-1)#tagged ethernet 1/1/1
device(config)#vlan 2
device(config-vlan-2)#tagged ethernet 1/1/1
device(config)#interface ethernet 1/1/1
device(config-if-1/1/1)#dual-mode 2
These commands change the default VLAN ID, configure port 1/1/1 as a tagged member of VLANs 1 and 2, and enable the dual-
mode feature and PVST+ support on port 1/1/1. Since VLAN 1 is tagged in this configuration, the default VLAN ID must be changed
from VLAN 1 to another VLAN ID. Changing the default VLAN ID from 1 allows the port to process tagged frames for VLAN 1. VLAN
2 is specified with the dual-mode command, which makes VLAN 2 the port Port Native VLAN. As a result, the port processes untagged
frames and untagged PVST BPDUs on VLAN 2.
Although VLAN 2 becomes the port untagged VLAN, the CLI still requires that you add the port to the VLAN as a tagged port,
since the port is a member of more than one VLAN.
Note that when VLAN 1 is not the default VLAN, the ports must have the dual-mode feature enabled in order to process IEEE 802.1Q
In the configuration above, all PVST BPDUs associated with VLAN 1 would be discarded. Since IEEE BPDUs associated with VLAN 1
are untagged, they are discarded because the ports in VLAN 1 are tagged. Effectively, the BPDUs are never processed by the Spanning
Tree Protocol. STP assumes that there is no better bridge on the network and sets the ports to FORWARDING. This could cause a Layer
2 loop.
Setting the ports as dual-mode ensures that the untagged IEEE 802.1Q BPDUs reach the VLAN 1 instance.
PVST+ Protect
If a PVST+ packet is received on a port configured for MSTP, a Brocade device floods it to all its ports in the VLAN so that it reaches
other PVST+ devices across the VLAN. This flooding can sometime cause a port to be blocked on the Cisco side. Use the PVST+
Protect feature to prevent this flooding, blocking the PVST+ BPDU and marking the port as ERR-DISABLED.
The following figure illustrates how a Cisco device running MSTP puts the port in a blocking state.
FIGURE 77 A Cisco device running MSTP putting the port in a blocking state
The pvstplus-protect command cannot be issued concurrently with the pvst-mode command. The following error message
To display the status of PVST+ Protect on the Ethernet interface, including the number of dropped PVST+ BPDUs:
<---output omitted--->
To clear the PVST+ Protect statistics for one or more specified Ethernet ports:
PVRST compatibility
PVRST, the "rapid" version of per-VLAN spanning tree (PVST), is a Cisco proprietary protocol. PVRST corresponds to the Brocade full
implementation of IEEE 802.1w (RSTP). Likewise, PVST, also a Cisco proprietary protocol, corresponds to the Brocade implementation
of IEEE 802.1D (STP). When a Brocade device receives PVRST BPDUs on a port configured to run 802.1w, it recognizes and
processes these BPDUs and continues to operate in 802.1w mode.
BPDU guard
In an STP environment, switches, end stations, and other Layer 2 devices use Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) to exchange
information that STP will use to determine the best path for data flow.
The BPDU guard, an enhancement to STP, removes a node that reflects BPDUs back in the network. It enforces the STP domain
borders and keeps the active topology predictable by not allowing any network devices behind a BPDU guard-enabled port to participate
in STP.
In some instances, it is unnecessary for a connected device, such as an end station, to initiate or participate in an STP topology change.
In this case, you can enable the STP BPDU guard feature on the Brocade port to which the end station is connected. STP BPDU guard
shuts down the port and puts it into an errdisable state. This disables the connected device's ability to initiate or participate in an STP
topology. A log message is then generated for a BPDU guard violation, and a CLI message is displayed to warn the network
administrator of a severe invalid configuration. The BPDU guard feature provides a secure response to invalid configurations because the
administrator must manually put the interface back in service if errdisable recovery is not enabled.
BPDU guard is not supported on tagged ports. It can be configured on a tagged port, but the configuration will have no effect.
To enable STP BPDU guard on a specific port, enter a command such as the following.
Spanning tree must be enabled on the corresponding VLAN.
You can also use the multiple interface command to enable this feature on multiple ports at once.
To re-enable a port that is in errdisable state, you must first disable the port then re-enable it. Enter commands such as the following.
If you attempt to enable an errdisabled port without first disabling it, the following error message will appear on the console.
device(config-if-e1000-1/1/2)# enable
Port 1/1/2 is errdisabled, do disable first and then enable to enable it
Port 1/1/10 No
Port 1/1/11 No
Port 1/1/12 Yes
Port 1/1/13 No
The port up/down time is required only for physical ports and not for loopback/ ve/ tunnel ports.
device(config-if-e1000-1/2/3)# MSTP: Received BPDU on BPDU guard enabled Port 1/2/3,errdisable Port 1/2/3
A console message such as the following is generated after a BPDU guard violation occurs on a system that is running STP.
device(config)# STP: Received BPDU on BPDU guard enabled Port 1/2/3 (vlan=1), errdisable Port 1/2/3
A console message such as the following is generated after a BPDU guard violation occurs on a system that is running RSTP.
device(config-vlan-1)# RSTP: Received BPDU on BPDU guard enabled Port 1/2/3 (vlan=1),errdisable Port 1/2/3
Root guard
The standard STP (802.1D), RSTP (802.1W) or 802.1S does not provide any way for a network administrator to securely enforce the
topology of a switched layer 2 network. The forwarding topology of a switched network is calculated based on the root bridge position,
along with other parameters. This means any switch can be the root bridge in a network as long as it has the lowest bridge ID. The
administrator cannot enforce the position of the root bridge. A better forwarding topology comes with the requirement to place the root
bridge at a specific predetermined location. Root Guard can be used to predetermine a root bridge location and prevent rogue or
unwanted switches from becoming the root bridge.
When root guard is enabled on a port, it keeps the port in a designated role. If the port receives a superior STP Bridge Protocol Data
Units (BPDU), it puts the port into a ROOT-INCONSISTANT state and triggers a log message and an SNMP trap. The ROOT-
INCONSISTANT state is equivalent to the BLOCKING state in 802.1D and to the DISCARDING state in 802.1W. No further traffic is
forwarded on this port. This allows the bridge to prevent traffic from being forwarded on ports connected to rogue or misconfigured STP
Once the port stops receiving superior BPDUs, root guard automatically sets the port back to learning, and eventually to a forwarding
state through the spanning-tree algorithm.
Configure root guard on all ports where the root bridge should not appear. This establishes a protective network perimeter around the
core bridged network, cutting it off from the user network.
Root guard may prevent network connectivity if it is improperly configured. Root guard must be configured on the perimeter of
the network rather than the core.
Root guard is not supported when MSTP is enabled.
Enter the no form of the command to disable STP root guard on the port.
Designated Protection
Designated Protection ensures that a port cannot go to the designated forwarding state in STP 802.1d or RSTP 802.1w.
You can enable Designated Protection on the port to ensure that it does not go to the designated forwarding state. For example, a fast
uplink port should never become a designated port to avoid loops in a network topology. It should either be a root port in any STP state
or a non-root port in a blocking state. If STP tries to put this port into the designated forwarding state, the device puts this port into a
designated inconsistent STP state. This is effectively equivalent to the listening state in STP in which a port cannot transfer any user
traffic. When STP no longer marks this port as a designated port, the port is automatically removed from the designated inconsistent
Designation Protection is a port-level feature, while the designated inconsistent state is a per-STP-instance, per-port state. In PVST, a
port can belong to several VLANs where each VLAN runs a separate spanning tree instance. The designated inconsistent state in one
spanning tree instance does not affect the traffic in other spanning tree instances.
For example, consider an interface eth 1 that is in VLAN 20 and VLAN 50. VLAN 20 runs one instance of STP and VLAN 50 runs
another instance. Interface eth1 can be in the designated inconsistent state for VLAN 50 and block the VLAN 50 traffic while it is in root
forwarding state for VLAN 20 and allow VLAN 20 traffic.
You can view the status of the Designated Protection feature on a port with the show interface ethernet command for that port.
You cannot enable Designated Protection and Root Guard on the same port.
Designated Protection does not work with Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) 802.1s.
The following example shows that the designated forwarding state is disallowed on Ethernet interface 1/1/1.
5d19h00m12s:I:STP: VLAN 100 Designated-protect port 2/1/7, inconsistent, Put into Listening state
You can configure the number of inError packets allowed per port in a specified sampling interval. If the port receives more than the
configured number of inError packets in two consecutive sampling intervals, then the port becomes error-disabled. The output of the
show interface ethernet command for the affected port will show the status of the port as “ERR-DISABLED (packet-inerror)”.
It is recommended to use Packet InError Detection only on required ports. If you enable this on a large number of ports in a
device and use a very short sampling interval, it may lead to heavy CPU usage.
The inError count configured on the primary port of a LAG is inherited by other member ports of the LAG. However, the LAG
ports are individually sampled for inError packets. Therefore, inError packets on a port disable only that port and not the entire
Executing commands that clear the packet counters, such as the clear statistics command may interfere with the proper
functioning of Packet InError Detection because these commands reset the inError packet count.
1. Run the errdisable packet-inerror-detect command in global configuration mode to enable the feature and to define the
sampling time interval.
2. Run the packet-inerror-detect command in interface configuration mode of the port that you want to monitor for inError
3. (Optional) If you want the ports to automatically recover from the error-disabled state after the expiry of a configured recovery
timer, run the errdisable recovery cause and errdisable recovery interval commands in global configuration mode. For more
details, see “Enabling an error-disabled port automatically” on page 15 on page 238 and Setting the recovery interval on page
The following example shows the configuration of Packet InError Detection on a device and its Ethernet interface 1/1/1.
The ethernet interface 1/1/1 becomes disabled if more than 10 inError packets are received in each of two consecutive 3-second
intervals. After the interface is disabled, it automatically recovers to the enabled state after 20 seconds.
0d01h38m44s:I:PORT: 1/1/37 is ERR-DISABLED due to number of packet inErrors exceeded the threshold
For example, to enable error-disable recovery for BPDU guard, enter the following command:
When automatic recovery re-enables the port, the port is not in the error-disabled state, but it can remain down for other
reasons, such as the Tx/Rx of the fibre optic not being seated properly. Thus, the port is not able to receive the signal from the
other side. In this case, after the optic is inserted correctly, you should manually disable the port and then enable it.
A Syslog message such as the following is generated after a port is placed into an errdisable state for BPDU guard.
STP: VLAN 50 BPDU-guard port 1/6/3 detect (Received BPDU), putting into err-disable state
A Syslog message such as the following is generated after the recovery timer expires.
For example, in Figure 78 a network is configured with two regions: Region 1 and Region 2. The entire network is running an instance of
CST. Each of the regions is running an instance of IST. In addition, this network contains Switch 1 running MSTP that is not configured in
a region and consequently is running in the CIST instance. In this configuration, the regions are each regarded as a single bridge to the
rest of the network, as is Switch 1. The CST prevents loops from occurring across the network. Consequently, a port is blocked at port
1/1/2 of switch 4.
Additionally, loops must be prevented in each of the IST instances. Within the IST Region 1, a port is blocked at port 1/1/2 of switch 4
to prevent a loop in that region. Within Region 2, a port is blocked at port 1/3/2 of switch 3 to prevent a loop in that region.
The following definitions describe the STP instances that define an MSTP configuration.
Common Spanning (CST) - CST is defined in 802.1q and assumes one spanning-tree instance for the entire bridged network
regardless of the number of VLANs. In MSTP, an MSTP region appears as a virtual bridge that runs CST.
Internal Spanning Tree (IST) - IST is a new terminology introduced in 802.1s. An MSTP bridge must handle at least these two
instances: one IST and one or more MSTIs (Multiple Spanning Tree Instances). Within each MST region, the MSTP maintains multiple
spanning-tree instances. Instance 0 is a special instance known as IST, which extends CST inside the MST region. IST always exists if the
switch runs MSTP. Besides IST, this implementation supports up to 15 MSTIs, numbered from 1 to 4094.
Common and Internal Spanning Trees (CIST) - CIST is a collection of the ISTs in each MST region and the CST that interconnects the
MST regions and single spanning trees.
Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI) - The MSTI is identified by an MST identifier (MSTid) value between 1 and 4094.
MSTP Region - These are clusters of bridges that run multiple instances of the MSTP protocol. Multiple bridges detect that they are in
the same region by exchanging their configuration (instance to VLAN mapping), name, and revision-level. Therefore, if you need to have
two bridges in the same region, the two bridges must have identical configurations, names, and revision-levels. Also, one or more VLANs
can be mapped to one MSTP instance (IST or MSTI) but a VLAN cannot be mapped to multiple MSTP instances.
One or more VLANs can be mapped to one MSTP instance (IST or MSTI) but a VLAN cannot be mapped to multiple MSTP
Configuration notes
When configuring MSTP, note the following:
• With MSTP running, enabling static trunk on ports that are members of many VLANs (4000 or more VLANs) will keep the
system busy for 20 to 25 seconds.
• PVST BPDUs are tunnelled through 802.1s regions.
With a system configured under MSTP mode, there is a concept called MSTP scope. MSTP scope defines the VLANs that are under
direct MSTP control. You cannot run 802.1D or 802.1w on any VLAN (even outside of MSTP scope) and you cannot create topology
groups when a system is under MSTP mode. While a VLAN group will still be supported when a system is under MSTP mode, the
member VLAN should either be all in the MSTP scope or all out of the MSTP scope.
When a system is configured from non-MSTP mode to MSTP mode, the following changes are made to the system configuration:
• All 802.1D and 802.1w STP instances are deleted regardless of whether the VLAN is inside the MSTP scope or not.
• All topology groups are deleted.
• Any GVRP configuration is deleted.
• Any VSRP configuration is deleted.
• Single-span (if configured) is deleted.
• MRP running on a VLAN inside MSTP scope is deleted.
• The common and internal spanning trees (CIST) collection is created and all VLANS inside the MSTP scope are attached with
the CIST.
Make sure that no physical Layer 2 loops exist prior to switching from non-MSTP mode to MSTP mode. If, for example, you have a
Layer 2 loop topology configured as a redundancy mechanism before you perform the switch, a Layer 2 storm should be expected.
To configure a system into MSTP mode, use the following command at the Global Configuration level.
MSTP is not operational however until the mstp start command is issued as described in the “Forcing ports to transmit an
MSTP BPDU” section.
Once the system is configured into MSTP mode, CIST (sometimes referred to as “instance 0”) is created and all existing VLANs inside
the MSTP scope are controlled by CIST. In addition, whenever you create a new VLAN inside MSTP scope, it is put under CIST control
by default. In the Brocade MSTP implementation however, a VLAN ID can be pre-mapped to another MSTI as described in the
“Configuring an MSTP instance” section. A VLAN whose ID is pre-mapped, will attach to the specified MSTI instead of to the CIST when
Once under MSTP mode, CIST always controls all ports in the system. If you do not want a port to run MSTP, configure the no
spanning-tree command under the specified interface configuration.
Configuring no spanning-tree command on a system that is configured for MSTP mode changes the system to non-MSTP mode.
When this switch is made, all MSTP instances are deleted together with all MSTP configurations. ALL VLANs inside the original MSTP
scope will not run any Layer 2 protocols after the switch.
MSTP reconvergence occurs when the VLAN to MSTI mapping is changed using the mstp instance command.
You can optionally remove VLAN to MSTI mappings from the configuration. Refer to Deleting a VLAN to MSTI mapping on page 244.
device(config-vlan-20)#show run
Current configuration:
ver 04.2.00bT3e1
vlan 1 name DEFAULT-VLAN by port
no spanning-tree
vlan 10 by port
tagged ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
no spanning tree
vlan 20 by port <----- VLAN 20 configuration
Current configuration:
ver 04.2.00bT3e1
vlan 1 name DEFAULT-VLAN by port
no spanning-tree
vlan 10 by port
tagged ethe 1/1/1 to 1/1/2
no spanning-tree
mstp scope all
mstp instance 0 vlan 1
mstp instance 1 vlan 10
mstp instance 1 vlan 20 <----- VLAN to MSTI mapping kept in
mstp start running configuration, even though
VLAN 20 was deleted
This command deletes the VLAN to MSTI mapping from the running configuration and triggers an MSTP reconvergence.
Each of the commands used to configure and operate MSTP are described in the following:
• Setting the MSTP name on page 245
• Setting the MSTP revision number on page 245
• Configuring an MSTP instance on page 245
• Configuring bridge priority for an MSTP instance on page 245
• Setting the MSTP global parameters on page 245
• Setting ports to be operational edge ports on page 246
• Setting automatic operational edge ports on page 246
• Setting point-to-point link on page 246
• Disabling MSTP on a port on page 248
• Forcing ports to transmit an MSTP BPDU on page 248
• Forcing ports to transmit an MSTP BPDU on page 248
To configure an MSTP name, use a command such as the following at the Global Configuration level.
To configure an MSTP revision number, use a command such as the following at the Global Configuration level.
To configure an MSTP instance and map one or more VLANs to that MSTI, use a command such as the following at the Global
Configuration level.
The system does not allow an MSTI without any VLANs mapped to it. Consequently, removing all VLANs from an MSTI,
deletes the MSTI from the system. The CIST by contrast will exist regardless of whether or not any VLANs are assigned to it or
not. Consequently, if all VLANs are moved out of a CIST, the CIST will still exist and functional.
You can set a priority to the instance that gives it forwarding preference over lower priority instances within a VLAN or on the switch. A
higher number for the priority variable means a lower forwarding priority.
If this feature is enabled, it takes the port about 3 seconds longer to come to the enable state.
MSTP+ overview
The MSTP+ feature allows you to selectively include VLANs in the MSTP scope.
In the standard IEEE 802.1s MSTP all VLANs are automatically placed under CIST control so that the entire switch is controlled by the
MSTP. The MSTP+ feature is an enhancement that allows you to exclude one or more VLANs from the MSTP scope and configure
them in a non-MSTP topology. These VLANs are considered free VLANs and can run any Layer 2 protocols such as PVST/PVRST,
MRP, VSRP, or any pure Layer 3 protocols.
You must ensure all the connected devices are properly configured, create the MSTP instances, and assign the VLANs to those
instances. These instances must be configured on all devices that interoperate with the same VLAN assignments.
The following table lists the protocols that can run under free VLANs along with the MSTP+.
This means that you can create an independent Layer 3 topology even when on a switch that is configured with MSTP. The MSTP
convergence does not affect the Layer 3 topology.
Systems configured with MSTP+ may not interoperate properly with the systems on which standard MSTP is configured. It is
recommended that you configure MSTP+ on both sides.
Free VLANs must have their own means to break Layer 2 loops; MSTP+ cannot be relied on to do so.
Configuring MSTP+
Use the mstp scope command with the pvst keyword to configure MSTP+.
MSTP+ is not operational until you configure at least one MSTP instance and configure the mstp start command. You can create MSTP
+ instances the same way you configure MSTP instances. See the “Configuring an MSTP instance” section for information on
configuring MSTP.
1. Configure MSTP+.
Configures MSTP+. CIST is not automatically created and VLANs are not under MSTP scope unless you explicitly configure the
MSTP instances and attach the VLANs to them.
2. Create an MSTP instance.
Removes the MSTP+ configuration. The VLANs that were attached to MSTP+ are out of MSTP+ scope and there is no PVST
under those VLANs. The non-MSTP VLANs are not affected.
When an MSTP instance is enabled, you can configure the pvst and all keywords to switch between modes.
1. When the mstp scope all command is configured and MSTP mode is active, change to MSTP+ mode.
The mode is changed to MSTP+. You can remove the VLANs from MSTP+ instances. VLANs that are removed from MSTP+
scope become free and other supported protocols can be configured.
2. When the mstp scope pvst command is configured and MSTP+ mode is active, change to MSTP mode.
The mode is changed to MSTP. The VLANs that are already attached to MSTP+ are kept as is and all the free VLANs are
attached to a CIST instance. Any protocols configured under the free VLANs are removed.
When a port is disabled for MSTP, it behaves as blocking for all the VLAN traffic that is controlled by MSTIs and the CIST.
MSTP scope must be enabled on the switch as described in Configuring MSTP mode and scope on page 242 before MSTP can be
To enable MSTP on your switch, use the following at the Global Configuration level.
In the following figure, four Brocade device routers are configured in two regions. There are four VLANs in four instances in Region 2.
Region 1 is in the CIST.
To display details about the MSTP configuration, enter the following command.
To display details about the MSTP that is configured on the device, enter the following command.
A number of common types of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, including Smurf and Tribe Flood Network (TFN), can take advantage of
forged or rapidly changing source IP addresses to allow attackers to thwart efforts to locate or filter the attacks. Reverse Path Forwarding
(RPF) is designed to prevent such an attacker from spoofing a source IP address by checking that the source IP address specified for a
packet is received from a network to which the device has access. Packets with invalid source IP addresses are not forwarded. RPF is
supported for IPv4 and IPv6 packets. Differences in RPF support between IPv4 and IPv6 are noted within this section where necessary.
RFC 3704, Ingress Filtering for Multihomed Networks, covers various aspects of the source IP address being spoofed in traffic being
FastIron devices support two unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (uRPF) modes according to RFC 3704:
• Strict mode: In this mode, all incoming packets are tested against the forwarding information base (FIB). If the incoming
interface is not the best reverse path, the packet check fails. Failed packets are discarded by default. Source IP (SIP) lookup and
the SIP next hop layer interface information is used in this mode. This mode has options to include default route check or
exclude default route check. Including the default route check is the default configuration mode. Use the rpf-mode strict
command for this mode. To exclude the default route check, you must include the option to urpf-exclude-default after entering
the rpf-mode strict command.
• Loose mode: In this mode, each incoming packet's source address is tested against the forwarding information base. As long as
there is a match for the source IP address in the forwarding information base, the traffic is allowed. Next hop interface
information is not used in this mode. The packet is dropped only if the source address is not reachable through any interface on
that router. This mode has options to include or exclude the default route check. Including the default route check is the default
configuration mode. Use the rpf-mode loose command for this mode. To exclude the default route check, you must include the
option to urpf-exclude-default after entering the command rpf-mode loose explicitly.
• uRPF can be configured along with PBR, ACLs, routing protocol configurations, and multicast configurations.
• uRPF is not supported on tunnel interfaces.
• Tunnel keep-alive packets will be dropped in the hardware if uRPF is configured.
• uRPF must not be configured on devices where group-VE, tunnel keep-alive packets, or OpenFlow is configured.
• Counters or logging information is unavailable for uRPF hits.
• After enabling reverse path check, you must reload the device for uRPF to be programmed.
• Tunnel over user VRF should not be configured on a device on which uRPF is enabled.
uRPF is not supported on the ICX 7150.
In strict mode (interface configuration), if the number of ECMP paths for a route is more than eight, the hardware will apply
loose mode check for the SIP check, even if the interface is configured as strict mode.
uRPF is not supported on the ICX 7150.
TABLE 22 ICX 7750 system-max values with uRPF configuration after reload
System parameter Default Maximum Current Configured
TABLE 24 ICX 7250 system-max values with uRPF configuration after reload
System parameter Default Maximum Current Configured
TABLE 26 ICX 7450 system-max values with uRPF configuration after reload
System parameter Default Maximum Current Configured
Both strict or loose modes can be configured when you globally enable uRPF on FastIron devices. uRPF is not supported on tunnel
interfaces. When uRPF is enabled on a VE interface or a physical interface with an IP address configured, the prefixes learned over these
uRPF-enabled interfaces will be checked with the uRPF criteria. On FastIron ICX devices, the uRPF check enables the interface level CLI
and hardware settings. You should reload the device after enabling reverse path check for this configuration to be captured in the system
device(config)# reverse-path-check
3. Enter the rpf-mode command followed by the required mode (strict or loose) you want to configure on the device. You can
optionally use the exclude default route check (urpf-exclude-default) on the physical interface.
You must enable uRPF globally using the reverse-path-check command before configuring uRPF on PE ports.
The other RPF modes that you can configure are rpf-mode loose, rpf-more strict exclude default, and rpf-mode loose
exclude default.
6. Enter the show run interface ve command to verify the RPF mode configured on the device.
VLAN overview
The following sections provide details about the VLAN types and features supported on the FastIron family of switches.
When a FastIron device receives a packet on a port that is a member of a VLAN, the device forwards the packet based on the following
VLAN hierarchy:
• When the packet can be forwarded at Layer 2, the device forwards the packet on all the ports within the receiving port-based
By default, all the ports on a Brocade device are members of the default VLAN. Thus, all the ports on the device constitute a single Layer
2 broadcast domain. When you configure a port-based VLAN, the device automatically removes the ports you add to the VLAN from
the default VLAN.
You can configure multiple port-based VLANs. You can configure up to 4094 port-based VLANs on a Layer 2 Switch or Layer 3
Switch. On both device types, valid VLAN IDs are 1 - 4095. You can configure up to the maximum number of VLANs within that ID
VLAN IDs 4087, 4090, and 4093 are reserved for Brocade internal use only. VLAN 4094 is reserved for use by Single STP.
If you want to use VLANs 4091 and 4092 as configurable VLANs, you can assign them to different VLAN IDs. For more
information, refer to Assigning different VLAN IDs to reserved VLANs 4091 and 4092 on page 279
Each port-based VLAN can contain either tagged or untagged ports. A port cannot be a member of more than one port-based
VLAN unless the port is tagged. 802.1Q tagging allows the port to add a four-byte tag field, which contains the VLAN ID, to
each packet sent on the port. You also can configure port-based VLANs that span multiple devices by tagging the ports within
the VLAN. The tag enables each device that receives the packet to determine the VLAN the packet belongs to. 802.1Q
tagging applies only to Layer 2 VLANs, not to Layer 3 VLANs.
Because each port-based VLAN is a separate Layer 2 broadcast domain, each VLAN can be configured to run a separate instance of
the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP).
Layer 2 traffic is bridged within a port-based VLAN and Layer 2 broadcasts are sent to all the ports within the VLAN.
The following figure shows an example of a Brocade device on which a Layer 2 port-based VLAN has been configured.
This section describes how to perform the following tasks for port-based VLANs using the CLI:
• Create a VLAN
• Delete a VLAN
• Modify a VLAN
• Change a VLAN priority
• Enable or disable STP on the VLAN
The following figure shows a simple port-based VLAN configuration using a single Brocade Layer 2 Switch. All ports within each VLAN
are untagged. One untagged port within each VLAN is used to connect the Layer 2 Switch to a Layer 3 Switch for Layer 3 connectivity
between the two port-based VLANs.
To create the two port-based VLANs shown in the above figure, enter the following commands.
The following figure shows a more complex port-based VLAN configuration using multiple Layer 2 Switches and IEEE 802.1Q VLAN
tagging. The backbone link connecting the three Layer 2 Switches is tagged. One untagged port within each port-based VLAN on
Device-A connects each separate network wide Layer 2 broadcast domain to the router for Layer 3 forwarding between broadcast
domains. The STP priority is configured to force Device-A to be the root bridge for VLANs RED and BLUE. The STP priority on Device-
B is configured so that Device-B is the root bridge for VLANs GREEN and BROWN.
To configure the Port-based VLANs on the Layer 2 Switches in the above figure, use the following method.
device> enable
device# configure terminal
device(config)# hostname Device-A
device-A(config)# vlan 2 name BROWN
device-A(config-vlan-2)# untagged ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/4 ethernet 1/1/17
device-A(config-vlan-2)# tagged ethernet 1/1/25 to 1/1/26
device-A(config-vlan-2)# spanning-tree
device-A(config-vlan-2)# vlan 3 name GREEN
device-A(config-vlan-3)# untagged ethernet 1/1/5 to 1/1/8 ethernet 1/1/18
device-A(config-vlan-3)# tagged ethernet 1/1/25 to 1/1/26
device-A(config-vlan-3)# spanning-tree
device-A(config-vlan-3)# vlan 4 name BLUE
device-A(config-vlan-4)# untagged ethernet 1/1/9 to 1/1/12 ethernet 1/1/19
device-A(config-vlan-4)# tagged ethernet 1/1/25 to 1/1/26
device-A(config-vlan-4)# spanning-tree
device-A(config-vlan-4)# spanning-tree priority 500
device-A(config-vlan-4)# vlan 5 name RED
device-A(config-vlan-5)# untagged ethernet 1/1/13 to 1/1/16 ethernet 1/1/20
device-A(config-vlan-5)# tagged ethernet 1/1/25 to 1/1/26
device-A(config-vlan-5)# spanning-tree
device-A(config-vlan-5)# spanning-tree priority 500
device-A(config-vlan-5)# end
device-A# write memory
device> enable
device# configure terminal
device(config)# hostname Device-B
device-B(config)# vlan 2 name BROWN
device-B(config-vlan-2)# untagged ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/4
device-B(config-vlan-2)# tagged ethernet 1/1/25 to 1/1/26
device-B(config-vlan-2)# spanning-tree
device-B(config-vlan-2)# spanning-tree priority 500
device-B(config-vlan-2)# vlan 3 name GREEN
device-B(config-vlan-3)# untagged ethernet 1/1/5 to 1/1/8
device-B(config-vlan-3)# tagged ethernet 1/1/25 to 1/1/26
device-B(config-vlan-3)# spanning-tree
device-B(config-vlan-3)# spanning-tree priority 500
device-B(config-vlan-3)# vlan 4 name BLUE
device-B(config-vlan-4)# untagged ethernet 1/1/9 to 1/1/12
device-B(config-vlan-4)# tagged ethernet 1/1/25 to 1/1/26
device-B(config-vlan-4)# vlan 5 name RED
device-B(config-vlan-5)# untagged ethernet 1/1/13 to 1/1/16
device-B(config-vlan-5)# tagged ethernet 1/1/25 to 1/1/26
device-B(config-vlan-5)# end
device-B# write memory
device> enable
device# configure terminal
device(config)# hostname Device-C
device-C(config)# vlan 2 name BROWN
device-C(config-vlan-2)# untagged ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/4
device-C(config-vlan-2)# tagged ethernet 1/1/25 to 1/1/26
device-C(config-vlan-2)# vlan 3 name GREEN
device-C(config-vlan-3)# untagged ethernet 1/1/5 to 1/1/8
device-C(config-vlan-3)# tagged ethernet 1/1/25 to 1/1/26
device-C(config-vlan-3)# vlan 4 name BLUE
device-C(config-vlan-4)# untagged ethernet 1/1/9 to 1/1/12
device-C(config-vlan-4)# tagged ethernet 1/1/25 to 1/1/26
device-C(config-vlan-4)# vlan 5 name RED
device-C(config-vlan-5)# untagged ethernet 1/1/13 to 1/1/16
device-C(config-vlan-5)# tagged ethernet 1/1/25 to 1/1/26
device-C(config-vlan-5)# end
device-C# write memory
Syntax: spanning-tree [ ethernet unit/slotnum/portnum path-cost value priority value] forward-delay value hello-time value
maximum-age time priority value
device-A> enable
No password has been assigned yet...
device-A(config)# no vlan 5
3. Enter the following commands to exit the global configuration mode and save the configuration to the system-config file on
flash memory.
device-A(config)# end
device-A# write memory
1. Access the global configuration mode on Device-A by entering the following commands.
device-A> enable
No password has been assigned yet...
2. Access the level of the CLI for configuring port-based VLAN 4 by entering the following command.
device-A(config)# vlan 4
4. Enter the following commands to exit the VLAN configuration mode and save the configuration to the system-config file on
flash memory.
device-A(config-vlan-4)# end
device-A# write memory
You can remove all the ports from a port-based VLAN without losing the rest of the VLAN configuration. However, you cannot
configure an IP address on a virtual routing interface unless the VLAN contains ports. If the VLAN has a virtual routing interface,
the virtual routing interface IP address is deleted when the ports associated with the interface are deleted. The rest of the VLAN
configuration is retained.
The remove-vlan feature is supported on the Brocade ICX 7250, Brocade ICX 7450, and Brocade ICX 7750 devices only.
2. Enter the remove-vlan all command to remove all VLANs from the Ethernet port.
• Enter the remove-vlan vlan command to remove the VLANs from the Ethernet port.
To remove all VLANs from a physical port, enter commands such as the following.
VLAN groups cannot be removed from the ports using this command.
The following is an example to show that vlan-groups cannot be removed from the ports.
To remove a range of VLANs from a physical port, enter commands such as the following.
To remove all VLANs from more than one physical port, enter commands such as the following.
Multi-range VLAN
The multi-range VLAN feature allows users to use a single command to create and configure multiple VLANs. These VLANs can be
continuous, for example, from 2 to 7, or discontinuous, for example, 2 4 7.
The maximum number of VLANs you can create or configure with a single command is 64.
device(config)#vlan 2 to 7
device(config)#vlan 2 4 7
You can also create continuous and discontinuous VLANs. To create continuous and discontinuous VLANs, enter command such as the
device(config)#vlan 2 to 7 20 25
device(config)#no vlan 2 to 7
device(config)#no vlan 2 4 7
You can also delete continuous and discontinuous VLANs. To delete continuous and discontinuous VLANs, enter command such as the
device(config)#no vlan 2 to 7 20 25
If a single multi-range VLAN command contains more than 64 VLANs, the CLI does not add the VLAN IDs but instead displays an
error message. An example is given below.
device(config)#vlan 16 17 20 to 24
device(config-mvlan-16*24)#tag e 1/1/1
The first command will take you to the multi-range VLAN configuration mode. The second command will add tagged ethernet port
1/1/1 in the specified VLANs, VLAN 16 17 20 21 22 23 and 24.
The following VLAN parameters can be configured with the specified VLAN range.
Command Explanation
no Undo/disable commands
Command Explanation
The VLAN parameters configured for the VLAN range are written in the configuration file of the individual VLANs. These VLAN
parameters can also be removed or modified from the individual VLANs. In the following example, as the first step, create VLANs 16 17
20 21 22 23 24. Further, as the second step, add Ethernet port 1/1/1 in all the VLANs. As the third step, enabled 802.1w spanning
tree on all these VLANs.
device(config)#vlan 16 17 20 to 24
device(config-mvlan-16*24)#tag ethernet 1/1/1
Added tagged port(s) ethernet 1/1/1 to port-vlan16.
Added tagged port(s) ethernet 1/1/1 to port-vlan 17.
Added tagged port(s) ethernet 1/1/1 to port-vlan 20.
Added tagged port(s) ethernet 1/1/1 to port-vlan 21.
Added tagged port(s) ethernet 1/1/1 to port-vlan 22.
Added tagged port(s) ethernet 1/1/1 to port-vlan 23.
Added tagged port(s) ethernet 1/1/1 to port-vlan 24.
device(config-mvlan-16*24)#span 802-1w
The Ethernet port ethernet 1/1/1 and spanning tree 802.1w is added to the database of each VLAN separately. You can verify the
configuration with the show running-config command. See the example below.
device(config-mvlan-16*24)#show run
Current configuration:
output omitted
vlan 1 name DEFAULT-VLAN by port
vlan 16 by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1
spanning-tree 802-1w
vlan 17 by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1
spanning-tree 802-1w
vlan 20 by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1
spanning-tree 802-1w
vlan 21 by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1
spanning-tree 802-1w
vlan 22 by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1
spanning-tree 802-1w
vlan 23 by port
Now you can modify any one or some of the VLANs. See the example below.
In the following example, disable the spanning tree 802.1w on VLANs 22,23 and 24, And, verify with show running-config output that
the spanning tree 802.1w is disabled on specified VLANs, VLAN 22, 23 and 24 and not on the VLANs 16, 17, 20 and 21.
device(config)#vlan 22 to 24
device(config-mvlan-22-24)#no span 8
device(config)#show run
Current configuration:
output omitted
vlan 1 name DEFAULT-VLAN by port
vlan 16 by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1
spanning-tree 802-1w
vlan 17 by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1
spanning-tree 802-1w
vlan 20 by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1
spanning-tree 802-1w
vlan 21 by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1
spanning-tree 802-1w
vlan 22 by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1
vlan 23 by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1
vlan 24 by port
tagged ethernet 1/1/1
output omitted
In the following example, the first command will change the interface configuration level to the multi-range VLAN mode for the VLANs
4, 5 and 6. In the multi-range VLAN mode, enter the command show 802.1w. The output will display the information of STP for
VLANs 4, 5 and 6.
device(config)#vlan 4 to 6
device(config-mvlan-4-6)#show 802-1w
--- VLAN 4 [ STP Instance owned by VLAN 4 ] ----------------------------
Bridge IEEE 802.1W Parameters:
The following show parameters can be viewed for the specified VLAN range from the multi-range VLAN configuration mode. The
output of these commands displays information about the specified VLANs only.
Default VLAN
By default, all the ports on a FastIron device are in a single port-based VLAN. This VLAN is called the DEFAULT-VLAN and is VLAN
number 1. FastIron devices do not contain any protocol VLANs or IP subnet VLANs by default.
The following figure shows an example of the default Layer 2 port-based VLAN.
When you configure a port-based VLAN, one of the configuration items you provide is the ports that are in the VLAN. When you
configure the VLAN, the Brocade device automatically removes the ports that you place in the VLAN from DEFAULT-VLAN. By
removing the ports from the default VLAN, the Brocade device ensures that each port resides in only one Layer 2 broadcast domain.
Information for the default VLAN is available only after you define another VLAN.
Some network configurations may require that a port be able to reside in two or more Layer 2 broadcast domains (port-based VLANs).
In this case, you can enable a port to reside in multiple port-based VLANs by tagging the port. Refer to the following section.
If your network requires that you use VLAN ID 1 for a user-configured VLAN, you can reassign the default VLAN to another valid VLAN
ID. Refer to Assigning a different VLAN ID to the default VLAN on page 279.
802.1Q tagging
802.1Q tagging is an IEEE standard that allows a networking device to add information to a Layer 2 packet in order to identify the VLAN
membership of the packet. Brocade devices tag a packet by adding a four-byte tag to the packet. The tag contains the tag value, which
identifies the data as a tag, and also contains the VLAN ID of the VLAN from which the packet is sent.
• The default tag value is 8100 (hexadecimal). This value comes from the 802.1Q specification. You can change this tag value
on a global basis on Brocade devices if needed to be compatible with other vendors’ equipment.
• The VLAN ID is determined by the VLAN on which the packet is being forwarded.
The following figure shows the format of packets with and without the 802.1Q tag. The tag format is vendor-specific. To use the tag for
VLANs configured across multiple devices, make sure all the devices support the same tag format.
If you configure a VLAN that spans multiple devices, you need to use tagging only if a port connecting one of the devices to the other is
a member of more than one port-based VLAN. If a port connecting one device to the other is a member of only a single port-based
VLAN, tagging is not required.
If you use tagging on multiple devices, each device must be configured for tagging and must use the same tag value. In addition, the
implementation of tagging must be compatible on the devices. The tagging on all Brocade devices is compatible with other Brocade
The following figure shows an example of two devices that have the same Layer 2 port-based VLANs configured across them. Notice
that only one of the VLANs requires tagging.
Layer 2 control protocol PDU tunneling over 802.1ad (Q-in-Q) is not supported on FastIron devices.
For example applications and configuration details, refer to 802.1ad tagging configuration on page 306.
To configure a global tag profile, enter the following command in the configuration mode.
To direct individual ports or on a range of ports to this tag profile, enter commands similar to the following.
Also by default, each port-based VLAN has a separate instance of STP. Thus, when STP is globally enabled, each port-based VLAN on
the device runs a separate spanning tree.
If you configure a port-based VLAN on the device, the VLAN has the same STP state as the default STP state on the
device. Thus, on Layer 2 Switches, new VLANs have STP enabled by default. On Layer 3 Switches, new VLANs have
STP disabled by default. You can enable or disable STP in each VLAN separately. In addition, you can enable or
disable STP on individual ports.
• Port-based VLAN - Affects all ports within the specified port-based VLAN.
STP is a Layer 2 protocol. Thus, you cannot enable or disable STP for individual protocol VLANs or for IP subnet VLANs. The STP state
of a port-based VLAN containing these other types of VLANs determines the STP state for all the Layer 2 broadcasts within the port-
based VLAN. This is true even though Layer 3 protocol broadcasts are sent on Layer 2 within the VLAN.
It is possible that STP will block one or more ports in a protocol VLAN that uses a virtual routing interface to route to other VLANs. For
IP protocol and IP subnet VLANs, even though some of the physical ports of the virtual routing interface are blocked, the virtual routing
interface can still route so long as at least one port in the virtual routing interface protocol VLAN is not blocked by STP.
If you enable Single STP (SSTP) on the device, the ports in all VLANs on which STP is enabled become members of a single spanning
tree. The ports in VLANs on which STP is disabled are excluded from the single spanning tree.
Brocade devices send Layer 3 traffic at Layer 2 within a protocol VLAN. However, Layer 3 traffic from one protocol VLAN to another
must be routed.
If you want the device to be able to send Layer 3 traffic from one protocol VLAN to another, you must configure a virtual routing interface
on each protocol VLAN, then configure routing parameters on the virtual routing interfaces. For example, to enable a Layer 3 Switch to
route IP traffic from one IP subnet VLAN to another, you must configure a virtual routing interface on each IP subnet VLAN, then
configure the appropriate IP routing parameters on each of the virtual routing interfaces.
The following figure shows an example of Layer 3 protocol VLANs that use virtual routing interfaces for routing.
FIGURE 86 Use virtual routing interfaces for routing between Layer 3 protocol VLANs
For configuration information, refer to VLAN groups and virtual routing interface group on page 291.
For an application example and configuration information, refer to Super-aggregated VLAN configuration on page 299.
If you add a trunk group lead port to a VLAN, all of the ports in the trunk group become members of that VLAN.
You cannot have a protocol-based VLAN and a subnet or network VLAN of the same protocol type in the same port-based
As a Brocade device receives packets, the VLAN classification starts from the highest level VLAN first. Therefore, if an interface is
configured as a member of both a port-based VLAN and an IP protocol VLAN, IP packets coming into the interface are classified as
members of the IP protocol VLAN because that VLAN is higher in the VLAN hierarchy.
Some configurations may require simultaneous switching and routing of the same single protocol across different sets of ports on the
same router. When IP routing is enabled on a Brocade Layer 3 Switch, you can route these protocols on specific interfaces while bridging
them on other interfaces. In this scenario, you can create two separate backbones for the same protocol, one bridged and one routed.
To bridge IP protocols, you need to configure an IP protocol, IP subnet VLAN and not assign a virtual routing interface to the VLAN.
Packets for these protocols are bridged or switched at Layer 2 across ports on the router that are included in the Layer 3 VLAN. If these
VLANs are built within port-based VLANs, they can be tagged across a single set of backbone fibers to create separate Layer 2
switched and Layer 3 routed backbones for the same protocol on a single physical backbone.
To create any type of VLAN on a Brocade Layer 3 Switch, Layer 2 forwarding must be enabled. When Layer 2 forwarding is enabled, the
Layer 3 Switch becomes a Switch on all ports for all non-routable protocols.
If the router interfaces for IP is configured on physical ports, then routing occurs independent of the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP).
However, if the router interfaces are defined for any type VLAN, they are virtual routing interfaces and are subject to the rules of STP.
If your backbone consists of virtual routing interfaces all within the same STP domain, it is a bridged backbone, not a routed one. This
means that the set of backbone interfaces that are blocked by STP will be blocked for routed protocols as well. The routed protocols will
be able to cross these paths only when the STP state of the link is FORWARDING. This problem is easily avoided by proper network
When designing an ISR network, pay attention to your use of virtual routing interfaces and the spanning-tree domain. If Layer 2 switching
of your routed protocols (IP) is not required across the backbone, then the use of virtual routing interfaces can be limited to edge switch
ports within each router. Full backbone routing can be achieved by configuring routing on each physical interface that connects to the
backbone. Routing is independent of STP when configured on a physical interface.
If your ISR design requires that you switch IP at Layer 2 while simultaneously routing the same protocols over a single backbone, then
create multiple port-based VLANs and use VLAN tagging on the backbone links to separate your Layer 2 switched and Layer 3 routed
There is a separate STP domain for each port-based VLAN. Routing occurs independently across port-based VLANs or STP domains.
You can define each end of each backbone link as a separate tagged port-based VLAN. Routing will occur independently across the
port-based VLANs. Because each port-based VLAN STP domain is a single point-to-point backbone connection, you are guaranteed
to never have an STP loop. STP will never block the virtual router interfaces within the tagged port-based VLAN, and you will have a fully
routed backbone.
If you do not want the ports to have dynamic membership, you can add them statically. This eliminates the need to explicitly exclude the
ports that you do not want to participate in a particular Layer 3 VLAN.
To reassign the default VLAN to a different VLAN ID, enter the following command.
You must specify a valid VLAN ID that is not already in use. For example, if you have already defined VLAN 10, do not try to use "10" as
the new VLAN ID for the default VLAN. Valid VLAN IDs are numbers from 1 - 4095.
This command does not change the properties of the default VLAN. Changing the name allows you to use the VLAN ID "1" as
a configurable VLAN.
For example, to reassign reserved VLAN 4091 to VLAN 10, enter the following commands.
You must save the configuration (write mem) and reload the software to place the change into effect.
The above configuration changes the VLAN ID of 4091 to 10. After saving the configuration and reloading the software, you can
configure VLAN 4091 as you would any other VLAN.
For vlan-id , enter a valid VLAN ID that is not already in use. For example, if you have already defined VLAN 20, do not try to use "20 as
the new VLAN ID. Valid VLAN IDs are numbers from 1 - 4090, 4093, and 4095. VLAN ID 4094 is reserved for use by the Single
Spanning Tree feature.
Viewing reassigned VLAN IDs for reserved VLANs 4091 and 4092
To view the assigned VLAN IDs for reserved VLANs 4091 and 4092, use the show reserved-vlan-map command. The reassigned
VLAN IDs also display in the output of the show running-config and show config commands.
The following shows example output for the show reserved-vlan-map command.
The following table defines the fields in the output of the show reserved-vlan-map command.
Reserved Purpose Describes for what the VLAN is reserved. Note that the description is for
Brocade internal VLAN management.
Default The default VLAN ID of the reserved VLAN.
Re-assign The VLAN ID to which the reserved VLAN was reassigned.1
Current The current VLAN ID for the reserved VLAN.1
1. If you reassign a reserved VLAN without saving the configuration and reloading the software, the reassigned VLAN ID will display in the Re-assign column. However, the previously
configured or default VLAN ID will display in the Current column until the configuration is saved and the device reloaded.
When port-based VLANs are not operating on the system, STP is set on a system-wide level at the global CONFIG level of the
1. Access the global CONFIG level of the CLI on Device-A by entering the following commands.
device-A> enable
No password has been assigned yet...
device-A# configure terminal
2. Access the level of the CLI for configuring port-based VLAN 3 by entering the following command.
device-A(config)# vlan 3
3. From VLAN 3 configuration level of the CLI, enter the following command to enable STP on all tagged and untagged ports
associated with VLAN 3.
device-B(config-vlan-3)# spanning-tree
4. Enter the following commands to exit the VLAN CONFIG mode and save the configuration to the system-config file on flash
device-B(config-vlan-3)# end
device-B# write memory
You do not need to configure values for the STP parameters. All parameters have default values as noted below.
Additionally, all values will be globally applied to all ports on the system or on the port-based VLAN for which they are
To configure a specific path-cost or priority value for a given port, enter those values using the key words in the brackets [ ]
shown in the syntax summary below. If you do not want to specify values for any given port, this portion of the command is not
Syntax: spanning-tree [ ethernet unit/slotnum/ portnum path-cost value priority value] forward-delay value hello-time value
maximum-age time priority value
The num parameter specifies the VLAN ID. The valid range for VLAN IDs starts at 1 on all systems but the upper limit of the range
differs depending on the device. In addition, you can change the upper limit on some devices using the system max-vlans... command.
The string parameter is the VLAN name and can be a string up to 32 characters. You can use blank spaces in the name if you enclose
the name in double quotes (for example, "Product Marketing".)
Depending on device support, you can configure up to 4000 port-based VLANs. Each port-based VLAN can contain either tagged or
untagged ports. A port cannot be a member of more than one port-based VLAN unless the port is tagged. On both device types, valid
VLAN IDs are 1 - 4095. You can configure up to the maximum number of VLANs within that ID range.
VLAN IDs 4087, 4090, and 4093 are reserved for Brocade internal use only. VLAN 4094 is reserved for use by Single STP.
Also, if you are running an earlier release, VLAN IDs 4091 and 4092 may be reserved for Brocade internal use only. If you
want to use VLANs 4091 and 4092 as configurable VLANs, you can assign them to different VLAN IDs. For more
information, refer to Assigning different VLAN IDs to reserved VLANs 4091 and 4092 on page 279
The second command is optional and also creates the VLAN if the VLAN does not already exist. You can enter the first
command after you enter the second command if you first exit to the global CONFIG level of the CLI.
Tagging does not apply to the default VLAN.
When using the CLI, ports are defined as either tagged or untagged at the VLAN level.
device(config)#vlan 4
device(config-vlan-4)#tagged e 5
Syntax: tagged ethernet [ stack/slot/port] portnum [ to [ stack/port] portnum [ ethernet [ slotnum/ ] portnum... ] ]
You can configure a maximum of 2048 static MAC address drop entries on a Brocade device.
Use the CLI command show running-config to view the static MAC address drop entries currently configured on the device.
device(config)#vlan 2
device(config-vlan-2)#static-mac-address 0000.0063.67FF drop
Use the no form of the command to remove the static MAC address drop configuration.
Suppose you want to move routing out to each of three buildings in a network. Remember that the only protocols present on VLAN 2
and VLAN 3 are IP. Therefore, you can eliminate tagged ports 1/1/25 and 1/1/26 from both VLAN 2 and VLAN 3 and create new
tagged port-based VLANs to support separate IP subnets for each backbone link.
You also need to create unique IP subnets within VLAN 2 and VLAN 3 at each building. This will create a fully routed IP backbone for
VLAN 2 and VLAN 3. However, VLAN 4 has no protocol restrictions across the backbone. In fact there are requirements for NetBIOS
and DecNet to be bridged among the three building locations. The IP subnet that exists within VLAN 4 must remain a flat Layer 2
switched STP domain. You enable routing for IP on a virtual routing interface only on Device-A. This will provide the flat IP segment with
connectivity to the rest of the network. Within VLAN 4 IP will follow the STP topology. All other IP subnets will be fully routed and have
use of all paths at all times during normal operation.
To configure the Layer 3 VLANs and virtual routing interfaces on the Layer 3 Switch in the above figure, use the following procedure.
No password has been assigned yet...
device# configure terminal
device(config)# hostname Device-A
device-A(config)# router ospf
device-A(config-ospf-router)# area normal
Please save configuration to flash and reboot.
The following commands create the port-based VLAN 2. In the previous example, an external device defined the router interfaces for
VLAN 2. With ISR, routing for VLAN 2 is done locally within each device. Therefore, there are two ways you can solve this problem. One
way is to create a unique IP subnet VLAN, each with its own virtual routing interface and unique IP address within VLAN 2 on each
device. In this example, this is the configuration used for VLAN 3. The second way is to split VLAN 2 into two separate port-based
VLANs and create a virtual router interface within each port-based VLAN. Later in this example, this second option is used to create a
port-based VLAN 8 to show that there are multiple ways to accomplish the same task with ISR.
You also need to create the Other-Protocol VLAN within port-based VLAN 2 and 8 to prevent unwanted protocols from being Layer 2
switched within port-based VLAN 2 or 8. Note that the only port-based VLAN that requires STP in this example is VLAN 4. You will
need to configure the rest of the network to prevent the need to run STP.
Once you have defined the port-based VLAN and created the virtual routing interface, you need to configure the virtual routing interface
just as you would configure a physical interface.
The next thing you need to do is create VLAN 3. This is very similar to the previous example with the addition of virtual routing interfaces
to the IP subnet VLANs. Also there is no need to exclude ports from the IP subnet VLANs on the router.
Now configure VLAN 4. Remember this is a flat segment that, in the previous example, obtained its IP default gateway services from an
external device. In this example, Device-A will provide the routing services for VLAN 4. You also want to configure the STP priority for
VLAN 4 to make Device-A the root bridge for this VLAN.
It is time to configure a separate port-based VLAN for each of the routed backbone ports (Ethernet 1/1/25 and 1/1/26). If you do not
create a separate tagged port-based VLAN for each point-to-point backbone link, you need to include tagged interfaces for Ethernet
1/1/25 and 1/1/26 within VLANs 2, 3, and 8. This type of configuration makes the entire backbone a single STP domain for each
VLAN 2, 3, and 8. In this scenario, the virtual routing interfaces within port-based VLANs 2, 3, and 8 will be accessible using only one
path through the network. The path that is blocked by STP is not available to the routing protocols until it is in the STP FORWARDING
This completes the configuration for Device-A. The configuration for Device-B and Device-C is very similar except for a few issues which
are as follows:
• IP subnets configured on Device-B and Device-C must be unique across the entire network, except for the backbone port-
based VLANs 5, 6, and 7 where the subnet is the same but the IP address must change.
• There is no need to change the default priority of STP within VLAN 4.
• There is no need to include a virtual router interface within VLAN 4.
• The backbone VLAN between Device-B and Device-C must be the same at both ends and requires a new VLAN ID. The
VLAN ID for this port-based VLAN is VLAN 7.
device> enable
No password has been assigned yet...
device# config terminal
device(config)# hostname Device-B
device-B(config)# router ospf
device-B(config-ospf-router)# area normal
device-B(config-ospf-router)# vlan 2 name IP-Subnet_10.1.6.0/24
device-B(config-vlan-2)# untagged ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/4
device-B(config-vlan-2)# no spanning-tree
device-B(config-vlan-2)# router-interface ve1
device-B(config-vlan-2)# other-proto name block-other-protocols
device-B(config-vlan-other-proto)# no dynamic
device-B(config-vlan-other-proto)# exclude ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/4
device-B(config-vlan-other-proto)# interface ve1
device-B(config-vif-1)# ip addr
device-B(config-vif-1)# ip ospf area
device-B(config-vif-1)# other-proto name block-other-protocols
device-B(config-vlan-other-proto)# no dynamic
device-B(config-vlan-other-proto)# exclude ethernet 1/1/5 to 1/1/8
device-B(config-vlan-other-proto)# interface ve2
device-B(config-vif-2)# vlan 3 name IP_Sub_&_Net_VLAN
device-B(config-vlan-3)# untagged ethernet 1/1/9 to 1/1/16
device-B(config-vlan-3)# no spanning-tree
device-B(config-vlan-3)# ip-subnet
device-B(config-vlan-ip-subnet)# static ethernet 1/1/9 to 1/1/12
device-B(config-vlan-ip-subnet)# router-interface ve3
device-B(config-vlan-ip-subnet)# other-proto name block-other-protocols
device-B(config-vlan-other-proto)# exclude ethernet 1/1/9 to 1/1/16
device-B(config-vlan-other-proto)# no dynamic
device-B(config-vlan-other-proto)# interface ve 3
device> enable
No password has been assigned yet...
device# config terminal
device(config)# hostname Device-C
device-C(config)# router ospf
device-C(config-ospf-router)# area normal
device-C(config-ospf-router)# vlan 2 name IP-Subnet_10.1.9.0/24
device-C(config-vlan-2)# untagged ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/4
device-C(config-vlan-2)# no spanning-tree
device-C(config-vlan-2)# router-interface ve1
device-C(config-vlan-2)# other-proto name block-other-protocols
device-C(config-vlan-other-proto)# no dynamic
device-C(config-vlan-other-proto)# exclude ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/4
device-C(config-vlan-other-proto)# interface ve1
device-C(config-vif-1)# ip addr
device-C(config-vif-1)# ip ospf area
device-C(config-vif-1)# vlan 8 name Network9
device-C(config-vlan-8)# untagged ethernet 1/1/5 to 1/1/8
device-C(config-vlan-8)# no span
device-C(config-vlan-8)# router-interface ve2
device-C(config-vlan-8)# other-proto name block-other-protocols
device-C(config-vlan-other-proto)# no dynamic
device-C(config-vlan-other-proto)# exclude ethernet 1/1/5 to 1/1/8
device-C(config-vlan-other-proto)# interface ve2
device-C(config-vif-1)# ip addr
device-C(config-vif-1)# ip ospf area
device-C(config-vif-2)# vlan 3 name IP_Sub_&_Net_VLAN
device-C(config-vlan-3)# untagged ethernet 1/1/9 to 1/1/16
device-C(config-vlan-3)# no spanning-tree
device-C(config-vlan-3)# ip-subnet
device-C(config-vlan-ip-subnet)# static ethernet 1/1/9 to 1/1/12
device-C(config-vlan-ip-subnet)# router-interface ve3
device-C(config-vlan-ip-subnet)# other-proto name block-other-protocols
device-C(config-vlan-other-proto)# exclude ethernet 1/1/9 to 1/1/16
device-C(config-vlan-other-proto)# no dynamic
device-C(config-vlan-other-proto)# interface ve 3
device-C(config-vif-3)# ip addr
device-C(config-vif-3)# ip ospf area
device-C(config-vif-3)# interface ve4
device-C(config-vif-4)# vlan 4 name Bridged_ALL_Protocols
device-C(config-vlan-4)# untagged ethernet 1/1/17 to 1/1/24
device-C(config-vlan-4)# tagged ethernet 1/1/25 to 1/1/26
device-C(config-vlan-4)# spanning-tree
device-C(config-vlan-4)# vlan 7 name Rtr_BB_to_Bldg.2
device-C(config-vlan-7)# tagged ethernet 1/1/25
device-C(config-vlan-7)# no spanning-tree
device-C(config-vlan-7)# router-interface ve5
device-C(config-vlan-7)# vlan 6 name Rtr_BB_to_Bldg.1
device-C(config-vlan-6)# tagged ethernet 1/1/26
device-C(config-vlan-6)# no spanning-tree
device-C(config-vlan-6)# router-interface ve6
device-C(config-vlan-6)# interface ve5
device-C(config-vif-5)# ip addr
device-C(config-vif-5)# ip ospf area
device-C(config-vif-5)# interface ve6
device-C(config-vif-6)# ip addr
device-C(config-vif-6)# ip ospf area
This feature applies only to Layer 3 Switches.
Before using the method described in this section, refer to VLAN groups and virtual routing interface group on page 291. You
might be able to achieve the results you want using the methods in that section instead.
As shown in this example, each VLAN has a separate IP subnet address. If you need to conserve IP subnet addresses, you can configure
multiple VLANs with the same IP subnet address, as shown in the following figure.
Each VLAN still requires a separate virtual routing interface. However, all three VLANs now use the same IP subnet address.
In addition to conserving IP subnet addresses, this feature allows containment of Layer 2 broadcasts to segments within an IP subnet.
For ISP environments where the same IP subnet is allocated to different customers, placing each customer in a separate VLAN allows all
customers to share the IP subnet address, while at the same time isolating them from one another Layer 2 broadcasts.
You can provide redundancy to an IP subnet address that contains multiple VLANs using a pair of Brocade Layer 3 Switches
configured for Brocade VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol).
The Brocade device performs proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) for hosts that want to send IP traffic to hosts in other VLANs that
are sharing the same IP subnet address. If the source and destination hosts are in the same VLAN, the Brocade device does not need to
use ARP:
• If a host attached to one VLAN sends an ARP message for the MAC address of a host in one of the other VLANs using the
same IP subnet address, the Brocade device performs a proxy ARP on behalf of the other host. The Brocade device then
replies to the ARP by sending the virtual routing interface MAC address. The Brocade device uses the same MAC address for
all virtual routing interfaces.When the host that sent the ARP then sends a unicast packet addressed to the virtual routing
interface MAC address, the device switches the packet on Layer 3 to the destination host on the VLAN.
If the Brocade device ARP table does not contain the requested host, the Brocade device forwards the ARP request on Layer 2
to the same VLAN as the one that received the ARP request. Then the device sends an ARP for the destination to the other
VLANs that are using the same IP subnet address.
• If the destination is in the same VLAN as the source, the Brocade device does not need to perform a proxy ARP.
To configure the VLANs shown in Figure 89, you could enter the following commands.
The commands above configure port-based VLAN 1. The VLAN has one untagged port (1/1/1) and a tagged port (1/1/8). In this
example, all three VLANs contain port 1/1/8 so the port must be tagged to allow the port to be in multiple VLANs. You can configure
VLANs to share a Layer 3 protocol interface regardless of tagging. A combination of tagged and untagged ports is shown in this
example to demonstrate that sharing the interface does not change other VLAN features.
Notice that each VLAN still requires a unique virtual routing interface.
device(config-vlan-3)# interface ve 1
device(config-vif-1)# ip address
The following commands configure virtual routing interfaces 2 and 3 to "follow" the IP subnet address configured on virtual routing
interface 1.
device(config-vif-1)# interface ve 2
device(config-vif-2)# ip follow ve 1
device(config-vif-2)# interface ve 3
device(config-vif-3)# ip follow ve 1
VLAN groups are supported on Layer 3 Switches and Layer 2 Switches. Virtual routing interface groups are supported only on
Layer 3 Switches.
When you create a VLAN group, the VLAN parameters you configure for the group apply to all the VLANs within the group. Additionally,
you can easily associate the same IP subnet interface with all the VLANs in a group by configuring a virtual routing interface group with
the same ID as the VLAN group.
• The VLAN group feature allows you to create multiple port-based VLANs with identical port members. Because the member
ports are shared by all the VLANs within the group, you must add the ports as tagged ports. This feature not only simplifies
VLAN configuration but also allows you to have a large number of identically configured VLANs in a startup-config file on the
device flash memory module. Normally, a startup-config file with a large number of VLANs might not fit on the flash memory
module. By grouping the identically configured VLANs, you can conserve space in the startup-config file so that it fits on the
flash memory module.
• The virtual routing interface group feature is useful when you want to configure the same IP subnet address on all the port-
based VLANs within a VLAN group. You can configure a virtual routing interface group only after you configure a VLAN group
with the same ID. The virtual routing interface group automatically applies to the VLANs in the VLAN group that has the same
ID and cannot be applied to other VLAN groups or to individual VLANs.
You can create up to 32 VLAN groups and 32 virtual routing interface groups. A virtual routing interface group always applies only to the
VLANs in the VLAN group with the same ID.
Depending on the size of the VLAN ID range you want to use for the VLAN group, you might need to allocate additional
memory for VLANs. On Layer 3 Switches, if you allocate additional memory for VLANs, you also need to allocate the same
amount of memory for virtual routing interfaces. This is true regardless of whether you use the virtual routing interface groups.
To allocate additional memory, refer to Allocating memory for more VLANs, more associated ports, or more virtual routing
interfaces on page 294.
The first command in this example begins configuration for VLAN group 1, and assigns VLANs 2 through 257 to the group. The
second command adds ports 1/1/1 and 1/1/2 as tagged ports. Because all the VLANs in the group share the ports, you must add the
ports as tagged ports.
The vlan-group num parameter specifies the VLAN group ID and can be from 1 - 32. The vlan vlan-id to vlan-id parameters specify a
contiguous range (a range with no gaps) of individual VLAN IDs. Specify the low VLAN ID first and the high VLAN ID second. The
command adds all of the specified VLANs to the VLAN group.
You can add up to 256 VLANs with the command at one time. To add more than 256 VLANs, enter separate commands. For example,
to configure VLAN group 1 and add 512 VLANs to the group, enter the following commands.
The device memory must be configured to contain at least the number of VLANs you specify for the higher end of the range.
For example, if you specify 2048 as the VLAN ID at the high end of the range, you first must increase the memory allocation
for VLANs to 2048 or higher. Additionally, on Layer 3 Switches, if you allocate additional memory for VLANs, you also need to
allocate the same amount of memory for virtual routing interfaces, before you configure the VLAN groups. This is true
regardless of whether you use the virtual routing interface groups. The memory allocation is required because the VLAN
groups and virtual routing interface groups have a one-to-one mapping. Refer to Allocating memory for more VLANs, more
associated ports, or more virtual routing interfaces on page 294.
If a VLAN within the range you specify is already configured, or if the range contains more than 256 VLANs, the CLI does not add the
group but instead displays an error message.
In this case, create the group by specifying a valid contiguous range. Then add more VLANs to the group after the CLI changes to the
configuration level for the group. See the following example.
You can add or remove individual VLANs or VLAN ranges from the VLAN group at configuration level. For example, if you want to add
VLANs 1001 and 1002 to VLAN group 1 and remove VLANs 900 through 1000, enter the following commands.
The vlan-id to vlan-id parameters specify a contiguous range (a range with no gaps) of individual VLAN IDs. Specify the low VLAN ID
first and the high VLAN ID second. You can add or remove up to 256 VLANs at a time. To add or remove more than 256 VLANs, do so
using separate commands. For example, to remove 512 VLANs from VLAN group 1, enter the following commands.
The group-id specifies a VLAN group. If you do not use this parameter, the configuration information for all the configured VLAN groups
is displayed.
group, all the VLANs in the group have the IP interface of the virtual routing interface group.
Configuration notes and feature limitations for virtual routing interface group
• When you configure a virtual routing interface group, all members of the group have the same IP subnet address. This feature is
useful in collocation environments where the device has many IP addresses and you want to conserve the IP address space.
• The group-router-interface command creates router interfaces for each VLAN in the VLAN group by using the VLAN IDs of
each of the VLANs as the corresponding virtual interface number. Therefore, if a VLAN group contains VLAN IDs greater than
the maximum virtual interface number allowed, the group-router-interface command will be rejected.
device(config)# vlan-group 1
device(config-vlan-group-1)# group-router-interface
device(config-vlan-group-1)# exit
device(config)# interface group-ve 1
device(config-vif-group-1)# ip address
These commands enable VLAN group 1 to have a group virtual routing interface, then configure virtual routing interface group 1. The
software always associates a virtual routing interface group only with the VLAN group that has the same ID. In this example, the VLAN
group ID is 1, so the corresponding virtual routing interface group also must have ID 1.
Syntax: group-router-interface
The router-interface-group command enables a VLAN group to use a virtual routing interface group. Enter this command at the
configuration level for the VLAN group. This command configures the VLAN group to use the virtual routing interface group that has the
same ID as the VLAN group. You can enter this command when you configure the VLAN group for the first time or later, after you have
added tagged ports to the VLAN and so on.
The num parameter in the interface group-venum command specifies the ID of the VLAN group with which you want to associate this
virtual routing interface group. The VLAN group must already be configured and enabled to use a virtual routing interface group. The
software automatically associates the virtual routing interface group with the VLAN group that has the same ID. You can associate a
virtual routing interface group only with the VLAN group that has the same ID.
IPv6 is not supported with group-ve .
FastIron devices support group-ve with OSPF, VRRP v2 and VRRP-E v2 protocols only.
The syntax and usage for the ip address command is the same as when you use the command at the interface level to add an IP
Displaying the VLAN group and virtual routing interface group information
To verify configuration of VLAN groups and virtual routing interface groups, display the running-config file. If you have saved the
configuration to the startup-config file, you also can verify the configuration by displaying the startup-config file. The following example
shows the running-config information for the VLAN group and virtual routing interface group configured in the previous examples. The
information appears in the same way in the startup-config file.
If you have enabled display of subnet masks in CIDR notation, the IP address information is shown as follows:
The number of VLANs, associated ports, and virtual routing interfaces supported on your product depends on the device and, for
Chassis devices, the amount of DRAM on the management module. The following table lists the default and configurable maximum
numbers of VLANs and virtual routing interfaces for Layer 2 and Layer 3 Switches. Unless otherwise noted, the values apply to both
types of switches.
If many of your VLANs will have an identical configuration, you might want to configure VLAN groups and virtual routing
interface groups after you increase the system capacity for VLANs and virtual routing interfaces. Refer to VLAN groups and
virtual routing interface group on page 291.
To increase the maximum number of VLANs you can configure, enter commands such as the following at the global CONFIG level of
the CLI.
The num parameter indicates the maximum number of VLANs. The range of valid values depends on the device you are configuring.
Refer to Table 29 on page 295.
The num parameter indicates the maximum number of virtual routing interfaces. The range of valid values depends on the device you
are configuring. Refer to Table 29 on page 295.
Topology groups
A topology group is a named set of VLANs that share a Layer 2 topology. Topology groups simplify configuration and enhance
scalability of Layer 2 protocols by allowing you to run a single instance of a Layer 2 protocol on multiple VLANs.
You can use topology groups with the following Layer 2 protocols:
• 802.1W
Topology groups simplify Layer 2 configuration and provide scalability by enabling you to use the same instance of a Layer 2 protocol
for multiple VLANs. For example, if a Brocade device is deployed in a Metro network and provides forwarding for two MRP rings that
each contain 128 VLANs, you can configure a topology group for each ring. If a link failure in a ring causes a topology change, the
change is applied to all the VLANs in the ring topology group. Without topology groups, you would need to configure a separate ring for
each VLAN.
When a Layer 2 topology change occurs on a port in the master VLAN, the same change is applied to that port in all the member
VLANs that contain the port. For example, if you configure a topology group whose master VLAN contains ports 1/1/1 and 1/1/2, a
Layer 2 state change on port 1/1/1 applies to port 1/1/1 in all the member VLANs that contain that port. However, the state change
does not affect port 1/1/1 in VLANs that are not members of the topology group.
Since free ports are not controlled by the master port Layer 2 protocol, they are assumed to always be in the Forwarding state.
• If you add a new master VLAN to a topology group that already has a master VLAN, the new master VLAN replaces the older
master VLAN. All member VLANs and VLAN groups follow the Layer 2 protocol settings of the new master VLAN.
• If you remove the master VLAN (by entering no master-vlan vlan-id ), the software selects the new master VLAN from
member VLANs. A new candidate master VLAN will be in configured order to a member VLAN so that the first added member
VLAN will be a new candidate master VLAN. Once you save and reload, a member-vlan with the youngest VLAN ID will be the
new candidate master. The new master VLAN inherits the Layer 2 protocol settings of the older master VLAN.
• The topology group will be deleted if the master is deleted and there are no member VLANs. This is true even if the topology
group has member-groups.
• Once you add a VLAN as a member of a topology group, all the Layer 2 protocol information on the VLAN is deleted.
• A default VLAN cannot be a member of a topology group.
• MRP master node has to be un-configured (no master-vlan command) prior to changing the master VLAN of a topology
group where this MRP instance is part of. This action prevents MRP BPDU hardware flooding which can result in MRP
continuous state flap.
device(config)#topology-group 2
device(config-topo-group-2)#master-vlan 2
device(config-topo-group-2)#member-vlan 3
device(config-topo-group-2)#member-vlan 4
device(config-topo-group-2)#member-vlan 5
device(config-topo-group-2)#member-group 2
The group-id parameter specifies the topology group ID and can be from 1 - 256.
This command adds the master VLAN. The VLAN must already be configured. Make sure all the Layer 2 protocol settings in the VLAN
are correct for your configuration before you add the VLAN to the topology group. A topology group can have only one master VLAN.
When removing the master VLAN from the topology group, spanning tree is disabled on the master VLAN.
If you remove the master VLAN (by entering no master-vlan vlan-id ), the software selects the new master VLAN from
member VLANs. For example, if you remove master VLAN 2 from the example above, the CLI converts member VLAN 3 into
the new master VLAN. The new master VLAN inherits the Layer 2 protocol settings of the older master VLAN.
If you add a new master VLAN to a topology group that already has a master VLAN, the new master VLAN replaces the older
master VLAN. All member VLANs and VLAN groups follow the Layer 2 protocol settings of the new master VLAN.
The vlan-id parameter specifies a VLAN ID. The VLAN must already be configured.
The num specifies a VLAN group ID. The VLAN group must already be configured.
Once you add a VLAN or VLAN group as a member of a topology group, all the Layer 2 protocol configuration information for
the VLAN or group is deleted. For example, if STP is configured on a VLAN and you add the VLAN to a topology group, the
STP configuration is removed from the VLAN. Once you add the VLAN to a topology group, the VLAN uses the Layer 2
protocol settings of the master VLAN. If you remove a member VLAN or VLAN group from a topology group, you will need to
reconfigure the Layer 2 protocol information in the VLAN or VLAN group.
This example shows STP information for VLAN 4. The line shown in bold type indicates that the VLAN STP configuration is controlled
by VLAN 2. This information indicates that VLAN 4 is a member of a topology group and VLAN 2 is the master VLAN in that topology
device#show topology-group
Topology Group 3
master-vlan 2
member-vlan none
Common control ports L2 protocol
ethernet 1/1/1 MRP
ethernet 1/1/2 MRP
ethernet 1/1/5 VSRP
ethernet 1/2/22 VSRP
Per vlan free ports
ethernet 1/2/3 Vlan 2
ethernet 1/2/4 Vlan 2
ethernet 1/2/11 Vlan 2
ethernet 1/2/12 Vlan 2
master-vlan The master VLAN for the topology group. The settings for STP, MRP, or
VSRP on the control ports in the master VLAN apply to all control ports in
the member VLANs within the topology group.
member-vlan The member VLANs in the topology group.
Common control ports The master VLAN ports that are configured with Layer 2 protocol
information. The Layer 2 protocol configuration and state of these ports in
Conceptually, the paths and channels are similar to Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) paths and channels. A path contains multiple
channels, each of which is a dedicated circuit between two end points. The two devices at the end points of the channel appear to each
other to be directly attached. The network that connects them is transparent to the two devices.
You can aggregate up to 4094 VLANs within another VLAN. This provides a total VLAN capacity on one Brocade device of
16,760,836 channels (4094 * 4094).
The devices connected through the channel are not visible to devices in other channels. Therefore, each client has a private link to the
other side of the channel.
The following figure shows a conceptual picture of the service that aggregated VLANs provide. Aggregated VLANs provide a path for
multiple client channels. The channels do not receive traffic from other channels. Thus, each channel is a private link.
Each client connected to the edge device is in its own port-based VLAN, which is like an ATM channel. All the clients’ VLANs are
aggregated by the edge device into a single VLAN for connection to the core. The single VLAN that aggregates the clients’ VLANs is like
an ATM path.
The device that aggregates the VLANs forwards the aggregated VLAN traffic through the core. The core can consist of multiple devices
that forward the aggregated VLAN traffic. The edge device at the other end of the core separates the aggregated VLANs into the
individual client VLANs before forwarding the traffic. The edge devices forward the individual client traffic to the clients. For the clients’
perspective, the channel is a direct point-to-point link.
The following figure shows an example application that uses aggregated VLANs. This configuration includes the client connections
shown in Figure 90.
In this example, a collocation service provides private channels for multiple clients. Although the same devices are used for all the clients,
the VLANs ensure that each client receives its own Layer 2 broadcast domain, separate from the broadcast domains of other clients. For
example, client 1 cannot ping client 5.
The clients at each end of a channel appear to each other to be directly connected and thus can be on the same subnet and use network
services that require connection to the same subnet. In this example, client 1 is in subnet and so is the device at the
other end of client 1 channel.
Because each VLAN configured on the core devices is an aggregate of multiple client VLANs, the aggregated VLANs greatly increase
the number of clients a core device can accommodate.
This example shows a single link between the core devices. However, you can use a trunk group to add link-level redundancy.
device(config)# jumbo
device(config)# write memory
device(config)# end
device# reload
Enable the VLAN aggregation option only on the core devices.
• Configure a VLAN tag type (tag ID) that is different than the tag type used on the edge devices. If you use the default tag type
(8100) on the edge devices, set the tag type on the core devices to another value, such as 9100. The tag type must be the
same on all the core devices. The edge devices also must have the same tag type but the type must be different from the tag
type on the core devices.
You can enable the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) on the edge devices or the core devices, but not both. If you enable STP on
the edge devices and the core devices, STP will prevent client traffic from travelling through the core to the other side.
Use the tagged command to add the port that the device uses for the uplink to the core device. Use the untagged command to add the
ports connected to the individual clients.
tag-type is not applicable to ICX 7xxx devices. However, the same functionality can be achieved using the tag-profile CLI.
In these examples, the configurations of the edge devices (A, B, E, and F) are identical. The configurations of the core devices
(C and D) also are identical. The aggregated VLAN configurations of the edge and core devices on one side must be
symmetrical (in fact, a mirror image) to the configurations of the devices on the other side. For simplicity, the example in Figure
91 on page 301 is symmetrical in terms of the port numbers. This allows the configurations for both sides of the link to be the
same. If your configuration does not use symmetrically arranged port numbers, the configurations should not be identical but
must use the correct port numbers.
Brocade devices treat a double-tagged Ethernet frame as a Layer 2 only frame. The packets are not inspected for Layer 3 and
Layer 4 information, and operations are not performed on the packet utilizing Layer 3 or Layer 4 information.
In the above figure, the untagged ports (to customer interfaces) accept frames that have any 802.1Q tag other than the configured tag-
type 9100. These packets are considered untagged on this incoming port and are re-tagged when they are sent out of the uplink
towards the provider. The 802.1Q tag-type on the uplink port is 8100, so the Brocade device will switch the frames to the uplink device
with an additional 8100 tag, thereby supporting devices that only support this method of VLAN tagging.
This option is not applicable to the ICX 7xxx series devices. Only the tag-profile option is supported.
– Using the tag-profile option in the CLI: When you set tag-profile in global config, a second port region index value gets
added. You need to enable tag-profile on per port basis using the “tag-profile enable” CLI. After enabling tag-profile on the
port, the port’s ingress and egress values point to different port region index values. Using this method, you can achieve q-
in-q, even if ingress and egress ports are in a single device. The tag-profile provides more functionality compared to tag-
type and should be preferred to enable q-in-q.
• The ICX 7xxx devices support tag-profile.
802.1ad tagging and L2 protocols are not supported on tag profile enabled ports or port regions.
• In addition to tag-type Brocade devices support tag-profile. For more information, refer to Configuring 802.1ad tag profiles on
page 309 .
To configure 802.1 ad tagging as shown in Figure 93 on page 309, enter commands such as the following on the untagged edge links
of devices C and D.
Note that because ports 11 and 12 belong to the port region 1 - 12, the 802.1Q tag actually applies to ports 1 - 12.
The ethernet port to port parameter specifies the ports that will use the defined 802.1Q tag. This parameter operates with the following
• If you specify a single port number, the 802.1Q tag applies to all ports within the port region. For example, if you enter the
command tag-type 9100 ethernet 1 , the Brocade device automatically applies the 802.1Q tag to ports 1 - 12 because all of
these ports are in the same port region. You can use the show running-config command to view how the command has been
• If you do not specify a port or range of ports, the 802.1Q tag applies to all Ethernet ports on the device.
For example, in the following figure, port 1/2/11 is a dual-mode port belonging to VLAN 20. Traffic for VLAN 20, as well as traffic for
the default VLAN, flows from a hub to this port. The dual-mode feature allows traffic for VLAN 20 and untagged traffic to go through the
port at the same time.
To enable the dual-mode feature on port 1/2/11 in the above figure, enter the following commands.
device(config)# vlan 20
device(config-vlan-20)# tagged ethernet 1/2/11
device(config-vlan-20)# tagged ethernet 1/2/9
device(config-vlan-20)# interface ethernet 1/2/11
device(config-if-e1000-1/2/11)# dual-mode
device(config-if-e1000-1/2/11)# exit
You can configure a dual-mode port to transmit traffic for a specified VLAN (other than the DEFAULT-VLAN) as untagged, while
transmitting traffic for other VLANs as tagged. The following figure illustrates this enhancement.
In the above figure, tagged port 1/2/11 is a dual-mode port belonging to VLANs 10 and 20. The default VLAN assigned to this dual-
mode port is 10. This means that the port transmits tagged traffic on VLAN 20 (and all other VLANs to which the port belongs) and
transmits untagged traffic on VLAN 10.
The dual-mode feature allows tagged traffic for VLAN 20 and untagged traffic for VLAN 10 to go through port 1/2/11 at the same
time. A dual-mode port transmits only untagged traffic on its default VLAN (that is, either VLAN 1, or a user-specified VLAN ID), and
only tagged traffic on all other VLANs.
The following commands configure VLANs 10 and 20 in Figure 95. Tagged port 1/2/11 is added to VLANs 10 and 20, then
designated a dual-mode port whose specified default VLAN is 10. In this configuration, port 1/2/11 transmits only untagged traffic on
VLAN 10 and only tagged traffic on VLAN 20.
You can configure multiple ports using commads such as the following.
An error message is displayed while attempting to configure an existing dual-mode on a port range.
• If you do not specify a vlan-id in the dual mode command, the port default VLAN is set to 1. The port transmits untagged
traffic on the DEFAULT-VLAN.
• The dual-mode feature is disabled by default. Only tagged ports can be configured as dual-mode ports.
• In trunk group, either all of the ports must be dual-mode, or none of them can be.
The show vlan command displays a separate row for dual-mode ports on each VLAN.
This example uses a PVLAN to secure traffic between hosts and the rest of the network through a firewall. Five ports in this example are
members of a PVLAN. The first port (port 1/3/2) is attached to a firewall. The next four ports (ports 1/3/5, 1/3/6, 1/3/9, and 1/3/10)
are attached to hosts that rely on the firewall to secure traffic between the hosts and the rest of the network. In this example, two of the
hosts (on ports 1/3/5 and 1/3/6) are in a community PVLAN, and thus can communicate with one another as well as through the
firewall. The other two hosts (on ports 1/3/9 and 1/3/10), are in an isolated VLAN and thus can communicate only through the firewall.
The two hosts are secured from communicating with one another even though they are in the same VLAN.
By default, on all the FastIron platforms, the device will forward broadcast, unregistered multicast, and unknown unicast packets from
outside sources into the PVLAN.
On all devices, however, private VLANs will act as a normal VLAN and will flood unknown destinations, broadcast and multicast
traffic to all ports in the VLAN if the primary VLAN does not have the PVLAN mapping that defines the uplink port for the
isolated VLAN.
• Community - Broadcasts and unknown unicasts received on community ports are sent to the primary port and also are flooded
to the other ports in the community VLAN.
Each PVLAN must have a primary VLAN. The primary VLAN is the interface between the secured ports and the rest of the network. The
PVLAN can have any combination of community and isolated VLANs.
As with regular VLANs, PVLANs can span multiple switches. The PVLAN is treated like any other VLAN by the PVLAN-trunk ports.
ISL(Inter-Switch Link) is an alias for PVLAN-trunk ports.
The following figure shows an example PVLAN network with tagged switch-switch link ports.
The following table lists the differences between PVLANs and standard VLANs.
Yes (Primary)
Known unicasts No (isolated VLAN) Yes
Yes (Primary)
After adding secondary VLAN ports to multiple secondary VLAN ports of the same type, if the Brocade device is downgraded
to FastIron 08.0.40 or older versions, errors are generated during parsing as this is not supported prior to FastIron 08.0.50
Private VLANs allow Layer 2 segregation and also minimizes usage of system VLANs. Using dual-mode ports in a private VLAN
enables same ports to carry data or voice traffic.
The following matrix provides information about possible configurations that are allowed in a PVLAN.
All user configurations beyond the scope of the table will either not be allowed or will generate a warning message.
configuration. When protocol is enabled, or if PVLAN mappings are enabled, the Brocade device will flood unknown unicast,
and unregistered multicast packets in software. The flooding of broadcast or unknown unicast from the community or isolated
VLANs to other secondary VLANs will be governed by the PVLAN forwarding rules. The switching is done in hardware and thus
the CPU does not enforce packet restrictions.
• FastIron devices forward broadcast, unregistered-multicast, and unknown unicast traffic in hardware if PVLAN mappings are
enabled. When PVLAN mappings are enabled, multiple MAC entries for the same MAC do not appear in the MAC table,
instead all the MAC entries are learned in the primary VLAN.
• To configure a PVLAN, configure each of the component VLANs (isolated, community, and primary) as a separate port-based
– Use standard VLAN configuration commands to create the VLAN and add ports.
– Identify the PVLAN type (isolated, community, or public)
– For the primary VLAN, map the other secondary PVLANs to the ports in the primary VLAN
• A primary VLAN can have multiple ports. All these ports are active, but the ports that will be used depends on the PVLAN
mappings. Also, secondary VLANs (isolated and community VLANs) can be mapped to more than one primary VLAN port.
• You can configure PVLANs and dual-mode VLAN ports on the same device. However, the dual-mode VLAN ports, other than
those which are dual-mode in system default VLAN, can be member ports in a PVLAN domain.
• VLAN identifiers configured as part of a PVLAN (primary, isolated, or community) should be consistent across the switched
network. The same VLAN identifiers cannot be configured as a normal VLAN or a part of any other PVLAN.
• Dual mode ports are supported in a private VLAN domain. However, since ISL ports can only be tagged ports, they cannot be
enabled on dual-mode ports.
• Member ports in a private VLAN domain can be extended to other domains as long as they belong to the same private VLAN
type. Refer to the "Possible configurations allowed in a PVLAN" table to know more about allowed configurations in a PVLAN.
All user configurations beyond the scope of the table will either not be allowed or will generate a warning message.
• PVST, when needed in PVLANs, should be enabled on all (primary and secondary) private VLANs across switches.
• LAG is not supported in any PVLAN.
• Port MAC security is not supported on ports in a private VLAN domain.
• An isolated VLAN must be associated with the primary VLAN for traffic to be isolated between isolated VLAN ports and to be
switched across primary VLAN ports.
• An isolated VLAN is associated with only one primary VLAN in entire switched network.
• A primary VLAN can be associated with only one isolated VLAN. An isolated VLAN can only be mapped to a promiscuous port
and a switch-switch link port that belong to the same primary VLAN.
Community VLANs
• Every community VLAN should be in a unique primary VLAN domain.
• A port being added to the community VLAN can be either a tagged port or an untagged port or a dual-mode port.
• A community VLAN is associated with only one primary VLAN and to the same primary VLAN in the entire switched network.
• A primary VLAN can be associated with multiple community VLANs.
• A community VLAN must be associated with the primary VLAN for traffic from the community port to be switched across
primary VLAN ports
These commands create port-based VLAN 901, add ports 1/3/5 and 1/3/6 to the VLAN as untagged ports, then specify that the
VLAN is a community PVLAN.
The untagged ethernet or taggd ethernet command adds the ports to the VLAN.
The pvlan type command specifies that this port-based VLAN is a PVLAN and can be of the following types:
• community - Broadcasts and unknown unicasts received on community ports are sent to the primary port and also are flooded
to the other ports in the community VLAN.
• isolated - Broadcasts and unknown unicasts received on isolated ports are sent only to the primary port. They are not flooded
to other ports in the isolated VLAN.
• primary - The primary PVLAN ports are "promiscuous". They can communicate with all the isolated PVLAN ports and
community PVLAN ports in the isolated and community VLANs that are mapped to the promiscuous port.
Changing from one PVLAN type to another (for example, from primary to community or vice versa) is allowed but the mapping will be
device(config)# vlan 7
device(config-vlan-7)# pvlan type primary
These commands create port-based VLAN 7, add port 1/3/2 as an untagged port, identify the VLAN as the primary VLAN in a
PVLAN, and map the other secondary VLANs to the ports in this VLAN.
To map the secondary VLANs to the primary VLAN and to configure the tagged switch link port, enter commands such as the following.
These commands create port-based VLAN 100, add port 1/1/10 to 1/1/11 as a tagged port, identify the VLAN as the primary VLAN
in a PVLAN, map the other secondary VLANs to the ports in this VLAN, and configure the tagged switch link port.
The pvlan type command specifies that this port-based VLAN is a PVLAN. Specify primary as the type.
The pvlan mapping command identifies the other PVLANs for which this VLAN is the primary. The command also specifies the primary
VLAN ports to which you are mapping the other secondary VLANs. The mapping command is not allowed on the secondary VLANs.
The parameters of the pvlan mapping command are as follows:
• The vlan-id parameter specifies another PVLAN. The other PVLAN you want to specify must already be configured.
• The ethernet portnum parameter specifies the primary VLAN port to which you are mapping all the ports in the other PVLAN
(the one specified by vlan-id ).
The pvlan pvlan-trunk command identifies the switch-switch link for the PVLAN. There can be more than one switch-switch link for a
single community VLAN.
The pvlan pvlan-trunk command is not allowed on the secondary VLANs.
device(config-vlan-903)# exit
device(config)# vlan 7
device(config-vlan-7)# untagged ethernet 1/3/2
device(config-vlan-7)# pvlan type primary
device(config-vlan-7)# pvlan mapping 901 ethernet 1/3/2
device(config-vlan-7)# pvlan mapping 902 ethernet 1/3/2
device(config-vlan-7)# pvlan mapping 903 ethernet 1/3/2
An isolated VLAN with member ports, when mapped to one or more promiscuous ports of the primary VLAN achieves the same
forwarding behavior as that of the uplink ports in a port based VLAN (uplink-switch). The broadcast and unknown unicast traffic from a
host (isolated) port is flooded to the uplink (promiscuous) ports only. Due to the hardware forwarding functionality of the private VLAN (in
the supported stackable SKUs) this method of achieving the uplink port behavior achieves a better throughput than the conventional
method of achieving uplink port.
In the following example configuration, the isolated VLAN 100 has multiple promiscuous ports 1/1/3 and 1/1/4.
If a VLAN name begins with "GVRP_VLAN_", the VLAN was created by the GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP). If a
VLAN name begins with "STATIC_VLAN_", the VLAN was created by GVRP and then was converted into a statically configured
The following example shows the display for the configured IP subnet VLANs.
In the show vlans output, ports that are tagged but are not dual-mode ports are listed as tagged ports. In the following example display
output, ports 7 and 8 are dual-mode ports in port-based VLAN 4. Ports 7 and 8 also belong to port-based VLAN 3, but they are
tagged ports only in VLAN 3 and are not configured as dual-mode ports.
The vlan-id parameter specifies a VLAN for which you want to display the configuration information.
The portnum parameter specifies a port. If you use this parameter, the command lists all the VLAN memberships for the port.
To display VLAN information for all the VLANs of which port 1/7/1 is a member, enter the following command.
The vlan-id parameter specifies a VLAN for which you want to display the configuration information.
The portnum parameter specifies a port. If you use this parameter, the command lists all the VLAN memberships for the port.
The untagged VLAN will show the system default VLAN ID even if the port is not part of it.
The port up/down time is required only for physical ports and not for loopback/ ve/ tunnel ports.
Syntax: show interfaces brief [ ethernet unit/slotnum/portnum [to unit/slotnum/portnum [ethernet unit/slotnum/portnum...]]]
The vid variable specifies the VLAN ID of the PVLAN. If the VLAN ID is not specified, the command displays the default VLAN ID.
The show pvlan command is not supported on software forwarding platforms.